cryptiddeer · 9 months
I enter the fandom crossover tag. One is a mid-2000s kids cartoon that has slowly been replaced with fanon due to cool ideas but less than great writing, the other is a Comics/Cartoon/TV show/game/movies with over 70 years of history with various writers, and ever-changing canon, making it impossible to know every single little thing.
There is an interesting writing prompt for the crossover with a good amount of notes, indicating that other people liked this prompt and have written for it and/or recommended fics with similar ideas.
I enter the notes.
WHOOPS the first one I see is someone complaining about the prompt because either
1.) they don't like the core idea of the prompt
2.) The core idea for the prompt doesn't exist in canon
3.) One persons addition later in a large reblog chain doesn't align with canon
About half of the notes are some guy on a soapbox yelling about how this prompt is stupid and bad and people replying to tell them off for soapboxing on a writing prompt
Conclusion: I am begging people to learn Tumblr etiquette and scroll pass shit they don't like PLEASE
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suzy-queued · 2 years
Hi, I've published our short interview as the 15th bonus chapter (there will be 16 now) in my AO3 translation of These Foolish Games. Later it will appear on the Russian-language site. Suddenly you want to share :)) Iva
Ahhhh! Thank you for letting me know that this is up. Friends, if you'd like to read a quick interview with me related to These Foolish Games, you can check it out here (most phones allow you the option to read the page in your own language, I believe): https://archiveofourown.org/works/39366879/chapters/109175697 I'm so excited about this translation ... Pandar takes extra care to make sure the tone and phrasing are accurate. The interview is a fun touch!
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cderpivotless · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day!! 💝🍫🐈️‍⬛️🐼 #GatesuFestaHarada #PANDARS #CACAOCAT https://www.instagram.com/p/ConymSfymtX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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creations-bakster · 2 years
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🇧🇷Fursuit Mini parcial Mandíbula movel Olhos follow Par de línguas (1 Longa e 1 curta) Patas tamanho p . Pawpads com enchimento. Rabo longo 80 cm . Fursuit toda jo pelo longo com partes tosadas!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 Se interessou no meu trabalho. Me chame na DM venha fazer seu orçamento Gratuito. 🥰 (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪(⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠) Fursuit Mini Partial movable jaw eyes follow Language pair (1 Long and 1 Short) Paws size p. Pawpads with stuffing. Long tail 80 cm . Fursuit all jo long hair with shaved parts!! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 Interested in my work. Call me in DM come get your free quote. #fursuit #fursuitmaker #fursuiter #maker #kykyfursuits #criacoesbakster #bakstercreations #kyarabakster #furry #furryfandom #furryfandombr #furrybr #redpanda #pandared #pandavermelho #panda (em Guarulhos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUpa9xJYix/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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life-caretaker · 3 months
Working on personal logistics specifically pertaining to Batfam height stuff, so I have always liked the idea that Jason after coming back from the Lazarus pit would be taller than Bruce cause he would flaunt it (it would be funny).
But something a friend of mine pointed it is depending on the height he died at, and then throwing in the Pit at, he would have stretch marks. Which as a person who has stretch marks I think that would be awesome.
Research into Jason's height Pre pit shows that he died at 5'4"
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As seen here when Dick accesses files from the cave, and sees that Jason is dead.
HT 5'4" or 162.10cm
Then he's thrown into the Lazurus pit after coming back from being Comatose. Something I hate about the Pit is we don't have solid rules implacable for what the pit does, does it give Jason that white streak in his hair..? No, he bleaches it in (future state: Dark Detective 2').
My favorite theory from PandaRed is that post-death scars (his autopsy scar) remain after the Lazarus Pit because wounds inflicted after death aren't affected, the Laurus Pit only heals wounds, and scars procured pre-death, so any wounds he would have sustained during the explosion, or when he was hit with the crowbar meaning he gets to come back looking all pretty, and unharmed except for his autopsy scar, and the white forelock.
But what would this mean height wise, it is never mentioned that Jason has Stretch marks. I don't know if it's ever mentioned for any of the other Batfamily members either considering that what you need to prevent stretch marks is lots of water, moisturizer, and nutrient-heavy foods this makes sense with their training regime.
But Jason died at the height of 5'4", and in the comics, Jason is said to be two inches shorter than Bruce who is 6'0" meaning his revival height is 5'9" which with all of the muscle he put on still doesn't negate the fact that he could have formed stretch marks.
