angel13xo · 4 months
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alucywarner · 7 years
[Okay, hi, hello. It’s been about two weeks since the children have seen each other last, and, obviously, it’s been a dang sad two weeks, but since I’m such a lazy procrastinator, I never managed to write a post where Maddox was telling his fIANCEE that he would be coming through town, so here we are. 
Maddox has come through town, bringing along all his lovely band folks with him, and all that good stuff, even though he’s already informed them that, yet again, they better stay out of his business while he’s with his lady, because he’s got more important things to worry about than some speakERS that needed moving around. That more important thing is his FIANCEE. And, yes, that is how he keeps addressing her to everyone in the band scene. Lucy, my FIANCEE. My FIANCEE is coming around, guys. Ah, look. Here comes my FIANCEE. 
Everyone hates to hear him talk even more now. 
Love my idiot son. 
But, here we go. Yes, Maddox is in town, and Lucy’s on top of the world, because two weeks felt like an eternity, and their ‘hello’ was about ten times longer than their ‘goodbye’, much to Corey’s discontent, but, as Maddox told her, her ‘opinion doesn’t matter. bye.’. 
So,  the children have been out-and-about, and they’ve had a great time, catching up, laughin’, smoochin’, probably more than smoochin’. Who am I to say what they’ve gotten up to? I am no one. 
But they’re at the venue, now, and I’m guessing that Stove and Sage are coming to whatever show is happening tonight (Sage is coming with a frown, because she doesn’t want to engage with the show hooligans, but she’s gonna be S U P P O R T I V E.), but it’s only still slightly early, so they aren’t there yet. There have been people milling around, trying to get things ready, etc. etc., and people could easily slip by without anyone else noticing, though, so no one could be too sure that Stage wasn’t already here, and they’d just gotten lost in a sea of roadies. 
Maddox and Lucy weren’t paying that much attention anyway. Nope. They figured Stage would text one of them once they arrived, so they were huddled in a corner together, probably doing some canoodling of some sort. Why aren’t they canoodling backstage? Well, that’s a good question. One that I won’t answer. Sorry to tell you. 
I’m here to tell you, that they’ve been canoodling long enough that the doors are open now, and Maddox should definitely be backstage at this point, as per what he was instructed by Corey, but he only half-heard her because of the canoodling that was going on. 
buT, again, very close to time for this thing to start, so Lucy figures, hey, I need to go to the bathroom or something before curTAIN, sO--. She’s just gonna get up from Canoodle Corner without even trying to tell Maddox where she’s going, tbh.]
Hey-- where are you going?? [Confused at this fact of just getting up without saying anything. Don’t play him like that, Luce.]
The bathroom??
Oh. [He gets up from Canoodle Corner too.] I’ll go with you~~.
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No you won’t, crazy. You’ve gotta get backstage.
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I still have time. [:C]
Corey’s gonna end up murdering you, me, or both of us if you keep neglecting your duties~. 
I’ll fight her. 
[A sigh.] So clingy~~~.
I’m not clinging nearly as much as I could be.
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I’m so sorry I have to miss that. 
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You won’t have to if I sneak to the bathroom with you~.
Trying to stop you from doing what you want to do is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube, so just come on. [She’s rolling her eyes in a totally loving way at her dumb future husband.]
[Off they go to the bathroom, or, they’re trying their best to wade through all the people, but they do finally make it out into the outer area where there’s the entrance to the bathrooms, and the crowd out here had started to thin out, for sho, but there were still a few people around. 
And, right before the kiddos could get into the the bathroom door, there is a calling of Lucy’s name. Just Lucy’s name, and that was rather weird because the only people that would know Lucy here weren’t here yet, that she knew of, and the voice sounded like neither Stove, nor Sage. 
Both she and (an annoyed) Maddox turn around, and oh buddy, you’ll never guess who it is. Because Lucy’s eyes have definitely gone wide.]
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[Okay, so Hayden’s been approaching, and he’s in front of them, and he’s looking weary af, but he’s looking.] I know-- I should probably... explain why I’m back here...
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A better question is why are you here here?
[It’s safe to mention Maddox is probably shaking over there next to Lucy. A nice hard shake. Like he’s holding back, you might say.] It’s about my... brother that I told you about. [A look to Maddox.] And I figured I should... probably clear some things up.
I’ll fucking say.
