#PPB fic
padfootastic · 1 year
your blog is just perfect and i am in love with padsfoot. Are there any good ao3 fanfic you would recommend to me? I looked in your archive but I couldn't see it. If there is and I didn't notice, I'm sorry dear. I just want to read more about padsfoot. I'm in love with your ao3 fanfics by the way. Shovel talk is one of the few fictions I've read more than once. The fact that it's one shot doesn't affect me at all, I'm in love with it. Being a James fan is really hard in the hp fandom especially if your relatives are people who are in love with snape but people who see james as a bully. And also LOVE YOU.
oh my god--
thank you so, so much. your words mean the entire world to me, and i never take for granted even a single person who likes my work, enough to come and talk to me about it. your compliment feels like a warm hug and a cup of tea at the end of the day <3
shovel talk has a special place in my heart, and i'm glad it does in yours too. im constantly amazed people like it so much. thank u, once again.
as for good ao3 fics, well. i've got a fic recs tag you can check out, and if you've any other specifics, i can look them up, perhaps, but since i'm going in blind, can i direct you to my hp bookmarks? they're a pretty good list of fics i love.
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meowstix · 2 years
society if i did not have an inability to write out my story ideas FUCK
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vellichorbindery · 10 months
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Hi hi, another ppb bind bc they’re so quick! I wanted my own copy of this gorgeous fic on my shelf so made this a few nights ago 🥹
written by the ever talented @tracingpatternswrites
cover art by @alexsays-no
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Hey! Saw you had requests open for Picture Perfect Boyfriend and I haven’t seen many fics for it yet lol, so can I request some headcanons of the guys with an extremely sweet and doting reader?
yes yes yes!!!
NOTES/WARNINGS omg!!! another PPB request!!! yippeee!!! warnings for Yan characters had no clue what doting ment before this lmao image not made by me
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He's taken off guard by your loving nature, but he doesn't not like it...
He's always pink when you're near, and when you're loving to hm, he's red.
He can't help it! seeing you only brings memories of how sweet you are, and he can't really handle it happening in real time.
Some times he finds himself writing songs about you, it being one of the only ways he can channel his feelings for you, sometimes even playing them for you.
Over time he begins to warm up to you, and if you're lucky, he may even confess how he feels about you. <3
He loves how sweet you are!!
makes him wanna spend much more time with you, maybe he'll talk with one of his friends about it.
He wants to show you the bears, but he's a bit worried you'll freak out.
He really wants to keep you in the forest longer, but he knows at the end of the day, you need to go home.
all he can do is tell you what he thinks, and send you on your way.
he's slightly put off by it but it's not that he doesn't like you.
He's seen his fans treat him the way you do, but you act different, you don't make him a bit anxious or worried about keeping up some kind of "image", you seem to like him for who he is.
I can see him thinking of you as just a friend, but depending on what you do, he may end up falling for you.
He treasures all the time you two spend together, even if it isn't much, or it's just him trying to kill you and call it a prank.
Now he holds every gift you've given him close to his heart, thinking about you as he rests with them.
He's so happy! You're sweeter than honey, and he can barely handle it! you've got him squealing over here, dude!
He melts for how sweet you are and craves your sweetness every second of every day. Can you blame him? You just make him feel so loved and special!
He'll do anything you ask just for you to spend more time with him!
every word that escapes you melts him and makes him cave, he's so happy you like him!
【ASHINO ジャッカス】
He doesn't get it! he's not real so why bother being kind!?
he thinks it's some kind of front, well, until you just.. keep being nice! now he's worried you actually like him... WHT WHAT DOES HE DO!?
He's afraid he might develop feelings... AND HE WON'T!
he's.. lying. He's fallen for you, and your pure kindness and love for him, It's weird, yes, but he loves it so much, the feeling of actually being loved and cared for...
FUCK YOU /affectionate
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
Bunniverse: Twenty Years of Nibbles
This Sunday (9-24-2023) is the 20th anniversary of the writing of the story which would be the glue that bound together several dozen stand alone stories into a cohesive universe, which would continue to grow for the next two decades. While the initial seeds were sown December 19th, 2001, and stories would be developed and written for almost two years, on a Wednesday evening, while chatting through the Yahoo! Groups board for the Haldir Lovers group, the idea manifested of Haldir having PTSD and getting through some of his anxiety with the help of a plush purple rabbit named Nibbles which was made for him by Elladan and Elrohir.
