#Oswald x Pete
luckyshrimp · 5 months
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Aren't they a cute pair! :D Here ya go captain! ;) @jestierabbit
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jestierabbit · 9 months
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I present to you Ospete… uh… Petwald—
…. I’ll work on it
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alterworldstudios · 1 month
Yeaaaa Pizzawald can’t keep it together
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Anyways lore
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skullsemi · 2 years
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Some serious matters.
Just them going up to talk to Clarabelle investigation style is too comical I had to draw it
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starryserenade · 2 years
Myth and Magic Ch. 8: Silhouettes
Fic Description: When Tir Na nÓg--the fabled land of the fae--falls to a dark power, the destinies of two young mice are set in motion. As each struggle to make their way in an ever-darkening world, they must learn to trust one another, or risk forever losing that which they hold most dear.
Chapter Description: The mice go off in search of Max, but find there's more to the child's disappearance than him simply wandering off. In their efforts to save him, the past comes back to haunt them both.
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The moment Goofy had spoken, Minnie knew something was very, very wrong. For six months she had sung to keep the village hidden. For six months she had come to know the feeling of each and every presence that rested within her domain. But today she had been distracted. Today, though she had haphazardly sung that enchanted melody, she had neglected to ensure it all felt right. Her heart had been so filled with blissful longing that she’d not noticed the tiny prick of unease flickering at the edge of her mind. 
She noticed now. A single presence was missing, and she could only assume who that was. While the rest of the partygoers spoke loudly as they discussed where they should look first, Minnie stood silently, her face pale. The boy was outside the village, she was sure of it.  But outside the enchanted town, the fairies were free. Outside the grip of her spell, anything and anyone could be lying in wait. 
She cast a glance at Mickey, who was busy consoling Goofy.  The mouse peered over at a piece of paper in Goofy’s hand, something his friend had seemed hesitant to show him at first. Then his eyes grew wide, and Minnie swallowed as his gaze darted back to her. After a moment she saw him push the note back into Goofy’s lap, place a hand to his shoulder, and mutter something she couldn’t hear. It looked like Goofy was about to argue, but then Mickey flashed him a smile. Minnie saw the words form on his lips.
“It’ll be okay.”
Then he stood and moved Minnie’s way. She released a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, and rushed to take his hand. “What was that, Mickey?” she breathed, a sinking feeling forming in her stomach. He seemed distracted, and it took him a moment before he finally looked back at her.
“...Nothing,” he grinned, but only halfways. “Just an old note Max had given him.” His hand brushed up her arm before he brought it to her shoulder and smiled softly. He was trembling. “Listen, I’m gonna go help look. I’m sorry about the dance, but I promise I’ll make it up to you, all right?”
“I’ll come with you!” Minnie breathed, and was surprised when he pushed her hand away and shook his head.
“We’ll…we’ll find him faster if we all split up,” he refused, then cleared his throat and turned away before she could argue. She reached after him to no effect, and was left alone in the center of the square, hand clutched to her heart as the wind swept up the dress about her heels.
What have I done… she thought silently, thinking of the frigid world outside the town’s borders. The world she’d abandoned. The thought of taking even one step into that place made her heart quiver in fear.  But when a cold breeze ruffled her fur, she straightened. No. She would not abandon her friends as she had her people.  Her mistakes were in the past, but this was a problem she could fix now. She could find Max…yes, it was the least she could do.
Gathering her dress in her hands, she was about to rush off towards the outskirts of the town when something brushed against her ankle. She drew in a sharp breath when she picked it up. The same note she’d seen in Goofy’s hands now sat in her own, the latest victim of his clumsy grip. Minnie peered at it closely. The message scrawled on its surface was anything but what Mickey had said it was. 
We have the boy. Meet outside the North gate. Bring the siren.
Those were the words scrawled on the page, and the implications made Minnie’s stomach turn. Max hadn’t just journeyed outside the town…someone must have made their way in at twilight and taken him. They’d taken him, and they wanted her.
Mickey had seen that. Mickey hadn’t told her. Mickey had gone off alone. A shudder ripped through her, and she realized in one sickening moment that another presence had left the confines of the village. 
Rainclouds crept across the sky as she tore through the streets, her voice screeching his name into the night. 
Mickey stepped across the village’s border and a chill ran down his spine. He’d been right, he realized as the town behind him vanished in the same shimmer the forest had once.  Minnie had been keeping them hidden, and the outside world was nothing like the one they had been enjoying together. Snow blanketed the earth, clouds shrouded the sky, and the river was entirely frozen. He wondered why she hadn’t told him.
It didn’t matter now.
He drew in a breath, eyes and ears alert for every shred of sound or movement. His right hand hung lightly by his side, ready to reach into his quiver and nock an arrow at the first sign of danger.  “Max?” he called warily. Maybe by some miracle, Goofy’s son had already escaped his captors. Or maybe this was all a cruel joke. 
“Yer not who we asked for.”
Mickey whipped around, drawing his bow. Three hooded figures stood before him in the snow. No, wait–four.  In the arms of the tallest one a child squirmed desperately in an effort to escape. 
“Max!” Mickey gasped.  
“I’d lower that bow, if I were you,” the middle one snarled with a distinct English accent. He had a large nose and black fur in the shape of a mask around his eyes. Mickey recognized them immediately.  The beagle boys were infamous bounty hunters. Sloppy, but effective in their work.
Mickey wrinkled his nose in disdain, but obliged, never once taking his eyes off the child. “I’m gonna get ya out of this, okay?” he promised Max, and the child squirmed nervously in the grip of his captors.
“Yer not the one we asked for,” the criminal repeated, and his friend squeezed Max tighter. 
“Hey, stop!” Mickey snapped. “I-I know I’m not. I’m here to work out a deal.”
“ You?! ” the leader guffawed. “And why would we do that when we could get a pretty penny by turnin’ in yer fairy friend?”