The real question is would they stay..? Because if the fact that he was thrown in the pit and it is water adjacent and holds healing properties we would assume that he would be in the right moisturizing environment for them to not form through the league wouldn't feed him well so all of his time spent Comatose where he's gaining muscle would mean he would gain stretch marks post-death. So if we go with PandaRed's theory they would stay.
Another thing that I have never understood is the scene we get in the comics where Jason is pushed into the Lazarus pit, the frames show him going in as a kid, and coming out as a fully grown adult. I believe this is symbolic because he is comatose when he enters the pit, and when he comes out of it he comes out alive and thinking, in this sense he was trapped in a child like state of mind before the pit.
How ever if we take this as he was short before he was shoved in the pit this means he grew in the pit, and again stretch marks could be plausible if it weren't for the fact that he is submerged in water. The out would be curing all his malnutrition from when he was a child meaning his bones would grow at the proper rate of a nourished child.
I personally like to believe Jason Todd would be 6'5" two inches taller than Bruce (6'3" Arkham games referenced), he would keep his autopsy scar, and would have stretch marks because I personally have stretchmarks, and think some more representation in that department would be cool (This is my opinion you don't have to agree).
Thank you for taking the time to read over my rant.
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guettaes · 3 days
there is a little problem. World of warcraft + call of duty Soap needs help. I don't know which species it belongs to. now it will be that I can choose which one to have, which one will be the most, but I will have to choose this again and again. there will also be a horde version to make sure that is also an option. then I will choose the ability (maybe).
I thought for so long which one fits. but i don't know!
you can choose any. whoever has more wins and there will be another election.
help me XD
if you don't know world of warcraft races. then feel free to watch videos to see how they look or as pictures. :)
horde side choise. <-
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myrfing · 4 months
actually here. if you order online from pandar express tommorrow (may 21st, chewsday) 28% of sales will go towards my judo club if you input the checkout code 923607. if you dunno what to get for dinner and are feeling a little bit teriyaki and such
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TBAB: we could add Bill the professional henchman to the world!, for context, Bill is a running gag from tiktok creator Pandared, Bill is a is unlucky enough to Hench for most of the criminals in Gotham and the batfam is on knows him (doesn't stop the beating him up but hey)
Oh absolutely
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toki-macross · 7 months
Welcome to Brain Rot...
Enjoy your stay... So... Brain was wondering. How chaotic it would be if some of the Into the Spiderverse (which I really need to see, so forgive any inaccuracies just know things from outsiders perspective, and old comic fan) Interacted with the Batfam. As it is already established by PandaRed, that Bruce would adopt Spiderman. XD But my brain started this train with the idea of Spider Gwen, and Spoiler... Two blond crime fighters, causing so much havoc together. And it got me thinking other interactions. Spiderman 2099, being a techy and from the future, might get all of Tim's and Barbara's attention. Knowing what to hack in the future would be important XD Also Figure since, (Miguel? Forgive, and correct me Spiderfans) seems like an intellectual, maybe he and Jason would trade book recommendations. And maybe Punk Spider, and Disco(Night)Wing might get along? Dunno much about Punk Spider other then his costume. Though all Spiders do seem gymnastic-y enough, that might make Dick appreciate them... or want to compete against them. Or both. ... Probably both. Milo and Damian might get along, as well as Damian would love to secretly love on Spidercat. And to round it out, Two tired Dad's, in Adult Parker, and Bruce. Sipping on mugs with "Universe's Ok'est Dad" for Bruce, and "Alternate Universes Ok'est Dad" For Peter. Though.... MJ and Alfred teaming up to feed the horde, could be super cute. And Mayday might love Alfred. Totally see him trying to learn to do things upside down, because she wants to spend more time. And well, probably isn't the first time. They re-enforced all the chandeliers before because of a 'certain' Robin.... So, at least the Manor is somewhat equipped XD
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solarsands · 9 months
I just want you to know that you are the most beautiful man ive ever s-
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Your going to lose social credit!!!
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psychologeek · 9 months
So, I decided to get some done on the "Narrative Paradigm" fanfic
(Core Skills AU, 4th sequel.)
Anyway, have fun thinking about this :)
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ID: a phone screenshot, a notification from "GoonionOffical" app
!!Red Alert!! "Attention everyone! We have Red Alert tonight. Resources say they are out for blood. If you can, stay inside and avoid reasons to be tracked down. If you can't, Remember to wear your Goonion (TM) pin on a visible place and avoid... " (three buttons under: Read More, Ignore, Cancel)
the Icon of the app and the photo of the notification is the Goonion Logo, from PandaRed.
