ninelanguages · 4 months
Kanji for "Circle", "round", "yen"
円 = en/ maru•i
ほぼ一間年- hoboichimanen - about (roughly) 10,000 yen - ほぼいちまねん
千円札- senensatsu - a 1,000 yen bill - せんえんさつ
五百円- gohyakuen - five hundred yen - ごひゃくえん
円顔- marugao - a round face - まるがお
円い- marui - round/ circular/ spherical - まるい
円- en - yen - えん
(Note: This is the kanji for "yen" you might be used to pronouncing it with a Y but this is not the Japanese pronounciation. In Japanese it is said "en"
Wikipage note: The spelling and pronunciation "yen" is standard in English. This is because when Japan was first encountered by Europeans around the 16th (The Dutch had some influence here by the way) century, Japanese /e/(え) and /we/ (ゑ) both had been pronounced [je] and Portuguese missionaries had spelled them "ye". Some time thereafter, by the middle of the 18th century, /e/ and /we/ came to be pronounced [e] as in modern Japanese, although some regions retain the [je] pronunciation. Walter Henry Medhurst, who had neither been to Japan nor met any Japanese, having consulted mainly a Japanese-Dutch dictionary, spelled some "e"s as "ye" in his An English and Japanese, and Japanese and English Vocabulary (1830). In the early Meiji era, James Curtis Hepburn, following Medhurst, spelled all "e"s as "ye" in his A Japanese and English dictionary (1867). That was the first full-scale Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionary, which had a strong influence on Westerners in Japan and probably prompted the spelling "yen". Hepburn revised most of "ye"s to "e" in the 3rd edition (1886) in order to mirror the contemporary pronunciation, except "yen". This was probably already fixed and has remained so ever since.)
Kanji for "turn toward", "face", "look toward", "head (go) toward"
向 = kou/ mu•ku/ mu•keru/ mu•ka/ mu•kou
方向- houkou - a direction/ a way/ a course - ほうこう
傾向- keikou - a tendency (to/toward) / a trend/ an inclination - けいこう
子供向け- kodomomuke - (a book) for children/ children's (museum) - こどもむけ
向く- muku - to turn one's head (toward)/ to look (to) - むく
振り向く- furimuku - to turn one's face (to) - ふりむく
向かい- mukai - (on) the opposite/ (on) the other side - むかい
Kanji for "turn around", "revolve", "rotate", "time"
回 - kai/ e/ mara•ru/ mawa•su
回す- mawasu - to turn/ to rotate/ to spin/ to pass/ to circulate - まわす
回る- mawaru - to turn/ to go round/ to spin/ to patrol/ to tour - まわる
時計回りに- tokeimawarini - clockwise - とけいまわりに
次回- jikai - next time/ next occasion - じかい
今回- konkai - lately/ this time - こんかい
目が回る- megamawaru - to be (feel) dizzy - めがまわる
Kanji for "next", "following", "subsequent", "secondary", "sub-", "vice-"
次 = ji/ shi / tsugi/ tsu•gu
次第- shidai - order/ the state of things/ circumstances - しだい
次第に- shidaini - gradually/ by degrees/ little by little - しだいに
次ぐ- tsugu - to rank (come, be) next to/ to come after - つぐ
次の- tsugino - next/ following/ coming/ second - つぎの
目次- mokuji - a table of contents - もくじ
次々に- tsugitsugini - one after another - つぎつぎに
Kanji for "fearful", "fear", "be afraid of"
怖 = fu / kowa•i
恐怖心- kyoufushin - fearfulness - きょうふしん
高所恐怖症- koushokyoufushou - acrophobia/ fear of heights - こうしょきょうふしょう
怖がる- kowagaru - to be afraid (scared) of/ to dread/ to be in fear - こわがる
恐怖- kyoufu - (a) fear/ terror/ (a) fright/ (a) dread/ (a) panic - きょうふ
怖い顔をする- kowaikao (w)o suru - to make a scary face/ to look fierce - こわいかお を する
怖い- kowai - frightening/ terrifying/ horrifying/ fearful/ scary -こわい
Kanji for "forgot"
忘 = bou/ wasu•reru
忘れる- wasureru - to forget/ to slip one's mind/ to be forgetful - わすれる
忘年会- bounenkai - (hold) a year-end party / forget-the-year party - ぼうねんかい
忘れ去る- wasuresaru - to forget completely - わすれさる
忘れっぽい- wasureppoi - to be forgetful/ have a poor memory - わすれっぽい
忘却- boukyaku - forgetfulness/ oblivion - ぼうきゃく
忘れ物- wasuremono - a thing left behind/ a lost article -わすれもの
Kanji for "north"
北 = kita/ hoku
北- kita - north - きた
駅の北側- eki no kitagawa - the north side of the station - えき の きたがわ
北口- kitaguchi - north entrance - きたぐち
南北- nanboku - north and south (literally south and north) - なんぼく
北アメリカ- kita amerika - North America - きたあめりか
北海道- hokkaidou - Hokkaido (Japan's northernmost Island) - ほっかいどう (Literally "North sea/ocean way")
Kanji for "south"
南 = nan/ na/ minami
南- minami - south - みなみ
南米- nanbei - South America - なんべい
東南アジア- tounanajia - Southeast Asia - とうなんあじあ
南極- nankyoku - the South Pole - なんきょく
南側- minamigawa - south side - みなみがわ
南口- minamiguchi - south entrance - みなみぐち
Kanji for "east", "eastern"
東 = tou/ higashi
東- higashi - east - ひがし
関東- kantou - Kanto region (Tokyo and surrounding area) - かんとう
中東- cyuutou - the Middle East - ちゅうとう
東海岸- higashikaigan - the east coast - ひがしかいがん
東口- higashiguchi - east entrance - ひがしゅぐち
東日本- higashinihon - Eastern Japan - ひがしにほん
Kanji for "west", "western"
西 = nishi/ sei/ sai
西- nishi - west/ the west - にし
西海岸- nishikaigan - the west coast - にしかいがん
西口- nishiguchi - west entrance - にしぐち
関西- kansai - Kansai (south-western region of Japan) - かんさい
東西- touzai - east and west/ the East and the West - とうざい
西日本- nishinihon - Western Japan - にしにほん
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songweare · 3 years
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matchadoobles · 3 years
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Little comic based on an incorrect quotes post I saw,, Hina would do this
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22degreehalo · 6 years
I really like how my two favourite girls are Tsumugi (aka the most Normal girl in the whole cast) and Tae (............not)
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD Review: Shinkon-san 2
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Title: Oretachi wa Shinkon-san Kamoshirenai 2 (俺達は新婚さんかもしれない 2)
Release Date: 2021/02/26
Author/Artist: Chishanomi
Eguchi Takuya x Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Hatano Wataru
Hamada Kenji
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second installment of the same name.
