#Originally I was using deviantart as a gallery site for my ~artwork~ but Then the AI peddling happened +
catbirdstations · 1 year
I am thinking about making a seperate gallery website for my art but I feel like Wordpress is too professional. I might just create a custom theme for my art blog i dont know
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faerie-starv · 1 year
Deviantart Anniversary/Story
I forgot to post this two days ago so here it is. Warning, it's a long story so I hope you have a free time to read.
I created my very first social media account was Deviantart on October 6, 2007. I was living in Orlando for attending college and it was my first time being away from home, renting an apartment, and creating my own account. I started college in July 2007 and was majoring for Multimedia Design(which changed into Digital Media). A week after I started my second quarter, I decided to create my DA account. Quick note, here's the link of what Deviantart looks like back in 2007 by using Wayback Machine so you can get the idea.
Before I made my account, I first discovered the site back in early 2006 when I was browsing through Kingdom Hearts fan site and went to the gallery page section. It was showing fan art from other fans with links of their social media sites(MySpace, Deviantart, etc.). One pic I found was none other than the artist is called Keysha-chan as she was a huge Kingdom Hearts fan and drew them as cute chibis by using Copic markers. I checked out her DA page and I was amazed of her talent as she's the same age as I am. She not only drew KH but she also drew Final Fantasy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jax and Daxter. She even made her own manga by creating her original characters, Elemental Goddess. She's no longer on Deviantart as she's now active on Instagram(which I follow her) and changed the username to KeyshaKitty.
After I created my DA account, she was the first person I watched. I saved the tutorials such as the markers and plushies. I learned some of it as I'm still learning how to use markers(you'll probably see some of them on my Tumblr page). She was the reason why I created my DA account. Back then, there was a lot of great art; fan art, original art, photography, CSS layouts, etc. There was no AI, people don't mind the 'cringe' art, no one accused you of being 'racist/homophobic/etc.', no SJW's, no walking on eggshells, and so forth. Sure, there was art theft and some trolls but nothing too major like what's happening on Twitter/X or on Facebook today.
I posted my first journal entry and introduced myself then went on following/faving spree.
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I couldn't post my artwork till two days after I made the account because I didn't have printer/scanner back then and can only rely at college. It was Sunday when I first logged in and the school was closed. I couldn't upload my pics on Monday as I was starting my class and stay behind to use their Photoshop programs(back then, I didn't have Photoshop). I posted this pic on Tuesday as it was my OC's(which it needs some serious update and I'm making changes) while using some Photoshop. Please excuse my crappy pic as I didn't know what Mary Sue was or that the anatomy was way off. I am planning to remake the pic in the future.
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As the date says, I was using the school's computers to put together my pic and it was before I made the account.
I later posted few more pics; two of them were my oil paintings I made when I was sixteen and one photo of Lake Placid, FL that my family used to go on weekends.
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Later on, I watched another user who goes by Lily Pily and she was a big Nightmare Before Christmas/Corpse Bride/Kingdom Hearts fan. I read her crossover fan comics and loved her OC's which she became the first deviant to do an art trade with. I asked her if she can draw Emily from Corpse Bride while she asked me to draw her OC also named Emily. This is not my best pic of her as I'm still learning how to draw humans.
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I'm also planning to redraw her as well. I'm hoping to follow Lily Pily's other social sites but I don't think she has any besides Deviantart. I still want to keep following her for her art.
I finally got around to post my first DA ID but I kinda traced the figure from the books so you can see how different it is(not proud of it hence why I later took it down).
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My god, that pic looks awful! Tracing doesn't help either so it certainly does not make my pic better. The dress is so much cringe as it was based on my old Halloween fairy costume but the colors are just, ugh!!! The wings aren't very good and the pastel colors doesn't mix very well with the dress. This is why I took the pic down a year and a half later. This is what my fursona looked like back then before seeing the current version you see today. There's a reason why I don't like tracing nor using bases(like what I did on my ponysona for Neocities) because it just limits me from doing things. I want to be in control of things.
During 2007 and 2008, I didn't really gain any watchers except two who I know in real life. I also didn't get faves nor comments either until 2009. It was because of two things; one is that I didn't socialize with others nor joined clubs(before it turned into groups) hence why I lack of gaining watchers. Second is that my art was mostly non fan art and I just focused on creating my OC's but sadly, no one was interested in them. :( It wasn't until in 2009 is that I bought myself a digital camera from Walmart and started taking photos. Once I posted them on Deviantart, that's when I gained more watchers, comments, and faves. I still owned this camera to this very day.
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Yeah, I used Adobe Illustrator to draw my camera. Loved that camera!
I took a bunch of photos mostly from theme parks and city downtown as well as flowers and birds. So photography is one of the reasons why my page is getting attention but another thing I've done is creating crystal orbs for fun.
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Those gained a lot of popularity. Then I started to create my Fakemon, Faerie Mews based on the elements.
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The first one was a Fire Faerie Mew(the other is the Chinese Fire Faerie Mew) then I created four more. I ended up making a final pic of four main elements. I really loved making them and I am planning to remake them in the future. I do want to finish the Chinese Elemental Faerie Mews as I only did one but didn't get around to finish.
I would love to post more of my old DA artwork here but I'll have to save it for other time as I can only limit on how many I can put in this post. I just wanted to post the story of my DA anniversary to share it with everyone.
If your asking me about my DA account, don't bother because I closed it back in January due to the site being overrun by AI and the admins stopped caring about the artists. I already removed my pics a year before they allowed AI(thank god I did that) to make it easier for me to clean up and deactivating the account. I've been on DA for fourteen years(fifteen if I choose to stay) before calling it quits.
So now I'm moving on here, Inkblot, Square, and Neocities to post my art. Hopefully you guys enjoyed my long ass story.
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astrangerlately · 3 years
Sorry if this is rude you don't have to answer but what do you use to make your typography/lyric art? I really love them!
not rude at all and im so so sorry it took me such a long time to answer!! <3
i mostly use photos from stock websites. my faves are pexels, unsplash, and pixabay. there are lots more out there but i can usually find what i'm looking for on those three
for paintings i use rijksmuseum. you can download really high quality images of their public domain artworks. you can even crop them on the site and just download the detail you want. the ui is kind of annoying but i cannot bring myself to complain about it because its such a cool resource
other good public domain art stuff: the art institute of chicago and the met and europeana
for the vintage style illustrations that i edit...i study 18th/19th/early 20th c history so i spend my life reading weird old vintage shit. a lot of time i just see a pretty illustration when researching and im like...mine now, lol.
google books is my go-to when i want to browse for weird books
archive.org is good too
i love to edit photos to look like they're on really old paper... there's usually a few blank pages at the start of these public domain books so i just take screenshots of them and overlay them onto photos
flickr has comically terrible ui but there is so. much. amazing stuff on there. you do have to do quite a lot of digging though but you can find some incredible stuff.
(quick warning though: obviously with so much historical material there is a lot of very unpleasant content. turn on safe search if you don’t want to see nasty victorian racism, or photos of a penis with late-stage syphilis (and yes i am speaking from experience))
tumblr for whatever reason isn’t letting me put in links here so i’ll just copy and paste them like a caveman:
the public domain review (https://www.flickr.com/photos/publicdomainreview/)
british library (https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/)
internet archive book images (this hyperlink seemed to work for some reason)
us national archives (https://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/)
deviantart also has some diamonds in the rough (and by ‘rough’ i mean page after page of weird furry sonic fetish inflation art that for some reason isnt marked nsfw... but i digress). most of the time it's not worth the effort but you can find cool stuff there if you're willing to dig for it
a couple of cool stock accounts:
always check the details of the accounts though. there are some accounts that just post public domain stuff, some people post original content and are happy for it to be used however, some people allow use but have rules.
also after typing all of this i just realised you might have meant like...which software i use. in which case the answer is photoshop, lmao
and sorry again for taking so long to answer this! (and thank you for your kind words! <3)
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urban-hart · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to make an online portfolio? An art contest that I want to enter requires that I provide a link to one, but I have no idea how or even where to make a portfolio? Deviantart offers the option, but I’ve never heard of their partner site Wix before and I’m afraid of getting my art stolen. I really have no idea what I’m doing, so any recommendations would be welcome. Thank you for your time and here’s wishing you a Happy New Year! :)
Hiya! Okay, I’ve not heard of an art contest requiring a portfolio for entry, but then again I’m not in the business of entering art contests so. *shrug* Goes to show what I know. That’s a disclaimer, by the way. I don’t think I’m qualified to give advice, but I’m happy to share what I think might help based on my own research. Please do some reading up on art contests and portfolios as well! I assure you my advice will not be enough.
Some starting info that stuck with me because pretty much everyone will tell you this:
Your art portfolio is your first impression with a potential employer/desired art school/apparently art contests. You want it to look professional and polished. Just don’t polish out the you and make sure that what you showcase is what you’re passionate about.
Use your best and most finished works to date. I’ll leave that up to you to decide what that does and does not include. Just use a discerning eye when combing through your works for the best pieces, but also don’t be too hard on yourself because you do want to fill your portfolio. (I know, it’s a fine line to walk.) Whatever skills you’ve learned, make sure they’re executed to the best of your abilties in these finished artworks.
On a website, you can have a page of maybe like studies. Those could potentially help if they’re like super nice.
Use only original art (done by you alone) and nothing copyrighted. This will show that you can craft ideas on your own. Personal projects with original characters, stories, settings, etc are great for this.
There’s probably definitely some things I’m forgetting here. Again, do some research on the internet as well. There’s a sea of qualified experts out there who have imparted their vast wisdom from their experiences.
I personally use Wix to compile my art. (You can view it here for kicks and giggles.) Wix is great because it’s free to set up, has a wealth of tools, and plenty of artists successfully use it to display their works online. Play around with it for a while to see if you even like Wix. If not, refer to lists like this and this that present other options out there that you may want to look into.
Also look at the official websites of professional artists you admire who have been in an industry for some time already. Take some notes (but don’t copy anything exactly, of course) and find what makes a strong portfolio. Don’t look at too many portfolios though. That can become counterproductive beyond a certain point. Ensure that your main focus is your own artwork.
If you’re worried about art theft, there’s an option on Wix when you add image elements to watermark your images, or you can watermark them on your own with any editing program. I don’t remember where exactly to find that on Wix, but I’m pretty sure you can right click on a gallery and find it in the settings there. I could be wrong though.
I’m happy to have potentially helped! I once again ask that you take my advice with a grain of salt and please do your research. I wish you a Happy New Year too, and great success with the art contest. Happy arting! :)
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sucremortis · 3 years
Illustration Terms of Service 2021
Going about my maintenance rounds and updating my ToS for 2021, soon to be 2022!
NOTICE: These terms and conditions of service are likely to be edited, altered, or drastically changed during the course of their use. Please check back frequently and ask the artist (me) if any questions arise. The entirety of the agreement can be read under the cut, cus it's gonna be a long one.
Several terms and phrases that stand in for others may be used over the course of this agreement. Please familiarize yourself with the following:
the artist/illustrator: @tera-toma, @teratomart or any other social media handles or names of the creator of this agreement, Charlie
the client: The intended recipient of any directly commissioned artwork produced by the artist.
the work/product: The result of any directly commissioned artwork produced by the artist, including, but not limited to writing, illustration, or character design images.
adopt/adoptable: An original character design produced for the sole purpose of being "adopted" by clients, where clients purchase ownership of the design and regard it as their own character for illustration, roleplay, writing, or other purposes.
This agreement is broken into three sections:
SECTION 1: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original Illustrations
SECTION 2: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original "Adoptable" Character Designs
SECTION 3: Prohibited or Blacklisted Content and Users
SECTION 1: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original Illustrations
By purchasing a commission, you, the client, agree to the following conditions:
At all stages, including (but not limited to) drafting, sketch, ink work, flat colors, rendering, and completion, you will allow me, the artist, to post, advertise, and use the work in personal advertisements and social media posts. Social media sites include (but are not limited to) Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Toyhou.Se, Instagram, and others.
At all stages (see above), you, the client, will allow me, the artist, to privately post the work among friends, in private discord servers, or other forums.
