#Packard Request Concept
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1955 Packard Request Concept Hardtop Coupe
Displaying Packard's new style for 1955, Dick Teague convinced Packard president James Nance that their newest show car should pay tribute to the classic vertical grille. Creative Industries did the modification on the third 1955 Four Hundred to come off the assembly line, and the car debuted at the 1955 Chicago Automobile show. Teague remembered he named the car 'The Request' as he wanted to reinstate the Packard radiator grille.
After the 1955 car show season and a tour of dealerships, the car returned to Detroit. When Packard closed its doors in the Motor City in 1956, the car was driven out of the factory and disappeared for nearly 20 years. It finally turned up in Washington State - it had been sitting in a field after being involved in an accident. Major repairs were done to the front end and the Request reappeared at the Packard Club convention in Oakland, CA, in 1983.
The current owner acquired the car and found more work needed to be done. The front suspension was beefed up to support the added weight of the unique hood and front bumper (which weigh 1,040 pounds alone) and the original interior was recreated. New exterior paint recreates the original ivory and copper tones.
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rsgoind · 2 years
Aruba Networks Wireless Improvements
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Aruba Systems brings incredible enhancements Aruba Systems brings incredible enhancements to campus Wi-Fi within the shape of administration, operations, and unwavering quality. This post was initially showed up on GestaltIT.com. Campus remote is confronted with expanding requests from BYOD, tall thickness, capacity, and IoT. Keeping it all running efficiently is troublesome without the proper arrangement. Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Undertaking company addresses these challenges with the presentation of ArubaOS 8. Campus remote can presently take full advantage of advances the server foundation has been utilizing for a long time: highlight equality virtualization, adaptable operation, unwavering quality and tall accessibility, and extensibility. Listening to clients and conclusion clients, Aruba has discharged a plethora of highlights we all have been inquiring for to assist move forward client encounter through effortlessness and scale. The foremost critical of changes compared to past forms of ArubaOS start with the virtualization of the WLAN controller (Virtual Portability Controller) and taking on the concept of a Versatility Ace. By permitting the campus to utilize their existing virtualization environment we presently have adaptable sending choices. The Portability Ace centralizes the arrangement administration of different controllers. With the development of remote gadgets lead by IoT, it is basic to scale with the request by turning up another virtual controller, including more CPU, memory, and capacity. The impediments of equipment machines are eliminated. As an included advantage to virtualizing WLAN controllers, the campus can take advantage of programmed stack adjusting clients over diverse controllers in Controller Clustering based on requests such as tall thickness address lobbies and ultra tall thickness occasions such as football diversions. Killing indeed more conventional obstructions, ArubaOS 8 gives campuses to be adaptable with SSID. Campuses can send their guests to a controller sitting on their DMZ whereas staff and understudies on the same AP go to another. A invited include for improved security through MultiZone, a multi-tenant arrangement for isolating WLANs on the network. With remote gadgets expanding at quick rates and campuses working on incline staff, operations gotten to be a basic turning point. As I’ve specified over, WLAN controllers can presently be virtualized. Moreover, Aruba presents zero touch provisioning of extra controllers. Sending gets to be less demanding as controllers can presently powerfully discover their versatility ace. Arrange engineers can free up their time to other projects. A common challenge for organize engineers is overseeing the chance versus compensate when conveying modern firmware adaptations on controllers. Beneath Aruba Versatility Ace, we presently have the capability of overseeing diverse adaptations of firmware. A arrange build can test a modern form of code on one controller whereas the other controllers continue running the campus standard version. Tall on the campus list is unwavering quality of the WLAN. Progressing on the conventional controller-based show, Aruba Systems takes it a step advance with Controller Clustering. A cluster can bolster up to 12 controllers. With the repetition of controllers comes hitless failover and load-balancing. Within the occasion of a controller disappointment or misfortune of association, get to focuses and clients are naturally fizzled over to another controller. Conclusion clients don't take note anything off-base. Meaning video conferencing proceeds without disturbance, record transfers keep uploading, and TCP associations keep up their sessions. Get to focuses will keep up more than one burrow to a controller. One for their essential controller and another for the reinforcement controller, up to 12 burrows in the event that required. The state data is shared with the reinforcement controller. Read the full article
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Out of My Sight
*James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island) x Reader
*Request: “ @midnight-queen-1 asked: Back again! 2nd request, James Conrad x reader. Reader (can be a journalist, photographer, doctor, or scientist. Your choice) is on the expedition/mission to skull island, she is an old "friend" of James so when a creature of the island takes her as food. James doesn't hesitate to save her from becoming the creatures meal and becomes overprotective of her after because he can't stand the thought of not having her w/ him. Hope this is enough info. Thx! As always and love ya😘❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💛💝💞”
*Warnings: Swearing, drinking, slight violence, injuries, mentions of guns and shooting, death. Let me know if I missed anything.
*A/N: This request has been sitting for a while, so sorry it took so long to write. I skip around the plot of the movie a bit because I didn’t want to just rewrite the entire movie, so sorry about that. Right now I’m working through my requests from here and Wattpad, then I’m going to start writing for My Princess again.
My Ko-fi if you want to support my writing
You swore that you were done with James Conrad, and yet, somehow you found yourself here with him again. The two of you had parted ways once you’d settled in Saigon, James going off to drink away his days in shady bars while you decided to do something worthwhile with your time. You took your experience in the medical field and started practicing with a local doctor, though you were starting to consider it your practice with how often you were showing up and he wasn’t. The two Americans had come into your practice, saying that James wouldn’t take the job if you weren’t on it too. So you found yourself in Bangkok, getting briefed on a mission you didn’t even want to be on. You had a feeling you knew why James was here too; the money was just too good.
“It’s been a while,” James said as you tried listening to the briefing. You were sure all of the military men here had some kind of field medicine training, so you really didn’t know why James insisted he needed you on the mission. He hadn’t even come to you himself to ask, just sending the Americans while you were sure he spent the time in the shady bars he loved so dearly.
“Yes, it has been,” you said, not taking your eyes off of the screen in front of you. The boy from Yale (Brooks, if you remembered right) was talking about their goals, and you didn’t want to interrupt him. “I see you’ve shaved. Must be important for you to do that.”
You could tell James wanted to say something, but his attention was diverted when Brooks started talking about seismic charges to chart the island. “You’re using explosives?” James asked, blunt as always.
“Scientific instruments,” Brooks tried correcting. Even you had to roll your eyes at that.
“You hear that, boys? We’re scientists,” one of the soldiers immediately piped up. You couldn’t help the smile of amusement that drew, even though you knew where James was coming from. If it was simply a charting expedition, they wouldn’t need a tracker, they probably wouldn’t need a doctor. It didn’t make sense for them to be bringing bombs, let alone dropping them on an uncharted island. There was something more to this that they weren’t telling you.
After the briefing was done, James left you. It didn’t even surprise you at this point, so you went to speak with some of the scientists leading the mission - Brooks and San. San was the first to notice you approaching while Brooks was messing with some papers. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve been introduced,” you said, addressing her first.
When Brooks heard your voice, he quickly turned to greet you with a smile. “Hey. Right, San, this is (y/n). She’s going with us as a doctor,” Brooks said.
“I don’t really know why I’m needed, but yeah, I’m a doctor,” you joked, shaking San’s hand. “I do have a couple questions though. Why use explosives for charting? It seems counterintuitive to charting an undisturbed island.”
“The seismic charges will help us to chart the underground structures of the island,” Brooks explained.
“But with explosive charges that just disrupts the surface area, not to mention the damage it will do to the wildlife,” you said, turning to San. She was the biologist, maybe she’d have some interest in that. If she even tried to tell you a halfway decent lie, she’d be concerned about it. “It doesn’t make sense. So, what are you guys really doing?”
You and James didn’t see each other again until you were on the ship to the takeoff point. Weaver was on deck, taking pictures of the soldiers and seemingly having a good time with them. You had just spoken to Packard, figuring out what the soldiers didn’t know and where you could help if you were needed, when you found James. He was just sitting, watching the commotion on deck. “Why aren’t you down there with them?” You asked, sitting next to him.
“I don’t see a reason to be,” he told you, glancing over at you before returning his gaze back to the soldiers. You decided to push even though you knew he wouldn’t tell you.
“Not even with Weaver down there?” James turned and looked at you as if scandalized by even the suggestion. “I mean, you disappear last night and then the next time I see you, you’re returning from the cargo hold with that photographer.”
“I was looking at the containers for the explosives,” James groaned, tilting his head back and hitting it against the wall. “I see you haven’t changed a bit.”
“I could say the same to you, James. I just saw the pattern and decided to leave,” you immediately argued back, even though the last thing you wanted to do was argue. “Why did you want me here? We haven’t spoken in months and then suddenly Brooks and Randa show up to my job saying you won’t go on a job if I don’t go too.”
“You’re the only one I trust if something happens to me,” James admitted.
“Don’t talk like that-“
“I’m being honest. We’re going onto an island with no idea of what we’re facing geographically or in terms of predators. Something could happen, and I only trust you to make sure I don’t die,” James interrupted you. “I’ve never known you to be overly optimistic.”
“Then maybe you didn’t know me that well.”
When the expedition started, things seemed to be going fine. Bombs were dropped, Brooks and San were picking up seismic activity, and the scientists seemed to be picking up the readings they needed. Then two of the helicopters went down.
Of course the solution seemed to be packing everyone onto different helicopters to see what happened. James got in next to you, resting his hand on your thigh as your helicopter went up. You had a couple soldiers in the helicopter, but none of you were prepared for what happened next. 
“We’re going down! Brace!” Slivko yelled as the helicopter began taking a nosedive into the trees. James grabbed your hand and squeezed before bracing for impact. With how rough you landed, you were amazed your group wasn’t more injured. Other than Slivko having a minor laceration to his forehead, no one was suffering injuries you needed to tend to. Once you made sure his wound was properly cared for, you went to join James where he was watching the thing that attacked the fleet walk away.
“Did we just get attacked by a giant monkey?” You asked as James put down his binoculars.
“A gorilla, actually. It didn’t have a tail,” James corrected you before turning. He looked you up and down, checking to make sure you didn’t have any visible injuries. “Are you okay? You’re not wounded, are you?”
“I should be asking you that. I mean, I’m the doctor, after all,” you tried joking. James just looked at you, not even cracking a grin.
“Don’t joke like that. You could’ve died.”
“We all could’ve died. We’re lucky more of us weren’t injured,” you corrected him. So what if you were using humor to cope? He could sue you. “We should get back to the rest of the group.”
James nodded, and the two of you returned to your companions. Slivko was trying to get in contact with the others, while simultaneously freaking out about what happened. Nieves looked like he was about to have a major meltdown, while Brooks looked like he was in the middle of one. San was shaken, and Weaver was obviously trying to hide it as she just stood there next to the downed helicopter.
