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portlandwithyou · 8 months ago
separation of church and bb26
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frenchublog · 3 months ago
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royalarchivist · 8 months ago
Pac: Man, it was an immense joy to meet all these people from Europe. It was a lot, it was a very unique experience for me. And– sometimes I go from one place to another, I've been to some events and met the people from Brazil and such, it’s always really cool too! But it's different when you meet a person from a different country, with a different language, that knows your content. It's really crazy, you know? It's as if… I don't know. It's like a mental reset, a new experience. It's really cool, man.
Pac: I was very happy and very honored I was able to participate in this, you know? The QSMP was a very big deal. I even saw how QSMP impacted so many people from so many countries, right? Guys, from all the countries I mentioned earlier, everyone followed me through QSMP. They discovered the content here on the channel through QSMP. Pretty crazy, right? See how big the series was and how it reached so many people from so many countries, right? It's insane, isn't it?
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liberate-te · 2 years ago
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The truth about fireworks
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ultravioletlightmyway · 1 month ago
latest update on nerdboy is that he has NOT moved on and sent my bestie a 5 minute long voice message saying a bunch of shit i wont go into detail about except i will tell you that he said he felt "ostracized" when my friend posted pictures from our other friends BACHELORETTE weekend. BACHELORETTE. ETTE. FAMOUS GIRLS AND GAYS ONLY WEEKEND. absolute madness.
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nskiyuriz · 10 months ago
due to unforeseen circumstances i am rereading the ryusae fic, will update if it causes severe psychological damage like it did the first time
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nanamikentoseyebags · 7 months ago
me: sitting here surrounded by books i haven't read yet
also me: i need MORE
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dateinthelife · 2 years ago
12 July 1964
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On the way to a gig, George Harrison and his day-old Jaguar are involved in a "minor road accident."
Onlookers collect bits of glass as "souvenirs."
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no-brain-just-good-omens · 9 months ago
oh you’re voting? here are your options:
1. the super evil guys who like lots of genocide and don’t like people having human rights,
2. the slightly less evil guys who also like genocide and don’t like people having human rights,
3. then there’s also these other guys, but it’s so close between the super evil guys and the less evil guys that if you vote for these ones (the people you actually want) the super evil guys will get in!!
good luck!!
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frenchublog · 8 months ago
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autoresponderdaily · 2 years ago
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becomingkatie · 9 months ago
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I went down to Brevard a few weeks ago to visit my mom. She's taken up pottery and arranged for me to have a lesson at her studio. It was a really nice visit overall - I love love that area and I hadn't seen her place since she moved there a year or so ago.
Ken and I have become recluses since covid. We got used to not going out, and now going out feels overwhelming and hard, especially for him. I'm going a bit crazy feeling like we don't go places and do things. There's a bowling alley near our place - like so close I pass by it any time I go out for a walk basically. I've been saying for ages that we should go, and Ken grumbles and grumbles because he doesn't want to. After a week where I basically had a breakdown in tears of "I can't keep living like this," we went bowling. Surprise, surprise - he had a great time. I hurt my wrist. But it was still fun!
My birthday was last Friday and Ken made this espresso chocolate chip cake (recipe is Sally's Baking Addiction) and it is sooo tasty.
Aaand writing this post out I feel my throat squeezing and eyes burning. I feel like there's some crying to be done. I just don't feel happy lately. I'm not happy with the life we've fallen into, and I'm just having a rough time. I discontinued my anti-depressants maybe a month ago, and I feel good about that decision. I don't feel depressed - I am sad and frustrated with some specific things, but not generally like "I can't get up and do the laundry, that feels too hard" kind of depression. But the withdrawal has meant some irritability and the WORST restless legs. And sleeping poorly night after night after night doesn't help me feel better.
Anyway, things aren't really that bad. But I'm feeling pretty disappointed in my life lately. Trying to make some different choices to stop it from stagnating in this place where I'm unhappy. And even through all that disappointment, there have been some really good things, like kayaking around a lake with my mom, and eating green beans I grew in the garden, and taking a cold shower after a long walk in the hot, humid summer air.
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swimmingchicken9 · 10 months ago
no but I feel like kanji had the potential to be a great character and positive gay influence but unfortunately he was doomed by the narrative
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twotriickhoofbea2t · 4 months ago
Oh shit it's 11/11 thats mildly amusing.
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ace-malarky · 8 months ago
anyway scenes finished 7/100 let's hope this set doesn't take the next nine years lmao
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ghostiegram · 2 years ago
tbh i find it very weird how people sexualize the legion even though they are 18+ but i swear that susie was supposed to be 16 (because of her sophmore hoodie) but bhvr had to age her up because some countires don't allow games that involes minors getting hurt (even though it dosen't make any sense because she's not a survivor) so now the weirdos have the excuse to sexualize her.
(oh my god you have to be joking i had a full response written but i went to look up the legion characters on wiki before i posted and it ERASED EVERYTHING anyway take 2)
i find it really sad that despite how the members ages range around 18 and 19, they're immediately treated like full blown adults. like yeah they're legal adults, but teenagers as well. eightTEEN. nineTEEN. there's other ways to enjoy a character besides sexualizing them as soon as they legally hit adulthood? like where's all the content that really shows what it's like to be in that awkward stage of being an adult and not really actually feeling one? like i'm 20 and i'm still feeling like that. and the legion seem to go through a lot in their lives that would force them to kind of adapt to things quickly, but at the end of the day they are still teens trapped in the unfortunate circumstance of navigating the world, and then navigating the entity's realm. they're young and they're scared. i sure as hell would be.
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