Review Proper
THEY’RE SO MUSHY, I JUST WANNA STAB THEM BOTH AND CRY. My single ass should not have listened to this during the holidays.
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This was cute overall, especially when they were having their honeymoon at the hotsprings (nobody tell Nasukawa it’s a honeymoon tho). It could have, quite literally, sent Love Hole 303 on a run for its money with the amount of mush. I love how genuinely oblivious Nasukawa was to everything that he was even checking the components of the bath water when he was supposed to muramura with Kaburagi in the public baths. What a dumbo. I love him.
The second half was a little weird ngl. And I would be lying if I said that Kaburagi didn’t piss me off when he didn’t disclose why he wanted to hide his marriage from Hasune and the fact that Kaburagi just stood watch as Hasune coveted married men. WHAT IN THE WORLD OF HOMOSEXUAL PRON WAS THIS? Hasune’s literally only into married men, the fuck. He was so civil and friendly with Nasukawa before finding out that he was married. I mean, he was so supportive of Nasukawa, even giving him advice and shopping with him to impress Nasukawa’s “lover”. Then when he found out that it wasn’t a lover but a husband—KABOOM. I mean, at least he has control when it comes to lovers and not law-bound couples? 🤷 A man of principle?
And I love how instead of thinking that Hasune was out to get his ass, Nasukawa assumed that Hasune was actually in love with Kaburagi. I ACTUALLY SUPPORT THIS THEORY. NO OTHER THEORY SUFFICES. NASUKAWA FOR PRESIDENT!!!
The voice work, as with the first installment, was divine. ✨ I do have to comment that the actor who voiced the moaning, married sensei who cheated with Hasune was 😬. I mean, what the heck was that? lmao. He wasn’t even credited, but I guess that’s a good thing. We shall just pretend it doesn’t exist, so do try again. Also, don’t you just love it when it gets revealed in the cast talk that Tsugu’s natural voice is deeper than Egu’s? Ugh! Such talented men. And poor Wacchan getting trashed for his role lmao.
I actually haven’t read the second volume yet, ‘cause I’m broke, so I can’t vouch for the accuracy. Though, judging by my review for the first volume, I don’t think that Ginger changed a lot of things here. If you’re a fan of the first volume, I’d highly recommend getting your hands on this! There’s lots of extras in this too. We get megane Kaburagi and turtle neck Nasukawa sex yo! 
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incorrect-afterose · 3 years
tsugu: some people give off a vibe like, right away.
tsugu: they’re like ‘don’t fuck with me.’
tsugu: my vibe is more like… ‘hey, you could poor hot soup on my lap and i’d probably apologise to you’.
ran: you don't need to give off ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibes; i think i’m enough for the both of us.
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zurxmxru · 3 years
blorbo - This is a hard one bc I like a lotta characters but Rinko and Rokka,, there’s no in between
scrunkly - KANON 💞💞💞 I love her smm she’s the cutest!!! <3
scrimblo bimblo - DEFINITELY Tsugu, Himari, Maya, and Tsukushi
glup shitto - ROKKA!!! Idc if she’s barely in Garupa Pico episodes or she’s in an event / makes a cameo in there,, I still love her,,
poor little meow meow- Chu2,, I love her character regardless of what anyone says,, especially her redemption arc,, also Sayo
horse plinko - also Chu2,, (affectionate) this is pretty self explanatory 
eeby deeby - Hina but like,, affectionately,, she’s so open-minded and silly sometimes and just <33 AND Kasumi!!!
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13iamlucky13 · 4 years
Rating Bandori Ships - Moca Edition:
Alright so as is probably obvious for anyone whose talked to me, I have a lot of opinions and I like to talk about my opinions. And one thing my poor multishipper heart has a lot of opinions on is Bandori ships because this fandom is either multiship heaven or hell depending on how you look at it.
So I decided 'hey why not pop off about them' so that's what I'm going to do startig with a certain Moca Aoba who I am totally not at all biased towards.
Obligatory reminder that these are just my opinions and this isn't meant as an attack on any ship. Not that I feel particularly negative towards any Moca ship I've seen yet but still.
MocaRan- 10/10
Yes I like the main arguably somewhat overrated Moca ship. What can I say? They have so much canon interaction between the two of them and their dynamic is really what got me started towards getting severely hooked on Bandori as I am now. They both are shown to care deeply for each other and seem to get the other on a really deep level. For Moca, Ran seems to bring out the most genuine shows of emotion out of her while also being a good support for her, if in a very Ran way. For Ran, Moca seems to help her take things a little less seriously, and when necessary acts as a shoulder to cry on. Sasquana broke me.
LisaMoca- 7/10
I enjoy this ship. As much as it seems to be just kind of a toss on to the people who ship YukiRan (which don't get me wrong is also a very great ship I have a thing for rivalries with tension) Lisa and Moca have a great dynamic. I tend to see it as a brOTP more often which is why I didn't give it a 9 or 10 but they definitely have potential and them kissing on company time would definitely catch my interest. They also seem like they'd be a really supportive relationship. Moca can help Lisa chill out and not be so hard on herself and Lisa can motivate Moca to do things.