It's a Balaclava-face, and around the phrase "FACERE MALUM STERCORE TUTO"
(Latin for: DO BAD SH!T SAFELY.)
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visenyaism · 2 years
L+ratio+knave+rascal+eater of broken meats+ base+proud+shallow+beggarly+three–suited+hundred–pound+filthy+worsted–stocking knave+ lily–livered+action–taking knave+whoreson+glass–gazing+super–serviceable finical rogue+one–trunk–inheriting slave+wouldst be a bawd in way of good service+art nothing but the composition of a knave+beggar+coward+pandar+the son and heir of a mongrel bitch+one whom I will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition🫵🤬
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suzy-queued · 9 months
Fic Writer Interview
It's been a couple of years since I answered this as a writer (rather than as an artist). Thank you for the tag, @energievie!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  Multi-chap fics = 5 One-shots = 3 Art Galleries = 3 Comics = 1 Unrevealed Masquerade Stories = 1 (which I will heretofore ignore so as not to give away any spoilers with my answers) Drabbles series which aren't on AO3 = 2 2. What’s your total AO3 word count?  466,541
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? These Foolish Games Under Lock and Key Estate of Blood and Trust Taking a Chance on Love Double the Pleasure, Triple the Fun
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love engaging with people.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Estate of Blood and Trust because it's still kinda raw and fresh at the end. They need some time for the dust to settle.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? The Birkenshire Trials because they got to have the longest life together.
7. Do you write crossovers? I haven't yet, no.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Hate? No. "Please explain yourself and why this character is acting this way!" Yes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, as an extension of the romance. Traditional smut. I haven't yet been brave enough to venture into more adventurous/kinky/weird smut, but I do so enjoy reading it.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I sure hope not!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Two of them: These Foolish Games and Under Lock and Key. Both by the amazing Pandar.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I've beta'd. And I've created art for fics.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Gallavich. Nothing else has come close.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Nothing fandom related. It's a fantasy novel that involved a four-armed woman who harvested giant beehives.
15. What are your writing strengths? Character growth and change. World building. Careful editing.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Tending to use the same phrases and rhythms again and again. Research (I do the bare minimum and know I get things wrong).
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I don't really find much need for it in the stories I've chosen.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Gallavich. Although, I did make Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics in middle school. Does that count?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? I can't think of any. I try to follow my fandom bliss and create what I want to.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? How am I supposed to choose between children?! Out of Nowhere because I'm immersed in it right now.
I'd love to hear your answers: @depressedstressedlemonzest @juliakayyy @gallavichgeek @whatthebodygraspsnot @metalheadmickey @notherenewjersey @sweetperversiongirl
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petitelepus · 1 year
Transformers World Of Warcraft Requests Are Open!
Guys, my passion for World Of Warcraft was revived by my comics that I decided to read one day again and then my WoW story and now I have been playing the game a little bit this past week since I got 7-days free play time as a gift.
I’m hooked, but I’ll be traveling soon a lot so I can’t play, but I can write!
So now I shall write about Transformers SLASH World Of Warcraft!
The Races I write about are following;
- Human
- Dwarf
- Night Elf
- Gnome
- Draenei
- Worgen
- Pandared
- Orc
- Troll
- Tauren
- Undead
- Blood Elf
- Goblin
- Pandaren
If you are wondering why there aren’t Allied Races, I know very little about them since I’ve only played a little bit of Kul Tiran’s story line and I STILL SOMEHOW HAVEN’T GOTTEN ZANDALARI TROLLS DESPITE DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT.
Here is a link to Official site where you can read about different Races in case you don’t know them!
If you wonder what Race you might be, here are WoW Race Quizzes I made couple years ago!
Alliance - https://www.quotev.com/quiz/13448115/Which-World-Of-Warcraft-Alliance-Race-You-Are
Horde - https://www.quotev.com/quiz/13448952/Which-World-Of-Warcraft-Horde-Race-You-Are
Then, the Classes I write about are following;
- Warrior
- Paladin
- Mage
- Shaman
- Priest
- Hunter
- Rogue
- Warlock
- Druid
- Death Knight
- Monk
You can see I haven’t listed Demon Hunter or Evoker here and that is because I know very little about these two Classes. I hope you don’t mind!
Basically, you can request pretty much anything that involves Transformers and WoW! Here are few examples!
“Former Gladiator and now a Warrior Megatron meeting and training young Gnome Reader to figth?”
