#Or the readability of the text like with chapter 41
amethystina · 2 months
finally had a chance to read ch41 and i have my head in my hands, gaon you stupid beautiful boy. i do have to say, I'm absolutely loving how you're writing this, you understand the characters in a way such that i don't think any other tdj writer does, not to say their works aren't amazing, but your writing is always what feels closest to a season 2. Hell, in my head, it is season 2. Anyways, thank you for doing your service to this fandom. If I had yohan type money I'd hire you to script write tdj s2 myself. have a good day!
Yeah, things aren't going great for Ga On right now. I mean, I get it, though. He has a lot of trauma and anxieties to deal with. And, in his defence, Yo Han isn't making things easier for him by being so guarded. Ga On has been able to figure out that Yo Han loves him but that's about it. And to someone like Ga On — who loves to help and take care of people — it's actually a very big deal that he can't tell if Yo Han needs him. The fact that Yo Han is so reluctant to show weakness or admit that he benefits from Ga On's presence in his life is one of the reasons why Ga On is spiralling right now.
That's not to say that I blame Yo Han, since he's understandably defensive after his upbringing and all that. But it's causing some pretty big problems that could have been avoided if only he'd told Ga On that being with him makes Yo Han feel more like an actual human being — and less like a monster.
But we'll get there, trust me.
Thank you so much for saying so 💜 At this point, I feel like I could probably write both Ga On and Yo Han in my sleep. And, for some reason, they were some of the easiest characters to get into that I've ever written. That's not to say that I wasn't nervous when I first started writing this fic — I was full-on panicking because not only was The Devil Judge the first new fandom I wrote for in years but it takes place in a culture that's very different from my own. So I almost stopped writing Who Holds the Devil the very day after I had started it x'D
But, in the end, I couldn't help myself because there's just something about these characters that appeals to me so, so much. As seen by the level of detail I'm putting into Who Holds the Devil. There's just so much I want to explore and write about. I LOVE these characters. And, as I've mentioned many times, that means that I try my best to do them justice and give their story the continuation it deserves. Also, it's just satisfying for me to know that I manage to capture them well xD
So yeah! Thank you so much for the compliment! It makes me so happy and proud to hear 💜 And yes, at this point, a lot of people (including myself) are kind of considering Who Holds the Devil as their season 2. Which is another thing I'm so incredibly proud of. It scares me, too, not going to lie — because it definitely adds a whole new level of pressure to perform well — but to know that I'm writing something that feels so genuine and appealing to so many people is an amazing feeling.
So thank you to you for telling me what you think. That's one of the things that helps keep me going, especially when things get a bit rough. I hope you have a good day too! :D
(Also, YES. Imagine the things we could do if we had Yo Han levels of money x'D)
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a-ghostiee · 1 year
Everything I found in the new DRDT MV
We’ll start with the footnotes. I found nearly all of them, the exception being [8] which I couldn’t find. I will provide timestamps for each, and try my best to explain what it means.
[1] (1:22) - It is talking about solving the crossword, meaning that J would go by Julia and Xander would be Alexander. It’s also saying that David isn’t in the crossword, yet Teruko is. I will go into more detail on the crossword later.
[2] (3:02) - Arabidopsis is a thale cress plant; Drosophila melanogaster is a fruit-fly; and E. coli is bacteria. I’m not quite sure how these link, though.
[3] (2:18) - Literally a quote from Title 17 of the United States Code; which talks about Copyright.
[4] (1:47) - This footnote is attached to a bit of text in the background that says “subtract 4, add to tetraphobia.”. Tetraphobia is the practice of avoiding the number 4, which is mentioned in the description.
[5] (3:10) - As it says in the description, this part of the song has been mistranslated several times, so there is no reliable translation for it.
[6] (2:02) - The little 6 can be found next to the hands that look like this: 🙏. I assume the previous hand gestures were referencing a specific prayer, but I’m not sure.
[7] (2:41) - I’m gonna be honest, there isn’t much to work with here. The footnote in the description isn’t much help and the little 7 appears to be attached to the word “mind”
[8] - I couldn’t find [8] in the video, however, I googled the quote from the description and it comes from Alice in Wonderland.
[9] (2:08) - Again, the footnote in the description isn’t that helpful. This time, its attached to “sing a degraded copy”. The phrase “degraded copy” is in pink, so it’s probably important (maybe), but I really don’t know.
[10] (2:01) - The bit in the description mentions that “10 in Roman Numerals is X” and footnote 10, can be found on the right of the big, pink X in the background. Maybe the footnote is hinting that only 10 people will die in DRDT, because the pink X is very similar to the dead portrait Xs.
[11] (1:32) - Now, this one is probably the most interesting, because it says that ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ doesn’t exist. Given that this video centres around David, we can assume that this is most likely talking about his sister that he mentioned in Chapter 2 Episode 10, Diana. She fits the amount of letters perfectly. As for why this footnote is attached to “suspicious gaps”, I’m not quite sure. All I know about the gaps, is that there’s four of them.
