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PC IMM Kabgor Gelar Donor Darah
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Pimpinan Cabang (PC) Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) Kabupaten Gorontalo (Kabgor) menggelar kegiatan donor darah bertajuk “Healthy Mind, Healthy Body“, Jumat (21/2/2025), di Laboratorium Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan (FIKES) Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo (UMGo). Ketua penyelenggara, Rinaldi Latif, menjelaskan bahwa tema Healthy Mind, Healthy Body diangkat karena…
#Donor Darah#Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah#Kabupaten Gorontalo#Palang Merah Indonesia#PC IMM#Pimpinan Cabang#PMI#Provinsi Gorontalo#UMGo
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cw // cursing, foul language, ooc?
doing whatever it takes to survive ~
whitney x eri (my pc) for @digenerate-trash's apocalypse/forgotten AU. thank you for making such a fun AU idea !!! so the story is that eri is pregnant with kids and originally was from robin's faction, though there had been incidents that occurred to some other pregnant members of robin's faction and she decided it's not safe there anymore and needed to move to whitney's faction.
small note: i made the first two panels when the AU was still just a suggestion HBJERFBHJERF so there's a lot of inconsistencies, such as them being outside when thats supposed to be dangerous 🥹! just pretend they're in a room safe and away from windows.
#LORD I CANT WITH THE DIALOGUE#I WAS SO EMBATRRASED PLS#I HAD TO ASK A MOOT TO PLS PROOFREAD LIKE do you think whitney would say this shit#BHJERFHEBJRFHJERF#bUT YEAH#i wanted to try making more plot-related stuff hehehe...#and also i missed making comics 🥺🥺🥺#also imm so sorry for my handwriting HBRBHEFJHBERF#i was just SO EXCITED TO GET THIS IDEA OUT OF MY HEAD#so basically eri is pregnant with !!! kids !!#eri the orphan#dol pc#dol#dol related#degrees of lewdity#forgotten au / apocalypse au#digenerate-trash#fan art#art#mine#my fan art#my art#whitney the bully#whitney x pc#dol whitney#comic
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okay this season is deffo hank green leet me say it NOW!!
#imm thinking brennan dm hank green Ummm maybe lou zac pc maaayybbe….Oh iidk this is hard they were just in ravening war so maybe not BUT#might not be brennan dm Ghey COULD go crazy. Would kill for a lou dm 😦
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Taking Notes
CW: Spirals, Edging
This morning I was talking to @mastern3ro about my love of spirals, especially being made to watch one and then post about just how blank it made you feel.
So I decided to turn that concept into an even better one.
The task I was given for this was simple. Watch a spiral for 20 minutes while repeating the phrase "I'm a needy hypnotoy." Very basic.
The fun part, however, was that i decided to track howni was doing every few minutes, in order to properly show what a sub goes through when they spend such time staring.
I figured I could use the Notes App to record how I felt every now and then, while using my PC to do all the heavy hypno-lifting.
I sat down at my desk, and put on my favourite spiral from an array of almost a dozen, pairing it with a nice looping set of binaurals.
I pressed play, and began taking notes.
"Minute 1: The spiral is pretty and the binaural is great but nothing too far out of the ordinary so far.
Succint and to the point. As every great piece of information should be.
Nothing had really happened yet, besides me starting to repeat my mantra, very quickly finding a rythm that did not require much effort on my part.
I continued staring for couple of minutes, unaware of what was going to happen down the line.
"Min. 3: mm it feels nice, its hard to focus on the spiral, the hournal, the repeatimg amd the audio. It feels lile im cinfusimg himself ><
Im a needy hyonotoy.."
And here i had encountered my first problem. I had uknowingly overwhelmed myself. The audio, the video, the repetition and the note-taking were fine on their own, but too taxing for my brain combined.
I couldn't really stop now though, I didn't want to give up on this idea so soon. Besides, this overloading, while tiring, felt pretty great.
I had to keep going.
"Min 5;
I aasumed a better position, my legs sprea andd my baxk hucnhed iver. Hunchedf. Over? Is that how you sau it? Theres so much to keep track of and my brrtain is laggign.. i thinkk
Ik. A needy hypnoyy :)"
My brain was lagging. But it felt amazing. Arousing, even. So much so that i had decided to sink into my chair and spread my legs a little.
The overloading factor of this task was in full effect. It was already hard to remember to do everything. To listen, to stare, to repeat and to jot down what i was feeling. My voice began to trail off, the cadence that i had built up going away almost immediately.
"7: i gott caught up in takimg photos thw light of the apirall is so prettty ans so is my facee"
Just after the 5th minute I had noticed how adorable I looked. How relaxed my body was, and how much my eyes were fluttering.
