#PJSSG Fanfic
Kingdom Collisions XVII
masterlist; my links
CW: blood, death
Phew, when i first started this fic (way back when in august last year, i think) i didn’t expect it to become a multi-chapter nor did i expect it to go in literally any of the directions it went in. with each new chapter the boys cooked up something different and apparently more and more dark. nonetheless this has been one of the most absolute fun, exciting, and rewarding fics i’ve ever put out there because 1. i just kind of did whatever i liked with it (plot holes be damned) and 2. because the interaction i got from this fic was mind-boggling. Every plot twist brought a gasp, an angst gremlin, and a sweet supporter to my doorstep (i cant name anyone because you all swopped roles continuously). 
when i started writing this chapter tbh i was dreading it because how on earth do i get myself out of the sheer monstrosity that i dug myself into in the last one? but i wrote some words and even though they were all wrong and it was only seven hundred of them at least i had written something you know? but then i was at the beach and the ocean water was shoving itself into my lungs and the salt was stinging my eyes and i literally couldn’t have been happier if i tried and suddenly i just kind of knew what i wanted to write... or rather i knew i wanted to write and these troublesome princes knew how they wanted their story to close. yes, indeed, close. somehow, without me realising it, we kind of got to the last chapter. i truly didn’t think this would be it but with each word i put down it just kept drawing closer and closer to a close. and i can’t force this fic to be anything but what it is. So, my dear ones, this is the last chapter of Kingdom Collisions. thank you for coming along, i hope with all my heart you enjoyed it even a fraction as much as i did. I love these Princes so hard and Nish, Gretch, and A can tell you how sad i was to see them end. Nonetheless, please enjoy!
Since it’s been a hot minute since the previous chapter, here’s a recap:
Prince Jason Grace stumbles from the mouth of the arena and falls to his knees in front of the platform.
“Kill him Perseus.” A voice glimmers around him, leaking in through the ringing in his ears.
“Come home Prince,” That voice lilts, “Do not die so far from the sea.”
Jason looks up at him, blue eyes hazy, a dagger loose in his clasp. “Hello Prince.”
Percy steps down from the platform, and takes the dagger from his husband’s hands. It is almost sickening how easily he gives it over.
The crowd stomps its feet: they are ready for blood; they are ready for slaughter.
He holds the dagger up, making sure it glints in the sun. And then he draws his husband close until there is nothing between their bodies, not space, not even air.
“Let’s go home my love.” He whispers. “We will not die so far from the sea.”
Prince Perseus Jackson brings the blade down.
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We’ll never get free// lamb to the slaughter// what you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water
Prince Perseus Jackson knows he’s going to die today. It is not a feeling, or a morbid premonition. It is the cold, hard truth. If he does not the world will continue to suffer for it. And what kind of prince would he be if he allowed his people to suffer? His father would say he’d be a coward. His father did not know the meaning of the word until he screamed as a blade sunk into his chest. Percy wonders how a man made from the Rivers themselves, can die by knife. He supposes when you spend long enough pretending to be human, you die like one too.
All the same Percy must take his last breath today, before the setting sun has managed to hide for the night. Before the darkness can wrap around his bones like cigarette smoke, and keep him trapped once more. 
But first, Percy must kill his husband. 
The crowd is violent; their need for bloodshed a hyena’s cackle in his head. He cannot keep them out. He cannot keep them at bay. It drives into his blood, makes every dangerous drop slosh through him, as wild as the rivers of his father. As wild as the blue eyes staring him down.
Perseus Jackson looks at his husband, barely an inch apart, so close it seems no room is left for air. He can’t breathe, so it must have been pushed away, pushed out. Those blue eyes, as striking as the brilliant sky above them, are looking at him with so much… sorrow, love, joy, rage? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know and it terrifies him. He knows and that scares him more. Prince Jason Grace is looking at him with delight and it makes him want to sin.
“I will find you again, my love.” His lips brush the sensitive skin of his ear. He feels that beautiful body shudder underneath him.
The musician’s box echoes with the notes of the wind, a melody that rackets around in his head, bouncing off the walls of his memories. He has died to this tune many times. Died as a king, and a peasant, and a squallor, and a whore, and every form of human scum and royalty alike. They all bleed the same in the end. All die with regrets on their tongue, and the unconquering falsehood of love in their hearts, as if that alone is enough to save them. He has never been safe from death. But love saves him all the same. He wonders if he will die again.
“I will not be lost.” Jason whispers back, so quiet, so full of sweet darkness.
Percy slams the blade into his Jason’s heart and watches as the light from beckoning eyes morphs into a smile that surrenders the world. He doesn’t acknowledge the warmth at his side. There is only his Prince, his husband, his other half, his, his, his. 
“I will be waiting.” Jason Grace grins. Jason Grace dies.
Already he can feel the absence of his other. It is not a dull ache, nor a sharp one. It is not really an ache at all. Rather as if a veil has been placed over him, leeching the world of colour and light. Leeching him of any goodness. What is a destroyer, without his healer?
The Prince of Mare pulls the knife out of his husband’s chest and holds it up to the crowd. His smile dances, violence coating the angles of his face like a liquid mask. The colosseum responds in vigour, chanting his name, chanting the name of Princess Piper Mclean, chanting victory as if they’ve won. Dust begins to settle at his feet, settle then jump as they jump, then settle once more. And endless dance. He knows the score by heart. 
“What you have witnessed today my good people,” The woman in power stands in her box, surveying the scene before her with triumph in her brown, glinting eyes. “Is the beginning of forever, again.”
The people cheer, clap, stomp their feet, make the stone underneath them quiver.
A drop of blood falls to the floor.
“We have completed what our ancestors could not. We have made sure that the threat— ” She sneers at them; at him in his bloodied rags, and the husband still in his arms, limp and fast growing cold. “The threat of Our Downfall may never rise from the ashes.”
The deafening sound of celebration is a vice around his throat. He wants to rip the air from their lungs, make their joy a noose around their necks. They celebrate the loss of a life as if it were the birth of a thousand more; they celebrate the death of his husband as if they had won the war. But they have never seen war. And his past selves, rushing up to him in these moments, like reeling pictures, smile at the prospect. They seem to gather in his mind, grinning with endless terror and say, so very softly, “You think this is war? We’ve only just begun.”
We’ll never get free// lamb to the slaughter// what you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water
“My people,” Piper’s voice is a lull in the tides, a blind comfort to distract from the storm ahead. “We have severed the wings of a phoenix so it may never rise again.”
The crowd stomps, he stomps with them. A fissure runs under his feet, small, unnoticeable. Blood drips down, down, down, into the cracks. There is nothing left for him here. He smiles, soft and small. It is a smile only he knows exists.
With a gentleness he does not possess for anyone else but the man before him he lays his husband down, wincing as the dusty platform touches that beautiful golden skin. But he does not have time to make it clean. To give him a worthy place to rest. He only has right now. Eternity is a second in itself.
And when Prince Perseus stands, straight and unburdened. He reveals the last piece in a twisted puzzle. For sticking out of his own side— the side his prince was pressed against— is a dagger of his own. One that is killing him slowly.
The people are still cheering, Princess Piper is still revelling in her glory. She looks ethereal up on her dais, every bit the goddess she craves to be. Her brown skin shines in the brightening sun, her black hair flowing down, down, down past her hips, swishing at her thighs. And the crown that sits on her head, perched there as if it was too scared to be trapped to such power, glints almost menacingly, jewels reflecting onto the people closest to her. To the woman at her side. Annabeth, sister to Jason, lover to Piper, and honorary daughter of Hekima, sees him. Sees all of him and goes as pale as the moon. She grabs her lover’s arm, points a shaky finger in their direction, at the blade in his side.
The look of horror on their faces is almost enough to make him laugh; it’s certainly enough to make him smile. He watches on as their plans unravel, remembering the deadly words Piper had said to him all those days ago. “Instead we will kill one of you and keep the other continually alive.” But what good would that do, if he had killed them both, if he made sure his blood was smeared across his husband’s wound; if he made sure his husband’s blood could not be used to heal them. He has become the destroyer they so badly wanted. 
Prince Perseus Jackson falls to his knees, at the symphony of a princess’s screech. And as he looks to his side, his fingers find the cool hand of Jason Grace. The sky is a lover’s blue. He closes his eyes. He finds his husband amongst the dead. And ever so slowly, the colosseum starts to crumble. For the blood from his wound seeps into the cracks running rivers of their own, and eats at the stone that holds the people, the power, the world. He has become his father. His mind is fill of his own stories, just like his mother. He feels the cold band on his husband’s finger. He becomes life.
We’ll never get free// lamb to the slaughter// what you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water
The walls behind her turn to dust in slow motion. She sees particles fall, land at her feet in never-ending waterfalls. Her gaze tilts to the sky where she half expects to find it raining blue, as if the whole world would collapse on top of them. She can hear the screaming, she doesn’t known if it’s joy or fear. Sh doesn’t know if anyone has realised what’s just happened, if they know the true extent of her failure. 
“PIPER!” That voice is so far away, but it is one she recognizes. One she has loved since she was left on a lover’s bench ten years prior. “We have to go, we have to stop it from reaching the water.”
A pale hand gestures in front of her, to the crimson rivers speeding across the ground. They are the prettiest canals she’s ever seen. She wants to— 
“PIPER,” The time for shock has gone, and in it’s place is a violent need to save herself, to be saved. “We have to get out of here, this whole place is going to come down.”
When she looks to Annabeth, grey eyes bright with fear, she is struck with feeling so deep she fears she may drown. It wouldn't’ matter; she’ll be dead before she gets to submerge.
“My people,” Her voice is loud, blessedly steady, as she surveys the uneasy crowd who are only now noticing the red brooks bubbling up to meet them. “We must leave here at once. The colosseum is no longer safe. I urge you to go home to your famililes, to pack important things and make your way as far from the oceans and rivers as possible. Danger is here, and it is not a force we can fight.”
A thousand eyes look at her, emotions blatant on their faces ranging from denial, to anger, to fear, to the worst of them all, resignation. Those are the ones, she knows, who have lived through this before, in some way or the other. Whether in a past life, or the echo of their current one through stories carried down.
The ground underneath them shakes, making their feet stumble, their legs quiver. It is laughing at them, at the idea that they can escape this destruction. It has done this a thousand times before, it will do it a thousand more. The end has never been about them. They cannot escape it, no matter where they run, how hard they pray. And people are. Praying. They don’t know it is their gods who order this. Their gods who have no care for the lives of them when they can create a million more. In the end they are pawns to an endless game of chess. The first to be discarded, despite how hard they fight to prove useful. And Jason, her lover’s brother, and Perseus, her own ex lover, are soldiers sent to do their duty. Pawns themselves, maybe knights. But gods they have never been, and gods they will never become.
Annabeth’s hand is warm in hers as they race to their death. Her blonde curls fly behind her and Piper thinks it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen. And then the princess looks to her and she changes her mind. With each glance, each step, each squeeze of their skin, she changes and changes and changes. Until the beauty cannot be pinned to a single thing, until it is a tapestry continuously incomplete, of all the features that make up her love. If she— when, when she dies she will do it with this image in her mind.
And then they’re at the river, the one that feeds her kingdom, the one that runs into to the forest and branches to the five other kingdoms, before feeding into Perseus’s own and out to the ocean. There is no red tainting it’s glistening blue. They have time, maybe, just maybe they have time to save the only home they have ever known, the only one they ever will. 
We’ll never get free// lamb to the slaughter// what you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water
Quickly, with a haste she has never seen, Annabeth pulls a single match from her pocket.
“Will you grant me permission, my love?” Her princess nods to the little stick.
There is only one way to stop a stream from turning towards a river. She nods. “For the kingdoms.”
“For the kingdoms.” The blonde echoes. She strikes the match.
Sunshine yellow flame bursts from the small head, and as it settles it turns orange, blue, goes back to yellow. Annabeth lets it fall to the floor.
And they both watch, flames dancing in their eyes, as the little match catches a dry leaf, which catches dry wood, which catches, and catches, and catches.
They clasp hands, look at each other. Piper runs a finger down a freckled cheek, skin already so warm from the blaze before them.
“Let us live.” Her princess whispers.
They jump into the river. The forest burns to an inferno behind them.
But there, trickling slowly, as if it has all the time in the world, is a single stream of blood. It creeps through the forest, turning already charring soil to nothing. The fire jumps over it, around it, beyond it. The fire does not stop it. 
A single drop of blood catches on a shard of blackened stick, once a match, and as the wind blows it carries the wood over over over. It lands in the river. The stick floats away. The blood spreads wide.
And two princesses, still hand in hand, frantically swimming for their life, start to crumble to ash, like the forest they had left to burn.
We’ll never get free// lamb to the slaughter// what you gon’ do when there’s blood in the water
Perseus Jackson opens his eyes to sky blue, ice blue, saviour blue. And he cannot help but smile.
“Where have you been, my love?”
“Just had to take care of some things before i could join you.” He reaches up a hand to caress a golden cheek, warm and reddening under his touch.
“Are we finally free?” That voice is so soft, full of angled hope.
“Till the next time.” He sees that hope startle and shape before him, as if it can bend to fit around steeled will.
“What shall we do while we wait?”
“As long as we are together,” He brushes back a lock of gold. “It does not matter to me.”
“Might i suggest, staying here for the next decade at the very least?” A laughing reply, one that heats him to his bones.
“Your wish,” His green eyes sparkle dangerously, deliciously, “Is my salvation.”
“Wicked, wicked being.” Lips find his, press to him. It is so familiar, and somehow new all at once. As if the shadows they are made from need to get used to the light within them once more. As if they have not done this for a millennia, longer. 
“I cannot help it when i’m with you.”
“And you are always with me,” Those blue eyes set him on fire.
“Yes,” He says simply. He touches the golden chest, the heart within. His heart.
“What shall we be in the next life?” The question is soft against his skin, raising bumps across his arms.
“I think i shall be a painter,” He muses, lips falling to a shoulder. They trace their way up, catching on collarbones and the crook of a neck, and the dimple behind an ear. “And you, my sweet? How do you intend for us to meet?”
“I think i shall like to be your nude model.” That grin is enough to cause a flush through his form.
“And who will be our heroes?”
“The queen of course.” The blonde’s voice gets conspiratorially low, “I’m her favourite servant you see, and she cannot bear the idea of anyone else seeing me naked.”
He cannot hold in his laughter, the mind of his other half an endless stream of amusement. “And how do we intend to end it this time?”
“That’s up to you dear one.” The being curled into him smiles, “I can only heal, and you know i will only heal you.”
“You make me such a villian.” His expression is violent, and beautiful, so so beautiful.
“We have never been anything else.” 
He stares into the face of eternal love and is struck by the thought that it is all for him, that it has only ever been for him. He cradles a golden face in his hand, and with a deep unhurried breath, kisses Jason.
For the infinite time in his endless life, Perseus tastes fire.
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
@nishlicious-01 : to Nish for loving this fic harder than anyone, and for loving me harder still.
@queen-of-demons-and-hell : to Gretch for always being there even though were many countries, and many timezones apart
@leyontheway : to Ley for the endless and unwavering support and for making me smile no matter what
@sparkythunderstorm : to Lily for the continuous love and the wonderful comments
@comradefurudate : to avatar for the hilarious interactions and for loving this the way you did. Your comments made my day.
@aalikun : to ali for the theories and the comments that made me smile so hard my cheeks hurt
to A : you don’t have a tumblr account but you asked if you could read one of my fanfics and i sent you this one and you sent me back a 3 minute long voice note telling me every reason you loved it and i cannot begin to explain to you how much it means to me. i listen to the vn all the time. i love you.
and to every single one of you who liked, and/or commented on this fic: you are special to me in every way that matters and i think about you all the time.
31 notes · View notes
Empires on the Horizon Epilogue
Jason is a CEO: Epilogue
When i started this fic (around 9 months ago-- holy hell we could have had a whole human in that time) i didn’t expect it to go in the directions it did or to produce the characters and story it did. While it’s not one of my more action-packed fics it is still very special to me because 1. it’s my first jason centered fic (of which we don’t have much of); 2. it’s my first really long multi-chap (the longest before this was 10 parts); 3. i got to explore so many of my crackships and dynamics of friendship i may not have been able to if we (for example) stuck to canon; 4. most importantly i love this fic because it started out (the very first chapter) as an original story that just was not going anywhere but when i decided to make it a fanfic, suddenly ideas were pouring from my fingers like wine from a split barrel. these characters feel as much mine as they are Rick’s (which is a dangerous path to go down and i’m not actually claiming they’re mine-- gods please don’t sue me). in short i love this fic dearly, i’m so proud of how far all these little babies have come (especially jason) and i hope you feel even a smidge the joy i feel over this, as you go on to read the very soft conclusion to Jason Grace as CEO.
masterlist; my links
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There was something almost magical in the gleaming silhouette of the Manhattan skyline. There was something hopeful about it too. 
Jason Grace stepped out of his car, relishing in the sound of the gravel crunching under his feet and the babble of people all around him. His suit—  a deep blue, dark enough to look black, and glittering with tiny silver diamantes that looked like stars— clung to his shoulders and hugged his legs. The theme of the evening was “Starry Night”. He figured coming as the actual night was accurate enough. Drew and Silena had done a beautiful job on his outfit, to no-one’s surprise. He would see them here tonight, along with their husband, and the rest of his friends. And tomorrow, oh tomorrow, he would be off to Rome, with the man that filled his life with overwhelming light.
“Jase,”  Someone called out from the darkness, “Are you hiding from us because you put two different shoes on again and are too embarrassed to say?”
“Shut up Annabeth,” He laughed, “I’m coming.”
He walked towards the group of silhouettes, making out Leo and Annabeth, and Nico and Will, and coming from behind them were the dressmakers and their Charles. Hazel and Frank would be making an appearance later in the night.
“You all look beautiful.” He smiled, hugging them, kissing cheeks and foreheads, relishing in their closeness and their comfort, as he has always done. And they did in fact look beautiful. Annabeth in a dress of blue swirling around her and pooling at her feet— the colours matched the sapphire on her ring finger; Leo in a matching floor-length skirt and a sheer polo-neck that showed off every clean brown line of his skin; Nico and Will, in contrast, were complete opposites, the former in a black suit with silver jewellery, and the latter in an off white with gold accents; Silena, Drew and Charlie all had on suits with various parts of the galaxy embroidered in gold, threading a spectacular tapestry through the emerald green. All in all, his friends were really hot.
“Y’all ready?” Will drawled, tilting his head to the entrance of the hotel a little way away.
“Let’s go celebrate!” He winked in response.
And then they’re walking towards the bright lights, launching into conversations and updates and work and jokes. It was familiar in the way driving home after a long time away was, or catching a waft of the specific smell of your elementary school art room, or seeing someone from your childhood and slipping into a comfortable back-and-forth.
“Jase,” Charlie scooted next to him, breaking away from his conversation with Nico, “How’s the construction for the new section of the outdoor center going? I heard you hit a snag last week with the design?”
“Yea there was a few centimeters off with one of the structures and it caused the whole area to be off balance,” He scrunched his nose, remembering the horror from last week. “I’m just grateful we caught it in time.”
“I can’t believe it’s been a year since that center went up,” His friend marvelled, eyes wide with the disbelief of time. He knew the feeling well.
“It’s crazy. I came back from my holiday and then everything was just on fast forward.” He shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “I’m happy though, with the progress and how far we’ve come.”
“You’ve just burst and grown and brightened,” There’s that soft smile, the one that made all of Jason’s insides turn to mush. The one that told him he was loved in every capacity.
“I know.” He felt the blush creeping up his skin, pale after the long winter months. “I don’t owe it to myself though. All of you guys have—” 
“No way mister,” Annabeth chimed in, “You absolutely owe it to yourself. You got yourself there, we just cheered you on.”
“Yea,” Leo nudged his arm, a gentleness shimmering in his brown eyes. “You were the hero of your own story.”
He muttered thank you’s and tried to embrace the blush but their love and joy and pride still drowned him. Before anyone else could pile on the sincerity they were walking into the lobby and being ushered to the large, elegant ballroom three doors down.
There was a collective gasp from their group, audible even above the low hum of chatter, and the soft jazz drifting through the speakers. The entire room had been made to look like they were standing inside the middle of “Starry Night”. Like they were the townsfolk parked outside their houses witnessing the strange and magical sky above them. Swirls of blue in the draping curtains and circles of yellow in the chandeliers and wisps of the cypress trees growing from the walls as if the very room had been built around a tree.
“This is—” He didn’t even have the words to fully express his awe. If he were an art major he would have died from the beauty of it all. As it stood he could barely keep himself up.
“I know,” A voice said quietly from behind him. “It’s almost divine.”
He didn’t say anything, didn’t even turn around to see who it was. He simply stepped back and let arms envelope him. He didn’t need to check, because he knew, he would always know. In the heat of their skin, and the hum of their voice, and the love that radiated between them like scorching summer sun.
“Moró mou,” He sighed, tipping his head back to rest against a shoulder. From this angle he could see blazing green eyes and jet-black curls, and impossibly high cheekbones, and a jaw sculpted by Michaelangelo.
“Hello my love,” Percy Jackson smiled. “How are you?”
“Happy.” He muttered, lips brushing against his boyfriend’s cheek.
“Good,” The man nodded, squeezing his waist where his arms still wrapped around. “Are you going to be okay tonight?”
“I will not just survive through it,” His eyes crinkled at the corner as pure joy washed through him, “I will live through it, and I will enjoy every minute of it.” He knew the reason for the question, for the concern. But tonight it was not needed. He was nothing but excited and elated for the hours, and then days, weeks, years to come.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
A glass tinkled somewhere to their right, grabbing their attention. And then Zoe and Reyna were stepping together and drawing people towards them as if they were gravity, magnets, the center. They looked it certainly: Zoe in a stark white dress, hugging her figure, shimmering like stardust every time she moved; and Reyna in a watery blue, gauzy and flowing in time with her body, where she goes it will ripple behind her.
“Thank you,” His lawyer started, giving them a dazzling smile. “For being here. All of you.” She looked them each in the eye, her own filled with love and… were those tears? From his no nonsense, boss lady lawyer? Oh he was so going to give her a hug and then tease her endlessly about it. 
“We have a thousand people to thank for all of this,” She gestured to the room, “And a thousand more to thank just for being here, but that will come in the form of surprise take-me-homes at the end of the night.”
“However,” Zoe’s voice, still as strong and quiet as ever, rang out across the room. “There are two people we would like to thank right here, right now.” Her smile lit up the world as her eyes landed on them. “In typical us fashion, it’s a little out of the ordinary but please can both our ex-boyfriend’s come up here.” 
