#Ouch now that I'm posting this I can finally see all the mistakes I made in the lines :(( Why does this always happen
italictext · 6 months
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Vs August 2022 (the hand is traced btw)
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Yayyy progress :> Pink's vibe changed a lot
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his Girl - ch. 35**
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I wrote this while on holiday so any mistakes I blame on sun stroke and cocktails! This is the second to last chapter! I'm not ready! Chapter 36 will be the last chapter and then I've got an epilogue planned. How will I say good bye to these two!? Please enjoy what's left 😭
Series Master List
Chapter 36- Warnings have their own post - Word count: 10.4k
The night passes quietly, and you watch the sunrise over the eastern horizon across the river while Frankie sleeps in the tent with baby Jack. As the sun starts to warm up the cool prairie air, you make some breakfast, dreaming of the days you could have coffee, and hear Frankie stir as Jack begins to cry. You listen to your husband soothe him, and with a pang of longing you wonder if Frankie makes the same soft cooing sounds for Jack as he did for Lucía. Frankie had told you years ago that he’d been petrified when Lucia was born, he’d been in such a bad state and not able to enjoy having a baby girl. But he’d grown into such an incredible dad by the time you met him, it was hard to imagine him being anything but a proud doting father.
The zipper of the tent slides open and Frankie crawls out, Jack held tight to his chest with one hand. The boy is staring up at Frankie’s beard and as you watch, Frankie carefully gets to his feet and smiles at Jack, dipping his chin low enough so that one chubby little hand can come up and grab at the scruffy hair.
“Ouch, you little scoundrel,” Frankie chuckles, “you’ve got some grip in those tiny hands.”
You smile and hand Frankie a bowl of ravioli as he gently sinks down next to you, “Careful, he’ll give you another bald patch,” you tease and Frankie rolls his eyes at Jack.
“Listen to her, going after my poor beard now, as if she doesn’t love my bald patches.”
“True, I do love them,” you lean forward and press your lips to the one on his right jaw, “pull harder, Jack.”
The baby gurgles happily in Frankie's lap, reaching up for the beard again.
“I’ve prepared some food for him too, I cut up the ravioli,” you pick up the bowl, “do you want me to feed him while you eat?”
“No, I’ll do it, if you wanna pack up the tent?”
“Sure, I’ll pack up,” you give the bowl to Frankie and you can’t help but smile as he takes it, barely looking at you as Jack grabs his finger and blows a spit bubble. In all your years with Frankie, in an increasingly hard environment, you’d never have guessed that a little foundling baby would be the thing that made your husband melt into a puddle.
As you take down the tent and roll up the sleeping bags you listen to Frankie talk to Jack, an endless stream of baby nonsense. When the baby swallows the last bite of food, Frankie praises him, gently wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. As you put Frankie’s pack next to him, he wraps Jack into the makeshift kangaroo pouch and ties it around his chest.
“I’ll take him, since you carried him all day yesterday, rest your shoulders today, cariño,” he says, adjusting Jack’s legs.
“Are you sure? You’ve got a pretty heavy pack,” you say, slipping one of Frankie’s socks onto Jack’s head to protect him from the sun.
“Yeah, if you take the rifle today it’ll be fine.”
The three of you keep walking west, the endless prairie slowly giving way to more hills and trees. Far off in the distance you can see the high peaks of the Rocky Mountains, impossibly high in the clear air. At the end of another long day of walking you’ve climbed up, away from the prairie and into low hills that slowly stretch up towards the high mountain range to the west. While you rested at midday you’d actually managed to run down some sort of chicken, it looked fairly domesticated and Frankie guessed that chickens must’ve escaped from farms after the outbreak and multiplied. Whatever it was, you managed to wring its neck without getting too squeamish and hang it from your backpack.
You feel like you’ve crossed all of Wyoming on foot when the sun finally starts dropping and nothing worth noting has crossed your path since you left the pick up, no infected, no people, only animals in the distance. The farms and houses you’ve passed have been empty and mostly looted, people have passed through here before you but it’s impossible to know when. You realize finding Jack’s uncle will be like finding a needle in a haystack, if the group he was with even got as far as Wyoming, it seems unlikely you’ll meet anyone out here and maybe that’s for the best..
At sundown you make camp a mile from the road you’ve been following. It’s far enough away from anything that Frankie risks a campfire and grills the bird you’d caught whole. Even Jack can eat the tender meat when you cut it up and he even seems to enjoy it.
“I’ve been looking at the map,” Frankie says, bringing it over to the campfire so that you can see, “and I’ve got a couple of options, tell me what you think.”
You lean into him as he spreads the map out onto the ground in front of you. “There's a place up here, about five miles from the road.” He points to a spot on the map, “It’s got a small river running next to it, the mountain on one side and this open valley on the other side. It’s marked as a private ranch on the map key. It could be what we need. But there’s another place,” he moves his finger and points to a place much further north, “it’s another twenty miles into the mountains, up this valley that we’re in.”
“I’m guessing there’s a good reason why you want to walk another twenty miles?” you say, looking at the long stretch of land that lies between you and the spot Frankie’s fingers is resting on.
“Yeah, this place is a small hydroelectric dam. If we get there I could probably get it up and running and we’d have actual electricity, heating, hot water.” He looks up at you with an excited smile, “I was thinking about it today, even if it doesn’t work now, I could fix it somehow and the place is so remote, it’s bound to have all the equipment needed on site. I know it’s a long shot, but it’s only another half days' walk, with a potentially huge reward.”
You look at the dam location, tucked away at the river mouth, a few miles from the main road. Plenty of fish in the lake probably, and open land full of game, provided you’d be able to craft something to hunt with.
“It looks like a better location than the ranch, but probably a bigger risk of infected, if the people who worked there didn’t get away.”
“Yeah, that’s the main drawback,” Frankie says, “we’d have to be very careful clearing it out.” He’s tapping the map thoughtfully before he looks up at you. “It’s up to you completely, if you don’t want to risk it, we go with the ranch, live settler style. Maybe that is the better option, safer for now at least.”
“The dam could attract other people too, if they have the same idea as you,” you say and Frankie nods.
“Yeah, there’s always the risk of other people too, although, so far Wyoming seems pretty empty to be honest.” He folds up the map, “We’ll sleep on it, see how we feel tomorrow, we could just go check out the ranch first, it’s almost on the way.”
Behind you Jack shifts and begins to cry and you pick him up, tucking him into your arms.
“I’ll set up the tent and take the first watch, cariño, see if you can get him to go back to sleep.”
“He’s usually asleep by now, maybe he got a tummy ache from the food,” you stand up and start rocking him the way you used to rock your nieces when they were babies. The thought makes you wince, over the years you’ve come to terms with all the people you lost when the outbreak happened, your parents, siblings, friends. But sometimes, when you do something that reminds you of them, it’s like touching a piece of glass inside your chest and the cut is fresh. Gently bouncing on your feet you try to remember how old they’d be by now but you get stuck, in your mind they’re forever little girls, just slightly older than Lucía.
Jack just won’t settle, his cries cut through the still night, no matter how much you and Frankie try to soothe him. Even Frankie’s beard goes untouched, the tiny fists clenched hard as Jack wails in Frankie’s arms. It feels like he cries for hours, sleeping is out of the question, you can’t shut your ears to Jack’s crying and you’re starting to worry that anyone or anything in the vicinity will hear and come to investigate.
“Give him to me,” Frankie suddenly says, handing you the rifle, “I had an idea, my abuela once told me I had tummy aches as a baby every time I’d eaten and she’d hang me over her shoulder.” He gently takes Jack from you and hangs him, belly down, over his shoulder. His large hand holds Jack steady as he gently begins to rock on his feet and you walk around his back so that you can see Jack’s face. He’s still crying but as Frankie moves back and forth he seems to calm down a little.
“Keep going, I think it’s working,” you say and Frankie starts walking circles around the fireplace while you keep watch around the campsite. There’s a new moon in the clear sky and you look up at the thin sliver and all the bright stars. You’ll never get over how bright they really are once you’re out in the countryside. When the world came crashing down it took a long time before you had the peace of mind to sit in the dark and look at the sky. It wasn’t really until you were out on the boat, sailing from New York, that you’d noticed them again. Now you search out familiar constellations and find the North Star. Behind you Jack is finally quiet, you can hear Frankie gently humming a lullaby you don’t recognize.
“Arroz con leche me quiero casar, con una señorita de Portugal….” and he hums a few notes, the words forgotten, before you hear him sing again, “Con esta sí, con esta no, con esta señorita me caso yo.”
You turn and smile at him and you hear a branch snap behind you, fear shooting through your veins like ice. Your heart drops into your stomach as you swing round, raising your rifle towards the sound, you suddenly see several shadows moving in the corner of your eyes. You hear Frankie rush up behind you, his back against yours as he turns and scans the dark forest.
“Lower your guns, there’s more of us than you,” comes a man’s voice from in front of you as several people step into the light of the campfire, guns raised. You can see at least five of them, and from the footsteps behind you, at least another five you can’t see.
“Lower your gun, cariño,” Frankie says, his voice low, “and take Jack.”
You give Frankie a scared look as you lay your rifle on the ground and take the baby from him, tucking him into your arms, one hand protectively cradled over his head. Frankie raises one hand and slowly pulls his gun from the back of his pants with the other, laying it down on the ground.
“Step away from her, five steps back,” the man barks, jerking his head at Frankie.
“We don’t want any trouble,” Frankie says, “We’re just passing through, the baby was ill.”
“Step back,” the man snaps, taking a step forward and raising his gun, aiming at Frankie. You look over your shoulder at Frankie, he gives you a small nod.
“It’ll be fine,” he says, slowly backing away from you.
“Have you been around any infected?” the man asks and behind him you see a woman stepping forward, a German Shepard on a leash.
“We haven’t seen anyone since we left Nebraska,” Frankie says, “no people or infected.”
“If you’re lying the dog will sniff it out and rip you to shreds,” the man keeps his rifle on Frankie and nods to the woman to unclip the dog. It growls and runs over first to you and sniffs around your legs before padding over to Frankie and doing the same. Satisfied that neither of you are infected, the woman whistles the dog back..
“We’re looking for a man named Jack,” you say, before the man with the rifle has a chance to decide what to do next, “We found his sister in Nebraska, she’d escaped from slavers with her baby boy,” you nod down at baby Jack in your arms. “She was dying and asked us to find her brother and bring her son to him.”
You see how the woman with the dog and the man exchange a look, a blink of recognition, before the woman speaks up.
“The woman, her name was Julia?” she asks and both you and Frankie nod.
“Yes!” you exclaim, “Do you know her?”
The man with the rifle holds up his hand but the woman answers anyway, “Did she say what Jacks’ last name was?”
“No...” you hesitate, “she only said the boy’s name is Jack Connolly and that he was named after her brother. He was heading to Wyoming with a group of people.”
“We were heading for White River,” the woman replies, “Jack, his last name was Connolly too, was with us until two months ago. I’m sorry, but he died.”
“We didn’t know him,” Frankie says, “and we didn’t know Julia either, but I’m sorry to hear he died. It would’ve been nice to bring baby Jack to his family.”
“Juan,” the man with the rifle says, looking at a man somewhere in the tree line, “don’t let them move, I need to talk to Maria.” He motions to the woman with the dog to follow him back into the trees, out of earshot. You glance over at Frankie who’s still standing five steps away from you and he gives you a small smile, but you can see the concern in his eyes.
You look back down at baby Jack, sleeping in your arms now. You had been thinking about the possibility of not finding his uncle, and then you and Frankie would have to take care of him, but it had been a vague ‘what if?’. Having a child of your own with Frankie had never been an option ever since the outbreak, not even in the relative safety of Arlington or Boston. But taking care of an orphan child who really has no one else, that seemed like a very easy decision to make when you were faced with it. But Jack was never yours, you were only taking care of him until you found his family. But now? If his uncle was gone, you felt responsible for him, for the promise you’d made to his mother. Looking down at him, you couldn’t help reflecting over how strange it felt to suddenly be an adoptive parent of this little boy.
The man and the woman called Maria come back through the trees and wave Frankie and you over.
“Alright, I’m Patrick, this is Maria. Sorry about the curt welcome committee, we can’t be too careful about people out here.”
“Yeah, we get that,” Frankie says, taking Patrick’s outstretched hand. “I’m Frankie and this is my wife.”
You shake Patrick’s hand and then Maria’s, giving them your name.
“You seem like decent people, and you have Jack’s nephew to care for, so we’d like to give you two options,” Maria says, looking between the two of you, “We have a settlement not too far from here, you’re welcome to come with us and seek shelter. We’ll have to confiscate your guns until we know we can trust you and we’ll expect you to help out with whatever you can. If you don’t like it, you’ll be free to leave whenever you want.” She looks at you and then down at Jack sleeping in your arms, “But I think that once you see how the community works, that you’ll be able to keep baby Jack safe, you’ll want to stay,” she smiles at the little boy, as he stirs in his sleep, his little hand waving free from the blanket. “He actually looks like his uncle, does he have blue eyes too?”
“Yeah, he does, big blue eyes,” you smile, looking at Jack and tucking in his arm again.
“So what do you think?” Patrick asks and you glance over at Frankie, it sounds almost too good to be true, but if this is the group Jack’s mother wanted you to seek out with her son then maybe it’s worth a shot.
“What’s the second option?” Frankie asks.
“We leave you to fend for yourself out here, no hard feelings. But we would prefer it if you came with us. Every person we leave out here is a potential infected down the line.”
“But we’d really like you to come to Jackson with us, especially seeing as you have the baby. Jack was a good man and we’d like to make sure his nephew is safe,” Patrick says and from the corner of your eye you see several of the other people nod.
