#PLEASE i love them so much
seafoamheart · 4 months
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Please watch mebius
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axolotl-on-rice · 29 days
anyway Micheal’s gonna be at the Hilltop Centre. Because I said so. Gerry Keay will be there too and then they will kiss. Trust me on this one guys. 🙏🙏
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duckies27 · 4 months
So I finished season 2 and I cried so hard at work over it so you get POST SEASON 2 HEADCANNONS
!!Spoilers ahead, read at your own risk!!
- Terry walked Scary down the aisle. She wore a black suit while Linc wore a white suit
- Gerry was adopted when Scary and Linc were first married, similar to how Linc was adopted
- Taylor went to jail and was all tech bro for a while until Hermie basically snapped him out of it a year post epilogue. He now works alongside Heaven (run by the dolphins) and Hell (run by Jodie) to make sure the right people are in the right place. While being an anime dude
- Normal has massive PTSD, but he spends a lot of time with Hero and Henry to help when he has attacks
- Taylor and Normal end up getting married (mainly because I love that ship idea too much), around 25 years after the main story ends
- Hero and Erica start dating in college
- Normal becomes the band teacher at Chaperel out of college. The Marching Band cover is done by his students at some point
- Linc is the soccer coach and health teacher at Teen High, specializing in Urology. Never seeing the piss boy allegations.
- Taylor goes through demon puberty in senior year and it is roughhhhhhh. He changed his whole personality to pretend he didn't become an even worse Weeb
- Hermie becomes Teen High's drama teacher, their first production is the Joker
- Normal and Hero play paintball together every few months and get ice cream after
- Scary is mainly a stay at home mom, playing with her band on the weekends. They're genuinely a huge hit, probably at least in the top 50!
- Normal and Hermie dated in high school, but it never really worked out. Too much baggage. They still think very fondly of each other.
- Linc fixed with his relationship with Grant after a few years of shared therapy
- Normal and the twins come to a...settling point after he gets married. They only talk sometimes and mainly about other things.
- Taylor and Nick are more colleges then father and son but they make it work
- Scary and Terry have a sugary sweet relationship. She's constantly by his side when needed.
- Scary and Linc get a dog, name it Rouge. Just a cute little mutt vibin
- Normal gets a cute cat that is basically an emotional support animal but he isn't crazy about her. Just likes having her nearby and cuddling when things get too much
- Taylor has sharp little teethes and have to go through braces TWICE to make them straight for real. He definitely is pissed about it for about a year
- Henry keeps Oakvale going, keeps a portal open to everyone. Taylor sneaks him in to see Mercedes some times
- All the teens get tattoos of the Dood senior year
- Dood has the crest of the teens somewhere on their body. They feel safer knowing the teens are always there.
I will be writing fics coming up, I love them so much
Art of season 3 will also come once I get the energy for it!
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jubjubmaz · 7 months
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Uh hey guys don’t mind me hahaha making Slay the Princess art… what if I said I was hyperfixating on it 😔 what if I said making them sapphics made me really happy and I want to draw them being gay gay gay
Anyways made the player a They/she because erm well I’m gay and I can do what I want😼
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batshitcrazee · 1 month
Hunk and Lance were all but eleven years old when they met one another. Their first year as middle schoolers, and they both couldn’t be more terrified, for their own reasons.
Lance had grown up in such a large family that all he really wanted was to be seen and heard. He never blamed his parents, of course; it was easy to lose one kid to the crowd if he didn’t make himself known. Middle school would be different; he’d make friends, people would know his face and his name, he’d mean something to someone.
Hunk was someplace new, someplace terrifying. After the accident that had taken his parents’ lives, his brother had taken to raising him. His brother was attending University now, they had to move to be closer to it. The places, the people were all unfamiliar to him. Not only that, but this was a new school. A middle school, which he’d never experienced before.
Lance wasn’t sure what exactly it was about this kid— this shy, clearly uncertain boy— but he was drawn to him. Their bond was near instantaneous. Lance was charismatic (in that awkward preteen sort of way), he was playful and eccentric, and he just wanted a friend. Hunk was the perfect man for the job; he was kind, and gentle, he was a warm hug and fresh baked cookies after a long day personified. Lance had been the first kid to treat him kindly after such a big change, such a big move.
They were an unstoppable pair, the best of friends. Where one went, the other typically followed.
Lance had always dreamt of being a pilot, a fighter pilot, which meant he’d always dreamt of attending the Garrison.