The crowd burst into laughter, him and Percy with them, as they detangled themselves from each other and walked hand in hand to the front of the room.
“As you can see,” Reyna grinned. Jason held in the groan he knew would accompany her next words. “We did a Partner Swap.”
The laughter only loudened, people whistling, and clapping in time with their amusement.
“I will spare you the sordid details,” Zoe’s own giggling softened to a smile, “But two years ago, after Jason and I had broken up, I called him in a panic asking for help. And despite being on a much needed holiday where he happened to meet a certain someone,” She winked at them, eyebrows waggling comically, “He listened to me, then made use of his contacts and connected me with Reyna.”
“And after I charmed the suit off of her, and won her lawsuit,” Reyna stepped in, grinning wildly, “She agreed to pop open a bottle of champagne and celebrate our win.”
“I’m not quite sure about the charming part, angel.” Zoe quirked an eyebrow, “But yes one champagne bottle and the rest was history.”
“In conclusion to this whole ordeal,” His lawyer turned to them, “Jase, Percy, we have a present for you, to thank you for loving us, and for loving us enough to let us go, and furthermore for bringing us together.”
Zoe handed them an envelope but before they bothered to open it they pulled the women in for a hug, thanking and congratulating them. He would not change what they had for the world. He will be grateful forever. He will love them even longer.
Percy ripped open the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper. He leaned over his boyfriend’s shoulder and read with him.
The universe has a funny way of pulling stars together but we know with certainty that the four of us are born from the same constellation. Thank you for everything. We know we can never really repay you but please accept this as a start. 
Tucked into the last fold of the paper were two plane tickets to Japan. The holiday they had discussed once, a Saturday game night that ended with the four of them huddled around the fire in Zoe’s apartment, chattering softly about this and that. Printed in small font at the bottom of the page was a cherry blossom branch and more text that read,
Get married losers, we want joint holidays so we can get the couples packages.
He bubbled with laughter at that, and looked up at his friends, tears pooling in his own eyes.
“Alright everyone!” Reyna clapped her hands, gathering the attention of the humming crowd. “Let’s get this engagement party started.”
And then music filled the room and people dragged each other to the middle of the space and there were cheers as the song came into focus and truly Jason understood the meaning of life that night.
After they had thanked Reyna and Zoe again, and chatted with their other friends Percy pulled him to the dance floor.
“Jase,” His boyfriend cupped the back of his neck, arranging their bodies into a work of art. “We have wonderful friends.”
“The very best,” He agreed, swaying their hips in time with the beat. “We have built an empire with them by our side.”
“Will you be the emperor then?”
“There is no monarchy in this kingdom,” He smiled, blue eyes glittering and bright. “It is just us, and our love, and everything beautiful the world has ever had to offer.” He saw oceans reflecting back at him, wonder soaking in his words, happiness pressing against his lips.
His boyfriend pressed their foreheads together, bodies still moving to music far away. “And if we look further?” Percy breathed, “Past the empire, to the horizon beyond?”
“It is all home,” Jason Grace smiled. “We are home, my love.”
Okay there are so many people to thank and you best believe i’m going to thank them all because this fic would literally not exist without them.
@nishlicious-01​​ my favourite person, my biggest supporter and the only person who gets to shout at me when im writing fanfic at 1am because i’m not sleeping but also because ‘why am i not reading it ciara????’
@queen-of-demons-and-hell​​ for every comment, every like, every complaint you took when the writing demon was on strike. you have my heart. id be lost and a little lonely without you.
@leyontheway​​ your comments on this fic were golden and i often came back to them just for that extra burst of motivation and serotonin. i found a friend in you and now i can’t imagine my life without you.
@msdrpreist​​ Sky, mi cielo, you are one in a billion and i cannot believe i found you (and you me) across all this space and time. thank you for your unwavering support and your wonderful thoughts.
@larrikin-is-a-himbo​​ when we started this fic i believe you were @/queenbrunnhilde (or something to that effect) but although your username has changed your loveliness and endless support hasn’t. Thank you for sticking along for the ride
@spoopylucy​​​ Lucy... what do i even say to the person who singlehandedly changed my day, week, mood every time i saw a reblog from them? your tags were the start and the end. they made every upload an exciting task. and i knew no matter what happened in the fic or how long it took as soon as i got a notif from you i couldn’t be anything but happy. thank you my Luce, you’re an angel!
@not-hiesenberg​ for being my ‘ciara what the fuck even does this say? do you know how to spell?’ checker when i was too tired (more like too lazy) to do it myself.
@lesbian-peanuts​​ thank you for the love! you were one of the first people interested in this little universe and i can never thank you enough for that​
@legendary-cupcake​​ your spam when reading this was such a happy moment in my life and im ecstatic that you stayed for the ride! thank you​
to all the people on my tag list, who have liked this fic, and especially those who have commented: i see you, i love you, and i thank you with a heart full of happiness. you changed my world.
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Empires on the Horizon XVIII
Jason is a CEO: Part XVIII
this is the last chapter (excluding epilogue)?!!? can you believe we’re here? oh gods someone hold me i’m gonna cry. also I'm basically just writing jercy fluff at this point, lmaoo conclusions to stories? Sorry don't know her.
masterlist; my links
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There were nights, cold and sweet and gentle and strong, that made Jason feel he could be anything except what he wanted. Nights, not unlike this one, that he understood what poets meant when they described the world in jigsaw pieces and tapestries, and random words strung together to create feelings he couldn’t give names to.
But here, on his last night in Panarea, the warm summer air gave away to something sweet and hopeful as he walked along the cobbled streets listening to waves crash against the shore in what he first thought was agony but now knew was relief. It echoed inside him, calling to the strings of his heart which had been snapped and battered and pulled apart until fine threads were the only thing holding it together.
His shoes scuffed against the stone wall as he moved towards it, and then away, and then towards, as if gravity didn’t know which way to guide him. He could hear his sister’s voice in his head, frustrated but amused. “Can you walk straight, Jason!” She’d poke his side as if trying to keep him in one direction. “I swear even crabs are jealous of how sideways you move.” He’d stick his tongue out and purposefully cross over in front of her, just a beat too slow so she kept having to stop short to avoid crushing him or her toes. It did not amuse her. Looking back on it now, he’s surprised she didn’t murder him on the spot. But he supposed his sister gave him a lot of allowance for things he wouldn’t have gotten away with if they were still a normal, routine family. She conceded where she had to in favour of their situation and his unfailing spirit. 
His fingers brushed against the wall, his thigh knocking it gently and then he was looking at the little restaurant tucked into the alcove of rock that makes up the bay and he could see the candles that lit up the pathway and heard the clinking of cutlery. It was truly a beautiful, gentle sight. But that was not his stop, at least not tonight. Maybe when he came again. For it was inevitable that he would; if for no other reason than to relive memories that had shaped and reshaped and coloured his life. To relive Percy.
The oceanographer was set to meet him in a few minutes so they could savour a last walk on the beach, one of many they had taken in the week, and finally crash into their hotel room drunk on nothing but each other and ocean air. Well if everything went the way Jason thought it was going to go that was the plan. But life had a… persistent way of crushing his plans into flakes and sprinkling it over various brands of chaos. Or at least, he thought, that’s how it has felt over the years. He supposed it wasn’t always bad chaos, but learning to let the current lead him rather than trying to control it had taken many long, painful years. 
“So very lost in thought.” A voice, rich and inviting and warm like hearths, said from behind him. 
He turned slightly, catching the breeze, feeling it hug his ribs— he hadn’t bothered to button up any of his button downs unless he was sitting in a restaurant, or museum, or anywhere that he needed to be decent… enough— and caught the entirety of Percy Jackson in his gaze. “Hello mon cerise.” 
“Do you ever give yourself a chance to just be?” The tone was teasing, but there’s an undercurrent of familiar worry that he knew coated his sister and friends when they found him lost to his own mind.
He smiled at his friend. “I try,” He winced, “Sometimes I can only try to want to.”
A hand came up to squeeze his arm, no words of comfort or mutterings of “you are trying”, “you’re great”, “we can only do the best we can”. Bullshit, there was no bullshit uttered from Percy’s lips. And Jason wanted to cry with relief. 
“Are you ready for your flight home?”
They would not be on the same flight. He was leaving tomorrow and his friend in three days time. Despite not seeing, or sitting next to each other on their way in, he still felt some sense of loss in knowing they weren’t going to be together until a few days later. Still it gave him time to sort out his life, and get it back on track.
“I think so. I’m going to miss this though.” And he wasn’t sure how much of it had got to do with the man next to him and how much was the peace and comfort the holiday itself had brought.
“You will find that time again.” Percy nodded, understanding his ache, his sadness.
“We’ll have to drag each other back here,” He winked, “And maybe get one room on purpose this time.” 
The laughter that washed over him was as beautiful as the ocean crashing beside him. “Come on, my dear.” He held out a hand for the blonde to grasp, to hold, to intertwine. “Let us breathe in the stars one last time.”
They crashed into their hotel room that night, still holding hands, glued together, concrete settling around their silhouettes. They will become structures that last longer than the end of time. Jason felt the softness of the bed, cool and inviting after the ocean breeze that fluttered through their window all day. Percy fell half on top of him, laughing into his shoulder. He could feel the warm breath through the cotton of his shirt. He could feel so much all at once. He thought maybe he understood the universe.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have had that last cocktail,” Black hair tickled his chin, as the man looked up at him, green eyes glittering with joy and alcohol infused excitement.
“We only had three,” He laughed. “How low is your tolerance?”
“Dont tease me.” Percy pouted, and suddenly they are flung back to being twenty and wild and free from the burdens of taxes but trapped under the burden of assignments and it’s kind of all the same thing in the end. Homework. And Jason can see Percy pouting at his books, a little frustrated but mostly resigned because it’s a Friday night and he can hear the beginning clamours of all the campus parties and maybe tonight he can just be a kid. The work will be there in the morning, but a good time must be seized as soon as it appears.
The pout, Jason thought as he watched those lips, was childish… and completely adorable. “I’m not going to tease you, moró mou” He brushed the back of his hand against high cheekbones, amazed at the gentle hint of red that passed over dark skin.
“I don’t drink very often.” The black-haired man winced, “My tolerance is really low, like Rachel gave me two tequila shots once and I almost passed out in her bathroom low.”
It struck him then, how much he still has to learn about Percy. About how he knows Percy drools a little when he sleeps, and prefers oat milk with his coffee, and doesn’t stop a task until the hand strikes one of the four quarters of the clock, and he puts both socks on before putting his shoes on, and he unbuttons his shirts almost all the way as soon as he gets in because he needs to escape from its confines. He knows that Percy needs to be free. But he doesn’t know the usual first date things, the ‘we’ve just started dating’ things, the normal things. Like why he doesn’t drink very often. It is exhilarating to know he has so much to learn. 
“Do you want to know why?” He must have been staring for too long because Percy shifted over him, not impatient, just curious.
“I want to know everything you’re willing to tell me,” He cupped the back of his friend’s neck, tangling the tips of his fingers in the curls. “Everything you want to show me.”
“The world,” He breathed, the reply rushing out of him. “I want to show you the world.”
“Where will we start?”
“At the beginning.”
The answer was so simple, so plain, and unburdened. Jason wrapped it around his heart, felt it settle in his veins like stardust. At the beginning. Where else? Where else?
“Are you ready?” Percy Jackson asked, head tilted, green eyes full of indescribable things.
All Jason could do was nod. No where else but here.
The beginning started with a kiss. 
Tags (if you want to be added/taken off the tag list just let me know. All my channels of communication are open):
@lucyisblue// @spoopylucy​
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Kingdom Collisions Part XVI
please explain to me how i started this fic after EotH and we’re now ahead of that fic?? Also don’t kill me? Okay i love you guys enjooyyyy
masterlist; my links
I know it’s been over a month so here’s a previously on:
Prince Jason Grace sets him down by the fire. “Don’t move, I’ll come back for you.”
And then he is gone, and Prince Perseus Jackson smiles. Because that was the voice of the man he fell in love with. And those hands which had brushed against his waist as he let go were as warm and alive as electric currents.
So the destroyer sits by the fire, and waits for his healer to rescue him.
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Come home, don’t die so far from the sea
Percy Jackson can feel the hard press of the wooden floor against his back and he welcomes the pain like an old friend. The darkness of the room feels endless in the cold black of the early morning hours. The fire has long since died, no kindling or wood to keep it alight for however long he stays here. If he didn’t know they planned to kill him at dawn of the coming day he would think they were trying to freeze him to death. It was almost strange how cold he was considering Hanaan was supposed to be in spring, heading towards the warmer months at a rapid pace. He wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t in Piper’s kingdom any longer. Maybe he had been transported to a kingdom of eternal winter.
He remembers a story like it, one his mom had told to the group that met at the children’s library every month. He remembers all the stories his mother had told him, fitting into each other like a tapestry. Just then an icy wind drifts in from under the door making him shiver in the thin cotton clothes. He curls into a ball-any attempt to save his body heat- and closes his eyes to a warmer darkness. His mother’s voice echoes inside him.
“When the world was first created there was only the earth and the sea and the sky and the beings that made these elements up.”
Queen Sally smiled down at the children surrounding her, looking up with sparkling eyes, hanging onto her every word.
There was the Lady of the Ocean, and the Being of the Rivers, and the Wisps of the Sky and the Dancers of the Earth. They lived together in harmony, for they never knew of each others’ existences. But one day the Being of the Rivers met the Lady of the Ocean and they learnt together what love was, and then loved each other. They refused to be apart, they couldn’t bare it; the oceans would thrash in agony, hurting the earth; the rivers would dry up, or form canyons in the ground in rage. It was destructive to keep them apart, for they loved so hard and so fiercely that it became a weakness to the world to separate them. So the beings stayed together, for eons, seasons, lifetimes passing without disruption. And in their time the earth changed and the sky grew rainbows and new elements came into being, things that molded and shaped as they had. Things that would not become clear until there was tangible things to hold them, make them. The day came, uncountable eras into their existence. A Dancer of the Earth had fallen in love with a Wisp of the Sky and together they created one that walks.
“Like us Your Majesty?” A little girl burning with curiosity, curly pigtails swinging slightly in the Mare breeze. 
“Just like us Bianca.” His mother had smiled, “With two legs and a wide smile and so much love in their hearts.”
Bianca sighed contentedly as if she had known that first being all her life and looked up to them.
“And with that one being came more and more. As they settled down the need for structure became apparent. Not to control these new beings, but to make sure they had a place to talk about their struggles and to connect them with those who could help. And who better-
His mother had smiled, one of her secret smiles, that meant she knew something she’d beg them to tell her. Half the children around her fell for the bait.
“Whom, your majesty?” A child he had never seen before squeaked, rocking on their heels, knees pulled up to their chest.
“Well the very beings that brought them there.” She giggled, watching as some of their faces scrunched in confusion while others slowly came to the realisation.
The beings of the earth and the rivers and the sky took on a form, as close to the new beings as possible and came to them to offer help, and solace. And that is how the Kingdoms were formed. Mare for water, and Caelum for sky, and Canbaha for earth.
The questions came all at once. 
“So the first Kings and Queens were the beings of the world?’
“What happened to the Ocean Lady and the River?”
“Are you a-”
“Alright alright,” The Queen laughed, “One at a time, let’s go around the room shall we?”
The children raised their hands, impatience shaking their little bodies. His mother pointed at Bianca who was right under her gaze.
“What happened to the Lady of the Ocean and the Being of Rivers?”
“Remember how i told you they couldn't ever be separated?”
The gaggle before her nodded enthusiastically eager to show they were listening.
“Well they were the only beings to rule one kingdom together. They decided if they fed one another there was no need to keep themselves apart. Instead of becoming a kingdom of Oceans and  kingdom of Rivers they become the Kingdom of Mare.”
“What about all the other kingdoms?” A small voice piped up, drifting in the sea of mutters.
“Those kingdoms came to be as beings changed and evolved and became something different, something more. The Kingdom of Hanaan appeared first, created by a beautiful person who could change form at will. She knew not of physicality but of emotion. And then the Kingdom of Hekima came, bringing with it prosperous invention and ways to keep the world working better, more beautifully. And then the Kingdom of Xoia-”
Bianca gasped, “Mine!”
“Yours” his mother had smiled, stroking the little girl's head. “Xoia was one of the last to appear but it brought brightness to the world that could not be found or made otherwise.”
“What happened to the beings that ruled, mom?” Percy’s voice was small, like a baby bird learning how to use its beak.
For him she cocked her head, her blue eyes glinting under the candlelight swaying above them. “What do you think Prince?”
Come home, don’t die so far from the sea
Percy awoke to the door creaking open and rough hands digging into his arms as they hauled him up. He doesn’t have the energy to demand where they were taking him. He didn’t have the wits or the power because his brain was slowly coming to realisations he was not ready to have. It was making assumptions he was terrified may be true. It was shattering his world for the billionth time. It was breaking him.
The world is still dark, but it is not that heavy blackness that seems to suck him in. It is the kind of dark that tells you the light was winning; that soon you will see pinpricks of white and yellow and gold poking through the sky and then the world will be awash in colour once more.
He is thrown onto the grey-stoned floor, hiding his wince as his knees take the brunt of it. The people who had deposited him laugh and walk away. He doesn’t bother to call after them, instead taking in the surroundings. He is in an arena. In a colosseum. He is the lamb offered up to the butcher. He is the prey stuck in a hunter’s snare. He is the entertainment.
He can picture it now; crowds stomping into the stone stands and chanting for his death. He can imagine the painter sat in the box only one lower from the royalty, slapping colour onto a canvas, swirling it in the shades of his blood. He can imagine the musicians in the box just below the painter, banging on their drums, letting the beautiful notes of a flute be the anthem to his downfall. He can imagine his husband, standing in the box above all, looking down at him with those eyes of lightning. Eyes he had woken up to when Jason’s nightmares were so bad they had to sit by his window. About that blonde hair, like strands of sunlight, he has so often wanted to run his hands through, how he mourned its discolouring when their blood coated it.  About those hands that held him when they were captured and freed him so they weren’t. And he wonders, if the Prince will miss him.
Because, he realises with startling radiant clarity, somewhere in the mess that had become their lives Percy had grown to care for the Prince of Caelum. He doesn’t really know when it started; maybe when he found Jason screaming outside the door to the Captain of the Guards’ chamber; or maybe when Percy had sought him out some nights later, and held him as he cried; or maybe when Jason let him be a part of the kingdom by giving him a white rose. He can’t be sure it wasn’t a combination of all those things. He sits on the cold platform in the middle of the arena and finds himself sad, achingly sad, that he will never get that time with his husband. That he will never get to tell the Prince how he feels. 
The sun rises slowly, as if trying to delay the inevitable, but Percy embraces it, letting the warmth of the final tomorrow caress his brown skin. If it is the last time he feels the sun, he wishes to do nothing but feel it. The rays are gentle on his face and he can only imagine it’s what Jason’s touch would have felt like. He sits cross-legged, chin to the sky, eyes closed to the array of colours and lets the last joys of this world embrace him.
The wrought iron gates underneath the raised stands shake and rattle, but he doesn’t open his eyes. He doesn’t know what beasts await him; he doesn’t care. Let them come, he thinks, it will be a mercy to rest at last. The crowds pour in, his people who he was set to rule one day, Jason’s people who he was set to protect one day. Still he keeps himself shut off from the world, feeling the sun, and the wind.
If he had loved anything at all he had loved the wind, the way it chased his ankles, and swept him up, and raced him, and held him, and danced with him, and coaxed him. It was a tragedy, a heartbreaking thought, that he hadn’t gotten to see his ocean one last time. He would have loved to feel the cool water on his skin, and the sand sinking under his feet. He wishes he had more time. He wants this to be over as soon as possible. Time is up.
“Good morning my people,” A voice like ancient beings and newborns croons across the colosseum. “Are you ready to witness history?”
Percy thinks of his mother, the keeper of stories, and knows she has already heard this one. Percy thinks of his father, who has returned to the beginning. He knows his parents will not come to save him. Percy thinks of his childhood friends, all leading secret lives, forged to end his own. He knows they will be in the stands to watch their victory. Percy thinks of his husband, a soldier for an army they could never have predicted. He knows they will never learn how to love one another.
The crowd is screaming, the wrought iron is rattling. Prince Perseus Jackson opens his eyes as the gate yawns open.
The arena is deafening, shaking with anticipation. He glances to the royal box nearly floating in the clouds and frowns when he doesn’t spot a flash of blonde hair.
The people are feral with excitement. A loud boom echoes from the musicians box.
Prince Jason Grace stumbles from the mouth of the arena and falls to his knees in front of the platform.
“Kill him Perseus.” A voice glimmers around him, leaking in through the ringing in his ears.
“Come home Prince,” That voice lilts, “Do not die so far from the sea.”
Jason looks up at him, blue eyes hazy, a dagger loose in his clasp. “Hello Prince.”
Percy steps down from the platform, and takes the dagger from his husband’s hands. It is almost sickening how easily he gives it over.
The crowd stomps its feet: they are ready for blood; they are ready for slaughter.
He holds the dagger up, making sure it glints in the sun. And then he draws his husband close until there is nothing between their bodies, not space, not even air.
“Let’s go home my love.” He whispers. “We will not die so far from the sea.”
Prince Perseus Jackson brings the blade down.
Danny how do we feel?
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Come Alive
A huge thank you to @kiragenta for letting me write a fanfiction based on their incredible art! 
Masterlist, Kiragenta's art that inspired this fic (please go check it out and give it some love!), Kiragenta's Tumblr;  passerotto means little sparrow: someone who is learning how to fly
This was honestly the most fun and probably one of my favourite pieces to write. And, with their permission, here is one of the two panels that @kiragenta​ did!
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Percy Jackson leans his head against the rough stone wall of the coffee shop and sips the café con leche he had taken to go. The streets of Rome are just starting to wake up and people rush around each other and into various shops. It seems a Friday morning in the city is a hive of energy before the slam of the weekend. Yet something inside him feels uncharacteristically dull. In fact he has felt like this since the beginning of this trip and frankly it is starting to piss him off. Nobody should be able to make him feel like this. And especially not his dick of a father who decides when and where to drop into and out of his life without warning. It was a new low to abandon him in a city he knew nothing about but to his credit he's only a little surprised.
Now he drains the rest of the coffee and chucks the cup in a trashcan nearby, punching the air when it lands inside with a rattle. The cobblestones under him press into the soles of his shoes as he picks a direction and starts down it. He doesn't have a destination so whichever way he goes he'll land up where he needs to be. Or at least that's what's supposed to happen. So far his wanderings have led him to a dried up fountain, a little cottage on the outskirts of town with more vines than wall, and just yesterday a café that admittedly sold delicious gnocchi and unbelievable coffee, but was not a life changing venture as he had hoped.
