#Oz is a history nerd
blubugg13 · 2 months
Ok i keep seeing the Hogwarts Legacy MC or OC profiles and i decided to do one of my oc, Ozzy Elton. I kind of see him more as an important side character for MC. A 7th year Hufflepuff Prefect who is your local runes expert.
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I finally found the person who made these templates. Credit goes to @kiwiplaetzchen
Don’t mind the S.P.E.W. Button but I did imagine that Ozzy would be a proud member if he met Hermione.
While i did the test for his Patronus i was very surprised, yet i felt like it fit him so well. The first thing i saw when i looked up the meaning of an Oryx Patronus is that they are proud and elegant. I don’t really affiliate that with him at all. In fact it was his adaptability is that i really think suits him. As i like to think that he quickly adapted to the wizarding world after Professor Weasley explained Ozzy’s hogwarts letter to him and his parents.
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I absolutely love this about him. I feel like he would be an awsome friend to MC or just a great allie.
Another thing that i think is super neat is his wand. I also did the test for him on the official website. It says that:
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The thing is, in Hogwarts Legacy, Ollivander’s family heirloom wand, is also made of Applewood. Which honestly makes things super interesting.
Ozmond and his parents were a middle class family in London. They lived in a Terraced house alongside some of their neighbors. Flynn Elton, Ozzy’s father was a Head Gardener for higher class family. Darcy Elton, Ozzy’s mother is a seamstress, she usually does her own private work, i imagine her as an artist, she loves to paint and often draw her son and would sew him clothes. Pretty much his muggle life, his father and mother were able to afford him school, as he usually went to Sunday school. When he was 10 that’s when he started to show his magical abilities. His parents just walked in his room one day, and little Ozzy was just reading and then some books and quills started to miraculously float around behind him. They were pretty much traumatized. It wasn’t until Professor Weasley showed up to explain that their son has magical capabilities and that he was accepted into Hogwarts. A school for witches and wizards. His parents, now less traumatized, always knew their son was special. He loved to read and learn about the unknown, he always had a hard time making friends as when he played outside he would play in the dirt and pretend he was some professor discovering dinosaur bones. Flynn and Darcy would end up coming to terms that their son was a wizard a couple of months after Weasley told them the news. Instead of most parents that end up being weirded out by their children. They both came to cherish their boy, they were happy to know that their son was unique and boy were they proud. This was also their first time going to Diagon Ally were they got his school supplies and a Barn owl named Copper. They grew curious and excited for Ozzy after his first year of Hogwarts being sorted into Hufflepuff though he was almost sorted into Ravenclaw. He would tell them stories and talk about the things he learned. Their neighbors grew curious on were their son has been, as all Flynn told them was that, he got accepted into a private boarding school in the Scottish Highlands. Ozzy would continue going to hogwarts, returning home to London during Christmas break and for the summer. At some point he became Hufflepuff quidditch keeper and in his 5th year he was made a prefect, and this was also the year were he suprised his parents with a old english sheepdog puppy and they named him Alfie, he kept his badge all up to his 7th year were he heard about the new 5th year coming to hogwarts. (Honestly though i wish they added the head boys and girls in game.) Ozzy got his parents Alfie because he thought they were lonely without him. And bro literally about cried tears of joy when he found out dragons and unicorns were real.
• He’s an ambivert, as much as he likes talking about his nerdy interests, every now and then he enjoys being alone.
• He’s pretty active, he’s usually always on the go, and enjoys a good quidditch match as a proud keeper for his team. He loves hiking and would often times sketch out the scenery of the castle for his parents.
• He is neatly dressed, you can always expect to see him without wrinkles in his robes and his shoes shined. But don’t let that fool you, he enjoys getting into the dirt if means he can explore and find stuff. And not to mention whenever he rushes his handwriting it gets pretty sloppy.
• Pretty much never grouchy, this man is a rise and shine type of guy. He’s overly nice, and sometimes, tooo nice. Some people usually take it for granted just so they can copy his history homework. (Probably because they fell asleep for the 5th time.)
• More brave yet cowardly. But there are some things that he will refuse to do. He is calm in terrible situations yet he has those freeze up kind of moments. He needs a moment to process things before figuring out a plan. Other than that he will help you with whatever…just as long as you aint breaking the rules.
• A good in between on serious and playfulness. His schoolwork comes first, always. Then he has fun afterwards. Usually after long study sessions he would treck down to hogsmead just to goof off in Zonkos and then spend a good amount of his money in Honeydukes just eating sweets. (He has a major sweet tooth.) He would treat himself after all that work on his essays. A nice butterbeer would do him fine.
• Clumsy as in awkward clumsy and as in, he thinks a lot to the point he runs into stuff clumsy. He can handle old artifacts just fine. It’s just that sometimes he trips over his own feet because he just has a lot on his mind.
In conclusion, i was pretty much inspired off of Hermione. I thought about giving him a time turner so he could attend a lot of classes just like she did. But also be useful in a possible plot line were he and Mc actually had to go back in time at some point. Wouldn’t that just be fun. He tried to fit Divination and Muggle studies into his schedule, however Professor Onai is cool and all, the class just wasn’t for him. While muggle studies….yeah he tried but ended up getting weirded out by it and ended up dropping it. I definitely would love for him to be Hufflepuff Head Boy as i think he would have a fine leadership role as well as help others and look out for his classmates. Im really proud of him and i would love to make another character sheet sometime soon in the future.
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If you made it this far i just wanted to say thank you for reading this. I don’t talk about my ocs often and this means a lot to me. Thank you for joining my TED Talk.
