#Outdoor Charis
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legilimenace · 8 months
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⋆✴ HP: Charis Northmoor ✴⋆
Name: Charis Northmoor
Nicknames: "Cousin" (by the Fenwicks and Kenways)
Name Meanings: Charis - grace, kindness, and life
Birthdate: March 3rd, 1881
Nationality: English
Gender: Female
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
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⋆✴ Education ✴⋆
School: Homeschooled (11–15), Hogwarts (15–17)
Charis' education was always a very transient one with extensive practical experience as she tagged along with her father and their friends, gaining hands-on learning with beasts, magical plants, and necessary skills for wizards and witches to have. When she got to Hogwarts, her experience was almost a bit stifling and she frequently longed for the outdoors, feeling almost beyond her peers (whether or not such a perception was truly accurate). Her father, however, couldn't have been happier that she was in an actual school and faring relatively well, as he had thought it would turn out much worse
House: Slytherin
Charis hadn't been quite sure what to make of her house placement when she first got to Hgowarts. At first, she didn't think much of it beyond it being the "ambitious House," but as she came to realize the kind of identity valuation that her peers made of her once the hat had made its decision, she felt slightly resentful. She may not have been entirely on the side of fraternizing with no-majs/muggles (and being placed in such a house felt more like a callout than an affirmation) but she had nothing against squibs or those born from non-magical parents as some of her housemates seemed to. Her placement in Slytherin forced her to call into question some of her belief systems and a sense of hypocrisy that she wasn't aware of.
Best Class: Study of Ancient Runes
Worst Class: History of Magic
Electives: Magical Theory, Arithmancy
Quidditch: N/A
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⋆✴ Magic ✴⋆
Wand: Vine wand with a unicorn hair core, 11 ¼ and reasonably supple flexibility
Charis received her wand from Ollivander's and it was a near-shocking circumstance to have the wand begin to glow within its box as she approached the counter, not even needing to hold it. She was aware from off-handed comments by the Kenways that vine wands have always been rather sensitive, but it came as quite a shock to her to feel such a pull to the wand.
Pets: Owl (Beedle)
Boggart: Being burned alive
Riddikulus: The fire turns into puppies nipping at her ankles
Patronus: Nightjar
Amortentia: -
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⋆✴ Physical ✴⋆
Height: 5'5"
Body build:
Eye color: Blue-green
Skin tone: Pale
Hair color: Blonde
Type of hair: Curly
Usual fashion of dress:
Amidst polite society (and very often outside of it), Charis can be found in clothes with every frill, lace, and floral embellishment. She greatly enjoys the feeling of looking well-put-together, donning a fancy hat or brooch to accompany her outfits that usually mix a shade of white with another rich color. When keeping the company of her American family friends, she will still do her best to look just as put together, though will do her best to be more sensible overall with her choice of footwear and maneuvering capabilities.
Jewelry or accessories: Family ring, modest pearl earrings
Voice: Slightly airy and raspy with a more pointed enunciation
Face claim: Ashleigh Stewart
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⋆✴ Personality ✴⋆
Personality traits: Direct, curious, friendly, humored, impatient, sharp-tongued, adventurous, discerning, deceptive, selfish, determined, pragmatic, proactive
⋆✴ Favorites ✴⋆
Color: Powder blue
Food: Bread and butter pudding
Literature: Fairytales and folklore
Most prized possession: A family ring with a crescent moon and stars, bequeathed by her paternal grandmother
Likes: Insects—fireflies especially, hydrangeas, discovery, mooncalves, wood nymphs, cherry cordial
Dislikes: Hodags, remaining indoors for long, being out-done, impractical homework, sea creatures, floral teas, dragonhide
⋆✴ Habits ✴⋆
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes, socially
Other drugs: No
Mannerisms: Clicks her tongue often when irritated
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⋆✴ Family ✴⋆
Mother: Drusilla Northmoor (née Max) †
Born in southern Britain, Drusilla was a pureblood from a middle-class and opportunistic family who relished in the chance to marry their children off to powerful wizarding families such as the Blacks and the Zabinis. The Northmoors were equally as good of a match, not necessarily for their perspectives on blood purity, but for fabled whispers of a power long forgotten or rather lost to time as the treasure of the united Northmoor, Fenwick, and Kenway clans was locked away under quest and shrouded in mystery.
Thus, Drusilla was arranged to be married to Elchion Northmoor a couple of years after graduating from Hogwarts. It was not a match of love, but they came to care for one another as one would care for a companion. For many years they struggled to have children, and to take her away from the prying eyes of British wizarding society, Elchion brought her to America to reacquaint himself and introduce her to the families he had been close with as a child where even their great grandfathers' grandfathers had known one another.
