gutsygremlin · 1 year
I just know Miguel has huge raised scars on his back that he WAS embarrassed by but Peter and MJ are really really into them
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gutsygremlin · 1 year
Currently writing a PB/MJ/Miggs fic where they’re about to go all the way, in the biblical sense, but Miguel hasn’t told them he’s trans yet.
So CLEARLY DISTRESSED he tells them and they’re like “we love you because you’re YOU not because your cis” and they’re comforting and cuddling him and Miguel’s brain short circuits because he’s so unused to being held.
MJ holding him and both of them are praising him and he’s like wait a damn minute this feels sososo good because he’s been getting cock blocked by gender Dysphoria for so long that them touching him at all is driving him insane
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