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L’abito civico
I corpi dell'antica provincia di Milano nei figurini dell'Archivio di Stato
a cura di Maria Teresa Binaghi
testi di Maria Teresa Binaghi Olivari, Marziano Brignoli, Gabriella Cagliari Poli
Bolis, Azzano San Paolo (BG) 1991, 239 pagine, ISBN 978-8878270329
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
"figurini d'uniforme per persone non appartenenti all'esercito.. per corpi al servizio dello Stato.. per corpi municipali, bande musicali, istituti d'istruzione e simili."
La revisione deilla raccolta dei figurini nell’Archivio di Stato di Milano si è resa necessaria dopo il riordino e il ricondizionamento delle buste, che si presentavano in disordine: diversi figurini infatti nel corso degli anni erano finiti fuori posto. Purtroppo il catalogo L'Abito civico: i corpi dell'antica provincia di Milano nei figurini dell'Archivio di Stato, a cura di Maria Teresa Binaghi Olivari, Milano: Bolis 1991 riflette tale disordine.
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Diskusia o knihe Osamelosť prvočísiel od Paola Giordana [29/01/2021]
V januári sme spolu čítali knihu Osamelosť prvočísiel od talianskeho spisovateľa Paola Giordana. Táto kniha sledovala život dvoch protagonistov, Mattia a Alice, ktorí si so sebou nesú traumu z detstva a každý sa s ňou snaží vyrovnať istými deštruktívnymi technikami.
Ako som už aj spomínala, hlavné postavy tejto knihy boli Mattia a Alice. Matematický génius pravdepodobne aj niekde na autistickom spektre, ktorý sa sebapoškodzoval a pokrivená Alice so sklonmi k anorexii. Tento ťažký náklad mohlo byť obtiažne pochopiť a možno sa aj s nimi stotožniť. Ako ste brali týchto dvoch protagonistov? Vedeli ste sa k nim priblížiť, pochopiť ich alebo ste sa cítili vzdialení? Prečo Paolo Giordano písal práve o nich?
Osamelosť v názve z knihy priam sršala. Chybná a nedostatočná komunikácia bola jedna z hlavným katalyzátorom alebo lepšie povedané prekážkou v deji. Aké ďalšie témy ste si v knihe všímali? Čo bolo podľa vás hlavnou myšlienkou resp. aký zmysel malo napísať túto knihu?
Štýl Paola Giordana sa zdal strohý, teda bez zbytočne naťahovaných opisov. Všetko sme videli ako keby z pohľadu filmovej kamery, a aj keď sa kniha čítala ako scenár, nechýbali v nej množstvo metafor a zaujímavostí. Ako sa vám kniha čítala? Ako ste vnímali odkazy na matematiku a fyziku? Vadilo vám to alebo vás to skôr zaujalo?
Našich protagonistov sme sledovali približne 25 rokov. Videli sme ich detstvo, dospievanie a rannú dospelosť. Čo ste sa z tejto knihy naučili? Čo vám dala do života?
Aká scéna alebo pasáž knihy sa vám najviac páčila a prečo?
Ako ste vnímali koniec knihy? Zdal sa vám uspokojujúci? Myslíte si, že postavy na konci prešli nejakou zmenou/vývojom alebo nie a prečo?
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Mommu “Ventaglio” entrò nella chiesa di Don Orione nel quartiere Provinciale di Messina e si fece subito il segno della croce. Si inginocchiò stando ben attento a non sciupare la riga perfetta del suo pantalone e che il soprabito non toccasse per terra: nessuno meglio di un ladro sa il valore delle apparenze. Si guardò intorno ma la chiesa era vuota. Ventaglio sapeva che la chiesa era costruita su due livelli, sul primo c’era la chiesa dove si svolgevano le funzioni e su quello inferiore c’era un salone grande quanto la chiesa superiore dove di quei tempi, era la vigilia di Natale, veniva preparato il presepe. Scese così al piano inferiore arrivando nel grande atrio dove attorno ad un presepe con Statue in gesso alte circa mezzo metro erano state disposte delle panche per la preghiera mentre accanto ad esso vi erano delle candele che i visitatori potevano accendere. Non vi era molta luce, a parte quelle delle poche candele accese e di questo Ventaglio fu contento. Si mise in ultima fila nelle panche e tirando fuori un vecchio rosario incominciò a far finta di pregare studiando i possibili clienti. Mancava poco a Natale e come si usa a Messina, molti facevano il giro delle chiese per vedere i presepi; le chiese erano poco illuminate e con poca gente diventavano il luogo ideale per il “lavoro” di Ventaglio. La natura gli aveva dato delle lunghe dita degne di un virtuoso del piano ma che lui utilizzava per l’equità sociale, cioè il prendere a chi aveva, per dare a chi non aveva e cioè a lui medesimo. Con l’indice o il medio di una sua mano riusciva infatti a sfilare qualsiasi portafoglio da ogni tasca di ogni vestito o borsello o pantalone senza che il padrone dello stesso si accorgesse di nulla. Solo una leggera brezza che le sue mani creavano nel muoversi velocemente rivelava la sua azione rapida e silenziosa da qui la sua nciuria di “Ventaglio”. Con il delicato soffio delle sue mani faceva scomparire tutti i portafogli e borsellini, anche quelli “mputtusati” nei posti più intimi. Per questo era importante apparire elegante e a modo in modo che il “cliente” non sospettasse di lui e si facesse avvicinare senza prevenzioni. In fondo i banchieri, gli assessori, i dottori o gli avvocati usano la stessa tattica. Osservò il presepe a cui una nonna aveva portato i nipotini ad osservare San Giuseppe e la Madonna che guardavano un Gesù bambino biondo con gli occhi azzurri e la bocca seria seria semiaperta. La vecchia non era un buon cliente ed i bambini a cui nulla sfugge, erano troppo pericolosi per il suo lavoro. Dopo circa mezzora intravide un possibile cliente Un signore alto, elegante, scese nel salone dirigendosi verso il presepe, li arrivato si mise ad osservarlo con ammirazione e devozione. Fece anche qualcosa che Ventaglio segui attentamente: aprì il cappotto e tirò fuori il portafoglio per prendere qualche moneta da donare per il presepe. Per un brevissimo istante il portafogli si apri mostrando diverse carte arancioni e verdi nel suo interno. “Qualche migliaio di euro” penso immediatamente Ventaglio. Si mosse velocemente perché la rapidità d’azione era fondamentale. Andò verso le candele poste a lato del presepe e ne accese una poi finse di pregare ed una volta finito, indietreggio facendosi il segno della croce. Nell'indietreggiare urtò il signore ben vestito e girandosi per scusarsi con le sue lunghe mani provocò quella leggera brezza per cui il portafoglio del signore elegante cambiò di posto in un baleno. Si scambiarono gli auguri di Natale, si salutarono e Ventaglio rapidamente usci dalla chiesa. Percorse senza mostrare fretta un centinaio di metri e appena possibile entrò in un vicolo, apri il portafogli per prendere i soldi e buttare il resto sotto una macchina. Il portafogli però era vuoto! “Minchia!” si disse e si guardo intorno per vedere se era caduto qualcosa. Niente. Aveva visto benissimo che il portafogli era pieno di soldi e ora dove erano? Continuo a camminare ma non c’ era verso, non riusciva a capire dove potevano essere. Decise di tornare sui suoi passi, forse il signore aveva due portafogli e lui aveva preso quello sbagliato. Entrò di nuovo in chiesa, scese nel salone che era vuoto e avvicinandosi al presepe guardò per terra per capire se c’era qualche soldo ma non trovo nulla di strano. Tutto era come prima: il bue l’asinello, il Bambinello che rideva. Tutto era a posto. Sconcertato riprese il portafogli e lo apri. Fece un balzo: era pieno di soldi, una ventina di fogli verdi e una ventina di arancioni. Da tanti che erano a momenti gli cadevano per terra. Si guardo intorno con avidità e si diresse verso la porta uscendo e stringendo il portafoglio in tasca, guardando con preoccupazione ogni angolo buio. Entrò nel primo vicolo a lato della chiesa e apri il portafoglio per vedere i soldi. Vuoto!. Bestemmiò. Li aveva visti, era sicuro e li aveva anche contati e ora dove erano? Si passo una mano tra i capelli cercando di pensare, poi di colpo tornò sui suoi passi entrando in chiesa, resto vicino alla porta ed apri il portafogli: era pieno! Prese le banconote, se le mise in tasca ed usci, entro nel vicolo ed apri il portafogli che era vuoto mise le mani in tasca ma anche loro erano vuote! Si frugo in tutte le tasche, ma non aveva nulla. Infuriato ritorno in chiesa ed apri il portafogli appena superata la porta: pieno come un uovo!!! Prese di nuovo tutti i soldi, li arrotol�� li strinse nel pugno e se lo mise in tasca uscendo, andò nel vicolo, tiro fuori la mano dalla tasca ed apri il pugno: vuoto!!! Non c’era nessuna carta verde o arancione!!!! “Non po’ essiri – si disse – sta cosa cà non po’ essiri!” Si passò la mano tra i capelli come faceva quando era nervoso e doveva pensare in fretta. Tornò lentamente in chiesa e si sedette a lato del presepe su una panca. Aprì lentamente il portafoglio ed i soldi gli apparvero dentro di esso, belli puliti e stirati. Incominciò ad analizzare la situazione. “E’ evidente che i soldi appaiono solo in chiesa. Perché? Era cambiato qualcosa da quando era entrato la prima volta? No era tutto a posto: le panche buie, le piccole luci sull’altare il presepe con il vecchio e la Madonna che guardavano il bambinello sorridere…. – fermò il suo ragionamento – ma quando sono entrato il bambinello non sorrideva!” Lo guardò meglio. Si ricordava benissimo che quando era entrato aveva la stessa espressione neutra delle statue con la buccuzza appena aperta e lo sguardo fisso nel vuoto. Adesso la bocca sembrava che ridesse e lo sguardo era fisso su di lui. Facendo finta di niente, con la testa che guardava le candele, girò gli occhi per vedere se il bambinello l’osservava. Lo stava osservando!! Si passò nuovamente la mano nei capelli cercando di pensare cosa fare. Dalla chiesa sovrastante scese un prete che andò a mettersi sulla prima panca davanti al presepe aprendo un libro. Ventaglio si alzo e avvicinandosi al prete chiese se poteva sedersi “T’hai cunfissari? Non è il momento delle confessioni” rispose il prete “Le devo chiedere una cosa importante, per favore” Il prete, vedendolo preoccupato e con lo sguardo ansioso gli disse di sedersi. “ ecco padre – incominciò Mommu non sapendo esattamente cosa chiedere – ecco, forse non mi capirà, ma devo chiederle se, ecco…. i miracoli, come si riconoscono?” il prete sollevò lo sguardo dal libro e lo osservo attentamente per capire se scherzasse o fosse serio. “Quali miracoli, quelli ordinari o quelli straordinari?” Mommu fu preso alla sprovvista dalla domanda. “Quale è la differenza?” il vecchio prete tirò un sospiro “Quelli ordinari sono quelli che avvengono ogni giorno sotto i nostri occhi: esistiamo come forme pensanti in un universo che è fatto solo di materia ed energia, sorridiamo se vediamo un bambino, proviamo piacere se vediamo una bella ragazza, i fiori nascono, le stagioni cambiano, tutti questi sono miracoli che vediamo ogni giorno, tanto che neanche ci facciamo caso.” “..e quelli straordinari ?” chiese ansiosamente Mommu. “Puru chiddi, possono succedere ogni giorno: un bambino che nasce da una madre che muore, un uomo che sopravvive ad un male incurabile, una donna che è aiutata da un estraneo. Ma questi miracoli sono straordinari non perché succede qualcosa che la nostra esperienza, la scienza, la nostra ragione non riesce a spiegare, ma per il messaggio che ci portano, per quello che Dio ci vuole dire” Mommu restò disorientato. “Non capsico…” “Pigghia la resurrezione di Lazzaro, il miracolo tecnicamente più difficile del vangelo. Il miracolo è un uomo che ritorna in vita, ma il messaggio che ci porta, che è più importante e più grande di questo miracolo già enorme, è che un uomo chiamato Gesù lo ha fatto resuscitare e che per questo, quell��uomo non può essere uno qualunque. Chistu je u veru miracolu, la rivelazione: qualcuno che vince la morte, non può essere solo un uomo! Pigghia San Paol. Cade da cavallo e resta cieco. Gli ridanno la vista e lui cosa fa? non è che ringrazia e sinni gira a casa e ciau tu e ciau jo! No, lui comprende la rivelazione che quel miracolo gli porta: perché perseguita chi lo ama? perché proprio lui? Chi boli Dio? Paolo risponde a questa rivelazione con la fede, con l’andare verso il martirio.” Mommu restò assorto. “Perché proprio lui? – si chiese ripetendo le parole del prete - cosa vuole da lui il Bambineddu?. Vuole qualcosa, che cosa?” “Ha capito? “ fece il prete che lo vedeva assorto in se stesso. “si grazie, grazie” rispose velocemente Mommu. Tornò al suo posto pensando. Qualcuno scese nel salone, si girarono a guardare. Era il signore a cui Ventaglio aveva fatto sparire il portafogli. Entrando nel salone, l’uomo guardava per terra. Mommu si alzò e si diresse velocemente verso il signore. “Mi scusi - gli disse - per caso ha perso un portafogli?” Il signore che era a testa bassa l’alzò di scatto “ Si ! l’ha trovato?” Mommu glielo allungò “si era fuori sui gradini” gli disse con un tono neutro. L’uomo lo prese e lo aprì con ansia e subito apparvero i bigliettoni. Velocemente il vecchio contò i soldi ed alla fine soddisfatto e rasserenato tirò un sospiro di sollievo “ ci sono tutti – e rivolgendosi a Mommu lo ringraziò - grazie, deve essere caduto quando ho preso i soldi del presepe…. o uscendo…. “ “L’ho trovato sui gradini della chiesa – fece Mommu con l’aria più innocente che poteva fare – ero entrato per chiedere se era di qualcuno e lasciarlo al prete, poi quando l’ho vista entrare mi sono ricordato che lei era di fronte al presepe….” e così dicendo si girò indicando le statue e vide che il bambino era tornato ad assumere una faccia seria con lo sguardo nel vuoto. “Grazie – ripeté il vecchio – prese 100 euro e glieli allungò – prenda, non posso darle di più…. questi soldi sono una colletta per una bambina che deve fare un trapianto…. li stavo portando alla sua famiglia quando mi sono accorto che avevo perso il portafoglio…. E’ un semplice grazie…. lei meriterebbe di più…” Mommu credette di capire perché u Bambineddu non gli faceva portare fuori dalla chiesa i soldi. C’era una bambina di mezzo. Era già tanto se non lo aveva incenerito con un fulmine. “No, li tenga, li tenga per la bambina - fece indietreggiando verso l’uscita della chiesa - io non ne ho bisogno – mentì – saranno più utili a lei” “Grazie, grazie - disse alla fine il vecchio dopo aver insistito inutilmente - Lei è una persona meritevole, le lascio il mio biglietto: qualsiasi cosa abbia bisogno, mi chiami! non so, vestiti, un lavoro, una casa, qualsiasi cosa!”. Mommu usci dalla chiesa incazzato. “C’era bisognu chi u Bambineddu mi pigghiava pu culu accussi?!!. Mi dicia lassa stari che è na persona mei e jo ci u lassava stari. Chi minchia! mi fici nesciri pacciu pi nenti!!!” Si disse mentre camminava con le mani in tasca per proteggersi dal vento. Girò verso Viale Europa. “Poi minchia, alla fine non ho risolto niente. Dio aiuta sempre i bambini e mai i ladri che finiscono accanto a lui nella croce. Che ci voleva a farmi trovare un altro cliente, uno con solo cinquanta o cento euro: anch’io devo mangiare!” Appena disse mangiare si ricordò che non aveva toccato niente per tutto il giorno. Aveva solo dieci euro in tasca ed entrò nella Rosticceria Delle Tre Sorelle su viale Europa per prendersi un rustico, un arancino, qualcosa che sarebbe stato il suo pranzo di Natale. Se ne sarebbe tornato a Camaro, nella sua casa costituita da una sola stanza e se lo sarebbe mangiato li, al solito, da solo. Di fronte al bancone della rosticceria c’era un gruppo di ragazzi che prendevano chi un pitone, chi un arancino. “Non ci lavoro più nelle chiese, mi limito alle processioni e agli stadi – si disse – che senso ha andare in chiesa se anche u Bambineddu ti si mette contro! resterei per sempre con solo dieci euro in tasca e tanta fame a cui lui non pensa” pensò triste ed assorto nei suoi pensieri. “Scusi signore” gli fece la voce di una ragazza. Lui si girò verso destra dove una ragazza lo guardava. “Si che c’è?” chiese “Guardi che ha perso il portafogli” fece lei indicando tra le sue gambe un portafogli eguale a quello che aveva rubato al vecchio signore” Lui lo guardò stranito “Grazie” fece e si abbassò a prenderlo. “Allora Mommu, il solito arancino?” disse la commessa con un tono ironico perché sapeva che più di quello non poteva prendere” Lui era assorto a guardare il portafogli. Lo apri. Era vuoto. Lo chiuse. Malgrado questo resto a guardarlo. “No – disse riaprendolo e vedendoci dentro dieci euro – Dammi anche un pollo, le patatine fritte – Lo richiuse e lo riapri: ora c’erano venti euro – magari anche due pitoni un arancino e uno sfinci dolce – lo richiuse, restò due secondi a guardarlo e lo riapri: c’erano cinquanta euro – Magari anche una bottiglia di vino…. e una di spumante” “E chi succidio? – fece la commessa – vincisti cu ratta e binci?” Lui chiuse di nuovo il portafogli e lo riaprì: cento euro. “Si na cosa i chissi” disse con il tono sufficiente e prendendo la banconota pagò, prese i sacchetti con quanto aveva ordinato, si mise il resto dei soldi in tasca ed usci. Mentre saliva verso Camaro pensava a quello che era successo. “Ora chi mi voli diri u Bambineddu ?“ si chiese. Ripensò a quello che aveva detto prima di entrare in rosticceria. “Voli diri chi a mia ci pensa iddu? chi fici na cosa bona e mi desi na ricumpensa? Chi non hai bisognu i rubbari?“ Si fermò. Prese il portafogli e lo aprì di nuovo. Dentro c’era il biglietto del signore del portafogli. “Un altro messaggiu…” Si disse e incominciò di nuovo a camminare. Penso a Lazzaro e a San Paolo. Che aveva fatto Lazzaro una volta tornato in vita ? aveva cambiato le sue abitudini? e San Paolo che aveva fatto? e perchè proprio lui, Mommu detto Ventaglio, che cosa ci vedeva u Bambineddu in lui di tanto speciale da perdere tempo con lui anche se aveva restituito i soldi? Era importante come una bambina malata? Arrivò a casa ed entrò nella sua camera/casa. Mise su un piccolo tavolo tutta la spesa ed apri la finestra perché non aveva l’elettricità visto che al vicino a cui la rubava, avevano tagliato la luce; per Mommu rubare, oltre che una necessità era sopratutto un modo per lottare contro la vita che lo aveva spinto ai suoi margini: non voleva avere nulla che non fosso rubato. Si sedette sul letto. girandosi il portafogli tra le mani, l’unico di tutta la sua vita che non avesse preso a qualcuno. Poi si alzò e prese un arancino dandogli un morso. Si mise in mano in tasca e tirò fuori il rosario che usava per fingere di pregare. Guardo il crocifisso e mostrandogli l’arancino mezzo morsicato disse “Grazie Signuruzzu” Si apri la bottiglia del vino e bevendone un sorso riguardò il crocifisso. Mise la bottiglia sul tavolo e diede un altro morso all’arancino; faceva tutte queste cose per dar modo al suo io incosciente di valutare i fatti, di far prendere una decisione alla sua anima più nascosta e muta, che pur non parlando guidava la sua vita. Prese il biglietto dal portafoglio e lo guardò, poi mostrandolo al crocifisso gli disse. “Dumani vaju e mi ceccu nu travagghiu”.
