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facumag · 7 years ago
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HOY es el dia para subir este video... Hace menos de un año estaba haciendo este hermoso espectaculo en el @teatromaipo llamado PLEYBILL, en donde me tocaba interpretar esta canción. Jamas pensé que unos meses despues formaria parte de la puesta original con tan grandes artistas y compañeros. En ese mismo teatro. Hoy se me cayeron las lagrimas, hoy sigo jugando y agradezco levantarme todas las mañanas para seguir siendo un poco mas feliz... GRACIAS VIDA Gracias @valelynchok por el hermoso momento de hoy... @claudiotolcachir gracias por darme un momento asi! @pleybillshow #sunsetblvd #sunsetboulevard #musicaltheatre #andrewlloydwebber #broadway #asifineversaidgoodbye #playbill #pleybill #happiness #artist #actor #singer #instavideo #videooftheday #instaboy #instagay (en Teatro Maipo)
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showsargentinos · 7 years ago
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Publicado en https://goo.gl/MJmBgc
PLEYBILLL: Un concierto de canciones de Broadway con banda en vivo. Seis intérpretes; tres voces masculinas y tres femeninas. Un recorrido no lineal por diferentes Obras Musicales y sus canciones más emblemáticas. Un show para amantes del musical y para el resto de los humanos, también. Un amplio despliegue vocal y actoral se unen en una puesta magnética, dinámica, visual y emocionante. La función es a las 21:30, cuando llegábamos pensamos que ya había comenzado pero en realidad lo que escuchábamos era la previa conducida por Angelo Fornabaio, un increíble entretenedor propiamente dicho quien divertía y alentaba al publico a participar de las trivias y a compartir canciones como en un karaoke, las letras se proyectan sobre el escenario para que a todos les resulte más sencillo cantar, y asi ganando tiempo para que aquellos resagados hagan ingreso a la sala, e ir preparando el ambiente para el plato fuerte ... Una vez la sala llena comienza la acción...y si con un medley del "El Rey Leon" ya arranca fuerte y nos sorprenden a todos de entrada luego se sucederían Miss Saigón, Amor sin barreras, Pippin, Sunset Boulevard, El fantasma de la Ópera, La bella y la bestia y La novicia rebelde, entre tantas otras. El tap se hizo presente en el canto acapella ("El sonido de la música"). Un elenco de talentosos que vienen desde hace unos años trabajando en el género, y cada uno de ellos con muy buenas referencias, en esta ocasión todos tiene su momento de lucimiento pero no cabe duda que aquellos que tiene un poco mas de experiencia destacan tanto vocal como en presencia escénica tal es el caso de Pili Muerza (una topadora) Lucas Gentili, sin dudas un momento muy especial es la interpretación de Juan Fonsalido con “The Book of Mormon”.y Facundo Magrané quien arriesga y sale de lo habitual en "SU" momento "Sunset Boulevard" muy bien logrado. Macarena Forrester (un voz bellisima y un gran futuro) y Melina D’Angelo (presencia escénica arrolladora) Una escenografía simple pero brillante acorde a todo lo que vendra durante el show, El vestuario es variado, atractivo, y hace a cada sección ayuda a construir cada situación. Los músicos en vivo ademas de la excelencia de ellos le imprime la fuerza que merece este show. Finalmente queremos remarcar la buena dirección vocal y arreglos corales a cargo de Eugenia Gil Rodriguez y la excelente dirección compartida entre Federico Fedele y Lali Vidal quienes le dieron la impronta ágil, dinámica y original a este hermoso espectáculo, que recomendamos tanto para los amantes del genero musical como para aquellos que simplemente aman la musica. [gallery td_select_gallery_slide="slide" td_gallery_title_input="pleybill" ids="73358,73357,73356,73355,73354" orderby="rand"] Facundo Magrané ,Juan Fonsalido ,Lucas Gentili, Macarena Forrester ,Melina D'angelo ,Pili Muerza BAJO: Federico Cáceres PIANO: Gerardo Amarante BATERÍA Y FLAUTA TRAVERSA: Juan Pablo Sosa TECLADOS: Leandro Krichskausky GUITARRA Y VIOLÍN: Romina Andrade DIRECCIÓN GENERAL: Fede Fedele CO DIRECCIÓN: Laura Vidal DIRECCIÓN MUSICAL Y ARREGLOS MUSICALES: Gerardo Amarante DIRECCIÓN VOCAL Y ARREGLOS CORALES: Euge Gil Rodríguez ASISTENTE DE DIRECCIÓN VOCAL: Nahuel Adhami DISEÑO Y REALIZACIÓN DE ESCENOGRAFÍA: Giuliano Benedetti DISEÑO Y REALIZACIÓN DE VESTUARIO: Javier Guillermo Ponzio y Valeria Canteros DISEÑO GRÁFICO Y REDES: Carolina Werfel PH: Nacho Lunadei Ultima Función 9/11
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starberry-cupcake · 6 years ago
Disney Concert in Teatro Colón
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You folks I cried my eyes out today. The thing hadn’t even started, Donald came out from a theater box dressed in a tuxedo to say hi and I started crying. I was expecting an orchestra and a movie screen and knew I was gonna cry anyway but by the second song, Aladdin and Jasmine were suspended midair in a flying carpet over the entire orchestra and I knew I was in for a journey. By the time the intermission came in, I was bawling and a guy who was recording the crowd for a promotional video was right next to me filming and I was there crying like a baby in the potential promotional video. But anyway, I’m gonna share a bit of a summary, the setlist, descriptions and some pictures (taken when it was allowed to take them) and a bit of an explanation of what this concert was and how it came to be, even if just for my own safekeeping. 
