#POTO Austria
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glassprism · 4 months ago
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2012 restaged UK Tour trailer vs. 2024 restaged Vienna revival trailer
UK Tour cast: John Owen-Jones, Katie Hall, Simon Bailey, Angela M. Caesar, Andy Hockley, Simon Green, Elizabeth Marsh, Vincent Pirillo, Hannah Cadec Vienna revival cast: Anton Zetterholm, Lisanne Clémence Veeneman, Roy Goldman, Milica Jovanović, Thomas Sigwald, Rob Pelzer, Patricia Nessy, Greg Castiglioni, Laura May Croucher
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operafantomet · 9 months ago
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Corps de Ballet photographed in the Restaged Tour in Vienna, photo by Robert Meyer through Ema Amaral
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noppan · 4 months ago
POTO restaged tour trailer comparison!
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squi-shy27 · 11 months ago
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Phantom der Oper | Wien
13.04.2024 Matinee
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fury161 · 19 days ago
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dance dance
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ethanfreemanappreciation · 8 months ago
Wishing a very happy 60th birthday to the fabulous Pia Douwes here performing an amazing version of The Phantom of the Opera with Ethan
(Yes, that cadanza is live!!)
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throbbingwish · 2 years ago
Oh god I don't know if I can catch everything up to speed, but I've changed a lottttt. I go to a community school transition program now to get me back into school. Actually one of my teachers was in Phantom Sydney, and as someone who loves POTO it's always so great to hear his stories. Currently, my celebrity crush is Jimmi Simpson; he's just so charming, funny, he has this air about him that's so likeable. He has such a nice sounding voice, perfect lips (his upper lip is bigger than his lower lip! How cool is that. I think that's such an attractive feature...), the most beautiful nose (I just love love LOVEEE medium-big upturned noses. Upturned noses in general, the best nose on a man.), he's very talented as an actor and has been in some great shows (I actually first started loving him in 2022, when I watched USS Callister in Black Mirror. Actually that's what reignited my crush on him recently with its rewatch!) his gorgeous hair, his beautiful beautiful blue eyes and the fact that he listens to SMOG!!!!! I found out in an article, and honestly that's so good. I'm a fan of Bill Callahan and knowing he listens to Smog is a win for me. I don't know if he still does, but in the article he said he did. He also wears glasses! Gosh, I could go on all day but I don't want to waste your time. Currently my top artists are Jack Ladder, PJ Harvey, John Cale, Roxy Music, Bill Callahan, Scott Walker, David Sylvian, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Yes I know, Nick Cave and PJ Harvey, scandalous) and The Blue Nile. But I think spotify stats is a bit off on the ranking. Jack Ladder I have definitely been listening to most; I am OBSESSED with the song Susan. I actually found it around a year ago and loved it, but then in May started listening again and could not stop. It's actually become my top song of all time on spotify. That's how much I listen to it, and it never gets old. Cold Feet is such a nostalgic song too, it makes me feel some things. Its such a night song, I want to drive with it through the cool air near nature and sky at autumn/winters night with my lover in the car. If only I had a lover, I would cherish him completely. And as I said I've been listening to Bill Callahan, The Wind And The Dove is stuck in my head and all you'd hear if you stepped into my mind would be "I am a child of linger on, I peer through the window gone" just repeating and repeating on the loud speaker at mind terminal. I wonder if I was there, what plane would I catch. There would be so many to choose. Obviously, I get free access as the owner of the land, but my mind is wild and free and expands to many different places with my millions of thoughts, ideas, aspirations, feelings, interests, etc. I could take a world tour and reflect on all of this. I can imagine the floors as warm and my eyes calm and cool, steady guided to reflection plane. I just love that its Winter now by the way, I love all the months, Winter has its special charm. I'd always want to make love in a field near the mountains at night time during winter, with the cool breeze on me. I really do love nature. I love the bush, I love the mountains and towering trees in Washington and Appalachia, the beauty of the Blue Mountains, of course Austria and Switzerland and China is so beautiful too. I could go on and on. Most importantly, I love the mountains, hills, fields, trees, and the country. I also like lakes if they're surrounded by trees like in coming of age films. Speaking of film, I want to watch Wristcutters: A Love Story. It's next on my list. I might as well go, its getting late at 1am. My eyes hurt and I need glasses. I'm glad I get to post this, I'll probably read back on it later.
