#im no mind reader
tojisun · 1 month
im still high on dadbod simon so uhm thinking about someone at a bar hitting on you because they don’t know that the old man you’re out with is not a guardian nor a friend, but is your goddamn date. and while it doesn’t send simon down a spiral of insecurities, he still starts hovering even closer. he’s always pulling you to his lap, doesn’t matter who the company is. his friends quickly get used to the sight—how could they not? you’re a darling, and you look the prettiest dolled up on simon’s hold.
and when he’s fucking you, when he’s got you bearing all his weight while he fucks you on your knees, he uses the incident as dirty talk.
“remember ‘im, love?” simon croons, his voice almost drowned by the resonating sounds of skin slapping against skin. “he thought i’m not y’r daddy. thought y’re too good f’me.”
you keen underneath him, your body toppling to the mattress when your arms fall limp. simon easily follows, adjusting so that the jut of his gut sits atop your ass, and it should be a crime how this position wedges him even further in because he’s pressing against tender places, his cockhead nudging at something that almost makes it feel like he’s hitting the back of your throat.
“shh,” simon rumbles. “daddy’s got you, sweet’art. daddy’s got you.”
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in-another-april · 2 months
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infodumping spencer you are. so special to me
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magewritesstories · 4 months
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just gonna leave this here
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yeyinde · 1 month
waking up after a night out drinking in a foreign country only to realise that the bed you're in is not your own. no one is beside you. you try to leave but the doors are all locked. the windows won't open. you're trapped. a pretty bird in a cage.
nothing is in the dressers except large, old shirts. the clothes you were wearing when you woke up disappear after you take a shower. no panties. no bra. food shows up on schedule. you never see who leaves it.
they don't answer when you scream. when you bang your fists against the door until they're bloodied. passing out on the floor when the drugs finally kick in. but the mess you make in the daytime is cleaned up. your hands bandaged. disapproval heavy in the air along with the stale scent of tobacco. smoke.
when you're good, you get things. books. magazines. treats. your favourite food. a laptop arrives when you sob yourself to sleep after screaming yourself hoarse about loneliness, and how this isn't right. this isn't okay. it's restricted, of course. you log into Facebook but the moment you try and ask for help, the internet is turned off. you're being watched. monitored closely.
you learn your lesson slowly, giving nothing away to your family and pretending you're enjoying your holiday. being good. quiet.
instead of treats, gifts, recipe books arrive—some pages dogeared. you start making the food. leaving a plate in the fridge. it's gone the next morning. more recipes appear. you make them, too. an expensive chain comes next. a pretty gold necklace for a pretty bird in a golden cage.
(each meal gets you a strange rash on your cheek, jaw the next morning. beard burn, you think, and try not to shudder.)
lingerie comes after. silk, lace. all of it fits perfectly. you try to avoid it. the idea, the implication, is a knife between your ribs, but the next morning, your laptop is missing. the books are gone. food, too. your clothes disappear until all that remains is the lingerie set and a little black box. one you pointedly ignore. throw out with the trash. chew on gum to make the ache in your belly go away until that vanishes too.
your world is narrowed down to hunger. loneliness. isolation—
(in the corner of the rooms, a red light glints in the dark. lonely, but not alone.)
it persists until you relent. give in. another lesson you learn. you wear the set to bed, and try to think nothing of it—
you wake up to something heavy around you. a warm, thick body pressed against your bare spine. coarse chair tickling the skin between your shoulder blades. a burly arm under your neck, elbow bent to wrap a rough hand around your neck. the other slung over your hip, shoved between your thighs. something hard presses into your ass. a bruising pressure. it aches. you stifle a gasp, but with his long, thick fingers wrapped tight around your throat, he feels it.
everything goes still. quiet. just the faint rustle of sheets. the scratch of coarse hair on silk. a breath. you tremble. fight back another gasp when lips press into your crown with a sharp inhale. scenting you. nuzzling into your scalp. warm breath that smalls of malt and honey. woodsy. tobacco.
your eyes adjust slowly to the dark, and fall on a black box left on top of your end table. velvet, you know. you've felt the softness between your fingers when you threw it in the trash with a sob. no escaping it, after all.
the hand between your thighs twitches. when he speaks, it shudders through your spine, makes your hair stand on end. it's a growling purr. the low roar of an old engine. more grit than comfort in the midnight dark.
