#Outsourcing Zend Framework
digitalcrews · 1 year
Why You need to hire a PHP web development Company?
A PHP web development company is a company that specializes in the development of websites and web-based applications using the PHP programming language. PHP is a server-side scripting language widely used for web development to create dynamic and interactive websites. These companies offer services such as custom website development, e-commerce solutions, content management systems, and more. They help clients to build robust, scalable, and secure websites to meet their specific business needs.
A Brief About PHP Web  Development
It is designed to create dynamic and interactive web pages and can be embedded into HTML. PHP is often used in combination with other technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create full-fledged web applications.
PHP development involves writing code in the PHP language to build features and functionality for a website or web-based application. This can include tasks such as database integration, user authentication, e-commerce functionality, and more.
There are many benefits of using PHP for web development, including its ease of use, compatibility with different platforms and databases, and a large community of developers who contribute to its development and provide support. Additionally, PHP is highly scalable and can handle large amounts of traffic, making it an ideal choice for developing websites and applications that need to handle large amounts of data and users.
Read More - Importance Of SEO For Business
In conclusion, PHP web development is a crucial aspect of building dynamic and interactive websites and web-based applications. It offers many advantages, making it a popular choice for both small and large-scale projects.
PHP Framework -
PHP is a server-side scripting language and has several popular frameworks, including:
Zend Framework
Nette Framework
These frameworks provide a structure to develop web applications, handle security, and perform common tasks, making the development process easier and more efficient.
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Top 5 Reason Why You Need To Hire PHP web development Company?
Expertise: These companies have experienced and skilled developers who specialize in PHP development and have in-depth knowledge of the language and its frameworks.
Custom Solutions: A PHP web development company can provide custom solutions tailored to meet your specific business requirements and provide a unique user experience.
Time-saving: Hiring a PHP development company can save you time as they can handle the entire development process from start to finish, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your business.
Cost-effective: Outsourcing PHP development can be more cost-effective compared to hiring an in-house team, especially if your project is of a smaller scale or you have a limited budget.
Technical Support: PHP web development companies offer ongoing technical support to ensure that your website or application runs smoothly and efficiently.
Why Most of the website are build in PHP?
Easy to Learn: PHP has a simple syntax and is easy to learn, making it accessible to a large number of developers.
Wide Support: PHP has been around for over two decades and has a large community of developers who provide support, tutorials, and resources.
Large Ecosystem: PHP has a vast ecosystem of tools, libraries, and extensions, allowing developers to add functionality to their websites easily.
Compatible with Many Databases: PHP works with many popular databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, making it a versatile choice for web development.
Cost Effective: PHP is open-source and free to use, making it a cost-effective option for building websites and web applications.
Scalable: PHP is highly scalable, allowing websites and applications to handle an increasing number of users and traffic.
Popular Content Management Systems: Many popular content management systems, such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, are built on PHP, making it an attractive choice for building websites.
In summary, hiring a PHP web development company can bring expertise, customization, cost-effectiveness, time-saving, and technical support to your web development project. This is our guide about PHP web development company for more interesting articles visit Digital Crews.
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karanchadda · 2 years
Who is a good PHP web developer?
Before jumping into the web development process, you must have a proficient team of PHP web developers. While you are looking to hire a PHP coder, you must make sure you have a basic understanding of their roles and responsibilities and the skills required for your project.
A good PHP developer does more than just write web page code, test it, and maintain it. PHP web developers may also work on projects of various complexity. This requires a high level of analytical and problem-solving skills.
A proficient PHP developer collaborates with other trained specialists to produce different programs and debug when necessary. A good developer is also conversant with most PHP frameworks, such as Laravel, Yii, Codeigniter, Zend, Symfony, Kohana, CakePHP, and Joomla.
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mananghadawala-blog · 2 years
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ashcamelia1 · 2 years
Remote Staff Augmentation Services by IT Company
Living in a world that is changing dynamically and uncertainly, the need for instant hiring is growing direct proportionate to this! Since the load of IT works and employees on the company is in top-notch demand, there's a concern to fulfill the requirements of customers increases stress over the various companies dealing with the problem. If there's a problem, the solution lies within that, all thanks to IT Staff Augmentation services. This solves all the hectic tasks.
Learn about Staff Augmentation… Hmmm… curious???
Staff Augmentation is an outsourcing method that includes hiring qualified technical employees from other IT companies either for a short or long period for the accomplishment of extra loaded tasks. This is a cost-effective and very commendable option for filling the gaps lies between the technical project requirements. This also reduces the cost and burden of recruiting employees.
Navtark acting as the Background artist for your play Yes, this sounds good ain't this?
Our expert team at Navtark provides you with the best IT employees that fulfill all your tech-related projects with all their skills and hard work that acts as your support network for all your roles and responsibilities.
#Strategic Sourcing- design your retained organization with our remote expertise!
⦁ Navtark here with a team of all expertise resolves and formulates all your backlogging expectations regarding resource augmentation.
⦁ We bring the solution by leveraging strategic workforce augmentation that reduces the cost and your loads as well.
⦁ Our clients retain the control and management of the team.
⦁ We planned the team initially as per your requirements.