You, the client, will allow me to use entirely original work for commercial purposes, only if the work is 100% original content. I, the artist, will never use your original characters, designs, or purchased designs for commercial purposes.
You, the client, will not use the work for commercial purposes under any circumstance.
You, the client, understand that my rates, initial fee, or other prices are subject to change at any moment. Changes that are made after the initialization of commissioned work will not affect current clients.
You, the client, acknowledge that co-owning and/or co-payment of the work is permitted only with express permission from me, the artist. Please inquire about co-payment or co-ownership of freelance work.
You, the client, acknowledge that I may cancel, mute, block, and/or refuse further or current business with any clients who fail to understand these terms and conditions, are rude or otherwise uncouth, exhibit repeated and unreliable communication, fail to provide payment in a timely manner, associate with users/circumstances on my blacklist, or for any other reason, at my, the artist's, discretion.
You, the client, acknowledge that if cancellation is requested, refunds will not be administered for the work.
You, the client, acknowledge that if cancellation is requested in the case of flat-priced work, that an appropriate refund will be given based on the percentage of completion.
You, the client, acknowledge that if cancellation is requested at any time, the work requested under said cancellation will not be posted publicly to any forum, social media site, or otherwise, either by me, the artist, or by you.
You, the client, acknowledge that unwatermarked or full-resolution files of the work are not to be publicly posted under any circumstances, with few exceptions. Exceptions include uploading to Toyhou.Se galleries with a clear and highly-obscuring watermark or re-uploading with a peronal, clear, and highly-obscuring watermark besides my own. In these cases, please provide clear and obvious credit to me, the artist.
General statements:
Virtual currency is not accepted as payment in any situation.
Unpaid or canceled freelance slots will be re-released to the public.
SECTION 2: Terms and Conditions Regarding Original "Adoptable" Character designs
By purchasing an originally created design for the purpose of ownership, you agree to the following conditions:
At all stages, including (but not limited to) drafting, sketch, ink work, flat colors, rendering, and completion, you will allow me, the artist, to post, advertise, and use the work in personal advertisements and social media posts. Social media sites include (but are not limited to) Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Toyhou.Se, Instagram, and others.
At all stages (see above), you, the client, will allow me, the artist, to privately post the work among friends, in private discord servers, or other forums.
You, the client, will not use the work for commercial purposes under any circumstance.
You, the client, understand that prices are subject to change at any moment. Changes that are made after purchase of the work will not affect current clients.
You, the client, acknowledge that co-owning and/or co-payment of the work is permitted only with express permission from me, the artist. Please inquire about co-payment or co-ownership of freelance work.
You, the client, acknowledge that unwatermarked or full-resolution files of the work are not to be publicly posted under any circumstances, with few exceptions. Exceptions include uploading to Toyhou.Se galleries with a clear and highly-obscuring watermark or re-uploading with a peronal, clear, and highly-obscuring watermark besides my own. In these cases, please provide clear and obvious credit to me, the artist.
You, the client, acknowledge that full-resolution or unwatermarked work is not to be altered or edited in any way by the client. At any time, edits, color adjustments, or other changes can be requested from me, the artist, for a small fee.
You, the client, acknowledge that the work will not be resold for an amount larger than its purchased value. Exceptions to this include if the work has additional artwork (personal or commissioned), writing, or other content that was not attached to the original work.
You, the client, will not sell, develop or claim ownership of any conceptual work of the adopt. This includes refining concept sketches into new designs, incorporating alternate concepts into the current design, or claiming ownership of alternative concepts.
You, the client, will not produce "duplicate" versions of the work for any purpose. This includes color-swaps, "twin" designs, "brother/sister/sibling" designs, or other designs that highly resemble the original.
You, the client, acknowledge that I may cancel, mute, block, and/or refuse further or current business with any clients who fail to understand these terms and conditions, are rude or otherwise uncouth, exhibit repeated and unreliable communication, fail to provide payment in a timely manner, associate with users/circumstances on my blacklist, or for any other reason, at my, the artist's, discretion.
General statements:
Virtual currency is not accepted as payment in any situation.
Unpaid or canceled adoptables will be re-released to the public.
Designs can be reclaimed, voided (in the case of Closed Species), or otherwise retracted at any time, only in the event of egregious events.
SECTION 3: Prohibited or Blacklisted Content and Users
This section consists of several lists of prohibited, blacklisted, or "will-not-draw" content. Please review and acknowledge the following content.
"Will-Not-Draw" Content
Content in this list is unavailable for freelance work due to skill limitations or personal choice.
comic pages/sequences
pixel art
portraiture/fanart of living or deceased people
portraiture/fanart of living or deceased animals
animated work
mecha designs
robot designs (some exceptions apply)
most underage characters or designs (please inquire)
My Little Pony designs
Sonic-universe designs
architectural backgrounds/scenery (some exceptions apply)
anthropogenic characters (some exceptions apply)
fetish work (any)
NSFW or explicitly pornographic work
graphic depictions of self-harm
graphic depictions of substance abuse
Blacklisted Content
Content in this list is strictly prohibited from request to be represented in any of my work. Additionally, any users who are found to associate with the following content are subject to being permanently blacklisted from my business.
content for the purpose of directly ridiculing or insulting other users
other users who closely associate with users already present on my Blacklist, known personal abusers, racists, or LGBTQ+phobes
alt-right/republican/conservative views or political propaganda
racism/racial discrimination, either fictional or nonfictional
LGBTQ+phobia/queer discrimination, either fictional or nonfictional
representation of stereotypes, including racial, mental health, or other
discrimination based on mental/physical/other disabilities
discrimination based on body shape/type, especially fatphobia
pornographic depictions of living people
zoophilia/pornographic depictions of living/realistic animals
Blacklisted Users
Users in this list are strictly prohibited from doing business with me. At any time, if clients are found to be distributing work, adoptable designs, or otherwise associate with users on this list, they may be subject to being permanently blacklisted from my business.
crowley/lucivore/gurocore/"Harper" blacklisted for personal reasons, block evading, stalking, and repeated design/art copying/stealing.
ashlooloo/"Ash" blacklisted due to close association with Harper.
perfect10n1sm/"Nord"/"Nordy" blacklisted for personal reasons, abuse, and potential stalking/block evading.
rockavampy/"Vampy" blacklisted for personal reasons.
veryyamyam/timethot/"Billy"/"Joe"/"Rat/t" blacklisted for personal reasons.
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sylveradrake · 4 years
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Pixel art commissions are open!
Active Slots:
[ ayealiskomori: four 200px dolls (sketched) ]
[ charlieltweets: one 150px doll (sketched) ]
[ cupiddissolvi: two 250 pixel dolls ]
[ Open ]
[ Open ]
Reserved Slots:
[ Open ]
[ Open ]
[ Open ]
[ Open ]
[ Open ]
Frequently Asked Questions (Please Read!):
    [ ? ] Are these all the options you have for commissions?     [ A ] These are primarily just examples of things I've done consistently in the past! If you have a more 'custom' idea, we can certainly discuss it! I've been doing pixel art for over four years, so I have some decent experience, but like every artist I have limits to my current abilities. You can see both my Tumblr and DeviantArt galleries for more examples, including the options for the line styles, animations, and shading!     [ ? ] What ARE all those options under the examples?     [ A ] Hard lines means the piece will have "hard", solid black lines between each "section" of the piece: the outline, and between all the different colors, etc. Lineless means that rather than having that solid black line, I use a slightly darker shade of each color to outline them, like the full body dragon! This gives it a softer, 'lineless' look.     Cell shading means that there's just one color used to shade, rather than a blend. The Kakashi doll on the far left has cell shading: just one color in a hard shape. Smooth shading means what it sounds like: a few colors are blended from dark to light to make the shadows smoother!     I do a few very basic animations for certain dolls or icons when requested. Typically this refers to a one-pixel "bob", and a blink cycle. I can also have a doll open its mouth and bring up a small speech bubble if you'd like them to say something! Please bear in mind that animation takes additional time and effort, and though not required, additional support is appreciated for animated pieces!     [ ? ] Why are there things you refuse to draw?     [ A ] For the most part, it's simply a matter of preference. For others, it's a matter of ability. Some things are just a bit too complex for me to feel I can pull it off in a fashion consistent with the rest of my work, and therefore being worth your money! Hence a limit on complex poses and the number of characters per shot, or complex designs, like mecha. Other things like the ship limitations are just personal preferences that make me uncomfortable. The NSFW ban is mostly due to most hosting sites not liking to host mature artwork...and also a matter of both my ability, and personal preference.     [ ? ] What constitutes NSFW?     [ A ] For me, this includes any nudity that shows genitals - nipples and / or breasts are fine. This also includes anything sexual, including any and all fetishes, even if genitals are not shown. I also do not do heavy gore. I may expand this umbrella term if anything not already covered comes up!     [ ? ] I can't afford a commission, but I'd like to help! What can I do?     [ A ] You can share this comm sheet and / or my art with your friends! Getting the word out might mean finding someone able and willing to order a comm, which of course is a big help!     [ ? ] Do you do requests?     [ A ] Unfortunately, not at the moment. If you'd like me to draw something for you and the comms are open, you're more than welcome to order something! While I do do personal art for myself and for friends, I can't make free art for everyone. In the future I may do something akin to raffles, but for now, we're starting with the commissions!     [ ? ] Can I donate without ordering a commission?     [ A ] You most certainly can, and it's very much appreciated, and would be a huge help! Of course it is NOT an expectation: no one has to donate if they can't or don't want to. But if you just want to throw some general support in to help me keep creating, you're more than welcome, and I'd appreciate it tremendously     [ ? ] Do you accept DeviantArt points?     [ A ] I do not. To put it bluntly, DA points can't pay my bills. I have nothing I need that DA points can buy, so I only work with money. Sorry!     [ ? ] Do you do anything like art trades?     [ A ] For the moment, no - but I might in the future! I'm open to the possibility, but for now (and for this post's purpose), I'm working on commissions! If I ever open up art trades, I'll be sure to make another about it!     [ ? ] How is best to contact you?     [ A ] Any of the above listed social media! Here on DA, please send a note with a subject line about commissions. On Tumblr, you can send an ask (off anon) which I will reply to privately. You can also send an IM! Email also works: just include commissions in the subject line. I do my best to check all of these sites a few times a day, but there may be times where I'm limited. I'll try to post ahead of time so you know why I'm not responding promptly! Otherwise, it could take me about a day to get back to you. Please be patient! I have other responsibilities. I may also take hiatuses if I feel the need. If I go more than a few days without responding and haven't given any warning, there's probably something keeping me from my messages, and I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I'm able!     [ ? ] What's your policy on refunds?     [ A ] So long as I haven't finished flat coloring your piece, you can get a full refund, of course! But once the piece is lined AND colored, I've put in a good bit of work, so I'm afraid I won't be able to refund you. As stated on the sheet, you can ask for an update on the piece any time! And I will send you the cleaned sketch once it's finished to see if there's anything you'd like changed. Though please bear in mind some things can differ between sketching and lining, especially when shrinking down to pixel. A sketch is a general outline, not the full product!     [ ? ] Are there any other circumstances where you might refuse a commission?     [ A ] Honestly it depends. I hope not to encounter any other reasons beyond my general rules, but I DO retain the right to say no to any commission for any reason, which I don't have to disclose. If I do say no, please respect that decision. It's never anything personal.     [ ? ] Where does the art go once it's finished?     [ A ] Any commissioned art, by default, will be posted to my DeviantArt, my Tumblr, and on Ko-fi! I'll also send you a copy / link through whatever means you contacted me with. If you'd like your art to be private, you need only ask. I will then only send YOU the art, and it will NOT be posted anywhere else. I can also post the art anonymously if you’d like it posted, but your name not attached to it.     [ ? ] How can I use my commission(s)?     [ A ] Any way you like UNLESS it's commercial - in other words, if you make any money using the artwork. Please also do not trade or sell the artwork. Otherwise, feel free to use it for any personal use you'd like! You can also repost the art so long as you provide a link to my original post. If your comm wasn't publicly posted, a link back to any of my social media will suffice! Just always be sure to use proper credit so people know where the art came from! That way they can find my pages, and maybe get a commission of their own!     [ ? ] Do you do fanart?     [ A ] I do! My commissions are all one-off, unique jobs, and I'm hardly about to impact any IP markets. So long as it's a large fandom (no Disney, though - that's one I won't touch), and my art wouldn't greatly impact the profits and livelihood of other creators, I can do fanart. But I DO prefer to do original art! It's great to work with new designs, and help give original characters more art for them! Gimme OCs to draw!     [ ? ] Can you design a character for me, like a custom adoptable?     [ A ] I can! Just bear in mind that I'll need as many details as possible to make something that fits your vision! I'll also need to work with you more than typical to be sure we get it as accurate as possible, so be prepared for a lot of communication until we get it looking as you want!     [ ? ] Can you do gifts - in other words, can I order art for another person?     [ A ] I do, and you certainly can! Just be sure to let me know who the gift is for, so I can tag them! If they don't have any of the social media I use, you can just give me a name or screen name to post with it. A gift will just cost you the same as any art you'd order for yourself! Also please do be sure you have permission to commission art of characters owned by another person!     [ ? ] What do you mean by 'item'?     [ A ] Each individual pixel piece! One lone pixel doll of 150 pixels would be four dollars! But if you want two dolls interacting, it's four dollars EACH. So eight dollars. That's because I still have to sketch, ink, color, shade, and possibly animate EACH doll! Twice the effort means twice the price.
