#Other Trevor Henderson characters are in here too
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meatydog · 25 days ago
I HAVE FINALLY MADE AND POSTED THE EA AU!!!!!!! PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT :33333. am genuinely going to try to finally finish this AU after so long. I hope...
I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions if you want to share them :)
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bianca-s-daily-reel-in · 5 months ago
It's really nice to see other people having AUS with same interests as me, I really thought this fandom/character was completely dead.
By the way, my quation: since when you decided to make this au and what inspired you?
☆Question for cc: How does cc feel about his fans?
Extra note: OMG, I love your artstyle😭😭 You inspire me, and I love the personalities you gave to the characters.
Thank u for reading this :D
Awww, thank you~ ! 💛 Not sure whether you're talking about the Cartoon Cat fandom or the BATIM fandom, but either way, I'm glad you like it here. And that you enjoy my art and interpretations, it's always nice to hear. 🤗
To answer your question, well, a good while ago (like maybe a decade), I was really into Bendy & The Ink Machine, because I really really love the concept of human creation gaining sentience and bleeding into reality, so naturally I created OCs for it, and that's how Bianca popped up. I didn't really have much going on for her within this fandom only, so for a while she was mainly an afterthought. Then I came across Trevor Henderson's art, and I was immediately charmed by his take on a twisted "toon" entity and the implications its existence meant for our reality. So naturally, I made the gap between BATIM and Cartoon Cat, and decided to have my silly little toon creature meet with this abomination against nature. I've always been a huge sucker for crossovers, so it kinda snowballed in my head from here, so I made its own thing. Now I have my silly little massive excuse for crossovers, and classic toon (and horror) appreciation.
And to answer your other question, well :
"{*groan* Oh boy... Well at first, I was flattered~, but wayyy too soon for my taste, y'people started disgusting me. Ah'm not yer """sugar daddy""" or whatever the hell y'freaks call it, nor am I yer cute lil' misunderstood thing~, that's Bianca's job.}"
"{Honestly if all of you freaks would take a step back and seriously consider what the hell y'all been lustin' over, it would probably do ya good. Or at least for MY earthly sake.}"
"{Well, at the VERY least it means easy prey for me. I guess.}"
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thehotelpod · 1 year ago
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5.1 Merp and Burble
Our first Big Named Event arc! "BEHIND THE CURTAIN" which I'm almost certain I picked because we could do this cool ass curtain frame device. Izzy continues to bring the pain here with photo bashed curtains, a modified Madam Hotel horrifyingly cartooning about like bugs bunny to reveal our almost Trevor Henderson-like trail cam timelapse photo of Merp. He also gave me a number of color options on this one, maybe we'll have a section in The Guestbook Vol. II of bts sketches? I'll ask Izzy. This one holds a special place in my heart because Merp is, as devotees will recall, just Scary Slar.
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rest of the season under the cut! (it's long, you've been warned)
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5.2 It Watches and It Smiles
look! The curtain connects at the top! It's gonna be one long picture!
This monster was actually based on a 3 foot tall hard foam statue we had in our house growing up. It is actually scarier looking than you are imagining, made every one of my cousins cry, and is not only something I had nightmares about but also one of the main reasons so much of my horror is "something weird is Over There but looking at you". Full disclosure, one of the reasons I put this monster in this episode was so that Izzy would have to draw a postcard of it and maybe someone would recognize it and tell me what the hell it is because I have not so much as a single photograph of it. BUT then Izzy showed me this drawing, which almost completely hides the monster but it's just so so good I couldn't pass it up. The implied shape and DYNAMITE bloody palm fronds make this look so much like a 90s book cover I fell in love right away. We always try to keep those season and episode numbers in the postcards now too, but I think we forget sometimes?
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5.2 Nothing Can Kill That Which Glowers
LOOK AT THIS ONE. Madam Hotel rotting in the reflection of the bubble (she was supposed to show up more in those episodes and sort of be in the process of rotting but she ended up being a single light instead.), I'm crazy about the Owner here, Izzy loves to always keep a little monster in the mix when he draws the Staff. And miss Manager POPS like an 80s music video. Lot's of subtle layers and textures here that can get overlooked, but just like the lake the Owner sinks into, it deepens the longer you linger (did you find the episode number?)
I also like to remind everyone that 'That Which Glowers' is the Grimace and this episode title is a reference to the Clerks cartoon.
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5.4 We Are...Watching You...
But are you really LOOKING at it? Do you SEE Izzy's MIND? Lined up you get back to back Managers mirroring each other as well as Madam Hotel in the wings of the now completed curtains--these doubles ALSO frame what is hopefully implied to be the Lobby Boy's hand reaching for his Manager. All of this duality and connection not only reinforces what we know about the characters and show already but set up beautifully the new mirrors about to arrive...
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5.5 The Bellhop
THERE SHE IS! There's my goblin girl. You get the bloody vision of the Hotel as Hop sees it as well as the framing for a triptych of the New Crew, each on their own floor. The New Crew stands apart from the Staff in that they have canonical designs immediately, so there tends to be less variation on their fan designs. However there was like ONE WEEK or so before this episode dropped where people were drawing Hop ALL KINDS OF ways. She's one of my favorite designs Izzy's done for the show and I think it's partially because she looks a little like ET.
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5.6 The Concierge
Shut up. Shut UP. Look at those colors. Look at that face. Look at those shoulders. Look at those colors! THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!!!! and those printing spots breaking up the lines, all layered over starlight?! It should be, at this point, very hard for Izzy to outdo himself but...he just keeps on outdoing it. We jump down a floor here and the Concierge has slightly more brick surrounding him than the Bellhop did so my pattern recognizers in the crowd can probably guess what's coming next--
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5.6 The Auditor
It's been pointed out that Aud has gotten the most detailed description of the main characters on the show. I try to always keep it vague so everyone can imagine whatever they like , but the Auditor is so weird I just wanted to play a little. I saw this scary looking, lonely monster begging to be seen in all white surrounded by nothing. Even the brick and mortar of the Hotel doesn't seem to want to be around her much. One thing I love about Izzy's work is how well he combines whimsy and fun with actual scary imagery. She looks really scary. That is a scary looking monster he drew.
I also think she kind of looks like this alien from Star Trek IV (hey look Star Trek showed up)
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5.9 Tenaj Druh - 004 Moor
Oh how I wish I could have a full set of New Crew postcards from Izzy seeing season 1 from a different perspective (for that matter I'd love a full set of season 1 from Izzy, but one thing at a time). Getting to not only see Janet Hurd, but see the NEW CREW checking her in is so so exciting. And the Manager's TV's re-imagined as giant bloody eyeballs is expressed to it's grossest perfection here. Even the Goosebumps frame is tinted sickly green. (the rest of the season also has Goosebumps frames but I'm trying to show off Izzy's art I want you all to have a good look)
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5.10 Tnurb Yrrah - 002 Moor
this one's bonkers. The Hubble's ultra deep field on the left, brains on the right but both halves of one face with the broken illusion between them that is just the building of the Hotel herself?? It's got poster folds and teeth for doors! This is a really stunning one that I feel like deserves a little more attention than it gets. Also maybe I spoke too soon on the Goosebumps frame, I don't...this one doesn't have one but maybe I just saved that file somewhere weird.
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This is i think the first one we did that had a Goosebumps frame baked in. You can see the 5 and 11 on the clock give us our season and episode number, but that gets a little lost on the printed version so here it is in all it's glory. Love to get to see Judy here her FACE is so EXPRESSIVE and sharp. Notice how Izzy does NOT draw her with a gap tooth. Is that gap battle damage, or some aesthetic flourish the Hotel likes for her bodies? You'd have to ask Izzy. Also love getting to see him draw the things in her furnace room, which are like huge and imply a much larger elevator inside the box. Always reinforcing that boundaries and rules do not apply at the Hotel
they are also based on the family from Mac and Me
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what the fuuuck?? why are they so scary??? why are they like that?? why did they make this movie this way?? I was a child!