Charis was, unfortunately, too young to remember her mother as she had died not too long after giving birth to Amantha, an unplanned "October surprise" of sorts.
Drusilla had already been fairly old to have even had Charis, and at the time that she had to give birth to Amantha the family could not reach a wizarding hospital and so they entered a muggle one. Unfortunately, they were not able to keep her alive, and this further fueled Elchion's distrust of muggles.
Father: Elchion Northmoor (b. 1846)
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Elchion was somewhat of a soft soul prone to vices, though no more so than his dear friend Terrence Kenway. Even in spite of his stern and often pensive manner, by comparison Elchion was rather gentle
Charis had never known her father to ever be cruel to her or Amantha, only ever particular about raising them with standards and grace. He himself was a man of class even when "roughing it" in the vast American countryside, but he was never above deceit as a means to an end and his perspective on muggles/no-majs was quite close-minded, perceiving them to be of a threat worth not taking lightly
Drusilla may not have been the love of his life but he was still distraught and infuriated by her passing and would partake in alcohol quite often. In spite of his sorry state he still loved both his children and wished the best for them and for that, Charis loved him dearly, even if she didn't always feel inclined to love his rules.
Though he never remarried, after Charis and Amantha grew to adulthood and left his care, he settled into a small estate in southern France and took with him a few of the Fenwicks that had grown tired of traveling around America
Sister: Amantha Northmoor (b. 1884)
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Amantha was placed in Ravenclaw when the Northmoor girls arrived back in Britain to attend Hogwarts
Perhaps it was because she was younger, but in spite of her outward composure, Amantha was even more free-spirited than Charis and much preferred being with her American wizard friends than her new British ones.
Once she graduated from Hogwarts, she practically rushed back to the US to reconvene with the Fenwicks
Later she marries Walter Fenwick and they have two sons together
Charis got along relatively well with her sister, but there was always an element of detachment between them as though they were better friends than they were siblings
⋆✴ Relationships with Others ✴⋆
*Open to all relationships
Best friend(s):
Orpheus Kenway
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Closest in age of all the Kenway children and dearest in her heart, Orpheus is one of Charis' closest friends. Even as they may be very distantly related through their ancestors (a fact that perpetuates a joking sobriquet of "cousin"), he is truly like the brother that she never had—as, she would argue, the rest of the Kenway boys were as well.
The Kenways (Oswin, Crescentia, Eren, Terrence), The Fenwicks (Randall, Julietta, Ruby, Isleen, Walt, Ira, Nory, Melina)
Love interest(s):
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smugtownmushrooms · 2 years
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ITS OFFICIAL! MUSHROOMS & CULTURE OF GREECE 2023 !! Ten day immersion into the natural world of Greece Super excited to officially launch our new dates and locations for our offerings in Greece this year! This year we visit the Northern Pindus mountains in the #zagori region of Greece AND we visit the Roumeli mountain region in Central Greece on the famous mountain of Parnassus! Both locations are fantastic in their own way and we hope having two date options offers more flexibility for peoples calendars. This year we have our friends and co-facilitators Nina O’Malley @mycologic and Charlie “Charliceps” Aller @mushluvmushrooms @charliceps joining us again ! They’re practically Greek now ;) Our guest teachers and on-site experts are AMAZING and we are super stoked to invite and host Mycologists Christian Schwarz @biodiversiphile , Willoughby Arevalo, Isabella Kirouac-Arevalo, Greek herbalist Eleni Christoforatou, Greek outdoor guide, chef and naturalist Charis Papageorgiou, Fotis Paraskevaïadis and more! Hit up the website and get the full scoop! Together we visit mountains, cities, springs and places of antiquity. Let’s soak in the ecologically rich culture of Greece. we are offering an Early Bird option! www.smugtownmushrooms.com/greece spread the word ! πάμε! #smugtownmushrooms #mushroomsandcultureofgreece #mushrooms #fungi #ecology #mycelium #love #greece #ελλαδα #manitaria #forests #mountains #olives #macrolepiotaprocera (at Ellada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKWG7fOmU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mia-studyhaus · 2 years
5 Minutes, 5 Words - #52
Chary /ˈʧeəri/ (adj.) - cautiously or suspiciously reluctant to do something.
Mike, my now ex-boyfriend, was uncharacteristically chary and anxious when I had returned home one week early from my business trip. I found a girl's belongings in my room later that night and broke up with him immediately.
