#POV you get choked by a (hot) mf
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Crossover Fan Manga scene concept art 1
From Chapter 1: Act (Episode) 14
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paisholotus · 2 years
Hard Times
T'challa x black fem reader
Summary: T’Challa’s wife is dealing with the after effects of having a baby.
Warnings: Postpartum Depression, Strong Language, Mentions Of Suicidal Thoughts
Translations: Sthandwa (My Love) Intombazana yomntwana ( Baby Girl) Uthando lwam (Beloved) Ukumkanikazi wam ( My Queen) Ndiyakuthanda ( I Love You) Ndiyakuthanda, nawe ( Love You, Too) Nobabini ( Both Of You)
Requested By: @bluesapphire2
A/N: This MF Long. But I hope you like it fren. And I hope y'all like it
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3rd Pov
It’s the most glorifying day for the kingdom of Wakanda. A new heir has been born.
Princess Lesedi Udaku came into the world. Her name meaning “Ray Of Light”, she gave that to her family and everyone who knew about her.
Except for the most important person. Her mother. Who couldn't seem to have any light in her eyes, when she looked at her daughter.
The King T’Challa fawned over his daughter even more since she was born. She was a perfect mix of him and his wife, having both of your features. T’Challa’s high cheekbones, your smooth coco brown skin, his tight curls, and your big beautiful brown eyes. She was beyond the words perfect, she was everything he could have imagined. T'challa thanks Bast every day, for bringing his beloved Intombazana yomntwana into the world.
Y/N Pov
I looked at her and felt nothing but emptiness. I couldn’t help the blank expression on my face when I held her close to my chest, holding her skin to skin. It’s not that i didn’t love her. How could i not love her? SHE'S FUCKING MINE, FOR BAST SAKE! Shit, I begged for her. I spent 9 months caring and nurturing her, but why did i feel nothing when she looked at me? I felt absolutely nothing, and it was gut wrenching. I waited and prayed for my child, and she's gets here and I couldn't feel nothing. What is wrong with me?
T’Challa, being the observant husband he was, noticed the joy i had during my pregnancy disappeared once our child actually came. His face held concern every time he looked at me. I would hear him ask his mother Ramonda, about what was wrong with me, and she simply replied with: “My son, she spent 12 hours in labor trying to give birth to your daughter. She is exhausted, mentally and physically. Give her time, she'll be fine and back to herself in no time."
It's been two weeks, i had multiple mood swings. I was irritable, and having thoughts about my baby that i shouldn't be having. And it scared the hell out of me, because Bast knows i would never hurt my baby. I didn't have the strength to be around my little girl, but I was constantly sad because i wasn’t around her.
What added to my stress was me not producing enough milk as much as i wanted to. I already felt like i didn't bond with her, but now I couldn't do the SIMPLEST THING which is feed my baby. I slowly felt myself getting more and more depressed. I started thinking what good is it for me to be here, if I couldn't feel any love for my child. I truly felt broken.
T'challa walked into the room as I paced back and forth beside the bed. “Why am I feeling this way, T’Challa?!” i questioned him angrily as hot tears ran down my cheeks.
He looked like he didn't know what to say, but walked towards me. “I-I do- I do not know, my love, but it'll get better. You know I'm always here for you." He said, reaching out for me.
I glared at him backing away taking in a ragged breathe. I angrily placed my hands on the sides of my head, and let out a choked sob. I looked back at him, his eyes glossy and a frown on his face. And it made me Angry! Not because of him, because of the stress and worry I was putting him through. It just seemed like I couldn't do ANYTING FUCKING RIGHT!
“Get out, T’Challa.” i turned my back away from him, so he wouldn't see me crying, and walked towards the bed, to get in the covers. When he attempted to grab me, i pushed him away.
“I SAID FUCKING LEAVE!” He slowly backed away, and began walking out of the room. I got in the bed and pulled the covers over my head, and began sobbing. What is happening to me?
