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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
The Mystic Garden: Sowing
Chapters: 1/5
Fandom:  Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: PG
Warnings: death
Characters: Loki(Marvel) 
Additional Tags:  Infinity War Doesn’t Exist, Everybody Lives, Mutants Exist In The MCU, The Reparations Of Loki Of Asgard
Summary:   Despite S.H.I.E.L.D. becoming a smaller and more selective organization, Loki still finds himself assigned to them upon Asgard's arrival on Earth. Required to perform a kind of specialized community service, Loki is paired up with another outcast, of a kind he is not familiar with: A mutant named Iris.
Loki of Asgard was a very beautiful man.
Loki of Asgard was a very powerful man.
Loki of Asgard was a very dangerous man.
And that was about all that anyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. could agree on about Loki of Asgard.
To some, he was an asshole. To others, perfectly charming. To yet more, he was polite, but distant. Funny. Serious. Sarcastic. Aloof. Morbid. Morose. Intimidating. Shy. Threatening. Angry. Flirty. Each person Iris asked described him in a different way.
To Iris, he was a looming presence, staring her down with searing intensity. Her shiny, brand new partner. Joy.
“So you're the unfortunate one.” He grumbled. “Winner of the worst lottery this organization has ever thrown.”
“I'm Iris Devereaux.” She said, holding out her hand. “Pleased to finally meet you.”
He glanced at her hand with a sneer. “No you aren't.”
“Beg pardon?”
“No one is pleased to meet me.”
“Oh. Well. Here's the thing: you don't decide that for me.”
He raised one perfect eyebrow, tilting his head back.
“I don't tolerate men telling me what I do and don't think or feel. Only I can know that. Now, you gonna shake my hand or not, Mister 'of Asgard'?”
Loki harrumphed. “As you demand, Miss 'of the Riverbank'.”
“What?” Iris took his hand and gave it a firm shake. He allowed it, but drew his hand back the instant she released it.
“Your surname. It means 'riverbank'. Didn't you know? Named after a goddess, and yet you seem to have lived humbly.”
“I'm named after a flower.” Iris corrected.
“The flower was named after the goddess.” He re-corrected. “The personification of the rainbow, a messenger of the gods. She who waters the clouds with her ocean-filled pitcher, flying on glowing, golden wings to carry the pleas of mankind to the gods they prayed to. As she connected the sea and the sky, her rainbows connected mankind to the gods. Just as our Bifrost connected Asgard to Midgard with the beauty and magnificence of the rainbow.”
“Oh, please.” Another agent groaned from their nearby work station. Loki glared.
“Well, that's...informative.” Iris said. Was this what Loki was like? Standoffish, unless given something to talk about? He was certainly well-spoken. “I'm pretty sure my parents just had the flower in mind though.”
“A delicate goddess, an ephemeral rainbow, or a nodding blossom on the riverbank: it all paints a pretty picture, does it not?” He asked.
Iris narrowed her eyes. “What are you trying to say?”
“I wonder.” Loki said.
“Will you two just go get some coffee or something?” the other agent snapped. “I've got to finish this by ten hundred.”
“Fine, jeez, keep your vest on.” Iris said. Loki glared once again. “C'mon, there's a thousand break rooms on this old boat. We can take one over for ourselves.”
“Who was that cur?” Loki demanded as Iris programmed the coffee machine for two cups. “Who does he think he is talking to? I am still a prince of Asgard, and a god! No pencil-pushing desk monkey speaks to me that way!”
“Hey, cool your chops.” Iris said, getting the mugs. “The pencil-pushing desk monkeys keep this whole show running. Who do you think runs this boat? Where does our intel come from? Who finds out if it's any good or not? Who does the budgets, communication, tech, cleanup, triage, programming, and supplies? The heroes get the fame, sure, but we're ultimately expendable. These guys own this shindig. Do you like caramel?”
“I...might?” He said, and Iris added a squirt of syrup to each steaming mug, then handed him his. “And you might be expendable, but I most certainly am not.”
“Cheers, bro. I'll drink to that.” Iris raised her mug in his direction and took a long gulp of fresh, caramel coffee. Oh boy, this was gonna be fun.
Loki seemed perplexed, either by the flavor of the coffee, or her casual acceptance of his declaration.
“Not that it will come to that.” He backtracked. “As my partner, you will have the advantage of my protection.”
“Joy. So, your highness, what's landed you here? You aren't exactly known as a friend to mankind. Why join S.H.I.E.L.D.?”
He harrumphed as Iris took another long pull from her mug. “You say 'join' as if I was given a choice. This is penance, nothing more. It was decided when Asgard had to relocate here, that I would work for a 'humanitarian' organization. Save lives equal to those whose deaths I was responsible for. Work towards paying off the cost it took to rebuild. And so I perform the Reparations of Loki of Asgard, defending this realm from itself. Once I have accomplished this, I will leave.”
“Mhm. And how far have you gotten?”
“It's only been a few months.” He huffed. “So not nearly as far as I'd like. How did they lure you in?”
Iris shrugged. “Job's a job. This one is steady, has good benefits, and it certainly keeps me engaged. It's no daily grind, that's for sure.”
“But with your power, could you not be a leader of some sort, rather than in a subservient 'expendable' position?”
“Ah. You've read my file.”
“Of course I did. As I assume you've read mine. Prying things. Why do they need so many personal details? But yes. It mentioned that you have an unusual power, beyond others of your type? Why are you not in charge?”
“Hoo boy.” Iris took a seat across from him. “You don't know much about human social structure, do you?”
Loki frowned. “It was never supposed to matter.”
“Well, it matters now. And it's mattered to me my whole life, because I can't just run off home to fairy tale land, so it looks like we both have no choice but to deal with it. You know what a mutant is?”
“I know what the word means, but I don't know how it applies to you.” Loki said, perplexed. “You look like any other human to me, so I assume it is something internal?”
Now it was Iris' turn to harrumph. “Well, you look like any other Asgardian to me, so I guess we've both got something going on under our skin, don't we? Tell you what: you explain to me what a 'frost giant' is, and I'll explain what a 'mutant' is in this context.”
“And if I refuse?” Loki sneered.
“Then I do too.” Iris said simply.
Loki stared at her across the table, the intensity of his gaze as hot as the coffee, and Iris tried her best to pretend to be unaffected by it. It wasn't that he wasn't intimidating, but an unfortunate lifetime of bigotry and constant background danger had given her a skin as thick as wood. Well, her mutation had done that as well.
“I can do this all day.” He warned.
“Alright.” Iris shrugged.
A few very awkward minutes passed, a silence spent sipping coffee, until her supervisor, Chris Timmitz, interrupted.
“Iris! Loki. There you are! I've been looking for you two. Lucky to find you in the same place, you've got a job coming up.”
“Oh yeah? Lay it on me boss.” Iris said. Loki grimaced.
“We think we've got another possible HYDRA shelter, kinda out in the open this time. We need more intel. That's where you come in.”
“It's located next to a forest, isn't it?”
“A meadow, actually.” He said a bit sheepishly. “We need you to, uh, plant some bugs on the property.”
“Ha ha.” Iris said flat-voiced.
“Aw c'mon, I didn't come up with the terminology.”
“Was that some kind of insult?” Loki asked darkly. “Do you degrade your employees?”
“Well, it wasn't meant to be.” Chris explained. “It's not my fault the language is what it is. And what about you? Iris may act tough, but she's really sweet and sensitive, so you'd better act right-”
“Or what?” Loki challenged.
“Chris. Cut it out. We don't have to be chummy, we just have to get the job done.” Iris said. “So give us the details.”
“Right, right. We're starting Tuesday. It seems to be when the fewest people are there...”
Iris crawled through the tall grass of the meadow, the plants moving naturally around her, so as to not alert her enemies that she was there. The shelter was an old schoolhouse apparently, that HYDRA agents had taken over, ostensibly to restore the historical building and turn it into a museum...all the while sheltering their agents from the law, and pushing revisionist history in an effort to spread their doctrine through yet another small town. They had done this so many times before, changing the narrative, changing the perceptions of the people.
HYDRA had many heads. It was the symbolism of the thing. Some of those heads infiltrated governments, and worked to influence world policy. Other heads overran small towns, influencing the vote, which served to make the jobs of the others easier.
Some people in S.H.I.E.L.D. likened them to a virus to be quarantined, cut out, and destroyed. Iris saw them as a sickness to be cured. Anyone could change their minds, given reason. The trick was to find the reason. That wasn't her job, and she didn't think she'd be good at it, but she knew that there were anti-radicalization support groups popping up here and there now, and no wonder, with the state of the current administration. Iris knew HYDRA must have gotten their voice very well entrenched into the government.
But Iris was more directly concerned with these little heads, with blocking their progress, slowing them down, and just generally inconveniencing them.
She'd gotten the usual stares and glares, upon entering the little town, but it was hard to tell if it was HYDRAs influence, or just typical American small town prejudice when faced with a dark-skinned stranger. Either way, she wouldn't want to live here.
She settled down in the grass, stretched out on her belly, and the sod began to part beneath her. Loki, who had simply made himself invisible with his alien magics, and crept along beside her, was clearly capable of sneaking with the best of them. He barely displaced a blade of grass. He crouched down beside her.
“We are stopping here?” He whispered. “How shall you place your devices? Will you throw them?”
“No, My aim isn't that good.” Iris said, ignoring his smug “Mine is.”, and beginning to sink into the newly exposed soil.
“Uh...Miss Devereaux...are you aware that the earth appears to be swallowing you?”
“Don't worry about it, it's fine.” She wriggled her feet out of her flimsy sandals and into the dirt. She was positioned to just be able to see the old schoolhouse over the edge of the trough that had been excavated beneath her. That was all she needed.
“Certainly. Nothing out of the ordinary here.”
“You're one to talk. Hand me the bugs.”
There were only three of them: tiny things, no larger than the creatures they were named after. Iris took them, then tore a packet of seeds open with her teeth, pouring the contents into her hands.
“This is going to take me a pretty long time. Couple of days, probably. What I'm going to need the most from you is tending. Every hour, give me something to drink. Every four hours, give me something to eat. Make sure no one sweeps through here with a lawn mower or a fire. I'm not going to be able to move, and will likely be in something of a trance. Sorry I won't be better company.”
“That's a lot of orders coming from one little human.” Loki grumbled.
“My life is in your hands.”
“That's...a bit better.”
She pressed her hand against the earth in front of her, and concentrated.
For some minutes it didn't appear to Loki that anything was happening at all. Then the first of the thin, white roots began squirming out from between her fingers, roping around her hand.
Loki stretched out in the tall grass next to her as the roots slowly formed a ragged, grasping ball of pale worms against her chestnut skin. He remained silent for hours alongside her, dutifully holding a small bottle of water to her lips every hour or so. As she had said earlier, Iris lay very still, and very trance-like, drinking without acknowledging that she even knew he was there.
“Hmmm.” He whispered. “I hate being ignored, you know. I wonder if you can even hear me? Could you explain what it is that you are doing, or are you so far away that you cannot even answer? What would happen if I touched you right now, Goddess-Flower of the Riverbank? Would I break your concentration? Would you even notice?”
He opened one of the little ration packs, half of which were specifically labeled with Iris' name. Within were little brown cubes that smelled deeply unappetizing to Loki, formed from a slurry of many mysterious ingredients.
“A special recipe, just for you? S.H.I.E.L.D. must value you more highly than you have previously stated. Here you go, Bright Blossom.” He held the little cube to Iris' lips, which parted automatically to accept the cube. “And so I have become no more than a nutrient dispensary. How far I have fallen.”
He fed her the cubes, one by one. Every brush of her petal-velvet lips against his fingers tempted him to push them into her mouth, a temptation that brought a chuckle to his own lips. There were only so many games he would be allowed to play, before S.H.I.E.L.D. kicked him out entirely. He wasn't attached to S.H.I.E.L.D., or anyone within the organization, but working for them kept him active, kept him relevant, kept him engaged, and most importantly, kept him out of prison. Community service was infuriating, but he had experienced the soul-crushing torment of solitary confinement, and this was much preferable.
A cold, uncomfortable cell? Or laying in the grass on a warm, sunny day, hand-feeding a pretty girl?
He was very tempted to lay his hand on the small of her back, where her uniform had ridden up just enough to show a strip of glistening skin, but it wouldn't have the proper punch with Iris in this deep trance. Without reaction, there was no fun.
The roots winding their way up her arms were somewhat unsettling. Was this what her file had meant when it noted that she was a 'mutant'? That she could cause plants to sprout? Could other humans do that?
Hours later, when the sun had set, and the roots had wriggled into the soil all around her, and crawled their way up to her shoulders, Iris stirred.
“Mph. Man, I'm sore.” She complained.
“Ah, welcome back. There is a powerful desire I need you to fulfill.”
“Not on company time. There's trees over there, go behind them and, uh, work it out? Also, for next time, I really don't need to know.”
“You flatter yourself, or you underestimate me. What I want, is for you to explain what you are doing. Are you making those plants grow?”
“Oh. Yeah, basically. You read my file; you know I'm a mutant.”
“Yes, but I do not know the significance of the term.” Loki admitted. “Is it this? This magic you wield?”
“It's not magic, it's just...it's genetic. I was born this way. At first it was just little things. Gardens grew better wherever I went, I didn't get hungry as much when there was sunlight, I didn't need to drink as much as long as there was water on the ground. I grew up in a way rural community tucked away in the Everglades. We were real poor, so being outside and having wet and muddy feet was just normal for all the kids.
As I got older, the signs got more obvious. I can do things that plants can do. I can direct their growth, and I sorta...change with the seasons, depending on where I am.”
“What do you mean?”