The flowers spilling onto the sidewalk from the outside of every shop make him want to become a florist, just so he can spend his days amongst them. He stops in front of a box of daffodils and brushes his fingers against their soft petals. Gods he loves flowers. He loves their colours, and how two flowers on the same branch don't even look the same but they're both gorgeous nonetheless. A woman comes out with warm brown eyes and a kind smile.
"You like them?"
"They're beautiful," He nods.
"Then you must have one,"
And before he can protest her hands are already reaching for the bloom and gently breaking the stem. "When people look at my flowers the same way you do," She hands him the daffodil. He puts it behind his ear. "Their souls are made of sunshine."
A tiny kernel of gold unfurls in his chest. "How do you know that?"
Her smile is warmth and sweetness and full of compassion, "Only the people who care about things that do not serve them can have that look."
"Thank you," He touches the flower tucked behind his ear, "For everything."
"Something is going to change to day passerotto," She looks into him then, her molten brown eyes staring into his ocean green ones, "The winds of the sea say so."
Percy would have called her crazy but for some reason he believes her, can feel it to. He just nods trying to wrap his head around the day and the conversation and, and, and...
"Come back for coffee this afternoon. We have the best americanos on this side of the square."
"I will," He promises preparing to head off in his destination-less direction, but something stops him, "Do you—" He swallows, "Can you recommend a place I should visit?"
"Have you seen the Grazia Salvatrice yet?"
He shakes his head, intrigued.
"Walk a ways, past the fountain in the square and over the bridge. There is usually a big crowd there but it should be relatively empty at this time."
"Thank you," He smiles, bright and hopeful for the first time in a while, "And I'll come back at the end of the day."
"Goodbye Perseus." She gives a motherly pat on his cheek before disappearing into her café once more.
It's only when he's past the fountain that he realises he never told her his name. But suddenly he's standing in an archway and there's a group of people excitedly chattering near him and he feels like he's known the world since he was stardust. He feels...alive.
He moves out of the archway and into an open space with little else save for the statue and small orange tree, just starting to ripen. He makes his way around until he can see the statue in all its glory. And gods is it glorious. It's as if someone draped a blanket of stone over a person. It looks so real. He looks real. A strong jaw and a fierce expression. Fists clenched like he's ready to fight, or holding back. And shoulders that look big enough to carry the world. Percy wants to know everything about the statue. Wants to know why it’s there, who it is, why they chose that gorgeous grey stone instead of bronze or brass. He wants to know the story. The group of people who were cooing over the statue moments ago now disperse until only a couple stood there, hands joined and eyes looking hopeful as they stare at the hardened expression.
He sits down on the bench and watches them, not expecting much.
But then one of the ladies drops a flower at the statue’s feet and he finally notices the small pile of brightness collecting there. Curious still, he looks at them and watches with wide eyed fascination as she swipe a thumb over the cool stone of his chest and then gently, ever so gently, place a kiss to his lips. The other girl does the same ritual and then they giggle and kiss each other.
His feet are moving before his brain has time to think and suddenly he's standing in front of them.
"Hi," He waves, "Sorry to interrupt."
"Hello," The girl with dark brown skin and braided hair grins at him, her black eyes sparkling. "How are you?" American, he deduces.
The other girl, tawny skin with white patches across her chest and on her cheeks, looks at him inquisitively but offers nothing but a smile.
"I'm good thanks. I just—" He looks past them at the statue, which was so much closer now. Close enough that he felt the strange warmth it emitted. "I just wanted to ask why you left a flower and kissed the statue?"
"Oh," The American girl laughs brightly, "Apparently if you leave a flower the statue will grant freedom. If you swipe its chest you will be granted love. And if you kiss it you will find home."
"And you can just do all three?"
"According to my girlfriend here," She points to her right.
"It is true." He can here the girl is native Italian. "Many people have found what they are looking for at the Grazia Salvatrice." She nods deftly.
"Okay," He offers them a smile and hopes it doesn't reflect the butterflies racing through his stomach. "Thank you."
"Bye," The American says before lacing her fingers through her girlfriend's and tugging them both away.
The little area is weirdly quite, save for the coo of a few birds and the bustle from the street there is nothing and no-one. He takes a deep breath and turns to the statue. There's something about its eyes he cannot get over. It's the way they burn. No that's not right. They almost...... crackle. It reminds him of electricity, lightning, storms. And the air around the stone is charged, makes the hair on his arms stand up. His eyes graze over the piece and catch on the clenched fist. He wants so badly to unfurl those fingers and interlace his own with them. 
He's surprised by his reaction but something is drawing him to this ancient stone that he cannot, will not ignore. Taking another deep breath he steps closer until his hoodie brushes against the greyed chest. He doesn't even care about the dust that marks the blue fabric because suddenly the world disappears and the only thing he can hear is the crashing waves of an ocean and the rolling thunder of a storm. Slowly, carefully, he takes the daffodil from behind his ear and drops it by their feet.
"For freedom." He whispers.
And then a shaky brown hand is reaching up and he swipes a thumb over the stony chest.
"For love."
He looks at the sculpted cheekbones and sharp brows and reaches up to touch the perfectly styled hair. He wishes he could run his hands through it. Instead he let's his hand fall to the statues neck, cradling the back of its head softly.
"For home."
And then Percy Jackson sears his lips to the stone and light bursts from his chest. Rays of sunshine radiate from their bodies, but his eyes are closed and he is lost to the world. The statue moves beneath his fingers and he pulls it to him. He doesn't want this to end.
The stone is soft under his palms and he tugs at the warm skin to get them closer, together. This kiss will last for—
He jumps back with a gasp. The stone moved. The stone is moving. It is soft. And moving.
He collapses to the cobbled ground as he watches the statue come alive. The rays of light spilling from his own chest go unnoticed. Slowly the grey tinge bleeds away to reveal golden skin, and faded black pants, and hair that he is sue is spun from sunlight, and eyes the colour of topaz, of brooks, and oceans, and the sky.
"What the—" He splutters, "Who— How—"
His brain is on fire, underwater, buried alive. This is not real.
"Hello," The voice is gravely, naturally or from disuse he doesn't know.
"You were a—" He gasps, "And now you're a—"
Words. He needs words. What's language? What's the alphabet?
"Where am I?" The statue— no, boy—asks.
Percy cradles his head in his hands and tries to form a coherent thought, any thought.
"I'm sorry," The golden boy mutters, staring at the buildings and streets and everything. "Could you help me? I don't know where I am?"
"Yes," He answers rawly, "Apparently neither do I."
"What's going on?" He can hear the frown in the boy's voice.
"You were a statue, about one minute ago. And now you're... well a human?" He chokes out.
"I was what?" Those eyebrows knit in confusion.
"Yes. See that stand there?" Percy points to the empty block of polished bronze with a small plaque on it. "You were standing there a few moments ago, as stone."
"I don't understand."
"Welcome to the club." He groans, running his fingers through his already messy black hair. "What's your name?"
"Jason." He whispers, staring at the space he once stood in disbelief, "Jason Grace."
"Hello Jason, I'm Percy Jackson. And I just made you come alive."
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Empires on the Horizon XIV
Jason is a CEO: Part XIV
masterlist for other parts, more jercy, bad headcanons, and an abundance of crackships
SURPRISE!!! i finally got my laptop back and thankfully they didn’t have to wipe anything so i still had all my work! Between you and me i was more worried about all my fanfics than my uni work...... But I’ve learned my lesson. Do everything on google docs now!! Anyway this is a Percy POV and i hope you enjoy because i’ve missed this little universe more than you could possibly know and we’re finally (only fourteen chapters later) getting to the jercy part of this fic?! LOL it’s been wild.
i know i’m releasing a ton of fanfics at the moment so i hope you guys don’t feel overwhelmed. You know i adore your comments and thoughts but please don’t feel pressured to read all the fics i’m posting. I’ve just had a lot of time in the last weeks so it’s been easier to create. Please take care  of yourself, i love you very much and i hope you have a magical holiday season!
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Percy Jackson stretched his legs out in front of him and draped a blanket over them. There were few things he indulged in, but a good plane seat was one of them. He was spoilt for it but having the space to lay his unreasonably tall body down for eight hours seemed like a worthy investment. The announcements that continuously filtered through the crackly speakers were background noise as the bustle of people getting to their seats flowed throughout the cabins. He stared out his little window at the neon-jacketed guides and airport officials directing people to wherever they needed to be. He loved watching people just do things. There was something calming about knowing others weren’t interested in him in any way. That people got on with their lives despite the turmoil nobody knew about.
A flight attendant stopped next to him with a polite smile, “Champagne sir?”
“No thank you, a water please. Too early for alcohol.” He grimaced.
Mirth danced in her eyes as she glanced up at the rest of the passengers, some dangling flutes between their fingers. “Absolutely sir, anything else?”
He shook his head, before leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. His pre-flight ritual, which consisted of him snuggling as comfortably as possible it his seat and trying to fall asleep, was already behind. The presence of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed CEO taking up the scattered pieces of his mind. It was crazy to think they had met almost a year ago, crazier still to think that about how much they had changed in that time. Percy at least felt like a completely different person to the one who had stepped off a plane from Hawaii all those months ago and attended his alma mater’s dinner. Although the university had surprised them with plaques honouring their contributions, it was seeing Jason Grace, learning about him that felt like the real reward. Hell, he was only half joking when he said he’d marry the guy the next Tuesday.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We will be taking off shortly. In the meantime please turn your attention to the screens in front of you for a video detailing the safety measures you will need to know while aboard this flight.”
He blinked back into the world and turned half his attention to the screen and the other half to locating the blonde he couldn’t seem to keep away from. He knew the safety briefings by heart, but he always felt bad for not paying attention. Someone worked hard to make those. He didn’t spot Jason in the two minutes the video played and then it was too late because the plane gave a low rumble and suddenly, they were lurching into motion. His heart climbed to his throat and he gripped his fingers underneath the blanket.
“Okay Percy,” He mouthed to himself, “You can do this. It’s at most fifteen minutes of instability and then you’ll be up in the air and you won’t even feel it.”
“Just fifteen minutes.” He kept repeating, taking deep shaky breaths. “Fifteen minutes.”
The plane jaggered down the runway, slow enough that he could still read the road signs indicating altitudes and compass directions and all sorts of fun information he didn’t care about. He felt the huge machine turn into the long stretch of tar that led them to the sky and his stomach clenched painfully. This was always the worst part. Take off. It felt like his entire body flew off with the plane while he stuck to the ground, superglue cementing him to the floor with no escape. He didn’t feel free. He felt torn.
The plane gave a horrible lurch and then it was screaming down the runway, grass and yellow lines blurring past them. They were going so fast he’s sure they’d break the sound barrier. He squeezed his eyes shut. Knuckles white as he twisted his hands together. The plan flew down the road and into the sky. His whole body felt suspended in space. He wanted to come down. He didn’t want to be here. Even with his eyes closed he could feel how high they were. He hated it.
Slowly, the plane started to level out until he felt his body realign: feet under him, hands beside him, head above him. He opened his eyes, spots dancing in his vision as they got used to the light once more. The seatbelt sign dinged above him, and a series of clicks followed. People got up to use the bathroom and grab things from the overhead compartments. He wasn’t going to get up until he was out of this plane. So he shoved his headphones over his ears and pressed play.
I will always love you how I do
Let go of a prayer for you
Just a sweet word
He gazed out the window, clouds close enough to whisper to, and his lips pulled up in a soft smile. The sky was beautiful. It just sucked that they had to get into a death trap to get to it. With his ocean eyes pinned to the balls of cotton hanging in the blue expanse his mind drifted. Reyna. He blinked. It was almost shameful how little he had thought of her since their breakup considering their year together. She had taught him tai quan do and baked him blueberry tarts. They had escaped to a little bubble in the forest and watched the leaves turn brown as they tumbled in bed. He knew she tapped her right foot when she was annoyed but her left fingers danced when she was excited. He knew she liked her eggs fried hard because she didn’t have time for sloppy yolk, but she liked them scrambled soft because it meant a richer croissant. But despite this she did not light his soul on fire. And he did not light hers either. They were merely striking matches without wood to burn. He heaved a sigh as he watched the threads of his relationship flutter before his eyes and fell asleep to them disappearing in gold strands leaking into the clouds. He succumbed to the bright sun and the soft warmth of memories and he didn’t wake until a loud announcement gave the signal that they were landing.
It was over so fast he didn’t have time to panic and he was grateful. Finally he was collecting his bags and walking out. A driver with his surname scribbled on a plaque stood front and center and with a quick flash of his ID and a hello they were piling into the car. He didn’t get a chance to see the blonde beauty, but the island was small and time was a plenty. They would find each other again.
“To the hotel sir?”
“Yes Luca, and then please stick around for half an hour. It’s just a quick freshen before I go to work. We have a lab meeting.”
The man nodded and then focused on the busy Italian streets they were navigating. He took in the colours and sounds as they whizzed by. It felt like a different universe. People were loud and excited and full of life and the little markets seemed to pull energy from the sun and direct it into joy. He wanted to tell Luca, to pull over, screw work, and take in the beauty of this little section of the world. But his phone buzzed in his pocket and he knew with a disappointed sinking in his chest that adventure would have to wait.
“Hello Percy,” Rachel Elizabeth Dare bubbled, ‘I assume you’ve arrived?”
“Yes Rach,” He sighed but amusement caught between his lips, “Have you got news for me?”
“No,” She sounded suspicious, “Why would I have news for you?”
“Because you only track my exact times when you want something but you’re too scared to ask me so you wait till I’m halfway across the country before asking.” He wanted to laugh as she made an indignant sound.
“Okay fine,’ She grumbled, “I wanted to know if I could close up the scuba for the weekend. I met a girl and i wanted to go out on Friday night with her.”
He couldn’t hold in his laugh any longer, “Of course you can Rachel. But I’m curious to know…” He trailed off.
“Ugh you are impossible.” He could imagine her eye roll so vividly. “It’s Clarisse. The principal from your old school.”
“Well, well, well,” He grinned, “I better be getting premium seats to the wedding.”
“Why does everything always end in weddings for you?” She groaned.
“Scuse me for wanting a happily ever after.” He scrunched his face, “Oh and guess who’s here?”
“Is this a good guess or a bad one?”
“Good.” He smiled, “Very good.”
She gasped, speaker crackling at his ear, “Tell me!”
“Jason Grace.”
“What?” She squealed, “Are you guys going to have hot rebound sex and then realise you like each other more than just casual fuck-buddies and end up getting married and adopting like six children?”
He burst with amusement, “Slow down there Rach. I know I throw around the marriage idea, but kids seem like a big commitment.”
“You right,” She said decidedly, “Kids are a lot of effort. Just get married then. But no eloping!” He pictured the crease in her freckled brows. “I want to be a bridesmaid.”
“Can’t promise anything,” He giggled.
“Perseus Jackson!” She scolded.
“Oof the full name.”
“I will tell your mother and she will kick your ass.”
“Okay, okay,” He laughed, “No eloping. I have to go. But remember to take the keys for the scuba with you. We do not need the fire department breaking the door again.”
She grumbled about hating him and then blew him a kiss and ended the call. With a smile still playing on his lips he thanked Luca and rushed into the hotel. Thankfully the check in was painless and fast and he was stumbling into his room in no time. He barely had time to appreciate the gorgeous floor-to-ceiling windows and the ocean view it laid out before him. He promised himself he would take the time when he got back.
Quickly he hopped into the shower cursing when he realised he’d forgotten to take his socks off. With a horrified shudder he peeled them off and chucked them into the laundry basket, thankful it gets emptied every day. The water beat against his back, fogging up the glass and calming the racing in his veins. He gave himself the luxury of one extra minute to just take a deep breath and screw his head back onto his shoulders and then he jumped out and shoved on a pair of black slacks and a white button down. He didn’t bother to do the top few buttons, figuring he’d have time in the car. Instead he fastened a watch to his wrists, rolled up the sleeves till they sat at his forearms– any attempt to bear the Italian heat– and then he slid his feet into a pair of sleek ankle boots and mussed his damp curls. With half a moments glance at the mirror to make sure his face didn’t have patches of sun-cream and his collar was straight he grabbed his briefcase and walked out.
Glancing at his watch distractedly he rounded the corner, only to bump right into a hard chest.
“Oh,” He frowned, stepping back into a door. “Jason.”
“Hey,” The blonde smiled, “What a coincidence?” He laughed.
“You’re staying here?” It was really starting to feel like the universe was trying to tell him something.
‘Yep,” He gave a shy smile, blue gaze bright. “Guess you’re going to see a lot more of me then you expected huh?”
“I think you may be at more of a disadvantage than me.”
Jason looked at him, eyes dragging from his face down his body and eventually dropping to his shoes. Percy gave an involuntary shiver as the blonde tracked the same slow pace back up. “I think this could be very advantageous.”
“If you don’t stop staring at me like that I’m going to be very late for my meeting.”
He laughed, the previous sultriness giving away to a sparkle and flashing white teeth, “See you around Jackson.” He started walking away.
“Wait!” Percy called, “Date? Tonight? We can explore the city together?”
Jason smiled as bright as diamonds, “Sounds fun. Meet you in the bar at?”
He realised their time depended on when his meeting finished and suddenly, he wanted to cancel the whole thing and start now. ‘Seven thirty?”
“See you there. And have a good meeting.”
The blonde walked away, and Percy felt this time like he was floating away while his body remained superglued to the floor. He wanted to live in this feeling. Because this did not feel like being torn apart. This felt like coming home.
The elevator dinged down the passage and he crashed back to reality. With a string of curse words he raced for it and jumped in just as the doors began to close.
The meeting and subsequent lab tour felt endless and he concentrated on little less than half of what was being said, his mind more interested on the things waiting for him at the hotel, the person. But eventually it was over and him and Luca were cruising towards the Casa de Vita.
“Anything else you need sir?” His driver looked at him from the rear-view mirror as they turned into the hotel road.
“Recommend any good places for a first date?”
“Already met a lady sir?” Luca’s dark eyebrows almost touched his hairline in surprise.
“A man actually.”
The Italian chuckled, nodding his head as if in on some invisible joke, “The Tesora. It is just down the path and near the ocean.”
“Thank you Luca, have a goodnight.”
“And you sir.” Luca winked before peeling out of the entrance and fading into the setting sun.
Percy strolled to his room with a smile on his face, lost in a world full of possibilities. It was unsurprising then that he didn’t see the extra bag against the wall, or the shoes neatly placed by the door that weren’t his.
He took off his watch and undid the few buttons on his shirt, head lost to the glimmer of the ocean. He let his shirt fall open as he slipped off his shoes and walked towards the windows. The view really was spectacular. No matter how much he travelled it always blew his mind the places that existed, that he had yet to learn of. It was irresistible. It was perfect. It didn’t fail to cross his mind that the ocean was the exact same colour as a certain pair of gorgeous blue eyes. He blinked the image away, turning around, and his gaze landed on that exact aquamarine gaze.
“Jason?” He gasped, clutching his chest in surprise. “What are you doing in my room?”
Tags (if you want to be added/taken off the tag list just let me know. All my channels of communication are open):
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Can I ask for some badass jason moment like maybe he does something badass and people realize wow Jason's powerful and idk maybe percy just drools after his badass himbo boyfriend
Idk I'm not feeling great and just need some badass jason love all mixed in with percy being the one who drools not the other way (I dont mind the other way but I really want jason to be admired)
Hello sweet Anon. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling all good🥺sending you warm hugs and light☀️
Here's some dark!jercy featuring badass!Jason and some badass!Percy too. I hope you enjoy.
And if you're in need of anymore badass!Jase here's some other fics of mine: Dark!Jason trying to save kidnapped Percy; Dark!Jason forcing the gods to save Percy
If anyone else has badass!Jason fics please link them for Anon💖
But onto this one!
TW: dark, murder, blood. This is not for the faint of heart, please proceed with caution.
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"On your right!" Someone screams. It's not for his benefit. He is a weapon of mass destruction. The warning is for his opponent.
Percy Jackson slides under a gleaming sword and vaults back up with a wicked smile on his face. “Missed me."
The demigod shrieks, turning back around to face him.
"I will kill you Percy Jackson."
"You know I get tired of hearing that after ten years of this."
"Stop talking and fight me like the hero you're supposed to be."
He bares his teeth, green eyes flashing with anger, "I'm nobody's hero."
"Now that's a lie if I've ever heard one." A deep, clear voice from behind them drawls.
"Now is not the time you hopeless romantic." He laughs, turning to see his godly boyfriend landing on the ground with a soft thud.
"There's always time to appreciate you." Blue eyes twinkle, love and amusement glittering like stars.
"Can you two just shut up for like five seconds?" The demigod he had forgotten about growls, "I have shit to do and I'd prefer if we could get this over with."
"Better things to do than killing us?" Percy raises a brow, "Gee so sorry we're keeping you from your busy schedule."
"What's the problem anyway?"
"Your worthless trash of a boyfriend refuses to die."
"Oh," He winces, "You probably shouldn't have said that."
Jason's eyes flash with something otherworldly, dark, sinister, beautiful, "Why are you trying to kill him?"
The demigod' s expression flashes with disgust, like this simple task is beneath them, "Orders from the boss."
"And who is the boss?" His boyfriend asks quietly.
Percy can feel the air turning electric around them, can see the lightning slowly crackle in Jason's veins. After all these years, he knows better than anyone when his love is going to explode, can read the signs faster than even the blonde himself.
"We're under oath to keep the secrecy of the boss' identity."
"Cowards!" The Son of Jupiter growls, "Tell us and we can make this easy."
The sky above them goes a sickly shade of grey, and there are bolts flashing behind those blue eyes.
The demigod looks between them, fear finally seeping in. But they see Percy's smirk and something becomes visibly stone in their expression.
"Fuck you. I'll kill both of you."
The world detonates and green eyes dance with laughter as the demigod claws at their throat, eating lightning like candy.
"Tell us." The blonde's voice is deathly quiet. Soft with malice.
"Chiron." They gasp. Their body stiffens, hazel eyes freezing in an expression of horror. And with a single flick of his wrist Jason effaced the air from the demigod's lungs, carrying it in his golden fingers, and blew a kiss to the sky with that stolen oxygen.
"Gods you're hot," Percy sighs, looking at him with dark eyes and seduction.
"Later," His boyfriend laughs, "First we got a centaur to kill."
