#Painter near me House painter near me Wall painter near me Pop and fall ceiling contractor Painting contractor Waterproofing contractor Whit
paintingservices · 4 years
Painter near me
Painting Services
 About Us:
Are you looking to freshen your home with a coat of paint. Whether you have an interior or exterior paint job, our experienced team of home improvement professionals can help. We know what a great paint job is. And it is our mission to expand and deliver the level of professionalism you expect and deserve. Don't worry, Painting Services provides the best quality interior and exterior paint for your home, apartment, and office. We offer a variety of house painting, wall painter, painting contractor. We have 1000+ happy client. we believe in “No job is too big or small”. Our Expertises in pop and drop roofing contractors, waterproofing contractors, civilian contractors, construction contractors, home renovation. Reserve a task today!
Painter near me, House painter near me, Wall painter near me, Pop and fall ceiling contractor, Painting contractor, Waterproofing contractor, White wash and painting, Civil contractor, Construction contractor, Painting contractor in noida , Home renovation
 Contact us:
Address : B-16, Sector 10 , Noida ,201301
Website : http://paintingservices.co.in/
Mobile : +91-9810419585
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elvendara · 7 years
Dr. Yoosung Kim Ch 7
Yooran Fanfic List
Yoosung opened the door and smiled like an idiot when he saw Saeran standing there. He’d invited him over for dinner. Saeran held a bouquet of flowers and awkwardly held them out towards him.
“These are for you, MC said I should bring you something, I don’t drink so, I couldn’t bring wine, um, it’s silly, isn’t it?” Saeran pulled back the bouquet, his face crestfallen.
“No! I love them!” he reached out and yanked them out of Saeran’s hands, turning to find something to put them in. Saeran walked in and closed the door. “You can hang your coat up behind the door.” Yoosung sent over his shoulder. Saeran turned and saw the hooks. Yoosung’s lab coat was on one and a blue, well used hoodie on another. He took his leather jacket off and hung it over the third hook.
“It smells amazing.” Saeran was nervous, he’d never been to Yoosung’s apartment, it was large. Not as big as Saeyoung’s house, but, that was to be expected. He liked the openness of it.
“I hope it tastes as good.” Yoosung shot back, he’d found a vase his sister had given him and had placed the flowers in it, filling it with water. He placed it in the center of the round kitchen table. “Perfect! I should thank MC when I finally meet her.” Yoosung pointedly stated. He’d been pressing Saeran to introduce him to his family, but, Saeran had not been very receptive.
“Uh, yeah.” Was Saeran’s noncommittal answer.
Yoosung sighed, he gave Saeran a quick peck on the lips, “Thank you.” He sighed, Saeran blushed, stroking Yoosung’s arm. “Why don’t you make yourself at home, I’m just finishing up.”
Saeran nodded and reluctantly let Yoosung go. He knew he was being stubborn, but, he wanted to tell Yoosung everything about himself before he introduced him to Saeyoung and MC. He didn’t want to worry about something slipping out that Yoosung was unaware of. He was extremely nervous. He had decided tonight he would tell Yoosung about his anxiety and his medical and mental issues. He had a right to know. A right to have all the facts before choosing to either stay with Saeran, or walk away. He was terrified that Yoosung would choose the latter, but he hoped he wouldn’t. He couldn’t imagine his life without Yoosung now. He took a deep breath and scanned the large room.
The sofa and love seat were roomy and well used. There was a floor to ceiling bookshelf next to the mid-sized television. Saeran scanned the title covers of the books, most of them were vet related, but several were of what he assumed was some sort of video game. LOLOL, he pulled one out, it was comprised of vibrant artwork of incredible races and environments, dragons and monsters. He chuckled and placed the book back. Yoosung really was a nerd. He vaguely recalled that Saeyoung had talked about this particular game.
There was a thin line of dust on everything, Yoosung must not use his TV very often. He moved over to a buffet table under a myriad of photos, in the center was what appeared to be Yoosung’s graduation photo. His smile was from ear to ear. There was a shorter woman on his left, arm in arm, that must be his mother. On his right was a man, also shorter than Yoosung, that must be his father, Saeran could see the resemblance. A young woman was behind and between Yoosung and his mother, arms around them both. He cocked his head, was that a sister? He hoped so.
“Ah, yeah, when I moved in my mom made my dad put those up.” Yoosung explained from the kitchen. “That’s my family, my mom and dad, older sister too.” Saeran let out a sigh of relief. He shook his head, he was being silly. Yoosung was with him, he wanted to be with him. He lowered his eyes to the frames on the table picking one up. It was a much younger Yoosung, with dark hair, his purple eyes popped against the darker hair.
“Why do you color your hair?” he asked, liking the way Yoosung looked in his natural color.
