#Or spooky shit with Bray
xxamorxexmortexx · 1 year
Hi, Edge!
I've missed him. I hope we're getting him a good feud. Maybe with Bobby? 🤔
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slutouttanowhere · 2 months
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Last nights Raw was….emotional one for sure. I don’t know about everyone else but I felt like that was due to TJD 2.0 v Terror Twins, Seth being squashed like 6 times by Bronson Reeds, and the main event. Listen, I love spooky shit, and Bray Wyatt has been fulfilling that role modern day. And best believe since his passing he made sure to continue the spooky storytelling through his brother Bo Dallas. Eric Rowan was the biggest guy in the ring lol, but he didn’t disappoint, they all did so amazing. I mean the way Dexter Lumis and Joe Gacy basically used each other as weapons in the ring. Like 10/10 no notes. They absolutely neutralized Chad Gables “American Made” last night. I hate that name by the way. Nikki Cross is doing absolutely amazing as this new role she’s been given like give her an Oscar? I love how Bo is the one in the rocking chair now watching the same way Bray would. Uncle Howdy/Bo and The Wyatt Sicks are a group I’m looking forward to seeing every week.
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theworldofotps · 1 month
Bálor and Bray’s SummerSlam match is one of my favorites
Just two spooky guys doing spooky shit🖤
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ramrage · 1 year
Ghost and Soap Halloween Misadventures
chat-format cracky drabble with a surprise at the end (;
October 29
🧼: ah, cmon ghost. don’t be such a spoil sport. look at yer spooky self. you should be happy to get to dress even spookier
💀: im not wearing a fucking costume, soap
🧼: halloween only happens once a year and youre ruining it. my favorite holiday and youre /ruining/ it
💀: if you can’t enjoy it without my participating, maybe you don’t like it as much as you think you do
🧼: im never gonna let up. you know that, right?
💀: im sure i can shut you up nicely
🧼: but for how long, though, ghost? i get you /think/ youre an immovable object, but i /know/ im an unstoppable force
💀: im happy you feel that way
🧼: ghost, im begging ya. give me this and i’ll never ask for anything ever again. ever. really.
💀: we both know that’s a lie
🧼: aye, but cmon, you can’t just do this one thing for me? your johnny?
💀: fucking fine. menace.
🧼: ghost, you’ve truly made me the happiest man in the world
October 31, Halloween
🧼: alright, you spooky bastard, open the door and show me your lovely little costume
💀: -muffled- i’ve changed my mind
🧼: what? have you not even got anything on?
💀: -muffled- no…
🧼: well then what’s stopping you? cmon, show me
💀: -muffled- piss off, johnny. it’s not happening.
-🧼 has been picking the lock all along and chooses this moment to burst through the door-
🧼: -brays like a fucking horse- christ almighty, LT, what the hell is this?
💀: -angriest stare known to man-
🧼: -still shitting himself- is this /really/ the best you could come up with?
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adampage · 2 years
the only way to have honored bray’s return was by being in the middle of a haunted trail when he made his appearance and that’s exactly what I did!!!!! me n him same wavelength I gotchu king we in that spooky shit!!!!
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blueonwrestling · 2 years
do you people not remember just how bad the spooky alexa bliss x bray wyatt shit was?
like really? do you not remember JUST how bad it was?
like i’m sorry, but bray wyatt is dogshit in the ring, and the weird alexa bliss shit was awful, it was fucking weird BAD shite.
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
ooh i do be vibin with the extreme rules music this time
time to see if somethin spooky happens bc uh,, that whole l o r e shit they been doing...
y’all im just gonna warn y’all n o w before anything happens if it does-
...if this whole thing was about Bray which I still doubt it was/is ...but if so,, I WILL 100% not shut the fuck up or be normal tonight
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asenkaengel · 5 years
Just for curiosity, if I were to write for a certain someone, would anyone read it?
Just for science.