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Tak čerstvé, tak čisté: Najlepšie hygienické tipy počas pandémie
V dnešných pokusných časoch môže byť ťažké držať krok so všetkými rôznymi kúskami informácií, ktoré lietajú okolo. Chcete urobiť správnu vec a udržať seba a ostatných v bezpečí a dobre, ale niekedy môžu byť všetky rady, ktoré dostávame, v rozpore.
Čo teda robíme? Ako sa môžeme vyhnúť tomu, aby sme vírus dostali a nezmyselne ho šírili ostatným?
Zostavili sme všetky rady zdravotníckych orgánov o tom, aké hygienické tipy by ste mali - a nemali by - praktizovať, aby vám pomohli spomaliť šírenie pandémie.
Fotografie od Kzenon / Depositphotos (355268102)
Umývajte si ruky
Ten veľký, ktorý ste pravdepodobne počuli dosť často, je pravdepodobne najdôležitejší zo všetkých ostatných vecí, ktoré uvidíme v tomto zozname.
Umyte sa. Hands. Umyte ich často, dôkladne ich umyte a použite antibakteriálne mydlo a vodu.
Všeobecnou radou je ich pranie najmenej 20 sekúnd. Na internete sú k dispozícii rôzne plagáty, ktoré ukazujú správne pohyby umývania rúk , a dokonca vám navrhujú texty piesní, ktoré môžete spievať, aby vám pomohli prať na správne množstvo času!
Foto: Jason Jarrach / Unsplash
Používajte prípravok na dezinfekciu rúk
Pravdepodobne ste už toho veľa veľa počuli a je to tiež dobré. V skutočnosti by ste však mali dezinfekciu rúk používať iba ako druhú možnosť.
Ideálne je, aby ste si umyli ruky mydlom a vodou, ale ak - a iba ak - to nie je k dispozícii, potom by ste mali používať dezinfekčný prostriedok na ruky.
Tiež sa uistite, že používate dezinfekčný prostriedok, ktorý obsahuje najmenej 60% alkoholu, pretože inak nebude dostatočne silný, aby zabil vírus.
Môžete mať vždy malú fľašu, ak musíte ísť von.
Foto: Anna Earl / Unsplash
Nedotýkajte sa svojej tváre
Pravdepodobne najväčšou vecou, ktorú sme sa všetci o sebe dozvedeli počas tejto pandémie, je to, koľko sa všetci naozaj radi dotýkame našej tváre.
Uvedomili ste si niekedy, koľko ste sa dotkli svojej tváre? Nie? No, než sme boli vyslovene povedané, aby ani urobili my .
Ale je pravda, že čím viac sa môžeme vyhnúť dotyku našich tvárí, tým bezpečnejšie budeme.
Vírus sa môže šíriť kvapkami, ktoré môžu trvať niekoľko dní na povrchoch alebo predmetoch. Ak sa ich dotkneme rukami a potom sa dotkneme našej tváre, môžeme sa týmto spôsobom nakaziť.
Foto: Christopher Campbell / Unsplash
Použite masky S Pozor
Všetci sme videli veľké množstvo ľudí pobehujúcich okolo s maskami na tvári. Áno, sme si istí, že to myslia dobre, ale v skutočnosti niekedy môže maska spôsobiť viac škody ako úžitku.
Ak ste zdravý a zdravý, nasadením masky na tvár sa inkubujú všetky možné baktérie a zvýši sa pravdepodobnosť, že ochoriete.
Masku by ste mali nosiť iba vtedy, ak ste chorí alebo ste zdravotnícky pracovník vo veľmi úzkom kontakte s infikovanou osobou.
Foto: Michael Amadeus / Unsplash
Používajte masky správne
Ak ste jedným z ľudí, ktorí potrebujú masku, uistite sa, že ju používate správne.
Najskôr si dôkladne umyte ruky. Potom zakryte ústa a nos maskou a uistite sa, že medzi vašou tvárou a maskou nie sú žiadne medzery.
Pokúste sa masky nedotýkať a ak áno, umyte si ruky znova.
Masku pravidelne vymeňte, akonáhle je vlhká, a jednorazové masky znovu nepoužívajte.
Pred opätovným umývaním rúk by ste masku mali vždy odstrániť zozadu, nedotýkať sa prednej časti a okamžite ju vyhodiť.
Foto: Ashkan Forouzani / Unsplash
Dezinfikujte kľučky dverí
Ak naozaj chceme pochopiť šírenie koronavírusu, musíme myslieť na všetky objekty a povrchy, s ktorými prichádzame do styku najčastejšie.
Jednou z najviac nemožných vecí, ktorej sa treba vyhnúť, sú samozrejme kľučky dverí!
Vo vašej domácnosti pravidelne dezinfikujte všetky kľučky dverí.
Ak musíte ísť von, buďte opatrní so všetkými kľučkami dverí, ktorých sa môžete dotknúť pri prechode z miesta na miesto.
Po dotknutí sa akýchkoľvek kľučiek dverí dezinfikujte ruky.
Foto: Branimir Balogović / Unsplash
Piť vodu
Počas týchto časov je skutočne dôležité piť vodu. Môže pomôcť posilniť váš imunitný systém, vďaka ktorému budete menej náchylní na infekciu vírusom.
Ak sa nakazíte, bude mať zdravie v špičke pomôcť vášmu telu bojovať proti vírusu bez toho, aby sa stal príliš chorým alebo aby nemal zvlášť zlé príznaky.
To vám samozrejme nezabráni odovzdať ho niekomu inému, takže stále musíte byť opatrní, pokiaľ ide o sociálne odstupovanie.
Foto: Thao Le Hoang / Unsplash
Pite horúce nápoje
Okrem pitnej vody sa tiež odporúča piť veľa teplých nápojov po celý deň.
Niektorí ľudia hovoria, že teplo z tekutín nás môže chrániť pred vírusom, zatiaľ čo iní hovoria, že je to jednoducho dobrý spôsob, ako zostať hydratovaný.
V každom prípade nezabudnite piť veľa teplých a studených nápojov, aby ste pred vírusom chránili čo najviac.
Kto nemá rád ospravedlnenie na pitie väčšieho množstva čaju ?!
Foto: reyhaneh mehrnejad / Unsplash
Ďalšou skutočne dôležitou radou je vyhnúť sa čo najväčšiemu fajčeniu. Vieme, že môže byť neuveriteľne ťažké vzdať sa fajčenia, ale výraz „teraz je taký dobrý čas ako ktorýkoľvek iný“ je práve teraz správny.
V skutočnosti je teraz pravdepodobne oveľa dôležitejšie než kedykoľvek predtým prestať fajčiť.
Fajčenie môže skutočne poškodiť vaše pľúca, a to je presne to, kde môže koronavírus napadnúť, takže udržiavanie pľúc čo najzdravšie je jedným z najlepších spôsobov, ako sa udržať v bezpečí.
Foto: Franck V / Unsplash
Zostať doma
Pravdepodobne najväčšou vecou, ktorú môžete urobiť pre to, aby ste seba a všetkých bezpečne udržiavali, je zostať doma!
Vieme, že je to veľká bolesť ísť bez termínov večere alebo pravidelných mani-pedis . A ak ste mladí a zdraví, možno nemáte pocit, že sa obávate kontrahovania koronavírusu, pretože pravdepodobne budete mať veľmi mierne príznaky, ak vôbec nejaké.
Ide však o to, že aj keď sa cítite dobre, môžete ich preniesť na niekoho iného, kto nebude mať také šťastie.
Jediným spôsobom, ako zabrániť šíreniu vírusu a udržať každého v bezpečí, vrátane zraniteľných osôb našej spoločnosti, je zostať doma, kým to neskončí.
Foto: @ seefromthesky / Unsplash
Použite tkanivá
Všetci vieme toho hrubého človeka, ktorý pri chôdzi voľne kýcha a kašle do vzduchu. Zakryte si ústa, pre Pete! Myslíš si, že všade rozdeľujú svoje baktérie.
A mali by ste pravdu, ale v skutočnosti nestačí iba zakryť si molu alebo nos rukami.
To, čo by ste mali skutočne použiť, je tkanivo, takže vírus sa potom neprenáša do vašich rúk.
Ak máte kašeľ alebo prechladnutie, vždy sa snažte mať tkanivá blízko seba a ak pôjdete von, zoberte si ich so sebou.
Foto: Julian Paolo Dayag / Unsplash
Vyhodiť vreckovky!
Nezabudnite na tkanivá uschovať a dbajte na to, aby ste ich správne zlikvidovali.
Toto nie je čas na retro-objavovanie a vynášanie štýlovej starej vreckovky.
Môže to vyzerať dobre, ale vreckovky sú v skutočnosti neuveriteľne nehygienické - premýšľajte, koľko mikróbov je kýchaných alebo vykašľaných na tú vec, predtým, ako sa naplnia späť do vášho rukávu ?!
Je to dosť nepríjemné, aj keď baktérie nespôsobujú globálnu hrozbu.
Pre každého používajte tkanivá - a po každom použití ich riadne znehodnoťte.
Keď ich vyhodíte, znova si umyte ruky.
Foto: Brittany Colette / Unsplash
Vedzte, čo robiť, ak trpíte
Dúfajme, že so všetkými týmito užitočnými pokynmi budete schopní zabrániť tomu, aby ste sa nakazili vírusom a ochoreli.
Je však dôležité vedieť, čo by ste mali urobiť, ak sa začnete cítiť zle, len pre každý prípad. To platí aj pre niekoho iného, koho poznáte, kto sa začína cítiť zle.
Ak sa začnete cítiť zle, zavolajte čo najskôr lekárovi - ale neopúšťajte dom.
Lekár vám poradí, ako zvládnuť svoje príznaky, a ak potrebujete lekársku pomoc, budú vedieť najbezpečnejší spôsob, ako sa dostať k vám.
Foto: CDC / Unsplash
Vyčistite telefón
Môžete si myslieť, že telefóny nepotrebujú toľko sanitácie, koniec koncov, čo rozumný človek umožňuje dotknúť sa telefónu iným človekom ?!
Ako už bolo povedané, telefóny sú skutočne neuveriteľne dôležité, aby ste ich pravidelne utierali a dezinfikovali.
Aj keď nenecháte nikoho dotknúť, často ho položíte na rôzne povrchy, dovnútra a von z domu.
Tiež ho držíte pri svojom spotenom uchu a tvári, čo môže vírus zachytiť alebo preniesť.
Naše obľúbené telefóny sú v súčasnosti záchranným lanom a mimo izolácie - nezabudnite ich však udržiavať čisté.
Foto photostockman / Depositphotos (81383274)
Pravidelne čistite všetky povrchy
Ako sme povedali, váš telefón sa po celý deň dotýka rôznych vnútorných a vonkajších povrchov.
Ak z nejakého dôvodu musíte ísť von, nemôžete kontrolovať, ako bezpečné a čisté sú tieto povrchy.
Povrchy vo vašej domácnosti však môžu byť oveľa bezpečnejšie pravidelnou dezinfekciou.
Utrite ich často alkoholom alebo chlórom, aby ste sa ubezpečili, že všetky potenciálne vírusové kvapky sú dobre a skutočne odstránené.
Potom ich jednoducho opláchnite alebo osušte!
Foto: The Honest Company / Unsplash
Chráňte svoju pokožku
So všetkými týmito povrchmi a telefónmi, ktoré sa majú čistiť, s rôznymi čistiacimi a dezinfekčnými prostriedkami je ľahké zamieňať sa s tým, čo by ste mali umiestniť.
Aj keď je dobré byť čo najčistejší a dezinfikovaný, mali by ste byť opatrní pri všetkom príliš tvrdom, čo by mohlo poškodiť pokožku alebo pľúca. Pamätajte si, že sa chceme práve teraz starať o naše pľúca.
Takže veci ako alkohol a chlór sú skvelé na čistenie povrchov, ale nie ľudí. Ľudia by mali byť čistení jemnejšími vecami, ktoré sú špeciálne vyrobené na aplikáciu na pokožku.
Foto: Noah Buscher / Unsplash
Dodržuj vzdialenosť
Všetci sme počuli frázu „sociálne dištancovanie“, ale čo to vlastne znamená? Ako ďaleko musíme byť od ľudí?