Plus, the light from the spiral was coloring my otherwise dark room in warm pinks and purples. I would have been a fool if i didn't take a few photos, even it if overloaded me more.
"10:ii look so pretyyy im drooling..
Im turned on the lighht so i can photo myssefl"
By this point, my mantra had escaped my mouth, now only occupying space in my quickly fading mind.
I lazily turned on the light, ready to look at myself again, only to realize that the spiral was all i needed right now.
I was halfway through. I had to stare.
"12: toyyy neewdyyt wdsgiunggg rewlwqttong is aurkmaric drooolimgg"
Toy was needy,edging and relaxing. Drooling automatically, my thoughts slowly leaking out.
When did i start edging? Or touching at all really? I had forgotten, but i did not care.
"13 ddrrooollinng ii sshhoyld kbeell.
Oii ttottyyy"
What was once "I'm a needy hypnotoy" became reduced to "I'm toy". Maybe I took "succint" too far.
It didn't really matter though. Toy had to kneel. It's what seemed most proper. It's what seemed the hottest. It had to be done.
"15 beeetyer onn. Mym kenes
Im aneedy hypnotttoot im soo good"
Toy felt better on its knees. I felt so happy, so empty, my blank face more apparent now than ever.
Toy was beggining to become completely broken.
"17 mmfmcm imm so bbapnk imm a needy hoypnotoy
I forgot ot repeatt
Mmy mouutu iiis so drooollyy.."
After a few minutes of looking at itself through its phone's camera, toy realized that he had forgot his mantra.
Its mouth was occupied with drooling. It didn't have the brainppwer to do anything else.Toy went even blanker as he stared so intently at the spiral and himself.
"18 mminnn ttook liiikeww nn hoyrr"
The 18th minute did feel like an hour. Toy's mind couldn't really grasp time anymore. It was almost there, just 2 minutes left, but the time felt like it took ages.
Toy didn't mind. It loved staring. Listening. Drooling. Taking notes.
Toy obeyed.
"220000 oiikmm gonnww
And just like that, toy was gone. Its mind completely cleaned out, its body relaxed. It finished its task, and it felt great.
Toy closed its computer, and went to bed, repeating the words "needy hypnotoy" to itself until its mind returned about 45 mins later..
It had a great idea to write all this down. Just reading through, seeing the reactions and remembering them fully, it makes toy drop all over again.
I'm a needy hypnotoy. Please use me.
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Hey Kyri!! Goood morning! I am starting my animation course at my college from today! And i was wondering if you have any tablet and pen recommendations for a starting animator?
(Not too expensive! Imm still a college student 🥲)
Or would you recommend getting a drawing pad for my mac instead and an app on there?
Man I would sell you mine for 20 bucks if you want (I used once, it has everything still in the plastic bags, I don't use drawing tablets anymore, just my IPad, plus I bought a touchscreen PC with stylus so now it's a little useless)
mmm don't know if you mean a normal drawing tablet or the ones with the screen as well.
I never did animation professionally, but I would say, if can use a non-screen tablet, choose that. The reaction times are the more precise of all options (even an Apple pencil + IPad) Plus they are super cheap.
Any screen tablet will always have a little delay, plus there's always an offset between where you touch the tip of your stylus on the screen and the position in which it actually receives the input. like of 1/2 mm, but still you feel it. Plus they laaaaag man. I used to have a nice one (it was a sponsor) but once you are so used to the normal tablets (I got mine bc I was an avid OSU! player back in 2013, not for drawing LMAO) but I just couldn't use it.
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for the ship bingo Wyll and Karlach from Baldurs Gate 3 if you played it :)) if not then obviously our favourite ineffable husbands
Im doing both! I did play BG3, in fact that was my main interest before GO but I fell out of love with playing the game cos my main (modded like a dummy) save died with my favourite dnd PC in it in act 3. Still need to finish it tbh but I know what happens lmao... ANYWAY
Karlach x Wyll

I see the appeal of Karlach x Wyll but. Not really my thing. I like Wyll with other men a lot I guess that colours my view of a more mxf ship with him in! Love them as friends (forgot to mark ship platonically but yeah!)
Ineffable Hubbies


They are my cupcakes. Literally the most viciously I've shipped something since my teens.