He hadn’t expected Hunk to follow this time; he knew his buddy had no desire to fly, to pilot. He’d always had a hobby of cooking or baking, he liked to build and tinker, but piloting was never on his list of desires or hobbies.
But Hunk felt like he had such a high bar to reach, such big shoes he feared he couldn’t fill. His brother had both raised him and completed university at the same time. He was successful, he was smart, he was kind. He was superhuman, in Hunk’s eyes. He had to do something that could live up to his expectations.
When Lance told him he had submitted his application to the Garrison, the idea came to him. He would follow Lance. He would be a pilot engineer. They could stick together, as buddies always did. It wasn’t his passion, sure, but it would make his brother proud.
It was there that they met their teammate for the simulators: Pidge. This guy was feisty, intelligent (sometimes a bit too much for Lance to follow, but they made do), but most of all, cared way too much, even if they strived not to show it.
Pidge fit into their trio with ease; their presence was natural, like they’d always belonged in their group. They bickered with Lance like siblings, they raved about tech with Hunk. They were secretive, but not in the way that tore their friend group apart. Hunk and Lance could see their hurt that Pidge thought they were hiding so well, and they knew better than to pry.
The three of them were inseparable. It makes sense that the three of them wound up in space together, on the same team once again, doesn’t it?
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chenfordspiral · 7 months
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"Well, after you." "No, ladies first."
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cassiefromhell · 1 year
Unexpected (pt. 4)
Part One Part Three Part Five
Fanbase: acotar
Eris x Reader x Azriel
Summary: Your morning has been completely turned upside down, and you have a feeling that your mating ceremony day might get a little... bloodier.
Word Count: 5.2k (this is a longer chapter, go to my poll to vote for longer or shorter!)
Warnings: gore, blood, fighting, suicide, fire/burning
A/N: Requests are OPEN! Check my pinned message for details on what I'll write <3. Additionally, if you're invested in Unexpected, then answer the poll on my profile! It's super helpful when I get responses and feedback, and this poll is part of it. Thank you so, so much for the notes on this lil series! I read all comments and reblogs.
This creature, melded to the dark of the room, breathes on me.
The warm air hits the back of my neck, and I suppress a shiver. 
“Look at me,” it hisses. Mist pools around my hand. “Acknowledge me.”
I stifle a gasp when I realize what I’m facing. 
The Bogge.
I squeeze my eyes shut, and begin to hum to myself softly, pretending like I came here for a reason. Blindly, I cross the room, nearly tripping on something.
“Look, my lady,” it snarls once more, sending hot, humid air through my hair. “I am what you fear. I will kill you. Look.”
“Gotta find that necklace,” I murmur, desperately avoiding acknowledging it as a real creature. Once I do, it’ll actually have the means to hurt — perhaps even kill — me. Stumbling forward, I come into contact with the wall nose-first, then feel it with a hand, pretending to look around.
“You want to look,” it pants once more, and the room goes bone-chillingly frigid. “Look. Admire me. See me. I am real.”
I hum louder, walking along the wall. My head bumps into some sort of a shelf, and I grunt.
Footsteps approach. Those familiar light footsteps.
No, no, no.
Please don’t open the door. Please don’t come in.
Please don’t open the door. Please don’t come in.
Please don’t—
The door swings open.
“My lady,” Fauna says, and I feel her eyes on my back. “I came to— oh.. oh my god..”
“Fauna!” I yell, clenching my eyes shut tighter. “Fauna, close your eyes. Close your eyes. Don’t look.”
But she screams. And there’s a clatter, and then a roar.
I whirl, just in time to see a bony, violent lump of magic and flesh and muscle launching itself at Fauna. She shrieks, stumbling back, but she won’t make it in time. She won’t be able to get away, not from the Bogge.
I snarl, lunging for the creature and intercepting it midair. It hisses and snaps at me, but I manage to pin it to the ground with just raw strength.
Quickly, I give an impossibly sharp tug to both of my mating bonds. I need Eris here, because the Bogge is rumored to only be defeated by High Lords or Ladies. Azriel gets a bonus pull, as a backup because I really need some type of help.
“Fauna!” I roar, struggling against the flapping pile of bones and skin and muscle. “Run! Get help! Call for Eris!”
Fauna nods slowly, stumbling back. She’s clearly in shock.
“Fauna! You need to GO-“
The creature twists my wrist and I cry out, tumbling to the side. Thankfully, Fauna makes a break for it, and now I just have to keep the damn thing contained.
