#Otaku review
dr4pos · 2 years
A "Reincarnated as a sword" review
ah feck i haven't done that in a while. let me see! A guy get's reincarnated in another world to mostly serve as a teaching narrarator to the true protagonist.
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The protagonist which will soon be named "Teacher" wakes up in an unknown world, balanced on a stone display. Realizing he got the basic cliche Isekai/gaming ability "appraisal", he now figured out that he is a sword, specifically, a so called "intelligence weapon" and even harbors some abilities of his own, like telepathy, which he uses to wield himself and slaughter different monsters for fun ... i mean to level up. his luck ran out the moment he landed on mana draining terrain, where a you girl of the black cat clan finds him.
I am so immensly suprised at how good this Anime is so far. I mean what would you think of this concept if you hear about it? not much and pure trash? yes i thought so too. but this anime might not be ground breaking or revolutionary, but exactly because it is as good as it is it managed to inspire me enough to finally write a review again.
first of all. you will obviously find certain cliches if you look for it, but that the main character is not the classic example of, every female being wants to bang them, is quite refreshing. As i already said is the reincarnated main character more of a teacher figure for the, what seems to be, the true Protagonist and also serves as a narative window for the viewers into this world and that is actually what makes this anime so good. It's not the classic example of protag being OP it's more a case of, protag knows his and his comrades abilities and shares our reaction when something suprising or interesting happens.
you obviously could say that is a cheap way of directing our own reactions and you might be right i won't deny that. but seeing the characters interact and specifically our reincarnated protag and our cat eared actual protag is in many moments, so far, just nice.
Will it be a mindbending experience? probably no Is it fun to watch? yes, very much Is it a very odd concept in a way to often milked genre? obviously is there any structural substance to the order of these questions? strawberry jam toast (no) is it worth watching, despite the doubts you might have? Absolutely
i would like to give it a higher ranking but for that i don't know enough. so i will give it a cautious 7/10 why? the interactions are fun, the concept is much better worked out than i thought and it is suprisingly solid so far. meaning. WATCH IT
Hope you liked it your God of Barista DR4POS
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1nternetangel · 3 months
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Figure review: Lucky star FREEing mini figures ^_^ I love theseee theyre my only lucky star figures so far! They all come with a second hand pose that you can switch out :3 the only issue is that the parts of the figure come apart easily, but that makes sense since im pretty sure these r older figs. Overall they are super cute and look nice next to my larger figures =^_^= 10/10
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yellow-yarrow · 10 months
tragic: anime that has interesting designs and solid animation has terribly stupid and weak plot
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mastacell · 4 months
Her First Day In Da Crew!! Delicious in Dungeon Episode 20 Review
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angeloftheodd · 3 months
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“Let’s play!” - Princess Peach 👑🎀✌️🌸
The world needed a new game with Princess Peach as the protagonist and it’s so sweet! 💘 Princess Peach: Showtime! is a cute game that has something for everyone. 🫶 I finished the game with my partner earlier this week. 😸 I love all the different Peach personas and looks! 🥰 I thought the Detective Peach levels were harder than the final boss. 🕵️‍♀️ I 10/10 recommend this game. 💯 Thanks, Nintendo! 💖
🍒 My Instagram (angel0fthe0dd) 🍒
🫐 My Xitter (GhiaWasHere) 🫐
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 months
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Back then, it was the era of "edgy and dark". Comic books tried to fit "extreme" and "X" into every new superhero name. Everyone wanted to be grimdark and violent, like Spawn, Venom, and The Dark Knight Returns. "Vulnerability? Whimsy? I don't know them!" That's essentially what that era was. So all these comic book fans, trying to be so "super serious" and "super cool" did not like the light-hearted party tone of Marvel vs Capcom 2's music. Those were weird times. "I Wanna Take You For A Ride" is great. And I love 8-Bit Big Band's cover of it.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyer: Opening
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You can watch the opening here.