MocaHima- 6/10
This is another situation where I have a harder time seeing it as anything but some very good platonic love. They have a dynamic together that is extremely fun don't get me wrong, but by that token I don't feel the same tension between them. Moca's teasing of Himari tends to feel like less flirting in disguise and more like the way she'd tease a sibling. Besides Himari clearly has a type and Idk how much Moca fits that. They are shown to care for each other quite a lot though and in a situation where they are plopped together romantically I can see them having a wholesome dynamic since they have such a good platonic base
SayoMoca- 9/10
I've seen this all of once that didn't involve the two of them in an OT3 with Tsugu, and honestly? I'm kinda there for both, but this is just about Sayo and Moca. Now this is mainly because grumpy x clown is my jam, I really don't know how much canon there actually is to go on here. I really like the idea of them both bonding over how ridiculous Yukina and Ran's posturing can be, Moca narrating every encounter like a sports commentator for fun with Sayo acting like she's ignoring it but quietly adding in her own remarks and Moca catching them. There's also potential in Lisa sorta shoving them together either to try to help motivate Moca or maybe to help Sayo with Hina in a way by giving her 'practice' with the other eccentric genius of Bandori. Either way there's a lot of ways to kickstart it but once it gets going I also think they would have a really good dynamic for somewhat similar reasons to LisaMoca with a side of it seeming similarly balanced to MocaRan.
HinaMoca- 8/10
I'm honestly not too sure why I jam with these guys together as much as I do but that doesn't stop me. One of them is enough to cause chaos so what happens when you put the both of them together? Also they would be the types to blast an extra bassboosted version of Megalovina or even just play it on guitar at their wedding if they even bothered to do something as traditional as that and I'd be there for it
ChisaMoca- 7/10
This is a ship I've been slowly warming up to so this rating is kinda subject to change. Initially I didn't understand it as they barely interact in canon and I didn't see much potential in their dynamic but the more I think on it the more there seems to be. This is mainly because, in one case a literal sense, both are actresses. Chisato literally but Moca definitely puts on her own acts and clown show. So the idea of the two being able to peek under the other's mask is kind of interesting to me. Also serious x clown will never not vibe
MisaMoca- 8/10
I don't ship this in a serious sense so I can't give it full marks but in comedy or crack, even crack taken seriously they are god tier. They're the types who would behave like an old married couple but somehow in a really chill low-energy way. There's a great fic that has them having an ironic candle-lit dinner date that sums up why pretty well I can link it if anyone sees this and wants it
TomoMoca- 6/10
Pretty much the same as HimaMoca except instead of Moca not being Tomoe's type it's more about how even if they did both have mutual feelings I have a hard time figuring out how they'd get together in the first place. Tomoe probably wouldn't realize her feelings even if she had them and Moca would do her best to bury them under humor and good ol emotional suppression. If they did manage to get together though I can see them being cute.
SaayaMoca- 5/10
I don't really feel much when it comes to this as a romantic ship. It's there I guess? I like these guys a lot platonically and don't have a reason to dislike it romantically but it doesn't really make me feel anything. There's potential but I just feel like on most fronts LisaMoca is superior.
MocaTsugu- 11/10
Probably my OTP for the fandom if I'm being honest and the fact that it's chronically underrated hurts. Don't get me wrong I adore MocaRan and SayoTsugu is also very good I've got nothing against the chocomints, but come on. The obvious name play is right there! In all seriousness though I love these guys both as a platonic and romantic pairing so much. It might just be me, but I swear it feels like every time Moca's ever actively suggested something Tsugu was the first to jump on the support train. Moca doesn't seem to really punch down with her teasing of Tsugu the same way she does with Himari and Ran either, and if I remember right there's been at least a few times it's seemed to border on flirting territory even when considering it's Moca. The two also have several of the things the other Moca ships have going for them but I think these two do it better. Tsugu being a gentle but consistent motivator who deeply cares for Moca gives me life. And Moca herself has potential to be a calming presence with her chill demeanor who could get Tsugu to take a break for once in her life like she deserves. I'm also absolute trash for the headcanon that Afterglow all took turns having crushes on Tsugu in middle school. I just like the idea that Moca never really got over that crush and it comes back in full force once they're in highschool. Pair that with some good Tsugu lacking self-worth angst and believing her feelings towards Moca aren't reciprocated because Moca clearly has a thing for Ran and even if she doesn't there's still no way she has feelings for her no matter how many times she calls her 'Tsugurific'.
And there ya go. This ended up way longer than I expected it to and tbh for most of them I have a lot more thoughts but I didn't want to turn this into a novel. Tldr MocaTsugu underrated and I have no life :')
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ladybyakko · 4 years
Kanetsugu or Toramatsu? (I'm sorry, I had to- they go through so much XD )
Why would you make this so DIFFICULT? On one hand you have poor, exhaused Tsugu who's a wonderful loving dad, is attentive and has a secret caring af side, but on the other, you have exasperated Matsu who is so friggin b e a u t i f u l and gentle but also could kick my ass and I'd be thankful.
Can I steal Matsu away to live with Kenshin's boys and we can all just cuddlepile together..?
The fierce gentleness is what makes Toramatsu win, but only by a tiny fraction...
Thank you for the ask, dear!!
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All the Bandori bands are 5 people which is the perfect number for basketball so if the 6 bands faced each other in a basketball tournament who would win?
So, the thing about Poppin’ Party is that none of them are really athletes. That, and aside from Tae none of them are really all that impressive in the height department. And considering Kasumi and Tae’s airheadedness and Arisa’s tendency to be needlessly stubborn coordination might be an issue. However, we do know that when they really need to all five can work great as a team, but only during like, dramatic sports movie moments. Otherwise they’d be kind of awkward on the court.
Roselia are, of course, highly coordinated and disciplined. Yukina wouldn’t have it any other way. However, while she and Sayo do pretty well on the court, and Ako does good enough, Lisa struggles with the game somewhat. She’s learning, though, so she’ll get the hang of it eventually. Rinko however is hopeless, riddled with performance anxiety and probably asthmatic on top of that. Poor girl was built for piano and gaming, not for sportsball.
Afterglow has the energy, definitely. Ran is a tirelessly determined sort and she really does inspire her teammates to try. Tomoe is built for strength, not speed and agility like what’s needed for basketball, but in this particular game being taller than the other players still provides a considerable advantage. The other three are very much non-athletes, with varying degrees of skill despite their lack of athleticism. Moca, while normally somewhat lax and prone to missing passes, can, when in a tight spot, move very quickly and sharply and get the team the upper hand. However, this is somewhat rare so she’s mostly in that “spectator on court” mode. Tsugumi and Himari are both somewhat awkward at the game, but Tsugu has been slowly getting the hang of it, slowly. Himari still struggles, but her teammates always try to cover for her lack of skill. All in all, very coordinated, potentially devastating.
