#Other things being named my Kunsel muse-
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sakurarisen · 5 months ago
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Gonna be tweaking some stuff for Sera's FF7 verse in the coming days! <3 Picked up Rebirth again and everyone who knows me knows I can't play Genshin or FF7 without my brain going brrrrrr, and since this is the first time I've started playing since the new (distant!) backstory for Sera really got into full swing for its development... The brrrrrs are really going a mile a minute. XD There's also a lot I've had in mind for things regarding this verse I've just never written down or put into play in general for a long time, and frankly? It's about time I gave it all an update. <3
My plan right now is to add to Sera's carrd with this new info, and I'm in talks with @yoroiis / @honorisen to make sure it makes sense and works out, given it also includes her and her muses, but it's going to take a few to get it done - So just count this post as a 'pardon the mess, we're upgrading'! <3
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sentofight · 1 year ago
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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a-vctlan · 10 months ago
repost, don't reblog!
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NAME : vetlan
PRONOUNS : they/them (in the plural sense) but any will do
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord ding dong ditching where i just spam you with messages of a bunch of links / thoughts / memes and leave them there for you to answer whenever it is you come online — kinda limited by my timezone and work schedule what can i say... and well my inspiration is unstable. in all senses of the word.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : They're split up among the following blogs:
vctlan ( main multimuse, you are here ): devil may cry: credo & kyrie from dmc4 final fantasy 7 comp ( hooboy ): angeal, biggs, barret, cloud, dr. grazia (oc), luxiere, prof. hojo, rude prototype: dana a. mercer
sentmail (sideblog to vctlan): kunsel, second class operative from crisis core
mortal kombat standalones, currently on hiatus: whiptrip — takeda takashi kcnshi — kenshi takahashi venefikus —quan chi
all these characters............... and i stil want more >:(
BEST EXPERIENCE : let me sum it up in a screenshot:
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its being able to torture your buddies and receive threats of retaliation :3
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : depends on the day tbqh, somedays i'm lenient, somedays every little slight against patience irks me - but my exposure to these things is limited because i don't tend to follow people that: stir in negativity / interact with anon hate / over-format their posts / don't cut replies / linger on the superficial aspects of muse interactions / demean my muses and their agency.
MUSE PREFERENCES : monsters / the people left behind / hope against odds / apathy vs rage / persisting, even so
PLOTS OR MEMES : plotted threads for drawn out roleplays, memes for a quick back and forth where we develop our muses relationship or as a quick pick me up / something to write when I dont have the brain/time for a proper reply.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : an average of around 3-5 paragraphs at least, though there are outliers. i feel like my writing is a little stilted sometimes, so i try to compensate with scenery dressing and an insight into the muse's thoughts.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : when I'm busy and can't write, obviously. but seriously, having the focus for it is the hardest part for me - other than that, I can write pretty much anywhere, even if it's just me pre-writing on my phone or plotting out what happens next in discord dms.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : something something insert text about the human experience and how we are all capable of acts of great compassion and great violence — there's facets of me in every character i write, but i wouldn't say i'm like any of them in specific. i just latch onto pain and misery because it's something i know well, what can i say.
TAGGED BY: @soldier-lodbrok TAGGING: @enshijou / @annjiru / @eddapoetic / @aicidos / @backwaterheroics / @breathofthearth / @noblehcart / @ you!!!111!
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kunselxsoldier · 1 year ago
alias / name : I don't really have an alias, my own personal blog is @kisarastrife if that counts, but only if you enjoy my own personal ramblings and YuGiOh! fangirling. :) I also have a handful of FFXV muses and two Far Cry 5 ones too.
birthday : October 15th BC
zodiac sign : Libra
height : 163cm (Just slightly under 5'4" for others who use this scale)
hobbies : Writing, cooking, playing my Playstation, small bit of reading and a lot of baking cakes and crocheting.
favourite colour : Red, childhood constant.
favourite book : This will sound soooooo odd. But I read a book called 'Fire Bringer' when I was about 9 or 10, which was based in what I believe was Scottish mythology (and I adhered to that, being Irish) and it had a deer fawn born with a prophesised birth mark and was very interesting. I believe the author was David Clement-Davies. I still adore this book a lifetime later.