“Eh, stick around long enough and you'll see. Anyway, people aren't too fond of mutants, and it got...tough. To live at home, I mean. So I went out into the wild, and I did pretty well there, but S.H.I.E.L.D. found me and offered me something else. Not every mutant is like me. There's a lot of different ways to be a mutant, it's unpredictable. Some folks can fly, others can turn their bodies into metal, and some can heal wounds to their body in seconds. I manipulate plants, and am, in some ways, like them.”
“I see. And you are causing these plants to grow for what purpose?”
“Spying purposes. It's gonna take a few days, but these vines will tunnel through the ground, all the way up to the school house. When they break ground, I'll send one of them up that tree there, another one around the frame of that window there, and the third down the chimney. You saw those little devices? They're holding those in packets of leaves, and will position them so that they remain hidden, but they consist of audio, video, and heat signature recorders. Once I've gotten them in place, we'll leave. That's all this mission is; bugs on plants.”
“Then why am I here?” He wondered. “You seem to have this well in hand.”
“Someone's gotta feed me. And make sure I don't get found out. There's rumors you can make magic illusions. That's probably why. You can hide us both from any eyes or cameras.”
“And I have.” Loki said proudly. “And fed and...watered you, Little Blossom. What else do you need from me?”
“To do it all again tomorrow.” Iris said. Then she dropped her head into the nest of roots, and settled down to sleep.
Iris was awake and in her trance just as the first light of dawn kissed the horizon. Loki had been awake even before that, every swish of grass or crackle of leaves grabbing his attention.
“Rest.” He commanded her. “I have not the need of it that you do. Never forget: I am no weak mortal. You require a large amount of sleep, but I am all the greater.”
Iris had snorted at the bravado, but accepted the cubes he fed her, and fell into her trance, the roots curling further and further around her body.
Loki idly wondered how far the roots would go. Would they cocoon Iris entirely, prompting her to 'hatch' into a new form? Would they drag her down into the earth, entombing her away from Loki forever? Or would they just die back?
He watched people come and go to the old schoolhouse, working on its restoration. They looked for all the world like normal workers; he didn't even believe any of them to be armed. Not all HYDRA agents were combatants, after all. Just as many of them were spies, thieves, politicians, PR specialists and spin doctors.
Ever since what the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents called 'The Big Reveal', both organizations had been frantically rebuilding. S.H.I.E.L.D. more slowly, taking only the best, only the most trustworthy. Loki supposed he should be proud, even though he knew he was only there as a glorified prisoner.
HYDRA's recruits seemed to be skyrocketing, as they took to the internet in search of easily radicalized young men-mostly men, and boys-to bolster their numbers. They found plenty of them, and quickly, but they were sloppy and unpredictable. All too often, one let their ego overcome their loyalty to the cause, an event that almost always led to public confrontation and violence. But the news media-already infiltrated, most likely-was always quick to exonerate or sympathize with a young white man.
HYDRA disgusted Loki, even back when he had 'convinced' a small cell to work with him. No one group knew what the others were doing. There was a severe lack of communication between cells. Yes, Loki supposed it kept them safe from discovery, but he found it inefficient. A waste of potential by people more invested in the pageantry of a secret society, than by the end goal they hoped to achieve.
S.H.I.E.L.D. was little better, in his opinion, but at least its people were more serious about their work. Communication was more open, their goals more achievable. It felt like they made a difference, whether they really did or not. And they didn't waste potential. HYDRA would simply kill someone like Iris, S.H.I.E.L.D. found her valuable enough to spend resources on her. Under Loki's regime, had he succeeded, Iris, and all people like her, would have been of personal interest to him. All of these so-called 'mutants' would have been given places of high honor. Loki did not waste potential.
But that wasn't worth spending more time dwelling on. It was never meant to happen in the first place. When and where he would rule was yet to be discovered, but it would not happen until he was finished with his penance.
He provided Iris with her water, barely able to see her under all the roots. It was no wonder that she could not go into the field without a partner; she could not be ready for combat, couldn't even eat on her own! If they had to run, was he just supposed to tear her from the root wrapping and toss her over his shoulder? Would disconnecting her like that cause her harm?
He would have to ask next time she woke.
A young man approached, wielding an unfamiliar device. Loki was immediately on high alert. Was that some kind of weapon? He wandered all the way up to the verge of the grasses, gazing placidly out over the meadow. This was a HYDRA agent? He was barely out of adolescence! But from what Loki remembered of his brothers youthful declarations of hatred towards the Jotunn, radicalization did indeed start young.
“Naw, I think it must have been a glitch.” He said into his lapel. “There's nothing out here, not even trails in the grass.” He paused, listening. “Naw. Maybe it was a coyote? There's plenty of wild animals that wander around out here. My bro swears he saw a puma last year. Anyway, I'm gonna trim the grass, since I'm here anyway. If you're really worried, come out and check your cameras. I ain't gonna do it for you.”
With that, the young man yanked a long string, attached to a pod on the device, causing the thing to roar to life. Its loud snarl effectively covered Loki's startled gasp, his invisible eyes wide at the noise and the fact that everything within a six inch radius of the device's head was shredded and flung in all directions.
He had to maintain the illusion. But Iris was right in the horrible things' path. It would rip right into her face.
Loki rolled over on top of her, covering her body, roots and all, with his own. He ducked his head just as the device passed by. The force was like a high speed whip, tearing at his hair. It would have lacerated his scalp, possibly to the bone, had he been human. It would have certainly injured Iris, whom he kept safely tucked under his body, protected by his armor and tough, godly flesh.
The young man made a few more passes, working his way down the edge of the meadow, leaving Loki with a stinging scalp from his impromptu haircut, eventually leaving after finishing a rough, sub-par job.
Loki kept still, concentrating on maintaining the illusion, now including fresh cut grass. He feared it had wavered under the assault he had suffered, but the young man hadn't seemed to notice. Hours passed with no movement from Loki, just watching as various people came and went, doing their jobs. Eventually they all trickled away.
The sun had grown low in the sky before Loki felt Iris stir.
“Um. Loki? What are you doing? Did something happen?” Iris asked, her voice muffled by his body.
“Pardon me.” He rolled back into the grass as Iris shook her face free of the grasping roots. “Some boy came through here with a horrible device that tore up the grasses. It was necessary to cover you.”
Iris sniffed the air. “Someone cut the grass. Geez, did he hit you? Your hair!”
“Is it bad?” He asked, then covered his vanity. “It doesn't matter. I made good on my word. Here, eat.” He held food to her mouth. It would be almost too bad when this was over. Feeding her was so easy, so satisfying, and his hair would grow back anyway. If only all missions could be this easy.
Iris ate, watching the sunset, Loki laying on his side in the grass next to her, just watching her. Roots and shredded grass decorated her body, cube after cube passing her lips.
“Miss Devereaux, how will you remove yourself from those roots? If I must tear them, will it hurt you?”
Iris shook her head. “No, the roots aren't attached to me. If we pull this off without a hitch, I'll direct them into the soil. But if we have to get out in a hurry, you can tear them; it won't hurt me.”
“That's good to know.” Loki rolled onto his back, hands behind his head. “There is much still to learn about this realm. What is this that you are eating?”
“You sure you wanna know?” She asked.
“I am suddenly less curious, now that you have said that.” He admitted. “They do smell incredibly unappealing.”
“It's fertilizer, essentially. Fish emulsion and seaweed, blood and bone meal, fermented vegetables, all mashed together. Sounds super gross, I know,” She said at his disgusted expression. “But it's really good for me. My body absorbs it so efficiently that there isn't even any waste. Like roots inside me that absorb everything.”
“Are there? Roots inside you, I mean.”
“Sometimes.” Iris said quietly. “Maybe.”
“It bothers you? I see. It removes you from humanity. Sets you apart. And yet, you think that makes you inferior, rather than the other way around?”
“I'm not better than anybody else.” Iris said.
“You think not? Is there anyone else in this world who can do what you can do? How many people have your S.H.I.E.L.D. actively recruited? They came to find you specifically, why would they do that?  Because you were completely average? You are a valued agent of a semi-clandestine organization bent on world improvement. You have been partnered to a god. You are above-average, Iris. Why is that difficult to accept?”
“Are you 'above average' in Asgard, Loki? Have you always been celebrated for it?”
“I haven't. I've been despised. I've been misunderstood. I've been coddled and hidden away by my parents in an attempt to protect me. I've been discriminated against by strangers, and teachers, and employers, and neighbors whose kids I grew up with. By those same kids.
I walked out into the wild one day, and didn't come back. I never planned on coming back, never planned on seeing another person ever again. But S.H.I.E.L.D. weren't the first to find me. There were two others. There was a man, a strange old man who could fly. He floated down from the sky, and told me that as a mutant, I was naturally superior to all other humans. He wanted me to come with him, said he was building some grand future for mutantkind, as if we were a different species.”
“Who was this man?” Loki asked, intrigued.
“No idea. I told him to leave. It wasn't long after I had left home, and I really didn't want to go back to any kind of civilization. I was kinda fantasizing about becoming some kind of cryptid, you know? The Everglades Swamp Witch, or something like that.
Then the botanists came. A whole group of them, trying to catalog Ghost Orchids. They're endangered, and people keep stealing them, and wrecking up their habitat. But I knew where they were. All two thousand of them. And I convinced them that I was in contact with all the remaining plants, so if any went missing after their expedition, I'd know, and come hunting for them.”
She grinned. “Like I said, Swamp Witch vibes. They even believed me!”
“So you cannot actually do that?” Loki asked. The stars had come out, forming unfamiliar shapes in the night sky. His eyes could pick out fainter lights than a humans could, and he admired the active beauty of this part of the universe while eating from one of the non-specialty ration packs.
“Well, I can, but not automatically. And not that far away. I have to be closer to a plant to really sense it, and I have to be trying really hard. Like, if I wanted to figure out where the nearest maple tree was, I would have to concentrate on that, and block out all the grass. But a maple has a different...I guess you could call it a signature? A different signature than grass does. A Ghost Orchid grows on trees, and is basically just a ball of roots when it's not blooming. Kinda like this-” Iris nodded at the roots tangled around her. “But way smaller. It looks like nothing, almost. They're very hard to spot. But they have that different signature than the tree they grow on, and I can follow that to where they are.”
“So you found all their plants, as if by magic.”
“Yeah, and they paid me pretty well for it, and I sent the money home to my parents, and then the botanists went home and blabbed. Next thing I know. S.H.I.E.L.D. is on my tail.”
“Because you were friendly to botanists?”
“Well...I might have also...sabotaged a development project.” Iris said sheepishly. “But it was right on the edge of the National Park, and I didn't let anybody get hurt! And I'm pretty sure it was dubiously legal anyway.”
The edges of Loki's mouth curled, even as his eyebrows lifted.
“What's this? You're 'shy and sensitive' I was told. Was I sold a bill of goods? Are you, in fact, a naughty little mutant?”
Iris rolled her eyes. “Ugh, don't joke. Naughty little mutants end up dead.”
The amusement drained from his face.
“You would be celebrated in Asgard.” He said.
“We aren't in Asgard.” She answered. “The only thing that matters is where we are now. Those guys in there? They'd kill us both just for being born. They'd make it so that no one like us could ever be born again. When S.H.I.E.L.D showed up, in their black uniforms and started introducing themselves as 'agents', I thought that's what they had come for. The government was there to kill me.
At that point, I'd been off the grid for over a year, and I didn't know anything about the S.H.I.E.L.D./HYDRA internet explosion. But when they started talking about rebuilding as a humanitarian organization, dedicated to the protection of people-marginalized people-from, like, terrorist groups and hostile aliens, I realized they weren't there to kill me or arrest me, they were just there for me.
So I didn't make them disappear, and went with them instead. I still send money home to my parents. They don't know where I am, or what I do. They don't know the true extent of my capabilities. I'm not sure I do either. The thing about being a mutant is that a lot of these powers don't get replicated exactly, so we each have to figure ourselves out. There's no training regimen or curriculum for this.”
“So all of this is self taught?” Loki asked, impressed. “I'm not even entirely self taught.”
“You were taught? This all didn't just come from being a god or whatever?”
“No, of course not. The power is there naturally, but it needs directing. Like you, I suppose. You're born with it, but need teaching to use it. I had the best teachers the universe could offer, and was exalted and encouraged. You had only yourself, and adversity. I've seen but little of you, but this seems a great feat so far.”
“A compliment?”
“An acknowledgment. It's good to know S.H.I.E.L.D. has become more discerning in its recruitment. I hear it was more than a little disastrous for them last time.”
“Like I said, I didn't find out about that until after. Though, I guess it's not all that surprising that it happened. There's a lot that can go wrong inside an organization that big, and with that much reach. There's just too much going on; there can never be enough oversight.”
“I know.” Loki said. “I used that against them when I attempted to bring down the planet. Somehow, they still didn't notice the traitors among them.”
“You worked with HYDRA?” Iris asked defensively.
“No.” Loki said. “I used them. I didn't...make many distinctions then, in my interactions with mortals.”
“Kinda seems like you still don't.” Iris pointed out. Loki took a breath and hesitated.
“Moreso than I did then.” He said slowly. “Then, you were just tools. A means to an end. Disposable. Interchangeable. There are so many of you, so it wasn't like any of your could actually be important.”
“Right up until barely six of us beat the tar out of you and blew up your entire army?”
Loki scowled. “That is a misstatement. The plan was always to lose.”
“Bull. Shit.”
“No, I'm serious. Earth was the weakest link in the Nine Realms, and it needed to be awakened. And you were. Spectacularly. Look what it's lead to. S.H.I.E.L.D. was purged, HYDRA exposed, and your world made ready for the arrival of Asgard. You've been opened to higher interactions, as a progressing member of the Realms.”
“Uh huh. That was totally the end goal, right? Inter-species altruism? That was what filled your heart while you blew people up?”