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the-spaced-out-ace · 7 months
okay okay hear me out. hatchetfield/ever after high au
i maaaaaayyy have been thinking about this since. the day i saw abstinence camp. in my defense dexven and lautski are the same ship and nobody likes either of these things more than me (/j) so like. rundown of ideas i had (and one piece of inspo from a gc i'm in)
Stephanie Lauter, daughter of the Evil King: Yeah, I'm just fully reusing Raven's backstory here. Steph's born into wickedness and expected to one day inherit her father's throne and oppress her people and possibly curse the future Snow White. Which earns her respectful fear from her fellow "evil" peers, fearful respect from most of her classmates, and dread from herself, because she doesn't want to be anything like her dad, for better or for worse, even if it means risking going poof. Doesn't really help she's just not a good student in the classes assigned to her and her father keeps telling her she'll be a terrible Evil Queen anyway. Would absolutely prefer to write her own destiny. Her current plans involve doing fuck-all as an adult.
Peter Spankoffski, son of one of the Generic Charming Families: More specifically, the ones from Beauty and the Beast. One problem. He wasn't exactly planned. His big brother has already lived out being the beast and a noble lady named Jenny broke Ted's curse yeeeeaaarrrs ago, so Pete's already seen what should be his story play out in real time. And given the assumption that Ted and Jenny's kid would take on one of their roles, Pete's not sure he even has a destiny. Pretty much ostracized by most of his peers for so obviously not having a destiny. He's the only non-villian not inherently scared of Steph, and when they talk it's all like "god, you're so lucky your story isn't a shitshow" "at least you have a story" and eventually they kinda further break destiny by dating because they are literally just Raven and Dexter in another font.
Ruth Fleming, daughter of The Mad Hatter: @mythuzalasheir3 suggested this one to me and I was so inclined to agree. Ruth is so Wonderlandian to me. She's theatrical, she's eccentric and not willing to turn it down, will just say what's on her mind as she sees it. Taking a bit from the books canon, she does sorta resent Steph at first for her father going off-book and poisoning Wonderlandian magic, but after Pete urges her to actually talk to her as they start hanging out more, she sees Steph isn't as scary as she thought and very quickly gets comfortable turning up her madness and speaking Riddlish around her like she does with her other friends. Speaking of which.
Richie Lipschitz, son of the Wizard of Oz: Yes. I really am making Pete the odd one out. Ruth is Wonderlandian, Richie is an (honorary) Ozian. Sue me. This basically stems from how Richie was in charge of taping the prank in the Waylons/putting on the music, so knowing he has special effects know-how, he is going to have a blast doing the hologram head thing in the Emerald City for a few decades. He also plans on introducing pop culture stuff to Oz, too, not just more science. Nerd. I think he's iconic for it.
(Side note: neither Ruth nor Richie can believe that they're just casually best friends with a prince, even though Pete really doesn't want it to be a big deal).
Grace Chasity, daughter of the Temple Woman from The Little Mermaid: Right. History time. If you're not familiar with the original version of TLM, after the mermaid brings the prince back to shore, a girl from a Christian monastery finds the prince, and he believes she saved him instead of the mermaid. And also she and the prince are married by the end. I chose this fully because she's very proud of the fact she already has an immortal soul, and doesn't have to do anything for a happily ever after other than be in the right place at the right time. She does not give a damn about who her prince is as long as they stick to the script. Basically, she's a Royal out of necessity more than anything.
Max Jagerman, son of another Charming Clan: More specifically, he's destined to be the Rapunzel's prince. He's in with Steph because he thinks it's a good idea to be on the good side of all royals in his class. But not Storiless Spankoffski. He does NOT fraternize with people whose existence could poof away a whole story. For as much as he tries to fit the example of Perfect Royals Accepting Their Destiny, he does still have a target of affection not in his story: Grace. Being much more stereotypically Royal than him, she keeps rejecting him due to not being interested and not even part of his story. Doesn't stop him from trying.
The Lords in Black, the heads of Ever After High: Everyone has a destiny. They're here to run the school and enforce them, and also dictate the destinies of the more ambiguous cases like Charming Number Twenty-Seven or "how do we find a replacement for a character who is dead." They say there's a spider in the basement but don't even worry about it, they'll take care of it eventually.
Webby, the Weaver in the Basement: Basically taking the place of Giles Grimm, her brothers have let her have less and less involvement with destinies over the years, so she's spinning up happier endings that hopefully won't go poof in solitude. Would definitely encourage Steph to follow her heart instead of her destiny.
Henery Hidgens as the Magic Botany teacher, and also former Jack of Jack the Giant Slayer fame: man I just think this would be funny
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badgerswithbagels · 6 months
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This mug is available in 3 sizes (11oz, 15oz, and 20 oz) and is microwave and dishwasher safe. Use codes CAESAR to get 10% off any purchase $19.99 or more today and tomorrow!! Available in the US and Canada!
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irigy · 6 months
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( daniel sharman / 285 / he/they ) — it’s been a while since we’ve seen ambrose moonglade in the shadow world. the warlock resides in new york and reminds us of the scent of freshly blown out candles with rain and expensive perfume, the exciting arrogance that comes over you when you know you aced a test and caffeine induced trembling of hands as they move as delicately as possible clutching onto the pen with which you sign your name. rumor has it that they might have an affiliation to the downworld as high warlock of manhattan, but only time will tell where their loyalties really lie. until then, only one thing is certain : the descent into hell will be easy for the scholar
Basic Information
Full Name: ambrose moonglade
Nickname(s): oz
Age: 285
Gender: demi man
Pronouns: mostly he/him, sometimes they/them, it all depends on the day
Orientation: panromantic demisexual
Species: warlock
Occupation: high warlock of manhattan
Language(s) Spoken: english, french, russian, latin, italian, chthonian
Accent: british
Physical Appearance
Hair Colour: dirty-blond
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 6’2
Usual Expression: probably a rbf
Body modifications: small gauges in both ears, nose ring, tattoos of evocation circles on torso
Warlock mark: tiefling tail + forked tongue
Usual style: the only color he wears other than black is navy blue. very androgynous goth bitch style, flowy robes, long skirts, combat boots, turtle necks, hakama style pants etc. lots of accessories
Physical Ailments: asthma + lactose intolerance
Developmental disabilities: ASD
Emotional Stability: 8/10
Sociability: verrrry introverted
Body Temperature: he's a warm boy
Positive Traits: honest, kind, bold, perceptive, intelligent
Negative Traits: stubborn, impulsive, reckless, over-achiever
Myers-Briggs personality type: INTP
He doesn’t talk about his family, mostly because there isn’t much to talk about. He was put into an orphanage at a very young age. He was bad at making friends, always an outsider, didn’t pick up on social cues that easily, but he was very good at school. Always has been. 