#Expertise Possibilities with IT talent
⦁ Build a Successful Team from Scratch-Build your custom development team with the required skillset and kickstart software development
⦁ Add Resources to your Existing Project- Access an additional talent pool and flexible engagement models to augment your software teams with top development talent.
⦁ Remote Facilities- Choose remote expertise for your development in any of our IT areas and seamlessly integrate your teams.
Hire The Professional Talent From Navtark
At Navtark we provide you with the experienced and skilled people involved in various technological services that include the following framework:
⦁ PHP Frameworks
⦁ Java Framework
⦁ JS Framework
⦁ UI Framework
Navtark is embedded with real gems that fulfill the needs of renowned resource augmentation agencies.
PHP Framework-
i. Laravel
ii. Symfony
iii. CodeIgniter
iv. Zend Framework
v. Project Yii
vi. Cake PHP
Java Framework-
i. Spring
ii. Hibernate
iii. Struts
iv. Google Web Toolkit
v. Java Server Faces
vi. Grails
JS Framework-
i. Next
ii. React
iii. Angular
iv. Vue
v. Node
UI Framework-
i. Bootstrap
ii. Materialize
iii. Foundation
iv. Tailwind CSS
Benefits that drive your way to Navtark
⦁ Professionals are thoroughly selected according to company culture and position requirements.
⦁ Reduced risks in talent acquisition and replacement.
⦁ The highly skilled and talented pool of employees.
⦁ Experience higher possibilities for the betterment of all your projects.
⦁ Our great workings will lead to higher the companies scale in various profitable fields.
Our Technologies
1.PHP 2.WordPress 3.Laravel 4.React.JS 5.Node.JS 6.Angular 7.Flutter/Dart 8.Android 9.Java
Wrapping Up
Here, at Navtark we provide you quality solutions both with our technologies and with our staff augmentation services. We built a bridge and provide you with the best possible team to support you. We take care of your time and here provide you with a flexible contract duration. We consider all your work formats and provide you team that is flexible to your time and work patterns remotely. We provide you with a team remotely so that you do not need to worry about physical arrangements for them. We provide all these designed attributes that will surely fit your budget.
For more information
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capitalnumbers · 4 years
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What is Zend Framework?
Zend Framework (ZF) is an open-source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 7. It is a collection of professional PHP packages with more than 480 million installations. It can be used to develop web applications and services using PHP 5.6+ and provides 100% object-oriented code using a broad spectrum of language features.
Benefits of Zend framework
Extensible: It follows open architecture based on Middleware or MVC, following PHP-FIG standards.
Secure: It stores passwords using bcrypt, encrypt with AES-256, and more.
High Performance: Zend Framework 3 runs up to 4x faster than version 2 releases!
Enterprise Ready: Zend has a proven history of success running business-critical and high-usage applications.
Community Support: ZF community guarantees knowledge-sharing, collaborative efforts, and hard-to-find resources.
Modern Standards: Zend Framework uses Composer as a package dependency manager
We at Capital Numbers helps you to develop custom web application using Zend framework.
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transparsoft2 · 4 years
Custom Development - The Best Way To Take Your Business To The Next Level!
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Businesses, today, need to overcome a plethora of challenges in order to beat their competition. With the advent of technological era, it has become easier for business owners to create a strategic advantage for themselves. And, Custom Web Application Development certainly plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective. Enterprises need to rely on powerful custom web applications to meet their specific business requirements & target objectives. These applications are built using a variety of dynamic open source frameworks such as PHP, CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Zend etc.
With the help of services such as PHP Development, businesses can get dynamic and 100% tailored web applications that help cut down operational expenses and streamline various activities. One can also get dynamic database driven websites by leveraging the benefits offered by PHP & MySQL technologies. When you go for a custom web app for your organization, it not only helps improve day to day efficiency but also enhances the actual return on investment too. You just need to outsource your custom web application project to a reliable company and that's it! Your things will be taken care in a meticulous manner.
Custom web applications such as a CRM tool or online content management system can do wonders for your business enterprise. Take for instance, SugarCRM based web applications. These help owners streamline complex customer information at one place. Managers can easily access data with just a few clicks and that's it! These advanced web applications also help you to monitor various sales, marketing and promotional activities.
Talking about custom cms applications, these allow you to have full control over online content. There is various open source software available for this such as WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. Customizing these software applications as per your business needs can bring in huge benefits. For instance, WordPress helps you run a custom blogging application to promote products and services. You can even use it to start your own affiliate network. Same is the case with Drupal or Joomla!
Besides custom web applications, these days, mobile applications have also become indispensable for businesses. These help reach a wider target audience and improves the overall brand awareness too. With Android Application Development solutions, you can get powerful business apps for mobile devices that help market products & services in a cost-effective yet professional manner. The demand for custom mobile apps, in recent years, has witnesses a lot of surge. Thanks to the introduction of smart phones such as iPhone, Blackberry, Windows, Symbian, Android and lot more.
With custom web solutions including Magento Development, internet merchants can set up elegant ecommerce shops exactly as per their marketing requirements. These online stores allow customers to shop in a seamless manner without worrying about the security aspects. Moreover, these days, developers include additional custom functionalities such as the ones based on AJAX to offer customers a powerful online experience. They even integrate social media platforms with your online stores so that customers can share, recommend, like and discuss about your products on the virtual platform. All this would not have been possible without custom development services.