He grabs onto those broad shoulders, nuzzling his nose into his neck. Jason wraps his arms around him and kisses his forehead.
"You ready?"
"Fly me away Superman." He giggles.
And so they take to the skies, Percy clinging onto him with all his might and Jason laughing into the world.
"Why do I let you convince me this is a good idea?" He groans, "I hate this."
"The excuse to hold me outweighs your fear," The blonde whispers in his ear.
"It's your fault for being so godsdamn attractive."
His answer is met with laughter, and happiness, and never-ending love.
"Do we have to kill Chiron?"
Jason's body goes taut with anger, not at him. Never at him. "He tried to hurt you. He will not get away with that."
"I know," Percy winces, "But he raised me in this world. It seems... wrong?"
"What do you want to do instead?" The blonde finally gets out. Compromise. Collaboration. He knew it took a lot to get to this stage.
"Maybe we could—"
The Son of Jupiter gasps, his whole body shuddering.
In an instant Percy knows something is wrong, very, very wrong. A growing pool of blood is growing on the blonde's shirt, and a pretty wooden arrow is sticking out of his back.
"What the fuck?" He yells, looking around for the shooter.
"Perc," His boyfriend whispers, "I can't hold us up for much longer.
And then they're plummeting to the ground, wind screaming in their ears, twin hearts beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings.
But Percy is not afraid. For below them is the ocean and in his many years of living that great blue expanse has always been a safe place, a comfort, a protector. So they hurtle to their watery end and when they hit the sea Percy feels himself come alive.
He snaps the arrow at his boyfriend's back and puts a bubble of air around him.
"Here," He offers the ambrosia with a stern look, "Eat."
"We have to go out there and kill them."
His smile is vengeance incarnate, "Oh we will.” It was fine when it was just him they were attacking but to target Jason. To target his love. There are no lines he wouldn’t cross, no place too dark to venture to. He is a hypocrite for it. But he doesn’t care. “First you're going to heal. Because this isn't going to be quick. They will suffer for drawing even a drop of your blood."
Jason's eyes widen, darken, fill with desire, "I love it when you get like this."
"Destructive?" He grins.
And then his boyfriend is pulling him close and kissing him like the world ends today. He can taste the ambrosia still dissolving on his tongue, more than that he can taste lightning and potent love. The kiss is rough and stinging and full of teeth. But it's raw with hunger and relief too.
"Let's go have some fun." Jason breathes.
And he can't help but giggle with anticipation as they rise through the ocean and walk across it.
The destroyer and his healer.
An arrow flies towards them. With a single swipe of his hand Percy shatters the cool metal. Jason gathers the shards in the air and watches as they group to form a broken spear pointing back at their attackers.
With a whispered hum the broken pieces fly across the sea and pierce six hearts perfectly.
Finally the two reach land, grainy sand sinking under their weight as they take in the scene in front of them. Twenty centaurs, four demigods, and an array of bodies convulsing on the ground as their own arrows slice their organs.
"Why?" Percy tilts his head, staring directly at the centaur he had known for so much of his life.
"You are too powerful. We cannot risk letting you roam free. We must keep the balance." Chiron's voice is almost robotic, as if he had rehearsed the words so many times they've lost all meaning.
"Roam?" He laughs, "I do not roam. I'm not a fucking animal. I live." He glances at the crowd, "And you are afraid because you do not know how to."
"Shoot him." Chiron bellows.
They all pull their bows taut, eyes gleaming with misplaced hate. The arrows let loose. Soar towards them.
"I don't think so." Jason smirks. And suddenly those deadly shafts are frozen midair, hanging like gleaming charms.
Someone gasps, another faints, dies from fear.
"Leave us alone Chiron." The Son of Jupiter says softly. It is not a request. It is a command.
"Stand your ground," The old centaur mutters grimly.
"You know you will not walk away from this." Jason's voice is music, and melodies, and opulent demolition.
Percy can't hold in a beam as he stares at the blonde. Now is probably not the time to be drooling over himself with attraction but there's just something about Jason Grace like this that makes him feral with excitement, temptation.
"Stand your ground!" The centaur screams.
And it works because everyone, cowering or not, straightens their backs and sets hard gazes on the two demigods.
They release twin sighs, knowing they tried their best.
"Why does no-one ever listen?" He rolls his eyes.
"You think at some stage they'd learn." His boyfriend snorts. And the arrows still suspended in the air quake, as if trying to break from their hold.
"Shall we then?" He turns to meet that electric gaze.
Jason let's the arrows go and Percy whips his arm in a circular motion, lifting the ocean from behind them and slamming it into the crowd of killers.
Bloodied and choking the diminishing group sprint towards them, arrows bouncing out of their skin.
They don't get more than ten steps before lightning rains down, stabbing their every orifice. And just to make it special Percy feeds each of them ocean water and laughs as their insides fry, electrocuted by the sea and the sky.
It is over in a matter of seconds, not a body moving, twitching, breathing. Except one. A demigod with bright hair, drunk on fear.
"Please," She begs, "Please don't kill me.
"You tried to kill us even when we asked you not to. Why should we give you the courtesy?" He spits.
"Please," She cries, and that's all she says, all she mutters over and over again.
"Lucky for you," Jason shrugs, "We like to have one survivor to pass the warnings on. The stories."
She whimpers, clawing at the sand in an attempt to get away.
Percy laughs, wraps the earth around her ankles. "Not so fast. Tell them. Tell all of them what happened today. And make sure they know that it was not us who started it. But we gladly finished it."
"Nobody ever wants the villains to win," The blonde looks at her sympathetically, "But I ask you this: if we are the villains of your story, who do you think are the villains of ours?"
Her eyes widen, and then she turns on her side and heaves.
"Take care darling," He waves, "And here's some ambrosia for that wound on your side." He tosses her the little bag of golden squares with a wink.
And then Percy Jackson and Jason Grace link hands, glance at the decimation they caused and share twin smiles.
Villains or heroes?
No, that had never applied to them. They had always be something else, something more.
They are gods.
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Goodbye, My Lover
Oh this one hurts y'all! Prompt C-50 was hurt/comfort with "How drunk was I?" 
Ley, i don’t know how much you’re gonna love me after this but i really really went for the hurt part of this. Please forgive me friend?! And i hope you still like this even if it’s not what you expected?
Masterlist, Goodbye My Friend
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Send me prompts y’all! I love them! And i’m avoiding uni work at all costs so i’m happy to do them!
"Fuck you." Annabeth Chase breathes, grey eyes misty with anger.
"Just get out, leave me alone." Percy Jackson turns away, turns his back to her.
"The next time," Her voice cracks but she stands her ground, "When you come crawling back, when you need us, remember the words you said today. Because I will never forget."
And with that his apartment door slams, echoing around the room, in time with the ringing in his ears. His mind is blank, body numb. He doesn't want to believe it, doesn't want to even think it. No. It's not true. It can never be true.
The words he said to his best friend rattle in his husk of a heart. Rattle and bounce and tear. It's your fucking fault. Why didn't you do anything. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. He blocks out the anguish he saw in her eyes, blocks out the broken sound she had made when he screamed. He doesn't want to believe this. Doesn't want to... Believe what?
Percy grabs his car keys and nearly rips the door off its hinges in his haste to get out. When he's finally in the car, it's too quiet. He can hear his thoughts, he can hear his heartbeat, and how loud the silence is.
I will not cry. There is nothing to cry about. It isn't true.
Music blasts through the speakers, vibrating the car. Drown it out. Drown out everything. He drives and drives and drives till he is parallel with the ocean, till his ear drums are almost bursting with pain. There on the edge of a street is a bar. He stops, parking carelessly. It's ten am, no-one will be here for hours anyway. And he doesn't give a shit if they are.
He prowls in and sits down at the counter instantly, not bothering to take notice of the velvet couches, and leather chairs. Or the low, yellow lights, swinging overhead, and casting the room in a soft, buttery glow. 
"Give me your strongest shit." His voice is rough.
"Bit early isn't it?" The bartender is playful but Percy isn't in the mood.
So when he looks up, green eyes glowing with danger, she immediately apologizes and gets to fixing his drink. Before she can set the glass on the marble-top, he's swiped it and downed the contents. He coughs at the fire blazing in his throat and then growls, "Keep em coming."
"Sir," She says softly, gently, he doesn't want her pity. "We're legally only allowed to sell three of those per customer, and not all at the same time."
"Well find something else. I need to get drunk. And fast." He isn't interested in reasons, he doesn't want to hear people. He wants to escape.
She sighs softly, but moves away to prepare his orders.
Percy shoots back whiskey, brandy, tequila, vodka, and everything else she gives him. By the time he's ten drinks in his head is blurry and his tongue is going numb.
"Sir, I think you should slow down."
He giggles, shakes his head, "No thanks. If I can't still hear my thoughts I'm not drunk enough."
Another glass is placed in front of him, amber liquid glistening in the dim lights. He drinks and drinks, until he can't feel his fingers and his mind is numb.
"Can I ask sir?" She looks at him curiously, "Why are you... What happened?"
"I don't know," He smiles, sloppy and distracted, "I mean I do know but it's not true."
"You're getting drunk off a lie?"
He ignores her question, staring into his now empty glass, "I was mean to my friend you know?"
"Oh is that why you’re here?"
"She said something that can't possibly be true. And I was mean to her."
"What did she say?" So much patience in her tone.
"She said," He hiccups, giggles, "Wait who?"
"Your friend? What did she say that made you say mean things?"
"Oh," He frowns, pushes his glass forward to get a refill, "Well it doesn't matter what she said because it's not true. But I told her I hate her."
"And do you hate her?"
Percy looks up then, tears streaming down his face, "Of course I don’t hate her. She's my best friend."
"Then why did you say that?"
"Why did I say what?" He murmurs, and then smiles, "How are you?"
"I'm fine thank you."
The bartender is striking, braids threaded with gold strains and gorgeous earthy skin.
"You're very beau— very beaufit— you're pretty. I hope someone tells you that everyday." His words are slurs and mumbles.
"Thank you." Her smile is beautiful too, gleaming white teeth and warm brown eyes.
"Do you have someone I can call?"
"Why do you want to call someone?" He pouts, "Am I boring you?"
"I think you need to have a nap."
He grins at her, black curls flopping into his face as he shakes his head, "I need another of that delicious drink. The blue one you made. I like blue things."
"If you can give me a phone number, I'll give you the drink."
He frowns, thinking about it, "Okay deal!"
And then he has a tall blue drink in front of him and she's moved to the other side of the bar, her phone pressed to her ear. He hears bits and pieces of conversation but he doesn't register anything. Instead he looks at the swirling glitter in the blue liquid, amazed by how it floats and sparkles.
"Okay," She comes back, "They'll be here in twenty."
"Twenty what?" He scrunches his nose in confusion.
"Twenty, minutes."
"Wanna know a secret?" He leans forward, motioning for her to come closer. "I'm very drunk." And that sets him off into peals of laughter. He almost falls off his chair but catches himself at the last second.
He gasps suddenly, and the bartender whips around, "What? What's wrong?"
"The stars are coming out! My boyfriend loves the stars."
"Oh, that's nice. The stars are pretty I can understand why he loves them."
"I love my boyfriend." Percy's smile is wide, and brilliant.
Just then a figure walks through the door. He squints to get a better look but can’t make them out in the blur of his vision, and the spinning room.
"Thank you for looking after him." The voice is raspy.
"He was entertaining, made my shift much more bearable at least."
"Well I'll take him off your hands." The voice reaches out a hand and places a stack of bills on the counter and then loops his arm around their neck.
"Can I ask?" The bartender motions to him.
"A friend died. He's not taking it well."
He can hear the wince in the stranger's voice, but he doesn't know why it's there. His eyes are so tired, he just wants to, to, to.....
Percy wakes up in his bed, head pounding like a hammer is doing gods work on his skull and his stomach is churning. He makes it to the bathroom with half a second to spare before he throws up all his internal organs, or that's what it feels like.
"How drunk was I?" He groans.
"Wasted. You drank for eight hours."
He looks up from the toilet to see Annabeth leaning against the door frame.
His face crumples, "Tell me it's not true, Wise Girl."
And the shattering in her eyes confirms his worst fears.
He throws up again. And again. And again. And then he's screaming, crying, scratching at his chest. He can't breathe. He can't breathe. He can't fucking breathe.
"I'm sorry Percy." Annabeth's arms wrap around him, pulls him against her chest where he can feel her erratic heart and her shaking ribs.
He cries until he passes out. He hopes he never wakes up.
What's the point? There's no-one to wake up to.
His boyfriend is gone. 
Jason Grace is dead.
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Hey...I am AN ABSOLUTE jercy TRASH like A HUGE JERCY FAN and I was wondering if you could like a one shot of jealous percy...I have seen a lot of jealous jason fanfics but never really saw a jealous percy!!! Thank you and I LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH...
Hello darling Anon!! Adore that you're #jercytrash (is there really any other way to be????) and I'm so happy you enjoy the mess of content i have🥺💙all the heart eyes
Anyway I loooovvveeeeeddddd this prompt and this is evident by the very many words I couldn't help but write! I do hope you love it as much as I loved writing it☀️please excuse any mistakes it's like 3am here and Ciara be tired as hell
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"Are you coming to the party tonight?"
"Gods no," Percy shivers, face pulling into a look of distaste.
"Why not I heard Annabeth is gonna be there," Leo's eyebrows waggle, earth eyes sparkling.
He wants to laugh, to cry a little too. If only that is the blonde he is so infatuated with.
"Nah bro those parties always end up much wilder than they need to be and nine times out of ten they're shut down by the cops."
"That's half the fun Jackson!" Leo's smile widens.
"I'm good thanks, my idea of fun is sitting here playing Playstation and gorging myself on M&Ms."
"Will you at least promise to come on the trip this weekend?"
"I don't know man," He shakes his head, "I've got a psych test to study for and there's like three assignments due by the end—"
"Oh excuses, excuses Jackson you haven't gone out once since we started. It's gonna be winter break soon and we won't see each other for at least a month." Those brown eyes are puppy wide.
He sighs, half-ready to give in, "Who's gonna be there?"
"The usual gang. And Jason finally gets to come this year! His dad is on a business trip so he isn't spending the weekend for once."
Percy's ears get hot and he hopes they don't look flushed, "Oh that's nice I guess. If you leave me alone tonight I'll come on the trip."
Leo's answering whoop is enough to make him laugh. When he collapses on the couch, after waving goodbye to his friend, there is a warmth blooming in his chest.
Three hours, five packets of M&Ms and a stream of curse words at the TV later, he finally decides to head to bed. But as he's shoving on a pair of sleep shorts there's a knock at his door. He frowns, considers ignoring it but his mind whirls with all the possibilities.
What if someone got hurt? What if someone needs his help? What if someone is....oh gods he doesn't want to think about it. He brushes his fingers against the wooden headboard, rubs at his head, grabs his elbow and then he takes a deep breath and opens the door.
"Peerrccccyyy," A slurring, smiling Jason Grace stumbles into him.
"Jason?" He grabs hold of the blonde's arms and pulls them both into his apartment, "What are you doing here?"
"I came over because–" Pearl white teeth flash, "Wow you're so pretty." Those golden hands grab Percy's chin, pulling their faces together until there is nothing but tension and breath between them.
"What are you doing?" He swallows.
"Has anyone ever told you your eyes look like emeralds glistening at the bottom of a river?"
"Uh no can't say they have," He wants to laugh but Jason's lips are so close and his hand is still on Percy's face and oh gods he needs to move before he does something he shouldn't.
"Have we kissed before? No I'd remember that." Eyebrows scrunch, "I think you have a beautiful mouth."
"I think—" He inhales sharply as Jason's fingers dance along his collar bone, "I think we should get you to bed."
"Aw," Full pink lips pout, "But we are having so much fun."
"I think we'll have more fun when you're sober."
The blonde giggles, "I'm not drunk silly. I only had like... fifteen shots of vodka."
"Jesus Grace how are you even standing?"
"When you're this tall it takes forever for the liquor to do its thing and you need a lot of it otherwise it all goes to your toes and you never get drunk."
Jason is frowning again and all Percy wants to do is kiss the crease in his forehead and pull him closer. Instead he tugs him by the hand and guides him to the bed.
"Where will you sleep?"
"I'll take the couch." He pushes the blanket aside and let's the blonde fall into the sheets.
"Are you sure? You can always stay with me?" Those blue eyes are bright and big and so full of, of, of... "I promise I won't kick you. I stopped doing that in first grade."
He can't hold in his laugh this time but when he recovers enough to reassure his friend he'll be fine he is greeted by the peaceful sight of a sleeping blonde. He shakes his head softly, allowing himself a moment to take in the scene. Tangled white sheets, golden hair, soft deep breathing, a tiny splattering of freckles, and the wonder of tomorrow carried on the wind that stirs the chiffon curtains. This moment will live within his soul for the rest of his life. Of this, he is certain.
The treadmill beeps incessantly indicating the end of the session and the end of Percy's day. He's about ready to pass out from exhaustion and he couldn't be happier. The days are long and blurry and he would do anything to escape the weight on his chest. A blue-eyed, golden-haired weight. He snorts at the innuendo. If only the actual person was sitting on his chest, entertaining each other. But no it's just the feeling, the emptiness, the lack of anything weighted. His eyes shudder closed as he steps into a red-hot shower and let's the memories of his last meeting with the blonde wash over him. There is a time, mere months ago, where Percy would have scoffed at these feelings. Would have told himself it was ridiculous and stupid and there were much more important things to be focusing on than some boy. But every interaction with Jason Grace feels like the middle of a fireworks display, feels like crawling into the sun, or falling off a cliff only for the water to catch you. Every interaction feels electric. And he cannot help but overanalyse each touch, smile, lingering look. Are they for him, or for the world? Jason had always been easy. He could make you feel like the most important person in the world just by glancing at you. It was beautiful, magnetic, but it also meant Percy never really knew if anything they did was genuine. If the extra squeeze when they hugged was as a friend or something more. If those blazing eyes over the campfire was a trick of the light or... But tomorrow it's their annual WastedWinter trip and at the very least he can look forward to a few nights of bad decisions and sinful delights.
The day dawns bright, cloudless, and icy cold. He breathes in the fresh winter air and lets the sting travel through his lungs. There are few things as lively as the winter morning air. With a look through his apartment window to see the birds flying and the wind shaking the trees awake he ducks into the shower and gets ready for the trip.
At exactly eleven a knock echoes through his apartment. He clicks submit on his assignment and races over to throw the door open.
"Good morning Jackson! You're looking especially radiant this find day."
"Must be the seaweed face mask I put on last night."
"Oh," Annabeth Chase frowns, "And here I thought you got down and dirty with someone."
He snorts, stepping aside to let her in. "No such luck Princess, I'm down and out on laundry."
She smacks his arm, grey eyes sparkling, "I hope you know you're driving for most of this."
"Is this because I'm the only one who can be trusted to get us there in one piece,"
She gives him an incredulous look and then turns her nose up, "No Jackson it's because the rest of us want to get wasted and you don't drink."
"Ah, glad to know I'm of some use to the group."
"Oh you're plenty useful," She winks.
He laughs at that, mind flashing to the fling they had at the start of their undergraduate years. Both had realized pretty early that life was leading them in different directions and it would be better to stay friends. But tumbling in the sheets with her had been fun while it lasted.
"Alright who's in our car?"
"We got me, you," She starts tapping her fingers, "Leo, Jase and Rey,"
"Great so I'll be talking to myself for most of this trip." He rolls his eyes.
"Why do you say that?"
"Well Leo and Reyna will fall asleep about five seconds after we start driving and you and Jason will talk incessantly about gods knows what, which leaves poor old me."
"We will not!" Annabeth's ears go pink as she glares at him.
"Mhmm okay Princess."
"Shut it." She grumbles, shoving him.
Some minutes later they're all piling into the car: Percy driving, Reyna in the front, Leo at the back on the left, Annabeth in the middle and Jason on the right.
"Hello everyone ready to roll?"
"I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night," Leo mumbles and then he's fluffing his pillow against the door and closing his eyes.
"What was he doing?"
"Engineering project," Jason grins, "He forgot and had to sit up all night to submit before we left."
"I'm also out," Reyna throws up an uncharacteristic peace sign and settles into her seat, eyes already shut.
"And her?" He asks, a little sore his right-hand passenger is ditching him for dreamland.
"No idea," The two blondes shrug.
Percy refrains from rolling his eyes and puts the car in gear. With a final check to make sure everything is in its place he pulls onto the road and starts the long journey to Lakeside Lodges.
The music is soft, some pop song that everyone is raving about, and the city is alive with the lunch hour rush.
"Jason," Annabeth starts, "What are you doing for the structural—"
Percy tunes them out, content to let their university talk become background noise. He glances at the rear-view mirror and sees shining blue eyes staring intently into serious gray ones. He looks away, focuses his attention on the road.
Sometime later they leave the city behind, the sound of cars and sirens and endless people fading into calmer, more lilting noises. The quiet of the empty road, and the crackle of the radio, and the soft chatter from the backseat. He cannot help but feel at peace, feel as if the world is balanced just right.
Annabeth giggles, catching his attention and he watches in the mirror as Jason lays a hand on her thigh and laughs into her shoulder. Quickly he adverts his eyes, swallowing the sinking feeling and turns the music up to distract his thoughts.
"Percy," At tap on his shoulder. "Pers?"
"Yea what's up?" He smiles and it feels like surgery with no anaesthetic.
"Did you hear what Jase said? It was such a stupid joke I said you'd appreciate it."
He shakes his head, "Wanna tell it again?"
"Nah," Jason mumbles, "Won't be as funny the second time."
"Aw come on Jase," Annabeth pouts, "For me?"
He watches from the mirror as those blue eyes light up, "What do you mean for you? I thought I was telling the joke for Mr Driver?"
She giggles, shoving at his arm, "That's what I mean."
Percy isn't sure he can't take anymore of their whatever it is so he clears his throat and asks them for a pack of Sour Patch Kids.
"Oo I love those!" Jason gasps, rummaging around in their snack bag. A packet drops into the cup holder and he thanks the blonde.
"Jase throw them at me, let's see if I can catch!"
The six gummies shoved in his mouth turn bitter as he watches the two giggle and joke and share space. By the time Jason throws the last gummy Annabeth is practically in his lap to catch it. Percy wants nothing more than to get out of this damn car. His skin is hot and he's sure his blood is about two degrees away from boiling. The stones in his stomach are stacking up like rock scultputres. Pretty but destructive. Nothing can get passed but nothing can leave either. And the heavy, sinking feeling certainly doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Finally though they arrive at the lodges and after check in he practically vaults himself out of the car and disappears into a bathroom.