T’Challa’s Pov
I went to the doctor monitoring Y/N and Lesedi. The doctor informed me that it was common for her to be extremely sad, which occurs in a lot of women after giving birth.
“The Queen is suffering from postpartum depression, my king.” he told me. I looked at him confused.
“I've never heard of this....depression.” i was genuinely confused. I did not know she was depressed. How could i not see this? I just want to understand why.
“How is she depressed? She gave birth to the child we begged Bast for? I don't understand why she isn't happy. I said, looking at the doctor who gave me a sympathetic look.
“It’s not that she is not happy, T'challa. Her hormones, her worries, the stress of dealing with a newborn, can all bring upon this depression.” he said. He went to grab his clip board and started naming all the symptoms of Postpartum Depression.
loss of interest or pleasure in activities
mood swings
panic attacks
I folded my arms and frowned at each symptom he named. My Love was going through all this this?
Uncontrollable crying
 fatigue or loss of appetite
depression or fear
The thought of Y/N feeling like this, and trying to deal with it by herself hurt me. I felt tears brim my eyes but I quickly held my composure. I needed to be strong for Y/N, and to make sure she knew I was here for her.
I now had a better understanding, and thanked him, taking my leave to check on Y/N. I don't know what's going on with my Uthando lwam, but I will not stop until I figure it out.
3rd Pov
T'challa walked in the room to see you in the bedroom again curled up in a ball. You were in bed with a pained look on your face. Y/N saw his face, and looked like she wanted to cry even more. This wasn’t only hurting you, it was hurting him too. It was hurting the baby. He got into bed and after a few moments of silence, he spoke.
"I need you to tell me what's going on with you, Sthandwa."
Y/N sighed deeply, shaking her head and turning away from him.
“You won’t understand, T’Challa.”He turned your body back towards him and stared into your eyes. “You’re not letting me understand. We are one, Ukumkanikazi wam. You can't keep shutting me out. I need you, our daughter needs you." He said, softly.
"She deserves a mother that’s happy to be around her and I’m not. I feel EMPTY! And I don’t understand because those 9 months I spent with her in my STOMACH, I felt so close to her but now she’s actually here and I don't feel ANYTHING! LIKE WHAT IS THE POINT?! I CAN'T FEED HER RIGHT! EVERY TIME I TRY TO HOLD HER SHE CRIES! AND IT'S MY FAULT BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE A BOND! I just feel like she'll be better off without me." She said, As tears streamed down her face.
He grabbed your face. “D-Do...... Do not say that! You are everything to me and you are everything to her. Do not say you are nothing! AND SHE WOULDN'T BE BETTER OFF! AND NEITHER WOULD I! WE NEED YOU! this WORLD and this COUNTRY NEEDS YOU! Do you understand?" Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, and cried into his shoulder and slowly nodded.
T'challa rubbed her back soothingly and kissed the side of her head, and turned her head so she could look at him. "I need you. Our daughter needs you. This kingdom needs you. You have to believe me when I say you are needed.”
After a hour of them comforting each other, T'challa got an idea, and kissed Y/N's head saying he'll be right back. Y/N sat up against the headboard and watched her husband walk out. Y/N sat in thought and tried to think positive, her and T'challa was going to make it through this, she'll just have to keep fighting.
T'challa walked in carrying Lesedi as she dranked from her baby bottle. T'challa got In bed beside his Queen, and slowly handed Lesedi to Y/N. She carefully took her and stared into her big brown eyes. Lesedi stared at her mama and reached her little chubby arm up and placed her hand on her mama's cheek, smiling letting out a gurgling noise.
Suddenly, it all hit her. A rush of happiness, joy, and love came barreling into Y/N, tears streaming down her face, as she started laughing. Y/N prepped many kisses on her daughters face. This is your daughter. This is yours. All yours. You knew you loved her with every fiber of your being, but now you finally felt it, and it was the most indescribable feeling you ever felt in your life.
T'challa looked at his wife with tears in his own eyes, and scooted over wrapping his arm around her back, and kissed her cheek.
