#Pakistan Media Ethics
risingpakistan · 1 year
اسی آئین کے ٹوٹنے پر سب خاموش
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ساری توجہ سیاست کی طرف ہے۔ ہمارے اردگرد جو کچھ غلط ہو رہا ہے اُس پر کسی کی توجہ نہیں۔ یہاں تک کہ ٹی وی چینلز کے ذریعے جوبے ہودگی پھیلائی جا رہی ہے اُس بارے میں کوئی بات کرتا ہے نہ پیمرا یا کوئی دوسرا ادارہ ایکشن لیتا ہے۔ پہلے اگر کچھ مارننگ شوزپر اعتراض ہوتا تھا اور شکایتیں ملتی تھیں تو اب رات کو چلنے والے انٹرٹینمنٹ اور مزاحیہ شوز کے نام پر معاشرے کی اخلاقیات کو تباہ کیا جا رہا ہے۔ جب ٹی وی چینلز معاشرے کی اخلاقیات کے متعلق اپنی ذمہ داری کو سمجھے بغیر ریٹنگز کی ریس میں سب جائز ناجائز دکھاتے رہیں، جب پیمرا پاکستان کے آئین اور قانون کے مطابق قابل اعتراض مواد دکھانے پر کوئی ایکشن لینے کی بجائے اپنی آنکھیں بند کر لے، جب سیاسی جماعتیں، پارلیمنٹ اور حکومت بھی میڈیا کے اس کردار پر بات کرنے سے ڈرنے لگیں، جب عدالتیں بھی اسلامی اصولوں کی بجائے مغربی اسٹینڈرز کے مطابق غیر اخلاقی اور فحش مواد کی تعریف تلاش کرنے میں لگ جائیں تو پھر جس نوعیت کی نشریات پر میں اعتراض اُٹھا رہا ہوں وہ معمول بن جائیں گی اور یہی کچھ ہمارے ہاں ہو رہا ہے۔ 
یقین جانیں انٹرٹینمنٹ کے نام پراکثر نیوز چینلز پر چلنے والے رات کے شوز میں ایسی بے ہودگی دکھائی اور سنائی جاتی ہے کہ ایک فیملی کے لوگ ایک ساتھ بیٹھ کر یہ شوز نہیں دیکھ سکتے۔ چوں کہ ان معاملات پر میڈیا کو کھلی چھٹی دے دی گئی ہے اور حکومت و ریاست نے عوام کی اخلاقیات کو تباہی سے بچانے اور معاشرے میں بچی کھچی شرم و حیا کے تحفظ کے لئے اپنے کردار کو بھلا دیا ہے چنانچہ گھر بیٹھے لوگوں کے پاس دو ہی آپشن بچتے ہیں یا تو ٹی وی بند کر دیں یا جو کچھ دکھایا جا رہا ہے وہ دیکھتے رہیں۔ یہ بے ہودگی دکھانے اور دیکھنے کا سلسلہ جاری رہنے سے آہستہ آہستہ سب دیکھنے والوں کو جو کچھ بھی دکھایا جا رہا ہے، نارمل لگنے لگے گا، اعتراض کرنے والے کم ہوتے جائیں گے، فحش اشتہارات ہوں، ڈانس، فلمیں یا ڈرامے، سب معمول کا حصہ بن جائیں گے اور افسوس کہ یہی کچھ بڑی تیزی سے اسلام کے نام پر بننے والے پاکستان میں ہو رہا ہے۔ اس کے پیچھے کوئی سازش ہے، پلاننگ یا کچھ اور؟ 
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اس بارے میں لوگوں کی مختلف رائے ہو سکتی ہے لیکن اس سب کا نتیجہ واضح ہے اور وہ ہے شرم و حیا کا خاتمہ، مغربی ثقافت کا تسلط، فحاشی و عریانیت کا فروغ۔ یعنی پاکستانی معاشرے کی مکمل تباہی۔ یعنی ہمارا معاشرتی ڈیفالٹ۔ کردار سازی اور تربیت کے نہ ہونے کی وجہ سے پہلے ہی ہماری اخلاقیات اور کردار کا بُرا حال ہے۔ ایک ہی چیز ہم میں جو بچی کچی تھی وہ تھی شرم و حیا، جس کو ہمارا میڈیا تباہ و برباد کر رہا ہے۔ ہونا تو یہ چاہئے کہ ہم اپنے معاشرے کی اسلامی اصولوں کے مطابق تعمیر نو کریں جس کی ذمہ داری آئین پاکستان ہم سب پر اور خصوصاً حکومت و ریاست اور تمام اداروں پر عائد کرتا ہے۔ تاہم آئین کے اس حصہ کی کھلم کھلا اور ہر روز خلاف ورزی ہوتی ہے، آئین کی اسلامی شقوں پر کوئی عمل درآمد نہیں ہوتا، جو آئین کے ساتھ سب سے بڑی غداری ہے۔ ڈپٹی اسپیکرقومی اسمبلی اگر تحریک عدم اعتماد کی قرارداد کو رد کر دے یا حکومت نوے دن میں الیکشن نہ کرائے تو شور مچ جاتا ہے کہ آئین ٹوٹ گیا، آئین سے غداری ہو گئی لیکن جب اسی آئین کی اسلامی شقوں پر عمل نہیں ہوتا اور معاشرہ سب کی آنکھوں کے سامنے اخلاقی طور پر تبا و برباد ہو رہا ہے تو کوئی کچھ نہیں بولتا۔ 
یہ اپنے اپنے آئین کا کھیل بڑا خطرناک ہے۔ آئین کی اگر ایک شق کی violation پر پاکستان کی سیاست، صحافت اور عدالت گزشتہ کئی ہفتوں سے بحث و مباحثہ اور ٹکراو کا شکار ہے تو پھر کیا وجہ ہے کہ اسی آئین کی اسلامی شقوں کی ہر روز کی violations سے کسی کے کان پر جوں تک نہیں رینگتی۔ آئین پاکستان اس ملک میں رہنے والے مسلمانوں کو اسلامی ماحول کی فراہمی کا وعدہ کرتا ہے۔ یہ وعدہ کب پورا ہو گا ؟ اس آئینی خلاف ورزی پر، اس غداری پر کیا کبھی ہمارا میڈیا، سیاست، عدالت بولیں گے؟
انصار عباسی
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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hms-tardimpala · 2 years
Favorite characters of 2022
For posterity, here are the characters I (re)discovered in 2022 that really stuck with me. I hope I can do this for several years and see if I can find a trend or if my tastes evolve with time. (This post's purpose is mostly to study myself, ngl)
Homer Jackson - Ripper Street
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All the characters in Ripper Street are worthy of this list, but I relate to Jackson particularly. He's a scruffy, alcoholic, genius, messy jack of all trades, a brilliant doctor and a broken human being. And he's bisexual, of course.
