#Padmé  ✖ (Headcanons)
crowsandmurder · 2 years
Padmé Amidala TAGS ETC.
Padmé ✖ (Aesthetics)
Padmé  ✖ (Thoughts)
Padmé  ✖ (Character Development)
Padmé  ✖ (Crack)
Padmé  ✖ (Headcanons)
Padmé  ✖ (Photos)
Padmé  ✖ (Starter Call)
Padmé  ✖ (Verses)
Q U E E N  O F  N A B O O 
A young Padmé Naberrie becomes Queen of Naboo, taking the name Queen Amidala. She served two terms and was loved by her people. That did not mean that it was a time of peace, though.  There were a lot of battles to be fought, internally and externally, during her reign.
S E N A T O R  A M I D A L A 
After serving two terms as Queen, Padmé is ready to leave the crown behind but becomes senator of Naboo. She handles many important things, and is still in danger, constantly. 
S E N A T O R  A N D  W I F E  O F  A  J E D I
After an assassination on her life, she is put under the protection of Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, who she knows, from her days as Queen. Soon, Anakin is sent to guard her in Naboo and sparks fly between them.  She is never one to stay out of trouble and between the two of them, they wind up nearly dying more than once, and marry, all in just a few weeks time. Now, they have the Clone Wars to deal with, her career as a Senator, his new Knighthood and being made a General in the Wars. 
T H I S  I S  H O W  L I B E R T Y  D I E S
The war is declared over. Chancellor Palpatine has declared himself Emperor. Anakin is acting crazy, and is even trying to get her to run away with him.  She fears for her unborn child’s life, and doesn’t know what to do.  Could she run away with him or was she going to have to be firm and risk the consequences? How did everything fall apart so fast? 
L E T ‘ S  H A V E  O U R  B A B Y  O N  N A B O O
Anakin doesn’t have the first nightmare, and the morning after finding out she is pregnant, they disappear to Naboo.  She hides away for the rest of her pregnancy, and has two healthy babies.  Anakin keeps talking of leaving the Order and she really wants him to. She knows that there is a new regime in place, but they have their own happy world, here. 
S H E  W A S  A L I V E 
Padmé suffered greatly, at the hands of Anakin’s force choke, and now she knows that she has to make him think she is dead. Naboo isn’t a safe place for them. So with the help of Yoda and Obi-Wan, she disappears.  But, she doesn’t know if it will work and if Padmé Amidala can truly disappear. 
Natalie Portman
Padmé Naberrie, publicly Padmé Amidala comes from the planet of Naboo.  She served two terms as Queen, and was asked to serve a third term but declined.  She did continue into public service and become Senator of Naboo.  She also became the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, at the beginning of the Clone Wars.  She was not one to sit idly and let things fall apart during the war. She tried to do what she could from the Senate, despite feeling like nothing was working and being separated from her husband, far too much of the time.
Towards the end of the war, she discovered she was pregnant, and once Anakin finally returned, she told him. They were happy but once he started having nightmares that she would die in childbirth, he became impossible to calm down about it, and it would prove a disaster, felt within the galaxy.  When she heard of him turning to the dark side, she went to him and in his anger, he force choked her.  She later gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, who would prove to be important.  She did not survive.
Padme was strong, independent, handy with a blaster.  She knew how to stand up for herself, her people, and  she was loved by many. 
[This is left vague on purpose, to allow for room as she is primarily headcanon based]
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