The Bogge bares its rotting teeth at me, and I hiss, lunging for it once more. 
It rolls out of my striking range, then jumps towards the hallway.
“Oh, NO, you fucking don’t!” I shriek, diving onto it. 
This time, my hit lands, and I sink my teeth into the creature’s shoulder and rip. It hisses and snarls, trying to claw at me. I shut it up using a hand, setting my palm ablaze and driving it into the bony flesh of its neck. 
It does not like that.
The Bogge rolls out of my grip, easily dislocating its own shoulder to do so. It plunges out through the door to the hall, and I’m forced to follow it, staggering behind.
Two things happen: one lucky, the other unlucky.
The unlucky thing is that there are servants still in the hall, busy preparing for the ceremony this morning. They scream and drop their things on the ground, some scattering and some lingering to watch.
“Evacuate!” I call out, jumping onto the Bogge and landing a blazing punch to its shoulder. “Clear this wing! Under orders of the throne!”
Shockingly, the servants begin to do as I ask. They don’t seem to mind that I actually don’t have the authority to give crown orders — not yet, at least. They scatter, opening doors and urging others to leave.
Luckily, what Azriel broke was a vase, and there’s a particularly weapon-like shard right next to me.
I snag it off of the fancy rug, which has begun to be stained the dark violet of Bogge blood.
In my distraction, the creature latches onto my back, shoving me to the carpet. I roar as its claws dig into my shoulders, and I feel its breath on my neck.
“Dirty fog bastard,” I snarl, twisting my torso and managing to plunge the glass shard deep into its ribcage.
It meets me with a howl, baring sharp teeth. I bare mine straight back, and twist my makeshift blade. My tight grip on the shard causes blood to bloom on my palm, cutting straight through my skin. I ignore the pain.
My legs kick into action, swiftly pushing me to my feet. The Bogge falls off of me, but is jumping at me in no time. 
I raise a fire wall around us, and suddenly the creature realizes that I am their only opponent. The only obstacle between it and going on a killing spree around the palace. 
The only Fae it needs to kill to gain access to the rest of the palace, brimming with weak prey.
The Bogge clacks its teeth at me, the air twisting and churning around it. It seems to flash between misty and humid and dry multiple times per minute — a sure sign of the enemy’s anger.
I lunge again, moving to plunge my double-ended blade into its chest. It narrowly dodges, and lands a good scratch on my side. 
My dress must be in tatters at this point. 
Igniting my knuckles once more, I feed it a solid fiery punch to the throat. It only wheezes for a moment, before returning to pawing at me with impossibly sharp claws.
I snarl, diving towards it. This time, it doesn’t dodge, and we roll to the other side of the hallway. Mercifully, I end on top, and I plunge my blade into one shoulder, then the other. Bogge blood spurts up, mixing with the red mess of my own hands, and landing in my mouth. I don’t even spit it out, I just swallow it and land one more stab to its ribcage. 
Until suddenly, I’m struggling to breathe.
My eyes bulge, and I glare down at the creature beneath me. It sports a crazed grin, pleased as the air around me becomes depraved of any and all oxygen. 
I cough, squeezing its throat with flaming fingers. 
If I can’t breathe, then it doesn’t get to, either.
I realize that there’s only one way for me to retaliate against such strong magic.
So, with a strained noise from behind my gasping, I unleash my own magic. It floods the air, streaming from my open wounds, my wheezing throat, my nose, my ears — everywhere. 
Tendrils of deep red explode around me, and then dive onto the creature. I stand, stumbling back and directing my magic through a dance of death. Though I’m used to clean kills and swift executions, I’m no stranger to monster fighting. The magic memory resides in my veins, and the ribbons of power choke and tear and rip his flesh apart.
And just as suddenly as before, I can breathe. I raise a bloodied hand to my throat, taking oxygen-starved gasps of air, filling my aching lungs. I can already feel the strength returning to my muscles, feeding my body what it was sorely lacking.
I know it won’t be enough. Now that I can breathe, I’ll need to go back in physically. 
Only now do I notice the two voices in my head. 
I address the first: Eris.
The low tenor is panicked, further emphasized by the emotions pouring down the bond. 
Love? Love? Little flame? Please answer me. And please tell me you’re not in that fire wall.
I regret to inform you that I am.
Relief floods him, shooting down the thread of connection. You’re conscious, oh thank the mother—
I’m almost done here, I cut in gently. I need a knife. Or a sword. Literally anything that won’t cut me back.
I’ll ask around. 
