#Otto Becker
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reitsportportal · 1 year ago
Max Paschertz gewinnt den Prestige Goldenen Sattel in memorian Hans Günter Winkler
Max Paschertz aus Cloppenburg bekommt den Goldenen Sattel 2024 In einer Stilspringprüfung mit Pferdewechsel treffen in diesem Wettbewerb vier Reiterinnen und Reiter aufeinander. In diesem Jahr waren das die 18-jährige Teresa Häsler aus Chemnitz, der 19-jährige Mick Haunhorst aus Hagen am Teutoburger Wald, der 18-jährige Max Paschertz aus Cloppenburg und der 19-jährige Magnus Schmidt aus Naumburg.…
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nevver · 8 months ago
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Lost coast, Olaf Otto Becker (more)
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mrdirtybear · 2 months ago
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In memory of the death of German painter Johann Carl Becker-Gundahl (1856 - 1925), friend of Otto Greiner, on centenary of it happening. Sketch by Otto Greiner (1869 - 1916).
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homeisaplaceinthehills · 1 year ago
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"Under the Nordic Light" - A Journey through Time Island 1999-2011
Olaf Otto Becker
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livingtrophies · 1 year ago
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ulrichgebert · 1 year ago
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Sowie unsere Sylvesterabend-allzeitliebste Operettentaumel-Unterhaltung Im Weißen Rößl am Wolfgangsee aus der Bar Jeder Vernunft, für die wir aus akutem Bildermangel die gleichen Bilder wie bei der letzten Sichtung verwenden, diesmal links und rechts getauscht. Es war sehr schön, es hat uns sehr gefreut.
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slack-wise · 2 years ago
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Olaf Otto Becker
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thebutcher-5 · 2 months ago
Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo finalmente tornati a parlare di animazione e ancora una volta l’abbiamo fatto con la nostra amata Pixar, prendendo in esame uno dei loro film più belli e amati che ancora oggi fa molto parlare di sé, Up. Carl è un ragazzino che ama l’esplorazione e specialmente le avventure dell’esploratore Charls Muntz. Un giorno incontra Ellie…
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akkar2 · 10 months ago
Olaf Otto Becker (b. 1959), German photographer: Ilulissat.
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Ilulissat (by Olaf Otto Becker)
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pikasus-artenews · 2 years ago
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Signs of Change. Landschaften im Klimawandel – Olaf Otto Becker Le trasformazioni dell’ambiente causate dai cambiamenti climatici viste e documentate da Olaf Otto Becker nei suoi avventurosi viaggi. DATA INIZIO: 22/03/2023 DATA FINE: 03/12/2023 LUOGO: BERLINO - Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin #artecontemporanea #contemporaryart #fotografia #mostrafotografica #photography #photoexhibition #berlino #berlin Olaf Otto Becker Deutsches Technikmuseum 
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reitsportportal · 2 years ago
Das deutsche Team für die Europameisterschaft in Mailand
Bundestrainer Otto Becker (Foto:Archiv) Springausschuss des DOKR hat das Team für die Europameisterschaft in Mailand nominiert Vom 29.August bis zum 3.September wird in Mailand die Europameisterschaft im Springen ausgetragen. Für Deutschland sollen folgende Reiterinnen und Reiter in Italien an den Start gehen: Marcus Ehning  (Borken) mit Stargold     Andre’ Thieme (Plau am See) und DSP…
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germanpostwarmodern · 8 months ago
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Her‘s was a(n) (after)life of firsts: Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907). She painted the first nude self-portraits in art history and in 1927 was the first woman to have a museum named in her honor. And, in all honesty, the latter was well-deserved: in the 14 years she actively worked as an artists Modernsohn-Becker created some 700 paintings, almost 1,400 drawings and 11 prints. In her prolific output she broke new ground by focusing on such topics as childhood, old age, motherhood and her own bodily experience as a becoming mother. Bearing in mind that all of this took place at the turn of the 20th century one cannot help but acknowledge her bravery to stand up for herself and her artistic vision.
Up until September 9 Modersohn-Becker’s groundbreaking oeuvre is the subject of her first ever museum retrospective at Neue Galerie New York (and later at Art Institute of Chicago) that gathers significant works from all phases of her short career. With the exhibition’s title „Ich bin ich / I am Me“ the exhibition makers quote from a letter Modersohn-Becker wrote to her friend and confidant Rainer Maria-Rilke in 1906 in which she happily reports that she has finally come into her own artistically and as an individual. Since 1898 Modersohn-Becker lived in Worpswede, the artist village near Bremen, Germany, first as pupil of painter Fritz Mackensen and from 1901 onwards as wife of Otto Modersohn. Mackensen’s truthful depiction of people and landscape in and around Worpswede had a profound impact on Modersohn as demonstrate her portraits: they are in no way idealized but emphatically portray the sitters and display the manifold influences the artist processed. On her frequent stays in Paris she visited both museums and fellow artists and one can sense not only the example of Cézanne, Gauguin or Matisse but also the influence of Byzantine and Egyptian portraits and busts.
