#Outlaws of the Moon
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monkeyssalad-blog · 5 months ago
Captain Future / Spring 1942 (Vol. 4 #1) by Michael Studt Via Flickr: Captain Future / Magazin-Reihe > Edmond Hamilton / Captain Future: Outlaws of the Moon > Arthur K. Barnes / Guinea Pig > Jack Williamson / The Alien Intelligence (Part 1 of 3) > Graph Waldeyer / The Dummy That Saved Earth cover: Earle Bergey Editor: Oscar J. Friend Better Publications / USA 1942 ex libris MTP www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?256465 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Future en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earle_K._Bergey
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punkeropercyjackson · 28 days ago
Women love me for my afropunk swagger and gender ambiguity and unmaskable autism
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gravityglitch-blog · 7 months ago
"Stardust Waltz"
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First day of Murder Drones week, hosted by @space-dem0n. I chose the prompt "stars".
I've wanted to draw N and Uzi dancing in space ever since I saw the closing scene of episode seven. Given the prompt and my current favorite song, I had to try.
Here's the song that largely sparked this drawing, "So Much (for) Stardust" by Fall Out Boy.
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missterious-figure · 5 months ago
Me: looking through my pictures for a reference and reminiscing(I was going oldest to newest for some reason)
*finds these guys*
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Me: wtf?! Where did you come from?!
Uhm, so.... apparently, I forgor I had a dragon cowboy dca au I had in the works. oops. But these are, I think, the strapped designs. Because I also found this dude
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Wtf? I've found a few short things in my notes as well, so... I think Sun was a sheriff in some dragon ridden desert, and I think Moon was a anti-hero kinda outlaw/bandit dude... and they both ride dragons... so Dragon Cowboys? Thoughts?
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alynwrench · 6 months ago
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Things I've made this weekend in the @daycarefriendpickup weekend magma this week!!!
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scarredlove · 2 years ago
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There's too many good fics in this fandom. And there's a bunch I still need to draw
Jester Sleuths - @naffeclipse Detective Moon and Mob Boss Eclipse
Biting the Hand that Feeds - @xitsensunmoon/@xitsen Vampire Sun and Moon
Holler if you Need us - @castercassette Outlaw Sun
Coiled Around a Fine Line between Love and Fear - @crazedauthor Naga Sun
Part1 (you're here~) / Part2 / Part3 /Part4 / Part5 / Part6 Without text below:
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amarynthian-chronicles · 8 months ago
Friends we made and annoyed along the way
Outlaw Sun: alright, precious bundle of thorns and roses, pack your bags. Your ransom has been paid for, you are free to go.
Y/N: what? You want me to leave? After everything we've been through together?
Outlaw Sun, blinking tiredly: you've proven yourself to be a greater menace than the entire criminal underworld combined. Not to mention all the costs of maintaining your needs, our bills have never been this big. Go home.
Y/N, theatrically throwing themselves into Sun's arms: what about our bond of eternal friendship?! We had a connection! Camaraderie! Fates entwined!
Outlaw Moon, snickering in the background: we could let them stay a few more days, Sun. Their charm and whimsy do sparkle akin to a constellation in the midnight sky of our grim lives.
Outlaw Sun, groaning: the authorities expect them to return by nightfall, how will we explain Y/N's absence?
Outlaw Moon: everything gets lost in shipping nowadays.
Y/N, making sad eyes: please? Pretty please with a cherry on top and whipped cream on the side?
Outlaw Moon, smiling slyly: come on, Sun. You can't say no to that.
Outlaw Sun, sighing in defeat, holding Y/N close and nuzzling their soft hair: you win this one, my rose garden. However, I want you to promise to behave.
Y/N, giggling and reaching to pull him into a gentle kiss: maybe if you get me that treat I just mentioned.
Outlaw Sun, grinning: cheeky little thing...
Outlaw Moon, making his way towards the kitchen: I shall fetch the treat. I expect to be equally rewarded with tender kisses when I return, my dearest constellation.