I liked him from the first second, but I really fell in love with him when this 19th-century doctor said "Oh by the way, there was semen in these men's rectums, but I didn't think it was important." and "I know big stevedores who would make you feel like a princess, Sergeant."
His story in the show is a beautiful, funny and tragic one I won't forget soon.
Fetch Phillips - The Fetch Phillips Archives
I relate to Fetch so much it's concerning. Guilt is one of the five emotions I have on speed dial, so... But it's also fascinating to see him grow and painstakingly become a better man. I love what Luke Arnold is doing with this character and the series.
I don't need to say much about him here because the Writers of Sunder City discord server is where I discuss him the most, but yeah, he makes the list this year.
Max - Black Sails
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She makes me think of Connor Walsh from HTGAWM because he looked out for himself and his loved one above everything else and wasn't above lying and manipulating people to achieve his ends. And the people I watched HTGAWM with disliked him just like they disliked Max when we watched Black Sails. But they forget that, among a group of murderers, Connor was the innocent one (I haven't watched S6 yet, don't spoil). He didn't kill Sam. He didn't crush a district attorney under his car. He didn't have a homosexual man deported back to Pakistan. He was just the mean guy of the group, was used to cover up these murders again and again, and nobody cared when it destroyed him slowly because he was "the mean guy". And I've seen plenty of people treat Max the same way.
She's the kindest, most compassionate character on this show. She values human life and all she wants is safety and happiness for herself and the ones she loves. She is one the best-written female characters I've ever encountered in any type of media.
Long John Silver - Black Sails
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I don't have words. I know him intimately. He's a complete mystery to me. He's burned into my mind. I'm not the same after watching this show.
An interesting thing is that I like all John Silvers so far. Tim Curry in the Muppets movie, Treasure Planet John Silver, book John Silver. But to me he will always have Luke Arnold's face, voice and body language. It's a character I won't stop thinking about for a long while. I might write a thesis on the character and his different incarnations someday, just to entertain myself.
Steve McGarrett - Hawaii Five-0
Hear me out.
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(Look at how fucking sad he looks in that uniform I love it)
I know this show is mediocre on average, I know it's copaganda and the ethics of it are dystopian. It's so far from my political views you'd think I'm joking.
But I still love it.
And while Danny used to be my favorite character, I now relate to Steve more. My whole life, I've wanted to be a soldier. Because of my relationship with my father, because of my transness, and for other bullshit reasons. I have now given up on this aspiration because of health issues (and other stuff), with great regret. So when I see in a show a man like Steve, who didn't necessarily enlist for the right reasons, who exists through his usefulness to his community - his found family - and who shares my issues with showing emotion/letting people in, feeling worthy on one's own, and being terrified of being alone, when I see that man grow, find love and learn to open up and live his own life... Well I just turn off my critical mind a little and enjoy the ride. And it's fine. I just love this character 🤷
Out of these five, at least three are queer (all of them if you count headcanons)
80% of them are cis men. I don't think it's for lack of encountering and liking characters of other genders, it's just what I liked this year
Boy, this hasn't been a great year reading-wise, on the whole (with a few stellar exceptions)
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Pakistani Designers: A Fusion of the Traditional and Contemporary
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Pakistani designers dominate the world of fashion, enthralling audiences in Pakistan and abroad. Their unique designs and their identification with Pakistan's rich heritage inspire them to create beautiful clothes that represent Pakistani aesthetics. Shireen Lakdawala can be mentioned in this context, as she is known for the beauty of her pearls, and also famous for creating beautiful pieces. The author of this article discusses Pakistani fashion designers. She focuses on their trends, favourite creations and unquestionable ability to create trends.
Pakistani Designers as Visual Culprits and Artists in a Creative Landscape
Pakistani fashion is colorful, kaleidoscopic and rich in culture and tradition. Pakistani designers have the ability to incorporate traditional themes with modern styles, so that everyone can find something to their liking. The designers never get bored, as they are always experimenting with bold colors or embroideries.
Shireen's Lakdawala deserves to be praised for the brilliant way she has incorporated traditional patterns into modern silhouettes. With delicate embroidery, she attempts to capture the sense of aesthetics in Pakistani designs. Pakistani designers put a lot of effort into producing high-quality work, and the material she uses in her collections is proof.
The World is Taking Notice of Pakistani Designer Clothing
Designer outfits worn by Pakistani women are considered to be bad dress and fashion. They are made up of an array of different fabrics, trims and textures that make them very versatile. Now, fashionable Pakistani clothing designers can be found for any occasion.
Dinner wear Pakistani attires are among the modern fashion trends which have been gaining attention in recent years. This includes formal and casual outfits with the aim to achieve a certain status. Of course, the apparels are enhanced with quality fabrics that have beautiful embroidery. Shireen Lakdawala’s formal collection, for instance, is made of dresses with detailed embroidery or formal shalwar-kameez that exude class.
They are easy to wear in both a formal and casual setting, which is why they're a popular choice in many peoples' wardrobes. Pakistani designer clothing is perfect for any occasion.
This phenomenon may make it very interesting and useful to look at the details of how Pakistani clothes influence global fashion trends.
The impact of many Pakistani fashion designers is being felt on the global market. Pakistani fashion is becoming more popular because celebrities and other influential individuals are sporting it.
Shireen Lakdawala is one of the fashion designers who has such an inclination. Shireen Lakdawala attends fashion week and works with collaborations which push Pakistani fashion to be more recognized. It makes them more appealing to people outside of Pakistan, because they're able to create new designs using elements from the past.
Social media networks also became a powerful tool to help these designers grow and disseminate their work. Instagram and Pinterest both can be seen as virtual examples of Pakistani designers' extrapolations on trends and style.
Fashion that embraces sustainability
Sustainability in fashion has been a refreshing change for many Pakistani designers. The integration of eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods in designs is evidence that more people have become aware of environmental issues. This dedication also gives the Pakistani designer clothes a stylish look while developing an equal concern for the wellbeing of the planet.
Shireen Lakdawala for instance shows the sustainability of culture when she uses locally available materials, and supports traditional craftsmen. It is not just a way to preserve crafts, but it also helps the wearer understand the story behind the piece.
Conclusion: In light of increasing consumer demand for Pakistani apparel and the increased market acceptance, it is safe to conclude that Pakistani Fashion has a bright future.
According to this article, the future for Pakistani Fashion is bright. Many designers experiment with new designs while staying true to traditional styles. Pakistani designers are well positioned to succeed in this competitive market. With fashion trends constantly evolving and new markets demanding more diversity and innovative styles, they have an outstanding chance.
Shireen's Lakdawala has given the architectural world new perspectives. More people will be attracted by this combination of traditional art with modern design. Check out the amazing designs these designers can create for you if you're a fan of Pakistani fashion. They have stunning formal outfits and dresses for Pakistani occasions.