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alright so it has something to do with resolution and scaling- i cant actually change the resolution of the game unless i want to play on a little window. apparently this has happened with big ole updates before
so until DE releases a hotfix, if I want the game to run at least decently outside of my dojo and orbiter, i have to set my resolution down and change app scaling. which means everything outside of the game is fuzzy so i have to switch back and forth
warframe update fucked up my settings and now the games runs bad scoobs. i managed to fix some of it but :/
#my native resolution is meant for a fucking. TV#because the ppl who made this pc were insane#so my app scaling is at 225% so imm not working on a screen made for ants
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I was hoping they'd bring back the Jimmy Urine costume in lollipop chainsaw but from what they've shown of the costumes doesn't seem like it </33 imm hoping to get it on pc so i could mod it in......
also. this thing. id call it the gay chainsaw but its called spectrum so. Autism chainsaw!!!!
the new costumes look so😭. I understand the no licensed stuff but i don’t even see like the goth or rockabilly costumes 😖so im praying the list is incomplete (coping)
AUTISM CHAINSAW AT LONG LAST. heres how autistic juliet can still win
#sigh at least Jimmy will still be there as zed#and all the music he did should be there#love mail#wiki tag#popping lollis
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Rip Beefy and their questionable fashion sense.
Update on Question Bringer oc
It has officially begun
[Insert ominous music here]
Now to figure out their outfit <- currently having a sky identity crisis
Imm be honest my Starling has worn the same outfit for almost an entire irl year so like. Cosmetics are limited, but I'm just mashing things together rn
Also gotta figure out how to work it out account wise cause like. You can't send pictures as anon which defeats the purpose of being anon in the first place
Also what led to Beefys fear of the cool aid man, seems like a rather specific thing to be afraid of
-Question Bringer tm
But for question bringer pc you could always causally do something like this LMAO
But you dont have to i just thought a comically big cloak as poor disguise would be funny LMAOO
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my pc screen is calibrated differently than literally any other screen i usually use and anything i create in eny other device looks foul in my pc imm hggg

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IMM Bogor Raya Gelar Resepsi Milad ke-61 dengan Baksos dan Keagamaan
RASIOO.id – Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) merayakan Milad ke-61 dengan penuh semangat dan refleksi mendalam atas perjalanan panjang organisasi ini. Berdiri sejak 14 Maret 1964, IMM terus eksis sebagai wadah bagi kader muda Muhammadiyah untuk berkiprah dalam dunia dakwah, intelektual, sosial, dan kemasyarakatan. Ketua PC IMM Bogor Raya, Ade Rifial Khusna, dalam sambutannya menyampaikan bahwa…
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Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah Telaga Jaya Gelar Halal Bihalal
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – Guna mempererat silaturahmi jelang bulan suci Ramadan 1446 Hijriah, Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Telaga Jaya, Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah (PRM) Hutada’a, PC Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) Kabupaten Gorontalo, bersama jamaah Masjid Babuttaqwa, menggelar Halal Bihalal, Kamis (27/02/2025) di Masjid Babuttaqwa, Desa Hutada’a, Kecamatan Talaga Jaya. Ketua PC IMM…
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The United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No: 21-cv-08066 KAW set the trial date for June 16, 2025, at 9:00 AM in Courtroom TBD. We look forward to proving our claims.
Dear Students, Proud Graduates, Potential Students, and anyone with an interest in our mission,
The greatest joy we have is fostering a community in which each one of us can help ourselves and others grow spiritually and intellectually and find a greater purpose. That mission is Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ legacy, and the administration feels a great responsibility to protect his legacy for future generations.
Unfortunately, over the last few years, protecting Dr. Masters’ life’s work has meant that we have been forced to engage in a lengthy, expensive, and very stressful legal battle with another metaphysical school to protect our name and reputation. Now, instead of staying within the court system and relying on actual evidence, the other school (founded by a person with two degrees from our schools) has decided to argue its case via misinformation on the Internet. The latest statement online is that the Federal court has dismissed the current lawsuit. This is false, and our litigation is ongoing. View IMM’s latest court filing, Doc. 200 and Exhibits, filed on July 22, 2024. (View PDF-25 Pages)
In light of that misinformation, we feel forced to break our public silence on the lawsuit. At the outset of this statement, it is important to explain two things. While we present facts below, the Court has not yet determined whether those facts are actionable. But the point of this statement is not to prove our case – we will have the opportunity to do that in Court. The point is that the facts below differ from statements others have made on the Internet. Second, and related, we have no interest or need to cast aspersions nor do we want to try this case on the Internet. As we have navigated this difficult time, we have trusted that the legal process would resolve the dispute. And we firmly believe that it will. The judges overseeing the case have ably guided the process and provided each side ample opportunity to make their case. The judge had set a trial for May 2024 but recently moved that date back, and we are currently waiting for a new trial date to be set.
If you were unaware of this lawsuit, it is not because we felt we had done something wrong or had anything to hide. It was our sincere intention to avoid commenting on this situation until we were able to reach a resolution of the dispute, either through a mutually agreeable settlement or by letting the legal process play out through a trial. The reason we have avoided posting on the Internet about the case is because the ultimate decision will be in the hands of our judge and a jury of ordinary citizens. We look forward to presenting the evidence we have accumulated and to put this ordeal behind us.