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thehollowprince · 5 months ago
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helluvaoutlaw · 9 months ago
((( Striker, after The Full Moon episode: )))
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mrscienceman4000 · 2 months ago
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This gives me such big Marc vibes, not going to lie-
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jenthegeek · 1 year ago
One of my favorite tropes will always be "Robots who wear clothes. Despite there being no actual real function for it besides aesthetic"
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rems-writing · 7 months ago
Is Mingi the God of Death?
》 Pairing: mortal!Mingi x former Moon Knight!reader
》 AU: Marvel au
》 Wordcount: 3,198 words
》 Rating: nc-17
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society @othersideoutlawsnetwork @illusionnet
The happiest of birthdays to my one and only soulmate. Song Mingi 🥰🥰🥰 ilysm. Thank you for entering my life as my ult. You have changed me for the better 🩷🤍🖤
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Lately, Mingi has been having weird nightmares. It ranged from strange ceremonies that involved welcome people into a golden field filled with thin plants to people bowing down before him as they offer things like food, wine
Sometimes, the so-called sacrificial offerings would be struggling to break free from these followers. Other times, the sacrificial offerings would cut out their own hearts and place it on a scale. Mingi would find himself judging those people and either send them to that strange field or the sand dunes, where people turn into sand statues and remain that way for eternity. 
The nightmares progressively got worse as months passed. It was bad enough that Mingi saw people cut out their own hearts and seemingly plead to him for mercy. It got worse from there. 
His previous nightmare involved him embalming someone and wrapping them up like a mummy before encasing them in a coffin. He almost hurled at the sight of the different organs that were bloodied and placed in cracked and faded urns. He didn’t know how it escalated into that since his nightmare started off as him taking care of a person like he was a nurse. He found himself speaking gently to this person as he took care of their wounds.
It was ironic since the person was actually dead.
He didn’t know how to explain all of this to a therapist he was seeing. He never sought out a therapist before, but due to the increasing number of nightmares he had, he was left with no choice but to talk with a professional about it. What made things worse was that he felt guilty for seeing someone to talk about this with rather than his significant other. 
He didn’t want to burden his beloved after seeing you struggle with trying to reign in Sekhmet. 
He knew how much you despised being the avatar for Khonshu, the Egyptian god of justice and the moon. He wanted to make sure that you live a carefree life without having to worry about the old bird popping up out of nowhere.
Which is why he kept this to himself. 
He knew it was wrong to keep secrets, especially since he might get his ass beat by your twin brother. Marc was someone he didn’t want to mess with, especially with his dangerous alter. 
Jake Lockley
In the few times Mingi encountered Jake, he was almost scared away by him. Due to his love for you and his support from both Steven and Marc, he was able to persevere through Jake’s ‘protective’ antics and get him on the young man’s side. 
It also took some convincing from you as well since Mingi would often see (and try not to snicker at) you hit Jake with a slipper. 
My love <3: Hey! Marc is currently over rn and he demands coffee. 
Mingi was currently wrapping up his latest session with his therapist. As he shook his therapist’s hand, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching him from afar. Deciding to brush it off for now, he let go and bid his therapist goodbye before leaving to go home. After a harrowing day at work, he just wanted to snuggle up against you and listen to you ramble about normal life. Speaking of which, you messaged him about something. 
Mingles: lol are you sure it’s Marc and not Steven or Jake?
My love: Steven only drinks tea while Jake prefers ‘the blood of his enemies’ or whatever tf he meant
Mingles: so basically… a cup of milk coffee
My love <3: lol pretty much :P
Mingles: LMAO XD
Mingles: ok bet. I’ll stop by the cafe near our flat and I can get Marc his coffee. Do you want anything?
My love <3: Just your love and affection
My love <3: and maybe an apple fritter. I’m obsessed with those lately. Blame Layla lol
Mingles: Now see if I do that, Marc might beat my ass lol
My love <3: I’ll protect you. I have the power of the slipper! XD
Mingles: You’re so fucking cute. Ok I’ll get those rn. Ily
My love <3: ilyt
Mingi looked up and flinched when he saw the barista looking lifeless. She had white blurred eyes, sunken cheekbones, a jaw that was hanging on for dear life, and a body that was basically a skeleton if you didn’t see the paper-thin skin attached to the bones. He blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking at the barista once again. He was relieved when he saw a healthy-looking woman in lieu of the dead version of herself patiently waiting for him to pay. 