Pakistani designers, who live in a society where fashion has become a form of passion for many people, are not just grabbing their share of the global market. They are also spreading the word about the culture of Pakistan and their potential talent. Find out more about these fashion innovators by visiting the hypnotic selections below.
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artapprecationblog · 1 month
Hi, I'm Savannah! One fact about me is that I love spending my money on travel and clothes. 
5 Facts about Shahzia Sikander's, "Hood’s Red Rider #2" 
 1. A majority of Sikander's work is similar to manuscript paintings.
 2. Sikander's goal in this painting was to contradict "passive" characterizations of women in well known stories. 
 3. "Hood's Red Rider" was done on wasli paper, which is specifically made for miniature paintings.
 4. Sikander was born in Pakistan, but European and American stories were a big part of her childhood. 
 5. Sikander combines cultures in this painting, as she paints Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood to be more heroic figures like Durga, a Hindu goddess.
When I first looked at the painting, I was overwhelmed with everything that was going on in it, and honestly I still am just a bit. After learning the inspiration and backstory however, I can make sense of the symbols that I thought were just random lines beforehand. I see many more figures of people and animals that I didn't recognize at first glance. While the piece is very busy, it's fun to find something new in it at each examination.
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Shahzia Sikander's, "Hood's Red Rider No. 2", 1997.
2. This piece of art has been in our family for quite some time, and while we don't always have room for it, we found a space to put it in our most recent move. I'm not exactly sure what media was used to create it: I will assume a type of paint. We put it in our living room to add some ambiance and color. I find the work beautiful because for one, I find anything that involves nature to be beautiful. Second, some of my favorite colors are used in this painting.
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3. My written self-portrait: I am a 19 year old girl from Palmetto, Florida. I don't know what my ethnicity is but my family ancestry dates back to Ireland and Scotland. I work at Starbucks most of the time I'm not in school, but when I'm doing neither, I like to shop and go to the beach. Something that makes me uniquely me is my work ethic, whether that relates to school assignments or working for money.
4. Self Portrait
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sanjio879 · 2 months
Cricket: A Glorious Game of Tradition and Skill
Cricket is more than just a sport; it is a cultural phenomenon that resonates deeply with millions of fans around the globe. Originating in England, the game has evolved into a global spectacle with a rich history, diverse formats, and significant cultural impact. This essay delves into the origins, evolution, and significance of cricket, exploring how it has grown to become a beloved pastime for many.
Origins and Evolution
Cricket's roots trace back to the 16th century in England, where it was first played as a village game. By the 17th century, it had become popular among the gentry and was played with formal rules. The establishment of the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) in 1787 marked a pivotal moment in the sport’s history, as it set down the first official rules of cricket. This period also saw the introduction of the iconic Ashes series between England and Australia, which remains one of cricket's most celebrated rivalries.
Online Cricket ID spread beyond the British Isles to various parts of the world, including Australia, South Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. The game's international expansion was significantly bolstered by the British Empire’s colonial reach. In 1909, the Imperial Cricket Conference was founded, which later evolved into the International Cricket Council (ICC), governing the global aspects of the game.
Formats and Gameplay
Cricket is played in several formats, each with its own unique appeal. The traditional format is Test cricket, which is played over five days, with each team having two innings. Test matches are known for their strategic depth, endurance, and the opportunity for players to showcase their skill over an extended period.
One-Day Internationals (ODIs) emerged in the 1970s as a shorter, more dynamic format. Each team plays a fixed number of overs (50), leading to a result within a single day. The advent of Twenty20 (T20) cricket in the early 2000s revolutionized the game with its fast-paced, action-packed style. T20 matches are limited to 20 overs per side, making them ideal for a shorter time frame and attracting a broader audience.
Cultural and Social Impact
Cricket has a profound cultural significance, particularly in countries like India, Pakistan, Australia, and South Africa. In India, cricket is often referred to as a religion, with players like Sachin Tendulkar and Virat Kohli being celebrated as national heroes. The Indian Premier League (IPL) has further elevated the sport’s status by combining cricket with entertainment, drawing massive crowds and media attention.
In Australia and England, cricket is deeply embedded in the national identity. The Ashes series, for instance, is more than a mere sporting contest; it is a historical and cultural event that captures the imagination of the public. In South Africa, cricket played a role in the post-apartheid era, uniting people across different communities.
Cricket also promotes values such as sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline. The game’s ethos emphasizes respect for opponents and the spirit of fair play. The emphasis on integrity and ethical conduct is integral to the sport, as demonstrated by various initiatives and codes of conduct implemented by cricketing boards.
Challenges and Future
Despite its rich history and widespread popularity, cricket faces several challenges. The sport's traditional formats are struggling to compete with the fast-paced entertainment options available today. The issue of player burnout, especially in formats like Test cricket, is also a concern. Additionally, the commercialization of the game raises questions about the balance between entertainment and the sport's traditional values.
However, cricket's adaptability is its strength. Innovations such as T20 cricket and the introduction of technology like the Decision Review System (DRS) have helped the game evolve. The expansion of the sport into new regions and the increasing focus on women's cricket are promising developments that indicate a bright future.
Cricket, with its rich heritage and evolving nature, remains a sport that captivates and unites people across the globe. Its origins in England and subsequent global journey have created a diverse and dynamic game that continues to inspire and entertain. As cricket navigates the challenges of modernity, its enduring appeal and the values it represents ensure that it will remain a cherished sport for generations to come.
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alfalahhost92 · 2 months
The Rise of Professional Video Editing in Pakistan
The demand for Professional Video Editing in Pakistan has seen a significant surge in recent years. As digital media continues to expand its reach, businesses and individuals alike are recognizing the importance of high-quality video content. Whether it’s for corporate purposes, social media, or personal projects, expertly edited videos can make a world of difference in how content is perceived.
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The Importance of Professional Video Editing:
Professional Video Editing in Pakistan ensures that the final product is polished and engaging. Skilled video editors can transform raw footage into compelling stories that captivate audiences. This process involves not just cutting and trimming videos, but also adding effects, transitions, soundtracks, and color corrections to enhance the overall quality.
In Pakistan, there are numerous companies and freelancers offering top-notch video editing services. These professionals are equipped with the latest software and techniques to deliver exceptional results. Professional Video Editing in Pakistan is not just about technical skills; it’s also about understanding the client's vision and bringing it to life.
Commercial Video Services in Pakistan:
The realm of Commercial Video Services in Pakistan is expanding rapidly. Businesses are increasingly turning to video content to market their products and services. From promotional videos and advertisements to training videos and corporate presentations, commercial video services cover a wide array of needs.
Types of Commercial Video Services:
Promotional Videos: These are designed to highlight a product, service, or event. They are often used in marketing campaigns to attract potential customers.
Corporate Videos: These include company profiles, training videos, and internal communications. They are essential for building a brand’s identity and keeping employees informed.