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5.12 The Reaper's Envy
Finishing up the season is this gorgeous party poster that would be right at home in the 90s. Other than the colors (THE COLOR!) I want to point out the confetti that breaks out of the border that also quietly includes some vermin (all up top, letting your eye drift down to the New Crew being reflected in what hopefully everyone assumed was Judy Blashy's eye. Of course we know now who's eye that is and what it's connected to (nothing its nothing it got cut out)
And that's season 5. Now we have entered the @filthyguts desert and must wait once again for the rains to return. I've got new ideas for season 6 that are gonna completely change how we do the art for the show and maybe we can even squeeze some button designs out of him when we launch the next wave of stuff we're launching.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and 100 more times, but Izzy's art is a hugely important part of the show, a source of inspiration not only to the fans who listen but to me myself (especially in my lower moments) and I am so so happy that his art and his style has come to define the show.
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deathontheroad · 4 months ago
Hello there!
Hello, hello, people! I am Shard and I am happy to be on tumblr. I have been meaning to get an account here, but I have finally managed to do it. I am an artist, at least I like to think of myself as one.
I am an introvert guy trying my best. I am friendly and shy, so most of time I don't start a conversation. I tend to keep to myself and don't really open up, but I am open to conversations (if I even have anything to say). I am not a great fan of crowds or public spaces. So, let's get to the introduction!
Things about me
I prefer to be called Shard, but you can call me River/Death River or the Shadow of Indifference or whatever you want!
I am a teenager
I speak Portuguese and English (mostly English)
Agender and AroAce (the triple A's)
What do I like?
Playing games
My OCs
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
Other people's art
Breaded chicken
Interesting things
The color blue (especially the dark shades)
Animating (a little bit)
What will I be drawing?
My OCs
My sona
Whatever I feel like drawing
Fandoms I am in
Jurassic Park/World (main interest)
Lethal Company (second main interest)
The Sun and Moon Show
Trevor Henderson Creatures
Doors (Roblox)
Interminable Rooms (Roblox)
Rooms: Low Detailed (Roblox)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Other accounts
I have a Quotev account by the same name as this one. In there, I am writing short stories about my characters and their weird existence and adventures in a human world.
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cartoon-buffoon · 8 months ago
Here's some stuff about me Cartoon Buffoon aswell as other things if you wanna know before following or anything.
Who am I?
Hello! I'm Cartoon Buffoon and I write stuff, draw and watch cartoons, there's a chance you've could've of read one of my works if you read one shots on AO3 that feature Oswald The Lucky Rabbit since I have a tendency to write content relating to the rabbit yet I do delve in other fandoms. I love old animation from the 1920s-60s yet I also do indulge in more modern stuff as well, I'm a buffoon for cartoons as my name implies.
Things I'm into/fandoms I'm in.
I'm AroAce and the type who's attraction is reserved for fictional characters so you'll often see me simping for them. My gender is uhh... Complicated? I don't know what I am although I currently identify as gender fluid although I do refer to myself as trans as well🏳️‍⚧️. Pronouns are He/She/They/anything else really! Toon is usually the nickname I'm most comfortable with online yet you may also call me Toon Buffoon or TB for short.
My interests lie in old cartoons however I do dabble in other stuff, my interest and hyperfixations go in the following order:
—In The Dark comics/Skitzo the 1920s killer bear
—Oswald the lucky rabbit
—Felix the cat
—Fleischer's cartoons
—Rubberhose animation in general
—the furry fandom
—Trevor Henderson's creations
—FNF/Newgrounds and it's culture in general
—Sonic The Hedgehog
—Sonic.exe/creepypastas in general
and some other stuff although I can't really think of more currently yet those are my TOP interests
Although I'm horrible at all these things I do enjoy the following activities
—Writing fanfiction
—collecting plushies
—over analyzing media
Gonna make a DNI list because I don't wanna interact with weirdos. Pretty basic list as well, if you're a weirdo like a:
—Z**philes, p*dophile
Final notes:
Please leave me alone. I also do not tolerate hate speech or bigotry so if you have any racist, homophobic, or antisemitic beliefs please do not interact.
First and foremost I'm neurodivergent and have a whole list of mental issues including crippling anxiety so if you see me blindly liking your posts that's just me really liking your art and being too scared to interact in any other way. Be a tad bit patient with me if you at any point try and message me as well... I take a bit to get the courage to respond. I should also note I'm a multishipper and a giant simp for fictional cartoon characters (self-shipper to put it bluntly). Anything that's black and white and has that rubberhose aesthetic is probably a character I'm attracted too although I won't really talk about that much. There's other characters of course yet more often than not you'll see me liking toons. Expect really anything from this account as I just do whatever when I'm bored, idk I don't got a life. More often than not though I'll be focusing on creating content for my favorite characters weather it's my using my bad art skills to draw or writing fanfiction about them.
To sum myself up: I'm mainly a lover of the obscure or forgotten while trying to create works or content to bring attention to my favorite things while also just trying to keep myself together physically and mentally. If you ever wanna reach out, message, or ask something of me for whatever reason: go ahead? No promises I'll respond as I may just break down at the thought of responding but as long as you aren't weird about anything I'll reply with the kindness and respect people deserve. We're all strangers online as such I try to be polite as a common courtesy and I can only hope you do the same.
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wagrilous-23 · 1 year ago
I've been getting a very big crossover idea in my head regarding The Amazing Digital Circus and a certain character from a very famous Found Footage horror artist...
We all know how much of a prick Jax canonically is, and as confirmed by Gooseworx, going to get gradually worse as the next episodes go on to release. She's stated everyone (Pomni included at some point) hates him. He basically has no friends.
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Most of the fandom likes him, while others hate him & want him to get his karma...well, how about someone giving him that karma, but it's ultimately taken WAY too far?
Enter the character who gives Jax's karma:
Cartoon Cat
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This creepy fella. (Made by Trevor Henderson)
Now I know what you're gonna say; how the heck can these two characters ever be associated with each other? Well, let me explain.
It's very obvious that Jax's design is based off of the cartoons from the old days, especially with his gloves, constant smile, & smug attitude, and while many would derive that to him being based off of characters like Mickey Mouse or Bendy, I see (in my own personal view) a bit of an uncorrupted/cartoonified Cartoon Cat-like being.
Like, seriously, just have him be repainted complete black, look a bit more monstrous, and...
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(Original by Green-Light Creations on YouTube)
Ignoring the buckteeth, This is basically what Jax could potentially look like as Cartoon Cat-like entity. As for why this could happen, allow me to set an opening storyline for this crossover...
-It starts as any old day in the Digital Circus, Caine sends the performers on yet another adventure. Jax, being the smug & sly person that he is, chooses to sneak off to not deal with the adventure or everyone else, and simply decides to walk within a more secluded parts of the Circus to think alone. He hears someone behind him after a while, and who's the person who greets him? A small, affable, and also constantly smiling cartoony cat named Julius.
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(Original by Kenneth YT, the vid was deleted, but someone reuploaded it)
He introduces himself, and almost immediately he & Jax hit it off as people who have common hobbies & being smug all the time. During the conversation, Julius offhandedly comments if Jax gets tired of being in the Circus, and Jax responses with "Well obviously! I just can't express it openly", so Julius offers him a deal that goes unsaid. They talk so much that when Jax ultimately has to come back when the current day's adventure ends, he brings Julius along with him. Also almost immediately, Julius befriends the rest of the performers, acting nice and friendly in a way that Jax found odd and sudden. Caine initially is confused, as Julius seems to operate akin to an NPC, but he acts just like a human (he has no idea Julius is anything BUT human), so he just decides on the "he's a human" view and graciously accepts him into the Circus.