Chicanery /ʃɪˈkeɪnəri/ (n.) - the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose.
Sheela had trained her employees to use chicanery to drive up sales for her company.
Circumlocution /ˌsɜːkəmləˈkjuːʃᵊn/ (n.) - the use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive.
The Wolves team won the debate by using clarity but also circumlocution.
Circumspect /ˈsɜːkəmspɛkt/ (adj.) - wary and unwilling to take risks.
It is not a bad thing to have a circumspect approach to outdoor adventures, especially when you are not experienced in the activity at hand.
Conciliatory /kənˈsɪlɪətəri/ (adj.) - intended or likely to placate or pacify.
The frustrated passengers of the delayed flight were given many conciliatory tokens and services.
Definitions from: Oxford Languages.
IPA Phonetic Transcription (UK English) from: tophonetics.com
Sentences are fictitious, though they may be based on real issues.
Follow @studyhaus for more vocabulary content!
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glenn7517 · 6 months
MVI_2709 from Glenn Edward Waters on Vimeo.
Sam and Sally, my two Scottish Collies moved into their magical outdoor wilderness fenced in area for some sunshine and a taste of the outdoors, they completed all their Parvo shots and are good for a year. It is not what a wanted, but since it was already built many years ago, by Charis when she was very young it will work for them. Old broke Glenn has to do with what is available. It is roomy and has a great view of the forest and creek, and I can see them from the kitchen window. 03/30/2024. Princess and Arlo were like now we can get some rest. #scottishcollies #roughcollies #funcollies #sunshine #parvoshots
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laveenayogi · 11 months
Exploring Kutch: Rann Utsav Tour Packages for Nature Lovers
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Nestled away in Gujarat, India's western state, Kutch is a country of countless wonders and breathtaking scenery. The huge salt desert known as the Rann of Kutch is transformed into an almost unearthly scene during the Rann Utsav, a cultural event honoring the region's colorful past. Nature enthusiasts will discover that Kutch has much more to offer than just celebrations, even though the festival itself is a sight to behold. We'll look at how Best Rann Utsav tour packages satisfy the needs of nature lovers in this blog post.
The Charming Rann of Kutch 
The Rann of Kutch is a seasonal salt marsh that stretches as far as the eye can see. During the monsoon season, it is submerged in water, but as the water recedes, it leaves behind a pristine white desert. This transformation is a sight that captivates the heart of any nature lover. The salty expanse, with its unique topography and breathtaking vastness, is a canvas of nature's artistry.
Rann Utsav Tour Packages
Tour packages for the Rann Utsav are carefully designed to offer a comprehensive experience. While cultural immersion is a significant part of the festival, these packages also cater to the desires of nature lovers who yearn for a deeper connection with Kutch's natural landscape.
Safari in the White Desert
The White Desert Safari is a standout feature of tour packages to Rann Utsav. This journey transports you in luxurious 4x4 cars deep into the salt desert, where you may take in the mesmerizing interplay of light and shadow on the salt crust. The whole terrain comes to life with a warm, golden glow as the sun sets, creating a serene scene.
Watching Birds at Nal Sarovar
There is more to Kutch than just the salt desert. The nearby Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary is a birdwatcher's dream come true. Many migrating birds make this wetland their winter home. A paradise for nature lovers, the placid lake is bordered by towering grasses and shimmers with the colors of different bird species.
Wild Ass Sanctuary
The Indian wild ass, a species indigenous to this area, can be seen in the Wild Ass Sanctuary in Kutch. Wildlife enthusiasts can witness these resilient animals in their native environment at the refuge.
Kutch Desert National Park
The Kutch Desert Wildlife Sanctuary is a must-see for anyone interested in learning more about the unique plants and animals of the desert. Many desert-adapted species are kept in the sanctuary, such as the Indian porcupine, hedgehog, and desert fox. The terrain is a unique setting for nature photography, with rocky outcrops interspersed with desert thorn scrub.
Source URL: https://justpaste.me/xN8N1
Wetland Conservation Reserve at Chari-Dhand
For those who enjoy the outdoors, there's also the Chari-Dhand Wetland Conservation Reserve. This wetland is especially well-known for its flamingo population, which in the winter turns the area into a sea of pink. It's the ideal location for birdwatching and nature photography because of the tranquil atmosphere and picturesque views.
Rann Utsav tour packages go beyond the area's traditional celebrations. They present a special chance for those who enjoy the outdoors to discover Kutch's captivating scenery. Kutch is a nature enthusiast's paradise, with its bizarre White Desert, varied wildlife sanctuaries, and wetlands.
