#pll midseason finale
mariesstudying · 4 months
Might be an unpopular opinion but tbh I don’t blame the PLL girls for not forgiving Mona, at least in season 3-6A. You could say that in 6B-7 they could have forgiven her because it’d been 6 six years so thats fair but seasons 3-6A, totally fair they don’t forgive her.
If I’m remembering the timeline correctly, season 1 and 2 take place in the same school year, the pilot starts the day before the 1st day of school and season 3 starts out right before they start senior year. season 6A ends with them going to college. That means that everything Mona did to them was LAST YEAR during this period. Mike dated Mona even though Mona was torturing Aria as A LAST YEAR. Mona hit Hanna with a car LAST YEAR. Most of season 3B to 5 midseason finale is over the course of like 2 months, since 3B has the Halloween train and 5 has the Christmas episode and both occur in the same year.
Everything Mona did was LAST YEAR for the girls pre-time jump, I don’t blame them for not liking her and not trusting her. I know people always say that Mona helped the girls so much and they still don’t trust her but like why should they? Post dollhouse? Fine they can trust her in 6A, they went through a lot there so I get the building of trust during that whole thing but pre-dollhouse? I get it 100%
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jaggedwolf · 9 days
pll rewatch 2x20
In which I am judgy about how the show handles Maya. Unfun fact I learned from a podcast, this episode has ~3 minutes of Maya before she runs off into the night, while we spend at least 4 minutes on Aria at Holden’s tournament alone. Big meh.
The show decides to punish me for paying attention, because they have Aria discuss Spencer sleeping over for a week since the previous episode, followed by Emily emerging with the state championship swimming trophy.
Emily re-joined the team a week ago and she’s competing/the big star?
The power of Emily Fields, I guess.
Can’t believe we see none of these Sparia sleepovers, SMH.
Maya greets Emily with a gigantic sign, but magically disappears when Caleb gets arrested and the girls are discussing that. Where else does she have to go, she doesn’t even go to this school anymore.
Hanna does not know what a hotspot is and I do not think she learns what it is even by the end of the episode
OK let’s summarize the Aria plot really quick: Holden’s secret is a martial arts competition, which is a secret because he has a heart condition. Aria’s approach to this is to...follow him to his tournament and watch him compete. 
Aria, you accomplished nothing by showing up here, this is very Ella-coded behaviour. 
2A is like, Jason is here to be hot to Aria and be a bit of a creep who is part of the NAT club. 2B is like, Jason is here to be bros to Spencer, please forget any mention of us saying he was part of NAT, Spencer feels no need to bring that up. 
It’s very in-character of Spencer, who will want to believe in her family always, and well, Jason is family. 
Aria has a weird little convo with Jonah while the liars eavesdrop - everyone looks to Spencer for the money, but her bank account has been locked since they all got arrested in the midseason finale
Maya shows up to the swim team party prep very sad because her parents found a joint in some boxes and want to send her off to True North again. Maya’s offscreen parents suck, they have fallen very far from the hippies who have tattoos for their wedding rings.
While I do find it cute that Ashley and Hanna are so down to host a party for Emily’s team, at least until they get dragged into the police station, again I have questions about the timeline. Emily was off the team till a week ago, why is she hosting. Do they not normally have celebration parties and this is Emily’s desparate attempt to feel like part of the team, and that is why Ashley is icing store-bought cookies like a knockoff Pam Fields
JK JK Pam Fields does not want a bunch of teenagers in her house, she would not do this.  
Wilden, as the one cop in Rosewood who likes digging for evidence, no matter how inappropriately, has actually consulted the hospital cameras and realized the girls went into the morgue. He of course drags only Hanna and Ashley in because he likes a power play. 
Spencer confronts her dad. It’s very Spencer to only confront her dad about the cheating once it ties into the mystery. We learn that the Dilaurentis’s moved away to Atlanta when Jessica was pregnant with Jason, and moved right next door when Spencer was 5 years old. That’s about ~11 years away? Weird-ass behaviour.
At the swim team party, the team is...watching a recording of the meet they just competed in? Sure.  
Emily comments that Paige was like a rocket coming off the platform, and it’s Hanna who has to point out to Emily that Maya is clearly bummed out over in the corner. Good job, Hanna.