Using Custom Web Application Development services from a professional organization, you can not only save your cost but also time. These companies used well-defined methodologies and advanced project management techniques to deliver your projects on time and within budget. All you need to do is some secondary research in identifying & selecting the right organization which listens & understands to your online branding goals. Their team of web application developers will do the needful in a very short span of time.
Read more here about David Stoccardo Custom Development .
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isaaknoppen-blog · 7 years
IT outsourcing bedrijf in India.Gespecialiseerd in Zend Framework Applicaties Ontwikkeling, Custom Zend web app Ontwikkeling,Zend integration & Web Services
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channing2389-blog · 7 years
Nous sommes une entreprise de sous traitance basée en Inde. Nous sommes spécialisé dans des Développement de Zend Framework.
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coderiders · 2 years
Best Software Development Companies in Education: CodeRiders Included
A reputable e-learning company, Online.Degree.com has just released a list of the best software outsourcing companies in education worldwide. CodeRiders Software Outsourcing Company is also included in Online.Degree.com’s list. This list is backed up by valid data and a careful examination of each company's experience and history of building e-learning software solutions. About Online.Degree.com Online.Degree.com is a team of leading academics who are determined to make education accessible and free for everyone despite the place of living, social conditions, age, the field of operation, etc. The company helps students reduce college debts and accelerate the learning process by offering free online courses. The company cooperates with some of the well-established and leading colleges and educational institutions such as: • Suny Empire State College • Southern New Hampshire University • Florida National University • IndianaTech • Lynn University • Thomas Edison State University • Grand Canyon University • Norwich University and more. Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge and skills can choose between a variety of courses from these qualified universities and receive credits from accredited universities across the USA. Some of the amazing benefits people get include: • Saving money on tuition • Online learning from any location and at any pace • No applications or entrance exams. How CodeRiders is Included?   As we already know, Online.Degree.com is a qualified institution to advise on education-related matters. It partners with some of the best colleges and institutions in the USA and is trusted by many. Besides the main scope of their educational services, it is also crucial for them to be a good adviser to their students. The company explores the education industry worldwide, keeps up with the trending topics, and is determined to make difference in the e-learning industry. The company came across CodeRiders during its ordinal research of the best e-learning companies worldwide. Then they went through CodeRiders’: • Reviews, • Past awards and recognitions, • Software development case studies, • Our software development company blog about business and software development topics. After making the final decision of accrediting CodeRiders as one of the top e-learning companies worldwide, Online.Degree.com reached out to our business development team and shared the news. About CodeRiders Software Outsourcing Company CodeRiders is an Armenia-based software development company. It was initially established as a software development school back in 2013. In just a year, the school gave 800+ alumni. In 2014, CodeRiders hired its based students to work at CodeRiders Software Development Company. The founder, Artak Amirkhanyan is a software developer himself. He is now the acting CTO and CEO of the company. Currently, CodeRiders consists of 16 tech enthusiasts who are motivated to build cutting-edge software solutions worldwide. We have had clients from multiple countries from almost every continent, such as: • Northern America (USA, Canada), • Africa (The South African Republic, Namibia), • Europe (Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, UK), • Australia, • Asia (Hong Kong). Our clients are mostly from countries where software development services are very expensive and there is a talent shortage. These countries prefer to outsource to the most famous tech hubs in the world, and Armenia is one of them. CodeRiders’ Services CodeRiders offers the following services: • Web development and design, • Custom software development, • Software outsourcing and IT consulting, • Mobile app development. We are also specialized in business intelligence (BI) services, Internet of things (IoT) services, API integrations, and real-time solutions. Our tech stack includes but is not limited to: Back-end development: PHP, Laravel framework, Yii framework, Symfony framework, Zend framework, Codelgniter framework, Node.js, Express, Socket.io, C#, .Net, Python, RESTful API, LinkedIn API, Facebook API, Twitter API, AWS. Front-end development: JavaScript, jQuery, Vue.js, Angular 2+, Ionic, Flutter, Dart, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3,4, React, React Native Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, PostreSQL, SQLight. An E-learning Project by CodeRiders: CodeRiders worked with a Hong-Kong based creative English school Butterfly Milk. The client’s goal was to digitalize the school management process for the school. Not were we instructed to automate all the manual tasks and the whole school management system for Butterfly Milk but we also needed to build all the functions interactive and creative. The students are schoolchildren therefore our challenge was to make the learning process fun and interesting. We provided 1 web developer, 1 mobile app developer, and a project manager (PM). Our software developers worked on both web development and mobile app development while the PM took care of the smooth software development lifecycle (SDLC). They worked specifically on: • Database architecture, • Web development, • Hybrid mobile development, Our web and mobile app developers worked simultaneously, keeping up transparent communication both with each other and the client. They were able to deliver bug-free code within the time scope. Some of the key software solutions and services included: • Creation and implementation of a web platform for teachers, students, and parents, • A feature to manage, edit, and add classes to the school calendar with drag and drop functionality, • Solutions for assigning tasks to students and sending learning materials, • Automotive solutions to level up students by moving them from one class to another • A possibility to make individual notes for each student and send a student progress report to parents, • Features for managing, editing, and adding new words in the dictionary database with images and pronunciation sounds, • A possibility to link dictionary