#Pam and Rebecca were already walking around while most of the others were still in the pods
scenic-route33 · 4 months
Hey Aubrey wanna tell us what you mean by "a lot going on"? Wanna tell us why you're only telling Warren specific details? Wanna tell us more about those residents Warren mentioned??
Ok so. So.
We know Aubrey kidnapped Malcom and has him at Red Valley currently (eps 2x02 and 3x05):
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So we know for certain that Aubrey, Hester, Grace, and Malcom are at Red Valley right now.
But who's cryonest was also blown up in 2064 with 3 convenient survivors? Clive, Pam, and Rebecca's.
Some more fun quotes (WYWH 2 and ep 2x08):
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Aubrey appears to be coming full circle, she has the guy who started it all, and she's gonna be the one to end it. So what does that say about who else she might have here, that she doesn't want Warren knowing about?
I'm betting that, if none of them have died since waking up in 2064, Clive, Pam, and Rebecca are either at Red Valley or travelling to it. But if Aubrey wants to go properly full circle, she's also gonna try to get Bryony there (again, if she hasn't died in the last 44 years, we know nothing about what she's been doing). Obviously telling Warren about this would be a bad idea, so that's why he's on an info diet until they feel he's ready to hear it
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tinsley-goldsworth · 5 years
you live like that, you live with ghosts (chapter 1)
this is part of the ricky goldsworth case files series! read the first two books here!
read on ao3!
Summary: c.c. passed the test but does he have what it takes to keep his act up?
Wc: 1798
Tw: description of a severed head?? Kinda graphic 
a/n: just a friendly reminder that i have no idea how gangs work and i’m not sticking to the canon at all oops just imagine this as a separate universe from ours!  
C.C. expected more from Maizey. As an infamous gang leader, she should have arranged some sort of elaborate plan to meet with a new recruit. Instead, C.C. was told to simply wait outside the back door of an abandoned building. He shouldn’t have expected more or less to be honest as having a giant hideout was probably out of Maizey’s budget but a man can hope.
Ricky should have chosen C.C.’s outfit because C.C. was unsure how well he blended in. The absence of a coat bothered C.C. and his head felt bare without his fedora. He stood outside the back entrance of the building, waiting for Maizey as he was instructed. As he waited, C.C. tried to count how many words were graffitied onto the wall to distract himself from thoughts about meeting the person who killed Lucy. Finally, Maizey walked up to C.C. with her fluorescent green hair in a tangled mess and a gun still in her hand. She took out a key from inside her pocket and opened the door with it, walking inside and gesturing for C.C. to follow.
As C.C. walked into the building, what felt like a thousand eyes turned towards his direction as a bunch of people began to scrutinize him and without him saying anything. The air was dusty and it took all of C.C.’s willpower to not cough with every breath. Maizey shut the door and faced C.C., momentarily ignoring all the other people in the room.
“Now that you’re going to work with us, I have to set a couple of ground rules. One, we’re only going to help you take down Ricky and Night Night and we don’t see each other again. Two, no stepping out of line or not following the plan. Three, don’t go around telling people. I think that third one is a given. These are some pretty simple ground rules and there are more rules I can lay down later,” Maizey twirled the gun in her hand casually, as if it wasn’t a weapon and rather a toy. Her emotionless eyes stabbed into C.C. as she maintained eye contact so intense, one would assume she was trying to win a staring contest. C.C. nodded to show he understood and Maizey’s eyes turned towards the rest of the people in the room. “I suppose I should introduce you to the rest of the crew. Or let them speak for themselves.”
Maizey gave a pointed look at the guy with sunglasses and he stood up straighter, his hands brushing against the knife tucked under his belt. He cast a hasty glance towards the rest of the people before facing C.C., obvious suspicion flashing in his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses.
“I’m Brandon. Don’t get too comfortable around here,” Brandon’s brushed a lock of his mahogany red hair out his face and his lips were set in a tight line. C.C. glances at the plates of metal embedded in Brandon’s arm and Brandon’s glare only grew more venomous. The detective sealed his lips and didn’t ask about it.
“Mike. I agree with Brandon,” The guy with a worn swamp green fedora spoke, giving C.C. an equally unwelcoming glare. Even though his eyes were empty but young, the bags under his eyes signified that he was a lot older than he sounded. The backs of Mike’s hands had scars on them and his knuckles were bruised. C.C. definitely did not belong with this crowd of people but he just pushed his nerves aside and nodded calmly. He wasn’t too bothered by their threats as he faced criminals who claimed they would murder C.C. and everybody he loves once they got out of prison but the part C.C. was most worried about was keeping his cool at all times around these people.
One by one, each person went around and offered an unfriendly introduction and clearly, nobody wanted to work with C.C. They probably were all suspicious of his motives and were waiting to see if he was going to turn on them. C.C. was determined to not give them the satisfaction of being correct (obviously they were but C.C. couldn’t let them know) and didn’t react to any of their warnings as they expected him to. The last person to introduce themselves was Gene.
