burningvelvet · 1 year
a twitter thread that actually killed me
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bysshe-shelley · 1 year
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if percy shelley were alive today, i know for a fact he would be a huge hit on tumblr dot com.
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the-evil-clergyman · 11 months
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Arethusa, from Andrew Lang's The Blue Poetry Book by Henry Justice Ford (1891)
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depressed-linguist · 1 year
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‘There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand’
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
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victusinveritas · 30 days
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guys no one gets frankenstein or lisa frankenstein like me. cole sprouse was not playing "the creature". he was playing ernest frankenstein. the last surviving member of the frankenstein family, who watched his parents deteriorate, fade away just like the opening of the film. who grew up alone, fell victim to the frankenstein family curse of dying a young, tragic death, just like his brothers and sister-in-law. because in lisa's grave rubbing, she had managed to get "frankenstein", then wrote her name above it. she marries ernest and therefore becomes lisa frankenstein!!
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petaltexturedskies · 5 months
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Percy Bysshe Shelley, from "The Question" in The Collected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
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thefugitivesaint · 11 months
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Frank Thayer Merrill (1848-1936), 'The Demon of the World', ''The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley'', 1904 Source
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: Ladies of Llangollen
Mary Shelley: sup fuckers Shelley: what's going on here Lord Byron: [tossing hair] ah mary what a vision you are Lord Byron: [tossing hair] percy and i were just about to visit the ladies of llangollen Shelley: why are my boyfriends sneaking around together behind my back
Mary Shelley: what the hell is this ladies of llangollen bullshit Lord Byron: [tossing hair] ah see mary it's a most curious thing Byron: [tossing hair] two women living together Byron: [tossing hair] science simply can't explain it Mary Shelley: they're lesbians byron
Byron: [tossing hair] no see it's these 2 women living together Byron: [tossing hair] and their lady servant too Byron: [tossing hair] explain that! Mary Shelley: what's so hard to understand? it's a fuckin polycule Mary Shelley: we're literally in one
Lord Byron: [tossing hair] lesbians? Byron: [tossing hair] oh ho ho only cuz they haven't met me yet! Byron: [tossing hair] isn't that right percy old man? Percy Shelley: yes dear
Byron: [tossing hair] now we're off! Mary Shelley: why're you going all the way to llangollen Mary Shelley: we got perfectly good lesbians at home Byron: [tossing hair] what? Mary Shelley: you heard me fucker
Mary Shelley: byron are you just going to llangollen to hide from your ex girlfriend Byron: [tossing hair] ha ha mary what a ridiculous notion Byron: [tossing hair] ha ha just uh Byron: [tossing hair] ridiculous
Mary Shelley: so it wouldn't bother you if caroline lamb also visited the ladies of llangollen then Byron: [tossing hair] it wouldn't bother me at all Byron: [pausing mid hair toss] why? is she there? what did you hear?
[at llangollen] Byron: [tossing hair] delightfully devilish byron, caroline lamb will never think to look for you here Caroline Lamb: [barging into llangollen] WHERE'S BYRON Lamb: I KNOW HE'S HERE Lamb: DON'T YOU LESBIANS LIE TO ME Lamb: I CAN SMELL HIS AXE BODY SPRAY
William Wordsworth: i was so inspired by those ladies of llangollen that i wrote a sonnet about them Wordsworth: "there once was a girl from nantucket..." Mary Shelley: that's not a fuckin sonnet Wordsworth: uh excuse me i think i know sonnets
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pre-raphaelisme · 1 year
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The Sensitive Plant by Frank Dicksee
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Everybody is talking about this new Roman Empire thing, but the real question is: how many times do you think about that cloudy day in 1816 when Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Polidori challenged eachother in creating the spookiest story ever and "The vampire" and "Frankenstein: the modern Prometheus" were born? Because for me, it happens on a daily basis.
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Locks of hair from Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, and Lord Byron, next to their portraits:
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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“To The Night & The Cloud” by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
Artist : Jessie Bayes (1876-1970)
Source : pbagalleries.com
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twooboomoomoo · 2 years
Pick a dead classic author from this poll that you'd personally want to punch!! This is all fun in games, I love bullying dead people 💛.
Listen everyone wants to beat up Lovecraft. That's a given, no competition. So he's not here.
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cromulent-marshland · 7 months
Rip Mary Shelley, you would’ve loved Lisa Frankenstein. You would’ve called it the best adaptation of your work.
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iputaspellonyou2024 · 2 months
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Art thou pale for weariness Of climbing Heaven, and gazing on the earth, Wandering companionless Among the stars that have a different birth,— And ever changing, like a joyless eye That finds no object worth its constancy?
Percy B. Shelley
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