Mingi sighed dreamily as he put away his phone and walked to the cafe. There was no line and there weren’t a lot of people inside, so he was able to get the items quickly. As he took out his wallet, he casually asked how much he owed. He was not prepared for the answer given to him.
“I will offer you my soul.”
“Sorry. I must’ve been distracted. Been thinking about home and work and stuff.” Mingi sheepishly explained, to which the woman waved him off politely. 
“No worries. It’s totally fine. Anyways, $10 is your total.” 
Mingi nodded and pulled out a $20 bill. “You can keep the change. Have a good day.” He said quickly and politely before he gathered his things and walked out of the cafe. With your apple fritter and Marc’s coffee in tow, he walked briskly back to his flat, barely missing the way that some citizens looked with the same lifeless look in their eyes. As he patiently waited for the crosswalk sign to change, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and almost dropped the items in his hand when he saw a dead man looking at him. His head was bent at an unnatural angle, and he spoke in a hollow voice. 
“You left us. You left your true home to be amongst the humans. You are a selfish god. You want to be human so bad? Then you will die like a human!” 
Mingi jumped out of the way as the dead man launched himself at the taller man, only to crumble into pieces when he crashed to the floor. Panic consumed Mingi and he ran for his life when the crosswalk sign changed. He dared to look back. 
He wished he hadn’t. 
A wave of mummified humans came barreling at him with lightning speed, all speaking in an ancient tongue that he somehow understood. The panic turned into fear when he felt someone’s bony fingers brush up against his ankle in an attempt to trip him and drag him away. Temporary relief washed over him when he saw a familiar building a few feet away from him. Picking up speed, he sprinted towards the entrance of the building’s lobby and inserted himself into the closest vacant elevator. He pressed the ‘close doors’ button rapidly as his peripheral vision caught onto the mummies scrambling over one another to get into the elevator. He breathed out a heavy sigh of relief as the doors closed in time and it started going up to his floor. Mingi slid down the wall and exhaled loudly as he patiently yet anxiously waited until it stopped. 
An eerie whisper of his name sounded in the air and Mingi flinched at the sound. He slowly got up and looked around to see who called him. As far as he knew, he was the only one in the elevator. 
The whisper grew louder and Mingi was able to detect a voice. It sounded soft and gentle, yet he knew better than to trust that easily. The lights in the elevator flickered and he looked around anxiously. It didn’t help that there were mirrors surrounding him as well. 
“Over here.”
Mingi looked to his left and his face paled. He was somehow expecting a dead version of himself to be looking at him through his reflection. 
He was not expecting an entirely different man to look back at him. 
As Mingi walked closer to the mirror, he set his things down and looked at his reflection. Whenever he raised his hand, the man would as well. Whenever he bent his head, the man would as well. It went on for a while until Mingi looked up and almost let out a scream. 
The man’s head had an outline of a jackal surrounding him. 
“Who the fuck are you?!” Mingi screamed. 
The man chuckled quietly as he stepped out of the mirror and stood before him. He was dressed similarly to Mingi, but it looked like he went through hell and back. His white dress shirt was torn at the bottom so his abs and slim waist were on display. His black dress pants had chains dangling from the belt loops, his black dress shoes were caked in sand and blood, and his crooked fingers were covered by black fingerless gloves that reached to his elbows, leaving his forearms to be covered as well. His black tie hung loose around his neck and his silver hair was more of a dark and ashen gray. His hair covered his eyes slightly, yet Mingi was able to see through them. The man reached out and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as he stared him down. 
“I am you.” 
“Mingi, wake the fuck up!” 
Mingi heard your worried voice loud and clear, and he sat up straight on the couch, looking around rapidly before settling his eyes on you. Standing beside you were Layla and Marc. Layla looked worried as well while Marc was stoic and had his arms crossed. 
But he too was worried. 
“W-What happened?” Mingi asked hoarsely. His voice was lost due to the scream he let out earlier after that encounter with that strange man. 