Here's where things go from very light-hearted to dark as shit real quick-
As the days go on, Julius proves to be a funny, but also competent and silly addition to the Circus, playing off well with basically everyone, and taking all the adventures in stride, even not reacting that much to the wacky hijinks of the adventures, and in fact joins along for fun. He also does things that ultimately have most of the performers looking at him favorably, such as: finding an insect collection for Kinger, comforting Gangle & fixing her comedy mask in a giffy, helping Ragatha in being a positive influence for everyone, being respectful to Zooble, and even being encouraging for Pomni to find the exit. In a very strange twist though...he does absolutely nothing for Jax, and for the most part leaves him to do everything alone. This gradually starts to get on Jax's nerves despite putting up his smug front all the time, and one day, he confronts Julius about it when they're alone. Julius just responds that he's doing Jax a favor, especially in not having to deal with the other performers or Caine anymore, and in a slight hint of what's to come, suggests Jax take a break and not come out of his room for a day. Jax reluctantly does so, and what happens? The entire adventure for that day goes by smoothly, to the point everyone almost forgets Jax even existed for a few moments. When he finally arrives to greet everyone at the digital feast, the performers are talking to Julius, and practically ignore Jax until he ahems for attention, and only there he is acknowledged by everyone, and in a first, even Gangle and Pomni don't try to be friendly and give off neutral greetings. Despite sitting at the table with them, Jax slowly starts to feel rather...alone. And he could swear that when he looked at Julius for a second, Julius stared back, his smug smile having a hint of maliciousness in it.
As more days pass, there's a gradual shift in the dynamics and status quo of the Circus. First, Jax starts to be slowly exluded from main adventures and only relegated to watch them at best, and when he questions Caine about that, he replies that Julius gave him that suggestion after giving a convincing argument about Jax "needing a break". Second, Julius starts to badmouth and criticize the heck out of Jax to the other performers when the latter isn't around, playing on their already established dislike of him to get the other performers to start to openly show their dislike of Jax. Even Gangle & Kinger begin to put their piece/ribbon down and verbally/occasionally physically retaliate when Jax tries to jokingly insult/shove them around. On the now increasing rare times Jax is included on an adventure, he's the one most targeted by everyone else, being subjected to the most pain & losses in competitive challenges than anyone else, with Julius being the most vocal & smug about it as everyone gains the courage to talk smack about Jax even when he's around. Despite not outwardly showing it, all this slowly starts to get to Jax, as he gets into more and more heated arguments with everyone, but especially Julius, blaming him for being so biased & turning everyone against him. Julius consistently acts sad & hurt whenever Jax does this, making all the performers get angry and defend him from Jax when he lashes out. It all comes to a head one day...
Jax punches Julius in the face after one smug/mocking comment by the latter too many
This makes everyone officially HATE Jax's guts as Caine shows his disapproval for things like this by putting the former on timeout and not allowed to go on adventures, plus being forced to only be able to walk around the hallway and nowhere else in the Circus. As he's hauled away, Jax sees a very satisfied smile in Julius, with a mocking wink to complete it. During his timeout, Jax slowly begins to feel isolated and lost as he now knows everyone hates him and will likely never want to talk again, and the one person who made this happen being Julius. After some time thinking it over, he starts to theorize that Julius may be hiding something, and resolves to find out what. He suddenly hears a knocking at the door, and surprise, surprise, it's Julius. He again comments on how Jax's timeout is doing, and in a fit of genuine anger, the latter says:
"What the @#$= do you have against me?!"
Julius smiles, begins to state some bizzare things Jax can't understand, and as they walk into the hallway, Julius reveals a bombshell that floors Jax.
"You see my silly bunny friend, I'm not exactly what you'd call a 'human' around here...I'm much more than that."
And that's when Jax notices a black, tar-like oily substance begin to drip into the floor as he witnesses Julius begin to very disturbingly contort and twist his body in unnatural ways, his arms becoming look & noodle-like, his neck becoming floppy and creaky, and his legs becoming pointed at the end, his whole body turning pitch black, and to cap it all off, his smiling teeth becoming less like molars and are now VERY sharp-like, with his pupils now dilated so much the rest of his eyes were barely visible...
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Cartoon Cat: "Who's ready for a game of Catch the Bunny?"
(All right, that's all I have for now, I may expand upon it soon enough. To those who show interest, let me know what you think of this?)
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moonflowers64 · 7 months ago
Hello! :D My name is Moonflowers64! and Here's some you should know about me! :3. (Please read!)
I'm a Minor!. :3 and I love to draw stuff!
I am a a part of the lgbtq+ commnity!.
more specifically I am pansexual or bisexual!.
Some of the stuff that I might post on here may have:
Blood Gore violence cursing and mentions of other stuff that may be disturbing to others. so please be careful when viewing this blog!.
When I posted something that has have blood gore or violence and other stuff that may be disturbing for other people I'll make sure to put a trigger warning at the top! Still be careful when doing this blog!
This blog is 13-14+!
If you are under 13 then please get off the platform. This platform isn't made for people under the age of 13!
My preferred pronouns are: she/her/they/them!.
But any pronouns are fine!!
You can dm me on Tumblr. please just be respectful of my wishes when messaging me!
As of right now I don't have any other socials yet!.
I probably won't post to often!
my inbox is closed for now!
—•—–-·✿·-–—•—–-·✿·-–—•—–-·✿·-–—•—–-·✿·-–—•—–-·✿·-–—•— Here are some fandoms I'm in! (That I can remember, and please note that this list may change!)
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Minecraft: empires SMP (favorite one was season 1)
Minecraft: the life series SMP (favorite ones: 3rd life and limited life)
Minecraft: outsiders SMP (currently trying to get into it)
Steven universe
Pippi Longstocking
The SCP foundation
(Does this even count???) Trevor Henderson Creations
Resident Evil
The Remarried Empress
The Male Lead's Girl friend
Shows/series that I like/liked!(Please note that this list may change!)
Steven Universe
Pippi Longstocking
The Amazing Word Of Gumball
(Does this count??)SpookyMonth
Minecraft: empires SMP
Minecraft: The Life Series
Minecraft: Rats SMP(season 1 and 2)
Minecraft: Outsiders SMP(still trying to get into it)
Games I like!
Gacha life 2 and Gacha club!
Among Us
Lethal Company
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Nameless Cat
Resident Evil (I really like RE 7 & 8 :3 )
•I don't and won't make ANY NSFW of ANYTHING.
•so please don't not ask for that kind of stuff!.
•Side note: 👇🏼
please note that I am really REALLY not comfortable with NSFW stuff of any kind :)
Stuff I'm okay with! :
Making characters kiss
Ships! (Like poly ships monogamous ships gay/lesbian ships and straight ships! etc)
Adult jokes. (Just Not too TOO adult!)
Offensive humor (not too TOO offensive)
I'm okay with reblogs!
I'm okay with funart if you choose to do so (just nothing suggested/NSFW!)
I'm okay with you using my art for profile pictures and background pictures as long as you have my permission or you credit me if you do!
I'm okay with drawing blood gore and others dark stuff and I'm ok making disturbing and dark stories and au's!
I'm okay with the mentions of blood gore violence and dark subjects (just don't go into very VERY graphic detail!)
I'm ok with asks that are dark (but with characters stories and aus only and not too graphic!!)
I'm ok with role-plays!
(I'm okay with the rp's getting a LITTLE dark sometimes! As long as both of us (or more) are okay with it and consent with to it!)
I'm okay with fanfics and headcannons of my stories characters and au's!
Stuff I'm not comfortable doing and won't be doing:
NSFW or 18+ role-plays.
NSFW art artwork.
NSFW about stories characters and au's.
•NSFW account(s)
•NSFW or 18+ role-plays
•NSFW of ANY kind
•Under 13 years old (if you are under 13 then please PLEASE get off of Tumblr)
•If you see anyone participating in ANY of the following. PLEASE please report and block them!!
And if you are one of the following then DNI/DNC:
homophobic people❌
Any form of Lollipop/Cheese Pizza❌
Zoophiles ❌
problematic shippers (like shipping adults with minors. Etc ) ❌
“Trolls”/People Harassing other people for no reason or because they think it's ““““funny”””” ❌
That's all for now!
