#Overlord (Light Novel)
bongwaterjuicy · 23 days
I also quite like Nigredo and Lupus and Renner!!!!
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I love Overlord sm
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evangelifloss · 2 years
Idk if this will piss off overlord fans but as someone who knows next to nothing about whatever is going on in that series, I will never not be amused about random blondie archer girl having a "live or die?" poll that the CREATOR THEMSELVES (guessing they're a man. Vibes.) put up and then be so peeved that the majority voted "live" that he wrote the worst fuckin she lives outcome ever. My brother in Christ if you wanted to kill her why have the poll and be SEETHING? I mean considering in all the other iterations she dies, creator clearly wanted her dead. JUST KILL HER BRO. I guess he did in the end...
Also why is everyone in that show trying to fuck the "definitely-not-a-self-insert-" protagonist WHO IS A SKELETON??? That's like coming up to me and saying you want to fuck Sans. HE HAS NO ORGANS. AND IM PRETTY SURE CHALKY BONES ARENT GOOD FOR ORIFICES. Even the vampire child loli bait wants to fuck him. Since it's an Isekai I doubt that there's any male characters that want to fuck him...
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harbingerwren · 2 years
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shoutout to all three (3) Supreme Being fans out there
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Gender identity: agender
Why would transition save them?: "throughout the series(especially in the books, not so much in any of the adaptations) they struggle with a sense of self(due in part to suddenly becoming an undead skeleton) which causes them to trust their judgement even less then they normally would. this all causes them to put up a near constant facade which is seen to be often physically tiring. a nonbinary transition could help them regain some of that lost sense of self along with adding something a little more real to their facade, hopefully making it just a smidge less tiring" -anon
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poodwattle · 10 months
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Wow that sure is a lot of notations sure would be a shame if i wasn’t even halfway through the book
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Oh nooooooooooooooooo
There is an entire page dedicated to listing off some of momongas passive abilities and three out of four paragraphs end in “etc.”
This video is gonna be L O N G
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artblooger19moon · 1 month
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OVERLORD Light Novels
OVERLORD 1 The Undead King
OVERLORD 2 The Dark Warrior
OVERLORD 3 The Bloody Valkyrie
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obsidian-warthog · 1 year
The night expeditions in Pikmin 4 have the odd side effect of making me sad about how the Overlord games died, because a tower defense lite mode would have also fit with Overlord. When the premise is being an evil Overlord, defending your tower just makes sense.
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megamidevice · 2 months
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Albedo • Overlord II F:Nex Figure (1/7) by FuRyu
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toxictac · 2 months
Been rewatching overlord now that it is on netflix, just wanted to see how the spanish dub was (its pretty good) but damn i forgot overlord was so fucking cool
I swear the cgi can be a bit on the nose but even then its so fucking cool, such good characters with interconected stories with interesting resolutions
Hell i just relised some aspects of some character that were later related are well forshadow, its so fucking good my god
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Thou Art God's Arrow was I even lucid while making this, I have work tomorrow morning and I'm down a night of sleep.
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frogkunlit · 1 year
A Good Light Novel With a Bad Title
Light novels are infamous for their “clickbait” titles, but honestly, any general book lover can probably tell you about a title that was single-handedly responsible for reeling them in, for better or worse. The other day, I read a book called Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone for reasons I’m sure you can understand. It’s also hard to argue that the provocative title of Jennette McCurdy’s…
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virtueisdead · 2 years
here's a transcript of a rant i went on about overlord
sometimes people just are terrible, and even if they have a reason to be that way, it doesn't need to justify the terrible things they do. overlord is an excellent example of this concept done even better (than the comic i was talking about in the original conversation), though the anime kinda butchers the presentation. the whole concept with overlord is supposed to be that you start out having ainz do questionable things with a degree of justification that lets you rationalize he's still just misunderstood, but progressively ups the ante for the evil shit he does or lets happen to see how long you are willing to keep trying to justify his actions before you realize he's plain and clearly the villain. personally, i like to interpret this as an allegory for either parasocial attachments to bad people, or my personal favorite interpretation; the drive to continuously justify capitalism based on the honesty of it's founding principles despite the state to which it has reduced the world. obviously that's not too imply i think that was a concept that was intentionally implied in the story. maruyama probably just wanted to write about a cool scary skeleton man. but i think the interpretation holds some degree of merit!
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harbingerwren · 2 years
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Albino/Color Swap Albedo from Overlord (Color Swap is with Ainz)
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lordgoopy · 1 year
im done with house so next should go star trek but i do want a less. intense (eps shorter than 40 mins) series to watch inbetween
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frugalkubal · 2 years
Reading chapter 96 of KKOW kinda made me realize how similar Mitsuashi and Itou are to Ulbert and Touch-Me (Overlord), respectively — especially when Mitsuhashi discovered how wealthy Itou actually is.
Okay, starting off with Mitsuhashi: he's already somewhat evil and kind of a chuunibyou just like Ulbert, so him getting angry and envious of Itou for being quite fortunate just cemented the thought I have of how similar he is to Ulbert bc that man is also canonically an envious prick towards Touch-Me. lol
Itou, on the other hand, loves helping the weak or anyone in need, just like TM. Aside from being wealthy, he's also quite popular as he is respected by a lot of people bc of his personality and strength (a lot of girls are also crushing on him bc he's a gentleman and handsome in spite of his hedgehog hair lolol); underclassmen look up to him just like how Momonga looks up to TM. Plus, he has a beautiful loving gf (who's also from a wealthy family). He's quite a fortunate guy in a lot of ways and his financially struggling devious friend is blatantly envious as hell. 😅😂
Furthermore, Mitsu and Itou are also kinda similar to Ulbert and TM in terms of power/strength. Generally speaking, the former 2 are considered as the strongest delinquents in Chiba while the latter 2 are also considered as their guild's strongest magic caster and most powerful warrior, respectively.
I mean, Mitsuhashi may be incapable of literally casting magic spells, but that guy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve; pair that with his superb speed, then he might as well be considered as some sort of magician. XD
He can occassionally deal some critical damage to his opponents that he'd knock them out in one hit just like how Ulbert can one-shot other players thru his most powerful spells.
Also, he kinda looks as flashy and intimidating as Ulbert, especially at times when he's angry; he's been called a demon, devil and oni multiple times and those words are what Ulbert literally is in the game. lol
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Itou, on the other hand, can throw powerful punches but he can also tank so well; his body's durability is seriously impressive. He literally got hit by a car once and he still managed to get up, walk towards the enemy's den, and then whoop said enemy's ass so bad to the point that even the devious Mitsuhashi had to stop him or else he would've killed the guy.
TM is considered as a "super-tier player who could serve as a tank even though he was an attacker" and that description really matches Itou as a fighter. •‿•
Even this GIF of TM alone already reminds me of Itou. lol
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Anyways, here are some pages of chapter 96 that really cracked me up bc of Mitsuhashi's hilariously absurd reactions — starting off with their arrival at the Itou residence:
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Power of Friendship ♡ but more on envy than empathy 😂🤣
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ellie-gondwanaland · 2 years
keep thinking about how this 160k word fic was the most of anything I've read in like 10 years....
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