That said, we cannot sit idly by while others spread misinformation, hurting the reputation of our institutions worldwide and placing not only Dr. Masters’ legacy in jeopardy but also our graduates’ degree credentials. We want to set the record straight and ask for your support (be it positive thoughts or helping us spread the word about our mission). At a fundamental level, the court case is about conducting business and advertising fairly so that both schools can coexist and bring their unique points of view to the students that choose their preferred school – and to ensure the students have access to accurate and truthful information in making their choice.
While we want the legal process to play out so the case reaches its fair resolution, we encourage you to do your own research. A list of the case documents (with numbers assigned to each filing) can be found at (https://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/candce/4:2021cv08066/386583) and (https://unicourt.com/case/pc-db5-international-metaphysical-ministry-inc-v-wisdom-of-the-heart-church-dba-the-university-of-metaphysical-sciences-1049747). Anyone can view these federal court records through PACER, but first, they need to register for a PACER account. Access to the filed documents requires a small subscription fee. You may register for a PACER account here if you want to peruse ALL the court documents and filings.
Importantly, throughout the litigation, there have been statements by others on the Internet that appear contrary to the evidence produced in the case. For example, in Internet posts, the founder of the other school claimed, “it has never run ads using any other school’s name, and [the other school] has never done anything wrong.” However, documents that have been disclosed and publicly filed in the litigation suggest that the other school did knowingly use our names and trademarks in its internet advertising in an effort to direct searches to their school. One of the other school’s key employees even admitted under oath in her deposition that the other school ran advertising online using the keywords “The University of Metaphysics,” “University of Sedona,” and “International Metaphysical Ministry.” (Deposition of J.P., pp, 87-90.)
The other school’s founder wrote an internal email in August 2020 explicitly setting forth their plan to use our names in their advertising, stating:
[W]e can have Kirstie take their school name off the negative keywords list and run ads on metaphysics university and university of metaphysics, university of metaphysics sedona, univ of sedona etc, ALL the suggested searches, just like they found the keywords for our school name, just look at what good search suggests when you start typing their name in, and LETS RUN ADS FOR [other school] ON THEIR NAME! If they are doing it to us, we can do it to them. In fact, WE would get more out of it because they have more searches for their name. So it would actually work for us!
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Hello, my dear friend 🌟
I am Mahmoud Jihad from Gaza, currently living in displacement camps after losing my home, university, my PC, and my city. I was studying Information Technology and caring for my sick father and siblings.
I am raising funds to help my family and to escape from Gaza, as well as to continue my studies abroad 🎓. I started a GoFundMe campaign for this purpose. Your support can make a significant difference ❤️.
My campaign has been verified by @beesandwatermelons ✅ #190 .
Please share, like, comment, and donate even a small amount 🙏.
Could your support save my family and help us survive in this fierce war 😔?
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/463cbf01
Thank you! 🌹
Hey imm posting this but I don’t have much funds on me
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Immediate ePrex X1 Study
It is constantly recommended to enjoy solid speculation propensities to acquire some more recurring, automated revenue. Immediate ePrex X1 venture is one of the most dependable approaches to bringing in cash through a computerized exchanging stage.
Making the interest in the digital currency market is normally a precarious errand; in any case, Immediate ePrex X1 exchanging programming has made it workable for financial backers to get everything rolling on bringing in cash exchanging.
Immediate ePrex X1 is a robotized exchanging programming where merchants don't need to physically monitor the market. Exchanging turns out to be simple as brokers order exchanging bitcoin robots of Immediate ePrex X1 to put the exchange.
The exchanging robot places exchanges subsequent to examining market calculations, and exchange flags and adjusts them to merchants' level headed to bring the most ideal outcome. Bringing in cash with Bitcoin is thus more straightforward and quicker.
All things considered, it is positive. The exchanging robot is one of the rumored and famous programming in the digital currency market.
Realized monetary specialists back Immediate ePrex X1, and its reliable exhibition is guaranteeing enough for merchants to contribute utilizing Immediate ePrex X1.
Bitcoin is the eventual fate of the world. This virtual type of cash has existed for north of 10 years on the lookout and that's just the beginning and more individuals are getting drawn to this. The robot has been attempting to take advantage of the frenzy towards the crypto cash/resources by assisting dealers with giving the genuine stage/programming that can be utilized to submit exact exchange requests and bring in cash online with the most un-conceivable gamble or misfortune rate.
Additionally, the product is accessible for use on all portable/PC gadgets that can be associated with the web. Being an auto exchanging stage, brokers need to know constant market information to settle on fast choices brilliantly. The product permits them to do as such with the assistance of auto exchanging highlights.
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