* Also I adore the trilogy by Marita Conlon-McKenna (Irish Author) which chronologies An Gorta Mór (the Great Famine) in her books Under The Hawthorn Tree, Wildflower Girl and Fields of Home. Brilliant short stories which pinpoint a time in our history through the lens of children. I read them as a 8 or 9 year old and still consider them very treasured reads.
last film / show : Last show was Avatar: The Last Airbender (live action) and Shogun. I have to finish Avatar yet, but I adore the animated series and I like the live action series so far, so I'll have good thing to say. As for Shogun, I came in arse-ways and watched the 5th episode first (because my dad watched all the rest and both of us were drinking together and he put it on ... anyway, I ate, no crumbs.). Looooving it so far. Need to do my retro-watching of the previous episodes. Cosmo Jarvis is giving me Jax Teller vibes for some reason and I can't pinpoint it.
recent reads : Ooooooh, such a changeable topic. At the moment, I'm adoring the author 'Tom Marcus' - a former British intelligence agent publishing under a pseudonym. Fantastic author who plops you right into the action and faultlessly explains usable aspects of spycraft and response/operational tactics. Really puts you into the mindset of an operational agent with this kind of burden and assignment.
*Very good read for anyone interested in the Turk aspect of FFVII .. just FYI. And the author is an absolute polite gentleman on Insta.
inspiration : I don't really know. I have a terrible habit of picking up muses which are overlooked by their own creators/developers and I fucking adore them. I loved Kunsel the first time I saw him back when I was 14 (many moons ago) and he had no voice and just him with his helmet, then fell back in love with him the millisecond that security trooper mentioned his name in Remake. But 99% of my muses are NPCs or side-characters with very little input such as Kunsel [FFVII], Shotgun[female Turk] FFVII, Dave Auburnbrie [FFXV], Petra Fortis [FFXV], Nyx's mam [FFXV], Carmina Rye [FC5], Eli Palmer [FC5] and a few others - anyone want to interact, just holler at me!!!!!!
story behind url : His name is Kunsel and he's a SOLDIER. I don't like using '-' so I used 'x' instead. Simple is as simple does. :)
fun fact about me : I am an identical twin and I'm lucky enough that my twin sis also writes RP, she can be found at @proxnotxaxfool or @exiled-turk
tagged by:@holyguardian and @soldier-lodbrok Tagging: @proxnotxaxfool, @exturk, @brokeniisms, @makoblue, @speedchasing, @lockhartred, @uponthyhonor, @wingsdreamt, @wingsandsteel and anyone else who sees this and wishes to do it!!!!
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sentmail · 11 months ago
In a bid to remind myself why I write in the first place, I give you this: a celebration piece to bring to light some of the many scenes that still linger in my mind across the nearly 10 years now that I've been writing Kunsel.
Through everything that I've gone through, both in my personal life and on here wretched platform, what kept me going were the people that choose to give me a chance and believe in me, and took to writing with me with a care and attention that is hard to find — being the first to write with me seriously, remembering small character details, challenging me as a writer, entertaining the silliest of concepts, telling me you're happy to see me back whenever I crawl out of one of my hiatuses, it is a myriad of small things that mean the world to me.
I genuinely think neither my take on Kunsel, or myself really, would be the same without you guys. I wish I could form the words necessary to get my feelings across, but well, you'll have to contend yourselves with this sappy mess as I don't usually deal with emotions very well.
@meteor-shots — Zack, I know you're not really around anymore and we don't talk as much, having both moved onto different ventures & fandoms, but that just makes the times that we do cross paths (or you take the time to log on just to poke me) mean all the much more. Zackarías Fair will forever have a special place within Kunsel's heart, having been the first Zack to accept Kunsel as his best friend, if not more. You've also met me at my most uncertain, stuck between names and not really knowing where and who I'd turn out to be, and I thank you for letting me have the space to figure it out.
@backwaterheroics — Rowen, you are a menace and so is your Cloud. We share our tendency to appear and disappear at random, and so fall in the habit of not crossing paths. And yet, whenever we do meet, it's like no time has passed at all, and we're back to chatting and plotting and putting our two assholes through the wringer just for fun. I appreciate your Cloud deeply for letting me explore Kunsel's more antagonistic, grudge holding and jealous tendencies, as they are still a facet that lingers within him.