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Interview with Jenny Dolfen
Much thanks to acclaimed artist Jenny Dolfen for doing this Tolkien-fandom-history interview!
Jenny is a German artist and illustrator. Her art is well known and much admired in the Tolkien fandom. She won the inaugural Tolkien Society award in the category "best artwork" in 2014, for her watercolour “Eärendil the Mariner" and is nominated for that award again this year for her artwork "The Hunt."
Jenny also published a book of her art in 2016. “Songs of Sorrow and Hope” contains sketches and full color artwork dating from 2003-2013. The book includes many of her Tolkien inspired works as well as works inspired by fantasy, mythology and Jenny’s own work “The Rhyddion Chronicles.” It is available in her Etsy store.
Jenny's art can be found on her web page https://goldseven.wordpress.com/galleries/tolkien/ as well as her Etsy page https://www.etsy.com/shop/JennyDolfen and her Patreon site https://www.patreon.com/jennydolfen
She does YouTube tutorials as well--it's fascinating to watch her creations come to life in the videos. https://m.youtube.com/user/GoldSeven/videos
Jenny can also be found here on tumblr @goldseven
(Interview by @maedhrosrussandol)
TFH: When did you originally become involved in Tolkien fandom?
Jenny: I’ve been a Tolkien fan for most of my life (my mother introduced me to the Hobbit when I was six), but I didn’t know there were any other Tolkien fans until I discovered the Internet in the early 2000s.
TFH: What was your initial experience with the online fandom? Did the advent of the LOTR movies have an effect on you?
Jenny: I have treated and still treat the books and the movies as two very different things. The movies interest me as much as any movie I enjoy; the books are a major part of my life. I encountered the Silmarillion fandom around 2003, and above all, was amazed by the fact that there were people who had read it (I had only met one in my life).
TFH: How do you feel the Tolkien fandom has changed since you initially became involved in it?
Jenny: I don’t feel it has changed much. If I had known it before the films, it might be different, but I still see the major groups there that existed in the early 2000s – film fans, book fans (which minor crossovers), fanfic writers, and scholars.
TFH: In the mid-2000s, it often seemed that there were two groups of people creating fan art. There were the artists sanctioned by the Tolkien Estate--Alan Lee, John Howe, Ted Nasmith--who were mostly men, and then there were the so-called "fan artists," who were mostly women. The latter group were also often professional artists and were much more widely embraced by the fanfic community (for example, you and Kasiopea seemed much more instrumental in determining how Silmfic writers saw the characters than Nasmith, and your name is probably more readily recognized by Silm fans today than Nasmith's). Did you perceive this as well? If so, do you have any thoughts on why the Estate and fanworks creators might have had so little overlap in their visions of Middle-earth and its characters?
Jenny: I have actually talked to Ted Nasmith (whom I met at Return of the Ring 2012, a perfectly wonderful bloke!) about this very thing. Ted told me about his illustrated Silmarillion, in which the Estate had been very clear on a policy that follows what we know from the “Big Three” (John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith): a lot of location, a bit of characters, and absolutely no monsters!
In a panel at Return of the Ring, which I attended together with Ted, Anke Eissmann, and Ruth Lacon, the same question was asked, and it does seem to fall along gender lines. Typically, characters are more often and more prominently portrayed by women, and many viewing habits seem to follow a similar gender divide on the audience’s side. It makes sense, then, that the Tolkien Estate, under the firm influence of Christopher Tolkien, would favour the a more setting-oriented approach that depicted the scope and poetry of his father’s work, while other artists explored the characters in a more intimate and obscure way.
TFH: I'm interested in your experience with both the artistic and writing sides of the Tolkien fandom. Were there differences in the respective fandoms when you first became involved and in the response to your works in the two mediums?
Jenny: I have always kept a slight distance to much of the fanfic side. There are several fanfics I have enjoyed, but even in some of the ones I did, slash was never far away, and it just makes me uncomfortable. (The fact that it’s mostly gay sex is secondary, incidentally. I simply feel that sex in the exploration of those characters is as irrelevant as exploring their, say, bathroom habits. I may be pretty alone in this as a female recipient of Tolkien’s work, but his characters strike me as rather asexual on the whole.)
On the art side, I find that the response from and interaction with the fandom has been overwhelmingly positive from all sides. I have formed long-lasting friendships with other artists and fans.
TFH: There has been tremendous expansion of artistic interpretations of Tolkien’s work in recent years--through Tumblr, DeviantArt, weibo--how do you continue to reach your audience and interact with those who have an interest in your art?
Jenny: I consider myself very lucky, in that I have stayed in contact with a large and wonderful group of people over all these years. I had the good fortune of being recognized quite early on, and while there has been some fluctuation, an amazingly strong core of my audience has stayed with me.
TFH: In what other Tolkien-related events, gatherings or challenges do you participate? How is it interacting with fans at such events?
Jenny: I try to make it to the major local events – Tolkien Tag, organized by the Dutch and German Tolkien Societies – and I’ll be at the (British) Tolkien Society’s Tolkien 2019 event in Birmingham next year. Apart from that, my job as a teacher and my two young children mean I can’t travel much.
I hugely enjoy those events – to interact with other fans usually feels like a breakaway together with people I rarely meet in the “real world”.
TFH: What drew you to Professor Tolkien's work originally?
Jenny: I have loved mythology from a very young age, devouring classical, Germanic and medieval folk tales since primary school, so Tolkien fell squarely into those preferences, and continued to do so when I got older and became a student of literature rather than just a consumer of Fantasy books.
TFH: Which of his characters are your favorites? Why?
Jenny: It will come as absolutely no surprise that it’s Maedhros son of Feanor. He stuck in my head even when I first read the Silmarillion, standing out against that huge cast of often-confusing people. He’s like a Greek tragic hero, trying to do the right thing and striving to justify his means, and dragging everyone else into ruin with him. His fate is heartbreaking, and I love heartbreaking tales.
TFH: Why do you love Tolkien's universe? What inspires you?
Jenny: It’s always been mostly about the characters, but I find that, as I get older, other aspects of the legendarium speak to me more strongly than before. When I was a child, I used to skip the descriptions of landscape; today, I both read them closely, and find that I appreciate beauty in nature far more than I used to, which I then translate into my art (my older work, up until I was about twenty, usually featured characters standing around in a perfect white void).
TFH: To what extent do you think it is important for a fanfiction writer or fan artist to follow and respect the original author's work and concepts?
Jenny: First off, I think for a fan creator, there are, by definition, no such constraints. Preference is another matter entirely. Personally, I enjoy writings and works of art that, in my subjective view, feel close to what Tolkien might have meant, and thus strike a chord with me.
When we extend that question to any matter that is supposed to be a more general representation of the original work, I feel it’s essential to be faithful to a common theme and feel. If we take Peter Jackson’s movies, I do think that he managed it in many places in the Lord of the Rings; his Hobbit, from what I have seen of it (I haven’t watched the second and third films), felt weirdly like the output of an Instagram creator whose fanbase latches on to a very small part of his original body of work, and who then suddenly starts churning out more of the same, comical, self-referred spoofs which feel like a continuation to him and to his base but really leave most of the essence behind for everyone else.
TFH: Which was the most unexpected occasion, the most unusual platform where you have ever encountered one of your artworks?
Jenny: Thaaaaaaat would have been a Russian porn site. I get around, you know.
TFH: Which one of your drawings is most special to you and why?
There are a lot of drawings I’m very attached to. “In pain and regret” is probably far up the list, as are the more recent “The Hunt” and “And the Orcs fled before his face”. The one I’ll mention here has to be one where I, probably accidentally, nailed Maedhros’ face for the first time. I drew it in 1995, when I was twenty, and I remember that this was a piece that told me that I was still improving. As a young artist, you often think that one day, you’ll be a grown-up, and that’s that. At twenty, I had just moved away from home, and had subconsciously felt that I was now finished, feeling some regret at the belief that my art would no longer improve – and suddenly I realized how wrong I’d been. It was an eye-opener for me, artistically.
The artworks and book referenced in this interview are as follows
Jenny Dolfen's book "Songs of Sorrow and Hope" featuring the cover art of Maglor "The harp no longer sings":
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"Earendil the Mariner":
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The 1995 artwork referenced:
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"And the orcs fled before his face":
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"The Hunt":
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"In pain and regret":
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frankly-art · 6 years
Inktober 2018: Reflections
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Also available to read on my deviantArt account.
Since this year was the first ever that I’ve participated in Inktober, I thought I’d share a few things I’ve reflected on since completing it. First, though, I want to thank everyone who liked, shared, and commented on any of my Inktober drawings—you all were definitely motivators in helping me see the challenge through to the end! Given that Inktober is (as you all know) an art challenge, I found myself considering several times throughout the month what my goals are as an artist, as well as what results I can expect from my current artistic skills. Hopefully this reflection will be of some use to other artists looking to situate and assess their own techniques!
First, a bit of context: In years past, I posted my artworks to various art-hosting sites on an on-again, off-again basis, with quantity being my primary goal over quality; that is, I was more concerned with having a large gallery and posting regularly, even daily, than creating work that I was actually proud of. This led me to have a very negative perception of myself as an artist due to being unsatisfied with the majority of my works; thus, I ultimately abandoned many of my artistic pursuits once I left for university. It wasn’t until after completing graduate school this year that I felt compelled to return to my artistic hobbies and actually try to do something professional with them. However, after a couple of months, I once again found myself becoming more concerned with churning out artworks quickly. That, and I was focusing too much on making artworks that I thought would be marketable rather than making pieces that I truly wanted to create (that’s not to say that I’m not fond of any of the works I created during this period, it simply means that I don’t believe I was making art for the right reasons). I found myself getting burnt out from this process towards the end of September and wasn’t sure which projects to undertake next.
So, for me, Inktober came at just the right time! It offered me a chance to participate in something with other artists, and the medium it asked artists to work in (ink, obviously) eliminated virtually any guesswork as to what kind of art to create. Its daily prompts also set strict enough criteria for subject matter that I didn’t mull for too long over what to draw either, which was certainly welcome at the time. But I wasn’t as keen on these daily prompts when I started as I am now—at first, they seemed somewhat of a curse, putting extreme constraints on the time I had to finish an entry and leaving me feeling a little unsatisfied with some of the results (in my mind’s eye, I was imagining my ink drawings would resemble those of M.C. Escher… which was foolish, considering I’ve never made or even tried to make anything resembling his work). However, I soon learned that there was a lot of fun to be had in interpreting each day’s prompt in a fun and original way, and began to view Inktober less as an artistic challenge and more as simply a creative one: so long as I liked my idea for how to interpret a day’s prompt, I usually found that I liked whatever artwork resulted from it (though that’s putting it a bit too lightly, as there are several pieces I made for this challenge that I really, really like!).