“Can I talk to my wife in private for a minute?” Frankie says and Maria nods and steps back a little with Patrick. Frankie takes your hand and you walk to the other side of the fire.
“What do you think, cariño?” he asks in a low voice, his fingers threading between yours.
“I think it might be worth the risk to trust them,” you say, “They seem genuine.”
Frankie nods, “I think it might be our best chance at getting to a safe place, even if our plan was to get somewhere safe just you and me.”
“But with baby Jack, we could really need a community, it’s not just you and me,” you say, stroking your hand over the baby’s head. It’s only been a few days but you’re already feeling very protective of him.
“Yeah, and about him, with his uncle dead, I guess it’s on you and me to take care of him? Are we gonna be his parents?” Frankie looks down at Jack, you can see his eyes soften as gently caresses the rosy cheek with his finger.
“It’s not how I imagined this ending but I don’t think I could give him up now, could you? I feel responsible for him after what we promised his mother.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking the same,” Frankie says, looking back up at you, “So I guess we’re parents now and we go with Maria and Patrick? At least to check it out? Hopefully they meant what they said about us leaving if we don’t want to stay, but I think we can risk it?”
You nod and together you walk back to others.
“Alright,” Frankie says, “We’ll hand over our guns and come with you. We feel responsible for baby Jack and it seems you might be the option to keep him safe.”
Maria nods, “I’m happy you think that, I hope you’ll wanna stay with us once you see what we’re building.” She turns and waves forward a younger man, “Ned, get Winston please, if you can ride with Nellie on the way back these two can ride him with the baby. She turns back to you, “Winston is a very steady and gentle horse, he’ll keep you safe on the ride back.”
The horses had been left out of earshot of the camp and you’re delighted to see a small herd of them once you’ve packed up. Winston turns out to be a large bay horse who lets you reach up and stroke his soft nose while he nickers gently. Frankie swings himself into the saddle with ease and a happy look, giving the horse a pat on the neck. You hand Jack to him and Maria helps you hang your packs on the side of the saddle before you get on behind Frankie.
“All these years, Frankie,” you smile as the group sets out, “and I never knew you were such a cowboy.” You’ve got your arms around his waist, Jack is safely tucked into the makeshift pouch on his chest.
“My uncle had horses,” he says, “and he taught me how to ride, just haven’t done it in years, but it’s like riding a bike.” He clicks his tongue and Winston sets off, following Maria and Patrick’s horses. “How about you, are you ok back there?” he gives your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, I’m ok,” you bury your nose in his soft shirt, holding on to him, “I was never a great rider but I know how to stay on at least.”
“Just hang on to me, cariño, Winston and me won’t let you fall.”
The ride back to the group's camp only takes a couple of hours, Maria and Patrick leading the way cross country rather than following the road. The sky lightens and Maria rides up next to you and points down a hill towards a large lake.
“That’s Jackson,” she says, “and that’s the dam we’re trying to get fixed. If we manage we’ll have electricity.”
“That’s the dam we saw on the map, cariño,” Frankie says, “We were thinking about coming here and seeing if it was fixable.”
“Do you know anything about how hydroelectric dams work?” Maria asks, raising her eyebrows at Frankie and he shakes his head.
“No, not really, not more than the theory of it. But I’m used to fixing a lot of different things, I used to be a pilot before the outbreak.”
“I don’t want to get into it now, but we will have a conversation with the two of you later about what skills you have that can be useful for the community,” Maria says as the group rides up a large gate set in the wall surrounding the town. “But for now, let's get you settled, it’s been a long night for us all.” She waves to the men guarding the gate and someone on the inside pulls it open.
“We’ll put you up in one of the empty houses for now, we’ve cleaned them all out and there’s sheets and pillows in most of them.”
You look around you as the horses pass through the gate. The sky is light, the sun almost up, and it casts a golden glow over the western themed houses. Maria points down the street and you see a wood barricade at the end of it.
“Down there is the rest of the town, we’ve only walled off this smaller area so far, it was already a gated community so we built on the existing walls.”
“Is the rest of the town cleared of infected?” Frankie asks and Maria nods.
“Yeah, we had to do it bit by bit, but we cleared the last house a month ago. But it’s outside the wall so it’s not completely safe, we still get infected wandering in sometimes.That’s why we have guards and patrols to handle them and any potential raiders.”
She leads you to the stables and you dismount, Ned comes over and takes Winston’s reins.
“I’ll get him dried off, just go with Maria and get settled,” he says with a smile and Frankie slides off, one hand on Jack and then gives you a hand down. You yawn wide as you get down, the sleepless night is catching up with you as you feel safer.
Maria leads you to a small house near the outskirts of the gated community and opens the door.
“This will be your place for now, or at least if you decide to stay with us,” she says, motioning you inside. “There’s no food here, come to the mess hall for that. But try to get some rest first, there’s a crib for Jack in one of the upstairs bedrooms.”
“Thanks Maria, we’re very grateful for your help,” you say and she gives you a quick nod.
“I’m sure you’re hoping you didn’t make a mistake in trusting us, and I’m hoping we didn’t make a mistake in trusting you,” she says, “We’re a small community and we need decent people to keep this place safe and thriving, I hope my gut feeling about you two is correct.”
“It is, we’re just looking for somewhere good and safe to settle down, even before we found baby Jack,” Frankie says, “If you are who you say you are, we’ll be happy to help build the community.”
“Good, that’s great to hear,” she says, moving towards the door, “I’ll see you both later today, there’s firewood outback if you want to heat up water and clean up.”
With that she leaves, closing the door behind her, and you find yourself alone with Frankie in a house, a safe house, for the first time in years.
“Hermosa,” Frankie slides his arm around your waist, “you look dead on your feet, c’mon, let’s sleep before we do anything else.”
You nod, yawning big again and letting Frankie guide you up the stairs to the second floor where you found what looks like a master bedroom. The house looks well preserved despite all the years it’s been abandoned and there’s pillows and sheets with thick blankets on the bed. It looks very inviting and you groan at the sight of it. Sliding off your backpack you sit down on the bed while Frankie smiles at you, bouncing Jack on his arms. He’d woken up during the ride but now he’s yawning again.
“I’ll find the crib for Jack,,” Frankie says, “Just go to bed, cariño, I’ll be right there.”
You give him a grateful nod and start unlacing your boots and peeling off your clothes. Everything you own is grimy and unwashed but you find your least dirty t-shirt and change into it. As you pull back the sheets Frankie comes yawning through the door.
“The crib is in the room across the hall,” he says, “Jack fell asleep instantly but I left the door open so we’ll hear him if he wakes up.”
“Hopefully he’s as tired as us and we can get a few hour’s sleep,” you yawn, sliding into the bed as Frankie starts pulling off his clothes. It doesn’t take him long to climb in next to you. You yawn again and Frankie pulls you into his arms, tucking your head in under his chin.
“Sleep, hermosa, I think we’re safe here for now,” he whispers, running his fingers through your hair and you feel yourself slip into sleep without even trying. The last thing you register is Frankie’s lips against your cheek.
When you wake up a few hours later you think for a minute that you’re in a dream. You’re warm under the covers, Frankie’s arm is wrapped around your waist and you can feel his shallow breaths against your neck. The bed under you is soft and a shaft of sunlight is filtering in through the closed curtains, hitting a painting of a mountain landscape. You let your eyes drift around the room and take it in as you slowly remember where you are; Jackson, a safe place at last.
Frankie stirs behind you, tightening his grip around your waist, “Morning, cariño,” he mumbles and pushes his nose into your hair, inhaling and kissing your neck.
“More like ‘afternoon’,” you smile, reaching back and threading your fingers through his curls.
“Mhmm…I slept like a log,” he rolls over and stretches out, pulling you with him so that you end up half on top of him. You lean your chin on his chest and trace your fingers through his scruffy beard.
“Me too, and it seems like Jack did too,” you mumble, kissing his chest as he strokes your hair. And right on cue, Jack whimpers from the room across the hall and begins to cry.
“I’ll get him,” you say, pushing yourself off the bed, “he’s probably hungry, it’s been hours since he ate.”
“I know how he feels,” Frankie mutters, “I’m starving, we should see if we can give him the last of the spagettios and then go to the mess hall Maria mentioned.” He sits up and shoves his fingers through his curls, making them stand on end.
While you get Jack and get him to stop crying, Frankie gets the camping stove out and heats up some food.
“Hey, look,” he calls from downstairs, “someone’s left some supplies on the porch.” He comes in with a bag as you bring Jack down. “Looks like some clean clothes both for us and Jack, and some diapers.” He holds up some reusable diapers, “they’ve thought of everything.”
He comes over to Jack and gives his little belly a poke, “did you poop your pants, little man? Yeah, you did, I can smell you.” Frankie chuckles as Jack giggles and squeals. “Do you wanna do food or poop?” he asks you with a grin and you immediately hand Jack over to him.
“Food, you’re on poop duty,” you reply, grinning back at him and Frankie makes a grimace.
“Knew you’d say that, cariño,” he sighs, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Too late now, Frankie,” you laugh and grab the last can of spagettios from his backpack.
Frankie starts cleaning up Jack as you warm the food and when Jack’s got a clean diaper on Frankie comes over.
“I was thinking about what Maria said before,” he says, setting Jack down on the counter and holding on to him, “About everyone doing what they can to help out this community.”
“You’re thinking about what they’ll say if you tell them about your background?”
“Yeah…” he trails off, watching Jack open his mouth for a first spoonful of pasta. “I’m not going to tell them about the PTSD or the drugs, it’s none of their business and I’ve got it under control. But if I tell them about my army background, they’ll want me to do patrols, and I’d like to do that, if you’re ok with it?” Frankie looks over at you, his eyebrows drawn together in that slightly worried look.
“I can’t imagine doing patrols and guard duty here is anything like what it was like with FEDRA, Frankie,” you say, putting your hand on his arm, giving him a reassuring squeeze, “And if you start feeling it, please Frankie….” you gently take his chin between your thumb and finger and give him a little tug with every word, “You’ve. Got. To. Tell. Me.” You look into his warm brown eyes and he gives you a crooked smile.
“I know, no more hiding things,” he nods, taking your hand from his chin and pressing his warm lips to your palm, “I promise, for real this time.”
“Good. Because we didn’t just go through all that shit and travel halfway across the country for you to do all of that again,” you smile as he pulls you in by your hand and leans his forehead against yours.
“I promise, I really, really mean it, no more lies, no more hiding, I’m going to be what you deserve now, cariño.” He dips his head and finds your lips, one hand still holding on to Jack who’s gurgling happily on the counter, the other slipping around your neck and holding you just as close as the little boy.
Once Jack is fed and changed you heat up some water on the old wood fired stove. The old house you’re in has a modern kitchen but both the living room and the kitchen have the old fireplace and stove and plenty of firewood stacked next to them. You light a fire and Frankie gets water from the hand cranked well outside. It’s not exactly a hot shower or bath but it’s warm water to wash in and you take the chance to wash some of your clothes too, hanging them to dry in front of the fire before you leave for the mess hall.
The mess hall is easy to find, it’s the largest building in the old gated community and used to be the community center. Someone has made a rough wooden sign and it hangs over the door of the western style building. Frankie holds Jack on his hip, his other hand holding yours as you walk down the main street towards the hall. You can’t help but glance at Frankie and Jack. It’s almost hard to believe the change that Frankie’s undergone in just a few weeks since you left Boston. The withdrawals had left him haggard and tired looking, and you know he’d struggled with the more psychological symptoms longer than the physiological symptoms. But traveling further away from Boston had changed his mood and with the added responsibility of Jack, a child to care for, you started seeing a version of Frankie that you hadn’t seen since before the outbreak. You don’t think he’s even realizing it himself but you’re seeing how he’s slowly turning back into the dad he was to Lucía, treating Jack like a son even though he might not be ready to see him as such. At least not yet.
Now he bounces Jack on his hip, tickling the boy's chin as Jack happily gurgles up at him and you see Maria smiling at the two of them as you enter the mess hall.
“Hey there, I was wondering when you’d show up,” she says, coming over and smiling at Jack who gives her a toothless grin.
“Thanks for the supplies,” you say, “I’m guessing you had something to do with that?”
“Yeah, I thought you might need some things to feel a bit more human after traveling for as long as you have.” She gestures to a cantina set up at one end of the room, “Have some food and come and sit down with us.”
You grab some bowls of rich looking stew and say hello to the woman overseeing the cantina. She’s delighted by Jack’s gurgling smile and gives him a small bowl of fresh blueberries that she mashes up with some honey.
“Someone kept bees in one of the gardens before the outbreak,” she says, “so we now have a huge bee colony and more honey than what we know what to do with.”
You thank her and join Maria and Patrick at a table in a corner of the mess hall. The stew is warm and hearty, and you have to pace yourself or you’ll inhale it, hungry as you are by now. Maria and Patrick let you finish your food before Patrick leans forward and leans his elbows on the table.
“So, you seem like decent folk, but I’m sure you understand we’d like to know a bit more about you now that you’ve had a chance to see our community.”
You both nod and Maria looks at you, “Where have you come from?”
“Originally, when the outbreak happened, Arlington, a town down south. But we’d been in Boston for about five years by the time we left.”
“What made you leave? You’re a long way from Boston and it’s a dangerous journey,” Patrick glances between you and Frankie and Frankie answers first.