"jus' close your eyes, love," he rasps, pushing his thick body tighter against you. coiling around you like a big, hungry bear. "an' go back to sleep for me."
and you do.
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stvrlitsky · 2 months
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dairyofateenagegirl · 2 months
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he would never hurt me
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choccy-milky · 3 months
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💖🎊the end, & thank you for reading!!🎊💖
im so thankful for all the support i got on this story, and i wouldn't have finished it if not for all of you, and for the love i got for seb and clora. so thank you again for giving me the motivation to write this 600k+ monster, and to see it through to the very end. LOVE YALL💖🫶 (ao3/wattpad)
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sincerelybubbles · 3 months
hotch x shy!bau!reader <3 fem content: slight age gap implied. reader is new to the team and more on the introverted side! not proof read, as is my hubris.
Tired, nerves buzzing from a night spent up and chasing sleep that was not welcoming, you throw your bag down on your desk and go off in hunt of coffee. You usually try to curb your caffeine intake, especially with the travel associated with your new job, but this morning is a happy exception to your new rule.
"Here," Emily says, watching you scan the cabinets of the kitchen. You hadn't heard her walk in, but she's offering you a mug with a sympathetic smile. "Long night?"
"Yes," you say, tone thankful, and spin to figure out the coffee machine.
"Three weeks and i haven't seen you use that once," she comments, sipping from her own warm mug and watching you settle the filter in place.
"I've stayed away. it's harder to sleep when I get back because of the jet lag, anyway, don't need to add coffee at all odd hours to the list, too."
It's the most you've said in casual conversation like this. To say you've been shy with your new team would be an understatement. You're good at your job, you were pulled from the academy early to do this for a reason. You fit well into the team, generally. You like listening to Spencer ramble, especially on the longer flights. Rossi's dry humor reminds you of one of your old professors you grew up admiring. JJ is a constant breath of fresh air, Morgan's consistent strength has built up your own moral. Garcia took no getting used to, lifting you up and settling into your life easily. Hotch is intimidating but kind under the colder-tones, long glances sometimes distracting but oterhwise comforting. Emily is easily one of your favorites on the team, friendly and whip-smart. But, at the core of it, you're shy. Painfully so, even.
The team caught onto this quick, settling into the truth that your observational nature that makes you so adept at noticing the smaller details is bound to weep into your social life as well. So, despite your comfort levels rising with the team, you find these situations hard. Do you explain your nightmares to Emily? Share that you're a diagnosed insomniac who spent the night watching FRIENDS reruns after chasing sleep that pranced beyond reach?
"You're better than me, then," Emily says, smiling over her mug. Her eyes tell you she's pleased at the little crack into your life that you've let her see. They're all like that: insufferably kind and polite with your introverted nature but greedily sipping up everything they can learn about you.
"It's a new development," you admit, clicking start on the machine and settling back against the counter facing her. Something about your sleepiness makes it easier to talk, your tongue looser, your ache to let loose around the team more profound. "I'm sure most of us are insomniacs, though."
"Not me," Emily says, chuckling. "I get home and feel like I don't wake up until I get back here."
"Ah, well, I'm sure it can feel like a curse no matter what way you fall," you say with a shrug. Emily lifts her coffee in cheers to that.
"Morning," Morgan says, turning into the kitchen and giving you a surprised smile. "Hello, sunshine, you're looking bright eyed today."
You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. "I know, I know."
Emily points with her chin at you, "She's making the coffee this morning."
"Ah-ah, remaking it because you and pretty boy always get here first and finish the first pot." Morgan teases her with a slight shake of his head, grinning and opening the fridge to pull out the creamer.
"Well, you snooze you loose. Or," she sends you a smile, complete with a little nose wrinkle and a tilt of her head, "you don't snooze and still loose."