Ever since his powers began to show and he learned of the downworld, he’s been obsessed with magic. He needed to know everything about it, wanted to know about the history, the science behind it all. Which is why he spent most of his life in the Spiral Labyrinth, which is where he acquired most of his arcane knowledge. 
He is rather competitive, constantly feeling as if he is put against his fellow scholars. He tends to be over-ambitious, he’ll choose studying over sleep, then glamour the dark-circles away. 
His ascension to the position of high warlock of manhattan is unexpected at the least. He is younger than warlocks who usually take this position, so naturally there's a lot of speculation, ppl say he's too inexperienced, to which he says NUH UH!!! read his academic essays and you'll see 💅💅💅
he can come off as conceited and pretty annoying but honestly he's a sweetheart <3 very helpful, and even if he doesn't know how to help at first, give him 48 hours and he'll be an expert on the topic
you might think hey how is he so hot and terminally single?? well he's a yapper. talks way too much, is kinda awkward, nobody gets the nerd rizz, and even if they do, he needs to be trained, his priorities are all over the place.
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elviriel · 10 months
So I rewatched BTVS and watched Angel the Series recently, and I want to talk about my feelings, so I'm making posts for each. First up, BTVS, with my feelings and opinionsTM sorted by season, because for this particular show, the season seems to dictate the enjoyment tbh.
warnings: i am not a fan of sp*ffy or later seasons spike, and sexual assault is briefly mentioned re: season 6
Funnily enough, the more I dislike a season, the longer the paragraph seems to get. ah, the joys of being a hater at heart xD Season 1. I will admit, when i started my rewatch, I didn't know it would be a rewatch. Usually, I watch up to season 3 and stop, but this time, idk i thought i'd try the rest of the show to see if my feelings had changed, and finally watch season 7, which i had not seen. all this to say I did what I usually do which is: start at season 2 xD However, I have watched season 1 several times in the past, and I'm very fond of it. It's cheesy, and the image quality isn't as nice as it is later on, but I have so much love for certain episodes such as Angel and Prophecy Girl. Season 1 has good stuff, y'all! Season 2. I've said it before, but the Angelus arc is one of my favorite things to happen in the history of television, so season 2 is a favorite of mine. I just love it. The Angelus arc, from the Bangel love to the gutpunch of Innocence, to Jenny's death in Passion to the climax in Becoming... Still cannot hear Full of Grace by Sarah McLachlan without picturing Buffy on a bus and crying tbh.
And the Angelus arc isn't the only thing to love about season 2 either! I get giddy as a schoolgirl when Spike shows up - he's such a fun villain in season 2, from his antics with Drusilla to his bitterness re: Angelus to his team-up with Buffy in the finale. I also enjoy many other things, such as Willow x Oz (Oz is adorable, and his little crush on Willow was very satisfying for me when I was younger, given how much wee audrey identified with the local nerd gal) and Cordelia x Xander is by far the most tolerable Xander pairing, not that there are many choices xD There are so many episodes in this season I love, I can't even begin to list them, but the two part finale is definitely a highlight. Gosh, Buffy running in slow-mo in that little blue coat? Life-changing. Also, shout-out to Buffy punching Giles then hugging him while crying in Passion. Gosh, that episode. Episode of all time.
Season 3. The main draw in season 2 for me, as I said, is the Angelus stuff, and while nothing in season 3 reaches that level of emotional investment for me, it's got SO MUCH TO LOVE that I can never pick a favorite between those two seasons. Season 3 has Angel's return, Faith - whom I love, love, love, love, esp. on rewatch. It has the Giles x Buffy relationship in Helpless, fun episodes such as Band Candy, The Mayor being a delight, Mr. Trick (rip) - and, of course, the heartstring tugger that is The Prom - the class protector award ;_; - and the Buffy x Angel break-up. I even kinda like the Willow x Xander hook-up, because hey, it leads to Cordelia leaving Xander, and the Willow x Oz reunion is very sweet. They melt my heart. It might be the best season of BTVS, 'objectively' (if there is such a thing) speaking. It progresses nicely, and I think the only episode I straight-up dislike is the Xander one, which I'm comfortable skipping. Season 3, my beloved.
I also love how the season ends, with the very literal blowing up of the school - ending high school with a bang xD. Usually, my rewatch ends here and very satisfyingly so - I think BTVS worked really well as a metaphor for high school, and like several shows of the same type, it can't quite get back to that linear clarity once it transitions to college. Which leads me to.... Season 4. I don't hate season 4, but it's also very lackluster for me. The highlights are Willow's storylines (Oz's departure, magic, Tara, Oz's return, etc - it really got me this time around) and Chipped Spike, which is a great iteration of Spike IMO. What a fun addition to the group (for now.) But the rest... meh. I miss the high school sets, for one - and the Initiative may be a vaguely intriguing concept on paper, but it did nothing for me, narratively OR aesthetically. All those white walls and military uniforms.... meh. Adam himself is SUCH an eyesore that does nothing for me, and then you have Riley, which. Eh...? XD That's not a hot take by any means. And I think in terms of Buffy's love life, Riley was a logical step - nothing was going to match Bangel in terms of intensity - but that doesn't mean I, you know. enjoy it. Riley is cute enough at first, but he is quite pushy with her even early on - which I didn't remember tbh. To me, Riley's worst season 4 crime was being boring, and I was surprised to find that actually? he kind of sucks the moment he and Buffy become romantically intertwined. (Hush is a great episode tho. I'll give it that.) Season 4 also has Xander x Anya, which, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I had this impression that I didn't like Anya, but the rewatch made me realize that actually, it's Xanya I don't like, and Anya has the misfortune of being stuck with Xander for most of her scenes. The way he's so Neutral about her drives me insane - it's just an unpleasant ship IMO. Season 5. This is where the trouble truly begins So, the thing about season 5 is that I think it's a good season. I think it's far more compelling than season 4: it's got great stuff! Dawn is a fun addition, Joyce's illness is a devastating detour to reality in a world of magical threats, and I love the "Death is your gift" theme with Buffy, I really do. I also enjoy Glory a lot xD I think she's fun. I also really love Buffy telling the Council to go fuck themselves, that was very satisfying
Oh, also, Riley leaves. Bye Riley! (though oh boy, does Xander's little speech to Buffy about Riley angers me. shut up xander! nobody asked you!)