Emily is not a particularly great girlfriend in this moment, she would like to go back to the :D :D :D energy of the party
The Spanna CTRL-A scene...I love it....Hanna asks Spencer if she can hack and Spencer is like that’s what Caleb is for and you can tell this is just how Caleb is categorized in Spencer’s mind: Hanna’s bf who can hack shit for us
Anyway they figure it out, mystery 4-digit code and all, and it’s fun to me that it’s specifically Hanna and Spencer who save Caleb here. 
Spencer makes a point of saying Caleb’s password is almost as complicated as her own.
Emily finds Maya smoking weed outside and I have at least two ??? comments about this scene
The first is Maya saying “No more about the teammates” -  I know there was supposed to be some kind of Maya-Paige confrontation this episode that fell through because of scheduling. 
I keep trying to reverse-engineer it given Maya’s bizarre comment here and Paige’s even more bizarre comments in the next episode and coming up empty. Like, I can’t tell to what degree the bizarreness is because they are setting up plot/mystery stuff for next season, versus insufficiently replacing that scene. 
In canon as it stands, is Paige even at this party? Maybe if she only heard the last bit of this patio conversation that would explain her opinion of Maya next episode lmao.
Okay, my second ??? comment is that Emily reacts to Maya lighting a joint like she walked in on Maya shooting up heroin. It’s very weird the way the show frames this as some kind of betrayal, when Emily literally smoked with Maya in the pilot + even Maya at her worst here does not appear to be the type of stoner who has it disrupting the rest of her life. 
The biggest problems Maya has are her parents’ overreactions and whichever creeper’s texting her nonstop
Anyway, Maya decides to run away to SF, does the obligatory asking Emily to leave with her, Emily is not down, Maya sprints off into the night as one does from the Marin patio
In this final Emily/Maya episode, they do not even hug or kiss. Another unfun fact.
Lol when Ashley walks into the party from the station you see her visibly decide she is not in the mood for any of this teenage bullshit and that all of this is Hanna’s problem now
The sad deflated shark as Emily is calling Maya at the end of the episode....the real MVP of the Sharks to me
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
I wish this show had more like 20 episodes per season. They brush over so much relationship development and character building just to fit all the plot in. It would be great if we could see more characters mourning Clarke (and anyone else that dies, really) and truly reflecting on their actions and just see more character moments in general, but there’s only so much you can put in 13 45-minute episodes. It was fine in the earlier seasons where you had 1-2 plots but now there’s too much going on.
I agree and then don’t. I would say some seasons it feels that way, like the plot could go on forever and that the characters need way more hashing out.
I genuinely don’t think S1 could have sustained a 20 episode season. Despite being my favorite season, it’s very self-contained (other than the ending of 1x13). There is an over-arching plot of the Delinquents vs. The Grounders and then the sideplot of the Ark losing oxygen and coming down. I don’t think they could have stretched that much longer than 13 episodes, not even to 16.
Like S2 was so plot-driven, I think it could’ve survived 20 full episodes and maybe we would’ve even gotten some more specifics on things like the Princess Mech relationship, the Clarketavia relationship, the Bellarke relationship, the Kabby relationship, Linctavia, or the Blakes. 
But then we have S3, which barely even survived 16 episodes, no way it could survive 20. S3 in itself feels a lot like a season of OUAT - you know, where there’s a first half of the season plot and villain (Pike) and then a second half of the season plot and villain (ALIE). It’s disjointed, disconnected, and 20 episodes would’ve worsened that immensely. Assuming relationships wouldn’t change, as in, Octavia would still be going very, very dark and Clarke would still be mourning Lexa for the back half of the season, we would’ve just had a prolonging of that.
S4 is another I don’t think could sustain 20 episodes. S4 tended to be very episodic, with little mini-goals in each episode. Like “Survive the Black Rain” was an episode or “Bellamy, Clarke, and Jaha go on adventure to find Cadogan’s Bunker” was an episode. They are constantly trying to find new ways to survive Praimfaya, almost on an episode to episode basis. That’s it, that’s the season. If not for the relationships in that season, I think it could be argued that S4 is one of the worst plot-driven seasons.
S5 of course would’ve highly benefited from more than 13 episodes, because where S4 has the relationships to back a plot-low season, S5 does not have the relationship or character development to support not only a plot-heavy season, but kind of a shitty plot. More episodes could’ve fleshed out characters and motivations that we needed.