“Ultra Magnus finding out that his lover had died in war and he finds them again but they are Undead?”
These are just examples and you can leave your own!
Also, depending if you guys WANT, I could maybe open WoW Race Matchups? Depending if you don’t like the Quizzes and want more detailed match made with just you guys in my mind, LET ME KNOW.
DO NOT Send me WoW Race Matchup Requests now because they aren’t a thing yet. I will do them, but only if you guys let me know that you want them.
Hey, let’s enjoy June and Summer guys!
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
So I was watching a PandaRed video when I remembered Tyler Hoechlin is in both Teen Wolf and Arrowverse. Then I started thinking, could I connect most of my favorite shows through the actors in them? 
Well this sent me down a spiral so now I’m going to spell it out, and in short connect most of my favorite shows, movies, and actors. I’m not even fucking kidding nearly every show or film I’ve ever adored connects to each other through enough convoluted pieces of metaphorical and literal red string. 
To start off we’re going to use Teen Wolf as a connecting point, the center of the board. That’s right, just imagine a big cork board Stiles Stilinski style packed with red string that’s what I’m laying out here.
From Teen Wolf we can diverge in a couple major directions. First we’ll take Tyler Hoechlin and jump to the CW. Using Tyler Hoechlin we get to Supergirl, and using the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover we get to all the major Arrowverse shows. Check them off the connection chart.
Using Supergirl we get, and this is rapid fire here. Chris Wood to Vampire Diaries, and take Candace Accola and Joseph Morgan and we get The Originals and Legacies too. That’s the TVDU checked off. 
Taking Katie McGrath gets us to oh yes, Merlin, and from there, oh we get many fun things. First off from Merlin we get Colin Morgan, who can bring us to Doctor Who, but we’ll get there later. Next up is Bradly James who gets us to Medici the magnificent, and oh wait just a minute good old Daniel Sharman, who I might add brings us back to BOTH The Originals and Teen Wolf! I’m not even kidding, it gets more fun from here. Also Katie McGrath was in Jurassic World so that brings our first MCU connection with Chris Pratt, but keep waiting there’s more. And AND! With Merlin we get Anthony Head who brings us to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who (Again!), and Scooby Doo (a Scooby Doo film I might add directed and written by James Gunn) via Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Sara Michelle Gellar, who is going to be in a spin off for Teen Wolf!!
Seriously I’m just getting started this is insane and I think I’m gonna have to split it up a bit. Before moving on from Supergirl (Yes we are still on Supergirl, and the CW). We must also mention Chyler Leigh who can connect us to Grey’s Anatomy. But again, we get there later and oh boy is it fun.
After Supergirl let’s just skip over most of Arrowverse, if I named every actor connection between all the major CW shows we’d bet here for a very long time but I will stop at Arrow’s Katherine McNamara. Because *rubs hands together* she gets us to Shadowhunters!!!! Because oh yes, Shadowhunters is fun, very fun. First off Harry Shum Jr. Ok, now not to mention the fact that he, Mellissa Benosit (of Supergirl) and Grant Gustin (of The Flash) are all in Glee (A show I have never and will never watched but I still got to mention it), with my favorite author of all time, Chris Colfer, is just, my gods we’re still on the first leg of this insanity tree it only gets more awesome from here. And as of recently, with dear Harry Shum Jr. joining Grey’s Anatomy, yet another link to TV’s longest running medical drama. 
Our final stop in the Shadowhunters territory is Luke Bains, aka my first connection the my favorite show of all time Marvel’s agents of Shield. Because, that's right Luke Bains popped up in season 7! I will also as a side not mention through Shield season 7, and Dianne Down I connect to Disney, and as such through the constant interconnectedness of Disney both Cole Sprouse and Zendaya, getting us MCU (again!) and RIverdale. Don’t ask for the full explanation of how this connects just look it up on Youtube and you’ll find massive crossover explanations. Moving on!
Now, with that first branch, yes first branch! complete we move on to our second, and our second branch from Teen Wolf is Adelaide Kane, who oh boy, brings us to many things. First there’s Reign, which gets us to Toby Regbo, who brings us back to Medici the Magnificent! (He also connects us to Fantastic Beasts but if I go down that habit hole its a while, short expo I’ve got Pirates of the Caribbean. And through good old Jude Law, the RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies. And also, Captain Marvel, and brings us to not only Clark Gregg, and another connection to MCU and AOS, but also! Also! Star Wars!) 