@pseudodead — Do I really even have to explain why you're here? Our of everyone I've written with, I feel like you're one of the people that are most invested in my portrayals, characters and world-building, and even as you move onto other fandoms and blogs, you still offer me some way to bother your muses or at the very least, push me to explore my concepts and challenge me to grow as a writer. Also sorry about the message spam you'll be getting when you eventually log on bestieeee.
@churchflower — Blue we're already back to chatting on Discord so I've made my feelings clear on how happy it makes me that we happened to reconnect, and it made me so giddy to hear you say you came back just for Kunsel. Having met you in the same era as Zack, you've seen my portrayal of him grow through the years, and I feel like I can attribute part of it to the fateful day you decided to entertain the thought of Kunsel & Aerith as a ship. Now look what happened to us. We're in ruin.
@fourthclone — DON'T THINK YOU'RE GETTING OUT OF THIS. We've already gone over the "I'm so happy you're back" business but!!! Again, I am so happy to see you back! And it meant so much to me to hear that you were hoping I'd come back - it was your pushing that got me fully back on board with this whole thing, and I have many thanks to give you and your Roche. We share the turbulent boat of kind of niche, disregarded characters, and it pleases a stubborn part of me that we're both still here after everything we've been through. Here's to us hurting our feelings with our blorbos for years to come.
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Before he could come up with an answer, though, Kunsel was hugging him. At first, it surprised him, though he didn't know why. Maybe just because the last five years had been completely devoid of positive touch like this. Maybe it was because he hadn't quite expected it. But either way, it was needed, and Zack felt himself sink into the hug almost immediately, wrapping his arms tightly around his friend and burying his face in the other's shoulder.
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Am I lost? You're not lost, you know this place. See how you know this place? That's not right—
His panicked breath halts and the world shifts under his feet. Against the cracking ache and the fogged haze, he lifts his head and blinks into the shine of mako gold eyes. When did you get here? Kunsel has information and he sends it to you often. Leave, he's not important.
"Lost? Me?" His toothy grin sends a flare of pain behind his eyes. When have we met? You know him, like you know this place. "Kunsel, man, you know I've run around underplate a thousand times! Stop worryin'! I'll see you later, ok? Things to do, pretty girls to see—"
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Kunsel Zantos showed promise. That much had been obvious from day one of his formal recruitment; questionable background and motivations aside (that which, perhaps, had begun Tseng's careful monitoring in the first place). But in truth, the Turk had not expected him to last long. Bets placed against him for all manners of reasons/excuses, foolish enough to go poking his head in places they didn't belong.
And yet, here he was, stubbornly persistent despite it all.
The last time he had to deal with a SOLDIER directly like this? All those years ago. Alongside Zack. A case which had been pulled from its archival home to live under the watchful gaze of the leader of the Turks because of the very reckless idiot he was now working with.
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There was a comfort in physical contact that Aerith couldn't explain. It was always how she had been. But she bottled that for the sake of being heartbroken. The more Kunsel came around, the more that heartbreak lifted. The more she felt herself. The more she punched and pushed, teased and tapped. Invaded his space with those big green eyes and smiled at him as wide as she could...
She was happy.
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"...you're the only one that's left— you— you KNOW everything, and I know you have to live with that just as much as I do, but you've come back after all this time, and that's all you can say to me? 'Life isn't a game, Roche— life isn't a stage!' Then what am I supposed to make of it, huh? Play the loyal little hound like you? Bow down and kiss some Shinra ass while I'm at it? Abandon who I am; what my heart tells me to do? You're no better than those goddamn Turks."
Thank you for the commission! 💜
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jjillekkot · 8 years ago
‼️ Boy is it nice to see a familiar face post-meteor.
Send “‼️” for my muse to hug yours after being reunited after a long time apart // @kunselxknows
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「 Drop another body and I swear I’ll drop you. 」
Even if she holds no obligation to Midgar, no connection to its people, she cannot stand to see more life lost than is absolutely necessary. And when she arrives on the scene of rescue efforts, she is more than displeased with the operation. To find the injured haphazardly flung into slings and onto beds, compacted into airplanes both under and over capacity, it is clear that all workers are in a state of panic and cannot work efficiently.