Hina, naturally, carries Pastel*Palettes. She learns and adapts quickly so she managed to pick up the game fast enough to be a threat. Eve doesn’t adapt quite as quickly, but she’s diligent and practices hard, and being somewhat taller than the others doesn’t hurt. While Aya also practices very hard, she tends to struggle a bit more and is weighed down by her anxiety, so she’s prone to slipping up. Maya and Chisato, unfortunately, were not meant to play sports. Things are especially hard for Chisato due to her small stature. Unfortunately not the most skilled or coordinated team.
Hello, Happy World is nothing short of devastating. Hagumi and Misaki both already have athletic backgrounds, and with Hagumi’s incredible speed and jump height and Misaki’s well-honed hand-eye-coordination they’re both considerable threats on the court. Kaoru, in addition to her strong height advantage, also has some history with sports as well, although she’s sometimes prone to focusing more on the audience than the game itself. Kokoro has never really done sports and isn’t sure how everything works, but she’s also extremely enthusiastic and very eager to learn, and she tends to have a lot of fun regardless of how her team actually performs. Kanon is prone to anxiety attacks, especially on the court, but her teammates are very openly supportive and encouraging, so it’s not as much of a problem as it could be. The team has the potential to be a total powerhouse, however because Kokoro will often want to see Michelle cheering them on Misaki sometimes has to duck out of the game to go put on the bear suit, leaving them down a player.
Chu^2 specifically scouted out the tallest people she could find for RAISE A SUILEN for this very reason. They’re a band, but they’re also a basketball team. It’s why she was so insistent on getting Tae to be the guitarist. Unfortunately she doesn’t seem to realize that height doesn’t necessarily translate to talent, because nobody in the band is really all that good at basketball.
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Sayo and Tsugumi’s relationship is so pure: a rant
For starters, let’s start with Sayo’s initial intention of trying out the baking class/cookie class. She wanted to help out her band and make cookies(and Hina but that’s for another day) and she walks in there like the awkward shit she is and she sees... Yukina’s rival band Afterglow’s pianist and what does she do??? She goes up and fucking talks to her. Before, she would have never with her “I’m loyal to this band and this band only” spiel, and silently sat there as this poor girl is trying her best to talk to her. But no, Sayo openly admits to being here for her band, and that she’s new to it and doesn’t know much. Before this, we see her as someone that always knows what she’s doing and when she’s doing it. But now, she’s admitting her weaknesses, if this counts as one, to almost a stranger. As the story goes on, Sayo and Tsugumi start taking, and honestly I think we got to know Sayo more in this story alone than in any other story.
We see by the end that Sayo has become more comfortable with Tsugu. And realizes that she has a lot more in common with her than she anticipated. And as the older girl in this situation, consoles her by putting in personal experiences here and there and letting Tsugu know that yes, she understands exactly what she’s saying and that yes, if she needs anything that Sayo will be there for her. We get to see a different kind of Sayo, maybe softer and more gentle. Well, Tsugu would make anyone that way but seeing Sayo like this is almost a first at that point.
Also an add on, Sayo and Tsugu get grouped together a lot after that. For example, the Japanese server has a Christmas even going on and Tsugu and Sayo have a soft conversation there, they have an area chat at the market, and at Halloween I think they had a conversation there as well.
I know this is way after the event but it came to me and I just read the Christmas conversation and it all came back to me.
This is long, so in a nutshell, SayoTsugu is soft and should be treasured forever.
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banditchika · 6 years
Headcanon that Afterglow calls Tsugu "baby" bc she's the youngest (started off with just Moca doing it to tease her, but then everyone else kind of picked it up and it stuck). It's all fine and good until Sayo enters the picture, and nobody tells her about it. One day Sayo is trying to have a relaxing cup of coffee at the café when she overhears a casual "Tsugu, baby, have you seen my pencil?" from Tomoe the next table over. Poor Ako has to physically restrain Sayo and beg for her sister's life.
oh my god i LOVE IT
if it’s before sayo’s actually dating tsugu she gets so mopey n wanders off to go be like “ah.... of course she’s already dating someone in afterglow.... maybe even more than one someone.... i should give up n return to the sea...” before tsugu figures out what sayo’s thinking n explains
aglow probs keeps using the nickname even after sayo starts dating tsugu, but on the rare occasions that sayo does use endearments, she likely always avoids “baby” bc that nickname’s aglow’s thing n sayo doesn’t like to share!!
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22degreehalo · 6 years
SO I haven’t seen any of the Afterglow band stories yet (I’m focusing on Hello, Happy and Pastel Palettes) BUT I keep seeing Tsumugi and Ran interact after lives and... it’s kind of making me want to see just Afterglow all dating each other......
Himari is the one to feel it first, getting crushes on each of the others one by one over the years and never able to decide who she Really likes, constantly getting close to the truth but just totally missing it
It first really gets brought up once everyone realises this odd thing where every time Tomoe goes out with one of the others all the people in town assume they’re a couple? ‘And one for your cute girlfriend, too!’ ‘Another cute girl! I won’t tell the other, haha!’ ‘You’ve got two of them now! Lucky girl - or should I say lucky girls? hohoho!’
Tsumugi is the first one to actually suggest it. She worries over it for ages, sure that it’s a silly idea and she isn’t capable of it, but all at once she realises she genuinely Loves them all and just says they should all date outright!!
Ran is the most resistant - she says it’s because it’s a dumb idea and what would their parents think etc., but mainly she’s just worried about things changing. But everyone assures her things will be the same as always, since they already love each other!
Moka starts teasing Himari a lot, getting her into skimpy outfits for everyone else etc., to great amusement. One time she tries it with Tsumugi as well, but Ran and Tomoe immediately intervene, shocked! how DARE she do something to poor, sweet Tsugu-chan!! Himari is not pleased.