No one talked about what just happened, much to Slivko’s dismay. While your relationship with James was now tentative at best, he was still the best tracker you knew, so you didn’t question his decisions. What you did question was why he insisted on you travelling right behind him, practically close enough to touch. The two of you had worked together on countless jobs - him often dragging you into them - but he’d never behaved like this before.
Eventually, your group reached what looked to be ruins. Where there were ruins, there were people. Right before you could tell James, Weaver screamed, and then your group was surrounded by people with spears. You lifted your gun like everyone else - except Weaver, who only had her camera - as your group crowded together. 
“Don’t shoot,” James instructed, even though he still had his gun raised. You kept your gun raised, but kept your finger off the trigger. One misfire and everyone would be doomed. Even as the group crowded closer together, James managed to shove you behind him. You glared at him, even though this wasn’t the best time to get upset. Just as you were beginning to accept your fate, a gruff looking man came through the people, greeting you all.
Once you met Marlow and he started talking about his time on the island, it didn’t really clear anything up for you. The only thing that really made sense was the idea that Kong wasn’t the worst thing out there and he was stopping the worse things, but even then, that was a tentative understanding. Then again, you were beginning to abandon the concept of normal, so you might as well accept what was happening.
Before long, night fell and everyone was starting to get settled in. Slivko was immensely amused by Marlow, while everyone else was trying to gain their bearings. You watched as Weaver set up her camera to take a picture of the light phenomenon occurring in the night sky, and as James gave his lighter to help her. You grabbed your bag of medical supplies and went to sit outside of Marlow’s little home, not wanting to see whatever was developing between the two.
You rifled through your bag, finding what you were looking for in record time: a silver flask filled with whiskey. You had painkillers and some local anesthetics, but some pains couldn’t be numbed by medicine. You took a swig of the whiskey, looking at the night sky. It was a shame the most beautiful places seemed to be the most dangerous. “There you are, I was worried when you weren’t inside,” James said, disturbing your peace and taking a seat beside you.
“Funny. It looked like you were busy,” you told him, taking another drink. “You know, you’ve brought me on some pretty wild jobs, but I think it’s gonna be hard to top this one.”
“There won’t be another job after this one. When we get out of here, we’re going home.”
“That’s a lot of ‘we.’ Before all this, we hadn’t even spoken in months,” you reminded him. “And what home, James? Saigon?”
“England. After the things we’ve seen here, the whole settling down thing doesn’t seem so bad,” James admitted. “With the payment, we’ll have more than enough to start again. When that helicopter started going down, and even before then, if something happened to you, I never would’ve forgiven myself.”
“James, I knew what I was signing up for, don’t blame yourself,” you told him. “So, you gave her your father’s lighter. Did she get to hear the story too?”
“She asked about the Royal Air Force inscription,” he said. “Darling, you’re the only one who knows me. We’re just working with her now. Once we leave all of this, she won’t be part of the picture anymore.”
“We’ll see what happens. We still have to get to the north side of the island.” You held the flask to him. “Do you want any?”
“I shouldn’t. We have work to do in the morning.” James put his arm around you, pulling you into his side. A month ago, you wouldn’t have let this happen. Then again, that was before all of this.
“Where have you been?” You asked as James came back into your shared apartment. It was the early hours of the morning, long after he told you he’d be back. You stayed up, worried about him, and here he was, walking in like nothing. You did a quick once-over of the man, glad to see he wasn’t hurt. If he wasn’t hurt, you could be upset with him.
“I was at the bar, like I said,” James said, throwing off his jacket. He threw a stack of bills on the table, letting you know just what he was doing at the bar in addition to drinking.
“You also said you’d be back hours ago. I was worried,” you argued. “So you could do what? Bet on pool?”
“We needed money, I did what I needed to.” James made his way to the liquor cupboard, as if the drinks he had at the bar weren’t enough. You took a breath, trying to calm yourself. You succeeded, until he took the lid off the whiskey bottle and took a drink.
“I’m working at the general practice now. We’re fine on money, James. This isn’t a conversation to be had when you’re drunk.” You walked into the bedroom, locking the door behind you. James tried following, but when he found the door was locked, he knew it was a losing battle. He tried knocking, asking you to let him in, but that didn’t last long before he gave up, going to sleep in the living room.
That wasn’t even the first time you’d had that argument. You didn’t care that he was betting on pool - he pretty much always won and it was decent money - you cared that he came home safe. When he came home hours after he said he would, that’s when you started doubting he would come home at all. You knew he got into a fair share of fights - that’s why he had started going to the shady bars that he didn’t want you to go with him for fear of your safety - and the stakes were higher now.
A week later, you left. Four more nights like that, four more arguments, and you were done. You found a small place you could move into not far from your practice, so you packed your bags and left. You gave James one last chance, that was the last night he decided to not come home when he said he would. So you left. That was the last time you saw him before Bangkok.
You woke up slightly disoriented. You heard James and Marlow talking about a boat to get to the north side of the island, and the previous day came rushing back to you. Kong taking down the fleet, trekking through the jungle, Marlow finding your group, your talk with James. You sat up from your bedroll, taking in the room. Everyone was either already awake or waking up, knowing the day ahead was going to be a long one.
You went with James, Slivko, Nieves, and Marlow to the boat, wanting to make yourself useful. While Slivko worked on the wiring and the engine, you just kind of sat there. It didn’t take long for you to realize there wasn’t really much you could do to help, but you still preferred to sit there and listen to the banter between Slivko and Marlow. James walked up next to you, wiping sweat from his brow. “I think we’ll be on water soon,” James told you. “Then we head to the extraction point.”
“Great, we’ll be out of here in no time,” you told him. “Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful, but at least I was here if someone got cut or something.”
“That’s more than enough, darling,” James said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“What’s going on between the two of you?” Slivko asked as he continued working. “Like, you guys weren’t talking before, but now you’re all over each other. What’s the deal?”
“(Y/n) and I are partners. She was working as a medic when I was in the forces, and we’ve stuck together since then,” James explained. “Except for a few months in Saigon when we weren’t talking.”
“Which, you don’t need to know the reason for,” you jumped in before Slivko could ask.
“Alright. Well, I think I got it. Someone should call the others,” Slivko said, hopping up from the engine block. You nodded, figuring you could at least do that. Finding San and Brooks was easy, but it took a bit longer to find Weaver in the village. When you brought everyone else back to the boat, Slivko was already trying to start up the boat. Once, twice, and then on the third time, the boat started up and you guys were ready to go.
Gathering your supplies and personal items didn’t take long, but as you were pushing off from the little dock, Marlow’s goodbye to the Iwi sobered your little group. Travelling down the river was probably the most peaceful part of your journey, even with the little pterodactyl-looking birds circling overhead. Slivko was able to get ahold of the others on the radio (telling them about your little ‘ploat’), and your group was celebrating. Then things took a turn for the worst.
The little pterodactyl-looking birds swooped on you and Nieves where you were standing near the front-end of the ploat. You felt the talons cut into your shoulder, and you were able to pull a knife from your waistband and stab into the bird’s leg. The bird released you, dropping you into the murky waters below. Nieves wasn’t so lucky.
You were able to resurface close enough to the ploat, just as you saw James and Slivko aiming their guns at the birds before James lowered his. James put his gun down, scanning the water for you. You saw the relief flood his face when he saw you in the water. You were sure he’d jump in to look for you if he hadn’t. “Can you swim over?” James called to you.
“My shoulder’s a bit hurt, but I can try, yeah,” you called back. You got lucky you weren’t too far from the ploat, but your shoulder still burned as you treaded through the water. James and Slivko helped pull you back onto the boat, James immediately pulling you into a hug despite your soaked clothes.
“You’re not leaving my side,” James murmured into your ear as he hugged you. He pulled back, immediately looking you over for signs of injury. When his eyes landed on your shoulder, you could see the worry return to his face. “How bad is the wound? Can you move your shoulder?”
“I was able to swim back here, so yeah. I just need to clean it up. Being in that water probably wasn’t the best thing for it,” you explained. “We should probably keep moving. Can someone hand me my med bag?”
Brooks handed you the bag full of your medical supplies, and you had a fleeting moment of relief that you hadn’t been holding the bag when you got picked up. Everyone was watching you as you grabbed the things you needed: your flask, antiseptic spray, antibiotic ointment, and some bandage wrap. Everyone was still just standing around, watching as you gathered your materials. “You heard her, let’s keep moving. We’re not too far from Packard,” James instructed, coming back to his senses.
You opened the flask, taking a drink before you got to work. It was starting to feel light, so you’d have to calm down your drinking apparently. You took some drinking water and rinsed your shoulder, patting it dry with one of your other shirts. You could tell James was hovering nearby, watching as you worked. “I’ll need some help with the wounds on the back of my shoulder, if that’s why you’re watching me like that.”
“Yeah, I’ll help with whatever you need,” James told you, going to sit next to you. You sprayed the wounds on the front before handing the bottle to James who took care of the wounds you couldn’t reach. You repeated the process with the ointment, and then handed James the bandage so he could properly wrap your shoulder. The rest of the ride upstream was quiet compared to the first half, no one wanting to talk about what just happened. For once, even Slivko was quiet.
It didn’t take long for the ploat to reach the meeting point. You had a moment to regroup while you waited for Packard and his men to reach you. James insisted on helping you out of the ploat, and then refilling your water from the little stream as you waited. You were looking around, wary of your surroundings after the attack. When the underbrush started rustling, everyone went on high alert. Guns were raised, you were pushed behind James, and then Packard and his men emerged from the brush.
Men were missing from the group, but that was expected after the attack. Learning about Kong and the things Marlow told you, you didn’t necessarily blame him. You did warn about what would happen to the wildlife if they dropped the bombs, you just didn’t expect it to be on this scale. “We’re still missing a man. Chapman crashed not far from here. I’m not leaving without him,” Packard argued.
“No way, that’s through Skullcrawler territory,” Marlow started before freaking out about not going. That was where the nest was, and you were on Marlow’s side here. If they were even half as bad as Marlow had been telling you, you didn’t want anything to do with them. Packard ignored Marlow, turning his attention back to James.
“That’s your job, right? You’re a tracker, you’re supposed to find lost men. Help me find my man,” Packard said. James looked to you for a second before looking back at Packard.
“We all stay together, head straight where he’s supposed to be. If he’s not there, we leave. We’re back by nightfall and we leave,” James instructed. Packard nodded, and your group went off to find Chapman. James kept true to his word, keeping you close as you trekked through the jungle yet again. If you weren’t right next to him, he made sure you were within arm’s reach. 
Your group reached the mass grave, Weaver making some comment about seeing enough of them to know one. Now you were entirely in Skullcrawler territory, so you had to tread carefully. There was a small explosion from one of the soldiers dropping a lit cigarette in a field of natural gas, and you didn’t quite remember what happened after. When the Skullcrawlers got near, James made sure to pull you along with him, never actually letting you out of his sight. The Skullcrawler coughed up the half-digested skull with the dog tags, but that wasn’t the end of it.