words to books, • A feature for adding homonyms in the dictionary and assigning them to corresponding words, • A possibility to add books and movies for the classes, • A possibility to track student’s progress both for parents and teachers, • A possibility to track books’ borrows and returns for each student, • Gamify custom quizzes for students, • Create and schedule appointments with parents digitally, • Build a Trello-like panel to manage inner tasks. Meanwhile, our hybrid mobile app developer built and implemented a mobile application for the students’ parents. It is a school management mobile app that allows to: • Receive, check, and keep track of the students’ assignments, • Allow parents to link more than one child to their account (if any) and manage both of their profiles accordingly, • Allow parents to keep track of their child's currently borrowed books, • Check their child’s dictionary words and their child’s pronunciation, • Write notes for teachers and schedule appointments with teachers, • Allow students to play various types of gamified quizzes. Our software developers have completed the first stage of this e-learning project. It is currently on hold and is scheduled to be relaunched soon. After that, we will turn to the 2nd stage of the project adding more complex functionalities both to the web and mobile app. The beta version of the application is not live on Apply store and Google Play Market. It works responsively both for IOS and Android users. You can check other case studies in the CodeRiders portfolio section. Other Industries Team CodeRiders is Specialized • HealthTech or healthcare software solutions, • Media and entertainment software solutions, • Finance and banking software solutions, • Marketing and analytics software solutions, • Real estate software solutions, • E-commerce, wholesale and retail software solutions, • Wealth management software solutions, • Customer service software solutions (CRM systems), • Legal system software solutions, • Transportation and logistics software solutions. CodeRiders Also Runs a Blog We write about the global IT industry, its trends, the latest news, software development, and business-related matters. We also occasionally share interviews with our dedicated software developers. They speak about their experience and share their opinions about various technologies, as well as their journey to becoming a qualified software developer. Some examples include: Our senior software developer, Albert Inspiryan’s interview about the future of PHP, the upcoming software technologies, and his latest projects. We also have an interview with our senior software developer Babken Darbinyan, who speaks about SQL. We will soon share our front-end developer Garod Ajemian’s thoughts about the future of Reatc.js. Benefits of Working With CodeRiders 1. Affordable prices and high-quality services go hand-in-hand, 2. Dedicated software engineers are more reliable unlike freelancers or remote employees. They work within a software outsourcing company and although the client becomes their new employer (if outstaffing), the company is responsible for the quality of their work 3. Possibility of adding new software developers or other experts like designers, project managers, QA specialists, etc. from the same team. Employees from the same company already have experience cooperating, 4. IP rights protection, no security risks, 5. Possibility of signing an NDA if required, 6. Clear communication.
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miraculoussoft · 2 years
Web development company - One-stop Solutions
One-stop solution means all your needs of digital solution meets here. We offer web development services including design, build, hosting, and, maintenance or update when you will say. Apart from this, we provide expert services in mobile app development, and digital marketing(SEO, PPC, SMO, etc.)
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Our developers are talented and skillful in the following technologies, in which we make sure you will achieve what you demand:
We possess expertise in the wide range of tools and technology frameworks, among them Our developer's favorite list here:
Zend Framework
Yii, etc.
If, you are looking to hire a web development company in New York. Feel free to contact us, we provide outsourcing services worldwide .
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nomanaliseo · 4 years
Laravel vs Codeigniter which is better for Website Development
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Website Development : The flexibility of using an open-source language, liberal to use the platform, and MVC patterns may be a great luxury. If there are plenty of utilities and libraries that assist you proceed together with your project faster than somebody else, these results are appreciated. Once you code in PHP, it’s essential to avoid being monotonous and repetitive. That’s where creative frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, etc. came to the market.
Let’s talk about Laravel, as a PHP Framework
It is a framework that’s one among the primary contenders of next-gen PHP development tools for Website Development. The recognition of this framework is increasing rapidly, and features like good routing, migration support, blade tempting, authentication support are a number of the items that are crucial during this effort. Laravel isn’t almost beautiful web applications, it’s also about well-documentation, which is superb guidance.
Below are a number of the critical things that talk in its favour, over others.
It comes with an easy to use and modular service for the Blade templating engine.
Authentication is a simple feature with built-in caching support and mechanism for compatibility.
It allows users to integrate third-party services easily also, becoming a flexibility major.
Further, effective control of sessions is handy.
In all, it’s better IO capabilities, to say, which may be a blessing.
Finally, the open-source MIT license means the ASCII text file is out there at GitHub, something which proprietary services will never be ready to do.
Let us see more closely, why Laravel is that the choice for businesses around today, and doubtless why further down the line; it’ll be a far better skill to find out.
eCommerce Package
This is something that takes the frustration out of the equation. Bagisto and AvoRed are known to be the foremost recommended packages during this regard. With assistance for drag-and-drop processes, developers can practically do tons of stuff a bit like in WordPress. Once you choose a reliable Laravel development company, you furthermore may know that they’re going to be sharing the entire framework with you.
SEO Packages
If anything speaks more Website Development-friendly, it is SEO, built-in. Laravel Meta manager comes with SEO able, SEOTools, Laravel-SEO, AutoMeta, Laravel CMS, and lots of more. There are numerous beautiful packages that allow SEO built-in that you simply don’t need to depend upon third-party. albeit you probably did , you’re not alone and help them directly . It guarantees a sudden rise in site visits and rankings.