Event Coverage: Recording events such as conferences, seminars, and product launches. These videos can be used for promotional purposes or as a record of the event.
Social Media Videos: Short, engaging videos tailored for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. These are crucial for engaging with a broader audience online.
Training and Educational Videos: Used by companies to train employees or by educational institutions to provide learning materials.
The professionals providing Commercial Video Services in Pakistan are adept at understanding the unique needs of different businesses and crafting videos that meet those needs. With the rise of digital marketing, the importance of high-quality commercial videos cannot be overstated.
Choosing the Right Service Provider:
When it comes to choosing a provider for Professional Video Editing in Pakistan or Commercial Video Services in Pakistan, it's essential to consider a few key factors:
Portfolio: Review their previous work to gauge their style and quality.
Experience: Experienced professionals are more likely to deliver high-quality results.
Client Testimonials: Feedback from previous clients can provide insights into their reliability and work ethic.
Technology: Ensure they use the latest software and equipment to produce top-notch videos.
Communication: Effective communication is crucial to ensure your vision is accurately translated into the final product.
One such reliable service provider in Pakistan is Alfalah Host. They offer a wide range of services, including Professional Video Editing in Pakistan and Commercial Video Services in Pakistan. You can learn more about their offerings at their website: www.alfalahhost.com.
The video production industry in Pakistan is thriving, with Professional Video Editing in Pakistan and Commercial Video Services in Pakistan playing pivotal roles in this growth. As more businesses and individuals recognize the power of video content, the demand for skilled professionals continues to rise. Whether you're looking to create captivating promotional videos or need polished corporate presentations, the right video production services can make all the difference. Explore the services of established providers like Alfalah Host to ensure your video content stands out in a crowded digital landscape.
Location: Plot No، 62-A Murree Rd, A Block Block A Satellite Town, Rawalpindi, Punjab 45000, Pakistan
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fanona1 · 2 months
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Newsletter Archive: July 22, 2024
World Bank Advisor Praises Pakistan’s Digital ID Push
Didi Rankovic
If you’re tired of censorship and surveillance, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.
The introduction of digital public infrastructure (DPI) – that’s the buzzword preferred by the EU, the UN, WEF, and Gates Foundation, as they push for digital ID and payments – has been making good progress in Pakistan.
And a blog post on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website praises this as a development “transforming lives” (namely, in a positive manner).
The post is authored by some of the usual suspects – representatives of the World Bank and the UN-based “Better Than Cash Alliance” and is especially focused on the fact Pakistan has so far issued digital ID cards to over 240 million citizens.
World Bank’s DPI technical adviser Tariq Malik and Better Than Cash Alliance’s Prerna Saxena write that Pakistan’s “digital transformation” has the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) at its core.
Various elements of the controversial DPI scheme are at this time “tested” in less developed countries around the world (referred to in the article as “a select group of nations”), and invariably, the benefits of DPI are advertised as helping, in particular, (financially) underprivileged communities.
The take on what is currently going on in Pakistan is no different: NANDRA’s Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) integrates digital ID with opening bank accounts, getting a driver’s license, social welfare, etc.
What an opponent may see as dangerous (privacy, but also security-wise) centralization of people’s identities and activities, opening up enormous possibilities for mass surveillance – is “seamless identity authentication for every citizen” as far as the WEF blog post authors are concerned.
Here’s an interesting piece of information: “Within four years of launching the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) – a social protection initiative to alleviate poverty – CNIC issuance to adults increased by 72%,” the article says.
And during Covid, it proved useful in managing lockdowns by transferring $75 to 12 million households (this was supposed to sustain them for three months.)
Drawing conclusions from Pakistan’s “success story,” the authors stress the need to ensure that regardless of who is in power, they remain committed to implementing DPI, and push for its adoption with “robust legal frameworks.” Last – and probably, really last, as far as fervent DPI proponents go – there’s a mention of “ethical principles.”
Meanwhile, Pakistan’s DPI project is next expected to produce a nationwide digital health records system, among several other initiatives.
If you’re tired of censorship and surveillance, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.
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thomasrist · 10 months
Bribery and bigotry: how Qatar marred the “World’s Game”
The FIFA World Cup, the summit of international football, is a celebration of sport that transcends borders, cultures, and languages, represents unity and inclusivity, and brings together nations from around the globe for a month-long festival of competition and camaraderie. However, the 2022 World Cup in Qatar was marred by controversy, and evidence that FIFA were willing to sacrifice the very foundations of the World Cup in pursuit of profit and power.
Qatar's Bid: A Controversial Start
The controversy surrounding the 2022 World Cup began with Qatar's successful bid in 2010. The decision to award the tournament to the tiny Middle Eastern nation raised eyebrows from the outset. Qatar’s senior men’s team were ranked 86th in the world at the time, below the likes of Oman and Zambia. Plus, the country had just two stadiums with a capacity higher than 20,000, which brought their ability to host a World Cup into question.
Critics also pointed to concerns about the extreme summer temperatures in Qatar, reaching well over 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), which posed serious health risks to players and fans alike. To address this, FIFA made the unprecedented move of rescheduling the tournament to November and December, disrupting the regular football calendar. While the decision aimed to ensure the safety of participants, it underscored the willingness of FIFA to bend to the demands of the host nation, despite putting the inclusivity of fans accustomed to the traditional June-July schedule at risk.
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Additionally, at the start of 2011, just a few months after Qatar were announced as the hosts of the 2022 World Cup, Lord Triesman of the English FA tabled accusations of bribery on the part of two FIFA Executive Committee members. In his testimony to the UK parliamentary inquiry board in May 2011, Lord Triesman purported that both Jack Warner of the Trinidad and Tobago FA and Nicolas Leoz of the Paraguay FA demanded financial compensation for their votes in favour of the Qatari bid.
Despite these claims never being proven, the topic of bribery has stayed closely linked to Qatar’s bid. Leaked documents seen by the Sunday Times revealed that the Qatari state-owned television channel beIN Sport (formerly known as Al Jazeera) offered a total of $500 million for the rights to broadcast the tournament just 21 days before Qatar was announced as the hosts of the 2022 World Cup. Showing that the Qatari media already had knowledge of their bid winning before the announcement, outlying the potential that there may have been corruption at play. This completely sullies the integrity of Qatar’s World Cup and draws FIFA’s integrity into question, in addition to their commitment to making the World Cup as ethical as possible.
Human Rights Violations: The Dark Underbelly
As preparations for the World Cup rumbled on, reports of human rights abuses and labour exploitation reared their heads. The BBC reported that The Qatari government hired 30,000 foreign labourers to build the World Cup stadiums, most of which came from Bangladesh India Nepal and the Philippines. Qatar's reliance on migrant workers to build the infrastructure for the tournament led to allegations of inhumane working conditions, poor living conditions, and the violation of basic labour rights. These allegations gained momentum when The Guardian reported that 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka had died since Qatar won its World Cup bid in 2010.