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heelmox · 3 years
yall thinking any surprise appearances tonight? not sure when her non-compete is up but i wanna see ember moon in aew SO bad, i want them to keep building their womens division
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harringrooves · 3 years
Inspired by the #cherrylanechallenge day 1 prompt knife but this is not spooky at all so technically this is just a random little ficlet! AO3
The chair outside the principal's office is already taken when Billy gets there. He lets his eyes follow the trail from the clean, white sneakers up the impossibly long stretch of denim clad leg and even further upwards over the two toned striped polo shirt to the moles peeking out from just under the collar.
Steve Harrington glances up at him, then grimaces. Sighs.
"Jesus Christ," Harrington mutters.
"What are you doing here?" Billy grunts. There's no where left to sit, so he flung his jacket onto the linoleum and drops down onto it, back resting against the wall directly opposite Harrington.
Despite the distance of the entire width of the hallway between them, when Billy stretches his legs out the scuffed points of his boots almost touch the edge of Harrington's sneakers.
"Waiting for Mrs Reyes."
"Yeah, no shit."
That earns him a glare from Harrington. Billy's stomach turns a little at the disdain in Harrington's dark eyes, but it's the curiosity shining through that makes him squirm. Like an ant under a magnifying glass.
"Why're you here?"
Billy rolls his eyes, letting the familiar motion draw out the equally familiar sneer. "Same as you, dumbass."
Harrington huffs and turns away again as they both fall silent, glancing at the door every so often as the minutes tick by. It's not at all a comfortable silence. Harrington's not looking at Billy so Billy shouldn't be looking at him. But the walls are blank and the only other remotely interesting thing is the name plaque on the principal's door.
So Billy traces the letters dutifully, keeps going even when he gets nearer to the end of Reyes and stripes creep into the very edge of his vision. Even when he hears Harrington shift in the chair, moving his legs under him onto the seat then over the arms than back down to the floor. Even when Harrington asks, "You go crazy on some kid again?"
Billy goes round and round the shape of the capital R. "No. The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Harrington laughs. It's loud and braying, and not what Billy would've guessed King Steve's laugh would sound like. He imagined something smooth and dark, something that would exude effortless charm with an undertone of something mysteriously rich and out of reach.
It just sounds like a teenage guy laughing, if a teenage guy was also part donkey. Billy would find it funny, if Harrington wasn't laughing at him. "What?" he repeats harshly.
Harrington eventually quiets. "What do I mean? The night at the Byer's, you went like, fully psycho. Your eyes were fucking dead. Did you get like that again, is that why you're here?"
Finally, Billy tears his eyes away from the plaque and meets Harrington's head on. "No," Billy says firmly. "I didn't fucking- no."
Harrington shrugs. "Whatever. Wouldn't surprise me if you did, sooner or later."
That stings. In California he was good at skating and surfing and babysitting and he was top of his class in English and History. Even after she left everyone knew him as Rosaline's boy (never Neil's), with the blonde hair and the yellow surfboard and the white smile that was a little too charming for his own good. Here in Hawkins, he was the Hargrove kid, the one who fucked and ditched, the one who fought and drank.
Maybe Billy's fine with everyone else thinking that about him, but not Harrington. Billy won't let himself think about why, but he wants Harrington see him. To look at him and think he's better than that night.
"I got kicked out of shop class," Billy bites out quietly. Harrington blinks at him.
"You got in a fight in shop-"
"I didn't get in a fight, for fuck's sake!"
Harrington holds his hands up in mock placation, bobbing his head mockingly. "Alright, alright." He stretches his leg out and lazily nudges at Billy's foot. "What'd you do then?"
"Made a knife," Billy mumbles, eyes back on the plaque.
Harrington laughs again. "You what?"
"I made a-"
"A knife, yeah." Harrington cocks his head like a little dog, some of his fringe flopping into his eye. "You know that just makes you sound even crazier, right?"
Billy just shrugs and lets his head fall back against the wall. "Wasn't for me, it was s'posed to be a gift. For- for Max." Harrington freezes.
"You were gonna make Max a knife as a gift?" It sounds like Harrington's struggling with every implication of that sentence. That Billy would gift Max something. That a knife was an appropriate gift. That Billy would care enough about anything to create something hand made.
