ashcamelia1 · 2 years
Remote Staff Augmentation Services by IT Company
Living in a world that is changing dynamically and uncertainly, the need for instant hiring is growing direct proportionate to this! Since the load of IT works and employees on the company is in top-notch demand, there's a concern to fulfill the requirements of customers increases stress over the various companies dealing with the problem. If there's a problem, the solution lies within that, all thanks to IT Staff Augmentation services. This solves all the hectic tasks.
Learn about Staff Augmentation… Hmmm… curious???
Staff Augmentation is an outsourcing method that includes hiring qualified technical employees from other IT companies either for a short or long period for the accomplishment of extra loaded tasks. This is a cost-effective and very commendable option for filling the gaps lies between the technical project requirements. This also reduces the cost and burden of recruiting employees.
Navtark acting as the Background artist for your play Yes, this sounds good ain't this?
Our expert team at Navtark provides you with the best IT employees that fulfill all your tech-related projects with all their skills and hard work that acts as your support network for all your roles and responsibilities.
#Strategic Sourcing- design your retained organization with our remote expertise!
⦁ Navtark here with a team of all expertise resolves and formulates all your backlogging expectations regarding resource augmentation.
⦁ We bring the solution by leveraging strategic workforce augmentation that reduces the cost and your loads as well.
⦁ Our clients retain the control and management of the team.
⦁ We planned the team initially as per your requirements.
#Expertise Possibilities with IT talent
⦁ Build a Successful Team from Scratch-Build your custom development team with the required skillset and kickstart software development
⦁ Add Resources to your Existing Project- Access an additional talent pool and flexible engagement models to augment your software teams with top development talent.
⦁ Remote Facilities- Choose remote expertise for your development in any of our IT areas and seamlessly integrate your teams.
Hire The Professional Talent From Navtark
At Navtark we provide you with the experienced and skilled people involved in various technological services that include the following framework:
⦁ PHP Frameworks
⦁ Java Framework
⦁ JS Framework
⦁ UI Framework
Navtark is embedded with real gems that fulfill the needs of renowned resource augmentation agencies.
PHP Framework-
i. Laravel
ii. Symfony
iii. CodeIgniter
iv. Zend Framework
v. Project Yii
vi. Cake PHP
Java Framework-
i. Spring
ii. Hibernate
iii. Struts
iv. Google Web Toolkit
v. Java Server Faces
vi. Grails
JS Framework-
i. Next
ii. React
iii. Angular
iv. Vue
v. Node
UI Framework-
i. Bootstrap
ii. Materialize
iii. Foundation
iv. Tailwind CSS
Benefits that drive your way to Navtark
⦁ Professionals are thoroughly selected according to company culture and position requirements.
⦁ Reduced risks in talent acquisition and replacement.
⦁ The highly skilled and talented pool of employees.
⦁ Experience higher possibilities for the betterment of all your projects.
⦁ Our great workings will lead to higher the companies scale in various profitable fields.
Our Technologies
1.PHP 2.WordPress 3.Laravel 4.React.JS 5.Node.JS 6.Angular 7.Flutter/Dart 8.Android 9.Java
Wrapping Up
Here, at Navtark we provide you quality solutions both with our technologies and with our staff augmentation services. We built a bridge and provide you with the best possible team to support you. We take care of your time and here provide you with a flexible contract duration. We consider all your work formats and provide you team that is flexible to your time and work patterns remotely. We provide you with a team remotely so that you do not need to worry about physical arrangements for them. We provide all these designed attributes that will surely fit your budget.
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