Randa was the first one to get killed, and then all hell broke loose. There was more gunfire, Packard and his men trying to fight off the Skullcrawlers, and then James saw Slivko was in trouble. James pushed you towards Brooks - though you weren’t sure why he chose Brooks - and took off to Slivko. You were going to run after him, but Brooks held you back.
You couldn’t see much, but Brooks still had to hold you back from running into the chaos. The Skullcrawler was running after James and Slivko, but then Weaver threw James’s lighter into one of the natural gas vents. There was an explosion, larger than the ones before, and the Skullcrawler went down. The coast was clear, so you ran to James. 
“You are so fucking stupid,” you said, voice wavering as James sat up. Before he could say anything, you grabbed his face and kissed him. That just seemed to stun him even more. “Come on, are you hurt?”
“Just sore, you should take a look at Slivko,” James told you as he stood. He held out his hand to help up Weaver, and then you helped him bring Slivko to the rest of the group. Once you got to a relatively safe spot, you started tending to everyone’s wounds. The encounter with the Skullcrawlers left everyone beat up, but no one was hurt too badly. You heard James having an argument with Packard, and when you actually started paying attention, you saw Packard dangling the dog tags of the other soldiers lost.
“Then we split up. Me and my men will go to Chapman’s helicopter, the rest of you can go back to the boat,” Packard instructed. “I don’t care what you say. That thing killed my men, it’s going to die.”
That’s when all hell broke loose again, which was starting to happen a lot. Marlow, James, and Weaver tried arguing that killing Kong would throw everything on the island off balance, but Packard was just concerned about avenging his men. Eventually, the group split off, civilians going back to the ploat, and the soldiers going to Chapman’s helicopter. James led the group back through the jungle, making sure to keep an eye on you. When your group reached a small clearing, you took a break. “I need to get to higher ground to figure out where we are. (Y/n), come with me.”
“Wait, I’m coming too,” Weaver said, following you and James away from the clearing. James helped you with climbing up the cliff face, making sure that you weren’t straining your shoulder too much. Considering he was the one to bring you there, it was a bit ironic. As you looked out at the island in front of you, you couldn’t help but feel amazement at the beauty of the island. Maybe some things that were uncharted should remain uncharted.
James and Weaver looked over the island, James trying to locate the landing point of the ploat. Just when he found it, all three of you saw something that made you stop dead in your tracks. Kong was approaching the cliff you were on. Immediately James moved you behind him, putting himself between you and any potential danger. James grabbed your hand, holding it tight as though trying to reassure you that everything would be okay. Maybe he was trying to reassure himself. As Kong grew nearer, none of you dared to move. You were caught in a staring contest with Kong, until Weaver stepped forward and just placed her hand against Kong’s face. He closed his eyes until Weaver stepped back. The moment of peace was broken when explosions started somewhere in the distance. Packard and his men reached Chapman’s helicopter.
Kong ran off, and your little trio made your way down the cliff face as fast as you could. James immediately went into Captain mode, directing Brooks and San to make their way to the boat and leave if you weren’t back at dawn. Marlow wanted to know what was going on, and the second he heard that the three of you were going to save Kong, he wanted in. Once again your group split up, and you headed back into the jungle, hoping you could get there in time to save Kong.
When you got to Packard and his men, they had already downed Kong. There was a moment where guns were pointed at each other, Marlow had his sword drawn on a couple soldiers, and the argument from before resurfaced. It wasn’t until you had managed to convince Slivko to defect that the other soldiers joined him. You left Packard there to his suicide mission, James giving him one last chance to do the right thing before the group made their way back to the ploat.
Everything that happened next seemed to be a blur. The big Skullcrawler was chasing after your group. Cole dropped his AK and went to sacrifice himself, only to be thrown into the side of the mountain. James sent Weaver off to go send a signal flare for the boat, and the remaining soldiers started shooting at the creature. Kong showed up, and it was on sight with the Skullcrawler. Everyone watched in horror at the events unfolding before them, Kong getting trapped in a wrecked boat and the Skullcrawler trying to take advantage of it. Then Weaver shot a flare at the Skullcrawler, the flare embedding itself in the creature’s face. As it was trying to claw the flare from its face, Kong freed himself somewhat.
In the fight, the cliff edge Weaver was standing on got hit, the ground under her crumbling. You and James watched as she was plunged into the water, James immediately jumping into action even though Kong and the Skullcrawler were still fighting. Not long after, Kong finished off the Skullcrawler. He reached into the water where Weaver had fallen, pulling her out and placing her on the banks before walking away. You trudged through the water, going to Weaver as fast as you could. James saw what happened and got out of the water. 
“C’mon, Weaver,” you said, lifting her upper body up. She’d been underwater for a few minutes, and you needed to get any water out of her system. James kneeled beside the two of you, watching as you worked. It took a minute, but she started coughing up water, coming back to the world. The second she came to, she hugged James, like he was the one who saved her life. Then Brooks and San came on the ploat, having missed everything exciting.
“When word gets out, they’re not going to leave this island alone,” you muttered, resting your head on James’s shoulder. James wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
“We’re the only ones that know, and I’m not going to say anything,” Weaver spoke up. James nodded, and even though nothing more was said, the agreement was understood.
“So, England?” You asked James, looking up at him. “I’ve never been.”
“I can’t wait to show you,” James said, giving you a quick kiss.
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness
Tag List: @midnight-queen-1
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capcarolsdanver · 5 years
Request: Can you do a Mason Weaver imagine ? Like her and reader going on an adventure and something bad happen and Reader have to protect her or something ?
Pairing: Mason Weaver x Reader
A/N: So this ended up being a lot longer than I originally planned! This is my first Mason fic and I love this character so it’s exciting to write for her! I’m sorry it’s taken so long! I had a lot of personal stuff go on and lost all motivation to write until recently. I kept the ‘adventure’ the same concept as the movie, an exploration of Skull Island, so I hope you enjoy it! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
Please do not repost my writing anywhere without my permission.
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“We said we’d always be there for each other. We promised.”
Mason looks at you from across the room, tears running down her face. “How can we be? We never even get to see each other anymore.” She gets the words out, holding back the sobs you know she wants to let out.
“There’s gotta be some other way we can work through this,” you say. You feel your own tears stinging at your eyes as Mason walks towards where you’re sitting at the edge of the bed.
“Y/N, you have a bag packed ready to leave. By the time you get back I’ll probably be gone again, too. We both know there’s no other way. At least not right now.”
Of course, you know she’s right. You both took your careers very seriously and neither of you would ask the other to sacrifice that. It doesn’t mean this hurt any less, though.
Tears start flowing from your eyes and Mason is quick to embrace you, holding you tightly in her arms and you try to hold on to the feeling of safety she’s always so effortlessly offered you.
Pulling back from her slightly, you press your lips to hers in a kiss that is both too fast and too slow before you rest your forehead against hers.
‘I think you’re the love of my life,” you whisper, your voice cracking. Mason closes her eyes for a long moment and when she opens them you watch a tear roll down her cheek. She can’t find the words but when she pulls you even closer in an almost desperate kind of way, you know she feels the same. Really, you’ve both always known.
You eventually manage to peel yourself away from Mason, grabbing your bags and walking away, leaving behind the greatest love you’ll ever know.
You shake the memory from your head, your eyes trained on the figure walking ahead of you on the dock. In theory, you know it’s unlikely to be her. The expedition you’re about to get on a ship for isn’t the kind that you’d consider an anti-war photographer to join. Still, you can’t help the overwhelming feeling of familiarity as you watch the woman.
At some point you lose sight of her among the crowd, and it finally gives you the chance to snap out of the trance you’d found yourself in. You continue walking until you reach the correct ship and board it. You’re led to your room and it’s only small but you’ve definitely experienced much worse, so you thank the man who led you here before walking in and shutting the door behind you.
You place your bag on the small bed and remove your jacket, tossing it onto the bed. You take a moment to collect yourself, taking slow breaths before pushing the door open and stepping out of the room again. When you reach the deck you almost immediately spot Bill Randa, the man leading the expedition.
“Bill, hello,” you say in greeting, offering a warm smile and shaking the hand he offers you when he turns to you.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you. Thank you once again for joining us.” You nod at him.
“Of course,” you say and he gestures for you to follow him.
“Let me introduce you to some of the team.” He walks you over to a group of people and gathers their attention.
“Everyone! I’d like you all to meet Y/N, our tracker for this expedition. I expect everyone to give her the respect that she deserves. I have it on good authority that she is very good at what she does.” They all seem somewhat surprised that their hired tracker is a woman, but you pay no attention as your eyes roam the group and land on a pair of eyes already focused intently on you.
Mason is standing amongst the team in front of you and she looks just as shocked as you feel. You realise rather suddenly that the group is standing in silence, waiting for you to speak.
“Uh, thank you Bill, I appreciate it. It’s good to be here with you all, I’m really looking forward to seeing you all do what you do best.” Everyone mumbles their own greetings towards you before Bill walks away with a wave and the rest of the group disbands.
You and Mason are left standing together, silently looking at each other before Mason’s face breaks into a grin and she throws herself at you, the force of her embrace throwing you off balance for a moment before you steady yourself.
“Oh my god,” she laughs, pulling back to look at you. “I can’t believe this. What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here? I could ask you the same question, Mason Weaver, anti-war photographer.”
She smiles softly at the sound of her name coming from your lips before a more serious expression takes over her face. She quickly scans her surroundings before motioning for you to follow her, and really you never could say no to her, so of course you follow her without a second thought.
When she finds a more secluded area, she tells you that something doesn’t seem right about this expedition, that no one can give her a clear answer on what the purpose of the mission was or why the military are even involved.
“The second I found out about this I knew I had to come. There’s something going on here that we don’t know about.” She voices the thoughts you’ve also had since you had been asked to join the expedition, and you move closer to her, quickly checking the doorway behind her for anyone who may be trying to listen.
“Mason, listen to me. I have a feeling things are about to get very dangerous. You know it’s not too late to get off this ship, right?”
She rolls her eyes light-heartedly at you. “Come on. You probably know me better than anyone else. You seriously think the threat of danger is gonna scare me away?”
“No, but I thought it was at least worth a shot,” you sigh and Mason chuckles at you before you hear Bill’s voice calling for the team to attend a mission briefing.
“Seismic charges? What kind of mapping mission needs explosives?”
After the mission briefing, Mason was quick to pull you aside, stealthily leading you to the ship’s cargo hold. You look around at the amount of charges you see stacked up around you.
“That is what they’re telling us it is, right? A mapping mission?” Mason’s fingers trace the side of one of the charges before she turns to you.
“Apparently,” you say. “The charges are for the geologists, to check the density of the earth.”
Mason raises her eyebrows at you. “And you believe that?”