Admin Panel
Another effective thanks to have a web presence is by employing a robust admin panel, and Voyager is that the best tool out there. Laradmin has support for Voyager, and developers can easily integrate it within their existing framework with none hassle. It just takes a few of minutes, at most.
Laravel Collections are the simplest selling B2B websites, and that they are evolving rapidly because the web changes it. More exhaustive libraries, pretty robust templates, and maintenance and support around the clock is usually beneficial.
Pros & Cons of Laravel
Blade templates guarantee elegant solutions to HTML and no spaghetti code.
All the safety requirements comply for a contemporary site.
Its frameworks are better in creating enterprise solutions.
With relational objects and structures, business solutions are handier.
Better documentation is that the key to high-end libraries.
There are inconsistencies with Query Builder and ORM.
Laravel development doesn’t support legacy systems well.
You might find an important dose of bloatware which will cause problems.
Let’s talk about Codeigniter, Another Next-Gen Contender
A PHP framework that’s simple and faster to find out is true here. It’s always advisable for all to start out with this framework. The most objective remains to start out slow and little then to proportion the answer. New and experienced CodeIgniter developers can work hand in hand to supply an upscale set of libraries, use them, and develop them, and offer solutions for his or her clients. The CodeIgniter platform for Website Development offers a friendly interface, to assess libraries, and one among the apparent benefits of using these as compared with Laravel is it minimizes the quantity of learning you’ve got to try to, and therefore the amount of code you’ve got to write down.
Actually, for any given task, the CodeIgniter platform requires relatively less code to create than Laravel. Compare this to something like Python vs C++. aside from large scale web development applications, this framework is suggested for shared accounts and shared projects. It ensures a smaller footprint. But, CodeIgniter doesn’t follow the MVC pattern strictly like Laravel and doesn’t assist in complex functionalities, very easy work is true here. Adding complicated things third-party plugins isn’t possible, or utterly complex.
The best feature of this platform as a next-gen PHP framework comes from its friendliness. I list the most points below.
Codeigniter for Website Development offers excellent security with XSS filtering, which is taken into account an enormous deal.
The lightweight and little footprint framework is appreciated and offers a small encoding module.
It is program friendly with URLs that are indexed easily by Google, Yandex, Baidu, etc.
With an in-built class manager, calendar, templates, and stuff, the session manager is complex. It helps in unit testing.
Errors and other logs are always appropriately maintained, and therefore the manipulation library is additionally updated on the fly.
But, with these features for Website Development, what makes CodeIgniter better than Laravel? Why should a business choose this framework than Laravel, when it’s such considerable support?
It helps CodeIgniter to be a neat, clean, small friendly framework that you simply can understand easily and learn to code quickly.
It has simple routines, methods, and is well-structured. It’s an easy routing method, as well.
With more robust and better quality support and stability, this is often the proper choice.
Like Laravel, it also allows the caching of internet sites, and this suggests increased performance and faster loading time.
With such benefits, businesses find it quicker to use CodeIgniter, than Laravel, especially startups, small and medium enterprises, and more.
What is the advantage of Codeigniter for Website Development? How does it delay on its Own?
We list the positive and negative aspects of this PHP framework for Website Development; it’s own. Being a framework, it’s some upsides and downsides; for instance , some elements that make it faster, also makes it less flexible.
We see that this particular platform features a lesser need for storage here. It includes only 256 MB of size, and you’ll start your work now.
It makes it more suitable for fast and scalable projects, where startups and little businesses are the first targets.
Easy to find out , and therefore the simple structure helps developers learn quickly and speed up development.
The bad things about this include a scarcity of a worldwide template for library offerings.
It makes future maintenance of projects complex and utterly difficult, a severe headache to possess. Then you would possibly need to rewire tons of the code.
There is no support for modular separation also , which will quickly obliterate the project’s structure.
Which of Them, Laravel or Codeigniter for Website Development, is More Popular?
The popularity of a framework comes from its facilities and features. As far because the statistics show, both the frameworks are on their own very influential. They assist you get obviate the severe pain of writing an excessive amount of repetitive code, integrate complex routines, during a matter of minutes. Google Trends is an estimator that analyzes the social trend for learning PHP as a replacement skill. It measures from several data bits, which parts are more important than the opposite , and which of them are smaller .
In the past 12 months of monitoring, CodeIgniter has been almost constant from September 2019 through March 2020 till September 2020. It’s been a mean trend for CodeIgniter with ratings below 25 marks. At an equivalent time, Laravel has been above 75 throughout this era . Yes, there was tremendous variability during this score, and it dipped to 63 in Dec 2019, when CodeIgniter was 11. It rose as high as 100 on March 1, 2020, when CodeIgniter reached 14, not its highest peak. generally , CodeIgniter seems to lose the turf for a more flexible, open-source, and integrable system. albeit it’s a touch difficult to find out at the start , once you master it, you’re skilled to develop complex Website Development projects.
Besides that, 117,809 websites built using CodeIgniter till this date while Laravel reigns a marginal supreme here with 132,687 websites. These are majorly from developing countries that outsourced labour comes from, like Brazil, Russia, India, UK, and Japan. As per GitHub report shows that 1.5% of questions asked regarding Laravel. Still, the community involvement for CodeIgniter remained well below 0.2%, which shows that the developers are going after Laravel because it’s open-source and free. they will learn it at their own pace, and with support.