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Named "The First Homely House, or, Attack of the Purple Plot Bunny", it was readers who would begin to refer to this story and subsequent related tales happening in Elrond's Valinor residence where he lived with Celebrian, her parents and brothers, their spouses and children, later adding Erestor and Glorfindel when they reached the shores of Alqualonde, and the youngest of Arwen and Aragorn's daughters, a marchwarden named Elodien who chooses the path of an Elf instead of the race of Men not as the titles the stories were given, but as the 'Purple Bunnies', a name that would later stick as The Purple Plot Bunnies for the series of fifty fics set in the Fourth Age, from September 119 to June 121. The series is PG13, with a handful of 'half-steps' written at higher ratings for in-between stories between consenting adult characters.
While it was actively being posted, many sites and groups at the time listed any sort of slash (m/m or f/f pairings) as forbidden or considered to merit a mature rating even if the content was below a teen level. Therefore, there are two different versions of about 1/3 of the stories in the series -- in the versions posted at gen and het sites and groups, Glorfindel and Erestor were only referenced as having traveled to Valinor at the same time, did not kiss or hold hands, and no mentions were made of their wedding bands or marriage. In versions posted to slash sites, relationships between Elrond and Celebrian as well as Galadriel and Celeborn were downplayed, and the above content with Glorfindel and Erestor was included. Most of the het/gen variations no longer exist; the slash variations were edited to include some of the content from the het/gen versions and additional content between 2007 and 2008, when they were all printed in what is considered the merged v.2 of all of the tales.
It was around that time that the universe became known as Bunniverse; prior to this, it was listed as The Purple Plot Bunny Universe, or, PPB-AU for short. The name Bunniverse was suggested by Smaug, since PPB-AU required explanation for new readers. Bunniverse has its own layer of confusion, with some potential readers believing that the name implies characters are all rabbits in the universe. A series of drawings by Smaug on this theme were done, which really only lead to more confusion, but fellowship buns were too adorable for anyone to be mad about it.
Three companion 'bunny' series are also part of the universe of what now numbers over 400 stories -- the Orange Plot Bunnies (also referred to as Erestory, where Erestor became the character of focus), the Pale Pink Plot Bunnies (concentrating on Glorfindel and Erestor adopting a child in Valinor, and featuring Fingon and Caranthir in prominent roles), and the Baby Blue Plot Bunnies (also known as Fluff'n'Stuff, taking place in early Third Age Rivendell, heavily focused on Glorfindel, and containing some of the heaviest religious and faith-based themes in Bunniverse). Of the three offshoots, only the Blue Bunnies have been completed at this time.
If you managed to read through all of this, you might be interested in the party time weekend I'm hosting on the Bunniverse discord server. Come on over; I totally asked your parents and they said it's okay. Okay, actually, I'm not asking your parents, but you should come over anyhow. Come celebrate Nibbles' birthday with me. :-3
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suriyawongsknife · 2 years
who wants ppb (peter/petra/bean) fic
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wowowwild · 11 months
Making myself a schedule
1. finish bang fic
2. read all of the fics
3. interspersed with finishing some one shots
4. re read and edit ppb
5. write ootbaitp (obip? i hate trying to abbreviate things, i'd keep all the letters but that's so long but obip seems not accurate, we will workshop this)
6. interspersed with finishing part one of my mermay fic (it is a monstrosity i'm hoping to finish part 1 by may)
7. interspersed with other bag-verse stuff, the turnabouts are going to be a nightmare
so to anyone who wanted to know, I have many things in various states of written.
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saywhatjessie · 4 years
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Written for the Perfect Pair Bang! 10.5k 
Art by @hectatess​
It was with a sore shin and a broken model P-51D Mustang that Dean began to consider he wasn’t quite ready to be a foster parent.
He’d thought he was. He was sure of it. After the weeks and months of stress and social worker visits and forms and a lot of cleaning on Dean’s part, he and Cas were as ready as they would ever be to foster.