Gene was the most welcoming out of everybody and it was clear that he was new to the world of crime as C.C. noted the absence of any scars or marks on Gene’s skin. He was a rather bulky guy and had french-fry yellow hair that contrasted with his ketchup red shirt. Gene had on a pair of wacky glasses that took the edge off his appearance. He had greeted C.C. enthusiastically, earning him withering looks from the rest of the people.
After everybody introduced themselves, Maizey handed C.C. over to Gene to show him around the facility. Gene was more hyper when his colleagues weren’t around and he ecstatically ushered C.C. up the stairs into the upper level where the weapons were stored. Gene rambled on about his favorite weapons and which ones were the deadliest while C.C. glances at them wearily, hoping that he wouldn’t be forced to use them but knowing Maizey, he eventually would.
Then, Gene took C.C. to another room that had a case with somebody’s head in it. When C.C. first saw it, he was so horrified he almost stopped in his tracks. The head was of a woman and her eyes were open and empty. Her mouth was slightly open as if she had been caught off guard. Gene almost squealed with delight and walked up to the case, gesturing to it as he vividly explained, “This is the head of Pam! She was the second biggest rival gang, placing after Night Night’s, and she killed Brandon’s parents, Dan and Rebecca. She also killed Gebra, Maizey’s wife, and we took down their gang within a week! It was the coolest day of my life.”
“Sounds fun,” C.C. tried his best to sound energetic rather than horrified and Gene beamed, obviously buying the act. He continued to walk through the room, encouraged by C.C.’s approval, and rambled on.
“It was actually the first big thing I was part of! I just joined this gang a couple of months ago and I was only doing small things. It really was the best day of my life,” Gene smiled dreamily and C.C. decided that he really needed to finish this mission as soon as possible so the only psychopath he could be around was Ricky. Even then, Ricky was a reasonable psychopath, unlike the people in Maizey’s gang who apparently had a thing for cutting off people’s heads and putting them on display.
Once Gene finished his tour, C.C. returned to Maizey to receive more information. Maizey gave him a brief rundown of when to meet in the next couple of days and promised that they would take down the gang in the next three days. She didn’t give him a very specific plan and only vaguely explained that her plan consisted of attacking Night Night in their home base with their best weapons. C.C. had a feeling that if he pressed for more details, Maizey would start to get suspicious so he just accepted her hazy outline.
Gene was more enthusiastic about C.C. than the detective expected because after he talked to Maizey, Gene brought him over to the closet of clothing and explained that C.C. should change his look to look more intimidating for when they killed Night Night. C.C. barely got a word in before Gene tossed C.C. some clothes and ordered him to change into them. Reluctantly, C.C. changed into the clothes that Gene picked out for him. When he stepped out with his new clothes, Gene proudly complimented his outfit and when C.C. turned towards the mirror, he looked like a totally different person.
The jacket Gene picked out had a few specks in blood on it but made C.C.’s shoulder appear broader. The pants were a little tight but made C.C. seem taller, even though he was already ridiculously tall. Overall, the outfit made C.C. look tougher and more intimidating. C.C. thanked Gene and Gene beamed, joy practically radiating off his body.
Finally, it was time for C.C. to head back to his hotel and he set up the decoy body before heading out to meet Ricky in the dark night. Ricky hadn’t noticed C.C.’s outfit at first and asked, “How was it? Did you figure out the plan?”
“It was fine. They’re just a bunch of psychopaths that’s all. Nothing too bad. Maizey didn’t give me the specifics but she said the attack should be in about three days,” C.C. informed and Ricky’s mouth fell open slightly. There was a beat of silence before Ricky spoke up.
“Your outfit,” Ricky managed, looking C.C. up and down with emotion stirring in his eyes. C.C. blushed, feeling a little embarrassed when he realized he was so worn out he forgot to change out of the clothes Gene forced him to wear.
“Oh yeah, one of the guys there chose it for me. He said I’d look more intimidating-“ C.C. was cut off by Ricky kissing him passionately. He was caught off guard but reciprocated, feeling Ricky’s hands clutch the fabric of his jacket as their lips locked together.
“You’re so pretty,” Ricky mumbled between kisses, basically inhaling in C.C. as they kissed. It had been a while before the couple had gotten a chance to get intimate after Lucy’s death but C.C. didn’t mind Ricky’s passion. Unfortunately, C.C. couldn’t spend much time with Ricky so he had to pull away.
“I’m not too sure about the exact plans but I’ll update you when I find out more information,” C.C. promised and Ricky glanced at his watch, a frown appearing on his face when he saw that their time was up already. All C.C. wanted to do was kiss that frown off his face and hold Ricky in his arms forever, promising that everything would work out. But they were out of time and could only sneak in a quick kiss before C.C. had to leave to lay in his bed, lonely as usual. He just had to remind himself that after all this was over, he would be able to spend the rest of his life, undisturbed, with Ricky. At least he hoped so.
taglist: @hot-mess-writer @thesevensins-1990
chapter 2 is out now!
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