I shift to the second voice, being met by Azriel’s oddly calm tone. I’m shocked that he’s already figured out how to speak down the bond: perhaps he’s just got practice from having Daemati friends.
Eris says you’re alive, he says, tone smooth and soothing. Do you need help?
I need a blade of some sort. I’ve been using a shard of glass.
A hunting knife hurtles through the wall of fire, and I catch it swiftly, flipping it in my hand. Upon a quick investigation, it’s an impossibly sharp metal blooming from an obsidian hilt, and softly glowing. Definitely enchanted in some way or form. 
I stride towards the struggling creature, gripping the hilt of my new weapon. 
Launching myself onto it like a true predator, I let my violent tendencies completely loose. I relish in the slicing of skin, knowing that I am ridding the palace of this little bitch baby Bogge. 
It wiggles and howls and snarls and occasionally tries to bite, but I maintain my top position. I repeatedly plunge the blade into its flesh, and after a few good strikes, it stops breathing. And then it stops moving. The deep violet blood under its thin flesh has gone cold.
I make the decision to read up on the Bogge later, because I’m legitimately unsure of what it takes to permanently kill such a thing. Snarling, I also decide that I’m probably not done. 
With a few more artful strokes of this masterpiece of a weapon, I disembowel, behead, and quadrisect the Bogge.
I think that’ll do the trick.
Staggering to my feet, I take a moment to survey myself. My dress is ruined, but thankfully still in one piece, and it covers me well enough. I have deep scratches and gouges across my torso and legs, and I’m certain that there’s not an inch of skin that isn’t bloodied in some way of form.
Twirling my fancy-dancy blade in my hand, I step out of the fire wall — and am met with, arguably, more chaos than what was in my little arena. 
In fact, I’m very tempted to go back in, if only to escape what I see before me.
All of the High Lords, High Lady, and their entourages have gathered to the scene. They must have heard that a dangerous creature was nearby, and came to help.
However, they’re occupied.
By the scene of Eris and Azriel.
My two mates are at each other’s throats, only held back by a few other Fae — Tarquin and Lucien hold back Eris; Cassian and Rhys have a hold on both of Azriel’s biceps. Both males are snarling and uttering threats to one another. Helion stands between them, no doubt trying to soothe the tension with his humor, and Thesan is nearby, definitely anxiety-stricken by the situation.
They have not noticed my entrance.
I clear my throat, still spinning the knife in my fingers.
All heads snap to me, the hall growing very quiet.
“Can the Bogge still live after being decapitated, disemboweled, and de-limbed?” I ask, completely serious. “I mean, really, I need to read up on my Bogge facts. Because I cut it up as much as I can without totally shredding it, but for an elemental creature I’m really not sure what it takes to permanently kill.”
Eris is in front of me within moments, having broken free of the hands on him. He sweeps me into his arms, tucking my head against his neck.
“Oh, god, it was a Bogge? You were fighting a Bogge?” He exclaims, pulling me closer. I hug him back, careful to not stab him. “You’re alive. Oh, thank the mother.”
“Yes, I’m okay, very okay,” I soothe, reaching up to run my fingers through his rouge locks. I release the magic behind me, letting the fire wall dissipate.
He nearly purrs at the contact, quickly dropping to his knees and holding me at arms length. I can’t help but notice how beautiful he looks at this angle, head at my waist level. Like a blur of red royal beauty. “You’re cut up, but alright. Anything broken? How’s that wrist?”
Suddenly, I’m beaming down at him, even as the world spins around us — blood loss, I’m sure. “I killed a Bogge. Call me High Lady, because I’m officially on your level,” I giggle, reaching over to rub his head.
He beams right back at me. “You did. Of course you did.”
But a hand on my shoulder distracts me, and I look up to find Azriel standing there. He looks impossibly pretty, as he always is, but more so now.
One pretty mate, two pretty mate, red pretty mate, blue pretty mate.
“Oh, look, it’s other mate,” I grin, tilting my head. “Thanks for the knife, by the way. It’s epic. Can I keep this thing? Or is that why you’re here, to take it back? Because I’d like to—”
“Did you get any of the Bogge’s blood in your mouth?” He asks, completely serious. “Any at all?”
I frown, trying to think back. I glance to where the Bogge was, seeing Rhys and Helion nudging it with their boots. I can just barely make out the former muttering ‘…it’s definitely dead, that’s for sure…’
“Maybe,” I murmur, stumbling in place. “Yeah— yeah, I swallowed some, no time for spitting. Why?”
