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your-bigender-big-brother · 3 months ago
I love every one of the identities that feel like "cousins" to my own maverine experience - maverique, ilyagender, péra, outherine, and many more. I really connect with these, even if I don't use them as labels personally. Shout out to my gender cousins! - Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚
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stormy-talks · 7 months ago
I need some help with terms.
Can someone explain to me the difference between ilyagender and péra in a way that is easy to understand?
I understand ilyagender is not male, female, neutral, or null. Péra is the same but its definition goes out of its way to explain that it is not gender apathy or confusion about one's gender.
Is that the distinction? That ilyagender can often include apathy or confusion?
It also seems that péra can combine with or derive from other genders whereas ilyagender doesn't do that. Is that the distinction instead?
Please help! I am so fascinated by outherinity and just want to make sure I can understand it all!
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gender-jargon · 11 months ago
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[Image ID: the Nepétra pride flag by Gent (Gender-Jargon) (link). The flag consists of seven horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are black, teal, light green, white, light purple, plum and black. ./. End ID]
Nepétra: a gender identity that is both/a mix/combination of/related to/derived from Péra and Neutrois; a neutrine Péragender and/or péraine Neugender; a specific, atrinary neutrine gender; a péraine, neuter Aporagender.
[PT: Nepétra: a gender identity that is both/a mix/combination of/related to/derived from Péra and Neutrois; a neutrine Péragender and/or péraine Neugender; a specific, atrinary neutrine gender; a péraine neuter Aporagender. ./. End PT]
[PT: Etymology ./. End PT]
Nepétra is portmanteau of "Neutral" and "Péra", with "Ne" and "tr" from "Neutral" and "pé" and "a". Nepétra was coined by Gent (Gender-Jargon) in May 2024.
Pride Flag
[PT: Pride Flag ./. End PT]
The pride flag was created by Gent (Gender-Jargon) (link) at the same time as the term. The flag is a combination of the Péra (link) flag, the Neuotherine (link) flag this Neutrine Abinary (link) Flag. The flag consists of seven horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are black, teal, light green, white, light purple, plum and black. The stripes have the following meanings:
The black stripes represents the unfathomable diversity of gender.
The teal stripe represents Neugenderness.
The light green stripe represents Neutrinity.
The white stripe represents Neuoutherinity.
The light purple stripe represents Pérainity.
The plum stripe represents Péragenderness.
[PT: The black stripes represents the unfathomable diversity of gender. The teal stripe represents Neugenderness. The light green stripe represents Neutrinity. The white stripe represents Neuoutherinity. The light purple stripe represents Pérainity. The plum stripe represents Péragenderness. ./. End PT]
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theoutherlings · 10 months ago
Pérainity (or Périnity) is the quality that péragender and genders that are pera-aligned or pera-adjacent share. It's characterised a sense of gender that is not feminine, masculine nor neuter/neutral/neutrine, nor a combination, derivation, nor in any way related to these three qualities. People with périne genders do not lack gender nor do they experience gender apathy or confusion regarding their périnity.
the "Péra" pérainity makes reference to, comes from the Greek πέρα, meaning "beyond".
History of the term
[PT: history of the term]
The first appearence of Péra was with the coining of Péragender in 2019. In the coining post Péra is specified to be a specific gender and not an umbrella term, and no quality is associated with it (outherinity wouldn't be coined until month laters that same years), except maybe aporinity and enbininity; as the coiner says Péra can be under the aporagender (like all abinary comgenders) and nonbinary (and genderqueer) umbrellas.
The first time I saw a reference to Périnity as a gender quality was with the coining of Peraique, defined as "a gender that is simultaneously autonomous and périne-in-nature".
The in nature term is perin and its Viagender counterpart is peria.
Péra-aligned: Sadirian
[PT: péra-aligned: Sadirian]
A term for those who are péra-aligned. Having an alignment towards perinity/péragenderness/pérahood.
The term "Sadirian" comes from the star Sadr.
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes, all of different colour. From top to bottom they are: violet, magenta, cyan, black, and grey. /End ID]
Some examples of sadirians are:
Someone who is partially peragender.
Someone who has some sort of connection to peragenderness, regardless of actual gender.