“Because she’s not a fairy!” His body trembled. They wouldn’t leave empty handed, no matter what he said. The lie he was about to tell was his only chance to save Minnie and Max. He needed them to believe this, but if they did, he would never see her again. Probably never see anyone again. It was a price he was willing to pay but still his heart sank. So close. He’d come so close to a happy ending. He thought back to that morning, to Minnie’s embrace and her lips against his. At least he’d known her for the time that he had. That was more than he could have ever hoped for.  “It’s me! I’m the fairy!” 
The kidnappers glanced at each other, then burst into a fit of laughter. “Do ya really think we’d believe that?” The leader laid his hand on a silvery whip at his side. “We followed ya’s to the forest all that time ago. Told the king what we saw when you came back out. Ladies don’t just turn to ice…or make a whole village disappear.”
Shoot. Mickey remembered his first day in the village before he’d embarked to the forest, and recalled the strange figures who’d entered the tavern while Goofy was telling his story. They’d listened oh, so intently, but Mickey hadn’t thought much of it at the time. He hadn’t seen their faces then.  His heart sank. Once again, he had led danger straight to Minnie. His mind spun as he tried to come up with some kind of excuse to counter what they’d seen. Anything to make them believe his story. Then he remembered Minnie’s own tale, and figured he might as well tie in the truth of it with his own creation. 
“That night in the tavern, I knew you were watchin’. That story was about me, but I couldn’t let ya think that. So I, er…I enchanted a girl from the village to get to the forest before me. And when I got there, I…” He flicked his tail, feeling his story anything but believable. Still, he drew in a breath and strengthened his resolve. “I cursed her!” 
The beagle boys still seemed unconvinced but they were, at the least, intrigued. 
“If you were the one that cursed ‘er in the first place…why are y’trying to save ‘er now?” one of them snarled, and Mickey knew his answer would decide it all. His story had been sloppy. Rushed and full of holes, it would have been easy to see through if the enemy had even a shred of common sense. Even without it, there was a good chance they would have come to that same conclusion, had it not been for Mickey’s final response. But he had no need to lie this time. His reaction was everything.
“...I think y’can figure why…” he choked quietly, and his heart ached in his chest. 
The three bounty hunters glanced at one another again and snickered. But it was a different laugh this time. The leader smirked and the other two nodded as they turned back to face Mickey. 
“A’right, mouse. Y’want to be a fairy so bad?”
Mickey had hardly a moment to react and even if he had, the snow was so deep that it would have been impossible to escape in time to avoid the whip. It came scoring down with a distinct snap and wrapped around his wrist, yanking him into the icy powder.  He cried out, reeling in the pain. However badly the net had burned him all those months ago, this was ten times worse.
The beagle boys got quiet for a minute as Mickey struggled to stand, slipping on the snow beneath him and gritting his teeth through the pain.  Then one of them narrowed his eyes and spoke, a smirk lining his words. “Oy…maybe he’s tellin’ the truth.”
“Better try again to be sure.”
The beagle drew back the whip, and sent it slicing across Mickey’s back. He released a terrible shout and collapsed again, digging his fingers into the ice. When their shadow fell over him again, he braced himself for another strike.
It never came. When the whip came down again, it was another figure that stood before him.
No…Minnie. He managed to shift his head just enough to see her standing before them. She had one hand outstretched, the whip wrapped around it, though it seemed to cause her no pain. Her wrist was an icy blue. She yanked it down hard, and the beagle boy at the other end face planted in the snow. The other two beagles shouted in frustration and, reaching for their weapons, nearly forgot their captive.  In the chaos, Max managed to wriggle free and immediately ran to Mickey, who was still hunched over as he fought to catch his breath.  The mouse winced as the child collided with him in a hug. 
“Uncle Mickey!” he cried, clinging to Mickey’s arm as tears streamed down his face.
“I’m…ngh…I’m okay, Max,” Mickey gasped, turning his back to the enemy and drawing the little boy close to shield him from their reach. “I need ya to run back home, okay? Make sure you tell your dad I said thank you for everything.”
“Why don’t you just tell ‘im?”
Mickey laughed sadly and gave him another squeeze.
“Listen to him, Max,” Minnie commanded sternly, and with a wave of her other hand, a shimmering patch of the village reappeared. Max snuggled Mickey one last time, gave him a little kiss on the cheek, and ran through the gateway. Then it closed behind him and vanished.  When he had gone, Minnie shuddered, and Mickey could see a faint layer of frost settling over her fur.
“Min…” he gasped, reaching for her. She was going to freeze all over again. Without taking her eyes off the beagle boys, she stepped back towards him.  
“How could you be so reckless? ” she hissed, and he could hear her tears.
He didn’t get a chance to finish.  The beagle boys had regathered, and their faces burned with a strange mixture of fury and satisfaction. 
“You’ll pay for that, dirty siren!”
“Heh…Guess we’ll be takin’ home two prizes t’day.”
Mickey, body trembling, grabbed his fallen bow and climbed to his feet.  Everything hurt and blood dripped from his back, but Minnie was here now and there was nothing else at stake to keep him from fighting to save her.  
“Think we can take ‘em?” he gasped, casting a glance Minnie’s way. Her hands were lit with the glow of magic, tainted only by the ice that crept up her fur. The look she tossed back had him convinced she was more than ready to fight anything at the moment, himself not excluded. 
“You shouldn’t have come!” she spat, moving to counter the beagles as they circled the two mice. “They wanted me!” 
“That’s why I came! I couldn’t just let them have you!” 
One of the beagles lunged at them, dagger in hand, and Mickey loosed an arrow that knocked the blade from his grasp. 
“That wasn’t your choice to make!” she shouted, and with a flick of her wrist a flurry of snow became a tentacle of water that crashed down over the largest beagle boy.  He clambered in the slush that was created, spitting out icicles, then growled and rushed at her again. 