“Have you heard of a group that calls themselves The Fireflies?” he asks and both Maria and Patrick nod, “They were causing a bit too much trouble in the QZ. They blew up a guard station, a truck, and FEDRA responded as you can imagine, making life very difficult. So we decided to leave.” Frankie glances over at you and takes your hand and rubs little circles into your skin, “We met a year before the outbreak, she’s been my wife for over ten years and I wouldn’t have survived without her, luckily for me she was willing to risk it all and come with me when it became necessary to leave Boston.”
Frankie’s telling a truncated version of the story behind why you left but for now, there’s no need for anyone to know anything else.
“She used to work the civilian radio in Boston and we know the Fireflies are making trouble all across the QZ’s so at first we just planned to get away from Boston and find an isolated farm and try to survive on our own, how long that would be didn’t really matter, as long as she was with me.” Frankie continues to tell the story of your journey across the Midwest, ending with how you found Jack and his mother and how you stole the slavers’ pickup.
“We’ve heard about slavers from some of the people who have joined our community,” Maria says, “the outbreak really brought out the worst kind of behavior from certain people.”
“We’ll certainly make use of your radio skills,” Patrick says to you, “there’s a radio tower nearby that we haven’t managed to fix yet, we need to fix the dam first, but you might be able to help us with the radio when it comes time for that.”
You nod, “I can fix most things on the particular model we had in Boston, if we have the right parts, but Frankie’s the real fixer.”
“What have you worked with, Frankie?” Maria asks and you see Frankie inhale, there’s so much trauma connected to what he did both before and after the outbreak, and you take hold of his hand, squeezing it lightly, giving him your support, and you can tell both Maria and Patrick senses the tension.
“Before the outbreak I was retired from the army,” Frankie begins, trying to keep his hand from nervously shooting up and rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m ex special ops, Delta Force, I was a helicopter pilot, a soldier.”
You can see Maria and Patrick exchange a quick glance and Patrick nods, “I’m not gonna lie, Frankie, we live under constant threat of raiders and infected here, to have someone with your background on our side would be a great help.”
“I realize that, and so did FEDRA, they recruited me in exchange for letting myself and my wife stay in the QZ we got to at the beginning of the outbreak. But I didn’t stay with them for too long, their ways of doing things…” Frankie trails off and shakes his head. “So, we,” he glances at you, “did what we needed to do to stay alive. We both smuggled, got stuff into the QZ’s we were in both for our own survival and benefit. But we did good too, I hope,” he looks at you again and you nod.
“We did good, Frankie, you know that. We brought in medicine and supplies that FEDRA was denying the population.”
“Everyone here has lived under FEDRA rule,” Maria says and Patrick nods in agreement, “we know all too well what it’s like. I don’t judge you for being smugglers, as long as you’re good people.”
You feel Frankie tense up at the last words, but he bites his tongue as you squeeze his hand.
“We stopped smuggling a while back though,” he says instead, “I couldn’t handle the risk it put her in,” he looks at you and his eyes soften as you smile at him, “and then, when it got more dangerous, I didn’t want to risk leaving her behind alone if something would happen to me.”
“Well, we don’t need smugglers here, but we do need good guards and we all take turns doing guard duty or go on patrols,” Maria says, “We run this place like a commune, everything we have is owned by everyone, and we share the resources we bring in.”
“I’m in charge of the hunting parties,” Patrick says, “so if either one of you is a good hunter, let me know. We eat mainly meat that we trap or shoot, but it’s hard work feeding everyone.”
“Our crops are starting to ripen, we’ve worked hard all year to cultivate local crops and we hope to have greenhouses too at some point. But for that, we need electricity, so that’s our first priority,” Maria explains, “but we’ll give you some time to settle in today and I’ll show you around tomorrow.”
“Frankie, if you don’t mind, can I take you up to the dam tomorrow?” Patrick asks and Frankie nods.
“Yeah, sure, whatever works for you,” he replies, “If you’re ok with taking Jack tomorrow, cariño?”
You nod and Maria reaches over the table and strokes the baby’s hand, “We don’t have any babies here, yet at least, but we hope that Jackson will be safe enough for people to raise families in the future.” She looks up at you and Frankie and seems to hesitate, “I know you two accidentally became Jack’s caretakers, but I get the sense that you’d like to continue to care for him?”
You both nod, “We feel responsible for him now,” you say as Frankie puts a protective hand around Jack and smiles at him, “and we did promise his mom to keep him safe, at least until we could find his uncle, and with him gone, that feels more important than ever.”
“What happened to his uncle?” Frankie asks, looking up again and Patrick grimaces and shakes his head.
“It was two clickers, three of us were clearing out one of the last houses in Jackson, outside the gated community, and we'd killed three runners and heard nothing else. But they were inside a shed in the yard and came rushing out as we approached. Jack was unlucky, got bit as we took them down.”
“We’ve been here just over six months now and we’ve lost three good people to raiders and infected,” Maria says, “and it never gets easier. But we’ve learned a lot from each death, we’re safer now, better guarded.”
“Sorry to hear it,” Frankie says, “but you seem to have built up a good perimeter defense, judging by what we saw when we rode in.”
“I would love to have your eyes on it, Frankie,” Patrick says, “give us some advice on improvements.”
Maria gives a low chuckle, “Give the man a break, Pat, he’s been here all but two minutes and you’ve already commandeered his time.”
“It’s alright,” Frankie said, shaking his head, “No problem at all, if we’re staying here I’m more than happy to help out in any way I can to keep this place as safe as possible.”
“Speaking of staying then,” Maria says, smiling at you and Jack now, “why don’t you have a wander around Jackson, and see what we have to offer. It’s not big but I think it’ll give you an idea about what we’re trying to build here and we’ll see you tomorrow morning?”
“Sounds like a plan,” you say and Frankie nods, shaking Patrick’s offered hand.
“Welcome to Jackson.”
It doesn’t take you long to see all of Jackson, the community is clearly very small but like Maria had said, you could see what they were planning. People were working on a number of projects around the small gated community and the park in the center had given way to crops that looked almost ready to harvest. The garden of one of the biggest houses has been converted into a stable yard and a stable is almost fully built up against the wall that surrounds the community. You say hello to Winston and Ned, who turns out to be the one responsible for Jackson’s horses.
At the furthest end of the small town is the slaughterhouse, where fresh game has been brought in by two women and hung up, the blood trickling from two white tail deer.
As you wander back towards the house you’re staying at, Frankie hooks his arm around your waist and pulls you close.
“This all feels very…normal,” he says, “like maybe they have a chance at making this work.”
“Normal, apart from the infected and the raiders?” you say, looking up at the high wall that surrounds the small community, guards with rifles patrolling at the top.
“Yeah, but Maria and Patrick seem to have the right idea about how to run this place, so maybe they can make it work,” Frankie glances around the small town, “It’s kinda like the settlers in the old west. You were somewhat safe in the towns but it was dangerous to travel outside them. The biggest problem with what’s happened after the outbreak isn’t the infected, it’s how FEDRA handled the situation.”
You’ve arrived at the house and Jack’s fallen asleep so you put him down and join Frankie out on the porch.
“So what do you think?” he says, pulling you down onto his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Do you think we should stay here and make a go of it?”
“I think so, Frankie, if you think you’ll be alright with patrols and guard duty?”
“Yeah, I think so…” he rubs his hand up and down your back, looking out over the small street the house is on, “It’s not for FEDRA, it’s for this place, for you and for Jack, to help keep you and this place safe.”
“I think you’ll be able to help them a lot too, you can use your skills for something that really makes a difference for this place.” You run your fingers through the curls at the back of his head, long enough now for you to wind around your fingers. Frankie’s looked away from the street and is looking at you, his warm brown eyes soft as he smiles up at you.
“And they have sturdy doors on these houses,” his hand has drifted up from your back to wrap around your neck and he’s gently pulling you closer to his lips. As you smile the pink tip of his tongue comes out and licks his plush bottom lip, you don’t even need to feel the bulge growing under you to know what he’s thinking about. You press your lips against his as he pulls you closer, his mouth opening to let you in with a low groan.
“Cariño,” he mumbles, “this is all I ever want,” his hand presses against your back as he deepens the kiss, “you and me in a quiet place where I can give you everything you deserve.”
“You deserve it too, Frankie,” you mumble, his hand tangling in your hair as his tongue slips in between your lips. You can feel him nod under you but you lose all train of thought as he bucks his hips under you.
“Fuck, hermosa…” he mutters, “we need to move inside or our new neighbors…”
You pull him up, take his hand and slip through the door while he wraps his arms around you from behind, kicking the door closed with his foot.
“Bring Jack upstairs and put him in the crib,” you say, as Frankie starts kissing your neck, pushing your hair out of the way.
“Do you really think we’ll make it upstairs,” he mutters, his hand already tugging at your t-shirt, slipping it under it and pushing under your bra.
“We have a kid now, Frankie,” you chuckle, “no sex in front of the baby.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he grumbles and pulls away from you, keeping it decent as he picks up Jack, carefully to not wake him, and follows you upstairs. Once Jack is safely nestled into his crib and the door closed but with a crack open in case he wakes up, Frankie comes into your bedroom with a smirk.
“You’re gonna need to be quiet or you’ll wake him and alert the neighbors, and I’m gonna make sure you really wanna scream my name, cariño…” he wiggles his eyebrows at you and you hold your finger up to him.
“Francisco Morales, you wouldn’t dare,” you wave the finger threateningly in front of him as he stalks across the room, making you back up until your legs hit the bed, his grin is lethal, all wicked intentions and mischief.
“Just let me take care of you, mi hermosa, mi amor de mi vida,” he croons, slipping his hands around your waist and gently pushing you back onto the bed, making you crawl up towards the top as he bends his head and starts kissing every inch of skin he can reach while peeling off your shirt, quickly followed by your pants. When his wide shoulders pushes your legs apart you groan and fall back against the sheets. You can feel his hot breath against your core as he settles down and grabs your thighs, kneading them and letting his fingers caress the soft skin.
“Frankie,” you sigh, reaching down and threading your fingers through his curls.
“Fuck…” he grumbles, “I’ve missed this, this sight, this smell, cariño, you’re so fucking sweet,” without warning he dips his head and runs his tongue through your folds, a long deep lick that ends at your clit. The sensation explodes through your nerve endings and you arch your back up, pressing your hips against his mouth.
“Did you miss this too, hermosa?” he chuckles, looking up at you from between your thighs, a smirk on his face, but before you get a chance to answer he dives back down, tasting every part of you as his nose circles around your clit but never really touching. The teasing makes you moan, canting your hips up against him and he pins you down with an arm over your middle.. When he slips in two fingers you’re already on the edge, with a whimper you cry his name, trying to keep your voice down. He pumps them slowly, curling them back as his lips seal around your clit. You glance down at him and he’s got his eyes on you, his black eyes are glowing as he watches you pant, your body taught as a bowstring.
He lifts his head slightly, his mouth hovering just over you and every one of his breaths sends tremors through your body.
“Come on, let me feel you come on my mouth and then I’ll fuck you, I wanna feel you around my cock so badly, cariño, you have no idea how hard I am…” he grinds his hips into the mattress, dragging the tip of his tongue over your clit again. His words and his eyes, still burning up your body makes you groan, barely able to keep looking at him. As his lips close around your clit again, ramping up the pressure, you throw your hand over your mouth, biting down hard on your lip as you moan. When you fall over the edge his fingers almost stop moving as you spasm around them but the rough pads keep pushing you through every wave that crashes over you. Frankie doesn’t let up, his tongue flicking over your clit as heat courses through your body until every muscle in your body relaxes and you fall back against the bed.
“So fucking good, cariño,” Frankie moans, trailing sticky kisses along the soft skin of your thighs, moving up to your hips, resting his head there and looking at you as he caresses your skin.
“Come up here and fuck me then, Frankie,” you mumble, reaching down for him and he groans, hiding his face against your hip, sucking a mark into you, making you hiss under him. His tongue comes out and soothes the mark before he sits up and quickly pulls off his shirt and pants before crawling up the bed, hooking his arm under your knee as he goes. He’s painfully hard and weeping, you can feel him drag over your leg, the contact makes him exhale sharply and he grabs his cock firmly. He slides the tip through your sensitive slick folds as he bends down and slips his tongue between your lips. You feel the familiar stretch of him as he pushes the blunt head into you, forcing your knee up higher and grinding his way deeper.
He gasps as you involuntarily clench down around him, “Bebita…fuck…so tight..I…I can’t fucking move…” With a deep groan he pulls out a little before slamming in deep again, making you bite down hard on your lip to stop yourself from crying out. Your arms come up around his neck and pull him down closer as he begins to move in earnest. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and moves in and out, slow at first but soon he picks up pace, groaning over you as his own high draws near. The familiar tingling is building inside you again as he hits a spot deep inside and he can feel you starting to tremble around him.
“C’mon…please…again, hermosa, fuck…” he pushes himself up on one elbow and looking down at you, his sweaty curls hanging over his forehead as his hand slides down and grabs your hip, “I’m…fuck…” he drops down with his forehead against yours, his eyes squeezing shut as your climax explodes through your body and you feel him follow, grinding deep. Both your moans mix in the air, all attempts at keeping quiet forgotten until you collapse on the damp sheets.
“Fuck,” he mutters, his face against your neck, “I came inside you, is it ok?”
“Yeah, I would’ve stopped otherwise, I forgot to tell you it was ok,” you mumble, kissing his damp forehead and pushing back his curls. As you start caressing his hair, scratching his scalp he snuggles deeper into your neck and sighs contentedly.
“I missed this so much, cariño,” he mumbles, “you and me, a bed, nothing else.”
“And a sturdy door?” you smile as his arm comes up around your body, his hand resting on your breast as his thumb lightly strokes across the nipple.