Mali by sme sa všetci zmeniť na pustovníkov, kým to neskončí?
Tak nejak. Svetová zdravotnícka organizácia (WHO) odporúča udržiavať vzdialenosť od ostatných ľudí vo vzdialenosti najmenej troch stôp (asi tri roky staré dieťa).
Ide o to, pokiaľ vírus môže cestovať vzduchom, takže ak všetci zostanú tak ďaleko od seba, mali by sme byť schopní spomaliť šírenie.
Fotografie od Kzenon / Depositphotos (355268102)
Vyhnite sa chorým
Samozrejme nehovoríme, že by ste mali opustiť svojich blízkych, len čo sa prejavia príznaky choroby. Stále je dôležité im pomáhať akýmkoľvek spôsobom a poskytnúť im potraviny, lieky a povzbudzujúce slová.
Ak však niekto vykazuje príznaky, najmä kašeľ a kýchanie, potom je ešte dôležitejšie udržiavať vzdialenosť najmenej 3 stopy.
Ak zostanete aspoň tak ďaleko, aj keď kýchajú a kašľajú, vírusové kvapky nebudú schopné cestovať vzduchom a dostať sa k vám.
Foto Annie Spratt / Unsplash
Vyhnite sa preplneným miestam
Ďalšou kľúčovou radou je vyhnúť sa zhromažďovaniu v oblastiach, kde je veľa ďalších ľudí. Je to skutočne jednoduchá matematika. Čím viac ľudí je všetkým vystavených, tým je pravdepodobnejšie, že prídu do styku s infikovanou osobou.
Nezabudnite, že môžete byť nákazliví ešte predtým, ako prejavíte príznaky, takže môžete niekoho infikovať bez toho, aby ste o tom vedeli.
Podobne by ste mohli vírus vyzdvihnúť od niekoho, kto sa javil ako úplne zdravý.
Preto sa odporúča praktizovať sociálne dištancovanie - minimalizovať hrozbu v čo najväčšej miere.
Foto: Laura Dewilde / Unsplash
Neprehrievajte sa
Teraz sme hovorili o dôležitosti zostať v čistote a o možných výhodách horúcich nápojov.
Je tiež pravda, že teplejšia voda, ktorú používate na čistenie, môže dostať čistejšie veci.
To však neznamená, že by ste mali ísť a kúpať sa v horúcom kúpeli.
Niektorí ľudia brali túto radu pre horúcu vodu príliš doslova a namočili sa do neuveriteľne horúcej vody.
To môže samozrejme spáliť vašu pokožku a tiež môže zvýšiť váš srdcový rytmus na nebezpečnú úroveň.
Naše nemocnice sa už kapacitne snažia vyrovnať s vypuknutím choroby - nepridávajú sa k svojmu zaťaženiu úmyselným varom!
Foto: Joe Pregadio / Unsplash
Preskočte telocvičňu
A konečne, ospravedlnenie na prestávku v telocvični!
Nie je to sen každého? Skutočne povedané, zostaňte mimo telocvične za každú cenu, životy na nej doslova závisia.
So všetkou vážnosťou vieme, že môže byť skutočným úderom rutín ľudí a fyzického i duševného zdravia, aby sa držali ďalej od svojich pravidelných cvičení.
Ale len si pomyslite, koľko ľudí sa potí, kašľa a štiepi, nehovoriac o dotýkaní sa všetkých prístrojov.
Áno, môžete to neskôr utrieť, ale v tomto prípade je to jednoducho bezpečnejšie, ak to necháte vynechať pár týždňov.
Foto: Thibault Penin / Unsplash
Dezinfikujte držiak na zubnú kefku
Málokto vie, že držiak zubnej kefky vo vašej kúpeľni môže obsahovať viac baktérií ako zvyšok vášho celého domu! Fuj!
Nie sme si istí, či je to skutočne pravda, najmä ak ste vo svojej kúpeľni celkovo čistí.
Avšak v týchto neistých časoch je najlepšie sa pomýliť na strane opatrnosti, tak prečo nedať držiteľovi zubnej kefky dobré, dôkladné čistenie.
Navyše je vždy pekné mať veci vyzerajúce iskrivo a nové, nie?
Foto: Marcos Ramírez / Unsplash
Sanitujte svoju Peňaženku
Ďalšou vecou, ktorú si možno neuvedomíte, je to, že sa vo vašom každodennom živote dosť často nachádza, je vaša peňaženka alebo kabelka.
Aj keď ste veľmi opatrní, pravdepodobne si ani nevšimnete, ako často ukladáte svoju kabelku na veci, keď nakupujete, najmä keď sa prechádzate cez kreditnú kartu alebo hotovosť.
To je ďalší dôvod, prečo by ste mali svoju peňaženku a karty dosť pravidelne dezinfikovať, aby ste sa zbavili akýchkoľvek zárodkov, ktoré ste si mohli vyzdvihnúť v supermarkete.
Foto: Andrea Natali / Unsplash
Získajte hotovosť zadarmo
V nákupných centrách sa dnes tak často zdá, že podniky uprednostňujú a dokonca očakávajú skôr kreditnú kartu ako hotovostné platby.
V týchto germofóbnych dobách je v skutočnosti oveľa vhodnejšie použiť vašu kartu ako hotovosť.
Áno, svoju kartu by ste mali dezinfikovať aj po jej odovzdaní inej osobe, ale hotovosť je oveľa rizikovejšia.
Len si predstavte, koľko rúk tieto peniaze prešli. Do koľkých vreciek by sa dalo vložiť spolu s dedkovým vreckovkom.
Aj keď kríza koronavírusov prešla, myslíme si, že by sme sa mohli držať tejto krízy.
Foto: Anastasiia Ostapovych / Unsplash
Pozrite sa na probiotiká
Ďalšou vecou, ktorú môžete v týchto testovacích časoch skúsiť a udržať svoje telo zdravé, je vziať si nejaké probiotiká.
Probiotiká sú skvelé pre udržanie vášho tela zdravé a silné a plné všetkých správnych druhov baktérií.
Probiotiká môžete brať ako doplnky alebo ich nájdete v niektorých zdravých každodenných potravinách, ako je napríklad jogurt.
Probiotiká však nie sú vždy bezpečné pre každého, napríklad pre ľudí s poruchami imunity alebo zažívacieho traktu, preto si ich pred užívaním overte u svojho lekára.
Foto: Daily Nouri / Unsplash
Opatrne liečte
V týchto neistých časoch je dobré zásobiť sa liekmi proti nachladnutiu a chrípke, ako aj niektorými inými liekmi proti bolesti.
Pokúste sa však vyhnúť použitiu liekov, ktoré by mohli mať negatívny vplyv na vaše telo. Pred začatím užívania akýchkoľvek liekov sa odporúča poradiť sa so svojím lekárom.
Foto: Volodymyr Hryshchenko / Unsplash
Majte samostatné náradie
Ďalšou kľúčovou vecou, ktorú môžete urobiť pre minimalizáciu možnej kontaminácie, je mať samostatné lyžičky a servírovacie misky.
Namiesto toho, aby sa večera podávala na stôl vo veľkej miske, pre každého, aby si pomohla, položila konkrétne porcie na tanier.
Ak chcú viac porcií, mali by pomocou novej lyžice pripraviť ďalšiu pomoc, tú, ktorá sa nedotkla taniera nikoho iného.
Týmto spôsobom žiadne možné mikróby alebo vírusové kvapôčky neprinášajú nikoho z úst, do jedla a potom do jedla iného.
Foto: Good Soul Shop / Unsplash
Vyhnite sa skupine občerstvenie
Vieme, vieme, misa chipsov a dipov je to, čo robí akúkoľvek párty. Ale v týchto neistých časoch by sme najprv nemali mať vôbec nejakú párty, ale ak sa ocitnete v skupinovom stretnutí, určite sa držte ďalej od akýchkoľvek veľkých misiek komunálneho občerstvenia.
Aj v najlepších časoch môže byť táto prax dosť nehygienická - každý si strčí ruky do tej istej misky občerstvenia.
Ale v týchto časoch, keď môže byť kontaminácia doslova problémom so životom alebo smrťou - je ešte dôležitejšie nerobiť to.
Foto: Dan Michael Sinadjan / Unsplash
Precvičte si vzduchové bozkávanie
Ďalšou kľúčovou vecou, ktorú môžete urobiť, aby ste v týchto pokusných časoch boli všetci v bezpečí, je smerovanie vášho vnútorného socialitu. Čo tým myslíme? Vzdušný bozk, samozrejme, zlatko!
Keď sa snažíme praktizovať sociálne dištancovanie, je také ťažké nebyť schopní dať svojim blízkym bozk alebo objatie.
Ale stále im môžete dať bozk - len bozkajte vzduch najmenej tri metre od nich.
Môže to znieť hlúpo, ale v tejto ťažkej dobe vás bude držať v bezpečí - a dokonca môže dodať dotyk situácie.
Foto: Alex Blăjan / Unsplash
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Afrika Hart... Africa finalmente
Afrika Hart… Africa finalmente
LIBRO “Afrika Hart… Africa finalmente” di Fabio Pistone, Bolis Edizioni Prefazione di Paolo Sensini Sono trascorsi esattamente cinquant’anni dal fatidico ’68, l’anno che ha «sconvolto il mondo”, com’è stato pomposamente descritto in tante pubblicazioni. Un traguardo di tempo che, se trasposto sul piano matrimoniale, viene festeggiato con le proverbiali nozze d’oro. Ma è anche una sequenza…
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przy tobie bylem prawdziwszy niz przy kimkolwiek innym chociaz myslisz ze to nieprawda
nigdy nie wytlumaczylem i nigdy nie chcialas wytlumaczenia
zniknalem tak po prostu i bylem pewien ze tak jest lepiej
masz pewnie teraz kogos i zycze ci z nim tak duzo szczescia
zaslugujesz na nie
masz najpiekniejsza dusze ze wszystkich, przysiegam
jestes prawdziwym arcydzielem
chcialbym zeby wszystko u ciebie bylo dobrze
chce zebys byla szczesliwa
wnioslas w moje zycie tyle dobra
wybacz mi
zyj i badz szczesliwa
nigdy tego nie przeczytasz ale od prawie dwoch lat jestes jedynym co jest w mojej glowie i sercu
pragnalem jedynie usiasc
byc kolo ciebie
nie dotykac cie ale zyc z toba
boli tak bardzo
zawsze cie kochalem
mam nadzieje ze o mnie zapomnialas
mam nadzieje ze jestes teraz z jakims wspanialym chlopakiem i m/o/n i sie swietnie bawicie
mam nadzieje ze dobrze ci pojdzie egzamin w tym roku
mam nadzieje ze na bal zalozysz najpiekniejsza sukienke jaka istnieje
wyslalbym ci jedna z tych paolo sebastiana pocztą
kurwa ja nie wiem czy ty sobie zdajesz sprawe z tego jak przepiekna jestes
w srodku
jebac wyglad, chociaz jestes najsliczniejisza dziewczyna swiata
w srodku
w srodku jestes prawdziwym arcydzielem
i kazdy kto cie poznal i tego nie docenia jest cholernym idiota
jak ja
wydawalo mi sie ze doceniam
ale nie
nie docenialem
gdybym docenial, nigdy bym cie nie oklamal
wybacz mi
nie wybaczaj mi
wybacz mi
nie wybaczaj mi
odezwij sie
nie odzywaj sie
nie odzywaj sie juz nigdy
odezwij sie
bo tak strasznie tesknie
ale nie
chce ttylko zebys byla szczesliwa
przepraszam za wszystko
juz nigdy
nigdy nikogo nie skrzywdze
oprocz siebie
bo dzisiaj pojde spac
1 note
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Tears and beautiful memories as Abedi opens up
If you like your Ghanaian football history, the last few weeks have been amazing. Big names, big interviews, big characters, great stories.
They have felt like high-speed trips down the greatest memory lanes but none of that matched the feast Abedi Ayew Pele served on Sunday afternoon.
For the Black Stars, he was an incredible player. A leader on the pitch, the man who could drag the team out of any situation and win games.
He had his critics too but when he talks you listen. That is what three Africa Player Of The Year titles get you. That is also what you get when you play in two Champions League finals in the early ’90s when only one African, Raber Madjer, had done that. That is also what you get when you are roundly considered the greatest Ghanaian player ever.
So on Sunday afternoon, when he sat in the GTV Sports Plus studio, the nation was hooked. And as he did for many years in a Black Stars jersey, the Maestro delivered.
There was the emotional scene and tears as the man who helped set off his career on the colts scene – Herbert Adika – surprised him in the studio. And then there was Abedi in his full glory: evasive on some subjects, frank on many and consistently oozing the confidence and self-belief that made him such a phenomenal success.
With footage of that 1993 Champions League final win over AC Milan rolling, the Maestro, Man of the Match in that game, explained why he seemed to enjoy playing against the team that was then considered the best in the world.
“Milan had great players, great names. Gullit and others and whenever I was facing them, I was so determined to make a point,” he said.
That mentality played a great role in how he eventually became a hit in France. He wanted it so much that it partly contributed to a national team absence between 1986 to 1990.
“I wanted to storm France. I was focused, I needed it more and I wanted all the time to work for it.”
The result of that single-mindedness was telling. First rejected by Franz Beckenbeaur at Bayern Munich, he became a mainstay of the Marseille team that battled AC Milan for European dominance in the early 90s.
He won them all. League titles, domestic cups and the ultimate one, the European Champions League. In 1991 when his Marseille team lost the final to Red Star Belgrade after getting past AC Milan in the semi-finals, it was as if the whole country had lost the major final.
Two years later, he helped seal a love affair not just with the competition but with his person as many Ghanaians watched and cheered as Olympique Marseille beat AC Milan in the final.
He never shrunk in big games. In that 1993 final, it was his run at Paolo Maldini that resulted in the corner kick before his delivery found Basile Boli, who scored the winning goal.
����𝟲/𝟬𝟱/𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟯 - #OnThisDay France's 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 wrote @ChampionsLeague history.#120ansDeLegende pic.twitter.com/kYLOdAxT36
— Olympique de Marseille (@OM_English) May 26, 2020
That triumph was a key reason why he won another African Player Of The Year but he feels he should have one way earlier.
“I wanted it so bad even in the 80s, 88, 89. I was on fire in France, destroying everybody but I never came to play with the national team because I had some personal problems with the national team and that affected it.”
An official delegation to Marseille got him to change his mind. Back then, FIFA didn’t quite care and clubs could decide what to do.
“If you liked you played, if you don’t like, you don’t play.”
We have to be grateful that he changed his mind based at least only on the 1992 Africa Cup of Nations. Named captain under controversial circumstances, he led from the front, directing affairs on the pitch, setting up chances, scoring goals.
He saved the best of them for his final, unplanned appearance of the tournament against the sort of opponent that fires up any Ghanaian: Nigeria.
“In 1992, Nigeria thought they were untouchable because they had the men but we surprised them,” Abedi says.
First Abedi picked up a Yellow Card that would rule him out of the final if Ghana got there. Rather than get downcast, he simply rolled up his sleeves and got to work.
“I just told myself after the Yellow Card that even if I am not going to play in the finals, I must take my team to the finals. I was determined. That brought the goals and everything,” he explains.
His goal was cracking too, maybe the most iconic headed goal in Black Stars history.
“I asked him to give me the ball because I believed the guy marking me, I could move without him seeing it. The guy marking me was nowhere to be found but because I had one step ahead of him, I was gone. That was the only direction I could go and I was fortunate that there was no one on that post.”
The thrill of that goal is consistently taken away for Abedi by a sense that he had let down his country by getting himself suspended for the final.
“The ball was a throw-in, and the ref gave a free-kick so I simply told him I was closer and that it was a throw-in and he got upset and showed me a Yellow Card.
“Of course I regret that action. I apologized very much to my countrymen afterwards. It was weighing on me. In that tournament, we were on top, the best. People are hurt that I didn’t play in the final and I apologise. I am human. Occasionally you can be so determined and that is where you get it wrong. Sometimes you want it so much that it blows in your face.”
There are those convinced it was not just the determination that blew in his face.