The leader, the one who held the whip, came at Mickey from the side and this time, Mickey was able to dodge it by just a hair. He nocked an arrow and sent it flying through a corner in the beagle’s cloak, momentarily pinning him to the ground. A smile flashed across the mouse’s face. 
“Hey, not too ba-!” he began to shout, and then Minnie’s legs buckled from beneath her. His heart stopped, and he nearly slipped on the ice and snow as he leapt for her. “No!” He cried, shielding her as best he could as he caught her and gripped her hand to get the warmth flowing through her body. 
At the same time, a searing pain flared up within him.
“Not again…not now…” he hissed, squinting through blurred vision to try to get a bearing on their enemies. 
Then, as Minnie stirred in his arms, he felt a sharp point pressed against his back and heard a deep chuckle that did not belong to any of the beagles he’d seen so far. He turned his head, catching a glimpse of an enormous, gruff cat sneering at him as he pressed a blade between Mickey’s shoulders. Minnie blinked as she came to, then started.
“Pete?!” she whispered, and the cat almost seemed surprised. Mickey certainly was. But it made little difference.
“Game’s over, pals,” he snarled, and the other three beagles gradually came to surround them. 
Mickey’s breath came in ragged bursts as he scanned for any way out. But there was none. Not in the state he and Minnie were in, at least. He looked at her, and she averted his gaze. 
They’d lost. 
Mickey and Minnie did their best to cling to each other as a beagle grabbed each one to yank them apart, but it was hardly a struggle.  Minnie was torn from his grasp and he from hers, neither of them having the strength to fight back as they were thrown into two separate cages within an old prison wagon. Before the wooden door was slammed shut, the one named Pete loomed over them, his face twisted in a hideous sneer. 
“Long trip ahead of us. I’d use it to say yer prayers, if I were you. King Mortimer has a special way of dealin’ with fae folk.”
Mickey heard Minnie draw in a sharp breath, but he was too busy flinging himself against the cage to check on her. “Please don’t do this!” he pleaded in a rare moment of desperation, clinging to the bars. Everything from his hands to the gash on his spine burned, but it hardly mattered. “She’s not a fairy, just let her go!” 
Pete only laughed, leaning in so close that Mickey could smell the cigars on his breath. “Too late, tiny,” he growled, and Mickey coughed. “Even if that were true, alls we need to do is convince the king otherwise. And b’sides-” He stood back up, wallowing in Mickey’s furious snarl as he took the wagon’s door in his hand. “Now we’ve got you as backup!” With a final guffaw he slammed the door shut, blanketing the mice in shadow.  
Mickey felt cold, and images he did not care to remember flooded into his head. His heart raced wildly and his eyes stung with the beginnings of tears, though they refused to flow. He let out a gasp and, chest heaving in rapid bursts, pushed himself up against a corner and dug his fingers into the fur round his skull.  
He was terrified. 
It was several minutes before he noticed Minnie’s voice peeking into the corner of his consciousness, quiet and calm. 
“Mickey…please. Breathe. Just breathe….” 
She had pressed her back against the bars where he leaned, her tail curled around his in a single thread of connection. Mickey drew in a deep breath, trying so hard to focus on her presence here and now. When he felt the fear rise and the connection slip, he slid his hand through the cage until she grasped it tightly and gave it a squeeze. 
She was here. She was alive. She was here. She was alive. She was alive. She was alive …
“I’m sorry…Minnie…” he gasped at last, voice breaking, and his cheeks grew wet. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop this.” 
At first, she didn’t respond. The wagon rocked  back and forth as it was pulled through the snow. But the powder kept the horses' hooves quiet, so the only sound was the occasional gust of wind that whistled through their prison, or the curses and laughter that sounded from their captors outside. 
After a long while, she finally spoke. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop you, ” she whispered, and he heard her sniff. “I should have known…I should have known this couldn’t last. Nothing I touch ever does. I should never have left that lake.”
Whether or not she intended them as such, her words were a dagger to his heart. He swallowed and drew his hand back, feeling altogether undeserving of her touch. “I should never have made you go.”
When he withdrew from her, Minnie seemed to realize how her words had struck and immediately turned to face him. “No! No, Mickey, that’s not what I meant!” she cried, her eyes welling with tears. “I hated waiting there, with all my heart. You freed me.”
“Only to let you die!” Mickey burst out, his face streaked. “Where we’re going…Min, I’ve seen what they do to people like us, to people they think are fae.”
Minnie drew in a breath beside him, and he wished he could gather her again in his arms. He wanted more than anything to shield her from the horrors they were about to face. “...Mickey…” she breathed. “What…do you mean?”
He wiped his cheek with the back of his palm, though that didn’t stay the tears. He didn’t want to answer, but he didn’t want to lie to her either. “I told you I woke up without any memories, right?” When she nodded, he lowered his head and went on. “Well, I started lookin’ for answers anywhere I could. And everywhere I went, folks said the king could fix any problem…that he was perfect. So I went to the castle. But Min…” His breath caught in his throat, and he would have been unable to continue had Minnie not managed to find his hand again. She looked at him with nothing but sympathy in her gaze, and he swallowed the fear rising within him. “They’d just caught a fairy.” 
Mickey shut his eyes against the memory, as if that would make it disappear. His heartbeat quickened and he found Minnie’s touch to be the only thing tethering him to reality as he went on. “The king, he made this huge spectacle out of it. Made everyone come watch when they…they…”  The scene in his mind only grew more vivid and he did all he could to focus on the comfort of Minnie’s hand instead, trying to resist the nightmare that placed her at the center of this tale. “Minnie…” he choked. “I’ve never seen anyone look so scared. And no one cared. No one helped them. I didn’t help them. I just…I just let them die.”