Yeah, this is just a post about the opening (the episode will come later), because this is arguably the closest we can get to a perfect representation of the essence of Inagawa's work. It's.... stunning. It's art.
So, I think to begin I'll sort of preface what the theme of the opening (and of the work overall) actually is. It's a bit of a mouthful, but it's about the stifling of individual expression due to societal and cultural expectations that weigh on each person. In essence, breaking out of the shell that has been forcibly placed on someone, in this case, Magical Girls.
Let's get it started then, shall we? Sort of surprising is the fact that the 4 girls in the start of the opening are driving along the beach in a car with the top down, not a real care in the world. But, in concert with the existence of water throughout the episode, this is only the surface of the characters. What is shown on the outside, what can remain above the surface. It dulls the feeling of freedom, makes you realize the restrictions placed on them so that they can be afforded that freedom.
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Of note in this seen, we see that Anarchy has a fruit in her hand. But, before she eats it she pushes a hole into it, allowing some of the juice to escape. To me, this is obvious symbolism for their interests. They don't want what everyone else wants. Nobody wants a damaged fruit in the same way that nobody wants a magical girl that isn't "pure" or "right". It's her acting out against the norms of society and fighting her way towards what she wants.
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Next, we have an interesting scene with Otaku Hero. We find a fish in a glass of water, confined by its surroundings, trapped within. Nowhere to go, no way to move forward, Otaku Hero puts the fish in his mouth. Is it faith? Submission? Something else entirely? Whatever it is between man and fish, it is a relationship of dependence. For the fish to exist within its trapped surroundings, it requires Otaku Hero. It's "freedom" is dependent on being saved by another. And at the end of the day, it just ends up deposited in someone else's glass. For all its struggles, it remains confined. Even in the face of a Hero, the fish cannot escape its glass.
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And this is exactly what the opening tells us about the girls. Sure, in the "regular" forms they're afforded some type of freedom, but if they want to express their "other" sides which don't conform, they're left trapped. They only become Magical Girls when underwater. Only when drowning beneath the tide of expectations and requirements, sinking deeper into the abyss of societal and cultural norms forced upon them are they themselves.
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And this is where Otaku Hero comes into play. He is the first to betray expectations. He delivers the fish to its new form of confinement, and punches the man holding the glass. Wandering, he finds the girls underwater, decorated by ribbons or threads that connect them to Otaku Hero. Now this is a double-edged sword. It shows how Otaku Hero is their "savior", but also what drags them to the bottom of the ocean of expectations and requirements that they sink in.
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Regardless of his connection and nature to the girls, just like with the fish, he reaches out for them, but this time he "frees" them. To what degree are they really free if it's at the hands of a savior though? Of someone that perpetuates the preconceptions and norms that suffocate the girls?
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Regardless, their true form is unleashed in something that is needed to be experienced to be understood. Violence, vulgarity, depravity, flirtation, teasing, killing, breaking apart, atomized. It is the representation of all the repression that faces the girls. It's a breakdown of reality and society that allows the individual true freedom of expression.
So, I'm no expert with the meaning of flowers, but each Magical Girl here holds their own type of flower (as does Otaku Hero later down the road), which most certainly relates to their stories somehow. I'm just not sure how because I don't know all of the flowers that adorn the various characters.
And lastly, we finished off with a recreation of The Last Supper, with Otaku Hero at the center. In line with the rest of Inagawa's work, he mocks religion here. He jokes about The Last Supper, about Otaku Hero being the lord and savior of his story, and the Magical Girls being his apostles in what can only be inferred is akin to a religious war between humanity and Otakus. It's a hilarious mockery, of both religion and Otaku Hero. Of the concept of a savior, of the expectations placed upon those that don't conform to expectations. The magical girls are once more "normal", and forced to side at this table, glares cast downward, for the sake of Otaku Hero.
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And don't even get me started on stuff like the music. The whole thing is a rage against establishment and society, as it talks about rioting, rampaging, and all manner of other things.