Stay safe out there! :3
Please remember to be respectful to other people and other people's boundaries!.:D
And I wish you a wonderful and pleasant night or day!<3
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ratmannn · 2 years ago
Ratman's OC Masterlist
I'll be real, this isn't gonna be finished by a longshot when i post it, I just have too many god damn ocs so I'm probably just gonna update this in the future. I'm just gonna start with ocs that are on my mind recently and I've been drawing
Click the readmore to see em (not super intense but im gonna put a bodyhorror warning here just in case since Necronomicom is at the top and I'm adding pictures where I can)
Current Fandoms Listed
Necronomi.com (Original Universe)
Dungeons and Dragons (Incomplete)
Whats up its time for cringe, these are gonna be organized by fandom/setting
This is a setting I made with few characters so far but they're basically just monsters existing in a modern setting (heavy inspo from Trevor Henderson I'll admit)
Tadpole (she/it)
Formerly a human, Tadpole is a "demon" that feeds on nightmares. She's just very very big and honestly turned out kind of motherly, since it replaces nightmares with good dreams by nature and will sing to people having nightmares if it can't reach them.
Here is she
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Bandage (any, i usually default to it/its)
Bandage is another "demon" but instead of coming from a human, Bandage was originally a fern. It doesn't have a single true form, but the one constant between its forms are bandages wrapped around its face, only revealing one eye if any
Its resting form is closest to a true form and its a potted fern and it also has a humanoid "commimunication" form it plays with sometimes (both pictured)
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Maybe eventually there'll be more than DnD in here, this is more just TTRPG characters
Nowhere (he/him)
My sweet Teifling Warlock (very original i know) Nowhere. He's half elven, hence his ears, and completely swagless. He is dying more than half of the time because his pact makes him violently ill. He originally wanted to be a wizard like his adoptive lesbian moms but that didn't work out and he got a little desperate.
In specific circumstances he's Asmodeus himself's accident son and also stole Strahd von Zarovich's husband with his loser rizz
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I love this game it sucks ass. I have a fucking LAUNDRYLIST of various worldbuilding headcanons if anyone gets curious
Anyway, onto the wizards
Zachary Wyrmtail (he/him)
My Thaumaturge. He's a prior main who has taken the sidelines for now while I procrastinate Zafaria. Level 71.
Hes a resident of the Spiral since he was young, but was originally taken from Earth. Taken to none other than Marleybone unfortunately. He grew up there with barely restrained talent in ice magic but he got an Elsa complex about it because Marleybone is dumb and hates magic. He's better now. Still British but he's cool and very sunshiney
Depicted at 21 years old, still in school and simultaneously the only competent detective to ever join (and leave) the Marleybone Police Force
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Joshua Inkweaver (he/him)
My Conjurer. Current main at level 36. No idea what I'm gonna do when I hit Zafaria on him.
He's a resident of Wizard City, born and raised, and grew up on Cyclops Lane. He has three younger sisters, Kestrel, Holly and Angela. He loves writing fiction and dreams of one day hopes to write a story so legendary that there come to be Myth spells based around it. As you can imagine, he is rather pretentious about it, but he LOOOVES to help his juniors when they're too afraid to ask Professor Drake. Complete motherhen. He works part time at the Wizard City Library, which really expedites his tutoring process since he knows exactly where everything is. Every bossfight with him consists of him cussing the boss out and calling them a jackass and moron in various ways until he finds the right words to make them cry. His favorite evokation.
For my artistic purposes, Joshua is the same age as Zachary and in the same grade. In game though, I have him at about 17 and in Mooshu.
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Groups to add
Ensemble Stars
Diablo 3
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hopelesswritergall · 2 years ago
Who i write for
if someone of a fandom is not on here feel free to send me a message and i will look into it.
I love getting random asks about either me, stuff I write or just random stuff. Don’t be afraid to ask stuff :))
Everything on this list can be requested as well as suggestions about other characters! I’ll write both platonic and romantic as well as the yandere variants of both. If you do request and regression piece do note it will not be yandere.
I’m mainly doing HOTD and GoT stuff, because I like those the most. :)
Request Information
House of the dragon
Nothing yet..
Wednesday (tv series)
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Criminal minds:
Spencer reid
Aaron hotchner
Derek morgan
Penelope Garcia
Emily Prentiss
David Rossi
Game of thrones:
Too many characters
Finn Wolfhard/ Characters:
Miles Fairchild
Trevor Spengler
Boris Pavlikovsky
Yandere Boris
Yandere Boris hc
Mike Wheeler
Richie Tozier
Finn Wolfhard
Sister hc
Stranger things:
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Bus trip
Chrissy Cunnigham
Robin Buckley
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Will Byers
Yandere hc
Jonathan Byers
Peter Ballard
The lab
Yandere hc
Peter Parker
Yandere headcanons
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delcat177 · 3 years ago
Calling in a favor
A friend, a cool artist and game developer based in Toronto, is putting together a MEGA RAD semi-annual horror anthology! Check the flash:
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Cover art by Trevor Henderson
Rejoice with us, beings of meat!
PARADOX GHOST PRESS PRESENTS THE FIRST ISSUE OF BLEED ERROR, a deeply unsettling collection of short stories, flash fiction, and poetry about the bleed error of the universe printing outside the margins of reality. With cover art by Trevor Henderson and housing some of the most profound love letters to the uncanny, this glossy-covered, semi-annual collection is something you should let yourself be gently cursed by. You won’t regret it, we’re fairly sure.
We cannot stress how important pre-orders are to us as a small company that refuses to publish via major POD websites. This is our first issue, which also means we need a projected number of copies to print. Please don’t let us fall into the fathomless abyss of failure where our bones will be gnawed to dust by foes unseen. Please, please support us by purchasing early, and you avail a special discount! It would mean the world (and other shrouded, sinister worlds) to us.
And yes, we are still soliciting flesh – er, submissions! You can read more on the guidelines HERE.
Source is the pre-order and submission page. Does your work fit any of the following?
We’re looking for short stories, flash fiction, and poetry that runs the gamut of everything from absurdist horror to bizarre science-fiction to unsettling dark fantasy. We love the uncanny; what we look for is the telling drop in your stomach when you absently look up at the skies and there are far more constellations than you’d remembered, brighter and closer and in configurations you don’t quite recall. We want stories about the bleed error of the universe printing outside the margins of reality. We are interested in stories with LGBTQ2S+ and diverse leads, especially with narratives that are not confined to tragedy tropes.
I know it does, because I know you (I’ve read your creepypasta, too)--if you’re a talent, and you don’t have a place for it to call home, why not consider getting in on the ground floor of something amazing? There’s almost a month left before submissions are closed, you can consider it a challenge!
Why is this calling in a favor? Why, I’m glad you asked!
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It so happens this producer is one of my own, dare I say our own--a bona fide and quality-controlled member of the Don’t Starve fandom. Now, I know I am speaking from personal bias when I say that the DS fanbase is an overwhelmingly warm and talented community, but I as sure do not speak from personal bias when saying that as a whole, we god damn adore some quality uncanny horror. We are given to gas lights and goblins, be they in the literal, figurative, or far-flung future alternate universe form, and we want to see them thrive.
That’s why I am asking you, here, today, to open up your hearts (and if applicable, your wallets) and show a little consideration for the one of us that could be any, and rises to this honorable goal with heart in hands, breathless with anticipation and clutched viciously by the shadows of anxiety as numbers are crunched and dreams are made. I believe us to be capable of not just propping enough pre-orders to sell, but in making Bleed Error something we will be proud to have even the slightest hand in. I believe us to be the artists, the writers, the magic bean buyers who can propel something great to greatness. We can set that on its trajectory, and we can do it one reblog at a time.
