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epellucid · 2 years ago
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intijatim2022 · 5 months ago
Dukung Hergunadi Basuki Terbaik, PPAD Magetan Siap Menangkan Paslon Nomor Urut 2
MAGETAN | INTIJATIM.ID – Persatuan Purnawirawan Angkatan Darat (PPAD) Magetan, siap memenangkan pasangan Hergunadi – Basuki Terbaik (HEBAT) di Pilkada 2024. Hal itu disampaikan ketua PPAD Magetan, Budi Purwanto, saat silahturahmi bersama calon Bupati Magetan Hergunadi di cafe Kopi Koi Bangsri, Ngariboyo, Magetan, pada Jum’at (18/10/2024). Menurut Budi Purwanto, dirinya menyatakan siap memenangkan…
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g3t-jinx3d · 3 months ago
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Fixed it for ya.
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Names ; KAngel, celeste, naomi, pixelette,
Nicknames ; godess, angel, interweb
Age ; perma21
Pronouns ; she/her, idol/Idols, angel/angels, seraph/seraphim, digi/digital, inter/internet
Gender ; angelgender, angelstar, angeldigital, adoredvirtual, digiluvsic
Sexuality ; Neptunic or Omnisexual
Species ; Human/Internet Angel
Role ; Instagator, Preformer, Clout Chaser
Alter type ; Introject Fictive
Source; Needy Streamer Overdose
Sign off emoji ; 🪽🎀, 🌐🪽, 🌐🎀, 🌐🕊
TransIDs ; transdigital, transaddict, transstalked, transsuperstar
PermaIDs ; permaBPD, permaJirai, permafamous, permaangel
MUDs ; Fantasychosis, Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), Fictional-Obsessive Love Disorder (F-OLD), Joints-Fucked, Platform Parasocial Attachment Disorder (PPAD)
Face claims ;
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wormtoxin · 1 month ago
Last Song I Listened To: Carmen McRae’s “When Sunny Gets Blue”
Favorite color: Blue 🟦
Savory, sweet, or spicy: def savory
Last Movie: ohhh god i don’t remember. Unfortunately I think it might be Deadpool vs Wolverine. But only for the yaoi.
Last Thing I Googled: Peptidylarginine deiminase from Porphyromonas gingivalis (PPAD) and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Current Obsession: Persona 4 (objectively the worst entry but also my favorite)
Looking Forward To: Valentine’s Day
Tagged by @kittyburnout, tagging @thevengefulhufflepuff @tekrraos @gallantblade @sapphicdesignmajor @lingonberry24 @otherside-picnic ONLY if you’re interested, i just thought it was fun :-)
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maquayla1 · 7 months ago
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Great temperament and lovable personality and smart. We have a super bloodline’s. All our Yorkie’s are part of the family and the puppies are raised in a loving home. All puppies come with vaccinations and vet checked and ppad trained dewclaws and tails docked pond request . And microchipped. To view all our dogs. Pictures of all our Yorkies available to you Puppies have a one year health guarantee Please serious inquiries only Thank you
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satu-komando · 4 days ago
Danrem 043/Gatam: “Melalui Musprov PPAD, Kita Perkuat Soliditas dan Solidaritas”
SATUKOMANDO.COM,Lampung – Bertempat di Aula Sudirman Makorem 043/Gatam, Jl. Teuku Umar Penengahan Bandar Lampung, Rabu (26/02/2025), Komandan Korem 043/Gatam Brigjen TNI Rikas Hidayatullah, S.E., M.M., menghadiri Musyawarah Provinsi (Musprov) ke-I Tahun 2025 Persatuan Purnawirawan Angkatan Darat (PPAD) Provinsi Lampung. Acara ini mengusung tema, “Dengan Musprov PPAD Provinsi Lampung tahun 2025…
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lampung7com · 4 days ago
Danrem 043/Gatam: “Melalui Musprov PPAD, Kita Perkuat Soliditas dan Solidaritas
Lampung – Bertempat di Aula Sudirman Makorem 043/Gatam, Jl. Teuku Umar Penengahan Bandar Lampung, Rabu (26/02/2025), Komandan Korem 043/Gatam Brigjen TNI Rikas Hidayatullah, S.E., M.M., menghadiri Musyawarah Provinsi (Musprov) ke-I Tahun 2025 Persatuan Purnawirawan Angkatan Darat (PPAD) Provinsi Lampung. Acara ini mengusung tema, “Dengan Musprov PPAD Provinsi Lampung tahun 2025 mari kita rajut…
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diodetradingest · 2 months ago
UHMWPE Outrigger Ppads Suppliers Near Me In Saudi Arabia
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Diode Trading Est company is one of the leading suppliers of the UHMWPE material in Saudi Arabia that provides the best quality ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene for different industries. Besides, our UHMWPE products are characterized by increased wear resistance, low friction coefficient and increased durability not even in extreme conditions.