"Ndiyakuthanda." He whispered to her. She turned to look at him with the biggest smile he's seen in a long time. "Ndiyakuthanda, nawe." And kissed his lips, pulling away and looking back at her daughter. "Nobabini"
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defensivelee · 7 months
ok... i just blocked anon at this point but heres what they said bc apparently i didn't read what i wrote myself(?!)
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i would just leave it at that, but honestly? i do wanna address some things here not bc i feel the need to defend myself to anon, but bc i wanna make it clear to you ppl WHY all this stuff was written.... like im not gonna sugarcoat it, i DO enjoy writing this bc hi. huge whump lover here. making pretty people suffer is my favorite thing. but it's also so important to say that this is FICTION (this is historical rpf which is kinda funny but still, none of this actually happened). there is no real abuse going on so there is no need for any of this performative bullshit. anon is just wasting time bc it goes without saying but i would never ever condone or do this shit irl. idk how it works for other ppl but for me fiction does not affect reality, the only way it does is that it makes me happy precisely because i can do whatever i want and nobody gets hurt. and these mfs dont care, they're dead im sure they have better things to do. anyway i just wanna say:
all the details anon is giving me abt my story makes it sound like they read the whole story, both Dona Dona and the main chapters. that's almost 100k words. when they could have clicked off at any time. when the tags are so clearly right there. like... you did this for what 😭
i assume the gang rape anon is talking about is in the Tenth Hot Spring when Bentinck serviced a bunch of dudes to seal a deal for William. i would find it kind of difficult to describe it as that... but tbh, yeah, it would have been incredibly hard for him to say no. in any case, so sorry to tell you this anon but there are no perfect victims in this AU! he never sees it as rape because he thinks he deserves it, and because he does enjoy it at times. his whole image as an Ally under an Overlifer kind of relies on that. and while i'll tag it properly, i'm not going to sanitize or sugarcoat it as it's a huge part of his character arc. he doesn't think he's allowed to say no or have boundaries, so he won't! in this society i think it would be hard to find a "perfect victim." Bentinck doesn't cry about this because he thinks he's fulfilling his purpose.
Bentinck being described as a shotacon..... im so sorry that was so fucking funny to me LMFAO
i wouldn't say he enjoyed kissing William's father as a boy, he just thinks he did. obv we don't get to see much of it in Dona Dona bc it's from William's POV. but even then, as an adult, he stills sees it as an honor. AGAIN, part of his whole arc of how he views himself, the religion, and his role in it. that event is kind of the starting point of that, it was put there for a reason and not bc i actually think kids can consent/enjoy assault! in my experience, they can think they did. here again, the perfect victim narrative does not always reflect reality.
you're right, kids can't initiate that! like i said in my disclaimer, it's a result of grooming and how they've been raised. they think they are, but it's just making them easier to abuse. i never once believed they could consent.
im not a rapist period full stop. just not
yeah i romanticize abusive relationships. in FICTION. they're fun to write. jamesborough is a delightful ship and the succubus au has been so fun to work on. real life abusers can choke and i would encourage anyone in a relationship like the ones i write about to seek help immediately.
Anne called Marly a slut bc SHE is victim blaming. EVERYONE victim blames Marly in this story. it's part of HIS arc. i would not blame any victim of this sort of shit irl. and even then, in this universe "slut" doesn't have such a negative connotation as in our world. yes, it is still victim blaming, but how can you read the story and still have it completely fly by your head like that
im aromantic, which i dont know how you wouldnt have just picked up from idk... SCROLLING THRU MY BLOG LIKE ANON SO CLEARLY DID?? LOOKING AT MY ICON?? so no need to pray for those hypothetical partners, it's never happening.