There is like no jealousy between them because they all know each other so well, but the others all have varying levels of distrust towards Kaoru because of how HImari is with her (particularly Ran), and to a lesser extent towards Saaya because Moka is a shit who deliberately flirts with her a bit
They’ve always been popular with girls but once Tomoe starts flirting with Ran a bit more between songs that Skyrockets, with a Lot of fic and art drawn of them (though a good half of it is genderbent...)
Anyway Afterglow are all girlfriends and that’s Okay
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untapanimedraw · 4 years
Spring 2020, What Will I Be Watching
Well, it’s that time again, a new season of anime is upon us. Winter 2020 held a surprising number of gems and the hype for Spring 2020 is strong. So let’s see what catches my interest. 
I’m looking at Livechart.me, sorting by airdate to see what’s starting soonest. 
Ahiru no Sora - Continuing show, this season marks the 3rd of 4 cours. 
Tower of God - So fucking stoked for this show. As soon as I heard the rumor about it getting an anime adaptation, I started reading the webtoon. I binged all 460 chapters in about 2 weeks and can reliably say that it is one of the best stories I’ve read and I could not be more excited about seeing it animated. The first episode aired this past wednesday and despite the pacing being slightly quicker that optimal, it was an excellent start. 
The 8th son? Are you kidding me?  - This one vaguely reminds me of Ascendance of a Bookworm, grown man dies and is reborn into a young child in a medieval setting where they are poor and have to figure out how to survive. I suspect that’s about where the similarities will and it’ll end up being slightly closer to Wiseman’s Grandchild in terms of content. I’m not expecting much from this show, but I like a good trash isekai show as much as the next weeb, so I’ll keep watching. 
kakushigoto - Father/daughter adorableness, Father authors a lewd manga and can’t live with his daughter knowing that so goes to extreme lengths to hide it. The first episode was fantastic and this looks like a fun series. 
Listeners - I’ll admit, I was not expecting the mecha aspect to this. If I didn’t know better i’d almost say this was a Studio Trigger show for all the reminders of Darling in the Franxx this show gives me lol. I hope that the music becomes more a focus as the music was ok, but it definitely wasn’t a big focus this episode. Overall, it’s a decent first impression and I’ll stick with it a while longer. 
Wave, Listen to Me! - Ok, wow. What a first impression this show gives. The cold open was completely out of left field, and the rest was a great introduction Minare Koda. I could listen to her drunken ramblings for many episodes. I’m very much looking forward to this show this season.  
Arte - Cute girl doing art in renaissance Italy. Sold. 
Gal & Dino - So... this show is just not my style. I was interested at first, cute designs, interesting premise, but the mixed media approach is just not for me. Same reason I never got into Pop Team Epic. I couldn’t finish the first episode. 
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! - This show was pretty entertaining. I got a lot of Average Abilities vibes from this first episode, and seeing how fun that show was, I have a good feeling about this one. 
Sing “Yesterday” for Me - I’m not quite sure how to describe this show. But it’s giving off fantastic vibes. A show about adults, I’m always excited about those kinds of shows. It also has a strong contender for Best Girl and a highly relatable MC. 
Ascendance of a Bookworm S2 - Fuck yeah! This was one of my absolute favorite shows of last year and I’ve been waiting impatiently for the last 3 months for this season. 10/10
Tsugu Tsugumomo - Hot damn, season 2 of Tsugumomo. It’s been 3 years and I never even imagined that we would get a second season. So happy. 
Gleipnir - So, not entirely sure what to think about this show. The first episode was intriguing and what I’ve heard about the source material is that it’ll pick up quick. So I’m looking forward to what this show brings. 
Dropkick on my Devil!! Dash - Speaking of second seasons, a second season of Jashin-chan was a very nice surprise. The first season was a riot and I’m expecting more of the same for this season. 
Fruit’s Basked S2 - I would like to watch this, but I’ve very far behind in S1 and my smart self decided to rewatch ATLA instead of finishing S1, so I’ll catch up eventually. 
Diary of our Days at the Breakwater - Not entirely sure what this will be about but it’s a SoL from Doga Kobo so I’m sure it’ll at least be decent. I could use a nice SoL. 
BNA - Speaking of Studio Trigger, here’s this one. Very excited for it, but hopefully a decent fansub group will pick it up, seeing as it’s in Netflix jail. 
The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED - Cool, another detective show. Hopefully it’ll be interesting. 
No Guns Life S2 - Hell Yeah, season 1 was fantastic and I hope Season 2 lives up. 
OreGairu S3 - Oh shit, another sequel. Dope. 
Appare-Ranman! - I’m looking forward to this show, I saw the PV a while back and it looks like a whole lot of fun. Also it’s a P.A. Works shows, so that’s always a good sign. 
Food Wars S5 - I absolutely love this show, but the word on the street is that this upcoming storyline is hot garbage, so I’m not sure whether I’ll watch this or not. 
Kaguya-Sama S2 - The quick S2 announcement was a pleasant surprise, and I’m very much looking forward to more of these dorks’ antics. 
SAO: Alicization Part 2 - Part 1 was actually really good and the anticipation for part 2 is quite high, I’m excited. 
So as far as I’m aware that’s all that’s showing in Spring 2020. Re:Zero S2 was supposed to air, but the Covid-19 issues are pushing it back to summer. Hopefully nothing else will be too adversely affected. 
So my totals are, 15 guaranteed watch, 7 most likely, 22 total. About the same as last season, but I dropped 3 last season. I’ll give most of these the 3 ep test before reporting back here on what I find to be worth keeping up with. 
Until then, keep watching anime!
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - living together/neighbors
1.      Konyakusei 
Sachi Hanaoka has just lost her parents to a traffic accident and her fear of living alone becomes reality. To add on to her troubles, Kouichi Saonji, the young landlord of her apartment, approaches her and requests that she prepare to vacate since she is now be unable to pay rent. Alternatively, Kouichi proposes a solution: he and Sachi will get married and she will act as his caretaker. Not only will her expenses be covered, but it would also serve as a method to quell his family's nagging for him to find a wife. Despite the lack of genuine feelings between them, Sachi finds herself drawn to Kouichi and accepts his offer. But will the newly wed couple be able to fall in love, or will they remain strangers forever?