Ok *Takes Deep breath*. We've got a lot done, but there’s still more! back with Reign, before we get back to Adelaide Kane. Torrance Combs brings us to not only Supernatural and the Tudors (Which also gives us our first OUAT connection but I have a better one so put a pin in that). But also, full circle back to the Originals. Gods this is enjoyable. And again, skipping SPN cause I don’t need that kind of actor headache, we got most of my faves here. 
Side Note also Celine Sindeton was also in Medici so just, ya. And While I’m on the topic Medici connects auto Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings! Yes both of those fantasy jugecrnots via Richard Madden. And! via Sara Parish and Last Night in Soho we get to Anya Taylor Joy, and Queen’s Gambit (And also our first Thomas Brodie Sangster mention but we’ll get back to him in a minute) and Matt Smith, which brings us once again back, to Doctor Who! 
*another deep breath* The next connection is even better. Anna Popplewell brings us to Narnia, which brings us to, have you guessed his name? I bet you guessed his name. We’ve now reached *drum roll* Ben Barnes! And Ben Barns brings us to Shadow and Bone! Oh yes, I’ve brought it in. Via Amita Suman we also get to The Sandman and Doctor Who, which gets us to Jenna Coleman (who brings us to The Crown) and Patton Oswalt (who brings us back to AOS), and said show is written by good old Neil Gaimon. Who brings us to Good Omens and David Tennant too, but again, I’m getting so off track I still haven;t even touched Once Upon a Time yet. 
Narnia must also be mention because with Narnia we get to The Royals, via William Mosley (Said show gets us to Gossip Girl, somehow); Georgia Henly gets us to Spanish Princess which gets us to Downton Abbey and the White Princess, which gets us back to Shadow and Bone and also, Jodie Colmer, cause at this point why not (just play with IMDB to find more connection my brain is starting to hurt); and also yet again Game of Thrones, and this time adding Harry Potter, with Peter Dinklage and Warwick Davice. I can also bring in Elf now. Elf! I started with fucking Teen Wolf and now I’m at Elf!
Moving on! Adelaide Kane brings us to Grey’s Anatomy, again and short of saying everyone ever, let’s just stick to the ones that connect to shows I haven’t mentioned yet and jump to Millie Bobby Brown. Because yes she was in Grey’s Anatomy and yes I can now connect Stranger Things, Enola Holmes, the Witcher, and the DCEU.
Am I done yet? Am I free? Nope cause Stranger Things brings us to Jamie Cambel Bower, who brings us to Lilly Collins, who bring us around to Fantastic Beasts and the Tolkien movie. And so much more but I’m getting tired so I’m moving on again!
I’m gonna take a minute to mention all the MCU connection and say Tom Holland, the main AOS cast, and any Marvel actor you can think of including Karen Gillian are on the board. through Karen we get to Doctor Who, and directily back to Arrow and Legends via not one, not two, but three speerate actors. We also get to Torchwood which through crazy twists can bring us back around to Enolam Holmes and Agents of Shield! (Just look up the actors my brain can't remember their names by now).
Almost there, we’re done with branch two. Yes this was only brach two! And now we can move on to our final branch, Dylan O’brien, and eventually OUAT and the West Wing. Dylan O’brien brings us to Maze Runner and that brings us to two brilliant points. First Kaya Scodelario who brings us to pirates, Spinning Out, and more. Will Pouter, who’s also in Narnia. And the star of my childhood in every way Thomas Brodie Sangster! Oh this sweet precious darling brings us to not only Love Actually, and every British actor ever so just check the IMDB, but also Queen’s Gambit. 
Ok, ok, from here we take the Queen’s Gambit route via Doctor Who, back through Karen Gillian and get to the major MCU, through many films we get to both Josh Dallas and Sebastian Stan who get us to Once Upon a Time. but wait, we don’t even have to cause Once Upon a Time is reached from, who, well Adelaide Kane of course cause she’s in season 7, and no matter how much I fucking hate season 7 its Adelaide Kane and I adore her. From Once Upon a Time we get to the final of my fav shows, the West Wing, how? well by Richard Schiff of course, he was in season 1, 1! of OUAT. 
Now there are some things left out, Bridgerton, the 100, Warehouse 13, Grimm. Okay like give me a minute. Grimm is gotten to via Grey’s cause David Guintoli is in an early season. But we could also use Elizabeth Tolluch, a star of super man and Lois. Either way we’re there, and from there Sasha Roiz takes us to not only Warehouse 13, but also I kid you not the 2004 for disaster movie Day after Tomorrow, and Jake bloody fucking Gylenhall. That’s right he’s in here too. 