But season 5 also has the beginning of Romantic Spuffy, which I hate for reasons I can only partly unpack tbh xD it's visceral to a point that is beyond logic The thing about Spuffy is that I can't untangle it from my feelings about Spike, a character I loved until that point. And look, there were already flaws in Spike's inclusion in the main cast. Season 4 works fine, but given the damage he's shown he can do despite the chip, it stretches disbelief that he didn't get himself staked already xD and sure, him being in love with Buffy is a narratively sound way to get him 'on the good side' without losing his edge. I also think JM is great, and as I understand, he was great to work with, and I understand why they'd want to keep him around. But man..... do I hate Spuffy. notp of all time, and i'm not exaggerating. And you know, up until I watched ATS, I thought maybe my anti Spuffiness was because I'm such a die-hard Bangel - but I ended up liking Angel x Cordelia just fine, so while shipping preference does play a role for sure, maybe spuffy just. sucks. I do enjoy some of their dynamic though. The episode where Spike walks Buffy through his slayer kills is oddly enough one of my favorites, and Spuffy is tolerable enough to me when Buffy is horrified/disgusted by it - but even then, the narrative framing of it BOTHERS ME. There's too much 'look how cute, look how funny!' framing around Spike's stalkerish ways, and it all comes to a head for me in the Buffybot episode, which I wish I could set on fire. It's not that I think any of this is ooc for Spike btw - but the Buffybot is all kinds of gross, so the fact that the episode ends with the real Buffy 'rewarding' Spike with a kiss for how he behaved under torture is just- it's so irksome. One of my main issues with Spuffy is that IMO, the writers tried to have their cake and eat it too. Many quotes indicate that the writers never intended the audience to really Ship It, and while I do believe that's true to an extent, there's also moments like these that frame Spike as sympathetic, and his love for Buffy as something endearing, and like, idk. I don't expect my media to be prescriptive in any way (given my personal taste in ships, that would be quite the opinion xD) but, ugh. Spuffy irks me. I also think Spike/Spuffy is highly Parasitic re: the show, and I would resent it less if it didn't take up so much narrative space. From season 5 on, there is no escape from Spuffy, and the dislike I have for it borders on show-ruining I do love how season 5 ends, though, I really do. I find it very moving, and I still cry like I'm watching it for the first time Season 6. For a season that was reviled in my memory, I enjoyed it quite a bit on rewatch. Buffy's coming back from the dead arc is good. I like the darkness of it, the depth of it - especially as an adult who's been through the Mental Health ringer - tho I do think the resolution of the arc in the finale is a little lacking. But in general, I really love it.
I also love Dark Willow, and I would love it even more without the addiction parallels, which I don't believe were necessary, and kind of muddled the whole arc. They had a perfect set-up with Willow's tendency to magic away problems. They didn't need the whole 'magic = drug' aspect. It makes the storyline worse, which is a shame, because I LOVE this version of Willow. The hubris of necromancy! The lack of self-awareness or willful deceit! It's good stuff, what can I say
I also enjoy the 'Xander leaves Anya at the altar' thing, if only because it means the end of Xanya for a bit xD and it's the first time I actually believed Xander didn't just settle for Anya. His regret over that decision was actually pretty well done, so, props for that. (Tho ofc, the show had to ruin it by making Anya 'in the wrong' by sleeping with Spike, which she had every fucking right to do, and shut up Xander.) Season 6 also has Spuffy. Now, when I saw season 6 for the first time, I was younger, and very uncomfortable with sexual content. So back then, the Spuffy sex, believe it or not, felt like Highly Explicit Porn to me xD which is funny to look back on today. I'll say on rewatch, season 6 Spuffy is probably the version of Shippy Spuffy I enjoy the most...? One problem in season 5 is that Spuffy was driven by Spike's feelings. Buffy was just along for the ride, and I feel like the narrative dragged her into caring for Spike because his obsession with her led him to do things for her and her family. But in season 6, Spuffy is a manifestation of Buffy's trauma, and I enjoy that, narratively speaking. I do still get that feeling of 'the writers tried to have their cake and eat it too' re: the shippability of Spuffy, but I do believe season 6 Spuffy was written with purpose. Seeing Red is very unpopular, for reasons I get, and it does drastically 'alter' the Spuffy dynamic for me, but it's not like... ooc for Spike, and likely a more honest outcome to that kind of relationship than usually portrayed in media (I say as someone who, in general, is a dark relationship enjoyer btw.)