“Norns, no!” Loki snorted. “I hated every last one of you. I took a special delight in destroying that which was weaker than myself, never think I didn't. It's just...It wasn't entirely up to me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean...I mean that losing was an act of defiance that sparked off the strengthening defense of Midgard, which I continue to participate in. Doing small jobs for S.H.I.E.L.D., rubbing out the likes of HYDRA and A.I.M., all of this contributes to this strengthening.”
Iris regarded him suspiciously through her framework of roots.
“You sound like you're running some sinister, behind-the-scenes shadow plan.” She accused. “You wanna explain?”
Loki smiled, a wan, false thing.
“Do you want some water?” He offered instead.
Iris rolled her eyes. “You're not gonna distract me.”
“And I am not going to elaborate further. Your curiosity will have to remain unsatisfied, or supplemented by your own imagination.”
“Hmph. Why'd you even bring it up then?”
“I? I think you'll find our conversation naturally meandered in this direction. That does not mean it must come to the conclusion you desire.”
“So this is what Abby meant when she said you were a pain in the ass to talk to.” Iris grumbled.
“I was not put here to satisfy Abby.” Loki said airily. “Who is Abby?”
“She asked you on a date.” Iris said. “You don't even remember her? Harsh.”
Loki shrugged. “She sounds frightfully dull. I may have to play nice for now, but I needn't entertain every persons sordid fantasies. Do you leap through every hoop set before you? Or do you also tell unimportant people that you aren't interested in entertaining them?”
“All right, that's fair.” Iris craned her head back to look up at the stars. “Which one is Asgard? Can you see it from here?”
“You can't.” Loki said. “The star is too far away, too small. And it doesn't matter now anyway. Home is gone, and we must rebuild from scratch. But that one, right there-do you see? Another realm orbits that one, the Frozen Realm of Jotunheim. They were our enemies once, and yours, but no more. Partly because they are under 'house arrest' as it were, trapped on their own planet. My father drove them off your planet over a thousand years ago. Your world actually warmed up without their influence, at least for a little while.”
“There were aliens here a thousand years ago?” Iris asked, incredulous.
“There have been 'aliens' here for ages.” Loki said. “Visitations and experiments, and failed colonies, and raids. Your ancestors were still getting the hang of fire, and there were 'aliens' visiting your lush and beautiful world. Making plans. Then your lot discovered agriculture and metal, and ruined a lot of those plans.”
“Seems like we're good at that.”
“Yes, yes, I was defeated by mortals. I am aware. I was the first to know.” Loki grumbled.
“Wait, does that mean the aliens really did build the pyramids?” Iris wondered.
Loki snickered. “The hubris of humanity is not universally shared. You are known for several things, and your inexplicable drive for monument building is one of them. Visitors did not build your great buildings; you did. They did come to see them though, like tourists. Some of them even took artifacts back home with them. Hopefully they weren't too historically important.”
“That's so rude.” Iris said.
“And you would never have known to take offense if I hadn't told you.”
God of Mischief indeed.
“What other realms are there? Just the nine?”
“Eight now, I suppose. But no. There are many peoples out there. The Nine Realms were just those places that were somehow related to Asgard. Allies, protectorates and...penal colonies, you might call them. But all interconnected, and all at least a little dependent on the others, at least some of the time. That has come to an end. There is a very powerful spot now empty. I fear there will be a great deal of turmoil before things even themselves back out. It would be interesting to see how that all plays out, but alas, I am trapped here for now.”
“Where would you go?” Iris asked.
“Alfheim first, I think.” Loki said. “They like me there. They are much less dour than the Dverguar, less serious than the Vanir, not so boastful and bombastic as Asgardins, not vicious as Jotunn, and nowhere near as hectic and anxious as Midgardians...humans, I mean. They like jokes and pranks, and value magic...perhaps I should have been Alfar? If only I could have chosen.”
“Yeah, I think we all feel that way sometimes. But I guess even gods don't get that choice. Hey, how do gods work, anyway? I mean, I stopped believing in any all-powerful force a long time ago. About when the only answer anyone could really give me as to why God would make someone like me was that I was put here to test faith. My own, or other people's maybe. It made me sick. What kind of 'father' puts a burden like that on a little kid?”
Loki scoffed. “The first mistake that humans make is in thinking that anything can be all-powerful, all-knowing, or infallible. It is a ridiculous fantasy notion, immature and irresponsible. That kind of thinking can only lead to two things: complete disillusionment, or harm to the self or others. I am a god, because I have a singular connection to a certain aspect of the universe, as does my brother, but neither of us are any of those things. How boring, to be all-knowing! How banal, to be all-powerful. And I have known people who seemed to think they were infallible, and the amount of misery and suffering they caused is unspeakable.
No, gods were never supposed to be all that. Greater than others, yes, but omnipotent...no, that's only for people who are overcompensating I think.”
“What's that about a special connection to the universe?” Iris asked.
“The universe is ridiculously unstable. Did you know that? I believe it was a human that posited that reality destroys and remakes itself fairly often in the scheme of things, but by the nature of it, it's impossible to ever know if that's true. Because if reality is destroyed, so are you, and so, you would never know. And if reality rebuilds itself, then that is the only reality that exists, so you would never know.”
“Oh hell, I don't like that.”
“Well just don't think about it. In any case, this instability seems to be occasionally expressed through individuals of particularly resilient and long-lived species, by connecting them to certain random forces. For my brother, it is the natural occurrence of thunder and lightning, those two things being directly connected. For me, it is an expression of sophisticated behaviors. Those forces are ours to deploy and manipulate to our will, and we affect them in the world around us, even as they effect us.”
“So you're just born with it too, huh?”
“So it seems.”
Iris settled back down into her swaddling roots to sleep, leaving Loki to stare up at the stars. The grass-cutting human had mentioned cameras. Loki had shielded them from that kind of surveillance on the way in, just in case. They must be hidden somewhere out in the trees. Could Iris detect such things? Would it be worthwhile to disable any, if suspicion was already on them? Or would that merely draw even more suspicion?
Perhaps while Iris remained incapacitated, actions that might bring more enemies out should be avoided. She did not have his durable skin, after all, nor his speed or strength. But with her unusual and largely unexplained powers, he hesitated in thinking of her as weak. More like...a specialist.
He felt her stir, just as the sun was lifted into the sky, and he fed her her morning cubes. She settled into her work trance almost immediately. Perhaps she was put off by the previous nights conversation, and didn't want more of the same. Perhaps she simply wanted to finish this mission quickly. Surely she too found it boring to lay in the same spot for days.
He watched the people come and go about their work restoring the schoolhouse. How many of them were just regular workers, and how many were enemy agents? Impossible to tell by looking, especially if even the youth were involved.
The sun had not risen particularly high when he noticed a difference. The roots that wrapped Iris' body were thinning; as he watched, more and more broke away from the tangle to bury themselves in the dirt at her sides. It was like watching worms escaping danger.
Finally, Iris pulled her hands from the soil, and pushed free of the roots.
“Alright.” She said. “Bugs are in. Now it's time for us to bug out.”
In retrospect, Loki could admit that he had been too eager to leave. He simply didn't do well with long periods of inactivity. So when he walked into the trees surrounding the meadow, and found himself face to face with a shotgun-wielding hunter, he wasn't too embarrassed. No, what really made him kick himself was when the one behind them held Iris at gunpoint. How could he have let one of these yokels get behind him?
“Who the hell are you freaks?” The one in front demanded. Loki recognized him as the youth with the loud grass cutting device who had ruined his hair.
“Gaw, this one stinks!” The other one exclaimed. “Well what do ya expect? She looks like mud, of course she smells like it.”
“We were just out looking for a...private place, if you catch my drift.” Loki said smoothly, getting ready. “Nothing to get worried about. It's just such a nice day, and we couldn't help ourselves.”
“Gross.” The one behind Iris said.
“We don't want you degenerate types around here.” The one in front of Loki said. “Now hands up, freak. You're way too close.”
“To what, pray tell?” Loki said. Almost ready.
“Don't talk about it, dumbass!” The other one hissed.
“Look, let's just kill them, to be sure.” The one in front of Loki said. “World ain't gonna miss a few freaks. And then nobody knows, and we don't get in trouble.”
Loki lifted his hand in a gesture he knew humans considered to be rude. Both men fired their guns.
Neither of them saw the illusions of Loki and Iris fade away, sprawled as they were one the forest floor, bleeding from the bullet wounds they'd inflicted upon one another.
Several yards away, Loki took his hands from over Iris' ears, and approached the HYDRA recruits. One of them was still alive. Loki carefully wrapped his hand in a cloth he manifested from seemingly nowhere, and casually suffocated him.
He then led the horrified Iris back to their rented car, and got back onto the highway as quickly as he could.
The silence stretched on for several hours, Loki watching the road, Iris gazing out the window at the scenery.
“Why didn't we sneak off as soon as you put up those illusions?” She finally asked. “We were invisible. We could have just left.”
“They had seen us.” Loki said. “They could not be allowed to go and inform their superiors. If there was suspicion that we had been snooping around the school, the entire point of the mission would be moot. Besides, they were extremely rude.”
“Don't joke.” Iris said sharply. “You killed that man in cold blood.”
“I killed him on cold practicality.” Loki corrected. “He could not be allowed to live, and let others know that he and the other one hadn't actually accidentally shot one another. Once anyone had seen us, that had to be the end for them. It is understandable that you might not like that, which is why I would not ask you to participate. But if I am sent on a mission as a protector, then that is what I will do. These were men who wanted to kill you just for being born, remember?”
“They were radicalized. They could have been deradicalized.”
“And how do you propose we were to do that?”
Iris huffed. “Damnit.”
“Sometimes we aren't afforded the choices we would prefer. But don't fret. I will take full responsibility in the report. I know the Director isn't keen on too many work-related killings.” It was part of why Loki took such delight in reporting work-related killings. Just to remind them of who he was, and what he was capable of.
Once they had reached their destination and returned the rental car, Iris called their contact agent for extraction. She wasn't exactly distant, but with other things to focus on, and other people demanding their times, the closeness of the last two days was fading fast.
Oh well, Loki thought. It had been nice while it lasted. But nothing was forever, and all affection was fleeting; he knew that well enough.
But it was a little odd to see her so preoccupied with her phone.
“Have you a Tweety account, or some such?” He asked, trying to strike up a conversation once again.
“Since that doesn't exist: no.” She answered, distracted. “No, there's just...I'm seeing someone, and he wants to meet up as soon as I get back.”
Loki frowned. For some reason, he didn't like that sound of that. “You need rest, don't you?” He suggested.
“Yeah, and it's a little last minute, I admit. But he's an agent too, and our schedules don't match up very often, so we've got to meet when we can, or not at all.”
“That sounds like a difficult arrangement.”
Iris shrugged. “I'll take what I can get. At least he doesn't seem to mind the whole mutant thing. That's kinda important when you're in my shoes.”
“You do not sound entirely enamored of this man.” Loki probed.
“Well...I'd like to get to know him better, but he's very private. Mostly, I just don't want to be alone. It's hard for people like me, you know? I can't just throw a relationship away because it's not some perfect storybook romance. Gotta be more realistic than that. But I sure hope I get a few days rest before I get sent out again.”
It sounded...practical. She had to take her opportunities where she found them. It wasn't as if Loki had never been there. It was perhaps a little sad, since it sounded like she really did want that storybook romance.
Perhaps it was none of his business. It was absolutely none of his business. He followed her anyway, curious about what kind of man made this little flower bloom.
The man in question was not impressive, in Loki's opinion. Not much more than average. Maybe that didn't matter to Iris.
“Bet you're glad to be done with all that, huh?” He asked. “Dealing with that creep couldn't be easy.”
“It wasn't really all that bad, honestly. He-”
“I don't really want to hear about him. C'mon, we have the whole evening! Let's not waste it!”
Loki decided then and there that he did not like this man. Not in small part because he wanted to know what Iris had to say about him.
She took him to what must have been her apartment, and there Loki left. There were a few things he didn't want to know after all.
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Notes and Audiobooks
A/N: Here I was, not totally sure if I was gonna be able to write more of this au... but now here we are! People really liked the first lil oneshot of this, so here’s another one!
Warnings: none I can think of, but if you guys want something to be tagged, let me know!
It had been a few days since the fusion incident. Logan sat in the living room, pouring over his notes on the subject. Even after trying to figure out exactly how Amor worked and came to be, Logan still knew relatively nothing. Most of his notes were on the fusion’s personality, and his hypotheses of how fusion worked. Each time that Roman and Patton fused, it was on accident. They couldn’t seem to form Amor when they actively tried to. All Logan could gather was that fusion seemed to be associated with a certain level of trust and physical contact.
Logan was snapped from his thoughts by someone flopping down onto the couch next to him. His notebook nearly flew from his grasp, and he turned to glare at the individual now leaning on his shoulder.
“Sup,” Virgil said, not even looking up at Logan as he scrolled through something on his phone. Logan relaxed slightly once he realized that it was only Virgil. Sure, he was still mildly annoyed by the fact that Virgil dropped in without warning, but his company was far less draining than Roman’s or Patton’s.
“Hello, Virgil. Was there something you needed?” Logan asked, closing his notebook.
“Nah. Just wanted to listen to my audiobook,” Virgil replied, pulling out his headphones. He made no movement to get off of Logan, causing the logical side to raise an eyebrow at his friend.
“You are aware that you are still leaning on me, correct?” he asked.
“Yup. That okay with you?” Virgil asked, attempting to sound nonchalant, but Logan could hear the nervousness creeping in his voice.
“Of course it is, Virgil. I was just confused,” Logan replied. Virgil gave a soft smile, leaning into Logan more.
“Don’t be. We’re just two bros, chilling on a couch, no feet apart cause we are gay,” Virgil said, a teasing lilt to his voice. Logan’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“I… what?” Logan puzzled. Virgil let out a defeated sigh.