Someone who has a gender similar to, but not the same as péragender.
Someone who is connected to perinity regardless of actual gender.
A non-binary individual who presents perinely, regardless of actual gender.
Someone connected to peragenderness through their experience with society. They may be treated as and/or have experiences similar to that of Péra.
Sadirian (archived)
Périne genders:
[PT: périne genders]
Péra(gender): The gender that gave name to the quality. Coined in January of 2019 by Glyzinite on the now delated blog "Peragender". The coining post remains only through reblogs like this one. Definition: "Pera is a gender that is not at all a part of, or related to, the gender trinary of male/female/none (or in some cases, neutral). This gender is not at all female, male, androgynous, or neutral. Pera is not a lack of gender, confusion about one’s gender, or apathy about one’s gender. It is completely removed from the gender trinary of male/female/none (or neutral)."
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[ID: A flag with nine horizontal stripes. The top-most and bottom-most stripes are black and the middle stripe is white. Of the remaining stripes, stripes 2, 3 and 4 are in different shades of teal; from top to bottom those are: dark teal, medium teal, light teal. Meanwhile stripes 6, 7 and 8 are in different shades of purple, with the sixth stripe being a light purple, the seventh stripe, a medium purple, and the eighth stripe a dark purple. /END ID]
Péraique: Coined by Gent. Sadly the coining post for péraique or all the other autonomous genders thon is no more as the original blog where they were posted Gender-Resource was deleted by tumblr. But you can see a link to a doc with all the term coined by thon in a pinned post on thons current blog. Definition: "A péra, autonomous gender; a gender that is simultaneously autonomous and périne-in-nature (PERIN)"
[You can see the Peraique flag in the doc]
Proxpéra: Coined by me on me. Coining post archived here. Proxpéra is the circabinary equivalent to Péra. Definition: "A gender near Péra(gender). It's relative to peragender, but separate and entirely on its own. It's proximal to peragender in the gender spectrum."
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[ID: A flag with four horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: dark gray, teal, light violet, and white. All the stripes are the same width. /END ID]
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gender-buddies · 6 months ago
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Gender Buddy: Péra (136/180)
Level: 3 Element: Metal/Stellar FRND: 69 PWR: 197
Abilities: Hologram: The Buddy will create a duplication of itself using hologram technology. Nebula Flash: A flash of impressive colors stretching out in all directions to get the attention of distant Buddies.
Bio: If you travel to one of the poles, you'll find one of these Buddies releasing colorful flowing energy from the gem on its forehead. Groups of these Buddies get together and light up the night sky during the darkest winter nights, which is quite a spectacle to see! It can even create fun shapes out of its gem's energy.
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kdomipodakopretinu · 5 months ago
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postcard-from-the-past · 5 months ago
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French vintage postcard, illustrated by Péras
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yazzieholymoly · 7 months ago
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como eu sai dos 60kg para os 47kg.
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Hábitos adquiridos
- Comecei a comer coisas lowcal e quando como por exemplo um prato feito, eu como uma porção menor do que eu costumava antes, eu comecei a beber muito mais água do que antes, e a caminhar e me exercitar mais.
- a melhor coisa que eu fiz para chegar nos meus 47kg foram começar a substituir os doces pelas frutas, eu comecei a comer muito mais
- melancias
- morangos
- uvas
- péras
- bananas
do que chocolates, doces, etc.
- isso aqui não tem nada aver com perder kilos, mas uma coisa que me falam muito foi que meu comportamento mudou bastante quando eu perdi peso, não se engane, quando você conseguir perder os pesos que você quer você vai sim ser uma pessoa melhor isso não é psicológico.
Se você quer ser Magra mesmo se esforçe, mude seus hábitos, e pare de ser uma porca nojenta de uma vez.
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dunmeshistash · 10 months ago
péra, brasileiro?? *aponta como o meme do homem-aranha apontando pro outro*
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Estamos em todos os lugares, alias quando vi seu nome de usuário nas minhas notes já desconfiava kkkk
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katie-the-angel-witch · 1 year ago
I'm going to reenact one of the more famous Chilchuck panels right now.
I ran out of words. Czech Tumblr will get it when they see it. Not to mention the name used. But feel free to contribute if you know what this is about.