All in all, Inktober taught me to be less of a perfectionist, to be honest with myself regarding my artistic abilities, and to focus more on having fun in the artistic process rather than be so concerned with marketability. I feel much more at peace with myself as an artist now than I did before and have much more confidence in my skills and ideas. I’m also happy to have a sizable collection of cohesive drawings that showcase my skills in interpretation, as well as in mediums of traditional art. There’s no denying that Inktober is a huge time suck, but, if you’re willing to undertake the challenge and forego a few (read: many) social events throughout the month of October, I think that it’s a great way to reassess your artistic and creative goals if you’re feeling a bit lost in them. I want to take one more opportunity to thank everyone who showed me support during this challenge! I hope that my reflections help you in deciding whether Inktober was something you enjoyed doing this year, or whether it’s something you’d consider doing in the future.
What were your experiences with Inktober, either this year or in years past? Additionally, were there any Inktober drawings from my own collection this year that you liked in particular? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to share them with me!
ArtStation | RedBubble | Instagram | deviantArt
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
How I Successfuly Organized My Very Own Easy Surrealism Art Ideas | Easy Surrealism Art Ideas
Apollinaire coined the chat ‘surreal’ to call the blithesome activity of shock or curiosity he begin in the alien combinations of aboriginal ‘Surrealist’ works. The appellation has come, added recently, to be associated with those moments aback the accustomed warps and contorts, acceptable the being of nightmare. ‘Dreamers Awake’ is below about artifice those nightmares than harnessing the benumbed from which they ability creep. The exhibition – an all-encompassing analysis of Surrealism’s admission on the works of over 50 women artists – traces a best history of their admission not alone to aesthetic innovation, but to the claiming of cogent and redefining changeable character adjoin the macho desires that collection Surrealism’s ancient manifestations.
Ranging through White Cube Bermondsey’s four ample galleries, and including works by artists as far flung as Lee Miller, Mimi Parent, Leonora Carrington, Tracey Emin, Julie Curtiss, and Caitlin Keogh, ‘Dreamers Awake’ is grotesque, kitschy, farcical, and agitating by turns. Throughout, the angle of admission is key – not atomic because the beheld accoutrement fatigued aloft in abounding of the pieces on affectation ‘belongs’ to the works of macho Surrealists with whom visitors are acceptable to be bigger acquainted. Woman as muse, as sphinx, as goddess; as anatomy decapitated and burst to heighten the focus on the breasts and sex: for all Surrealism’s credible freedoms, the gendered abandon accomplished in the works of its macho artists is an afflictive fact, if a hasty one to avant-garde admirers added accustomed with the movement’s advocate designs.
The exhibition’s accomplished archive confronts this arguable gender backroom arch on, archetype its origins to the affectionate arrangement of Freudian psychoanalysis through which Surrealists approved admission to the unconscious. For Susanna Greeves, the exhibition’s babysitter – whose comments
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Painter Legend https://i0.wp.com/www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/surreal-eggs-by-sylphcat-on-deviantart-easy-surrealism-art-ideas.jpg?fit=1762%2C2356&ssl=1
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vielmond · 7 years
Eu não fazia ideia que você é do Brasil, amei sua arte e gostaria de saber como faço pra comprar seus prints? Abraços!
(It's a question about prints, English translation below the cut)
Adoro surpreender meus conterrâneos com minha nacionalidade! >D
Fico feliz por ter interesse no meu trabalho. Tenho prints em um punhado de lugares, cada qual com suas vantagens e desvantagens. Leitores, se você já compraram/venderam nestes (e em outros) sites e gostaria de dividir sua experiência ficarei feliz em ajudar. Pode dar um reply/reblog ou mandar um ask caso deseje permanecer no anonimato.
Colab55 – Minha loja. Empresa brasileira voltada para o nosso mercado, trabalha com reais. Aceita cartão de crédito, boleto e Paypal. Minha página está desatualizada devido a um bug que cortou meu acesso ao sistema deles, o qual usa contas em redes sociais (Facebook, G+ etc) para acessar as lojas. Isso não só quebrou minha conta no Colab como é impossível recuperar acesso a ela sem clonarem minha loja inteira para uma nova conta. Sempre que penso em passar pelo processo acabo desistindo. O lado positivo, fora usar reais e ter um frete mais rápido, é que o pagamento é automático. Mesmo se sua conta quebrar você ainda receberá os royalties das vendas atuais.
A última vez que comprei itens foi logo quando lançaram o serviço, há anos. Posso falar um pouco sobre a qualidade de impressão, mas não se esqueça que minha experiência está bem desatualizada. A qualidade das prints em si era fantástica. Eram um pouco mais escuras que os originais, porém as cores e nitidez eram maravilhosos e compensavam. As almofadas também tinham uma qualidade muito legal. As canecas eram nítidas, mas saíam um pouco escuras demais. Já as capas de celular deixavam muito a desejar—baixa nitidez e as cores saíam realmente escuras e azuladas. Na época a Colab prometeu sanar o problema nessas linhas de produtos. Não sei dizer como é atualmente pois não comprei mais nada desde então.
deviantART – Minha loja. Lá dá para comprar vários tipos de prints e alguns itens como canecas e cartões. Pessoas que compraram prints minhas e depois me contaram estavam felizes com a qualidade. O DA trabalha com dólares, aceitando Paypal, cartão de crédito e pontos de um sistema próprio deles.
Society6 – Minha loja. Empresa reconhecida na área de print-on-demand, trabalha com uma variedade imensa de produtos, incluindo cadernos e bolsas. Aceita Paypal e cartão de crédito.
Para quem quer vender no S6: Tenho alguns templates de produtos em PSD para download. O kit está um pouco desatualizado, faltam produtos lançados desde meu último update, mas maioria dos básicos está aí.
Redbubble – Minha loja. Concorrente do Society6, também oferece uma variedade de produtos e aceita PayPal, cartão, Amazon (EUA apenas), Apple Pay e gift cards. Nem todo trabalho que tenho no S6 tenho no RB e vice-versa.
INPRNT – Minha loja. Empresa menor, focada em impressões de alta qualidade. Parece que são tão boas ou melhores que as da Colab. Eles também tem capas de celular e cartões. Aceitam Paypal, cartão e gift cards. Sempre foram muito atenciosos e ágeis comigo, imagino que o suporte ao cliente seja tão maravilhoso como é o ao vendedor. O pagamento ao vendedor é automático a partir de $100, antes disso você pode requisitar ao suporte deles sem custo adicional.
E é isso! Espero que isso não só responda à sua dúvida como ajude quem anda pensando em vender prints.
Q: I had no idea you were from Brazil, I love your work and would like to know how do I buy your prints? Hugs!
A: I love to surprise fellow Brazilians with my nationality! >D
Thanks for your interest in my work. I have prints in a bunch of places, each one with its advantages and disadvantages. Readers, if you bought/sold things in these (or other) sites and wish to share your experience I'll be happy to help. You can reblog/reply or use ask if you wish to remain anonymous.
deviantART – My store. You'll find various types of prints, and some itens like mugs and cards. People who bought my prints and told me later were happy with the quality. DA works with dollars, accepting Paypal, credit card and points of their own system.
Society6 – My store. A well known company in the print-on-demand area, offers a wide variety of products, including notebooks and bags. Accepts Paypal and CC.
For those selling on S6: I have PSD product templates for download. This kit is a bit out of date, it's missing some of the newer products, but the majority of the basic ones is there.
Redbubble – My store. Society6's competitor, also offers a wide variety and accepts Paypal, CC, Amazon (only US), Apple Pay and gift cards. I should say my gallery in all these sites slightly differ, and certain artworks can only be found in one or another service.
INPRNT – My store. A smaller company specializing in high quality prints. Their prints seem as good or better than Colab55's. They also have phone cases and cards. They use Paypal, CC and gift cards. They were always fast and considerate with me, I reckon their consumer support must be as amazing as their seller support. The seller payment is automatic over $100, to withdraw lower amounts contact their support. It'll be done without any additional fees.
Colab55 – My store. Brazilian company focused on our market, works with reais instead of dollars. It accepts Paypal, bank invoices (boleto) and CC. My page is out of date due a bug that cut my access to their system, which uses social network accounts (Facebook, G+ etc) to login. It not only broke my Colab account but it's impossible to recover my store without cloning it to a new account. Every time I think about going through this process I end giving up. The bright side, besides using reais and having a faster shipping (for Brazilians), is that the payment to sellers is automatic. Even if your account breaks you'll still get paid your royalties.
Last time I bought there was just after their service began, years ago. I can talk a little about their quality, but take my out-of-date experience with a grain of salt. Their print quality was amazing. They were slightly darker than the originals, but colors and sharpness were wonderful, making up for any brightness issues. The throw pillows were nice too. The mugs were sharp, but a little on the dark side. The phone cases, though, left a lot to be desired—they were blurred, dark and blueish. At the time Colab promised to work on the issues of this line of products. I don't know how it's today, I haven't bought anything since then.
That's it. I hope this not only answers your question but helps people thinking in selling prints.
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yanderebitch666 · 7 years
Long Ass Tracing Rant
Oh, boy. As an artist who draws everything herself by the fullest, tracing really grinds my gears. So expect a LONG rant. This is a rant about tracing in general, but this is a huge shout out to the One Piece and Fairy Tail fandom. I know many other fandoms trace, it's just that in those featured fandoms, it's BAD!! On Google+, I'm going to stop submitting my rants to communities because that site is just filled with children who think life is nothing but one big roleplay. Anyways onto the rant: 1) Tracing is Art Theft. I don't care what you say. You are taking a screenshot of the show or a picture from the manga and tracing over it. The artist and animators did not spend all that time in the studio, making these comics and episodes, just for you to just trace over it and call it your OC. Those people aren't robots. They are humans who worked hard on their art. Just because it's screenshots doesn't mean a thing. Animation is still art. And the funny thing is that it's always the same character and the same pose. I guess they always want to be that cute candy girl like Nami and Lucy. If you Google OCs for Fairy Tail, you can literally see the same pose over and over again. Nami and Lucy weren't created to be an OC template. That's just Lucy with pink hair and a wand. That's just Nami with brown hair and some frilly dress. They are NOT your OC. What makes me mad the most is that some tracers don't even try to change the outfit. They're just putting different designs on it and calling the outfit their own. And some of them have beautiful editing skills. But they waste their talent on tracing. Just ask your self how would you feel if you spent hours upon hours on an art piece only for it to be stolen and traced over? If I had it my way, tracers would be punished for stealing a copyrighted art piece and claiming it as their own. You don't have to vocally say it's yours, but the moment you post it online, then you're claiming it as yours. And when you make rants on their character, they say "You should ask permission before posting my art". HELLO?!!! THAT ISN'T YOUR ART!! THAT'S THE MANGAKA'S ART THAT YOU TRACED OVER! YOU SHOULD BE ASKING THEM BEFORE SUBMITTING THEIR ART. 2) Tracing is NOT Referencing Referencing- taking a picture and trying to mimic the pose, only using your eyes as a guide Tracing- taking a picture, drawing over it to the exact measurements, even down to the hair and eye shape. I reference official artwork to get a grasp of the art style. How are their face shaped? How big are their eyes? How do their body work? With tracing, all you're doing is drawing over the original image to a T, but changing things. They even trace over the shade lines. And somehow they're talented? For "looking like they're in the show"? Yes, they were in the show, since the person who they traced over was originally there. The real talented ones are the people who can perfectly mimic the ART STYLE itself, not people who trace over screenshots. In official artwork with a group of canon characters, they completely replace Nami or Lucy. It just look like they had a makeover. I'm sorry, tracer, but when I see your OC, all I see is the original character. I like how none of the canon characters suspect the two to be related or something, since they look exactly like each other. I actually look up to people who quit tracing and we see their art remarkably improve. 3) "Hating" on Tracers Oh, I'm hating on you? I'm just jealous that I'm not as talented at art as you and I don't have an army of brain-dead worshippers who's enchanted by the almighty fan service pictures? Oh yeah, because I'm so jealous of a Lucy/Nami lookalike. I'm so jealous that I'm not looking for another picture to trace. Then when you run out of pictures from the anime to trace over, you go to other anime to trace over their art, but try to change it into the art style of the original anime. I'm sorry, but Diabolik Lovers and One Piece ain't gonna work. Those are two totally different art styles that have no similarity whatsoever. They even go as far as tracing fan art. Rboz is a popular target for the Fairy Tail fandom and it makes me sick. I'm not jealous of your traced crap because at least I can sell my art without committing copyright infringement. And your little fan brats only like you because your art, I'm sorry, TRACING SKILLS are pretty. All in all, stop tracing. Draw it yourself. Don't give me the "I can't draw" excuse. If you can trace so good, you can draw. Who cares if your art is crappy? It's art, it improves the longer you draw. You can look through my gallery on Deviantart and see the difference of art from 2015 to now. Even though I cringe, it makes me proud of myself of how much I improve and I'll continue to improve. You have to pick up the pencil and draw in order to get better. Look at other artwork or even look up guides on how to draw so you can get better. You'll see what technique works for you and grow with it. Practice, practice, practice until your fingers break off. Okay, remember to take breaks so that won't happen, but you know what I mean. It's not that you can't draw. It's that you don't try. Drawing basketball heads and stick figures is easy better than taking a picture someone else made and tracing over it to call it your OC Tracing is stealing. Learn to draw yourself. That's all
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yingqilin · 7 years
Where Do I Even Begin?