"Clever," you say, voice dry with humor, hiding your laugh by turning around as the pot finished brewing. "I'll remember this later."
"Careful, she's got teeth," Morgan warns Emily, reaching around you to grab the coffee before you can and filling his cup.
"Hey!" You call in protest, voice raising louder than usual and a pout hitting your lips. Morgan laughs, white teeth on display, eyes crinkled at the corners.
"Here, here," he says, placating, tipping the pitcher to fill your cup as well. "Any sugar or cream to placate the beast?"
Before you can answer, a laugh on the tip o your tongue, Hotch walks in and settles his watchful eyes on you, interest sparking them. You shrink, not in fear but in self-awareness, and send him a closed lip smile. Stepping away from Morgan, you turn quickly to fix your own coffee.
"Good morning," Hotch says, nodding at Emily and Morgan, answering Emily's question about Jack's recent sickness (he's recovering well, thank you) and trying to catch your eye.
You duck away, cowardly and regressing back into your shell, deciding it's time to get to work and stop indulging. You catch Morgan tease Hotch as you leave, though, "Aw, you've scared her off."
You try not to think about it as you duck away, pushing all thoughts of your boss away.
You're unsuccessful.
The problem isn't that you're afraid of him because you think he's mean or unkind in any way. He's done his best to welcome you to the team, allowing you to take investigations in your own direction and listening to your insights since day one. There was a brief moment in your first week where you felt tested, like his questions weren't to gain your insight but to see if you were up to the task, but you slipped past that easily. you have the credentials to back yourself up. you're quiet, yeah, but you're always right on track to where you need to be. pulled early from academy to jump into investigating was hard but it made this easy. a few years of experience under your belt and the job feels natural and, even with the shift in teams to join the big guns in Quantico, you feel like you're exactly where you're meant to be.
No, embarrassingly, this has nothing to do with you not liking your boss or being afraid of him. Rather, he makes you too comfortable. He ducks his head to hear you speak as you walk and talk, settling deep eyes on your face. He's sturdy, dependable, and exactly everything you're all too interested in.
You hate it, harboring a school crush on your boss like you're a teen pining over your teacher. You know it's normal, you know it's perfectly reasonable and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to him, but you still slink away from him more than the others because of that attraction.
Because it's more than physical.
He listens when you talk. Granted, so do the rest of the team - they're profilers, of course they catalogue everything everyone is saying for future reference. But, beyond that, you catch him paying attention. He complimented your new blouse earlier in the week and it caused air to catch in your throat, suffocating you. It looked new, bright white and without wrinkles, but you knew he must have been looking, noticing, to remember you not wearing it before. He's kind, remembering details about you and the team and using them to aid in everyone's comfort. He knows Spencer can't handle dairy and you've heard him reminding an intern to stock the dairy-free alternatives for creamer in the jet. He brought you a neck pillow on your second flight because you didn't have one.
That gift you accepted with stuttering thank-you's and a flushed face. It hadn't flared this crush, but it definitely aided in your ability to accept it when you finally got around to no longer avoiding how he made you feel with every kind smile and gentle good morning.
You settle down at your desk, putting your steaming mug on a pile of paperwork you really need to sort through, and try to physically push the thoughts out of your head by ranking your hands through your hair, lifting it from your forehead and squeezing your eyes shut. Today isn't the day. You're too tired, sure that the team will be flying out today, and really need to be on your A-Game.
"Everything okay?" A calm voice asks from your elbow. When you look up, you decide the universe hates you. Hotch is leaning on the desk adjacent to yours, holding his own travel cup full of fresh coffee, chin tilted down to check on you. His gaze is kind, light on your face, and his eyebrows are lifted slightly. You get the feeling that he's doing everything in his power to present himself as less imposing.
"Yes, of course," you answer automatically, heart thudding in your throat.
"You know, you shouldn't lie to profilers," he says, tone teasing, voice still low. "If you're tired, it's okay to admit it to me, too."
You're about to brush him off when something in your brain freezes before clicking into place.