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poppypapoula · 5 months ago
Leituras de Setembro
3 Resenhas curtas
1. Shoujo Tsubaki - Suehiro Maruo
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Porque eu li isso? Não faço ideia, mas ganhei um trauma.
2. Um Exu em Nova York - Cidinha da Silva
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Livro curto que engana! Tem que ler com calma, tanto que eu vou precisar reler. Tem um glossário no final, mas recomendo pesquisar um pouco sobre O Boca do Mundo, para entender melhor o simbolismos presentes dos contos.
3. Detalhe menor - Adania Shibli
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Parte 1:
Meodeushomi vai tratar essa merd*, você parece legal, não, péra! Não! Por queeeeê?
Parte 2
Nossa, que vida bost*. Mulher, o que você tá fazendo? Volta para casa sua doida! Fim? Não entendi. Dias depois...ahhhh era isso
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your-bigender-big-brother · 4 months ago
Hello! I'm looking for the coining post for périne, the gender quality. Can I have some help with that? 😊
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Vive la rando en Algarve !
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Guide des itinéraires pédestres de l'Algarve
Bonjour à tous,
Nous sommes heureux de savoir que vous appréciez nos récits ! Et nous pensons à vous tous.
Nous avons trouvé ce guide par un beau jour de pluie (le seul), à Lagos, à l'office du tourisme.
Lagos est une petite ville très touristique, même à cette époque. Cela nous permet de faire un échantillonnage représentatif des touristes du moment : un majorité d'anglais, suivie de peu par les allemands et les français. Ici règne une ambiance très décontractée, les tavernes sont bien remplies. La pluie n'empêche pas la soif!!
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Nous déambulons, et nous prenons un bon repas de poissons à 15h chez "O Pescador". Puis nous visitons la Capella Santo Antonio, chef d'œuvre du baroque portugais qui vaut sa visite pour la "Talha dourada", chapelle tout en bois doré sculpté et décorée d'azulejos bleus.
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Capella Santo Antonio - LAGOS
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Le lendemain, nous choisissons une rando à proximité de Péra, (N° 54 sur le guide), très chouette rando dans la lagune de Salgados. Nous longeons des marais et points d'eau sur de longs chemins de bois. Ici tout est vraiment bien aménagé, en raison des marées.
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On sera mignons dans quelques années...!
Nous avons vu beaucoup d'oiseaux et pensé à Thierry : cigognes, limicoles au long bec, et d'autres variétés que nous ne connaissons pas.
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En fin d'après midi, nous rejoignons Albufeira, cité touristique majeure, que nous avons trouvée très laide : quantité incroyable de boutiques de souvenirs atroces, beaucoup d'allemands et d'anglais ici aussi.
Mais la baie, en contrebas est belle, et nous allons à la plage, en ascenseur !
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Les baignades sont appréciées, même si l'eau n'est qu'à 19 degrés maximum ! Pour l'instant, nos combinaisons sont restées à la maison...
Samedi 23 septembre, après quelques lessives, un peu de nettoyage et de piscine, nous partons pour une petite randonnée de fin d'après-midi en bordure de falaises, près de Benagil (à 12 km de Cavoeiro).
Instant magique : la plage de Praia Marina est l'une des plus belles du Portugal.
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Praia Marina
Dimanche 24 septembre, nous partons pour une grande randonnée, tôt le matin, pour bénéficier de la lumière exceptionnelle sur la roche. Cette randonnée (N° 50), toujours à proximité de Benagil, serpente sur les falaises dominantes avec des vues sublimes sur l'océan, les grottes, les gouffres et les ravins. 5h30 de marche aller retour, avec le pique-nique à mi parcours sur Praia Vale de Gentiane.
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A bientôt! Gros bisous à vous tous.
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theoutherlings · 10 months ago
Understanding outherinity
When we talk about outherinity we aren't talking about one strict quality, but rather about a set of different qualities, each with its unique characteristics, that are all distinct from the pre-existent sociegender qualities without being xenogender or xenogender-adjacent nor beyond the concept of gender. This means that all outherinities are:
Not neutral, feminine, masculine, androgynous, epicene, etc.