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Well, first of all, I’ve LOVED LOVED LOVED Qilin ALMOST as much as I loved Unicorns, and Dragon. I say ALMOST because I first saw a unicorn on TV when I was 4 years old in the EARLY 1980s! But, I’d never even heard of a so-called “Chinese Unicorn” since about the mid-late 1980s when I saw a children’s magazine called “Cricket” which had a WHOLE SPREAD about UNICORNS, including the Chinese & Japanese versions.
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(I don’t believe this was the actual cover. I can’t remember what year the Cricket Magazine issue was, just that it was in the 1980s. This issue was cited in many books written about Unicorns as well, following its syndication. It had a full on spread including many kinds of unicorns from many cultures... if I recall correctly, there might even have been an French Unicorn story as well.)
When I was a little kid, I actually didn’t like to read (which was an issue by the late 1900s, and even the government would talk about it, the trouble was they’d demonized comic books in the 1960s-1970s, which resulted in that problem, because even tho’ “correlation doesn’t equal causation” they didn’t know that and thought that the act of reading comics made you into a criminal. My experience was the exact opposite, because I read super hero comics a lot and was more interested in THAT than things like doing hard drugs, vandalism, and shoplifting which was rampant in NJ where I grew up.) So, by the late 1980s-early 1990s children were encouraged to read, read, read. Well, I liked pictures, and I LOVED: unicorns, dragons, and dinosaurs, ANYTHING FANTASY, but also Sci-Fi. (I also loved Marvel Comics/X-MEN, and Disney Adventures Magazine, and nearly all the Jeffrey Katzenberg hit Disney Films)
So, whenever it was something of interest to me, I would read a lot, and I had stacks of books, which I also used to practice learning art, and I was self taught. (I have A.D.D.)
I graduated in May 2001 from the Art Institute of Philadelphia (Majored in Computer Animation AKA CAM). And, by the GW Bush Era, I had already been active online since 1994, and had been blogging, and using many various art websites.
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By late 2001, and most of the early 2000s (2001-2007) I spent months and even years sketching and drawing Qilin, interacting in the Furry/Anthro Fandom, and published a lot of my works to GeoCites/Yahoo, and had even created my own message boards, and so on. I even had one called “Qilin Savanna” Altho’ much of these sites are gone, my original works still remain on DeviantArt in my gallery HERE. (I also LIVED IN CHINA many times in the GWB Era often.)
Since that time I’d also written a lot of things, multiple times over, about my research into Qilin (which are not all unicorns, just some).
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If you were to type in “qilin cartoon” into Google you can actually see the many many photo images that come up since the time I’d first started publishing my work ONLINE, FOR FREE, you can actually see how my works have influenced people. Back then, there was a MAJOR mix-up with the term, because MOST information available in ENGLISH regarding CHINESE EVERYTHING was often inaccurate, used the dead Wade-Giles Chinese language, or were often confused with JAPANESE. Another issue was that I actually could speak standard Mandarin Chinese, but many people wrote the Cantonese names, or FREQUENTLY confused them with Japanese name for the exact same character (AKA kanji, AKA Hanzi), which is “kirin” in Japanese. Also, the majority of NON-Chinese speaking persons don’t know how to pronounce Mandarin pinyin. (Example: Can you pronounce?: chi, qi, shi, xi, zhi, zi, qu, chu, er, ri, ren, si, ran, yu, you, bo, po, zhou, zhu, cao, zui - Most Non-Chinese speakers CANNOT pronounce these correctly at all. “Chi” sounds like “Tcher” and “Qi” sounds like “Tchee”, “Shi” sounds like “scher” and “xi” sounds like “schee”. There are also variations on pronunciation.)
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But, I still stuck to the facts. my father-in-law in China,The late Wang Zimin, actually had special access to a restricted library, and wrote letters to me about Qilin, and the 4 major Chinese magical deities: Qilin, Long/Dragon, Fenghuang/Phoenix, Bixi/Dragon-Heard Tortoise.
Back then, mostly you needed to search “kirin” especially because M. Peña called her artwork “Kirin” but still also called them “Chinese Unicorns”. Her gorgeous sculpture works were sold everywhere for years, nation wide, from the boardwalk to Spencer Gifts, to Flea Markets, and Christmas season mall kiosks.
But, as you scroll through all the works produced since that time, not only the ones titled or tagged as "kirin” but over time “Qilin” starts to replace this as more and more people growing up actually start to study Chinese, especially artists and customers, and many of these young artists are either my fans or students, but fans or students of my students... after a while, people forgot who I was... but my work BECAME PART OF THE CULTURE.
You can SEE that many people emulated my poses, my styles of doing hair, and many other details. Over the years, a number of my fans, and friends would send me private messages FREAKING OUT that either someone stole my work, stile my style, or ripped me off...
That’s actually NOT TRUE. No one ripped me off. THOSE ARE MY STUDENTS.
You guys ASKED ME things like: How do you draw _____? so I made countless cheat-sheet style tutorials (because paid classes don’t ACTUALLY TEACH). Also, if someone wants to learn, (like myself) they try to draw from WHAT THEY LOVE. That means ME. MY ARTWORK. How else will they learn if they don’t copy, ask questions, etc.?
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I have many many open source materials in my DeviantART gallery (which are STILL MY MOST POPULAR WORKS OF ALL TIME despite the hours of work I’ve produced artistically.) I have also licensed much of my line art works FOR FREE for people to practice coloring with wither digitally, or to print them out and color with real media like markers, color pencils, pastels, or whatever because people kept asking me.
Actually, I would like to credit a number of artists whom are my biggest influences as well:
Susan Dawe
Glen Keane
Alan Davis
Those are my biggest ones, but I also loved artworks by Burne Hogarth,  Auguste Rodin,  Edward Degas (I especially love his ROUGH sketch work), Frank Frazzetta, Boris Vallejo & Julie Belle, Fred Moore, Vladimir “Bill” Tytla,   AND the film The Last Unicorn was especially the #1 thing that got me actually DRAWING when I was 4 years old.
SO much of my work, especially ANYTHING with unicorns, has been tattooed onto people bodies. Many people personally asked my permission, but I honestly DO NOT MIND. I have found over the years more examples of my artwork tattooed onto people than I can count. It’s LOVE.
However, I’ve also many many times been the victim of theft FOR REAL. Many people have tried to rob my sketchbooks, and many companies have illegally robbed my artwork online. It was the cause of MUCH online fights, wars, and battles. There’s also impersonators: People pretending to be ME, or claiming THEY did my work: also the cause of much much online fights and flame wars.
-Then, of course, there’s LOTS & LOTS of kids online that “rob” my work for RPGs, and fan pages... Honestly, I’m NOT going after children, or fans, for harmless things like that... I’m NOT Metallica.
So, where am I going with THIS?
Well, for one, there’s both ART and PHILOSOPHY which are BOTH a MAJOR part of my life.
I had a number of setbacks, delays, and many other strings of very unfortunate events in my life. Needless to say, I was very depressed. However, I did find myself back in college, first for Philosophy, and then for Art, especially Video... which somehow saw me thrust forward into Animation HEAD-FIRST. Suffice it to say, I’ve worked through, blew threw, and past, all of my blocks, and have been doing animation again. (lots more long stories, but not writing them here)
Many many times, you can’t always reach, yet, what you want. Other times, other persons, or groups want to change you, or make you something else.... and not you. But, it kills you inside...
At some point, you need STOP listening to everyone, and everything else, ESPECIALLY if that’s not FLOWING in the direction are are INSIDE.
I’d already WANTED to produce at least 2 series/films of my own. (”Eyewitness” and “Zenith Beyond The Dragon’s Rue”) Well, THIS is a branch off that tree. This stems from my concepts for “Eyewitness” but sort-of... I had ALWAYS wanted to produce my own small animated shorts, especially with music, like the old 20th Century animated works such as “Silly Symphonies”, “Merry Melodies”, and even Disney's “Fantasia”, but also a number of influences from Far East Asia including PR China, and Japan.
I’ve been multiple times inspired by Socrates, Plato, Laozi, Bruce Lee (Li Xiaolong), and many fusion artists/dancers on the American West Coat including my teachers: Zoe Jakes, and Alyssum Pole, as well as Rachel Brice, Carolena Nericcio, Jamlila & Suhaila Salimpour, but also Matahari, and Kerli Kõiv. People that think differently, question things, or create their own ideas, or even fusion artists.
Well, this project has been on my mind since at least 2001.
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In fact, my actual name (Ming Zi) in Chinese is: 任思麒 (Ren SiQi)
It literally means: Duty/Task [to] Think/Contemplate/Dream of Qi[lin]!
Also, as an artist, there are a number of things I believe in, whereas other things I’ve shed like a snake molting its skin. I’m a fusion artist, an eclectic artist, but I still firmly believe in art fundamentals like life drawing, practicing one’s skills, and I use bot digital and real media. I LOVE TO DRAW. I firmly believe in Quality OVER Quantity, yet, in some instances I also think too much detail is overdo, and somethings look better less refined. I like realism, stylization, cartoons, and beautiful things.
I want to create content that is LESS about “being a big success” or ego driven ideas of “stardom”, and lavish money making, but more about THE LOVE OF IT.
I do NOT want to be part of any establishment groups, crowds, clubs, or institutions, and DON’T want to be mainstream, NOR corporate. I have found all of those things to be negative and destructive to my life and therefore regret pursuing those avenues. I’m NOT interested in walking those paths, nor dunking helplessly into those turbulent or stagnant flows, but RATHER Flow my own way, because I have my OWN PATHS. I don’t need to buy their metaphorical light bulbs, because I have my own light that I can shine inside of me.
And, if I am being completely frank & honest, another MAJOR influence on me WAY BEFORE HE WAS EVEN POPULAR was Bernie Sanders. I am a Berner. Sanders actually GAVE OF HIS HEART & HIS TIME FOR FREE. He crowd funded for what he believed in with SMALL MONEY because he was against BIG MONEY.
I have no care for being in exclusive film festivals or galleries. People whom already LOVE my work find their way to it. People HAVE found value in my efforts and work.
Therefore, I wish to begin producing this animated short. It is not cheap tho’. But, I will gladly share my process, my concept work, my practice work, and everything FOR FREE. Free to ALL ARTISTS, and people whom just live beautiful things, art, and QILIN.
I wish to pursue an independent direction in my art. But, I would very much like to include people, if not the world or those in it that care about these things, to interact with me. A long time ago I’d created my “Qilin Savanna” site to interact with people whom also loved Qilin, Unicorns, Dragons, and other things, but also a love for art, or learning art.