To give a good conclusion to the trend, and which PHP framework for Website Development could be the simplest for 2020 and beyond, their options are dual. If you’re working during a startup, they could have already got a framework in hand. If you’re a developer tasked to pick one, choose both for Website Development.
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uniquesdata · 4 years
Magento Data Entry Services-Uniquesdata.com
Our previous blogposts talked about data entry services, now we will talk about Magento data entry services. Before we go ahead with the benefits and services, let us first understand what Magento exactly is.
Released in the year 2008, Magento is an open source built-in PHP, which helps in creating eCommerce websites extensively. Founded by Varien, Magento is developed on the Zend Framework platform. Over the years, Magento has become one of the leading solutions where almost 26% of the best eCommerce websites use Magento. A number of MNCs and international brands like Nike, Samsung and more are currently using this open source to host their online store.
Having said all that, there are some of good features of Magento which will help growing eCommerce websites on another level.
-          Product management options which includes images, photos, product reviews, wish lists, inventory etc.
-          Category management options like easy sorting, filtering and category choices.
-          Inventory management options like managing stocks at hand, ordering, import, export etc.
-          Client profile option where in you can access client details like account status, transaction history, addresses, payment methods, preferences etc.
-          Customer care option like follow ups on customers, email services, enhancing features etc.
-          Different payment options like credit card, debit card, PayPal, etc.
-          Search tech options like quick search on Google site maps.
-          Promotions which includes discount coupons, promotional codes etc.
-          Language support which offers multi-lingual and currency support.
-          Analytics options where in you can generate reports by integrating with Google Analytics service.
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With so many commendable features, you are bound to go with Magento-based online store. But then it would require an expert service provider which can successfully ensure that your store gets a huge number of products and traffic online. Uniquesdata offers Magento data entry services which are customized and tailor-made as per your business requirements and needs. Our team of skilled professionals are experts in managing with different aspects of the online store like product descriptions, adding products, reviews, images, payments and prices etc. Some of the benefits of outsourcing Magento data entry services with Uniquesdata are:
-          Timely deliver & zero-time constraint – We offer round the clock maintenance options and customer support always at your disposal.
-          Adhere to deadlines – At Uniquesdata, we ensure to get your work done in minimum possible time and some of the best available rates that won’t burn your pockets.
-          New experience – Our experts can also help you shift your eCommerce store from platforms like X-cart, zen cart etc. into Magento shopping cart platform.
-          Organized output – Our team of professionals would easily help you keep your eStore/eCommerce site updated, in-place and organized since they have extensive experience into Magento data entry services.
So, what are you waiting for? Want to boost your business and reach new highs, earn more revenue and reach extensive audience? Outsource Magento data entry services with Uniquesdata today. Connect with us today and watch your time get better.
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paulcook159-blog · 7 years
IT Outsourcing company based in India. Specialized in Zend framework Application Development, Customized Zend Development and Zend integration.
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webitoutsourcing · 5 years
Outsource PHP and Magneto Developer
Original Source: https://webitoutsourcing.blogspot.com/2019/12/outsource-php-and-magneto-developer.html
Outsource.com is one of the proven PHP developer companies that has introduced the best PHP outsourcing projects. First-class PHP developer services and solutions abroad for small and medium businesses. Based on our experience and knowledge of various PHP-based environments, we can provide reliable, scalable and cost-effective PHP programming services. Processing PHP projects such as CMS, e-commerce websites, CRM systems, websites and user applications can save you time and money and focus on your core business.
The best PHP outsourcing service to develop
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Outsource.com understands that different company have different requirements so that we can provide an appropriate solution. In addition to providing specialized framework developer services for technologies like Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Zend, Yii and CakePHP, you can create websites and web applications suitable for an Outsource PHP Developer.
Front panel
Your website interface is essential to attract visitors and increase conversions. Use the latest JavaScript user interface frameworks (Angular.js, jQuery, Backbone.js, etc.) to create beautiful and attractive web pages with an easy to use interface.
Today, e-commerce stores are the foundation of many businesses. I have created a big e-commerce website with e-commerce solutions like Magento, woo Commerce, osC Commerce, PrestaShop, Shopify, UberCart, Outsource.com. Create a website to earn trust from visitors and customers, create conversions and sales and track all channels and orders directly from the system.
Customer relationship management
Maintaining customer relationships and customer satisfaction is essential. Outsource.com Overseas CRM developer services use first open-source and PHP-based products like SugarCRM and VTiger. Our contract also specializes in custom CRM solutions to meet your specific needs.
Other services
The following services:
·     API developer service
·     Develop PHP with MySQL and Postgres databases
·     Service to optimize and modernize the PHP website
·     Migrate services from the previous version to the new version of PHP
Why should you choose Outsource.com to develop Magento?
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Outsource.com is one of the industry's leading Magento developers and offers first-class Magento developer services. It makes it easy to implement projects regardless of e-commerce site developer or topic developer. You can also hire developers as needed.
Best Magento Developer Services from Outsource.com
Our developer service makes it easy to create an online state through our website.
User interface design and adaptation
Outsource.com has created a smooth navigation path for visitors to get a simple and attractive user interface design. Advanced settings can help you coordinate with your target group.