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pietroleopoldo · 2 years ago
Not to sound like a theatre kid on main but unfortunately I have this mental illness that makes me listen to Elisabeth das Musical every time I go to a place that used to be part of Austria-Hungary and since I was distracted by POTO when I was actually there I have had it on repeat since I came back. I can't stop I need help
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80089mt · 4 years ago
You Alone... (The Final Lair)
A fun clip in which Ernst-Dieter Suttheimer sings the final note for twice as long as usual.
From a 1993 audio from Vienna of Suttheimer, Luzia Nistler, and Thorsten Tinney.
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operafantomet · 8 months ago
Just walked out of the Viennese production and now I feel like a bad phan since I (my apologies) quite enjoyed it? The blocking still is questionable, especially the mask in the first lair, but live and after a gazillion refinements over the years the costumes and sets kind of worked as they are now? Overall it feels more like a theme park attraction than the gothic subtlety of Maria, but for first time viewers I think it was a lovely spectacle. So yeah not so much a question as a recommendation
Absolutely not! The production has come a long way since its rather messy UK days and experimental US days. The costumes has been massively improved, and the directing seems more focused.
I'm still not a fan of some of the stuff it has going on. I kinda giggled of your description of it being "more like a theme part attraction rather than the gothic subtlety of Maria", it's very much how I feel about it. It is very literal in places, and without the suggestive nature of the original staging. But I would like to see its current incarnation in Vienna, just to get a sense of how it is as a live experience. Also, the cast seems great, and seeing it would mean I have seen all current non-replica tours (the others being the Mediterranean version and the Middle East / European Tour). Time will tell...
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glassprism · 6 years ago
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The Phantom of the Opera concert version in Vienna, 2012. Starring Christian Müller as the Phantom, Lisa Antoni as Christine, and Oliver Arno as Raoul.
Featuring such delights as:
Interpretive dancers interacting with Christine in ‘Music of the Night’
Christine touching the Phantom’s face in ‘Stranger Than You Dreamt It’
Raoul putting his coat on Christine
A female dancer in white and a male dancer in black? What could they possibly symbolize??
No props and no sets? Use projections of fire in the background!
Interpretive dancer acting as the Punjab lasso
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keepcalmandbrewtea · 2 years ago
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unfortunately the restaged production
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ethanfreemanappreciation · 5 months ago
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Ethan and Pia Douwes
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love-little-lotte · 5 years ago
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Wanted to make a lockscreen so I tried to edit Elisabeth of Austria with some "Think of Me" lyrics. If I'm not mistaken, this painting was an inspiration for Christine Daaé's costume for the "Think of Me" scene in the 2004 film. But I think I got carried away with the stickers... Made in PicsArt! (Bit obsessed with this app.)
For reference -
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Emmy Rossum as Christine Daaé singing "Think of Me" in The Phantom of the Opera (2004).
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Empress Elisabeth of Austria painted by Franz Xaver Winterhalter in 1865.
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summerb4jc · 5 years ago
Merry Christmas, @mypdo​! It is I, your Secret Santa!
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I had a lot of fun being your Santa. You and I both ship E/C, but we also both *secretly* sail the good ship R/C, so I have made you something that reflects that. Above is a drawing of Erik and Christine, and a parallel Raoul and Christine, on their first Christmases.
I have also written you a short fic to go with it! I hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas! 
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francis-of-the-opera-blog · 7 years ago
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If you wish to find who keeps the Opera House together, look no further than these four! All are dedicated to their work even though they haven't been paid in years due to the hard times. Still they work hard and long for the days when things will return to their former glory.
In tow we have Madame Beilschmidt, the lead Choreographer who is in charge of the ballet girls and dancers though acts as the house’s strict grandmother with all her rules!
Sadik Adnan, he’s been there since the beginning! A lively man who is the House’s concierge. Behind that cheerful smile many think he hides the secrets of this great opera house.
Gilbert is the lead stage hand and essentially keeps the house from falling apart since they cant afford a repairman! While goofy and a bit of an big mouth, he still does reliable work!
Roderich Edelstien, the Opera House’s composer. He is not particularly social but by god does he know his music! Truly the opera house is lucky to have him, even if he is too busy complaining about everything.
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