2.      Sugar Family 
Since Yuuka's mother died at an early age, Yuuka turned out to be the one taking care of her child-like father. Right before high school started, Yuuka's dad announced his remarriage with Satou Masami. Masami-san turned out to be a reliable, responsible person, so Yuuka finally thought she's off the hook. That is, until she finds out about her new older brother...
3.      Kyou mo Uchi de Machi Awase
After a fire, a middle-aged man meets a homeless single mother and her son at the convenience store. He is instantly reminded of someone he used to know over a decade ago. Could it be...?
4.      Kyoudai Gokko 
Growing up, Rio Takara has always wanted siblings. So when her parents decide to move overseas without her and tells her she will be living with two people around her age, she's cautiously optimistic. But they turn out to be brothers who fight like cats and dogs. Is this what having siblings is like?
5.      Kamiki Kyoudai Okotowari
Iroha was raised by her single mother, but when her mother remarries, they move in with her step-father and his 3 sons. To Iroha, this will be the first time she's living with men. What will happen to Iroha's new life!?
6.      Monokuro Shounen Shoujo 
Kureha Mimachi, a 15-year-old girl, has just transferred into Shiritsu Kenhono High School. However, there is something weird about this school, it is actually a school where the Princes and Princesses of the beast-kind go to...?! Even though Kureha is human, she is there as a way to help the students their lives peacefully with humans and has the role as the "rabbit". Will she be able survive without being eaten by the students...?!
7.      Mademoiselle Butterfly 
Our heroine is a girl who lives as a geisha in Japan. She has a male childhood friend who's always been kind to her and is her favorite. He's a painter, only he paints on human body parts, and she loves it when he paints beautiful butterflies on her arms. She goes to visit him one day and finds a naked woman lying in his room. Immediately after, she gets a customer who's rich and very interested in her. The thought of being away from her friend pains her, but is everything really too late?
8.      Mayonaka Lolita 
After she took some medicines, Michiryuu became suddenly a little girl. People used to say that she was really perfect. That's why she wants to came back to normal quickly. But the only condition if she wants that happen is to find "a personn she'll love". But that's completely impossible for her! So what will happen to Michiryuu...?
9.      Mayonaka ni Kiss 
Natori Nono is a very tough school-girl, she lives with her widowed mother Ayame and her younger brother Takumi in a very small apartment, where she does all the chores. Her boyfriend wants money from her, because he's really poor, too. But one day, Nono discovers that her mother remarried! She married Ichijou Hayato, the owner of the 'Ichijou Group'. Now, Nono lives there (in unaccustomed riches) with her mother, her brother, her stepfather AND her new stepbrother: Ichijou Kasuomi (his father calls him Omi-kun)!!! At first, Nono thinks Kasuomi is not nice. But what will happen next?
10.  Harem Lodge 
Midori lost her mother when she was young and now her father's gone too. But her dad left her with a surprise: a fiancé named Tetsuya. So now, Midori has to live in a good-looking men only apartment (Harem Lodge), which is actually filled with weirdos. What is going to happen to her? Well we just have to wait and see...
11.  Hyakujuu no ou ni Tsugu!
This is the liberated area where you listen to girls will, a girls high school! in this class, there's a king. Me, Yuka! My friends are counting on me and boys are afraid of me! But that kind of paradise will suddenly break up by a thirty-year old man!! dates will take place in golf areas and kisses will have the taste of smoke...
12.  Last Notes 
Haru and Aki are the masters of the branch store - an old-looking and very unusual shop. It sells only one thing: a special kind of incense that, when burned, allows the user to see and speak with the spirit of the dead person that appears in the smoke. Every customer has a different reason for calling up the dead, and how they use this unusual opportunity is up to them...
13.  Hapira Hajimaru 
Asai Sachi's luck has always been considered dreadful. After becoming the class president, she meets Kurono Hyougo, a guy with a frightful face who bears various gruesome rumours behind his back. Hyougo had been living alone in an apartment; but when Sachi mistakenly reveals that Hyougo is a minor, he had to be kicked out. Fortunately, Sachi's father is a realtor, and suggested to have Hyougo live in their unused detached house. Would Sachi's bad luck turn upside down upon meeting Hyougo?
14.  Hana o Meshimase
After Shion's mother passed away, she was left with her father who loves to gamble and evade his responsibilities as a father. Due to that continuous pattern, Shion moves in to live as a live-in employee with 25-years-old florist Shun Mamyuuda. As she begins to learn the value of flowers and life, will she also find her place in love?
15.  Good Morning Call 
Nao Yoshikawa stays behind to live by herself when her parents leave to inherit her grandpa's farm in the country. On the day she moves into her new apartment she soon discovers that it was rented also to Hisashi Uehara—a cute, super-cool and popular guy from her school. Not only did their housing agency unexpectedly close down, the landlord of the apartment tells them that they had to pay more for their apartment then they had expected. With both no money and no home to return to, Nao and Hisashi decide to live together as flatmates.
16.  Nanako Robin 
Yoshino Nako has a saying. "If I'm happy, I can do anything!" In her sister's place, Nako-chan steals the groom of an arranged (political) marriage and helps them elope. But when the Hayami group starts failing, she must pay the consequence by housing the delinquent brother...
17.  Momo Raba 
Chieri (Cherry) was living an ordinary life, until her sister Ichigo (Strawberry) suddenly left her child Momo (Peach) on Chieri's doorstep. Momo is an infant; how is Chieri supposed to take care of a baby while still in high school!? To make matters even more frustrating, two guys are fighting for Chieri's love...!
18.  Men’s Life 
Mio's life is changed in a big way due to an encounter with Rin, an upperclassman who is one-year-older, and...!?
19.  Tonari wa Nani o Kuu Hito zo 
Inaba Suzuna is trying her best to make a campus debut and to have many friends in Tokyo. Until she realized that she miserably fails at living alone. Fortunately, her neighbor, Seto, comes and saves her from dying of starvation. Bright campus life is still far away for Suzuna, but at least, she has a very dependable neighbor!
20.  Yumemiru Taiyou
While loitering in the park, Shimana Kameko, who intended to run away from home and skip school, meets a suspicious man in a kimono. This man, who had been locked out of his house, offers Shimana a place to stay. However, he requests she fulfill three conditions in exchange for her tenancy!?