Azriel curses under his breath, turning away from me. “Thesan! She drank its blood!”
Eris frowns, looking up at Azriel with concern lacing his sharp gaze. “What’s wrong?” Then, realization dawns on him, and he looks back to me, eyes wide. “Love, can you tell me everything that just happened?”
“I fought the Bogge, and sent Fauna for help—” But I reach my own realization through my fuzzying thoughts, and interrupt myself mid sentence. “Why didn’t Fauna tell you that it was the Bogge?”
His eyes soften, and he reaches up to cup my jaw. “Little flame, Fauna was found dead.”
My hearts stops. I swear it completely stops.
But my dizzied vision doesn’t go still. No, things start to blur more, and suddenly I’m spinning and whirling and— and coughing. I’m coughing.
My name is called, but it all seems so far away. I vaguely know that I’m being ripped away from Eris and into a grip of tanned skin and tattoos and—wings? Are those wings?
“Stay awake,” that voice says again.
Stay awake, and I think that one was my own voice.
And that’s the last thing I hear, crumpling in these tattooed arms as the world goes black. 
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All I know is that I am on fire.
My skin burns, and I remain in blackness. I am unable to open my eyes. Asleep. Comatose.
Every once in awhile, I’ll catch a voice or two. One that I thought was a medic explained that the Bogge Blood poison causes extreme fevers and hallucinations, and vivid fever dreams.
I have had many of those dreams. 
They are not pleasant.
Another conversation I have heard was between Azriel and Rhys. Rhys has a mission for Azriel to go on, back in the Night Court. Something to do with Illyrian camps. 
My sense of time is distorted, but I do know that it took a very long while to convince him to leave.
And I think I felt lips against my forehead.
Mostly, though, I hear Eris. I smell Eris. His scent is always nearby, and often I make out the sensation of him laying by my side.
A medic told him that I might be able to hear him, and since then he talks all the time. Sometimes through the bond, and sometimes out loud. He hums, or sings softly — even if Eris can’t sing to save his life, it’s nice.
He tells me about his day, about the time he wasn’t by my side.
He’s told me about his day six times.
I hope he’s just repeating himself, and that I haven’t been incapacitated for six days.
All the time, I try to communicate. I try to pry my heavy eyelids open, or part my lips to rasp a hello. But my body won’t cooperate.
My mind even struggles to put things together. I can’t figure out how to tug on the bond in this state. Every time I grasp my end of the string, it just wiggles away. Like it doesn’t want to be tugged.
It’s taunting me.
So I rest, mostly.
Right now, Eris is here, and there’s the etching of pen on paper. Surely doing paperwork. His scent is to my left, and one hand lays on mine.
“You know,” he starts, completely casual. “I, uh, fired half of my royal council today.”
If he didn’t have my full attention before, he sure as hell does now.
“One of them made a comment that at least this whole situation postpones you becoming High Lady. They’ll do anything to not have a female on the throne.”
I swear that my heart stops, and then shatters out onto the bed.
“A few of them laughed. I fired any of them that thought it was funny. And put them to death.”
That is such an Eris move. And I love it.
That inspires me to try with the bond again. I sharply reach out, grabbing the thread that connects me to the Vanserra male by my side. And I tug with all of my weight.
He flinches, and then goes very still. “…Love?”
I do it again. And then again, just out of the giddiness that I can actually communicate a bit.
“Okay, okay, hold on,” he laughs, and there’s a light shuffling. He sits up next to me, and there’s hands framing my face. “One tug for yes. Two for no.”
I give one tug.
“Can you hear me clearly?”
Yes. One tug. 
“Can you communicate in any other way?”
No. Two tugs.
“Would you like me to stay, or do you want space?”
I give one very long and sharp pull on that thread.
“I’m taking that as a stay.”
Yes please. One tug.
“And you can’t move at all?”
No. Two tugs.
“Can you feel things?”
Yes. One tug.
I can feel his grin, and then he presses his lips to mine. “Can you feel this?”
Happiness flows through me, and I’m inspired to try to speak down the bond.
Yes, I manage, and my heart flutters in my chest. I can feel it.
He laughs and pulls me up to his chest, showering my hair and face with kisses. “You have no idea how good that feels.”
I’m on a roll, I mentally laugh, brushing a mind-finger against his consciousness lovingly. A minute ago I couldn’t do any of this. Give me an adrenaline shot and I’d bet I could wake up.
He nods eagerly, gently placing me back on the bed. The mattress shifts as he stands, his scent growing less pungent. “I’ll be right back, love.”