[Lucy’d never heard him sound that pISSED at one individual before. Not even herself the last time that she was at his show, ya feel?] Maddox--. [It’s like a warn of ‘not here, please’.]
No, I mean, he’s right, Lucy. I-I kissed you, so--... [Lucy can feel Maddox tense beside her oh dear.] I just thought she was such a great girl, I-- couldn’t help myself.
You knew she had a boyfriend, you little shit. [There is no gif in existence to show how pissed he is, so just use your imagination.]
I did know. And I didn’t care, because I, you know, kinda liked her, but then I--...
OH. Didn’t care? Of course you didn’t care. Holy shit. I cannot listen to you for one more second. [HERE WE GO.]
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MADDOX. STOP. [Lucy has to interject because there are STILL PEOPLE OUT HERE.]
No, I-I deserved that.
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[Maddox honestly has him by the shirt rn.] See? He knows he had it coming. So tell me why I shouldn’t push his shit in??
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Because he’s sixteen, and I don’t want you getting fucking arrested. That’s why!
Honestly, Luce, it’d be fucking worth it.
Look, just-- let me explain things first, and then you can beat my ass, okay?
I’ll hold you to that. [Has he let go of his shirt? Nope.]
Lucy already knows this part-- I was in town because I’d never met my dad, but I found out that he had another kid-- a son-- someone who lived in this town. I came here to try to find him, but I couldn’t. I went to his address, and all I found there was some grumpy-ass lady. So, I went home after I kissed Lucy. [Maddox’s grip gets tighter on him, tbh, because he doesn’t even like to hear that sentence uttered.] But what I found out... that same night was that... my brother was out of town then. He was out of town... with his band.
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[I don’t think Maddox has quite grasped what he’s saying, mainly because he’s too busy steaming from the ears to actually listen with them. Tbh, he’s just waiting for Horchata to finish so that he can make good on beating his ass. 
However, Lucy was listening. And Lucy’s definitely grasped what he’s saying. Her jaw is almost to the floor.] Oh my god...
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Lucy never mentioned your name when she talked about you... Not until after...  And when she said your name was Maddox...
Are you... saying... Maddox is the brother you’ve been trying to find? 
... Yeah.
Bullshit. You’re just trying to save your own ass.
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[To Lucy.] You never told me his last name, right? You just called him Maddox. [Lucy nods. He turns back to Maddox.] Your name is Maddox Bravo. You’re nineteen years old, you were born on May 22nd, your mother’s name is Kelly, and you have no siblings-- other than me.
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[Maddox is EVER SO SLIGHTLY SHOOK, but this news does not make him any less murderous.] What? And this is just supposed to be some happy family reunion??? I’m just supposed to drop the fact that you kissed my fucking girlfriend because you’re my brother??? Don’t you think that bit of information makes it a hundred times fucking worse???
If I had known she was your girlfriend, I would’ve never done it in the first place, alright? She said her boyfriend’s name was Maddox, and I bolted. I’m not a fucking bad guy, okay? I just-- I wouldn’t go around kissing my brother’s girlfriend.
... Why the hell did you come here?
To meet you? To talk?
What did you think would happen? That we’d become best friends, and start having family dinner together every weekend??
No, I expected you to beat the shit out of me. 
Hey, maybe we are related, since you’ve read my fucking mind. [He’s shook the kid just a little bit, and suddenly, fiancee’s got her hands on his shoulders.]
Maddox, don’t.
Like hell ‘don’t’, Lucy.
I’m sorry for kissing your girlfriend. I would never even try again. The only reason I even came back was to clear the air. And to let you know the truth.
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Well, I don’t give a shit about the truth, so...
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You know it now whether you give a shit or not.
[Maybe Lucy’s actually succeeded in pulling this steaming boy away just a bit. Maybe she’s gotten his hands off Horchata, and she’s trying to get him backstage before Maddox can do anything else, but honestly, Lucy, Maddox is like a foot taller than you, and he can swerve outta your grip as easily as anything, SO.]
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And that’s for coming here and reminding me that your stupid ass shit actually happened!
MADDOX. That was SO fucking unnecessary. [Her hands are back on him immediately, tbh. They’re right on his shoulders.]
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I. Don’t. Care. 
[Alas, in the distance, someone’s manager has finally caught up.] BravO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? SHOWTIME’S IN LIKE FIVE MINUTES. GET YOUR ASS BACKSTAGE.