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icyhawt · 4 years
haikyuu boys as things that men i’ve talked to have done/said
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genre: humor? crack? idfk
warnings: men being dumb 🤡, 18+ nsfw themes
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sends you a video of him eating an ice cream sandwich w the caption, “pov: you are the ice cream sandwich”
bye he probably spent way too long thinking of that caption and thinks he’s soooo funny w it 😭😭- i mean i guess
you tell him you don’t know how to ghost properly and he goes “oh yeah? lemme do smoke tricks w ur mouth?”
this is hot, yes samu u can do whatever u like 🥰
sends you a hand pic w the caption “these would look good around ur neck”
sends these pics UNPROVOKED, ugh and his hands are so nice too, yes please choke me out—🥵
swipes up on your snap selfie and says “so am i sucking on your tiddies or not?” (y’all have never spoken btw)
absolutely no ‘hi’ or nothing like ???? like damn at least ask how my day was first aknskdmfm
texts you “do u say that to all the boys u talk to or am i special :))” after you tell him he’s cute
tbh yes u do but he don’t need to know that!!
in the middle of y’all flirting he texts you, “grrrr *playful bite* 🤭”
mf WHATSHEHDH- please and he is 100% serious
after about 3 days of talking he texts you like “can we have 5 kids when we get married????”
bye i cant. he hasn’t even seen u irl yet, sir please chill out 🥴
texts you “tell me why they was just shooting outside and i had to run into your dms” as a convo opener and when you respond w ‘what ????’ he screenshots it and posts it to twt like “cant believe she would let me die like this 🙄”
bye his friends in his replies laughing 😭 block him rn
offers to send a dick pic in portrait mode in exchange for your nudes
he would, he really would.. i mean at least he asked before he sent it 🥴
on the first date, y’all go to the mall and he drags you into the nike store and ignores you for an hour bc he’s too busy finding shoes on the clearance rack to sell for double the amount on depop or smth
bitch...at that point just leave him there and go shopping by urself bc 😭😭😭
invites you out and makes it seem like a group outing but shows up by himself. he pays for absolutely everything for you, tries to get cozy w you while y’all were in the movie theater but fails to mention he has a gf. and when his friends ask if y’all were on a date says, “idk”
‘iDk’ mf i will fight u AND take mika away from u too
after a week of talking he sends you literal paragraphs telling you how much he wants to be with you and then tells you he’s moving across the country the next day
he don’t even like u girl, he’s doing this bc he thinks it’s funny. the mf isn’t even moving anywhere he just says it so everything is more dramatic- pls i HATE HIMMM
texts you every single day for a month and is always so soft in his messages (dms are littered w ‘💖😚🥰🥺’) and then blocks you on all socials out of nowhere
bye hes an ASSHOLE for thisndjdjfn, fight him if u ever see him
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a/n: yeah these are all very real things that have happened to me idk if i should laugh or cry aksnkdkfk
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More Than Just Studying ll Stuart Twombly AU(smut)
Word Count: 4009
Warning: smut, bad language, oral (male receiving) rough unprotected sex
(sorry if i’ve forgotten anything else)
Author’s Note: Okay so this was a little fic i wrote for Stuart week i haven’t written many fics and this is the first one i’ve ever written for stuart so hopefully it’s okay and i hope you like it. Plus apologies for my punctuation and stuff i plain suck at it :) 
@sarcasticallystilinski @rememberstilinski
Also a big thanks to @mf-despair-queen for giving me the courage i needed to actually write the fic again i hope you all enjoy.
Pairing: Stuart x reader
I have known Stuart for 2 years now. I had met at the start of the first semester of my first year at University, when he knocked me down on the way to my first lecture. I was studying a BA in computer science and software engineering and had been running late when the tall muscular beanie wearing boy had crashed right into me. Apparently i was going the wrong way and he was in my class. But i only realised that when i walked into the lecture 10 minutes late with my cheeks painted a cherry red. I apologised profusely to my lecturer and scattered up the rows to find a seat as quickly as i could to divert the attention from myself. As i got situated in my chair my  eyes roamed the room. Landing on a pair of familiar whiskey coloured eyes sat two rows behind with a smirk playing on his lips. I could tell just from that look that this boy would be the bloody death of me.
