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indianachitect · 2 years ago
P598 🔥1000Sqft 🤩 Modern House 🏘️25'x40' West Facing 🤩Indian Architect
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narendur · 5 years ago
Dumbass lunged his face into a rock, I mean. It's kind of expected
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req’d by @narendur
oof looks like someones down to single digit HP
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haminflower · 4 years ago
recently finished the six of crows duology / trilogy(?) (i’m really late i know but shhh) and I can fully say that I’M OBSESSED.
the chemistry between every characters were undeniable and I love love love kaz and inej!!!
here are few quotes that has kept me up all night and I need to get it out,,
SIX OF CROWS: (e-book)
Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason. (p26)
“who’d deny a poor cripple his cane?” “if the cripple is you, then any man with sense.” (p30)
“no mourners.” “no funerals.” (p33)
besides, she was the Wraith — the only law that applied to her was gravity, and some days she defied that, too.” (p33)
“i’m a businessman,” he’d told her. “no more, no less.” “you’re a thief, Kaz.” “isn’t that what i just said?” (p39)
but the night’s work wasn’t yet over, and the Wraith didn’t have time for traitors. (p55)
“when everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.” (p61)
“greed is your god, Kaz.” he almost laughed at that. “no, Inej. greed bows to me. it is my servant and my lever.” (p62)
“men mock the gods until they need them, Kaz.” (p63)
“we’ll be kings and queens, Inej. kings and queens.” (p100)
“please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won’t you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?” (p103)
brick by brick, i will destroy you. (p107)
Nina just liked to flirt with everything. he’d once seen her make eyes at a pair of shoes she fancied in a shop window. (p112)
“you may still die in the Dregs.” Inej’s dark eyes had glinted. “i may. but i’ll die on my feet with a knife in my hand.” (p132)
Matthias was dreaming again. dreaming of her. (p150)
her curls brushed his cheeks, and he felt that if he could just hold her a little longer, every wound, every hurt, every bad thing would melt away. (p150-151)
the heart is an arrow. it demands aim to land true. (p195)
many boys will bring you flowers. but someday you’ll meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower, your favorite song, your favorite sweet. and even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won’t matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. only that boy earns your heart. (p196)
“close your eyes!” “you can’t kiss me from down there, Wylan.” (p211)
“talk to me, Wraith.” “you came back for me.” “i protect my investments.” (p220)
maybe Inej was right. maybe fate did bother with people like him. (p230)
he was the same Kaz — cold, rude, impossible— but beneath all that anger, she thought she’d seen something else, too. or maybe she was just a romantic. (p233)
“i loved your laugh, Nina. and your fierce warrior’s heart. i might have loved you, too.” (p251)
“fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, i’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.” Brekker’s lips quirked. “i’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.” “my ghost won’t associate with your ghost,” (p259)
“he was afraid for you.” “Kaz isn’t afraid of anything.” “you should have seen his face when he brought you to me.” (p264)