“Oh, Mickey…” 
“I deserve this,” he whispered, finally opening his eyes.  “You don’t.”
He didn’t anticipate the rage blazing across her face when he said those words. But Minnie’s cheeks flared a fiery pink, and she stared at him quite sternly. “No,” she hissed. “No, no one deserves what’s happening here. The fairies might be cruel, but this…”
Her tail curled more tightly around his as she let out a furious breath. “I should have stopped this a long time ago. Mickey, you’ve been nothing but honest with me, but I’ve not been honest with you. You…you deserve to know who I am.”
Mickey lifted his head. “Min, you don’t have to-”
“I do,” she interrupted, and smiled gently. “I’ve been hiding for too long.” 
The wagon hit a stone and jolted, causing Mickey to wince in pain as the wound on his back flared.  Minnie pursed her lips, then tore a piece of fabric from her dress. “Turn around, I’ll help you while you listen.”
“No magic, all right?” he muttered, shifting only slightly. She would wear herself out too quickly if she tried to use her curse to heal him. Her gaze softened and she nodded, so Mickey settled into her touch, shoving his worst fears into the deepest corners of his mind as he listened to her story.
She had been a princess once– gosh! –but had left her home in pursuit of her heart, led to the very lake where he had found her. There, the fae stripped her of her memories. And there she’d stayed, alone and frightened, until Mickey came along.   
“I left my kingdom in the hands of that monster, Mortimer,” she whispered, gently pressing the cloth against his back as she dabbed at the wound. “All to chase after a silly daydream that I can’t even remember. If I’d only stayed…maybe things wouldn’t have gotten so bad. Maybe I could have stopped the fae, I could have protected my people from these storms-”
“What–ngh–what would you have done differently?” Mickey asked, cringing as she hit a tender spot on the gash. “These are fairies, Min. You couldn’t have known what they’d do.”
Minnie thought for a moment, her hand resting on his shoulder. “I…I don’t know. My father used to tell me stories about the fae. He always believed they were mostly kind. But when he got sick, Mortimer had everyone convinced it was their magic that did it. I never believed that until what happened at the lake. Now, I just…well, I don’t know. They’ve taken so much from me. What Mortimer’s done to them is unforgivable, but is there any kindness in them to reason with? Would that have been enough?” She sighed and shook her head, ears and tail drooping. “Mortimer always said I was naive. I’m beginning to think he was right.” 
Mickey lifted his hand to his shoulder and gingerly took Minnie’s fingers from it, turning to face her again. “This Mortimer sounds like more of a dope than I thought,” he grinned, and brushed a stray tuft of her out of her face. “Never let anyone tell you your love isn’t enough, a‘right? Lives have been saved with less. Heck, it saved me.”
She laughed. “How so?” 
He swallowed and tapped nervously on the floor of the wagon. “I didn’t exactly go into that forest thinkin’ I was gonna come out of it. I was…well, I was tired. I think a part of me was hopin’ I wouldn’t…er…you know.” He shook his head and laughed, though it did little to clear the air. “Lucky for me I found a girl scary enough to snap me out of it,” he winked and Minnie, though her face was stricken with empathy, punched him lightly in the arm.
“Lucky you,” she murmured as playfully as she could, and her voice broke.
Neither seemed sure what to say after that. They both leaned back against the bars of the cage with their hands locked together through the gap, and listened to the sound of the wagon as it pulled through the icy drifts. Strangely, a raven cawed outside, though the two were too occupied with their own thoughts to pay it any mind. Midnight had settled across the earth, bringing with it the harsh realities of what the new day could bring. 
“Mickey?” Minnie whispered at last, and he took a moment to wipe the tears from his cheeks before responding.
“You saved me, too.”
The laugh that escaped him was halfways a sob, and ridden with doubt. “Heh…how’s that?”
“You gave me hope.”
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starferret · 6 months
Super Mario x Epic Mickey au
I LOVE COMBINING MY INTERESTS!! I’ve been cooking up this au for like the past month with @jell-o101
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Screenshot redraw of a cutscene from the second game because I wanted to try replicating the art style
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REFERENCES!!! Mario is Mickey, Luigi is Oswald, Toadsworth is Gus, Dimentio is the Mad Doctor, Daisy is Ortensia, and Toadette is Prescott. Others not shown here is Bowser as the Blot, Wario is Pete, Pauline is Animatronic Daisy, DK is Animatronic Donald, and E Gadd is Yen Sid.
Spent the past couple weeks cooking up this comic based on a certain cutscene from the game >:)
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And now for various sketches :3
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jelly-fish-wishes · 7 months
Played more of the game today and oh my goodness Oswald is so silly I love him, so today I offer the silly animation he does
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Also I know Oswald flies in the second game so I tried thinking of how that would work in the au
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The balloons on Luigi to be like Oswald’s helicopter ears are PERFECT.
And Oswald having his electrical remote is perfect for Luigi, since for “Epic Mickey,” Luigi is Mr. L while he goes back to normal in “Epic Mickey 2,” but still retains his engineering skills. Hence, the remote!
Ok ok ok…so…
Egadd as Yen Sid since they both make a special Brush.
Mario as Mickey
Luigi as Oswald (particularly Mr. L at first)
Daisy as Ortensia 🥺
Toadsworth as Gus
Angasma (?) as the The Mad Doctor?
Megabug (?) as The Blot?
Peg Leg Pete should make sense as Bowser, but he’ll be Wario instead.
Clarabelle and Horace…are…um…???
Pete Pan is DEFINITELY Peasley flying on his weird Flying Bean thing
Animatronic Hook is maybe an animatronic Cackletta? Or someone else?
Mr. Smee is definitely Fawful lol (a depressed Fawful)
This is just the few characters that come in mind for an Epic Mickey x Mario Bros AU. This will definitely change Hehehe.