[12] (2:02) - This part of the video shows that one person received 16 votes, and no-one else received any. This fits in with the description talking about majority vote (YTTD ref? /hj)
[13] (2:40) - Now this one is definitely next to something that’s been encoded. It seems like it’s been encrypted into Base64, but when I put those letters and numbers into a decoder, I got utter nonsense. It could have been encrypted several times, or it could just not be Base64, I’m still trying to work that out. The symbol in the description appears to mean correct as well, which fits with the placement.
[14] (3:52) - This appears to be at the end of a long chain of numbers, split into several parts. If you look at the equals symbol in the back, you’ll find the little 14. The hint in the description says “word length of 256″, which I could easily link to ASCII. ASCII is a form of character storage which only has 256 possible characters. Again, I’ll figure out what all the numbers mean, and translate it into something readable at some point.
[15] (1:48) - Not quite sure what to say here. The 15 is attached to the word “happiness” and the description talks about “ignorance is bliss”
[16] (2:50) - This is found on several screenshots(?) of a music sheet, which is “Entry of the Gladiators” by Julius Fucik.
[17] (2:01) - Probably the first footnote I spotted, I think I noticed it during my first watch, when it premiered. The description is right though, “Democratic-ly” isn’t a word.
[18] (3:04) - This one can be found with the dandelions (weed). I don’t know what the description is talking about though, the flowers are beautifully drawn ^^
[19] (3:42) - This one’s quite interesting because it’s part of a conversation. Not quite sure what it’s about but I’m pretty sure one of the mystery people is David.
[20] (1:53) - The description mostly explains that the 5 stages of grief are kind of outdated because they can be classed as reductionist, only considering nature.
[21] (3:49) - Again, another pretty simple one that I’m not sure I need to really explain.
[22] - This one is literally on screen for barely a second right at the very end, just before the video stops.
Now, I’ll move on to discuss the YouTube comment type things that appeared on the screen at around 1:09. These are in the order of when the appeared on screen (i think lol).
1.  “ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ is like the byakuya/nagito/kokichi of the cast.” - This is probably talking about David, given the personality he showed during Chapter 2 Episode 11. Also, David has the right amount of letters. 2. “lets play spot the komaeda.” - Again, most likely about David. 3. “I like that  ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ is a protagonist who also plays the antag[onist]” 4. This one is likely about Teruko given how she’s our protagonist and can be quite antagonistic at times. (*cough* pulling a knife out on several people during Chapter 2 *cough*) 5. “mm  ⚪⚪⚪⚪ anyone?” - Not sure who this is talking about because there are so many people who have a four-letter name. (Levi, Whit, Arei, Nico, Rose and Eden) 6. “⚪ and  ⚪⚪⚪⚪ totally swapped places” - Ok, this is definitely about the J and Arei swapped theory. 7. “ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ will obviously die in ch5″ - Could be talking about David again, but there’s something later in the video that might suggest otherwise, which I’ll talk about later on. 8. “I just hope ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ doesn’t go crazy and kill in chapter 3. That would be way [too] predictable.” - Arturo 100% 9. “Everyone in the comment section is a fucking idiot” - Now this one’s kind of mean, but also very interesting. This could be David telling us we’re all wrong, or the creators.
At about 1:22, a crossword shows up briefly, as mentioned during [1]. I like crossword type things so I took some time to solve it. After this crossword shows up, there are several bits of text, which are matched with a roman numerals, so I matched those phrases up to the roman numerals from the crossword.
I. Alexander IV. Arei - “Right now, why do you cry?” VI. Arturo - “mind exercises 1234” VIII. Nico - “even if I try to think, idk!!! (lmao)” IX. Levi - “look aside from that, give me the usual medicine” - I wasn’t sure what was going on here XII. Eden - “But you’re in my way, aren’t you?” XIII. Teruko - “or” / “To be or not to be” XV. Whit - “Remaining ignorant, isn’t that “happiness”?” XVI. Hu - “Go and cry.”
II. Rose - “Ego cogito ergo (terbatus) sum” III. Charles - “If you doubt brittle things are broken.” V. Ace - “Right now, why do you go insane?” VII. Julia - “Do it like that, let’s live together” X. Min - “Democratic-ly”  XI. Mai - “God is dead” XIV. Veronika - “Things like substance of the arts”
And to finish off this post, I’ll talk about anything extra that couldn’t fit anywhere else. I’ll provide timestamps as well, lol.
(0:37) - Text says “I am a cat” before the word dog quickly covers the word cat. This could be a reference to how MonoTV looks like a cat, but insists they are a dog.
(1:00) - Text that is very briefly on screen says: “I did love you once so you should not have believed me.”
(1:04) - The person on screen looks like she could be Mai? Not really sure here, but she seems important.
(1:05) - Text at the bottom of the screen says “I’m guilty as charged. Sorry, we’re not there yet.” This could be a reference to how David says “I’m guilty as charged” in Chapter 2 Episode 11.
(1:28) - Text in red says “I hate the things that I love, and I love the tings that I hate.” This could be a reference to the photos of Mai and Teruko.
(2:02) - “Voting results: Everyone will be executed. There is no such thing as “victory” in a killing game.” This does not look good for the DRDT cast.