「 Move over! Give me the list of survivors! 」And with clipboard provided, she steadily checks the names of each person retrieved from rubble, selects the best mode of transport compatible with that person’s condition, and ensures they make it to said vehicles safely.
It takes time to reorganize, but Yuffie’s not concerned– her faith is with Cloud and the others within the Crater to defeat Sephiroth, and with Vincent to secure their immediate surroundings.
Her largest worry is that these inefficient volunteers will hurt more innocent civilians.
「 Is there something interesting to look at? Keep it going, buddy! 」
She stays with these survivors, accompanies them to confirmed destination of safehouse in Junon where there’s actively trained personnel and more vacancy than Kalm could ever hope to provide. It’s a longer trek than they likely anticipated, but for those she has the chance to ride with, she apologizes for such inconvenience. She’s never really been good with kids…or adults, if she’s honest, but it’s all she can do: she’s learning something new with every second and teaching when she can, about efficiency and leadership and how to set a dislocated shoulder. She wipes away a boy’s tear and strokes his hair until he falls asleep against her knees. She imagines that can’t be comfortable but it’s likely better than any amount of gravel he was caked beneath before.
And when they reach health center she resumes her role, clipboard and pen in hand. And with every name she asks for them to claim an affirmation, whether it’s with hand raise or vocalized response or otherwise.
Towards the bottom of the list she finds Kunsel. Doesn’t think much of it at first, figures it’s likely just a common name, but there’s something familiar about his smile and voice when he says ‘Present’. She gives a small grin back, says she’ll get back to him when roll call is finished.
But Yuffie’s always easily distracted, whisked away from one task into next, and it’s not until she hears a whistle and sees a flash of name tag, Zantos, that she stops in her tracks. She can afford to stop, she tells herself. It’s not like she’s official staff; and besides, such hands here are capable. A pat on shoulder reaffirms such decision, says they’ll call for her if she’s requested.
But Zantos, that’s such a distinctive surname. And she’s so focused on trying to remember that, where it might’ve come from, why feels ever so foreign and familiar all the same, that she hardly pays attention to what he’s saying until he mutters ‘princess.’
And it all starts flowing in, her memories crashing down at once– and even if it isn’t appropriate or isn’t ladylike or any of the other critiques she’s heard for so long, her arms wrap around the older man, sobbing just like she would’ve seven years ago. 
Seven years and she’s still trying far too hard to keep things together. But at least this time, she’s successful.
「 It’s so good to see you. 」
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kunselxsoldier · 7 months ago
Loud & Deafening Silence
Console - comfort my muse as they cry
He had been given a task, one Kunsel was adeptly suited to; work his way into Shinra's files and highlight any threats to the SRC. Simple enough.
He had contacts who fed intel back to him and before too long Kunsel was whittling his way into the Shinra system via one of their kiosks at Mako Reactor sites. They really needed to up their security. It was too easy really; no security troops guarding the the module, no Turks trailing him, and a simple enough security firewall to bypass.
Kunsel had been grinning to himself, shaking his head at Shinra's stupidity when he clicked into a folder and saw a name listed under Killed in Action.
Zack Fair.
No. Of all the SOLDIER hopefuls who had joined the same time as him, Zack had been the truly special one. He was liked by everyone in his recruit intake, like by the higher-up in the ranks, and things came easy to him. But he was friendly and genuine and utterly faultless too. It was no wonder there had been whispers of him being lined up for 1st Class right before Kunsel had boarded the copter on his ill-fated last mission with Shinra.
He couldn't be dead. He was too full of life to be dead. Matt's hand was heavy on his shoulder and Kunsel nodded automatically when asked if he was okay; his tutor's voice echoing and far away. Even back at their home settlement, Kunsel didn't have the stomach for chat or other people. Instead he found a stream to watch the water trickle by for hours; the running water made his reflection unfocused so he couldn't see his own tears. And hours he spent there until his hearing picked up heavy and purposeful boot-steps. It was Glenn. He knew that before the blond sat down and a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. It stayed there and didn't move when Kunsel tried to shrug it off.
Watching his own reflection in the stream, he couldn't keep his shoulders from shuddering an the tight knot of emotion in his throat.
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"We were best friends ... and I left him ... I couldn't have stopped him."
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