This is a collaboration between Disney Concerts (the part of Disney Music Group which works with licences and promotion for different type of worldwide concert productions, like the symphonic Star Wars concerts or the special orchestra editions of movie releases and so on) and Teatro Colón, their orchestra and conductor (Enrique Arturo Diemecke), their dancers and choreographers, and some stage musical performers and other folk who were brought in for this specific thing (I recognized at least 4 ensemble members from having seen them in local productions of musicals like Bare, Pleybill and Phantom). 
I thought it was going to be like those movie editions which have a screen and the orchestra. It was enough to want me to see it and know for sure I was going to cry, but it ended up having on stage performances with effects, costumes, face characters, beautiful scenery and puppetry. 
Before the show began, Donald, Goofy and Pluto came out from boxes on the sides of the stage to say hi to the audience and once it began Mickey and Minnie also joined. All the fab 5 had costume changes, Mickey was the one to have most of them. 
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The setlist was as follows: 
Act I (52 minutes)
Overture (Bob Hilliard/Jimmie Dodd/Sammy Cahn/Al Hoffman/Jerry Livingston/Allie Wrubel/Sammy Fain/Mack David/Ray Gilbert/Richard Sherman/Robert Sherman)
This was a great medley with a lot of things I won’t fully remember but you can guess by the composers listed. It included Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, The Mickey Mouse March, various Cinderella songs (I teared up there), Peter Pan’s You Can Fly!x3, Small World and a Mary Poppins medley, among others. I loved that one of the kids next to me shouted more for Mary Poppins than for any other movie in the entire concert, he was so excited when Chim Chim Cher-ee started. I mean, same. Also in the end there was a Walt quote with his photo and I was crying once more. 
Friend Like Me (Howard Ashman/Alan Menken)
This was sang by 3 singers rather than only one and had a very big choreography including pyrotechnics, ensemble singers, dancers and a lot of props. 
A Whole New World (Howard Ashman/Alan Menken)
I already mentioned it but there was an actual carpet suspended over the orchestra which flew around the stage with Aladdin and Jasmine as they sang this one, with the movie background on a double screen. It was pretty magical. 
The Princess and the Frog
Down in New Orleans (Randy Newman)
I loved how this song was performed but I was confused by Tiana’s costumes in both songs, this one had an entire ensemble singing as well, with props and really nice costumes. 
Almost There (Randy Newman)
Tiana had a costume change but I still didn’t quite understand it because they didn’t match the movie ones. I mean, they were appropriate for the time period, but not quite like any of hers. Maybe they changed the palette because of staging reasons idk. She didn’t have the dress from the parks either, maybe because it isn’t very comfortable for dancing. In any case, Tiana had a great voice and this song isn’t easy to keep up with but she did great. 
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Paul Dukas)
This was just the orchestra with the movie sequence, without any actors until the very end, which I appreciated because I wanted to see the orchestra performing a segment I have so vividly in my mind I can hear it in my head and see what each instrument was doing. Kids got scared because who didn’t get scared with Fantasia as a kid. In the last bit, Mickey came in with his red robe and the two buckets and it was adorable. 
Beauty and the Beast
Be Our Guest (Howard Ashman/Alan Menken)
Lumiere had a similar outfit to the Broadway production and, like in the Broadway production, was one of the only characters, aside from the fab 5, to interact with the audience. Lumiere is always a good MC. The performance was also similar to the Broadway one but scaled down for the occasion, it was like a simplified version of that one, in a way. 
