#PCE Melody
spacedoutwitch · 22 days
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If I had a nickel for every time a virtual pet website held a site-wide item collectathon to try and figure out what's going on with their water god that introduces a character with multiple pronouns and winds up granting the players a new aquatic subcategory of Obtainable Guy during June, well. I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.
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chemicalbrew · 4 years
by @adellama-99 \ @lukas-dreemurr37 to post the first 15 songs that come on shuffle. i’m using being tagged twice as an excuse to shuffle my Brandish folder so beware
Beyond the Sunshine Forest from Mother 3 (ah yes a funky little tune, one of many)
The Way Back Home from Cave Story (I have a habit of getting OSTs of games I’m barely interested in, so I have no feelings about this... it’s neat though)
Victim from Brandish VT (I have not explored the soundtracks of 3 and 4 thoroughly enough yet, so this is my first time hearing this. can you blame me though? this is like the last thing I have left to explore here... I suppose this is pretty likeable, but not memorable out of context)
Illusionary World from Final Fantasy IV: Celtic Moon (oh this album is absolutely gorgeous, I should check it out properly one of these days)
Closing Credits from fucking Cuphead (forgot I have this OST! LMAO I only got it for like Floral Fury or whatever it was)
Radical Dreamers from To Far Away Times (oh here’s the punch)
Super Guitar Bros - Super Athletic (from Harmony of Heroes; the best Smash Bros. album to ever happen... I remember these guys contributing to a fan-made CT album too lol)
Skrillex - Pop Dance (my bet is everyone forgets this song exists and for good reason... the drop is nicer than I recall though) OH WAIT THIS IS A REJECTED DEMO AND THE VERSION I HAVE IS ACTUALLY FAKE??? MIND = BLOWN... the real thing sounds so much cooler too!
DJ School from DS Rhythm Heaven (probably the most fun game on there. I could never play this entry myself, however)
Geno’s introductory theme from Mario RPG, I think?
Monkey’s Love Song from Mother 3 (absolutely iconic, standing out, memorable, perfect, etc)
Norg - Antedecent (from Chronicles of Time; I think it’s a reimagining of CT’s Premonition? it’s so cool!)
Risk Everything on This Moment from Zwei II (awesome in context, meh otherwise. looking it up on YT led to finding three Zwei covers which is brilliant)
Brandy Hill from Zwei II (totally lovely, one of the nicest tunes in the duology!)
My Village is Number One from Xenogears\Shattered Memories (hey this song shows up again!)
ok now here comes the Brandish shuffle just cause!
VT - Enigma Tower −Mysterious− (starting off with a bang! i fucking love this simple ass melody and it alone got me curious about 4 FFS!!! this specific version reminds of how stressful two certain tests that I failed were though l o l)
TDR - Lobster (already talked about how this is one of the worst things the series has to offer so it’s ok)
Piano Collection - Shop (1/2) (very smooth and calming, like most of the album, I love it)
MIDI Collection - Tantoll (3) (the original melody is god damn fire tbh, but this arrangement ruins it... though the very end of it is good-ish)
1 SNES - Azitakaha (this is just a boss song that’s generic no matter how you cut it. Battle music is this series’ biggest fucking weakness, it seems)
2 - Battle Point Version A (same as above except this actually sounds decent! I remember being a little surprised by it when I played)
2 - Karl, You Are Shining (ok this was literally the best part of how 2 ended, don’t @ me. it’s not exactly in the ending sequence, but y’know, pretty close...)
VT - Another Door (have no idea what’s going on, of course, but the ambience is great tbh...)
Piano Collection - Tower (1) (this may be the best version of this song, even better than TDR)
1 PCE - Shop 2 (ok this is the Casino music actually, and it’s like the weirdest version out there, but I always liked it)
2 - Gadobistlle (i told you battle music sucks ;v; this is a fairly epic fight in context too...)
2 SNES - Tower (the original version is much better and a favorite)
TDR - Opening (Short) (a classic and kicks ass!)
1 - Azitakaha (sorry...)
4 Image Soundtrack - The Power of the Legend (SEE THIS IS WHY I LOVE THIS SERIES, NOT THE BATTLE MUSIC SMH)
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roseccco-blog · 7 years
ok so this was pretty much my thought process watching the lyric vid:
1. whoever makes these lyrics vids is honestly so talented like first lwymmd now gorgeous sksjfdksskjsk the effects are so cool
2. interesting themes in this album hmmmm
3. on first listen lyrics are slightly ... idk how to describe but i’m gonna have to re-listen since the song is super catchy and i love the melody but so far the lyrics aren’t doing it much for me yet
4. but speaking of the melody omg taylor’s VOICE i love the style of reputation so much i’m so excited
anyways i’m going to go back and listen to gorgeous a couple more (hundred) times pce out homies
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