“i know some people don’t understand, but Kaz told me… he said it was my choice, that he wouldn’t be the one to mark me again.” (p266)
“you’re too good for him, you know.” “i know. so are you.” (p282-283)
“you know i can do it, Kaz, and you know i’m not going to refuse. so why ask?” because i’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. (p285)
“i’ll get us out. you know that.” tell me you know that. he needed her to say it. // he needed to know she believed in him. (p286-287)
“i don’t want your prayers,” he said. “what do you want, then?” // you, Inej. you. (p288)
“it’s not natural for women to fight.” “it’s not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet you stand.” (p322)
Kaz was right about one thing at least. she and Matthias had finally found something to agree on. (p358)
Inej felt like she and Kaz had become twin soldiers, marching on, pretending they were fine, hiding their wounds and bruises from the rest of the crew. (p360)
it was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, the bastard of the Barrel and the deadliest boy in Ketterdam, fainted. (p382)
he hated that Inej had seen him this way, that anyone had, but on the heels of that thought came another: better it should be her. (p389-390)
“stop being dense. you’re cuter when you’re smart.” (p405)
“if it were a trick, i’d promise you safety. i'd offer you happiness. i don't know if that exists in the Barrel, but you’ll find none of it with me.” // better terrible truths than kind lies. (p433)
it was as if once Kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her. (p433)
“i feel sorry for you, Brekker. there is nothing sacred in your life.” there was a long pause, and then Kaz said, “you’re wrong.” (p482)
there was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong, and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken. (p561)
the harbour wind had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world. (p562)
she’d laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night, he would have. it terrified him. (p562)
that she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. that he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn’t pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her. that without meaning to, he’d began to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near. he needed to thank her for his new hat. (p563) (this whole paragraph *sobs*)
“... i can hear the change in Kaz’s breathing when he looks at you.” “you… you can?” “it catches every time, like he’s never seen you before.” (p598)
Inej turned to go. Kaz seized her hand, keeping it on the railing. he didn’t look at her. “stay,” he said, his voice rough stone. “stay in Ketterdam. stay with me.” (p603)
he took a breath. “i want you to stay. i want you to… i want you.” (p603)
“i will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. or i will not have you at all.” (p604)
speak, she begged silently. give me a reason to stay. for all his selfishness and cruelty, Kaz was still the boy who had saved her. she wanted to believe he was worth saving, too. (p604)
“stay,” she panted. tears leaked from her eyes. “stay till the end.” “and after,” he said. “and always.” // “Nina,” he whispered, “little red bird. don’t go.” (p607)
Kaz knew the instant he made his mistake. they’d all known it might come to this. he should have trusted his crew. his eyes should have stayed trained on Van Eck. instead, in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej. // Inej can fend for herself. she’s a pawn, not the prize. but he was already turning, already sprinting to get to her as the Grisha attacked. (p627)