I might go into the topic of the realms next 👀
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Once Upon a Studio (Series) Season Two; Episode Seven: DuckTales’ Greatest Adventure Ever, But This is Love
Info: Mickey, Oswald, Goofy, Gremlin Gus, and the Mad Doctor are invited to join Donald, Scrooge and the nephews on an adventure to a golden lucky penny for Scrooge’s penny collection so he could spend something special for his girlfriend Goldi. Meanwhile, Launchpad decides to take the princes’ advice so he could win Della’s heart
Characters that would be part of this episode: Mickey Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Goofy, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Gremlin Gus, Gremlin Prescott, The Mad Doctor, Goldi, Wendy, Della Duck, Launchpad, Max Goof, Bobby, PJ, Peg-Leg Pete, Mortimer Mouse, Daisy Duck, Prince Kit, Cinderella, Prince Eric, Ariel, the Beast, Belle, Aladdin, Jasmine, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, the Lost Boys, Simba, Timon, Pumbaa and Zazu
Note: I'm planning to do some once upon a studio series as everyone wants to see if they can lend a hand for me by likes, comments and reblogs their ideas and create arts if they want!
Ship: Launchpad x Della Duck
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The major bracket of the gay wrongs/murder husbands and wives poll is here!
Full list of all couples/ships along with sources below (although not in order they're in the poll)
Osamu Dazai & Chuuya Nakahara - Bungou Stray Dogs
Edward Teach & Stede Bonnet - Our Flag Means Death
Arséne Lupin III & Jigen Daisuke - Lupin The Third
Princess Bubblegum & Marceline - Adventure Time
Tiziano & Squalo - Jojo’s bizarre adventure: Golden Wind
Ellie Williams & Dina - The Last of Us 
Eve Polastri & Vilanelle - Killing Eve
Louis & Lestat - Vampire Chronicles series/Interview with the vampire
Kinn & Porsche - Kinnporsche
Alec Hardison & Eliot Spencer & Parker - Leverage
Vegas & Pete - Kinnporsche
GoodTimesWithScar & Grian - 3rd life (Life series as a whole, hermitcraft)
Jonathan Simms & Martin Blackwood - The Magnus Archives
Legolas & Gimli - Lord of the rings
Female Byleth & Edelgard - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Heavy & Medic - Team Fortress 2
Edward Nygma & Oswald Cobblepot - Gotham (TV series)
Misa Amane & Rem - Death Note
Joe & Nicky - The Old Guard
John Silver & James Flint - Black Sails
Vriska Serket & Terezi Pyrope - Homestuck
Nandor & Guillermo - What we do in the shadows (TV series)
Eustass Kid & Killer - One piece
The Doctor & The Master - Doctor Who
Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham - Hannibal (TV series)
Wen Kexing & Zhou Zishu - Word of honor (series)/Faraway Wanderers (book)
Lord Boxman & Professor Venomous - OK KO: let's be heroes!
Jack Harkness & John Hart - Torchwood
Nadja & Laszlo - What we do in the shadows (TV series)
Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn - DC comics/Harley Quinn (series)
Gregory House & James Wilson - House MD
Rei Suwa & Kazuki Kurusu - Buddy Daddies
Wylan & Jesper - Six of crows (books)/Shadow and Bone (TV series)
Eddie Brock & Venom - Venom
Mystique & Irene Adler - X-Men Comics
Roronoa Zoro & Sanji - One piece
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jknerd · 1 year
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Full Name: Peter Pete Jr “PJ”
Other Names: PJ, Peej, Peter Jr.
Schools: Spoonerville Elementary School (graduated), Mike Jay Middle School (graduated), Spooner Public High School (graduated), Oswald College of Arts/Music/Sports 
Occuaption(s): Child actor (former), X-Game Competitor (Maxine’s team), Student
Residence: Spoonerville, Ohio
Family: Peter Pete (father), Peg Pete (mother), Pistol Pete (younger sister)
Relationships: Maxine Goof (best friend), Barby Zimmeruski (best friend), Rox Hatchback (friend), Stanley Ampledexter (friend), Fabrette Lewis (girlfriend), The Gammas (rivaling team)
Likes: Extreme sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, video games, pop/rock/R&B/K-pop music, movies, drawing, painting
Dislikes: His father’s antics ad schemes, Pistol’s spoiled attitude, bullies
Abilities/Talents: Acting, Skateboarding skills, fair sportsmanship, artistic skills, drumming, video editing
Peter Pete Jr., aka PJ, is a firstborn of Pete and Peg, older brother of Pistol, and one of Maxine’s best friends. Warm-hearted and friendly, but his passive nature makes him a frequent pawn in the schemes and shenanigans of his domineering father Pete. Through childhood to young adulthood, he has been close friend to Maxine and usually hang out with her. Although he occasionally feared his father, he is actually scared of his mother the most and often seen horrified when his mother angrily scold her husband. Then again, he and Pete are caring towards one another as just as Goofy and Maxine are. Currently, he has a girl friend Fabrette, who was usually known as the Beret Girl. 