“Yeah, a sturdy door with a lock,” he nibbles at your neck, pressing light kisses along your jaw until he settles down again, humming under his breath.
“I wish there was some way we could let Will and Benny know about this place,” he says after a while. “It’d be good to have them here if they could make the journey.”
“Yeah, I miss them, and Eve and Diana,” you sigh, “and I think Maria and Patrick would love to have two more ex Delta Force guys here.”
Frankie rolls over, pulling you with him so that he can pull your back against his chest and wrap his arm around your waist, “We’ll keep an eye out, maybe we’ll figure something once we fix the dam,” he kisses the back of your head, tucking you in under his chin, “sleep now, cariño.”
Patrick comes by next morning and knocks on the door as you’re finishing up breakfast. Frankie grabs his pack and leaves after giving you a kiss and dropping a peck on Jack’s head. He makes you smile when you hear him give the baby instructions to behave and be a good boy for tu mamá .You hadn’t even thought about yourself as his mom, Julia was still his mom, but you guess Jack would have to call you something once he started talking, and Frankie seemed to have settled on mamá for now. It made your heart warm to hear his affection for the little boy, finding him and his mother had maybe been very lucky for you and Frankie, as well as for baby Jack.
For the first time in years, Frankie didn’t feel worried about leaving you behind as he left and went outside the safety a wall entailed. Jackson felt safe, not just because of the wall, but because of the people on the inside. He glanced back up at the gate as it closed behind him, it looked strong and sturdy, and the guards on top were alert.
Patrick, or Pat as he asked Frankie to call him, had brought a group of men and women on the short ride across to the Jackson dam. As they rode Pat pointed out how they’d started building a wall that would circle around the dam structure too.
“That way we won’t have to worry about raiders cutting the electricity once we get it up and running, or infected getting in,” he says, “both possibilities are something we have to take into account whenever we go to the dam now. We have to clear the dam compound every time.”
This time there’s nothing in the building or around it, and Pat leaves three guys to keep watch on the wall over the main entrance.
Together the crew looked over the different components and Pat explained to Frankie what parts they’ve been having problems with. It took them the better part of the day to figure out that something is blocking one of the mechanisms deep inside the dam, then another hour to find the right maintenance hatch and get it open. The tell tale sound of a clicker comes up from the deep hole as they wrench the hatch open. Ladders, however, seem to be something, infected can’t handle so it’s not too much of an issue to shoot the poor dam worker through the head as he scratches against the wall under the hatch. For good measure Frankie and Pat toss a few rocks into the maintenance tunnel and lower a flashlight to lure out any remaining infected. When they deem it safe enough Pat carefully climbs down while Frankie and another man, Walter, cover him.
“Alright, all clear down here,” Pat’s voice comes back up from the tunnel and Frankie climbs down, followed by Walter.
They follow the tunnel down to the entrance in the dam wall and climb out, spotting the problem immediately. A large mess of plastic scraps and synthetic rope has tangled into the mechanism and it takes an hour to clear it without creating further damage. Eventually the machinery turns smoothly and Walter remains behind as Frankie and Pat climb back up to the main operating room.
“Now, if we’ve done everything right, things should work now, and the first turbine will start generating enough electricity to start the main turbines and produce electricity for the town,” Pat hoover his hand over a button and gives Frankie a tight smile, “So far, this hasn’t worked once, so fingers crossed, Frank.”
He pushes the button and in the distance they hear machinery kicking into gear, running for a few seconds before shutting down.
“Fuck…” Pat mumbles, scratching his head, “that’s more than we’ve had before but I don’t know why it shut down.”
“It sounded like it started fine but short circuited,” Frankie says, “Let me open up and check behind the console.”
“Let me know if you need anything, I’m gonna go check on the turbines,” Pat says, leaving Frankie to grab a set of mismatched tools and pry open the console. He sees the issue as soon as he opens it, a thin tendril of smoke is rising from one of the wires, the insulation has corroded and it’s touching another wire. It’s a matter of minutes to rewire it and make sure the inside is protected from any dampness. Once the dam is up and running the heating will keep this dry and protected.
“Pat,” Frankie calls, “I’ve fixed I think, let’s try it again.”
Pat comes back and motions to Frankie to hit the button, “Do the honors, you’re the one who fixed the last bit.”
“Here goes nothing,” Frankie grimaces and gently pushes the button again. This time the machinery kicks into gear, running smoothly for a couple of minutes until a louder rumble starts up, the main turbines starting to turn and suddenly, making both men startle, lights flood the room their in, lights go on all over the console and static starts pouring out of an abandoned radio on the window sill.
“Oh shit! It worked! It fucking works!” Patrick yells, punching the air before clapping Frankie on the shoulder with a big grin. From the outside they can hear yells of delight from the other men and women of the work party. They go out to join them, leaning over the edge of the dam and watching the water pump through the turbine hall and the lights in the lamps lining the edge flicker to life.
“All the cables feeding electricity to Jackson are underground so we’re hoping they’re unharmed, the town should have electricity now!” Pat says, grinning widely, “Come on, let’s head back and make sure everything’s working.”
Three of the guys are staying behind to keep guard and make sure the dam runs smoothly, they’re to be relieved in a few hours, for a night shift.
“We can’t leave the dam unguarded now,” Pat says, “and we might need to do something about the lights, black them out for now, so that we don’t draw too much attention to it.”
When they get back to the Jackson gate people are waiting for them, you’re there with Jack on your hip. The lights in the house had suddenly come on, a few of the light bulbs immediately broke, but the fridge started humming and the tv buzzed to life with loud static that startled Jack enough to make him cry. You had to run around and turn as much as possible off, checking what worked and what didn’t. The hot water boiler seemed to be working just fine and was full of water that was slowly heating up. Even the radiators came to life, warming the house. Maria had shown up a little while later, on her way to the gate.
“Let’s go greet our returning heroes,” she laughed, “I can’t believe we’ve got electricity!”
All of Jackson turned out, forming a crowd just inside the gate and everyone cheered as the work party, led by Pat, rode into town. Frankie quickly found you in the crowd, grinning wildly as he came over, his horse in tow.
“What a welcoming committee;” he grinned, bending to kiss you and then Jack.
“How does it feel to be a town hero on your second day, Frankie?” you laugh, hugging him tightly as he took Jack from you, putting him on his hip.
“Feels good, feels like coming home, cariño. Feels like coming home.”
Chapter 36
If anyone reading knows how a hydroelectric dam actually works, don't tell me all the mistakes I made, I'm playing fast and lose with the technical details here!
I'm also kinda playing lose with any abandonment issues Jack should, realistically, have after being taken from his mother at six months. But I'm excusing that by thinking that he probably didn't get to spend too much time with his mother anyway, in my mind Julia would've been forced to work straight after giving birth and Jack was left behind whenever the slavers wouldn't let her bring him to whatever work she was made to do (seriously, the last part of The Last of Us 2 is horrifying, it gives a very nasty view into how a slaver's camp worked in this world).
The song that Frankie sings to Jack is called Arroz con Leche and is a well known Latino lullaby. You can hear the version Frankie sings if you look for Arroz con Leche sung by Soleada Arboleda on Spotify!
Taglist: @pimosworld @i-own-loki @casa-boiardi @littlenosoul @stormseyer @mxtokko @javicstories @nunya7394 @welcometothepedroverse @harriedandharassed @meveispunk @hiroikegawa @jwritesfanfics @vickie5446 @your-slutty-gf
125 notes · View notes
im-ovulating · 1 year
Hiiiii I've said it bef9re and I will say it again because let's be honest YOU'RE WRITING IS AMAZING!!!! I absolutely adore your creativity!! I was wondering if I can request something?
Once again it's for alec volturi (shocking I know😂😂) yandere/possessive alec x vampire reader. You can choose how they meet but basically he kidnaps her and she fights for a long time just entirely resists him physically and verbally like constantly talks back. Until eventually after many escape attempts (failed because jane or felix or demitri brings her back evrytime) she gives in and starts to love him. He collars her as a sign of his possessive ownership and she is submissive to him and with him but aggressive ig to everyone else( sorry idk how to word that last part) if it's too much or you're not comfortable I understand❤❤
(A/n: Got me smiling and shit-😂)
(Just in case anyone either never read the books or doesn't remember it from the books but, since vampires are the same temperature, they feel warm to each other)
(Here's a pdf of the book; page 436, 7th line down for any doubters lmao)
Word Count: 1,464
Summary: In which Alec takes a bit too much interest in his mate
Warnings: Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Collaring
Age Rating: Pg 13
Tumblr media
Tactile Power Transferal- the ability to take another vampire's power with a touch and transfer it to whom the user pleases.
Very useful
Unfortunately for you, that's what Aro thought too
Double jeopardy because you found out your mate was a member of the elite guard
You would have been mostly fine with it had he not gotten possessive as much and as quick as he did
It got to the point of not being able to leave the castle unless under order of the kings
Naturally, you fought the imprisonment, but you were never successful
Which leads us to your current predicament:
"Put me down!" You yell, fists pounding the executioner's back.
Not that it affected Felix in any way.
You had managed to escape once more, but was quickly tracked down by Demetri. Once you were cornered, the larger of the two had unceremoniously tossed you over his shoulder so the trip back was -albite just a fraction- easier.
"You do realize that if you stopped running, you wouldn't have to be carried back all the time?" The tracker quips.
"Shut up you damned, bloodhound..." you growl.
He scoffs. "Ouch. That'd actually hurt if it was scent that I track."
You settle for glaring at him, not wanting to deal with him any longer.
"From now on, there will be guards stationed outside your chambers; they will be posted outside the door and windows." Aro states with a finality that you can't bring yourself to argue.
Caius chimes in as you lower your gaze to the floor. "How many times do you think we will put up with your traitorous actions? The only reason you're still alive after running away all these times is because of who your mate is. Don't mistake it for leniency. And don't think our patience isn't thinning. Keep this behavior up and you will see first hand why we are known as such fierce rulers."
"Take her back to her room." He commands Felix.
So starts your walk of shame back to captivity.
As much as you hate him for repeatedly placing you back in your cage, you appreciate that he only walks quietly behind you through the halls.
Finally reaching your room, you see that the guards are already positioned. You step in, locking the door behind you.
"You'd be a lot happier here if you stopped fighting."
"I'm not in the mood for you, Alec." You can't bring yourself to care that he's seemingly made himself at home in your room. Too mentally exhausted from constantly pushing against an immovable force.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you know you'll never escape. That it would be so much easier to just give in. Maybe you should. It's not like you have any other options.
'You could always expose yourself. They'd have to kill you then...' No. You ignore the tiny voice. You're not that desperate -not yet any way.
In a flash, Alec has you pinned to the wall by the neck.
His face is twisted into a gnarly sneer.
"You think you have a choice?" He lets out a crude laugh. "You will 'be in the mood for me' whenever I so much as snap my fingers, do you understand me?"
He emphasizes his question by applying more pressure. You can feel the beginning of cracks snake their way around your neck as he waits for your response.
You know it's not just a bluff. He's ripped a limb off before when you spat every curse you knew at him. Turns out the process of limbs reattaching themselves isn't a fun one.
"Do. You. Understand?" He presses further.
"Yes." you whimper as the pain increases, skin splintering like wood left to dry rot.
Just as soon as it started, he lets you go. You let out an unneeded yet shaky breath. He's never threatened death, even if it would only be temporary.
There really is no saving yourself.
'All it takes is one step into the sun,' the voice reminds.
'Though, if you really don't want that, there is another way...' The voice is right, but that would mean going against everything you've been fighting for.
'You don't really have much of a choice anymore,' it reminds.
Maybe you're right...
Over the next few months, you had stopped trying to run. You had fought every nerve in your body that jumped when Alec was near. Started to force yourself to initiate physicality and affection. Even though you felt like you were burning with every touch and pet name, you pushed through it so that maybe, just maybe, you could trick yourself into thinking you actually loved him.
You don't know when pretending turned in to being genuine. All you know is that one day you were feigning being happy to see him and the next, you were practically bouncing in place as you waited for him to get back from his guard duties.
Only going through the motions of a kiss turned into eagerly pressing kisses to his face and neck, making your way to his lips when you'd been separated for weeks.
You'd fallen and you'd fallen hard. It should scare you, but you can't bring yourself to care when you were no longer mentally and physically in pain. Not when you stopped being guarded 24/7, not when Alec seemed so happy about your new attitude; constantly bringing you beautifully crafted pieces of jewelry or carefully arranged bouquets of your favorite flowers. Not when he would whisper the loveliest things to you in the dead of night as he held you against his chest.
The kings were also pleased with your turn of attitude, though the same couldn't be said for a specific pair within the guard. Let's just say you still hold a grudge against the two that repeatedly humiliated you; carrying you around the castle over their shoulders -or worse, one time they had you held between them: one holding you under the arms while the other held your ankles like you were a fucking jump rope.
So, no, you wouldn't be amicable towards those two any time soon.
You break from your thoughts when your mate enters your, now shared, bedroom with a small box in hand.
"What's this?" You question when he sits next to you, handing the parcel over.
You gently pull the ribbon and take the lid off to reveal a beautifully woven choker. It's a black satin, sewn with a deep red lace. In the middle is a little bow with silver 'A' charm.
"Just a little something to show who you belong to," Alec answers.
You glance to him and back the collar. "It's beautiful." You run you finger lightly along the red lace. "Put it on me?"
"Of course," he holds his hand out for the box. You hand it to him amd turn to the side.
You feel his warm hand glide across the back of your neck, moving your hair out of the way. Alec brings the collar across your front and easily clasps it in the back, fixing your tresses to their original position.
