#Oracle is so done
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misakiisstupid · 2 days ago
Wayne Enterprises Internal Memo – Emergency Meeting Transcript Date: [REDACTED] Time: 03:47 AM (Because why would an emergency meeting happen at a reasonable time?) Location: Batcave Conference Room Attendees: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Oracle (remotely) Special Guest: Dr. Misaki Eto
Dr. Misaki Eto: [sipping tea, visibly unimpressed] Alright. Who called an emergency meeting at three in the morningbecause of a social media issue?
Tim Drake: [dead inside, holding an energy drink] It’s an engagement emergency. Nobody is commenting on the therapy post.
Jason Todd: [leaning back, arms crossed] Right. And this required DEFCON 1?
Dick Grayson: [soft gasp] Of course, it does! No comments means no interaction, no interaction means the algorithm buries it, and that means—
Barbara Gordon (Oracle): —less reach, fewer shares, and ultimately, fewer people seeing it.
Bruce Wayne: [clears throat] I fail to see how this is our problem.
Tim Drake: [snaps up to look at him, eyes wild] You don’t understand. It’s never happened before. The Batfam gets comments. The Therapy Series gets comments. Where are the people? Have they been kidnapped? Are they avoiding it? Are we shadowbanned?!
Damian Wayne: [arms crossed, unimpressed] Tt. You are all pathetic. It is an internet post. Who cares?
Dick Grayson: [gasps louder] Damian! It’s about engagement!
Dr. Misaki Eto: [raises hand] Okay, real talk—did anyone check if the site is down?
Tim Drake: [furiously typing] I did. Tumblr is fine. Engagement on other posts is normal.
Jason Todd: [grinning] Maybe they’re just afraid to comment after reading what you wrote. Y’know, intimidated.
Barbara Gordon: [thoughtful] That actually might be a thing. If it was an especially intense post, people might just likeit but not know what to say.
Dick Grayson: [dramatic sigh] We should’ve baited them with a “reblog if you relate.” Rookie mistake.
Bruce Wayne: [pinching the bridge of his nose] So what do you suggest we do?
Dr. Misaki Eto: [shrugs] Well, normally, I’d say just keep posting and it’ll pick up traction again. But since we’re clearly operating in full Bat-level paranoia mode, we could also just—
Tim Drake: —Stage a social experiment?
Jason Todd: —Threaten them?
Barbara Gordon: —Do a follow-up post?
Dick Grayson: —Make a meme about it?
Dr. Misaki Eto: …You know what? Do all of those. See what works.
Bruce Wayne: [deep sigh] I am far too tired for this.
Damian Wayne: [muttering] You are all disgraceful.
Tim Drake: [typing furiously] Okay, operation revive engagement is a go. Give it 24 hours. If nothing changes—
Dr. Misaki Eto: —Then what? Another emergency meeting?
Tim Drake: …Obviously.
Jason Todd: [laughs] Oh, this is gonna be fun.
Next Steps:
Tim: Experiment with different post formats to boost engagement.
Dick: Meme the situation.
Jason: Threaten the algorithm within legal parameters.
Barbara: Monitor post analytics.
Dr. Misaki Eto: Continue questioning why she agreed to this in the first place.
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the-phantom-peach · 7 months ago
can you show us all your link designs you have? Like for each game? (Only if you want to of course) if not, I wanted to ask if you would ever do a Links meet type of au with your link designs? Just curious 👀
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Here’s most of the links I have so far! Their designs aren’t incredibly unique or anything, but I I like adding my own spin on pre/post game designs.
Will I ever do a links meet au? Probably not lol. I mean in little scenarios, maybe, but I could never do a full fledged comic or anything. All the works I’ve seen from other artists are so so good but I can never have that kind of commitment so I commend them “OTL Plus my designs aren’t very timeline accurate soooo ^^’
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mysterycitrus · 8 months ago
‘dick grayson and kory’s relationship was built on lust not love’ ‘dick grayson is babs gordon’s true love because they’re robin and batgirl’ i will kill u, do u understand? these women care about people other than him. he’s not quite that shallow. death will come for u in the night
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lady-menrva · 2 months ago
The PJO fandom's act of worshipping Solangelo and bashing Caleo in the same breath is some S-tier clownery (which is saying alot). Yes, Caleo's criticisms are all extremely valid, but the same apply very well to Solangelo too.