Formerly, PJ was a child actor who often star in a show his father was in, usually portrayed as Donald’s neighbor’s son in a sitcom, portrayed as bright but cynical child. In fact, he was labeled as “acting prodigy” for being able to acting from range to a spoiled brat, terminally ill kind-hearted child, and even voice acting. Pete held great pride in his son’s talent at first, but when the attention gets too far (from entire school students giving him unwanted attention to fans stalking the house of Pete’s), young PJ was traumatized and refused to go to school. Upset with the entertainment’s lack of concern for his mental health, PJ suddenly announce his retirement and decided work in a car scale. Although PJ still have lingering dreams in acting career, his father would forbid him from being in any drama classes or acting activities. So, PJ turned his interest in artistic hobbies and casual sports. At one point, his mother Peg visited Goofy who had lost his wife from car accident as she was also Glory B’s besets friend. When PJ turned 12, Goof family moved next door and he quickly befriended tomboyish girl Maxine. At first, Pete didn’t like the idea of his son befriending another celebrity’s child. However, he agreed to let PJ becoming friends with Maxine when he heard of her defending his son from bullies in school, finding her “revenge” on them dangerous but borderline satisfying. If his son and Maxine were in danger, Pete and Goofy work together to get them out of trouble. In some occasions, PJ and Maxine babysit his little sister Pistol. In teen years, PJ also befriended Barby Zimmeruski, the girl with enormous love for cheeses. Both her and PJ were aware of Maxine’s popularity with girls due to her image as “handsome girl” and Rox’s romantic feelings for her. Seeing Maxine also share same feelings to him, PJ reluctantly decided to help Maxine impressing him and was seen delighted when hearing of their blooming relationship. During summer vacation, PJ was seen having a camping trip with his entire family and was surprised to see Maxine on a stage with her father and their favorite singer Powerline.
Years later as high school graduate bound for college, PJ and his friends were preparing to leave, excited for their upcoming debut in college X-Game. At the same time, he was hoping to approach the way back to acting career by taking courses necessary for this chance, slowly overcoming his childhood trauma. Although he would be in separate dormitory, he would still hang out with Maxine and Barby during campus hours. During the first day of college skating around the campus, he and his friends grabbed the attention of the X-Games champion team/Fraternity; “the Gammas”. Although, their leader Bradley was more interested in recruiting Maxine. At some point, PJ was surprised to see Goofy as their instructor in “Entertainment Business” and “Performing Arts”, but very invested in his classes. During fierce confrontation between Maxine and Bradley, PJ was seen frowning when Bradley insulted Goofy, but shocked when Maxine retaliated with aggression causing to destroy Bradley’s shirt, and confusion when Bradley escaped the scene with fear. At first encounter in the cafe Bean Scene, and at the night club, he become the love interest of a beret girl named Fabrette who was attracted to him due to his love for performing arts and sharing much in common wit her. He and Barby were seen witnessing when Rox and Stanley started attending their college, but concerned more of Maxine. In the X-Game competition, PJ’s best event was shown to be bike riding as he managed to pass the semi-finals. However, PJ was abruptly removed by the scheme of team Gammas and Bradley’s father as his inline-skating shoes were secretly attached with rockets. Luckily, he was in the infirmary with support of his girlfriend Fabrette, unharmed at the middle of triathlon. Later, he was horrified witnessing his friend Maxine and remaining Gamma teammates blasted to the X-Games wired fabric logo and decided to go to help them. When finding all the incidents and cheats were made by Bradley’s father, PJ and his friends were seen glaring at them as Goofy angrily called him out for choosing his ambition over his son and others’ safety. Days after, PJ watched the social medias making hate comments on Bradley due to alleged “doping” and “cheating”, he was one of the people to express sympathy towards Bradley’s psychological condition. Noticing something off from his behavior, he quickly informed Maxine about it, which led to her saving Bradley from attempt suicide. As Bradley broke down in tears, Maxine, the other Gammas, and PJ proceeded to reassure him.
According to Donald and Goofy, PJ is still a great actor and currently with Maxine, he became a frequent guest star of variety show “Exit Man”. No longer feeling fright of public’s opinion, PJ was open to restart the acting career with support of his friends and his girlfriend Fabrette. At this point, Pete finally conceded and allowed his son’s return in acting, feeling proud of his son’s progress. Along with Barby, PJ becomes a regular witness in observing Maxine, her popularity and growing relationship problems.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.22
Ask An Archeologist Day
Attorney Day (Indonesia)
Beta Blucan Day
Blackfoot Daisy Day
Childbirth Education Awareness Day
Climate Emergency Day
Division 722 Day
Dornach Commemoration Day (Switzerland)
Family Tree Day
Festival of Boredom and Reveries
Fragile X Awareness Day
George Crum Day
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
Hammock Day
Health, Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International Childbirth Education Awareness Day
International Love & Gratitude Day
King Father’s Birthday (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Liberation Day (Guam)
Lion's Share Day
Majdanek Liberation Day
National Be A Good Teammate Day (UK)
National Flag Adoption Day (India)
National Intern Day
National Liberation Day (Poland)
National Pajama Day
National Press Day (Azerbaijan)
National Sing from the Book of Mormon Day
National Sophia Day
National Squirt A Pigeon Day
National Thomas Day
National Water Coaster Day
One Piece Day (Japan)
Pi Approximation Day (a.k.a. Casual Pi Day; 22/7)
Preparedness Day
Qurbon Hayit Holiday (Uzbekistan)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Ratcatcher's Day (a.k.a. Pied Piper Day; UK)
Remington 722 Day
Ryegrass Day (French Republic)
Spooner's Day (a.k.a. Spoonerism Day)
Stilt Dance Day (Spain)
SNN 722 Day
Summer Leisure Day
Thulsa Doom Appreciation Day
Trae Day (Houston, Texas)
Urania Asteroid Day
World Brain Day
World Day Against Open Pit Mining
World Fragile X Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Froot Loops Day
National BLT Sandwich Day