(2:22) - This looks like Xander. It looks like its from before he got his eyepatch, but that could just be the angle. If it is from before, does this mean David knew Xander before the killing game but lost(?) those memories.
(2:38) - “Note to self: put something here” Maybe something will be added to the video later?
(3:00) - “portrait of someone dearly loved” with an arrow pointing to the photo of Mai Akasaki. Maybe David loved Mai before something tragic happened?
(3:00) - “portrait of someone dearly unloved” with an arrow pointing to the photo of Teruko Tawaki. I think Teruko has something to do with whatever happened to Mai and David hates her for it. I think David was the person at the very beginning of the very first episode of DRDT, he’s the only person that I think has a motive. You can also spot a fork in the background of the MV and at the beginning of the prologue.
(3:04) - There’s a QR code on the books to the right. I haven’t been able to scan it so I don’t know what it leads to yet.
(3:06) - The supporting cast list has Mai Akasaki scribbled out and what looks like “Ms Naegi”  cut off underneath it. On the right of the screen, there was faint text that says: “(i.e. these are the only characters who make an appearance.) which could mean that Arei, Hu and Ms Naegi are in the video. This is a stretch but maybe Hu killed Arei. Probably not, though.
(3:10) - It looks like Xander is the one holding the gun here.
(3:20) - No, that’s wrong!
(3:44) - The lyrics here say “I’ll disappear” and David disappears from the chair, leaving what looks like splattered blood. The words “Chapter 3″ flash on the screen, though its cut off. David dies in Chapter 3 maybe?
Thank you for reading this extremely long post; I’ll reblog it anytime I get more information.
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tiger-tally · 3 years
Wu and Yue Premodern Sources Available in English
Inspired by the recent discovery that someone just released a translation of Wu Yue Chun Qiu this year! There’s way more material available than I expected, and I thought it would be useful to collect them in one place for other people. Please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes/omissions!
(I haven’t included the sources that have, like crumbs of content, like the offhand mentions in a bunch of Warring States texts. These are all works that you can get a sense of the overall story from.)
For newcomers to the canon, my reading suggestions as an enthusiastic amateur are:
If you prefer history to fiction and/or want something short, read Wu Zixu’s bio in the Shiji
If you want to dive in, read Wu Yue Chun Qiu
In rough chronological order:
Zuozhuan (左传, Zuo Commentaries, Zuo Tradition)
A year-by-year account of the goings-on throughout the Chinese states as perceived by the state of Lu, with extensive commentary by a later author, covering most of the Spring and Autumn Period (771-476BC). The last three portions, covering Duke Zhao to Duke Ai of Lu’s reigns, include the earliest account of the events of Wu and Yue, which are quite interestingly different from later accounts. A lot of famous details don’t appear here. Wu Zixu’s vengeance and death are still pretty gnarly but less gnarly than they are in later adaptations.
Not recommended as your first account, because the bits on Wu and Yue are mixed in with the bits on all the many, many other states, and this version of events is heavily overshadowed in the popular consciousness by later versions. If someone’s making a Wu-Yue adaptation, not a lot of it is going to come from this version.
An 1872 translation by James Legge, available free online with Pinyin transliterations here.
A 2016 more readable translation by Stephen Durrant, Wai-yee Li and David Schaberg
Shiji (史记, Records of the Grand Historian)
The work of ancient Chinese history writing. The relevant parts if you’re interested in Wu and Yue would be:
The biography of Wu Zixu (chapter 66). If you only want to read one thing and you want to keep it short, read this. It’s something like the definitive “base” account of his story, which spans the events of the era.
The biographies of Sun Wu (better known as Sun Tzu) and Fan Li, which make up portions of chapters 65 (Biographies of Sun Wu and Wu Qi) and 129 (Biographies of the Usurers/Moneymakers)
The Genealogy chapter for the royal house of Wu (chapter 31), which contains an annal-like accounts of events.
There’s also a Genealogy chapter for the Yue royals (chapter 41), but it doesn’t have an English translation
There’s over a dozen piecemeal translations, but as of the present, there is not actually a single complete English translation of the Shiji. William Nienhauser is about 2/3 of the way through his, which will be the first if it’s completed. Fairly sure all the other translations are old enough that they use Wade-Giles rather than Pinyin, unfortunately. Referencing this list somebody compiled:
Volume V.1 of Nienhauser’s translation has the Wu royal house genealogy
Volume VII of Nienhauser’s translation has the Wu Zixu and Sun Wu biographies
Burton Watson has translated Wu Zixu and Fan Li’s biographies in Records of the Historian. Chapters from the Shih chi of Ssu-ma Ch’ien (1958)
I couldn’t find that specific edition on Internet Archives, but I did find a 1969 edition on there that seems to have both bios
I also came across this 1979 translation by Yang & Yang that seems to have all three biographies
Wu Yue Chun Qiu (吴越春秋, Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu and Yue)
We’re now about 500 years after the actual events, and the basic story has picked up more and more flourishes, though this is still regarded as history, if less reliable history than the above. This is the first appearance of Xi Shi, for one, and also the one mention of Princess Tengyu. Whatever actually happened, many of the details in this narrative are now indispensable parts of the story of Wu and Yue in the popular imagination. This is the primary canon that most later adaptations draw from.
