nspdr-neo · 1 month
Volo comes backs after a day of merchant stuff, large golden boom box in tow from his new friend Junko. Elesa, Skyla, Fantina and Cynthia are tickled by this new aquistion. Then *deep sigh* Skyla presses the on button, because of course she does, it's Skyla.
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Hey, when you get sent forward in time, you need some method of gaining revenue, and what better way to do that then by catering to sex appeal!
Thanks to his own interdimensional travels giving him that golden boombox, all Volo had to do was call up four ladies that he thought would best work as his new employees. Skyla with how little she wore to cover her boobs and ass, Elesa being a gorgeous model who wouldn't mind thin or showy clothing, Fantina's own flair for dramatic and Cynthia?
What pinhead wouldn't go absolutely feral to see her~ He invited the quartet over and left the boombox alone in his living room with them, while he went to get something (earmuffs)....and waited for Skyla's curiousity to essentially screw them over~
Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap~
"Heeeeey, I know you girls can do better than this!!! We need to prepare for tomorrow's show, so get those buns a moving~" he ordered, giving a nice ass slap to Skyla. Compared to the others, the boombox's effects were quickly instantaneous, turning an already mildly slutty woman into a full fledged twerkslut with ease - with an ass that easily ripped away her shorts to boot~ Yeeeep, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Skyla's brain was long gone in haze of intense electro and sudden thrill to show-off.
"Aaaaaaah~ Yes, Mister Volo!!! Sky will make everyone's hearts soaaaaaar~" she moaned, her own booty essentially flying in a total, noisy, blurr that would have anyone impressed.
"Ughhh, p-peeeeerv!! J-just you wait until this song ends!!! I swear, I'm gonna-heeeey!! Don't-!!!" Click~ As the boombox cranked it up, Elesa, who had some form of resistance to the control, found herself being washed with the same urge to being super slutty just like Skyla. "Crank it up, Vollyyyyyy!! I can make sparks fly with this show~" she bragged, ripping away her skirt (which had been barely clinging to her new doughy ass) and dancing away with experience that only her modeling gig could bring her.
"I'll be hoping for it Elesa! How are you, Fantina? Doing fine?"
"Th-this is so magnifiiiiiiiiiiiqueeee~ Mon ami, I must say thanks~ Neither Sinnoh or Kalos, has such a device, so this is quite the marvel! Am I doing it right?~" Fantina gushed. While Skyla and Elesa were both caught up in a hypnotic funk, Fantina (lover of theatrics) was somewhere in the middle, being somewhat aware of her body moving on its own, sending her to the ground, ass up. Something that eventually lead to her flipping up her dress and dropping her panties to enthusiastically shake her meaty buns in front of her new boss~
Volo gives her a nice pat to her soft cheeks. "You're a fast learner, 'Tina!....Cynthia? How about you?"
"I...I'm doing - completely fiiiiine, VoVo, I'm so stoked to get to work tomorrow!! Like, I bet I can get a dozen of guys to splooge for this twerkmea-no!!! O-of all the things!! I swear I'll destroy - so many CAWKS~ They won't be able to stop cumming and coming back and cumming and coming back and - count yours days, Volo!!! This won't last forever and I'll - pump up those numbers and dicks for you lickety-split, teehee~"
Yeaaaaah, Cynthia definitely had the most unique reaction to being under the spell of Volo's boombox - trying very much not to give into her new bimbo side. A side that craved to strip down to her underwear, drop down as low as she could and twerk her soul out into people would throw diamond and pearls at her (if not their own spunk-covered money). A side that was gradually winning, glazing over Cynthia's eyes in lust and greed as she stripped down to a black thong that was enveloped by her fatty globes that were slowly growing with each fierce 'CLAP' in time with the Boombox' music.
Volo chuckled and nodded proudly. "I'll be looking forward to it, Cynthia!! You and the others will be doing a great service helping me out!! Hey, and soon, maybe we can get even more employees to help you out!! How would you like that?~" he asked, which earned a round of hollering in approval towards their new boss. Something that he couldn't help but chuckle at their fanfare.
He'll have to thank Enoshima for this machine later on - who knew just one box was enough to get him on the path to riches...and to eventually build his way back up to getting his own dreams of conquest back in gear~
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nspdr-neo · 22 days
Ghetsis manipulates Professors, Juniper and Fennel and Bianca with an offscreen elaborate plan so they go to Volos place as sacrifical distractions so he can steal Volos boombox to cripple the world and rule it. Junko catches wind of the plan, not willing to let a grouch ruin the fun, and promptly ambushes him with her fat ass, smothering him and foiling his plan.
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"Well...I guess I have more personnel now~"
Honestly, Volo didn't know what to expect when three scientist girls all rushed into his club and began asking him questions seemingly out of nowhere, and without rhyme or reason. How did he get so many girls working under him? How did he get his club? How come the songs coming from the boombox just feel so darn catchy?
Can we join?
Okay, now that one was a slip of the tongue from Bianca that had both girls look panicky, but, hey, Volo wasn't gonna say no! He had the others look after them while he went to retrieve his prized golden boombox, usually locked away in his office for safekeeping...hm?
The door was unlocked...eh. Probably forgot to do so in the moment last night. Thankfully, the boombox was still there. Meaning it was time to see what his new girls could do. All three did seem more shocked than ever that he had it with him, but he dismissed it as them being in awe.