“Do you think I believe it?” Mason maintains eye contact with you for a few moments before her features soften. She knows you, knows that you both had always shared very similar views on most things. The only outlier being the fact that you often needed a gun with you during your work, though she knew you only used it for protection, so she was always willing to overlook it.
You eventually make your way back to the deck together and your attention immediately lands on a storm cloud in the distance, the ship heading straight towards it.
“That’s where we’re heading?” Mason asks incredulously, just as Colonel Packard walks passed.
“Yep, and we’re getting set to leave now so if you intend to come with us, I suggest you get yourselves ready to go.” You and Mason glance at each other as he walks away to talk to some of his men.
“Well, you heard the man. Guess we’re going through the big, terrifying storm cloud.” You and Mason run off to grab the things you both need and a few minutes later you’re already sitting in a helicopter, hooked up to the safety bar. Mason joins you, hooking herself up to the safety bar too. She catches you staring at her and offers you a mischievous smile before you look away with a smile of your own.
It isn’t long before your pilot, Slivko, starts the chopper and takes off, joining the rest of the choppers in the air.
“Here we go, hold on,” he says to you and Mason and he takes the chopper straight into the storm. Immediately everything starts shaking and thunder flashes in every direction around you amidst the pouring rain. You grab the edge of your seat to steady yourself and look over to Mason. She wears a panicked expression on her face, and though you likely wear the same expression, you reach over to grab her hand reassuringly, which she clings to tightly.
Just as quickly as you enter the storm, you’re flying out of it, and you’re left only with clear skies and beautiful scenery before you. Mason gasps beside you and you share a look before you both grin widely. Mason lets go of your hand in favour of picking up her camera, snapping some photos of the island the chopper flies towards.
She lets out a joyous laugh and turns to you, aiming her camera at you to take a photo. You stick your tongue out at her and she chuckles, playfully bumping your shoulder with hers.
You notice the scientists being taken to the ground and setting up their equipment, painfully aware of what’s to come next, and you flinch at the sound of the first seismic charge being dropped. Mason furrows her brow and shares a grim look with you as explosive after explosive is dropped.
A loud banging sound and screams from another helicopter pull you from your thoughts, and you look up in time to see the chopper up ahead of you spiralling towards the ground, a tree sticking straight through it.
“What the hell?” Mason says and you hear even more screams in the distance as another chopper is taken down.
When your eyes fall upon the creature causing all the destruction, you gasp. You can’t believe your eyes, and you have to blink a few times to make sure you’re really seeing the gigantic ape standing ahead of you, glaring at the choppers as they approach.
Slivko speaks over his headset to the rest of his squad, obviously getting orders to engage as he and the rest of the soldiers fire at the creature. Mason shifts closer to you, her eyes open wide in terror.
You watch in complete shock as chopper after chopper gets taken down, the ape easily ripping them apart and punching them towards the ground. Despite the bullets seemingly having no effect, Slivko continues firing and closing the distance between you and the creature.
“What are you doing?! You need to retreat right now!”
“I don’t take orders from you!” Slivko yells back at you. You sense the clear terror in his voice and before you can say anything else, a body is thrown seemingly from nowhere towards you. It hits the windshield, a loud thudding sounding through the vehicle, and the body is pulled towards the rotor. Mason screams as the helicopter shakes heavily and a loud beeping comes from the cockpit.
“We’re gonna crash!” Slivko warns you and sure enough the vehicle starts declining towards the ground. Mason looks around frantically with wide eyes and you wrap an arm around her, pulling her into your body and tightly holding on to some railing inside the chopper as it plummets through tree branches.
You hit the ground hard, quickly surveying yourself for injuries. You swipe at your forehead and find some blood there and your body aches a little from the impact, but otherwise you’re fine.
“Mason!” You exclaim, unhooking yourself from the safety bar and quickly moving over to her as she groans, squeezing her eyes shut tight. There’s some debris trapping one of her legs from the knee down and you struggle to remove it but eventually it shifts and you’re able to free her.
“Mason, hey. Look at me,” you say, gently grabbing her face in your hands. She opens her eyes and you look over her carefully. “Are you okay?” You help her sit up and she grimaces for a second.
“I think so,” she says and you grab her hands to help her stand up. The moment she’s on her feet she shifts her weight and lets out a cry of pain, practically collapsing into your body as your hands tighten on her arms.
“What is it?” You question, concern lacing your words. She stands gingerly on one foot, distress entering her features.
“I don’t know. Just give me a second, I’ll be okay.” She shrugs your hands off of her and you let her, but you remain close to her. Clenching her jaw with determination, she slowly moves to take a step before another cry of pain leaves her lips and you quickly reach out to grab her before she’s able to fall.
“I got you,” you say softly, spotting a log a few feet away and helping her to sit on it. You lift her pant leg, gently touching her slightly swollen ankle with your fingertips. Mason hisses in pain.
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
“It’s my ankle, isn’t it? Do you think it’s broken?” You look at her face, her eyes welling with panicked tears.
“I don’t know, but we’re gonna figure this all out, okay?” She shakes her head, tears falling from her eyes, and looks at you with a pained expression.
“No, I’m not gonna slow anyone down. If you just leave me here then I can try to-“
“Hey, stop,” you interrupt. “I promised I’d always be there for you, remember? I’m not breaking that promise today and I’m not planning on leaving you again. You hear me?”
After a second, Mason nods. “Yeah,” she replies weakly, another tear rolling down her cheek which you wipe away.
“Good. Now I want you to grab my hand and try to put some weight on your ankle again. I think it might just be sprained but I want to make sure, okay?”
She nods and takes your hand, letting you help her back to her feet. Hesitantly, she places some weight on her injured ankle. She visibly winces but is at least able to somewhat support some of her weight on it and you let out a relieved breath.
“Okay, looks like it’s not broken. Everything’s gonna be fine, Mase.”
You make your way through the forest with the group you’ve found yourself in, an arm wrapped securely around Mason’s waist. You had found some bandages in the choppers emergency kit and wound it tightly around Mason’s ankle to provide some support, and to hopefully keep it from swelling anymore. Thankfully, as more time went by, she was finding it a little easier to place more weight on the ankle, though only slightly.
“So, you never told me how you ended up on this mission,” she said, breaking the silence that had fallen upon you.
“Well, long story short, my friend Conrad was actually offered this job. He’s former SAS, I met him on a tracking mission not long after we…” You pause and glance at Mason. “Anyway. He couldn’t take the job, so he recommended me. Like you, I was pretty intrigued. Plus, they offered me a lot of money.”
“Yeah, but you were never one to take a job based on the amount of money you were offered.” You shrug, lost in your own thoughts.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. When I was offered this job, I saw it as the perfect way out.” Mason squints her eyes at you curiously.
“A way out?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always loved what I do. But it’s been so exhausting and it’s taken so much away from me. I mean, just look at what happened between us.”
“My career played a part in that too, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. But your work has always been more important than mine,” you say easily. "If I had just stayed two years ago, maybe things would be different now. We would have been able to work through everything.”
Mason hums, but otherwise remains quiet as you continue walking.
A few minutes later, as you follow the river towards the north side of the island, a sound from the water startles the group. You see what looks like a giant water buffalo emerging from the water, and it moves closer, looking down at you.
Mason shrieks in surprise and you quickly position your body in front of her, you and Slivko both raising your guns towards the creature. You watch it for a moment, quickly deciding that it is only curious, and doesn’t look to be hostile in any way. You lower your weapon, turning to Mason. She smile with wonder on her face and you move aside to allow her to take photos of the buffalo.
You look away from Mason for a moment, realising that Slivko still has his gun raised.
“Hey, Slivko. It’s okay, it’s not gonna hurt us.” You silently walk towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder slowly to avoid startling him. “Put the gun down.”
You feel him trembling and he looks at you over his shoulder. You nod reassuringly and he lets out a shaky breath before nodding back to you and lowering his gun.
“Are we ready to move on?” Everyone nods and Mason takes one last snap with her camera, wide smile still on her face, and looks at you.
“Yeah, let’s go.” She moves to take a step without thinking and winces. You’re by her side in an instant, your arm back around her waist and she slings an arm over your shoulders.
“I hate this,” she huffs with a pout on her face.
“I know,” you lightly chuckle, knowing she’s always hated not being able to do things on her own.
You direct Slivko on where to lead the group and stay towards the back of the group with Mason, stealing constant glances at her to make sure she’s okay. And just to look at her. You’d forgotten how much you missed seeing her face.
You walk on for at least a couple more hours without really taking any breaks, besides a minute or so here and there. Mason does her best to keep up with the rest of the group, though the last hour or so you notice her start to struggle a little. You know she won’t complain though. She wouldn’t want to slow the group down.
You keep going a little longer until you find what looks like a walkway, lined with walls and some kind of decorated arches. You all walk cautiously, looking out for any movement, and on a particularly rough bit of terrain Mason winces and tightens her grip on you. You immediately signal for the group to stop.
“No, don’t stop. I’m good.”
“Mason, it’s okay. We’ll just take 5 and then we’ll be on our way again, alright?”
She lets out a frustrated sigh but nods appreciatively at you, finding a large rock behind her to sit on. While the rest of the group pass around Slivko’s bottle of water that he shares, Mason lifts her leg to rest on the rock, pulling her pant leg up and touching her ankle.
“The sun’s starting to set. When we find a safe place we’ll stop and stay put for the night, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” she replies. The bandaging on her ankle has loosened a little while you’ve been walking, so Mason begins removing it so she can reapply it. A deep bruise has formed along her foot and ankle, but you feel relieved when you notice that the swelling has lessened slightly.
You hold out your hand to take the bandage from her and she gladly hands you it. She leans back a little as you kneel in front of her to reapply the bandage to her ankle and you see her grabbing her camera and readjusting some of the settings.
“You think you’ve got some good shots?” You ask as you finish up with her bandage.
“I guess,” she shrugs. “Not as many as I’d like though. But let’s be honest, this whole expedition has been full of surprises so I might still have some opportunities left.” As she speaks she lifts the camera to her face, adjusting the focus. She lets out a sudden loud gasp, dropping the camera and rising from the rock as quickly as she can as her face pales.
You furrow your brow, quickly turning around and spotting what appears to be a tribe closing in around you, holding spears towards you. You immediately aim your gun towards them as they approach, using one hand to grab at Mason’s shirt and tugging her behind you as you lead her to the rest of the group.
“Stop, stop,” Slivko warns them, clutching his rifle tightly, not quite sure of where to aim it.
Some of the scientists in your group also hold up their own guns and Mason’s hand falls to her knife sheath at her belt, at the ready to pull her knife out if needed. You try to think the situation through quickly, looking around at all the natives surrounding you.
“Woah, okay. It’s alright, do not shoot. We don’t want to hurt anyone. Just wait a second.”
With no obvious plan coming to mind, you almost run out of options before you hear a booming voice coming from behind the tribe.