But here he was, balancing on one foot with an impertinent 8-year-old glaring up at him even though she was the one who’d kicked him , and Dean was not going to yell .
He wasn’t .
“Krissy,” he said, instead, through gritted teeth. “What did we say about kicking?”
“ We didn’t say anything. You said don’t do it. But I say you can’t tell me what to do.”
She geared up to kick him again and Dean could swear he was going to have to fight this child but luckily Cas swooped in, scooping her up from behind.
They’d learned that a vertical lift was only giving her legs more range for the kicking, so he lifted her bridal style, his arm coming all the way around her knees to keep them from flailing out.
That didn’t stop her from squirming, her body bucking like a fresh-caught sea bass.  
“Lemme go, lemme go. ”
“This is something called ‘cause and effect’,”Cas explained calmly. Or as calmly as someone could while holding a struggling child. “It’s where something happens – the cause – and something else happens – the effect.”
She clearly was not listening but Cas wasn’t known to pass up a teachable moment.
“Can you guess what the cause was here, Krissy? To lead to the effect of me holding you like this?”
“Yeah, Krissy , what would be your guess?”
“Dean,” Cas admonished. Dean just scowled at him, rubbing his shin pointedly.
Krissy still struggled but her movements were getting weaker as she tired herself out. It was moments like these Dean really appreciated the meaty strength of Cas’s arms.
She breathed heavily, her face going from rage to pout.
“Why am I holding you, Krissy?” Cas asked again.
Krissy crossed her arms, her mouth screwed up with the clear intention of never answering Cas’s question.
Cas sighed and sat down pretzel style on the floor right where he was standing. He adjusted his hold on her, centering her more in his lap: less of a restraining hold and more of a comforting one.
She continued to pout, crossing her legs from where they hung over the edge of Cas’s, but she made herself comfortable in his lap. She seemed to resign herself to this parenting even if – to her anyway – Dean and Cas weren’t her parents.
Which was shitty but she wasn’t exactly wrong. Dean and Cas were foster parents – brand spanking new ones. They’d only been approved a little over a month ago and Krissy was their first placement.
Dean and Cas had been together for forever it felt like. Married six years this coming October. They’d always talked about kids but neither of them knew how to do it. A surrogate? Overseas adoption? Both of those options felt so… wrong for them. Not wrong in general but–
Dean had lived in a boy’s home for a while as a kid. It wasn’t quite the same as foster care but, as a kid, to be in a community with adults that cared for you when you didn’t know where your own father was or when he was coming back was really important for him. And to meet kids going through the same thing helped him feel less alone.
He’d told Cas all this and Cas had immediately agreed. Cas’s own childhood had been less tenuous, more stable, but he’d lived in a big family with many siblings with an ever rotating group of friends so the energy of a foster home appealed to him in a big way.
So they’d applied. And it had taken… a long ass time.
Dean had been assured that it would have taken a long time for any couple and it wasn’t that they were a same-sex couple or that he was a mechanic or there was a history of alchoholism in his family that was making it take so long but their home had never been cleaner than when Dean had been obsessively scrubbing every surface waiting for the verdict to come in.
And it came. And they were approved. And then they were foster parents.
And there was Krissy.
Dean watched Cas bite his lip and he knew he was holding back from calling her ‘honey’ or ‘sweetheart’. They’d been warned about overly familiar nicknames and how it was more likely to put off newly placed foster kids than endear the kid to them. But Cas was a sappy fuck. And so was Dean but Dean didn’t currently have a child in his lap.
“Krissy,” he started instead. “Are you going to answer me?”
Krissy sucked her lips into her mouth, shaking her head. Her arms were still tightly crossed.
God, but she was a little shit.
That was fine. Dean could be a little shit, too.
He grunted, planting himself on the floor in front of his husband, wincing as his jeans made contact with the forming bruise on his shin from Krissy’s incessant kicks. He configured his legs so they bowed out around the two of them so he could get in nice and close.
And then poked her.
Not hard. Just a little tap on her knee. Just to pick at her.