Beauty and the Beast (Howard Ashman/Alan Menken)
The entire audience audibly gasped when Belle and the Beast came in. The performance was based on the Celine Dion/Peabo Bryson version instead of the movie one, so there were two singers instead of one, all dressed in period attire and Belle’s dress was more sparkly than her usual, to glimmer under the lights of the theater. It was so magical. 
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty Medley (Piotr Tchaikovsky)
This was a medley that involved some of the ballet music, including Once Upon A Dream and I Wonder. There were no singers and a couple of ballet dancers in their classic attires for this ballet rather than characterized as in the movie, which is something I’ll mention again later. It was very beautifully performed. 
Reflection (David Zippel/Matthew Wilder)
The performance was based on the pop single more so on the movie version, much like with Beauty and the Beast and not like in Aladdin where they kept the movie one. I assume this had to do with length, since it was the only Mulan song featured, so they went with the longer version. There was some choreography and an ensemble together with her on stage. 
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pirates of the Caribbean Medley (Klaus Badelt/Geoffrey Zanelli/Ramin Djawadi/James Dooley/Hans Zimmer/Sreve Jablonsky)
Well, this was inescapable. It’s not the first thing I think of when I think “Disney concert” but the music is good and it appeals to a big audience and the performance was pretty epic, so it’s ok. The sequences didn’t showcase actors specifically much, it was more an edited track with action and scenes along with the tempo of the music, which was cool. I have to admit I got kind of focused on the fact that as this was going, they were setting up the props for the next segment, which I was looking forward to. 
Tulou Tagaloa (Opetaia Tavita Foa’i)
There were several effects in the Moana segment and it started with one third of the stage, which had been lowered, coming back up with someone starting to sing, then the opposite third also came up, with the middle of the stage still “submerged” in the ocean. 
How Far I’ll Go (Lin Manuel Miranda)
Moana came in from beside the orchestra and she moved across the stage with the boat still submerged in the ocean. This part made me weep, I’m not even gonna lie. Moana’s outfit wasn’t exactly like the one in the parks but wasn’t as far off as Tiana’s, it was a bit of a blend. This was one of my favorite performances overall. 
We Know The Way (Lin Manuel Miranda/Opetaia Tavita Foa’i)
If the first two parts of the Moana segment made me weep, here I was outright crying. The ocean rose to the shore with several dancers and performers, a part of which used a sheet and movements to lift Moana’s boat and carry it to her, it looked amazingly impressive. 
Intermission (20 minutes)
Act II (43 minutes)
Fantasia 2000
The Firebird Suite (Igor Stravinsky)
This one, much like the segment from the first Fantasia, was just the screen with the animation accompanied by the orchestra. I was surprised they’d include something from Fantasia 2000 but given that there were a good amount of classics included, this one was a good choice with the animation being one of the most well-remembered of Fantasia 2000. It didn’t give me the chills The Sorcerer’s Apprentice did though. 
Zero to Hero (David Zippel/Alan Menken)
BOY OH BOY I LOVED THIS ONE. The Muses were great, there was a chorus of ladies and they danced and everything was beautiful. The Muses were on the lower stage in pillars posing as statues and as the music started, the stage came up and they started dancing. Before the song began the orchestra did the intro for the movie with the scene of Olympus and a bit of Go The Distance. 
A Star Is Born (David Zippel/Alan Menken)
PEOPLE WERE SO INTO THIS ONE. The little girl in front of me was dancing so much and I don’t think she even saw Hercules at all because she didn’t know who they were but she was so into it and I’m glad, Hercules deserves more love. These ladies brought the house down in two songs, it was epic. 
When Will My Life Begin & Reprise (Glenn Slater/Alan Menken)
Rapunzel came in on a gorgeous piece of scenery painted like her room with props and stairs and the Claire Keane painting and at least 3 grown ups around me sighed when they saw her and I started weeping again. This was the point when I realized I know most of these songs in two languages by heart and I sang along all the Tangled songs in Spanish too. Rapunzel was gorgeous, her outfit was just like in the parks, as was her hair, and her voice was so good. She sang both the original and the first reprise back to back. 
I’ve Got A Dream (Glenn Slater/Alan Menken)
The stage that was lowered came up again with a good bunch of the pub thugs with the Snuggly Duckling on the screen behind. Some where doing pirouettes and it was impressive. Then there were even more thugs coming in and Eugene entered a bit later, when everyone was singing. The crowd noticed, let me assure you. He sang his bit and then Rapunzel did hers and when the song was done, the thugs said goodbye and left them along to sing the last part. 