Just an outstanding opening that exemplifies the core of Inagawa's opus, of his form of expression in media. It's a love letter to not just art, but specific his art.
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penguintruth · 21 days
Some of my old Dragon Ball Z videos, edited for YouTube standards.
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macabresymphonies · 1 year
Edomae Elf really suprised me after the first episode. I expected it to be a show around the level of Umaru-chan where we are just meant to marvel at the cutness of being a shut-in dumbsterfire, but the subtle themes of a changing world? Contemplations on mortality and what it means to live forever? Finding an anchor in things that remain unchanged? Like what are these deep-ass themes doing in my comedy slice of life, count me in. Still confused why elfs of all things, but it sort of fits? Like maybe the reverse isekai scenario and the most traditional enviorment possible (shinto shrine) clashing is really on theme.
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curried-mermaid · 1 month
A Review: The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish Vol. 1
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Author: Xue Shan Fei Hu Publishers: Seven Seas Entertainment Age Group: Teen Genre: Danmei, Boy Love, Historical Fantasy, Isekai, Drama, Friendship Type: Danmei, Light Novel
Content Warnings: Political Backstabbery, some violence Spoilers ahead
He’s the perfect catch…or he would be if he wasn’t the pet fish of the future tyrant emperor. 
Li Yu wakes up to find he’s been transmigrated into the body of a fish. The less-than-helpful (even scammy) Moe Pet System tells him he has to change the tyrant’s personality, changing the future. Only… he’s just a pet fish, how the hell is he supposed to do that? 
Li Yu quickly learns that if he doesn’t follow the quests he’ll turn into fish bones and ash. If he accomplishes these quests he’ll be human again. Now, if only he could find a way to catch the tyrant’s attention before this cat eats him! 
I found this plot a great read. The challenges that Li Yu is up against and how he handles them are unique and refreshing. There’s plenty of comedy in this along with seriousness. As shown by these examples taken from the book (some of my favorite lines):
“…someone had stolen both His Highness’s fish and his underwear? There was clearly something wrong with this thief” (187).  “Li Yu continued to act like a cute little squid in the face of Prince Jing’s fish-targeted eye lasers” (250-251). *for reference Li Yu ended up in an ink bowl after they found some ink on him.
This series does an excellent job balancing the comedy and serious story telling, along with some sparks flying (as we expect from a danmei). 
Character Development
Li Yu is an interesting character of a human turned fish. He’s very relatable in that he freaks out about things, worries about others, but always comes up with a plan to accomplish his goals. He tries to be meticulous but he always misses something, creating clues for Prince Jing to put together throughout the novel. Li Yu can be mature and also childish. His character makes for a fun read. 
Prince Jing is mute and technically the heir to the throne, but he doesn’t qualify since he’s mute. He’s cold, doesn’t care about others, is a violence then questions later type of person, but also very intelligent. As he interacts with his pet fish, we see him become softer over the course of the series. It’s very endearing. 
Wang Xi is Prince Jing’s eunuch caretaker. He’s cared for him since he was little and knows what all of his movements and emotions mean. He’s in essence, the translator for Prince Jing and the rest of the world. He’s very loyal to his master and willingly does his job. 
The secondary characters and antagonists are all interesting characters, even if some of them follow typical historical drama cliches. What makes it fascinating to interact with these characters is how they react to Li Yu, his relationship with Prince Jing, and how Li Yu chooses to deal with them. 
The world-building is subtle at first as we only get descriptions when Li Yu can see. This isn’t very much as he’s kept in a porcelain container until the emperor gifts Prince Jing with a large crystal fish tank. This world is based off a web novel that Li Yu was following before he was transmigrated. He knows what plot points he needs to be aware of and how it’ll affect Prince Jing. The original web novel has Prince Jing fall in love with a delicate concubine, Chu Yanyu. Only that doesn’t happen this round (mostly from Li Yu being in Prince Jing’s life). Li Yu learns from this experience that the major plot will change but sub-plots will still continue. This gives him the drive to help prevent death to secondary characters, especially ones he likes such as Prince Jing’s cousin, Ye Qinghuan, one of the only family members that Prince Jing lets visit him. 