“Woah, woah. Hey, everyone just calm down.” A man in an old flight suit runs out, making his way through the natives and greeting the group. You’re skeptical but he seems happy to see you so you listen to him. He introduces himself as Lt. Hank Marlow and explains that he’s been stuck on the island for almost 29 years.
“See, they’re okay,” he looks around at the natives and they slowly lower their spears, you and the group lowering your own weapons.
“There’s something out there, man,” Slivko says to Marlow, who raises his eyebrows knowingly.
“Oh, there’s a lot out there. Now come with me, you don’t want to be out here at night.”
The group all look to you, and you eventually shrug and lead the group to follow Marlow.
You follow Marlow to a village and he tells you that the ape, known as Kong, is actually king on the island. He’s a protector to the native people, and there are, in fact, much worse creatures inhabiting the island. With this knowledge, you convince Marlow to come with you to the north side of the island to finally return home.
“We’ll stay here for the night, and first thing in the morning we’ll head out,” he says, pointing out the tents you have been given permission to stay in.
“Thank you,” you nod sincerely to Marlow and he returns the nod. Once again wrapping your arm around Mason, you help her to one of the tents and she sits down, looking completely exhausted after the day’s events. You share eye contact for a moment before you move to leave.
“Hey,” Mason reaches out to gently grab your wrist, effectively stopping you in your tracks. “You know, you did a really great job at keeping your promise. You’ve been there for me probably much more than I deserve.”
“Mase.” You sit next to her, your thigh touching hers. “You deserve the world. And I don’t know if I can give you everything you’ll ever need, but I mean it when I say I’ll always be there for you.”
Mason gets teary eyed watching you speak before she clears her throat to compose herself.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” you reply, giving her your full attention.
“If we get off this island, do you really plan on retiring from this?”
You take a breath before nodding. “Yeah, I do. You know just as well as I do that it’s cost me a lot. And when they offered me what they did for this expedition, it seemed like a perfect opportunity.” You hesitate for a moment. “Seeing you on that ship was kind of perfect, actually,” you add.
“What do you mean?” Mason tilts her head at you slightly.
“Well, it just seems like a sign. I never once considered leaving this career until it was the reason why I lost you.”
Mason makes a point of taking your hand in hers, interlocking your fingers and looking you in the eyes.
“You never lost me.”
You look at her softly, blinking back the sudden tears that sting at your eyes and leaning forward to rest your forehead against hers.
“Oh, this seems eerily familiar. You’re not gonna tell me that I’m the love of your life and then leave again, are you?” Mason jokes.
You laugh at her words, at least glad it seems like you aren’t the only one who recalls that conversation so clearly. You pretend to consider Mason’s words for a moment before speaking.
“Hm, maybe. This time I’m cutting out the part where I leave, though.”
“Good. I think I’m gonna like this version a lot better,” Mason says.
Your smile grows before you lean forward, softly kissing Mason, and it’s like everything in the world is right again. You feel Mason smiling against your lips and when you both have to break away from smiling too much you suddenly feel hopeful that you might actually be able to get off this island and be happy again.
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sdkiresearch · 2 years
Machine Learning Market by Component and End User --Global Industry Analysis & Forecast 2022 To 2031
Machine Learning Market by Component (Service, Hardware, Software) End User (Manufacturing, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, BFSI, Advertising & Media, Agriculture, Other End Users) - Global Industry Analysis & Forecast 2022 to 2031
Industry Outlook and Trend Analysis
Machine Learning Market has encountered significant development over the recent years and is anticipated to grow tremendously over the forecast period. Machine learning is a sub-segment of artificial intelligence. The concept has evolved from computational learning and pattern recognition in AI. It explores the construction and study of algorithms and carries out forecasts on data.
Drivers and Restraints
Top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to validate the global market size market and estimate the market size for companies, regions segments, type segments, and applications (end users). In the complete market engineering process, both top-down and bottom-up approaches were extensively used, along with several data triangulation methods, to perform market estimation and market forecasting for the overall market segments and sub-segments listed in this report. Extensive qualitative and further quantitative analysis is also done from all the numbers arrived at in the complete market engineering process to list key information throughout the report.
Download the sample PDF report here: https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-57469
Regional Insights
The data for 2019 is an estimate, based on the history data and the integrated view of industry experts, manufacturers, distributors and end users etc.
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Southeast Asia
Rest of Asia-Pacific
South America
Rest of South America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Rest of MEA
Competitive Analysis
The major players in the market are profiled in detail in view of qualities, for example, company portfolio, business strategies, financial overview, recent developments, and share of the overall industry.
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
SAS Institute Inc.
Baidu Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Google Inc.
International Business Machines Corporation
Intel Corporation
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Request the free PDF report here: https://www.sdki.jp/sample-request-57469
Some of the key questions answered by the report are:
What was the market size in 2016 and the forecast from 2022 To 2031?
What will be the industry market growth from 2022 To 2031?
What are the major drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and industry trends and their impact on the market forecast?
What are the major segments leading the market growth and why?
Which are the leading players in the market and what are the major strategies adopted by them to sustain the market competition?
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cagrreports21 · 2 years
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blogads · 3 years
Web scale IT Market Analysis by Size, Share, Opportunities, Revenue, Future Scope and Forecast 2027
Web scale IT Market Overview:
The study covers the Web scale IT Market's most recent revenue and market trends. It stresses a market overview, definition, and structure, as well as preventative and pre-planned management. The report focuses on the factors that influence the Web scale IT Market, such as gross margin, cost, market share, capacity utilisation, and supply. It also aids in determining the future potential of Web scale IT Market in the next years. The report presents a market overview through common subjects that are highlighted with unique data based on the need. This overview aids in making decisions about how to approach the market and comprehending the industry's backdrop.
Request for free sample: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/60186
Market Scope:
Key Market Trends & Challenges:
The study analyses the primary adoption trend impacting the Asia Pacific Optical Sensor industry as well as issues that may stymie its expansion. Understanding these elements is critical for product planning and design, as well as commercial strategies. To assist you understand the Web scale IT market, this study provides a full analysis of these trends and obstacles.
Market Statistics:
The report provides the market size and share of the Planar Light wave Circuit Splitter market. It helps in understanding the market and the report estimates upfront data and statistics that make the report a very valuable guide for individuals dealing with advertising and industry decision-making processes in the Planar Light wave Circuit Splitter market.
Get more Report Details : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-web-scale-it-market/60186/
Web scale IT Market Segmentation:
Global Web scale IT Market by Service
Consulting & IT
Repair & Integration
Global Web scale IT Market by Providers
Marketplace builder
Internet Service Providers
Content Providers
Web scale IT Market Key Players:
SimpliVity Corporation (U.S.)
Nexenta Systems, Inc.(U.S.)
Pivot3 Inc. (U.S.)
IBM Corporation(U.S.)
Facebook, Inc. (U.S.)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise(U.S.)
CloudBees, Inc.(U.S.)
Netflix, Inc. (U.S.)
CloudSigma Holding AG (Switzerland)
Microsoft Corporation (U.S.)
Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman
The report examines the top players in the  Web scale ITin terms of their size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profitability. The research outlines which growth strategies are being used by key players, including strategic alliances, new product innovation, and so on. It tells you whether you're competing with only industry firms or with competitors who provide alternative solutions. The study helps you understand competitor pricing in the  Web scale IT so you can examine and build a pricing plan that works for your product. The competitive landscape is a significant feature of the  Planar Light wave Circuit Splitterindustry that all key stakeholders in the industry should be aware of.
Regional Analysis:
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key countries, with market size, growth rate, import and export of  Web scale ITin these countries, which covering North America, U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Rest of Europe, Asia Pacific, China, India, Japan, Australia, South Korea, ASEAN Countries, Rest of APAC, South America, Brazil, and Middle East and Africa.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Web scale ITMarket:
The report has identified detailed impact of COVID-19 on  Web scale IT in regions such as North America, Asia Pacific, Middle-East, Europe, and South America. The report provides Comprehensive analysis on alternatives, difficult conditions, and difficult scenarios of  Web scale IT during this crisis. The report briefly elaborates the advantages as well as the difficulties in terms of finance and market growth attained during the COVID-19. In addition, report offers a set of concepts, which is expected to aid readers in deciding and planning a strategy for their business.
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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C research on 12000 high growth emerging opportunities & technologies as well as threats to the companies across the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defence and other manufacturing sectors.
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blueweave01 · 3 years
Global Next Generation Data Storage Market Set to Boom: Forecast to Grow at an Impressive CAGR of 8.4% by 2027
Because of the growing data volume among various end-user industries such as healthcare, telecom, IT, banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), and others, global next generation data storage market is growing at a high CAGR.
A recent study conducted by strategic consulting and market research firm BlueWeave Consulting revealed that global next generation data storage market was worth USD 54.0 billion in 2020. According to the study, the market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.4%, earning revenue of around USD 94.8 billion by the end of 2027. The next generation data storage market is growing significantly because of the growing data volume among various end-user industries, such as healthcare, telecom, IT, banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), etc. Additionally, because of the growing popularity of cloud solutions, a new technology known as hybrid storage has gained traction, which is favoring the market’s growth. Also, the increasing use of mobile computing devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets and the digitalization of information in residential and commercial settings significantly contribute to the market’s prosperity. However, the high risk of cyberattacks and data theft associated with cloud and hybrid computing is a major restraint on the global next-generation data storage market.
Increasing Development of Data Storage Infrastructure Driving the Global Next Generation Data Storage Market
With the growing volume of data, organizations and enterprises are investing more in data storage infrastructure, which allows them to increase their productivity and provide better services. Such investments are expected to drive the demand for next generation data storage, propelling market growth. Data centers and storage facilities are also being developed by both public and private entities, which has shown to be cost-effective for small and medium-sized businesses. As a result of these initiatives, demand for next-generation data storage is likely to increase.
Growing Smartphone Penetration is Expected to Drive the Global Next Generation Data Storage Market Growth
With the growing popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets, the market for next-generation data storage is expected to rise dramatically. Furthermore, with remote working and online education, the need for smartphones cannot be disputed. The demand for next-generation data storage is only likely to expand during the forecast period as manufacturers expand their production facilities.
Global Next Generation Data Storage Market - By Storage Type
The global next generation data storage market is segmented into local (on-premise), remote (cloud), and hybrid, based on storage architecture. The local (on-premise) segment holds the largest share in the next-generation data storage market. The on-premise data storage presents a high performance in data delivery which results in faster efficiency of the businesses or enterprises. It works well with small businesses and residential applications. With a high number of small businesses, especially in emerging economies, the local data storage segment is growing substantially. However, the hybrid segment is projected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period. With expanding remote working scenarios, the need for remote access of data, and the tremendous surge in its volume, enterprises are opting to merge local and hybrid solutions to increase business efficiency.