"Leo is a traumatized teen who needs help, not a lover."
Ditto for Nico.
"Leo's character arc and development were ruined thanks to caleo."
Replace 'Leo' with 'Nico' and 'Caleo' with 'Solangelo'. You've got a rational criticism of Solangelo now.
"Caleo is one-dimensional."
So is Solangelo...
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gingermintpepper · 5 months ago
Why did Apollo favor the trojans in the Illiad?
So, dear Anon, I've been thinking about how to answer this question since I got it a couple days ago and I think I kind of want to make something clear before I get into it.
The Iliad by itself as a poem only covers some of the events that occur in the final year of a long protracted conflict that had been brewing for at least two decades and was an active war for ten. Within the space of the Iliad itself, the motivations and affairs of the major players are often referenced but there are many, many parts of the story that are not there because they belong to a different story cycle that has been since lost or was never recorded with words. In the space of the Iliad Apollo's motivations are questioned a lot - his pride is questioned by Poseidon who thinks Apollo should be just as angry at the Trojans as he considering Apollo was treated equally as poorly by Laomedon while they worked together. His honour is questioned by Hera who chastises him for taking the Trojans' side when he'd proclaimed that Achilles would live a long life and prosper at Thetis and Peleus' wedding. His own sister calls him a coward for refusing to fight when Zeus gives permission for the gods to go wild on the battlefield. For all that there's this image of Apollo in the Iliad as some staunch and unwavering protector of the Trojans, believe it or not, I largely think of Apollo as neutral in the war.
Which, I suppose, comes back to the question - why did Apollo favour the Trojans? The truthful answer is that I don't know. The Iliad and all its connected stories isn't something I've done enough research on to have an answer or a reference to an answer off the top of my head. The reasoning I'm aware of is that Apollo was a Patron God of Troy and really a god doesn't need any reason besides that to protect his people but it's not like Apollo abandoned the Greeks either. Calchas is the biggest example of that I can point to - descended directly from a priest of Apollo and one who attributed his mantic power to the god, Calchas was pivotal in ensuring the Greeks even got to Troy in the first place.
From a personal perspective however, I think Apollo was more dedicated to the house of Priam than he was the city of Troy itself. Apollo's affection for that house and all its members ran deep - from his admiration of Hecuba and Hector to his love and attempted courtship of Cassandra to his blessings given to Helenus, Deiphobos, Cassandra, Troilus and even his partnership with Paris - Apollo loved the house of Priam. When you think about the times Apollo lashes out against the Greeks, it's generally because they've done some nonsense to earn his ire. The plague was caused by Agamemnon disrespecting his priest, his aid in the slaughter of Patroclus was because he didn't respect him, his minor grudge against Diomedes too was because he tried to test Apollo's mettle and well, the less said about Achilles the better. Apart from his obvious favouring of Hector in the skirmishes, Apollo doesn't really oppose the Greeks. He has a ton of reasons to by the time the Iliad rolls around, including avenging the death of two of his sons, but he remains mostly satisfied with conducting his father's business and overseeing the war from a somewhat professional perspective. To me, it's always been less about Apollo caring about the fate of Troy as a city itself and more about him just really wanting to protect the people in the city that he's come to love and respect.
Of course, I encourage you to take my words with a big tablespoon of salt - like I said, I don't really know enough about the facts in particular to give a solid, confident answer but I can give you my interpretation of it. Maybe consult someone like @littlesparklight for a more comprehensive and grounded response 🤔
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Okay wait so
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Jikishirone is a witch as she acquired the Oracle Majik so is she just like. chilling in her inner world while the majik pilots her body?
Also you can be forced to acquire a majik?? Was that the case for Jikishirone or did she actually fully agree and they just assumed cause forcing is Oracle's usual MO?
Does she watch what her body is doing from the inner world like Ichi did in the last chapter? If she was forced into this would she even want to?