“Dude. We have to work on your Vine references,” Virgil scoffed. With that, Virgil slipped on his headphones, and pressed play on his phone. He leaned his head further back, his hair tickling Logan’s neck slightly. Logan smiled and opened up his notebook, reading through his notes once more.
Time seemed to pass slowly. Or perhaps quickly. Logan wasn’t entirely sure, but not that it mattered. He quite enjoyed Virgil’s company, even if they weren’t engaging in a conversation. Simply being in one another’s presence was enough.
He looked down at Virgil, surprised to see that the anxious side was staring right up at him. A light flush overcame his cheeks, and let out a soft laugh. Virgil began to laugh too, his eyes squeezing shut as he turned to bury his nose in Logan’s neck.
Before either one of them had registered what was happening, a soft glow enveloped the pair. The sound of two laughing voices became one, and as soon as the glow appeared, it faded away.
One man sat on the couch, Virgil’s headphones over his ears, and Logan’s notebook in his hand. He wore a dark blue button up shirt, purple tie, black jeans, a black leather jacket, and what seemed to be black galaxy converse. A pair of glasses sat on his nose, and dark eyeshadow was meticulously placed beneath his eyes.
The man set Logan’s notebook down, and cautiously extended each hand out in front of him, taking a moment to examine them. He lifted them up to his head, and slowly removed Virgil’s headphones, letting them dangle around his neck. He stood up from the couch, looking down at himself with wonder.
“YOU GUYS FUSED?!” a voice squealed from the entryway, causing the fusion to jump. He looked up and saw Patton, practically glowing with excitement.
“I… uh-” he started, nervously adjusting his glasses.
“Roman!” Patton called. Seconds later, Roman bounded into the room, sword at the ready.
“Patton! What’s-” he stopped mid-sentence when he saw the fusion standing in their living room. Patton giggled, bouncing lightly on his toes.
“They fused,” Roman gasped, willing his sword away.
“I know!” Patton squealed.
“They fused!” Roman sang, taking Patton in his arms and dancing around the room with him. Patton squealed and giggled as Roman spun them around, while the fusion watched them with mild discomfort.
Roman lowered Patton into a dip, and at that moment, a bright glow overtook them both. The fusion shielded his eyes, his thoughts drifting to Logan’s and Virgil’s memories from a few days ago. The light soon faded, and in its place stood Amor, grinning widely.
“Oh, it’s so good to meet another fusion!” he squealed, running over to him and giving the fusion a big hug. He stiffened in Amor’s arms, unsure of how to respond.
“Ah… good to meet you too? Please let go of me,” he said, and immediately Amor let go, looking bashful.
“Sorry! I guess since Logan and Virgil aren’t entirely big on hugging, you wouldn’t be either. Say, you should write that down in your- uh… Logan’s notebook? Grammar and possession gets all weird with fusions,” Amor rambled.
“It’s cool. Also, did you fuse on purpose?” he asked.
“Yeah! And it worked!” Amor squealed, striking a dramatic pose. The fusion raised an eyebrow at him.
“But… how did you? Every other time we tried fusing, it didn’t work!” he protested. Amor gave him a soft smile, and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“We’ve been thinking about it too hard. You need to just be open, go with the flow, and feel the other person’s emotions as your own! After all, how did you come to be?” Amor asked, his voice passionate and filled with wonder. The fusion glanced over to the couch, lost in thought for a moment.
“We- Logan and Virgil- were just… coexisting. Not actively talking to each other, but simply enjoying each other’s presence. It felt… right,” he said softly. Amor gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
“Exactly. Now, what’s your name?” Amor asked. The fusion froze for a moment, before de-tensing. He hummed low in his throat, and closed his eyes.
“Mika,” he replied, after a moment of silence. Amor blinked in surprise, letting go of Mika’s shoulder.
“Huh. Wouldn’t have pegged you for a name like that,” Amor commented. Mika shrugged, smirking slightly.
“Well, it’s a pretty interesting name, I guess. It has several different meanings, with Finnish, Hebrew, Japanese, and Native American. However, the particular meaning that applies to me would be…” Mika trailed off, beginning to blush a bit.
“Yes?” Amor asked, beaming at Mika.
“Uh… ‘intelligent raccoon,’” he finished shyly, fidgeting with the sleeves of his leather jacket. Amor let out a dramatic gasp, cupping his own face with his hands.
“That’s so cute!” he squealed. Mika winced at Amor’s shrill tone.
“It’s more dorky and dumb… maybe I should change it,” Mika muttered. Amor’s expression fell, and he gently grabbed Mika by his shoulders.
“Hey, it’s not dumb! I think your name is wonderful, Mika. But if you wanna change it, then that’s fine too! I’ll always support you, either way!” Amor encouraged, his smile brilliant yet sweet. Mika found himself blushing slightly, unable to look Amor in the eyes.
“Um… thanks, Amor,” he mumbled.
“Of course,” Amor replied. He let go of Mika’s shoulders, taking a step back. Strangely enough, Mika found himself missing the contact from Amor. He hugged himself slightly, again fidgeting with his sleeves.
“Everything okay, Mika?” Amor asked. His head snapped up, and his arms fell to his sides.
“Yeah! I’m fine, just… what now?” Mika asked. Amor put a hand to his chin, humming in thought for a moment. Suddenly, his head shot up with a gasp, his grin as bright and boisterous as ever.
“Let’s go to my room!” he declared, taking Mika’s hand.
“Wait, you have a room?” Mika asked, more or less being dragged out of the living room by Amor.
“Course I do, silly! The others have rooms, don’t they?” Amor pointed out. Mika frowned, allowing himself to be tugged to a door far down the hallway.
“Well, I suppose that makes sense, but-” he was cut off by Amor putting a finger to his lips.
“As much as your voice is music to my ears, now is not the time, my friend. Adventure awaits!” Amor proclaimed, opening his door with a flourish. A golden light spilled into the hall, and Mika gasped at what he saw on the other side of the door.
It was a lush meadow, filled with flowers of every kind, their beautiful colors speckled all over the hills. The sun seemed to be setting, the skies various shades of pink, orange, and yellow. A few trees were dotted here and there, the most notable being a willow tree that sat on a hill some distance away from the door.
“Wow,” Mika gasped.
“Yeah, C’mon!” Amor exclaimed, pulling Miko into his room.
The two of them journeyed through Amor’s room, eventually stopping at the willow tree. Upon closer inspection, the flowers were actually homes for fairies. The little creatures were fascinated by Amor and Mika, some of them taking a particular interest in Mika’s galaxy shoes.
In all honesty, Amor’s room was very similar to Roman’s room. The only difference was that everything seemed… softer. Like everything had come from a children’s storybook. The clouds looked as if they could have been hand-painted, and the flowers seemed unrealistically vibrant.
Mika sat beneath the willow tree, his back resting against the tree trunk. Amor was sprawled on the ground next to him, his head practically in Mika’s lap. The sun had almost fully set by now, the first few stars peeking out.
“We should probably go,” Mika sighed. Amor sat bolt upright, pouting at Mika.
“Aw, but why?! We could have a sleepover here!” Amor exclaimed. A soft laugh escaped Mika’s lips at Amor’s childish enthusiasm.
“Yes, but it’s best we get back to the mindscape. And as fun as this has been… Logan and Virgil have to come back eventually,” Mika replied. Amor’s heartbroken expression caused Mika’s stomach to twist into knots.
“Hey, it’s not like I’d be gone forever!” he quickly soothed, placing his hand on Amor’s. Amor gave him a watery smile.
“I know, I just feel like you were barely here!” he sighed. Mika took one glance at Amor’s pouting face, and blurted out something he didn’t think he’d willingly say.
“Would a hug help?” Mika asked. Amor’s face lit up, and he practically tackled Mika to the ground. Mika found himself being hugged tightly by the cape-clad man, and he tentatively wrapped his arms around Amor. With a giggle, Amor pulled away slightly, his face inches from Mika’s. Their breaths were mingling together, and Mika felt his face heat slightly. His heart was beating out of his chest- and did Amor just look at his lips?!
There was a sudden burst of light, and Logan and Virgil appeared in place of Mika. Amor let out a yelp of surprise, and let go of them, scrambling off and away from them.
“Shit, I’m sorry… I panicked,” Virgil apologized, guilt twisting in his stomach. Logan blinked dazedly, and looked down at his hands.
“You’re fine! I just got a little overexcited. Shall we go back?” Amor asked, bouncing back to his feet and offering a hand to Virgil. He looked at his hand, but eventually decided to accept Amor’s help up.
“Yes, I believe we should be getting back to the mindscape. I have so much more information to record in my notebook,” Logan agreed, getting to his feet as well.
“Sounds like a plan! Now, let’s take one last stroll in the Land of Amor together!” Amor declared, offering each arm to Logan and Virgil. Logan smiled at the fusion, and took the offered arm. Virgil reluctantly accepted Amor’s free one, and together, the sides and fusion walked back to the mindscape’s door.
Tag List: @accidental-sanders @alix-the-skeleton @allthemetalsoftherainbow @armageddonhascome @backatthebein @bangthekobrakid @bloodropsblog @coffeestudylive @cosmic-chu @cyndaquil17 @didsomeonesayprince @emphoenixcat @every-day-insomniac @fanderily @fandomsandanythingelse @freekiphotography @freepaperie081 @hanramz-the-fander @i-need-a-social-life-2710 @ironwoman359 @justanotherpurplebutterfly @kanejandkrudge @kingofthec-louds @kitsuneprideleader @le2712 @littlemiracle05 @lizaelsparrow @loganpatton @lollingtothemax @look-its-meme @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @lynlinked @mewsicalmiss @midnightcandy @moonstonefox12 @musicsavedmefromdeath @mystrangedarkson @namirastar @nightmarejasmine @not-as-smart @purplepatton @romanssippycup @royallyanxious @ruuworld @sanders-trash-4ever @save-me-oh-dream-of-mine @shadowamongfireworks @shygirl4991 @softbludemon @sombraplayslazertag @sweetinsomniac @thisrandomperson102 @thuriweaver @treblesanders @vigilantvirgil
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prycillvs · 6 years
            hello  sweets    !    i’m  lina  ,  i’m  20    &    i’m  so  excited  to  be  here    !    i’ve  been  eyeing  this  rp  for  a  while    &    have  finally  built  up  the  courage  to  apply  sjfkfnkg  ,  so  without  further  ado  here’s  my  lil  darling  ,  prycilla    !    i  tend  to  get  carried  away  when  it  comes  to  intros  so  i’m  sorry  if  this  becomes  a  little  long    &    rambly  ,  but  if  any  of  you  beauties  would  like  to  plot  then  smash  that  lil  heart  button    &    i’ll  come  sliding  into  your  im’s    !
Tumblr media
&&. announcing her royal highness, ( prycilla cleora ariadne manolas ), the ( 21 ) year old ( princess ) of ( cyprus ). she is often confused with ( cindy kimberly ). some say that she is ( credulous & introverted ), but she is actually ( cultivated & tender ). ( prycilla ) is arranged to marry ( any male fc ). ( ooc: lina / 20 / gmt / she & her )
FULL  NAME    &    MEANINGS    :    prycilla    (    venerable  ,  ancient  ,  classical  ,  primordial    )    cleora    (    glory    )    ariadne    (    most  holy    )    manolas    (    unknown  meaning    )  . NICKNAMES    :    cilla  ,  cece  ,  lily  ,  pry  ,  lila  ,  honestly  anything    ! AGE    :    twenty-one  . BIRTHDAY    :    february  20th  . ZODIAC    :    pisces  . GENDER    :    female  . PRONOUNS    :    she  /  her  . RELIGION    :    christian orthodox  .
AESTHETICS    :    cursive writing  ,  paint  splatters  ,  hand  written  letters  ,  novels  ,  honey  ,  writing  over  typing  ,  blank  canvas  ,  11:11  wishes  ,  dancing  in  an  empty  room  ,  poetry  ,  orange  juice  every  morning  ,  vanilla  scents  ,  fresh  roses  ,  silk pyjamas  ,  pastel  colours  ,  cherry  blossom  ,  dancing  in  the  rain  ,  sunny  days  ,  reading  until  sunrise  ,  scent  of  flowers  through  an  open  window  ,  bubble  baths  ,  daydreams  ,  warm  greetings  ,  bobby  pins  ,  peppermint  tea  ,  daises  ,  vanilla  perfume  ,  candles  ,  rose  petals  on  silk  sheets  ,  high  heels  ,  glitter  ,  red  lipstick  ,  used  paintbrushes  ,  a  shy  kiss  on  the  cheek  ,  twirling  around  in  a  pretty  dress  ,  lacy  lingerie  ,  quiet  nights  in  .
they  say  that  word  travels  fast    &    the  pregnancy  of  the  king    &    queen  of  cyprus  was  no  exception  .  the  world  rejoiced  ,  sending  letters  of  kindness    &    gifts  for  their  unborn  baby  .  the  bump  would  peak  through  the  queen’s  skillfully  crafted  maternity  dresses    &    after  nine  months  ,  princess  prycilla  cleora  aridne  manolas  was  born  with  a  loud  wail  .  within  hours  ,  the  healthy  baby  girl  was  home  .  within  two  weeks  ,  she  wore  her  first  smile  .
but  whatever  you  do  ,  do  not  call  her  prycilla  .  despite  her  mother  chastising  her  after  correcting  people  for  addressing  her  by  her  given  name  ,  cilla  /  cece  /  whichever  name  you  would  decide  to  call  her  ,  she’d  prefer  it  rather  than  the  formality  of  ’prycilla’  .
she  was  fast  developing  as  a  child  ,  supporting  her  own  head  after  two  months  ,  uttering  her  first  word  after  nine  .  growing  up  ,  she  had  a  curious  mind  .  always  eager  to  explore  the  castle  she  would  grow  up  in  ,  often  getting  caught    &    having  to  flash  her  heart - melting  smile  in  order  for  them  to  not  tell  her  parents  .