I See The Light (Glenn Slater/Alan Menken)
OH BOY THIS. I LOST IT AT THIS. The moment Eugene brought out the lantern, the entire theater illuminated faintly with lights and there were projectors with the Corona sun lighting up the ceiling. Now, for context, let me show you some picture of the theater. 
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Imagine those lights faintly glowing with he rest of the lights out. Now look at this chandelier. 
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Picture that chandelier with its multiple tiny yellow lights also glowing and the ceiling illuminated by corona suns. 
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Everything while the stage there had Rapunzel and Eugene and one lit lantern in their hands. Amazing. The Tangled bit was the best bit and people loved it the most as well. 
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Waltz of the Flowers (Piotr Tchaikovsky) 
I personally think this was a bit of a cop out, in terms of song selection, people aren’t immediately thinking of Nutcracker when they think Disney, even if Helen Mirren is my goddess, but the performance allowed the kid dancers to perform and they were so good I can’t complain. They were adorable and the girl playing Clara was stellar. 
Two Worlds (Phil Collins)
So, these performances were a bit strange but I can’t complain because some of the ensemble members are performers I’ve been following for a while and I really like, so I’ll allow it. The group of singers were dressed in rock attire, I guess, not in any sort of Tarzan related clothes, maybe it was a take on making it more Phil Collins-y. 
You’ll Be In My Heart (Phil Collins)
This one was sang primarily by one lead singer and accompanied by the previous ensemble. Remember when I said the ballet dancers from Sleeping Beauty didn’t have their movie character costumes? There was a couple dancing to this song as the singer performed it and their costumes looked more like what I was expecting from Sleeping Beauty than from Tarzan (pink dress, red-ish vest, boots, you know the thing). I wonder (pun intended) what happened there. I attended the very first of 6 shows so maybe it was something that they’ll fix later. 
Son of Man (Phil Collins)
Ok so, here’s the thing. This song is my weakness. I love it. I know it in two languages and I sing it in both. I have an unreasonable amount of love for this song and it was performed so well and Pilar Muerza is one of my favorites and she nailed the song so I’m happy with this. 
Do You Want To Build A Snowman? (Robert Lopez/Kristen Anderson-Lopez)
This was sung by only little Anna and it was more heartbreaking than the movie. Only the first two bits were performed and the “hang in there, Joan” bit was so cute. Little Anna did great. 
For the First Time In Forever (Robert Lopez/Kristen Anderson-Lopez)
This one was also just Anna’s bit, and here we had face character singer Anna, with her parks attire (not the coronation one, the other one). She was a good Anna, her energy was really great and she was accompanied by an ensemble to sing with and perform with on stage. 
Let It Go (Robert Lopez/Kristen Anderson-Lopez)
Instead of moving towards Elsa’s bit on the previous song, the medley changed to Let It Go, which was performed fully. I thought this was going to bring the house down but apparently Tangled and Hercules were the favorites over Elsa in this round. There wasn’t a dress change (I have not seen a single Elsa outfit and hair in any incarnation of Frozen by Disney I have liked, not in the parks, not on Broadway, not on UOAT, not On Ice, not here either). But, this Elsa could sing. She was one of the best singers of the day and the competition was tough. I’ve seen this song performed SO MANY TIMES and very rarely I see someone nailing it 100%, this girl did. There were snow effects and light effects but the Tangled effects had already spoiled us from the best of the best. 
The Lion King
The Circle of Life (Tim Rice/Elton John)
This was one of the favorites of the audience, hands down. It was a blend between the Broadway version, with some of the costumes, puppets and stilt performers, and halfway kid-friendly, with some more noticeable animal costumes, which were also very nice. There was a huge ensemble for this one, a kid chorus, the stage elevated again and a row of animals entered from the hallway and onto the stage. This was a huge performance. 
Fantasmic (Bruce Healey)
Am I the only one who cries when she hears the Fantasmic song? I cannot deal, I don’t know what is. Is it the idea that imagination defeats pain and sorrow? Is it that it brings you to a magical place where good is always stronger than evil? Is it Mickey? I don’t know, but Fantasmic, guys. In this one, the fab 5 were on stage all together, Pluto entered first, then Goofy, then Donald (who was the best, as usual), and then Minnie (who made a pirouette, in those shoes) and Mickey, who said goodbye and thanked the audience. Some of the face characters who had performed came in for a last bow and both Minnie and Mickey brought the conductor to the front of the stage and people clapped and gave a standing ovation. 