Lastly: the trio annoys the fuck out of me for many reasons, but Warren was a chilling villain. Hateful, but well-suited to the role he played in the season. man, i wanted that guy dead so bad
Season 7. My least favorite season, which I know isn't a hot take either. I found it sometimes boring, and mostly hard to get into. I think the main reason is that season 7 made me lose sight of Buffy. Through all of BTVS, Buffy is an amazing protagonist IMO - I love her, tend to be firmly on her side in most situations, and her thought process/feelings have always been easy to track. I feel Buffy. On rewatch, she's definitely my favorite character on the show, period. But season 7 Buffy, I just don't feel her. I do like some things relating to her here - her role as a counselor at the school, and the leader role she has to take with the Potentials, but otherwise, Buffy in season 7 leaves me cold, and I truly wish that wasn't the case. Granted, season 7 is the only season I've seen only once, so maybe I missed something, but I found the evolution from season 6 to 7 hard to track - season 6 ends with Buffy wanting to live again, and season 7 has a Buffy that's very detached again, and narratively, it's a little awkward IMO. I also do not buy, for a second, the whole "Spike is the only one who has my back" thing, but that's my anti Spike bias, which is at its peak in season 7, but we'll get to that xD Willow in season 7 does nothing for me either - I wish her relationship with magic hadn't been solved so easily. Xander is, err, also there - I do remember enjoying the Dawn episode where she thinks she's a Potential and turns out to be. The Potentials are... fine? I know Kennedy is fandom-reviled, but I think she's fine tbh. Oh, I Barely talked about Giles, but Giles from season 6 onward... I do not Like This Man very much, and I miss Librarian Giles sm xD Season 7 also has Andrew - and god, GOD I hate Andrew. I can tell I'm supposed to be charmed by his whole thing, but I just hate his whole archetype, I hate his presence, I cannot stand him, and he's around too much, and just, make him go away. And then there is Spike, which, ah. I understand that mythos-wise, if we can't 'blame' Angel for Angelus's deeds, Souled Spike cannot be held fully accountable for the actions of No Soul Spike, so the events of Seeing Red aren't his 'fault' (using the term loosely.) But whatever the fault, he still did this to Buffy - Buffy, who has to defend him to her friends, who has to help him through his shit, and i just, nope! I won't lie, season 7 Spike is the version of Spike I hate the most. The episode where Robin (whom I really like, btw! My guy!) confronts him about the death of his mother filled me with a rage I didn't think possible. What do you MEAN you're not sorry you killed his mom? You say that to his face? And I'm supposed to take Spike's side and not want Robin to flay him alive, Willow-style? And now Buffy is telling Robin to bury his resentment or she'll let Spike kill him?
DUDE. This is where I need to breathe and remind myself this isn't real xD Season 7 has Faith's return, which I like a lot, but otherwise..... eh. Season 7 is not a season I'd ever watch again tbh. It just doesn't do it for me. The final shot is nice, though.
OVERALL. BTVS evokes in me emotions that no show could hope to match. Season 2 & 3 are immaculate to me, but the highs from those seasons mean that the lows of other seasons make for a steeply inconsistent experience. I don't think the show is ever that bad, though some episodes are definitely questionable, an inevitability when you run for 7 seasons, but in terms of my personal enjoyment? I feel pretty confident in my usual decision to watch season 2 & 3 alone. Though I'm sad to miss the good stuff from latter seasons, it's not worth the Stuff I hate, which there is plenty of
if you read all this, um, thank you? at the risk of sounding like a youtuber, lmk your BTVS thoughts in the replies or reblogs (though, if you're going to tell me you love spuffy and that i'm wrong, maybe keep that to yourself xD)
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What’s your OTP's favorite aspect about the other? Whether it be their quirks, appearance, anything (@Gwens-fiction)
These are from last week but let's roll with it
This question is so cute, I love it 🥰
(For Oz x Qrow in my RWBY AU)
For Oz, he Qrow's willingness to join the kids on their level. Playing stupid games with them, doing their activities with them, indulging their weird and imaginative ideas and conversations. Sometimes Qrow worries that he's being immature when he does it, but Oz finds it endearing. Once again, what Qrow thinks is a weakness, Oz sees as a strength.
For Qrow, it's probably just how much of a nerd Oz is, full stop. How much random shit he knows and how excited he gets talking and learning about history. He ends up finding interest in it himself, but he mostly just loves seeing Oz get excited for something he enjoys rather than getting excited for others.
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This ask motivated me to write 204 words for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
Experiment Total: 77,110
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fangirlandtheories · 2 years
for the top five game: ships, songs you listened to this past week, accessories, dream vacation destinations, fics you've read lately, food stuff you don't get to have often, comfort films
Thank you my love <3
Steddie Obviously
Fruity Four Friendship/ Steve Harrington and The Party
Honorable mention: The friendship between Murray and Joyce *chefs kiss*
Chiquitita - ABBA
Sunny - Boney M
Take On Me (Symphonic Version) - Aha
Say You Love Me - Fleetwood Mac
Hammer To Fall - Queen
Claddagh Ring from my late grandmother
Nose Ring that looks like this
Necklace, again from my late grandmother, that looks like this
This pride anklet
Clip on earrings, mostly from Claire's, these or these in particular
Dream Vacations: (doing this one in black so it's more visible)
Ireland or England. I am actually planning a trip to Ireland, England. and Scotland so I'm definitely made this the top of my list.
The Island of Tonga. This one is tricky because it's not a very feasible dream tbh. Tonga is very far from me but also this is a very environmentally selfish trip. The reason I want to go is because that is where Humpback Whales tend to migrate. I love whales and I would love to see them in the place where they are happiest and free.
Disney. I went when I was little and now I have 3 young nieces and I want to go with them because the magic of it would still exist for them and thus make it more magical for me.
The West Coast. For those that don't know, I am from Pennsylvania and the furthest west I have been is Wisconsin. I wanna see the other half the country on a big road trip.
Maine. I have spent about a week in Maine and it was my favorite place, to the point that I eventually want to move there. I wanna spend as much time as possible there.
If you hold me without hurting me (you'll be the first who ever did) by charlies_ginger This one ripped me apart and is my NUMBER ONE favorite thing I've been reading lately.