She scowled at him. He poked her elbow. She kept scowling. He poked her forehead, her hip, her wrist, her ear, her thigh, her neck. He was needling at her: not quite tickling, but nudging. If there was anything Dean knew how to do, it was be relentlessly annoying.
Her scowl started twitching around the seventh poke. Her shoulder came up to her ear when Dean poked her neck and he could swear he saw a smile. He knew he’d won when she let out a giggle after he poked her in the ribs.
He smirked, the only amount of gloating he’d allow himself for successfully manipulating an 8-year-old. 
“So, Krissy? You know why Cas is holding you?”
She scowled again but her arms were much less tightly crossed. She was more slumped into Cas’s chest, relaxed out of her temper tantrum.
“Is it because I broke the plane?”
Cas shook his head, his face solemn. “No, though I didn’t like that.” He adjusted her in his lap again. If Dean were to guess, he’d say Cas’s legs were falling asleep. “The cause was you acting out with violence. I’m not going to punish you for accidentally breaking something, but I will do what I can to keep you from hurting other people.”
Krissy wouldn’t make eye contact. Her brows were furrowed in anger and her cheeks were red, but her lower lip trembled.
“I didn’t mean to break it.”
Cas squeezed her a bit. “I know, honey.”
Dean smiled at him. Cas scrunched his face at him like ‘Yeah, I know I slipped, shut up.’
Krissy let herself be squeezed, glancing up at Dean before looking away again. “Dean looked mad.”
Cas shrugged. “That’s just his face.”
Dean’s expression twisted in offense. Cas blew him a kiss, tilting his head in Krissy’s direction.
Dean sighed, scooching closer across the floor.
“I wasn’t mad, Krissy. Just worried. You know how much Cas likes his planes.”
She nodded, looking more upset.
He reached forward and put his hand over hers. “But you didn’t do it on purpose. And getting defensive and kicking me wasn’t the right thing, right?”
Krissy shrugged. He didn’t know if she agreed with him or if she just didn’t know what defensive meant.
But fuck him, he wasn’t a child psychologist. He didn’t know how to explain it better.
So instead, he stood up, picking Krissy out of Cas’s arms and throwing her over his shoulder. She shrieked, but in a way that was more of a giggle than an objection. He couldn’t help but smile at it. 
“Now, I’m gonna go clean up some plane parts. But my leg is super hurt. So I think I’m gonna need someone to help me.” He bounced Krissy a bit on his shoulder, making her giggle again. “You know anyone like that, lil girl?”
Krissy sighed, like Dean was really putting her out, but she didn’t push away from him. For Dean that was progress. “I guess I can help.”
“All right!” Dean crowed, he put her back on the ground. “You can pick up all the little pieces and put them on the table. I’m too old to stoop over like that.”
She scowled at him but there was a twinkle in her eye.
They only ended up keeping Krissy for a couple weeks – her dad’s case being kicked out of court and further placement no longer being needed – but she was their first real taste of what it was like being parents.
After she left and Cas was holding Dean in their bed, his arms keeping Dean close to his chest, Dean knew he missed her. Dean missed her too. But they’d get another kid.
Dean hoped they were ready for it.
[Continue Reading on Ao3]
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blueraven06 · 3 years
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Title: Golden leaves
Author: @blueraven06
Artist: @soluscheese
Wordcount:  10k
Rating: General audience
Genre: Fantasy
Major Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Fic Warnings: No fic warnings
Art Warnings: No art warnings
Relevant tags: Witch!Dean, Dryad!Castiel, mpreg
Summary: Dean's niece is sick and no one found a way to heal her. When Dean founds out a way to help her, he meets Castiel, a dryad. her, he meets Castiel, a dryad.
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31048337
Link to art: https://soluscheese.tumblr.com/post/652062087672102912/golden-leaves-by-blueraven06-for-the
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padfootastic · 1 year
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every time someone says they enjoy my pointless slice of life fics, i do a little squeal run because!!! yes!!! that’s my target audience. i don’t like taking anything serious in my ff and just want my characters happy, loving their best lives, and whenever someone appreciates that, i’m just 🥺🥺🥰🥰
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meowstix · 1 year
actually i never got to making much progress on that one emily fic but did i ever mention. atleast for that fic i finally figured out a possibility of the ppb was cooking kinda
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cosmicwavelength · 3 years
I keep forgetting that there’s a second Castiel on canon Supernatural, C*W.
