nspdr-neo · 22 days
Ghetsis manipulates Professors, Juniper and Fennel and Bianca with an offscreen elaborate plan so they go to Volos place as sacrifical distractions so he can steal Volos boombox to cripple the world and rule it. Junko catches wind of the plan, not willing to let a grouch ruin the fun, and promptly ambushes him with her fat ass, smothering him and foiling his plan.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"Well...I guess I have more personnel now~"
Honestly, Volo didn't know what to expect when three scientist girls all rushed into his club and began asking him questions seemingly out of nowhere, and without rhyme or reason. How did he get so many girls working under him? How did he get his club? How come the songs coming from the boombox just feel so darn catchy?
Can we join?
Okay, now that one was a slip of the tongue from Bianca that had both girls look panicky, but, hey, Volo wasn't gonna say no! He had the others look after them while he went to retrieve his prized golden boombox, usually locked away in his office for safekeeping...hm?
The door was unlocked...eh. Probably forgot to do so in the moment last night. Thankfully, the boombox was still there. Meaning it was time to see what his new girls could do. All three did seem more shocked than ever that he had it with him, but he dismissed it as them being in awe.
Besides, he can always question them later: after they get settled in! Once the boombox started, it wasn't long until all three started feeling the effects. Bianca, the one who asked the question of their recruitment first, easily succumbed to the effects, becoming a bubbly, air-headed blonde that was stripping off all of her clothes in a heartbeat and clapping her ass like an utter pro. Fennel would be the next to fall, her eyes glazing over in a nervous, unsure, pleasure. But once Bianca kissed her and began to strip Fennel herself, the woman just had to give in. Give in and enjoy just like Bianca~
This just left Juniper whose own relationship with the boombox was more along the lines of Cynthia's in a way. She was very much aware of the box's hypnotic power, but the more she listened to it, the more her body began acting on its own...and how much she craved it. Ultimately, this culminated in her slamming her big booty onto the stage ground in front of Volo and the the other employees like a pro~
Something that would definitely be useful as apart of her new career!
"C-confound it, woman!!! Let me g-!!!! MMMMMMMPHHHH!!!!!" Ghetsis could only give out muffled screams and rants, which was fitting given his situation. Junko's fat, plump, despairingly huge ass was currently using Ghetsis as her own chair. She had caught him inches away from swiping the boombox, but managed to not only him drag him away from Volo's office, but lock herself in a storage closet with him so she could do some 'interrogation' of her own.
"Hmmmmmmmm, nah!! Listen, Volo's thing right now is prime entertainment, and I'll be damned if that stops because some geezer wants to butt in. Speaking of which, how's my despairingly perfect ass feel! Most would die to be under it! Puhuhuhhu!!!" Chuckled Junko, even rubbing her ass on his face good measure.
Sometimes its pays to do some good to allow for a nice bit of evil to occur~
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