There’s a click of a door opening, but no close.
The air suddenly feels incredibly tense, and it makes my skin crawl. Something soothingly cool creeps up onto my wrist, calming the burning of my skin. 
“Fantastic. It’s you,” Eris sneers, and the cool thing wraps a little tighter—almost protective. “I thought you were on a damn mission for once.”
“I was. For three days.”
“I know. I was counting. Seventy-two hours of bliss. With my mate.”
I consider the fact that Eris may be more bothered by this double-mate situation than he was showing. 
“That’s what I’m trying to do,” Azriel replies in his most serene tone. 
“She’s still completely out. Don’t bother her with the bond or anything. Let her rest.”
“Please let me by, Eris.”
There’s a scoff, a growl, and then some shuffling. The door clicks shut.
Suddenly, that cool band around my wrist is spreading. Up my arm, across my torso, and settling lightly over my forehead and the back of my neck. I think they may be Azriel’s shadows, attempting to cool my fever. 
“I’m back,” he murmurs, and then the mattress dips. Lips are pressed to each of my cheeks. A hand slides over to take mine.
There’s a short silence, and then he gives the most gentle of tugs on the bond. 
I tug back.
The shadows tense, and then roam once more, dancing across my skin in circular motions. I have to wonder whether they have their own consciousness; if so, are they happy?
“Did you do that?” he murmurs, and fingers trace my jaw.
Yes, I speak down the bond. I gained the strength to communicate this morning. 
He hums in response, and then knuckles are gently pressed to my forehead. You’re still burning up, though.
I know. I can feel it. 
Thank you, by the way, I say, needing to focus harder to maintain my consciousness. 
For what?
For breaking that vase. Gave me a good temporary weapon, even if it bit a little.
A low chuckle fills my ears, but I can feel myself sinking back into a dream.
How’d you know I broke that?
I wasss eavessdropping, I slur, trying to keep my speech steady and failing miserably. Sorrry. Hard to focus… I trail off, fighting sleep.
It’s alright. Rest. I’ll let Eris know. The mattress shifts, but I give him a very sharp tug on the bond, and he stills.
Stay. The shadowsss… are nice.
What I don’t tell him is that I know I’m sinking into a nightmare. And those concern Eris, I can feel the fear down the bond. I’d like Azriel to maybe be able to use the shadows to calm or wake me, and not bother Eris more.
Either way, a soft sigh is my answer, followed by his voice, out loud instead of down the thread of connection. “Of course. I’ll always stay.”
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Burning and burning and burning.
I whirled around, eyes searching the ablaze building for an escape — any escape. 
The voices outside called my family name, begging us to evacuate. They were nearly drowned out by the crackling of fire and crashing of wooden support beams, but they could be heard.
“Mother!” I shrieked, racing into the kitchen. “Mother! Mother!” I sighed, trying her true name. “Maeve! Maeve?”
The little girl clinging to my arm sobbed, and I turned to look at her — I had forgotten she was there. A neighbor girl who had raced in to play hero at the sight of the flames.
And that’s where I found her.
Knife in hand, standing in the center of her bedroom. Matchbox at her feet. Fire encircled her— Fae gasoline in a ring around her feet. 
“Mother?” I whispered, reaching out. “Did you do this? Did you— did you start the fire? It— It’s okay, but we have to get out—”
Only then did she turn to face me.
And only then could I see her wrists, slit and dripping blood — too much blood, too fast. Too much.
“Go,” she whispered, holding up her arms. “I am done now.”
I had to strangle back a sob, raising a hand to my throat. “No—no, we can fix this. We’ll get out, and I’ll use my own flame to contain the fire. Come on, mum,” I urged her, holding out a hand. 
“No. This life has been long and lovely, and this is my time.”
I snarled then, growing impatient. “What would dad think? I’ll answer that for you: he’d say you were being ridiculous and crass—”
“Your father is dead. You know that.”
I recoiled at her words, clutching the sobbing girl a little closer. “You are dishonoring our family name with this act of selfishness.”
She smiled.
And she raised her hand, and then a beam of fire was falling between us. I shrieked, clutching the girl and stumbling back, out of the way as it crashed to the ground. I called her name once, twice, thrice more times, but no response came beyond the impenetrable wall of fire.
Even as I found an exit and herded the girl and I out, I was screaming. I never stopped screaming, and all there was was fire. Fire. And I was burning. And I really was, because people were avoiding me. My own flames were eating me alive, and my skin was hot, it was so hot, I was burning and burning and it would never end—
It’s not real.