“Oh, well, when I graduated from high school a lot of things happened, and, I guess I wanted a change. Plus, I thought girls would like me more if I had blonde hair.” He laughed.
“Did they?” Saeran called over his shoulder.
“Sadly, no. But, then again, I guess I’m glad now.” Saeran half turned to look at the blonde. Even though he could only see his profile, he could see that Yoosung was blushing. He decided not to comment. Saeran was glad too.
“Will you ever let it grow out? It looks good on you. Not that I hate the blonde.” he quantified.
“Maybe. Probably, it’s just so much work for no real reason.”
Saeran set the frame down and picked up another. Yoosung was in the center, but he looked sad, behind him was a tall dark-haired man with a stern look, he wondered who he was.
“Any more trouble with the spray painter?” Saeran asked, knowing full well that Saeyoung and he had taken care of that indefinitely. He grinned remembering Bethany’s reaction to the videos.
“No, none.” He giggled, “In fact, my clients have all been incredibly kind, telling me how supportive they are. One woman, who I think is at least 90 years old, told me all about her lesbian experiences when she was young and that if dick is what I wanted, then dick is what I should get!” Yoosung laughed.
“Seriously?” Saeran turned to him, laughing as well.
“I kid you not! I tried to cut her off several times, but she wasn’t having it.”
“Well? Is dick what you want?” Saeran teased.
“Maybe.” Yoosung said after several seconds of silence.
Saeran was about to respond when his eyes fell on another photo frame. He reached out to it and gently grasped it in a trembling hand. Yoosung stood next to a blonde-haired woman. They both were in the middle of laughter, Yoosung’s arm around her shoulder. She was much younger, but, he knew that face, he knew those eyes, he knew them very well. He dropped the frame as if it had burned him. He turned to Yoosung who had stepped towards him when he’d dropped the photo.
“What is it?” Yoosung asked, concern seemingly in his eyes.
“Who are you?” Saeran shrieked at him. Yoosung was taken aback at the venom that now dripped from Saeran’s words. “Who are you!” he screamed again. “Why did she send you? What does she want from me? Leave me alone!” he backed away from Yoosung and hit the back of the loveseat. He twirled and slipped on the wood floor, falling to his knees, holding himself up with a hand on the loveseat. Yoosung tried to grab his arm to help him up. Saeran went feral. He slapped Yoosung away, falling on his ass and scooting away. “Don’t touch me! Don’t fucking touch me!”
Yoosung pulled back, tears springing into his eyes. He was so confused. What did he do? What had he done? What should he do now? “Saeran! I…what…”
There were tears streaming down Saeran’s cheeks, his eyes were wide and terrified, he was screaming incoherently. He scrambled onto his hands and knees and made it to the door, he flung it open and dived through it. Yoosung followed slowly, Saeran had made it to the end of the hall but had collapses next to the elevator, scrunching himself against the corner. He had dropped his phone and was pulling on his hair, periodically slamming his head against the wall and still screaming. Yoosung approached him gingerly, he reached out to the phone and noticed that he had tried to call his brother. He hit the call button and it began to ring on the other end. Yoosung was trying to hold it together, but he was losing it too. He tried to comfort Saeran but he kicked out at him and screeched once more. The neighbors began to open their doors to see what the commotion was.
“Shut him the hell up or I will.” One of them said roughly.
“Hey bro! Did you tank the date already?” a voice answered the phone and laughed good naturedly.
“Um…” Yoosung muttered.
“Who is this? Where’s Saeran?”
“Stay away from me! Don’t touch me! What do you want? Why? Why? Fucking tell me!!!! Ahhhhhh….!!!!!!”
“What happened?” Saeyoung yelled.
“I…I don’t’ know…he…just…I don’t know what to do, he won’t let me touch him.”
“He has pills on him, try to get him to take one. I’m on my way, just, keep him calm.” Yoosung heard a myriad of noises from the phone, he knew that Saeyoung was probably running out.
“He, he won’t let me near him, and, um, the address is…”
“I know the address Yoosung, just, ugh, ok, sing, can you sing? It calms him sometimes.” Saeyoung sounded frantic. “I have to hang up, just do your best, I’ll be there in less than five minutes!” he didn’t wait for an answer.
Yoosung lowered the phone, sing? His mind scrambled for a song, any song….
“Can you hearrrrrr, my heart beat?” he began tentatively, his voice cracking.
“Tired of feeling, never enough.” His voice picked up strength and he did indeed notice a slight difference in Saeran’s body.
