monnziedarling · 1 month
nothing more painful on god's green earth than seeing someone draw BANGER fanart for a problematic media then have proship dni in tags/bio </3
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
jf anyone wants to ask questions about my ocs… I will Answer them . being questioned actually Helps me solidify them as characters . Please oelase please please
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lobolicious · 2 months
can the honkai star rail ads stop showing me blade i want him SO BAD
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elliebell77 · 4 months
how do you even like. talk to people on tumblr. like how do these friendships work for normal people. can they really just pop into dms and thats that? do i gotta find an excuse or can i just slide in like “hiiii <333 you’re so cooooool please talk to me pleaaaasse”
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ballpitbee · 2 months
i need mx malignant fun facts, trivia, tidbits and lore PLEASE i beg of you PLEAAAASSE
Aw gee lemme think!
Mals motif is whistling- its one of the first noises it learnt to make and so you can tell its coming (when it wants you to know that is), by its whistle.
It can fuse in and out of flat surfaces. If you shine a light on it while its in the wall- itll have to move. But if you shine a light at it while its in the 3d space- itll probably sting a little. Though mostly itll be pissed off.
It can change height and size, not necessarily wilingly- but while in a wall, it operates on shadow rules. So if it stretches due to closeness of light souce, it might be able to pull itself out while extremely tall. :P
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There isn't, the only main cast in the AU are Barry and Uni because the AU is entirely based around the fact they grew up in the same town :( there are other new characters though that I think you guys will enjoy a lot though!!!
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ebonyclan · 11 months
EBONYCLAN needs to be rebuilt.
3 cats escape, no other survivors left. they must rebuild ebonyclan back together before disaster strikes…
this is a clangen blog, focusing on a challenge titled “The Curse of the Dark Forest” by ArtemisEnby. rules are linked here! i will be following all the rules of this challenge, but chances are i may mess up with some small things.
this is being worked on by @kilierwhale (🩸) and my lovely sister (actually my bff but she is my sister anyways) @hippiedogs (🪸) ^_^ both of us will be working on the art.
inspired by @gray-thistleclan ! pleaaaasse check this blog out. its so inspiring and i love this artist so much
FYI we will be starting with 3 cats. Dawnpaw, Oakkit, and Hollyhockkit.
sometime we may work on a family tree and all sorts of things, depending on how this goes.
thats all! please enjoy, im unsure on how updates will be but that will be told later.
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computercreature · 1 year
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[id: screenshot of discord conversation. almost all messages are in all caps
doc: please give us epic highs and lows of highs and lows of high school football
worst show ever
fuck you reigen
griffin: we dont even get his tragic backstory
doc: fuck this stupid baka show
griffin: (lowercase) oh yeah whose the. wose shoulderpads. i need to add him to the hitlist
doc: im killing whoever made this
end id]
liveblog of the most devastating moment in the live action series
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
this might sound a little strange
so it’s an amazing feeling to be getting messages in my inbox as I always look forward to seeing what new ideas/prompts people send in. occasionally an ask will be sent in and it’s not really clear whether it’s a request or a commentary - which is completely fine because I usually assume it’s an imagine request/scenario if that’s the case - haha until recently upon reflection of the messages of my inbox, almost 50% of asks are these half seemingly commentary, half imagine requests and I just can’t really figure out what people actually want?
since I always default to assuming it’s an imagine request they get put on my WIP list but then I start to doubt my assumption (because some of these asks are very casual and seemed to be looking for my opinion instead of an actual written piece?) and start to worry if it’s actually not just an anon commentary and nonny is just asking me for my reaction/opinion on a certain ‘idea’/’prompt’ - if so, perhaps I should answer it immediately? commentary is easily answered since it’s just my opinion but but what if it’s actually a request? Is it a headcanon request? Is it an imagine? Is this just their random comment?? WHAT SHOULD I DO THE ANONS ARE WAITIN-
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ahem. so. in lieu of this dilemma, I would just like to ask for a little help - if you’re sending in an ask please add in a little extra something just to clue me in whether it’s a request (e.g. headcanon, imagine, hc, request)  or just commentary (e.g. not a request, commentary).
I’m not a genius in reading between the lines but some of these requests are honestly very vague HAHA if you believe you’ve sent in a request before, feel free to clarify with me whether it’s a headcanon/imagine request or just commentary - I’d be happy to rave about comments and opinions any day but requests genuinely take longer to write so yeah...
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stratostella · 4 years
ok so a bit of a long while ago i found scans of the gag comics that had NiGHTS so i tried translating them for funsies.. IT’S REALLY JUST TO GET THE GIST!!! i had to use machine translation and my judgement as someone who doesn’t speak jpnese but... but if my mutuals ever wanted to see em ... the
i also just realized i didn’t translate any of the titles so i’ll put right after if anyone wanted to know em
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[Common Occurence]
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[Eric(?) and NiGHTS] idk why they called him eric here
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[Reala and NiGHTS]
(i only sort of recall it but i remember at one point i was stumped as to what wizeman was supposed to be saying so i may have missed smth but... the gist... the gist...)