During my second week i was told by my lecturer that the class would be part taking in group projects where you would have to analyse data and process it within your group. Unfortunately for me, i had been paired with beanie boy and two other boys around my age. I had agreed with the boys that we would meet up every morning at 9 to work on the project together. We all sat around the library table discussing what each person would focus on and to what time scale you would all work to. However every time i spoke i realised beanie boy, who i  later found out was named Stuart, was always staring into space and ignoring everything i was saying. It pissed me off to no end but it wasn’t my grade that was gonna suck so i didn’t really care.
Stuart POV
Two weeks in and we had already been divided into groups to complete a class project. I hated working with other people I always found i work better when I’m alone. Being alone means less distractions and more time focused on passing this course. However luck was not on my side as the class project was mandatory and counted towards marks for our mock exams. Although a little luck may have been there as Y/N was put into my group. Since bumping into her in the hallway i haven’t managed to shake her from my thoughts, sometimes I would even catch myself daydreaming about her when I had gone back to my dorm for the night. She was driving me mad. Between the 4 of us we had  agreed to work on the project every morning in the library to make sure it was completed in the allocated time. So here I was at 9 o'clock in the morning trying to work out codes as she sat across from me looking as beautiful as ever. Every time she spoke I couldn’t help but wander off into a little daydream about her.
She sat there with her pen between her lips smirking as she glanced at the paper in front of her. Her gorgeous H/C tangling down in front of her face. It made me want to push it behind her ear and kiss her like my life depended on it. Her eyes caught mine as she stood from her chair.
“ like what you see Twombly” she purred in a sultry voice as she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. I gulped as she started to unbutton the rest showing me a magnificent view of the soft red lace that adorned her chest. The red highlighting the plump perky tits that were hidden behind them. A blush formed on my checks as I felt my cock strain against the fabric of my jeans.
“fuck” I mumbled as she pushed the books from the table top and climbed up to crawl towards me. As soon as her gorgeous breasts had reached my face she stopped, lifting my chin to look her in the eyes.
“I want you to fuck me right here Stuart. I want you and only you”
My mouth hung open in shock at what she had just said. My dick throbbing against my trousers. All I could do was blink. She sat up and looked at me with a confused look
“Stuart are you okay?”
“Stuart….” She said clicking her fingers in front of my face.
“fuck…. uh… what?” I choked startled clearing my throat.
“ I asked if you were okay? You seem a little distracted” she smiled sweetly at me.
“Eh… yeah… yeah I’m good just eh t-tired” I stumbled trying to hide the tent in my pants.
“Okay well we can stop for now. Have a break and try again tomorrow?”
“Yeah sure let’s do that”
We all agreed and decided to meet a little later the next day so we wouldn’t all be tired. I waited until everyone had left before I threw my rucksack in front of my crotch so no one would see the boner I was sporting. I rushed back to my dorm room deciding on having a cold shower to rid myself of the thoughts I was having of her.
As I walked into the bathroom and stripped myself of all my clothes my thoughts started to linger back to the library.
“shit” I mumbled rubbing my hands down my face. I quickly turned the shower on to the cold setting and jumped in. The cold water hit off of my heated skin cooling me down as shivers started to rack through my body. I turned the dial a little letting warm water rushed through the shower head. I tipped my head back letting the stream of water hit my chest. Relaxing under the water my head started spinning into another daydream.
As I stood in the shower I felt warm petite arms wrap around my waist hands reaching up to explore the small hairs on my chest. I turned my body to face the culprit to find Y/N standing there completely naked. My eyes widened as my stare raked across her entire body taking in every curve and freckle. She was so beautiful. Her delicate fingers wrapped around my slightly toned biceps. Pulling herself closer to me so her chest was touching mine. I could feel her plump tits rubbing against me making my hard on even harder if that was even possible. She reached up and placed a chaste kiss to my lips.
“ so how about it twombly you just gonna stand there or are you gonna fuck me”
Again I was stood there flabbergasted but I furiously nodded my head to let her know I definitely wanted this to happen. Her hands returned to my chest rubbing circles as she slowly kissed down my body. My eyes gripped shut as she moved lower and lower. I only once opened my eyes again to see the delightful view of her crouched on her knees in front of me with her fingers wrapped around my cock. I shuddered at the feeling as I saw her slightly part her lips as she moved closer.