“We got a call from the landlord saying that you passed out as you tried to exit the elevator once you reached our floor. I practically sprinted out of our flat as soon as she said that. Mingi, something is going on with you! You’ve been looking paler every day and you’re always so fidgety. Not to mention that you also wake up in a cold sweat and breathe heavily. Even in the darkness of our room, I can see you clutch your chest. Please… talk to me. Talk to us!”
Mingi couldn’t take it anymore. He broke down crying in your arms and told you everything. From the nightmares to the therapy sessions, he vented on and on. While you were consoling him, Marc and Layla shared a knowing look. Yet they stayed quiet as they observed you cradle his face in your hands and kiss his forehead gently. 
“It’s ok, Mingi. It’ll be ok. We will do our best to help.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to be involved with the gods again. If that even is the case.”
“You’ve helped me cope with adapting to our new lifestyle. And for that, I thank you every day for coming into my life. Let me repay you for all you’ve done.” 
Mingi nodded shyly and you smiled before looking up at Layla and Marc. 
A few hours later, you and Layla were discussing amongst yourselves the predicament that Mingi was in while he was in your room with Steven, who fronted after hearing about the nightmares. 
“So you’ve had nightmares that involved dead people, mummification, and the Field of Reeds. Am I correct, lad?”
“Yeah pretty much. And as I said to Y/N, it felt like my nightmares were coming to life. I saw a barista looking lifeless and say that they’ll offer me their soul while another random man called me a selfish god and tried to attack me. Lastly, a huge group of mummified people came running at me.”
“Right… but then what about the encounter you had with that man? He wasn’t dead right?”
“No. He looked more human. He wore a tattered version of the clothes I’m wearing right now yet I know for a fact that he was an entirely different person than me.” 
“Here. Let me sketch him as you describe him.” 
Mingi then proceeded to describe what the man in the mirror looked like to the best of his ability. He probably messed up on a few details since he was gripped with fear as he saw him. Steven finally finished up his sketch and a worried look was on his face as he looked at it some more before he turned the sketch pad around. 
“Is this who you saw?” 
Mingi’s face paled once more as he saw the sketch. 
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“Yeah… that’s him.” 
“Oh bollocks. Lad, I think you might have encountered the Egyptian god of the dead himself.”
“No… Anubis.”
Mingi found himself on a plane to Cairo. He was nervous as hell and couldn’t stop bouncing his leg. You placed a hand on his knee and looked at him with reassurance. “It’ll be ok, Mingi. We’ll see what he wants, and he’ll leave you alone after that. He’ll listen to me.” 
Mingi nodded rapidly as he listened to your confident words. When they landed, they quickly got off the plane, grabbed their bags, and booked it to the hotel they were staying at. Once they were checked in and settled down, they immediately headed towards the pyramids. 
You and Marc were once again back inside the temple of the Ennead. They hadn’t been back here since they trapped Ammit inside Arthur Harrow’s body. As much as you wanted to escape so badly, you knew that if you didn't do this, Mingi’s nightmares would never end. 
“So I just… lay here?” Mingi asked as he pointed to a stone table. You nodded and helped him lay down. Due to his height and big body chock full of muscle, it was a struggle at first. Finally, he was able to lay down properly. His long legs dangled off the table and he cringed when he felt a strange liquid be painted on his forehead. 
“This is just us preparing you for the ceremony. We need to put the symbol of Anubis on you so we can properly communicate with him. Don’t sweat it.” Marc explained and Mingi nodded. Once the preparations were complete, the chants started. 
The more the three of them recited the incantations, the more Mingi felt physically uncomfortable. He was sweating a lot, he clutched his stomach, and he let out painful screams. The screams soon turned into growls and his back achingly arched off the table as black and gold mist escaped his mouth. The mist soon took shape into an all too familiar figure. The figure was hunched over and stood up slowly as the mist dissipated. His eyes glowed brightly before settling back to brown. 
Mingi scrambled off the table as he stood behind Y/N while the man, clad in a black tank top and blue jeans, brushed off his shoulders and looked around. His wavy black hair dangled in front of his eyes.
“Ah. It seems I’m back in this dreadful place.”
His voice, albeit soft, held power. He settled his eyes on Marc and Layla before smiling gently at them. “It’s so good to see you two. How has life been for you guys?”