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Global Next Generation Data Storage Market - By End-User
Based on end-user, the global next generation data storage market is segmented into enterprises, government bodies, telecom companies, and cloud service providers. The enterprise segment accounts for the largest market share. This segment is further classified into BFSI, consumer goods, retail, healthcare, media and entertainment, manufacturing, and others. Sectors like BFSI, healthcare, etc., carry and generate a large volume of crucial data that needs structured storage platforms that can provide access to real-time access data and protect it from data losses. These sectors are rapidly switching from hardware data storage options to cloud solutions and hybrid solutions for their data storage needs which are expected to drive the next generation data storage market growth in the forecast period.
Global Next Generation Data Storage Market - Regional Insights
Geographically, the global next generation data storage market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East & Africa. North America dominates the global next-generation data storage market. However, the Asia-Pacific region is projected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The high concentration of leading industry players such as Fujitsu, Toshiba, Huawei, etc., plays a significant contributing factor for the growth of the market in this region. The increasing number of small and medium-sized businesses are also driving the global next generation market growth.
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Next Generation Data Storage Market
The global next generation data storage market significantly flourished after the COVID-19 outbreak. As a result of lockdowns imposed by governments, people began working from home. Simultaneously, the concept of online education also emerged, thereby propelling the growth of the market. However, the global next-generation data storage market experienced a decline during the initial outbreak, when manufacturing activities were suspended. Nevertheless, in the post-COVID-19 phase, the segment is forecast to recover quickly.
Competitive Landscape
The leading market players in the global next generation data storage market are Dell Inc., Netgear Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, Fujitsu Ltd., Scality Inc., DataDirect Networks., Pure Storage Inc., Toshiba Corp., IBM Corporation, Hitachi Ltd, NetApp Inc., Nutanix, Western Digital Corporation, Samsung, Inspur, Drobo Inc., Cloudian Inc., Huawei Technologies Co., Micron Technology, and other prominent players.
The market is largely consolidated, with technology behemoths dominating it with cutting-edge technology and experience. To stay ahead of the competition, the companies often offer new products with innovations and developments. In addition, competitive techniques such as mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations are highly common in this sector.
Don’t miss the business opportunity of the global next generation data storage market. Consult our analysts to gain crucial insights and facilitate your business growth.
The in-depth analysis of the report provides information about growth potential, upcoming trends, and statistics of the global next generation data storage market. It also highlights the factors driving forecasts of total market size. The report promises to provide recent technology trends of the global next generation data storage market and industry insights to help decision-makers make sound strategic decisions. Furthermore, the report also analyses the growth drivers, challenges, and competitive dynamics of the market.
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BlueWeave Consulting provides comprehensive Market Intelligence (MI) Solutions to businesses regarding various products and services online and offline. We offer all-inclusive market research reports by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to boost up the performance of your business solutions. BWC has built its reputation from the scratch by delivering quality inputs and nourishing long-lasting relationships with its clients. We are one of the promising digital MI solutions companies providing agile assistance to make your business endeavors successful.
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nitu5965 · 3 years
IT Operation Analytics Market 2016 to 2027 – Market Share, Growth, Industry Segments, Competitor Landscape, Key Players, Trends and Forecasts
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IT Operation Analytics Market Highlights:
In the field of information technology, information is becoming a primary asset with the greatest value. IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) is among the growing and best sources of new and workable data. A variety of automated systems could be used to make much sense of all information coming from regular IT procedures, from report to operator to wire information. Drawing on the now critical concepts of Big Data, Information Technology Analytics has the ability to provide every enterprise the much-needed versatility to produce intelligent and valuable market insights that enable information-driven and constructive activities.
 Though, many businesses do not know they're actually having a virtual treasure trove of data, because any IT activity which is carried out on a regular basis is still a source of valuable data. Information can be obtained from live network tracking and real-time application operators to determine the utilization of resources and operating system features, as well as from useful applications and network records. ITOA means making the most use of all of this, and a lot more.
 Data obtained in this manner could be used for a wide variety of purposes – the easiest yet most important of which would increase the performance of the organisation's resources by allowing more efficient resource management. The global demand for IT Operation Analytics Market (ITOA) is projected to rise by nearly 39% in the CAGR during the 2017-2023 forecast period. It also helps users to easily concentrate their attention on finding solutions and reducing the amount of time required to do just that.
 Major Key Players:
·         Oracle Corporation (U.S.)
·         IBM Corporation (U.S.)
·         SAP SE (Germany)
·         Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (U.S.)
·         Splunk Inc. (U.S.)
·         Microsoft Corporation (U.S.)
·         Evolven Software Inc. (U.S.)
·         ExtraHop Networks (U.S.)
·         VMware Inc. (U.S.)
·         Prelert Inc. (U.S.)
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Market Segmentation:
The application segment of the global IT operations analytics market consists of real-time log analytics, network and security management, infrastructure management, application performance management, and others. The real-time analytics sub-segment is estimated to hold the largest market share.
 This market penetration is due to a steady rise in log and computer-generated data that requires to be analyzed in real-time in order to provide quicker, more effective and revolutionary data analysis methods. The use of real-time data analysis has a high priority for companies to increase performance and reduce running time. The technology segment of the market covers Machine-Based Learning, Visual Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Root-Cause Analytics, and User-Behavior Analytics.
 Regional Overview:
The North American regional market has the biggest share in the IT operations analytics market, accompanied by Europe and Asia Pacific. The area has a very well-established environment that allows for faster deployment of modern technologies. In addition, the rise of IT organizational data and the growing demand for the next-generation business analytics approaches are key factors driving business growth in the market.
 The global market for IT analytics has been studied extensively and the regional segment covers regional markets present in North America, APAC, Europe and the rest of the world. The global IT operations analytics market growth in North America is due to technological developments and growing amounts of data being produced.
 Industry News:
IBM is releasing Watson AIOps, a package that utilizes AI to automate IT as part of a wider roll-out of automation software. At its virtual meeting, Big Blue is placing Watson AIOps as a way of boosting business resilience. This is not a small issue, considering that the COVID-19 outbreak has changed research, procedures and trade practices in just a few weeks.
 Table of Contents
1        Executive Summary
2        Scope of the Report
2.1       Market Definition
2.2       Scope of the Study
2.2.1    Research Objectives
2.2.2    Assumptions & Limitations
2.3       Markets Structure
3        Market Research Methodology
3.1       Research Process
3.2       Secondary Research
3.3       Primary Research
3.4       Forecast Model
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 List of Tables
Table 1            Global It Operation Analytics Market: By Region, 2017-2023  
Table 2            North America It Operation Analytics Market: By Country, 2017-2023  
Table 3            Europe It Operation Analytics Market: By Country, 2017-2023  
 List of Figures
Figure 1 Global It Operation Analytics Market Segmentation
Figure 2 Forecast Methodology
Figure 3 Five Forces Analysis of Global It Operation Analytics Market
 About Market Research Future:
Market Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.
We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.
Market Research Future
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Pune - 411028
Maharashtra, India
+1 646 845 9312
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Global Data Analytics in Banking Market to grow at a Significant Rate through 2026 – TechSci Research
Growing demand of hyper personalized experience and the emergence of banking 4.0 concept is expected to drive the demand for global data analytics in banking market in forecast period.
According to TechSci Research report, “Global Data Analytics in Banking Market By Deployment Type (On-Premises, Cloud) By Type (Descriptive Analytics, Diagnostic Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics) By Solution (Risk Management (Credit Risk Assessment, Fraud Detection and Management, Stress Testing, others), Customer Analytics, Portfolio Management Analytics, Trading Analytics) By End User (Sell Side Firms, Buy Side Firms) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global data analytics in banking market is expected to witness steady growth in the forecast period. Data analytics is defined as the process to gather, analyze, and interpret complex data sets that contain both structured and unstructured data. Data analytics helps in streamlining the sales process and can improve the results of direct marketing. It can also be used to provide better customer support to customers by storing the data about the issues faced by the consumer and the solution to their problems beforehand. Thereby, with the use of data analytics technology the banks can deliver services to the consumers in the shortest duration of time and with quick results. Fraud and theft activities are the major issues faced by financial institutions. Banks are actively using the data analytics technology to increase the trust of customers by using the technology to make customer profiles and analyzing the customer’s behavior and data to detect fraud activity.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as a pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Coronavirus-affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. Leading authorities around the globe imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. To practice social distancing and to avoid contact with other people, the users started using the banking services with the help of online channels. Banking institutions actively incorporated the data analytics technology into their system to increase customer retention and acquisition based on the insights provided by the data analytics technology.
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Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Data Analytics in Banking Market”.
 Global data analytics in banking market is segmented into deployment type, type, solution, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on the solution, the market can be divided into risk management customer analytics, portfolio management analytics, trading analytics. The risk management customer analytics segment is expected to witness growth in the forecast period, 2022-2026. Risk management customer analytics can be further divided into credit risk assessment, fraud detection and management, stress testing, and others. Risk management customer analytics allows the banks to make calculated decisions based on the history of the consumers and the proper analysis of the data which aids in generating smart results.
IBM Corporation, SAP SE, Oracle Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Google LLC, Amazon Web Services, Inc., TIBCO Software, Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., SiSense, Inc., Mu Sigma, Inc., Dell, Inc., Alteryx Inc., Teradata Corporation, Wipro Ltd., SAS Institute, Inc. are the leading players operating in global data analytics in banking market. Service Providers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several data analytics in banking providers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
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“With the growing adoption of data analytics technology in banking institutions, the banks can lower the risk costs through the use of analytics-aided techniques involved in the process of advanced early-warning systems, next-generation stress testing, digital credit assessment, amongst others. The growing adoption of digital banking platforms among the consumers due to the ease and convenience offered to the consumers and efforts to make the banking more customer-friendly is expected to create lucrative opportunities for market growth. The surge in the demand of the e-commerce apps and sites among the consumers and the quick and easy process of financial transactions is expected to propel the market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
According to TechSci Research “Global Data Analytics in Banking Market By Deployment Type (On-Premises, Cloud) By Type (Descriptive Analytics, Diagnostic Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics) By Solution (Risk Management (Credit Risk Assessment, Fraud Detection and Management, Stress Testing, others), Customer Analytics, Portfolio Management Analytics, Trading Analytics) By End User (Sell Side Firms, Buy Side Firms) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global data analytics in banking market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global data analytics in banking market.
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Australia Data Analytics Market By Component (Software and Services), By Deployment (On-Premise and Cloud), By Organization Size (Large Enterprises Vs Small and Medium Enterprises), By End-User Industry (BFSI, Government & Defense, Retail & E-Commerce, IT & Telecom Others), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
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shivani111blog · 3 years
Server Storage Area Network Market Research Report - Forecast to 2023
Server Storage Area Network Market Research Report - Forecast to 2023
 Market synopsis
The server storage area network is high speed customized network providing a fundamental level of network access to storage, which is majorly comprised of networking equipment like routers, switches, and storage devices. This equipment is connected to each other by networking topologies, and different protocols, and provide the enterprise to use at multiple sites. The storage area network is generally used to improve the data paths, improving the availability of the application. These are also used to improve the application performance like load balancing, and network segregation. The market of server storage area network increases the effectiveness and storage utilization of storage.
