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eccentrillectual · 6 years ago
Incompetent or Accomplice
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Awhile back I saw an article in the newspaper about a Noble Co. man who was sentenced to 45 years for dealing meth & firearm possession. The prosecutor,  Eric D. Blackman       was talkin tough & proud as if he had accomplished something to be proud of. I called him out.The people should realize it is actually people like him who are the true criminals & enemies of the state. Prosecutors & judges are among the cancer cells of corruption that have rotted the bottom out of our rights & justice system. Why? For one, they have to spend many years as one of the lowest forms of scum before graduating to their positions. What scum of the earth strives to set free those who rape, rob,& kill for personal monetary gain to promote to highly regarded upholders of justice? Defense attorneys. So when I challenged domestic enemy Blackman  to do his own profession  & prove me wrong  in the following inquiry, what he said back to me was.......not a g**damned word. Fools.
      Explain to me.... Since they are the exact same thing, what gives government the audacity or the right to sell meth to children under the guise of adhd medication? The only strong message I see on drug dealers in your county is that you DO tolerate it ,just depends on who is selling them. Unless you can cough up one single person that this man forced into buying kids' meds...I mean meth, then you have unjustly deprived him of half his life for a victimless crime. It is matter of factly patriotic DUTY TO RESIST unjust laws imposed upon the people, and an elected official's SWORN duty to uphold justice.   Like every inch of the rest of the nation, surely you have seen a quite noticable spike in arrests and presence of Heroin? Being nothing more than a fraudulent ponzi scheme, the war on drugs is the longest lasting and costliest war in Americas history. Not one rung up the ladder has law made it in 40 years of the drug war. Why? Because it is indeed a ponzi scheme designed to bilk the people of and generate wealth for the state.   If what I say sounds ridiculous, prove it Mr. "Prosecutor." Are you smarter than a 5th grader? I hope so because it would take a 5th grader within an hour to see, so explain how come...... Taliban had the Heroin industry buckled and on it's knees in having the poppy fields nearly eradicated prior to U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, where 90% of the poppy population required for Heroin grows. After U.S. took occupation of Afghanistan, Heroin production shot through the roof to record high levels. Loads of pictures and video showing our troops guarding poppy fields. Now do you believe Taliban, Al Qaeda, Isis or the likes are responsible for this influx of Heroin? If you do, then how dare you slap the people in their faces for assuming us so stupid to believe that law and government can protect us from what a man is thinking and potentially acting out in an act of terrorism. If terrorists had the ability to disperse a substance across the nation in such manner and time, do not you think half the population would be dead and America buckled by now? So unless you have the pair it takes to start climbing the ladder and producing results to show progress in moving up that ladder, you Sir, are nothing more than a treasonous rat like the rest of them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a5gq4e4QHJU https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YUZHTCW9-os https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T6_EBMvb6UY 
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eccentrillectual · 6 years ago
T-Rats of K-County
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So again I confront another. This time a candidate for Sheriff of my home county. This time once again the crickets were chosen as spokesmen to provide a nonanswer... A page surfaced with an anonymous person asserting claims of the acting Sheriff being granted immunity in the trial of the treasonous Sheriff preceding him. Half the department was present to say this was a lie, so I jumped into the conversation. The latter half of this article is the original inquiry to a candidate seeking position of Sheriff   in the  following election. Well,, I'll be dipped in shit, what have we here?  Maybe ,maybe not, but if the question may have arose in anyone's mind I can assure you, this page is not mine nor do I have part in it. I have no problem with anyone seeing my face or knowing my name.  I am not familiar with or recall Mr. Goshert's relationship to the Rovenstine case. I do not know , so DID  Mr. Goshert recieve immunity or did he not? If in fact he did, then yes, that does raise the valid question as to what exactly did he need immunity from?  Since we are here, I have some questions of my own regarding several issues that cannot be denied. Why did not a single deputy step down in refusal to serve a corrupt sheriff?  Does not the department's jail division employ a former officer who also fell into felony charges for an armed and drunken rampage in which he threatened to kill the chief of police?  75℅ of the jail population is victimless crimes. Who in the hell would want this man holding the key to his cell?     This last line of questions was actually addressed to one of the candidates presently seeking position as sheriff. As of yet they remain unanswered but stand to anyone within the department who holds police authority..._____  ~With all due respect Sir, Alot of times I get mistaken for being against or disliking law enforcement. What I am against and dislike are law enforcement,with a stronger note on elected positions, who take up positions in law enforcement to then in turn spit in the face of the people to whom they have sworn the oath. The oath also sworn to and before the true granter of peoples' rights being our Creator.  What a certain Sheriff recently did which got him ejected with nothing more than a scolding, would have gotten him hanged back in the day. Was he not in fact in a race with another certain sworn officer in  both spying on the other to expose the other before being exposed himself? That fact alone exposes the fact that there is probable cause to believe there is  yet another sworn officer operating at large in breach of his oath.  Also, is it not the DUTY of a patriot to resist unjust laws imposed upon the people? Which leads to my next round of inquiry.   Why do you , like the majority of local law, put so much emphasis on crimes which carry no victim being the never progressing war on drugs? A drug is a drug no matter of who is selling it, in what form, or for what purpose, and if that drug is illegal it is illegal. Will you allow doctors to continue selling meth to children under the guise of adhd medicine? Adhd meds and meth of the very same substance,Methamphetamine. How about Opiate based medicines made from the same Opium and Heroin producing Turkish poppy? The highest percentage of that poppy population being found in Afghanistan. We no longer live in a time of limited communications capabilities where a nation can be brought to believe that a man walked on the moon,we now live in the age of information. Information communicable in real time anywhere on Earth. It is widely seen and now known by many, except by many Americans another bit of information. The Heroin trade was at record low productivity with Taliban nearly having those poppy fields eradicated just prior to U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Afghans may not be up to par with our technological availabilities, but there are still many and plenty of people on the ground with devices with which to show the world who has now taken control of the Heroin industry and skyrocketed it to never before seen record high levels of productivity.If you really want to keep this Heroin off our local streets, are you in fact willing to go after the real criminals responsible, or stick to skimming and generating wealth from it by waiting until it is in the hands of the end buyer whose life is now endangered in that Heroin being permitted to reach his hands?   Pot is illegal because oil companies wanted competition to their own profits quelled.  40 + years now, has the war on drugs made an inch of progress? No it has not. Why? A ponzi scheme of perpetual revenue production for the provider of the problem so as to provide a percieved money bilking solution.
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