And, anyway, you know...some of you guys like me too, and I’m not in it or anything, but...Zampano was good to me during what you know have been some difficult months, and that kind of character is, I think, worth rewarding.
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This is an unsolicited advertisement, or unvertisement. It is done without solitication (or knowledge) of the creator. I just wanna see this cool as hell project get off the ground. Thank you!
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tornrose24 · 3 years ago
Has anyone ever noticed that most of the AUs for Captain Underpants on tumblr tend to be surprisingly serious or dark despite being for a humorous kids series? Look at these ones:
Sticky Notes AU
-Both CU and Krupp find out about each other/the hypnotism and it causes severe mental stress for both of them
-CU develops both existential and trust issues
-Krupp is someone who SHOULD have gotten a therapist several years ago (and basically just stopped giving a shit about caring/putting in effort/nearly everything in general after so many years).
-They are basically each other’s therapist
Piqua Mystery Dungeon AU
-Mostly the same as above
-Two kids and a person who hates their guts are accused of a crime they didn’t commit and are on the run from basically everyone. Said person who hates their guts is forced into being their only parental guardian during this time.
Bendypants AU
-It’s based off ‘Bendy and the Ink Machine’ for starters.
-George and Harold had a falling out and are no longer friends (probably haven’t been in contact in years).
-The monsters/ink creatures WERE once human beings.
-Imagine a monster that stole your voice, made you into a cartoon creation, and has an obsession with your wife/sweetheart. That’s what happens to Krupp. And that’s just the start...
-Based off Trevor Henderson’s creations for starters.
-Graphic deaths are said to have happened during the story.
-There’s a corpse inside Krupptoon. An ACTUAL corpse.
-A character loses limbs before getting murdered according to the au’s timeline.
Labyrinth AU
-If you don’t beat the Labyrinth in time, you lose your memories and turn into a goblin
-Child kidnapping (obviously, given what the AU is).
Danganronpa AU
-No one dies in this version, but if you know what ‘Danganronpa’ is...
-Kids forced to turn on each other in order to survive and experience personal, varying levels of despair.
-Someone undergoes an ‘Izuru Kamakura’ (getting your personality wiped away just so every talent imaginable can be put into you).
-DR2 is part of the au, so if you know the actual truth behind that cast of characters...
Princeasimdiya and tornrose24
Tangled AU
-Imagine the plot of Tangled, but the Rapunzel and Eugene characters are children.
-Childhood trauma and abuse are made more clear/explored.
-Blood is involved moreso than in the film the AU is based on.
tornrose24 (I’m only sticking to the AUs that I did fan fics for)
LM (Little Mermaid AU)
-Children running away from home due to threat of oppression and being thrown in jail where emotional trauma would occur. 
-What happens when you don’t get serious therapy/don’t talk to someone about things that concern you/succumb to depression or despair.
-Someone almost drowns during a storm. And someone almost gets shot.
Pinocchio AU
-All the nightmarish stuff that happened in the Disney version happens here too.
-Takes place during WW 2 and addresses issues like racism during this time. (Also guess which part of WW 2 history is used to emotionally break CU.)
-Seriously–the fan fic/AU WILL become even more dark if you understand the WW 2 references.
-Loss of family/loved ones.
(I forgot who made this one but it was back in the day)
Bad Dolphin AU
-Harold completely loses his ability to laugh and works under the Professor and George turns into a lizard monster.
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trout-scout · 3 years ago
ohhhohoh... 1 and 16 for Ms. Donna Beneviento :>c and 21 for an OC of yours! wild card! your choice who it is!
DONNA :') who is both my wife and a character i identify strongly with. therapists please evaluate.
1- Favourites thing(s) about this character?
Back in May 2021, someone (i think trevor henderson) posted a screenshot of her 3d model from the model viewer on Twitter and I didn't even know anything about the game at the time and I was like.....oh......that's gonna live in my mind for the next fifty years. I love her design. Obviously, since i dress up as her, huehuehue. It combines some of my absolute favorite aesthetic elements: strong silhouette, Victorian mourningwear, death imagery, Japanese theater kuroko, and high strangeness. It tells you so much about her & Angie without any words needing to be said. Which, essentially, none are.
I also love what one can glean about her from walking through her house, which, may I add, is house goals. yes even the basement (especially the basement). The little ornaments, the crafting supplies, the two teacups in the reading nook, the mixture of cozy turn of the century elegant homeyness with a folksy twist & this kind of painful, quiet loneliness, this intense aura of dread. The whole time one is there, despite their nice surroundings, you feel this sucking black pit down at the bottom of your stomach and you know terrible things happened here.
A lot of the reason I identify so strongly with her is this sense of hiddenness, this repression, this covering-up. 
a lot of folks say the house B section is boring to replay but I don't find that the case at all. The atmosphere is too strong for it to be boring even when I know the puzzles.
and i love that she's pretty and fashion goals shhhhh
16- What do you think would improve this character? Like, character-arc wise?
Honestly...I have no idea. Part of the impact of her segment is that she both is and isn't present, and that it is relatively brief. If it was longer, would it lose some of its power? I have a lot of thoughts about a potential backstory and what she does all day, and the precise nature of her powers/the Angie situation, but...
I don't know, I was about to say that maybe if the hallucinations were more bizarre and vivid, but seeing as the leadup to the baby is one of the scariest things I have ever experienced in my life (I think I yelled NO, NO, NO the first AND second times playing that) I can't really suggest anything better! Maybe a weirder boss fight? idk game mechanics w/e
Okay, self-indulgent answer is "entire game where you play as Donna during a normal day and you must navigate her self-induced nightmare visions where her entire tragic, traumatic backstory is revealed via allegorical hallucinations...while picking flowers", but that's just my fic Burial. shameless plug.
21- Wild card! Talk about anything to do with this character! Anything at all!
So in 2015 a friend and I started writing this astronomically stupid story entitled White House Black Market after the business casual clothing chain, which was intentionally a kind of mash up of X-Files, Gossip Girl, and the film Jupiter Ascending (later also a lot of other things, but that was the OG pitch). It involved a disgraced journalist uncovering a conspiracy regarding the president of the USA selling genetically modified human test subjects to an incredibly bisexual and hot alien king so he could save his people from a plague.
And then it spiraled out into this wild epic story involving ancient progenitor aliens, dead cosmic god-entities, the galactic government getting corrupted by the aforementioned president, archaeology, extradimensional travel, and secrets. And this one assassin character who was shamelessly based on Garak from DS9 and this art I once saw of General Hux from Star Wars as a sniper. His name was Janus Sicarius. And all this to say is I really miss writing this guy because he had the most heartbreaking backstory and worldview and I'm forever chasing that high with creating character backstories. none quite hit the same.
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realm-sweet-realm · 4 years ago
The Friendly Long Horse
Long Horse is a character created by Trevor Henderson. Please support his works.
I was leaning against a fence, watching my wife’s two horses graze in the field. The brown one, Buttercup, trotted over to me for pats. I reached out to pet her, and her lips peeled back from her teeth. She bit down hard, and tugged off my hand. I pulled my arm away, screaming. My hand disappeared into her mouth. Her ear flicked, her eyes were calm. Like nothing was abnormal about this. Then, she put her head through the fence and bit my arm. Before I knew it, I was being pulled through the fence and into her mouth, bit by bit, until she’d consumed all of me.
I woke up.
A dream. Of course. If it weren’t a dream, I would have run away once she’d eaten my hand, and she wouldn’t have put her head through the barbed-wire fence, anyhow. Of course, that’s all pretty silly to mention considering that no horse, but especially not Buttercup, would casually eat a human alive.
In the early morning darkness, I noticed what looked like a horse skull, with no jaw and a few strands of black mane, peaking out from behind my door. I dismissed it as a trick of the light and went back to sleep.
The next morning, the horse skull was still there, staring at me.