And that’s all, my experience crying my eyes out in a Disney symphonic concert. I missed having The Litter Mermaid and Snow White featured, but that’s ok. If anything, I wanted to keep this all in my blog for safekeeping, now that it’s fresh in my memories, because it was an amazing experience I want to keep forever. Also, Mickey told us to never give up on our dreams in the end and that also made me cry. 
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radiomashupok · 7 years ago
Todos los nominados a los Premios Hugo 2017 - 2018
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Hoy se conocieron los nominados de los Premios Hugo al teatro musical. La ceremonia de la 9° entrega de premios se celebrará el próximo 11 de Septiembre de 2018 en el CCK. El Violinista en el Tejado y Sunset Boulevard arrasaron con las ternas.
A continuación, la lista completa:
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Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Fernando Dente - Aladín, será genial Héctor Presa - La Arena y el Agua Juan Manuel Basteiro - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Martín Ruiz - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Sebastián Godoy - El Hombre que perdió su sombra
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Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Georgina Barbarossa - Doña Disparate y Bambuco Irene Almus - Cosas de payasas Julieta Nair Calvo - Aladín, será genial Marta Mediavilla - Cosas de payasas
Mejor Música  Infantil y/o Juvenil
Axel Krygier - El hombre que perdió su sombra Carlos Gianni - Cantando sobre la mesa Marina Baigorria - Para andar ligero Patricia Sosa / Daniel Vila / Federico Vilas - Aladín, será genial
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Mejor Coreografía en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Eleonora Comelli - El hombre que perdió su sombra Gastón Marioni - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Maia Roldán / Rosario Magalí Asencio - Aladín, será genial
Mejor Libro y/o Letras de Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Claudio Martínez Bel (libro)/ Silvina Reinaudi (letras) - Cosas de payasas
Eleonora Comelli / Johanna Wilhelm (libro) /Axel Krygier(letras) - El hombre que perdió su sombra
Héctor Presa - La Arena y el Agua Hugo Midón - Cantando Sobre La Mesa
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Mejor Dirección en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Ariel Del Mastro - Aladín, será genial Eleonora Comelli / Johanna Wilhelm - El hombre que perdió su sombra
Gastón Marioni - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Héctor Presa - La Arena y el Agua
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Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Aladín, será genial Cantando Sobre La Mesa Cosas de Payasas El hombre que perdió su sombra La Arena y el Agua
Mejor Maquillaje
Alfredo Fiant - Sunset Boulevard Franco Friguglietti / Ignacio Friguglietti - Siddharta,buscando la verdad
Norberto Poli - Labios Negros Verónica Fox - Rock of Ages
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Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Musical Off
Andrea Lovera - La Desgracia Belén Ucar - La Desgracia Dolores Ocampo - El Puente Azul Jessica Schultz - Berlín en Buenos Aires
Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Musical Off
Juan Rodó - Papaíto Piernas Largas Luciano Crispi - Menea Para Mí Luis Longhi - Enrique Mariano Condoluci - La Desgracia Mariano Mazzei - El Puente Azul Patricio Witis - La Desgracia
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Mejor Dirección en Musical Off
Emiliano Dionisi - El Puente Azul Juan Martín Delgado - La Desgracia Lía Jelín / Matías Strafe - Papaíto Piernas Largas Marcelo Caballero - Lo Quiero Ya
Mejor Diseño Sonido Original
Eugenio Mellano Lanfranco - American Idiot Gastón Briski - El Violinista en el tejado Gastón Briski - Sunset Boulevard Kei Macias - Miedo
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Mejor Espectáculo Musical para un sólo Intérprete
Albert Pla - Miedo Daniela Horovitz - El Dulce Amargo, Canciones de Safo Denise Cotton - Luisa Nacha Guevara - Nacha. Las canciones que nunca volví a cantar
Mejor Diseño de Luces Original
Ariel Del Mastro / Ariel Ponce - American Idiot Ariel Ponce - Siddharta,buscando la verdad Gaspar Potocnik - Aladín, será genial Gonzalo Córdova - El Violinista en el tejado Mariano Demaría - Sunset Boulevard Russo - Miedo