*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*
“ come on Stu you’ve been in there for ages. I’m desperate for a piss”
I groaned looking at my hard on again. What the hell was this girl doing to me.
“Yeah sorry bud I’ll be right out”
I turned the dial to switch the water off climbing out of the shower to grab my towel. I quickly fixed my dick so my roommate wouldn’t see the hard on through the towel and walked back into our shared room.
That night all i could think of was her. How gorgeous she was and how hot she looked just before she was about to stick my dick in her mouth. I know it didn’t actually happen but fuck me i wanted it to. All i thought about was her even in dream state.
The next morning i  woke up covered in sweat with a raging boner. I had dreamed about her again. This time was worse though as i had actually pictured me pounding my cock into her tight little pussy. My name rolling off her tongue as she clenched and came all over my cock. This girl had me hooked and i didn’t like it. Not one fucking bit. I decided there and then that once this stupid group project was finished i would avoid her altogether. Maybe by not seeing her it would help me to stop thinking about her.
After we had finished our group projects Stuart seemed relieved to be getting away from me. I didn’t think he would hate me. I mean we had our disagreements during the project but i didn’t think it was enough for him to avoid me. But that’s exactly what he did. He wouldn’t look at me in the hall or offer any help if we were placed in a group again. He was being a class A dickhead or maybe he just wasn’t interested in me and i was to hopeful to notice.
Present day
As the months went by University became a big struggle for me. I had managed to get into the course through a scholarship but recently the accommodation funding had fallen through and i had to provide the funds myself. Meaning i had to get a full time night job to cover all the living costs. I was wearing myself thin and was really struggling to keep up with all the class work. I would spend 9oclock in the morning till 10 studying in the library before class started. Then would sit in class from 10:15 till 2:30. I would then have a small amount of time to get back to my dorm and grab lunch before having to get changed to start my shift at the pub at 4:30 to then finish at 12:35. When i reached my dorm at 12:45pm i instantly crashed out on my bed to fall into a deep slumber before my alarm would jolt me awake again at 8am. I needed help and because i was so tired i could barely focus during class. I was falling behind big time. Luckily for me the holidays were coming up so i would have 6 weeks of no classes before finals started. Which meant i could get a longer lie and do all of my studying during my previous class time. But i was still going to need help and a lot of it and there was only one person i could think of to ask. Stuart. I know he had been avoiding me for the last two years but he was the only person i had really spoken to i didn’t have much time to make friends so i didn’t really have any and all the teachers would be off during the holidays so he was kind of my last hope. I decided i would catch him on a good day and talk to him once he had finished his last coding lecture. As soon as the bell rang to dismiss class i barrelled out the double doors and waited in the corridor for him to emerge. He was one of the last students out sauntering through the doors with his backpack slung across his muscular shoulders.
“Hey Stuart…. Could i have a quick word with you?” i quickly stumbled out as he almost walked straight past me.
“Eh.. sure whats up?”
“Well its just im really falling behind in class and was wondering if you could possibly help me study over the summer before finals start?” I looked to the ground embarrassed of the fact that i wasn’t doing so well in class. I looked up to see a reluctant smile on his face.
“Sure… I’ll help ehm will we just meet at the library around 10”
“That would be amazing thank you so much” i uttered excitedly as i threw my arms around him.
“You have no idea how much you’re helping me out. Again thanks” i said dropping my arms back down to my side.
True to his word Stuart helped me study everyday at 10am down at the library. He seemed a little more at ease with me and would even talk to me about things not related to the course. It seemed that over the weeks you were actually becoming friends. Then like a switch he flipped again acting very cold and sometimes bailing on your study sessions.