but  despite  the  pressures    &    high  expectations  that  being  a  princess  would  bring  her  ,  cilla  was  content  .  she  had  a  smile  for  everyone  ,  an  unusual  softness  that  often  came  as  a  surprise  to  everyone  around  her  .  however  for  that  matter  ,  perhaps  she’s  a  little    too    soft  .  one  morning  she  found  a  butterfly  with  it’s  wing  trapped  in  a  beautiful  rose  bush    &    cried  until  someone  set  it  free  .  her  mother  used  to  say  that  her  kindness  would  be  her  greatest  downfall  ,  but  prycilla  would  smile    &    bounce  along  like  a  fairy  in  a  forgotten  meadow  .
as  she  grew  older  ,  the  weight  on  cilla’s  shoulder  grew  heavier    &    so  her  smiles  became  more  forced  .  she  was  always  told  to  stand  up  straight  ,  to  not  slouch  your  shoulders  ,  to  not  speak  unless  spoken  to  .  she  became  more  withdrawn  ,  feeling  more  comfort  in  her  silk  sheets  than  she  did  with  other  people  .  in  all  honesty  ,  she  never  felt  completely  content  unless  she  had  a  paint  brush  in  hand  .
give  her  a  smile  ,    &    she’ll  smile    &    bow  back  as  she  was  taught  to  .  but  give  her  a  book  or  a  brush  ,  she’ll  be  your  friend  for  life  .  cilla  was  a  born  visionary  ,  an  imagination  that  any  artist  should  have  .  but  her  mother  would  tell  her  it  can  be  nothing  more  than  a  hobby  .  but  if  you  were  to  watch  cilla  paint  a  robin  perched  on  a  tree  ,  or  sketch  the  rose  bush  in  the  castle’s  astonishing  gardens  ,  you’d  swear  she  was  a  professional  .
but  she  knew  of  her  duties  ,  so  she’s  become  more  introverted    &    closed  off  throughout  the  years  .  but  ,  cilla  has  always  had  a  gentle  heart  ,  so  despite  the  false  smiles  she  throws  around  there’s  a  naivity    &    innocence  to  her  that  has  stuck  around  since  she  found  the  butterfly  in  the  bush  .
she’s  absolutely  in  love  with  the  idea  of  love    &    falls  in  love  with  different  things  every  day  .  she  tends  to  wear  her  heart  on  her  sleeve  ,  forever  a  gentle  soul  who  will  do  anything  for  anyone  should  they  ask  her  for  something  .
appears  to  be  very  quiet  when  you  first  meet  her  ,  but  if  you  know  her  well  enough  you’ll  find  she  can  hold  interesting  conversations    &    has  a  very  hypnotic  way  of  speaking  .
there’s  probably  a  lot  more  but  my  brain  is  barely  functioning  after  a  day  of  traveling  so  i  hope  this  is  acceptable    !    i’ll  probably  add  more  once  i’ve  written  a  functional  bio  but  for  now  this  is  my  soft  daughter    !
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
24 Things You Need To Know About Large Oil Painting Today | Large Oil Painting
Michaela DiPaola, a chief at Scituate Aerial School, has won the People’s Choice Accolade for the additional after year at “Student Expressions: Scituate Aerial Academy Show,” at the Front Street Art Gallery.
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Large Oil Painting Green Painting Blue Abstract Painting Abstract Oil Painting On Canvas | BOUNDLESS OCEAN – large oil painting | large oil painting
“It’s abundant to feel so abundant abutment and approval from the community,” DiPaola said.
Hosted by the Scituate Arts Association, the display was appointed to booty abode through the ages of March but the arcade was bankrupt in mid March due to the restrictions over apropos of COVID-19.
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Large oil painting by Baillie – large oil painting | large oil painting
The People’s Choice, in which visitors and artists of the arcade are encouraged to ample out a blooper to vote on the artisan they feel claim an award, was able to booty place.
Fifty SHS art acceptance had appointment displayed in the exhibit.
Canvas Art Large, Oil Painting Landscape,Abstract Painting Original – large oil painting | large oil painting
“They accept an amazing crop of art acceptance at the aerial school,” said artisan Janet Cornacchio, President of the SAA. “The actuality overwhelms me. They absolutely anticipate out of the box. The display is consistently enjoyed, there are consistently a cardinal of works that are absolutely exciting, and it’s abundant to see such accomplished boyish bodies who accept such an activity for art.”
Like some of the added artists, DiPaola submitted several pieces for the exhibit. Bodies casting votes for the artist, not for a accurate piece. This year’s appointment included “Fairy,” area a little babe was the focus; “Mateus,” a boyish man on a couch; a “Gesso” series; and a self-portrait.
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Details about “MAKE AN OFFER” SALE LARGE OIL PAINTING ASPEN TREE INDIAN ORIGINAL ART GARY KIM – large oil painting | large oil painting
“When I got the assignment, I capital to try and do it a bit abnormally than aftermost year,” DiPaola said. “I still tend to acrylic people, but this year I corrective
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Oil Painting – Abstract Castle – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Antique Landscape Oil Painting James Docharty Very Early .. | large oil painting
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abstracted interior landscape, abstract oil painting inspired by Arshile Gorky and Kandinsky art – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Thorny Seed Head – Dec 2019-2 – Oil Painting Classic BW – TS2 – LR – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Saatchi Art: Meadow, Landscape oil painting, large size .. | large oil painting
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Acrylic and Oil large Magnolia Painting on canvas PALETTE – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Palette knife and brush painting"Little boats, Big dreams .. | large oil painting
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Leonid Afremov, oil on canvas, palette knife, buy original .. | large oil painting
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Произведения Искусства >> Natalya Zhdanova >> Large oil painting .. | large oil painting
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B M Brown . Large 44 " x 32 " framed oil painting on .. | large oil painting
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Large Original oil painting Fall Landscape Palette knife – large oil painting | large oil painting
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MIDSUMMER DANCE – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Large oil painting on canvas yellow roses – large oil painting | large oil painting
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LARGE Oil Painting on Canvas, marked by Robert Doney – Lofty .. | large oil painting
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Painting Large Oil Paintings with Ease – with Douglas David | Vero .. | large oil painting
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details from large oil painting (Tim Hudson) – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Large Oil Painting, Landscape Painting, Original Painting, Impressionist Painting, Vertical Painting, Fournier, ” Over The Hill “, 24×24 – large oil painting | large oil painting
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Large Oil Painting of Seascape Road to Palm Trees Houses .. | large oil painting
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Acrylic, Painting Original, Abstract Art, Abstract paintings, Oil .. | large oil painting
The post 24 Things You Need To Know About Large Oil Painting Today | Large Oil Painting appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/large-oil-painting-green-painting-blue-abstract-painting-abstract-oil-painting-on-canvas-boundless-ocean-large-oil-painting.jpg
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dennou-translations · 7 years
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Violet Evergaden: Chapter 9
Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, support the creators by buying the official releases here.
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The Groom and the Auto-Memories Doll
The Morning Moon ascended in azure. Its faint form was not enough to overwhelm those who lived under the light of the night sky’s Moon. However, just as the full moon, the moon of a gentler color that melted into the sky had a charm that would stop time and make people contemplate it. Combined with the pastoral poem-like landscape of prairies and small flowers that spread beneath it as far as the eyes could see, it was like an illustration out of a fairy tale book.
Amidst such a heavenly scenery, without so much as batting a lash at the moon, a young man ran about intently. In his extreme hurry, he had dressed himself in a pair of pants and a shirt. He wore nothing but that.
The area was named Eucalypt Basin and had plenty of undeveloped land, with the distance from town to town and village to village being of about half a day. Regular service vehicles passed by only once a day, and if missed, local residents and travelers had no choice but to rely on their own feet or other means of transportation. Looking for a person in that world of rice fields seemed easy considering the small number of obstacles, but in reality, it was not.
The amplitude itself was the main hindrance when pursuing someone. Thorough searches took too much time. It was difficult to notice even if a target moved from the place being looked through to another.
“Dammit, why did things turn out like this...?” the young man impatiently wiped the sweat trailing down his forehead with his shirt’s sleeve.
The feet that had been running in the fields until then had slowed down, only walking, and eventually stopped. Perhaps as he did not have time to put on shoes, he was barefoot. His feet bled, maybe from having stepped on twigs or rocks. Was the one he looked for worth a chase obsessive enough for him to acquire such injuries? The youth himself incidentally wound up reflecting on it.
In spite of the question that had been born within him and the lack of a precise answer to it, the young man resumed running. The small white flowers he stepped on were dyed in blood. The dismal pain braked his thought process.
“Call... my name, Mom.”
Should he go back or not? Abandon the one he searched for or not?
“My... name...”
If he were to choose not to, he simply had no choice but continue looking. In such circumstances, indecision was the biggest waste. For instance, perhaps a clue could be found those infinite fields.
A dark red ribbon suddenly flew into the youth’s vision. The red fluttered into a world of nothing but greens, blues and whites. In front of him, a red unlike the one from the blood he had shed gently flowed in the breeze. Instinctively, he stretched his hand out to it. He slowly took into his palm what seemed like a present from the heavens.
The young man turned his head towards the direction of the wind. He could see silhouettes. They were the figures of a few people surrounding a motorcycle. One of them had left the spot and was running towards him. Once closer, he could tell it was a woman. On top of that, she had a captivating beauty. Her golden hair hovering amongst scattering flower petals, she stopped before the youth and stared intensely at his face.
Her blue orbs held a mysterious charm and made him feel as if they stripped him naked.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I rush anywhere my customer desires. I am from the automated dolls service, Violet Evergarden.” Like a puppet, she bowed gracefully.
Much like her appearance, the sound that came out of her finely shaped crimson lips was lovable and pure, but the contents of her words were mismatched for such a place. The young man was no customer of hers either, nothing but a stranger.
Perhaps thinking the same as him, she corrected herself, “I made a mistake. Pardon me. This is like an occupational disease; I end up automatically saying my introduction speech to whomever I meet for the first time...”
“No... it’s okay. Erm... I’m Silene. Could this be yours?”
As she nodded mutely, Silene handed her the ribbon. He himself was surprised at how much he trembled as their fingertips touched. Although covered by gloves, her fingers felt stiff and were obviously not human.
“Here you go. Also, there’s something I want to ask. I’m looking for someone...”
“A silver-haired woman in her 60’s who specializes in hairdressing?”
“Y-Yes. My mother used to work as a hairdresser in the past... How did you...?”
The girl held down her hair, unraveling in the wind due to being untied, and pointed at the direction she had come from. Despite hardly visible because of the distance, a short person that he believed to be his mother was there.
“We were looking for you as well.”
No matter what she did, she was a woman beautiful enough to become a painting, Silene thought.
The ones who had taken care of Silene’s mother were an Auto-Memories Doll and a postman in the middle of a journey. It seemed they were on standstill as their motorcycle had malfunctioned, and had sighted his mother wandering around the meadows.
“She said she was going up to the mountains to look for her husband and son. It’s weird for someone to be walking around wearing rolls at early morning, right? We were already having problems, but when people see someone even more troubled than themselves, they stay composed. V.” while fumbling with the defective motorcycle, the man opened a hand towards the young woman.
“My name is not ‘V’. It is ‘Violet’.” Placing her side-locks behind her ear, she squatted down. Taking a tool from a bag lying on the ground, she handed it to the man.
Ignoring her remark, he resumed working silently. “Take a look at V’s hair. She said it was pretty and asked ‘please let me touch it’, so we let her play with it just like that. I was caught up over here. V was entertaining the Granny. And then you showed up.”
“My mother... is a little... wrong in the head... We’ve caused you trouble.”
“Seems so... well, fellows like that aren’t rare. It’s easy for thoughts and memories to become confusing on their own. You don’t even have to be old for that to happen... It’s not working... Enough. Gimme a hand towel.” Easily wiping off black oil stains, he stood up.
He was a bit taller than Violet. His light blond hair was of a shade that resembled sand. His hairline was short, yet a part of his forelocks hung lengthier on one side. His cool, sky blue orbs bore thorns within their softness.
Just by looking at the curves of his body, one could tell he was wearing tight laser pants. In contrast, his upper part was clad in a loose spring-green shirt and suspenders. The heels of his boots were too tall. Said heels were cross-shaped. It was quite a flashy get-up. However, even if he took off all of it, he had the looks of someone that could effortlessly lead a woman or two by the nose.
“This... is completely hopeless. Out of all things, for it to break in the middle of this countryside that has nothing but grassland is just...” The man roughly wiped off a bead of sweat with his arm. He seemed rather fatigued.
“Benedict, I really should run to the city we parted from and request help. It is faster to go back than go forth.”
“Hum, then...”
Not hearing Silene’s attempted statement, the man – Benedict – scowled at Violet’s words. “Even if you possess a strength so ridiculous that it’s almost like a joke, there’s no way I could let a woman do that alone. Even if you say that way is closer, it’s still pretty distant. Also, the outcome would be that I’d be scolded by the Old Man.”
Violet slightly tilted her neck. “Is that so? Benedict, you are already clearly exhausted by the everyday postal deliveries and take on the additional duty of picking me up along the way, so in this situation, is it not better for the one with more stamina to make a move? Being male or female is unrelated. This decision is for the sake of our survival.”
“Hum, like I said...”
“Nope, I can already see it. Old Man going like, ‘Benedict... you... why did you make Little Violet do something like that? You made her run?’ and then criticize me about the manners of a gentleman that he’s so good at.”
What he impersonated with so much emotion was most likely an imitation of a certain postal company’s boss.
“You... will answer anything when asked, right? You can’t lie.”
“I do not lie to President. There are only truths in my reports.”
“Then, isn’t it no good after all?”
“I will tell the truth but I will give you cover, Benedict. I will say that I was the one who proposed it.”