Besides, he can always question them later: after they get settled in! Once the boombox started, it wasn't long until all three started feeling the effects. Bianca, the one who asked the question of their recruitment first, easily succumbed to the effects, becoming a bubbly, air-headed blonde that was stripping off all of her clothes in a heartbeat and clapping her ass like an utter pro. Fennel would be the next to fall, her eyes glazing over in a nervous, unsure, pleasure. But once Bianca kissed her and began to strip Fennel herself, the woman just had to give in. Give in and enjoy just like Bianca~
This just left Juniper whose own relationship with the boombox was more along the lines of Cynthia's in a way. She was very much aware of the box's hypnotic power, but the more she listened to it, the more her body began acting on its own...and how much she craved it. Ultimately, this culminated in her slamming her big booty onto the stage ground in front of Volo and the the other employees like a pro~
Something that would definitely be useful as apart of her new career!
"C-confound it, woman!!! Let me g-!!!! MMMMMMMPHHHH!!!!!" Ghetsis could only give out muffled screams and rants, which was fitting given his situation. Junko's fat, plump, despairingly huge ass was currently using Ghetsis as her own chair. She had caught him inches away from swiping the boombox, but managed to not only him drag him away from Volo's office, but lock herself in a storage closet with him so she could do some 'interrogation' of her own.
"Hmmmmmmmm, nah!! Listen, Volo's thing right now is prime entertainment, and I'll be damned if that stops because some geezer wants to butt in. Speaking of which, how's my despairingly perfect ass feel! Most would die to be under it! Puhuhuhhu!!!" Chuckled Junko, even rubbing her ass on his face good measure.
Sometimes its pays to do some good to allow for a nice bit of evil to occur~
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nspdr-neo · 22 days
Rumors of the boombox spread. Volo rakes in the money. Cynthia still sonehow retains willpower, but not enough to break free.
Lusamine lure by Volo, with Annabelle, N and Gladion to investigate, as the merchant suggests ultra wormholes might be involved. It's a trap, unsurpisingly. As Annabelle gives into the twerk, her very confusefld snorlax looks on, deciding to take a nap until this whole thing boils over
All in a days work for Volo
Customer satisfaction guaranteed
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"Good work today, Cynthia! Really bringing in the customers!!" Volo applauded. It's been a few weeks since Volo got his club up and running and he was in his office collecting the money from his top earner. Cynthia, dressing in a skimpy, reverse, Lopunny suit. She rolled her eyes as he counted the wads of cash he, or rather she earned.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, 'Master'..." she grunted. She had since regained a good bit of her will from the boombox's control, but its hypnotic power was still very much a thorn that had the busty, curvaceous, blonde still throwing it back for Volo.
"Awww, don't be so glum!~ You're helping a pal in need, and what could more important than that!!" he said cheekily, before his features turned contemplative.
"Hmm...though at this rate, I think we'll need to get more dancers on our side." Cynthia raised her eyebrow, looking curious, focused and, though she won't admit it, a bit jealous as well.
"Really? Like who?" To that Volo's merely flashed his pearly gates.
"Now that, dear Cynthia, is a surprise~"
"Welcome one and all the the Voloptuous Villa!!! The one place where you can find Gym Leaders to other elite trainers showing off their goods to you!!!" barked Volo, dressed in a fancy suit as her gone on-top of the stage. The crowd was packed and cheering. For good reason to as Volo had been advertising he had gotten two newcomers to the place.
"And who are we to disappoint?~ We got two new beauties for people to witness and toss their hard earned cash too! To my left she's tall, in charge, and has a temper that'll make you bow to this metaphorical queen - Leader of the Aether Foundation: Lusamine!!!" Stomping out onto stage with a set of strong, sharp, heels, was a MILF that would make even Cynthia think twice about going against. Cladded in a white bikini that just barely covered part of her nipples, and sure as Hell wasn't covering that jello back there, she stared down at the crowd with a look of sterness so fierce, anyone would defer to her as Mommy.
"To my right, who doesn't love of a case of a good cop gone dirty? Well, perhaps not THAT kind of dirty, only really in the most pleasurable sense!! From Interpol busting crimes, to in my Villa getting you to bust, it's Anabel!!" Walking out onto stage, in a much softer, tread was the former Salon Maiden herself. Her outfit was a sexy version of Kanto's police uniforms, wearing a blue shirt that had the top unbuttoned enough to expose her cleavage and rolled up to flasher stomach, while finishing the look with a short blue skirt that exposed a pair of frilly purple panties! Giggling, she gave a shallow wave to the crowd that loved her entrance.
"Now, without further a do, let's start the show off with a double performance! Bring out the Box!!!" The box in question being the golden boombox that, once it began to blare its hypnotizing beat, go the two women working in sync with each other, as well as bringing their own flair to the exchange.
For Lusamine, her big booty bouncing was done with a sense of force and loudness that demanded one pay attention to Aether Foundation's found. Lest they find themselves on the wrong end of her plush cheeks~ As for Anabel, her bubble butt was springy and incredibly fast. Almost like some sort of power was being used on it!
As the crowd began tossing money at the two women, Volo could only look back in pride.
Getting Lusamine was child's play. Under the pretense of connection his guild with the Aether Foundation, it wasn't long before the hypnotic power got to her. While she claims to dislike it, she was, in truth, more of a tsundere about her new situation. She totally didn't want people to look at her MILFy ass and gawk at it, while showering her with praise. Totally not~
As for Anabel, that was more on luck's side than anything. Anabel was apart of an investigation team with N and Gladion concerning the whole 'interdimensional rift to another, more despair riddled, world' was raising eyebrows. Thankfully, Lusamine was able to use her magic to acquire quite the catch. A member of Interpol under their belt would not only bring in the cash, but also info about any opposition trying to stop Volo's scheme!
Perhaps Arceus was really looking on him with fortune now~ (Bit too late though...)
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