Tony Yeboah suggested recently that it had a lot to do with divisions in the team too that was already reeling from a captaincy change that passed on the armband from Kwesi Appiah to him. And when Yeboah was passed up for Anthony Baffoe as captain in the absence of Abedi, Yeboah claims it affected the whole mood.
Abedi denies his claim of an Accra and Kumasi faction in the team and says as far as he was concerned there were no such problems.
“No, not at all. It was very good for me. They announced the captainship in Portugal and I never had problems with Kwesi or Tony. Tony was exceptional but you see people were talking and all but Tony never pointed a finger at me,” he says.
Abedi also argues that any suggestion the team was not together is blown over by the fact that the loss to Ivory Coast was simply one of those days in football and that their performance throughout the tournament did not back any theory of a divided front.
“If you look at the performance, where we got to, how difficult it was for Ivory Coast to beat us through that marathon penalty shootout, you would see that we were just unlucky. We had a strong team, didn’t fear anybody and worked for each other.”
Two years later, Abedi arrived at the Nations Cup in Tunisia with significant stress. Marseille had been caught in a match-fixing scandal and demoted. A proposed move to the Italian Serie A with Sampdoria didn’t happen and he had just joined Lyon without. He says there was simply too much on his mind.
Later he got his Serie A move to Torino, played in the German Bundesliga and wrapped it up in the United Arab Emirates.
Every step of the way, he served us absolute treats, playing in a manner that won admirers and made him the best football export out of Ghana.
His former international teammate Yaw Preko says it is difficult to explain his greatness to someone who didn’t play with him.
As someone who watched him, I have a similar problem. The legend of Abedi is difficult to paint with one article. I hope this one helped.
Source: Michael Oti Adjei
source: https://footballghana.com/
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37 Torino Film Festival: tutti i vincitori #TFF37
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/37-torino-film-festival-tutti-i-vincitori-tff37/
37 Torino Film Festival: tutti i vincitori #TFF37
37 Torino Film Festival: tutti i vincitori #TFF37
37 Torino Film Festival: tutti i vincitori #TFF37
La Giuria di Torino 37 – Concorso Internazionale Lungometraggi, presieduta da Cristina Comencini (Italia) e composta da Fabienne Babe (Francia), Bruce McDonald (Canada), Eran Riklis (Israele), Teona Strugar Mitevska (Macedonia) assegna i premi:
La Giuria di Torino 37 – Concorso Internazionale Lungometraggi, presieduta da Cristina Comencini (Italia) e composta da Fabienne Babe (Francia), Bruce McDonald (Canada), Eran Riklis (Israele), Teona Strugar Mitevska (Macedonia) assegna i premi:
Miglior film (€18.000) a: HVÍTUR, HVÍTUR DAGUR / A WHITE, WHITE DAY di Hlynur Pálmason (Islanda/Danimarca/Svezia)
Premio Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo (€ 7.000) a: LE RÊVE DE NOURA di Hinde Boujemaa (Tunisia/Francia/Qatar)
Premio per la Miglior attrice a: VIKTORIA MIROSHNICHENKO e VASILISA PERELYGINA, per il film Dylda / Beanpole di Kantemir Balagov (Russia)
Premio per il Miglior attore a: GIUSEPPE BATTISTON e STEFANO FRESI per il film Il grande passo di Antonio Padovan (Italia)
Premio per la Miglior sceneggiatura a: WET SEASON di Anthony Chen (Singapore /Taiwan)
MS. WHITE LIGHT di Paul Shoulberg (Stati Uniti)
La Giuria di Internazionale.doc composta da Sara Fattahi (Siria), Vladimir Perisic (Serbia), Erik Negro (Italia), assegna i seguenti premi: Miglior film per Internazionale.doc (€ 6.000) a:
143 RUE DU DESERT di Hassen Ferhani (Algeria/Francia/Qatar)
Con la seguente motivazione: Un’umile osservazione dei cambiamenti di spazio e tempo. Con Malika e lo sguardo del regista ci tuffiamo in un imprevedibile viaggio sociopolitico attraverso il cuore del deserto.
Premio Speciale della giuria per Internazionale.doc a:
KHAMSIN di Grégoire Couvert e Grégoire Orio (Francia)
Con la seguente motivazione: Un tentativo di comprendere il passato attraverso l’arte al fine di reinventare una possibilità di futuro
La Giuria di Italiana.doc composta da Eleonora Mastropietro (Italia), Pippo Mezzapesa (Italia), Annina Wettstein (Svizzera) assegna i seguenti premi: Miglior film per Italiana.doc (€ 6.000) a:
FUORI TUTTO di Gianluca Matarrese
Con la seguente motivazione: Per il coraggio e la freschezza con cui il regista realizza un racconto intimo, rendendo il dramma della propria famiglia emblema di una crisi economica dilagante.
Premio Speciale della giuria per Italiana.doc a:
Con la seguente motivazione: Un racconto di formazione all’interno di un universo chiuso, capace di condensare forza visiva, delicatezza e paradosso.
La Giuria di Italiana.corti composta da Elia Billoni (Italia), Monica Strambini (Italia), Lucio Villani (Italia) assegna i seguenti premi: Premio il Miglior cortometraggio (€ 2.000) a: SPERA TERESA di Damiano Giacomelli Con la seguente motivazione: Graffiante e sofisticata riflessione sulla caducità del presente in relazione alla batteria della macchina da presa. Premio Speciale della giuria a:
LA BUCA di Dario Fedele
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la capacità di raccontare la vitalità di chi aspetta, nonostante l’impossibilità di filmare.
La Giuria composta da Francesco Grieco (Italia), Diana Martirosyan (Armenia), Heidi Strobel (Germania) assegna il Premio Fipresci (Premio della Federazione Internazionale della Stampa Cinematografica) per il Miglior film a:
LE RÊVE DE NOURA di Hinde Boujemaa (Tunisia, Francia, Qatar)
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la sua atmosfera realistica e la sua storia veritiera, caparbia, limpida e suggestiva, girata in un luogo specifico e marginale; il film affronta infatti problemi globali riguardanti scelta, libertà, responsabilità e convenzioni sociali conservatrici, che si basano anche su bisogni umani semplici e basilari nonché sulle fondamenta di ogni società: rivalità, felicità, dominio. Per la recitazione straordinaria e spontanea allo stesso tempo, per la sceneggiatura di grande effetto, per i suoi temi universali e sinceri, “Le rêve de Noura” di Hinde Boujemaa vince il premio FIPRESCI del 37 ° Torino Film Festival. PREMIO CIPPUTI
La Giuria, composta da, Altan (Italia), Paolo Mereghetti (Italia), Cosimo Torlo (Italia) assegna il Premio Cipputi 2019 – Miglior film sul mondo del lavoro a:
OHONG VILLAGE di Lungyin Lim (Taiwan/Repubblica Ceca)
Con la seguente motivazione: Lungyin Lim mette a confronto nel suo film le due facce del lavoro: quella dura e sfinente di chi fatica ogni giorno a guadagnarsi da vivere e quella gratificante e sognata di chi avrebbe trovato la strada per la ricchezza. Così il figlio del povero pescatore che torna a Taiwan dalla Cina dopo aver inseguito i miti del successo e del denaro diventa lo strumento di un confronto dove i sogni devono fare i conti con la realtà e le sirene del guadagno nascondono sconfitte e delusioni.
PREMIO CINEMA D’AQCUA | Prima edizione del concorso per cortometraggi italiani organizzato collaborazione con QC TERME
La giuria composta da Marì Alberione (Italia), Sandro Avanzo (Italia), Alessandro Bolis (Italia) ha deciso di assegnare il premio Cinema D’Aqcua per il Miglior film di € 1.000 € a:
APOLLO 18 di Marco Renda
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la capacità di celebrare il passato e parlare del presente, vedendo nell’acqua un elemento d’incontro, di comunicazione e di condivisione.
La giuria composta da Fabio Geda, Rossella Schillaci, Francesco Ghiaccio, ha deciso di assegnare ex-aequo il Premio Torino Factory di 2.500€ a:
MANUALE DI STORIE DEI CINEMA di Stefano D’Antuono e Bruno Ugioli
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la meticolosità della ricerca storica. Per il tono ironico, ma emotivamente carico, che tiene insieme il racconto, restando coerente fino all’ultimo fotogramma e ai saluti finali. Per il montaggio accurato che mantiene alto il ritmo dell’esposizione catturando con efficacia l’attenzione dello spettatore.
e SELENE di Sara Bianchi
Con la seguente motivazione: Perché la regista ha saputo raccontare in modo suggestivo una storia intima e dolorosa, capace di emozionare con delicatezza, evocando il vissuto della protagonista con rapide e eloquenti pennellate. Per la buona fotografia, la cura nelle inquadrature e l’uso narrativamente efficace del montaggio.
PREMIO SCUOLA HOLDEN La Giuria composta dagli allievi e dalle allieve del College di Cinema, assegna il premio
Miglior sceneggiatura Torino 37 a:
EL HOYO / THE PLATFORM di Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia (Spagna) Con la seguente motivazione: Un film che onora il genere fantastico. Sorprendente e tagliente, sociale, abissale, piramidale, alimentare e verticale. Un’idea di spazio sviluppata senza un attimo di tregua.
Menzioni speciali a:
DYLDA / BEANPOLE di Kantemir Balagov (Russia) HVÍTUR, HVÍTUR DAGUR / A WHITE, WHITE DAY di Hlynur Pálmason (Islanda/Danimarca/Svezia)
PREMIO DAMS La Giuria composta da Niccolò Buttigliero, Dario Cerbone, Camilla Fusato, Stefano Tropiano, Chiara Varese, assegna il premio come miglior Casting Director a:
VLADIMIR GOLOV per il film Dylda/Beanpole (Russia)
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la capacità di riunire un comparto attoriale costituito da esordienti e semi-esordienti, con fisicità e fisionomie dissimili, catalizzatore di ambigue pulsioni.
PREMIO ACHILLE VALDATA La Giuria composta dai lettori di “Torino Sette” Paola Capuano, Surya Dubois Pallastrelli, Samantha Ghirotto, Luciana Leoni, Elena Merlo, Patrizia Silvestri, Graziella Tripodi, assegna il premio Miglior film a:
MS. WHITE LIGHT di Paul Shoulberg (USA)
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la capacità di affrontare un tema così delicato con sensibilità, ironia e cinismo.
PREMIO AVANTI! La Giuria del Premio AVANTI! (Agenzia Valorizzazione Autori Nuovi Tutti Italiani), formata da Giulia Esposito, Giorgia Goi, Andrea Zanoli, assegna il PREMIO AVANTI! per la Distribuzione delle opere prime premiate nella rete dei cineforum e cineclub al film:
HVÍTUR, HVÍTUR DAGUR / A WHITE, WHITE DAY di Hlynur Pálmason (Islanda/Danimarca/Svezia)
Con la seguente motivazione: Un film profondo e sorprendente che introduce lo spettatore a un mondo fatto di silenzi per poi trascinarlo in un crescendo di emozioni travolgenti, e tremende. Il film riesce a mostrare con sensibilità e al contempo forza dirompente come l’amore più grande e incondizionato possa coesistere con il dolore e la rabbia, e il difficile percorso di accettazione di queste lacerazioni interiori tra sentimenti ugualmente legittimi. La riuscita alchimia dei comparti tecnici conferisce a quest’opera uno straordinario realismo, al servizio di una brillante regia che alterna elegante classicismo a momenti di illuminata autorialità.
PREMIO GLI OCCHIALI DI GANDHI La giuria della nona edizione del premio “Gli occhiali di Gandhi”, composta da Loredana Arcidiacono, Dario Cambiano, Massimiliano Fortuna, Alessandra Culasso, Gabriele Pujatti, assegna il Premio Gli Occhiali di Gandhi a:
Con la seguente motivazione: Per la doverosa attenzione a uno dei problemi più disperanti del nostro tempo. Per non perdere di vista i valori universali dell’accoglienza e della solidarietà, che danno senso alla nostra vita
MENZIONE SPECIALE a: NOUR di Maurizio Zaccaro (Italia)
PREMIO INTERFEDI La Giuria Interfedi, promossa dalla Chiesa Valdese e dalla Comunità Ebraica di Torino, con il patrocinio del Comitato Interfedi della Città di Torino, e composta da Sophie Peyronel (Chiesa Valdese), Daniele Segre (Comunità Ebraica) e Beppe Valperga (Comitato Interfedi), attribuisce la settima edizione del “Premio per il rispetto delle minoranze e per la laicità” al film:
MADE IN BANGLADESH di Rubaiyat Hossain (Francia/Bangladesh/Danimarca)
Con la seguente motivazione: Rappresenta in modo efficace e crudamente realistico, con un’ottima recitazione e direzione, la condizione lavorativa femminile in un laboratorio tessile di un’area economicamente marginale, presentando una storia di emancipazione e coraggio che muove dalla presa di coscienza di diritti da noi dati per scontati e in altre realtà ancora da affermare.
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
37 Torino Film Festival: tutti i vincitori #TFF37
La Giuria di Torino 37 – Concorso Internazionale Lungometraggi, presieduta da Cristina Comencini (Italia) e composta da Fabienne Babe (Francia), Bruce McDonald (Canada), Eran Riklis (Israele), Teona Strugar Mitevska (Macedonia) assegna i premi: 37 TORINO FILM FESTIVAL – I PREMI UFFICIALI TORINO 37 TORINO 37 La Giuria di Torino 37 – Concorso Internazionale Lungometraggi, presieduta […]
Cinefilos.it – Da chi il cinema lo ama.
Chiara Guida
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Seme di Luce al Monastero di Cairate dal 28 settembre al 13 ottobre
L’antico Monastero di Santa Maria Chiara di Cairate fa da sfondo a una nuova mostra curata da Carla Tocchetti Giovedì mattina a Villa Recalcati, sede della Provincia di Varese, alla presenza del Sindaco di Cairate Paolo Mazzucchelli e dei funzionari della Provincia di Varese, è stato presentato il programma culturale Seme di Luce che si terrà dal 28 settembre al 13 ottobre al Monastero di Cairate. Seme di Luce sarà nell’antico Monastero di Santa Maria Assunta di Cairate, proprietà della Provincia di Varese con una storia legata alla leggenda longobarda di Manigunda, mentre in tutto il mondo fervono le celebrazioni per l’anno leonardiano, nei cinquecento anni dalla scomparsa di Leonardo da Vinci. Tra le antiche stanze conventuali un collettivo di nove artisti esporrà opere dedicate alla luce e al genio leonardesco, per un progetto a cura di Carla Tocchetti, presidente di Beautiful Varese, chi è la terza edizione di una manifestazione che dall’inizio del 2019 ha toccato Varese, al Battistero di Velate, e Monza, coinvolgendo nuovi artisti per collaborazioni e approfondimenti sul tema leonardesco. Punto focale del programma, presente fin da Velate, sono le installazioni Tempio della Vita e Fiore della Vita a cura del duo monzese Elisabetta Bosisio e Maria Teresa Bolis, che, attraverso un singolare uso della lampada di Wood, trasformerà la Chiesa settecentesca, inglobata nel Monastero accanto all’affresco del leonardesco Aurelio Luini. La mostra Seme di Luce vedrà anche H.H. Stillriver, di origini americane, con creazioni luminose e Maria Teresa Bolis, di origini svizzere, con oli su tela dedicati alla luce. Altre cinque installazioni sono state concepite nelle suggestive stanze del Monastero, con l’artista di origine tedesca Sabine Barnabò che utilizzerà lampade al neon per lanciare un messaggio sul tema dell’ambiente, Elisabetta Bosisio in due sale prospicienti il Chiostro con un’installazione ispirata al progetto leonardesco del paracadute e dedicata al destino del Pianeta, la messicana Maria Teresa Gonzales Ramirez al piano superiore con una macro-installazione artistica sulla luce, la danese Judith Byberg nella Cappelletta delle monache con alcune opere in feltro lavorato a mano e illuminato, Maria Elena Danelli con una riflessione emozionale attraverso poesie aeree luminose fatte di tessuto e Trixi Bulla, artista di origini austriache, con alcune creazioni luminose nate da una sperimentazione materica su vecchie radici di grandi alberi che vivono nelle foreste alpine. Il programma culturale vedrà anche alcuni incontri a tema, il 12 ottobre alle 16 nella sala Maggioni Anna Boracchi e Margherita Daverio del Gruppo di Cultura Grafologica – Monza e Brianza terranno la conferenza Segreti luci e ombre nella scrittura di Leonardo e il 13 ottobre alle 16 nella sala Maggioni l’architetto monzese Roberto Piva proporrà la relazione Il codice di Leonardo. La geometria nascosta. Il progetto terminerà il 13 ottobre dalle 18.30 con un’installazione luminosa dedicata al Fiore della Vita di Leonardo, realizzata in tempo reale anche con la partecipazione del pubblico, nel Chiostro del Monastero. Durante tutta la manifestazione, in sala Maggioni verrà esposta la documentazione fotografica delle edizioni di Varese, al Battistero di Velate, e Monza, a cura dell’architetto varesino Alessandro Giacomello e del Centro Fotografico Monzese. La manifestazione ha il patrocinio della Provincia di Varese, del Comune di Cairate, della Proloco di Cairate, della Fondazione Comunitaria del Varesotto, del progetto Varese4UArcheo, del Comune di Monza, del Centro Fotografico Monzese e del Gruppo di Cultura Grafologica Monza e Brianza. Read the full article
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SERIE A PREVIEW: The lowdown on Juventus, Inter Milan and rest of top-flight teams
The word for patience in Italian is peace and that is exactly what Serie A fans had to have enough while waiting for the 2019-20 season to start.