This year (2017) while interacting with MANY MANY young people, and young artists, I often found that people WANTED to learn to DRAW, to improve their techniques and practice them, but despite having paid money to attend art classed (including “drawing classes”) they did not actually get what they paid for, did not actually get instruction for what they wanted to learn, but either had to fend for themselves, try independently, or got resources online for free... so, why then were they paying for it?
I have many many times, spent just a short moment with frustrated peers, students, classmates, friends, and fellow artists whom couldn’t draw what they wanted to, and teased me for being some kind of special person... when in fact, whatever I do, others can too. I sat with them, explained, and demonstrated (AKA Using The Feynman Technique) and after that moment of AHA THEY COULD DO IT. And, they didn’t need to come back. 
And, NO, I DON’T HAVE A MASTER’S DEGREE. Honestly, at this point, I don’t feel I actually want one. I DON’T want to be a part of that club, nor establishment either. In this way, I’m somewhat like Socrates, Diogenes, or Bruce Lee... only NOT. I’m ME. 
I have a lot more to say, but I think I will leave it here for now.
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skeleton-farts-blog · 8 years
EMERGENCY HEADSHOT COMMISSIONS! I was planning on doing these later when I got some more stuff finished but shit has come up and I'm in a really tight position... I've been looking for jobs since April 2016 (a year coming up yay...) and I've been able to get a few commissions here and there and temporarily helping with my mums business (but she hasn't got enough work for the both of us) And I don't wanna get too personal with the details but we're really stuck in the mud. I need to make a minimum of $40 a month just for my phone bills (it was the cheapest deal I could get.), then there's my car rego payments every 3 months which is $190, and now there's doctor appointments I have to make and just by visiting the place it's $90 easy... (these wont be too regular thankfully!), I've gotta pay to renew your licence (thanks for letting my know government... this is only a once in a few years thing too but it's still annoying.) And I pay for things here and there to help out around the house. But I've decided to make some really super cheap headshot commissions since they're quick and easy to do, don't take too much time (about 3-5 hours at most) and I know a lot of you don't have that much money so for a limited time I'm selling these headshots super cheap so let me know if you're interested! I'm also accepting them as point commissions too if you do not have a paypal account! They are 400 and 620 points equal to the prices! An additional 160 points of you wish to have the speedpaint included! (If you are deviantART) (IF YOU DO WANT A SPEEDPAINT LET ME KNOW UP FRONT OTHERWISE I MIGHT NOT RECORD ALL OF THE FOOTAGE IF YOU DECIDE TO HAVE ONE LATER ON!) (Check the commissions tab on my page!) I can draw anything from your OC to a favourite character of yours! Some info on the sections: Standard Headshots: These are just hard-cell shaded drawings. Detailed Headshots: Soft shaded headshots with slightly more details depending on the character drawn. (e.g. clear cracks or scarring if any and detailed fur.) Additional Speedpaint: Your commission will be recorded and upload to my channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/XxNarutoDragonxX The final piece will be linked in the description of the video and credit will be given to you! (If it is your OC being drawn.) Think of this as a promotion for you ;) (Your username will be in the title of the video as well!) My subscriber count has been quite quite largely as of late! (I had 14subs beginning of last year, 700 at the beginning of this year and gained 67subs this year on 3 videos being uploaded alone!) I do have a few rules (nothing that bad don't worry hehe) 1. I do accept payment first, I will not upload the drawing or show you WIPs unless you have paid prior. (Mainly for art theft purposes) 2. I do have a busy schedule so your headshots may not come out immediately! But commissions are usually my top priority when I receive them so they will be at the top of my list of things to do! 3. You do not own this piece personally! By this meaning that you so not upload the artwork to any other sites without my permission, post on your personal gallery (I give exceptions if it's for avator use for dA or other sites but please let me know you're doing it so it's nice for me to have that peace of mind!) And if you do post onto other sites I request you give the link to the original piece and say it was made by me. (So others will know who drew the artwork and I don't have to chase people up about it!) It's just common courtesy. If you cannot afford these commissions but would still like to help feel free to share this! I'm not very popular (despite having quite a large number of followers I'm not sure if all of them see my stuff, they could had checked off my notifications...) But if I am able to make these commissions work and earn my monthly amount of a minimum of $40 then I'll permanently keep these prices for headshots!:D I know my commission prices are quite high already but they are all below my hourly rate already and I can't make them any cheaper :'( But I hope the best with these! :') If you have any questions please feel free to ask me! I'll leave these open until the 30th of April!:D Thank you and have a good one!
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sylveradrake · 5 years
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Pay What You Want commissions are open! Active Slots: 1. [ Open ] 2. [ Open ] 3. [ Open ] 4. [ Open ] 5. [ Open ] Reserved Slots: 1. [ Open ] 2. [ Open ] 3. [ Open ] 4. [ Open ] 5. [ Open ] Frequently Asked Questions (Please Read!):
     [ ? ] What does pay what you want mean?      [ A ] Pay what you want (pwyw) means that, beyond a minimum, you can pay whatever you want for the commission! The minimums are listed on the sheet, and anything above that isn't necessary, but greatly appreciated! If an item says 1+ kofi, you must pay at least one kofi, but you can add more if you're feeling generous!      [ ? ] What is a kofi?      [ A ] Ko-fi is a website that allows you to support your favorite creators, a bit like a way to tip them by "buying them a coffee"! A 'kofi', as I call them, is each unit of support you give an artist ($3US). There is of course a small chunk taken from each kofi, so the artist doesn't get the full $3 (just something to bear in mind). You can give as many kofis at once as you'd like, hence these commissions being pwyw so you can give whatever you feel like giving!      [ ? ] Are these all the options you have for commissions?      [ A ] These are primarily just examples of things I've done consistently in the past! If you have a more 'custom' idea, we can certainly discuss it! I've been doing pixel art for about 3.5 years, so I have some decent experience, but like every artist I have limits to my current abilities. You can see both my Tumblr and DeviantArt galleries for more examples, including the options for the line styles, animations, and shading!      [ ? ] What ARE all those options under the examples?      [ A ] Hard lines means the piece will have "hard", solid black lines between each "section" of the piece: the outline, and between all the different colors, etc. Lineless means that rather than having that solid black line, I use a slightly darker shade of each color to outline them, like the fullbody dragon! This gives it a softer, 'lineless' look.      Cell shading means that there's just one color used to shade, rather than a blend. The Kakashi doll on the far left has cell shading: just one color in a hard shape. Smooth shading means what it sounds like: a few colors are blended from dark to light to make the shadows smoother!      I do a few very basic animations for certain dolls or icons when requested. Typically this refers to a one-pixel "bob", and a blink cycle. I can also have a doll open its mouth and bring up a small speech bubble if you'd like them to say something! Please bear in mind that animation takes additional time and effort, and though not required, additional support is appreciated for animated pieces!      [ ? ] Why are there things you refuse to draw?      [ A ] For the most part, it's simply a matter of preference. For others, it's a matter of ability. Some things are just a bit too complex for me to feel I can pull it off in a fashion consistent with the rest of my work, and therefore being worth your money! Hence a limit on complex poses and the number of characters per shot, or complex designs, like mecha. Other things like the ship limitations are just personal preferences that make me uncomfortable. The NSFW ban is mostly due to most hosting sites not liking to host mature artwork...and also a matter of both my ability, and personal preference.      [ ? ] What constitutes NSFW?      [ A ] For me, this includes any nudity that shows genitals - nipples and / or breasts are fine. This also includes anything sexual, including any and all fetishes, even if genitals are not shown. I also do not do heavy gore. I may expand this umbrella term if anything not already covered comes up!      [ ? ] I can't afford a commission, but I'd like to help! What can I do?      [ A ] You can share this comm sheet and / or my art with your friends! Getting the word out might mean finding someone able and willing to order a comm, which of course is a big help!      [ ? ] Do you do requests?      [ A ] Unfortunately, not at the moment. If you'd like me to draw something for you and the comms are open, you're more than welcome to order something! While I do do personal art for myself and for friends, I can't make free art for everyone. In the future I may do something akin to raffles, but for now, we're starting with the commissions!      [ ? ] Can I donate without ordering a commission?      [ A ] You most certainly can, and it's very much appreciated, and would be a huge help! Of course it is NOT an expectation: no one has to donate if they can't or don't want to. But if you just want to throw some general support in to help me keep creating, you're more than welcome, and I'd appreciate it tremendously :heart:      [ ? ] Do you accept DeviantArt points?      [ A ] I do not. To put it bluntly, DA points can't pay my bills. I have nothing I need that DA points can buy, so I only work with money. Sorry!      [ ? ] Do you do anything like art trades?      [ A ] For the moment, no - but I might in the future! I'm open to the possibility, but for now (and for this post's purpose), I'm working on commissions! If I ever open up art trades, I'll be sure to make another about it!      [ ? ] How is best to contact you?      [ A ] Any of the above listed social media! On DA, please send a note with a subject line about pwyw commissions. On Tumblr, you can send an ask (off anon) which I will reply to privately. You can also send an IM! Email also works: just include the pwyw commissions in the subject line. I do my best to check all of these sites a few times a day, but there may be times where I'm limited. I'll try to post ahead of time so you know why I'm not responding promptly! Otherwise, it could take me about a day to get back to you. Please be patient! I have other responsibilities. I may also take hiatuses if I feel the need. If I go more than a few days without responding and haven't given any warning, there's probably something keeping me from my messages, and I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as I'm able!      [ ? ] What's your policy on refunds?      [ A ] So long as I haven't finished flat coloring your piece, you can get a full refund, of course! But once the piece is lined AND colored, I've put in a good bit of work, so I'm afraid I won't be able to refund you. As stated on the sheet, you can ask for an update on the piece any time! And I will send you the cleaned sketch once it's finished to see if there's anything you'd like changed. Though please bear in mind some things can differ between sketching and lining, especially when shrinking down to pixel. A sketch is a general outline, not the full product!      [ ? ] Are there any other circumstances where you might refuse a commission?      [ A ] Honestly it depends. I hope not to encounter any other reasons beyond my general rules, but I DO retain the right to say no to any commission for any reason, which I don't have to disclose. If I do say no, please respect that decision. It's never anything personal.      [ ? ] Where does the art go once it's finished?      [ A ] Any commissioned art, by default, will be posted to my DeviantArt, my Tumblr, and on Ko-fi! I'll also send you a copy / link through whatever means you contacted me with. If you'd like your art to be private, you need only ask. I will then only send YOU the art, and it will NOT be posted anywhere else. I can also post the art anonymously if you’d like it posted, but your name not attached to it.      [ ? ] How can I use my commission(s)?      [ A ] Any way you like UNLESS it's commercial - in other words, if you make any money using the artwork. Please also do not trade or sell the artwork. Otherwise, feel free to use it for any personal use you'd like! You can also repost the art so long as you provide a link to my original post. If your comm wasn't publicly posted, a link back to any of my social media will suffice! Just always be sure to use proper credit so people know where the art came from! That way they can find my pages, and maybe get a commission of their own!      [ ? ] Do you do fanart?      [ A ] I do! My commissions are all one-off, unique jobs, and I'm hardly about to impact any IP markets. So long as it's a large fandom (no Disney, though - that's one I won't touch), and my art wouldn't greatly impact the profits and livelihood of other creators, I can do fanart. But I DO prefer to do original art! It's great to work with new designs, and help give original characters more art for them! Gimme OCs to draw!      [ ? ] Can you design a character for me, like a custom adoptable?      [ A ] I can! Just bear in mind that I'll need as many details as possible to make something that fits your vision! I'll also need to work with you more than typical to be sure we get it as accurate as possible, so be prepared for a lot of communication until we get it looking as you want!      [ ? ] Can you do gifts - in other words, can I order art for another person?      [ A ] I do, and you certainly can! Just be sure to let me know who the gift is for, so I can tag them! If they don't have any of the social media I use, you can just give me a name or screen name to post with it. A gift will just cost you the same as any art you'd order for yourself! Also please do be sure you have permission to commission art of characters owned by another person!      [ ? ] What do you mean by 'item'?      [ A ] Each individual pixel piece! One lone pixel doll of 150 pixels would be a minimum of two kofis! But if you want two dolls interacting, it's two kofis minimum EACH. So at least four kofis. That's because I still have to sketch, ink, color, shade, and possibly animate EACH doll! Twice the effort means twice the price.