Discover the best of both worlds when you travel to Kutch during Rann Utsav: an untouched natural beauty and a rich cultural legacy. You can awe at the natural world's wonders during the day and take in the lively cultural celebrations at night in this place. Therefore, if you're a nature lover with a thirst for exploration and adventure, think about using Rann Utsav tour packages to explore Kutch. You'll come away with lifelong memories.
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whydonatee · 2 years
7 Creative Fundraising Event Ideas For Non-profit Organisations
Almost everyone wholeheartedly roots for ideals like hard work, perseverance and a sense of doing a little goodness for others. But it is easier said than done. We are often unconsciously woven into the organisational fabric by being biased or drawn into certain kinds of beliefs.
Nowadays, the internet is erupting with many charity ideas to make this kind of process better. As a crowdfunding platform, WhyDonate understands the intricacies of the effort that goes into a fundraiser.
That is why we have highlighted some of the charity fundraising event ideas for non-profits to follow if you are interested in starting a fundraiser for any cause.
What Are The Best Charity Fundraising Event Ideas
1. Breakfast Charity Fundraiser –
Breakfast arrangements are a great way to start a fundraiser. These kinds of fundraising event ideas can promote healthy breakfast diets and educate the attendees about healthy food habits. It doesn’t have to be necessarily extravagant or huge to encourage fundraising for your cause.
Non-profits can ask their community to arrange a simple outdoor breakfast setting and ask a local catering company to provide food. Sometimes adding healthy beverages like tea or smoothies can also be great for healthy options.
Adding a fruit basket or homemade cookies and jams is also a great idea for morning breakfast fundraising events. Explain the purpose of the breakfast arrangement and ask people to donate to the cause and also keep them updated about the results of their contribution.
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karpenter-indonesia · 4 years
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Our Vintage Outdoor collection is ready to accompany your chill afternoon under the warm sunlight. Check the complete range on our website!⁣ ⁣ --⁣ www.karpenter.com⁣ --⁣ ⁣ #karpenter #karpenterfurniture #solidwoodonly⁣ --⁣
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tokyogems · 3 years
peaceful walks and street photos
had a very nice long (16k steps..) walk today, just wanted to share my thoughts and rambles! ☺︎
As many of you can probably tell, one of my favorite things to take photos of are Japanese neighborhood streets. I’ve taken photos of hundreds (thousands?) of streets over the years, and yet, every single time I’m on a walk in a new neighborhood, I find myself being so excited to turn each corner and see what view is waiting for me.
My friend once told me as she waited while I stopped to take a photo of yet another random street, “I think your eyes have a filter of seeing the beauty in streets that most people don’t have.” She said that when she saw the photo she could understand why it was a “nice street”, enough to stop walking and get my camera out for, but if it were her she would never think to even stop and take a photo of some small narrow street.
(street photos on my ig@tokyogems or on this blog /tagged/street)
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I don’t know what it is that I love so much; the power lines hanging above, the little flower pots that grandmas are often coming out to water, the laundry hanging on the veranda, the mama-chari bicycles parked outside, the brightly colored red and blue caution signs. The messier and busier the photo, the better.
Also, not only are walks great for photos, but it’s honestly just so relaxing. These days when I spend all week working at home or in an office, I just feel so tired and overwhelmed by the busyness of Tokyo and feel unconnected with the outdoors. Although I don’t go out to nature nature, even just walking around quiet neighborhoods is more than enough to feel extremely refreshed and peaceful. I try not to look at my phone and I don’t listen to any music. I just listen to the sounds and birds and chitchat of passerbys.
Maybe I wouldn’t recommend taking a several-hour long walk if you’re on a trip to Japan and only have a few days to enjoy everything, but if you want to see what everyday life is like, and see what kind of neighborhoods there are that you can’t see by just visiting tourist spots, I highly highly recommend walking aimlessly. Trains in Japan are wonderful and efficient, but maybe if you have some extra time or you want to burn off some calories and get hungry before your next delicious meal, go into a random neighborhood and just walk! Enjoy! Get lost!
I will post another chill going-on-walk vlog soon on my youtube ☺︎
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thetudorslovers · 4 years
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"You wish to be called righteous rather than act right. [...] I say, wrong must not win by technicalities. Come, weave us a scheme so I can pay them back!"
Athena, also spelled Athene, in Greek religion, the city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason, identified by the Romans with Minerva. She was essentially urban and civilized, the antithesis in many respects of Artemis, goddess of the outdoors.