You turn back to him as he takes hold of your jaw, pulling you into a searing kiss.
"You're mine," he murmurs into the kiss.
Your hands slide into his hair as you mumble an agreement.
Before you can blink, your back is on the mattress and Alec is hovering above you. He trails his kisses down to your jaw and to your neck, slowly kissing his way to the neck of your top.
You can't help the stuttered breath that leaves you when he nips at your collarbone.
Looking down at him, a whisper of his name leaves your lips. "Alec..."
His eyes are near black when he looks up at you. You can't help but pull him back to your lips, teeth clashing as you both lose your sense. Not that you can be bothered to care; all you can focus on is 'Alec, Alec, Alec' playing like a mantra in your mind. His taste, his smell, his feel. He's invading all your senses and you couldn't be more content.
Alec loops a finger under the choker, pulling you to be impossibly closer. He breaks away only long enough to ask: "Let me show you who you belong to?"
"Please," your legs wrap around his hips in a futile attempt to pull him even closer.
An almost sadistic smirk appears on his face as he dives back to your lips. He hikes one of your legs higher so he can press his hips to yours and-
Oh, it's going to be a long night.
Not that you can find it in yourself to mind...
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Can I request, Marco the phoenix getting jealous on his s/o's childhood friend.
Thanks girl 💕
“jealous little boy”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· having a reunion with your childhood friend, a pineapple falls into jealousy, unhappy on how you're ignoring him for your friend..
⠀⠀➧ fluff | marco × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, other than swearing...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: here's ur jealous husband @kazenomegaminowanpisu 😘
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Having a gasp immediately left your lips upon seeing a familiar face in the crowd as you shopped with your lover, Marco who tilt his head. Confused of your reaction.
“Love, what's wrong? You look really shocked... And who's that someone you're lookin' at, yoi?” The tall blond man asks, eyes travelling to a certain figure in the middle of the crowd, squinting his eyes that went back and forth to you and the someone you're looking at.
“Marco, they're..!” Silently squeeling, you then left no explanation for your lover. Just dashing away, squeezing yourself on the crowd, desperate to approach the person you saw.
“F/n!” You exclaim, calling your friends' name upon nearing them, catching their attention. “F/n, it's been so long..!”
Launching yourself onto their figure, you gave them a tight embrace, catching Marco who just caught up with you off guard.
“..Wait, who—oh! Y/n, it's nice to meet you again!” Hugging you back, they smiled, letting go after a solid minute, chatting with you who totally forgot about your lover who stood beside you two like a post.
“...Man, we gotta catch up with each other, so, uh. Wanna get lunch?” Asking you this, you then beamed a smile, nodding your head as Marco furrowed his brows, finally interfering.
“Wait, love. Who is this?” He asks with a raise of a brow, taking your hand and pulling you close to him, jealousy finally stirring up in him...
“Ah, Marco! My heavens, I almost forgot about you—ah, scratch that, this is F/n, love. My childhood friend. And F/n, this is Marco, my lover.” Introducing them to each other, the two observed each other, sparks of annoyance lighting up between them.
“Oh, didn't know that you're into pineapples, Y/n..” Your friend jokes, causing you to slightly snicker, while Marco was ticked off.
“Well, my love, why didn't you tell me you have such friend, yoi?” Slinging his arm over your shoulder, Marco returned a salty comment to your friend who irked.
“A..Ah, you two, calm it, okay? Why don't we chat on a restaurant?” You suggested as your friend sighed.
“Sorry, Y/n. I don't think I'll want to have a chat and be a third wheel on you two. I'll just head home now, gotta make myself lunch, so I guess we'll just see each other around, or here—phone me up if you wanna talk.” They said with a huff, shrugging their shoulders as they handled you their number before leaving.
“Aw, too bad... I wanted to have a chat with them after a long time!” You whined, only to be pinched by your lover who had a frown on his face. “Ouch! What was that for!?”
“That friend of yours is making me jealous, yoi! You gave them all your attention, and almost none to me, plus, they're hogging you all to themselves, when you're supposed to be mine..” The blond man grumbles, giving you a back hug as he complained.
“...Ah? Sorry, Marco. I didn't know that I made you into my jealous little boy..” Planting a kiss on his hand, you comforted your lover who smiled, kissing your cheek.
“I'm no little boy, but I guess it's fine if you call me that, because I'm yours anyway.” He cooed, holding your hand as you two now walk back to your home to shower each other love.
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© butterfluffy 2022
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
3x08 Thoughts
This episode has so much going on the whole way through - this show is so good at mid-season showdowns! Love it.
Hirst is such a great villain. Wonder how she got so good at the corrupt side of things? I wish she'd been on the loose for longer, because she's so interesting (also, way better than Madeline!).
Crawford finally shows up in this episode, and he's pretty unsettling. It's strange to see Roman handle him so well. I don't think season two Roman would have been able to, and I kinda wish they hadn't gone the slick manipulator route with his character, because that was supposed to be Remi's thing. And like Shepherd said to him in season 2: 'You could never do what she does.' Maybe the ZIP gave him a personality overhaul. 🙄
Reade is pretty brutal to Kurt in the interrogation room, and it makes me sad that they keep bringing Reade back to this 'you were a better person before you met Jane' place, several times throughout the show. I guess he associates Jane's arrival in his life with things starting to fall apart - losing Sarah, losing Mayfair, finding out about the abuse he repressed the memories of, being buried under rubble, the drugs, then the whole team disbanding. It would have been nice to have Reade and Jane talk it out post-4x22. It always seems like he's more Kurt's friend than Jane's, in an 'I'm not a big fan of your wife, but I care about our friendship too much to keep bringing it up, because I know you'll never leave her' way.
Rich signing Hirst's papers with 'suck it' is total genius. 😁 In fact, his whole interrogation room attitude is just classic Rich. The whole 'we've been having sex in the vents and on the rotating platform where you scanned Janes tattoos' thing is so much fun.
I'm confused that Boston is suddenly missing. Two years ago, they had him in prison, and got him to do the undercover thing at Daedalus. Kurt offers to move him to a prison closer to his parents, who were having trouble visiting him, in return for his cooperation with the mission. The last we see of him, he's watching Rich get loaded into an ambulance, and he and Patterson talk about the sculpture he made. And then in the two-year time jump he was working on Wizardville with Patterson, but Rich can't find him, somehow? Guess he got out of prison pretty quickly.
It was so sweet to see the team laughing and joking with Rich at the end of the episode, like it was the first time they treated him like a part of the team and not just an irritating coworker they had to deal with. And Rich really is making choices to be good Rich. ❤ Even if he does have an escape route from the FBI planned out for every day of the week.
If you didn't notice, Rich's contact name for Zapata's cell phone number is What's-Her-Name. 😁😁😁
The latex mask is so creepy, and I 100% agree with Patterson that Rich uses it for more than just escape attempts (eww). Not sure why someone in their 80s would be doing janitorial work at the FBI, so maybe the agents should have questioned that. O_o Oh well, they're dead agents now. Wonder what Hirst had on them.
It was nice to see Brianna redeem herself a little bit for the 2x22 mistake - not that she actually knew what she was doing...
One of Patterson's reasons why it was weird for Zapata to be crushing on Reade was, 'he's Reade'. Ouch. 😁
Blake has such a good 'oh my god, I'm gonna jump your bones the second I get you alone' look, while Roman is standing up to her father. I really like Blake. They could have made her an annoying socialite with no depth, and have Roman hate every minute he had to spend with her. But instead they made her a kindred spirit, kept on the sidelines while the abusive parent did nefarious things. Even if Blake doesn't know that's what her father is doing, she does know something's not right, though we don't see that until a bit later on.
All of Jane's 'there's nothing Roman can do to get between us' moments are so sweet. She really believes it, until she doesn't.
And it was nice to see Kurt finally taking a stand against Roman, refusing to kill Hirst, then removing Roman's Berlin leverage. Maybe Reade's jab about not being an incorruptible super-agent anymore hit home. Yes, I hate that the Berlin thing is canon, but Kurt needed that moment of 'enough is enough'.
Jane telling Kurt he's not a killer, in his dream, is a nice reversal of the 2x03 'you're not Taylor Shaw, but you're not a killer either' moment.
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heecyon · 3 years
Enhypen Little Angels Series: A Small Friend
warnings: grammar mistakes (as always lol)
this was supposed to be posted two weeks ago. I'm sorry for the delay
word count: 1,612
Lee Heeseung:
The small family entered the pet shop, making the bell in the door go'ding' as they passed by. The cashier greeted them as Seojoon ran to see all the pets in the place.
“Papa! Look how adorable they are!” Joonie exclaimed and then Heeseung went to his side to check out all the things his kid was so excited about.
“Do you like this one, Joonie?” Heeseung pointed out a small yorkie terrier in front of him.
“Or what about this one?” Mina pointed out a small Maltese puppy.
The couple noticed that their son wouldn't respond to their questions. “Joonie?”
They got closed to their son who was happily seeing a beautiful dark brown coat ferret.
“Mommy, Papa... He's really cute.” He said putting his hand inside the environment the ferret was in and passed his hand through it's soft hair.
“How do you know it's a he?”
“I can tell.” Seojoon was hypnotized by the small ferret, it was like he had found a new friend.
Heeseung went to the cashier and asked for all the procedures to adopt the small cutie.
“What are you going to name him buddy?” Heeseung played with Joon's hair.
They both looked at him at him cutely.
“Kirby? Where did you get that name?” Mina laughed a little.
“I dunno? I just thought it was cute.”
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Park Jongseong
The sound of the front door opening and closing caught the attention of both Bella and Mila. The little girl ran to the the living room seeing her father putting his backpack down on the floor.
“Papa!” She ran to hug Jay with a wide smile, then he carried her in his hip.
“Hi baby! Did you miss me? How was school?” He said kissing Mila's cheeks.
“It was good, mommy and I baked brownies after school and they are delicious!” She said kissing two of her fingers which made Jay laugh.
“I'm pretty sure you were a good cook today, so I brought you a gift.” With his free hand he grabbed a small gift box with a white covering and a gold coloured ribbon.
“Hi love, what's that?”
Jay placed Mila down ontu the floor, and then grabbed a bouquet of peonies handing it to Bella, making her smile.
“Tell me we didn't forget an special occasion?”
“Nope, I'm just spoiling my princess and my queen. Do you want to open your gift, angel?” Mills nodded excitedly opening her gift just to find a cute baby pomeranian in the box inside the box.
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She looked at her father with happiness and took the puppy in her hands.
“Papa he's adorable! Thank you!” Mills embraced the puppy in a delicate way.
“What are you going to name him?” Jay said as he saw the glow in his daughter's face.
“I'll call him... Prince!” She gave the puppy a kiss on his head.
“Why Prince?”
“Because if you are a king, mommy is a queen and I'm a beautiful princess, then his a handsome prince.” Bella and Jay smiled widely.
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Shim Jaeyun
“There are so many puppies!”
Jacob exclaimed as the newborn puppies layed close to Layla, getting comforted by her fur.
“Can we keep them all?” He looked at Jake with his cute puppy eyes and pouted cutely to convince his father.
Jake got on his knees and played with his son's hair.
“Well, we promised Beomgyu and Yeonjun to give them some puppies, we also promised your mommy's sister to give her a puppy too, so we can only keep one.”
“Don't be sad kiddo, they are all going to have a beautiful home with a loving family.” Jake kept playing with Jacob's hair.
“But I want to keep them all for myself.” The little boy pouted, and a few tears threatened to spill down his cheeks.
Jake looked at Layla and her puppies and smiled before looking down at his son who was a sad mess.
“What if you pick one puppy now and name them? Wouldn't you like that?”
“Yeah, I like that...” Jacob putted his knees on the floor and looked at all the puppies, before choosing one.
A little female puppy with a darker fur than the others.
“I'll call her Hazel, and know she'll be my best friend.”
“If Jin Ae could hear you right now... she would be hella mad at you.”
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Park Sunghoon
Jin Ae was playing on the backyard, making a small picnic with her dolls, she had a pink dress on and a tiara on top of her head. She served some “tea” in one of her dolls cup, before she saw across her vision something around the flowers that her mother cultivated.
“Is there a dragon around here? You can come out, I don't bite.” She got up and ran to the flowers, and to her surprise she found the most precious bunny she had ever seen in her whole three years of life.
“Gosh, you are so cute. I'm going to call you Gyeoul.” She ran back inside her house withthe biggest smile in her face.
She grabbed on of dolls dresses and put in on the bunny.
“You are mine, you are all mine.” She said just as Sunghoon was walking down the stairs, he frowned at the sudden sight. Why was his daughter hugging a bunny dressed as a princess?
“Jin Ae? What are you doing with a rabbit inside the house? And why is it dressed like a princess combined with a pop star?”
“I found him daddy, he's name is Gyeoul. And his all mine!” Well, that was questionable. But her cute little puppy eyes were manipulating him somehow, she looked so happy with the bunny, Sunghoon didn't want to destroy his daughter's happiness.
“You know that you have to ask for permission to have a pet, but... If you are happy with him...” She squealed and jumped around Sunghoon like the cute little human being she was.
“Thank you daddy.”
“No problem darling. How could I say no to you and your cuteness?”
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Kim Sunoo
What was going on today on the Kim's household? Well... The twins had gotten their first pets.
Hotteok and Keikeu, a pair of hamsters.
“Appa, I think we lost Keikeu!” Young-Jae entered the couples room, where Aera was fast asleep from a hard day of work and Sunoo was drying his hair.
“No way! Those hamsters haven't even been here for three hours!”
The twins were organised, but at the same time they could be very forgetful and clumsy, so it kinda made sense that they lost one of the hamsters.