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Upon further enquiry, it was revealed that ‘The Kafala system’ is largely at fault for the mistreatment of these migrant workers. The Kafala System ties migrant workers to their employers, has come under intense scrutiny. This system allows for the exploitation of vulnerable workers, who often face passport confiscation, restricted movement, and inadequate legal recourse. These violations of basic human rights raise ethical questions about FIFA's choice of Qatar as a host nation and their commitment to inclusivity.
Exclusion of LGBTQ+ Community
Qatar's conservative stance on LGBTQ+ rights has provided the largest source of contention. The country's strict laws criminalise homosexuality as well as campaigning for LGBTQ+ rights, and despite the Qatari government’s assurances that all fans would be welcome regardless of sexual orientation, concerns about the safety and inclusivity of LGBTQ+ individuals attending the World Cup persist.
In January 2022, openly gay Australian footballer Josh Cavallo stated he would welcome the World Cup happening in Qatar if it could become a catalyst for the laws to be changed, describing this possibility as "a fantastic opportunity" for the nation to open it’s doors to the LGBTQ+. Cavallo had previously expressed fear of travelling to the nation before the organising committee told him he would be welcome. Therefore the opportunity was there for FIFA to really break boundaries by making the Far East a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community.
Prior to the tournament Gianni Infantino even went as far as stating “Let me repeat it clearly: Everyone will be welcomed to the tournament, regardless of their origin, background, religion, gender, sexual orientation or nationality”. Many football fans have said they were refused entry into World Cup Stadiums whilst wearing rainbow colours. Former Wales professional soccer player Laura McAllister tweeted that she was refused entry to a FIFA stadium by security officials Monday because she was wearing a rainbow-themed supporters’ hat. McAllister said she was told by officials that the rainbow symbol was forbidden.
In December 2022, The BBC published a report based on interviews with LGBTQ+ fans from Qatar and from Western nations. It examined the impact that the attitude of the organising committee and FIFA had towards LGBTQ+ rights during the World Cup had on supporters' feelings on football culture and homosexuality in football. A lot of fans stated that they had previously felt that the footballing world was at or approaching a positive and supportive place in terms of accepting LGBTQ+ fans and players. The attitude of the British was that fans considered LGBTQ+ people being treated equally to be an uncontroversial matter of fact, and a fundamental human right, with fans having become used to seeing overt support from the footballing world. However, seeing FIFA allow LGBTQ+ rights to revert to a debate, and one based on culture rather than human rights, these fans were shocked; the BBC also noted that there was shock at Infantino repeatedly saying that people who wanted FIFA to condemn Qatar's stance on LGBTQ+ rights were only trying to stir a culture war.
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FIFA, in its pursuit of profit, has been criticised for not doing enough to address this issue, and in some cases went to some lengths to avoid the issue being addressed. A number of captains of European nations (Wales, England, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland), had planned to wear a ‘OneLove’ armband to “promote inclusion and send a message against discrimination of any kind”. However, on the 21st of November (after the tournament had already started), the football associations of the aforementioned nations were told that any player who donned the armband would receive a yellow card.
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FIFA was heavily criticised by fans and the football associations, for making the captains of the nations choose to either represent their countries or speak out against Qatar’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws. Pride in Football, an LGBTQ+ supporters group spoke out against FIFA and also lamented the players for not following through with the gesture,  "A token gesture from the start that has turned into another embarrassment from FIFA. FIFA have had since September to sort this, and yet they wait until now to threaten sanction. FIFA is denying players their fundamental and most basic human right to freedom of speech. Countries, teams and players are happy to defend LGBTQ+ people until they themselves are at risk. LGBTQ+ Qataris face a bigger punishment than just a yellow card. The gestures and the activism ended quite easily at the thought of reprimand".
Pride in Football’s statement perfectly encapsulates the hypocrisy that exists amongst elite sports, corporations and athletes are perfectly fine supporting causes until there’s a potential backlash, which could cost them sponsorships and financial backing. The complete opposite of what Josh Cavallo proposed prior to the World Cup, FIFA let a fantastic opportunity fall through their fingers, all in the pursuit of profit. Plus, FIFA's decision to hold the tournament in a country with discriminatory laws and its failure to use its influence to advocate for change raises questions about its commitment to inclusivity at all levels of the game, as campaigns like rainbow laces and Football v Homophobia lose years of work, because football’s largest organisation, FIFA allowed LGBTQ+ rights to become a debate instead of a matter of human rights.
The Media’s Reaction
The Media’s treatment of Qatar hosting the World Cup bought about the same hypocrisy as the very organisations they were condemning. Gary Neville, a large voice in football punditry, aligns himself politically to the left, which made his decision to appear on the Qatari-owned broadcaster beIN Sports all the more confusing.
In defence of his appearance Neville stated that “my view on it quite simply is that I detest workers' rights abuses, I hate the idea of people not being paid enough money, working in poor conditions, the idea of people not having good accommodation. The women's rights and human rights abuses. I can't stand it. But I also have relationships with people in this part of the world and have done for many many years. Those relationships are long standing in our country”.  This statement from Neville underlines the hypocrisy that surrounds all facets of the event, everyone is fine to point out the issues that surround Qatar’s policies, but when it comes down to truly tackling the issue, they go silent, in order to protect relationships that bring financial upturns.
On the other hand, some media personalities protested well against Qatar’s policies. Openly queer pundit Alex Scott donned the banned ‘OneLove armband’ pitch-side prior to England’s World Cup opener against Iran, in direct protest of the ban FIFA had imposed on the symbol being displayed. Scott also spoke out against FIFA president Infantino for his rambling speech, where he stated “Today I feel Qatari, today I feel Arab, today I feel African, today I feel gay, today I feel disabled, today I feel like migrant worker”. In a passionate speech televised on the BBC, Scott lamented Infantino, “You are not gay. You'll never understand travelling to a country where you are fearing for your life just because of your preference of who you choose to love”. Scott’s words truly drove home the disconnect between FIFA and the people they affected with their decision to host the World Cup in Qatar, and their willingness to sweep these issues under the rug with empty statements, all in the name of protecting their profits.
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However, it can be argued that Scott’s willingness to appear in Qatar, accepting a paycheck in order to be there, is an act of hypocrisy, because much of what she’s said and done could have been done from a UK-based studio. Also, BBC’s willingness to broadcast the event shows that there is a price for their integrity, with Pundits speaking out against the event, all while the BBC rakes in the absurd sums of money they receive for televising said event. All of these reactions truly encapsulate the attitudes towards Qatar’s debauchery, all of the media voices that spoke out against it, were still largely happy to stand at the tournament helping bring more eyes towards it, inevitably boosting their own profits, instead of truly tackling the issue.