He's looking at you, pleading, expression open. He's usually guarded, professional. Caring, but with a guard up. Rare are these moments of genuine asking, especially rarer so are the moment of pleading hidden behind a mask of gentle humor. You think, briefly, about how it must seem to him. He heard you, Emily, and Morgan joking in the kitchen. You haven't been here long, you're shy, but slowly thawing to everyone but him. He doesn't know your reasons, he couldn't, you've made a genuine effort to hide them, and you force yourself to see it from his perspective.
"Sorry," you say, softly, slowly. "I didn't sleep well. First nightmares and then insomnia. Hence," you gesture toward your mug. You shrug, heart beating out of your chest, eyes searching his. Nice, be nice, be open and kind and yourself. "At least I have FRIENDS reruns to keep me company."
You see something relax in him at your gentle offering of the information. He sends you a not-quite-smile, nodding once and pushing himself off of the desk he was lightly leaning against.
"Take a few minutes, I'm sure JJ will call us in soon." He scans your face for a moment before looking down at your desk. He reaches forward, slowly but with purpose, and lifts a file that has been nagging you for days. The new computer system is hard to get used to and the paperwork load is heavier than you've experienced before. "I can help you with this to ease some of your load, too."
He's walking away before you can protest, tucking the file under his arm and ducking into his office. He moves swiftly, leaving no room for argument, and you're left at your desk, mouth agape and heart in your mouth.
"Wow," Spencer says, jolting you in your chair to spin around and face him. His desk is near yours, across a walkway, and you hadn't registered him sitting there. You think he was nose-deep in a book when you walked in but you hadn't been paying attention. "I don't think I've seen him warm up to someone that fast," Spencer admits, leaning back in his seat and giving you a confused look, eyebrows lowered. "Actually, he's never offered to help me do my paperwork. Ever."
"That's because you read far too fast for it to actually help you," you offer, mind racing, words hollow as your thoughts are elsewhere.
Eyes trained on the windows of Hotch's office, you take his advice and relax for the few minutes before JJ comes to gather you all in the conference room. Coffee on your lips, you let yourself smile behind the rim of your mug. You can't imagine how you could think of anything other than that, really.
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all the fanfics i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
╰┈➤ a/n: 2022 me would skin me alive if she ever found out im being vocal abt liking eddie munson
ᡣ𐭩 how you can help palestine . fic recs m.list
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⭒ Cozy
Waking up the day after Eddie has fucked your brains out you have a little more fun.
⭒ Private Viewing
What happens when your favorite camboy is in your class? You should stop watching his content... or should you? What happens when you are eventually paired together for a project? Everything will be just fine, won't it?
⭒ Next Caller
Eddie hosts a late night radio show for his college campus, where he discusses various different topics. He's mostly known for his DnD and sex talk segments. You've been a long-time listener who works up the courage to finally call in for some help.
⭒ You Look Lonely
Eddie finally had it all, success, money, and fame. There was still one tiny problem he had.
⭒ Cockwarming with older!Eddie (blurb)
⭒ “Let me taste you” (blurb)
⭒ "B-baby please, I'm gonna-" (blurb)
⭒ Shotgun
You're on a camping trip with your two friends, and the scariest guy from school: Eddie Munson. A few beers and some weed change the way you look at him however. Maybe he's not so scary after all. Cocky, oh yes, but not scary. Especially the way your legs start to squeeze together at the sight of him. But, does he like you, or is this some cruel game to play on the innocent band geek? 
⭒ Benefits
Your best friend Eddie starts to look very appealing to you, but if you suggest a dynamic change, will he go for it?
⭒ Soft Touches
you and your dealer Eddie get a little closer than anticipated.
⭒ The Ink Shop
Desperate for a job, you answer an advertisement not knowing it's a tattoo shop. It's not particularly difficult work, except for one thing: having to deal with Eddie Munson.  
⭒ Not So Accidental Invitations
Tired of ignoring your ever growing attraction to your roommate Eddie you "accidentally" send him a partial nude, his reaction is everything you had hoped it would be and more...
⭒ Love in the Locker Room
you go into the boys locker room with a plan to steal the polaroids your now ex boyfriend took of you to show off to his friends, but the last thing you suspected was to be met with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and his very big friend.