i’m going to get my money, Kaz vowed. and i’m going to get my girl. Inej could never be his, not really, but he would find a way to give her the freedom he’d promised her so long ago. (p635)
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independence-of-mind · 6 years ago
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义和团究竟是可恨之人,还是可怜之人?| 短史记
作者:谌旭彬  2016-07-22
在今天,义和团已被牢牢地贴上了“盲目排外”的标签。但义和团的产生,并不能说是“盲目排外”的心理所致 —— 在1900年之前,义和团的前身,无论是“大刀会”、“梅花拳”还是“义和拳”等等,其出现与存在,都是为了具体的现实利益,而非抽象的“盲目排外”。
德国学者狄德满(Rolf Gerhard Tiedemann)认为,相比做慈善事业,“天主教传教士倾向采取更有效的策略:代表一方干预词讼,以该方皈依为代价。……这种富有争议的皈依策略被证明在传统冲突盛行的区域取得了成功。”①七次考察中国的德国地质学家李希霍芬(Ferdinand von Richthofen),对方济各会在山东传教,也有类似的描述:“中国教民多数主要是为了获得外国的保护而受洗入教的,就连马天恩神父也承认这些人大半不是好基督徒。”②
美国学者柯文(Paul A. Cohen)认为,“通过这种方法(干预诉讼)入教的中国人往往是居民中最不守法的分子。”③
狄德满坚持认为传教士干预诉讼只是为了保护信徒不受中国官府迫害,但他所举的例子 —— 山东单县赵家庄和曹县郭堂村,两个当时臭名昭著土匪巢穴,在官府前来剿匪时,因传教士的介入,而安然���为教会的重要堂口 —— 显然并不能支持他的论断。④
所以,1890年代的山东,自巡抚而下,很多地方官员在颤颤巍巍地走钢丝 —— 为保住乌纱,他们对“大刀会”、“梅花拳”这类民间组织采取两手策略。一手鼓励,希望“大刀会”等能展示实力,让传教士们从自己的辖区知难而退;一手杀戮,在冲突激化时,把“大刀会”等组织的领袖抓起来,给传教士一个交待,以消弭教案。⑦
1890年代,所有的山东巡抚都在强调,教民和非教民之间的利益冲突,是山东动荡不安的根源,没有人把焦点放在文化“排外”上 —— 当然,也没有人敢更进一步指出,这种动荡是自中央而下各级政府的失职所造成。⑨
1950-1980年代山东大学的田野口述调查,佐证了山东巡抚们当年的说法 —— 被调查的老人们口中的教民、非教民之间的冲突,全都关系到具体的物质利益,鲜有人提及“文化侵略”。⑩
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义和拳、大刀会的领导者,其成分也发生了很大变化。有家有业的士绅渐渐失去对拳会的控制权 —— 他们不愿意离乡,不乐衷抢掠,灾荒使加入拳会寻求救济者增多,也使这些士绅感觉负担过重 —— 姚文起、朱红灯、心诚和尚、于清水、曹福田、张德成这样的无业游民,遂成为了拳会的领袖。⑪
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①(德)狄德满,《华北的暴力和恐慌 义和团运动前夕基督教传播和社会冲突》,江苏人民出版社,2011,P167; ②李希霍芬,《山东及其门户 —— 胶州》,第六章。收录于《德国侵占胶州湾史料选编》,山东人民出版社,1986,P63-67; ③(美)柯文,《1900年以前的基督教传教活动及其影响》。收录于《剑桥中国晚清史 1800-1911年》(上),中国社会科学出版社,1985,P598-599; ④狄德满,《华北的暴力和恐慌 义和团运动前夕基督教传播和社会冲突》,P174-175; ⑤相蓝欣(瑞士日内瓦高等国际问题研究院教授),《义和团战争的起源 跨国研究》,华东师范大学出版社,2003,P55; ⑥George M.Stenz, Life of Father Richard Henle, P38-39. 转引自:(韩)李银子,《19世纪后半期鲁西民间宗教结社与拳会的动向》,《近代史研究》2000年第6期; ⑦曹县大刀会领袖刘士端,就遭遇了这样的命运 —— 刘士端曾协助地方政府捉拿土匪岳二米子而获官方认同(岳二米子为自保入了教),但当1896年4、5月间大刀会与教民冲突激化时,曹县地方官选择了以宴会的形式对刘士端进行诱捕,随后将之杀死; ⑧1898年山东巡抚张汝梅曾上奏朝廷,希望以办团练的名义,把义和拳、梅花拳这类民间组织收编,将其纳入政府控制范围,以最大限度消除其与教民的冲突。可知参加义和拳、梅花拳已成为当时非教民对抗教民的主要手段; ⑨李秉衡、张汝梅、毓贤的奏折,参见《义和团资料丛编:山东教案史料》,齐鲁书社,1980,P171-176。袁世凯的奏折,参见《近代史资料专刊·筹笔偶存·义和团史料》,社会科学出版社,1983,P157; ⑩参见:路遥/主编,《山东大学义和团调查资料汇编》,山东大学出版社,2000; ⑪姚文起四处流浪为生,一再鼓动赵三多举旗,赵因为介入梨园屯事件,感觉进退皆不得解脱,倾向于举旗,但梅花拳其他有家有业的领袖人物,俱不赞同,要求赵另立名号,不许使用梅花拳的名义,赵遂改用“义和拳”。朱红灯“家无亲属,只身游荡”。心诚和尚自幼因贫出家,四处游方。于清水家中仅二亩半地,以给人扛活为生。曹福田“本游勇,嗜鸦片,无以自存”。张德成以操舟为生。见《山东义和团调查资料选编 》,P891-893,等; ⑫柯文,《历史三调 作为事件、经历和神话的义和��》,江苏人民出版社,2000,P48; ⑬相蓝欣,《义和团战争的起源 跨国研究》,P111-118; ⑭秦晖,《“西化”、“反西化”还是“现代化”——太平天国、义和团与辛亥革命的比较》。
(题图:西方媒体绘制的义和团形象 —— 残忍屠杀教民、传教士)
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tristaml · 3 years ago
H p598
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bigwava · 5 years ago
LVPAI P598 China Style Horse Dial Face Women Wrist Watch
LVPAI P598 China Style Horse Dial Face Women Wrist Watch
Hot Deals >>> https://bigwava.com/product/lvpai-p598-china-style-horse-dial-face-women-wrist-watch/ Shipping Cost : Free Shipping
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Tags:LVPAI P598 China Style Horse Dial Face Women Wrist Watch
Shipping Cost : Free Shipping
LVPAI P598 China Style Horse Dial Face Women Wrist Watch
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kristinoverall-blog · 6 years ago
SZA - Broken Clocks, Official Audio via YouTube 2019. 