Know More:- https://diode.sa/
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transpublikid · 2 years ago
Dandim 1710/Mimika Dampingi Danrem 174/ATW Tinjau Baksos Operasi Katarak Dan Bibir Sumbing
MIMIKA | TRANSPUBLIK.co.id – Dandim 1710/Mimika Letkol Inf Dedy Dwi Cahyadi mendampingi Danrem 174/ATW Brigjen TNI Agus Widodo, S.I.P., M.Si saat meninjau kegiatan Operasi Katarak dan Bibir Sumbing secara gratis dalam rangka Bakti Sosial PPAD TA. 2023 bertempat di RSUD Kab. Mimika, Jl. Yos Sudarso, Distrik Wania, Kab. Mimika, Selasa (11/07/2023). Pada kesempatan tersebut, Danrem 174/ATW sempat…
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lintasbatasindonesia · 2 years ago
Dandim 0819/Pasuruan Jalin Silaturahmi Dengan KBT
Pasuruan-Komandan Kodim 0819/Pasuruan Letkol Arh Noor Iskak, S.T., silaturahmi dengan Keluarga Besar TNI (KBT) di aula Makodim 0819. Selasa(27/06/23)  Acara yang merupakan bagian dari komunikasi sosial (Komsos) ini dihadiri para sesepuh dan seluruh keluarga besar TNI. Di antaranya LVRI, Pepabri, Perip, PPAD, Warakawuri, PPM, GM FKPPI, dan FKPPI.  Dandim 0819/Pasuruan mengawali acara dengan…
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tenaciousmugdeputydream · 2 years ago
Happy Monday!🐶🐱
Unlock a world of freedom for your furry friends with Peel Pet Access Doors!
Send us a message a receive a free quote.
#ppad #peel #petdoors #catdoor #westernaustralia #doggydoors #mandurah
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antarpapuanews · 3 years ago
Sudah 10 Tahun Ada 2 SMK di Mimika Belum Pernah UKK
Sudah 10 Tahun Ada 2 SMK di Mimika Belum Pernah UKK
Timika, APN – Pengawas SMK Dinas Pendidikan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah (PPAD) Papua, Edi Soeryono mengungkapkan, dari 24 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Mimika hanya 2 SMK yang belum pernah melaksanakan Ujian Kompetensi Keahlian (UKK). “Dua SMK ini kurang lebih sudah 10 tahun belum pernah mengikuti UKK. Saya tidak perlu mengungkapkan nama SMK nya,” ungkap Edi saat ditemui APN di SMK Yapis…
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gooselacom · 2 years ago
PPAD Sumut Mendukung Upaya Hukum Polres Simalungun Tuntaskan Kasus Penganiayaan Purnawirawan TNI AD
PPAD Sumut Mendukung Upaya Hukum Polres Simalungun Tuntaskan Kasus Penganiayaan Purnawirawan TNI AD
Raya, Simalungun, Goosela.com – Persatuan Purnawirawan TNI Angkatan Darat (PPAD) Sumatera Utara mendukung segala langkah hukum yang sedang ditempuh Polres Simalungun untuk menuntaskan kasus penganiayaan yang dialami Mayor Inf (Purn) Neddy Simanjuntak, anggota PPAD Kabupaten Simalungun. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Wakil Ketua PPAD Sumut, Kolonel Inf (Purn) Normal Sitorus, SIP, MM, didampingi Ketua…
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universitaswidyatama · 3 years ago
Ini Kata Brigjen TNI (Purn). Dr. H. Dedem Ruchlia Usai Rektor UTama Memberikan Bantuan Renovasi Kantor PPAD
Berita Baru dari Universitas Widyatama cek di https://www.widyatama.ac.id/ini-kata-brigjen-tni-purn-dr-h-dedem-ruchlia-usai-rektor-utama-memberikan-bantuan-renovasi-kantor-ppad/
Ini Kata Brigjen TNI (Purn). Dr. H. Dedem Ruchlia Usai Rektor UTama Memberikan Bantuan Renovasi Kantor PPAD
Prof. Dr. H. Obsatar Sinaga, M.Si., Rektor Universitas Widyatama (UTama) menyerahkan bantuan uang pribadi sebesar Rp 20 juta, kepada Ketua Persatuan Purnawirawan TNI Angkatan Darat (PPAD) Jabar, Brigjen TNI (Purn). Dr. H. Dedem Ruchlia, Drs., M.Si., di Ruang Rapat Rektorat UTama Lantai 2, Jalan
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artzyjo · 4 years ago
Art Disability
This is kinda important, folks, so read what I'm about to say.