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Mejor Diseño de Escenografía Original
AndreaMercado - El Violinista en el tejado Jorge Ferrari - Aladín, será genial Alejandro Ferrari - Sunset Boulevard Vanesa Abramovich - Papaíto Piernas Largas
Mejor Diseño de Vestuario Original
Alejandra Ribotti - American Idiot Alfredo Miranda - El Violinista en el tejado Gabriela Pietranera - Aladín, será genial Renata Schussheim - Sunset Boulevard
Mejor Revelación Femenina
Ángeles Díaz Colodredo - Papaíto Piernas Largas Lucien Gilabert - Lo Quiero Ya Micaela Racana - Rock of Ages Sabrina Garciarena - El Violinista en el tejado
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Mejor Revelación Masculina
Cae - Rock Of Ages Diego Ramos - por la dirección de Falsettos Lucas Domínguez - Chicas de New York Máximo Meyer - Quien Retiene A Quién Nicolás Cúcaro - Enrique
Mejor Producción Integral
Diego Kolankowsky - American Idiot Julieta Kalik - El Violinista del tejado Lino Patalano / Gustavo Yankelevich - Sunset Boulevard MP Producciones / Ozono Producciones / Preludio Producciones / Aladín,será genial
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Mejor Dirección Vocal o Arreglos Corales
Eugenia Gil Rodrígues - Playbill Katie Viquiera - American Idiot Sebastián Mazzoni - El Violinista en el tejado Sebastián Mazzoni - Falsettos Sebastián Mazzoni - Rock Of Ages Vicky Loescher / Francisco Martínes Castro - La Desgracia
Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Ensamble
Andrea Lovera - El Violinista en el tejado Jimena González - Sunset Boulevard Julia Tozzi -  El Violinista en el tejado Laura Motini - Sunset Boulevard Silvina Nieto - Sunset Boulevard Sol Bardi - La Desgracia
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Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Ensamble
Damián Iglesias - El Violinista en el tejado Diego Bros - El Violinista en el tejado Federico Stegmayer - La Desgracia Franco Friguglietti - American Idiot Menelik Cambiaso - Sunset Boulevard Walter Canella - Sunset Boulevard
Mejor Actuación de Reparto Masculina
Dan Breitman - El Violinista en el tejado Marcos Rauch - Rock Of Ages Patricio Arellano - El Violinista en el tejado Rodolfo Valss - Sunset Boulevard
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Mejor Actuación de Reparto Femenina
Carla Del Huero - Sunset Boulevard Florencia Otero - El Violinista en el tejado Laura Oliva - Quién Retiene a Quién Melania Lenoir - Rock Of Ages Sol Macchia - No me digas, que ya sé
Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Music Hall, Café Concert  y/o Varieté Musical
Celeste Campos - Warangas Night Show Claudia Pisanu - Labios Negros Lidia Catalano - Bájame la lámpara Pilar Muerza - Pleybill
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Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Music Hall, Café Concert y/o Varieté Musical
Caudio Gallardou - Mandinga en el paraíso Claudio Pazos - Labios Negros Francisco Pesqueira - Labios Negros Julián Sierra - Warangas Night Show
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Mejor Actuación Protagónica Femenina
Alejandra Perluzky - Falsettos Déborah Turza - Mamá está más chiquita Julia Calvo - El Violinista en el tejado Julia Zenki - Hermanos de Sangre Valeria Lynch - Sunset Boulevard
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Mejor Actuación Protagónica Masculina
Christian Giménez - Falsettos Francisco Eizaguirre - American Idiot Mariano Chiesa - Sunset Boulevard Matías Mayer - Rock Of Ages Raúl Lavié - El Violinista en el tejado
Mejores Arreglos Musicales
Damián Malher - Hermanos de Sangre Francisco Martínez Castro / Rodrigo Martínez Castro - La Desgracia
Gerardo Amarante - Pleybill Hernán Vallejo /Alejandro Devicenzi - American Idiot Juan Concilio - Mandinga en el paraíso
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Mejor Música Original
Fernando Albinarrate - El Puente Azul Francisco Martínez Castro - La Desgracia Juan Pablo Schapira - Lo Quiero Ya Vanesa Butera - No me digas, que ya sé
Mejor Adaptación y/o Traducción de Libro y Letras
Elio Marchi / Fernando Masllorens / Federico González del Pino - Sunset Boulevard
Guastavo Zajac / Gastón Cerana - El Violinista en el tejado
Marcelo Kotliar - Falsettos Santiago Fernández / Natalia del Castillo - American Idiot
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Mejores Letras de Musical Argentino
Fernando Albinarrate - El Puente Azul Juan Martín Delgado - La Desgracia Juan Pablo Schapíra - Lo Quiero Ya Vanesa Butera - No me digas, que ya sé