Finally, Season 6 does feel like it needs more episodes as of now, but that might just be because I’m enjoying it so much. Maybe I’ll look back and think 13 was the perfect number because it was so well done, but right now I just want more. Particularly because Josie was in Clarke for so long (6x05-6x10), it does feel a bit like getting robbed of Clarke content, even if this storyline was a masterpiece. I just want more. I think S6 probably could’ve pulled off a 16-episode storyline masterfully.
TLDR, basically, I think it’s a case-to-case basis. I will agree on the whole that there are too many storylines in S6 for a 13 episode season, but 20 feels like stretching it to me. I always feel like 20 episode seasons of plot shows are drawn out and dragged, so if it’s not episodic, it just gets dull somewhere midseason (I’m thinking shows like PLL and OUAT). But I definitely think S6 would have benefited from S2 or 3′s 16 episode format.
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gayottr · 6 years
Screwed up Timeline of PLL
Season 1 actually is probably the only season not somewhat screwed up it starts in early September and last for probably a month or a bit more.
Season 2 takes place right after and supposedly ends at the beginning of April despite the previous season ending in September and the events of Season 2 definitely not taking place over 6 months.
Season 3 Supposedly five months after Season 2 ends but if time made sense it would start up in at the latest May but instead its September again. This Five months later part is why Season 2′s timeline is screwed up aswell.
The second half of Season 3-Midseason Finale of Season 5 takes place from November 1st till Thanksgiving then skips some weeks and the midseason finale is Christmas time. That means about 47 episodes take place within about 3-4 weeks in November. 
The rest of Season Five Takes place from about January to March.
First half of season 6 is the remaining school months all of April and May. 
Second Half should be in the Spring of 2018 following into Early Summer.
Last scene of the Finale should be in 2019.
This time jump is a little screwed up because I believe it was supposed to put us into 2017 but was off in the timeline by a year.
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I was looking through some of my old notebooks the other night and found these little “theories” (I usually wrote out quick notes on paper and typed out completed theories on my laptop) that I had written before the midseason six finale! Ignoring my cringey comments and terrible handwriting, it's so cool to look back at things like this! I can literally remember how, when, and what it felt like to sit down and write this - and I'm honestly still shocked that one of my dream theories actually came true on PLL! It used to be that I could never, not even in my wildest dreams, imagine that Spencer would actually have a twin! 
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soul-music-is-life · 7 years
Thoughts While Watching PLL “The Darkest Knight”
Being that this is a midseason finale, this one got long...
1) I love it when Mona is included in the group plots.
2) Spencer: “I think my friend has been abducted.” *cut to Hanna torturing Noel* I fucking love this show.
3) Hanna about to cut a bitch.
4) Fury: “I don’t know how much of a threat a blind girl can be.” Me: *laughs in hysterics*
5) Of course Hanna calls Mona for help. BROTP.
6) When Alison said she was nauseated I immediately knew why.
7) Ali all jealous of Emily and Paige. It’s so perfect.
8) Mona is back to coaching Hanna on how to lie to the cops. My bae.
9) Hanna, your friends ain’t buying the fertilizer you’re selling.
10) Jenna vs Mona is always entertaining.
11) Hanna: “You are a real pain in the ass.” Caleb: “So are you!” Me: “Awww, true love.”
13) What would a good soap opera be without a shocking pregnancy?
14) “I’ve been late before, but it was a false alarm.” Throwback to the “Ali was pregnant when she was killed” storyline.
15) Emily: “Is it Archer’s?” Ali: “What? You think I’m a ho?”
16) Honestly, when I hear Shay Mitchell say “it’s going to be okay” I actually believe things will be okay.
17) Okay, so I know that Haleb is going full on sex scene and everything, but why do I feel like the Emison scene with the two of them cuddled on the couch is more intimate?
18) That news footage of Nicole and Ezra was like a knife in the gut.
19) “Spencer” isn’t wearing her Spencer necklace when she goes to talk to Toby and asks to kiss him. Why didn’t people notice this?
20) Toby was with Spencer for how many years and he can’t tell that’s not her? Stop thinking with your dick, bro.
21) “I just need to drop something off for my girlfriend.” Umm, Paige, Emily isn’t your girlfriend.