For starters, this topic is regarding to my irl best friend @pplayz's 'Art Drama', but no, she isn't doing a drama at all. In fact, what she said was true, and as her closest and dearest friend, I cannot bear watch her all depressed in the corner because of the current matter she is in, so I came down to the bottom of this, trying my best to find a way, saying "Removing you in the Art World, was too much of the impossibility."
First of all,
What is Art Disability?
Art Disability is a small research I'm doing (which I hope it reaches to psychological art study 😅), which shows the state of an artist to impair themselves from art, or a branch of art. Base on my observations, I conclude it has two types; Breach and Deprived.
Breach Art Disability is when an artist pauses in the making of his/her art work, due to either personal, physical, or mental reasons. This is what most of us referred to as 'an artist in hiatus'.
Deprived Art Disability is what we relate to as the inability of the artist to make art to the point in which the possibility of permanent hiatus is present. I also break down this type to three more kinds, due to its various causes and effects.
Passion-provoked Art Disability (PPAD) is the state of an artist to halt his/her flow of art, due to received acts of harassment, either towards them, or their art work. In other words, artists who stopped doing art because of haters, and force (e.g pressure) are under this category.
Passion-revoked Art Disability (PRAD) states how an artist is undergoing an agreed long-term or permanent hiatus. The difference, however, is that they stated to give in, or abandon their art passion due to their own freewill, good concerned convincing, and other circumstances in which the artist accepted.
Passion-disabled Art Disability (PDAD) is an unusual case of art deprivation wherein an artist still creates art works, but was unable to do a certain technique, due to certain reasons. This is when the artist seemed to be not allowed, or was given restriction from doing a certain branch of art, while continuing to make more art in other varieties.
So why am I telling you this?
What does this research of mine had to do with PP's recent art drama?
To know, let's dig in deeper through the case with the given conditions I have stated above.
Someone told her one night "You've been drawing for over 10 years, from now on, you must stop drawing." these were the exact words (in translation). Disclaimer tho, if you know who I meant, please don't spread the hate, I beg of you, it was all good intentions, good convincing, no one was forced, okay?
And because of that, I observed as she broke, the waterworks, you know how this is going, of course one will be overly depressed if a loved one of yours suggests that you stop, even if they knew this was your greatest passion, and that they were extremely proud of it.
I made this idea based on this incident, so in conclusion, I have a feeling, @pplayz in undergoing either PRAD or PDAD. It all depends whether she continues or not in the future.
PRAD, because she stated she'd give up, to her own freewill because of family. But if ever she goes back to the Art World, she'll be someone of PDAD. The person who told her to stop stated 'Stop drawing', just that, period, no other conditions. Hearing it clearly, they didn't say she couldn't colour, design, or end her art life, but because of how the words were delivered sternly, it sounded as if she should stop everything, which caused her to panic, and be overwhelmly disheartened. So I guess it is safe to say, for now, she may come to her senses, and come back, but under the condition of being unable to draw, sketch, line art, or just anything that involves drawing anymore, unless of course, the mystery person cools their head and reconsider.
For now, however, she might be in a hiatus in order to take everything in.
But either way, it's all up to your choice, PP. I'm doing this because I was worried, and I hope to make you feel better. I love you so much, please don't feel bad anymore!
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lampung7com · 3 years ago
Persoalan Fundamental Harus Diselesaikan Dengan Fundamental
Persoalan Fundamental Harus Diselesaikan Dengan Fundamental
LAMPUNG7COM | Hadir Di Musyawarah Daerah Tahun 2022 Persatuan Purnawirawan TNI Angkatan Darat (PPAD) DKI Jakarta, Sabtu (11/6/2022), Ketua DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, Mengatakan Bangsa Ini Menghadapi Persoalan Fundamental. Maka Solusi Yang Ditempuh Juga Harus Fundamental. “Jika Kita Ingin Melakukan Perubahan Untuk Indonesia Yang Lebih Baik, Maka Kita Harus Melihat Dengan Jernih, Bahwa…
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