“Your covering fire is the best when it comes to actual ammo but it’s fruitless effort when it comes to everyday conversations, so stop that.”
“Hum!” As Silene spoke loudly, the two finally looked his way.
Perhaps tired from walking so much, his mother was asleep as he carried her on his back. Violet brought her index finger next to her lips.
Silene smiled bitterly. “If you’re having a hard time, I’ll guide you to my village as thanks for taking care of my mother. Can you push the motorcycle? If you can go on pushing, it might take a little while, but I’ll show you to someone who can fix it.”
“You’d do that?”
Silene nodded. “The village is a bit crowded at the moment, so it will take some time... that’s right. If you could... stay there for a day, we could work it out. We do receptions as well. To tell the truth, a wedding is going to happen. In this region, whenever someone is getting married, the entire village gathers to open banquets. During them, we invite and welcome anyone. It’s coincidentally the best time to entertain guests.”
“Do you have drinks?”
“Of course.”
“What about dancer girls and good food? Also, places to sleep.”
“About women, erm... Mister Benedict. It would depend on you, but we’ve got everything else ready.”
After balling his fists and revering the heavens, Benedict turned to Violet and offered both hands. Violet stared at them fixatedly.
“You do it like this. Like this.” Benedict vehemently took Violet’s hand and made her raise it together with his. “We did it.”
“‘We did it’?”
“You don’t have to do that much.” Benedict laughed. “This is part of that thing called fate. I have no idea who they are, but let’s join the toast of this happy couple.”
Silene also laughed at Benedict’s words. Upon looking once at his mother on his back, his smile soon disappeared, but he forced himself to muster out a cheerful voice, “Yes, I’m from the household of this happy couple.”
The place Silene led them to was a village named Kisara. Its houses had been built as to form a semicircle. In its center was a hall with a stone pavilion and a well. Most likely, they were the only things in that space at first, but currently, a crowd crammed around the pavilion. It was filled with women to the point that one could ponder whether every woman in the village had assembled there. They were vigorously cooking and decorating the hall with ornaments.
Violet and Benedict observed the scene as if it were something unusual. As Benedict asked Silene where the men were, the latter pointed at a set of tents located just a little apart from the village. The lined-up tents made of colorful cloths shone outstandingly against the blue skies and green land. It appeared they were being put up to serve as temporary bedding for guests. By the looks of it, those people truly meant to warmly welcome whoever came by without rebuffing anyone.
For the time being, the group was headed to Silene’s home. The village’s only roadway was narrow and full of things – flowers blooming all over wooden vats placed by the front doors, dried crops, cats slipping past their legs. From somewhere in that midst, the sound of bells rang. Silene explained how several chimes that produced sound by colliding with each other upon being blown by the wind were the village’s specialty articles of folk craft.
Looking upwards, they could see cords passed through the houses’ windows across the street, from which their residents’ laundry hung. Chimes hung from them as well. Young girls chatting with one another pulled in the cords as though having fun. While they did so, the chimes simultaneously rang. When Benedict turned his gaze towards them, they let out a laughter akin to a scream and closed the windows.
The village had a tranquility that did not exist in big cities, characteristic of small communities.
Once they had passed the narrow road, it broadened at once, and beyond it was an isolated house that was bigger than the rest. Although not so well tended to, bushes of roses grew in its garden. Two anxious-looking women stood in front of the entrance.
“Aah, so she was all right?!” The one who rushed over as fast as she could was a middle-aged lady clad in an apron dress.
After a deep sigh, Silene spoke to her in a low tone, “Don’t ‘she was all right’ me. Are you okay with this? Don’t tell me this always happens...”
“Yesterday night, I had properly locked Madame’s room. Master, could it be you went there afterwards? Did you lock it? It only opens from outside.”
“For the few years that everything has been entrusted to Master, I haven’t gone looking for Madame like that.”
“My bad. That was my bad...”
The air of their exchange could not be described as pleasant.
The other woman walked to Silene’s side. She had brown skin and gracious facial features. She bowed her head to Violet and Benedict, who wordlessly watched everything. It was then that Silene finally realized there was someone other than his relative beside him.
“S-Sorry... I’ll introduce you. This is... erm... the one who will become my wife tomorrow, Misha. And my mother’s servant, Delit. I don’t live with my mother. Misha, Delit. Those two took care of Mom.”
They understood how much the last statement meant they were supposed to show gratitude towards the duo with the expression he showed right after. Both Delit and Misha let them into the house as if dealing with saints. Following that, they had a busy time. The bride and groom, who were about to marry the next day, seemed to have greetings to give in various places, and so had gone out by themselves. They apologized for being unable to entertain the guests appropriately, yet Violet and Benedict were satisfied enough just by having a place with a roof to cool down at and saw them off without minding it.
As it was close to midday, the servant Delit treated the travelers to a meal out of consideration. Perhaps due to being significantly tired, Benedict wound up falling asleep immediately after eating, as if his battery had run out. At first, he had started nodding off, and soon, unable to withstand it, he rested his body against the sofa and closed his eyes.
The work of a postman consisted of all-day delivery duties. Moreover, he had driven to pick up Violet on the way of his trip, and as his motorcycle had broken, he had worried about the repairs, therefore becoming completely exhausted.
Seated on the same sofa, Violet silently allowed him to sleep by her side as he leaned against her, and once everything became quiet, she finally observed the environment. There were chimes on the house’s window as well. They rang in jingles. The sounds of Delit washing dishes could be heard from the kitchen. Along with Benedict’s sleeping breath, the afternoon of an extremely peaceful summer day ensued.
Albeit not feeling sleepy, Violet closed her eyes. It was as if she had come to know the gentleness of the sounds of everyday life composed her surroundings for the first time. Her new home, the Evergarden household, was a mansion which size could not be matched unless so many of the village’s houses were put together, and therefore, it was strange for her to be in a house where she could merely exist and relax without having to do any work. However, as soon as she heard a clatter coming from the front door, she reached for the handgun inside her jacket.
“My, my. Might it be the person that will fix the motorcycle?” her footsteps echoing, Delit walked up to the entrance.
Looking at her side, Violet could see Benedict thinly opening his eyes. He also had his fingers on his handgun. “It is all right to continue sleeping.” She told him, and he closed his eyes again as if relieved.
The two of them were slightly alike. Due to their hair and irises being of similar colors, they almost looked like siblings when next to one another.
Wondering if there were anything she could do to offer assistance, Violet was about to head to the entrance as well, but upon noticing that someone was calling amidst the everyday life sounds, her feet halted. She had heard it coming from the second floor. She then remembered that Silene’s mother had been taken to it as though being pushed back when they had arrived at that house. Climbing the wooden stairs, Violet stood at the corridor of the second floor and stayed put to listen once more.
“Darling...?” The voice of an elderly woman resounded. “Or could it be Jonah?”
She was most likely mistaking Violet for a family member.
“It is Violet. You tied my hair this morning.” As if replying to her, Violet whispered by the room’s door.
It was a small village, yet the banquet would gather all of it. One by one, they bowed their heads in gratitude to everybody. It was by the time the Sun had set that Silene and Misha had gone home.
“My, the bride is not from around here?”
“She understands our language. But her speech is broken. It’s cute.”
“Silene, treat her well. Doesn’t it feel like she can only rely on you?”
Giving greetings had not made him feel particularly disturbed, but after them, he was pryingly interrogated by older women about his fiancée, Misha. As Silene had done most of the talking on behalf of the timid Misha, who was not too good at conversations, his throat was parched.
“It’s gotten dark, huh?” Misha muttered curtly and Silene nodded.
The village would normally be calm at sunset, but today, it had been rather noisy. Everyone is was on festive spirits. Just when he was thinking that everything was for his and Misha’s sake, Silene had come to understand that a wedding ceremony was not only for two people. He then took hold of Misha’s hand in a natural manner.
“Fufu.” She let out a shy giggle. “The people of this village... are kind.” Perhaps feeling at ease when speaking only to Silene, she started talking. “My brother, who had raised me in place of our parents, passed away in the Great War. I’m glad I’m able to marry you. I was able to... have a family again.” She smiled bashfully. “Miss Delit is great at cooking. She has taught me what foods you like. Mother’s house... is big. It’s grandiose, and makes me think... that everyone can live in it.”
Although it was a peaceful chatter, Silene wound up coldly spitting out, “You don’t have to be so cautious.”
Misha’s stopped walking. Her hand, still connected with his, was pulled as he continued going ahead, causing her to stumble. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m... sorry too.”
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry... I said something... uncalled for. I... even... know... that you left that house because you hate it and your mother.”
What Silene had become enamored with in Misha was exactly that. She was honest, caring and kind.
“But, I haven’t properly asked why you hate them. It’s better to cherish your parents.”
And she had principles.
Sweat beaded in the hand he was using to hold hers. Silene wanted to let go to wipe it but did not do so, instead tightening his grip even more. He did not wish to instigate disgust in the person that would always be by his side from then on.
“Nothing... gets through Mom.”
Unlike Silene, who would not meet her eyes, Misha directed her gaze straight at him. “Yes.”
“It’s been that way since I was little. She isn’t like that because of her age. I used to have a father too, and... an older brother... but one day, my father took my brother and left.”
“I was too small so I don’t remember it well. It was probably... the usual... their relationship as a married couple was bad. They... fought very often. I had seen either of them stomp out of home a lot. That’s why I thought he would surely be back soon that time too...”
But he had not returned.
——Back then, why did Dad take Brother and not me?
Was it because his brother was the firstborn? Their age gap was of only three years, yet he had always felt that his father would prioritize his brother in whatever he did. For instance, in the order of giving away presents, frequency with which he would pat their heads, or the difference of the words he used to praise them. From others’ point of view, none those would be a big deal, but children are sensitive to such things.
——I’m sure... he took the one he was most attached to. That’s what I feel.
“From that point on, Mom started getting weird. Slowly, slowly... she broke, like a screw falling off a machine. First, she started calling me by my brother’s name. Whenever I would say, ‘no, I’m not Jonah, I’m Silene’, she’d apologize and correct herself. But it didn’t stop at just saying the wrong name.”
Misha placed her other hand along the one that was joined with his. She was attempting to smolder the hardships that her lover had faced during his life. It was but a simple gesture, yet it made Silene unbearably contented. He was able to strongly reconfirm that it was something he had yearned for.
“Mom started to hallucinate that I’m either Dad or big brother Jonah.”
His past self did not have such joys.
“When she thinks I’m Dad, she scolds me while crying and hits me. When she thinks I’m Brother, she simply hugs me and asks where I’d been. This has continued on for several years.”
Silene did not think of himself as pitiful.
“But, see, when I got my growth spurt, I became taller. I actually don’t resemble Brother or Dad at all. I really... think that was... a good thing.”
However, he also did not think of himself as a happy one. In retrospect to his childhood, there was never anything enjoyable. He had to start working as his mother became unable to, and would be feeling miserable when coming home.
“I was free from being mistaken with someone else.”
It was a succession of occurrences.
“But then a new curse was cast on me.”
A sorrowful succession of occurrences.
“Now I’m the one that doesn’t know who I am.”
In order to put an end to them, he had to be apart from her.
“Mom also doesn’t know who I am. She only remembers the me from my childhood. Delit told me... that she’s been looking for me lately. Isn’t it... kinda laughable? I had always, always, always...”
Precisely because they were family, he had to be apart from her.
“...always been by her side.”
Although it could be considered heartless, that was the last thing Silene wanted to give up on. The villagers already knew, but it was his first time discussing it with an outsider. He had grown up, learned how to work, launched himself into the outside world, fallen in love with a girl he had found there and was at last freed from his sadness. He would not let anyone interfere with that.
“That’s why I won’t live with Mom.”
Silene was desperate to haul the happiness that he had finally managed to grasp onto with his own hands.
As they got home, Delit came to greet them outside with a, “I’ve been waiting for you.” She was holding several letters in her hands. They had brought about a huge incident in the absence of the two. Congratulatory telegrams from far-away friends and relatives who would not be able to make it to the ceremony had arrived.
The town Silene and Delit lived in was at a short distance from the village. He had actually wanted to hold the ceremony there and leave his mother out, but Misha had not agreed to it. “If you have at least one parent, you should show it to her,” she had told him. For that reason, the people they were currently associated with had become unable to attend.
“What should we do about these... according to marriage etiquette?” Silene coyly asked the old Delit.
“Well, they must be wholeheartedly recited. Haven’t you requested anyone to do that?”
Silene turned to face Misha. The couple had not been taught by the nearby elderly one about situations in which they would have to make requests and were unfamiliar with nuptial protocol.
“We’re in trouble... if it has to be someone from this area... maybe the lady from the general store?”
“No way... we can’t ask so suddenly. The ceremony is tomorrow.”
“Then, Master, this means you also haven’t thought about your love poem for the bride. You have to do that too.”
It was a traditional custom for the bridegroom reciting a poem written by himself containing his feelings towards his loved one in the middle of the ceremony.
“I was thinking about not making one since it’s embarrassing...”
“That’s no good! A wedding ceremony without that... would be a disappointment to the people invited.”
Upon being admonished with an incredibly threatening attitude, Silene shrank back.
“Holding a ceremony in our land means getting ready and spending efforts so that we can share a wonderful moment in exchange of being congratulated by many people. We cannot discard traditions. Everyone... is volunteering for a lot of things, aren’t they? That’s due to mutual support and encouragement. You’ll be damned if you don’t earnestly correspond to that sincerity.”
Who in the world were they supposed to seek for help?
Perhaps as they were having a heated debate, one of their guests opened the window and poked her head out as if inquiring what was going on. She held a letter in her hand as well.
“Aah, isn’t there someone who’s just perfect for the job?!”
“No, but... they’re guests.”
“But she’s an Auto-Memories Doll, right? Isn’t recitation and writing their forte? Master, you can leave it to her.”