“We're sorry appa, we should have been more careful.” Young-hee said with teary eyes, also making her brother spill a few tears.
“Oh, no, no! My babies, please don't cry! I don't like seeing you cry. We'll find Keikeu together, so don't worry.” He dried Young-Jae's tears and then patted Young-hee's back to calm them down.
“Appa, isn't that Keikeu?” Young-hee got up and reached the hamster, before giving it a small hug.
Sunoo could only sigh relief... But
“Appa, I can't find Hotteok!”
Holy Fu-
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Yang Jungwon
Let's say that Seung-hye found a siamese kitten in the park without a collar. It was a stray kitten.
She had her favourite blue backpack with her, so she grabbed the cat quickly without Jungwon noticing it.
“Seung-hye, it's getting late, we have to go.”
The girl grabbed her dad's hand as they both followed to the car.
Jungwon buckled Seung-hye's car seat, and then he finally drove home. They were both humming to some music on the radio, when all of the sudden.
Did he just heard a cat inside the car?
Yep, he definitely did!
“Seung-hye? Did I hear a cat just meow?” Jungwon frowned, looking a the little one with the mirror.
Hm... Suspicious. Way to suspicious!
“Can you pass me your backpack, please?” He said grabbing the backpack from the backseat.
“No! There's rocks in there!”
“Yang Seung-hye.” He repeated with his voice sounding lower that usual.
“Ok. There's a cat in there, but he was all lonely and he couldn't be alone.”
When they got home, Jungwon continued to grab the backpack, while Seung-hye kept following around, begging him to not take him away from her.
“Appa, please don't take Holang away from me, we have to stay together!”
Good news! They kept the cat in the end.
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Nishimura Riki
There was a sneeze, after sneeze, after sneeze. Maybe baby Hinata was allergic to fur, but they never truly realized it. She was always playing around with Bisco, and now that they got a new dog, she just started having allergies out of nowhere.
“Do you think we have to take her to the hospital?” Niki asked Mei, he was really worried after all, Hinata never had an allergic reaction before.
“Noooo, I don't like hospitals.” She protested, as any child, she did not like hospitals at all, they were really scary for her to be around.
Even though her parent told her not to, she kept playing with her new pet Coco, for her she was the representation of cuteness and happiness all at once.
“Hinata, I told you not to play with-” Niki noticed a few feathers on Hinata's pig tails. That was it, she was allergic to feather, not the dog.
“Wait baby, please don't move.” He said pulling out some feather and hairs at the same time.
“Ouch, you are ruining my hairstyle, silly!”
After that Hinata wasn't going to let Niki touch her hair ever again. And Coco got all the cuddles of the world that night.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars LXV (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m soft and EXCITED cause we’re starting book four next week and you guys have no idea what’s coming -Danny
Words: 1,798
Warnings: None! Tooth rooting fluff
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Book IV
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Good Omens.
Dumbledore left when Harry walked out of Lupin's former office, he stopped when he noticed Mel was outside.
"Oh," He said, "I thought you'd be with Ron and Hermione."
"I was talking to Dumbledore," She replied simply. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes," He moved to where she was standing. "I talked to him too, when you left the office..."
"You did?"
"I was... I told him that I felt like our mission hadn't made a difference," He explained. "He told me I was wrong... sort of."
"Sort of?" She smiled.
Then Harry told her everything. Including the prophecy Trelawney had told him on their last day of exams. She had to admit, it sounded terrifying, but their teacher was known to be a bit dramatic. Still, the part about the dark lord rising... she didn't like that bit at all.
"What he said about the people that loves us never leaving..." Harry frowned, trying to put his thoughts in order. "They help us when we're in trouble, one way or another... I'm lucky to have you, Ron, and Hermione. Emily, and Sirius... they care and they'd help me if I needed them to... Not everyone is that lucky, though."
"I suppose so," Mel tilted her head, patiently waiting for the rest of whatever he was trying to say.
"Erick," It was the second time he'd mentioned the boy's name and it still sounded completely strange coming out of his mouth. "What you said about his family... he doesn't have many people helping him. I guess... I understand why'd he go out of his way to talk to you... You're brilliant and all..."
"What I mean," Harry pressed on, having a hard time expressing himself. "What I want to say is, I think you're a good friend and you're right– I shouldn't judge people without knowing their story first, that's what made me think Sirius was trying to kill me... I'm sorry I reacted that way, my interactions with the Slytherins haven't been nice, but I get that not everyone has to be the same. I trust you–"
Harry's speech was interrupted when Mel threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly (no kisses this time, though- She wasn't going to do the same mistake twice) and apologized profusely.
"I know... Mellow, I can't breathe!" He complained.
"Sorry!" She stepped back. "Sorry..."
"So... I'm your hero now, right?"
"What?" She frowned.
"You said that whoever made the dementors disappear the other night was your new hero, turns out it was me," He smirked.
"I was also there!" She exclaimed. "That was my Patronus too!"
"Well, you can't be your hero!"
"Says who?"
"It doesn't make sense!"
"I say it does. I'm my own hero," She teased. "For all I know, I saved your life this time."
"I've saved your life before," He pouted.
"Now you're just being pretentious..."
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"I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning, just before breakfast. I've decided to drop Muggle Studies," Hermione commented once they were settled on the train's compartment.
"But you passed your exam with three hundred and twenty percent!"
"I know, but I can't stand another year like this one. That Time-Turner, it was driving me mad. I've handed it in. Without Muggle Studies and Divination, I'll be able to have a normal schedule again. Besides, I asked Erick and he told me he'd be happy to tell me all about what he studies in class."
"I still can't believe you're friends with him," Ron rolled his eyes. "And I still can't believe you didn't tell us about the time-turner. We're supposed to be your friends."
"I promised I wouldn't tell anyone," said Hermione. "And you know how important it is to keep secrets when you're not the only one involved..."
She looked at Mel, who was looking at Harry, who was looking out the window with a sad expression.
"Oh, cheer up!" said Hermione.
"I'm okay," Harry jumped lightly. "Just thinking about the holidays."
"Yeah, I've been thinking about them too– Mel, Harry, you've got to come and stay with us. I'll fix it up with Mum and Dad, then I'll call you. I know how to use a fellytone now —"
"A telephone, Ron," said Hermione. "Honestly, you should take Muggle Studies next year..."
"Or ask us more about muggle life, like Erick does," Mel teased.
Ron ignored them.
"It's the Quidditch World Cup this summer! How about it, Harry? Come and stay, and we'll go and see it! Dad can usually get tickets from work."
Harry did cheer up at that.
"Yeah, I bet the Dursleys'd be pleased to let me come... especially after what I did to Aunt Marge..."
"I'd love to see the World Cup!" Mel said excitedly. "I can picture it already, all the wizards from around the world..."
They wasted a whole hour playing and talking when Hermione pointed out to the landscape.
"Harry– What's that thing outside your window?"
It was the smallest owl Mel had ever seen. It dropped a letter onto Harry's seat and began zooming excitedly around the place. Hedwig clicked her beak while Grey and Crookshanks sat up, following the owl with their eyes. Ron caught the owl safely and threw a disapproving look their way.
"It's from Sirius!" Harry said happily.
"What? Read it aloud!"
'Dear Harry, I hope this finds you before you reach your aunt and uncle.
I don't know whether they're used to owl post. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you where, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find, and he did seem eager for the job.
I believe the dementors are still searching for me, but they haven't a hope of finding me here. I am planning to allow some Muggles to glimpse me soon, a long way from Hogwarts, so that the security on the castle will be lifted.
There is something I never got around to telling you during our brief meeting. It was I who sent you the Firebolt —
"Ha! See! I told you it was from him!"
"Yes, but he hadn't jinxed it, had he?– Ouch!"
'Crookshanks took the order to the Owl Office for me. I used your name but told them to take the gold from my own Gringotts vault. Please consider it as thirteen birthdays' worth of presents from your godfather.
I would also like to apologize for the fright I think I gave you and Mel that night last year when you left your uncle's house. I had only hoped to get a glimpse of you before starting my journey north, but I think the sight of me alarmed you. I am enclosing something else for you, which I think will make your next year at Hogwarts more enjoyable. If ever you need me, send word. Your owl will find me.
I'll write again soon. Sirius
P.S. Mel, if Remus tells your mother what happened during the school year, will you please send her my regards? I miss her, I'm hoping I'll find a way to communicate with her soon.'
"I absolutely will," Mel smiled widely. "What else did he send, Glasses?"
Harry looked inside the envelope. She saw his eyes grow in surprise and then he was grinning, handing the small piece of parchment to her.
'I, Sirius Black, Harry Potter's godfather, hereby give him permission to visit Hogsmeade on weekends.'
"That'll be good enough for Dumbledore!" said Harry.  "Hang on, there's a second P.S."
'I thought your friend Ron might like to keep this owl, as it's my fault he no longer has a rat.'
Ron's eyes widened.
"Keep him?" he repeated.
He looked closely at the owl for a moment; then, he held him out for Crookshanks to sniff.
"What do'you reckon?" Ron asked. "Definitely an owl?"
Crookshanks purred.
"That's good enough for me," said Ron. "He's mine."
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"You know," Mel said to the boy once they arrived at the station. "I'm really sorry you can't live with Sirius, but there's a good side!"
"Which is?"
"I'll still be your neighbor!"
"I thought you'd be happy," He teased. "Finally getting rid of me, a well-deserved break."
"I was happy because Sirius cares about you and you would've had a good life... besides, I get to see you in school, which is almost the whole year."
"Well," Harry put an arm around her shoulders. "We'll still have to stand each other for the years to come."
"I think I can live with that," She chuckled.
"I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after they parted.
Mel saw her mother standing a few feet away from the Dursleys and ran to meet her.
"Hello!" She said cheerfully. "Do you think we can stop by that place we like to get lunch? I'm– You know everything, don't you?"
Emily was looking down at her with such a severity that Mel prepared herself for the impact.
"Time-turners, dementors and sneaking out of the castle after curfew," Emily whispered angrily. "Helping a convict escape, attacking a Professor–"
"Snape had it coming!"
"Are you trying to drive me insane?" Emily hissed. "I swear, every time I get a letter I feel like I'm about to hear you murdered a teacher!"
"You're exagerating–"
"Watch me overreact all the way to our house, young lady!" She retorted.
"Very well," Mel sighed. "Can I tell you two things first?"
"What things?"
"I spent a whole year having a normal period -dreadful and gross, not reccomended– but that means I can take the potion now! Second, Padfoot says hi."
Emily's mouth opened and closed, her eyes never leaving her daughter's face.
"How do you–"
"Didn't they tell you the whole story?" Mel asked. "I'll have to do it myself, then..."
"What's that?" They heard Mr. Dursley spat at Harry while they walked past. "If it's another form for me to sign, you've got another —"
"It's not," Harry smiled brightly. "It's a letter from my godfather."
"Godfather? You haven't got a godfather!"
"Yes, I have– He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though. Keep up with my news... check if I'm happy..."
Mel and Emily shared a look and left quickly, holding back their laughter until they were safe inside their car. There, both of them laughed until their stomachs hurt.
"You know," Her mother said breathlessly. "Prongs would've been so proud of his son..."
"I know," Mel smiled, looking out her window and watching Harry's gleeful face as he walked out of the station with a terrified uncle following close. "We all are..."
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Next Part —>
@tiphareth2018 @vampiregirl1797​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @stardusthigh​ @mikariell95​ @omiwashere​ @steve-thotgers​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @tomshollandz​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @reverse-hxlland​ @bloodorangemoonlight​
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biblee16 · 4 years
Zombies and Wedding Dresses
Fluff, zombie apocalypse AU, fiction, angst, violence etc.
Cameo: Jeon Jungkook
Warning: swearing
Lee Know x reader
A/N: hey guys so first of all the second part of my fanfic "A small mistake" is coming soon, anddd again it's my first time writing a fanfic so please forgive me if it's stupid or something lol.
So, today was the day. It was finally your sister Momo's wedding, you were so happy fo her.
There was so much chaos in the bride's dressing room all the bridesmaids were squeaking out of excitement except for you, you were pretty chill, I mean obviously you were excited for your sister getting married but ah you dint really like weddings alot, but you were just a tiny bit excited today though. (you'll know why ;) )
Your mom gasped as soon as she saw Momo while entering the room. You could see her tearing up already, and Momo being as cute as she is just giggled shyly. You smiled looking at them while your best friend nudges you from the side and says
"I bet today you're gonna have fun too".
And you just blush and look away and reply with a "Shut up". She just winks and goes back to taking pictures with the other bridesmaids, you smile and shake your head.
You go and sit beside your sister and say "You look so pretty, I bet the groom is gonna swoon after looking at you". Momo just giggles shyly and says "Thank you".
This is exactly what Momo was wearing with the same hairstyle which is a bun ↓
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You and the other bridesmaids were wearing dresses with open hair, beach waves at the bottom and a little head accessory pinned on the side of your head.
This is the dress ↓
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You had to admit that everyone looked so beautiful today, even you.
While the chattering in the bride's dressing room was going on, two guys excused themselves and entered the room. One of them was "him". Lee Know. Both of you were good friends and you had a huge crush on him, and so did he. Both of you knew about it, but never really confessed to each other. Maybe it was just perfect like this.
Anyways, he entered with his friend Jeongin, and you smiled at both of them, and they smiled back cause y'all knew each other. They said that its time. You saw your sister getting nervous and gave her a comforting side hug and said,
"It's alright, it's all gonna be okay, you remember that silly practice we had right?"