Unsure what to do, I approached the door. The skull vanished the second I opened it, as though it was never there. It had moved, as though by teleportation, to peeking out at me from behind a corner before the staircase. That’s how it was all morning- the horse skull was always there, watching from behind something, disappearing whenever necessary. I value my privacy, so I tried pushing it out while I was in the shower, but it vanished right before I could touch it, appearing at the other side of the shower curtain.
It was with me on my way to work, peering from behind lamp posts as I drove. I turned on the radio. Turned it way up. This had to be a hallucination. An entire horse could not fit behind a lamp post. Not to mention everything else wrong with this. I sincerely hoped that I wasn’t losing my mind.
The thing is, this didn’t map onto any mental illness I knew of, and as a psychology PhD who has worked for years at an insane asylum, I would know. People who have hallucinations don’t know that they’re having hallucinations, and any psychotic disorder you could name comes with other symptoms, like slurred speech and delusions. Of course, the person is not always aware of these symptoms- my clients have often said that the first sign of an episode starting is that strangers treat them differently.
I did not want people to treat me differently, so I did not mention the horse skull to any sane human being. However, I did mention it to one of my clients that day, while administering an ink blot test.
“Do you see the horse skull?” I asked.
My client, a slack-jawed 28-year-old man who looked twice his age, squinted at the ink blot photo that I held in my hand.
“No. I mean the one over there.” I pointed to it. He looked over his shoulder and then back at me.
“No. Should I?” he asked.
“No. No, that’s a good sign,” I said. I felt as though the skull were mocking me.
Every night for the next three nights, I had nightmares of dying at the hooves of a horse. I’d been trampled. I’d ridden horses off of cliffs or into incoming traffic. I’d even had a horse drown me in his trough.
Each morning I would wake up to that damned skull, and I was able to sense her in a new way. On the first day, I became capable of smelling her- she smelled like cinnamon and rotting bone. The next, I became capable of hearing her make her little snorts and whinnies. On the next, a fog descended upon everything in my immediate environment, and I felt that it was a part of her.
I didn’t know what to do. To be frank, I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to spend my evenings on the other side of the insane asylum walls. I didn’t think it would help, anyhow- I’d had time by now to thoroughly consult the DSM-V, and if I were crazy, it was a type of crazy that no one had bothered to study or cure yet.
On the fifth day I spent with that skull watching me, I came home in the evening to a message written across my bedroom wall in black:
Go ride Blackjack.
I went. I felt insane for obeying the message, but I went.
Blackjack is ostensibly my horse. My wife had thought Buttercup was lonely, and that it would be nice for us to ride horses together, and so she bought a black gelding that was big enough for me to ride. I found out pretty quickly, though, that riding is not at all my thing, and so Blackjack hasn’t been ridden in a couple years. She tells me that he’s perfectly happy just running around the pasture, and she’s the one that would know. She grew up on and inherited this farm- I’m just some city mouse that she met at college.
Once I got to the stable, the first obstacle presented itself: I didn’t know where his saddle was, and even if I did, I had no idea how to put it on. The horse skull peered me from behind a wooded post and patted Blackjack’s back with her chin.
“Bareback?” I asked.
She nodded in response.
I prayed that I wasn’t committing some sort of horse abuse, took Blackjack out, and got on him. He started galloping immediately. My heart nearly stopped. This was like too many of my nightmares.
Blackjack took me down a dirt road until we came to a wooded area. By then, the sun was setting, and combined with the fog that I’d become used to squinting through, it was making it difficult to see. We entered the wooded area. And there was what she meant to show me.
Approaching the corpse under the giant, rotted tree, I desperately hoped that it was just a big deer. As soon as those solid, round hooves came into view through the mist, though, I knew better. It was Buttercup, her ribs torn open. Her body was cold, and yet there were no tooth marks on her. She was perfectly preserved except for a surgical-looking slit on her belly, and the fact that her ribs looked to have been torn open and then put vaguely back into place.
My wife would be devastated, and what was more, I now had to face that I wasn’t crazy. Something supernatural was happening, and I didn’t know what.
The horse skull was floating next to me now- the first time I saw her and she wasn’t hidden from me. She tapped me on the shoulder and then floated over to a patch of dirt. Her mist parted, revealing a message constructed from Buttercup’s intestines.
I got back onto Blackjack, who gave me a swift ride home. I said nothing of the event to anyone, even when my wife mentioned that Buttercup was missing and called the police over it. I did not sleep that night. It didn’t feel safe. I thought about waking her up and getting her to leave with me, but how would I explain to her that I wanted to leave home because a horse skull had led me to a message spelled out in Buttercup’s remains? Finally, I came up with an excuse.
“Sharol?” I said, shaking her awake. “We should leave. Whoever took Buttercup is probably still out there. We’d be safer somewhere else until the police can come and take a look at what happened.”
“Don’t be silly,” she said, still snuggled into bed. “We’ll be fine. Go back to sleep.”
I’d known it was a long shot. Still, I didn’t want to leave her. “Please. I feel like we might not be safe here.”
“It’s two in the morning,” was all she said.
I... left without her. I shouldn’t have. I was still in the mindset that this wasn’t quite real, I guess. I was going to leave for a motel, but the fog on the road was incredibly thick. I could see nothing but white all around me. The horse skull appeared in front of me on the road, and it seemed to be backing up at the same pace as I was going towards it. Finally, I got out of the car. The skull approached me, and a few feet of spine appeared behind it. It- no, she, I knew it was a she now, somehow- encircled me. I was expecting something awful to happen, but nothing did. The words, “It has arrived. Stay here if you want to live,” appeared to me in the mist.
Of course, I wanted to go back for Sharol. And I got into the car despite the horse’s protests, but I couldn’t find the turn-off to our house in all of the fog. 
“Get rid of it!” I yelled at the horse skull. “I know you can! Get rid of this fog so that I can go back to my wife!”
The horse skull did not respond. I ended up just spending the rest of the night in my car, with the horse skull curled up on my lap.
The fog dissipated a few hours later, and I took that as a cue that it was safe to go back home. It was not a pretty sight. A quick look in the barn made it seem as though all of the livestock had been turned inside out, and various equipment had been thrown about. There were no bloody footprints on the ground, and anyhow, it would have been nearly impossible to butcher and flay so many animals in only a few hours. The inside of the house looked as though a hurricane had hit it. I remember stepping over piles of broken glass and pottery in the kitchen. I went up to our bedroom, terrified, but Sharol’s corpse wasn’t there. Maybe she’d gotten away. I went to the garage to see, and... there it was. The mutilated corpse of a human, with a sledge hammer in her hands. Black goo covered one side of the sledge hammer like blood. She’d been trying to fight off whatever had been here.
The horse skull put its chin on my shoulder in a comforting gesture. I picked up the sledgehammer from her hands, shaking with the temptation to bash the creature’s skull in for not doing any of the things it could have done to save her. The damn skull could have told me what was coming. It could have given her a message. It could have given me a message that I could have shared with her without showing her Buttercup’s disembodied guts.
In my anger, I took a swing at her, and the skull fell to the ground, seemingly undamaged somehow. In an instant, I could see her entire spine- I guess because she was out cold and wasn’t able to hide it anymore. The spine went right out of the garage door, out the door to my house, and down the street for what seemed like half a mile. I saw a car drive over it, seemingly clipping through as though her spine didn’t even exist. Then, it started moving, picking up into the sky. And she left. Maybe she was mad at me for being ungrateful for her protection, or scared that I’d hurt her again, or she just had the understanding that her work here was done. But whatever her reasons, I never saw her again.