Everyone needs a companion that can understand them and reach their heart. While this is a semi-serious danmei, I feel like this theme works really well. It’s only after changing the story so Prince Jing has a pet fish that he begins to change. He sees some of himself in this fish, a pet that cannot express itself but with a few gestures and looks, just as he does. 
Observations & Predictions
Li Yu will continue to warn and help Prince Jing navigate the different plots happening around him, while developing a stronger bond with him. We already have hints of sparks flying between the two (at least on Prince Jing’s side). It’ll be interesting to see what happens as Li Yu uses his abilities to transform into his temporary human form. Will he interact with him on purpose or continue to make it seem like accidents? 
I’d love to see their relationship blossom into something more than a bromance. We may get that, but Li Yu will have to go through an emotional arc to realize those feelings and come to terms with it. He may refuse them at first as he was supposed to be with Chu Yanyu according to the plot (even though that plot no longer exists). 
I see Prince Jing developing stronger feelings for him, and maybe even trying to put the moves on Li Yu in his human form. 
I found the writing for this really strong. The unique voice of Li Yu moves the story really well. Anyone who likes Danmei (boy love) should give this a read. 
Similar Plot:
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Historical Danmei:
Ballad of Sword and Wine By: Tan Jiu Qing
The Husky and His White Cat By: Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
Stars of Chaos By: Priest
Heaven’s Official Blessing By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation By: Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Danmei, but not published in English (have to find translations online)
The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an O By: Gu Zhijun
Transmigrated as the Villain’s Cat By: Su Zening
After Playing the Fool and Marrying the Blind Villain By: Nei Sei
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yousei-no-mori · 1 year
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Rant
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I am currently watching season 2 and I have some thoughts (about both seasons).
First of all why did I start watching this anime? Erm... So I know what the target audience is, it's people who self insert as Naoto and want to date Nagatoro. As for me? Oh, it's the other way around. I think Naoto is cute and I want to bully him. I thought maybe my female friends were similar but the only friend I have who read the manga wants to make out with Nagatoro. Sorry, I forgot lesbians exist.
Uh, anyway yeah Naoto is cute and I want to be Nagatoro. Not sure if girls like me watching this was intended since these anime are usually made for lonely dudes, lol. Anyone else feel like me though?
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The scrunkly.
Okay, so, my thoughts on season 1... Lemme check the episodes to bring back my memory a little bit, as I watched that to calm down from the stress that is social work during last Winter.
The first two episodes made me really scared to watch this series, for real. Nagatoro just straight up mentally tortured Naoto, and not in the hot way. I felt really bad for him because I know what it's like to be the shy nerd kid. Anyways at around episode 3, I think, Nagatoro starts showing her softer side more. And she hardcore crushes on Naoto.
The dynamic between Nagatoro and Naoto is really cute in my opinion, even if it is very simple. Nagatoro has her first crush because she finally found a guy that doesn't bore her to death but she doesn't know how to handle it so she bullies the fuck out of him. Naoto is pretty much the opposite? He doesn't really realize how much he likes Nagatoro sometimes and thinks he would rather not be around her. He tries to manage that by fighting her off in which classic anime romcom things happen. You know the "Holy crap you did something on accident, PERVERT!" thing, except it sometimes works really well. Maybe it's just because I think both of them are really cute, but I like when they have their little "Oh god, we both fucked up" moments.
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Then there's the more obvious romance aspects and they're by far my favorite. The momens of honesty and the cute glances... Yep, they're adorable. I don't want to give away too much, sorry. Just know it's, in my opinion, the best thing in the series.
I don't care for the side characters by the way, but they can be enertaining when they point out how obviously both of our main characters are trying to "prove" that they don't like each other. They're the audience, the "just kiss already!" guys.