National Mango Day
Penuche Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Bohol Day (Philippines)
Claveria Day (Philippines)
Organic Act Day (Virgin Islands)
Revolution Day (July 22nd Anniversary; The Gambia)
Sarawak Self-Government Day (Malaysia)
Slovenian People’s Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
4th Monday in July
Hurricane Supplication Day (Virgin Islands) [4th Monday]
Festivals Beginning July 22, 2024
The Borderland (Alversjö, Denmark) [thru 7.28]
Corn Capital Days (Olivia, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Farnborough International Airshow (Farnborough, United Kingdom) [thru 7.26]
Supertoon International Animation Festival (Šibenik, Croatia) [thru 7.26]
USA Beer & Wine Ratings (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Calder (Artology)
Aphrodisia (Ancient Greek bathing festival of Aphrodite & Peitho)
Aristo (Positivist; Saint)
Beginning of Leo (Astrology; Pagan)
Contemplate the Cosmos Day (Pastafarian)
Dabius (a.k.a. Davies) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Edward Hopper (Artology)
James Whale Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joseph of Tiberias (or of Palestine; a.k.a. Count Joseph; Christian; Saint)
Karl Marx Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Leo zodiac sign begins
Loch Ness Monster 1st Sighting (Everyday Wicca)
Markella of Chios (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene (Christian; Saint)
Meneve, Abbot of Menat (Christian; Saint)
Neil Welliver (Artology)
Nohra (Maronite Church)
Pete Dexter (Writerism)
Ruthie Tompson (Artology)
S.E. Hinton (Writerism)
Tom Robbins (Writerism)
Vandrille (a.k.a. Wandregisilus; Christian; Saint)
Vaughn Bodē (Artology)
The Venusian (Muppetism)
Wandregislus (a.k.a. Wandrille; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 14 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [14 of 24]
At Your Service (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Back to the Shack, by Weezer (Song; 2014)
A Balmy Swami (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Bikini Beach (Film; 1964)
The Bodyguard (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Film; 2011)
Crazy Drivers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1955)
The Daily Show (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1996)
Friends with Benefits (Film; 2011)
Gallipoli, by Alan Moorehead (History Book; 1956)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Ice Age: Collision Course (Animated Film; 2016)
The Inverted World, by Christopher Priest (Novel; 1974)
The Island (Film; 2005)
Hollywood Sweepstakes (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
It’s Hummer Time (WB LT Cartoon 1950)
Jaws 3-D (Film; 1983)
Join Together, by The Who (Song; 1972)
Jungle Jingles (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Lolita (Film; 1998)
Marnie (Film; 1964)
Midnight Run (Film; 1988)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
My Aim Is True, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1977)
Nope (Film; 2022)
North (Film; 1994)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (Film; 1959)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Film; 1954)
Star Trek Beyond (Film; 2016)
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman (Novel; 1997) [His Dark Materials #2]
Weary Willies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Magdalena, Maria (Austria)
Lena, Magda, Magdalena, Miglena (Bulgaria)
Lenka, Magdalena, Manda, Marija (Croatia)
Magdaléna (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Maria (Denmark)
Leen, Leena, Leeni, Made, Madli, Magda, Magdaleena, Mall, Malle (Estonia)
Leena, Leeni, Lenita, Matleena (Finland)
Madeleine, Wandrille (France)
Magdalena, Marlene, Verena (Germany)
Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdalini, Markella (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Lena, Lorenzo, Maddalena, Maria, Marylena, Menelaos (Italy)
Margita, Marija, Marika, Marina, Marisandra (Latvia)
Dalius, Magdalena, Mantilė, Marija (Lithuania)
Malene, Mali, Malin (Norway)
Albin, Bolesława, Bolisława, Laurencjusz, Maria Magdalena, Milenia, Pankracy, Wawrzyniec, Więcemiła (Poland)
Magdaléna (Slovakia)
Magdalena, María (Spain)
Madeleine, Magdalena (Sweden)
Mada, Madalina, Madalyn, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, Madel, Madelaine, Madelein, Madeleine, Madelene, Madelina, Madeline, Madie, Madelyn, Mady (Universal)
Amaya, Magda, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalene (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 204 of 2024; 162 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 17 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 15 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 24 Red; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 9 July 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Dante (8th Month) [Aristo]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 33 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
  Leo (The Lion) begins [Zodiac Sign 5; thru 8.21]
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luckyshrimp · 4 months
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Pete hugging the lucky rabbit :D
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jestierabbit · 9 months
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Some more minor Oswald x Pete but THIS TIME in @skullsemi ‘s backup detective au
Concepts of hero and villain romance is everything to me~
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bonnielunkas · 2 years
from all the faz frights (tftpp aswell if youve also read that) stories youve read, rate the protags from most to least gay (i am going to heavily gudge you /not srs)
in my heart the correct answer is toby and pete bc they're dating but if im abiding by canon and acting like tober / toby x pete isnt a thing uhhhh im gonna try to like do this without just rambling abt my hcs
as SOMEONE has pointed out devon was hate-crushing on kelsey so like uhhhhh. him he's the most gay ( btw @thatoneautisticfnaffan sorry for the tag but i still cry every night thinking about this thanks a lot /lh /nm )
sarah why do you have so many posters of pretty girls in ur room,,, why do u want the beautifuls to notice u,,,, sarah girlie do u wanna talk abt it,,,,
ignoring tober uhhhh pete still seems a fruity to me. like he played football if he's not gay then he's at least like VERY homoerotic like most teenage boys but like. '' as a joke '' or some bs like that
no way toby is a straight man either,,, no mf that wears a beanie is im sorry
something about reed. something about him sets off my gaydar. i cannot explain it he literally has a crush on shelly but there's just. something about him.
hudson is a pathetic little bi man i will not be taking criticism at this time!!!