The term was coined around 2019 here.
Outherine genders and qualities can be categorised in different groups depending on how they can be described. This categories were originally named, but last I've decided to give a name to each of these original outherine subtypes + adding a new one.
Categories mentioned by the coiner and later named by me:
Dipherine: It describes any outherine quality born of the uncommon combination of two pre-existing sociegender qualities. That be, any combination between masculinity, femininity, neutrality, androgyny, etc except androgyny itself and femmulinity.
Dipherine (archived)
Itherine: It describes any otherine quality that can be categorized as brand-new with no connection to previous existing qualities, yet not exactly xenine or anything similar.
Itherine (archived)
Some itherine qualities are:
Autonomous/Autonomine(?): Caracterised by gender independence, freedom, self-determination, etc. The main autonomous gender is Autonomique. It's also an umbrella term that includes other itherine qualities like maverine and autonine.
Aliusine: Describes genders that can be characterised as simply "other", as standing apart from pre-existing social gender constructs. The main Aliusine genders are aliagender and troique.
Maverine: Similar to Autonomine, but with a strong inner sense of gender. Originally it also mentioned gender unorthodoxy and unconventionality. The main maverine gender is maverique.
Ilyagine: An "other" quality with no connection whatsoever to pre-existing qualities. A feeling that there's a gender that's distinct from fem, masc, neu, andro and anything derived, similar or related to them. See post on Ilyaginity.
Autonine: Describes gender qualities that are unique to a person or system. Characterised by individuality and a strong sense of personhood/systemhood. Egogenders are considered outherine and itherine because they're unique to a person or system and have no connection to pre-existing gender categories.
Périne or péraine: Describes genders completely disconnected from the masc/fem/neu trinary. The main perine gender is Péra(gender). See post on Pérainity.
Preterine and Umbine: Both refer to brand-new qualities that are still comparable, while distinct, to pre-existent gender qualities. The different between Preterine and Umbine is that, while the former is for outherine qualities adjacent/comparable to abinary qualities, the later is for outherine qualities adjacent/comparable to midbinary qualities. (I decided to coin two different terms for what was originally a same "descriptor" because I think these are two different experiences, or at least I experience them in a different way)
Some preterine and umbine qualities are:
Aineminine : Gender quality comparable to femininity
Ainuline: Gender quality comparable to masculinity
Altraenine: Gender quality that can be described as a "pure " androgyny that exist in opposition to both femininity and masculinity rather than in between them. See post on altraeninity.
Preterine (archived); Umbine (archived)
Categories added by me:
Anderine: Not originally considered by the coiner. It describes any outherine quality born of the combination or that exist in between two or more outherine qualities.
Anderine (archived)
Peraverinity (combination of perinity and maverinity) is an example of an anderine quality.
Technically the combination of outherine qualities with pre-existent qualities could be considered outherine as they would form brand new qualities too, but no term for them has been coined as of yet. Normally people refer to these genders as simply aporine, but all outherine genders are aporine as aporinity as an umbrella term refers to any comgender quality distinct from femininity, masculinity, androgyny, epicenity, effeminacy/effeminity and femmulinity. I'm thinking on coining something, and when I do this part will be edited, but for now they are just "aporine".
(I'll repost the longer explanation about each outherine quality and link it here in the future)
Differences between outherinity and xenogenders: Why are outherine gender not xenine?
[PT: differences between outherinity and xenogenders: why are outherine genders not xenine?]
The main difference between outherine and xenine is that outherine is a sociegender quality/group of qualities. That is outherinities are defined by themselves and no component on their definition can exist outside the concept of gender.
This is because outherinities, being sociegender qualities, have circular definitions. That it's, all the part of their definition define each other. For example: Maverique. The main quality of maverique is maverinity; maverinity is defined around the quality of being maverine. We could go a bit further and define maverinity around an strong sense of gender autonomy, but we cannot go further than "gender autonomy", which basically means "gender distinct/separated from pre-existed concept".
Maverinity cannot exist or be defined without the existence of things and individuals/systems that are maverique or some other maverine gender; but, simultaneously, these genders wouldn't exist if maverinity didn't exist as a possible gender experience.