There staring in the mirror he can see his misery reflected back at him. His green eyes are stormy, and there seems to be a permanent crease in his forehead. His mouth is down turned and his hair is in a state of complete disarray. Tugging at it when he's frustrated is an unbreakable habit.
He stays in the little bathroom for longer than he thought because he is sharply pulled to the present by a rap on the door.
"Coming," He sighs. He straightens his back, attempts to tame his hair, and plasters a smile on his face.
"You good?" Frank frowns when he walks out.
"Yea sorry, drank one too many slushies."
His friend laughs, "Tell me about it. I think my tongue is going to be stained red for a month."
"I mean that's your fault. Blue is clearly the superior slush."
"Blue is the worst flavor," He scrunched his nose, "It isn't even a flavor. They somehow managed to give colour a taste."
"Well red is nothing but iced medicine."
"Hey guys," Frank waves their friends over, "Percy thinks blue slushies are the best flavour, care to tell him he's wrong?"
There is a pause amongst them and then everyone is talking at once.
"I mean I kind of agree."
"Green is obviously the best."
"There is no way, it's red all the way."
"What about-"
"Okay!" Annabeth shouts, "Let's settle this WinterWasted style,"
Leo rubs his palms together, a gleam in his eyes.
"Everyone who says red stand on one leg, everyone who says blue stand on anything but the floor."
They all shuffle around, pushing each other over and generally causing chaos but soon they're in their spaces. Everyone observes the room.
"That's four to red and three to blue." Leo announces.
Jason, Percy and Hazel are standing on the couches and counters. Piper, Annabeth, Leo and Frank are on one leg in the middle of the lounge.
"Yes! We won." Frank smirks, "Alright losers you know the drill."
"No!" Percy yells, "We're missing a person. If Reyna joins us then we're even and we go into death round."
"Okay Jackson, I see you can't take the loser title sitting down so we'll get Reyna's opinion. But if she chooses us you guys have to drink and jump." Frank's black eyes sparkle with mischief.
Percy narrows his own, pinning his gaze on his friend, "Deal Zhang."
Just then Reyna walks in and seeing the odd scene sighs heavily. "What are we trying to settle? We haven't even had lunch yet."
"First of all it's six o clock so it's a little late for lunch and secondly are you Team Red Slush or Team Blue Slush?"
She scoffs, looks over them and grins, "I'm Team Purple because grape is obviously the only valid flavour."
Everybody groans, cursing her.
"Grape is the absolute worst Arellano." Leo gives her a look of disgust.
"Mhmm," She simply smiles.
"Well if you had to choose between blue and red which one?" Percy asks.
She taps her head for a moment and then looks to the ceiling in exasperation, "Guess I'll choose Red."
"Hell yes!" Frank whoops, laughing as the blue team groans. "Guess who's doing the BigFalls jump tonight!"
Percy grumbles but there is a light in his eyes and as he swats away a hand ruffling his curls he decides it was worth it, even if his friends are wrong.
That night they all stumble to the GreatCliff, an area that had witnessed many a fall, kiss, and confession. Most importantly a place that held some of their favourite memories.
Percy, being the only fully sober one, constantly counts his friends, making sure none of them have gone over-cliff or landed in a ditch somewhere. Soon enough they make it to the clearing and lay down the picnic basket and their towels.
"Alright losers," Piper smirks, "You ready for this?"
Hazel pouts, "Do we have to?"
"Yes!" Annabeth exclaims, blonde curls bouncing as she jumps up and down in excitement.
Jason whispers something in her ear and she dissolves into giggles. Percy looks away, refuses to let their closeness ruin his night, weekend, forever.
"On the count of three," Frank starts.
Reyna takes off her sarong and settles down on the blanket with a smirk.
Hazel bounces nervously.
"Don't get hypothermia," Piper laughs.
Jason, Hazel and Percy are sprinting, racing for open air. With a yell they jump and then they're free falling, flying, screaming.
Percy hits the water in a neat dive, barely flinching at the icy temperatures. When he comes up for air the world is noisy with laughter and cheering. He waves to his friends at the top of the cliff and checks to make sure his fellow jumpers are okay.
Hazel is grumbling about being fully sober again and Jason's teeth are chattering but there are smiles on their faces and stars in their eyes and Percy knows the weekend has just begun.
They all swim up the stream and climb all the way back to the cliff where a small fire is crackling and their friends are dancing sporadically to a bawdy ukelele tune being played by Leo.
"Oh gods," Jason groans, "How are we already at this stage of the night."
"Whatever Pipes put in the punch is going straight to our lungs," Annabeth giggles.
Reyna shakes her empty glass in confirmation and request. Soon everyone is hopping and bouncing and singing badly around the fire. Percy settles into the blanket and watches his friends. They are full of life and magic and he can't help but tear up at the love he has for them. Even Reyna is joining the revelry, laughing bright and beautiful at something Hazel says.
His attention catches on the twirling figure of Annabeth. And then Jason grabs her mid spin and pulls her to him.
"Dance with me,"
"Of course Mr Grace," She bows.
They draw together, his hands on her hips, her head on his chest, swaying slowly. Annabeth mumbles something and Jason's shoulders shake with laughter. She looks up, their eyes meeting. Percy can't stand to watch anymore. Abruptly he gets up, throws the blanket aside and stalks into the trees.
"Pers?" Someone calls. He doesn't bother to respond.
He hears scattered conversation and then footsteps are running towards his retreating figure.
"Percy wait!"
He manages to hold in a groan as he realizes who followed him.
"Pers slow down, what's going on?"
"Nothing," He grits, "I just needed some air."
Jason laughs, "We are literally in the middle of a forest how much more air do you need?"
They're still stalking through the woods, dead leaves cruching under their feet.
"Come on, what the hell happened? You just up and left?"
Percy stops in his tracks, whips around to face the blonde, "I'm surprised you noticed."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You've been so wrapped up in Annabeth all day I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot to breathe unless she told you to." He spits.
Jason's face crumples, "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Percy instantly regrets his words but he can't take them back, "Just nevermind. I'm going to the cabin. Be careful walking back." He turns to walk away but a golden hand on his arm yanks him back
"Um no, you're going to explain right the fuck now because this isn't like you at all."
"Isnt like me?" He laughs sharply, "What isn't like me?"
"This," Jason motions up and down, "You walking away, being angry with us? What is going on?"
"I'm just tired," He sighs, "Can we drop this?"
"No Percy. I've seen you tired. I've seen you so exhausted you couldn't even see straight. I've seen you sad and angry and frustrated and happy and excited and calm but I have never seen you so... volatile. So just tell me—"
"I'M JEALOUS OKAY!" He yells, "I. Am. Jealous."
Jason reels back, lightning eyes blinking, once, twice, widening, "You're jealous?"
"Yes," He breathes, "And I'd appreciate it if we stopped talking about this."
"Oh," Is the blonde's intelligent reply.
"Yea oh," He scrubs at his face, running a hand through his hair.
"You're jealous of me? If you liked Annabeth why didn't you just say so? I wasn't flirting with her, we were just being dumb. I've had a few too many tequilas and she's hilarious and gods I'll back off I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll even hype you up to her if you—"
"You are such an idiot," Percy growls and then he grabs the blonde by the t-shirt, pulls him in and sears their lips.
Jason tastes like the sky, like winter breezes and lightning storms and home. He tastes like home.
When they break apart Jason is gasping, mouth opening and closing.
"Do you get it now?"
"You- and I- and we- and Anna- and just- and-"
"Are you speechless because you don't know how to let me down easy or because I took your breath away?" Percy winces.
He needs to know. Needs to understand if this is a one-sided thing, if he's been dreaming up their dynamic all these months.
"Do that again," The blonde breathes.
A slow smile spreads across his face and then Percy Jackson cups Jason Grace's cheek and comes home at last.
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I see your annabeth in tartarus alone and I raise you jason and percy in tartarus. Idk why those two would be but like imagine percy and jason both unleashing. The power. We saw potential dark percy but like jason could easily manipulate the air in the bodies cells. The nervous system has electricity in it (I think I dropped pe health biology oops) so like your whole system is fucked so yeah jason and percy just going full psycho almost ahhhh. Bruhif some1 wrote smthng like this I might cry
ANON, HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL THINGS??? Anyway obviously I had to write a lil something something because oooooo I love our boyyysss and I loovvveee it even more when our boys go dark so here have it!
Here’s the post referred to in the ask
Here’s the picture below
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Jason Grace grinned flinging a hand out to wrap around a lean, corded arm.
"Thought you weren't gonna catch me for a sec Grace,"
"The only falling you're doing is for me Jackson,"
Percy laughed, eyes twinkling with mischief, "Save it for after we're out of this hellhole... literally."
"Oh I plan to," Jason purred.
They slammed into the ashen floor, dust and debris crunching under their feet.
"Just have to make it past this river and we're home free." Dark eyebrows creased in determination.
"I have never been so excited to get into a body of water before." The blonde shuddered.
"Hopefully I have enough strength to keep it from touching us," Percy's voice cracked.
Jason grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers and squeezing softly. "We have gotten this far Pers, we will make it through. Together."
"Yea I know, I know," The half-blood shook his head, returning the reassuring squeeze.
Without letting go the two walked towards the Archeron. This crossing would be the hardest by far. The one that could end them. The river called to the miserable and who could be more miserable than two demigods who have fought their whole lives to stay alive and know they will fight even after this. The River of Woe. It was fitting that it'd be the last stop in this hellscape.
"Hello ssssweeetheartsss," A hissing started from behind them.
The demigods stiffened, clasped hands as white as sheets. Slowly they turned around, swords swinging aimlessly.
"Well well well I was starting to wonder when the dogs would bark," Percy smirked.
"Shut it ssssson of Poseidon," The thing spat.
"Hey that's no way to talk to people. Didn't your mother raise you to have some manners?" Jason chided, a gleam in his eyes.
"It will be ssssweet to kill you,"
"It'll be sweeter if you shut up," Percy snapped.
The thing smiled and it looked like dying. But what all these monsters failed to understand is that the half-bloods they faced did not fear death. The Son or Poseidon and the Child of Greece embraced it like an old friend, like a warm hug. They watched death smile and grinned back.
"Jase, I've been meaning to ask you," Percy mused, twirling his sword in his hand, "Have you figured out how to manipulate the electricity that controls our nervous system?"
Jason's eyes glittered, "Oh yea, I actually figured it out a couple of hours ago. Your blood-bending really had me thinking,"
The creature, with its serpent tail and fanged mouth, its ugly leathery wings and uneven scaled skin, glanced between them. Without warning it struck that spiked tail into Percy's side.
With a resounding clang the poisoned end bounced back, and slammed into the ground. The demigod looked up from where his now dented sword had been covering his side, green eyes glowing.
"That wasn't very nice,"
The monster let out a vile screech and pounced. Jason had a split second to bring his sword over his head before the rugged underside of this thing fell over him.
Before it could claw at the through skin and bone, the blonde was rolling onto his feet and slicing his sword into a charcoal wing. He could see Percy sawing at the other side and couldn't help the smile that graced his features. Percy's hair was curly and wild, his sea green eyes so bright they were luminescent, and the muscles in his torn shirt sleeve rippled as he worked through the wing.
The monster beneath their blades shrieked and thrashed but before long its wings were twitching on the floor. But with the pinion sliced off the demigods didn't have anything to keep it down so they were both unprepared when it swiped its tail across their legs, slamming their bodies into the ground.
With a groan Percy rolled over, "Fuck that hurt,"
"The next time I wanted us to be on our backs it involved much more fun activities than this," Jason growled.
Before either of them could get up, the heavy weight of cold, bony feet pressed them into the dirt.
"Not sssssoooo arrogant now," It cackled.
"Do you ever stop talking?" The black-haired boy sighed.
The creature hissed, claws protruding to rip out their throats, "I will kill you Percy Jac—"
It froze, eyes wide, claws stiff, sides leaking some variation of tar.
"If you ever," Jason’s voice was low, seductive with the promise of malice, "Ever threaten him again I will slaughter you so violently you will not even be remembered by history. I will scatter you so far the world will have to fold in on itself to put you back together. This is a warning."
And with that the monster contorted, limbs bending at awkward angles. It gave a disgusting shuddered, twitching and shaking, before falling to the floor and crumbling to dust.
"Damn Grace, is it weird that I am horribly turned on right now?" Percy threw a heartbreaking smile his way.
"You are such a freak, let's get out of here so I can explore it," Jason returned the smile.
"I'm holding you to that Lightning-Boi"
"Just get your ass over here so I can hold you." His voice was shaky as he held his hand out for Percy.
"Hey," The Son of Poseidon frowned, brushing golden hair back softly, "Hey, it’s okay. I'm here. I'm safe. You'd never let anything happen to me."
The blonde put a hand to his chest, feeling the steady heartbeat underneath.
"You aren't allowed to die on me. I will hunt you down and kill you again." His words were rough, stern, but the softness in his eyes melted Percy to the core.
"Only if you can promise me the same,"
The Son of Jupiter nodded, letting his forehead drop to rest against Percy's.
"Ready to cross the River of Misery?"
"One step closer," The black-haired boy sighed.
And with a final brush against a golden cheek, they intertwined their hands once more and stepped into the river that would take them home.
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Let. Him. Go.
Nobody is surprised that i have another dark jercy fic. This struck me out of nowhere, so i had to rush into my phone’s notes app to get it down. I hope you enjoy young ones :)
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Percy's wrists were bleeding. The rope burning into his skin; it felt like fire. He smirked at his captor.
"Is this the best you got?"
His words slurred, a product of a swollen jaw and a broken nose.
"You really have a death wish son of Poseidon?" The stranger spat.
"The universe has been trying to kill me since the day I was born. You do not scare me." He scoffed, wincing at the motion.
"You are tied up, bleeding out, and there is no-one coming to rescue you," Silver eyes glittered with arrogance, "And you are not even a little scared?"
Percy rolled his eyes, "Do you think you're special? Because so far you haven't given me any reason to be scared."
"Conceited child!" The stranger roared, slapping him. The crack echoed around the room.
"Are you done?" He deigned to laugh.
"Give me the key Percy Jackson,"
"I mean I don't really know why you think my answer would have changed since the last time you asked me. I. Don't. Have. It."
"You were the last one with it, you insolent fool. Don't you dare lie to me."
"What are you gonna do?" He smirked, "Kill me?"
The stranger cocked their gun, put the cool metal to Percy's forehead.
"Okay," He shrugged.
They clicked back the safety, pressing the weapon further into his skin, "Are you sure you don't know where the key is?"
"You know, I recall something about it." His lips twitched, holding back a smile.
The stranger pushed into his space, their noses brushing, "Where. Is. It?"
"Mhm no i was talking about my mom's apartment key. She lost it the other day and I think I remember where she put it."
The last thing Percy saw was a flash of silver before something slammed into the back of his skull.
He blinked, squinting at the harsh light over him.
"Ah you're awake,"
"You still haven't killed me?" He frowned, "Wow they really don't make villains like they used to."
"You think you're so funny half-blood," The stranger smiled, "But let's see who will be laughing now."
Before he had time to ask what was happening the door slammed open and a body was being thrown into the room.
He squinted trying to make out the figure in the darkness.
The person groaned, and then cursed as the silver-eyed stranger grabbed their hair and yanked them into the light.
Percy's body went still. The world narrowed, blurred, morphed.
His voice was made from malice and violence, "What the fuck is he doing here?"
"You do not want to tell me where the key is, so I thought i’d provide a little motivation."
"Let him go."
"No I don't think I will half-blood." And the stranger yanked harder at that beautiful blonde hair.
"Fucker," Percy spat, "Leave him out of this."
"Jason," He rasped, pulling at the ropes around his wrists. He needed to get to him, needed to touch him, hold him, make sure he was—
"Are you going to tell me where the key is Son of Poseidon?"
"Don't do it Percy," Jason Grace finally broke.
"Nobody asked for you opinion," The stranger wrapped a hand around the blonde's throat.
Percy let loose a broken scream.
"If I had known this would work I would have brought him in much sooner," The stranger grinned.
"Stop this Corrin, let him go. He doesn't have the key." Jason gasped, clawing at the hand still strangling him.
"No, don't you dare Grace," Percy's blood went cold.
"I'm sorry," Blue eyes blurred with tears, "I'm so sorry Pers,"
"I swear to the gods," His voice caught with fear, "Let him go!"
"Did Jason ever tell you how we met?" That smile was made of broken lies, and destruction.
"Let him go please," Percy's voice cracked, eyes still locked with that lightning gaze.
"We dated for a year," Corrin smirked, "I helped Krios rise, and I asked Jason to follow me. We could have had the world." He turned to face the blonde again, stroking a hand down his cheek, "We could have been unstoppable, my hero."
"I didn't want the world," Jason hissed, "I was happy with you and the legion."
"Liar, you were made for so much more. You know it and I know it." Silver eyes sparkled and it would have been beautiful if it did not mean death. "It's a pity really that I have to kill you."
A flash of bronze pressed against Jason's neck, blood already dripping slowly down that beautiful golden skin.
Percy smiled, slow and wicked. The earth shattered.
There was a bloodcurling scream, a flash of gold and then Percy Jackson was standing in front of a stranger with eyes of silver, impaled to the wall with pieces of concrete.
"I would have let you kill me, I would have let you torture me till I was begging for death. I would have signed on to be your slave if that's what you asked. But you decided to bring someone I love into this. And there are no lines, Corrin," He grinned, the name rolling off his tongue, "There are no lines I wouldn't cross to keep the people I love safe."
The stranger gurgled, blood leaking from his arms, his legs, his throat.
Percy stepped to him, put full lips to his ear, "The key," He whispered, "Is underneath the mountain I blew up when I was fifteen."
"Why are you telling me?" Corrin managed to gasp.
His smile was beautiful in its savagery, "Because you will not live to find it."
And with a single flick of his wrist Percy sliced those pieces of concrete through his pale throat.
Those silver eyes widened, hate flashing in them. Corrin did not move again.
"Percy," Jason groaned from the corner where he had been flung in the chaos.
"Are you okay?" He tried to hold in a sob as he pulled the blonde to him.
"I'm fine, are you okay? Oh gods you look horrible."
He laughed, "I've seen better days. I thought he was going to kill you," Long, dark eyelashes fluttered as he surveyed the boy before him.
"I thought he was going to kill you," Jason mumbled, pulling them together.
"He would have, i—" Percy breathed, "I would have let him. But you oh gods, he made you bleed and I saw red."
"I would have slaughtered him, burned the world if he killed you." Jason's voice scorched with fury.
"We are together now, my love." He whispered.
"Let's go home."
They each grabbed the chain that dangled elegantly around their necks, and watched as the metal molded, the glow giving away to reveal a key.
Percy Jackson and Jason Grace intertwined their fingers, stepped past the artwork of death mounted to the wall by jagged concrete pins, and walked into Olympus.
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Kingdom Collisions XIV
Masterlist for other parts, more jercy, crackships and bad ideas
writing fic=more description=(hopefully) improve writing
no prewritten chapters=sporadic updates=as surprised as you about what happens
Tell me your thoughts, I'm insecure about this chapter. Also sorry for the long ass wait I haven’t felt in the writing mood but hopefully I'm back.
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together or not at all. find him. find him. find him.
Crown Prince Jason’s dream starts as all his dreams do. Him sitting on a cloud looking over a burning meadow. He feels himself wince as if his body already knows its going to be hurt and then he is pulled under, under, under and suddenly the dream is a memory. One he had forgotten about, one he wishes he'll live through for the rest of his life.
"Prince," A soft, warm voice calls. "Are you in here?"
There is a moment of quiet, the crackling of the fire and the turn of the page the only interruptions.
"I'm here." The reply is gentle, and sweet, and full of the brightest days.
Jason blinks, looks through long blonde lashes. "Hello my Ardor"
Leo sinks into the couch, grabbing his hand with the need to be close and comfortable and together. "What are you doing here so late?"
"I had some things to research before tomorrow meeting with FreedomtoFeed."
The Captain of the Guards raises an eyebrow and gives a pointed look to the raunchy cover of the novel he has clasped in his hands. "That looks very appropriate for a feeding-the-people initiative."
He blushes crimson and shuts the book with a huff of embarrassment. "I finished the research."
Leo pulls them together until their foreheads bump gently, "I'm only teasing. But you should go to sleep."
"Will you join me?"
The fingers dancing at the nape of his neck still, and smoldering brown eyes catch his. "Of course."
They release twin breathes and move impossible closer, until lips brush against skin and oxygen is sparse.
"You are so beautiful," The Prince whispers, kissing his jaw. His cheek. Nose. Throat.
"Please kiss me." Leo is shaking with anticipation, arousal.
And who is Jason to refuse such a precious request? He brushes his lips gently across his Ardor's and groans at the softness he finds. Pillows, and peaches, and sweetness that only intensifies when it deepens. Their tongues dance, explore each other languidly. Like time is nothing but a suggestion. His fingers brush silken warm cheeks and dance across Leo's skin until they're resting on his thighs.
Jason is breathless when he breaks away, "You are—" His words are cut off as the Guard pulls their faces together.
"No talking now my Prince. Tonight we only feel."
Jason feels himself frown, as the memory becomes hazy, disjointed. This wasn't how it happened.
‘Together or not at all. find him. find him. find him.” Leo gasps, his head falling on the Prince's shoulder. "Jase, I can't—" He's cut off by a cry.
And suddenly all his beautiful brown skin is turning to ash under Jason's hands. He tries to grab on to anything, any part of Leo, but the more he holds the more ash comes away.
"Ardor?" He cries. This isn't how it happens. This isn't the way it goes. He can't go like this. They can't leave each other. He just got him back.
He can't, he can't, he can't, he c—
Prince Jason Grace wakes up with a scream, blunt finger nails tearing into his chest as he attempts to rid himself of the nightmare. And when his eyes adjust to the world he only knows darkness and despair. The love of his life is still dead and he is still far away from his dear kingdom. Actually he has no idea where he is at all. That thought is the final pick in the ice and suddenly his body is wracking with sobs. His life is a complete fucking mess. And he doesn't want to do this anymore. Every event piles onto his chest like boulders until he can't breathe, until he is hyperventilating.
Far from home; Leo is dead; kidnapped; tortured; his husband is—
Wait where is his husband? The thought shocks him out of his panic so fast he's reeling as he sits up. The cold floor underneath his fingers ground him to the present and he pushes off the concrete onto shaky legs. He feels so weird, like his body is not his own, like he's been forcibly removed from it and shoved into a whole new one and now he has to learn how to be human all over again. He feels like he's died. Slowly he stumbles around until he hits a wall and then plastering his right hand to it he walks. Or more like drags himself along, nails scraping against the brick and a bare shoulder scratching against the roughness.