⭒ Topaz, Lime, Ruby Red
Eddie has a staring problem that you barely notice, though you share an aching, awful crush. One of you has to bend first, and it’s not who you’d expect.
⭒ Is It Getting Too Much?
you finally work up the courage to kiss Eddie for the first time and he can’t cope (even if he claims he can).
⭒ If It Barks
You don’t mean to make an enemy of Eddie Munson — he’s handsome and talented, but he’s the biggest jerk you’ve ever met. Eddie thinks you’re infuriatingly pretty, emphasis on the infuriating.
part one | part two | part three | part four |
⭒ Was That So Hard?
Your best friend Eddie tries to explain what a hickey feels like and finds he doesn't have the words. He could show you, though, if you want?
⭒ Dark Matter
You ask your best friend Eddie to give you your first kiss. Eddie's not really in the habit of saying no to you.
⭒ Something Extra
You're having trouble sleeping and pot seems like the only solution. Good thing your dealer, Eddie Munson, knows of another method that he's willing to to teach you. You get more than you bargained for when he tells you what he gets off to every night - you.
⭒ Desperate!Eddie (blurb)
⭒ eddie "monstercock" munson
eddie ‘monstercock’ munson, who is painfully unaware of the sheer size of his dick.
⭒ Dark and Stormy
A missing key and a terrible storm leaves you and Eddie stranded in the back of his van. What ever shall you do to pass the time?
⭒ Take A Dip?
eddie wants to get you in the water with him while you're alone at the community pool. he ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for.
⭒ Biggest Fan
⭒ Safe Hands
Sex has never been a pleasant experience for you. Selfish partners, anxiety, and pain have all ruined something that you should enjoy. You’re convinced there’s something wrong with you, but Eddie is determined to prove otherwise.
⭒ I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
You and Eddie have both had crap luck on dates lately, nothing that can't be fixed with a strawberry milkshake. However, he gets asked out on a date and it goes well...until it turns your life on its head and he forgets how to pick up the phone. You don't even care that he's dating someone else you just want your best friend back.
⭒ The Splash of Rain on the Roof
you're best friends with Eddie Munson after moving to Hawkins, the new girl who ditches the cheerleaders for the Freaks. A year later, you've fallen head over heels for him, and you're convinced there's no way he has any interest in you. It finally seems confirmed when you find out (more or less) that he's into a fucking cheerleader. Your heart breaks.
⭒ missionary with eddie (drabble)
eddie didn't care for missionary until he meets you
⭒ Soft!Eddie (blurb)
⭒ The Girlfriend Experience
Eddie doesn’t think he’s cut out for dating. Self-resigned to a life of one and done hookups, you’re determined to make him see that he has the capacity to be a worthy companion… for when the right girl comes around.
@/gaybybirth on ao3
⭒ Double Feature
When you're forced to go to a double feature showing of the Halloween movies with your brother and his friends, you find yourself, like usual, interacting with Eddie Munson. But it doesn't take long for the platonic line to be blurred and things to heat up.
⭒ Show Me
You ask Eddie to show you what you've been missing out on after he discovers your boyfriend never went down on you.
⭒ Romantic!Eddie blurb
⭒ The Princess and the Freak | Part 2
“I can’t help but dream of his head between my thighs, how his hair would feel against my—”
@/mediocredreams on ao3
⭒ Extra Credit
Your professor offers you a very personal in-home tutoring session.
@/ghostproofbaby on ao3
⭒ Twenty Four Hours
in which eddie munson and you absolutely hate each other's guts. what happens when your friends make a bet that you can't spend more than twenty four hours consecutively together?
@/decembersfinest on ao3
⭒ Living After Midnight
Being a perpetual people-pleaser meant that you were constantly putting others before yourself--particularly your parents and the eccentric guests who stayed at their motel. But when a surly and mysterious musician checked in indefinitely, he flipped your whole world on its head.