21.  Taiyou no Ie 
After her mother abandoned her and her father remarried, high schooler Mao Motomiya is left feeling like she doesn't have a place where she belongs. One night, her childhood friend Hiro Nakamura finds her in a shrine eating cheap convenience store food and offers to take her to a restaurant. Their subsequent heart to heart leads to Hiro suggesting that Mao move in with him. To Hiro who has lived apart from his younger siblings all these years after their parents passed away, bringing his family back together in the once-lively Nakamura home begins with the first step of giving Mao a loving place to belong. When Mao reluctantly accepts his invitation, she is surprised at how easy it is to settle in with her longtime friend. Now she must deal not only with mending her relationship with her father and helping the oldest Nakamura brother attain his goal, but also her growing feelings for Hiro.
22.  Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet 
Oono Fumi is a poor second year high school student. Because of her father's debts, she's kicked out of her own home and has to rely on her own connections to survive. Thus begins her life as a live-in housekeeper for a reclusive writer...
23.  Faster than a kiss
Losing their parents, Fumino and her brother hop from one relative to another. Getting tired of all those movings, she finally decides to quit school and work to support her brother on her own. As they sat on a park bench, her teacher appears in front of her and agrees to her demanding of marrying and supporting both her and her brother!! Is he serious or just playing around...!?
24.  Kiss/Hug 
Ryuu, a super-business-like transfer student from England with black hair and blue eyes just arrived! During the night of the Tanabata festival, Ryuu and Yukino became attracted to each other at first sight. He then declares, "You will be mine!" This brought confusion to Yukino, who has zero experience in love. But could she actually be falling in love?
25.  Kanna to Decchi 
Our heroine Kanna is the daughter of the famous builder in town. One day a boy with a hammer appears to train under Kanna's father?! The heart pounding love story of a handsome apprentice carpenter.
26.  Sabaku no Harem 
Mishe a strong willed girl raised from poverty has caught Prince Kallum's attention. Attention as in, "you will become one of my concubines," thus begins Mishe's adventures into Prince Kallum's world.
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banditchika · 6 years
tsugu voice: world hard and cold... tiddy warm and soft
fandom: bandori
words: 2035
pairing: tsugusayo
ao3 link
"You're not going home after this, Hazawa-san?"
"Ah, no. I don't have to be home until later tonight, so I wanted to go to Edogawa! Ran-chan's guitar strap is wearing thin, so everyone wants to surprise her with a new one."
"I see... will you be meeting up with your members?"
"No, I don't think so. Moca-chan has a shift, Tomoe-chan's doing something with the dance club, and poor Himari-chan's feeling a little under the weather, so it should just be me."
"Oh." Sayo looks away, the soft curl of her hair hiding her face away. Tsugu takes the time to admire the sharp line of Sayo's jaw and how the tendons in her throat tense when she swallows.
Sayo is pretty. One of the prettiest girls Tsugu has ever met, and considering her friends, that's quite a statement to make—but it's a true one. Sayo doesn't stand out as much as the rest of Roselia does, even in her flashy stage outfit, but there's no overlooking her no matter how subdued her style is.
Tsugu likes her lean frame and long limbs and long hair—and she remembers how Moca had laughed when she had admitted as much, grinning the way she always did when she was about to cause trouble.
("Waa... you really pay attention to Sayo-san, huh? But Tsugu," she said, waggling her finger. "I think you missed one other long thing."
Moca poked at her chest. "Your heart, longing for Sayo-san~")
Tsugu presses a hand over her chest, cheeks warming at the memory. If her heart is pounding faster or slower, or longing for Sayo, she isn't able to tell. Perhaps it had been when she'd rushed out of the house, determined to make it to the station five minutes early like she always did, only to find Sayo leaning against a pillar, hands folded in front of her and eyes closed in frustration—or, as she'd later realize, contemplation. And okay, she had been really nervous when Sayo picked up the cute ribbons and bags Tsugu liked with an expression like she'd just been asked to swap places with Ako on the drums.
But now, with their date (wait, no, it's not a date! Their platonic outing) nearly over, Tsugu's heart isn't racing at all. Unlike the intense guitarist onstage or strict older sister that Hina-senpai sometimes whined about, the Sayo she saw today is kind and open and vulnerable, just like she remembers from the sweets classroom.
Sayo is beautiful and soothing, and Tsugu's heart might not be racing or doing any longing as they're walking to the station, but it does feel full. It feels full, but light too, as though it could take flight and lift Tsugu up with it out of sheer happiness.
She smiles at her feet. This is a new feeling, but not a bad one. She always thought that maybe she was... was a little slow. Moca and Ran had been together for as long as Tsugu can remember, so it wasn't much of a surprise when they started being together. Tomoe and Himari took a while longer, but they managed it, and Tsugu had been so happy when she realized.
She'd been happy, but she had also felt alone.
Himari sometimes spoke of butterflies, fluttering feelings, and all sorts of colorful things that Tsugu's sure she must have pulled from a mature novel. It's kind of a relief to be able to understand that now. Not everything Himari told her is true—Tsugu's toes definitely don't curl whenever she brushes by Sayo, that's kind of weird—but enough of it is. Tsugu feels like she's finally been let in on an inside joke, or given admission to an exclusive club after years of watching Moca, Ran, Tomoe, and Himari attend without her.
It's nice. It's really, really nice.
"Hazawa-san?" Sayo's voice jolts Tsugu from her thoughts.
"Ah! Y-yes!"
Sayo's brow is furrowed, lips pressed together in irritation—no, wait, thoughtfulness? That's a thinking face, right? "Would you mind if I accompanied you to Edogawa? I think that," she clears her throat, "some of my music magazines have new releases today. I want to read them before our next practice."
Tsugu's cheeks grow warm. "Of course! I'd love your company."
Sayo smiles at her. Her smiles are never very wide, just a brief curve of her lips and the occasional flash of teeth. Tsugu thinks that, in a way, she's kind of like Ran, who tucks her face into her collar or shakes her hair low over her eyes before it's obvious that she's grinning. They're not very open people, but no less caring for it. Ran writes her love into their songs, and Sayo's eyes, on the rare occasions that she smiles, are always unfailingly warm.