Mejor Libro de Musical Argentino
Fernando Albinarrate - El Puenta Azul Jessica Schultz - Berlín en Buenos Aires Juan Martín Delgado - La Desgracia Luis Longhi - Enrique Marcelo Caballero / Martín Goldberg - Lo Quiero Ya
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Mejor Dirección Musical
Gerardo Gardelín - Sunset Boulevard Hernán Vallejo / Alejandro Devicenzi - American Idiot Mariano Cantarini - Rock Of Ages Mateo Rodó - El Violinista en el tejado
Mejor Coreografía
Elizabeth De Chapeaurouge - Sunset Boulevard Gustavo Zajac - El Violinista en el tejado Maia Roldán - American Idiot Mariana Palz  - Lo Quiero Ya
Mejor Dirección General
Ariel del Mastro - American Idiot Claudio Tolcachir - Sunset Boulevard Gustavo Zajac - El Violinista en el tejado Walter Jacob - El Astrólogo - un cuadro -
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Mejor Musical Off
El Puente Azul La Desgracia Lo Quiero Ya Papaíto Piernas Largas Varón pa´quererte mucho
Mejor Music Hall Café Concert y/o Varieté
Labios Negros Mandinga en el paraíso Pleybill Warangas Night Show
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pcasabona · 7 years ago
Pleybill 2 regresa al Maipo Kabaret
Pleybill 2 regresa al Maipo Kabaret @KevinMelgar_
Luego del gran éxito de su primera edición, regresa en septiembre el show que reúne lo mejor de los musicales de Broadway, interpretado por jóvenes talentos argentinos.
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farandulashow · 6 years ago
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PLEYBILL 2, ganadora como mejor Music Hall en los Premios Hugo, se prepara para su debut. Luego del gran éxito de su primera edición, regresa en septiembre el show que reúne lo mejor de los musicales de Broadway, interpretado por jóvenes talentos argentinos. Todos los viernes a las 21:00 en el Teatro Maipo Kabaret (Esmeralda 443, casi esq. Av Corrientes). Las entradas se pueden conseguir a través de Plateanet o en la boletería del teatro.  Leer más. https://goo.gl/W5kZno @pleybillshow #FarandulaShow — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2NGFaGJ
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showsargentinos · 7 years ago
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Publicado en https://goo.gl/MJmBgc
PLEYBILLL: Un concierto de canciones de Broadway con banda en vivo. Seis intérpretes; tres voces masculinas y tres femeninas. Un recorrido no lineal por diferentes Obras Musicales y sus canciones más emblemáticas. Un show para amantes del musical y para el resto de los humanos, también. Un amplio despliegue vocal y actoral se unen en una puesta magnética, dinámica, visual y emocionante. La función es a las 21:30, cuando llegábamos pensamos que ya había comenzado pero en realidad lo que escuchábamos era la previa conducida por Angelo Fornabaio, un increíble entretenedor propiamente dicho quien divertía y alentaba al publico a participar de las trivias y a compartir canciones como en un karaoke, las letras se proyectan sobre el escenario para que a todos les resulte más sencillo cantar, y asi ganando tiempo para que aquellos resagados hagan ingreso a la sala, e ir preparando el ambiente para el plato fuerte ... Una vez la sala llena comienza la acción...y si con un medley del "El Rey Leon" ya arranca fuerte y nos sorprenden a todos de entrada luego se sucederían Miss Saigón, Amor sin barreras, Pippin, Sunset Boulevard, El fantasma de la Ópera, La bella y la bestia y La novicia rebelde, entre tantas otras. El tap se hizo presente en el canto acapella ("El sonido de la música"). Un elenco de talentosos que vienen desde hace unos años trabajando en el género, y cada uno de ellos con muy buenas referencias, en esta ocasión todos tiene su momento de lucimiento pero no cabe duda que aquellos que tiene un poco mas de experiencia destacan tanto vocal como en presencia escénica tal es el caso de Pili Muerza (una topadora) Lucas Gentili, sin dudas un momento muy especial es la interpretación de Juan Fonsalido con “The Book of Mormon”.y Facundo Magrané quien arriesga y sale de lo habitual en "SU" momento "Sunset Boulevard" muy bien logrado. Macarena Forrester (un voz bellisima y un gran futuro) y Melina D’Angelo (presencia escénica arrolladora) Una escenografía simple pero brillante acorde a todo lo que vendra durante el show, El vestuario es variado, atractivo, y hace a cada sección ayuda a construir cada situación. Los músicos en vivo ademas de la excelencia de ellos le imprime la fuerza que merece este