His eyes are useless for anything further than his feet and he sees no evidence of light. But the room, or what he's beginning to suspect is a hallway, continues so he to keeps going. Someone will fill in all the blanks in his memory but first he has to find his husband. There is a deep chasm in his chest and he has the ugly feeling it will only start filling when he sees those green eyes and floppy curls. It almost disgusts him how much he needs to see the Prince of Mare. It's like his body, his heart, has forgotten about Leo entirely. He feels sick to his stomach at the thought so he banishes everything but the need to get out of here. Suddenly he hits a wall, hard enough that he knows there’ll be a bruise tomorrow. With a silent prayer to gods he didn't care to believe in, he turns his body and keeps walking. Right hand still on the wall.
There is nothing and no-one. He feels likes he's in the inside of a black hole. There is not even the faint sounds of outside. It is just his dragging feet and his cracking nails and the ringing in his ear from the sheer lack of sound.
He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will get out of here. He will—
There's a scraping sound. Someone gives a sharp inhale. A pinprick stings his neck. He is never getting out of here.
together or not at all. find him. find him. find him.
Prince Jason clutches his rolling stomach, and without warning throws up the little contents that may have been in there. Before he even opens his eyes he knows whatever he will see cannot be good. Even behind his eyelids it is unnaturally bright and he can hear hushed whispers coming from somewhere. They sound angry. He will get the brunt of it.
"Well well well," A rapsy voice echoes around him.
He forces his eyes open and blinks back the harsh neon lighting to see Annabeth Chase, his previous kidnapper, and Grover Underwood.
"It's such a pity you don't remember me." She pouts unhappily, but there is nothing but viciousness in her grey eyes.
He wonders what he should remember.
"How do you feel Jason?"
"Like I died. Like I want to get out of here. Like I need to see my husband." He spits at the man leaning against the wall so casually.
"All in due time. But while we have you here I think we could use you."
"Why should I help either of you?" He curls his lip, anger making his vision blur, "You," He points a disgusted finger at the blonde girl, "Kidnapped me and Percy and then proceeded to torture us." She giggles and he wants to bury that sound six feet underground. "And you," He looks to Grover, the advisor to Mare and Percy's friend. He looks every bit the enemy. "I don't trust you one bit. Not if you can have her in your presence so calmly."
"I'm not looking for your trust Prince," The man, the being, scoffs. "I just need your cooperation. Otherwise Annabeth here has permission to get as creative as possible."
Grover tilts his head to her, a silent conversation passing between them, and then he leaves without so much as a glance to him.
"I'll never tell you anything." He growls at her.
She grins, pretty white teeth gleaming in the horrible light. "Let me tell you a story Prince Jason Grace, about the day you lost your sister."
"My who?"
She gives a secret smile and begins.
Twenty seven years ago a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes was born to The King and Queen of Mare. She was a sweet little girl with pigtails and a sharp mind and she kept her parents on their toes every second. One day this little girl's mom came to tell her that she would soon be getting a little sibling to play with and care for. The little girl was undeniably excited, or as excited as you can be when you're three years old and get told you're getting a small person just like you. Needless to say a little boy with blonde hair the exact same shade as hers, and blue eyes as bright as the summer skies was born. While she had eyes the exact shade of her mother’s he had their father’s eyes. And it was dangerous, but nobody knew that then. The little girl loved him immediately and with all her heart. They spent every moment together. Growing up and learning and loving each other as if it was the only natural thing to do. But when the little girl turned eighteen she received some horrible news. Her mother had died. Her brave beautiful mother who gave her kisses and taught her chess and spent hours reading to them. Understandably the family was devasted and they took it very hard. The girl— not so little anymore, grief will do that to a person— was angry and broken and unwilling to listen to the world that had so unfairly taken from her. So she rebelled against their father and lost their mother. And in her quest to feel something she engaged in nefarious, sinful, delightful activities. It was there that she met the love of her life. The Crown Princess of Hekima. Reyna. They got married within a year and have been together ever since. But the girl found out something about her mother's death and she was so furious as she rightfully should be that she renounced her title and vowed to bring down the very thing that killed her beloved mother.
together or not at all. find him. find him. find him.
“You are terrible at telling stories.”
Annabeth smiles like a lion ready to pounce. "Figured out who the little girl is?"
"You." He heaves, chest constricting as he takes her in.
"And her little brother?"
"How come I don't remember you?"
"When we kidnapped you we put a serum in that would make you forget certain aspects of your life." She shrugs as if she's discussing the weather.
"And you feel no remorse for hurting your brother?" He spits at her feet.
Her grey eyes flash like steel and she gets into his face. "I have no family."
"Why tell me at all? Why not just let me be ignorant?"
That makes her smile- no, bare her teeth. "Because unlike me Jason Grace you would do anything for the people you love, for the people you think you owe. No matter the cost."
"I'm not telling you anything." His voice is hard. Like the concrete he is pressed into. Like thunder.
"Nah uh," She grins at him, "I'm your sister remember. You wouldn't deny your sister the information she wants."
"Try me."
It must be a sibling thing because a challenge enters both their eyes and it shines bright enough to dull the horrid neon lighting in the room.
"How do we kill Crown Prince Perseus Jackson?"
He blinks at her. Blinks again. And then he starts laughing. Knee slapping, stomach aching, wheezing kind of laughter. He can't breathe. He can't even see because his eyes are so filled with tears.
"I'm serious." She grinds out.
"How the fuck should I know? We don't discuss ways to kill each other," He rolls his eyes, muttering "Even if we do think about it."
"You must know. You have to know. It is woven into your DNA. You meet each other in every lifetime and die. You have seen it for centuries."
His fading laughter vanishes completely as he whips his head up to look at her. "What?"
"You and Perseus. You guys are immortal deities who appear whenever the world needs to be remade.” Her voice is impatient as if he should know this. As if she’s explaining it to an incompetent child. “You as the healer and him as the destroyer. But people and beings alike have been killing you for centuries because your presence means they will cease to exist. You have watched each other die multiple times. You have revived each other multiple times too."
"So you're saying we're soulmates?" He can hardly believe what he's hearing. It sounds like the biggest load of bullshit he's ever heard.
"No. You're more than that. You aren't just two halves that fit to make a whole. You aren't even two wholes that fit to make a pair. You are each other. You do not exist without him. He does not exist without you. You are not bound by souls or hearts or whatever us humans believe is the epitome of love. You are bound by life."
"I don't believe you." He rolls his eyes. This is garbage. This is nonsense. This is not real.
"I don't really have time to argue with you about it. Just tell me what I need to know and you will be spared."
"Why should I?" He's not even considering it. He would never betray his husband like that. Would never put the Prince in such volatile danger.
"Because if you don't," She gives another of her terrifying grins, "The kingdom you know and love will crumble to nothing."
"You're lying."
"It's already started Jason." She cackles, "The more time you spend with Perseus the more he will bleed into you and you into him. There are already cracks in the castle. Do you really want to risk it?"
His heart is pounding but she is wrong. Isn't she? "I don't believe you." He says again.
"Oh Jase," She gives him a pitying look and he wants to rip her eyes out and toss them in a lake to watch the fish. "The Castle of Caelum is falling to the ground. Your Prince's blood spilled on mom's roses and they crumbled to dust. There are splinters in the stone. They will become chasms. Either you help us or you risk your precious kingdom turning to debris right before you."
"And what's in it for me?"
"You'll be spared from the slaughter of the monarchs."
"And my husband?"
"He will die. This is non negotiable. One of you must, to stop you from fulfilling your fates. We have someone with him right now."
Wrong answer. But he bows his head and pretends to mull it over. Inside his thoughts are whirring like a new machine and plan after plan formulates in his mind.
"Okay Annabeth Chase, my sister," He smiles soft and sweet. She returns it in triumph. "I will join your rebellion. I will tell you how to kill my husband."
And as she picks him up from the floor and removes the invisible ties keeping him pinned to the concrete he allows himself a secret smile of his own. It hints at the malice, the destruction, to come. They made the biggest mistake of their lives when they took him away from the Prince. They will pay.
I'm coming for you Percy.
So Crown Prince Jason Grace loops his arm through his sister's and makes friends with his enemy.
together or not at all. find him. find him. find him.
I don’t really know how I feel about this part. Feels a bit all over the place but at least we’re getting some clarification which is cool. Also are Annabeth and the rebels the good guys or bad guys for wanting to save the world from Jase and Perc? *raises eyebrow curiously*
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open):
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Empires on the Horizon XII
Jason is a CEO: Part XII
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
Just wanted to say thank you for being so patient with me. It means more than you could ever know. I love you guys! Please enjoy.
TW: violence
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I hope you understand
you need your own love
more than they do.
Good day this is Jason Grace. I’m currently unavailable. Please contact my office if you need to get a hold of me.
The music blasted in his ears, rattling every cell in his brain, shutting down each transmitter, pounding against every cage. It was not loud enough, he could still feel his heart, could still hear things. The treadmill under his feet beeped as he increased the speed again. Why wasn’t this working? Why was he still here? He’d been running so long he should be on Mars by now.
Good day this is Jason Grace. I’m currently unavailable. Please contact my office if you need to get a hold of me.
He jumped off the machine and flung his phone across the room. He couldn’t do this. He wasn’t strong enough to do this.
His phone went off again, and he’s annoyed he didn’t break it in his rage. Apparently even destroying something was an impossibility for him. The thought was so pathetic he couldn’t help but let out a sharp laugh.
Good day this is Jason Grace. I’m curr–
“Okay!” He yelled, “I’m answering the fucking call. Just shut up.” He stabbed at the screen until the dial tone started up again.
“Jase?” Annabeth Chase sucked in a breath.
“Yes, what is wrong?” He knew he was being rude but he didn’t feel like it. Didn’t want what was about to happen.
“Can we come in?”
“You guys are outside my apartment?” He scowled.
“Uh yes,” She winced, “We tried knocking but you didn’t answer.”
He cut the call and walked to the front door, yanking it open with enough force to rattle the hinges.
“What do you want?”
Leo Valdez just levelled his gaze at him and stepped into the room.
“Guys, I know you mean well but I really don’t have the energy for this.”
They both ignored him, putting down the shopping bags on his kitchen counter and shoving stuff in the fridge. Leo hit the button on the coffee machine and grabbed three mugs from the cupboard.
Jason didn’t even have the strength to ask what was going on, he just collapsed onto a bar stool and put his head to the cool marble. His friends moved around him in silence, putting things away, washing the minimal dishes in the sink, and straightening the pillows on the couch. Eventually he felt them come nearer, leaning against the counter and looking at him.
“Jase,” Annabeth said softly, “Please look at us.”
He debated pretending he was asleep, but he knew they wouldn’t fall for it. With a deep breath he raised his head and stared into their matching eyes of love.
“Stand up,” Leo requested, voice gentle.
He felt his lip wobble, felt his throat close up. But he stood.
“Come here my darling.” They held out their arms.
He looked at them and collapsed to the floor, sobs catching like swords in his chest. They enveloped him as his tears soaked their clothes. He heaved with heart ache and loneliness, betrayal.
“I can’t do this,” He cried, anguish a serrated edge on his tongue. “I can’t do this.”
The just kept holding him. His friends for these years. His family through it all. They sat on the floor trying to catch all the pieces of him that broke off with each sob, not a word to interrupt his grief. And when the day blackened as dark as his lungs, they held each other by the light of the moon, and let the stars witness the destruction they caused.
Jason walked into his office for the first time in a week and pretended to be on a call as he avoided the chatter his employees would undoubtedly try to engage him in. A tight-lipped smile and an apologetic motion at his phone left them in their seats and far away from him. He wouldn’t be here for long. No he just had to sort out a few things and then he was packing up his crushed elation and taking himself to a place no-one save for the birds would be able to talk to him.
His office was just the way he left it, some documents neatly piled on his desk waiting for his approval, the blinds half closed so the sun still filtered in but didn’t blind, and his computer opened to the email he had been typing to Zoe about a holiday they should go on. It took everything in him not to smash the screen with the little cactus paperweight Hazel had bought him.
Think of the assistant and they shall appear.
“Yes,” He didn’t bother to look up as he shuffled through the awaiting files.
“How-“ She gulped, ‘How are–“
“Levesque,” His voice was cold but it was the only way to get through this, “I mean this in the nicest way possible. Please don’t ask me that. Thank you for being concerned.”
She nodded, jaw-snapping shut, but he could see all the questions burning in her eyes. Instead she released a shaky breath and asked, “Will you be back at work full time? I just need to know if I should be transferring calls to you or putting in an out of office notification.”
He frowned, mulling it over. He could work, he should work. But everything reminds him of his failures. Of the things he didn’t see coming. And his job was nothing if not full of surprises. As he’s about to tell her his decision his phone rang.
His sister’s name flashed across the screen and he knew he couldn’t keep avoiding her.
“Fina-fucking-ly.” She grumbled, “Gees Jase. It’s like you’re purposefully ignoring me. Are you ready for today?”
He was so caught off by her question he forgot all about telling her the news. “Today?”
“Do not tell me you forgot,” She sighed, “We’re supposed to meet Octavian today. Give the idiot a piece of our mind.”
“Oh,” He muttered eloquently, “Are we still doing that?”
“Well I don’t know about you but I’m pretty pissed he dared to hurt one of our own so yes I do think we’re still doing that. Also this is the only day Bianca has so get your ass out of your office and meet me outside Titan Industries in twenty.”
With that the phone gave an obnoxious beep and the screen went dark. He scrubbed a hand over his face, trying to gather the scattered thoughts in his mind.
“We’ll talk later,” Hazel, still waiting at the door, nodded before waving a goodbye and disappearing into her office.
Sighing he gathered his things and trudged down to his car. Might as well get this over with and then tell his sister about Zoe. No matter what had happened between them Octavian still deserved whatever was coming for him. What he did was abominable.
The Titan Industries building loomed over him as he parked the car in a loading zone and hopped out. He was being that dick today, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care. Thalia swerved in next to him and behind her an array of cars stopped. A team of suited people poured out, black glasses, and head pieces to match. It looked fake enough to be comical. But then a woman in four-inch heels, a gunmetal coloured suit and a smile made from terror stepped out and he knew it was anything but fake. Or funny. She was the single scariest thing he had ever laid eyes on, and he knew what his sister looked like angry.
“Bianca!” Thalia jumped excitedly, racing towards the woman. They embraced with a laugh and a quick catch up. She fist-bumped a few of the bodyguards and then walked towards him.
“Di Angelo,” She smiled, “Please meet my brother Jason and the reason we’re here today.”
“Oh I know all about Jason,” Her voice was low but clear, like everything she said had purpose.
“You do?” He tried not to let the shock take over his features.
“I know everyone who hangs out with my brother. If they don’t get clearance from me they disappear.” She said it with such casualness he would have thought she was joking if the gleam in her black eyes didn’t hold a challenge.
‘Well,” He laughed awkwardly, “Glad I meet your approval.”
She just tilted her head and looked at him. A panther waiting to pounce. A competition waiting to be won.
Thalia who looked entirely too amused clapped her hands, “Shall we then? I wore my blood-stained pants for this.”
“Period stains or other stains?” Bianca asked, mirth dancing on her lips.
His sister just snorted and pushed open the Brobdingnagian door. None of Bianca’s bodyguards followed them in but he knew it didn’t matter. Between her and Thalia he doubted they would be needed.
“We’re here to see Octavian.”
The receptionist gave them a sickly-sweet smile, “Do you have a meeting?
“Tell him it’s Jason Grace from Anemoi Empires.”
Moments later they were being escorted into an elevator and taken up to the big boss himself.
“And what do we have here?” An oily voice grinned, “An intervention? Interrogation? Investment?”
“Octavian Haruspex,” Bianca drawled, examining her long black nails briefly.
“And who might you be?” He snooted, giving her a filthy look.
She smiled slowly and Jason swore the temperature in the room plummeted.
“Does it really matter who I am?”
“Greatly,” The blonde sniffed, leaning against his desk with arrogance, “I prefer to know who I’m speaking to.”
Her laugh was razor sharp as she focused her glittering eyes on him. “Bianca Di Angelo.”
Those pale blue eyes widened, shuttered, blinked. That was all the surprise he would show.
“And what is the Queen of the Underworld doing in my building? With these,” He pulled his face into a look of distaste, “With company such as them.”
Thalia growled, “I’d watch how you speak boy.”
He deigned to laugh, “What are you going to do? This is my empire. You’re just visiting.”
“She’s right,” Bianca said softly, moving to stand by the window.
“What do you want?” He scoffed, “I have work to do.”
“Piece of shit.” Jason muttered, fingers curling into fists at his side.
“I’m not the one who strung your company along for weeks only to deny them the greatest investment opportunity money could buy.” That greasy smile was back.
It took everything in him not to reach over and smack it off his face. “We’re not three-year olds Octavian. Sometimes business doesn’t work out. What you did–“ He breathed, anger making the room red, “What you did was disgusting.” He can feel the exhaustion tugging in his spine. Like a weighted chain wrapping around him.
“What I did?” He raised a bleached brow, “And what exactly did I do Jason Grace?”
“Okay,” Bianca sighed, like she was already bored with the conversation, ‘I’ve had just about enough of this.”
Before anyone could blink a dagger was embedded in Octavian’s table, millimeters from his fingers.
“Bitch!” He cursed, ripping his hand away from the shining blade. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“We don’t believe in lawsuits Octavian. It’s no necessary when people like you deserve to rot at the bottom of a sewer.” Thalia spat.
For the first time since they came in, Jason could see a flicker of fear in the man’s pale face.
“Fuck you,” He grunted, “You can’t prove jackshit.”
“We don’t have to prove anything.” Bianca grinned, “That’s not how street justice works.”
And before he can say another word, she was standing in front of him a second dagger titling his chin up and laughter playing in her eyes, “Now listen, if you ever, and I mean ever touch Jason, his associates, his family, his friends, the person he blinks at on the sidewalk, ever again I will have you erased so violently history will not be able to string the letters of your name together.”
A tiny drop of bright red blood fell to Octavian’s crisp white shirt as his glared at the woman in his space. “Fuck you.”
“Not even if it meant I could rule heaven,” She giggled coldly.
Her face pulled taut, “They are under my protection, from now until the Ouija boards can longer summon me in my grave. If you or your own ever go near them.” She snapped her teeth at him, “Well let’s just say my bodyguards are very creative with their outdoor activities.”
A dark stain spread over Octavian’s grey pants and Jason had to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Fucking coward. Can order a person to stab someone but cannot even handle a little threat.
“Don’t bother doing business on our side of town again.” He hissed. The man didn’t say anything as they turned away. The dull crack of a bone echoed behind him and Jason turned to see his sister leaning over a bloody Octavian, shaking out her hand.
“That was for stabbing my friend, you fucker.”
Through his red teeth he grinned at her, “Your friend huh?”
“What the fuck does that mean?” His sister spat.
The vile man turned towards him, “And has she broken up with you yet?”
Jason wanted to strangle the smirk of his face, wanted to throw up. “It’s none of your business.”
“Isn’t it?” Octavian smiled.
“Come on Jase,” Thalia tugged at his arm, “He’s not worth it.”
He let her drag him away, but the businessman’s unsettling grin played a loop in his head. There was something distinctly wrong about the situation. He had the eery feeling he wasn’t done with Octavian Haruspex just yet.
When they finally made it outside, the sun was still shining brightly as if what occurred could never stain the glory of the world. They said their thank you’s and goodbyes to Bianca and her team of people, Thalia promising to come around soon.
“So,” She grinned at him, “How do you feel?”
“Tired,” He rolled his shoulders, “That wanker got what he deserved but it didn’t make me feel better.”
In a rare moment she opened her arms, a silent offering. He stepped into them without hesitation and drooped onto her shoulder.
“Thals–“ He mumbled, trying to keep the tears at bay, “Zoe and i–“
“I know Jase,” She hugged him tighter. “She called me. Said to tell you she’ll never be sorry enough.”
The dam inside him burst, “Everyone is always sorry. But does anybody actually care?”
She stroked her hands over his back and carried his burden on her shoulders too.
“I think,” She said after a moment, “I think you should go away for a little while. You haven’t had a proper break in nearly three years.”
“Where will I go?” His blue eyes were blurry with tears.
“We have that house in Panarea.” Her voice was soft, soothing in his ear. “Maybe go there for a little while.”
“And what about Project Hestia? And the company? You know I’m starting the Conservation Conversations initiative after Hestia and there’s still so much to close up for the mini projects, and I have that water–“
“Jase!” She frowned, her blue eyes matching his glinted with sternness, “Your company will survive without you for a week or two. Hell it’ll survive for one or two months. But you aren’t going to survive another day if you don’t get some rest.”
“I just–“ He sighed, “I feel bad for abandoning everyone.”
“If you don’t stop, you’ll abandon us permanently and I will literally bring you back to just to kill you myself if you do that.” She squeezed him, “So just go to Italy for a little while. If you want, I’ll stay here and keep things in line. I’m sure Leo and Beth know what to do where I don’t. And Hazel is more than competent enough. Not to mention Frank.”
He took a deep breath, letting the options buzz around in his mind.
“I swear if you come up with one more excuse I’m going to duct-tape your mouth and ship you off myself.”
He gave a burst of laughter and wiped at his eyes, “Okay, okay. I’m going to Panarea. But you have to let me get my life sorted first. I’m not just packing up and taking the first flight out.”
“Deal,” Thalia smiled, and when she gave him one last hug, he realised there were some things in the world he would never want to control.
“Okay,” He popped his head around the door, “Flight is booked for two weeks from now.”
She gave him a thumbs up, “And you’re sure you’re okay to go?”
“I’m fine, you worry pot. I promise I’m not going to crumble to dust.”
“Okay,” She looked dubious, “It just seems like you got over all of this really quickly.”
“It was coming for a while,” He shrugged, “She is magnificent, but she isn’t mine.”
“I’m just worried you’re suppressing your feelings and as soon as you have five minutes to breathe, you’re just gonna break down instead.”
“I promise if I breakdown I’ll call you to come get me,” He laughed, “Now, how about we go over the checklist for the trip. And don’t forget to book a hotel for me please.”
“Where are you going again?”
Gorgeous eyes glittered as he caught the sunset lighting up the room in dainty colours. Gods he loved the sun. Loved that no matter what it rose and fell every day and the way it changed colours each evening and again each morning. The way it astounded him no matter how it looked.
“Daydreamer?” Rachel prompted.
“Oh,” He blinked back into the world, “I’m going to Panarea.”
