ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
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ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
you’re back! hope you’re doing alright
Thanks! I mean, i'm not really "back", as opposed to I never really left. Just been working hell hours for a really long time, but been thinkin about hypmic more recently! Hopefully I have smth to post this weekend!
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ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
what did ramuda do to black journey?
that whole entire first minute of him singing is a hate crime 💀
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ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
oh fuck fling posse won the drb? Now i actually gotta finish the project i've been "working on" for like two years-
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ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
i gift u this album for reason to fight only
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ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
Hey! I'm the one who requested for the FP vs MTC tracks. It'd be so great if you could drop them! No pressure or anything of course!
No problem! I'll drop that google drive link here in a sec!
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ms-paint-hypmic · 3 years
Hi! I absolutely love your content!! Can't wait for kill doc 5😁 Also I was wondering if you had the FP vs MTC tracks... If yes could you please share the link? Thank you so much!
oh god i haven't checked my ask box in ages!! So many asks stacked up in there 😭 anyways, i'm sure this has been sitting here for a while, so would yall still like me to drop them tracks? I listen to reason to fight like everyday, it's a good gym song imo 😳
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
bad ass temple vs matenrou tracks for yall sexies if u want
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
Oh hi:) Me and my sister were discussing about some stuff, until she asked me what Ramuda's lollipop flavor was. Now we are in an existential crisis because I think it’s raspberry, and she thinks it’s cherry. What do you think it is?(Also I love your art:))
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it’s crack flavored :) tho i personally believe it’s bubblegum
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
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ok now bat song drop
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
here you go, the bb vs dp hot full tracks fro my sexy and funny followers and friends <3
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
when is kill doc 5 coming out we need more jack of rice jin coochie
I got a LOT to say about kill doc 5, so here's the full tea
First and foremost: IM WORKING ON IT!!!! I just cant commit to one idea 😂 I """""allegedly"""" had covid at the beginning of the year (tested positive for it, but im God so i was immune to the sickness. My family got sick but I never did bc again, i am god) so i couldn't work for 2 weeks and was gonna use that time to make a new kill doc 😳 which brings us to my next point:
mY AUDIO SOFTWARE BROKE??? I used unregistered hypercam to record the voices, but it dont work no more and i keep pirating viruses instead of a new hypercam on accident. I'm trying this new software but it doesn't record JUST audio, so it's audio+video, i just gotta sever the video. It's HELLISH to work with too, so i'm pretty unmotivated to do anything adfnqncmtmh
I have like, 2 FULL scripts written out and a wip script in my phones notes app ; w ; I just gotta draw one of em, i just always forget it. Kill Doc aint as bumpin as it used to be 😂 if more ppl asked, i get right to it tho!!
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
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I dont think kill-DOC and Guntaro would be friends but here they are holding hands in solidarity. for @ms-paint-hypmic
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ms-paint-hypmic · 4 years
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ending the “who is ichiro’s fav love live character” debate
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