Soothing, smooth voice. And suddenly I was burning even more.
I shoot up, coughing and coughing and wheezing and heaving. It’s so inexplicably difficult to pull oxygen into my lungs, as if they haven’t been used for decades.
I’m drenched in sweat, and my skin is still burning, and I’m awake. I’m awake, and— on fire. My skin is physically emitting flames, flames that I can see, that I can feel— I can feel that fire.
I whimper, my voice coming out strained. Hoarse. It makes sense, considering that I’ve been asleep for what—a week?
“Breathe love,” a voice to my left urges me, and I’m just now realizing that there is exactly one set of hands on me — Eris, with an arm around my shoulders and clutching my fiery hand.
I look up at him, blinking once, twice, and then deciding I don’t have time to be happy that he’s here because I am on fire.
“Help—” I manage to whisper, raising a blazing hand. 
“I know, I know. Your magic has gotten away from you. Look at me. Focus on me,” he instructs, pulling me a little closer.
Eris, being the High Lord of fire himself, is not burned by me. He releases my hand and cups my jaw, forcing me to make eye contact.
I nearly sob, just at being able to see his face again.
“Pull your flames in, my love,” he says, with a kiss to my cheek. “I’m right here.”
I keep looking at him, staring at him, as my flames begin to subside. Taking long, steadying breaths, my magic begins to be reined in.
“Good,” he kisses my hair. “Good. You’ve got it.”
“Why— how… I’m awake,” I croak, finally getting the flames to settle into my too-warm skin.
“I got a medic to give you that adrenaline, and then, uhm, you lit yourself on fire.”
“Accidentally,” I scowl. “I wouldn’t intentionally go burning the medical wing down.”
Not like my mother.
“I know, little flame — you know, that nickname is a little too real now,” he chuckles, tugging me closer. 
“I still like it,” I smile, nuzzling my face into his neck. “Even if it’s literal now.”
“Those were anything but ‘small’ flames,” an unfamiliar, feminine voice chimes in. 
I flinch, pulling away from Eris’s grasp, coming eye-to-eye with an older female sporting deep brown eyes. 
I have no idea who this female is, and my instinct screams at me to dive for a knife. But Eris’s grip around my shoulders tightens, and he gives me a look — he knows damn well I want to go for a weapon.
“This is Madja,” Azriel introduces (and, oops, I had forgotten he was there.) “She’s the Night Court’s very best healer.”
I nod slowly, but my hands cling to Eris’s button-down shirt. He sits next to me, letting my head fall against his shoulder. 
Madja holds out a hand, and I warily shake it, my fingers twitching. “You’re definitely weak from the coma, but in better shape than I’d expect, for how long you were out.”
I frown, pulling back my hand. I know all of this already, and I open my mouth to say so, but Eris beats me to it.
“She’s fully medically trained,” my red-headed mate explains. “You can give her the full rundown.”
So, she does. Madja explains how long I was out (a week!) and any deficits I may have. She says that my fever is still quite high for her liking, but that me being awake and communicative is a good sign. She prescribes rest and hydration, and says that I may return to my room when I feel like it.
Madja gives me pills to take in case the poison — which still flows in my veins — causes any pain or other symptoms. She also tells me to send for her if there are any new developments.
With Madja leaving, I’m left in the room with my two mates. I sink back onto the blankets, and Eris moves with me, pushing hair out of my face.
My eyes, although hesitant, shift to Azriel. “Did you end up taking that knife back?”
He nods. “It’s called Truth Teller, and it always strikes true.” He pulls that beautiful knife out of a sheath at his side, and I get to admire it once more.
“It served me well. Thanks for hurling it at me.”
He chuckles, and Eris just scowls, picking at a piece of invisible lint on his shoulder. 
But that knife brings back another memory, and I realize that I have many questions to ask about what exactly happened that day with the Bogge.
“Am I remembering correctly, when I say that Fauna was found dead?” I ask, glancing over to Eris.
The ginger male grimaces, and nods. “Yes. I’m so sorry, dove — I know she was your favorite.”
I frown, but that’s not the issue on my mind. “But how? How is she dead?”
That gets Azriel’s attention, and he joins in. “What do you mean? We assumed she went out, found the Bogge, was killed, and then you found the Bogge roaming the palace.”
