haleselenagomez · 8 years
#Haleb sex scene made my life #plldeathtrap @itsashbenzo @tylerjblackburn
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apllchick-blog · 8 years
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Are Mona and Jenna both working for AD? Why is Mona driving Jenna's car? Are they friends? Is she helping her or plotting against her? Also why didn't Mona tell the Liars that Jenna left the Radley in 7x10? I thought her and Caleb were supposed to be on the lookout and notify the girls? 😶😏 #pll #prettylittleliars #plltheory #plldeathtrap #lindathinksmona #lindathinksjenna
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shaa16xo-blog · 8 years
What on earth is going on.
Ok. So after that shocking finale I think a lot of people are feeling satisfied. To an extent anyway. We weren't left disappointed and it really did live up to the high expectations everyone everywhere had for it. With Spencer shot and thought dead to everyone just after it is revealed that she is in fact Mary Drakes child left all audiences with tears in their  eyes to only be shocked more when the camera pans over a car wreckage showing a presumably dead Toby and Yvonne. But who did it! We know from Jenna's reaction after being pulled into the van that she wasn't the one that shot Spencer and that she has absolutely know clue who A.D is. It can also be assumed that A.D was the one who ran Toby off the road on his way to start his new life wit his fiancé (Which not one person is this fandom had to be happy about!!! "Can i kiss you?" Tears.) But at least they might be together in death. Although morbid to think about we have to think about the direction the show will be going if these deaths are actually followed through and no one is resurrected which happens way to often in this show... Basically all I want to write and think about is all the unanswered questions that apparently are getting answered in the next ten episodes. Now i have been watching the show since I was 12 years old, I am now 18 and in uni. I went through a full 6 years of high school and I am still having the same conversations with my friends I did when I was in my first year "Who do you think did it?" "Do you think she's dead?" All these sentences keep coming up even if its not about the same thing. So I am going to take a list of questions that haven't been answered and say what I think about them. I may be wrong but i like discussions like these so let m me know what you think. 1: Is  Charlotte dead? This question I am really really unsure about. I would like to think that she is and this whole revenge Charlotte's death that got everyone killed wasn't a big waste of time. But it wouldn't be the first time this show has made someone who is dead, alive and back at their all old tricks and having saying that it takes me onto the next question.
2: Is Charlotte A.D? Hell No! She better not be because the Cece drake reveal for me was very disappointing I don't know how others feel but I need someone who is a huge character and it would break every ones hearts to find out they are A.D. That! That is what I need in my life.
3. Is Spencer Dead? I hope not. I had a theory before the finale that Spencer was in fact A.D and Mary Drakes child. (At least I got half right) Anyway I just thought due to Spencer's previous drug habits and time in Radley and now this huge connection with her mother who has spent her full life in a mental institution, her instability and choice to torture her friends would make a lot of sense. I mean think about when Hanna is trapped, Spencer appears to her right? Spencer uses the letter A.D. Hanna has been locked up and had no clue about A.D because it was Amoji before Hanna was taken. Coincidence? Or did the writers mess up? Anyway I think it just would have brought a great depth to her character and her helping Hanna escape could suggest a split personality or uncontrollable guilt.
4. Who is A.D? Okay. Since my Spencer theory is just gone badly wrong because she could be dead I did a little more thinking. I feel that since Ali has came back in the picture and especially this season she has been so BORING! I loved Ali's character her manipulation everything! But since she has returned shes been all OMG I'm here for you guys I love you all kisses -A (see what I did there) So what if Ali never stopped playing games with the girls. What if it's been her all along above Mona and Charlotte. I think that is completely probable and could be a very good end to the show as everyone is growing attached to Ali as lately she is just the victim with the pregnancy and Archer. So I think Ali is a very good candidate for A.D and what about that text she went to send to Emily that she signed with A then rethought it and finished her name hmmm...
5. The many holes in Charlotte's story: Okay I know I said many holes and don't get me wrong there are loads. But what I want to focus on is the dollhouse.  Charlotte locked all the girls up and dressed Mona as Ali. I thought this was way too weird as Ali was there so why did Charlotte not take her instead of making an outsider pretend to be her. And Mona supposedly taught Charlotte the game so why did  Charlotte go after her. Ali always did hate loser Mona. It's just another piece of evidence that points to Ali being A.D
6. Who is beach hottie and did Alison get pregnant? Okay so I'm pretty sure Mona already said that Ali thought she was pregnant but wasn't. But what if she in fact was. The little girl that Charlotte gave dolls to and used to play with has a big resemblance to Ali and she is round about the same age as Alison's child would be. Now down to Beach hottie everyone says Wilden. But it has never ever been actually shown to us that is was Wilden which is really annoying and i just cant. 7 Did Archer plant Emily's eggs inside Alison? Oh my holy hell can you imagine! Now that Emison is kicked off again how strange would those turn of events be. We did see Archer taking Alison into a room that looked like an operating room and we have no clue what happened to her in there so this could be a possibility. So these are just some of my thoughts tell me what you think..
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alvaromatthew · 8 years
"Spencer, I would never hurt you. I'm your mother." 😮 #PlotTwist #PLL #PrettyLittleLiars #PLLdeAthTrap
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multi-fandomms · 8 years
Pretty Little Liars - Season 7 - Episode 10
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apllchick-blog · 8 years
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Spoilers Part 2 of 2. #pll #plldeathtrap
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Me when Toby's dead, Spencer's shot, Alison's pregnant and Ezria's done for.
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thomasluvjaymes · 8 years
🎶 You never give up when I'm falling apart Your arms are always open wide 🎶 #PrettyLittleLiars #PLLDeathTrap #SpOby 💔 #troianbellisario #keeganallen ❣ #SpencerHastings #TobyCavanaugh
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booklover345-blog · 8 years
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Me during the last five minutes of the mid-season finale 
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tryingtobestrong · 8 years
My thoughts on PLL
I’m disappointed, OK I admit it the finale was good but they could have revealed more things, I’m really starting to get desperate I believe I’ll never know why Sara was helping Charlotte, who killed Mrs. D, why Noel was part of this and many other questions, my only hope is that they’ll reveal this things in 7B, although I’m not expecting anything ‘cause this is PLL and I’m used to being let down.
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haleselenagomez · 8 years
Please don't leave me. Spencer i would never hurt you I'm your mother #plldeathtrap #marydrakeisspencersmom @theandreaparker @sleepinthegardn
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prettylittlenope · 8 years
Keegan Allen's snapchat story 😂😂😂
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pllrosewood · 8 years
I have a relatively infinite list of questions after 7x10, but why is no one asking: •how did Mary even know to go to the blind house? •what even is Sydney doing there at all? Why Sydney?
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apllchick-blog · 8 years
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Part 1 of 2! #pll #plldeathtrap
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PLL Death Trap
Who do you think is going to die? 
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