2. Where the 20 Chain Links Lead by agentM40
Clearly I like to see Steve feeling insecure about his intelligence. This is my favorite trope right now and so far this one has ticked all the right box.
3. exeunt ; enter stage by stardustcoral
Vecna'd Steve is always a goldmine of angst and this one really focuses on the idea of Steve believing that he's hated by everyone before he can figure out that it's Vecna. A must read.
4. with no cross to bear (these words just come out) by hitlikehammers
Protective Steve is so incredible because that is his wheelhouse and he loves to show his love by protecting others HOWEVER protective Eddie is my jam. Eddie who will put everyone in their place and clear a path for his love is just simply too sweet and I adore it.
5. At Below Zero by StrangerSteddie
I am a whump girl through and through so give me all the Steve whump if you wanna see me happy. Truly if anyone ever wants to send me whump recommendations I'll read every single one. This is a prime example of well written whump.
Food I Don't Have Often:
Salmon, ironic because I am having it for dinner tonight
Oxtail. My mom made it once and it was soft and rich and so fucking delicious.
I call them Beef Rollatinis, it's been the birthday meal for the past few years. It's skirt steak rolled up with bell peppers, onions, and carrots with a balsamic glaze. It's the best.
Kentucky Butter Cake. It's so yummy and a pain in the ass to make.
Low Country Boil. It's a big pot of seafood all boiled together. We usually do clams, muscles, and shrimp, and then add in sausage, potatoes, and corn on the cob. It's expensive and kind of work heavy but it's so gooood.
Comfort Films:
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (Mamma Mia 2) WHEN CHER CAME OUT I SOBBED AND SCREAMED
Night At The Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. I fucking love every NATM movie but this one in particular is the best fucking one. I am a history nerd and this one just settles so nicely in my soul.
The Wizard of Oz. Surprise! Me making Steve love Wizard of Oz is a reflection of it being one of my favorite movies from when I was little.
The Muppets Christmas Carol. IN THIS FAMILY WE LOVE THIS MOVIE. Michael Caine ate. By far the best Christmas movie ever written and nothing compares. I've watched it every year since I was 8.
Life is Beautiful. This movie comforts me but it also hurts me more than any other movie. It's tragic and painful yet goofy and loving and it makes me swoon every time but I have to insist that you watch it in the original Italian as Roberto Benigni intended.
Thank you so much love, this was a lot of fun!!!!
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fourdaysdead · 1 year
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Dramatic Irony occurs when the audience knows something that the characters don't. Like the fact that Jason Todd always dies before he turns sixteen.
FOURDAYSDEAD || Jason Todd from DC.
Other Characters: Allen Walker, Danny Fenton, Oz Vessalius
CONTENT WARNING: Due to the nature of Jason's character, this blog may contain heavy themes revolving around death, grief, growing up around drug abuse, child abuse, and the effects of trauma.
literature and theater nerd extraordinaire, once you get past the whole... everything he has going on
he is full of so much emotion and internal dialogue and no idea what to do with it.
the fun-loving little shit is buried under the brooding angst somewhere. you just have to draw it out like a stray cat. pspsps.
for those of you unfamiliar with his character; jason is a former sidekick of a big league superhero who died and came back, well... understandably angry and conflicted. lost faith in his mentor/father figure big time as a result of everything surrounding the circumstances revolving around his death.
for those of you familiar with comics, my jason follows the new earth continuity. more or less. there's like roughly a decade's worth of comic book history spread across several other decades to go through lmao. he's from before "under the red hood", but in terms of characterization I do tend to reference the 2010 movie version.
yyyes he's a little brain-washed due to being indoctrinated into a cult of ninja assassins that rehabilitated him after finding his zombie ass. he's fine. isola will force him into his therapy arc.
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Yo!! Prepare for a Saeko infodump.
So, Saeko is the second oldest kid, definitely the smartest, and absolutely L’s fave. Misa’s favorite is [obviously] Loe, but L basically treats Saeko like he’s an only child 🧍‍♀️.
Also, Saeko knows sign language but he has hearing aids! He’s deaf if I didn’t mention that, lolz.
As for him being the smartest kid and most similar in resemblance to L, he’s also very awkward. Not good at conversation at all, and he gets bullied a lot. And Misuyo would always be the one to beat up the bullies. Between the kids, Misuyo was the fighter for sure.
Saeko’s interests include but are not limited to: pharmacology [WOO! He’s a pharmacology baby and his sister is a toxicology baby!! It’s like the two halves fit together or smth], biology, and history. He’s a major nerd, and if you don’t stop him, he’ll infodump about anything. He’s very nice in general though.
Oh, and he’s pan just like his mother! But his love interest, if he has one, will be a self interest of me. Not sorry :(.
He’s also very clumsy bro. But in a cute way. I love him so much…
Random HC BUT-
He met someone once and the person stuck their hand out for a handshake and he didn’t know what to do so he dapped the person up. Keiko has it on video.
Oh, yeah! Here’s Saeko’s relationship with each of his siblings:
Misuyo: They’re good w/ each other. Misuyo beats up anybody who messes with Saeko, and Misuyo gives Saeko life advice [mostly just advice on how to fix his rizz, yeah, Misuyo probably called himself the “Rizzard of Oz” at one point. I know it’s cringe, that’s why it’s funny.] Saeko probably tutored Misuyo in like.. every subject, at one point.
Keiko: These two!! Keiko spends a lot of time teasing Saeko and laughing at him. Keiko actually joined in on the bullying Saeko went through because she wanted to fit in, once actually. They made up, though, but Keiko is still a bit rude to Saeko sometimes. Keiko is rude to everyone doe.
Loe: Pretty alright. They don’t talk much, but since they have shared interests, they mess around with literal poison a lot. Saeko is probably the only one in the family who has ever agreed to doing matching cosplay with Loe, actually. Wait… Yeah, they were Junko and Mukuro for Halloween once. They just look it, they look it so much.