But unfortunately calcium is back! There are so many fascinating subplots to follow with Inter Milan and Antonio Conte splashing the money, Mario Balotelli looking for relegation candidates Brescia in the competition and Maurizio Sarri will make nine league titles in a row for Juventus ?
It will be another intriguing campaign in Italy – a real title fight beckons – and Sportsmail you have everything you need to know about each team before match day one.
Juventus wants to win nine titles in a row in a row but faced with stringent tests by Inter Milan and Napoli
Manager : Gian Piero Gasperini
Transfers in : Luis Muriel (Sevilla, £ 13.5 m), Ruslan Malinovskyi (Club Brugge, £ 12 m), Marco Varnier (Cittadella, £ 4.5 m), Martin Skrtel (Fenerbahce, free), Aimone Cali ( Montespaccato, free), Francis Gomez (Valle Tevere, free)
Transfers from : Franck Kessie (AC Mil an, £ 21m, Bryan Cristante (AS Rome, £ 19m), Andrea Petagna (SPAL, £ 1 0.8m), Alberto Almici (Hellas Verona, £ 450,000), Davide Agazzi (AS Livorno, £ 360,000), Tommaso Tentoni (Imolese, free), Emanuele Suagher (Ternana, free), Gianluca Mancini (AS Roma, loan), Federico Mattiello (Cagliari, loan), Etrit Berisha (SPAL, loan), Luca Zanotti (Como, free), Francis Gomez (Florida, loan), Christian Mora (Cittadella, loan), Boris Radunovic (Hellas Verona, loan), Nicolas Haas (Frosinone, loan), Emmanuel Latte Lath (Imolese, loan), Lorenzo Migliorelli (Siena, loan), Gaetano Monachello (Pordenone, loan), Aimone Cali (Catanzaro, loan), Riccardo Gatti (AJ Fano, loan), Alberto Alari (South Tyrol, loan), Marco Tumminello (Pescara, loan), Gabriel Lunetta (Reggiana, loan), Marco D & # 39; Alessandro (SPAL, loan), Andreas Cornelius (Parma, loan), Anton Kresic (Padova, loan), Luca Vido (Crotone, loan), Stefano Mazzini (Pontedera, loan), Thomas Bolis (Piacenz a loan), Enrico Zanoni (AS Gubbio loan), Roberto Taliento (South Tyrol loan), Isnik Alimi (Imolese loan), Fabio Eguelfi (Frosino ne loan), Alessandro Mallamo (Juve Stabia loan), Alessandro Santopadre (Rimini, loan), Christian Capone (Perugia, loan), Stefano Marchetti (Renate, loan), Tiziano Tulissi (Modena, loan)
Last season : 3rd
Atalanta has a serious task to surpass the success of 2018-19, with a third placed finish securing them Champions League football.
Even hosting games in San Siro in Milan cannot take away the excitement for La Dea. Their finish made it easy to forget how slowly they started. The side of Gasperini won only one of their first eight games. The manager kept scratching his head.
But they rallied and went undefeated 13 games in the last third of the season before they stretched their growing muscles even further by eliminating the eventual champions Juventus from Coppa Italia. The old lady's hope for clean garbage was quickly tattered.
Atalanta & # 39; s rivals have spent a lot, determined to bridge the gap with Juventus, the runaway train in 2018-19, and thus fitting, or even better, their finish last season would be spectacular for Atalanta .
Luis Muriel is a smart business and Duvan Zapata feels important despite his age. The Champions League could quickly dictate the entire campaign if lightning strikes twice and they make a slow start to the season.
After reaching all the right tones last season, even Gasperini will be willing to fall flat on this campaign.
Atalanta has taken over Luis Muriel from Seville this summer because they want to look again
FAN VERDICT – Nigel Mannering ( @AtalantaNige )
The 2019-20 season is the most historic in the 112-year history of Atalanta. Atalanta will play third place in the Champions League for the first time in history.
We have been one of Europe & # 39; s most enjoyable teams to view over the past three years and it becomes fascinating to see how we compete with the Euorpe elite. The team that finished third last season – and reached the final of Coppa Italia – remains largely intact with only Gianluca Mancini leaving for Roma.
In fact, Mr. Percassi and manager Gasperini have done an excellent job keeping the team together. Last season's top scorer, Duvan Zapata, is still in Bergamo, as are Ilicic, Castagne, Hateboer, and Papu, all of whom have been associated with a move. We have made a number of good signings for the new season.
Luis Muriel has arrived from Seville and has a proven Series A record. Ruslan Malinovskyi has also arrived from Genk and the Ukrainian international looks a nice player. Hopefully we see Atalanta again this season insisting on a place in the top four in Serie A!
Gian Piero Gasperini (right) will build on Atalanta & # 39; s third placed finish in 2018-19
Manager: : Sinisa Mihajlovic
Transfers in : Riccardo Orsolini (Juventus, £ 13.5 m), Takehiro Tomiyasu (Sint-Truiden, £ 8.10 m), Roberto Soriano (Villarreal, £ 6.75 m), Nicola Sansone (Villarreal, £ 6 , 75 m), Stefano Denswil (Club Brugge, £ 5.4 million), Andreas Skov Olsen (FC Nordsjaelland, £ 5.4 million), Jerdy Schouten (Excelsior, £ 2.7 million), Mattia Bani (Chievo Verona, £ 2.25 million), Lassi Lap palainen (HJK Helsinki, £ 900,000)
Transfers from : Erick Pulgar (Fiorentina, £ 9 m), Alex Ferrari (Sampdoria, £ 4.05 m), Filip Helander (Rangers, £ 3.5 m), Felipe Avenatti (Standard Liege, £ 3.15 m), Adam Nagy (Bristol City, £ 2.25 million), Emil Krafth (Amiens, £ 1.8 million), Sebastien May (Udinese, £ 900,000), Giordano Trovade (South Tyrol, free), Lassi Lappalainen (Montreal Impact, loan), Alessandro Bianconi (loan), Godfred Donsah (loan from Cercle Brugge), Antonio Santurro (loan from Sambenedettese), Juan Manuel Valencia (loan from Cesena), Federico Ravaglia (loan from Gubbio), Hamza El Kaouaakibi (loan from Piacenza), Luca Rizzo (AS Livorno, loan), Fabrizio Brignani (Cesena, loan)
Last season : 10th
Sinisa Mihajlovic is a fighter in every sense of the word. He has had scuffles as a player, scrapes as a manager and boldly fought to drag Bologna back into battle when he took over from the disastrous regime of Pippo Inzaghi last season.
But now he may be facing his biggest fight, all while we continue to oversee the club's fortunes. Mihajlovic promised not to turn his back on the fans or the players when he emerged that he had been diagnosed with leukemia – if his players cannot galvanize, then what can he do?
The turning point since his arrival is grim. Players went from missing any identity to flourishing in their desired 4-2-3-1 system.
Riccardo Orsolini, Roberto Soriano and Rodrigo Palacio is an exciting and ambitious trio when it is suitable to play behind the loan attacker. and the growing ambition of Bologna is not lost on the supporters of the club.
Getting a permanent deal with Orsolini feels important and if he continues where he left off in 2018-19, there's a place in the upper half for the take.
Bologna wants to set a good season for boss Sinisa Mihajlovic as he fights with leukemia
FAN VERDICT – Fredrik Bakke ( @semprebologna )
Last season started terribly under new coach Filippo Inzaghi, but then Sinisa Mihajlovic took the lead and we finished 10th. This summer the owner Joey Saputo has invested a lot of money and the optimism is high at the moment.
The Serbian coach is loved in Bologna, and the hope is that we will improve the finish of last season.
Riccardo Orsolini should be even better this year after Bologna exercised its option to buy it after last season's loan.
He scored 10 and looked at six last season, most of which came in the second half of the season. Top 10 is definitely hope!
Riccardo Orsolini wants to show that he can build on his success last year in a Bologna shirt
[1945902] Manager : Eugenio Corini
[1945902] Transfers in : Jesse Joronen (FC Copenhagen, £ 4.5 m), Jaromir Zmrhal (Slavia Prague, £ 3.4 m), Florian Aye (Clermont Foot, £ 1.8 m), Jhon Chancellor (Al Ahli, £ 1.4 m), Tremolada Luca (Virtus Entella, £ 800,000), Bruno Martella (Crotone, £ 720,000), Mario Balotelli (Marseille, free), Giangia as Magnani (Sassuolo, loan)
[1945902] Transfers from : Biagi Meccariello (Lecce, £ 90,000), Edoardo Lancini (Palermo, free), Alessandro Martinelli (Palermo, free), Paolo Bastianello (Frosinone, free), Matteo Cortesi ( Giana Erminio, loan), Simone Ferrari (Pergolettese, loan)
Last season : Series B champions
It was a long way for Brescia to come back here to Serie A. It was 2010-11 when fans tasted it
But last year it all clicked, after years of gloomy seasons in the second layer of Italy, and Brescia cut Lecce through a lonely point to the title.
While they only lost five games the entire season in that run to the title, 42 goals in 36 games knocked not surprisingly alarm bells. Performing in the same way in Serie A against Cristiano Ronaldo and Co and the penalties would prove to be much more serious.
They have not spent over and above their means to find their way out of relegation, but Mario Balotelli is acquiring on a free perhaps the most checkout deal in the entire competition all summer.
Back in his childhood, Balotelli is the big fish in a fairly small pond and with Euro 2020 at his head, the shape of the Manchester City Title Winner is likely to beat the club's chances of dropping make or break.
Also keep an eye on the rising star Sandro Tonali. Similar to Andrea Pirlo – and not just because of the similar fluent locks of the pair – Tonali is rightly regarded as one of the best upcoming midfielders in the country. If all goes well, both he and Balotelli will be in the middle of it.
Brescia will be a box-office draw this season after the free transfer arrival of Mario Balotelli
FAN VERDICT – GianPaolo Laffranchi (Gazzetta dello Sport – @Joao_Laffranchi )
It's another 2000. a millennium. Another was for Brescia. 2000, Roberto Baggio. 2019, Mario Balotelli. Another dream came true, and it seemed impossible, but it was actually logical: if you have an ambitious and smart president, you can climb any mountain.
Balotelli was free, without a team, left alone like Baggio nearly 20 years ago, when Gino Corioni tried the challenge. And he made it.
Now President Massimo Cellino, who owned Cagliari for 22 years, is 17 in Series A. Here he brought Brescia back from Series B in two years. Now he has convinced Balotelli to start again in his home town, where he grew up but never played.
Baggio earned the fortune of Brescia and saved us four years in a row. Will Super Mario be able to do better? The team won a championship last year and has players who can make a quantitative leap this time.
Manager : Rolando Maran
Transfers in : Nahitan Nandez (Boca Juniors, £ 16.2 m) , Alberto Cerri (Juventus, £ 8.1 m), Christian Oliva (National, £ 4.5 m), Fabrizio Cacciatore (Chievo Verona, £ 720,000), Marko Rog (loan from Napoli), Federico Mattiello (loan from Atalanta) , Radja Nainggolan (loan between loans), Luca Pellegrini (loan from Juventus)
Transfers from : Nicolo Barella (Inter, loan), Diego Farias (Lecce, loan), Damir Ceter ( Chievo Verona, loan), Luca Crosta (Olbia, loan), Guglielmo Vicario (Perugia, loan), Marko Pajac (Genoa, loan), Fabrizio Caligara (Venezia, loan)), Matteo Cotali (Chievo Verona, free)
Last season : 15th
Cagliari fans hope for the days of demolition before the bottom of the table is over with Rolando Maran who is a di Each team builds for what appears to be a new topsy-turvy campaign.
The return of Radja Nainggolan – an avid favorite in Sardinia due to his reliability for supporters (he enjoyed a smoke with some fans after lending this summer) – saw Maran change formation to a 3- 5-2 in an attempt to maximize his newest possession.
Nainggolan was almost completely expelled from Inter by new boss Antonio Graaf and so the fire burns in the Belgian midfielder to prove that he can still compete at the highest level.
Maran laid the foundation for this season last year and fans can expect to see the fruits of the early labor of the Czech with winning matches against Brescia, Parma and Genoa all in the first four games.
Losing Nicolo Barella to Inter is undoubtedly a real blow to the club, as he is one of the most promising young players in the country. But Leonardo Pavoletti remains in possession of the striker and after 18 goals in all competitions last season, the 30-year-old wants to continue.
A lower half finish would mean a backward step for Maran, the season taking a turn for the worst.
Radja Nainggolan was returned to Cagliari after being isolated left at Inter Milan
FAN VERDICT – Valentina Campus ( @valentinacampus )
We breathe new air in Cagliari. Our president, Tommaso Giulini, has decided to be aggressive in the transfer market and now the team has the potential for an excellent season.
Unfortunately our main player, Nicolo Barella, left for Inter, but with the money raised Rolando Maran has rebuilt our midfield: Radja Nainggolan is back on loan from Inter and the new players, former Napoli ace Marko Rog and the Uruguayan Nahitan Nandez arrived from Boca Juniors, goat well.
The focal point of the attack remains Leonardo Pavoletti, probably the most dangerous header in the Serie A. Cagliari is a strong team supported by the enthusiasm of an entire island: we could really surprise everyone this year.
Our first test will be the home game against the newly promoted Brescia. They are run by our former president, the Sardinian Massimo Cellino. We will welcome him warmly, but the three points will be ours!
Boss Rolando Maran is expected to deliver a better season than 15th place in 2018-19
: Manager : Vincenzo Montella
Transfers in : Erick Pulgar (Bologna, £ 9 m), Aleksa Terzic (Red star, £ 1.5 m), Kevin-Prince Boateng (Sassuolo, £ 900,000), Riccardo Baroni (Virtus Entella, £ 360,000 ), Franck Ribery (Bayern Munich, free), Pol Lirola (Sassuolo, loan), Milan Badelj (Lazio, loan)
Transfers from : Victor H ugo (Palmeiras, £ 5 million), Christian Norgaard (Brentford, £ 3 million), Jordan Veretout (AS Roma, loan), Riccardo Saponara (Genoa, loan), Jaime Baez (Cosenza, free), Simone Minelli (Teramo, free) ), Alban Lafont (Nantes loan), Martin Grainciar (Sparta Prague) loan), Amidu Salifu (Al-Salmiya loan), David Hancko (Sparta Prague loan), Petko Hristov (Bisceglie loan), Rafik Zekhnini ( FC Twente, loan)
Last season : 16th
Now under new ownership, there is a renewed conviction in Florence that La Viola can taste good times again.
Last season, they flirted with relegation and a place in Serie B, which only move together and ultimately stay at the best margins. The fallout was huge, by no means to be tolerated again.
In Cam Rocco Commisso, based in New York. But while it was all over with the old and the new in the boardroom, the dug-out remained a suppressed Vincenzo Montella.