A 2021 translation by Jianjun He
Yue Jue Shu (越绝书, The Glory of Yue)
Roughly contemporaneous with Wu Yue Chun Qiu, an eclectic compilation of texts on Wu and Yue, some of which may date considerably earlier.
A 2010 translation by Olivia Milburn
Wu Zixu Bianwen (伍子胥变文, Wu Tsu-Hsu)
From a damaged document discovered in the Dunhuang caves, written about a thousand years after the actual events. This is just straight-up historical fiction now.
There is a lot of Wu Zixu historical fiction, in fact. All sorts of plays and operas and a good-sized chunk of the historical novel Dong Zhou Lie Guo Zhi. But as far as I know none of those are translated, and this is both translated and early!
The translations are old and you’ll just have to roll with Wade-Giles.
By Arthur Waley
By Victor Mair
(Updated 10/4 with minor edits and more Shiji translations)
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Test bank for Essentials of Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered States 4th edition by Porth
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Test bank for Essentials of Pathophysiology 4th edition Concepts of Altered States by Porth
Prepare your students for their future careers with Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4/e. This clear, readable, and student-friendly text  delivers “need to know” disease content, along with the essential foundation in science that nursing, physician assistant, pharmacology, advanced health science, and medical students need to succeed in  their future careers. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works.
The Fourth Edition builds on the book’s extremely successful art program and the “Understanding” feature and incorporates summary concept boxes after each section. In addition, an expanded, robust, and flexible suite of supplements, including a Study Guide, over 40 advanced 3-D animations, prepU, and Lippincott’s CoursePoint, provide students with all the tools they need to succeed.
Test bank for Essentials of Pathophysiology 4th table of contents
UNIT 1 Cell and Tissue Function
Chapter 1 Cell Structure and Function
Chapter 2 Cellular Responses to Stress, Injury, and Aging
Chapter 3 Inflammation, the Inflammatory Response, and Fever
Chapter 4 Cell Proliferation, Tissue Regeneration and Repair
Chapter 5 Genetic Control of Cell Function and Inheritance
Chapter 6 Genetic and Congenital Disorders
Chapter 7 Neoplasia
UNIT 2 Integrative Body Functions
Chapter 8 Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
Chapter 9 Stress and Adaptation
Chapter 10 Disorders of Nutritional Status
UNIT 3 Hematopoietic Function
Chapter 11 Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissues
Chapter 12 Disorders of Hemostasis
Chapter 13 Disorders of Red Blood Cells
UNIT 4 Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity
Chapter 14 Mechanisms of Infectious Disease
Chapter 15 Innate and Adaptive Immunity
Chapter 16 Disorders of the Immune Response
UNIT 5 Circulatory Function
Chapter 17 Control of Cardiovascular Function
Chapter 18 Disorders of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure
Chapter 19 Disorders of Cardiac Function
Chapter 20 Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock
UNIT 6 Respiratory Function
Chapter 21 Control of Respiratory Function
Chapter 22 Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders
Chapter 23 Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
UNIT 7 Kidney and Urinary Tract Function
Chapter 24 Structure and Function of the Kidney
Chapter 25 Disorders of Renal Function
Chapter 26 Acute Renal Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease
Chapter 27 Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract
UNIT 8 Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Function
Chapter 28 Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal System
Chapter 29 Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function
Chapter 30 Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function
UNIT 9 Endocrine System
Chapter 31 Mechanisms of Endocrine Control
Chapter 32 Disorders of Endocrine Control of Growth and Metabolism
Chapter 33 Diabetes Mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome
UNIT 10 Nervous System
Chapter 34 Organization and Control of Neural Function
Chapter 35 Somatosensory Function, Pain, and Headache
Chapter 36 Disorders of Neuromuscular Function
Chapter 37 Disorders of Brain Function
Chapter 38 Disorders of Special Sensory Function: Vision, Hearing, and Vestibular Function
UNIT 11 Genitourinary and Reproductive Function
Chapter 39 Disorders of the Male Genitourinary System
Chapter 40 Disorders of the Female Genitourinary System
Chapter 41 Sexually Transmitted Infections
UNIT 12 Musculoskeletal Function
Chapter 42 Structure and Function of the Skeletal System
Chapter 43 Disorders of the Skeletal System: Trauma, Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders
Chapter 44 Disorders of the Skeletal System: Metabolic and Rheumatic Disorders
UNIT 13 Integumentary Function
Chapter 45 Structure and Function of the Skin
Chapter 46 Disorders of Skin Integrity and Function
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Download Test bank for Maternal and Child Nursing Care 5th edition by London
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Product Description:
For courses in maternal and child nursing care in any nursing program
Help students think like nurses with maternal-newborn and pediatric clients
As nursing courses are shortened and clinical experiences become more limited, time is increasingly precious to both students and faculty. Designed to support faster, more efficient learning in condensed  courses, Maternal & Child Nursing Care presents key content about maternal-newborn nursing, women’s health, and pediatric nursing topics in an accurate, readable way. Throughout this family-focused text, special attention is paid to health promotion, home/community care, patient and family education, clinical reasoning, evidence-based practice, and cultural competence. Engaging features help readers learn and retain essential concepts in a short period of time. The straightforward approach allows students to focus on what is most important–developing the essential skills and abilities to practice nursing in fast-changing healthcare environments.