I like to refer to sociegender qualities, including outherinities, as "abstract", comparing them to "abstract nouns" as the thing they are defined around cannot exist without genders that are that thing. Femininity, masculinity, neutrality, androgyny, outherinities, etc can only be measure through genders and people who are fem/masc/neu/angi/outher/etc, just like happiness can only be meassure and contained by people and other beings who are happy.
On the other hand, xenogenders, some kenous genders, and other similar qualities are defined by and around things, beings, and concept that have an existence independent from the concept of gender, but are being applied to gender concepts. they have a linnear definition, meaning that the ultimate concept they are defined around does not depend on the others to exists.
If we take soporinity as an example, soporine genders are related to the concept of sleep. Its definition is linnear because while soporinity and soporinity need each other and the concept of sleep to exist and be defined, the latter doesn't need either; it has an independent existence outside the concept of gender.
That's why I like to refer to these type of qualities as "concrete",
because I like to compare them to concrete nouns in that the thing they're defined around exist outside gender as a concept (This does not mean, of course, that xenogenders and adjacent gender categories, are only ever defined around concrete concepts. It's xenine qualities themselves that are concrete qualities, but they can be defined around abstract nouns like emotions).
Derived terminology
[PT: derived terminology]
Just like with any other qualities, outherinities can be used to refer to the nature of gender, the core aspect of gender, presentation, expression, alignment, and more.
A person can have an outherine gender without necessarily having an outherine alignment or presentation/expression or have an outherine alignment or presentation/expression without necessarily having an outherine gender.
Likewise, "contradictory" or "paradoxical" genders that are OUIN but not OUIA/ OUIA but not OUIN exist too. For example: Cettreur (OIUN + MIA) and Faunverique (MIN + MVIA [OUIA])
Genders that are outher-alignment, regardless if they are otherwise outherine, are called "outheric". To refer to both outherine and outheric genders we can use the term "outherly".
That's all for now, I'll keep editing this post to add more information or share link to my other post and/or useful resources on outherinity.
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postcard-from-the-past · 4 months ago
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French vintage postcard, illustrated by Péras
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tracosdoeu · 3 months ago
Você volta suada de um treino e diz que vai pro banho. Não deixo. O rabo-de-cavalo pingando evidencia que hoje foi pesado e eu até sei o quanto você quer se livrar dessa roupa molhada. Sem problema. Eu ajudo com isso. Me coloco entre a porta e teu corpo melado, agarro pela cintura e logo sinto os soquinhos nas minhas costas em protesto.
– Perdeu, meu bem – eu digo enquanto deixo meu olhar cair no teu.
Te deito no chão e começo a beijar a sua nuca. Mais protestos. “Eu to fedida”, manda. Não me importo. Mesmo. Você é linda de qualquer jeito. E meu tesão por você é maluco também. Ainda mais com esse top decotado e essa calça de ginástica. Não sei os outros caras com suas namoradas e afins, mas eu tenho um tesão do cacete quando te vejo assim. 
Relaxando aos poucos, os beijos vão ficando mais longos. Percebo o quanto te incomoda marcar a minha roupa de suor, o quanto quer descansar depois do treino. Peraí, falta só mais uma série comigo. No chuveiro.
– Vem – digo levantando ela é já tirando a roupa.
Você ri. Levanta uma sobrancelha, me chama de bobo, e pergunta como é que qualquer coisa sobe te vendo naquele estado. Eu rio junto. Isso é vontade misturada com amor e outras coisas mais.
Eu não te desejo apenas maquiada e pronta pra uma festa. Eu te quero suada, ensaboada e te usar como loção pós-barba. Quero te passar em mim, quero ser teu perfume, quero você. Quero você, repito, e especifico: de qualquer jeito que você queira se mostrar pra mim. Te quero no quente, no frio.
– Péra, tá muito fria a água – você fala.
Que a Companhia de água nos perdoe, mas nós dois no banho nunca será economia. Lá vamos nós pro chão do box. Outra ginástica aeróbica no teu dia.
– Eu tava toda suada – manda. – E linda – eu rebato. – Eu só queria um banho, mas aí… – diz no pé do meu ouvido.
Só um banho. E olha no que deu.
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