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axemetaphor · 4 years ago
Hey, I'm that guy from ao3. I was wondering, do you have a specific place you get inspo for monsters in Auckland? I'm making a DnD campain in the J&D world, aaand I kinda need help haha. Yours are like perfect <3 (Also, if you wanna join us, you can, we haven't even had our zero session and we're not playing actual DnD, I don't know how to play that, so it's ok if you don't know that, it's super easy and fun i swear, you can get a link to our discord, love you)
:0 oh shit hi !! a jdate DnD game sounds cool as fuck! im really bad at games like that tho so im gonna politely pass on that one but wish y'all the best of luck!!! 
as for making monsters my inspo is Kind Of Weird? i mean i look at a lotta horror art for sure (my favourite artist atm is Trevor Henderson aka slimyswampghost on most medias, u may know him as That Guy Who Made Sirenhead but he has a lot of other fantastic art as well!), but since i dont wanna feel like im rippin other people off i actually Dont often use that as inspo! aaaand heres where its gonna get a bit weird
aside from the times i pluck a creature from my nightmares (and boy, do i have a lotta material to work with there), i usually either look into folklore (bein mindful of closed cultures like, i believe most Native American monsters are off-limits for non-Natives to write; im white as hell so i try to stick to british/irish/more recent american shit) or... i look to this one game i played Obsessively when i was in elementary/middle school: Spore (which you can find on Steam i think or their hilariously hasn't-been-updated-in-a-WHILE website). I literally played it so much I can just kind of... imagine the whole creature-creator process. I think it’s a curse. I think Todd Howard cursed me for the crime of Having No Friends.
Now, if you dont wanna download a probably-poorly-aged EA game from 2007 (i dont even know if it’d run anymore if you Just Now bought it, i remember the security measures that thing had damn near broke the game before i could even play it, thanks EA) and play through the first two stages (theyre Long) to unlock the creature creator and all the Bits for it, you can either watch people play that shit on YouTube (Monster Factory is a favourite of mine, they did I Think a 3-video run of Spore) or, 
You can also do somethin that I once did as an assignment for Character Design class: go to a random animal generator, let it spit out 2-3 animals (or as many as you like, i guess, but i find 2-3 to be a Manageable number) and mash those motherfuckers together! Hell, you can even start to mix in stuff like objects/minerals/whatever the fuck too. Make something that’s a dog, hammerhead shark, and the concept of entropy. Go nuts! Here’s an example, some shit I made for that class (which mayyyyyy appear in Auckland...... perhaps. if i feel like it) :
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They can range from “cute” to “nightmarish” as you please! Fun fact, that spider/shark/scorpion is meant to be the size of a house. I honestly come up with a lot of messed up shit by just asking myself "What's the worst thing I can think of right now?" and then I just Go For It with whatever my brain's thrown at me. I did that with Nightmare E.T. and the fucked-up ostriches. 'Scary' is often a sort of personal thing for people, like phobias and shit, you know? Lookin inward can be pretty helpful there. Not like you have to make something of your phobias, just maybe run with something that disturbs you a little. If you press yourself for why it bothers you sometimes you can find something deeper and maybe more universal in it. I'm not talking about unearthing trauma or anything tho that likely Wouldn't Be Healthy just like... if you think spiders are creepy, ask yourself Why: is it the eyes? the legs? the venom? the way they just kinda creep up on you, like, you dont notice em til you see them? etc.
As for the monsters in Auckland while most of them aren’t gonna be references (maybe a few more in future chapters...) I will admit the “morning wood monster” is a reference to the Pokémon Trevenant; the "most fucked-up dog [Dave had] ever seen" was a creature from The Moomins just described as horribly as possible--I can't find it on the wiki anymore??? it was from the 2d animated one, though; the Shitsucker is a regular ol’ Wraith (following a specific mythos where they aren’t just Random Ghosts but beings that feed off negative emotional energy, I can't re-find which one I'm sorry lmao); and the haunted ship thing at the beginning is a vague reference to the Buzzfeed Unsolved episode on that big ass boat. Isn't directly tied to it (obviously, 'cause Buzzfeed Unsolved never has much Actual Ghost Activity, let alone one Throwin Shit At Em jhgfds), more just inspired by it.
Maybe when the thing is done, I’ll sort them all into one of three categories--references to stuff/folklore, things i had nightmares about, and things i just kind of thought up. Make a post on here about it, idk
wow! this was fuckin long. i hope at least some of that is helpful!! also im adding this here cause i just remembered some people use Spore to sculpt like?? beautiful monsters and shit?? like i Know i watched a “speedrun” of someone creating a beautiful ass dragon in it. there’s probably a whole community of people out there making epic and/or fucked up shit and you could watch them build it or just scroll through thumbnails for inspo, but i do feel like Building Stuff Yourself is best, cause it just kind of Feels Nice to make something yourself and go “hey man, look how fucked up this is ! scary, right?” and get that Success Feeling when the other guy recoils and goes "yeah man what the fuck though"
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togglepawz-moved · 5 years ago
“what do you use to draw?”
pixlr, a trackpad, and my left hand
“what fandoms are you in?”
mainly eddsworld, but i do post some glitchtale, she-ra, scp, and stranger things stuff from time to time. im also active in the warriors fandom. transformers as well.
“are you otherkin?”
uhhh not exactly eee. but heres a list of characters i really connect with.
kyle (she-ra)
cam (glitchtale)
will byers (stranger things)
scp-590/tj bright (scp foundation)
peridot (steven universe)
lapis lazuli (steven universe)
matt (eddsworld)
hellucard (eddsworld)
larry (eddsworld)
swiftpaw (warriors)
cloudtail (warriors)
whirl (transformers idw)
waspinator (transformers animated)
blades (transformers rescue bots)
“can i make you fanart?”
yeag go crazy lol
“what interests you?”
creepy/weird stuff (like trevor henderson’s art and the scp foundation) but not like “in your face jumpscare” shit, kidcore, and bOyS-
“have you ever had any fictional crushes?”
yeag. used to have a crush on ken from digimon lol. some others too but i forgot em. now my only crush is my boyfrienf
“who inspires you?”
art-wise: sleepykinq, trevor henderson, draikinator (JUST their art, not them as a person), louis wain
music-wise: lemon demon, tally hall, the scary jokes, blacksquares, phemiec
animation-wise: edd gould, sleepykinq, draikinator (yet again, just their content), alias/lucifer/birdie (same case as draikinator)
“are you aware of what hellucard di-”
YES I KNOW. i despise dominic charbonneau. very disgosto. but hellucard (the character) is baby
and thats all i can think of rn
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eddycurrents · 7 years ago
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For the week of 13 November 2017
Quick Bits:
Babyteeth #6 opens the floodgates of story after getting through the initial hurdle of getting Sadie and Clark out of imminent danger. Donny Cates gives us more depth as to what’s going on broader picture of the world and introduces us to the cult geared to protecting and raising Clark.
| Published by AfterShock
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Black Science #33 has the shit hit the fan as the confrontation between Grant and Kadir reaches its peak and then reality breaks. The mix of mad science and philosophy from Rick Remender on display here is wonderful, seeing a representation of Platonic ideals mapped onto quantum realities in a kind of unfurling of Gnostic cosmology is impressive. So too is Matteo Scalera’s art. He and Moreno Diniso really get to cut loose this issue and it looks wonderful.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Bloodshot Salvation #3 gives a revelation to the “soon” timeline of what’s happened to Ray, while in the “now” we get a confrontation between Ray and Daddy, Colin King helping out Magic, and Project Omen causing complications. I probably sound like a broken record, but Jeff Lemire, Lewis LaRosa, and Mico Suayan are doing some great things with this series.
| Published by Valiant
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Brilliant Trash #1 is an interesting take on superheroes. It’s a mix of government conspiracy and potentially mad science, told from the perspective of a journalist looking for a story in the appearance of a V-like figure, Lady Lastword’s, final speech and death. Tim Seely’s got something interesting here. Priscilla Petraites’ art is also quite nice, kind of a mix between Jamie McKelvie and Phil Hester.
| Published by AfterShock
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Dark Fang #1 continues the trend of not naming the protagonist in the body of the first issue. The solicitation copy and end piece are what’s needed to piece together the full premise of the series and name of the protagonist. That said, Miles Gunter does have a decent story here. It’s environmentalism through the lens of a centenarian vampire, Valla, who was friends with a fish until modern industry destroyed her ecosystem. But first, earning money as a cam girl and getting caught up in society’s obsession with cell phones and the internet. The art from Kelsey Shannon is a definite plus.