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[NiGHTS vs Reala]
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
Proud Warrior of Stone
Yandere Muzan Kibutsuji x Pillarwoman reader
Requested by: anonymous
Is it possible to have a Yandere Muzan fic with the soulmate Au and/or pillar reader? Pleaaaasse 🥺?
Soulmate AU  Crossover AU
Warning: angst, yandere, obsession, violence
I love this idea! Thank you and please enjoy. 
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Since the dawn of time, there had been those who could bask in the morning sun and embrace its loving warmth; and there were those who could do no such thing for the sun was a death sentence to them. Demons were one of such things but there was something else, something far older than demons that had walked and ruled the Earth long ago only to be wiped to near extinction by two of their own kind. 
[Name] had always been a proud warrior, how could she not be when she had been raised by Master Kars and Master Esidisi? They had both told her that having markings on her skin was natural for their kind but there was a marking that was odd and somewhat out of place. It sat on her wrist and seemed to mimic the shape of an eye. Master Esidisi told her how they were the markings of a soulmate, someone who could apparently make one complete. 
That confused her greatly. Master Kars and Esidisi had slaughtered their kind when she, Whamu and Santana were but infants, and the odd marking didn’t match up to either of the males around her. Did that mean her soulmate was not one of their kind? Preposterous! As if she would hold any interest in finding a supposed soulmate. She had no reason for such foolish things. 
Though, it seemed that Fate had other ideas for her as she learnt when she crossed paths with a crimson eyed demon. He possessed a strength and power beyond any other demon she had ever encountered before. She would dare say she almost respected the demon for his skill and power in combat. Though she was just as powerful and she refused to face failure and defeat.
That was when it all begun. The demon, Muzan Kibutsuji -as she had come to learn-, had the same eyes as the marking on her wrist. As he had a marking on his own wrist that resembled her. Confusion plastered her expression when she began to notice the demons that started to trail her movements, watching her. Research of this demon had revealed to her of the threat he poses, his power was something that truly threatened the power of her kind.  
And so, in hopes to ensure the protection of the others, [Name] agreed to meet with Muzan. It was not truly how she had planned nor thought it would turn out. Muzan had offered her a place by his side, saying how he had become ravished by her power and aura, everything of her from her appearance to her combat skills. And he refused to take ‘no’ for an answer. When she denied him her hand, his claws found their place around her throat, crimson eyes glowing with a threatening hue to them. 
“I was not asking, my dear.” he growled, the veins on his face showing through, a threatening posture for many demons. [Name] glared at the demon and brought her arms up to attack. It had been a rather bloody, brutal battle between the two supposed “soulmates”, one that even the great Pillarwoman found herself struggling to outmatch. This demon was beyond its kind, far more than anything they could even hope to be. Ironic as strength and power had often been something she had seeked in her opponents. 
Both were wounded and injured by the time the sun began to threaten the sky with its light, forcing them to either end the fight or risk both of their deaths in the light; and they refused to die there. And so, they fled and took cover in the safety of the darkness from whence they crawled from. She knew that was not going to be the last she saw of Muzan. The cursed marking on her wrist almost promised another encounter with the crimson eyed demon. 
But [Name] was a proud warrior and she will face that demon again, and she will not succumb to his desires. 
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jackyxhendo · 3 years
whoever the ruined orgasm anon is u have my heart(pussy). that is delicious. like imagine how good jack is at begging? he’s already so submissive and so desperate that to be pushed so close and still denied would break his empty pretty little bimbo brain. he would just be shaking and babbling and crying without thinking how loud and pathetic he sounds (enough to wake the other lads) “please god pleaaaasse I want it!! fuck I need it so much!!! Daddy..Jordan...Skip..”
And Jordan is amused. Impressed. He sits and watches Jack straddle a pillow and rut himself, begging for it. Fortunately for Jack, Jordan can't possibly say no to him. Unfortunately, though, Jordan's in no rush.
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paravillintiniay · 7 years
does anyone play heroes of the storm?? I really want the oni genji and the police d.va skins in overwatch but you have to play with friends and idk how to play or anyone who plays it. It’d be really nice if someone would be willing to do it with me!!
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tsunflowers · 6 years
Kagami/hibiki headcanons or aus pleaaaasse please pretty please
I can’t think of anything yet :( this ship was only revealed to me this morning I haven’t had enough time to process it
kagami is a little bit disappointed bc he wanted a hot older boyfriend with a nice car and he got hibiki. who is hot and older but the car thing? not there
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ace-angel-judas · 6 years
Oh my god can you please do a scenario about seo visiting zico on smtm? Please please pleaaaasse???? Like some of the judges and contestants calling him out on his change of behavior. That would be so adorable!
I had an idea that Seo and Clara do a performance together and backstage everyone is just watching as Zico turns to absolute mush. 
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venusparker · 7 years
please please please pleaaaasse make storms into a series
WILL DO! really thinking about this. i have so many ideas 👀👀
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