show. Finalmente queremos remarcar la buena dirección vocal y arreglos corales a cargo de Eugenia Gil Rodriguez y la excelente dirección compartida entre Federico Fedele y Lali Vidal quienes le dieron la impronta ágil, dinámica y original a este hermoso espectáculo, que recomendamos tanto para los amantes del genero musical como para aquellos que simplemente aman la musica. [gallery td_select_gallery_slide="slide" td_gallery_title_input="pleybill" ids="73358,73357,73356,73355,73354" orderby="rand"] Facundo Magrané ,Juan Fonsalido ,Lucas Gentili, Macarena Forrester ,Melina D'angelo ,Pili Muerza BAJO: Federico Cáceres PIANO: Gerardo Amarante BATERÍA Y FLAUTA TRAVERSA: Juan Pablo Sosa TECLADOS: Leandro Krichskausky GUITARRA Y VIOLÍN: Romina Andrade DIRECCIÓN GENERAL: Fede Fedele CO DIRECCIÓN: Laura Vidal DIRECCIÓN MUSICAL Y ARREGLOS MUSICALES: Gerardo Amarante DIRECCIÓN VOCAL Y ARREGLOS CORALES: Euge Gil Rodríguez ASISTENTE DE DIRECCIÓN VOCAL: Nahuel Adhami DISEÑO Y REALIZACIÓN DE ESCENOGRAFÍA: Giuliano Benedetti DISEÑO Y REALIZACIÓN DE VESTUARIO: Javier Guillermo Ponzio y Valeria Canteros DISEÑO GRÁFICO Y REDES: Carolina Werfel PH: Nacho Lunadei Ultima Función 9/11
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facumag · 8 years ago
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Y ayer me fui pero estoy feliz de anunciar que vuelvo el jueves 21 de septiembre con @pleybillshow a trabajar al querido @teatromaipo FELIZ!!! #teatro #musical #teatromusical #theatre #musicaltheatre #actor #dancer #singer #broadway #westend #fan #musicales #musicals #artist #pleybill #art (en Teatro Maipo)
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facumag · 8 years ago
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Y se viene el 21 de Septiembre un nuevo estreno!!! @pleybillshow PH: @nacholunadei #theatre #musical #musicals #show #singer #actor #dancer #pleybill #broadway #westend #artist #happines #instapic #picoftheday
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farandulashow · 6 years ago
PLEYBILL 2, ganadora como mejor Music Hall en los Premios Hugo, se prepara para su debut.
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showsargentinos · 7 years ago
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Publicado en https://goo.gl/temctY
Inscribite y obtené descuentos 2x1 para ver "Songbook: lo mejor, lo nuevo y lo distinto" el jueves 9 de noviembre 21hs en el Luna Park. Para acceder al descuento es necesario completar todos los campos del formulario y presentar tus entradas (o confirmación de compra de cualquier función) de Rock of Ages y/o Pleybill en la boletería del Luna Park. Entradas desde $300 a $1300. Las entradas podrán adquirirse únicamente en la boletería del estadio Luna Park, presentando tu DNI y tendrán que abonarse en efectivo. El descuento estará disponible 24hs después de inscribirse en este listado. Las ubicaciones se otorgarán por orden de llegada y según disponibilidad de la sala al momento de realizar la compra. Más información: [email protected]  Link formulario https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjgACZ5S8rBCBSPmh27Ufkzk4Ka90sc4lyASycEkXwXy5lsg/viewform
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facumag · 7 years ago
Mañana JUEVES, un día mas de PLEYBILL!!! No te lo podes perder — — — 21:30hs en MAIPO Teatro — — - @pleybillshow @teatromaipo #musical #theatremusical #theatre #songs #dance #dancer #sing #actor #broadway #pleybill #westend #art #concert #show #performance #performer #instavideo #videooftheday #videoclip #spot #publicidad (en Teatro Maipo)
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facumag · 7 years ago
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HOY ESTRENO 🔝PLEYBILL🔝 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 @pleybillshow @teatromaipo #musical #show #concert #fun #singer #dancer #actor #musicals #musicaltheatre #theatre #premiere #performance #picoftheday #instapic #instaphoto #photo #graphicdesign (en Teatro Maipo)
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showsargentinos · 8 years ago
Publicado en http://showsargentinos.com/pleybill-te-mostramos-el-elenco/
Ya tiene fecha ... el tan esperado PLEYBILL, 21 de septiembre y te mostramos a su elenco incluyendo Director General y Dir musical ...     [gallery td_gallery_title_input="pleybill " link="file" td_select_gallery_slide="slide" ids="72008,72009,72010,72011,72013,72014,72015,72016,72017" orderby="rand"]
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