Magenta Module Developer
Outsource.com has a dedicated Outsource Magento Developer team that can provide a modular developer according to customer needs. Different companies have different requirements, but developers offer a variety of solutions to develop modules that fit their business needs.
Custom eCommerce solutions
Meet all your needs and needs to create a personalized e-commerce solution for your business. Outsource.com has successfully implemented many e-commerce solutions in the past and knows about the latest e-commerce developers.
Magento Developer Customization
Outsource.com has a team with excellent Magento developer skills. Therefore, we can provide high quality customized Magento developer service regardless of your requirements. Developers are committed to developing solutions that fully meet business needs.
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synctech-my · 5 years
Avail Affordable Web Design Service with the Biggest Names in Malaysia
A website acts as an online representative for a business. It shoulders the important responsibility of making a business look better than the rest. A custom business website reaches out to a body of global customers and accesses their needs and expectations in relation to a product or service, thus helping a company take its progress in the right direction. Today, a lot of businesses do not have a physical entity and are purely online based. But, the requirement of a website affects them as much as they affect a tangible one. Today, the leading names in website design have a host of new-age and consolidated practices developed from advanced studying of trends and technologies. They have the caliber of developing a website to perfection by incorporating the latest web design features that can make a website fall into the global trend!
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 Make your digital goals comes true with web design services
 Working on a website is not as easy as it sounds. It calls for responsibility and a vigilant eye that will always note the problem areas of the site and correct them for better prominence. Appeasing a search engine and meetings various internet rules and standards isn’t easy and if a website does not follow the various guidelines chalked out by a particular search engine then it can be penalized. Thus, developing a website and maintaining it, goes hand in hand. A web design and SEO company helps a start-up business in realizing their business goals and engineers their online presence accordingly. Today, the top web design companies in countries like Malaysia, are extending their expertise to designing SEO projects and campaigns. Besides their popularity in lending web-enabled IT services, these companies also offer affordable services at competitive rates.
 Companies new in the industry should definitely consider the option to outsource website design in Malaysia. Considered leaders in developing engaging and responsive websites, Malaysia web designing companies have helped many in preparing a successful online business model. The most common services that form a part of their lucrative packages include:
website design - This service includes small business web design, responsive website design, open source CMS development, graphic design and Wordpress web design 
PHP development - A team of experienced developers with decade-old experience have conducted several project execution tasks. Their experience in handling different PHP frameworks like Smarty, CakePHP, Zend and Codelgniter have added to their versatility. 
Designing E-commerce sites - Their design capabilities extends to using several open source scripts to design e-commerce sites. Their expertise in using Magento, X cart and Zen cart is highly reckoned.
 Why consider outsourcing web design services from Malaysia?
 Site design, development, implement and management are the various areas, that these web design services cater to. But, for a business, it is only natural to hire the services based in his own country, rather than outsourcing the same services from elsewhere. To settle for the outsourcing option, there has to be sufficient reasons. To bring on a few:
A web development services company based in Malaysia has a team of highly creative minds, who have the potential to get an online business running within a short while.
They are highly trained and market-ready professionals who are well-informed about the industry and its updated notions and practices. Thus, they are always able to deliver all projects within the stipulated time period.
A project manager is appointed for all projects and designs and therefore individual attention is promised by these design teams for all clients.
Responsive websites that can help mobile-phone users get a detailed idea about the contents of a site, are designed with ease and efficiency by them
 Besides all these reasons, one should also consider the fact that the top SEO and web design teams in Malaysia also offer affordable web design service which sets them apart from the rest in the global industry.
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Choose Best PHP Frameworks For Startup Your Business in 2019
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PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is one of the most widely used programming language designed for developing websites and web apps. Being an open source programming platform PHP provides you a basic structure to build the web applications.
Choose Best PHP Frameworks For Startup Your Business in 2019
Use of PHP Framework –
Promoting rapid application development PHP reducing the amount of repetitive codes helps you save your time. Without PHP if you desire to build any such application you will have to use a lot of repetitive codes. Consuming your time and efforts it still would not be able to build such a stable application. Also with no use of PHP framework executing the connections between database and application is not easy. However, the use of a PHP framework ensures easier connections.  
Allowing you to develop massive web applications PHP is very popular and easy in learning as compared to other scripting languages.
MVC Architecture
PHP works behind the idea of Model View Controller (MVC). In MVC, Model refers to data, View refers to the presentation layer, and Controller to the application logic. MVC breaking the development process of applications isolates business logic from UI. The domain will be used for handling information exchanged between your database and user interface.
Also, Read:
JAVA vs PHP Performance
Allowing you to work on the individual elements without affecting the other elements of work. Therefore once you understood the working of PHP it will become much easier for you to work with.
After going through a lot about PHP, its uses and importance of working let’s check out the top 15 PHP frameworks:
Laravel is a very famous open source PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell. Following the MVC architectural plan, it is used for the development of web applications. It is one of the most renowned web development frameworks used by businesses to intricate rich web applications. Considered by the majority of the businesses Laravel falls first for reliable routing.
Laravel is used as one of the topmost PHP frameworks as it is pretty good in delivering crisp web applications. Laravel even helps you customize applications as per the user’s requirements. Offering you the benefit of web application it aids the development of maintainable codes. Thus it is highly fit for the development of robust web apps.