Does Oracle talk to her? Does Oracle even like her? How does she feel about Oracle? If they wanted could they swap who's in control?
Also also why was she in a coma in the first place!
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artist-rat · 1 year ago
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swordtember 2023: artificer, assassin, druid, paladin, necromancer
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years ago
Modern Oracle with people assuming Oracle is just a very advanced AI…what do you mean you’re trying to figure out Oracle’s real identity, Oracle doesn’t have an identity she’s literally AI???
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call-me-oracle · 11 months ago
barbara gordon in nightwing #85 pt. 1
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the-whimsigoth-witch · 11 days ago
Ok, so for the last several months, I’ve been growing increasingly concerned that I’ve been cursed (or hexed or jinxed or something) because when I tell you my partner and I haven’t had ONE (1) normal week since the year started…
Which is weird because at the beginning of the year we did a spiritual cleansing, and I put up my wards that I do (we have also refreshed these between early January and now).
The bad occurrences seem to be targeting both of us, although sometimes it feels as if it’s been targeting me most consistently. Since the beginning of this year, at least once a week without fail we have something huge happen that isn’t just like a small inconvenience that sucks to deal with but we can overall power through, it is like genuinely life changing occurrences happening regularly; important medical care information never being sent causing a huge delay in the ability to receive care, subsequent plague befalls the house which got myself and a family member debilitatingly sick for almost two weeks, the DAY after beginning to recover from this, I got sick AGAIN with another viral infection. I also got diagnosed with an incurable lifelong disability that is quickly breaking my body down.
During all of this time, we have also had various things happen to our home. We have had things break seemingly out of nowhere, a rat is either in our walls or crawling through our vents, and just yesterday evening, I got home from work to see that a pipe burst in our ceiling from our upstairs neighbors not following policy and my entire side of the apartment got completely flooded.
I have asked my decks and tried the matchstick trick and ALL sources are like “💕Girlie you’re fine!! Protections are strong and wards are sturdy💕😘!”
So like? What do I do??? Does anyone know if anything I can do to figure out what this is?? Or how to make the insanity stop? (I am not interested in purchasing anything or any magical services for this; but just as a learning witch, this is a plea for insight/education/thoughts from the community 💕)
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roaenexists · 1 year ago
not my dumb ass thinking i can make an oracle deck of watercolor and then proceeding to attempt it despite all evidence pointing against my success
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bite-the-bloody-hand · 4 months ago
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Little update to the Zell character sheet. Still playing around with how his hair falls but I think it looks okay-ish. Not quite sold on the silhouette & waviness considering how tightly he keeps it braided. We continue to adapt
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blu-3jay · 1 year ago
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I made these edits a bit ago but since I’m talking abt gay Drac and actually posting atm I’d like to present these to the public
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paddockpatrol · 1 year ago
All these (red) bullshit takes about how F1 would be better without the Milton Keynes squad. Actually, F1 would be better if the other 9 teams understood the groundeffects regulations better and hadn't spent 2 years fucking them up.
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lady-menrva · 21 days ago
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[screenshot ☝️]
S'cuse me but which ToA are you reading again?! Didn't being with Will magically resolve Nico's years worth of pain, trauma, internalized homophobia in like some months when we meet him in The Hidden Oracle?
I swear that at this point in time I'm more willing to trust drosophila with an essay on the higgs boson than some Solangelo stans with two minutes of thinking....
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summertimemusician · 1 year ago
Something something 'The Wild that went into the Shrine of Resurrection is not the same that came out, how much of me is myself and how much of me is my experiences and the perception of others and since memories and perception are reality, losing your memories is essentially having a part of yourself killed and all the trauma that comes with it but not knowing WHY you have the scars and becoming a different person for it.' and 'Wild did come out as himself because even without his memories he is still Link he's just at a different point in his life simply for the fact that just because you grown doesn't mean you are a completely new person. You just changed and you are more than just the sum of your broken parts, you are still beautiful and lovely and deserving of love and there's always a place for you no matter how you change because at the end of the day it's still you.' are two thoughts that can and should coexist actually.
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