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[His jaw is clenched tight, and he shakes Lucy’s hands off his shoulders, and there’s one final look to that cinnamon-y half-brother of his.] Just... stay the fuck away from me and Lucy. [And off he goes to follow his lovely manager.]
[And there is Cinnamon Rice standing there, probably wiping blood away, I’d bet, and Lucy’s just looking at him like ‘sweet fuCK’.]
Don’t look at me like that.
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Why the hell would you try to casually introduce yourself as his brother??
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Just a crazy guy, I guess~. [Saaaar~casm~.]
You should’ve just left it alone. 
If you knew you had a sibling-- something you’ve kinda wanted your whole life, wouldn’t you take a chance at it?
I’d recommend listening to him. I’d rather not have to bail him out of jail for assault. 
... Of all the girls I have to run into at the mall... it has to be his fucking girlfriend.
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[Lucy doesn’t know how to respond to that. She’s not even sure how this situation makes her feEL, because YIKES, how Maddox had just walked away from here. OH BOY.
But, luckily, she doesn’t have to respond, because there’s the familiar voices she’d been waiting for, calling her out. Hi, Stage.]
Luce, there you are. You would not believe the traffic. We got here just in time. Are you ready to go inside? 
Uh, yeah. Let’s go.
[There’s a look of confusion from Stove, and don’t think Maddox didn’t bring the Horchata situation to him when he found out about it, so maybe he’s raising an eyebrow, but in they go, and showtime. Yay. Okay. That’s it for now.]
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trouvvaille · 8 years
[[I want this here for reasons... i love this so much, and it needs to go on this blog]]
vvicissitudo hey meen hey did u see im on for nearly fivve days noww
brackishbarracuda im proud tbh
vvicissitudo yeah? i feel accomplished
brackishbarracuda how long have I wanted u to interact w ppl istf
vvicissitudo i mean i wwouldn't call this accomplished but i feel that wway
brackishbarracuda I do shut up
brackishbarracuda don't actually shut up
vvicissitudo ahaha i lovve you i aint really TALKIN to people offerin idle comments maybe
brackishbarracuda it's a start
vvicissitudo yeah yeah it is am i uh doin good
brackishbarracuda you could stand to loosen up a bit
vvicissitudo yeah true but u kno me prickly af they gotta get thru the hard shell first
brackishbarracuda it helps when you give em half a chance
brackishbarracuda they aint gotta b best buds right off the bat u can b a casual friend
vvicissitudo u really think im bein TOO prickly
brackishbarracuda i just want u to have a chance to get out more clams
vvicissitudo i like wwhere im at
vvicissitudo besides most a these guys they aint gonna be here in six perigees
brackishbarracuda casual friendship enjoy em while it lasts get a decent conversation an if they dont come back oh well
vvicissitudo i guess so hmm but half a them aint replied to me or commented on my followw
brackishbarracuda so let it go and start another one later ppl got lives
brackishbarracuda whats up w u tho
vvicissitudo listenin to music up top lookin at the wavves s gonna rain not storm i think just rain
brackishbarracuda u wanna go for a swim when it starts
vvicissitudo shore its alwwavves nice
brackishbarracuda what uh
brackishbarracuda I mean we ain't talked reely much
vvicissitudo do wwe gotta?
brackishbarracuda and I got quads commin outta my ears
vvicissitudo ahaha that u do wwhat wwould wwe talk aboat me still feelin shitty ovver the other night? cause thats a thing
brackishbarracuda we aint gotta
vvicissitudo there aint much i feel that needs t be talked aboat
besides the wwhole thing ww... that.
i feel guilty
is it my fault?? wwhat can i do for that
but uh
other than that, nah. storms an rain an wwavves are good
talkin about that spill earlier tho got me itchy ZZ3B\
brackishbarracuda ive been takin deep breaths and movin em
vvicissitudo yeah
does that help
brackishbarracuda no
vvicissitudo tried pourin spring wwater dowwn my neck
felt nice but ddn't wwork
brackishbarracuda I just been tryin naut to think aboat it sometimes they ain't wanna open and I half panic for a second also it ain't ur fault also what do you think about the bouys 38/
vvicissitudo thats terrifyin to think aboat
noww i gotta open mine up an check em
wwhat you really think so?
an uh, wwhich bouys
brackishbarracuda yeah u didnt force her hand she fucked up an she shoulda been straight w him and i tried to fuckin tell her that but no an the clowns
vvicissitudo They're good. I aint too much talkin to em yet Tho uh.