Objects associated with the goddess include an owl - symbol of wisdom - and the olive tree. She is often depicted in art with armour, a golden helmet, a shield, and holding a spear.
Most often in literature and art, Athena's aegis is characterized by a yellow or gold reminiscent of the gleam of the sun or of metal, which expresses a general divine gleaming brightness but also Athena's specific charis, namely the beauty, vitality and sparkling (or cunning) attractiveness that she can bestow on mortals.
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Recumbent: The Art of Lying
I am delighted to share that a very recent work of mine has been curated into Equity Gallery’s “Recumbent: The Art of Lying” exhibition in New York, on view September 8th— October 2nd, 2021.
There is an Outdoors Opening Reception: Thursday, September 9th, 6 — 8 PM at 245 Broome St., NYC*
New York Artists Equity Association is pleased to present their latest juried group exhibition, “Recumbent: The Art of Lying.” The show, juried by the founder of Two Coats of Paint, Sharon Butler, artist Judy Glantzman, and figurative artist and art writer Daniel Maidman. Over 20 artworks focus on the reclining body, one of the most popular and ubiquitous figurative positions in art history. This visual motif is firmly embedded within both Western and Eastern traditions, conjuring up a wealth of associations, which can vary greatly in meaning depending on time, place, and context.
Each of the artworks selected for this exhibition successfully re-invents and re-evaluates the trope of the reclining figure. The featured artworks explore a range of themes, including pleasure and sensuality, such as Tiantian Ma’s “Jackie With My Painting.” Others display unflinching, subversive examinations of culturally ingrained iconography originating from religion, mythology, and antiquity such as Manju Shandler’s “Medusa Column.” Also on exhibit are contemporary recontextualizations and reinventions of the classic pose, as seen in Rachael Warner’s “The Hostess,” and much more. Brought together by the unifying theme of the body in repose, the artworks in “Recumbent: The Art of Lying” create a comprehensive survey to how a single gesture is able to encompass and convey a complex and nuanced collection of cultural ideas and attitudes.
Exhibiting Artists: Cecilia André, Alaiyo Bradshaw, Petey Brown, Julia Campisi, Charis J. Carmichael Braun, Jenny Carpenter, Jeanne Ciravolo, Srishti Dass, Carol Diamond, Camilla Fallon, Patrice Lorenz, Tiantian Ma, Juliet Martin, Nina Meledandri, Alison Mustokoff, David Reisman, Cynthia Reynolds, Manju Shandler, Sylvia Vander Sluis, Rachael Warner, Brenda Zlamany
Juried by: Sharon Butler, Judy Glantzman, Daniel Maidman
*In the interest of safeguarding our community members, Equity Gallery manages access to its space and invites visitors to follow CDC and NY State Guidelines. To that end Equity Gallery is hosting an opening reception in their courtyard space; RSVP via Eventbrite to attend!
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toyotaofclermont · 4 years
The Meaning Behind Toyota Names
Have you ever wondered why new Toyotas have the names they have? If Toyota of Clermont just sparked your curiosity, we have the answers to alleviate it. We have a quick list of new Toyota model names along with their origin stories. Here it goes!
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Clermont Toyota Model Names
4Runner: A combination of “4-wheel drive” and “off-road runner”
86: Named after the vehicle that preceded it, the Toyota AE86
Avalon: Named after the mythical Celtic island paradise, Avalon—where King Arthur healed his wounds after his final battle
Camry: Means “crown”, what better suited name for a vehicle that has as much style, reliability, and performance as the Camry
C-HR: Acronym for “cross hatch run-about” and/or “compact high rider”
Corolla: The corolla is the ring of petals around the center of a flower; suitable for a beautiful vehicle
Highlander:  Named after the Scottish Highlands, a region in Scotland known for its ruggedness, power and energy, just like the Clermont Toyota Highlander
Land Cruiser: A vehicle that can cruise along any land
Mirai: Japanese word for “future”; makes sense for a technology driven vehicle
Prius: Latin name for “prior”, makes sense since it’s the pioneer of mass-produced hybrid vehicles
RAV4: Acronym and name combination of “Recreational Active Vehicle” and “4-wheel drive”
Sequoia: Named after the Sequoia trees in California’s Redwood forests
Sienna: Named after the Italian city of “Siena”
Supra: Latin word for “above” or “to surpass”, just perfect for this new Toyota since it’s known for its speed
Tacoma: Associated with power and strength, just like Mount Tacoma (better known as Mount Rainier) in Washington State
Tundra: Named after the Arctic Tundra
Venza: Word combination of “venture” and “Monza”—Monza is a city in Italy with an outdoor race course.