What in the world is going on?????
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Kingdom Collisions IX
This is a fic I’m writing to incorporate more description into my work. There are no prewritten chapters so updates are sporadic on top of that I am just as in the dark as you about what happens next. Also how are we already on part nine????? Like that is crazy!
assafir means sparrows (i went through about six million translation sites to make sure but there is every possibility i am still wrong so if anyone knows Arabic please let me know)
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"Percy" The little girl squealed running towards him, her dark braids flying behind her.
He gave a toothy grin, slamming into her. "Hello Little Dove."
"When momma told me you were coming I immediately asked Anisa to set up a picnic for us."
"Did you manage to get the stuff?" He whispered conspiratorially.
Naturally her voice lowered as well as their heads knocked softly together, "I did but why do we need it?"
"I'll show you. But we have to go to the house."
"The house house?" Her coffee eyes widened.
He nodded gravely, and the eight year old that he was disappeared under that expression.
"Okay, let's go." She took a deep breath and pulled him along.
"Anisa!" Her little voice rung out against the cold stone of the castle, "Anisa are you here?"
A lady rounded the corner. She fidgeted briefly with the soft pink scarf around her head and then bent down so she was eye level with them. "What do you need Princess?"
Her voice was still a whisper as she replied, "Is the basket ready?"
"Yes," Anisa said softly, "Why are we whispering."
But the princess didn't respond, instead squeezing Percy's hand. "We're going to the house."
"Okay Princess I'll send two guards to go with you."
"No!" She shouted in alarm, and then quieter, "Please no. Will you just come with us? I know you can protect us."
Anisa looked between them, studied their little hands clasped together, and the serious expressions on their faces.
"Okay. But we can't be gone too long without guards."
"We will protect each other." Percy finally spoke up, black eyebrows furrowing in determination.
Anisa smiled, "Shall we then?"
They all made their way through the gardens, roses and chrysanthemums, and dahlias growing in abundance. Colour bloomed from every crevice and spilled over the pathways like an ever-growing rainbow. Percy let his free hand trail over the petals as they walked. His little feet stumbled over uneven pavement, racing along just slow enough to not raise suspicion. The Maze of Madness spread before them and he was tempted to ask if they could go in. It was his favourite part about the castle and he tried to go at every opportunity. It was his life long mission to learn all the ways to get through. But right now their mission at hand was much more important. He would as if they could go later. Finally they reached the edge of the maze and the divided area that led to their house. Anisa jangled the keys as she found the right one and opened the garden gate.
"You are sure no guards Princess?"
She shook her head adamantly. "You will protect us. You know how."
And then they were through the castle borders and into the Sylvastine Woods. The trees grew taller than he could see, taller than the clouds and the free birds. He's sure they touched the sun. The underfoot was rough, dangerous, full of traps. But they recognized his step, his smell, the frequency he vibrated at, and the embraced him silently. He didn't know of the forests malevolence. He was too little. The world was still full of wonder and adventure and everyone was a friend.
They walked and walked and walked until the sounds of the castle and the city were far behind. Now all they could hear was a little brook bubbling through the trees, and the white noise of sunshine, ringing in their ears. The trees were quiet.
"Are we almost there?" He asked.
"Just behind that tree little one," Anisa pointed to a sapling just sprouting from the ground on an unsteady trunk.
And then they crossed it and the woods fell away. Morphed. Molded. There was nothing of the giant, looming trees and shadowed undergrowth. Instead there was sunshine and open fields and wild flowers of ever kind dancing before them. Percy laughed as the breeze tickled his flushed cheek. Magic is real. He was sure of it. They stood in front of a little cottage surrounded by creeping rose vines and the sweet scent of honey. The structure could not have been bigger than his bedroom at home but somehow he knew it held everything they could ever need.
"I will wait on the bench Assafir." Anisa pointed to a wooden swing a little way down.
"Thank you Anisa. We will call you when we are done."
And then she turned to Percy, their small hands clammy from refusing to let go, and pulled him into the cottage.
The first thing he noticed was the painting on the wall. In it stood a woman, her back facing them, her gaze to the sprawling hills before her and on her right was a little child. They were still as the dead but he swore the grass they stood on swayed gently. He blinked. It still moved. He blinked again. Everything swayed. He turned away. A small table sat in one corner and couch in the other but save for that there wasn't much else.
"Okay," She said, her whisper rough with impatience, "Tell me the secret!"
"Where are they?" He held out a hand.
She moved around him and dived over the couch, reaching for something. Her poufy navy blue dress scrunching underneath her. If her mother saw that she'd have a heart attack.
"Okay here!" She huffed.
Suddenly seven red roses were shoved into his hands. 
He plonked himself down on the floor and waited for her to settle next to him. "You ready?"
Her already loose braids came undone as she nodded her head enthusiastically. He grabbed a rose gently between his fingers, taking a deep breath. 
And then he swiped his thumb across a thorn and let the drops of blood fall onto the petals.
She frowned at him but didn't say anything. The dark blood pooled into the center of the rose, making the already red rose maroon with vibrancy.
"Percy what is—"
"Shhhh Little Dove," He stared intently at the rose.
Ever so slowly it turned black. First just the center, where the had blood pooled but slowly it spread, like a shadow, like the night. Like death.
The rose became the colour of darkness. And crumbled in his hands.
The Princess of Hanaan let out a gasp, little hands covering her mouth in shock. Her brown eyes were wide as she took in her friend. He let her see him. Let her see all that he was and waited for her reaction.
"How did you do that?" She muttered.
"I don't know," He stared at her. "I hurt myself in the garden the other day and a little blood spilled on the grass and it.... did that."
They went quiet for a while. Everything felt on the edge, dangling from a cliff. It felt unbalanced. He knew this was the moment that decided the rest of their lives. Even this young he knew the weight of her decision. He could lose his friend forever. And it made him want to cry. Because he loved her very much and if she did not understand, no-one will. 
"Can you do it again?"
So he did. And when she smiled, and then giggled, and then laughed as he kept at it he knew he she would love him to the end of the earth.
"Can we show people?" She bubbled.
"No," He shook his head, scared, "I don't want them to take it away."
"But how can they?" She looked at him in confusion, "Let's show Anisa at least."
He could see the exhilaration in her eyes. "Okay," He agreed reluctantly, "We can tell Anisa. But only Anisa."
She squealed and pulled him up from the dusty wood floor, flying out of the house and to where her caretaker faithfully sat.
"Anisa!" She yelled, "Look at what Percy can do!"
Anisa turned around to watch then come towards her and then smiled at the brightness in their eyes. The brightness of joy and innocence and wonder and childhood. She held a bunch of wild roses in her hands, picked only moments before from the bushes down by the brook.
"What is it Princess?"
"Show her Percy!"
So he swiped yet another finger across a thorn and dropped the blood into the middle of the last rose the princess had brought.
"What are you doing?" Anisa exclaimed, arms already reaching to yank his shredded fingers towards her so she could see them.
"Just watch!" The princess said gleefully.
The rose did what all the others had done. And the two children looked up at their caretaker with wide smiles.
Anisa looked pale, her brown skin greyed. Eight wild roses fell to the floor.
"You cannot show this to anyone." She choked out, "Not a single person."
"What's wrong?" The princess frowned, "Don't you think it's cool?"
Anisa gives her a pained smile, "You cannot show this to people. They will— just don't show it."
"Okay," He whispered, because all of a sudden he was scared. What will happen if someone knows? Will he get into trouble? Will they? Tears pooled in his eyes.
"No little one," Anisa gave him a sorrowful look, "Do not cry."
"I'm scared." He sniffled, "What happens if someone finds out?"
"Come sit on the bench, both of you." She suddenly got up and shuffled them into their place.
"Okay I want you to close your eyes and make a wish for me. Anything in the whole world. And don't open your eyes until I say so."
And being children they were curious and excited and past worries are just that. In the past.
So they squeeze their eyes shut, join hands. And wish on every shooting star, every 11:11, and full moon, and ember in the fire. Anisa put a cool palm to their foreheads and muttered something in a language they did not know. Their skin grew warm, and she reassured them it was just the angels taking their wishes.
They smiled, eyes still closed, and nodded as her hand pressed against them.
Percy's body felt tired and he was glad his eyes were already shut.
"I'm tired." The princess yawned.
"Me too," He agreed.
Anisa shushed them softly, "Go to sleep then, Assafir."
"Goodnight Prince Percy."
"Goodnight Little Dove."
The breeze quieted, wrapping around them like a blanket and the little royals drifted off.
They woke up in a bed, warmed by the sun.
"Hello," The Princess smiled, "When did you get here?"
"I don't know," He frowned, "But want to go play?"
"Sure. But first you were supposed to tell me something?"
"Only that we should use your new paint-set to paint my piano.”
"You got a new piano?" She clapped, "When are you going to play for me?"
"I promise the next time you come to my castle."
Her returning smile made his heart flutter.
"Come on Prince!" She bounded out of bed. "We haven't gone to the house in a while. Let's go have a picnic."
And so he grabbed Princess Piper's hand and they raced for the gardens, stopping by the Maze of Madness because nothing was urgent enough to skip it.
Crown Prince Percy Jackson groans, his head spinning as he tries to sit up. His hands meet rough concrete and confusion floods his senses. Why is he not feeling the silk of his sheets, or the leather of his couch, or the velvet of his cushions? He tries to open his eyes but they feel glued shut by something that can't possibly be natural. The world is heavy on his shoulders, aching and weighted. Where is he?
His stomach growls and he wonders why he hasn't eaten, and then his nose catches the smell of something truly vile and all that hunger turns into nausea in an instant.
"Fuck" He mutters, slapping a hand over this mouth and forcing his eyes open.
The room is dull; save for a single fluorescent on the far side there is nothing that emits light. No windows or candles or anything really. The floor is in fact concrete and it scrapes against his nails. He tries to lift himself up but is slammed back into the ground by the weight of chains around his ankle.
What the fuck?
Panic fills his bloodstream. What is going on?
Frantically he looks around the room trying to find anything that'll help him, clue him in, get him out.
That's when he spots the shape curled into a ball on the opposite wall. He squints to see who it is in the minimal light. Recognition punches him and his stomach lurches. Oh gods is that...... Jason!
His heart is in his throat and his lungs are in on the floor as he scrambles to get to his husband.
"Jason," He rasps. "Prince! Please wake up!"
He can't get close enough. These chains are too short and so heavy. He needs to be there, he needs to make sure he's alive. He needs to—
Crown Prince Jason Grace gasps and bolts straight up. "Percy!"
"I'm here," He sobs, relief and fear marrying themselves in his tears, "I'm here."
"What happened?" The blonde chokes out, "What's going on?"
"We were drugged." He cries. This is not a time to be brave. He doesn't care if he's supposed to be anyway. "I don't know who or how or why."
Jason attempts to get closer, to move towards him but his chains, black and heavy against his skin pull taut and he crashes to the floor with a crack of his palm.
"We can't move far." He winces, "I tried getting to you but I'm just out of reach."
"What are these chains made of?" The blonde groans, "I feel like they're burning my leg."
"Really?" His eyes snap up, "They just feel cold against mine."
The blonde turns to cradle his leg, inspecting the chain and tugging at it unsuccessfully. “It’s getting hotter.” He frowns, scratching at it.
He tries to move towards the Prince but it is no use, the chain just rips against his already bruised skin. 
"They're so hot," His husband claws at his skin, "I need to get it off!" Tears threaten to spill over his blue yes but he is too worried about getting the metal off him.
He tries to move again, tries to get to the other side, but his fingers miss the blonde by mere inches.
"Please!" Jason is screaming now, "Please get them off!"
Percy sobs, ribs stabbing at the agony he can hear so clearly in the Prince’s voice. He yanks at his own chains. Yanks hard, breaks his nails as he attempts to pry them off. He only succeeds in slicing his palm. With a curse he cradles it to him, staining the crumpled white shirt he has on.
"Are you okay?" His husband manages to gasp between his own pain.
"Fine," He winces, "I'm sorry I can't help."
Jason weeps, pain making him wretch, filling the room with an acidic tinge. 
"Here." Percy has to do something, he can't watch others be in pain. He can’t watch his husband be in pain. No matter how up in arms their relationship might be. So he shrugs the shirt off his back, bloodstain and all and throws it to the blonde. "Try putting this under the chain and against your skin, maybe that will help."
The Prince quickly scrambles for the shirt and shoves the material into the small space between the metal and his leg. The bloodstain touches the metal. They don't notice, don’t care. They should.
"Better?" Percy asks.
"I think so, the burning is still intense but there's no new waves." He heaves a sigh.
They sit in silence as their pain ebb away to something tolerable. It gives him a chance to look around the room. Four walls, all concrete. No door. or at least no visible one. And certainly no windows. There are lines all over the walls. Tally marks and choppy images and there, behind Jason’s head, scratched deeply into the concrete are nine roses. He wonders who made those, what made those. Because next to them are four claws marks. 
"How's your hand?"
"Stinging," His face scrunches, "But I'll live."
"Here let me see," The blonde shuffles as close as possible and he does the same, holding out his palm.
"I can almost reach you." His husband strains, fingers barely brushing against each other.
He pulls against his confinement trying to reach that golden hand.
Jason's chain snaps and he lurches forward.
"How?" They stare at the dust where the chain once was.
"What just happened?" Blue eyes are wide and bright with shock.
"I don't know but you think you can do that to me?"
"The chain is not hurting you right?" He asks all of sudden.
Percy frowns, "No but what does that have to do with anything?"
"Then let me see your hand first. Well have to figure the chain thing out so better make sure your hand is okay because I don't know how long it's going to take and this floor is filthy. I don't want you getting an infection.
He doesn't know what to say. The idea is so thoughtful, so sweet he tears up a little. "Oh, okay."
The Prince gently takes his injured palm and inspects the deep gash running through it.
"You're probably going to need stitches but the best we can do for now is wrap it in some cloth until we get out of here."
The blonde starts to move to where the discarded shirt lay but Percy stops him.
They turn to each other, something deep burning in their eyes, an inferno of emotions. Thoughts. Feelings.
He cups a golden cheek with his uninjured hand, and swipes the lingering tears gently. "Thank you," He whispers.
Those lightning eyes flash, heat flaring under golden skin. "I think we should talk when we get out of here." He grabs Percy's hands, kisses the knuckles gently.
"This sounds like a divorce?"
The blonde snorts, "Not quite yet."
And then the blonde grabs the shirt from the other side, the bloodstain still bright and rips a strip off.
"Guess I won't be getting that back," He laughs.
"Sorry," Jason shrugs, "Now let's see that cut."
And when Percy unfurls his fingers he nearly faints. Because there is nothing on his hand. No gash, or blood, not even a scar.
"What the fuck?" He mutters.
His husband looks pale.
"What is going on? Are we hallucinating?"
A door clicks open and ten figures walk in. Shadows cling to them like sweat and the dismal light in the room makes it hard to see their features. But both Princes notice the rose pin on each of their breast pockets. Glinting gold and bronze.
"So you haven't figured it out yet?" A clear, resonating voice says
"Figured what out?" He hesitates. This is a trap.
"Who you are, what you are capable of."
He wishes she would step into the light so he could see her.
"What the fuck do you want from us?" The Prince spits.
"The world Little Prince." They could hear the smile in her voice and it sounded lethal.
"Let us go. There is nothing we can give you here. And I don't have authorization to hand currency to anyone. You'll have to take it up with my father." His voice is hard as he moves closer to Percy.
"I'm of no use either."
"They really do not know," She giggles and the nine other people with her, still as robots only moments before, burst out laughing.
"What don't we know?" He spits.
"There's no need to worry right now Little Prince." She grins, and her teeth flash white.
"Reyna," She says, "Pin them."
A women steps towards them and they can finally see one person clearly. Her skin is the colour of copper and her hair the colour of mahogany, but it’s her eyes that make her dangerous. They are bright with violence. Her smile is gleeful.
"Hello Princes."
They feel a small prick in their necks and the world goes fuzzy.
"At last," The first voice sighs, "We have captured them. The healer and the destroyer."
Jason grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers. Squeezing once.
"Who are you?" Percy rasps.
He can see her smile as he falls to the floor, eyes already losing the fight to stay open.
"Annabeth Chase."
The world disappears.
OOOOOHHHHH we getting scary villain Annabeth. Feel like i should just make this entire group a Sapphic evil squad? How does that sound?
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Empires on the Horizon XI
Jason is a CEO: Part XI
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
This chapter is hella long. Please enjoy!
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everything flashes
so fast passed your eyes
you cannot quite make out
the difference
cameras, lightning, and
“Drew my darling,” Jason smiled through the phone, “I am beyond elated you’re getting married but how am I supposed to find a suit for your wedding if my favourite suit shop is closed?”
Her sweet laugh floated through his speaker, “Maybe we have a surprise for you Mr. Grace.”
“You didn’t?” He gasped, “Tell me you didn’t!”
A lyrical voice further away from the phone yelled, “Oh yes we did Jason Grace and you’re gonna accept it! You do so much for us it’s only right we get to pay you back.”
He knew when not to argue so he muttered a disbelieving thank you and hung up with the reassurance that the suit would arrive within the next day or two. He flopped down on the couch in his office and pulled his laptop towards him. An unfinished email flashed on his screen, but his mind was occupied with other things. Things that involved very unrelated work thoughts. Zoe had been at his place for a week and although they both usually craved their own spaces living with her had been bliss, and exciting, and delightful.
His phone vibrated from wherever he chucked it.
Zoe: Watcha doing?
Jason: I should be working.
Zoe: What do you mean should be?
Jason: Have certain morning activities reeling through my mind
*Zoe is calling*
He barked out a laugh, answering the call and stopped laughing at the words she whispered.
“HAZE!” He yelled, rushing out of the office, “I’m going home. I’ll see you at the wedding.”
“Okay Boss. Say hello to Zo for me.”
He was already in the elevator and wondering how seconds could feel like forever. He caught his reflection in the silvery walls and wanted to laugh. Cheeks pink with excitement and eyes glittering with mischief. He felt like a kid again, like living.
When he finally arrived at home Zoe was lying on the bed. He was about to jump on top of her and smother her in kisses, but he noticed her soft breathing and unusually still body. Tiptoeing around the room he smiled when he saw her face. Fast asleep. He pieced together that she must have taken her meds, since it was just after lunch. Brushing a kiss over her forehead he disappeared into the bathroom to change into sweats and then gently lowered himself next to her. If he was going to be here, he might as well do some work.
A surprisingly productive hour later he finally decided to screw the work thing and just have a nap alongside his girlfriend. Chucking his laptop aside he scooted down in the bed and wrapped an arm around her. She groaned softly, grabbing his fingers and then settled back down. He couldn’t help the giggle that escaped him, but his amusement was short lived.
“No dad,” Zoe mumbled, “Don’t make me ma– don’t make me do it. Please.”
“Zo?” He peered over her shoulder to see her eyes still shut.
“Dad, stop I don’t want to do this!” She was yelling now, scratching at his arm.
“ZO!” He tried.
“Please dad just let me– PLEASE!” Her cheeks were damp and the anguish in her voice made his heart race.
“Zoe, baby please!” He shook her shoulders. “Stella, ZOE!”
She got up with a gasp. Jason stumbled out of bed and raced to get water.
“Here,” He offered her the shaking cup.
“Th– thank you.”
“Were you having a nightmare?”
“Yea,” She winced, “They– they don’t happen very often but sometimes when I’m extremely emotional they bombard me.”
“Are you okay? Do you need something?”
“I’m good, I think.” She took a deep breath, “Just hold me for a little while?”
He simply held out his arms for her to crawl into them. When they settled into the bed again, his back against the headboard and her between his legs, he kissed her gently.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not particularly, do you?”
“I just have one question and you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to.”
A small nod was the only answer.
“What does your dad want you to do?”
Her sharp inhale made his chest tighten but he looked into her brown eyes.
“It’s a deal we made. Neither of us were willing to compromise on our plans so he struck a deal with me.”
“Okay.” He mumbled and then grazed his lips over her shoulder and let his head rest in the crook of her head.
“That’s it? No more questions?”
“I said I’d only ask one.”
“But you don’t want to know what the deal was?” He could hear the surprise in her voice.
“I want to know what you’re willing to tell me. We’ve only been dating for half a year. We have countless hours to learn each other’s secrets.”
“You are amazing in so many beautiful ways.” She sighed, pulling him towards her.
He laughed into their kiss and let the smile play at his lips for… everything after that. When they went to sleep that night, her lean frame tucked into him he thanked the stars blinking through the chiffon curtains. Thanked them for bringing her to him, for letting her light be the one that guides him, letting her spark be the one that ignites him, thanked them for letting her come down from her home in the cosmos to help him rise. And he’s almost certain the stars blink back in acknowledgment, just before sleep drags him under.
“You ready baby?” He called from his closet as he straightens his tie.
She echoed from the bathroom, “Yea I think so, let me just put on my earrings.”
“If we leave now, we should get there by quarter to,” He mumbled to himself.
“We’re not going to be late, worrier.” A voice teased him.
He turned around and stumbled back, falling on his ottoman with a thump.
“Wow.” He mumbled, “You look…” There were no words in any language to describe how she looked. He tried anyway, “You look godly.”
Her dress was silk the colour of burnt orange and the way it looked on her reminded him of sunsets. He was sure the greatest artists in history could never imagine something so beautiful. He was positive the word ethereal was invented in her honour.
“Amor meus amplior quam verba est.” He whispered; eyes still wide with adoration. He didn’t want to blink and risk losing her to the skies.
“What does that mean?” Her voice was equally soft.
“My love is more than words.”
She jumped into his arms and held him close enough that their hearts became one beat.
“Thank you.” She said into his collar, “And you look gorgeous.”
He pulled her back to stare at her, unable to look at anything else. “If we ever get married, please will you wear this colour to our reception.”
She smiled, and it was dazzling, “Let’s go my Thyella.”
So they did, and if you asked anyone who saw them, they would have told you that couple looked like royalty. Like the Queen and her King. Him, in a suit of the deepest blue, with the same burnt orange silk lining the lapels and cuffs of his jacket. And her, in her dress made of sunstones, eyes that rivalled the galaxy. The sky and its stars.
They arrived at the wedding venue sometime later, the garden already buzzing with activity.
“Hello Miss Arellano,” He hugged his lawyer.
“Jason! How are you?”
“Better than brownies.”
“That’s almost an impossibility.” Percy Jackson saddled up to the group with his usual mischief-maker’s smile.
“Zoe, darling.” The women embraced. “How are you feeling?”
“Less like I got stabbed which is nice.”