Stuart POV
I agreed to help Y/N with her studying i knew it would be a bad idea but i hated knowing she was struggling. I would meet her everyday at the library at 10 and we would sit for hours going over the coursework and even talking about other things too. I suppose you could say we were starting to become friends. That’s when everything started again. I had been getting to know her on a more personal level and i found myself starting to have the dreams again more frequently. I had managed to go a whole 2 years with maybe one dream a month but now it was every day and i couldn’t handle it anymore. So i started to distance myself again and even made lame excuses to ditch the study sessions. Eventually she got sick of it and turned up at my dorm room door after i had given her yet another lame excuse.
“Are you shitting me Stuart i am really fucking struggling here and your palming me off to play the xbox” she yelled as she stepped into the room seeing the game up on my television screen.
“I’m sorry……i just needed a chill day” i muttered
I could see the tears well in her eyes as she looked at me.
“I’m sorry Stuart…. I’m just really struggling” she whimpered as a stray tear fell down her cheek. I motioned for her to sit on the bed more tears falling from her eyes as she explained everything about her funding falling through and how exhausted she was from working every night. I felt so sorry for her i had been a massive asshole because i couldn’t stop thinking with my dick and here she was truly struggling with managing work and all of the course units.
“Look let me help you, we can go grab something for lunch and come back here and study all night if we have to” i said to her with a small smile. She wiped the tears from her face and gave me a small nod.  She had the night off from work so we didn’t have to worry about how late we studied. So we spent the entire night studying until we both passed out on my dorm room floor.
I was sat in the exam hall with the test paper sat in front of me on the desk. I looked around noticing i was the only person there. I felt a presence behind me which was confirmed when i felt hands land on my shoulders and rub down the front of my torso. I swivelled my head to see Y/N standing behind me in just her sexy red lace underwear. I swivelled round as she walked past me to sit on the desk in front. She pulled me from the chair by my collar as she placed me between her legs. Her nimble fingers unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off my shoulders once she was done. She placed my hands on her lace covered tits as she started to unbuckle my belt. She dropped my trousers to the floor my hard on straining against my boxer shorts. She then latched her finger in the clasp of her bra unclipping it and pulling it from her body.
“Come on baby. Fuck me like you mean it” she purred in my ear. With that i was pulling her panties from her legs and pushing her back against the desk.  Groaning at the sight of her spread out in front of me. I freed my hard member from his restraints and pushed my cock inside her dripping wet pussy.
“Fuck Y/N you’re so tight”
“ oh baby i could fuck you like this all day”
I was awoken to the sound of groaning coming from the other side of the dorm room. I panicked as i sat up realising i must have fallen asleep while stuart and i were studying. I relaxed as i saw the gorgeous freckled boy lying on the floor just 3 feet away eyes closed and mumbling softly into the carpet. My heart stopped when i heard the next mumbles fall from his mouth.
“Fuck Y/N you’re so tight”
He still had his eyes closed so he must have been asleep. Holy shit is he dreaming about fucking me i wondered complete shocking registering on my face. The next words that tumbled from his mouth confirmed it as he moaned
“oh baby i could fuck you like this all day”
I was completely taking a back. Stuart Twombly, the guy that’s been a distant arrogant ass hole, is having a sex dream about me. Fuck …. Fuck the guy i’ve been crushing on for almost two years is dreaming about fucking me. Holy shit!! To say the least i was gobsmacked but completely and totally aroused. In that moment my brain went blank and all i could think about was wrapping my lips around the predominant tent in his pants. Arousal took over and i found myself crawling towards him. I shook his shoulder a little trying to wake him but to little avail. Again i found my eyes wandering to his crotch mouth watering with desire. My hand slowly made it’s way to his clothed hard on as i palmed him through his jeans. A throaty moan sounded from him as his eyes fluttered open.
“Fuck Y/N what are you doing?” he asked eyes wide as he spotted my hand on his dick.
“You were moaning my name in your sleep so i thought i’d give you the real thing” i whispered in his ear as i kissed behind it searching for his sweet spot. I was really nervous that he would reject me as he was always so distant and mean to me. But the look in his eyes after i whispered in his ear was taken over with pure lust and i knew he wanted the same thing i did.  He looked up at me eyes blown with lust.