Despite Delit’s optimistic words, Silene’s constraint was more prominent, rendering him unable to say anything.
“I accept.”
“I accept. I will take on the reciting and writing... as a one-night favor.”
Unexpectedly, Violet was the one to assume the responsibility. Not even a full day had passed since they had met, yet he somehow felt he would not be able to say such things himself. Silene thought she was a modest woman.
“It is an important ceremony, after all.”
The words of Violet Evergarden weighted heavily on Silene’s heart.
The bridal costume from the outskirts of Eucalypt Basin consisted of a red robe with detailed goldthread embroidery. On the bride’s head lay a flower crown, and a rose-colored make-up was applied on her eyelids and lips. In contrast, the groom was clad in a white robe. He carried a shield that represented the protection of their household and a small sword painted in gold, as it was a symbol of wealth.
The groom and bride walked receiving blessings from the people in the street that morning. Afterwards, a banquet was held in the village’s hall. The stage of the ceremony, which the female villagers had been preparing since the day before, turned out splendid. The hall’s pavilion was decorated with white and red roses and two seats made of vines were set up. A long tables and chairs had been lined up as to surround the pavilion and guests were already seated on them. They greeted the arrival of the young couple with applause.
Only on such day, those who would usually be working assiduously were also dressed up and participating. Gorgeous ornamental hats, vividly colorful dresses. And adults are not the only ones dressed up. The figures of children running and walking around with angel feather ornaments on their backs were adorable.
Once the ceremony began, an orchestra started playing and the food was served. Next, it was time to dance for a while. Initially, the women that received dance lessons displayed a group choreography. People gradually mixed up with it, but when the blond postman made his entrance, the cheers from female villagers rose. Benedict danced about brilliantly in boots much like the ones women wore, and, once he was done, rather than pulling him by both arms, young lady villagers as pretty as flowers cornered him from all sides and caused an uproar.
Violet Evergarden, who had offered to do the recitation, did not do anything as flashy as Benedict. She simply stood still and awaited her cue in silence. Perhaps because of her almost mystical beauty, she did not become a target of the men’s flirting, and not even a single person with enough courage to as much as talk to her had come by.
By the time it was finally her turn, she caused the attendees’ eyes to glue on her with the conglomerate of telegrams. There was not even any need to say “quiet down” in order to silence those who were causing a ruckus. So long as there was something that they wished to hear, people would fall silent on their own.
Regardless of the anxious couple, the ceremony went on free from disturbances for the villagers who were already used to it. Misha quietly whispered into Silene’s ear, “It seems this will end well, right?”
Although she was his own bride, she looked so beautiful that he was slightly startled when her face drew closer. “Yeah, really... this is thanks to the people of the village.”
“Your love poem... was wonderful.” After saying so, Misha laughed a bit. It was probably because his figure had looked funny in her eyes as he ended up mumbling the love poem he had dedicated to her, due to becoming stiff as a statue out of nervousness.
“Miss Violet wrote most of it, though...”
“That’s right. I had never... been told such things.”
“Don’t tease me so much... I’m no good with embarrassing stuff.”
“It’s great that we were able to meet such wonderful travelers. Mother also seemed to have enjoyed herself.”
“It’ll be good if that’s true.” Silene’s voice was a little down.
He had constantly prayed that she would stay put at least on that day, yet she had started aimlessly loitering around by the middle of the ceremony and begun looking for him by the latter half of it, so as per his request, Delit had taken her back home. As the villagers knew of the circumstances, there was no commotion on their part – rather, the one that had become disconcerted was Silene.
——So embarrassing.
He felt as if the most important day of his life had been ruined by his heartbroken mother.
——I’m glad that the one I married was Misha.
There were surely people who would have become irate had the same happened to them. Just as himself.
——I’m glad... that it was Misha.
Silene took Misha’s hand, tracing the wedding ring he had put on it with a finger. It was a proof that he was no longer alone. The way that very ring felt gave him a sense of reality.
“Lastly, here is a letter by the precious mother of the groom, containing her blessings for the marriage of her son, Sir Silene, who has chanced upon the marvelous day that is today.”
An incessant clapping outburst at Violet’s words. Silene confusedly turned his head to every direction. Misha seemed to think it were yet another program of the event and accepted it, but Silene had not been told about such a thing by anyone.
“Lady Fran, I humbly thank you for allowing us to be sitting in such an honorable place along with all of you.” Violet took out a letter similar to the one she had been holding the evening before and opened its envelope. “By your respectable mother’s request, I shall vocally deliver to Sir Silene the letter of marital blessings that is packed with feelings.”
——I haven’t heard about it. I haven’t... heard about any of this.
Was it not better for him to stop her? There was no way the words said by a heartbroken person could be of any decency. The place would merely become disheveled by her strange manner of speech and conduct. Silene attempted to rise from his seat.
However, the blue orbs of the Auto-Memories Doll seemed to sew his own shadow onto him as she entreated for restraint on the spot, “It might become a little abstract, but please do listen to it.” A sigh escaped Violet’s rose-like lips. As if reciting, she read out the blessing poem, “‘I know that the most beautiful version of myself is the one reflected in your eyes. That is because I cherish you as if I were admiring a flower. I can see the gleam of stars in your pupils. That is because I think of you as dazzling. You did not know how to speak when you were small. I taught you words so that you would be able to, right? The color of the sky, the coldness of night dew, the lines you would spout when doing bad things... if only I could convey to you the joy I felt when talking with you about them. I wonder if you have realized that any harsh words I ever directed at you were out of love too. Similarly, no matter how much you may have hurt me, the fact that you were born erases all of it. You do not know that, do you? My son. Do you know the beauty in the eyes of the person you will be together with for the rest of your life from now on? Can you remember what color they are even after closing your own eyes? Do they shine? If you look beautiful when reflected in her orbs, you are loved by her. You must never let that become lax. You must not neglect love. A light can keep on shining precisely when it is polished. That jewel is in only your care. Do not neglect love. My son. Have you ever peeked into my eyes? If not, then by all means, try doing so. They are already enveloped in a world of night, but stars twinkle in the night sky. Please, just quietly peek into them. If you think that what surfaces in my eyes – what is reflected in them – is beautiful, that means you love me. I cannot speak much. That is why, please, take a peek. Please do that whenever you become restless. Wherever you go, my eyes should be able to become one of the beautiful things that exist in this world for you. This is the truth of a promise between you and me. My son, this is my love towards you. So, please, do not forget the color of my eyes.’”
The applause started out as a noiseless ripple and gradually morphed into the great swirl of a wave. After bowing beautifully in an Auto-Memories Doll-like way, Violet stepped aside.
Silene could not remember his mother’s eye color. He had been with her today and the day before.
“Silene? Are you okay?”
Nevertheless, he could not recall it. He had avoided looking at her face. And he had done so on purpose.
Being called by someone else’s name whenever they locked eyes was too hard for him. It was painful that he did not have what his mother sought after. No matter what he did, he was unable to correspond her expectations.
“Hey, Silene.”
If the one his father had taken away had been Silene himself instead of his brother, perhaps his mother’s heart would not have been damaged to that extent.
“Hey, Darling.”
If she were not with a son that would make his father and mother think of him as unnecessary, but a better one...
——So embarrassing.
The reason why he was no good with embarrassing things...
——So embarrassing.
...was that they would cause him to become aware...
——So embarrassing.
...that he was an embarrassing existence to someone else.
“Darling, don’t cry.”
As Misha wiped his tears, he realized that he was crying. He hurried to turn backwards. More tears poured.
——So embarrassing. So embarrassing. I am... so embarrassing.
The Auto-Memories Doll’s letter made his chest ache. He was embarrassed of having dragged with him the past he was unable to love until the present moment and running away from the person he was supposed to protect. His mother, despite thinking he was gone, and despite being broken, had gone out to look for him.
“Sorry, I’ll leave the seat for a bit.” He informed Misha and walked away from the ceremony.
“Are you headed to where Mother is?”
As he kept his eyelids still and nodded at the question, she pushed his back.
“Off you go.”
While thinking he was the worst groom ever for abandoning the ceremony, he paced past the guests. Even with him leaving, the attendees had become exalted as the time to dance had come once again.
He went past the narrow road, towards the house he had lived in with his mother. Silene’s legs hurried to the house that he had left as if running away. As he arrived by its front, Violet Evergarden, who was supposed to be at the ceremonial hall, was there. He could not see Benedict’s motorcycle anywhere. The repairs had most likely been completed.
“We are much obliged.”
It seemed they planned to depart without seeing the end of the ceremony.
“Same here. Hum... thank you very much. I took notice of my failures... with the words I received. Mom told you some sort of nonsense... and you... wrote it beautifully into a letter just like that, right? She made you do something so troubling... She... often makes selfish requests. It was like that even back when we lived together. Even today, when she was told that it was the day of the wedding ceremony, she was adamant that we gave her a white hat that had already been sold ages ago...”
“I am sorry for having done this on my own accord.”
“No, it’s fine...”
“While Sir Silene and Lady Misha were out, I accepted a job offer from your mother. The offer was only for me to deliver the letter, but I ended up doing something intrusive. Your mother said that you might not have read the letter if she had given it to you, Sir Silene... I, too, chose a method of definitively transmitting her words to you. Since there is no letter... that needn’t be delivered.” Violet said.
Silene’s brows furrowed. He could picture his mother making the request. However, he thought it was odd for her to say he might not have read it.
“I wonder why my mother would say this... that I might not read the letter.”
“She said it was because she was always causing problems to Sir Silene. Since, due to losing part of the family, she wound up hammering you with lonely memories.”
——That’s a lie.
“No, that’s weird.”
“What is?”
——That’s a lie, that’s a lie.
“She’s... not supposed to say anything so reasonable. She says things like ‘I want to do this’ or ‘I want to do that’. But... that’s weird. It’s almost like... I mean...”
——There’s no way.
“It is not weird. All the while when talking to me, your mother was lucid. When we first met, too, she was like that for a moment. She talked about you.”
——There’s no way.
Silene staggered to pass by Violet’s side and opened the house’s entrance.
From behind him, Violet’s voice resounded, “Well, then, we will take our leave.”
Without bothering to even turn around, he climbed up the stairs and headed to the front of a room in the second floor. What was his mother currently doing in that room which could only be locked from the outside? Taking off the padlock, he spun the doorknob. The window was probably open. Wind was circulating in the room.
His mother was by said window, observing the center of the village where the ceremony was taking place.
“M-Mom.” He called. “Mom.” He called for her countless times in that manner.
His mother stirred her head towards him, but her gaze immediately returned to the window. “Hey, quiet down... Jonah.”
She rarely ever turned to look at him.
“Mom... Mom... M-Mom...”
Ever since their family fell apart, there had not been a single occasion in which she had looked at him soberly.
“I’m onto something very important right now.”
Not even one.
“I wonder where Silene is.”
“Mom, I’m... right here.” He let out a childish voice.
As he did so, his mother’s body twitched once as if startled, and she slowly turned around. She eyed Silene from head to toe with apparent interest. Her gaze was not the same as ever.
Silene stared back into his mother’s orbs. They were of a stunning amber hue.
——Aah, that’s right. That was their color.
He remembered that her irises were of the same color as his own.
His mother walked to his side, and with a hand of increasing brown spots, she touched his cheek. All along, he was shedding tears.
“My... don’t cry.” She seemed happy. “You’ve grown so much, huh, Silene.”
Only Silene dwelled within her amber eyes.
“Congratulations... on your marriage.” She smiled.
During that instant, his mother undoubtedly had sanity. It was lost by the moment Silene embraced her.
“Hey, where’s Silene?”
“I’m... not going anywhere anymore.”
However, her love definitely existed.
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
17 Top Risks Of Attending Canvas Aru | Canvas Aru
Shall I yze Kashmir to a summer’s day? After all, I did appointment it aloof this July to photograph Sukoon Houseboat , back the apricots were beefy and accessible for acrimonious and the meadows abundant green. But as I footfall out of Srinagar’s airport on an autumn October morning, the aforementioned chinar I anamnesis waltzing in a viridescent covering in the summertime breeze is now haloed in gold and bizarre with brittle yellowing leaves. Such is how seasons change in Kashmir—viridian becomes sepia, blooming hills become icy mountains, and the artisan who has corrective Kashmir on a canvas befriends an absolutely altered palette.
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While Pari Mahal is a bit fantastic, Nishat Bagh is a garden of joy. Congenital by the Dal in 1633 CE by Nur Jahan’sbrother Asaf Khan, the abode is an ode to postcard-perfect Kashmir, the affectionate
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quriluli-blog · 6 years
Top Tourist Destinations In The World
On Earth, there are so many amazing, well-known and not-so-so places, getting into which, you involuntarily feel yourself as a small part of the majestic universe. Planning a vacation, some people dream of being in a paradise corner and enjoy a comfortable rest, others are looking for fascinating tourist routes, where each new day will give unforgettable impressions of the seen natural beauties and attractions, while others wish to combine business with pleasure.
1. The different-colored villages of the Cinque Terre in Italy
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Five bright villages, located on the steep cliffs of the Cinque-Terre National Park, do not look like a resort zone with developed infrastructure. This amazing Italian outback is far from civilization and therefore, probably, so attracts tourists from all over the world with its genuine simplicity of life. Unusual and unlike villages, where, to this day, as if strung together, there are low-rise houses of local residents, full of sights and legends. So the questions about what to do and what to see, the travelers do not exactly arise. An indelible impression will leave a walk along the ten-kilometer trail, which unites all the villages among themselves. Such picturesque landscapes, winding paths and turns you will not find anywhere else in the world! And for the young couple, the path will be symbolic, which has been called the road of love since ancient times.
 2. Grape roads in Switzerland
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The best pedestrian walk through the vineyards and villages awaits visitors to the Swiss province of Martigny (Martigny). Six kilometers of grape roads (The Chemins des Vignes) - such a tourist route is laid along the alpine slopes, lined with man-made terraces for vineyards. Magnificent landscapes, the purest mountain air and the tranquility of rural life have made this place popular among tireless tourists.