Percy snorted, “Glad to hear it Miss Nightshade. You really gave us a scare there.”
“Tell me about it.” Jason put a hand over his heart.
She shoved at his shoulder, “Where is the rest of this trouble-finder crew?”
“I see Haze and Frank now,” Reyna waved to a couple in the distance.
“And Leo and Annabeth should be here soon. Valdez had an emergency at the varsity. I do not know what constitutes as an emergency and I do not plan on asking.” He added.
Hazel’s golden smile graced them, “Hello you lot, you all look like you just stepped out of the pages of a magazine.”
“We are the hottest group, aren’t we?” His lawyer smirked.
“You can say that again!” Annabeth Chase laughed.
They all made small talk for a few minutes, making sure Zoe was okay and catching up on everything they had missed in the month since the club. A bell tinkled further down the garden and the guests started making their way to their seats.
“Guess it’s time to see the happy trio.” He smiled.
“How long have you known them?” Zoe asked as they sat down.
“Charlie I’ve known since college and ‘Lena and Drew since he’s introduced them. Which was about six years ago now?”
“Wow, long-time friends.”
“Spend enough 3am study sessions with people and you learn to bond for life.” He grinned.
The music started playing as their conversation gave way to anticipation and everyone turned to the aisle.
We can leave the Christmas lights up till January
This is our place we make the rules
And there’s a dazzling haze
A mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years
The gentle notes wafted through the rose scented air and clung to their skin, letting it be the glow that caught the light. The groom walked out. He looked beautiful. Dark skin golden under the sun and a smile to rival the full moon. He waved at everyone, as Charlie would do. Always a friend. When he got to the front, they all spotted the look of exhilaration in his brown eyes.
“They’re coming,” Zoe whispered.
And then two ladies walked slowly down the grassy path. Silena in a pale pink satin dress and a flower crown resting on her head and Drew in a matching lavender number, a small tiara perched on her black hair.
All Jason could do was nod as he watched his friends walk towards each other. Watched them burst with happiness right before his eyes. His mind flashed back to the early days when he and Charles used to sit in the library crying over stress and loneliness. Finding solace only in their own comforting words. And he couldn’t help but shed a few tears as the trio reached each other and began forever.
The ceremony was over before he could blink and there was a flurry of activity as everyone took pictures with the brides and groom. He managed to talk to them briefly, spreading congratulations and general joy.
“Jase,” Silena pulled him aside, “The suit looks wonderful.”
“Thank you, my friend,” He hugged her, long and hard. “And you, all of you, look stunning.”
“It’s been a long time coming,” Her smile was gentle, but the tears in her eyes held every emotion she couldn’t display.
“Is everything set up at the field?”
“Everything is perfect,” Charles winked, catching up to them.
“What did you plan, Dannasan?” Drew raised a perfect brow.
“Nothing that needs your worrying, o angelhos mou.”
Jason laughed as the newlyweds narrowed their eyes at each other. “I’ll see you guys at the reception.”
They thanked him once more and said their last goodbyes before shuffling off to the next round of pictures. He found the rest of his people standing near the car park, waiting for him.
Zoe’s face lit up as she spotted him, “You ready?”
“Yea,” He hugged her to him, “Want to head home first or?”
“Percy and Reyna were going to Reedpipes to chill till six, you want to go with them?”
“Everyone else?”
“We’re going back to the varsity because Leo still needs to sort out the lab.” Annabeth looked at him with an ‘I’ll explain later look’.
“And you Frank, Hazel?”
“We aren’t coming to the reception. I have to visit gran before Hazel and I head out tomorrow for our weekend trip.”
“Well alright then, guess we’re going to Reedpipes.”
The group dispersed with hugs and kisses and promises to meet up again soon. Zoe hugged them tightly, and his throat tightened at the comfortableness she had found in them.
Jason put a hand behind the front seat, checking behind him before reversing onto the road and making his way to their favourite café.
“That was such a beautiful wedding.” His girlfriend sighed.
“There’s just something about weddings isn’t there?” He hummed, “Makes you want to get down on one knee and propose?”
She laughed, winking at him, “Don’t get any ideas, you don’t know all my secrets remember.”
“Can’t imagine any of them stopping me.” He kissed her knuckles, adoration flowing like never-ending fountains.
Something passed over her face, pain or contemplation he didn’t know. And he was about to ask when she squeezed his thigh and smirked at him. All thoughts were forgotten.
They arrived at Reedpipes before Reyna and Percy and decided to head inside to grab a table. Zoe asked if they’d get weird looks for looking so dressed up in a coffee shop but laughed and said, “Welcome to the city!”
As always, his conversations with Grover Underwood left him reeling.
“Well don’t you look like royalty Grace.” The barista’s brown eyes sparkled, “And this must be the woman who keeps the sun in your soul.”
Zoe blushed and muttered a hello.
“Grover,” Amusement played across his features, “How are you?”
“Lovely thank you. What can I get you today?”
“Surprise me.” He shrugged.
Grover looked at him, eyes widening ever so slightly. “You’re letting me choose?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Mr Grace,” The man looked about ready to bowl over. “I feel you should introduce me to your lady friend immediately because in the eight years you’ve come here you have never ordered anything but a chai, americano, or a cappuccino, and now you want me to choose?”
He giggled at the surprise coating the air, “Grover this is Zoe Nightshade. She’s my girlfriend.”
“Ma’am,” Grover reaches over to shake her hand earnestly, “I have never seen him be anything but a creature of habit in all the years I’ve known him. Please marry him.”
Jason cut in, “Oh I plan to.”
His girlfriend laughed, short and mischievous, “Nice to meet you Grover.”
“What can I get for you?”
“I’ll have a black coffee and a toasted cheese sandwich please.”
They eventually found their way to a table, and just in time because almost as soon as they sat down Percy and Reyna walked in.
“Hello again, how absolutely gorgeous was that wedding?” Reyna sighed contentedly.
“So beautiful!”
“Gods Perc,” She turned to her boyfriend, “If we ever get married, I want that purple colour Drew was wearing to be the theme.”
“Can we do a blue as well?” Percy smiled at her softly.
“What kind of blue?”
“A blue like…” He looked around, eyebrows furrowing as he scanned the room. “Blue like…” He caught Jason’s eyes and trailed off. They stared at each other and something in his chest sparked. Percy blinked and the world came back into focus.
“Blue like the sky.”
“Yes!” She squealed, “Your colours Zo?”
“Jason wants me to wear this colour to the reception.” She motioned to her dress.
“Oh gods yes,” Reyna gave an approving nod, “That with white or cream would be so beautiful.”
Their coffees got set down and they spent the remainder of the time chatting casually, fully, happily. Jason felt like a summer breeze, like the soft winds dancing with the willow tree, like wonder. His life was so beautifully different from the one he had last year this time and he marvelled over the workings of the universe. How did he get so lucky?
The hours passed by in a gentle rush and soon they were all piling back into cars and heading to the field where the reception would be held. The field was one of great importance to him. When he discovered it some years ago, after a particularly bad fight with Luke, he had instantly fallen in love with it. There was something so grounding about the open air and the soft grass and the flowers that grew wild. He had stayed there for hours whenever he needed to be alone, when he needed to look up at the sky and remember no matter how much his life changes, he will always be able to look up a the same sun, moon and stars. He will be able to watch the trees grow and the flowers bloom and remember life is only as complicated as you make it. The day he found a “Development Site” board cutting off the entrance to the park he had panicked so hard he needed his inhaler for the first time in ten years. And then he had promptly called up the company demolishing the area and bought it from them at a disgustingly high price. Some things though were worth it. And what was the point of making money if he couldn’t use it to protect that which cannot protect itself. He named it the Fields of Prosperina and opened it to the public under the condition they would do no harm and leave nothing but footprints behind. He also had a team of people who helped maintain the small facilities and make sure nothing was getting destroyed. Under city regulations, officials had to come in twice a year, once in summer and once in winter, to make sure none of the native species were becoming endangered within the area.
They drove into the gravelled parking and he couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him. The space was like something from a fairy tale. Lanterns hung from trees casting a warm yellow glow over the world. Flowers weaved around every chair and over the fairy lights hanging above them. Zoe’s awe was audible as she trailed her hands over the tinkling charms at the entrance and the bright petals laid out on the table. He spotted the huge wooden structure with a screen and a projector attached to it. Gods Charlie, he thought, you really outdid yourself this time. It’s a dream.
The newlyweds came out to applauds and hollering and the party began. Speeches were sweet and tearful and full of jokes; and the dinner was sublime. He moaned with every bite of the chocolate brownie and didn’t feel weird because every single person at their table did the same thing. Finally it was time for the first dance and three glowing people walked into the cleared space, illuminated with the glimmer of moonlight and the soft flickering of the lanterns.
Ballerina girl You are so lovely With you standing there I'm so aware Of how much I care for you
The song washed over the crowd as the three came together, arms wrapped around waists, and started swaying softly. As one they moved across the floor, as one they laughed and cried, and put their heads together. As one they danced.
“Why this song?” Zoe’s voice was nothing but air against his skin.
“Drew and Silena were dancers in varsity. That’s how Charlie met them. He saw a show of theirs and fell in love.”
“Do they still dance?”
“Not that I know of, but I think they want to open a ballet school at some point.”
“They’re angelic.”
Ballerina girl You are so lovely I can see in you My dreams come true Don't you ever go away Ballerina Girl...
The song faded away and Drew grabbed the mic with a brilliant smile on her face, “LETS PARTY!”
The crowd got up with a loud cheer and poured onto the floor. He grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and they raced to the center, their friends not far behind. The night was young, and the colours were golden and time was nothing but a way to count how many times you can smile in a second.
Many songs and a break to grab some water later Charlie requested the music to stop for a little. “Hello everyone. Seeing your beautiful faces makes me extremely emotional and if I was wearing my eyeliner, I’d be cursing you all for making it smudge. Thank the gods my mascara is waterproof.”
They all laughed, and harder when his wives made a funny face beside him.
“Today may be the happiest day of my life but I know tomorrow will be even happier because I cannot imagine life being anything else with these two by my side for forever.” He kissed them both, love overflowing from his eyes.
“And to commemorate the joy and never-ending brightness they’ve brought into our lives I’ve compiled a little video with the help of you guys. Thank you for making this day so special. I know even when I am old and greying it will play in my mind like a dream. To mis corazones, I will always love you enough to keep the fire in your souls. This is for you.”
The video started with their smiling faces and as memory after memory reeled across the screen the tears flowed in abundance. Little messages from people popped up on as the pictures flashed. A video of Drew and Silena laughing at a picnic they all went on four years ago in this very field played on screen. The trio held each other tighter and whispered something that ended on a sob of gratefulness. Zoe wiped Jason’s cheeks, kissing him softly.
“Someday Zo,” He mumbled, leaning into her. The music started up again and he wrapped his arm around her waist as the video faded into the background, as everything faded away.
Fatal, this attraction, yeah we might just end up crashin' But I'm ready if it happens with you Meet me out in Cali when I'm far away from family And I need someone to hold onto
She hugged him tighter, the music seeping into their lungs. He could feel her heartbeat against his own, like twin drums, rapid, racing. He hummed along, let his lips skim over her skin. Life was faraway but the stars swayed under his hands and the night sky glittered with luxury.
We could burn and crash We could take a chance Holdin' nothin' back Like it's our last dance
Zoe clung to him like her life depended on it. Maybe it did. There was a flash of light and a faded thank you. The photographer was already on to the next couple, but they were immortalised in that memory card.
“Jase,” She whispered.
He pulled back slightly so he was staring into her, “What’s wrong my stella?”
“I-“ She breathed, “I have to tell you something.”
“Are you alright?” She looked so scared, sad. “Do you want to leave?”
“My dad came to visit me while I was in hospital.”
“Oh gods Zo,” He pulled her to him, “Are you okay? He didn’t say anything did he?”
“Our deal is up,” Her body was shaking with sobs, “I have to go home.”
“No!” His lungs collapsed, “No, what? No.”
“I asked for more time, but he said no.” Her eyes fractured.
“Why can’t you stay here why do you have to go? Is that the deal you made?” This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t real. He can’t do this.
“I was supposed to start a practice of my own,” She choked, “Something that would make him money. That was the only way I could move out of the house.”
“But can’t you just start one now? I’ll give you capital if that’s what you need? We can go get registered tomorrow.”
She shook her head vigorously, gasping on her words, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.”
“Stella,” He can’t feel his legs, “Please there has to be another. We have to find a way for you to stay.”
She shook her head, “I can’t stay because–“ Her cry shattered his fractured soul, “I can’t stay because I’m marrying someone else.”
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Kingdom Collisions XII
Masterlist for other parts, more jercy, crackships and bad ideas
writing fic=more description=(hopefully) improve writing
no prewritten chapters=sporadic updates=as surprised as you about what happens
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The water always lies.
"Grover," Prince Percy Jackson squealed excitedly, "Grover, Grover, Grover!"
The boy, barely as tall as the countertop, smiled at his friend with sparkling eyes, "Yes Prince?"
"Will you tell me a story?"
"What about Prince?"
"About the magic world." He said in a conspiratorial whisper.
"How about why the rocks in the river are black?"
Little Percy scrunched his nose, already uninterested in anything about rocks but his friend interrupted before he could protest, "You will like this story I promise." The little boy winked.
His sea green eyes lit up like water droplets in the sun. "Tell me!"
So they sat down cross-legged in the grass, the shade of a willow tree protecting them, and looked at each other as if there was no-one else in the world.
"Once upon a time, long long ago..." Grover started. "There lived two kingdoms, at peace and thriving. One was the Kingdom of Sun or as it was known then the Kingdom of ilanga. The buildings were white, their streets were cobbled grey and the people were beautiful beyond words. They looked like me. Dark skin, and coiled hair. With noses that could smell from miles away, and ears that could hear the softest whispers, and mouths that spoke the kindest words."
"What about their eyes Grover?" Little Percy bounced, energy pulsating from him.
"Oh Prince their eyes were the most beautiful of all. For they were every shade of earth. They were the brown of the sand, and the green of the trees, and the yellow of the sun. Gorgeous worldly shades. The people loved living in their kingdom with its endless summer and it's long days. There was hardly anytime to experience the night for it blinked in and out faster than they could catch it. The streets were always filled with brightness, parades and markets and celebration. Ribbons wrapped around every pole and doors were the colour of rainbows.” Life twinkled bright in Grover’s eyes, and Percy felt so proud just then to have such a lovely friend
“On the opposite side,” He continued, “Joined only by a small brook was the Kingdom of Alina. The night. They were always in darkness, stars twinkling like diamonds above them and the moon always full. Their buildings were made from black rock with tiny flecks of starlight in them so that when it caught the light of the moon it seemed to sparkle. Make no mistake they were not covered in inky blackness all the time. For their streets were lined with precious stones. Emeralds encrusted on their poles. And sapphires for their roofs. Aquamarine where the water met the land. And rubies for the pavements. The Kingdom was rich with jewels. But the people did not consider themselves wealthy for it. No, the stones were as much a part of the city as they were. And oh how the people looked. They were as pale as the moon and with hair as bright as their stars. Curiously they shared much of the same features as their friends across the way. Nose, and mouth, and listening ears. But their eyes," Grover stopped to take in a deep breath
" Their eyes were the colours of their precious gems. Zircon and amethyst and opal and every shade possible. There was no real day except for one or two hours in the early morning when they sky morphed into the palest of blues. It was at that time everyday when the two kingdoms met, the light of ilanga and the dark of Alina. Though they never interacted beyond their shared brook they loved each other intently. Loved each other the only way you can love something that is at peace. Gently and without disturbance. They loved each other alone."
The water always lies.
"Wow," Little Percy blinked, awe radiating from him. "The kingdoms sound wonderful."
"Yes but now we must get to why I'm telling you this story. The people and the land lived peacefully side by side, though not interacting but always knowing, understanding. It was not that they weren't allowed to see one another it was that they couldn't. For they were not made for each others cities. They could not withstand the atmosphere. But-” He placed great emphasis on the word “One day two babies were born at the exact same time on the exact same day. One to the Kingdom of Alina and one to the Kingdom of ilanga."
Little Percy gasped, small hands covering his mouth in shock.
Grover gave a look, "The baby of Alina looked exactly like a child of ilanga and the baby of ilanga looked exactly like a child of Alina. The people were confused and it is the nature of living things to be wary when they are disoriented. So when someone suggested kidnapping there was nothing to be done as the worlds folded in on themselves and the kingdoms declared war. Peace was not an option when children were the cause. Peace was not in their heart when these children were not theirs. So they discarded the two bundles of beating hearts and destroyed each other. But if they had just looked, had just taken the time they would have seen what was right in front of them. For the baby of ilanga that was born in Alina, although had dark skin and black hair had eyes like emeralds. And the child of Alina, born in ilanga, although had skin as pale as starlight and hair as white as moonlight, had eyes the colour of an ilangan sky, a common earthly occurnce in the kingdom. But the people saw none of that and so the children were abandoned and the peace was lost and lands were bloodied. For 25 years. By the tenth year the citizens no longer knew the reason they fought. By the fifteenth year they had lost more than they gained. By the twentieth year their only hope of survival was each other. But nothing changed. The fought, and destroyed, and killed with all the vengeance of the first sword strike.
Grover takes a deep breath, “The first day of the twenty-fifth year two beings, long since grown from the discarded children they had been, stepped onto the battlefield, hand in hand. They stood in that brook, once clear enough to see white stone and flecks of gemstone, now red with blood. Stood in that brook and looked on at the battle still raging around them. They did not say anything, did not do anything but stand. Slowly people stopped to watch them. For they looked as foreign, and strange among the crowd as they once did.
The one with green eyes looked to them and said, "We are the children you fight this war over. We are the ones you shed blood for. We are the ones you have killed for. But today that ends. Today we join as one peoples and stop this madness."
The water always lies.
"For remember I told you Prince," Grover looked at him, "That they had killed too many to live separately. Their only hope of survival was to join forces. But the people did not want that. They had been fighting this war for twenty five years and many had not know any other way. Another thing you must know about the nature of living things is that it does not like change. So they refused and they fought more and they continued as if those two beings did not stand before them offering peace. The beings, seeing nothing was going to change did the only thing they could do. The one with emerald eyes slammed their fist into the earth and destroyed the field. And the one with cerulean eyes took that cracked earth and flung it into the air. When it was all over there was no-one left standing, not even them. No, in their place stood a river, with obsidian rocks and water that glistened rainbows. White stone surrounded it on either side. It was the perfect product of both kingdoms."
"So that's why the rocks are black." Little Percy nodded knowingly.
"Yes and the legend is,” His voice lowers, barely a breath, “When the healer and the destroyer finally meet again the obsidian will give away to diamond, the river will once more run clear, and the people will finally be at peace once more."
"I love that story Grover!" He squealed, falling back into the grass with joy.
"I'm glad you do Prince. It is very close to my heart."
The water always lies.
Percy Jackson gasps, and inhales mouthfuls of water. The memory fades, disintegrates from his mind. He grapples for it but it's gone. He is still underwater, although how much time had passed he doesn't know.
His body is bare and his skin is icy but for some reason he can breathe. So he does. Big lungfuls of air. He doesn't have time to think about the Princess of Hekima's attempt at murder, he needs to find his husband. Dead or alive he needs to find Jason.
He let's the current drag him out while some semblance of a plan takes form in his head. He doesn't know who he can trust right now. And he doesn't enjoy being made fool twice. But suddenly something is pulling him up, up, and out of the water. He comes up with a gasp, the world blinding. He is dropped on sun-warmed rock and he blinks himself back into existence.
The water always lies.
Standing over him is Grover.
"What the fuck." He mutters, staring up at his....... friend?
"Why were you in the river? You were drowning."
"I wasn't," He frowns, trying to get his brain started, get his priorities straight. "Where is Jason?"
"Why were you in there?" It is the voice of a King that talks to him.
Percy ignores the question. "Where is my husband?"
"Why were you in the river Prince?" Grover has never gotten angry, but there is a waver in his voice that makes the Prince hesitate. He looks up, into those dark eyes and there is worry and concern, and something wholly unnatural reflecting in them.
"The Princess of Hekima, Annabeth Chase, pushed me in."
Something flashes across the King's expression but he doesn't quite catch it. "I will take you to the Prince."
And then Grover is walking away, through the waterfall and out of sight. Percy doesn't have time to question the uneasy look, or the events that have occurred because the King is already out of sight and he can't lose him in this maze. He doesn't even know it they're still in the tree he woke up in. Gods it seems like days and weeks ago, but it was really only this morning.
"Grover?" He calls, moving through the waterfall and into a cave.
He sees his advisor's silhouette and races to catch up.
"Is your entire Kingdom inside a tree?" He asks, finally reaching him.
It is not Grover who walks beside him. It is a creature as vile and deathly as rotting flesh. It is a creature made of horrors. It is nightmares themselves.
"Gro—Grover—" He mutters, slowly stepping back.
The creature just looks on, eyes ever changing but hollow all the same.
"King!" His voice is full of alarm but he tries to be quiet. He doesn't know what sets this creature off and being the cause of his own demise doesn't sound particularly worthy.
"Grover please."
"Will you make your wish Crown Prince Perseus Jackson?" It hisses abruptly.
"What— what wish?" He's caught so off guard some of his fear slips away.
"You have a wish Prince of Mare, I hear it in your heart."
"I—" He doesn't know what to say, do, be. He wants to run. But those long spindly legs look devastatingly fast and he knows he doesn't stand a chance. "I don't have a wish."
It chuckles, throaty and unpleasant. The sounds scrapes in his ears. "Oh but you do little prince. Tell me your wish and you can go."
The water always lies.
He takes a deep breath. And another. And another. It was easier underwater. "I wish to see my husband."
The creature laughs, and laughs, and laughs, and the sound dissolves into the cave, echoes like broken shards.
"Are you sure Prince?"
"Who are you?"
"I am the partidari." It gives some twisted form of a smile. "And your wish is my command."
Before he can protest, stop it, end this, the creature becomes dust and then disappears altogether and in its place is the unmoving body of Prince Jason Grace.
Something cracks in his chest as he dives for his husband, and when his arms go through him he breaks altogether.
"Where are you?" He sobs.
Thousands of meters below, at the bottom of the river, nestled like a sleeping God between charcoal black rocks, is Prince Jason Grace. Unmoving, unconscious, and alive.
Prince Percy Jackson curls into a ball and cries for the life he no longer recognizes, the friends he no longer has, and the husband he had once hated so vehemently it became something else, something different, more.
And down below in that river of rainbows, obsidian rock give away to diamond.
the destroyer cries.
the healer dies.
and the water never lies.
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