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darkmoondancer · 5 years
A promise & dA/griffia drama
The promise & an explanation
So, you might have no idea what this post is about, or have any context to understand it. If that’s the case, it’s okay. It’s not actually important then. This post is for the huge amount of my past, current, and future clients who have commissioned works from me for the Deviant Art, Art RolePlaying Game, known as Griffia. Structural changes to that game have left some of you being extorted by that game’s owner for more money. In that extortion some of the public relations spin by said owner has put some entirely false but very public blame on me. So firstly. If you have ever bought art from me for this game. Please know, that I deeply did and still do appreciate your business and regardless of any and all drama over there, you can always reach me here to support your purchase. You bought character art from me, if you need more art, I am committed to fulfilling it. I simply can’t do it for free though, but I’ll do my best to help you out. I’m sorry I can’t do more, but despite the “spin” that griffsnuff (owner of the game) has put on this debacle I am not at fault and simply can’t afford to indulge her. I am not abandoning you and please don’t take anything said about me in places I can no longer defend myself as truth. Please just come speak to me. Secondly. Below is the full text of my last letters to griffsnuff and the first in bad faith. It is both exculpatory and personal. It’s not exactly something I’m proud of, but I feel as both an act of self-care and of conscious, it is something I needed to put out in the most wide reaching manner I have. But, there is a character limit on Deviant Art, and I am not exactly a concise writer. So here it is. If you have no idea what any of this post is about, I’m sorry to hurl it upon you. Trust me, you’re better off not reading it. It’s mostly drama.
The Open Letter
I'm not going to beat around the bush about this, but you are very much cornering Qvi, as well as all of the rest of us GAs or ExGAs, and in addition to that you are dismissing Qvi's very valid concerns. (Replying to this comment chain: here)
You are functionally forcing us to re-upload art that we may already have hosted, (or given our permissions for your old MLs to host), or else hazard looking like we don't value our past customers if we don't. By limiting art to the original artist's gallery, you aren't providing any sort of option for people to get permission to rehost art, especially when it comes to reference sheets, batch uploads, deleted artwork, and variations or edited artwork! In this way, you are very much cornering us. You are strong arming us and using this as an excuse to rip off your most loyal players.
This could easily have been avoided if you had taken ANY sort of courtesy to contact us GAs/ExGAs before the VML went live, and make any effort to sort something out that worked for all parties involved.
Why were we not contacted in any form to try to find some sort of amiable solution? Full disclosure: I am pissed off about not being contacted. I am pissed about being fired in the GA purge when you told all of us that you would be contacting us(GAs) again in the new year. You didn't even have the courtesy to reach out individually and tell us 'thanks for your efforts but we aren't asking you back'. You chose to let us sit there with our hopes up for months on end in silence? That's a dick move. Now, when some of us have moved on, or are in the process of trying to, we are being contacted by past customers about a game we might not even play anymore (because it broke our trust and our hearts) all because you decided to put up new random rules on your website? A website that is actually displaying direct image links[1] instead of doing something sensible like coding in a pop-up permissions window that shifts the upload liability to the user instead of the site? You know? Like every modern website doing business inside the bounds of effective DMCA enforcement? Which, FYI, you clearly are not within. I'm not either, as a Canadian. Youtube and DeviantArt are, as corporations existing... INSIDE AMERICA! And don't mumble about WIPO, it's a freaking diplomatic tool, not an actively enforceable legal instrument! Neither is the DMCA, in practise. But that is way beyond the scope of this rant. Seeing as you'd need to have a basic understanding of the history surrounding DMCA and the ensuing voluntary policies put in place as a protective measure by the pre-tech bubble western tech hegemony against the insanity that is the actual base law. Which clearly evidenced by your own words and actions is leagues beyond you. That being said, I am not upset with my customers, or anyone who has contacted me in hopes of getting their art sorted out. I am all on-board to help them get things working, because I respect them and am grateful that they supported me in the past and bought my art. However, I am sick of the abuse that players, mods/exmods and GAs/ExGAs continue to endure in this community simply because you keep changing your product on a whim. Griff, these customers bought art that represents a character in your game from someone you granted license to do so. This art was expressly sold for use in your game, which includes being hosted on the game's ML. All art that GAs made for your game was sold to the customers, as a product that works within the World of Griffia. This was explicit by your own actions, words, declaration and by the license you implicitly extended to your agents. Your employees, the GAs! You know, the people you paid with licensing rights to do work for you? Licensing rights that had DIRECT monetary value! The people you also paid with access to monetary instruments known as proxy currencies, or by game speak, ITEMS! For fuck sake, you prattle on about DMCA while ignoring the actual laws you are beholden to? How in the hell have you not seen the rulings on digital goods that can be exchanged for real money?!? You are Norweigan! You are PART of the fucking European Economic Area. Those portions of EU laws explicitly apply to you! THEY ARE LAWS REGARDING ECONOMIC ACTIONS! How can you be so comfortable quoting laws with such blatant inaccuracy? And now, through all of this, you are telling your customers that it is not your problem? If they don't get to use the art they purchased with real money, in the context it was bought for, then they are clearly suffering a loss. Their character is being devalued by your actions unless they give YOU money? Their investment, as is the case with a great deal of players, is now worth less! They have no other option other than to suck it up? To deal with the n/a page or to pay a now select-few artists (your agents, your employees) real money to fix it? To give you or your agents money or suffer the consequences of a depreciated asset? And make no mistake, your "guest artists" are your agents. They are your employees. Just because you don't understand the most basic principles of money doesn't make it any less so. You are paying them in rights. Your most loyal fans (customers) now must shell out even more money to get a new rebase, or draw themselves new art that can't go in this official slot at all? The least you could do is allow people the option to make themselves a rebase on your official bases that can count as official art. 
On top of it all, you aren't actually providing credit to the original artist since you just have direct image links. Embedded images that only exist so long as dA continues to host that particular library file. Images that don't even link back to the artists original post, but steal it directly from the hosting infrastructure[1]!?! Hosting infrastructure that will clear eventually. Whether by an inactive user, scheduled maintenance, or malice, the links will die. Data costs real money. Somewhere in the world it is taking up warehouse space. Regardless of whether it's a digital set of bits on a storage drive. It costs actual money to host. Likely the real reason you don't want to host the images yourself? The DMCA explanation is gibberish, at best, as noted above. So no, dA isn't going to be hosting the current image files forever, and yes, you will inevitably have images go missing again, which means you are going to be right back at square one (missing images because they got deleted), which is what you've been trying to say you are attempting to avoid this whole time! Asking for a 'stable dA link' is literally nonsense. An entire point of having your own website for a game like this, is so that you are not dependent on dA hosting your stuff… and yet you are making this exact mistake again. You are making a mistake, while in the same breath, freaking out about that exact mistake? Are you insane? You are integrating automation and other features, but to have waited a whole year to see that this new VML doesn't even provide credit to the original artist (either by text, via link-through, or ANYTHING), and be greeted with arbitrary restrictions like no background, no pets, only individuals AND all has to be posted by only the original artist specifically only on dA galleries… AND to be followed up with dismissals that hosting this art is our own problem, when it's in fact all for YOUR game… and to support YOUR livelihood… I'm infuriated that I'm not seeing you taking any responsibility for this or respecting your customers for having put money into your game economy by buying a product that's value was solely granted by it's rights of use within your game! You keep breaking your promises, Griff, and there's only so much ground left to stand on.
I feel like you are not only being flippant towards us GAs/ExGAs, but trying to make this the GA's problem. Is this just so you can hide from your responsibility and milk even more money of your most loyal fans? Some of us aren't even a part of your team anymore and don't have any obligations to your game whatsoever. But you're trying to sell some bullshit to shift the blame regardless? You are breaking your promises to YOUR customers, who are trying to play in YOUR game! Before you go saying that I'm simply blaming all of this on you directly, Griffsnuff… I am. Griffsnuff, you are the owner of Griffia. I don't give a flying fuck what your godly levels of gibberish have to say otherwise. Especially since the words included in that gibberish changes with the seasons of your feelings. You ultimately carry all blame. Responsibility ultimately falls on… that's right… you! You are the owner. That is how reality works, and I agree it sucks, but that is the responsibility you take on when you decide to run a business. You can't keep telling everyone you are doing this all with the intent to have fun and make a game for you and your friends to play. No. If this was all for fun, you would not be selling characters… for large amounts of money… that explicitly say in them that they can be used in this game… and encouraging people to buy these characters to play in this game with you…. That is literally a business. (A proprietorship is still a type of business, so yes, even you as a singular artist are running a business when you sell anything!) So if you're upset that people are expecting to continue to use their characters within your world… who made up the rules that the characters could be sold into your world? You did. You allowed us GAs/ExGAs to freely make in any capacity, quantity and quality the species that you assigned us, as well as Rebases in literally any form/style/quality/etc we wanted. So long as they were on a transparent background, were solo, and at least vaguely followed (when you could be arsed to double check) the non-existent species information that you scribbled across three groups, countless stashes, and numerous google docs. Yes, eventually even you, started to realize that not giving us structure and real (consistent) written rules to follow was starting to backfire on you. It seems you even finally realized that you were giving away actual value. You were in fact using licensing as a proxy for cash. I think even you realized you were losing money out of your own pocket from your utter failures to comprehend your own decisions. But wait, this is the part where it's everyone else's fault right? Wrong. You gave out those license rights. You told people that they were buying a shiny special character design that could do things based on their status, subtype or species. Then you were surprised that people were upset that you made yourself out to be a liar when you changed those things to have less value? You allowed GAs to make as many of their designs as they wanted… and then act surprised when the market tanked because suddenly there was more supply than demand for any given thing? You create new and exciting things with nothing more than whimsy and then act defensively when people get upset with you when you randomly alter your half baked ideas?
You have created all of this for yourself. 
TL;DR: You have clearly, and repeatedly, over many years shown a complete inability to comprehend markets, or market forces. Regardless of creed, philosophy, or ideology the inscrutable fact is that Griffia is first and foremost a market. Griffia is not art. Griffia is not stories. Griffia is not a game. It is a marketplace in which people (yourself included) create stories, play a game, and trade art. Trade makes a market. Gravity makes apples fall. The sun makes life possible. Your job, your profession, and your livelihood is the production and management of this marketplace. The ramblings in which you lament otherwise are no defense from reality. You sold a marketplace, to sell your art. You hired artists to work for you and paid them in licensing rights. Your incompetence left buckets of money on the table, and when you finally noticed it, your reaction is to fuck over every one of your customers who didn't predict the future collapse of your idiocy? Fuck you, Griffsnuff. 
I'm done giving you my attention, my effort, my work, and all the space you have rented in my brain over the last 3 years. I would have been better off dedicating that time to literally anything else. I only have myself to blame for sticking around for so long and continuing to hope that maybe things would improve. 2 years ago, I told you all of this in less jargon and kinder words[2] because I wanted to help you grow. A year ago, I despaired and wrote you a second letter[3], urging you to reconsider your actions and warning you that you were leaping off a cliff-face. Today, 3rd time is the charm and I'm fucking done. This letter was for me, not for you. I'm so fucking done. This is where I draw my line. I hope for their sake, that others do so too- players, mods/exmods and GAs/ExGAs alike. They deserve to be treated with respect, not whatever this web of constant lies, broken promises, ass-kissing, randomly enforced unwritten rules, favouritism, and arbitrary yet crushing lore/anatomy changes is pretending to be. This is my third and final letter I will write to you Griff, as I fear it yet again will fall on deaf ears as my second one did. I sincerely hope you will read it, and take the time to thoroughly understand it. But I doubt it. Past clients, I'm still supporting you. I'm only done with Griff and Griffia, not with you. Check my blog here for the preamble to this letter where I address this.