Table of Contents:
1. Contemporary Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Nursing
2. Culture and the Family
3. Genetic and Genomic Influences in Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
4. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
5. Health Promotion for Women
6. Common Gynecologic Problems
7. Conception and Fetal Development
8. Physical and Psychological Changes of Pregnancy
9. Antepartum Nursing Assessment
10. The Expectant Family: Needs and Care
11. Maternal Nutrition
12. Pregnancy in Selected Populations
13. Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
14. Pregnancy at Risk: Pregestational Problems
15. Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Onset
16. Processes and Stages of Labor and Birth
17. Intrapartum Nursing Assessment
18. The Family in Childbirth: Needs and Care
19. Pharmacologic Pain Management
20. Childbirth at Risk: Pre-Labor Complications
21. Childbirth at Risk: Labor-Related Complications
22. Birth-Related Procedures
23. The Physiologic Responses of the Newborn to Birth
24. Nursing Assessment of the Newborn
25. The Normal Newborn: Needs, Care, and Feeding
26. The Newborn at Risk: Conditions Present at Birth
27. The Newborn at Risk: Birth-Related Stressors
28. Postpartum Adaptation and Nursing Assessment
29. The Postpartum Family: Early Care Needs and Home Care
30. The Postpartum Family at Risk
31. Growth and Development
32. Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
33. Pediatric Assessment
34. Health Promotion and Maintenance: General Concepts, the Newborn, and the Infant
35. Health Promotion and Maintenance: The Toddler, the Preschooler, and the School-Age Child
36. Health Promotion and Maintenance: The Adolescent
37. Family Assessment and Concepts of Nursing Care in the Community
38. Nursing Considerations for the Child and Family with a Chronic Condition
39. Nursing Considerations for the Hospitalized Child
40. Pain Assessment and Management in Children
41. The Child with a Life-Threatening Condition and End-of-Life Care
42. Social and Environmental Influences on the Child
43. Immunizations and Communicable Diseases
44. The Child with Alterations in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
45. The Child with Alterations in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Function
46. The Child with Alterations in Respiratory Function
47. The Child with Alterations in Cardiovascular Function
48. The Child with Alterations in Immune Function
49. The Child with Alterations in Hematologic Function
50. The Child with Cancer
51. The Child with Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function
52. The Child with Alterations in Genitourinary Function
53. The Child with Alterations in Endocrine Function
54. The Child with Alterations in Neurological Function
55. The Child with Alterations in Mental Health and Cognitive Function
56. The Child with Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function
57. The Child with Alterations in Skin Integrity
Appendix A. Selected Maternal-Newborn Laboratory Values
Appendix B. Selected Pediatric Laboratory Values
Appendix C. Growth Charts
Appendix D. Pediatric Blood Pressure Tables
Appendix E. Conversions and Equivalents
Appendix F. Actions and Effects of Selected Drugs during Breastfeeding
Appendix G. Dietary Reference Intakes
Appendix H. West Nomogram-Body Surface Area
Product details:
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134449711
ISBN-13: 978-0134449715        9780134449715
Link download full: Maternal and Child Nursing Care 5th edition by Marcia L London, Patricia W Ladewing, Michele Davidson, Jane W Ball, Ruth C Bindler and Kay Cowen test bank
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Test Bank for Essentials of Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered States 4th Edition by Porth
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View sample:  https://digitalcontentmarket.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Test-Bank-for-Essentials-of-Pathophysiology-Concepts-of-Altered-States-4th-Edition-by-Porth.pdf
Product Description:
Prepare your students for their future careers with Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4/e. This clear, readable, and student-friendly text  delivers “need to know” disease content, along with the essential foundation in science that nursing, physician assistant, pharmacology, advanced health science, and medical students need to succeed in  their future careers. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works.
The Fourth Edition builds on the book’s extremely successful art program and the “Understanding” feature and incorporates summary concept boxes after each section. In addition, an expanded, robust, and flexible suite of supplements, including a Study Guide, over 40 advanced 3-D animations, prepU, and Lippincott’s CoursePoint, provide students with all the tools they need to succeed.