 3. Colored lakes on top of Kelimutu in Indonesia
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Three colorful lakes, shrouded in mystical beliefs about the souls of dead people living in them, are hidden from prying eyes in the crater of the majestic volcano Kelimutu at an altitude of almost 1700 meters. "Lake of the Older People", adjacent "Lake of Boys and Girls" and "Enchanted Lake" periodically change their color from black to turquoise, green and red under the influence of chemical reactions between the minerals in them. It is best to admire the lakes early in the morning or after twelve o'clock in the afternoon, when they are not covered by a veil of fog.
 4. The Perennial Salt Mine in Peru
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A fascinating salt mosaic is the brainchild of resourceful Incas - one of the most interesting tourist places in the world. It would seem that what can attract salt baths, of which salt mining is going on by hand to this day ?! Multistage terraces will not only be a brilliant find in all senses for photographers, but also on a sunny day impress tourists with multicolored salt landscapes. And everyone can check on yourself whether it's easy to get salt!
 5. Monasteries of Meteora in Greece
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Transparent waters of the river Pinios, forming the Thessaly Valley, embrace the mighty cliffs drowning in the greenery of the forests ... Harmony of nature and harmony of spirit! For 15 centuries it has been the history of this most popular tourist route in the world. Despite the fact that only 6 monasteries (4 male and 2 female) survived from the 24 built, Meteora (Meteora) is a true pillar of Orthodoxy. The six hundred-meter high rocks, which had once been the bottom of the ancient sea, became a reliable foundation for monastic buildings. Climbing the stone steps, you can involuntarily think about how difficult is the ladder to the sky. But that's why the power of monastic deeds and God's granted grace is so strongly felt.
 6. The mysterious rock of Uluru in Australia
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Monumental - with an altitude of 0.35 km, a length of 3.6 km and a width of 3 km - the orange-brown chamael rock Uluru (Uluru), located on the territory of the National Park, has become one of the most interesting tourist places in the world due to its ability to change color in depending on the time of day: from dark purple at dawn, bright red and pink in the morning to golden by noon. Riddled with numerous caves and ponds, it keeps the history of ancient tribes in fantastic rock paintings. On the sacred path of the local tribe anangu, you can ascend to the top of the cliff, from where the day opens truly breathtaking views of the surrounding area, and in the evening you can admire the carnival of the starry sky.
 7. Koh Poda Islands in Thailand
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The most popular tourist destination in the world is the Koh Poda Islands in the province of Krabi. Here on boats arrive for silence and rest tired of entertainment tourists. Sprawling palm trees, the purest white sandy beach, clear sea water, a coral reef with exotic fish and stunning views of the rocks of the Raile peninsula will give paradise pleasure. And near the island of Poda there is a local landmark - a hundred-foot island-rock Ma Tang Ming, also known as one of the best places for diving in the center of Krabi.
 8. Isle of Skye in Scotland
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Skye is the largest and most unusual island in Scotland. Typically the Scottish landscapes: deserted, hilly, with rocks, lakes and green meadows, along which lambs roam, are surprisingly interspersed with tropical oases that have emerged under the influence of the Gulf Stream, which is washing the island. Palms and rhododendrons bloom here in October! The island of Skye is a favorite place for rest and work of creative natures. There are a lot of small art museums here. Rock-climbers of the whole world are also flocking here to conquer the peaks of the Kullin mountain range, called the Scottish Alps.
 9. The blue town of Chefchaouen in Morocco
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To all fans of small cozy places on Earth, this glorious tourist town, which began its history in the 15th century with the construction of a small fortress, which is now one of Chefchaouen's sights, will taste like this. The popularity of this town brought a blue color: it is in bright shades of blue painted walls of houses and sidewalks in Chefchaouen. Unforgettable impressions will leave pedestrian walks along the narrow and winding streets, warm gatherings in the cafe, climbing the mountains and visiting the beautiful parks and reserves: Talassemtan, Talembota and Bukhasham.
I highly recommend a coffee blog, where you can read everything you need on how to make the best coffee! Be sure that by following all the advice of a professional barista, you can make the best coffee in the world! There you can also find tips on choosing a coffee machine, espresso grains, coffee recipes and more!
10. Bryce Canyon in the USA
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National Park Bryce Canyon (Bryce Canyon) is located on the territory of Utah and covers an area of ​​145 km ². It is a majestic man-made amphitheater, consisting of quaint orange, pink and creamy hudu rocks, whose shape is relentlessly corrected by the most unpredictable sculptor in the world - nature itself. Sharp peaks are replaced by mysterious turrets or aspiring spiers. The slopes of Bryce Canyon are surrounded by bright green dense coniferous forests and mountain meadows that soften the warlike landscape and make it charming. But the most spectacular spectacle Bryce Canyon presents at dawn, at sunset of the day and in winter - that's when the parade of fantastic colors unfolds!
 11. Volcanic island of Kamigin in the Philippines
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Drowning in the luscious green island of Camiguin (Camiguin), it is not accidental that one can call it the pearl of the Philippine archipelago. Just imagine: a tropical climate, magnificent white beaches and caressing azure waters of the ocean, delightful 50-meter waterfalls and hot springs, seven active volcanoes and first-class diving, unique flora and fauna! And if you climb to the top of the mountain Hibok-Hibok, then your view will be fantastic views! The local landmark and tourist attraction is a huge white cross, which is installed on the site of a sunken cemetery in the sea.
 12. The many faces of Cape Town in South Africa
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The capital of the multinational Western Cape province and the legislative capital of South Africa, the most southerly African city, nestled near the legendary Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town is of great interest to tourists around the world. Even the very architecture of the city is a popular tourist route. Bright mosaic of historical and ultramodern buildings creates a unique color of Cape Town, as if walking around the city, you travel in time. This is especially noticeable when visiting the colorful Bo-Kaap district, where the descendants of slaves live.
A wonderful climate, natural wealth, beautiful infrastructure will make an unforgettable beach holiday and will allow you to enjoy the popular surf here. The best tourist places of Cape Town are, of course, Table Mountain - the main lighthouse of sailors, the harbor of Victoria and Alfred - the center of shopping and entertainment centers, the stunning beauty of the botanical garden of Kirstenbosch, the "Aquarium of the Two Oceans", where the inhabitants of the Atlantic and Indian oceans are represented. A huge number of cultural centers, national museums and art galleries, historical monuments and objects will not bore the most demanding guests of Cape Town.
 13. Impressive Cappadocia in Turkey
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Fairy Cappadocia (Cappadocia), symbolized by steel mushrooms with hats, fully justifies its definition. Strange landscapes created by volcanic eruptions and weathering of rocks, seem unreal, come from childhood dreams. Imagine only the mysterious natural labyrinths, in which the first Christians, mountains and rocks in the form of cones, pyramids, stone pillars and freaks were hiding during the persecutions! To watch the bizarre landscapes of Cappadocia, tourists will have to fly from a balloon. But the popularity of this place brings also the "Museum in the open air", which unites worthy travelers' attention ancient rock churches and monasteries with here and there preserved frescoes that have sunk in the fly of times.
 14. Halong Bay in Vietnam
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The favorite bay of Halong (Ha Long) - one of the most beautiful and mysterious, covered with ancient legends, places in the world. Two thousand stone blocks, covered with luxurious greenery, solemnly scattered over an amazing, emerald color, water. A lot of fascinating grottoes and caves, mirror lakes and waterfalls will amaze the imagination of even quite unromantic natures and will adjust to a contemplative harmony. Delightful landscapes in combination with a wonderful climate have a relaxing time on white beaches, water skiing or jet skiing, as well as provide excellent opportunities for camping and climbing.
 15. Lake Tahoe in the USA
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Beautiful in North America, Lake Tahoe (Tahoe), whose crystal clear blue waters do not freeze in winter, are ringed by the delightful scenery of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Unique charm to the lake is given by coniferous forests and snow-covered rocks. This lake region is famous for its beach and ski resorts, several national parks where dozens of hiking trails for ecotourism lovers are laid. Add to the natural resources of the brilliantly developed infrastructure - and before us is one of the most popular tourist places in the world where you can relax at any time of the year.
 16. Waterfall in the National Park Plitvice Lakes in Croatia
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To the amazing tourist places of the world belongs the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. On the territory of almost 30 000 hectares are picturesquely located 16 large and huge number of small lakes, more than a hundred waterfalls and several dozen caves. But the most striking sight is the Great Waterfall of Sastavci (Sastavci). The crystal waters of the rivers of Plitvice and the Koran from the 72-meter height tend to descend under many-voiced silver streams.
 17. The blue sea of ​​nemophiles in Japan
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The most touching place in the world, awakening in the person all the best, all clean, is the National Seaside Park Hitachi (Hitatchi) in Japan, occupying 120 hectares. There are no age-old trees, nor intricate bushes - here all year round, replacing each other, gentle flowers reign. They are not collected in elegant flower beds, but planted with huge fields, why suddenly a person begins to feel himself not the master of nature, but its integral part. It's amazing, but the world's fame was brought to the park not by proud tulips and graceful poppies, but by millions of quivering nemophiles with air petals that turn the earth into a blue ocean. Each year in the Hitachi Park there is an enchanting festival of flowers called "Harmony of the Nemophilus".
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mymediaarts · 8 years
Blog Post - Week 6: Materialising
Today we began discussing how the works we have seen this semester in class relate to the way we make projects and craft new ideas. By materialising the digital we begin to see how contemporary art and digital media correlate. As seen in ‘Out of Hand’ we view the place and impact of digital technology in the design and production of objects recognising that many techniques have emerged from past ideas and are now defining new possibilities, understandings and expectations. It is imperative that we understand the history behind these art works, where the originating idea derives from. 
For example, the work I have found the most interesting (and will most likely write about for my next assessment) I discussed with Shaun. 
The Virtual Potter’s Wheel - l'Artisan Électronique, 2010, combines one of the oldest techniques of making art (and utilitarian objects) with one of the newest forms of making digital art. This virtual wheel allows the audience to create their own digital ceramic forms, which could then be materialised on the ceramic printer next to the wheel. They are then projected onto the gallery wall, and later some are even printed. 
              “By interweaving a variety of skill-sets, l’Artisan Électronique removes making from the exclusive realm of the machine or the craftsman, and introduces the amateur as an active contributor” (link)
This work draws in the audience to play with it, and within a few short minutes and attempts I was able to almost master the art of crafting new shapes in an almost seamless way. Where the actual physical act/art of crafting something out of clay on a pottery wheel would take months, years to perfect and become a master. Being able to ‘reset’ and ‘save’ your work was probably one of the most interesting aspects of this work, it allowed you to practice with it, and then display it. Your work is projected onto the wall, and for a short amount of time as people pass and look at it, you feel like you are part of the work, the artist of that small creation. 
              “While industry and craftsmanship are positioned as polar opposites, they would be more accurately represented as volatile points in a matrix of manual, mechanical, and electrical forces. Wheel-thrown pottery, for example, though now considered an artisanal skill, developed as a partial automation of coil pottery by the third millennium, B.C., making the production of small clay vessels more efficient. If industry is characterized by the displacement of advanced operations from hands to machines, then handicraft is defined by its retention of fine motor skills mastered over years of practice.” (link)
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Minimal Viable Project - M.V.P
Moving on to the second task in class today was to begin working in small teams to draw out the very essence of the last 6 weeks by creating a M.V.P. 
Which ideas stuck out? Which were the most interesting? Were there ideas that you thought you’d like to work on? There were so many different ideas, that it was almost overwhelming to see, but it was also incredibly interesting to see how we were all able to come up with 1, 2 or 3 ideas each in the space of a few minutes. The one that probably stuck out the most is the last project I went to, it was probably the most fleshed out idea that was clearly linked from point to point, to an idea for a M.V.P. I unfortunately didn’t get a picture of it, but it focused on Digital Images, and Digital photography, which seemed like a very simple idea when first reading but it became quite intriguing to see the way each person who had before me had read the into it as a practice. The final M.V.P on the page was to blow up an image until the pixels are visible and use paint chips to recreate the image in real life. This was interesting for me, as I for my last major project for MEDA was to use paint chips, in almost a similar way. But I discovered just how much time, effort and overall hard work it was to create something with them in such a short space of time. So this wouldn’t be the greatest idea to do in a few hours. But it still stood out for me. 
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Here is an image of the work I created with paint chips. 
Another interesting idea was when I came back to our (me and Will) piece of paper, that Maya had written an idea for him to set up a place for people to enter in a gallery space and his camera takes a picture, this picture is then placed in Google image search to find an image that is visually similar, an interesting way of using new technology. 
Can we isolate key and common ideas or themes across projects? Are there themes emerging across the group? Some common key ideas were to use projection/projection mapping, relying on algorithms to reveal information, using photography, a lot of ideas revolved around the unpredictability and interaction of the audience. 
This is a recreation of what was on my project paper: 
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This idea is to shoot footage of people or animals or places, just capturing the everyday routines we never seem to focus on. By then using this footage, that is unplanned, not scripted or controlled, attempt to edit together some kind of narrative. By editing we can re-create almost any story into something new, but what happened if there originally was not story? It will be interesting to see what narrative comes from it, by only using basic editing techniques, such as sound/music, colour correction and cutting. 
Places to shoot for this idea: Around innovation campus, walk down to Fairy Meadow beach or North Wollongong beach, around Puckey’s, maybe film on the free shuttle bus... there are many places to film, it is more about what you capture, rather then the location. But having a few different locations will assist in the editing process. 
Equipment needed: DSLR Camera, tripod, zoom, shotgun mic, batteries
Time to put it together should only be a few hours, including filming if done with a partner or group.
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Above image is North Gong beach 
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