22) When did they even find the time to record lengthy conversations on a tape to fool the cops into thinking they were really in the house when they snuck out?
23) “You did remember to like…water and feed him, right?” Lmfao, Aria talking about Noel like he’s a hamster or some shit.
24) Jenna and Noel in that blind school like, “Let’s play a game…”
25) How did you just leave your phone upstairs, Emily? Did you take it out and put it down at some point? Girl, just brick the old one and buy a new one.
26) Oh, look, they’re splitting up. Marvelous idea.
27) Noel: “You can run, but you can’t hide.” Hanna and Emily: *literally hide*
28) Aria: “Text Emily.” Me: “Yes, text the person who does not have her phone.”
29) Hanna: *grunts loudly before she hits Noel* Me: “Way to sneak up on someone.”
30) Oh, Noel, don’t get AHEAD of yourself.
31) I always wondered when one of the OG PLL’s was gonna get shot. Only took them 7 seasons.
32) But I was actually surprised at who got shot, because I legit thought that Jenna was going to shoot at Ali and Emily was going to take the bullet because she knew Ali was pregnant.
33) I still don’t get why Jenna wanted to kill Spencer “for Charlotte”.  We never got that resolution, did we?
34) “I’m your mother.” Dun-dun-dun
35) Drive much, Toby?
Note: For all my readers keeping up with Matters of the Heart I had planned on updating tonight, but Fanfic.net is being a pill. Hoping to have it up for you guys soon.
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The game is almost over.
After seven seasons, Pretty Little Liars is about to reveal the final identity of A and say goodbye for the last time. Over the years, probably hundreds of mysteries have been presented, solved, unsolved, and reopened to the point where we've forgotten many of the questions the finale still has to answer, but for executive producer I. Marlene King, writing tomorrow night's finale wasn't nearly as daunting a task as it may seem like it should have been.
"It helped that we knew what the mystery reveal was going to be a while ago, so the legwork was sort of laying the path to being able to write that episode without having to go back and fix anything we might have screwed up," King tells E! News. "We did a pretty good job of not screwing up, and it was really fun to write. But there were a couple scenes that were painful to write because they felt like goodbye scenes and they left me in tears. But I think that it's all good."
King and the writers knew how the series would ultimately end for two years now, since the midseason finale of season five where it was established that Alison's secret sibling Charles—later revealed to be Charlotte—was Big A.
"I think if you go back, start watching from the 5A finale, moving forward there are definitely clues," she says, and she fully encourages fans to play detective. "We intentionally wanted to make it possible for fans who were really paying attention to figure out the answer. There are people who have it right."
While the big reveal of the identity of AD (also known as Uber A, who is different from both A and Big A) is, of course, a major part of the finale, but keeping that particular bit of info a big surprise is not necessarily what King was concerned with.
"Yes, it's fun, we want to know who AD is, but to me, it's always been more interesting to reveal the how and the why," she says. "So that's going to be an exciting part of the finale, in addition to who it is.
If you, like us, were kind of hoping for the longest, most in-depth villain monologue of all time to explain some of AD's more insane accomplishments (like the inner workings of that board game), King laughed at that suggestion (even though we were totally serious).
"There are definitely some flashbacks that are very telling and a big, fun, interesting part of the story," she says as to how the how and why will be revealed. "Yeah, there's a little story time involved, but it's very compelling."
Tuesday night's finale won't be your typical episode of Pretty Little Liars. While, according to King, it will be filled with romance, drama, and sexy time, at two hours long (or one and a half with commercials), it's more like a movie than an episode.
"It is structured in a way that you could sit in a movie theater and watch it," King says. "It feels like a big, bold movie."
Or to put it a different way, it's an entire but very short season of the show.
"Most of our finales answer some questions but leave you with questions, and that launches into our next premiere. But I feel like this is the reverse," King says. "It feels like the first part of it is a premiere, and the last half is a final finale. So it feels like a premiere and a finale all in one."
In preparation for the end, King studied the show's premieres and finales, "trying to learn from fans' reactions to those things," and specifically went back and watched the pilot.  
"I wanted to get that feeling, that full circle moment of completing something that we started," she says. "Hopefully we leave people very satisfied."