⭒ Band Practice
when band practice doesn’t go as planned…
⭒ One Step Away From You
You move back to Hawkins after 3 years away to finish out your senior year. Can you salvage the friendship you once had with your ex best friend, Eddie? Will you be able to push down your deeper feelings for him, or will it all come bubbling out in disaster?
@/nerdsarehot on ao3
⭒ A Kiss to Remember
⭒ Flustered
@/GreyPetticoats on ao3
⭒ Wing Man
Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wingman for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
⭒ Riding Eddie drabble
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littlebirdy-bat · 1 month
grumpy x sunshine is Jason coded
flustered x flirty is Dick coded
and competent seperate but idiots together is Tim coded
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killakalx · 5 months
17+ content, blank blogs dnf
my attempt of forcing myself out of this block. poorly proofread, dick’s drabble is short compared to jason’s
dick grayson isn’t the jealous type, but he loves when you try to coax it out of him. the fact that you’re trying to get a reaction from him is almost touching, really. after spending the whole week wearing the skimpiest of clothes for all your outings, feeding into every ounce of attention you get and still seeking more, you assume him fucking you is his get back.
“aw,” he’d coo, hand gripping your face as he speaks to you. “‘s that what you were showing out for? just wanted me to fuck you rough?” deep thrusts punctuate his question and you nod— as best as you can with his fingertips digging into your cheeks, at least.
“I know you wanna,” you manage in an attempt to encourage him, rolling your hips and clenching around his shaft to elicit that sweet sound you only get from him a few times with each fuck. “c’mon, dickie- fuck me like you’re mad at me.”
“good try,” dick teases through teeth and tongue as he groans into your mouth, letting go of your jaw to pin your wrists into the bed. there’s a momentum that he picks up, but nothing even close to what you’d tried to provoke. “tell me when you let someone else touch this pretty pussy the way I do,” dick suggests in a hushed moan against your ear, “maybe then i’ll fuck you how you want me to.”
jason todd, however, falls for it every time. any little attention grab, any whorish call you make to draw men in— he sees it and it makes his eye twitch as soon as he picks up on it.
he’s not stupid. he knows every party trick you’ve got, and yet he still ends up balls deep inside you against any surface, stretching you out on his fat cock the way you intend him to. jason fucks you like he’s livid, because he is, and it leaves you choking on your words.
“y’think you’re so cute,” he chastises, shoving your face into the mattress until your whines are muffled in the sheets. your legs jolt with each hard pound he gives you, slow and calculated to hit that sweet spot only his cock could ever reach. “did you even see the way they were lookin’ at you?” his voice scratches at the side of your neck, low and accusatory as he slams his cock inside of you before you can mutter some sorry explanation.
jason folds your leg higher up and you keen, nails clawing at sheets as you gather hold of yourself. “you sound-“ a particularly hard thrust makes you gasp, “sound jealous, jay.” and like that, you’ve cut the red wire.
“really,” he grunts with a ticked off tone, “you think so?” his words neither confirm nor deny, but the way jason flips you with little to no time wasted speaks volumes. the way he easily repositions you, face down and damn near suffocating you in the sheets with your ass in the air; that’s what tells you your plan worked. and in little to time, jason has you absolutely broken. sheets soaked, pillows damp with tears and drool as you cry to him.
you whimper into the soft cotton, gripping onto the sheets hard enough to pull them off of their corners. he’s got you sounding pathetic, legs trembling and jolting every time he bruises your cervix, leaking around the base of his cock, and at this point your body’s fallen limp. pretty little pleas for jason and only jason, and he’d be more willing to admit how hot you look if he wasn’t pissed off. “begging for me,” jason huffs with an agitated quirk of his lip, “and all i’m giving you is what you fuckin’ wanted.” ❧
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tojisun · 4 months
you’ve just given me a thought
Reader sitting on Johnnys face with Simon fucking him. Johnnys pushing reader down harder on his face, all pussy drunk, smothered in her and it gets to a point where Simon has to physically pull reader off of Johnny just to let him breath because he wasn’t gonna do it himself and certainly wasn’t going to let reader go. He’s all flushed and breathing heavy getting air back in his lungs, face covered in squirt 🫣
oh lord i may have died and ascended-
and the way johnny’s got a vice grip on your thighs or on the dip of your hips, pushing you down on his face, either to muffle his moans on the hot press of your skin because simon’s fucking him so good, hitting his prostate so well, or to lick up at your pussy because it is so wet and warm, and your slick is so delicious, he can’t help but gulp it down because he wants more—
“joh-nny,” you hiccup, his name slipping from your gritted teeth in a slurred hiss. “stop! stop, please!”