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Also funny face cute. I like when she snaps. I like her. The cutesy. Okay no, for real, I love when Naoto and Nagatoro support or protect each other when they really need it. They can be a bitshitty towards each other sometimes but in the end they're actually kinda... healthy? Like Nagatoro is creepy but I love when the girl is a creep instad of the guy, since Naoto is actively watching out not to disturb Nagatoro. And how she will constantly accuse him of being a creep makes sense later when you realize that she's actually much worse than him, lol.
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Okay let's get to season 2, since I keep using too many screencaps of that season anyway.
Oh boy, another anime studio took over with season 2 (now OLM, before it was Telecom) and it's very noticeable. The animation is stiff and sometimes just straight up doesn't move right, the art is a lot more bland, in season 1 there were a lot of beautiful warm colors and lineart, and the voice direction is very strange... That and also our main characters seem to regress a bit? Now being overly flustered over small things that they would've been fine with in season 1? I get it, they're supposed to be cute and awkward but it's the classic romcom regression...
I'm in the middle of watching season 2 and sadly the things I loved in season 1 just aren't that apparent anymore. It's still cute and I love Naoto and Nagatoro together, but I can hardly pay attention to that when Naoto is animated like Chargeman Ken.
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^ little appreciation for the beautiful lighting in season 1!?
Anyway, Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san will forever be my biggest guilty-pleasure comfort anime and I'm only a little ashamed.
Love ya
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movieanimex · 3 days
Blue Lock Season 2 Offical Trailer | MovieAnimeX
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1nternetangel · 4 months
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Figure review: Hatsune Miku AMP+ Figure Birthday 2023 ver <333 Honestly this figure was kind of an impulse buy and I kind of regret it... (T ω T) I mean it's very nice and well made but it's just not my style (;ω;) I do love the addition of the microphone she's holding tho! The pose is cute but a little strange... and I just don't love the eyes or the hair too much... Im sorry miku I give u a 5/10 T_T
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 3 months
Anime Update: Urusei Yatsura (2022)
Episodes: 46 Rating: 5 out of 5 for the comedy; ??? for anything else lmao Favorite Character(s): Lum is Best Girl ❤ Favorite Pairing: Ataru x Lum, our glorious hot mess duo lmao Pros: HILARIOUS, excellent animation and gorgeous colors, a beautiful combo of vintage art style and crisper animation Cons: It can be a bit.... much for those who aren't as accustomed to "batshit" comedies. Recommended for: Any fan of vintage anime, Rumiko Takahashi, or comedy anime in general.
This was.... a wild ride. I definitely thoroughly enjoyed myself, and laughed out loud many times. As a lover of "batshit insane" anime comedies, this one takes the cake, and that's saying something! And yet, in true Rumiko Takahashi fashion, there's juuuuuuust enough feels to add some depth to the story and characters. But not too much, so do yourselves a favor and do NOT think too deeply about ANYTHING the series throws at you lmao.
It's almost impossible to describe this madness with any justice. Just buckle up and enjoy the rollercoaster of insanity (and maybe catch some Feels along the way....?)
(Maybe I'll read the manga now lol but I don't think I'm ready to tackle the OG anime's 195 episodes....)
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mastacell · 3 months
Halfway throught 2024, Delicious in Dungeon is my Anime of the Year.
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beneaththetangles · 2 months
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Our fun slate of manga and light novel releases this week includes the latest volumes of 7th Time Loop, A Condition Called Love, Medaka Kuroiwa, and The Ice Guy and the Cool Girl! We’re also reviewing the new volume of Dandadan, set to release next week, and a throwback, too—a short story collection from Full Metal Panic. Enjoy!
7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy! (Vol. 5) • A Condition Called Love (Vol. 8) • Dandadan (Vol. 8) • Full Metal Panic! Short Stories: Collector’s Edition 2 • The Ice Guy and the Cool Girl (Vol. 5) • Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms (Vol. 4)
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