The server SAN is one of the emerging technologies that use the concept of combinational computations and eliminates the additional requirement of separate space for storage. One of the major advantages of server storage area network is the high availability, efficient performance and cost savings on additional storage requirement.
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 Key Players
Some of the major players in global Server Storage Area Network market include Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. (U.S.), Dell EMC (U.S.), DataCore Software (U.S.), Nutanix (U.S.), Citrix Systems, Inc (U.S.), Hitachi, Ltd (Japan), Scale Computing (U.S.), StorMagic Ltd. (U.K), among others
Other vendors include The Siemon Company (U.S.), A10 Networks, Inc. (U.S.), Barefoot Networks (U.S.), Big Switch Networks, Inc (U.S.), Cambium Networks, Ltd (U.S.), CloudGenix Inc (U.S.), Red Hat, Inc (U.S.), Cisco Systems, Inc (U.S.), Veeam Software (Switzerland), Teridion (U.S.), SwiftStack Inc (U.S.), Pluribus Networks (U.S.), ExtraHop Networks (U.S.), Docker, Inc. (U.S.), Cumulus Networks (U.S.), among others
The prominent players keep innovating and investing in research and development to present a cost-effective product portfolio. There has been recent mergers and acquisitions among the key players, a strategy the business entities leverage to strengthen their reach to the customers.
On the basis of the component, the market is segmented into hardware and software. The software is further segmented into application software, and platform software.
On the basis of services, the market is segmented into professional service and managed service. The professional service is further is segmented into integration and deployment service, consulting service, and support & maintenance service.
On the basis of type, the market is segmented into hyperscale-data-center-market-5878'>hyperscale server storage area network and enterprise server storage area network
On the basis of organization, the market is segmented into the small and medium enterprise and large enterprise
On the basis of region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and rest of the world.
Regional Analysis
The global server storage area network market is estimated to grow at a significant rate during the forecast period. The geographical analysis of server storage area network market marks the study for regions like North America, Europe (including Russia), Asia Pacific (including Australia and New Zealand) and rest of the world (including the Middle East, Africa, and South America). Among these regions, the market is led by North America. North America has a higher concentration of service vendors providing server storage, and solutions for small as well as large enterprises. These vendors comprise a large market of service and solution providers. One of the major factors contributing to the growth of server storage area network is the higher adoption of data centers for improved data storage management. North America, due to early adoption of this technology, experiences a high market share in server storage area network market.
As a storage area network is a high-speed network providing a basic level of network access storage, these networks pose as a base for the security against data loss. Many companies are making advancements in their services and solutions due to the rising demand for data centers in regions like the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and Africa. Also, North America is hub to more than 70% of overall players competing in this market.
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 About Market Research Future:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR),Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R),Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
Market Research Future
Office No. 524/528, Amanora Chambers
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Maharashtra, India
+1 646 845 9312
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karishmamulani · 3 years
4D Printing Market Share, Growth Survey 2020 to 2026 and Industry Analysis Report
The global 4D Printing market size is expected to reach USD 419.5 million by 2026 according to a new study by Polaris Market Research. The report “4D Printing Market Analysis By Material (Programmable Carbon Fiber, Programmable Wood, Programmable Textiles), By End-use (Defense, Aerospace, Automotive, Textile, Healthcare, Others), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2019 – 2026” gives a detailed insight into current industry dynamics and provides analysis on future market growth.
4D printing continues to emerge as an advance in 3D printing technology. 4D printing allows components to become a different form when exposed to heat or moisture or other environmental stimuli. This technologies advance the process of shape production beyond 3D printing which results in additional design flexibility which can lead to the introduction of new types of products in order to adapt their functionality to the environment, in a pre-programmed fashion. The study shows that 4D printing is revolutionizing printing technology.
Furthermore, the future market growth is likely complemented by the potential scope for product development and innovations. A comprehensive analysis of the research on the worldwide market focuses on key aspects that will have an impact on industry growth in the next couple of years. The study included a thorough discussion on latest trends, product segmentation, competitive landscape and key applications the of the global market.
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One of the main factors predicted to accelerate the development of the global industry over the coming years is the growing need for reduced production and processing costs. Furthermore, the increasing focus on encouraging a sustainable environment can accelerate the development of the market in the near future. On the other hand, growing insecurity for policy makers, high development costs and increasing issues relating to player entry are all factors that should restrict the development of the 3D printing market in the near future.
The global market has been split into the Middle East and Africa, North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region, from a regional point of view. According to its report, the growth of North America during the prediction period will likely be promising and will account for a huge share in the market overall. The strong growth in this region can be attributed to the initialization of the four-dimensional technology concept, especially in the USA. Moreover, the Asia Pacific market for 4-dimensional printing is expected to remain second in the next few years.
The leading players in the industry are expected to be given lucrative opportunities. The demand for high initial costs is however expected in the coming years to limit the growth of the Asian Pacific market.
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3D Systems Inc., Hewlett Packard company, Organovo Holdings Inc., ExOne Corporation, Materialise NV, ARC Excellence Center for Electromaterials Science, AutoDesk Inc., Stratasys Ltd, MIT Self-Marketing Lab are among the world’s leading players in the global market. In the coming years, these players are expected to experience a strong competition. In addition, a substantial increase in the number of players will likely promote the overall market growth in the near future.
Polaris Market research has segmented the 4D printing market report on the basis of material, end-use and region
4D Printing Material Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
Programmable Carbon Fiber
Programmable Wood – Custom Printed Wood Grain
Programmable Textiles
4D Printing End-User Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 – 2026)
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Next Generation Network (NGN) Equipment Market Size, Share and Competitive Landscape 2024
15th February 2021 – The global next generation network (NGN) equipment market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over 11% over the forecast period. Increasing preference to rising profit margin and customer satisfaction in telecom service providers are anticipated to drive the next generation network equipment market. The concept of NGN has been initiate and designed for traditional telecom operators to become more than ISP and to operate with the customer needs driven model in order to survive the challenges. These services have become popular among service providers for the reason such as the need to deal with customer service and retention, and integration with new IP-based frameworks. NGN provides telecom service providers with tools that would intensify customer experience and loyalty.
Depending on the type of customer, The NGN customer terminal equipment can be an end user terminal device, a gateway for a corporate network, a gateway for a home network or a gateway for a vehicle LAN. NGN customer terminal equipment will be ICT-enabled i.e. services are IT based and connectivity CT based, but with the capability to simulate or emulate the traditional telecom communication services. For individuals, the customer terminal equipment comprises the end user device or home device. For instance legacy terminals, SIP phones, soft-phones such as a programmed phone on a PC, IP phones with text capabilities, set top boxes, multimedia terminals, and PCs.
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For an enterprise, the customer terminal equipment is a gateway which is capable of providing the services being provided today by integrated PBX and company webs separately. For instance, short number dialing, hunting list, webinar, on-line exhibition. For home networks, the customer terminal equipment comprises the home gateway and home devices which are capable of providing the services being provided today by telephone and home webs separately, for instance short number dialing for each family member, and family news. Rising demand for new advanced technology for supporting services such as M2M and cloud is expected to propel the growth of the market over the forecast period. Growing number of mobile subscribers are putting further pressure on these systems; thus the network needs to be more scalable, agile, and diversified. 5G will empower new business opportunities by adopting diverse ecosystems in all dimensions.
Telecom service industry depends mostly on NGN equipment’s for providing enhanced value proposition. Telecom services providers have been investing in this equipment’s to differentiate their service offering in heavily competitive market and drive lucrative revenue growth. Validation of telecom service subscribers through advanced identifiers and hot provisioning will be major drivers for these equipment’s owing to increasing importance of data security and privacy. Customer demand, cost reduction, and competition are the key factors driving telecom sector to evaluate their business support system-operation support system gap and increase their spending to close it. Increasing requirement of service quality improvement, service offering expansion, and faster market time for telecom service market might shape the necessity for these systems over the forecast period. Growing adoption of convergent billing systems, rising demand for customer care services, and fast growing telecom industry are among the key factors expected to drive global next generation network equipment market.
Most crucial challenge confronting telecom operators is optimization of these processes, platforms, and systems. Difficulties in integration of legacy systems with these advanced systems and the regulatory issues may hamper market growth over the forecast period. Operations support systems offer assurance, service fulfillment, and network monitoring & design. Business support systems can be further sub-segmented into order management, revenue management, product management, and customer management. Service assurance and service fulfillment solutions are anticipated to NGN equipment market. Geographically, the global new generation network equipment market is segmented into North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, and Europe. Asia Pacific is expected to be key growth region over the forecast period owing to existence of large customer base and evolving telecom industry. Middle East & Africa and Latin America are also anticipated to witness substantial growth over the forecast period.
The key market players dominating the global market for next generation network equipment include Alcatel Lucent S.A., Huawei, Hewlett-Packard Company, Formula Telecom Solutions, AT&T Inc., Amdocs, Cisco System, Cerillion, Elitecore Technologies, and comptel, while other prominent players include ZTE, WebNMS, Tech Mahindra Limited, IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation, OpenCloud, Mycom, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, and LohNet Systems. Mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances are the key strategies by top market players to boost their service offerings. Vendors also emphasis on providing niche services and have strong support teams in order to sustain their market shares. In 2014, Huawei, Ericsson and Nokia Siemens & Network formed a strategic alliance to offer OSS interoperability, which will help operators reduce costs. In 2013, Ericsson acquired Telcocell and Thailand-based TelOSS consulting, while Amdoc acquired Celicite to increase its product portfolio further into network software market.
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swanandcmiprs · 4 years
Market Overview
A storage area network refers to a high-speed network, which interconnects and presents a shared band of storage devices to various servers. SANs are typically helpful in backup and disaster recovery settings. SANs are used to enhance the capacity of mass storage devices such as optical jukeboxes, tape libraries, and disk arrays that have access to servers. Increasing volumes of critical data being accumulated in the global business environment have led to an increased need for better performances, manageability, availability, and security of data storage assets among enterprises. Furthermore, many enterprises are focused on implementing specialized storage networks that can aid businesses in attaining operational efficiencies.
The global Storage Area Network (SAN) Market was accounted for US$ 17,823.4 Mn in terms of value in 2019 and is expected to grow at CAGR of 3.5% for the period 2020-2027.
Market Dynamics- Drivers
Rising demand for efficient backup operations is expected to drive growth of the global storage area network (SAN) market during the forecast period
Previously, in a conventional approach, LAN was used for data back-up and restore functions that are particularly slow and majorly impact efficiency of the whole operation. On the contrary, in SAN approach, data moves smoothly across the SAN to tape devices as it does not utilize critical server I/O or CPU resources. Several issues can be improved with the integration of high-performance backup and restore capabilities with data availability and device sharing. This includes performance degradation, extended downtime periods, and shrinking backup windows. However, increase in the overall server efficiency with server-less backup offered by SAN architecture is fueling adoption of SAN across various verticals. Thus, these factors are expected to drive growth of the market in the near future.