For King personally, she says the biggest thing she's learned over these seven seasons is to slow down and enjoy herself.
"Your energy level just rises to this point that you never thought was possible," she explains. "I think I got stressed out about a lot of things early on and then realized that, you know, this is fun. Just have fun, and I think that shows on the screen."
While the finale may have been relatively easy to write, King says filming certain final scenes was another matter entirely.
"There is a scene where the pretty little liars are saying goodbye to one character, but it was such an emotional ending for all of them, and all of the crew, like these grown men were crying as we were shooting this scene," she recalls. "When you spend seven years with people, they become your family. This has been a chapter or an era of our lives that's going to be very memorable."
Of course, in this day and age, more and more closed chapters of TV shows are opening right back up again, so the liars may not be gone for good.
"[The finale is] definitely a complete end to the show, but that said, I've always said if the opportunity would arise, years from now, there's always a way to reinvent this world."
Honestly, years from now, we'll take it, as long as it's ghost-free. (RIP Ravenswood.)
Pretty Little Liars' two-hour series finale airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. on Freeform.
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
Hey, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Farewell post :) I think you and I have very similar stories in regards to the backlash our family and friends gave to us when we first started watching Pretty Little Liars. I remember seeing my sister devour the PLL book series... she's my biggest role model (then, and even today) and naturally, I wanted to mimic her by reading the books as well. She always let me read the back cover description of her PLL books, but...
Part 2: she never let me actually read her books, for reasons similar to your sister and your sister's friend's reactions towards you on June 8, 2010 (the books were "too girly" and "not meant for me," as a boy.) She did, however, spoil the original two A's for me upon incessant begging on my part, something I regretted a few years later when the show came on ;) I remember sneaking into my sister's room whenever she was away at sleepovers, just so I could try to learn for myself about...Part 3: the disappearance of Allison DiLaurentis. Like you, I never felt there was anything inherently wrong with a boy wanting (needing) to understand and delve deeper into a murder mystery. The show, at this point, had been airing for a couple years, and I wasn't allowed to watch because my parents felt it was too inappropriate to watch on my own, and my sister would never invite me to watch with her or her friends. One night, I went down to our basement to find my sister and my mother...Part 4: who were watching the season 4 midseason finale together. I walked down right as the liars thought they found Allison to be alive, and I stayed with them (as they screamed, haha) when Ezra was revealed under the hoodie. It was the beginning for the end for me... I guessed my family's netflix account, and began to secretly binge PLL. I caught up by the time of the 4b premiere, and since then, I've been an avid fan (even after my sister stopped watching, I started to watch with my mom)------Ahh can I just say thanks for sharing that. It's not easy to tell a personal story like that because of the serious shaming that goes around with this show for guys. It may sound dramatic when I say "it's not easy"... obviously there are things infinitely harder in life! But, still, its true. Maybe it's just me, but the way my sister said it to me on June 8 2010, she really took a dig at my masculinity. She really made me feel less like a male just for watching a damn TV show. And that's not fun to confess to. In that sense it's hard. I really enjoyed reading this and hearing I wasn't the only one with such an encounter with this show. It sucks it had to be that hard! Thanks again for sharing 💙
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#Countdown to PLL
  · Day 12- Favorite Midseason/Season Finale: Hush, Hush, Sweet Liars
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mandimellen · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Season 7: Spencer Twin Theory | BuzzChomp PLL Vlog
Pretty Little Liars Season 7: Spencer Twin Theory | BuzzChomp PLL #Vlog
Pretty Little Liars Season 7 comes back this Tuesday. We’re all about the Spencer Twin Theory.
That’s right kids could Spencer have a twin and that twin be AD? Yes. She totally can. We found out in the midseason finale that Mary Drake is Spencer’s mom. It’s definitely possible for Mary Drake to have had Spencer and to have had twins.
What is the Hastings family didn’t want twins? They already had…
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buzzzchomp · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Season 7: Spencer Twin Theory | BuzzChomp PLL Vlog
Pretty Little Liars Season 7: Spencer Twin Theory | BuzzChomp PLL #Vlog
Pretty Little Liars Season 7 comes back this Tuesday. We’re all about the Spencer Twin Theory.
That’s right kids could Spencer have a twin and that twin be AD? Yes. She totally can. We found out in the midseason finale that Mary Drake is Spencer’s mom. It’s definitely possible for Mary Drake to have had Spencer and to have had twins.