In the accompanying catalogue, published by Prestel, curators Jill Lloyd and Jay A. Clarke provide two truly eye-opening essays, one dedicated to Modersohn-Becker’s life, artistic formation and influences, the other dealing with her long overlooked Worpswede drawings from 1898/99 in which she depicts, mainly female, inhabitants of the village. In contrast to her male peers Modersohn drew her models not as anonymous figures but as emotive individuals. Although they don’t fit into the artist’s general reception as painter of colorful (self) portraits, they offer deep insights into her soulful awareness of the world around her. This awareness surely pervades her entire oeuvre but becomes strongly evident in the roughly 50 Worpswede drawings that round out this very insightful catalogue and its fresh perspective on an eminent artist of early German Expressionism.
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derwahnsinn · 1 year ago
31 Days Idol Challenge - Oliver Riedel
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Day 29: At Award Ceremony
One thing I really like about photos of Rammstein from award ceremonies, is how they dress. I love how they just seem to all put on whatever they feel like, so that the more or less always have at least one 'odd man out'.
My photo of choice is this group shot from 1998 Echo Awards, because I really like how Oliver went with a choker. Photo by Axel Kirschof.
I feel like it's appropriate to add a passage from Flake's book Heute hat die Welt Geburtstag (It's the World's Birthday Today), where he wrote about when the band got nominated for their first Echo Award. It is such a good example of "six inexperienced East Germans entering the celebrity circus":
Beforehand we had long conversations about what we should wear. We definitely wanted to all wear the same thing so that people would see we were a single entity. Since this was the first time we'd been invited, we got there on time. On time meant two hours too early. When we walked down the red carpet, there was of course not the slightest reaction from the audience, which wasn't bad, however. The only person who recognized us was the security guard for Die Toten Hosen, who were also nominated and of course actually received an award. We attached ourselves to Nena's manager, whom we knew from the industry tour. We stood around in the lobby with him for hours and were horribly thirsty. Then the ceremony finally started and we thought it was all very exciting. Otto Waalkes was sitting in front of us. I stared at the back of his head the whole time. I thought back to how, when I was a kid, I would go over to our neighbor's place just to watch the Otto Show. Every single gag got rehashed all over school the next day, and I didn't want to be left out. And now I could practically touch him. I was so excited my palms were sweating. All the nominees were introduced with a short film. When they finally showed our film, there was absolutely no applause since of course no one knew who we were. There was only bored silence. I think Aerosmith got the prize. We realized that we'd gotten all dressed up for nothing and felt appropriately foolish. Thankfully though, there was a giant afterparty. We hadn't known about that either. There we could eat and drink as much as we wanted and didn't have to pay. We weren't the only ones who got exorbitantly drunk; those who were still there at four stayed till six. Moses Pelham broke Stefan Raab's nose. The next day, a bunch of zombies stood freezing on the train platform, waiting for the train with their Echos in their hands. Or not, in our case. Then two years later, we got the award. We stood there on stage like six bumps on a log and didn't know what to say. Under no circumstances did we want to toss out an embarrassing litany of thank yous. When it was my turn at the mic, I just talked about my vacation in Sri Lanka - I'd just gotten back two days earlier and was still overflowing with impressions. Plus, while the boring ceremony was going on, Ben Becker had been teaching us that drinking vodka mixed with tonic water was very refreshing. The trophy they handed us was I guess supposed to represent a sound wave - I mean, I don't know what an echo looks like, technically speaking - and it was pretty heavy. It was an unwieldy thing to have to hold onto at the party afterward, so I just left it sitting around somewhere.
Bonus material: 1) 1997, Rammstein getting gold for Herzeleid and Engel. Unknown photographer. Some of the band members, including Oliver, had interesting choices of shoes. 2) 1998 MTV Europe Music Awards. Another interesting choice of clothing for Oliver. 3) 2001 MTV Europe Music Awards. Can't go wrong when you're all wearing stage costumes! Photo by Anthony Harvey. 4) 2001 Mexico City. Very questionable positioning of Paul in this photo by Guillermo Ogam. 5) 2005 Echo Awards. I really love how they showed up and performed in fat suits. Photo by Sean Gallup. 6) 2005 Rammstein Music Awards, I love Oliver's outfit here, too. Unknown photographer. 7) 2009 Echo Awards. Oliver went fully casual, and Schneider showed his total lack of taste in shoes. Unknown photographer.
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Others doing this challenge:
Till: @endlich-allein Flake: @anwiel13 Paul: @instillennachten
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livingtrophies · 1 year ago
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joker1315 · 7 months ago
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akkar2 · 10 months ago
Olaf Otto Becker (b. 1959), German photographer: Ilulissat.
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Olaf Otto Becker
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