Now Bridgerton can be connected via Julie Andrews, somehow, likely via Aqauman, or at least that's the one I can connect with least amount of brain power. Bridgerton get’s us to Derry Girls and the british CSI (or show every actor will be on at least once) Midsummer murders, so just throw in MI5 while I’m here. 
The 100, takes a minute, but not really. Grey’s comes in yet again, with Isaiah Washington. From there we get the 100, but also via Henry Ian Cusick we get both Scandal and Lost so throw in a crap tone more actors from those. I’ve now tied in the Hawaii 5-0 and Magnum PI Reboots. And somehow, ABC’s Inhumans! Like how?! Richard Harmon can also get us to Blake Lively via the Age of Adelaide, and back, yet again to Gossip Girl!
What's still left to connect? The Great, how do I do this Nicholas Holt. I can either go via Anya Taylor Joy and the Menu or Tolkien but either way Nicholas Holt, The Great, and Elle Fanning are now connected to this insanity, somehow!
Rapid fire round now so I can squeeze in as many show as possible before my mind dies. Agent Carter via haley Attwell who brings us back around to Kira Knightly and like everything. Lilly Collins is in here through Either Downton or the Mamia mia Love Actually connection, which gets us to one of my fav films, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Anne with an E via Stranger Things. And Runaways via Stan Lee. 
With all that out of the way, we conclude this experiment? insanity trail? Lecture? I don’t know all I know is this is bloody fucking awesome and insane and just do with it what you will. There is no point, its just a long trail of every actor I’ve ever liked can connect to another actor and anther thing I liked and honestly I’m not complaining. Now all I need is more of this is new media and I’m all set. 
Also, if anyone wants to add on to my connections, please feel free. Like honestly, I beg you, make this insanity more insane. 
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missgossiper · 1 year
Dearest and Kindest readers,
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With the passing days and many arrivals, there is quite too much to discuss. But wait no longer! For here I bestow you hungry and needy readers the report you so crave.
It is said Love is a cruel game even with all it's passion. Hearts broken, and shards aglow like a shattered wine glass. It appears our well-known (and by well-known I mean the only one to find for miles mostly) Detective Sterling Edevane, @sincerely-edevane, has ventured off to the land of tea, biscuits, and monarchy—England. For it has been made aware our dearest sir is engaged. A celebration this would be if not for the heart he mercilessly ripped into, that was the Achilles heel of our dearest Chemical Romance fan, Vittorio Bouchard, @carnally-vittorio. Has anyone found that pesky, stealing anonymous yet? Or has Edevane revealed himself to be the true thief all along, just for the hearts of others?
In other news, unfortunately Miss Bennett has returned, @coribennett. Did anyone miss her? I certainly didn't. Perhaps she may find a new hobby outside of being foolish and naive, as to not know her dearest friend was also her greatest enemy all along.
I would make a remark towards the Collins family and however you may describe what is going on, but fortunately for me, it appears someone already has. Allow me to make way for our first article submission!
Who comes to mind when you think of the poster child of the outcome beastiality? I cannot think of any other suitable reason for such a complexion, or the attitude of a Donkey's Arse. All high and mighty on his thrown of a pedestal, too far High in the instep as to smell the wretched scent that follows after his words. Matching in scent and vocabulary, all too reminiscent of Shite. Someone ought to fly open the windows in every courtroom he steps into. If I hadn't already made whom I refer to most obvious with the description, allow me - the unfortunate case of Silas Collins. His words with so much equivalence to shite, it is surely the cause of all rat infestations and plagues throughout history. It is no wonder as to why he lacks any and all Bitches as to be so clueless about simple reproductive matters, what person of any good sniffer could bear the torture of his presence? Certainly not most. But forgive me, for I had forgotten the money he's been handed to since a babe, it is said his tears as he came into the world were dabbed away with dollar bills. Fitting for a spoiled prince, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver’d, action-taking, whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar, and the son and heir of a mungril bitch. So terrible are his lawful skills he brings shame to his very own alma mater. One would think him better suited for house maidening, yes? But you must always ask yourself, would he even be abled enough for that? One may never know, for he makes it impossible for anyone to underestimate him, considering you should already expect the lowest when dealing with such a Pompous Ass.
Upon the next bundle of rumors, shall I appear once more. Gossiping is amongst us, and I find it my duty to reveal it upon us.
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