“I, close my eyes, tell myself that my dreams will come true!” he sang louder, feeling ridiculous, but wanting to help Saeran. Suddenly there was the strumming of a guitar behind him, he snapped his head around, one of his neighbors was walking slowly towards them, a guitar strapped around her. She played softly and nodded her head for him to continue. He gave her a grateful glance and turned back to Saeran.
“There’ll be no more darkness when you believe in, yourself you are unstoppable, where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades you set my, heart, on, fire!” Saeran’s incoherent screeching stopped, his breathing was still harsh and he still pulled on his hair painfully, but he no longer slammed his head against the wall.
“Don’t stop us now, the moment of truth, we were, born to make history, we’ll make it happen, we’ll turn it around, yes, we were, born to make history.” He kept singing, the only song he could fully remember, thank you Yuri On Ice for such a memorable intro.
Before long the elevator opened and a man who looked just like Saeran, except for the different colored eyes and glasses, stepped out. His eyes widened when he saw Saeran in the corner.
“Saeran!” Saeyoung knelt next to him, grasping his wrists and pulling his hands out of his hair.
Saeran looked at him in despair, his eyes wide and frightened.
“Where’s his jacket?” he asked Yoosung.
“It…it’s in my apartment.” Yoosung pointed towards his still open door. The neighbors were still standing in the hallway, but Saeyoung ignored them.
“I’ll be right back ok? I’m just going to get your pills. Will you be ok?” Saeran nodded miserably, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around his legs, forehead against his knees. He was still sobbing, but quietly now.
Saeyoung stood and grabbed Yoosung, dragging him back to the apartment. Yoosung went willingly, he felt useless, confused, and exhausted. They entered the apartment and Saeyoung let him go, he scanned the room, looking for Saeran’s jacket. His eyes zeroed in on the scattered photo frames on the buffet table against the wall. He stepped towards it.
“What happened?” he asked Yoosung.
“I…I don’t know!” Yoosung wailed, feeling his own anxiety rising. “Everything was going fine, I…I was almost done with dinner, he, he was looking at my photos and then, ahh…” he chest burned as he recalled the look on Saeran’s face, a look he’d never given Yoosung before. He never wanted to see it again. He hugged himself, his breath hitching, he could barely breathe.
“Don’t fall apart on me too, I need you!” Saeyoung walked back to Yoosung, a man he had not even met yet and snapped his fingers in front of his face. He couldn’t afford for Dr. Kim to crumble as well.
Yoosung took a deep breath and stood up straight, Saeran needed him.
“Good, now, this is what he was looking at?” Saeyoung motioned to the pictures and Yoosung nodded. “What are they?” “Me, my family, that’s all.” Yoosung whispered. Saeyoung picked up the one frame that was face down, his heart thumped through his chest and his eyes blazed at the image. How? He turned back to Yoosung, holding the frame up, ‘Who is this?” he demanded. Yoosung was taken aback by the vehemence in his tone and the fire in his eyes.
“Mmm…me…and…mmm…my cousin…Rika…that’s all.”
“Your cousin?” he asked.
“Ye..yes…but…she…she died years ago!” Saeyoung’s head snapped up, his eyes throwing daggers into his.
“What?” he flung the frame down and it shattered on the hard wood floor. The sound broke through Saeyoung’s fuzziness. “I…I’m sorry Yoosung, The…the jacket, where is it?” he asked.
“Behind the door.” Yoosung was more confused, why had both brothers reacted so violently to a picture of him and his dead cousin. “I, what, did you know her?” he asked. Saeyoung flicked his gaze at Yoosung then walked past him to gather Saeran’s jacket.
“Saeran should explain, I’m sorry, really I am, thank you for taking care of him.”
He was about to walk out when Saeran burst in, he grabbed Yoosung’s shirt in his fists and shoved him backwards over the sofa. Yoosung grasped his wrists and tried to stay on his feet. Saeran’s eyes were crazed and unfocused.
“Tell me! Tell me what she wants! Why can’t she leave me alone?! Why did she send you?! Why?! Why would you lie to me?! How could you…how…I…I…” he pushed him away and yanked on his hair again, snot fell from his nose, spit dribbled from his mouth, his eyes were big, round, and red, still leaking tears. “Why would you help her?” He moaned.
“Saeran, don’t, he, he doesn’t know!” Saeyoung tried to calm his brother, but Saeran screamed in his face.
“How could he not?! He, he used me!” he turned to Yoosung once more and yanked off his shirt. “Look at it! All of it!” he turned in front of Yoosung and Yoosung gasped. Saeran’s body was riddled with scars, most appeared to be cuts, but a few seemed like bullet wounds. His hands went to his mouth, what agony had Saeran been through?
“This is what she did to me! Is that what you want? Do you want to hurt me too?” he screamed at Yoosung, spit flying from his mouth. Yoosung could only shake his head negatively.  