What is the Hastings family didn’t want twins? They already had…
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Which ‘Pretty Little Liars’ couples will get their happily ever after when the show ends?
Start speculating now.
Image: Freeform
Pretty Little Liars is notorious for creating a dozen more questions for every one it answers, so its no surprise that the Freeform show set up a big mystery even before it kicked off its panel at the fan-friendly PaleyFest on Saturday.
Before the cast (Ashley Benson, Tyler Blackburn, Shay Mitchell, Andrea Parker, Janel Parrish, Sasha Pieterse and Ian Harding) and producers (I. Marlene King and Joseph Dougherty) took the stage at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, audience members were treated to the first minute from episode 11 of PLLs seventh and final season.
SEE ALSO: ‘Pretty Little Liars’ fans are cool, will not stand for transphobic tweets
This mere morsel of footage from the midseason premiere offered some reassurance as to how Keegan Allens Toby fared after last years bloody car crash (SPOILER ALERT: the Liars find him severely bandaged and maybe unconscious as he is wheeled through a hospital), but the clip didnt confirm the whereabouts of his fiance, Yvonne (Kara Royster).
In other words, were still wondering whether Toby will be available (after maybe some mourning and a lot of physical therapy) to reconnect with former paramour Spencer (played by Troian Bellisario, who, along with fellow star Lucy Hale, was absent from the festival). Luckily, King gave us a glimmer of hope.
All the [relationship] endgames will be the endgames, but nobodys going to get there super easily, King revealed in regards to fans favorite ships. Theres going to be some bends in the road to get to the happily ever after.
The starcrossed romance between Spencer and Toby or Spoby in PLL vernacular wasnt the only one that drew reflection from the panelists.
“Spaleb was fun to dabble with [but] Haleb is where it’s at, Blackburn said of his character, Caleb, and his dalliance with Bellisarios Spencer which was nothing compared to the time spent with his one true love, Bensons Hanna.
All your favorite ships will get their happy endings in the ‘PLL’ finale.
Image: Imeh Bryant for the Paley Center
Mitchells character, Emily, has been out and proud since Season 1 and has also seen her fair share of love interests. The actress admitted that, to play a character that has an impact on a lot of people’s lives in a meaningful way has been huge.” King noted that Emilys relationship with Pieterses Alison (the pair known to the social media crowd as Emison) will also get some attention in the remaining episodes.
Alison hasnt dealt with her sexuality, King said. These 10 episodes are about Alison figuring out her sexuality and Emily plays a part in it. (Also worth noting: Alison is pregnant, but the father has yet to be revealed).
King stressed that these final episodes will be a gift to fans. After all, she said, these are people who have stuck with the show even though we had a dead girl who wasnt even dead for seven seasons.
Several characters have been or have been thought to be the mysterious villain “A” throughout the series, including Hardings Ezra and Parrishs Mona.
Yeah, that was fun, Parrish reflects on being the first big bad. It was also the scariest moment ever because I knew what it meant to give A a face.
SEE ALSO: Doug the Pug recreates your favorite TV shows
PLL has now presented what King calls an uber A, known simply as A.D. She promised that the final reveal of our mystery stalkers identity will not disappoint.
The finale is a two-hour finale, she said. It feels like a movie and it was written as if it was a movie. I hope you guys are satisfied with this huge twist.
Its still unclear who will make it to the series finale in one piece, but Parrish may have let something slip when she said the final table read was particularly emotional because there were so many returning faces.
As fans reminded the cast and producers during the panels Q&A session, there have been rumors of another Pretty Little Liars spinoff series after Blackburns short-lived Ravenswood. When asked if there was any hope for an Emison series, Mitchell asked the audience if theyd watch (networks and studios take note: cheering ensued). But as for anything concrete?
Were open to pitches, King said.
Pretty Little Liars returns April 18 at 8 p.m. on Freeform.
WATCH: Shay Mitchell’s top 11 pro tips to help moms (continue to) rule social media
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mDumN4
from Which ‘Pretty Little Liars’ couples will get their happily ever after when the show ends?
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charlesgame · 9 years
Please God don’t let this finale be another “pig in the trunk” 
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idislikehitler-blog · 11 years
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