Montella is in the spotlight when a few of his colleagues are kicked for a single ball. Kevin-Prince Boateng has arrived from Sassuolo and Franck Ribery has been released after leaving Bayern Munich. Neither does mediocrity accept in a club with a proud history in European competitions.
Newcomers represent real quality, Erick Pulgar, one of the gems of their summer window. Keeping Federico Chiesa is another important piece of the puzzle with the hope of taking on a challenge for a European place this season.
And given the tools they now have at their disposal, the pressure with Montella to build a capable side of standing is strong from start to finish.
Fiorentina fans can look forward to Kevin- Prince Boateng (L) and Franck Ribery (R)
FAN VERDICT – Viola Nation ( @Viola_Nation )
Fiorentina enjoyed of a tumultuous out of season, marked by Rocco Commisso who buys the club from the Della Valle brothers.
The Italian-American billionaire keeps Vincenzo Montella as a coach and hungry for Federico Chiesa prize money.
With smart additions such as Milan Badelj, Erick Pulgar, Pol Lirola and Kevin-Prince Boateng, the team looks solid, although not spectacular.
The addition of Franck Ribery, however, is encouraging, and this team could be a challenge for European places again next year, especially if youngsters like Riccardo Sottil, Luca Ranieri, Aleksa Terzic and especially Dusan Vlahovic step up.
Manager Aurelio Andreazzoli
Transfers in Stefano Sturaro (Juventus £ 15 m) , Andrea Favilli (Juventus, £ 6.3 m), Lukas Lerager (Bordeaux, £ 5.4 m), Pawel Jaroszynski (Chievo Verona, £ 3.6 m), Kevin Agudelo (Atletico Huila, £ 2.25 m) , Nicholas Rizzo (Inter, £ 2.25 million), Lasse Schone (Ajax, £ 1.35 million), Cristian Zapata (AC Milan, free), Sinan Gumus (Galatasaray, free), Riccardo Saponara (Fiorentina, loan), Antonio Barreca (Monaco, loan), Francesco Cassata (Sassuolo loan), Andrea Pinamonti (Interlening), Cristian Romero (Juventus loan), Marko Pajac (Cagliari loan), Ionut Radu (Inter loan),
Genoa has sold Cristian Romero to Juventus but has loaned him this summer
Transfers Oct. : Cristian Romero (Juventus, £ 23m), Ionut Radu (Inter, £ 10.8m), Eddie Salcedo (Inter, £ 7.2m), Luca Sanimacchia (Juventus U23, £ 3.6 m), Nicolas Spolli (Crotone, £ 360,000), Miguel Veloso (Hellas Verona free), Gianni Palmese (Gavorrano free), Marco Soprano (Teramo free), Alessandro Quaini (AC Pisa free) , Mario Ierardi (South Tyrol free), Darko Lazovic (Hellas) Verona, free), Thomas Rodriguez (La Calera, free), Mariano Bernardini (Pontedera, free), Ivan Lakicevic (Venezia, loan), Claudio Spinelli (Gimnasia, loan), Koray Gunter (Hellas Verona, loan), Gianluca Lapadula (Lecce, loan), Giacomo Calo (Juve Stabia, loan), Federico Valietti (Virtus Entell a, loan), Nicola Dalmonte (FC Lugano, loan), Stephane Omeonga (Cercle Bruges, loan)
Last s Eason : 17th
Although a relegation fight for many in Florence was a shock, there were people on the terraces in Genoa bracing themselves. Ultimately, they also avoided the dreaded fall at Empoli's expense and they have no desire to do it in the same way in this campaign.
Controversial President Enrico Preziosi has provided funds on the transfer market with experienced central midfielder Lasse Schone, Ajax, one of the striking pick-ups.
Cristian Romero, sold to Juventus before coming on loan for 2019-20, is another expected to shine this season, even if it seems to be a bumpy start
Aurelio Andreazzoli starts with a daunting trip to the Stadio Olympico to take on a rejuvenated side of Rome before taking on Fiorentina and Atalanta.
While, on paper at least, there appear to be three teams worse than them, Genoa has to show that they have learned lessons from last year's debilitating and draining campaign.
FAN VERDICT – Drew Farmer (DrewMFarmer)
A new seaso means a new manager at Genoa. Heaven helps us. After being nearly relegated last season and going through three managers (and cashing in the leading scorer Krzysztof Piatek in January), Genoa handed over the former Empoli boss Aurelio Andreazzoli.
He had two spells at Empoli in 2018-19 as they were relegated. It is a great start to the new season at the Stadio Luigi Ferraris (sarcasm). Genoa has promising players such as Antonio Sanabria, Oscar Hiljemark and Stefano Sturaro. They also added Lasse Schone who sparkled for Ajax in the Champions League last term.
Enrico Preziosi will sell the club's top players in January if they do well. It seems like an endless cycle in Genoa and it is hard not to be cynical. They should be a mid-table team, but don't be surprised if they fight the drop again.
[1945902] Manager : Ivan Juric
Transfers in : Pawel Dawidowicz (Ben45), £ 3 , 15 million), Samuel Di Carmine (Perugia, £ 2.25 million), Amir Rrahmani (Dinamo Zagreb, £ 1.9 million), Antonio Di Gaudio (Parma, £ 1.35 million), Luca Marrone (Juventus, £ 900,000), Alberto Almici (Atalanta, £ 450,000), Davide Faraoni (Crotone, £ 270,000), Vincenzo Silvestro (Mantova, £ 84,000), Salvatore Bocchetti (Spartak Moscow, free), Miguel Veloso (Genoa, free), Darko Lazovic ( Genoa, free), Emmanuel Badu (Udinese loan), Boris Radunovic (Atalanta loan), Valerio Verre (Sampdoria loan), Gennaro Tutino (Napoli loan), Koray Gunter (Genoa loan)
Transfers from : Mattia Valoti (SPAL, £ 2.7m), Mohamed Fares (SPAL, £ 2.43m), Antonio Caracciolo (Cremonese, £ 360,000), Enrico Bearzotti (Modena, free), Matteo Bianchetti (Cre monese, free), Gaetano Navas (Mantova, free), Lorenzo Fe rena (Siena, free), Deian Boldor (FK Partizani, loan), Vincenzo Silvestro (Rimini, loan), Andrea Badan (Carrarese, loan), Nicolo Casale ( Venezia, loan), Karaomko Cisse (Juve Stabia, loan), Karim Laribi (Empoli, loan), Jure Balkovec (Empoli, loan), Edoardo Pavan (Pontedera, loan), Rayyan Baniya (Renate, loan)
Last season : Series B play-off winners
While Brescia and Lecce went toe-to-toe for the Series B title, Hellas Verona arrived through the back door after a fifth placed finish . The playoffs came and went and Verona was toasting a famous season in which they went back to the big days.
After much commotion about their managerial role, Ivan Juric is now sitting and drawing early in the chair looks encouraging. Positive expressions against much stronger pre-season teams suggest they can find a way to make games difficult for their opponents – an important feature in view of the fact that they will spend numerous games with lower stats.
The odds have remained stacked against them after finishing fifth in the second layer last season. But British Serie A fans will hope Verona has enough in the tank to compete, especially with Scotsman Liam Henderson ready to play a role in the first XI.
Henderson is preparing for the first Scot to play in Series A since Graeme Souness and he will want a positive memory if he looks back on it long after his career ends.
Juric bestaat al lang genoeg om te weten dat thuiswedstrijden van vitaal belang zijn en ze gewoon zich moeilijk te verslaan moeten maken. Dat en ze zullen de helft van de kans hebben om de druppel te verslaan.
Hellas Verona heeft deze zomer Ivan Juric aangesteld als manager en hij zal proberen ze in stand te houden
FAN VERDICT – Rick Hough ( @rick_hough )
Weinigen in Verona hebben verwachtingen die verder gaan dan overleven. Een golf van optimisme vloog kort over de club aan het einde van vorig seizoen.
Een laatste spannende play-off voor een overvolle Bentegodi was een opwindende herinnering aan de gloriedagen van de club toen de Giallioblu op wonderbaarlijke wijze de Scudetto optilde.
Maar een vernederende nederlaag van de Derde Ronde beker thuis op Cremonese op zondag was niet de nieuw benoemde hoofdcoach waar Ivan Juric op hoopte.
Liam Henderson wordt de eerste Scot die in de Serie A speelt sinds Graeme Souness, terwijl doelpunten van veteraan-spits Giampaolo Pazzini cruciaal zijn als Verona op wil blijven. Ondertussen zal Balotelli's aankomst in Brescia (Verona heeft hem tevergeefs geprobeerd te ondertekenen) een extra dimensie toevoegen aan de fel betwiste Derby del Garda.
[1945902] Manager : Antonio Conte
Transfers in : Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United, £ 73 miljoen), Valentino Lazaro (Hertha Berlin, £ 20 miljoen), Matteo Politano (Sassuolo, £ 18 miljoen), Ionut Radu (Genua, £ 10,8 miljoen), Eddie Salcedo (Genua, £ 7,2 miljoen), Gabriel Brazao (Parma, £ 6 miljoen) ), Lucien Agoume (Sochaux, £ 4 miljoen), Diego Godin (Atletico Madrid, gratis), Nicolo Barella (Cagliari, lening), Stefano Sensi (Sassuolo, lening)
Transfers uit : Zingo Vanheusden (Standard Liege, £11m), George Puscas (Reading, £7.2m), Marco Sala (Sassuolo, £4.5m), Cristian Ansaldi (Torino, £2.25m), Nicholas Rizzo (Genoa, £2.25m), Rey Manaj (Albacente, £1.8m), Ivan Perisic (Bayern Munich, loan), Ionut Radu (Genoa, loan), Andreaw Gravillon (Sassuolo, loan), Yann Karamoh (Parma, loan), Michele Di Gregorio (Pordenone , loan ), Gabriel Brazao (Albacete, loan), Marco Pompetti (Sampdoria, loan), Sam uele Longo (Deportivo La Coruna, loan), Xian Emmers (Waasl-Beveren, loan), Matteo Rover (Sudtirol, loan), Radja Nainggolan (Cagliari, loan), Andrea Pinamonti (Genoa, loan), Alessandro Mattioli (Modena, free), Miranda (JS Suning, free)
Last season: 4th
An Inter side created with a former Juventus visionary at the helm, the Nerazzuri have gone from nearly-men to legitimate title challengers in a single summer.
Last season under Luciano Spalletti was by no means a disaster of Fiorentina proportions, but the gap to champions Juventus appeared to be getting bigger, not smaller.
And so in came Conte, and with it his preferred 3-5-2 which got plenty of action during his time at both Juventus and Chelsea. Diego Godin, Stefano Sensi, Nicolo Barella, Valentino Lazaro and Romelu Lukaku represent high-quality additions and Conte has rid the squad of players he felt would not ‘buy-in’ to his incredibly demanding regime.
The arrival of Godin on a free feels particularly significant. Built physically and mentally to deal with the demands of Italian football, he will be part of what is arguably the greatest defence in the division alongside Stefan de Vrij and Milan Skriniar.
But Conte’s inability to so far shift exiled forward Mauro Icardi remains the one black mark against him and the club chiefs this summer.
Conte is a proven winner and in Lautaro Martinez and Lukaku, with Barella in behind, the team has plenty of firepower. While this side will be given time to gel before going full-tilt next season for the title, Inter do not need to be told they have a serious shot at the Scudetto crown this time round.
Antonio Conte has been aggressive in the transfer market to make Inter Serie A contenders
FAN VERDICT – Nima Tavallaey Roodsari (Founder of Sempre Inter – @NimaTavRood)
It has been a long time coming, and this summer it finally came: the revolution every Inter has been screaming for since May 23, 2010, the day after the treble was secured.
Parma vs Juventus – 5pm
Fiorentina vs Napoli – 7:45pm
Udinese vs AC Milan – 5pm
Cagliari vs Brescia – 7:45pm
SPAL vs Atalanta – 7:45pm
Roma vs Genoa – 7:45pm
Hellas Verona vs Bologna – 7:45pm
Sampdoria vs Lazio – 7:45pm
Torino vs Sassuolo – 7:45pm
Inter vs Lecce – 7:45pm
With parent owner company Suning having, in only three years, almost trebled the club's revenues and subsequently released the club from the shackles of the disastrous settlement agreement with UEFA under which previous club President Erick Thohir had agreed to, this past summer the Chinese For tune 500 company showed their true intentions in the transfer window.
Having money to spend is one thing, spending it wisely is another and the latter is exactly what Inter have done. Antonio Conte was appointed in early June and within weeks Diego Godin (free), midfielder Stefano Sensi (loan with option to buy) and young midfield sensation Nicolo Barella were all announced.
Shortly after Romelu Lukaku was signed with Alexis Sanchez and Cristiano Biraghi set to soon follow suit, with maybe yet more to come.
Every single signing has been made with the thought of suiting Conte's tactical set up. All of this was done to help Conte achieve the objective that Suning in no uncertain terms set him up with: win the Serie A within two seasons.
Although, it will be very difficult to see Inter do that this season, the bare minimum is to improve on last season which translates to: a minimum 3rd place finish in the Serie A, qualifying from the group stages of the Champions League and reaching the final of the Coppa Italia. Anything below that is a failure.
Lautaro Martinez and Romelu Lukaku will be tasked with scoring goals for the Milanese side
Manager: Maurizio Sarri
Transfers in: Matthijs de Ligt (Ajax, £76m), Danilo (Manchester City, £33m), Cristian Romero (Genoa, £23m), Luca Pellegrini (AS Roma, £20m), Merih Demiral (Sassuolo, £16m), Aaron Ramsey (Arsenal, free), Gianluigi Buffon (PSG, free), Adrien Rabiot (PSG, free)
Transfers out: Joao Cancelo (Manchester City, £58m), Leonardo Spinazzola (AS Roma, £26m), Moise Kean (Everton, 24m), Emil Audero (Sampdoria, £18m), Stefano Sturaro (Genoa, £15m), Riccardo Orsolini (Bologna, £13.5m), Alberto Cerri (Cagliari, £8.1m), Andrea Favilli (Genoa, £6.3m), Rogerio (Sassuolo, £5.4m), Leonardo Mancuso (Empoli, £4.5m), Luca Marrone (Hellas Verona, £900,000), Luca Pellegrini (Cagliari, loan), Cristian Romero (Genoa, loan)
Last season: Champions
Winning almost felt too easy for Juventus last year and it got the club’s hierarchy thinking. Winning is great, but they want to do it with a more attractive – and ultimately sellable – brand of football.
And so they turned to Chelsea to poach Maurizio Sarri having been left impressed by the work he did in Naples before heading to the Premier League.
The chain-smoking former Empoli boss could not be further from the slick, clean-cut figure of Massimiliano Allegri, who departed after leading the club to its eighth successive Serie A crown.
So is it style over substance? Can Sarri imprint his ‘Sarriball’ philosophy on a group that had a borderline win-at-all-costs mentality? Managers who go against the grain in Turin often find roadblocks they cannot move.
Take Gigi Maifredi in the early 1990s. Managing a team that including the great Roberto Baggio, his desire to imprint his philosophy on his players saw Juventus fall flat and within no time he was gone.
Juventus will want Sarri to hit the ground running, quelling any talk in the club’s vociferous Curva Sud that he mirrors Maifredi.
With Cristiano Ronaldo still leading the line and Paulo Dybala remaining an option after seeing moves to Tottenham and Manchester United collapse earlier this month, the Old Lady still has a side that is the envy of all their rivals.
All eyes will be on Cristiano Ronaldo once more as Juventus look to win a ninth straight title
FAN VERDICT – Rav Gopal (@juvefcdotcom)
For me, this season has all the makings of a transitional one for Juventus. We're making our first marked shift in terms of playing style by opting for a coach with a distinct philosophy of how to play the game, and that will inevitably take time to implement.
With that in mind, I think it's realistic to aim for the Serie A title again and to make a deep run in the Champions League, but such a shift is bound to have an impact on the core of the team, so I have patience this year.
So much will depend on how quickly the players adapt, but after eight years of domestic success and two Champions League finals in the last five years, my fear is that Sarri doesn't get the time he deserves to make this team his own.