“Saeran…I...” he reached out to the man who only flinched away, as if he thought Yoosung was going to hit him. Saeyoung stepped between them. He grabbed his hand and slapped a pill into it.
“Take it! Now!” Saeran quieted enough to stare at his brother, he glanced at the pill and tossed it into his mouth. Saeyoung helped him put his shirt back on. He began to lead Saeran out.
“I…I’ll call you later.” Saeyoung called over his shoulder. He walked out with Saeran and left Yoosung stuttering and shaking in his apartment. He hiccupped and slid onto the floor. He stared at the shattered picture frame and Rika’s smiling face.
Yooran Fanfic List
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paintingservices · 4 years
Painting Contractor
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Painting Services
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Are you looking to freshen your home with a coat of paint. Whether you have an interior or exterior paint job, our experienced team of home improvement professionals can help. We know what a great paint job is. And it is our mission to expand and deliver the level of professionalism you expect and deserve. Don't worry, Painting Services provides the best quality interior and exterior paint for your home, apartment, and office. We offer a variety of house painting, wall painter, painting contractor. We have 1000+ happy client. we believe in “No job is too big or small”. Our Expertises in pop and drop roofing contractors, waterproofing contractors, civilian contractors, construction contractors, home renovation. Reserve a task today!
Painter near me, House painter near me, Wall painter near me, Pop and fall ceiling contractor, Painting contractor, Waterproofing contractor, White wash and painting, Civil contractor, Construction contractor, Painting contractor in noida , Home renovation
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Address : B-16, Sector 10 , Noida ,201301
Website : http://paintingservices.co.in/
Mobile : +91-9810419585
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paintingservices · 4 years
Pop and Fall ceiling contractor
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Painting Services
 About Us:
Are you looking to freshen your home with a coat of paint. Whether you have an interior or exterior paint job, our experienced team of home improvement professionals can help. We know what a great paint job is. And it is our mission to expand and deliver the level of professionalism you expect and deserve. Don't worry, Painting Services provides the best quality interior and exterior paint for your home, apartment, and office. We offer a variety of house painting, wall painter, painting contractor. We have 1000+ happy client. we believe in “No job is too big or small”. Our Expertises in pop and drop roofing contractors, waterproofing contractors, civilian contractors, construction contractors, home renovation. Reserve a task today!
Painter near me, House painter near me, Wall painter near me, Pop and fall ceiling contractor, Painting contractor, Waterproofing contractor, White wash and painting, Civil contractor, Construction contractor, Painting contractor in noida , Home renovation
 Contact us:
Address : B-16, Sector 10 , Noida ,201301
Website : http://paintingservices.co.in/
Mobile : +91-9810419585
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paintingservices · 4 years
Wall painter near me
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Painting Services
 About Us:
Are you looking to freshen your home with a coat of paint. Whether you have an interior or exterior paint job, our experienced team of home improvement professionals can help. We know what a great paint job is. And it is our mission to expand and deliver the level of professionalism you expect and deserve. Don't worry, Painting Services provides the best quality interior and exterior paint for your home, apartment, and office. We offer a variety of house painting, wall painter, painting contractor. We have 1000+ happy client. we believe in “No job is too big or small”. Our Expertises in pop and drop roofing contractors, waterproofing contractors, civilian contractors, construction contractors, home renovation. Reserve a task today!
Painter near me, House painter near me, Wall painter near me, Pop and fall ceiling contractor, Painting contractor, Waterproofing contractor, White wash and painting, Civil contractor, Construction contractor, Painting contractor in noida , Home renovation
 Contact us:
Address : B-16, Sector 10 , Noida ,201301
Website : http://paintingservices.co.in/
Mobile : +91-9810419585
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paintingservices · 4 years
House painter near me
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Painting Services
 About Us:
Are you looking to freshen your home with a coat of paint. Whether you have an interior or exterior paint job, our experienced team of home improvement professionals can help. We know what a great paint job is. And it is our mission to expand and deliver the level of professionalism you expect and deserve. Don't worry, Painting Services provides the best quality interior and exterior paint for your home, apartment, and office. We offer a variety of house painting, wall painter, painting contractor. We have 1000+ happy client. we believe in “No job is too big or small”. Our Expertises in pop and drop roofing contractors, waterproofing contractors, civilian contractors, construction contractors, home renovation. Reserve a task today!
Painter near me, House painter near me, Wall painter near me, Pop and fall ceiling contractor, Painting contractor, Waterproofing contractor, White wash and painting, Civil contractor, Construction contractor, Painting contractor in noida , Home renovation
 Contact us:
Address : B-16, Sector 10 , Noida ,201301
Website : http://paintingservices.co.in/
Mobile : +91-9810419585
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