Wwhich clowwns
brackishbarracuda clams the two im datin zee and arlequin
vvicissitudo I kno that... Just wwondered
Theres a lotta clowwns U kno i nevver paid much attention to em
brackishbarracuda would u
vvicissitudo Pay attention? Noww, yeah, I'm startin to
brackishbarracuda theyre good people
brackishbarracuda an i want u to be a part a all a my life vvicissitudo
i wwant to be part of it all a it i didn't followw any clowwns before an noww that i do
its hard
vvicissitudo i keep seein the text, the wways they talk an i see you happy an i feel bitter aboat me because you're my happiness u got a full house im glad for u
brackishbarracuda nearly anyway
vvicissitudo i just hate myshellf rn its nothin that
vvicissitudo its nothin to wworry aboat itll pass
brackishbarracuda i alwaves worry aboat you
vvicissitudo i hate wwhat loz did meen i hate it i think i'd rather havve just had one heartbreak to deal wwith i didn't evven get any closure i got to kiss him once i got to hold him as he fuckin died along wwith you an wwhere does that leavve me
vvicissitudo in limbo wwaitin wwonderin wwheres my makara wwheres my red wwheres the one wwhose gonna fill that hole an then i see ur makaras an i feel terrible cause i don't
vvicissitudo want to get to knoww them because i knoww ill just get hurt an i knoww they aint mine evven if i wwant them to be part of this family an its part a wwhat i posted aint no one talked to me last night i mentioned arlequin once in his owwn post
vvicissitudo that other captor  nevver replied to me evven after i said somethin that other ampora, the wwhiny one he liked posts datin back a wwhole swweep an pike a hundred posts besides im trying, i swwear for you but i dont my heart aint in it i dont i don't knoww wwhat to do here anymoray
brackishbarracuda you keep tryin
vvicissitudo been almost a wweek a godamn record that ivve been on doin social things
brackishbarracuda an im proud a u for it
vvicissitudo i got you thats al i got its all i wwant
brackishbarracuda an im tryin my damdest to help u change it
vvicissitudo i aint wwant to be hurt no more meen
vvicissitudo prince or princess charmin is comin to me this tide i wwanna knoww ur makaras but not ovver social media i wwanna knoww em wwhen they're ovver for tea or  sleepovvers or meetin the kids or meetin me
vvicissitudo it feels useless. *i* feel useless
brackishbarracuda you dont want to know where id b without you
vvicissitudo youd be sadder
vvicissitudo probubbly givven up by now
brackishbarracuda id be dead
vvicissitudo wwhat about ur cro
brackishbarracuda what the fuck about him
vvicissitudo wwould he havve found you or wwould you havve been dead beshore then
brackishbarracuda long fuckin before then
vvicissitudo wwhat wwould havve happened i can see u runnin urself into the ground
brackishbarracuda runnin myself into the ground bitin off more than i can chew gettin pissed and sad and naut havin a good enough reason to naut do stupid shit
brackishbarracuda every single tide you patched me up every single tide youve found me when i was low every tide you talked me outta somefin or made sure i was safe i mean fuck clams you saw what i looked like w/o u for a fuckin perigee
brackishbarracuda efin if id never met you you know how closed off i was how angry id have gotten into a fight i couldnt handle burned myself from the inside out
brackishbarracuda itd a been the oil clams
brackishbarracuda efin if naut literally cept thered b nobody to clean me up to carry me home to show me what the fuck home /was/
brackishbarracuda i wouldnt a had the kids oar you oar vis
brackishbarracuda you are fuckin necessary
vvicissitudo u wwouldn't havve evven had loz wwould u i i just realized that it wwas cause a me you met
vvicissitudo wwasn't it the first big thing wwas wwhen tavv tried to "help" me
brackishbarracuda i woulda had rez and fangs and they woulda left me and thats it
vvicissitudo yeah. wwhat about noww
brackishbarracuda i aint efin shore i woulda had sally
vvicissitudo pike are you happy noww
brackishbarracuda all i know is i aint happy w/o u
vvicissitudo awwww
brackishbarracuda youve literally saved my life so many dam tides mine and sallys and the wrigs does that sound useless to you
vvicissitudo you an the wwrigs are the only ones wwho seem to appreciate me yes, you're the only ones wwho count really an truly u remember wwhen u took me to that play
brackishbarracuda yeah