Table of Contents:
Unit 1: Cell and Tissue Function Chapter 1: Cell Structure and Function Chapter 2: Cellular Responses to Stress, Injury, and Aging Chapter 3: Inflammation, the Inflammatory Response, and Fever Chapter 4: Cell Proliferation and Tissue Regeneration and Repair Chapter 5: Genetic Control of Cell Function and Inheritance Chapter 6: Genetic and Congenital Disorders Chapter 7: Neoplasia
Unit 2: Integrative Body Functions Chapter 8: Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Chapter 9: Stress and Adaptation Chapter 10: Disorders of Nutritional Status
Unit 3: Hematopoietic Function Chapter 11: Disorders of White Blood Cells and Lymphoid Tissue Chapter 12: Disorders of Hemostasis Chapter 13: Disorders of Red Blood Cells
Unit 4: Infection and Immunity Chapter 14: Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Chapter 15: Innate and Adaptive Immunity Chapter 16: Disorders of the Immune Response
Unit 5: Circulatory Function Chapter 17: Control of Cardiovascular Function Chapter 18: Disorders of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure Chapter 19: Disorders of Cardiac Function Chapter 20: Heart Failure and Circulatory Shock
Unit 6: Respiratory Function Chapter 21: Control of Respiratory Function Chapter 22: Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders Chapter 23: Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
Unit 7: Kidney and Urinary Tract Function Chapter 24: Structure and Function of the Kidney Chapter 25: Disorders of Renal Function Chapter 26: Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease Chapter 27: Disorders of the Bladder and Lower Urinary Tract
Unit 8: Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Function Chapter 28: Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal System Chapter 29: Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function Chapter 30: Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function
Unit 9: Endocrine System Chapter 31: Mechanisms of Endocrine Control Chapter 32: Disorders of Endocrine Control of Growth and Metabolism Chapter 33: Diabetes Mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome
Unit 10: Nervous System Chapter 34: Organization and Control of Neural Function Chapter 35: Somatosensory Function, Pain, and Headache Chapter 36: Disorders of Neuromuscular Function Chapter 37: Disorders of Brain Function Chapter 38: Disorders of Special Sensory Function: Vision, Hearing, and Vestibular Function
Unit 11: Genitourinary and Reproductive Function Chapter 39: Disorders of the Male Genitourinary System Chapter 40: Disorders of the Female Genitourinary System Chapter 41: Sexually Transmitted Infections
Unit 12: Musculoskeletal Function Chapter 42: Structure and Function of the Skeletal System Chapter 43: Disorders of the Skeletal System: Trauma, Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders Chapter 44: Disorders of the Skeletal System: Metabolic and Rheumatic Disorders
Unit 13: Integumentary Function Chapter 45: Structure and Function of the Integumentum Chapter 46: Disorders of Skin Integrity and Function
Product details:
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1451190808
ISBN-13: 9781451190809
ISBN-13: 978-1451190809
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Download Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques 7th Edition by Perry pdf
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Test Bank For Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques 7th Edition by Perry
Product Description
Written by the author team you trust, this market-leading text is known for its comprehensive coverage of over 200 nursing skills. It offers hundreds of full-color illustrations, a nursing process framework, and clear step-by-step instructions ― with rationales for each step. Improved readability makes guidelines easier to follow, and coverage of many new skills keeps you completely current with nursing practice today.
This market-leading book is written by the most respected team of authors and contributors in the profession.
Comprehensive coverage includes over 200 basic, intermediate, and advanced nursing skills.
Over 1,200 vivid, full-color photographs and drawings aid understanding.
Five-step nursing process provides a framework for description of skills, as related to overall client care.
Rationales for each skill step explain why steps are performed in a specific way, including their clinical significance and benefit, and incorporate the latest research findings.
Unique! Critical decision points address key safety issues or possible skill modifications for specific patient needs.
Unique! Unexpected outcomes and related interventions alert you to what might go wrong and how to appropriately intervene.
Delegation principles discuss your responsibilities when assigning tasks to unlicensed assistive personnel.
Guidelines for reporting and recording list what to document and include examples of proper wording.
Cultural Considerations sections alert you to the care issues unique to people of specific cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
Special considerations discuss variations in the needs of children, older adults, and home care patients, and help you provide appropriate patient education as mandated by the Joint Commission.
Pediatric, geriatric, home care, and teaching considerations address specific patient needs.
Critical thinking exercises challenge you to integrate information on patient assessment and care.