Growing adoption of SANs among SMEs is expected to propel the global storage area network (SAN) market growth over the forecast period
Increasing usage of SANs among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is expected to boost the market growth, especially in emerging economies. This adoption of SANs among smaller organizations is mainly driven by the benefits offered by SANs such as flexibility, shared storage, and centralized control, in order to share capacity between multiple hosts. As a result of this, major SAN solution providers are constantly focused on products that are easy to use and are cost-effective for smaller enterprises, which in turn, is expected to boost the global storage area network (SAN) market growth over the forecast period.
North America held dominant position in the global Storage Area Network (SAN) market in 2019, accounting for 36.8% share in terms of value, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific, respectively
Figure 1: Global Storage Area Network (SAN) Market Share (%), in terms of Value, By Region, 2019
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Market Dynamics- Restraints
Major challenges associated with interoperability are expected to hamper the global storage area network (SAN) market growth over the forecast period
Several standards have been developed for FibreChannel technology. Different interpretations of these standards by vendors have resulted in development of products that sometimes cannot work together on the same network. Such issues related to interoperability are impacting growth of the SAN market globally. Hence, these factors are expected to hamper the global storage area network (SAN) market growth over the forecast period.
Increasing adoption of cloud-based storage services in emerging economies is expected to restrain growth of the global storage area (SAN) market during the forecast period
Previously, storage and servers were purchased as separate IT infrastructure components by various groups within the IT department and under different parts of the IT budget. However, increasing adoption of cloud-based platforms has altered the approach. Furthermore, rising adoption of virtualization techniques in server and storage has provided a massive shift in procurement and deployment of data center infrastructure. Many enterprises are moving towards purchasing individual physical servers connected to SANs to modular reference architectures, which include every component needed to operate various applications. Thus these factors are expected to restrain growth of the global storage area (SAN) market in the near future.
Market Opportunities
Rising penetration of e-commerce websites can provide significant growth opportunities
Growing proliferation of e-commerce websites has increased adoption of online channels among consumers. These e-Commerce applications are highly resource-intensive, owing to the kind of requests that are processed simultaneously per second. Thousands of customers visit, make orders and pay, per second, and all this information is needed to be stored in the database for later retrieval. SANs are being used to store information about high traffic databases, owing to high performance and rapid I/O characteristics.
Growing demand for extending remote data application capabilities of SANs can offer major business opportunities
Currently, the demand for SANs from enterprises with remote data replication capabilities extended beyond campus environments and the limited distance ranges of SCSI has been witnessing a significant increase. This trend is supported by development of advanced technologies such as SONET (Synchronous Optical Networking) and ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode). For instance, SONET offers a 50- millisecond recovery time, along with extremely high resiliency, making it a preferred choice over other transport technologies including FibreChannel.
Figure 2: Global Storage Area Network (SAN) Market Value (US$ Mn), 2017 - 2027
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The global Storage Area Network (SAN) market was valued at US$ 17,823.4 Mn in 2019 and is forecast to reach a value of US$ 23,471.8 Mn by 2027 at a CAGR of 3.5% between 2020 and 2027.
Market Trends
North America Trend
After several years of fiscal gloom, optimism is returning to the IT sector in North America. IT enterprises are intensifying spending on services along with hiring new workforce. IT enterprises are preparing to speed ahead rapidly with projects in potential areas of big data, mobile, and the cloud. In March 2015, the U.S. government offered to augment its IT investment for the third year in a row. Moreover, the U.S. Government is investing significantly in shared services and cloud services for IT requirements, hence total expenditure on in-house IT solutions to result in comparatively lower growth.
Latin America Trends
A number of companies in Latin America are focused on cost reduction and converting capital expenditure into operational expenditure. Growing adoption of outsourcing concepts is expected to offer major growth opportunities for IT infrastructure outsourcing services in the region. Frequent introduction of new concepts in the IT sector such as big data, cloud computing, and bring your own device (BYOD) has made it challenging and complex for companies to manage their own data.  Hence, these companies are dependent upon IT infrastructure outsourcing service providers to streamline tasks related to data storage and management.
Segment information:
In global Storage Area Network (SAN) Market, by End-User, Large Enterprises sub-segment dominated the global market in 2019, accounting for 79.3% share in terms of value, followed by SMEs.
Competitive Section
Key players involved in the global storage area network (SAN) market are IBM Corporation, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., Dell Inc., QLogic Corporation, Citrix Systems, Inc., Hitachi Data Systems, NetApp, Inc., Hewlett-Packard Company, DataCore Software, NEC Corporation, Nutanix, and Cisco Systems, Inc.
Key Developments
Major companies are focused on mergers and acquisitions, in order to gain a competitive edge in the market. For instance, in Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., a U.S.-based provider of semiconductor devices, Brocade Communication System Inc., a data storage company.
Key players in the market are involved in product launches, in order to expand product portfolio. For instance, in January 2017, Hitachi Data Systems introduced its next-generation line-up storage system Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage (AMS) 2000 Series.
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researchkraft19 · 4 years
WLAN Controllers Market to Witness Widespread Expansion During 2020-2027
Research on the 2019-2025 Global WLAN Controllers market provides a basic overview of the industry including concepts, classifications, applications and the structure of the supply chain. Market analysis for the international markets is provided by Global WLAN Controllers, including developments in growth, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status. WLAN Controllers industry Policy and plans for development are discussed as well as processes for manufacturing and cost structures are also analyzed. The WLAN Controllers also provides information on import/export use, supply and demand estimates, cost, price, revenue, and gross margins.
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The WLAN Controllers report provides an in-depth analysis of different market players, their markets and services. It also helps to understand industry strategies such as alliances, agreements, mergers & acquisitions, and the introduction of new products introduced by key players in the WLAN Controllers. To understand the factors leading to WLAN Controllers market fluctuations, the study is a valuable source of information for investors, industry researchers, enterprise-level organizations, and business experts.
Global WLAN Controllers market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the TOP PLAYERS including;
Cisco, Zyxel, Fortinet, Huawei, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Aruba Networks), Allied Telesis, Hirschmann, Juniper, Netgear, Samsung, Avaya Corporation, D-Link, ZTE Corporation, Dell, Lancom Systems, Meru Networks, 4ipnet, Ruckus Wireless
Breakdown Data by Type
2 Port WLAN Controllers
4 Port WLAN Controllers
6 Port WLAN Controllers
8 Port WLAN Controllers
16 Port WLAN Controllers
32 Port WLAN Controllers
Breakdown Data by Application
Global WLAN Controllers Market Geographic Scope:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico) Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
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The report on the market for WLAN Controllers deeply analyzes important features in major developing markets. The WLAN Controllers study involves the size of the market, the latest trends, drivers, risks, opportunities and main segments of the market. The research reveals market dynamics for the current market environment and future scenario over the forecast period in several geographic segments along with WLAN Controllers market analysis. In addition to a SWOT analysis of key vendors, the WLAN Controllers report also includes a comprehensive market and vendor landscape. It also talks about the size of the WLAN Controllers market and the growth aspects of different segments.
The global WLAN Controllers Industry provides an overview of recent growth factors in the global market. Recent innovations have created multiple growth opportunities for both prevailing firms and new market entrants, according to the report. Global WLAN Controllers Market Research Reports provide market trends, competitive landscape, market analysis, cost structure, capacity, revenue, gross profit, distribution and forecast 2025.
Key Takeaways From This Report:
Discover WLAN Controllers market potential by analyzing product design, end-use applications growth rates, cost, and size.
Understand the different dynamics that affect the market for WLAN Controllers – business opportunities, key driving forces, and challenges.
To analyze the global key players, SWOT analysis, value, and global WLAN Controllers market share for top players.
The WLAN Controllers market report estimates the sales and distribution channels across key geographies to boost top-line revenues.
To evaluate each submarket strategically with regard to individual growth trend and WLAN Controllers market contribution
Assess the supply-demand gaps, import-export figures, and the WLAN Controllers industry's restrictive landscape for the world's leading countries.
To evaluate WLAN Controllers industry trends such as extensions, deals, releases of new products and business acquisitions.
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chitrakullkarni · 4 years
Next Generation Network Equipment Market Growth Opportunities, Driving Forces & Future Growth Potential, 2024
The global Next Generation Network (NGN) Equipment Market research report provides complete insights on industry scope, global trends, regional estimates, key application, competitive landscape, and financial performance of prominent players. It also offers ready, data-driven answers to several industry-level questions. This study enables numerous opportunities for market players to invest in research and development. Market Overview:
The global next-generation network (NGN) equipment market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over 11% over the forecast period. Increasing preference for rising profit margin and customer satisfaction in telecom service providers are anticipated to drive the next generation network equipment market. The concept of NGN has been an initiate and designed for traditional telecom operators to become more than ISP and to operate with the customer needs-driven model in order to survive the challenges.
Key Players:
The key market players dominating the global market for next-generation network equipment include Alcatel Lucent S.A., Huawei, Hewlett-Packard Company, Formula Telecom Solutions, AT&T Inc., Amdocs, Cisco System, Cerillion, Elitecore Technologies, and comptel, while other prominent players include ZTE, WebNMS, Tech Mahindra Limited, IBM Corporation, Oracle Corporation, OpenCloud, Mycom, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, and LohNet Systems.
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Growth Drivers:
Rising demand for new advanced technology for supporting services such as M2M and cloud is expected to propel the growth of the market over the forecast period. A growing number of mobile subscribers are putting further pressure on these systems; thus the network needs to be more scalable, agile, and diversified. 5G will empower new business opportunities by adopting diverse ecosystems in all dimensions.
The Telecom service industry depends mostly on NGN equipment for providing an enhanced value proposition. Telecom services providers have been investing in this equipment to differentiate their service offering in a heavily competitive market and drive lucrative revenue growth.
Validation of telecom service subscribers through advanced identifiers and hot provisioning will be major drivers for these equipment owing to the increasing importance of data security and privacy. Customer demand, cost reduction, and competition are the key factors driving the telecom sector to evaluate their business support system-operation support system gap and increase their spending to close it.
Increasing the requirement of service quality improvement, service offering expansion, and faster market time for the telecom service market might shape the necessity for these systems over the forecast period. Growing adoption of convergent billing systems, rising demand for customer care services, and the fast-growing telecom industry are among the key factors expected to drive the global next-generation network equipment market.
Regional Insights:
Geographically, the global new generation network equipment market is segmented into North America, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa, and Europe. The Asia Pacific is expected to be a key growth region over the forecast period owing to the existence of a large customer base and evolving telecom industry. The Middle East & Africa and Latin America are also anticipated to witness substantial growth over the forecast period.
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