it’s too much, too fast, and johnny’s frantic movements are only making you anxious. you can’t even feel his breath against your cunt anymore, and you tremble, wide-eyed as the cold wash of worry mixes with your desires.
you fist at his hair, trying to pry him off your cunt so you can get to your knees for a second, but your squirming just makes johnny grip your body harder. he digs his tongue in deeper, and you let out a drawled-out whine at the drag of his nose against your hardened clit.
“simon!” you sob, your breaths hitching as you tremble. “make’im stop! simon, make’im—”
“fuckin’ hell,” simon murmurs, breathless himself, his voice a rich timbre from somewhere close behind you. you feel his arms wrap around your chest before he pulls you towards him.
you lazily topple off johnny’s face and into simon’s space, your back pressed flush against his chest. you tip your head down, feeling the way simon does the same, and you two watch as johnny catches his breath.
he is flushed oh-so beautifully, his nose all flared as he gulps down air. his face is wet, messy with your slick, and you watch, with a silent gasp, johnny poke his tongue out to lave at his glistening lips, tasting the remnants of your euphoria.
you jump when you feel simon buck his body forward, jostling you and johnny together. johnny hisses, his face crumpling in his pleasure, and—
“oh,” you say, reaching down to stuff yourself with your fingers. “si, do tha’ again, please?”
simon hooks his chin on your shoulder, grunting in his own bliss when he pulls out, slow like he is deliberate in teasing johnny, only to punch his cock back in johnny. you three share a moan.
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in-another-april · 3 months
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one of my favorite things about early seasons spence is him just looking casually scared all the time
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an1t4k · 3 months
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sukunasweetheart · 5 months
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i so desperately want to write a dark romance with the concept of consuming as a form of intense, obsessive yet ominously beautiful, love with trueform sukuna.
i want him to love reader so much that he almost wants to literally eat her, and i want her to see it not as something to be terrified of, but to accept and recognise that his desire to devour you is not out of malice, but rather, something of adoration...
his mad infatuation would reveal itself in many, many forms. just by simply looking at you, his eyes darken, and his gaze seems to poke and prod at your soul, constantly analysing and soaking the sight of you into his memories. the way all four of his hands touch you, his searing hot palms smoothing over you, littering deep bruises across, claiming your skin as his canvas, embedding marks that indicate his presence in all and every way possible.
how his lips possessively captures yours, tongue twisting around in your mouth - sukuna kisses you with a type of hunger that goes unmatched by anybody else-- his engagements with you are all-consuming, meaning that he doesn't let you get a moment to think about anything else, too pre-occupied with his flames that lick up at your flesh, threatening to burn you down to cinders with its intensity, unmerciful. and when his teeth sinks in, a cry escapes your throat - a cry that isn't pleading for help, but is pleading for more.
sukuna's adam's apple would bob up and down as he swallows dryly, enduring another night of wishing to absolutely devour you whole, and leave nothing of you behind. it certainly doesn't help that you encourage him, egg him on.
he mustn't- he mustn't- he mustn't--
for who will comfort him from the loneliness that would follow, if he loses you to himself?
he satiates his aching desires by lapping up your honey-sweet blood from your inflicted bite wounds, addicted to your unique, intoxicating flavour.
you smile deliriously, like a madwoman, helplessly enamoured by sukuna's dangerous, distorted, yet an undeniably powerful form of his love.
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starch1ldz · 7 months
Y/n: no one actually thinks me and Spencer are dating.
Emily: Raise your hand if you think Spencer and Y/n are dating
The entire team including Spencer raising their hands.
Y/n: Spencer Walter Reid put your hand down.
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