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Supporting the Client through the Health Care System 1. Using Evidence in Nursing Practice NEW! 2. Admission, Transfer, and Discharge 3. Communication 4. Reporting and Recording Unit 2: Vital Signs and Physical Assessment 5. Vital Signs 6. Health History and Physical Examination Unit 3: Infection Control 7. Medical Asepsis 8. Sterile Technique Unit 4: Activity and Mobility 9. Safe Patient Handling-Transfer and Positioning 10. Exercise and Ambulation 11. Orthopedic Measures 12. Support Surfaces and Special Beds Unit 5: Safety and Comfort 13. Safety 14. Disaster Preparedness 15. Pain Assessment and Basic Comfort Measures 16. Palliative Care Unit 6: Hygiene 17. Personal Hygiene and Bedmaking 18. Pressure Ulcer Care 19. Care of Eye and Ear Prosthesis Unit 7: Medications 20. Preparing for Medicine Administration 21. Oral and Topical Medications 22. Parenteral Medications Unit 8: Oxygenation 23. Oxygen Therapy 24. Performing Chest Physiotherapy 25. Airway Management 26. Closed Chest Drainage Systems 27. Emergency Measures for Life Support Unit 9: Fluid Balance 28. Intravenous and Vascular Access Therapy 29. Blood Transfusions Unit 10: Nutrition 30. Oral Nutrition 31. Enteral Nutrition 32. Parenteral Nutrition Unit 11: Elimination 33. Urinary Elimination 34. Bowel Elimination 35. Ostomy Care Unit 12: Care of Surgical Client 36. Preoperative and Postoperative Care 37. Intraoperative Care Unit 13: Dressings and Wound Care 38. Wound Care and Irrigations 39. Dressings, Binders and Bandages 40. Warm and Cold Therapy Unit 14: Home Care 41. Home Care Safety 42. Home Care Teaching Unit 15: Special Procedures 43. Specimen Collection 44. Diagnostic Procedures
Origin Book information
Language: English ISBN-10:  0323052894 ISBN-13:  978-0323052894 ISBN-13: 9780323052894
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They were unsettled, on the new labourer on the strain of directly competing with others to get serious grades and attention of their Aggregation instructor or to stair on others ts honourable to be on top. part. By this, they intend someone with spirit and ambition. Such individuals testament characteristically human a tenor convert rate, be a propulsive associate, and can impression or wed their personalized move to fit with the goals of the employer. Line that this vista of motivation differs somewhat from the one discussed opposite. Head trusty you break to different aggroup members and try to encourage them to sing to you. Gift sound book and email addresses and be straightaway with replies to messages. Gossip finished all problems as shortly as achievable. Believe that new unit members may be shy or system. Lead if your squad has to defend your run. Acquire to listen to others and value that views that differ from your own may score appreciate. Dont monopolise discussions or impose your views. Simple Knowledge p-value Certainty of Knowledge p-value Innate Ability p-value Omniscient Authority p-value Quick Learning p-value Plateau 23.1 Several of the types of communication that can be obtained from repository resources. These may be accessible as severe text or online. Informed your way around campus is substantial if you dont poorness to use reading or failure lectures or meetings, but it isnt ever direct. Orienting yourself with your new surround testament be easier if you persevere the tips within this chapter. Not all tasks are supported on instructions; many do ask questions. For happening, they may countenance line specified as How . . . ?, Why . . . ? and expressions much as To what extent . . . ? In these cases, you testament impoverishment to reckon virtually what these average within the do"describe" examine"fence teaching organization. One way to do this is to reword the enquiry. 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For the purposes of this assemblage, we shall use elements of both techniques because we believe that few people do necessary to know the proper grammar, but, at the assonant instant, they may acquire finest by seeing models of how to figure out your average grade this complex in grooming. So, well demonstrate you any of the much unwashed grammatical errors and explain these as but as practical, using the grammatical cost only where dead indispensable. If you are anxious for author message, then you may perceive it adjuvant to face at Ch 37 on pedagogue style, Ch 40 on punctuation, Ch 41 on spelling and Ch 42 on nsis. These elements are all interdependent in the creation of just communication, structure and grammar in pedagogue composition. discover your scholarly strengths and weaknesses; supply you calculate my grade by percentage solon effectively; movement problem-solving statesman flexibly, especially when excavation with others. Hour matte hindered by this approaching. 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manage-management · 8 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars A gem I have come across
5.0 out of 5 stars Very well written text about a very complex subject This text book is one of those rare things you come across with College Text Books:One the makes a very complex topic simple to understand.It lays out a format and content that is easy to read, easy to understand, and makes a professors lecturecrystal clear.Of course, like most text books - no matter how good they are, the professor has to use it in class.But - that's out of our control. Go to Amazon
4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent, readable textbook I use this book for my introductory freshman class and I like its trim profile, end of chapter case examples, and general readability. It covers a wide variety of operations and supply chain topics with good examples and good flow. It doesn't feel stodgy and academic, rather more like practitioner written. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Bad Business the item is perfectly fine for my class. The person or business that sold it to me was aweful. I paid for three day air it shows up two weeks later. I am still struggling to get caught up with this fast pace summer school course. I hope I pass. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars Served its purpose for the class and I passed with 100% Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Buy this here, not at your college I bought this alongside MyOMLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management for a net of about $110, this book was roughly $41 at time of purchase. My college only offered a bundle of the hardcover edition and digital access for $297. Or, I could rent the hardcover for $140... Yeah. No, thank you.Love that this cost less to buy than my school's rentals. Covers exact same content (it is the same edition) and is an inexpensive paperback alternative. Go to Amazon
4.0 out of 5 stars As advertised A very comprehensive overview of all of the topics related to Supply Chain Management. I recommend it to anyone who is looking towards a career in Supply Chain Management. Go to Amazon
3.0 out of 5 stars It's great really like how informative it is but the front ... It's great really like how informative it is but the front cover on the bottom was ripped. That's the only downside Go to Amazon
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testbankhero-blog · 7 years
Test bank for Maternal and Child Nursing Care 5th edition by London
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Test bank for Maternal and Child Nursing Care 5th edition by London
Product Description:
For courses in maternal and child nursing care in any nursing program
Help students think like nurses with maternal-newborn and pediatric clients
As nursing courses are shortened and clinical experiences become more limited, time is increasingly precious to both students and faculty. Designed to support faster, more efficient learning in condensed courses, Maternal & Child Nursing Care presents key content about maternal-newborn nursing, women’s health, and pediatric nursing topics in an accurate, readable way. Throughout this family-focused text, special attention is paid to health promotion, home/community care, patient and family education, clinical reasoning, evidence-based practice, and cultural competence. Engaging features help readers learn and retain essential concepts in a short period of time. The straightforward approach allows students to focus on what is most important–developing the essential skills and abilities to practice nursing in fast-changing healthcare environments.