uhhhhhh jessica and britney feel like they would've become more than gal pals after highschool if they realized popularity is bs or smth
i hc millie to be omni so like take that how you will
robert like. once he gets back into dating if he ever does seems like he'd start asking questions abt himself at some point
alec is aspec i will no take criticism part 2
stanley is straight but like he's a very valuable ally to the gay people he's so silly
oswald!! is tryna figure himself out first lol
i have no idea what to say for oscar im sorry oos fans
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 7.22
Ask An Archeologist Day
Attorney Day (Indonesia)
Beta Blucan Day
Blackfoot Daisy Day
Childbirth Education Awareness Day
Climate Emergency Day
Division 722 Day
Dornach Commemoration Day (Switzerland)
Family Tree Day
Festival of Boredom and Reveries
Fragile X Awareness Day
George Crum Day
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
Hammock Day
Health, Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International Childbirth Education Awareness Day
International Love & Gratitude Day
King Father’s Birthday (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Liberation Day (Guam)
Lion's Share Day
Majdanek Liberation Day
National Be A Good Teammate Day (UK)
National Flag Adoption Day (India)
National Intern Day
National Liberation Day (Poland)
National Pajama Day
National Press Day (Azerbaijan)
National Sing from the Book of Mormon Day
National Sophia Day
National Squirt A Pigeon Day
National Thomas Day
National Water Coaster Day
One Piece Day (Japan)
Pi Approximation Day (a.k.a. Casual Pi Day; 22/7)
Preparedness Day
Qurbon Hayit Holiday (Uzbekistan)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Ratcatcher's Day (a.k.a. Pied Piper Day; UK)
Remington 722 Day
Ryegrass Day (French Republic)
Spooner's Day (a.k.a. Spoonerism Day)
Stilt Dance Day (Spain)
SNN 722 Day
Summer Leisure Day
Thulsa Doom Appreciation Day
Trae Day (Houston, Texas)
Urania Asteroid Day
World Brain Day
World Day Against Open Pit Mining
World Fragile X Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Froot Loops Day
National BLT Sandwich Day
National Mango Day
Penuche Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Bohol Day (Philippines)
Claveria Day (Philippines)
Organic Act Day (Virgin Islands)
Revolution Day (July 22nd Anniversary; The Gambia)
Sarawak Self-Government Day (Malaysia)
Slovenian People’s Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
4th Monday in July
Hurricane Supplication Day (Virgin Islands) [4th Monday]
Festivals Beginning July 22, 2024
The Borderland (Alversjö, Denmark) [thru 7.28]
Corn Capital Days (Olivia, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Farnborough International Airshow (Farnborough, United Kingdom) [thru 7.26]
Supertoon International Animation Festival (Šibenik, Croatia) [thru 7.26]
USA Beer & Wine Ratings (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Calder (Artology)
Aphrodisia (Ancient Greek bathing festival of Aphrodite & Peitho)
Aristo (Positivist; Saint)
Beginning of Leo (Astrology; Pagan)
Contemplate the Cosmos Day (Pastafarian)
Dabius (a.k.a. Davies) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Edward Hopper (Artology)
James Whale Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joseph of Tiberias (or of Palestine; a.k.a. Count Joseph; Christian; Saint)
Karl Marx Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Leo zodiac sign begins
Loch Ness Monster 1st Sighting (Everyday Wicca)
Markella of Chios (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene (Christian; Saint)
Meneve, Abbot of Menat (Christian; Saint)
Neil Welliver (Artology)
Nohra (Maronite Church)
Pete Dexter (Writerism)
Ruthie Tompson (Artology)
S.E. Hinton (Writerism)
Tom Robbins (Writerism)
Vandrille (a.k.a. Wandregisilus; Christian; Saint)
Vaughn Bodē (Artology)
The Venusian (Muppetism)
Wandregislus (a.k.a. Wandrille; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 14 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [14 of 24]
At Your Service (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Back to the Shack, by Weezer (Song; 2014)
A Balmy Swami (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Bikini Beach (Film; 1964)
The Bodyguard (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Film; 2011)
Crazy Drivers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1955)
The Daily Show (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1996)
Friends with Benefits (Film; 2011)
Gallipoli, by Alan Moorehead (History Book; 1956)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Ice Age: Collision Course (Animated Film; 2016)
The Inverted World, by Christopher Priest (Novel; 1974)
The Island (Film; 2005)
Hollywood Sweepstakes (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
It’s Hummer Time (WB LT Cartoon 1950)
Jaws 3-D (Film; 1983)
Join Together, by The Who (Song; 1972)
Jungle Jingles (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Lolita (Film; 1998)
Marnie (Film; 1964)
Midnight Run (Film; 1988)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
My Aim Is True, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1977)
Nope (Film; 2022)
North (Film; 1994)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (Film; 1959)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Film; 1954)
Star Trek Beyond (Film; 2016)
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman (Novel; 1997) [His Dark Materials #2]
Weary Willies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Magdalena, Maria (Austria)
Lena, Magda, Magdalena, Miglena (Bulgaria)
Lenka, Magdalena, Manda, Marija (Croatia)
Magdaléna (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Maria (Denmark)
Leen, Leena, Leeni, Made, Madli, Magda, Magdaleena, Mall, Malle (Estonia)
Leena, Leeni, Lenita, Matleena (Finland)
Madeleine, Wandrille (France)
Magdalena, Marlene, Verena (Germany)
Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdalini, Markella (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Lena, Lorenzo, Maddalena, Maria, Marylena, Menelaos (Italy)
Margita, Marija, Marika, Marina, Marisandra (Latvia)
Dalius, Magdalena, Mantilė, Marija (Lithuania)
Malene, Mali, Malin (Norway)
Albin, Bolesława, Bolisława, Laurencjusz, Maria Magdalena, Milenia, Pankracy, Wawrzyniec, Więcemiła (Poland)
Magdaléna (Slovakia)
Magdalena, María (Spain)
Madeleine, Magdalena (Sweden)
Mada, Madalina, Madalyn, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, Madel, Madelaine, Madelein, Madeleine, Madelene, Madelina, Madeline, Madie, Madelyn, Mady (Universal)
Amaya, Magda, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalene (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 204 of 2024; 162 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 17 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 15 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 24 Red; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 9 July 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Dante (8th Month) [Aristo]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 33 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
  Leo (The Lion) begins [Zodiac Sign 5; thru 8.21]
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fusionkitty23 · 3 years
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I’m thinking about T H E M
Here’s a redesign of the lads 
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