Fractured Identity 
Fractured identity is referred to as being where a subject once had a ‘unified and stable identity’ (singular) but becomes ‘fragmented; composed - not of  single, but of several; sometimes contradictory or unresolved, identities’ (Hall 1996, p.598) In contrast to this idea, SZA’s song ‘Broken Clocks’ portrays how one can experience fractured identity due to inner conflict. SZA sings about working hard in order to accumulate money. SZA told Billboard magazine back in 2013 that before getting into music, she got through a variety of jobs. "After I graduated I just started doing random jobs," she said. "I figured I was going to be a scientist and travel the world or something like that. But in the meantime I just needed money. I got fired from every job I ever had, though." Billboard Magazine (2013) SZA outlines her struggle in order to identify not only who she was as a person but who she was an artist. Due to her lack of income, her identity was forced to experience fractures as she couldn't be the true artist she’d always wanted to be. ‘Broken Clocks’ encourages the idea of Fractured identity in relation to time unfolding - there is no time to press on if you’re constantly stuck in your own failures. Hence, fracturing your identity. 
- Hall, S. ed., 1996. Modernity: An introduction to modern societies. Blackwell Publishing, p.598. 
"Organizational Identity and Memory." Google Books. Accessed March 26, 2019. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=5IyADwAAQBAJ&pg=PT127&lpg=PT127&dq=Hall 1996, p598&source=bl&ots=ONP2riqTVh&sig=ACfU3U0gnxdXEYRSpRzAkm57SF_nbtHVcg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiV87_WzaPhAhUWFHIKHdFODWoQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Hall 1996, p598&f=false.
SZA - ‘Broken Clocks’ Youtube, June 2; 2017
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duahazinemcom-blog · 6 years ago
Günü: Salı Vakti: Merih Okunma Zamanları: Sabah Ebced değeri ve Günde zikir sayısı: 630 Anlamı: Müntekim [ Suçluları adaleti ile müstehak oldukları cezaya çarptıran ] Kerameti: Ya Müntekim ismini okuyan haksızlığa uğrayan kimse okumaya devam ederse Cenabı Hak , Hakkını o zalim kimseden alıverir. Ya Müntekim ismini okuyanlar düşmanlarının şerrinden korunurlar. Zülüm ve fenalıktan korunmak. Hiç kimse Ya Müntekim ismini zikredene bir kötülük yapamaz. Allah; okuyanın düşmanınına karşı intikamını alır.
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thehungrykat1 · 6 years ago
Hawker Chan Philippines Opens Third Branch in Glorietta 3
The world’s cheapest Michelin-Starred meal is heading to Makati as Hawker Chan Philippines opens its third branch at Glorietta 3 on March 4, 2019. Hawker Chan is an internationally-acclaimed restaurant from Singapore that is making its mark around the world by having the most affordable Michelin-Star meal you can find. Filipinos have totally embraced this new restaurant ever since it opened its first branch at SM Mall of Asia in July last year (Hawker Chan: World’s Cheapest Michelin-Starred Meal Arrives in Manila Today) and its second branch in SM North Edsa in December.
You can find the new outlet at the ground level of Glorietta 3, right at the street corner near The Link and Landmark. The venue can seat around 70 diners but expect the place to be packed especially during the busy lunch and dinner hours. Hawker Chan is famous for its Soya Sauce Chicken Rice, a relatively simple dish that has put it and its owner Chef Chan Hong Meng on the global map, and now more Filipinos can have a taste of this Michelin-Star meal at a price everyone can afford. 
The prestigious Michelin Star award is one of the highest achievements any chef and restaurateur can attain. These are usually bestowed on fancy restaurants with even fancier price tags, but Hawker Chan has broken the mold as they were the first hawker stall to be merited with a One Michelin Star award. The ordering system at Hawker Chan Philippines is the same as in their Singapore branch. Orders and payments are taken at the cashier and a ticket will be given to the diner to be claimed once their order is ready.