Momo took a deep breath and nodded with a smile. Your dad was standing near the door frame and you could see the pride and happiness in his eyes. You definitely knew that he had cried. He never does, but today was his eldest daughter's wedding after all.
You looked at Minho (aka Lee Know if you dint know lol) and he was already staring at you, your friend nudged you and you whispered "Stop it" in a silly way. You were so shy that your ears started turning red and you tried to hide them by fixing your hair. Minho looked so handsome, he looked like a man. He was wearing a black suit with a white formal shirt tucked inside his formal black pants with formal black shoes, but what caught your eyes was the way he had tucked a handkerchief in his collar, it was tucked in a way where it formed frills and hung down. Shit you were so attracted to that. He knew you would like it. OH GOD THIS MAN WAS GONNA BE THE DEATH OF YOU.
Well, they obviously had to leave to go do their own thing like small arrangements and teasing the groom of course.
Your mom went and stood outside, you and the bridesmaids including you followed behind. Y'all went and stood exactly at the entrance of the aisle while the groomsmen were standing at the end of the aisle, not exactly close to the groom though. You made eye contact with Minho and he did too.
Soft music started playing and the doors opened, your sister started walking up the aisle with your father, the groom couldn't stop smiling of course.
~ Timeskip ~
After the bride and groom exchanged their vows, you went back to your bestie who was going to meet her boyfriend, he was one of the groomsmen.
There was Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin, Han, Felix, Changbin and your bestie's boyfriend. You had to admit that they were looking so handsome. You smiled and greeted all of them and they greeted you back. You could see that Seungmin was nudging Minho from the side and Minho just stamped his foot while smiling at you. You just mouthed a little ouch while looking at Minho and let out a small giggle.
Obviously your bestie ditched you and went off with her boyfriend. All the other boys went off leaving you and Minho alone.
"You look so beautiful" he said and smirked.
You looked down and blushed and said "Thank you, you look so handsome in that suit too".
He smiled at you, and said "Thank you". Both of you sat down on a table and watched the bride and groom dancing beautifully, after some time both of you got bored and decided to go to the huge backyard.
Both of you sat down on the table and chairs that were arranged there, and started talking about stuff like how you were getting bored and waiting for the wedding to start in the beginning, and he flirted with you here and there by saying "oh yeah, I was waiting to see you so bad, that's the reason I came in the bride's dressing room cause I knew you would be there" at which you blushed so hard and tried to hide your red ears but he stopped you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Both of you just kept staring into each others eyes until he said "Let's take pictures, to make this day memorable".
You nodded and took pictures with him, in your phone as well as his phone and went on social media to post them on your stories and posts on Instagram and Snapchat.
After that y'all sat down and were just chatting with each other until your neighbour aka your close friend Jungkook comes up to you and says hi.
You stand up and hug him and introduce him to Minho and they bow and greet each other. Jungkook says "You look so pretty today" and you smile and say "Thank you, you finally wore formals today" and both of you laugh at that.
"I'd love to wear a jeans and a hoodie but c'mon people are gonna think I'm a crazy guy and the guards would probably kick me out if I wore something like that" he said and both of you laugh again.
After your little chat he says "Okay then, I'll see ya around soon" and leaves.
You wave back and say "bye" and sit down.
Now, when you sat down and looked at Lee Know you could see him looking away with an eyebrow raised and if you weren't wrong he was definitely gritting his teeth. You looked at him and asked if everything was okay, even though you could sense his jealousy. He just looked at you and gave a tight lipped smile and nodded.
You asked him again "Are you sure? I mean I'm kinda thinking someone's jealous" with a smirk.
He stared back at you, he held your head and got it close to him, you gasped and your breathing got heavier and he said "I. Said. I'm. Alright." You were so intimidated and you felt it's so hot at the same time. You sat back and said "Its alright to feel like that you know, but just to clear things up he's just my friend, and I don't think about him that way, I already have someone on my mind".
He smirked at this and asked "Oh really?, who is this someone that's on your mind?"
You smirk at him and just when you're about to confess it's Lee-______
You hear a loud screech of woman from the hall, which causes both of you look at each other and go inside to check, but Han runs outside and holds Minho's hand and says "You will not believe but please don't go in there, please".
Minho asks "Wtf is going on in there?!"
Han replies in a trembling voice "You may think I'm stupid, but trust me, if I'm not wrong those are Zombies". You and Lee Know just give each other puzzled looks. You say "Bullshit Han, tell us what's happening inside, my family and friends are in there!!!!".
You hear almost like an animalistic roar from inside. Your start to realize. No no no this can't be happening. Your parents. Your sister. Your best friend. All the people close to you. They're in there. You spot the group of boys all sweaty and shocked in the backyard. Lee Know looks at you and reads your expression.
People are starting to enter the backyard. Lee Know cups your cheeks and says "Hey hey Y/N look at me, everything is okay I'm sure about it, everyone is fine okay don't worry".
You're terrified. You start walking really fast towards the door, you know you can save them, they're alright. You know it. But Minho pulls you back, and says "Y/N no! Please listen to me, don't go there".
You finally shout in a trembling voice "MINHO MY FAMILY IS IN THERE!!!"
Your eyes start to get blurry and then, you see it, with your own eyes. It punches the door and its hand falls off. Your eyes go wide and before you even know it Lee Know pulls you and starts to run, you somehow manage to remove those stupid heels while tripping a little bit. You start to run faster along with Minho and the boys ahead of you.
You look back, you cursed yourself for doing that because you saw Jungkook getting bitten by that disgusting rotten creature. You scream so loud that the creature turns looks at you, and starts to run towards you.
Minho looks at you and says "Y/N calm down, we're almost there, c'mon".
You finally see the door open and run out with everyone.
And oh boy a whole lot of zombies surrounds y'all. Somehow you, Lee Know and the boys with some other people have managed to escape from that crowd.
~ Timeskip ~
It's been 3 whole months or atleast what you think since the creatures have invaded the earth. They bite you, and you become one of them in a matter of 15 minutes. If you're strong enough you can stay a human for atleast 1 hour, but not more than that.
Thankfully, You, Minho, Hyunjin, Bang Chan, Seungmin, Jeongin, Changbin, Han and Felix had survived the wedding and ran off. You stayed in an abandoned shop for 1 month and decided to move since y'all were 9 people and the space wasn't enough. Y'all started to run out of food day by day and decided to starve yourselves, which wasn't good. All of you had found items to fight off the zombies.
The whole bunch was scared including you. You still never had your first kill though because Minho was always beside you and when something came up he would fight the creature off or cut off it's head with his axe. You carried around a Baseball bat and felt it was useless since you never fought any zombie and just stood like a coward if any of the creature approached you. You started to feel like a burden and it made you feel ridiculous.
All of you had decided to move to another small place which was probably a tiny restaurant. The boys had locked up the place by putting down the shutters and nailing a bunch of wooden slabs on the transparent glass of the restaurant for safety.
You gasped and swung your bat after you felt a hand on your shoulder brining you back from your thoughts. Thankfully Minho ducked at the right time and said,
"Hey hey hey, calm down Y/N it's just me". For which you gave a sigh of relief and apologised to him.
He told you that they were gonna go out and look for a place for food since y'all were running low again.
"I'll come along too, please". You said.
"Y/N no please, I can't lose you. I can't risk looking away for a second and you getting taken away from me". He said.
"Minho please I can protect myself, please just let me come along, I wanna help". You pleaded.
He just let's out a huff and says "Alright, but please be careful".
Bang Chan and Han come towards you both all ready with their weapons. Chan speaks up and says "C'mon guys, there's no time to waste, we gotta go now".
You get up from you seat and look down at your dress and decide to tear off the expensive material hanging from your thighs that has already been torn and ruined.
You take your baseball bat and look at the boys and notice that they were staring at your legs. Minho takes notice and pulls you close to him and says "Let's go guys, and hope that we survive while coming back". Han laughs nervously and says,
At which y'all laugh, all the other boys wish you good luck and remind you to be careful.
So, now all 4 of you are walking down the empty road looking puzzled and wondering where the zombies are. "Maybe they thought we're scary and ran away" Han says at which Chan scoffs and says "If that was the case they wouldn't attack us in the first place" at which Han just nods in agreement.
After walking a little further Minho looks into his GPS on Google Maps and tells you to stop and says that there is a convenience store very closeby. Y'all decide to go there and when you reach there, oh boy there were so many of those creatures in there and they were hoarded in one particular spot.
Chan looks at this and says "This is brilliant" and Minho asks with a confused look "What do you mean?".
Chan replies "Look all of them are distracted by something, so while they are hoarded in one place like that, we can go and collect whatever we get and sprint off from there". Y'all agree to this and do whatever you're told.
You're still pretty scared while you enter very slowly into the store. You team with Minho, and Chan and Han team up and decide to go the other side. You start collecting whatever you see, and so does Minho. From towels to small candy bars and battery cells.
Suddenly you hear something shift on the other side of the stand and look over at Minho who has noticed it too. Your hand starts trembling while Minho comes next to you and signals a finger to his mouth whispering a small "sh".
Minho moves the tissue box very slowly and gives a sigh of relief once he does, you get confused and look over to see that its just Chan holding his knife ready to attack thinking you're a zombie too.
Y'all tell each other to stay safe while you go to the other section of the store, and start picking up everything randomly, since you need to leave soon.
As you're putting the huge Skittles packet in the cart, you look down to see a hand reaching out to hold your leg. You get so terrified but thankfully you suppress your scream and squeak to call Minho but can't spot him. Your eyes go wide and run to get away from the creature as fast as you can.
Thank God you spot Han and go hug him from behind at which he let's out a squeak and you cover his mouth immediately to avoid drawing attention. Han looks at you and looks at what your finger points at and unfortunately he drops the glass bottle of kimchi from his hand.
Chan and Minho come running towards you and Minho almost skids to see what happened and boy oh boy. There were atleast 15 zombies surrounding you and Han. Both you and Han look at Chan and Minho and run toward them and somehow one of the Zombie grabs your hand, but thanks to your reflexes you swing your baseball bat and hit 4 Zombies by literally knocking out their brains at once and run towards Minho and hug him without realizing you literally killed 4 zombies with just a swing of your bat.
Minho looks down at you and says "You had your first 4 kills" with a shocked face and you start to realize and just open your mouth in shock and look behind to see and that's what had happened.
You decide to be brave and join Chan in killing all those Zombies with Minho and Han joining in too.
You start to notice how good you're getting at this and just for a second when you look away to see how Minho's doing, a hand grabs forcefully at your hair and yanks your head back. You scream in pain and look over at Minho for help and see that he is already charging at the zombie to cut off his head into pieces while mumbling "Don't you dare touch her you fucking shit" and he's running towards you to save you, you start to notice the creature's bad breath is so close to your neck and realize that its gonna bite you.
Thankfully Minho takes a hold of you and yells at you to duck while he cuts of its head and it falls to the ground. You hug Minho tightly and pant heavily into his chest while he just soothes out your hair in a way to comfort you.
With just one look to each other all of you decide to leave the place before anything bad happens and take your carts and sprint off.
After you reach back to your survival place with all the stuff you had, the boys get really happy to see all kinds of yummy food and you just smile at them.
You go to Minho and give him a hug but he pushes you away. You look puzzled and ask him what's the reason he did that. "Hey what's wrong with you" you ask.
"What's wrong with me is it?, C'mon Y/N I told you it's not safe for you out there but you being a stubborn ass wanted to tag along and almost got yourself killed and turned into a zombie by one of those fuckers, do you have any idea how fucking scared I was? NO you only care about what you want!" He yells and walks away.
You're shocked at his words and you realize that tears are already falling down your cheeks. All your insecurities start to hit you at once and you realize that how you're just adding upto their number and how much of a burden you are to them.
Its been atleast 30 minutes with you sitting on one of the table and chairs playing with a knife in your hand and deep in thought still thinking about what Minho had told you.
You don't even notice him coming and sitting beside you. He puts his head on your shoulder and kisses it and you're drawing you away from your thoughts.
He looks at you and says "I'm so so so sorry, I promise I dint mean any of that, I just wanted to keep you safe that's it, please forgive me".
You start to speak "No Minho, you're right. I'm sorry, I'm being such a burden right now, it's better if I just die. Imagine, y'all can do so much better without me. You don't have to protect a cowa-"
Minho covers your mouth with his hand and cuts you off by saying in a very concerned voice "Y/N, no no no you're not a burden to us, you were never a burden to us. I don't know if you thought about this when I yelled at you or if it was there on your mind for a long time but let me tell you one thing. Without Y/N, Minho is absolutely nothing. I don't what I would do without you. You give me so much confidence and strength just by your presence and no you're not a coward, if you were a coward you couldn't have killed all those Zombies in the store or ran off with us on the wedding day. It takes guts to leave your family Y/N, and I could never do that. That's what makes me wanna protect you. You don't have anyone but still at this point you care so much about me".
You're tears just keep streaming down and you're shocked at his words. "I love you Minho" you say. Minho just looks down and blushes so hard and looks away while smiling. "I love you too" he replies back and closes the space between you two and you share the best kiss of your life.
No you don't care if an apocalypse is going on right now. All you care about is that you have Minho and your friends with you. As long as they're safe and you're with Minho, you're happy. You did leave your parents, but if that day if you had left Minho's hand and ran off then it was sure that you would get bit too. It's all in the past. Right now all that matters to you is Minho and your friends.
The End.
A/N: Oh my god guys this is so cringe 😂😂. I'm so sorry if you dint like it I tried my best. But thank you so much for reading it tho :)). Love ya.
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cassandras-nest · 4 years
day 7: jealousy
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"Why are you like this... sometimes I..." you say nervously, just keeping walking on the spot.