vvicissitudo an they stood in a roww an thanked us personally for comin i wwant that i wwant it all the tide i wwant people appreciatin me i tell people im wworkin on somethin to make helmsmens livves after the helm better i get "its impossible"
brackishbarracuda that aint a good example clams u kno how hard it is to accept good shit when it aint in your hand
vvicissitudo i tell people im a docterror an a chemical engineer an i get "so wwhat else do you do" i tell people im a reader a wwriter
vvicissitudo a pacifist an i get blank stares an topic changes i get fivve note threads on this hellsite an then nothin thats howw it alwavves goes
brackishbarracuda did u think for a minute that maybe ur just ten levels above everybody else an they aint kno how to talk aboat that shit
vvicissitudo i mention my name an people are pike "who" an i gotta say "eridan" before they realize an then they assume wwrongly a me i aint wwanna be smart if it means no one wwants to talk to me
brackishbarracuda ur doin good shit clams bc ur smart
brackishbarracuda bc a whats happened to u and who you are
vvicissitudo am i a good person
brackishbarracuda betta than me by a long shot
vvicissitudo wwhy i dont wwant to be better than u i wwant to be ur equal
brackishbarracuda then get me to where u are and dont u dare lower urself for anybody
vvicissitudo > You're stunned into silence for a bit.
brackishbarracuda i aint the best person in the world i aint that smart
brackishbarracuda im shit at p much anyfin that aint kissin somebody oar fightin em you aint
vvicissitudo or makin someone feel good aboat themselvves u do a damn good job of that
brackishbarracuda shut up for a second that aint the point
vvicissitudo im cryin AND laughin ill havve u knoww
brackishbarracuda good 3B* point is you deserve a crown more than i ever have
vvicissitudo wwhhat
brackishbarracuda you can patch ppl up and help people w real cod dam problems w real applications you kno history and all that shit you read you write you study ur in ur lab u work hard too hard but u aint a useless bump a log
vvicissitudo but you aint wwanna rule
brackishbarracuda do i look like i could manage anyfin close to rullin rn by myself
vvicissitudo that aint the point u don't WWANNA rule
vvicissitudo period do you??
brackishbarracuda why do you think i asked dirk to let me do political shit
vvicissitudo but wwas that because u foresaww this convversation or because you wwant to
brackishbarracuda its pike i told him im tired a runnin
vvicissitudo yeah?
brackishbarracuda yeah
brackishbarracuda idk wtf good is gonna come outta it but
vvicissitudo i can name good
vvicissitudo u bein by my side me being by ur side are you sure u wwanna do this last chance to back out u knoww
brackishbarracuda i aint got nofin to rule clams its kinda far from a last chance but yeah
vvicissitudo alright then
vvicissitudo so uh wwhat rule wwhat the wwhole planet?? this uh provvince, this continent, this bit of planet wwe call home i mean theres things wwe gotta think of
brackishbarracuda hb we just start w the bit were on yeah
vvicissitudo so wwe need to get scoutin parties together to see HOWW big it is an if anyone else livves on it an if anyone else livves on it then we gotta dispute
vvicissitudo buy their land rom em in exchange for goods or services a emperor aint bein servved hes servvin others pike wwe provvide food or electricity an they trade us
brackishbarracuda clams calm down
vvicissitudo ideally rn wwe feed their family/take care a their land in exchange for their servvices in helpin us scout out- wwhat oh
brackishbarracuda do u kno how many tides i had to retype clams calm bc lemme tell u
vvicissitudo uh oops
brackishbarracuda too much at once aight lets just
brackishbarracuda keep our shit to ourselves baby steps yeah
vvicissitudo babysteps yeah ideally this thing wwe livve on is only an island otherwwise wwe got barriers to wworry about pike cae said
brackishbarracuda either plan on defendin what u got or be ready to run right i aint runnin
vvicissitudo i lovve u <>
vvicissitudo u an ur beautiful soul
brackishbarracuda i love you too
brackishbarracuda <> <><><><><><><><><><><> aight im done im good thats outta my system
vvicissitudo thank you for listenin
brackishbarracuda you aint quaded to me for my looks 3B*
vvicissitudo damn right im quadded to u because of u
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