The team are set to show a different playing style as Maurizio Sarri imprints his philosophy
Manager: Simone Inzaghi
Transfers in: Manuel Lazzari (SPAL, £10m), Denis Vavro (FC Copenhagen, £9.5m), Pedro Neto (Braga, £7.65m), Bruno Jordao (Braga, £4m), Jony (Malaga, £1.8m), Sofian Kiyine (Chievo Verona, £675,000), Bobby Adekanye (Liverpool U23, free)
Transfers out: Pedro Neto (Wolves, £16.5m), Bruno Jordao (Wolves, £8m), Alessandro Murgia (SPAL, £3.15m), Mattia Sp rocati (Parma, £2m), Lorenzo Filippini (AS Gubbio, free), Milan Badelj (Fiorentina, loan), Marius Adamonis (Catanzao, loan), Abukar Mohamed (Karpaty, loan), Sofian Kiyine (Salernitana, loan), Davide Di Gennaro (Juve Stabia, loan), Simone Palombi (Cremonese, loan), Cristiano Lambardi (Salernitana, loan), Andreas Karo (Salernitana, loan), Fabio Maistro (Salernitana, loan), Alessandro Rossi (Juve Stabia, loan)
Last season: 8th
In the end it was depth that cost Lazio last season. Cup competitions soon took on greater significance and their faith in those tournaments paid off come May when they went on to lift the Coppa Italia.
But an eighth-placed finish domestically left fans longing for more from a side that has ambitions to gatecrash an ever competitive top four.
Transfer activity has remained largely modest when put into context alongside rivals such as Juventus, Inter, and of course, Roma.
Manchester United target Sergej Milinkovic-Savic remains in the Italian capital and that is as good a piece a business as any new signing. Simone Inzaghi’s side will believe they can get closer to those first four spots but face a tough task given Inter, Juventus and Napoli all expect to be challenging for the title.
One or two more faces before the transfer window closes on September 2 could change expectations for better or worse.
Failure to add at least one more high-quality attacker and Lazio could find themselves on the outside looking in once more when it comes to the top four.
Simone Inzaghi helped guide Lazio to cup success last term but at the cost of a top four battle
FAN VERDICT – Steven Moore (@S_K_MOORE)
Securing their seventh Coppa Italia title in 2018-19, Lazio will be eager to finish in a top four spot to achieve their goal of UEFA Champions League football this upcoming season.
To ensure they turn their dreams into reality, management have invested a respectable amount to reinforce and bolster the squad available to Simone Inzaghi.
This includes the likes of Copenhagen's Denis Vavro for the back line, SPAL's Manuel Lazzari for the right flank, and Malaga's Jony for the left flank, who are all valued as extremely promising acquisitions for the club.
Completing pre-season with nine wins from nine matches – scoring 59 goals while conceding just nine – this looks to be one of the most optimistic starts to Le Aquile's campaign that they have had in quite some time, leaving me exhilarated for what is to come.
Manager: Fabio Liverani
Transfers in: Romario Benzar (Steaua Bucharest, £1.8m), Brayan Vera (Leones, £720,000), Panagiotis Tachtsidis (Nottingham Forest, £450,000), Biagio Meccariello (Brescia, £90,000), Andrea Rispoli (Palermo, free), Yevhen Shakhov (PAOK Salonika, free), Simone Lo Faso (Palermo, free), Gabriel (Perugia, free), Antonino Gallo (Palermo, free), Diego Farias (Cagliari, loan), Gianluca Lapadula (Genoa, loan), Cristian Dell'Orco (Sassuolo, loan)
Transfers out: Salvatore Caturano (Virus Entella, £180,000), Luca Di Matteo (Teramo, free), Antonio Marino (Venezia, free), Andrea Arrigoni (Terramo, free), Andrea Morelli (Sanremese, loan)
Last season: Runners-up in Serie B
Few supporters need telling how difficult it will be for Lecce to hold their own against big-spe ndin g rivals this season. Like Brescia and Hellas Verona, they are expected to go straight back down having won promotion last year.
But a surge in season ticket sales and new arrivals in a host of positions suggests those who know the club best feel they can pull a rabbit or two from the hat in 2019-20.
They scored the second most goals in Serie B last season but life in the top tier will prove far more daunting a prospect and it will not get much tougher than opening with an away trip to face Inter.
Add to this that they face Torino, Napoli, Roma, Atalanta, Milan, Juventus and Sampdoria in the first 10 games and it would be a worry to see 30 points pass them by so early in the campaign.
Fabio Liverani lasted just seven games when he was in charge of Genoa but since taking charge of Lecce when they were in Serie C, consecutive promotions show the former Leyton Orient boss has the Midas touch in the region.
Stay up an d it will be one of the club’s great campaigns.
Lecce are favourites to go down but fans are hoping that the plucky underdogs can compete
FAN VERDICT – Marco Resta (@FootballLecce)
The expectations and the hopes for this new adventure in Serie A are largely to compete, trying to secure safety from relegation as soon as possible. The strengths of this team are the humility and cohesion of the group, fans and technical staff.
There is great enthusiasm among the Lecce fans, at the moment about 16,000 season ticket passes have been signed – crazy numbers that testify to the attachment and passion of the fans.
There is not one player that stands out more than the others, the strength of this team is the group. La gente come noi non molla mai!
Manager: Marco Giampaolo
Transfers in: Rafael Leao (Lille, £22.5m), Franck Kessie (Atalanta, £21.6m), Theo Hernandez (Real Madrid, £18m), Ismael Bennacer (Empoli, £14.4m), Leo Duarte (Flamengo, £10m), Rade Krunic (Empoli, £7.2m)
Transfers out: Patrick Cutrone (Wolves, £17m), Manuel Locatelli (Sassuolo, £9m), Gustavo Gomez (Palmeiras, £4m), Stefan Simic (Hajduk Split, £450,000), Cristian Zapata (Genoa, free), Andres Llamas (Pistoiese, free), Tommaso Pobega (Pordenone, loan), Ismet Sinani (Sicula Leonzio, loan), Alessandro Plizzari (AS Livorno, loan)
Last season: 5th
The heartache remains raw from last season, missing out on the top four on the final day – and with it Champions League football – to bitter rivals Inter.
Add to that supporters have had to watc h Conte’s side splash the cash while their own boss, Giampaolo, has had to be much more savvy in the market.
After five games as Brescia boss Giampaolo went AWOL. He did not show up for training, his phone was off and the club had no way of tracking him down. The pressure had got to him – that simply cannot afford to happen at a club the size of Milan.
Former boss Genaro Gattuso was often criticised for his inability to mix up his tactics and similar grievances have been voices about Giampaolo during his time as Sampdoria boss. But signings and the choice of manager suggest the club are moving in the right direction.
Functional, if rather unspectacular, players have arrived in the shape of Theo Hernandez, Ismael Bennacer and Rade Krunic and all will play a role in the manager’s preferred 4-3-1-2 formation.
The sale of Patrick Cutrone to Wolves has ramped up the pressure on striker Krzysztof Piatek, but after summers where they spent money like they were playing Monopoly, common sense has returned as Milan look to challenge the top order without the accountant working treble time.
AC Milan risk behind left in the shadows of big-spending neighbours Inter Milan this summer
FAN VERDICT – Marcello Furgiuele (@MilanWeeklyPOD)
Milan has acquired six new players and all agreed long-term contracts. Building for now and the future, youngsters who Milan hope can grow, develop and remain with the team for years to come in Hernandez, Krunic, Leao, Duarte and Bennacer.
With Inter splashing the cash, it would have been nice to sign a top player, but given the current financial situation with the club vis a vis FFP, it makes sense to spend in a smart, strategic way.
Giampaolo is changing Milan's formation from a 4-3-3 to a 4-3-1-2 and it will take time and patience to see the results of that. The primary concern of fans: does Giampaolo have the right profiles of players to fit his system?
Piatek hasn't scored since taking the No 9 shirt and he will also need time to adapt to the new tactics. With little time left before the window ends, Milan need to sell some players before getting any new ones. Without a bit more quality added to the team, Milan face a dog fight to battle for that elusive fourth Champions League spot.
The pressure is on manager Marco Giampaolo to coach players to be better than their rivals
Manager: Carlo Ancelotti
Transfers in: Kostas Manolas (AS Roma, £32m), Alex Meret (Udinese, £20m), Eljif Elmas (Fenerbahce, £15m), Giovanni Di Lorenzo (Empoli, £7.2m), David Ospina (Arsenal, £3m), Orestis Karnezis (Udinese, £2.25m), Michael Folorunsho (Francavilla, £900,000), Eugenio D'Ursi (Catanzaro, £900,000), Luigi Liguori (Bari, free)
Transfers out: Amadou Diawara ( AS R oma, £19m), Carlos Vinicius (Benfica, £15m), Raul Albiol (Villarreal, £4.5m), Roberto Insigne (Benevento, £1.4m), Igor Lasicki (Pogon Szczecin, £180,000), Roberto Inglese (Parma, loan), Alessio Zerbin (Cesena, loan), Filippo Costa (Bari, loan), Gennaro Tutino (Hellas Verona, loan), Nikita Contini (Virtus Entella, loan), Franco Ferrari (Bari, loan), Eugenio D'Ursi (Bari, loan), Michael Folorunsho (Bari, loan)
Last season: 2nd
Having seemingly come so close to beating Juventus to the title in 2017-18, last season came as a real disappointment to Napoli.
The Neopolitans had gone from behind four points behind to 11 points just 12 months on and similar will not be tolerated in this campaign.
Consistency sides with Napoli while their rivals find themselves adapting to the demands of new managers in Sarri and Conte.
Ancelotti has evolved a 4-4-2 system which is built on the defensive foundations set by star man Kalidou Koulibaly. Already one of the finest defenders in Europe, pairing him with Roma’s Kostas Manolas this summer really is a stroke of genius.
Links to Mauro Icardi continue to gather pace before the close of the window but Arkadiusz Milik is, for now at least, the man expected to deliver the goals.
While a lot of fans thought 2017-18 was their best chance to overthrow Juventus, this campaign really does seem like Napoli’s greatest opportunity to dethrone the Old Lady.
Kostas Manolas was the big-name arrival this summer at Napoli having joined from AS Roma
FAN VERDICT – Ken Cioffredi (@FarFromVesuvius)
Coming in to the 2019-20 season, Napoli are coming off their third second place finish in Serie A in the last four years. Carlo Ancelotti will enter his second year at the helm of the club, and the fans hope that Napoli's stability during coaching changes around the league this season will help their cause.
In the transfer market, Napoli have brought in Kostas Manolas from Roma to strengthen their defence, as well as right back Giovanni Di Lorenzo from Empoli, and budding midfielder Eljif Elmas from Fenerbahce.
The imminent arrival of PSV winger Hirving Lozano seems to be the clubs fourth purchase… and then there's those James Rodriguez and Mauro Icardi rumours that won't die.
Napoli stand to be competitive on all fronts this season and fans' expectations are higher than ever.
Carlo Ancelotti is one of the few managers to stay in his position in Serie A this summer
Manager: Roberto D'Aversa
Transfers in: Andrea Adorante (Inter, £4.5m), Gaston Brugman (Pescara, £2.25m), Mattia Sprocati (Lazio, £2m), Jose Machin (Pescara, £1.8m), Simone Colombi (Carpi, £675,000), Walid Cheddira (Sangiuestese, £84,000), Roberto Inglese (Napoli, loan), Yann Karamoh (Inter, loan), Fabrizio Alastra (Palermo, free), Luca Zamparo (Reggiana, free), Kastriot Dermaku (Cosenza, free)
Transfers out: Gabriel Brazao (Inter, £6m), Leo Stulac (Empoli, £2.25m), Antonio Di Gaudio (Hellas Verona, £1.4m), Matteo Brunori (Pescara, £450,000), Lorenzo Adorni (Vis Pesaro, free), Luca Zamparo (Rimini, loan), Abdou Diakhate (KSC Lokeren, loan), Cristian Cauz (Trapani, loan), Michele Fornasier (Trapani, loan), Jacopo Dezi (Empoli, loan), Walid Cheddira (Arezzo, loan), Giuseppe Carriero (Monopoli, loan)
Last season: 14th
Back in Serie A last season after bankruptcy saw them sent back to the drawing board, down to Serie D and a massive rebuild, from top to bottom, was required.
They fought their way back, season upon season rising through the leagues and back in the top flight, it proved surprisingly less turbulent than some supporters had braced themselves for as they finished 14th.
It was a season that has given them plenty to build on now. Look at their daunting trip to the Allianz Stadium as an example. Heroics from former Arsenal attacker Gervinho saw them impress as they salvaged a point in a 3-3 draw.
Roberto D’Aversa open against Juventus and anything close to as exciting as last season’s draw will be a hit with Calcio fans.
The key this season will be remaining competitive on multiple fronts. Going into the Coppa Italia at the third round stage, D’Aversa will hope a cup run materialises, while also looking to propel his players to a top-half finish.
Relegation should be off the cards.
Roberto D'Aversa oversaw a tense end to the season but will look to build on 14th place
FAN VERDICT – Giovanni Dougall (@Solo_Parma)
After the tense end to the season last year, I fully expect Parma to build on survival and have a more comfortable end to the campaign this time round.
D'Aversa has strengthened well by re-recruiting the likes of Roberto Inglese, Luigi Sepe and Alberto Grassi.
On top of these new recruits Parma have added strength in depth, something that was lacking last season, bringing in the likes of Gaston Brugman, Dejan Kulusevski and Andrea Cornelius.
D'Aversa has also added some quality to the squad adding exciting young french prospect Yann Karamoh from Inter as well as Hernani from Zenit and French defender Vincent Laurini from Fiorentina. I expect Parma once again to survive albeit a little more comfortable than last season by finishing in the top half of the bottom half of the table.
Manager: Paulo Fonseca
Transfers in: Leonardo Spinazzola (Juventus, £27m), Pau Lopez (Real Betis, £21m), Amadou Diawara (Napoli, £19m), Bryan Cristante (Atalanta, £19m), Mert Cetin (Genclerbirligi, £2.7m), Gianluca Mancini (Atalanta, loan), Jordan Veretout (Fiorentina, loan)
Transfers out: Kostas Manolas (Napoli, £32m), Luca Pellegrini (Juventus, £20m), Stephan El Shaarawy (SH Shenhua, £14.4m), Gerson (Flamengo, £11m), Ivan Marcano (FC Porto, £2.7m), Ezequiel Ponce (Spartak Moscow, £2.7m), Andrea Romagnoli (Spartak 2, £1.8m), Daniele Verde (AEK Athens, £900,000), Elio Capradossi (Spezia, £900,000), Christian D'Urso (Cittadella, £450,000), Daniele de Rossi (Boca Juniors, free), Lorenzo Crisanto (Alessandria, free), Steven Nzonzi (Galatasaray, loan), Rick Karsdorp (Feyenoord, loan), Lorenzo Valeau (Imolese , lo an)
Last season: 6th
Bleak. That is the word best used to describe how it all ended last season in the Italian capital.
While Lazio toasted silverware having won the Coppa Italia, Roma had far bigger issues to contend with as manager Eusebio Di Francesco – the man who took the club to the Champions League semi-finals the previous season – and technical director Monchi shipped out.
Club legend Daniele de Rossi was also out, opting to continue his career at Boca Juniors after Roma failed to offer him terms to stay, to the astonishment of supporters.
But things are beginning to look up for The Giallorossi under former Shakhtar Donestk boss Paulo Fonseca.
The side is bursting at the seems with some of Italy’s brightest young talents in Nicolo Zaniolo, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Justin Kluivert, Cengiz Under, Bryan Cristante, and Patrik Schick.
Few have yet to fulfil their potential but very few represent anything close to being unproven as the club eye a top four finish alongside the likes of Juventus, Inter and Napoli.
Edin Dzeko has agreed new terms and so any fears of being left light in attack have quickly disappeared. Pressure now lands at the door of
Fonseca to take this talented group – who added Jordan Veretout, Amadou Diawara, Gianluca Mancini and Leonardo Spinazzola – back to the Champions League.
Roma worked hard to keep hold of scorer Edin Dzeko with Inter Milan attempting to sign him
FAN VERDICT – John Solano (@Solano_56)
It's been a summer of change at AS Roma.