Yaris: “Charis” is the Greek goddess of beauty, “ja” means yes in German but is pronounced “ya”; mix them both together and you have “yaris”.
Now that you know the meaning behind the names of these new Toyotas, why not shop for one? Check out our inventory at Toyota of Clermont, we’re located ta 16851 State Rd 50 just off the Florida Turnpike.
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writemarcus · 3 years
TREE TALES to be Presented by Prospect Theater Company in Riverside Park
12-person audience cohorts will begin the experience together every 15 minutes, and then each person will be guided to walk through the trees individually.
by BWW News Desk May. 12, 2021  
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Prospect Theater Company has announced its first in-person, live arts program of 2021: TREE TALES. This unique event invites audience members to walk through the Crabapple Grove in Riverside Park (entrance at 91st Street & Riverside Drive) guided by an ensemble of artists, and interact with original flash-fiction short stories penned by 15 theater writers. Two event dates are planned: Sunday, May 16th and Saturday, May 22nd. Timed entry tickets are available between the hours of 1:00pm and 4:30pm.
Admission is free, but registration is required at www.ProspectTheater.org/TreeTales. Audiences may reserve a timed entry ticket. Given limited capacity, advance registration is recommended, but walk up registration is permitted if space is available.
12-person audience cohorts will begin the experience together every 15 minutes, and then each person will be guided to walk through the trees individually, on a path of their own choosing. The event is expected to take 30-40 minutes to complete. Patrons may register for a "youth" ticket (9-12 years of age) or a "general" ticket (13 years and up). Audience members should be at least 9 years old to participate. COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place. All audience members and artists will remain physically distanced, are required to wear appropriate face coverings, and complete a brief questionnaire and temperature check to participate.
The 15 originally commissioned short stories for this event are written by theater writers including: Rebecca Aparicio, Jenny Lyn Bader, Sammy Buck, Andi Lee Carter, EllaRose Chary, David Davila, Ty Defoe, Jennifer Fell Hayes, Timothy Huang, AriDy Nox, Corinna Schulenburg, Marcus Scott, SEVAN, Nandita Shenoy, and Claire Tran. The Prospect artistic ensemble facilitating the event includes Robert Ariza, Viveca Chow, Michael De Souza, Alexandra de Suze, Kristina Dizon, Zina Ellis, Kaisha S. Huguley, Janice Landry, Matthew McGloin, Ian Miller, Emily Preis, Cliff Sellers. The Project Director is Dev Bondarin, and Creative Producer is Cara Reichel.
This event is funded in part by NYC's Department of Cultural Affairs, and The Barbara Bell Cumming Charitable Trust. TREE TALES is also made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Prospect is participating in "Summer on the Hudson", NYC Parks' annual outdoor arts and culture festival that takes place in Riverside Park from 59th Street to 153rd Street.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Probably time to stop replying to people on that indoor enrichment post. 🙄 I forgot I don't have the patience for dealing with outdoor cat people for very long.
I'd rather relax and enjoy my weekend because I worked last weekend so this one will be even nicer!! I get to sleep in tomorrow, I'm going to see my partners and all their critters after skipping last weekend, & I'm gonna see Charis and possibly feed her if she's interested.
If people are actually interested in learning to improve their animal care and want to send asks about resources for transitioning cats inside, providing enrichment, etc., then I'm happy to help! :)
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diinofayce · 6 years
Shadows on the Horizon - 8
Pairing: Winter Soldier! Bucky Barnes x OFC! Layne Hardin | Word Count: 1.8k | Warnings: small descriptions of violence, minor swearing, probably weird and confusing POV switches, an author’s vague hope that this isn’t a weird and convoluted chapter| A/N: This is a sequel to my story Like a Whisper in the Night | Shadows on the Horizon Masterlist
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“Don’t panic.”
Layne’s voice whispered across the Soldier’s mind and he blinked a few times to clear the fog from the edges of his mind as he looked around. The scene was frozen like someone hit pause on a movie. He recognized where they were, it was the gun range of the Avenger’s tower, it was one of the few places he took a modicum of control. The cement walls and cardboard cutouts cloaked in air that always smelt of gunpowder and smoke. He assumed he was looking at himself through Layne’s eyes, he must be in her memory.
On his left a shadow flicked and Layne stepped out, she was wearing the pajamas she had been wearing back on the couch and her image flickered and faded in spots.