“Ever since i bumped into you on the first day i haven’t stopped thinking about you. I was always daydreaming about fucking you” he whispered back to me.
“Then fuck me Stuart” i murmured. I had no idea where this sudden burst of confidence had come from but shit i liked it. I wanted him. All of him. His lips suddenly crashed onto mine as his strong arms pulled me onto his lap. My shirt was quickly removed as his lips started marking the skin on my chest. My bra was the next thing to go. His soft warm lips wrapped around the sensitive nipple on my left breast as he massaged the right with his calloused fingers. The desire in the pit of my stomach growing with every flick of his tongue.
“Fuck Stuart” i groaned as he rolled my nipple between his fingers his other hand reaching down to my trousers slowly trying to remove them from my legs. He removed the rest of my clothing from my body leaving me completely naked in front of him. I felt a little at a disadvantage as he was still fully clothed. So i made quick work of riding him of the clothes that remained on his body. As we stood naked in front of each other i couldn’t help but admire his body and the size of his cock that stood tall against his stomach. I dropped to my knees my hand around his cock as i licked a stripe up the underside of his cock. A loud groan elicited from his mouth as his hands tangled in my hair. His tip pressed against my lips as i took him fully into my mouth. I bobbed slowly on his dick to begin with his hand guiding my head down on his shaft. I hollowed my cheeks making a smaller space for his cock to fit, his hips bucking his cock further down my throat. He reached the very back of my throat causing me to gag as he tried to reach deeper. He stopped thrusting into my throat his eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“Fuck baby you need to stop or i’m gonna cum in your mouth”
I removed his cock from my mouth with a pop licking the saliva i had left from the tip of his shaft.
His hands reached down to draw circles on my clit.
“Fuck Y/N you’re so wet already. Is that all for me?” he grinned wickedly as he looked down at me. He picked me up and threw me onto his bed climbing in between my spread legs. He looked down at me and pressed a soft but passionate kiss on my lips before slipping his cock inside my dripping core. I moan out and bit down on his shoulder as his thick cock stretched my walls. He started a timid pace fucking into me then pulling back out. Once i was comfortable with his size inside me he picked up the pace pounding into me like there was no tomorrow. Not that it bothered me i was reaching my high very quickly the coil in my stomach growing tighter and tighter. I could feel he was close too as his cock was twitching inside my walls and the loud moans eliciting from his mouth. His fingers dropped to my clit once more as he harshly rubbed me over the edge. The coil bursting in my stomach my orgasm rushing over me. He kept thrusting his hips stuttering indicating he was close. I whisper words of encouragement in his ear as i felt his seed spill inside me mixing with the juices from my orgasm. He kept thrusting riding out his orgasm as i panted loudly coming down from mine. He slowly pulled out of me tumbling to lay beside me.
“Wow…. that was” i sighed trying to catch my breath.
“Amazing” he breathed looking at me with the biggest smile plastered on his face. I simply nodded agreeing as i had just had the best orgasm in my life. I looked back at him again the smile faltering on my face.
“ this wasn’t just sex for you Stuart right?  i mean it meant more to you than just that?” i mumbled eyes glassing over as i realised this could all have happened in the heat of the moment.
“Of course it meant more to me Y/N you mean everything to me. I just didn’t think you’d ever like me back i mean come on look at you. You are absolutely gorgeous and i’m just a geeky computer nerd.”
“God stuart i’ve waited so long to hear you say those words. And you’re a hot nerd” i giggled as he pulled me closer to his chest planting a kiss to the side of my head.
“Can i be your hot nerd. Only yours?” he questioned  as he looked at me hopefully.
“Only if i can be only yours?” i laughed. He kissed me once more completely full of passion as he cuddled me more into him. In that moment i have never felt more loved. I smiled up at him yawning as i pulled his covers up over us.
“Get some rest baby you deserve it” he smiled as i closed eyes falling into a deep slumber.
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