What We Can Learn... The staging of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar has brought to light a troubling aspect of prioritising financial gain over the principles of inclusivity and ethics. The entire journey, from the controversial bidding process to the glaring human rights violations, exclusion of the LGBTQ+ community, and the escalating commercialisation of the tournament, paints a stark picture of FIFA's decision-making and its impact on the global football community.
The bidding process itself was marred by allegations of corruption and ethical breaches, raising concerns about the transparency and fairness of the selection of host nations. The subsequent revelations of severe human rights violations in Qatar, including the exploitation of migrant workers and questionable labour practices, have further tarnished the reputation of the tournament. The exclusion of the LGBTQ+ community, evident in restrictions on public displays of affection, any displays of support for LGBTQ+ rights, and the lack of legal protections, contradicts the principles of equality and inclusivity that should be upheld in such a globally significant event.
The increasing commercialisation of the World Cup has transformed it into a lucrative business venture rather than a festival of football. The proliferation of sponsorships, advertising, and merchandising has overshadowed the core values of fair play, unity, and camaraderie that should define the beautiful game. Pushing large groups of our society to the wayside, all in pursuit of financial gain. This commercial focus has not only diluted the essence of the tournament but also raises questions about the true priorities of those overseeing it, with FIFA brushing the large issues under the carpet.
As passionate fans, conscientious stakeholders, and responsible citizens, we must look at ourselves first, and examine how we can blindly watch an event that has been marred with such controversy. We must demand greater transparency, accountability, and a reconsideration of the fundamental values that should guide the World Cup. By holding FIFA to higher standards, we can strive to ensure that future editions of the tournament prioritise inclusivity, respect for human rights, and environmental sustainability. Only through such a collective effort can the World Cup regain its status as a truly global celebration that unites nations and embodies the principles of fairness and unity in the world of football.
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Unveiling New Horizons: The Dynamics of Acquiring Instagram Followers in Pakistan
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In the contemporary digital milieu, social media platforms serve as pivotal conduits for personal expression, brand endorsement, and commercial expansion. Among these platforms, Instagram has emerged as a prominent vanguard, boasting over a billion global adherents.
In Pakistan, Instagram's resonance has soared dramatically in recent years, rendering it an indispensable domain for individuals and enterprises. Nevertheless, the sluggish and arduous process of growing one's Instagram following organically has paved the way for a compelling trend: the procurement of Instagram followers in Pakistan.
Unraveling the Concept
The notion of acquiring Instagram followers might elicit raised eyebrows, warranting a closer examination. When alluding to "acquiring Instagram followers," the practice typically entails procuring followers from bona fide service providers. These providers furnish packages replete with authentic or active users who pledge their allegiance to your Instagram account in exchange for a fee.
Legality and Ethical Considerations
The subject of the legality and ethics surrounding the acquisition of Instagram followers often stirs spirited debates. From a legal standpoint, there exist no concrete laws expressly forbidding the acquisition of followers. Instagram's terms of service primarily target fabricated or bot-generated accounts, with genuine followers usually not falling afoul of these regulations.
Nonetheless, the ethical dimension remains a matter of personal interpretation. Some posit that acquiring followers might propagate a facade of popularity, potentially tainting one's integrity. It is vital to distinguish between procuring authentic followers and resorting to counterfeit ones. The latter can severely undermine your credibility and engagement metrics, whereas the former can catalyze visibility and legitimacy on the platform if wielded judiciously.
The Advantages
Propel Your Growth: The acquisition of Instagram followers can thrust your follower count into the limelight, rendering your profile considerably more appealing to prospective followers. Individuals are more inclined to follow accounts already brimming with a substantial following.
Fortify Social Proof: A burgeoning follower count augments your standing and clout within your niche, communicating to others that your content merits their attention.
Augmented Visibility: A bolstered followership increases the likelihood of your posts featuring on the Explore page and in the feeds of your followers' associates, thereby amplifying your reach.
Luring Authentic Followers: Acquiring followers can act as a magnet for bona fide users who possess a genuine interest in your content. Should they resonate with your posts, they may partake in interactions and evolve into longstanding adherents.
Temporal Efficiency: Nurturing an Instagram following organically can prove a time-consuming and herculean task. The acquisition of followers can provide respite by obviating the exigent efforts intrinsic to organic growth.
The Perils
While the acquisition of Instagram followers may usher in a host of advantages, one must exercise vigilance in the face of potential risks:
Bogus Followers: Unscrupulous service providers may dispense spurious or subpar followers, thereby imperiling your standing and engagement statistics.
Account Jeopardy: If one resorts to dubious sources that peddle followers derived from counterfeit accounts or bots, the sanctity of their Instagram account could be jeopardized, potentially leading to the suspension.
Ephemeral Remedy: The acquisition of followers is, by no means, a panacea. To sustain a robust and engaged following, one must continue to generate top-tier content and partake in authentic interactions.
In Pakistan, the acquisition of Instagram followers, when wielded with sagacity, can emerge as a strategic gambit to elevate one's Instagram presence and integrity. Opting for a reputable provider that furnishes genuine, active followers, rather than gravitating toward fictitious or automated accounts, is quintessential.
However, it must be underscored that this practice should not supplant the creation of valuable content or the cultivation of authentic engagements. Triumph on Instagram is, in the final analysis, contingent upon a composite of factors, including content quality and the authenticity of interactions.
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swldx · 1 year
BBC 0423 16 Sep 2023
12095Khz 0357 16 SEP 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55334. English, dead carrier s/on @0357z then ID@0359z pips and Newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by Chris Berrow. Iranian security forces deployed in the hometown of Mahsa Amini in anticipation of a flare-up in unrest marking this weekend's first anniversary of her death in morality police custody, witnesses, social media posts and rights groups said on Friday. A BBC team has arrived in the city of Derna, north-east Libya, and has found rescuers, ambulance crews and forensic teams working at pace. But it appears that international aid agencies have yet to arrive in force. Thousands of people were killed when two dams burst in the wake of Storm Daniel, washing away whole neighbourhoods in the city. Top UN official Martin Griffiths says the disaster is "a massive reminder" of climate change and the challenge it poses. President Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that France's envoy to Niger is living like a hostage in the French embassy and accused military rulers of blocking food deliveries to the mission. Burkina Faso's foreign ministry has notified France of the expulsion of the embassy's military attache for "subversive activities", in the latest sign of failing relations between the former allies. The prosecutor leading the federal election meddling case against Donald Trump has asked a judge to place him under a gag order, limiting how he is able to publicly comment on the case. Special Counsel Jack Smith's filing says the "narrowly tailored" order would prevent harassment of witnesses. Mr Trump hit back online, accusing Smith's team of misconduct, writing: "they won't allow me to SPEAK?" North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu in Vladivostok on Saturday, according to state news agency TASS. A son of the infamous drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán has been extradited to the US on drug trafficking charges, the US Attorney General has said. Richard Olson, a former US ambassador to Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, was sentenced to three years of probation on Friday for violating federal ethics laws. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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streetwear00 · 1 year
Streetwear Revolution: Unveiling the Best Streetwear Manufacturers in Pakistan
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, streetwear has taken the industry by storm. With its unique blend of urban culture and contemporary style, streetwear has become more than just clothing; it's a statement. If you're looking for top-notch streetwear manufacturers, look no further than Pakistan. In this article, we'll dive into the vibrant streetwear scene in Pakistan, exploring the reasons behind its popularity and uncovering the best manufacturers in the country.