“It’s been… alright.”
The man nodded before turning to you. His eyes were filled with love and sadness as he walked towards you. He reached out and gently held your face in his hand. Mingi wanted to step in and tell him to fuck off, but for some reason, he knew this needed to happen so he just stood there and watched. 
“My love… I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Seonghwa.” 
‘So that’s Anubis’s human name.’ Mingi thought to himself as he observed the exchange between you and Seonghwa. 
“I hope Mingi is making you happy. Otherwise, my departure from the Duat would have been in vain.” 
“Wait… you left? Why?”
A quiet sigh escaped Seonghwa’s plush lips as he explained everything to you, Marc, Layla, and Mingi. 
“I am a selfish god. I couldn’t bear to be without you. So I left behind everything I once was and entered the mortal realm in a new body. Hence, how Mingi came about.” 
It all made sense now. 
Mingi wasn’t having nightmares.
He was experiencing his past life. 
“Mingi, I am so sorry that you had to go through those visions. I never meant to make you and Y/N suffer. I didn’t realize the consequences of leaving the Duat until they came to fruition. Please forgive me.”
Mingi couldn’t help but feel bad for the past version of himself. All Seonghwa ever wanted was to be with you, no matter the conditions. Mingi gave a small grin to the ancient god and patted his shoulder. 
“It’s ok. I understand. I honestly would’ve done the same thing if I was in your position.”
Seonghwa smiled gratefully and brought the mortal into a hug. Your heart soared at the sight of your past lover and current lover embracing each other like family. As Seonghwa let Mingi go, they connected their foreheads together. Seonghwa placed a delicate hand over Mingi’s broad chest so he could feel the man’s heart under his palm. 
“I will try my best to make sure you guys will not suffer anymore. In return, I simply ask that you keep loving Y/N in the same way that you always have since the first day you two have met.”
“You can count on me, Anubis.”
Seonghwa nodded gratefully and turned to you before pulling into one last hug.
“Until we meet again, my love…”
Seonghwa let go of you and waved goodbye to Marc and Layla before he disappeared in the same black and gold mist. His ghostly silhouette floated around the temple before coming down upon Mingi, who groaned painfully as both of their presences combined. A light shone brightly around the young man momentarily before it dimmed. The three of you uncovered your eyes. Layla gasped, Marc had a half smile on his face, and you were practically drooling at Mingi’s new look. 
Instead of long silver hair, he had black hair swept back to reveal an undercut and his eyebrows were no longer bleached. He wore a black tank top, light blue jeans, and black combat boots. He had sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose and one of his arms revealed a tattoo of Seonghwa’s symbol. 
It was a significant mark of Mingi’s past life as Anubis. 
He smirked as he saw you shamelessly checking him out. He walked over to you and lifted you up in his arms before carrying you bridal style. 
“Come on, babe. The night’s still young. The four of us should go on a double date.”
You simply giggled like a schoolgirl as you admired the confidence Mingi had. You two walked out of the temple while Layla quietly laughed to herself and Marc sighed heavily. 
“Oy vey.” Jake said to himself in Marc’s head. 
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months ago
Tmasc superhero geek bf who has a crush on Jason Todd x Tfem superhero geek gf who has a crush on Rose Wilson
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arlesposting · 2 months ago
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going through intense art block and inexplicably locked in on sailor moon...so now we have ned kelly as a sailor guardian. hooray! ^_^ hopefully i color this in someday. ok bye
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piermanwalter · 6 months ago
Rebel Moon being about a murderous brunette going from planet to planet gathering a crew while gorgeous settings are strung together with the absolute bare minimum of continuity and ending up one of the worst movies ever made, while Star Wars Outlaws being about a murderous brunette going from planet to planet gathering a crew while gorgeous settings are strung together with the absolute bare minimum of continuity and ending up a tolerably decent video game is textbook proof of how medium affects storytelling.
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touhoutunes · 1 year ago
Title: Outlaw of the Moon
Arrangement: Tare
Album: Outlaw of the Moon
Circle: マホトア豆腐店
Original: The Reversed Wheel of Fortune
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