I shake my head. Sitting up once more, I run a hand down my face. “No, no. I was going down to the safes to grab that necklace, Eris, you know which one. And then I found the Bogge in a closet, still in its creepy not-real mist form. I was avoiding it, doing just fine, hoping to keep it contained, but then Fauna caught up to me. She found the Bogge, acknowledged it, and it turned real. But I made sure she got away. She ran, with instructions to get help.”
Eris narrows his eyes. “I made sure the necklace was in place that morning. It should have been there.”
“Fauna said it wasn’t.”
Azriel cuts in once more, twirling Truth Teller in his hand. “Is that hallway the only way to get to the jewelry safes?”
Eris and I nod in confirmation.
“Then someone was trying to lure you straight to the Bogge.”
My blood runs cold.
Eris tenses by my side, but reaches up to run a hand through my hair anyway. Classic Eris, always worried about me.
But my mind lingers on that fact, taking me away from the current moment. I roll Azriel's words over and over in my mouth, until I come to the only viable conclusion.
Someone is trying to kill me.
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Tags: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @5moremin @azriels-mate123 @a-frog-with-a-laptop
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Part Five
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ignihyde-resident · 25 days
Electra Heart Yuri!?
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(Pls I love this ship too much for them to have such little content)
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souredfigs · 10 months
Every once in a while , I think of the Stark Children , I think of Sansa surrounded by enemies left right and centre , with no way to freedom except death , like steel she has been beaten down and molded by those around her , but she does not break , instead she hopes and struggles to survive, and she may have a new name now , and with that new name she's forged a new person , but deep down she knows some remnants of Sansa Stark , although blurry , are still visible to her . But she keeps Sansa Stark to herself and herself alone , to the rest of the world she is still Alyane Stone .
I think of Arya , Arya who tries so hard not to lose a part of herself in the dark echoey chambers of the house of black and white .Arya who has hidden needle under the stones of the beach for it is the only thing that is left of her family . Arya , who with every deep breath , tries to reach across the memories of Jon , Ned , Catelyn , Sansa , Rickon , Robb and Bran . Arya who despite all that she has seen in her short life , tries to do good in every capacity. Who burns and burns for the desire of Justice in a world where justice is as rare as the valyrian steel that noble families keep tucked away in their treasures.
I think of Rickon and how alone he must feel , how he feels lucky that he doged death after all this time. I think of the pain and dread he must feel to be on the other side of the world , having lost all and any connection to his home.
I think of Brandon , trying to echo through a wool of time , reaching out his hand in the foggy winter winds for ghosts and ancestors long gone .
I think of Jon lying on the snow, his warm blood turning colder and colder as it touches the ice , and how the last thing he whispers is the last of the family he has with him , as his soul leaves his body .
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dionysosmadness · 3 months
Yummy food and great characters
The character design is logical and amazing
The dynamics between each person is adorable
The angst isn’t too angsty if you don’t think too hard and there seems to be hope
Theres an overall nice feel to the environment (within the characters and how they’ve created it)
Laios is an idiot
We all have one friend like Izutsumi
Senshi is mother
Chilchuck is done with everyone and is totally dad
Falin is the supportive sister with a soft personality that everyone would sacrifice limbs and organs for
Marcille is the type A friend who is always stressed and doesn’t like camping
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racswoon · 1 year
"you look so pretty badboyhalo i think this is really your style"
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esorydoolb · 25 days
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i expected something .. a special dialogue?
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maniaeofmadness · 1 year
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Has this been done before
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shallowcoffin · 5 months
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valsnonsense · 7 months
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I made Hickory look like an anime boy on accident I'm so sorry it was not intentional-
Old men yaoi. That's is that's the tweet.
I'm obsessed with these two it's unreal.
I love the headcanon that these two were dating back in the day but broke things off badly. But after the events of TWT, they rekindle their friendship, and eventually, their relationship.
Chaz flirts with Hickory endlessly, mostly cuz he wants to, but secretly he just wants Hickory to know he loves him and wants things to be different this time around. Hickory knows this, but doesn't comment cuz he knows it makes Chaz happy.
Let the Yodel trolls be goat people DreamWorks it was so obvious. Also I love the headcanon that Hickory is a Yodel/Country Troll. Like did y'all hear him sing "Fall To Pieces"? Mans got RANGE.
In the privacy of home, Hickory will strum his guitar and sing corny, country love songs to Chaz. Chaz lays his head in Hickory's lap and just stares up at him dreamily, twirling his hair around his finger like a flustered school girl. I like to think Hickory fell first but Chaz fell HARDER. Man has no idea what to do with himself
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