The Rise of Streetwear in Pakistan 
A Fusion of Cultures 
The beauty of streetwear lies in its ability to blend diverse cultural elements seamlessly. Pakistani streetwear incorporates traditional motifs and contemporary designs, creating a captivating fusion that resonates with both locals and international enthusiasts.
Urban Expression 
Streetwear is more than just fashion; it's a form of self-expression. Pakistan's youth have embraced this trend as a means to express their individuality and connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion for street culture.
Why Choose Pakistani Streetwear Manufacturers
Quality Craftsmanship 
Pakistani manufacturers are renowned for their meticulous craftsmanship. Each piece of streetwear is carefully designed and crafted to ensure longevity and comfort. Quality is the top priority, making Pakistani streetwear a sought-after choice worldwide.
While quality is paramount, affordability is not compromised. Pakistani streetwear manufacturers offer competitive prices without compromising on the quality of materials and workmanship. This affordability has contributed to the global appeal of Pakistani streetwear.
Top Streetwear Manufacturers in Pakistan 
XYZ Streetwear 
Known for their bold designs and attention to detail, XYZ Streetwear has carved a niche for itself in the industry. Their diverse range of clothing caters to various tastes, ensuring there's something for everyone.
ABC Street Fashion 
ABC Street Fashion is a pioneer in sustainable streetwear. Their commitment to eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing processes has garnered them a dedicated following among conscious consumers.
Street Style Studio 
Street Style Studio stands out for its custom streetwear options. They allow customers to personalise their streetwear, adding a unique touch to their clothing.
The Future of Pakistani Streetwear 
As the global demand for streetwear continues to grow, Pakistan is poised to play an even more significant role in shaping the industry. With its blend of tradition and innovation, Pakistani streetwear is set to leave an indelible mark on the world of fashion.
In a world where fashion is constantly evolving, streetwear remains a timeless trend that resonates with people from all walks of life. Pakistan's streetwear manufacturers have embraced this phenomenon, offering high-quality, affordable options for fashion-forward individuals worldwide.
1. Is Pakistani streetwear suitable for all seasons?
Absolutely! Pakistani streetwear manufacturers offer clothing suitable for all seasons, ensuring you can stay stylish year-round.
2. Are there sustainable options in Pakistani streetwear?
Yes, several Pakistani streetwear brands prioritise sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices.
3. Can I customise my streetwear with Pakistani manufacturers?
Certainly! Many Pakistani streetwear manufacturers offer customization options, allowing you to create a unique wardrobe.
4. Is Pakistani streetwear affordable?
Yes, Pakistani streetwear is known for its affordability without compromising on quality.
5. How can I stay updated on the latest Pakistani streetwear trends?
You can follow Pakistani streetwear brands on social media and fashion forums to stay updated on the latest trends and releases.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are 20 controversies involving the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), along with their details and significance:
1. Operation Mockingbird was a covert CIA operation aimed at influencing and controlling the media in the United States and abroad. The operation was exposed in the 1970s, leading to increased scrutiny of the CIA's relationship with the media.
2. MK-Ultra: MK-Ultra was a series of experiments conducted by the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s that involved the use of mind-altering drugs and other techniques to control or manipulate individuals' behavior. The program was exposed in the 1970s, leading to increased public awareness of government experimentation on civilians.
3. Bay of Pigs Invasion: In 1961, the CIA orchestrated an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the communist government of Cuba by invading the Bay of Pigs. The operation was a significant failure and damaged the reputation of the U.S. government.
4. Iran-Contra Affair: In the 1980s, the CIA was involved in a secret arms-for-hostages deal with Iran and the illegal sale of weapons to rebels in Nicaragua. The scandal led to several high-profile resignations and convictions.
5. Assassination attempts: The CIA has been accused of involvement in numerous assassination attempts, including those of Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba.
6. Involvement in coups and regime change: The CIA has been involved in numerous coups and regime change operations around the world, including in Iran in 1953 and Chile in 1973. These actions have been criticized for their impact on democracy and human rights.
7. Drone strikes: The CIA has been involved in the use of drone strikes in countries such as Pakistan and Yemen, which have been criticized for their impact on civilian populations and for violating international law.
8. Waterboarding and torture: The CIA has been accused of using waterboarding and other forms of torture on detainees in the post-9/11 era. These practices have been widely condemned by human rights organizations and are considered by many to be illegal.
9. Operation Chaos: Operation Chaos was a CIA operation in the 1960s that involved the surveillance of anti-war activists and other dissidents in the United States. The operation was exposed in the 1970s and led to increased concern about government surveillance of citizens.
10. Operation Paperclip: Operation Paperclip was a CIA program that recruited Nazi scientists and engineers to work for the United States following World War II. The program has been criticized for its ethical implications and for potentially allowing war criminals to escape justice.
11. Glomar Explorer: The Glomar Explorer was a CIA ship that was used in a secret operation to recover a Soviet submarine that had sunk in the Pacific Ocean in 1968. The operation was exposed in the 1970s, leading to criticism of the CIA's involvementin covert operations.
12. Phoenix Program: The Phoenix Program was a CIA-led counterinsurgency program in Vietnam that aimed to identify and neutralize members of the Viet Cong. The program has been criticized for its use of torture and extrajudicial killings.
13. Guatemala coup: In 1954, the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Guatemala, installing a pro-American regime. The operation has been criticized for its impact on democracy in Guatemala and for setting a precedent for U.S. intervention in Latin America.
14. Operation Condor: Operation Condor was a CIA-backed campaign of political repression and state terror in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s. The operation is estimated to have led to the deaths of tens of thousands of people and has been widely condemned for its human rights abuses.
15. Operation Ajax: Operation Ajax was a CIA-led coup in Iran in 1953 that overthrew the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. The operation was aimed at securing Western control over Iranian oil resources and has been criticized for its impact on democracy in Iran.
16. Involvement in the drug trade: The CIA has been accused of involvement in the global drug trade, including in the 1980s when it allegedly allowed Nicaraguan Contras to smuggle cocaine into the United States in exchange for their support in the fight against communism.
17. Use of rendition: The CIA has been involvedin the practice of rendition, which involves the extrajudicial transfer of individuals to other countries for detention and interrogation. The practice has been criticized for violating human rights and for the potential for torture and mistreatment.