Some of the advantages of using Laravel are:
Laravel makes authentication implementation straightforward
Faster execution of web applications
Laravel supports popular cache back-ends
Easily handle errors
Reliable Routing
Yii is an open-source object-oriented PHP web application framework known for its enhanced security features. Coming up with its another version of Yii 2 it is popularly used for its faster loading process.  Easy to install this lightest Yii framework has integration with CodeCeption.
Yii supporting the development of complex web apps never disappoint developers while building apps. Some mobile app developers accepted and used this framework very well for their projects.
Some of the advantages of using Yii are:
Free of repetitive code writing
Fastest framework for large-scale applications
Provides faster performance
Protects sensitive data against threats
Handles a large number of requests per seconds
Symphony is a set of reusable PHP component aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications. Building robust applications it aims in giving developers full control over the configuration. Using the additional tools it helps developers test, debug and document projects. Being a highly scalable and dependable PHP framework it provides best web development.
Some of the advantages of using Symphony are:
Symphony provides a good user interface
Easy to find a good hosting solution
Easy Deployment
Active Community
Better Security
Easy to Maintain
CakePHP is another open source web framework introduced after the arrival of Ruby on Rails.
You can always receive a better and definitive response using the CakePHP framework. Using CakePHP you can always easily create, read, update, and delete anything you want from your website.
CakePHP makes the development of your website more flexible, compatible, and cost-efficient.
Some of the advantages of using CakePHP are:
Less Coding
Convenient in Use
Easy Development
Better Reliance
Cost Efficient
Read here,  
How to outsource software developer for PHP application development?
CodeIgniter is one of the popular PHP frameworks used for rapid development of web framework. CodeIgniter is a powerful framework used for delivering the exceptional performance-based website designing experience.
While comparing with other PHP frameworks it is mainly considered for its speed. It provides easy customization and configuration for your business websites. Its unique qualities of features help you enhance your business.
Some of the advantages of using Codeigniter are:
No restrictive coding rules
No need for template languages
Easy Customization
Develops rapid web frameworks
Exceptional Performance
Fat-Free Framework
Fat-Free is an open-source PHP framework used for combining full feature set code base.
Due to its light in weight feature property, it is highly recommended by professional website developers.
Providing a powerful framework it supports numerous plugins for compatibility. Supporting multilingual application, URL router, and seamless support provides efficient development of the framework. This lightweight PHP framework is used for developing robust and dynamic web applications. For augmenting online marketing needs lots of developers choose Fat-Free for its development purpose.
Some of the advantages of using Fat-Free are:
Lightweight Framework
Delivers good performance
Efficient Development
Support for multiple languages
Hassle-free Installation
Phalcon is another open-source extensively used PHP web development framework. Compared with other frameworks it uses very less memory. Therefore the time request used for Phalcon is very less. Its speed makes it very useful than other frameworks. Handling a greater number of HTTP requests Phalcone lowers resource usage.
Slim is also popularly famous with the name micro-framework. For developing small and medium size web applications this is a perfect choice. Using this framework you can also develop API’s and web services. It carries various features such as  URL routing, client-side HTTP caching, session and cookie encryption, etc.
Recommended Reading:
In-House VS Outsourcing a PHP Developer in India
It is one of the finest PHP frameworks that help you enable the development of the advanced plugin. Utilizing the namespaces to intricate a forceful plug-in planning. All the components of PHP framework are replaceable. Rendering various responses with different content-types it is incredibly useful and easy to extend.
It is a very good framework for building RESTful API. It is a more robust network structure development PHP framework for creating an effortless API and complex web applications.
Flight is a micro-framework utilized for developing a suitable website design for both the business and personal purposes. Using this framework you can always experience easy documentation. Recommended for small web application development it cannot handle large size applications. Flight web development framework is a compact forceful structure. This simple small web application is easy to learn and code.
Zikula is another open source free framework. Using this framework you can design any big or small size web project.Based on Doctrine and Symfony this framework provides advantages of being integrated with Font Awesome 4 and Bootstrap 3. This useful network structure comes packed with a much more receptive theme.
Nette is a free source software used for developing feature-rich applications. It is rated as the 3rd most renowned web development in the world.Putting the extra emphasis on productivity, clean code, and security this popular framework is globally used around the world.
Zend is a popular light-weight PHP framework. With the improved latest version of Zend, many new features got introduced. Providing you best designing and reliability it offers good consistency in design. Its flexible architecture with quick development quality makes it highly productive in use.
This OOP framework provides websites with incredible features. Using this anyone can easily include OOP functionality. Automatic class loading, overloading, and interfaces are the primary features of Kohana. Holding good experience it creates websites with dynamic functionality.
Founded in 2012 PHPixie is an amazing web development framework started as a micro-framework which later became the most popular full-stack PHP framework. High in performance, this strict architecture avoids common pitfalls.
From the above list of PHP frameworks, you can surely help your business achieve success. Therefore use this list of startup frameworks in the coming future of 2019 and add new experiences to your business projects.
If you want to create a PHP web framework for your business with an advanced list of features. Outsource  PHP developers from Nimap Infotech (software development company). We have experienced team of PHP developers ready to provide you excellent web development services.
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