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Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #2 is every bit as fun, humorous, and action-packed as the first issue. Declan Shalvey has a great feel for both Wade and Logan and Mike Henderson’s art is truly wonderful. Only two issues in and this is just a fun, must-have wild ride.
| Published by Marvel
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Evolution #1 is a very strong debut issue with multiple voices brought together by the singular visuals of Joe Infurnari. Infurnari has a style that is a bit Tom Mandrake and a bit Bill Sienkiewicz and it is absolutely perfect. If you like David Cronenberg’s early horror films, even just a little bit, you owe it to yourself to at least check this out.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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The Family Trade #2 continues Jessa’s investigations into Berghardt and Mikkaelsen despite the protestation and outright prohibition by her Family. Her technique of getting close by blending in as a simple cleaning woman is a nice touch. The end, though, suffers a bit in who exactly Jessa is speaking to. I think it’s supposed to be her uncle, but I’m not sure.
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Fence #1 gives me the impression that everyone, even the protagonist, involved in competitive fencing is an asshole. That’s not necessarily a good impression of the sport, and gives a poor outlook on who to “cheer” for in the endeavour, but it may be an accurate depiction. Especially since many sports seem to be populated by jerks.
| Published by BOOM! Entertainment / Boom! Box
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Generation Gone #5 is a suitably insane conclusion to the first arc of this series. It’s violent, angry, and explosive - kind of like how you’d expect kids to react when they find out that the world is designed to see them fail. André Lima Araújo’s art has just been fantastic on this series.
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Hawkeye #12 is a team-up issue between Kate and Laura (All-New Wolverine) with Gabby and Jonathan in tow as well, illustrated by guest artist Michael Walsh who is easily proving he’s a force to contend with. This issue looks great and is fun as hell.
| Published by Marvel
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Jenny Finn #1 now in colour. If you haven’t read this masterpiece of Lovecraftian lit from Mike Mignola and Troy Nixey before, now’s a good time to do so. If you have, especially since this has been reprinted and repackaged a few times before, you’ll have to decide whether or not you want Dave Stewart’s colour. There was something to be said for the original black and white, although the colour version’s not bad.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Kill the Minotaur #6 is both an expected and unexpected conclusion to the series. Ariadne and Theseus’ confrontation of the Minotaur is suitably epic. I can’t say much more than that because they’d be massive spoilers, so enjoy this amazing artwork from Lukas Ketner.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Killer Instinct #2 does what I was afraid the first issue was going to do and dumps a lot of characters with intricate backstories from the game on us in one go. Where the first issue mainly focused on one character to ease us into the world, this issue gives us more of the Coven, a bunch of characters fighting over the Killer Instinct Tournament, and Jago. While the Jago and Tsar bits are fairly well executed, the central bit over Ultratech is a bit of sludge. As I said in response to the first issue, I’ve never played the game and know little about the world, so this felt a bit like being dropped right in the deep end. The art from Cam Adams is still nice, though.
| Published by Dynamite
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Maestros #2 quickly installs Will as the new Maestro and he begins making sweeping changes to the multiverse’s society, trying to bring concepts like equality and freedom to a world that only seems to know subjugation under magical will. It’s an interesting exploration of sociopolitical ideas from Steve Skroce and naturally it brings about severe pushback from those previously in charge. And betrayal.
| Published by Image
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Mech Cadet Yu #4 features the cadets first full on confrontation with the Sharg and it’s about as exciting as you would expect. Takeshi Miyazawa’s art is just wonderful and it’s really nice to see Yu thinking on his feet during the battle to ensure the continued survival of the entire team.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #1 is interesting. The relationship between Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has certainly been in the zeitgeist lately, this one doing something different and focusing on the end of Houdini’s career, long since the two had their falling out. Cynthia von Buhler sets up Minky looking into Houdini debunking spiritualists at the request of Doyle fairly well, but the main enticement is von Buhler’s art. She has a style that reminds me a bit of Melinda Gebbie and it works incredibly well for the smoky, pulpy atmosphere of the story.
| Published by Titan / Hard Case Crime
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Misfit City #7 lines up the dominoes in this penultimate issue. Overall this has been a great series and I’m excited to see how it ends. That being said, I wish there were more. The world needs more girl adventurer books and this one has been excellent.
| Published by BOOM! Entertainment / Boom! Box
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Ninja-K #1 is a damn fine new direction for Colin King, looking deep into the past of the Programme, dealing with the history of Ninjas A through L, and putting forth a mystery as to who killed Ninja-D and appears to be targeting the other remaining operatives. Christos Gage gives us a compelling mix of mystery and spy thriller that’s only topped by Tomás Giorello’s incredible artwork. Damn fine work.
| Published by Valiant
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Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #1 begins another pre-Hellboy, pre-BPRD series tying numerous disparate threads together and giving more backstory on the world. This first issue focuses more on Trevor Bruttenholm tracking down a decrypted Nazi message, but it could be about a talking head describing how to prepare an avocado because Christopher Mitten makes everything look amazing. Thankfully, though, the story isn’t bad either.
| Published by Dark Horse
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The Realm #3 reveals some chinks in the baddies’ armour as strong personalities clash. The artwork from Jeremy Haun is again one of the main drawing factors. This series just looks great.
| Published by Image
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Retcon #3 finally gets around to the premise that Matt Nixon and Toby Cypress were on about in the interview in the first issue. I’m thinking maybe for a storytelling point, they should have led with this, but it does give the series a better cohesion and purpose. This was the make or break issue for me and Crowley ripped from time to tattoo a baby won me over.
| Published by Image
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Star Wars: Darth Vader #8 continues Jocasta Nu’s infiltration of the Jedi Archive to retrieve an artifact from under the nose of the Grand Inquisitor. This issue gets a little...explosive.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #14 is Emilio Laiso’s debut on the comic and the artwork looks gorgeous. He did a great job on the Rogue One adaptation and it’s nice to see him back on a Star Wars title. Even if I’m going to miss the hell out of Kev Walker’s art.
| Published by Marvel
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #76 allows no rest for the turtles as they return home from Dimension X, also after the brief excursion with the Ghostbusters. Damian Courciero looks like he’s handling the art chores for this arc and it’s a welcome addition. He has a darker, somewhat more realistic style and it suits the chaos and destruction going on with the Earth Protection Force’s first contact with the Triceratons.
| Published by IDW
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Unholy Grail #4 continues this dark and twisted retelling of the Arthurian legend. Part of what really works about this series, though, is that it really isn’t that far removed from the other stories of glorious knights and magic, just given a different context,
| Published by AfterShock
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Other Highlights: Adrift, Alien Bounty Hunter #2, Amazing Spider-Man #791, Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #10, Bolivar, Champions #14, Curse Words #10, Defenders #7, Descender #26, Doctor Strange #381, Dreadful Beauty: The Art of Providence, East of West #33, Guardians of the Galaxy #147, Horizon #16, Incidentals #4, Incredible Hulk #710, James Bond: Kill Chain #5, Mage: The Hero Denied #4, Mighty Thor #701, Not Brand Echh #14, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #297, Postal #24, Punisher #218, Ringside #13, Secret Warriors #8, Sheena: Queen of the Jungle #3, TMNT/Ghostbusters 2 #3, The Wicked & The Divine #33, X-Men Blue #15, Zojaqan #2
Recommended Collections: Ab Irato, Goldie Vance - Volume 3, James Bond - Volume 1: Vargr, Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Star Wars: Captain Phasma, Luke Cage - Volume 1: Sins of the Father, Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys: The Big Lie, Regression - Volume 1: Way Down Deep, Rough Riders - Volume 2: Riders on the Storm, Star Wars: Poe Dameron - Volume 3: Legends Lost, World Reader - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy knows that evolution is a mystery, full of change that no one sees. He sees the line in the sand.
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