“Watch your eyes,” Layne whispered as the memory started.
“Okay, Agent,” Bucky sneered with some venom and disbelief as he looked up from the sheet target in his hands. “You managed to just barely pass your firearms test, but let’s see you disassemble your sidearm for cleaning and maintenance.”
Layne turned the pistol over in her hands, she knew where to start but he was being so aggressive with her and it made her nervous. She just wanted to impress these people, prove to them that she was capable of being out in the field with them. “Um, well. First you, uh,” Layne stuttered. Honestly, the weapon still felt totally uncomfortable and foreign in her grip. It had been heavier than she expected and her palms and the joints from her fingers all the way up to her shoulders and neck were sore from the back shock of firing the pistol.
Bucky let out a frustrated sigh as he reached forward and took the 10mm from her hands. “This was the very first thing we went over, Hardin.”
And there it was, the shift in Bucky’s gaze. The normal steely blue shifted and an icy chill took them over. The gun was in pieces in less than a minute, laying out in perfectly neat rows on the table in front of them. He hadn’t looked down at his hands once.
“Put it back together,” Bucky said, only that was the Soldier’s vocal inflections, not Bucky’s.
That was the first time Layne saw the reason she was recruited to the team. The Soldier could feel the emotions that she felt in that instant, the understanding and quick flash of fear that was replaced with awe and respect. But the fear she had felt wasn’t fear of being hurt by him it was fear of disappointing him. He felt her flare of determination as she started to reassemble the weapon with shaking hands.
The memory faded, quickly replaced by another, the colors of the second memory melting into the first and sharpening. They were in Hong Kong and it was Layne’s first real mission. Bucky and Layne had been cornered in what they had thought was an abandoned warehouse by a mutant who was carrying twin Chinese butterfly swords and dodging every bullet Bucky shot.
“I remember this one,” the Soldier rasped as Layne’s mental reflection stepped up to him. “I’m so sorry for this.”
Layne shrugged one shoulder dismissively, a soft smile on her face. “It’s okay, you did what was best at the time, you didn’t know the outcome. But you need to watch yourself, it’s important.”
Layne’s reflection faded as the memory played out. The Soldier felt the sensation of being moved from Layne’s body to the body of the mutant acrobat. The quick and lofty sensation of her power felt nothing like when he was forcefully from his own body. He could see Layne’s body laying on the ground and he could feel the mental war that Layne and the mutant were battling - it had him frozen and unable to move a finger. There was a flash of blurred images, no matter how hard he tried to focus on them he couldn’t quite get a grip of them, and he was confused for a moment until Layne’s voice explained that these memories weren’t for him. He understood then the privacy she was trying to grant the deceased woman by blocking these memories from him. He heard the gun fire once and a searing pain ripped through his face, the heat starting in his forehead and tearing into the back of his skull before he woke up screaming back in Layne’s body. He heard her screams, but through them he heard himself calling out to Layne.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hardin! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know!”
The Soldier’s eyes opened and he was staring up at himself. Behind the worried and frightened look in his eyes, there was a swirling fury. He was supposed to protect Layne and instead he had hurt her. She could see it, she saw both of them at that moment. She could see the guilt and the frustration of the Soldier behind Bucky’s eyes because the Soldier had seen, he had known in the moment that Bucky pulled the trigger what would happen. The Soldier had realized there were two minds in one body at there was no way that Layne would come out of it unscathed, but he hadn’t been able to stop Bucky from pulling the trigger.
Layne reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. “It’s okay, it’s done. Breath. I’m fine. It’s okay.”
A shifting shadow caught the Soldier’s attention and he saw the ghost of himself step out, no, of Bucky.
“You weren’t reassuring me,” Bucky said, his voice sounding like wind through bare tree branches. “You saw the Asset.”
Layne stepped out of the shadows behind him and quirked her head to the side. “He comes around more often than you realize.”
The memories came faster this time.
Her second mission at Boston Munitions and Security. Her and Bucky had been swarmed on their floor and he had shot five men while Layne hid behind his broad shoulders, her gun in a white-knuckled grip pressing to her chest before Bucky whirled around and ripped the gun out of her hand. He pointed it over her shoulder and shot a security agent behind her that had just been about to shoot at them.
His eyes flashed ice as he thrust the gun back into her shaking hands. “It works. Protect yourself.”
Then came the first time they were together, wet and cold from Layne’s panic attack, the taste from the honeyed whiskey still heavy on her tongue. As they lay wrapped in each other, spent and warm, she admitted her real purpose to the team.