PS: I would like you to answer 'one' question. If I choose to leave dA entirely to get away from this mess of a game once and for all, how do you propose to deal with the artwork I made for others? How will you honour that agreement? The agreement in which you licensed me to make art for your customers in exchange for services rendered. How will you cope with your resentment that you lost a bunch of money because you are shitty at your fucking job? The one where you run a marketplace for art governed by licenses you don't understand? It certainly wouldn't be fair to punish your customers by taking away their access to the art they bought from me. But, that seems to be your current choice? You have currently cornered everyone and provided no solution for those who are affected. If I were to simply go through and delete all my artwork or account to get a fresh start what would happen? If granting them permission to rehost my artwork isn't enough, and granting your past MLs permission to do so isn't enough, and granting your current VML permission to use any and all Griffian art I have made up until today isn't enough… then I'm at a loss. Is your completely mindless understanding of a set of laws that doesn't affect you, enforced by a policy guideline voluntarily adhered to, and failed to be managed by you due to sheer ignorance, going to stop you from doing what's right? So my 'one' question?
Are you really willing to be an extortionist? Because, despite your massive inability to comprehend reality, I suspect at the very least you can wrap your head around the facts. If you continue this tact; You are simply and plainly extorting your most loyal players while lying to their faces about your intentions and covering it all up with blatant defamation of your past artists. You are telling people that if they don't give YOU money, the things they own, will be worth less. By any and all moral definitions, that is extortion.
PPS: Now legally? Well holy shit that is WAY more scary seeing as how you are Norwegian and are not as protected by the disgusting monster that is crony capitalism. You NEED to see a Norwegian corporate lawyer regarding your legal requirements of disclosure. Because, according to your own nations Criminal Code (as translated to English) "Chapter 25. Extortion and Robbery", if you are altering the marketplace in an unlawful manner then you are using "unlawful conduct" as a tool to cause another party to suffer "loss". The unlawful conduct being your actions and the loss being the devaluation of artless characters in a market (in your words "a game") about character art. You could be facing your nation's minimum sentence of prison time for extortion. How strong are your consumer advocacy groups? How focused are your cops on white collar crime? How much do you trust your law enforcement to protect individuals over business interests? Morally speaking you are clearly extorting people, but you need a lawyer to give you advice on whether you are doing so criminally. You absolutely fucking need to go see a lawyer! In your own country!! To see if you are even allowed to abruptly change a market in this way. Your nation will have its own complex legislation prescribing your conduct as a market provider. It will likely fall under contract law. PPS:PS: Please keep in mind, when you do your due diligence (reading your own countries laws) before doing the smart thing and talking to a lawyer, that in legal writings, subsequent statements and sections are subservient to the prior. Seriously, go see a lawyer. You could be in actual real danger. The minimum sentence for extortion is jail time with the option of a fine in addition! (Not even touching the whole loot box/winning flower/treasure bean stuff that you are laughably under protected from if other EU web presences are to be used as an example.)
I'm not an expert, but I can read. You should too. Then pay a fucking expert.
[1] Inspect the source and URL, WIXMP is Wix Media Platform, the backbone of the DA hosting architecture. They switched to it while ramping over for the move to Eclipse. [2] The first letter, written in good faith.
[3] The second letter, still in good faith, but much more upset.
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simoncfrk966-blog · 5 years
How to Buy Canvas Prints
You may really like the notion of having walls covered with enticing other types of wall art and canvas prints, if you're an art lover.
I have a friend that has a beautiful canvas painting hanging in her guest room. It's bright colorful and cheery. And I want it.
But, quality art paintings and prints are costly! Unless you are living with a budget that allows for hundreds or thousands of dollars per month in discretionary income, you may be unable to justify spending tons of money on an art collection.
Fortunately, there are ways without spending a fortune that you can purchase canvas prints.
How to Buy Canvas Prints
One of the difficulties with canvas prints is that they can be expensive, as I mentioned previously. It's not unusual to find canvas prints that cost hundreds of dollars apiece.
I guess if you've got an unlimited budget, that is fine. For most of us spending several hundred dollars is not an option.
Luckily, spending a month's worth of grocery money isn't your only choice.
Here's a list of several sites that sell canvas prints for much cheaper than you might think. There are two types of canvas prints you can get for your home.
And I'll attempt to share as much as I can about what every company charges for transport, etc. as well.
The DIY canvas prints can be a excellent way to add personalization to your art collection.
Or, you can create one which shows a picture of a character scene in your place or in your yard.
Whatever home décor style or your art style prefers, there are affordable canvas prints out there for you. Here are some of the greatest websites to check out to purchase those prints.
1. Canvas on the Cheap
Canvas on the Affordable specializes in DIY canvas prints.
As you can see, the size choice can fit any décor style. You can see it, Once you upload the photo.
So that you can see how the edges of the print will appear you can tilt the picture in ways. This is a feature of the site which I found helpful.
Bonus: you could include extras such as a wall hanging system, a wall mount or framing. You may request quality wrapping for extra protection.
Shipping with the company will vary based on the size of the photograph you choose to order. When I made an 11×14 photograph, it cost $14.08 for the photo and $14.80 for standard shipping. You can even choose to expedite shipping but it will cost you more money.
I have actually ordered from this business personally. I chose a wonderful photo of my four children to have converted into a 16×20 canvas print. The company did a excellent job, along with the print came.
Bonus: my print came in a box which helped ensure it was free from shipping damage. I've got the print hanging on a wall in my living room, and I get compliments on it.
People are always shocked when I tell them how the print was supposed to get done. These DIY prints will make a excellent gift for grandparents and others.
1. Virtosu Fine Art
The team in Virtosu Art Gallery offers museum quality framed canvas prints.
Virtosuart.com prints are more expensive than some of the other places we have mentioned, but the company says the museum quality of these prints makes them worth the price.
Bonus: they were offering a discount or free shipping When I checked the website for this article! Virtosuart.com is your place for art collectors and corporate art customers.
2. Paint Your Life
Paint Your Life is a company that will turn your picture to a masterpiece that is painted. Bonus: they charge a LOT less than most artists or companies do for painted portraits.
And, they come with a 100% money back guarantee. The process for getting your picture turned into a painted canvas portrait is easy.
You begin choosing the medium you want the painting
You can choose the artist that you would like to create your portrait. The site has bios for every artist you may browse. Next, you include any directions for the artist and upload your photo.
You can have them remove items, combine photos or make other changes. The artist uses your instructions to create a digitally enhanced photo. Once you've approved the photo that is enhanced, they get to work making it in the medium you selected.
You'll get updates along the way and you can requests as many revisions as you like. Your artist will keep working until you're content with the final product.
In addition, you simply have to put 10% down to start, and they have interest-free financing alternatives for selections over $99.
3. Redbubble
Perhaps you have heard of Redbubble? Redbubble is another website where artists are invited to upload their artwork. Redbubble then does the work of turning the custom art into goods for sale.
Their art will be turned by many of the artists into t-shirts, pillows, mugs -- and yes, canvas prints. The prices here are more expensive than you'd find at Canvas on the Cheap or Dresslily. However, they're still inexpensive.
I found 12×8 prints for sale starting at the $48 range. You'll pay shipping and handling too depending on the size and weight of what you purchase. Bonus hardware is included with printing orders.
This is a superb place if you're craving creativity and/or quirkiness to search for canvas prints.
4. Easy Canvas Prints
Easy Canvas Prints works to Canvas on the Cheap. By uploading your photo, you begin.
Easy Canvas Prints offers sizes from 8 the way up to 30×40. Or, you can request a custom size and receive an immediate quote.
They will show you what it will look like, after you upload the photo you would like printed on canvas. When you're happy with the results your approval is given by you, and Easy Canvas Prints has to work.
Pricing for 8×8 prints start out as little as $4.29, and include your choice of wall mount or wall hanging system.
Another great feature: you can get your canvas print that is finished .
5. Canvas People
Museum quality photo canvas prints are offered by the team at Canvas People. Up to now, they've sold over 1.4 million prints worldwide.
Canvas prints here are more expensive than a number but the company says they are made by that the museum quality of the prints .
Besides quality canvas prints, Canvas People offers enhancement choices . You can get your prints done buy framed canvas prints in a Sepia enhancement, black and white or other choice.
Bonus: When I checked the site they were offering free shipping and a discount! People promises speedy delivery too -- a great benefit when you're ordering a present.
6. Art.com
Art.com sells all kinds of varying art, and they'll do DIY canvas prints also. You can pick from unframed canvas, canvas or canvas sets. Canvas sets are sets of more or two prints which make up one picture or a group of pictures.
You can choose from a variety of prints that are pre-designed. They had lots of Impressionism and watercolor prints, prints made from photos and other styles of art .
The prices here were a bit higher than Canvas on the Cheap. As an example, a 10×8 DIY canvas printing started at a sale price of $26.39. Most prints started at around $50.
Shipping and handling charges varied depending how quickly you would like to receive it and on what type of print you are ordering.
7. DeviantArt
DeviantArt is a website where artists can showcase and sell their artwork. If you are an artist, you can upload and showcase your art just for fun or for the exposure. Or, you can opt to offer your art to discerning customers.
What does this mean for the art aficionado who wants a group of thought-provoking art? Simply that this is a great site for finding original canvas prints.
Prices will be different, but I found artists' costs to be reasonable.
DeviantArt doesn't sell the DIY prints where you can upload your photo and convert it. However, they do have an expansive selection of art you won't find on other art websites.
There if you purchase one of these prints for your home or office. You receive a massive choice of hidden canvas because you're shopping from artists that are largely unknown.
Bonus: you get to support up-and-coming artists working to turn their craft.
8. Minted
Minted is a website that sells a fun mixture including canvas prints, of stationery, wedding invitations and house décor.
They do have a large choice of ideas for turning your photographs that are personalized into other or framed creations. Minted doesn't appear to sell DIY canvas prints, but they do have canvas prints.
You can get many 5×7 pre-designed canvas prints starting at about $20. For an extra cost you can opt to have your print framed.
When I checked the website's shipping page, it said that all unframed art ships for $3.95 for the first item. Additional unframed items are thought to ship at no charge.
However, canvas and other prints start at $4.95 for shipping depending on the size you purchase. Canvas prints will cost you shipping fees.
9. Dresslily
Dresslily sells many different items including home décor and accessories, clothing, shoes, and handbags. Their pre-made canvas prints are some of the most inexpensive I've seen.
You'll see a good deal of different options for canvas prints, when you check on their site. From landscape, to flowers to travel, they have got a wide selection available. And it's not uncommon to find prints there for before tax or shipping under $15.
However, on a number of the prints (but not all) there's a disclaimer that reads"Product photography is for example purposes only. Customers should carefully consider this before buy."
Note that when you find canvas prints (or anything else) at a much lower price than other websites, quality may be an issue. Before you buy, keep this in mind.
10. Etsy
Etsy, the famous DIY artists' site, sells canvas prints. I found many alternatives on the site for pre-designed canvas prints. From film scenes to landscape scenes, they had an expansive selection of canvas prints.
So I could have missed it, the website is big, but I could not find artists that would turn your photo into a mechanically produced canvas print.
But, I did find other fun choices, including an artist who paint it and would take your favorite photo. I found a couple of artists that print it and will take your saying.
All these options were available in varying sizes. The prices varied depending upon the artist. As could be expected for a custom painting Evidently, the photo canvases were somewhat on the side.
The pre-designed canvas prints along with the custom were mostly reasonably priced. There is a lot to choose from on Etsy, and a lot of canvases you won't find at your local big box store.
You'll pay whatever the artist determines on their website, So far as handling and shipping goes. When charging shipping and handling prices, most artists attempt to be fair.
11. Society 6
Society 6 works kind of like Redbubble because they assist artists sell their works. Artist designs can be bought by you on a variety of products such as yes, comforters, phone cases and tapestries .
The designs I found on Society 6 were entertaining and fun. This site offered prints in addition to photos made from paintings.
Prices were a bit higher on this sitethe majority of canvas prints started in the $85 range. This isn't a bad price when you're talking art.
1 artist sold canvas prints of famous actors' heads on the bodies of famous historical personalities.
As with other sites, if you're looking for canvas prints that are unique, this might be a excellent site to check out.
Shipping and handling costs vary depending on your order.
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