Hawker Chan has a very simple menu and you can find most of the items hanging on the kitchen window. The chicken and meats are sourced locally but the ingredients used are mostly imported.
To celebrate the opening of the new branch, Hawker Chan Philippines is also adding a few new items on their menu. The Hong Kong Milk Tea (P88) is an authentic version similar to what you would get at those Hong Kong cafes and street-side eateries. Nope, it does not have pearls because this is how they have it in Hong Kong.
The Wonton Noodle Soup (P129) is a good starter with its warm and clear broth combined with a few wonton dumplings.
Another new item would be the Deep-Fried Dumplings (P100) which have very crunchy dumplings wrappers that you can dip in the sweet sauce.
You can still order the Thai Style Tofu (P160) for appetizers with its crunchy, bite-sized tofu on a bed of sweet and spicy sauce.
The star of the show at Hawker Chan is their signature Soya Sauce Chicken Rice (P128) which has a price that is even lower than a fancy cup of coffee. The soya sauce chicken is marinated in a special brine that Chef Chan developed for his hawker stall. This gives the chicken a very deep savoury flavor that permeates from the skin all the way to the meat. 
The skin itself is the best part, with layers of fat hanging on to give it such a succulent bite. The soya sauce is sweet and salty at the same time, so it definitely goes well with rice. Imagine enjoying a Michelin-Starred meal any time of the day for just this amount.
You can also order the Soya Sauce Chicken as a Half Chicken (P299) or Whole Chicken (P598) serving for sharing with the entire table.
Another new item is the Beef Brisket Rice (P148) or Beef Brisket Noodle (P178). These tender slices of beef brisket is actually a good combination with any of the other meats. Better yet, order the Any 3 Combination Platter (P250) so you can have the Soya Sauce Chicken, Roasted Pork, and Beef Brisket all in one delicious plate.
Hawker Chan is also offering a new Vegetable Noodles (+20) option if you want to have a healthier alternative for your noodles.
For those who want to bring the Michelin-Star into their homes, they now offer the Roast Combination Platter (P1,560) which includes all of the favorites at Hawker Chan. This big take-away plate includes half servings of Soya Sauce Chicken, Char Siew, Roast Pork, and Deep-Fried Dumplings with brasied beans and steamed vegetables.
The fun doesn’t stop there because Hawker Chan Philippines is giving away 1-Year Supply of Soya Sauce Chicken Rice for FREE! Head on over to the new Glorietta branch this March 4 and 5 because the first 100 customers will receive awesome prizes. The first 10 customers will each get a 1-Year Supply of Soya Sauce Chicken Rice; the 11th to 30th will get a 6-Month Supply; the 31st to 50th will get a 3-Month Supply; and the 51st to 100th will get a 1-Month Supply. Registration starts as early as 7:00am and the store opens at 11:00am, so get your taste buds ready for this Michelin-Star experience.
Hawker Chan Philippines
G/F Glorietta 3, Ayala Center, Makati City
Facebook Page
Instagram: @hawkerchanphilippines
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losslessplanet · 7 years ago
Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos (CDM) 1999 Universal, Fonovisa Music Corporation  UMD 80594,  380 594-2, Europe , FLAC (image+.cue)
01. Bailamos (3:40) 02. Nunca Te Olvidare (4:23) 03. Bailamos (Groove Brothers Rmx) (5:07)
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mauialert · 7 years ago
Five returned safely after close call on Maui. 
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ombreprom-blog · 7 years ago
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Hello Kitty Drainer Basket Material: Good Quality Plastic Size and Price: Medium :10x9x3.5 inches Price: P298 only Large :12.5x11.5x4.5 inches Price: P348 only Med and Large Set P598 only (at Hello Kitty Collections)
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motorcycleparts2day · 8 years ago
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TMZ BMW Motorcycle Only H4 Hi/Lo 6000K Hi Lo Bm 35W HID Kit White w Slim P#P598 BUY IT NOW – TMZ BMW Motorcycle Only H4 Hi/Lo 6000K Hi Lo Bm 35W HID Kit White w Slim P#P598
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