Chō and Minato, I’ll put in one category: Saeko doesn’t have much shared interest with them, or much of a dynamic with them, but sometimes, late at night, Saeko tells them stories about what life was like when Misuyo was alive. It just makes Minato angry that she never got to meet Misuyo, but Chō appreciated it a bit more.
That’s all I have for rn… If you have any hcs for them, just tell me broski… <3
first of all, THANK YOU FOR THE SAEKO DUMP! i love him sm!! now, thoughts.
the Angst that happened with loe combined with the fact that you mentioned that she and saeko probably played around with poisons… i can only IMAGINE how saeko could’ve blamed himself for what happened.
his dynamic with keiko is also super interesting to me! it seems like the most “stereotypical” sibling dynamic between all of them so far, but that just has me more interested, honestly.
and as always, i’m thinking about saeko’s relationship with L. every time i think about the favoritism, i imagine it similarly to aang and tenzin in legend of korra, just not as blatant and a bit more subtle.
NOW, i have a prompt for you this time. do the lawmane kids ever meet the successors?? if so, what are some of their dynamics? i’m currently thinking about saeko and near interacting and i may be a bit obsessed. also if you’ve made picrews of them, please share them with me 🙏🙏🙏
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rockinlibrarian · 1 year
9 people tag game
Tagged by @e-louise-bates, who tagged only me (and no, I don't believe I've done this one, recently at least), so I'm assuming the "9 People" in the title isn't NECESSARILY how many people I have to tag.
last song: All I've been hearing for the past two hours is the background music to Splatoon, which my son is playing on the big tv in this room. Last song I actually listened to? I think it was Led Zeppelin. Yeah, when I turned my car off I left auxiliary on for a bit, as one does, and it was some Zeppelin-- "Whole Lotta Love," that was it.
last movie: Honestly, I am not sure when I last watched a movie? Possibly not since Arsenic and Old Lace at New Years. I just don't get around to it! Also, Splatoon is always running on the big tv.
currently watching: Okay, I almost thought of this as a movie, but I have been watching a TV show the past week or so! Muppets Mayhem, which is only 10 half-hour episodes long but I've still only watched 7, that's how much I'm not watching ANYTHING lately. Okay, I am unable to tell if it is objectively good to the average person-- I think it's mixed, some very good stuff, some eh-- because it is basically a made-for-me show (it got shuttled to the top of my watch list when a friend-- an online friend I've never met in real life even-- specifically tagged me on Facebook after she watched it because she thought of me the whole time). I have said, for the record, that The Electric Mayhem is my favorite fictional band. They genuinely do rock. And the music (and the music nerd references) is the highlight of the show. And the Get Back-themed episode was indeed an absolute delight.
currently reading: Kids and I are towards the middle of the end of The Sun and the Star, Mark Oshiro's Riordanverse book about Nico and Will in the Underworld, which isn't quite as delightful as Riordan's originals in voice, but still has some good stuff in it. I've also brought home Nowhere Boy by Katherine Marsh, which I am considering sampling for the older group at Summer Quest this week. Hence bringing it home to actually read those chapters before reading it to them. I also left off in the middle of a multichapter fanfic last night, something Umbrella Academy of course because I'm still only in the S's in my alphabetical by author browse-through. It's "the desperation murmur of a heartbeat" by slytherincosette-- good enough for me to keep reading beyond the first chapter (or even the first paragraph) at least. Haven't finished it yet.
last thing researched for writing purposes: Huh. Well, that depends on your definition of all those words, I suppose. I think, using the broadest definitions, the last thing I researched for my writing was synonyms for "flawless"-- I was looking for the word "foolproof" but couldn't think of it, so I put "flawless" in Thesaurus.com and browsed until I spotted it. Yay, thesaurus! And for this particular fic I also have looked up the transcripts to The Wizard of Oz (which is the AU) and various episodes of Legion (which it is a fanfic of), if THAT counts as research. I am looking at my google search history now but I don't think any of this was used for writing. A few minutes ago I looked up how many inches are 143 centimeters which I THINK was for some ART that @sunnymarbles was drawing, but that's drawing, not writing, and also not mine. I have researched various snack recipes from around the world so as to write up some handouts for Summer Quest, which was technically writing, and mine. Honestly the only research session for fictional-not-educational writing purposes that really stands out in my memory was the day (2 1/2 years ago) I spent researching electric guitars just so I could say what Marty McFly's dream guitar would have been in 1980, for one sentence in a less-than-900-word fanfic. But I learned a lot of interesting things about electric guitars, so there.
Who the heck should I tag. I usually tag Louise, but she got me first. @stephsageek, @alihahdnaid, @sharkneto, @rebel-by-default, @littlerit, @steeple-sinderby --those are the first I-know-are-writers in my notifications (not counting Louise) before the scrolldown makes me click "see more." There's also @dannypageoflight who draws more than he writes but who knows, maybe he's done some research for writing purposes lately. That's seven. And two more people! Have fun, two more people! @sunnymarbles! You were already technically tagged in this, and I already told everyone what you're reading and also probably what you're listening to right now because you are also in the room with Splatoon (can't tell if you have earbuds in) and also that I looked up the last thing you wanted to research half an hour ago or whenever it was! And you don't write! But you can also do this if you really wanted to!
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desertg · 1 year
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Discover the exclusive Flyback Circuit 15 oz Ceramic Mug - perfect for engineers and tech enthusiasts who appreciate the intricacies of AC/DC power conversion. Designed with an eye-catching Flyback Circuit, this mug is not for the faint of heart. Sip your coffee or tea while admiring the complex world of electrical engineering. Don't miss out on this limited edition Engineers Mug. See more at http://jac3d.store.#coffeemug #coffiecup #jac3d #cafelife #engineer #coffeeholic #coffeeholic #engenharia #coffeeaddict #coffeelover #muglife #technology #teatime #coffeetime #engineeringlife #electricalengineering #nerd #greentea #coffeeshop
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youarentreadingthis · 3 years
“L. Frank Baum's book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which appeared in 1900, is widely recognized to be a parable for the Populist campaign of William Jennings Bryan, who twice ran for president on the Free Silver platform – vowing to replace the gold standard with a bimetallic system that would allow the free creation of silver money alongside gold. As with the Greenbackers, one of the main constituencies for the movement was debtors: particularly, Midwestern farm families such as Dorothy's, who had been facing a massive wave of foreclosures during the severe recession of the 1890s. 