After the March departures of sporting director Ramon Monchi and manager Eusebio Di Francesco, Claudio Ranieri guided Roma to a Europa League place finish, marking the end to an extremely disappointing campaign It marked the first time since 2012-13 where Roma didn't finish in a Champions League place – as they were aided by AC Milan's European suspension due to FFP irregularities.
Roma welcomed Torino sporting director Gianluca Petrachi and manager Paulo Fonseca in June to lead this new Roma. Petrachi has been tasked with overhauling a squad rife with mistakes made by his predecessor – something he's done quite successfully to date.
The Giallorossi splashed out on a new goalkeeper in Pau Popez from Real Betis and also welcome the likes of Amadou Diawara from Napoli, Jordan Veretout from Fiorentina and Leonardo Spinazzola from Juventus. With a new manager and an overhauled squad, Fonseca will have the task of guiding Roma back into the top four. The Giallorossi are heavily reliant on Champions League income and they can't afford another outside of the competition. So the goal and the objective of AS Roma seems clear and obvious: it's Champions League qualification or nothing.
Paulo Fonseca is overseeing major changes on and off the pitch as the club makes its rebuild
Manager: Eusebio di Francesco
Transfers in: Emil Audero (Juventus, £18m), Jakub Jankto (Udinese, £13m), Fabio Depaoli (Chievo Verona, £4m), Alex Ferrari (Bologna, £4m), Julian Chabot (FC Groningen, £3.33m), Mehdi Leris (Chievo Verona, £2.25m), Leonardo Benedetti (Spezia, £800,000), Jeison Murillo (Valencia, loan), Gonzalo Maroni (Boca Juniors, loan), Morten Thorsby (Heerenveen, free), Marco Pompetti (Inter, l oan)
Transfers out: Joachim Andersen (Lyon, £22m), Dennis Praet (Leicester, £20m), Erasmo Mule (Juventus U23, £4.5m), Michal Tomic (MSK Zilina, £225,000), Federico Furlan (Ternana, £170,000), Marco Sau (Benevento, free), Gomes Ricciulli (Vis Pesaro, free), Denis Baumgartner (FK Senica, free), Abou Diop (Paganese, free), Rafael (Reading, free), Maxime Leverbe (Chievo Verona, free), Lorenco Simic (HNK Rijeka, loan), Vid Belec (Apoel Nicosia, loan), Valerio Verre (Hellas Verona, loan)
Sampdoria have taken another buy and sell approach as they push for a European spot
Last season: 9th
So reports in Italy say that Gianluca Vialli is leading a group of investors trying to buy the club this summer. Questions over the ownership of Massimo Ferrero have swirled all summer and now appear close to being answered.
There has been change in the dugout, too. Out goes Marco Giampaolo and in comes former Roma boss Eusebio Di Francesco, a man determined to rebuild his reputation after a sour end to life in the Italian capital.
A strong summer in the transfer market has seen Di Francesco make a number of astute acquisitions, none less than the loan capture of Gonzalo Maroni from Boca Juniors. The hope is Sampdoria can harness his talent to turn him into a star this season (with the hope, no doubt, of keeping him permanently).
It was the form of 36-year-old Fabio Quagliarella last season that helped Sampdoria to a ninth-placed finish. The veteran could not stop scoring en route to claiming the annual golden boot award.
Still in the picture, just, for Euro 2020, Quagliarella will see most of the burden land at his door to score the goals to have Sampdoria challenging for a spot in next season’s Europa League.
But if the evergreen striker is not given some more help this time round in a year he turns 37, Di Francesco could take the club back, rather than forward.
FAN VERDICT: Vito Doria (@VitoCDoria)
Although Sampdoria have gone through their usual buy and sell approach this summer, I still expect the Doriani to fight for a place in Europe.
A coach like Eusebio Di Francesco, who has experienced European football with Sassuolo and Roma, can make it possible. Fabio Quagliarella is still in great shape despite his 36 years and Di Francesco's attacking philosophy should suit the evergreen striker.
My concern is off the pitch with the ownership situation, which has been dragging on all summer. Sampdoria fans want club legend Gianluca Vialli to become the new president but current patron Massimo Ferrero has made negotiations difficult.
Manager: Roberto de Zerbi
Transfers in: Manuel Locatelli (AC Milan, £9m), Merih Demiral (Alanyaspor, £8.3m), Pedro Obiang (West Ham, £7m) Francesco Caputo (Empoli, £6.75m), Rogerio (Juventus, £5.4m), Mert Muldur (Rapid Vienna, £4.5m), Marco Sala (Inter, £4.5m), Jeremy Toljan (Borussia Dortmund, loan), Andreaw Gravillon (Inter, loan), Hamed Junior Traore (Empoli, loan)
Transfers out: Matteo Politano (Inter, £18m), Merih Demiral (Juventus, £16m), Kevin-Prince Boateng (Fiorentina, £900,000), Antonino Ragusa (Hellas Verona, £900,000), Stefano Sensi (Inter, loan), Pol Lirola (Fiorentina, loan), Luca Ravanelli (Cremonese, loan), Marco Sala (Virtus Entella, loan), Federico Ricci (Spezia, loan), Cristian Dell'Orco (Lecce, loan), Federico Di Francesco (SPAL, loan), Giangiacomo Magnani (Brescia, loan), Francesco Cassata (Genoa, loan) , Je ns Odgaard (Heerenveen, loan)
Last season: 11th
The fact Sassuolo finished 11th last season only tells half of the story. Just five points separated the club from the drop and the magnitude of that will not be lost on boss Roberto De Zerbi.
Home form is a huge asset to Sassuolo – they beat Inter on their own patch early on last season. But just four wins away from home is the scary statistic that De Zerbi will be determined to fix this time round.
And he will try to fix it having lost three key players in Stefano Sensi (Inter), Kevin-Prince Boateng (Fiorentina) and Merih Demiral (Juventus).
Journeyman striker Francesco Caputo feels like the key to it all in 2019-20. His 16 goals were not enough to keep Empoli from dropping out of the division last season but he more than caught the eye; a move this summer was never in doubt.
Caputo and rising star Hamed Junior Traore will look to haul a team into Europa League contention despite far inferior budgets and star names.
Roberto de Zerbi is overseeing Sassuolo's seventh consecutive season competing in Serie A
FAN VERDICT – Riccardo Bianchini (@BianchiniR8)
For a small city like Sassuolo, taking part in their seventh consecutive Serie A brings great pride.
A team like Sassuolo, which does not aim to win the championship but to secure safety early, must sell its best stars every year to finance itself and then we reinvest this money in other young players.
Sassuolo sold four of the starting lineup (Lirola, Demiral, Sensi and Boateng) and this created frustration for fans as having tasted Europa League football in 2016, we would like to return.
Manager: Leonardo Semplici
Transfers in: Andrea Petagna (Atalanta, £11m), Alessandro Murgia (Lazio, £3.15m), Igor (RB Salzburg, £2.7m), Mattia Valoti (Hellas Verona, £2.7m), Mohamed Fares (Hellas Verona, £2.43m), Davide Mazzocco (Padova, free), Gabriele Moncini (Cittadella, free), Marco D'Alessandro (Atalanta, loan), Karlo Letica (Club Brugge, loan), Etrit Berisha (Atalanta, loan), Federico Di Francesco (Sassuolo, loan)
Transfers out: Manuel Lazzari (Lazio, £10m), Mattia Finotto (Monza, free), Pasquale Schiattarella (Benevento, free)
Last season: 13th
Gone are the days where the men from Ferrara are simply looking to finish a point above the drop zone, survival being the only thing they looked to achieve.
Leonardo Semplici’s side h ave eyes fixed on a top-half finish in 2019-20 and given their attractive brand of football, it would be foolish to take that ambition off the table.
Their Stadio Paolo Mazza remains one of the smallest in a top flight across Europe but proved a difficult place for sides to go last term – Roma found out just how tough it was when they went there and were beaten. Juventus also lost there.
It has been a relatively settled summer in the transfer market given the club had no need to undertake major surgery on their side.
A kind early run of games will be welcomed by striker Andrea Petagna as he looks to warm himself up early in his bid to topple the likes of Edin Dzeko, Duvan Zapata, Fabio Quagliarella and Cristiano Ronaldo for the golden boot.
Leonardo Semplici is all smiles as he looks to carry SPAL into the top half of the table this year
FAN VERDICT – Max Callegari (Mediaset/DAZN journalist – @MaxCallegari)
Semplici means 'simple' and Leonardo Semplici, as Latins used to say, is a good case of 'nomen omen': a man who reflects the spirit of his name. With a fine style of play, he has guided SPAL from the Third Division to Serie A in two years. Now he is aiming to avoid relegation for the third year in a row.
However, this summer is proving to be far from 'simple' for the club. The stadium was put under judicial attachment for a month due to possible irregularities during last year's renovation works.
The transfer market and our season ticket campaign was heavily influenced by the case. Finally, SPAL will play its home debut in their stadium against Atalanta even if the squad has still to be completed. The best player of the last year, home hero Manuel Lazzari, has been sold to Lazio, while the Algerian left back Fares will be out for six months after injuring his left knee.
Former Atalanta winger D'Alessandro, Federico Di Francesco (son of Sampdoria's manager Eusebio) and Albanian goalkeeper Etrit Berisha seem to be good acquisitions but the best deal would be keeping the striker Andrea Petagna, who aims to improve his personal best having scored 16 goals last term.
Andrea Petagna was the money spinner and he will once again play a crucial role for the club
Manager: Walter Mazzarri
Transfers in: Cristian Ansaldi (Inter, £2.25m), Koffi Djidji (Nantes, £4m), Ola Aina (Chelsea, £9m), Simone Zaza (Valencia, £11m)
Transfers out: M'Baye Niang (Rennes, £14m), Adem Ljajic (Besiktas, £6m), Danilo Avelar (Corinthians, £2m), Gianluca Piccoli (Giana Erminio, free), Lucas Boye (Reading, loan), Eric k Ferigra (Ascoli, loan), Alessandro Fiordaliso (Venezia, loan), Matteo Rossetti (Avellino, loan), Alessandro Zanellati (AS Gubbio, loan), Manuel De Luca (Virtus Entella, loan)
Last season: 7th
If Walter Mazzarri has made Torino one thing, it is difficult to score against. Juventus’ city neighbours boasted the fifth best defensive record in Serie A last season.
Teams often found themselves blunted, out of ideas, when they visited the club’s Stadio Grande Torino.
Milan’s financial woes saw Torino replace them in the Europa League with a double-header against Premier League side Wolves standing between them and a spot in the group stage.
Should they overcome their English counterparts and make the Europa League, Mazzarri faces a real task juggling multiple competitions for a squad that has seen little depth added this summer.
Fifteen draws from 38 league games last season is a concern, as is the fact they won just four away games – two coming against relegated sides Frosinone and Chievo.
Find a way to turn draws into wins and Torino fans will dare to dream they can gatecrash the top four party.
Torino defied expectations last season, ending up in Europe, and now want to kick on further
FAN VERDICT – Dario Rossi (@da_rossi97)
At the time of writing, Torino has gone through the last preliminary round of qualifying in the Europa League and now face Wolves in the play-offs.
Much of the transfer dealings will depend on whether we progress through this play-off tie.
We need an offensive midfielder, a full-back and a back-up goalkeeper, but all of these moves should be done after the double header against Wolves. The team is strong and determined, after the first year and a half with the new manager Mazzarri.
The objective is to qualify for European competitions for several years in a row and, at the same time, to always strengthen the squad with both young and experienced players. Personally I would be very happy if we finish sixth in the championship and if we reach the quarter-finals in the Europa League.
Walter Mazzarri is changing expectations at the club as he pushes them on to European ties
Manager: Igor Tudor
Transfers in: Walace (Wolfsburg, £5.4m), Rodrigo Becao (Esporte club Bahia, £1.44m), Cristo (Real Madrid, £1.35m), Sebastien De Maio (Bologna, £900k), Nicolas (Hellas Verona, £700k), Ilija Nestorovski (Palermo, free), Mato Jajolo (Palermo, free)
Transfers out: Alex Meret (Napoli, £20m), Jakub Jankto (Sampdoria, £13m), Darwin Machis (Granada, £3m), Orestis Karnezis (Napoli, £2.25m), Molla Wague (Nantes, £1.35m), Emmanuel Badu (Hellas Verona, loan), Cristo (Huesca, loan), Simone Scuffet (Spezia, loan)
Last season: 12th
It felt like for much of last season that relegation, with every passing week, was looking more and more inevitable.
Fans are frustrated at the Pozzo family. They feel the owners are forgetting about them, instead focusing on the success of the other club they own, Premier League side Watford.
Udinese boss Igor Tudor will look to take the core group from last season and build solid foundations for which to enjoy a more comfortable campaign this time round.
Unbeaten in nine of their final 10 league matches last season, Tudor has tools at his disposal despite limited investment this summer.
Top six finishes are a thing of the past, for now at least, and a bottom half finish appears the more realistic target.
Igor Tudor (far right) cuts an animated figure in the technical area during a pre-season friendly
FAN VERDICT – Sonja Cori Missio (@SonjaMissio)
Do you know the Passenger song Catch in the Dark? It's about a man, in love with a woman, whom he doesn't understand, treats him terribly, and will never love him back. That is exactly how it feels to be an Udinese supporter.
I won't bore you with details on how the club has been around since 1896 and still hasn't won a major trophy, or how we instantly sell our best players the second a bigger club shows interest. And I won't give you sob stories about our owner owning a second club (Watford) that gets all the attention (and money/resources/players) or how we're on our 10th coach in five years.
Instead, I will tell you that all of that can be forgiven if Udinese become the club they once were. I am not even talking about titles or trophies, but just the ability to give the big guys a run for their money, without the Little Zebras being trampled over. This season, all eyes with be on captain Kevin Lasagna and winger Rodrigo De Paul as they try to lead the Zebrette up from the drop zone to at least mid-table mediocrity.
After a rocky pre-season, Udinese will need to focus on the defence (which is currently practically non-existent) and their strategy in front of the net. Individually, the players have the talent to get the job done; they just need to learn how to work as a cohesive unit to execute a plan. Or execute anything, really
Serie A winner
Juventus – 3/10
Inter Milan – 11/2
Napoli – 6/1
AC Milan – 20/1
AS Roma – 33/1
Atalanta – 50/1
Serie A relegated
Lecce: 1/2
Brescia: 6/5
Parma: 2/1
SPAL: 5/2
Cagliari: 4/1
Serie A top goalscorer
Cristiano Ronaldo – 7/4
Mauro Icardi – 7/2
Krzysztof Piatek – 15/4
Duvan Zapata – 8/1
Fabio Quagliarella – 10/1
Ciro Immobile – 14/1
*Odds provided by SportNation.bet
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Mercoledì 18 aprile alle ore 17.00 nel Salone Teresiano della Biblioteca Universitaria di Pavia, Paolo Brogi presenta il suo libro '68 nell'ambito della rassegna "Tutta colpa del '68?", una serie di incontri aspettando la mostra "Una storia militante". Discuteranno del libro con l'autore Assunta Vincenzo e Roberto Luzzi (ex operai Necchi), Candido Meardi (militante del '68), Francesco Lista. Presiede Lanfranco Bolis.
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Grande successo di pubblico ieri sera per la tappa di #Este del tour #Udc a sostegno del Sì al #referendum per l'autonomia del #Veneto del 22 ottobre. Ospiti della serata Roberta Gallana - Sindaco di Este, Francesco Peotta - Sindaco di Barbona, Paolo Oppio - Sindaco di Villa Estense, Alessandro Bolis Sindaco di Carmignano di Brenta, Vincenzo Gottardo Consigliere delegato Provincia di Padova, Sergio Gobbo, Assessore Comune di Este e il Prof. Mario Bertolissi Costituzionalista. Questa sera si replica a Gazzo (Pd) con il prof. Luca Antonini. Leggete qui http://bit.ly/2in6fkh
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New York... Taste of in color
#new york#colorful#colors#velvia#fujifilm#x-pro2#Fuji X-Pro 2#fujinon#Paolo Bolis#www.paolobolis.com#keeppicting#NYC#USA#US#street#urban#architecture
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