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perfectpairbang · 4 years
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So our first year of PPB is now over, we have a lot of amazing works posted now and I am so proud of everyone involved! 
But let’s not forget that they are also here to be enjoyed! So without further ado check them out please!
You can check our AO3 Collection
Or You can check out the Master posts individually:
Of Hunters and Kelpies
Of Secrets & Feathers
No Such Thing
Lonely Eden
Forbidden Fruit
Double or Nothing
Following His Lead
Confessions of a Handmaiden
Please, take my lead
Against the Light
By the Riverbed
Where I'm Meant to Be
Only in Dreams
Five Times Dean felt Out Of His Depth and One Time He Definitely Was
No need for an Alpha
Wild Touch
Jeepers Creepers
The Thunder Rolls
The Right Kind of Wrong
Rising and Falling
Prince of Light
Only a Salt Kiss Remains
Fools In The Rain
Happy reading!! <3
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Gone Masterlist
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Written by @themoonandotherslikeit​, illustrated by @deancebra​, and beta’d by @meowmeowsamurai​
Written for @perfectpairbang
Rating: M
Tags/warnings: Destiel, MCI, Darkfic!, Dark material, graphic images, blood, gore, drug use
Word Count: 26K
Doctor Castiel Novak wasn’t normal. The most human interaction he received was with the cadavers that came across his table, just reduced to numbers and cause of death. It was easier that way. Corpses don’t ask questions, require eye contact, or judge. They just lie there, or at least they’re supposed to.
When a body disappears from his lab, Castiel begins to question everything he knows to be true. Working alongside rookie detective Dean Winchester he finds himself falling deeper into the divots of his own mind as the pieces of the case come together. As Castiel questions his own sanity, he finds that the beautiful green eyed detective may be his only light in the darkness, and his only escape from himself.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Read on AO3 Read on Tumblr Art Masterpost on Tumblr Art Masterpost on AO3
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soluscheese · 4 years
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Jeepers Creepers
for the Perfect Pair Bang!
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Multi
Fandom: Supernatural
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Rowena MacLeod/John Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Michael, Rowena, Sam Winchester, Inias, Hannah, Anna Milton, Uriel, Zachariah, Arthur Ketch, Mick Davies, John Winchester
Additional Tags:, AU, Men of Letters Spin, Mol cas, MoL Michael, Creature Dean, Werewolf Dean, Witch Dean, bloodlines, Secrets, Magic, murders, some gore, Sleeper Wolf, Hidden DNA, Alpha Dean, Eventual Omega Cas, turning, bites, Mpreg, hurt cas, Fear, Attempted Murder, Monster Bartholomew, Top Dean, Bottom Cas, John and Rowena are Dean’s parents, Rare Pairing
Language: English
Castiel has always taken pride in his family’s legacy. As a top researcher for the Men of Letters, Castiel knows about the things that go bump in the night and he specializes in finding ways to rid the human world of them. With his brother Michael as an elder leader of the organization, Castiel knows his path well. He’s careful with his free time, and he just so happens to have met a man that despite his guarded heart, starts to inhabit every space of his mind and heart, all while a series of hideous and confusing murders and disappearances start to happen right at his doorstep. Secrets start to emerge, and when the MoL invites a powerful supernatural creature to help them in the mysterious crimes that are escalating quickly, Castiel’s whole world is turned completely upside down, mentally, emotionally, and the most terrifying yet, physically…
Check it out here!
Check out the Art Masterpost here!
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phancy-moodboards · 7 years
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"In a world where superheroes exist, one man just wants to left alone." Dan. He would love to be left alone and pretend he doesn't have a superpower. "But what if a new supervillain was threatening his existence and his love ones? Would he help then?" Maybe for Phil.
This is the Phil moodboard I made for @omgdatphantho‘s amazing fic Fire and Ice! It’s honestly such a great fic, I’d really recommend reading it! 
(Dan version) 
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