“I’m your failsafe,” she cried, tears pricking the back of her eyes. He would hate her now, she was sure of it. But there was that swirl in his eyes again, the small flash of ice as he stood up from the bed in shock.
Bucky remembered the feeling in that moment. A sudden predatory ‘Mine’. She was put on that team for him, she was his, no matter what reason was behind it.
The next was the show her band was performing in Tulsa. It was a charity festival and the crowd count was astronomical so Bucky had demanded that he come work stage security again like he had for the undercover operation in Minneapolis. He didn’t want to admit that was it because he had just gotten her back and he was afraid she’d leave again. As the hoards of high and drunk festival goers pressed forwards against the rail, Bucky panicked. The outdoor stage was five times the size of the small stage in Minneapolis and these security guards didn’t seem nearly as practiced as the ones back in that small dingy bar. There were too many people and too many open gaps. A crowd surfer down the way managed to take advantage of his area’s guard being distracted and started climbing up the stage.
Bucky was behind the man in a heartbeat, grabbing the back of the guy’s pants and ripping him off the stage before shoving him unceremoniously back into the throng of screaming people. He looked up at Layne and Layne registered the swirling ice of protectiveness that she had grown so familiar with and simply gave him a cheeky wink, never breaking stride in her performance.
Time and time again, Layne noticed the Soldier swirling in the depths of Bucky’s mind. Watching, waiting, protecting.
As the memories faded, the Soldier closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady himself as he morphed back into his own body. It was definitely a different feeling, watching memories from someone else’s perspective.
The Soldier looked at Layne, clad in what was obviously one of his shirts and a pair of blue cotton pajama pants, and Bucky, dressed in a more than familiar red Henley and gray sweatpants. The Soldier looked down and realized he was in his uniform and frowned slightly, he was fond of the heavily worn jeans and soft cotton shirt that he had been wearing. Layne looked between the two of them with a loving and patient smile.
“Do you see it now?” she asked gently. “There isn’t two of you. It’s just you.”
“But we have different memories. Different ideals and lives,” Bucky argued, a muscle in his jaw twitching. He always told himself that he was just as responsible for all the things he had done as the Soldier, but at the same time, he had come to rely on other’s reassuring him that they weren’t his fault. It was so much easier to push it off on something else, to have a reason as to why he did the bad things he did.
“Because Hydra split you. Imagine what would happen if you put the pieces back together. How much more effective you’d be? All the good you could continue to do?”
The Soldier and Bucky looked at each other hesitantly. It was Bucky who carded his hands through his hair and shot Layne a chary look before stepping forward and offering his hand out to the Soldier. Bucky couldn’t trust his own mind, even after Shuri, but he trusted Layne. She had been the one sorting his head out for him and keeping the ghosts at bay. If anyone knew what they were talking about it would be her.
“Truce?” he asked hesitantly.
The Soldier reached out and gripped Bucky’s hand in his own with a firm nod. Layne smiled brilliantly and everything went white.
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visconengsingapore · 3 years
Best Exhaust Fan for Kitchen, Repair and Service Singapore - Visconeng.com
It would be better to follow these dos and don'ts things of want to exist in your Kitchen exhaust fan installation. If you are willing to cook, you must install exhaust fan in your kitchen. When you are cooking in your oven or on top of stove, smoke, oil grease will come out and present in the air, so if you install exhaust fan, range hood, hood fan that will remove the unwanted smokes and other things.
Before we install best exhaust fan for kitchen, you must know the two different types of kitchen exhaust fans and its benefits.
Ducted type Kitchen Exhaust Fan: A ducted kitchen exhaust fan pulls unwanted air from the kitchen through a duct type and discharges it outdoor. As this type of exhaust fan entails ductwork and piping running from your kitchen to the outside of your home and there has a limited location options.
Later they release the caught air outside as opposed to just reusing or cleaning it, ducted exhaust fans eliminate humidity caused by stickiness and steam from cooking, disparate their ductless foils. Ducted fans need chary installation that could be absent to the connoisseurs, or done you, depending on your experience glassy.
Ductless Type Kitchen Exhaust Fans: In other wards of filtering the air outdoor the house, a ductless exhaust fan enticements kitchen air complete a carbon or charcoal filter that clean up the air of odours and smoke particles and cycles it back out into the kitchen. The Ductless fan are having versatility things subsequently they installed anywhere.
Annually, we need to clean or replace ductless fan filters. Ductless fan’s drawback is does not remove humidity, so your kitchen area become quite humid. They also need more power than a ductless fan, but can make them a little bit louder.
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