... Just like Tsugu. Goodness, was it always this hot? She presses a hand against her face under the guise of brushing her bangs from her eyes, hiding her flushed cheek from Sayo's sight.
She's always blushed easily and has never particularly minded, but when she's around Sayo, it's like she can't seem to stop. It's kind of... not good. What if Sayo thinks she's sweaty, or has a fever? Himari likes to squeeze her cheeks, cooing about how soft her skin is, how rosy, and how cute her dimples are!
But Tsugu doesn't think Sayo would be so easily swayed by dimples or rosy cheeks. If she thinks Tsugu's sick, she might end their meetings early and head home so Tsugu can 'recover'; or worse, notice her blushing furiously while they're making pastries and think that she's contaminating the food with her illness, or something!
Tsugu spends the rest of the walk to the station furiously recalling her memories of the sweets classroom. If Sayo thought she was gross, she wouldn't have agreed to meet up, right? So it's probably just all in her head—unless it isn't? Sayo is very proper. Maybe she didn't say anything so she wouldn't be rude? But no, Sayo wasn't the type to try to spare people's feelings—and the way she smiled when they brought their matching wrapping bags had been so, so genuine that Tsugu almost couldn't look. So really, Tsugu's just overreacting!
"Ah! Yes!"
Sayo points across the street, at the station. A train is pulling into the depot. "That one's ours. Let's hurry!"
"R-right! Of course!"
The crush of people by the stop is almost claustrophobic. No one's touching each other, not really, but an aura of anticipation crackles from body to body as every person, from office worker to mother to middle school student, eyes the train's doors. The energy is palpable; every person in the depot knows to carefully, orderly rush into the train as soon as they can, funneling into a neat triangle with just enough room for the previous passengers to stream out in their own miniature triangles.
Tsugu knows how this will go.
Knowing doesn't make it any easier when the doors slide open and she's walking not out of her own volition, pushed by the crowd behind her into the train's maw. She digs her feet in, craning her neck to keep Sayo in her sight, but it's hard. Tsugu's not the tallest person, after all, and there are so many people. What if she loses Sayo? What if Sayo gets in the train, but Tsugu can't? What if she's left all alone—
A cool, dry hand clamps down on her wrist. Sayo glances back at her only once, then fixes her eyes forward, shouldering her way past the doors and tugging Tsugu in after her.
The seats are all gone, of course. The other passengers, long accustomed to this routine, line themselves up along the sides of the train and grab onto whatever they can. The movement of the crowd pushes them further into the train, cramming people in so tightly that, paradoxically, it feels like the crush of bodies is the only thing keeping everyone upright.
Someone jostles Tsugu and pushes her into Sayo, who shifts back to accommodate. She blinks down at her with her cool, bright eyes.
"Are you alright, Hazawa-san?"
"Yes! Don't worry about me!"
"Hmm." Sayo's eyes don't leave hers, and Tsugu can feel the beginnings of a now-familiar blush burning its way over her cheeks. Which is fine. The train's stuffy and crowded, warm from the number of bodies inside it despite the air conditioning—Sayo will attribute it to that, if anything.
Sayo breaks eye contact first, glancing up at the steel poles lining the train's ceiling. One of her hands is fixed around a bar, securing her against jostling and bumpy train tracks. Tsugu, on the other hand... "But you don't have anything to hold onto, do you?"
"Well, no..." All the spots with access to actual straps have been taken, and Tsugu is too far from the bars stretching from ceiling to floor to cling to them. And, well. Forget about being able to reach the bars on the ceiling. "It's okay! I've got pretty good balance..."
"Nonsense. That's unsafe." Sayo looks around, glowering ferociously. When no one pays her any mind, she sighs and plants her feet, digging her shoes into the grain of the floor.
"... Sayo-san?"
"You can hold onto me."
"... Um?"
"Please? It's not safe to ride without holding onto something." Sayo looks determined, almost fierce—a grim sort of determination evident in the set of her jaw and the gleam in her eyes. But there's something else too, something that Tsugu wonders if she's imagining.
Is that... is that a blush?
"Please, Hazawa-san." Sayo glances at the train's doors, sliding shut. Tsugu nods mutely. She isn't sure where to put her hands; maybe Sayo's shoulders? They do seem like very nice shoulders, but holding that position for an entire train ride is a bit... ah, but she can't just hold onto Sayo's shirt, either. For one thing, it's not very secure, and it'd be just awful if Tsugu gripped too hard and tore it, or something!
The train creaks, then rocks into motion. Sayo barely budges. So do the people who are vertically-endowed enough to grab onto the bars, or who'd managed to snag themselves a strap to cling to.
Tsugu, unfortunately, is none of those things, and stumbles forward into Sayo's chest as the train rushes along its tracks. Her arms lift instinctively, wrapping around Sayo's waist in an attempt to steady herself. Tsugu freezes. Sayo stiffens.
If she thought holding onto Sayo's shoulders would be intimate, then this is something else entirely. Tsugu's practically tucked under Sayo's chin. She would be chest to chest with her if only she were a little taller. She can feel the warmth of Sayo's body, a stark contrast to her cool hands and solemn face.
This is a lot. This is so, so much. Every rock of the train pushes her into Sayo, making it impossible to put space between them even if Tsugu wanted to. The people around them sway with the movement of the compartment; there are no gaps between their bodies for Tsugu to settle herself in, no way for her to fit.
Her cheeks are on fire. The fabric of Sayo's shirt feels rough against her skin, and Tsugu can smell the scent of her perfume, sharp and crisp. She doesn't think she'll be able to forget the scent even after the train's stopped or after she's found her way home.
Feeling the steady rise and fall of Sayo's breathing and the rumble of the train beneath her feet is wonderful. A small part of her, mortified and deeply embarrassed, thinks that the Edogawa stop can't come soon enough. But mostly, Tsugu doesn't want this train ride to end; doesn't want to let go of Sayo, doesn't want to run into her at CiRCLE and only be greeted with Sayo's usual politeness.
This is what she wants. To be pressed against Sayo, close enough to pretend that she's being held; the steady clatack, clatack, clatack of the train tracks; and the sound of a heartbeat against her ear, too quick and too loud to be her own.
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