18. CIA involvement in the Iraq War: The CIA played a significant role in the buildup to the Iraq War in 2003, including providing flawed intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The war and its aftermath have been criticized for their impact on regional stability and human rights.
19. Surveillance of U.S. citizens: The CIA has been accused of participating in the surveillance of U.S. citizens, including through the use of the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program.
20. CIA involvement in drone warfare: The CIA has been involved in the use of drone strikes in countries such as Pakistan and Yemen, which have been criticized for their impact on civilian populations and for violating international law.
Overall, these controversies highlight the complex and often controversial role of the CIA in U.S. foreign policy and national security. While some of the CIA's activities have been praised for their role in protecting national security, others have been criticized for their impact on democracy, human rights, and global stability.
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iqra-university · 1 year
Iqra University Main EDC Campus
Iqra University is one of Pakistan's most prominent institutions, having its main campus in Karachi. It was founded in 1998 with the goal of providing quality education to Pakistan's youth. Since then, the institution has expanded in size and renown, offering a variety of academic degrees and world-class facilities to its students. In this blog, we will explore and discuss the amenities available at IQRA UNIVERSITY's EDC campus, also known as the Main Campus.
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Campus Facilities:
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The campus is around 100 acres in size and features modern amenities such as classrooms, libraries, computer laboratories, auditoriums, sports facilities, gymnasium, swimming pool area, praying area for both male and females, 2 stationary shops and 3 canteens inside the campus. Also, there’s a high speed internet facility for students, multiple sitting areas for students to have some break and have quality time while being in the campus.
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The management is very active in recognizing any sort of inconvenience whenever there’s a need of renovation or maintenance. The campus is filled with paintings, art pieces and colors. On the 1st floor of the university there’s more than 100 art pieces and paintings giving the floor the look of on-going exhibition.
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IQRA University also have a BIC ( Business Incubation Center ) a place to uplift and motivate young entrepreneurs with state of the art facilities and unparalleled resources. The facility connects innovators and investors in a calm peaceful environment. IU BIC is paving the way for successful ventures by helping students with their startups and startup ideas.
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The faculty members of the main campus of Iqra University in Karachi are highly skilled and competent in their respective disciplines. They contribute an abundance of knowledge and skill to the classroom, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education. Faculty members are also interested in research and have generated noteworthy articles in their respective professions, as well as having PR in their fields, so if there are any competent students, professors are accountable for uplifting and recommending them to good opportunities.
Student Life:
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The main campus of Iqra University in Karachi offers students a dynamic and diversified campus life experience. The institution offers a variety of student organisations, clubs, and activities to meet the needs of its students. Sports groups, cultural societies, and academic clubs are examples of these. Throughout the year, the institution also sponsors cultural festivals, seminars, and guest lectures. And now, the institution's social media marketing team has an opening for student ambassadors every semester to promote the university both on and off camera.
In conclusion, IQRA University’s modern facilities, diverse academic programmes, highly qualified faculty, and vibrant campus life make it a great place to study. The university's commitment to producing graduates with a global perspective and a strong work ethic has earned it a reputation as one of the top universities in Pakistan.
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SDL; Afghan Girl Video
'The disturbing true story of the Afghan Girl photo' unravelled the story of one Pashtun girl who's rights, beliefs and story was trampled on for a photo she wasn't happy to take, only for the photographer and journal company to make thousands without her knowing. Sharbat, who was 10, remembered feeling scared and angry, having to cooperate with an unfamiliar man who didn't make her feel welcomed, she fled after taking her burqa off to reveal her face for a photo in a room where she shouldn't have been alone with the strange photographer, only for the caption to say that the 'fear of war' were found in her eyes. Winning awards for the beautiful photo and the false narrative the National Geographic told, the feign 'story about refugees living in Pakistan, sent from Afghanistan because of Soviet war', twists the real life they lived.
In this video, I personally learn a lot about the refugees in Afghanistan then I have ever learned before. Even though the story of the article is different to the story behind the photo, the rundown of events explained in the video opened minds to understand the world more. After being arrested, Sharbat shares her story when she gets deported back to Afghanistan. Violated boundaries, disrespected, Sharbat believes that if the photo/s weren't taken, she could have still been living in Pakistan - the only home she knows. Her life completely changed after being sought after McCurry. Being seen as a representative of refugees, her TV appearances often capture her disassociated as she spoke about not liking the photos or the media and being afraid.
The ethics came into consideration as the video broke down on the turn of events and the background story of the cover of the magazine. From disregarding how she felt at 10 years old, to understanding that the photo wasn't for journaling purposes as it wasn't a real, authentic image, nor was the story reflecting the actual environment of the image - McCurry simply took a photo of her because of her beauty, not because of her story. I was disgusted learning about this.
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SDL Week 1: The disturbing true story behind the iconic "Afghan Girl" photo
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Steve McCurry "Afghan Girl", National Geographic magazine, June 1985
In 1984, American photographer Steve McCurry went to Afghanistan to take photos to support a story about a refugee living in Pakistan who had been sent there from Afghanistan because of the Soviet war. McCurry visits a refugee camp where he hears the sounds of children laughing inside a makeshift schoolhouse and immediately spots Sharbat Gula. He notices her green eyes and wants to take her picture. Sharbat is a devout Muslim; she wears a burqa that completely covers her face and lives by a particular set of rules that forbid everyday things. Steve McCurry has violated her boundaries terribly by using his power and the teacher's influence to force her to take off her burqa, promising they will tell her story to the world. Later, the photo got published in National Geographic and became Steve's career high point. Steve intended the image to become a magazine cover by composing the shot with negative space at the top of the frame. The photo was supposed to represent Afghanistan refugees and the "heartbreaking" story of a little girl's eyes reflecting the fear of war. But truth untold, National Geographic has mistold Sharbat's story and misinterprets the idea of journalism. She was not fear of any war. She was fear of being alone with a strange man.
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Ulrich Perrey, Steve McCurry next to Afghan Girl, with his portrait of Sharbat Gula, taken nearly two decades later, in the background.
Almost two decades later, the same situation happened when Steve McCurry returned to find Sharbat to photograph her present self, asking her to remove her burqa again. She was deported back to Afghanistan, where she finally had the chance to tell her side of the story; Sharbat discussed her sadness, her photos being taken, and how she dislikes the attention and media. The photo does not represent journalism. It means unpaid modelling. Her photo could have been journalism if she and her story had accompanied it, but it was taken only for her physical looks. As a visual journalist, it's essential to maintain a code of ethics, be accurate and comprehensive in the representation of the subject matters, be complete and provide context when photographing and most importantly, treat your subject matter with respect and dignity. Steve McCurry has violated Sharbat's boundaries and personal beliefs to make profits and become well known, ruining his ethics as a photographer. Sharbart's situation has given me an insight into the importance of it's essential to understand photography principles and how to make a photo look good. But it's even more important to show your integrity in the narratives behind your creative work and how it affects other people's lives. 
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