According to the Populist reading, the Wicked Witches of the East and West represent the East and West Coast bankers (promoters of and benefactors from the tight money supply), the Scarecrow represented the farmers (who didn't have the brains to avoid the debt trap), the Tin Woodsman was the industrial proletariat (who didn't have the heart to act in solidarity with the farmers), the Cowardly Lion represented the political class (who didn't have the courage to intervene). The yellow brick road, silver slippers, emerald city, and hapless Wizard presumably speak for themselves. ‘Oz’ is of course the standard abbreviation for ‘ounce.’ 
As an attempt to create a new myth, Baum's story was remarkably effective. As political propaganda, less so. William Jennings Bryan failed in three attempts to win the presidency, the silver standard was never adopted, and few nowadays even remember what The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was originally supposed to be about.”
- Debt: The First 5,000 Years, by David Graeber
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brokenclockwork · 5 years
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A quick note on Lavender, since I’ve talked to a few people about team / partner headcanons: 
She is intended to be a default verse, with other team builds being their own verse. This is mostly because my Oz is nearly 50 and I don’t want to force that age/the relationship by default. She also doesn’t have to be Ozpin’s partner. She can be a place holder in the team for any other build where your muse is Oz’s partner, but the rest of the team isn’t worked out. 
However, even in these verses where Lavender isn’t on his team, she is a friend from his academy days that died trying to save him, as it’s part of his whole...complex. 
Now, please enjoy Lavender through her four years at beacon: 
year 1. year 2. year 3. year 4. 
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quixoticrobotic · 2 years
The Wizard of Oz is an absolute miracle of a movie and thinking about it amazes me like there’s so many behind the scenes horror stories it’s a wonder the movie got made at all
And then there’s the fact that this movie from the 1930s is just genuinely really good like even if you haven’t read the books it’s based even if you aren’t a film nerd or a history nerd it’s just really charming and extremely watchable and it’s not just an interesting piece of history, it doesn’t just “hold up” compared to modern movies, it’s good enough to still entertain adults and still hold the attention of a kid
This movie from before my grandparents were born is still magical in the 2020s and if you don’t think that’s the coolest shit ever get out of my face
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🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Thank you for the ask! Finding something soft/fluffy was harder than I thought for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest. There's a lot of hurt/comfort in this WIP, but not a lot of just fluff 🤣 any way, here's a little snippet from Oz and Qrow's first date :)
[Oz snaps out of his trance long enough to turn his attention back to his partner. Qrow has a stupid grin on his face.]
Oz: “I’m so sorry, I’m rambling on again, forgive me.”
[Qrow puts his hands up in surrender.]
Qrow: “Hey, no need to apologize. I’m the one who brought a history nerd to a museum, I knew what I was getting myself into.”
[Oz starts blushing as Qrow offers his hand.]
I'm obsessed with them lol
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This ask motivated me to write 222 words for Ozqrow Week Day 3.
Experiment Total: 64,887
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frankierose · 2 years
30 Days of Buffy Challenge
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28. First Episode You Remember Watching
Um... so... okay, let me explain.
I first watched Buffy when I was VERY young. My mom introduced it to me and my siblings. As a result, I only have very vague memories that are mostly blurry images. I assume the first episode I watched was Welcome to the Hellmouth, but that's boring and I don't want to talk about that episode today so WE'RE DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
Today, we're talking about ten of my Buffy the Vampire Slayer (or Angel: The Series) ships/rarepairs and why you should ship them. I'm going to keep discussions of said ships short and sweet because ten is a lot and I'll start rambling if I don't keep myself in check.
Let's get into it. Starting from the top...
1. Willow and Cordelia Literally my favorite ship of all time in the history of forever. You should ship them because the popular girl x nerd girl trope is better than you think.
2. Buffy and Cordelia There might be a running theme here... you should ship them because you understand that Buffy needed someone who understood her better. Who better to understand her than Cordelia, queen bee?
3. Buffy and Tara Also probably my favorite ship of all time in the history of forever. You should ship them because Buffy needed a better support system than she had. Tara could offer that for her!
4. Willow and Anya I talked about them a lot yesterday - you should ship them so they can bond over how absurd Xander can be at times. Bonus points if they become closer after Xander and Anya's wedding.
5. Oz and Angel Probably one of my rarest pairs. You should ship them so you can watch two stoic men talk about their inner turmoil.
6. Drusilla and Buffy You should ship them if you like the concept of Bangel, but don't like how creepy Angel(us) could be regarding Buffy. Dru probably wouldn't kill Buffy's loved ones if she were in love with her, so that's a start! The stalking might stick around though...
7. Fred and Willow Okay, yeah, Fred's from Angel: The Series, but fuck you I do what I want. You should ship them if you think nerdy girls deserve each other. Also if you love ships between characters that interacted for 5 minutes.
8. Wesley, Gunn and Fred Speaking of AtS... you should ship them if you think love triangles are stupid. All of them should just date each other, damnit!
9. Drusilla and Darla They aren't the rarest pair in the world, but they deserve more appreciation. You should ship them if you think they deserved better than Spike and Angel(us). (Okay, Spike wasn't that bad. Sprusilla's cute.)
10. Willow and Faith Um... uh... UM, I'M RUNNING OUT OF REASONS. You should ship them because I SAID SO. Also, their dynamic would be really interesting in s7.
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