"Go ahead, say it... what? You what?" he replies loudly.
He's standing there, hands on his hips and a challenging look on his face.
“Sometimes I wonder why I chose you over your brothers, I don't even know what got into me that day.” you say it angrily without raising your voice, but just enough for him to hear you.
“Well, the princess doesn't know now? Right, what's so special about me. Go on, tell me.” he retorts more sarcastically than usual.
“Right, you're noisy, nagging, always telling a bad joke at the wrong time making me regret letting you meet my friends.” you snap at him, with all the intent to hurt him.
You still keep yourself at a safe distance from him. After all, this whole argument started with him being the usual bloody jealous asshole he always is.
It all started earlier. He had come back from the last mission that had lasted a whole month - well, not so much compared to the previous ones, but not being able to hear him at all had left you utterly empty inside, not being able to know if he was alive or not - and you had agreed to meet him at a club near your home. Apart from the joy of realizing that he was still alive, you had anticipated that, most likely, some of your friends would be there. There was no problem for him until he arrived at the place and saw you talking and laughing with someone he didn't know.
You didn't even know that your cousin, who you hadn't seen for almost a year, would be in town, but you hadn't seen anything wrong with him, to be honest, but he evidently did, since as soon as he came in, not even the time to let you talk, he had barged in on the man next to you, ignoring who he was.
On the other hand, seeing a trooper coming, an ARC, still in full armor would have been terrifying for everyone.
“I'm not smart enough for you? Huh..no, please, go on, I want to know why I'm wasting my time with you right now..” he claims, obviously hitting the nail on the head.
“No, darling, you're not and when you're here at my place all your things are scattered everywhere, you don't even take your dirty clothes before you leave, you know I'm not your servant, right?” you tell him.
His words, too, began to crack the wall of pride you were trying to build.
“And here I thought you were useful” he pretends with mock indifference
Ouch, that hurts, but you don't want to show him that. You don't want to give him the chance to think he's winning.
"Not for you," you reply quickly.
"Yeah, sure, probably for someone else," he claims.
He seems almost impatient, as if he wanted to ask something but just not really directly.
"How dare you?  You're madly jealous, and for what? Now, sweetheart, tell me... if you don't feel anything at all for me, why are you so jealous?" you ask furiously.
"I'm not... I'm not...I'm not jealous... I..." he stammers trying to answer back.
Oh, that's new, you broke him.
"Poor baby, did the loth cat got your tongue? Did I hurt you?" you keep on mocking him over and over.
"I... no, oh fuck, okay. I'm jealous, okay? But I'm more than that, I'm very possessive and I don't like it when someone flirts with my girlfriend..." he finally admits it looking you straight in the eye.
"I could say the same about you, you know? You're always so charming all the time and all I can do is to pretend everything's okay, and for your information, he didn't flirt with me, he was my cousin, you moron." you retort, explaining the situation for the hundredth time.
You're tired, it's been going on for hours.
For a moment you see him staying silent, probably considering his next answer.
"Sometimes if you just stop and ask, things would be easier, you know? Oh, but why do I try? I should've chosen Echo, he's much quieter than you are..." you continue, taking the situation into your own hands...
"Yes...and you'd have ended up bored out of your mind" he replies with a soft smile on his face.
You stop, now feeling that the anger is slowly fading, you finally realize.
"Are you really jealous of me?" you ask unsure.
"Yes, completely." he replies calmly at last. His voice calm.
"And we've been fighting for two hours, for what?" you ask all of a sudden.
Without saying anything, he silently asks you if he could come closer, you only nod at him.
"I don't know, but I know that I'm completely crazy about you..." he answers quietly, "...if you haven't figured it out yet and you're driving me insane."
"I can see that, but you're also very annoying and stubborn." you answer smiling a little.
You two are now close. He is almost afraid to touch you, to hug you, so you get closer to him and gently take his face in your hands. He, reassured by your gesture, puts his arms around your waist.
You know perfectly well that it will happen again but you can't help but forgive him. You can't imagine a life without your favorite idiot.
"But you love me, don't you?" He asks you, as if he wanted to be reassured even more...
"Desperately so" you answer him.
"Good, because I do too."
that’s it, that’s my entry. No beta this time but i will re-reading it tomorrow and fix whatever mistake I've made.
For now, just enjoy :)
*for late entries, don’t worry, just post it anyway...i’ll give everyone a one day bonus.
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franeridart · 6 years
Jack says "ignored YOUR rule". Does that mean it's something Bakugou obligates himself not to have or something non of them can have? I'm actually curious 🤔
It’s actually a rule Bakugou put down for himself for a number of reasons, half related to his own safety and the safety of the person he’s dating, the other half to the fact that Bakugou hates lying, but (again for safety reasons) he can’t just go around telling everyone what he’s doing - he doesn’t want a relationship in which he’d just contantly lie to his partner and ditch them for vigilante work without being able to explain them what’s going on, so he put down the rule as soon as he decided he wanted to do this. Well, he hadn’t been interested in relationships anyway before Kirishima, so it was an easy decision to take at the time - now though...
Ahhhh if only he figured out Kiri and Red are the same person smh that’d make everything so much easier on him
Anon said:When you draw Jiro and Bakugo having platonic hugs and cuddles my bi heart becomes incredibly soft THANK YOUUUUUUU
I’M HAPPY TO HEAR THAT cause honestly that’s as self-indulgent as I go hahaha
Anon said:The vigilante au is so far sad but I could totally see it going in a miraculous ladybug kinda direction. What if they tried putting distance between themselves and suddenly found that they're falling again, for the vigilante forms this time because "oh sh*t he's cute in every way Kirishima is" and "He's just my type too, Bakugou-- *sigh* I could use some moving on from him." Or only Kirishima moves to vigilante!Baku but he remains stuck on kiri..//Or what if like, vigilante! Kiribaku are about to get caught by a hero and Kirishima opens up about his last regret of not getting to see his crush one last time after they set distance between themselves, while Bakugou listens and...
That’s!!!! a lot of ideas you got there hahaha I’m glad you’re having fun with the concept!!!!!!
Anon said:That vigilante au is amazing. You really express emotions well in comics.
AAAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH that!!!! honestly means the world to me *sob*
Anon said:I just want to say you're really cool and I like you art uh- K bye
Thank!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Oh damn. I think i fall in love for your Vigilantes AU. Please don't stop. I really love it❤️
I mean, as long as you guys are okay with it being a bit all over the place and also being just pencil doodles, then I got no problems doing that right now haha thank you for liking it!!
Anon said:I love your vigilantes AU so much 😍😍😍😍
Anon said:LET THEM BE HAPPY !!!!
THAT’S THE PLAN!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:May I ask how you draw bakugous hair so well?? I just can’t seem to get the right amount of poof (or should I say BOOM💥 )
oHO I’m glad you like it cause actually the answer is I spent two years drawing it nearly daily and I finally sorta reached a place when I guess I’m okay with how I draw it lol some time ago I drew a step by step for it? but by now my process is mostly “do whatever and hope for the best”, which incidently is also my process in drawing Kirishima’s hair lmao
Anon said:Im a bit confused with the vigilante kiri, does he have black hair in his civilian form and red in his hero form?
YEH it’s one of the reasons why Bakugou still hasn’t figured out Red is Kiri haha thought if you’re asking for the logistics of that, I can’t say I spent too long thinking about it? We can always call it temporary hair dye spry or something like that, but to be fair it’s not like it matters all that much lmao I just needed Baku to be unable to tell it was him easily haha
Anon said:I love ur gem Au! :D are you gonna make more? Its okay if not :)
As I’ve said literally every single time I’ve answered asks since I posted it, MAYBE yes! The thing about that AU is that I love it and I have fun with it, but posting it ended up being the biggest mistake I’ve ever made, so honestly I don’t know when I’m gonna draw it if I’ll draw it, but the possibility is there
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to say I have love reading your comics and your art is amazing-- but I especially love your vigilantes AU! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!
HECK thank you!!!! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it ;O;
Anon said:Why must you hurt us? I started crying at that vigilante au comic..
*passes u a blanket* I’ll try not to make it as sad in the future!
Anon said:Hi! I've purchased the take my hand book about a month ago, just wondering how long it takes for it to be delivered??? BTW I live in NZ so I understand if it takes a while~
Heck sorry anon but I’m so not good with dates, you should check the @takemyhandzine blog for that sorta stuff! Thank you so much for buying it tho!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Is Nico a cinnamon roll or a sinnamon roll?
That......... depends a lot on who you ask :0
Anon said:I love bnha more and more with every new character out. All that's left is to ask, which minor character is currently your favorite? (***That isn't from UA because that is a much bigger dilemma)
oUCH it would have been easier picking from UA actually since I’m pretty sure Amajiki is it hahaha well, if I can’t pick from UA...................... you know what, probably Shishikura
Anon said:Bakujiro friendship is something I didn’t know I NEEDED. U do good work bro
Anon said:Your art gives me life!!! Every time you post is just so unique in every way :00000 ❤️ anyway i just wanted to let you know that you’re inspiring in every way and that I absolutely adore your kiribaku art to the moon and back!!!
SOB thank you so much???? You’re so sweet!!!! ;O;
Anon said:fran you could convince me to ship anything with one (1) drawing
Since I got this ask I’ve been trying to find the most outrageous ship just to draw it and test this theory.......... I still haven’t found something outrageous enough but.... soon
Anon said:Hi your art is amazing also beautiful As you probably might know there is a traitor in the show, if you didn't know well then im sorry for spoiling. May I request a traitor kirishima
nnnnnnnggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry anon but the traitor theory arts are stuff I just can’t get behind, mostly so if it’s my fav characters - I don’t find it credible and I don’t find any joy in dwelling in the idea, so I got zero motivation to draw for it orz
Anon said:I can't believe you made me read the phrase "startle and explosion out of baku". (Yay for the vigilantes AU!)
LMAO he’s actually trying to do just that tho, maybe I’ll draw it hahaha
Anon said:Please! I need more BakuKiriKami fan art! I’m gunna die without it!
Anon I’m gonna be very real with you here my first reaction to reading this ask was thinking “then perish”
Anon said:Hello! I don't know if you've gotten this question before but have you ever considered drawing the villains?
I’ve drawn Dabi and Twice in the past! I’m not really much intereste in any other villain atm tho so I doubt I’m gonna be drawing them any time soon ^^’’
Anon said:You are by far my favorite artist. Your Kiribaku gives life to my bleak exsistence. Thank you. I bought some of your things of redbubble to make me happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I'm a big fan of your work and your kiribaku fluff especially, and I've been working on a (not so innocent) fic about Bakugou having burnt marshmallow smelling and tasting sweat, (funny how nitroglycerin is a natural lubricant, tastes and smells like burnt sugar, and is explosive) just wanted to know if you ever thought about it? also wanted to know if you'd like to read my finished fic, should be done real soon and it would mean a lot to know what you think about it!
Anon I’m so sorry but I really can’t say yes to this - especially because you said it means a lot to you, you’re putting me in a spot here where in case I didn’t like it I wouldn’t be able to tell you so anyway (and I generally don’t like talking about fancontent I don’t give a 10/10 to anyway, it’s too rude for me) and I’m sure it’s gonna be a great fic! But by the way you talked about it it’s gonna be a nsfw fic and I really rarely like those fics, so !!! orz I’m sorry, but this is a really uncomfortable request for me ;;;
Anon said:Can I use your art real quick if I hard out credit u? It's alright if I can't
Nope, sorry
Anon said:Could you draw another doodle of Setsuna?. I love how you draw her jfvdkd ;;v;; (Sorry if my English is trash.)
Not right now, but in the future yeah sure, I love her!
Anon said:Your Kirishima is so beautiful i fucking cry omg ;-; thank you for brightening my morning.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you for liking how I draw him !!!!
Anon said:💛💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing your art, it always makes my day
Thank YOU for liking it!!!!!
Anon said:In your SU AU what if a gem offers to replace Kiri with a 'newer, better pearl'? How would Bakugo react?
Actually, Kiri was given to Bakugou specifically because he’s sorta defective, it was punishment for both of them that sorta backfired lmao 
Anon said:hi there! I'm new to your blog and I love your art style immensely! I saw somewhere with your latest seroroki post that you're still finding your main todoship; I hope I dont sound rude or pushy, but can I ask your opinions about todo*aku and/or tod*kir*baku? If not, thank you for your time! Keep up the great work!!
Still not completely sold on romantic tdbk tbh (platonic tho, that’s my jam) but I’ve been real into the ot3 lately!!! It just can’t be my main todo ship bc I still prefer krbk too much over it haha
Anon said:I loveeee your art, especially your kiribaku stuff! But consider! Size difference! What if Kirishima grows a lot but our lil' Baku doesn't? Does he get jealous or does he really like it? There'd be some epic hugs/kisses! What if he secretly loves getting picked up by Kirishima? XD
Oh that’s an hc I see around a lot! Personally I stil prefer them sorta the same size tho ???? with the only difference being Baku being lithe and Kiri being a tank, I think it has to do with the whole “complementary equals” theme they have going on, I like for it to be visually represented too ??? maybe, I had never really thought about the hows or whys of this preference tbh lmao
Anon said:Hey so I'm not up to date with BNHA but in your asks there was a thing about dragon boy having a zombie costume? I had another look at what I think is the right doodle and to me it looks like a Chinese vampire costume! (unless that's not the one you guys were talking about oops)
Nope that’s him, and you’re right!!! Either way my boy still hasn’t done anything worth of note, so I still don’t know why he’s dressed like that orz Hori plssss
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