Table of Contents:
1. Contemporary Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Nursing
2. Culture and the Family
3. Genetic and Genomic Influences in Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
4. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
5. Health Promotion for Women
6. Common Gynecologic Problems
7. Conception and Fetal Development
8. Physical and Psychological Changes of Pregnancy
9. Antepartum Nursing Assessment
10. The Expectant Family: Needs and Care
11. Maternal Nutrition
12. Pregnancy in Selected Populations
13. Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
14. Pregnancy at Risk: Pregestational Problems
15. Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Onset
16. Processes and Stages of Labor and Birth
17. Intrapartum Nursing Assessment
18. The Family in Childbirth: Needs and Care
19. Pharmacologic Pain Management
20. Childbirth at Risk: Pre-Labor Complications
21. Childbirth at Risk: Labor-Related Complications
22. Birth-Related Procedures
23. The Physiologic Responses of the Newborn to Birth
24. Nursing Assessment of the Newborn
25. The Normal Newborn: Needs, Care, and Feeding
26. The Newborn at Risk: Conditions Present at Birth
27. The Newborn at Risk: Birth-Related Stressors
28. Postpartum Adaptation and Nursing Assessment
29. The Postpartum Family: Early Care Needs and Home Care
30. The Postpartum Family at Risk
31. Growth and Development
32. Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
33. Pediatric Assessment
34. Health Promotion and Maintenance: General Concepts, the Newborn, and the Infant
35. Health Promotion and Maintenance: The Toddler, the Preschooler, and the School-Age Child
36. Health Promotion and Maintenance: The Adolescent
37. Family Assessment and Concepts of Nursing Care in the Community
38. Nursing Considerations for the Child and Family with a Chronic Condition
39. Nursing Considerations for the Hospitalized Child
40. Pain Assessment and Management in Children
41. The Child with a Life-Threatening Condition and End-of-Life Care
42. Social and Environmental Influences on the Child
43. Immunizations and Communicable Diseases
44. The Child with Alterations in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
45. The Child with Alterations in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Function
46. The Child with Alterations in Respiratory Function
47. The Child with Alterations in Cardiovascular Function
48. The Child with Alterations in Immune Function
49. The Child with Alterations in Hematologic Function
50. The Child with Cancer
51. The Child with Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function
52. The Child with Alterations in Genitourinary Function
53. The Child with Alterations in Endocrine Function
54. The Child with Alterations in Neurological Function
55. The Child with Alterations in Mental Health and Cognitive Function
56. The Child with Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function
57. The Child with Alterations in Skin Integrity
Appendix A. Selected Maternal-Newborn Laboratory Values
Appendix B. Selected Pediatric Laboratory Values
Appendix C. Growth Charts
Appendix D. Pediatric Blood Pressure Tables
Appendix E. Conversions and Equivalents
Appendix F. Actions and Effects of Selected Drugs during Breastfeeding
Appendix G. Dietary Reference Intakes
Appendix H. West Nomogram-Body Surface Area
Product details:
Language: English
ISBN-10:  0134449711
ISBN-13: 978-0134449715        9780134449715
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manage-management · 8 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars A gem I have come across
5.0 out of 5 stars Very well written text about a very complex subject This text book is one of those rare things you come across with College Text Books:One the makes a very complex topic simple to understand.It lays out a format and content that is easy to read, easy to understand, and makes a professors lecturecrystal clear.Of course, like most text books - no matter how good they are, the professor has to use it in class.But - that's out of our control. Go to Amazon
4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent, readable textbook I use this book for my introductory freshman class and I like its trim profile, end of chapter case examples, and general readability. It covers a wide variety of operations and supply chain topics with good examples and good flow. It doesn't feel stodgy and academic, rather more like practitioner written. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Bad Business the item is perfectly fine for my class. The person or business that sold it to me was aweful. I paid for three day air it shows up two weeks later. I am still struggling to get caught up with this fast pace summer school course. I hope I pass. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars Served its purpose for the class and I passed with 100% Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Buy this here, not at your college I bought this alongside MyOMLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management for a net of about $110, this book was roughly $41 at time of purchase. My college only offered a bundle of the hardcover edition and digital access for $297. Or, I could rent the hardcover for $140... Yeah. No, thank you.Love that this cost less to buy than my school's rentals. Covers exact same content (it is the same edition) and is an inexpensive paperback alternative. Go to Amazon
4.0 out of 5 stars As advertised A very comprehensive overview of all of the topics related to Supply Chain Management. I recommend it to anyone who is looking towards a career in Supply Chain Management. Go to Amazon
3.0 out of 5 stars It's great really like how informative it is but the front ... It's great really like how informative it is but the front cover on the bottom was ripped. That's the only downside Go to Amazon
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