"Yeah." He can't help but let a little bit of defensiveness slip into his tone. Billy kicks Harrington's foot away, probably a bit harder than necessary. "It was a replica of that one her character has in that stupid game her nerd friends play. Demons in Dungeons, or whatever." Dungeons and Dragons. Billy's not that stupid, but he's also not that shameless to admit to knowing what it's called. "It was a full scaled up one, even got the pattern on the handle half done."
"That's- cool," Harrington says hesitantly. "Didn't know you cared, Hargrove."
"Shitbird's birthday soon. Thought she'd like it." Billy glances over to Harrington, who's watching him with narrowed eyes. Billy coughs, shifting his shoulders a little to roll off the weight of the scrutiny. "Doesn't matter, that fucker Morrison confiscated it anyway."
Silence falls again, still just as awkward as last time but lacking a large amount of the hostility. Harrington's still watching him. The plaque's lost it's draw and Billy resorts to tracing the seams of his jeans with a fingernail.
"I'm failing English," Harrington offers abruptly. Billy's head snaps up, but for the first time Harrington's looking away as he speaks. "That's why I'm here. They're not sure if I'm gonna graduate."
"Sucks," Billy says roughly. Harrington nods slowly.
Billy swallows, fingers clenching into fists atop his thighs. "I could, uh, give you my notes."
"Why would I need your notes?"
"'Cause you're failing English." Billy doesn't mean to say it like Harrington's an idiot, but those big brown eyes are wide and confused, like he's never thought about actually asking for help. "And 'cause I'm acing it."
Harrington's nose wrinkles in obvious disbelief, but he doesn't challenge it. He just sighs and lets his head loll to the side, propped up by his fist. "Yeah. Whatever. I'll do anything, at this point."
Billy nods silently. Harrington opens his mouth again, but he's interrupted by the click of the office door finally opening. Mrs Reyes pokes her head out.
"Steve," she greets him warmly. Her eyes slide over to Billy on the floor and her lips thin ever so slightly. "William."
"Hi," Billy says as obnoxiously peppy as he can manage.
"I'll see to you in a minute, after I've spoken with Steve." And then Harrington steps through into the office and the door swings shut once again.
Billy could get up and sit in the now vacant chair, but he stays right where he is until it's his turn to be called in. Harrington looks at him as he passes him in the doorway, but it's obvious that he's a million miles away, frowning at Billy but his mind no doubt occupied by something else.
Mrs Reyes doesn't ask what happened, just gives him a Friday detention and a lecture on how badly his behaviour is going to affect his record and how that's such a shame given his academic achievements. Billy lets it wash over him, not bothering to really pay attention. He's heard it all before.
When school lets out and Billy makes his way out the Camaro, he almost trips over his feet at the sight of Steve Harrington leaning against his car, twirling a knife in his long fingers.
"Here," Harrington says as soon as Billy gets close enough, holding the knife out to him blade first. Billy takes it gingerly and slips it into his jacket pocket.
"How'd you get it back?"
Harrington's chest puffs up in some god awful display of smugness as he smirks at Billy. "Morrison leaves his office unlocked during lunch. Everyone knows, it's like the number one place to make out. I was in an out, the couple in there didn't even notice me."
"That's disgusting. But, thanks, I guess-"
"Don't." Harrington holds up a hand, wincing a little. "I didn't do it for you, I think Max will really like the gift so if anything, I did it for her. And consider this payment for the notes."
"Payment?" Billy's brow furrows. "I didn't ask you to pay me." But now that Harrington's mentioned it, he definitely should have. Harrington's rich, everyone knows that. Billy could've got an easy $100 or some of the good weed Tommy's always talking about Harrington having.
"And now you don't have to," Harrington says smugly. "I give you the knife, you give me the notes. I don't want you asking me a month down the track to give you like $80 or a bag of weed or whatever in return. So there's the knife, aaaaand we're even."
Billy glowers as Harrington grins smarmily at him. "Fine. We're even. Now fuck off, some of us got places to be."
Harrington dutifully pushes off the Camaro, walking backwards towards his own car a few rows over. "Cool. Give me the notes whenever this week."
Billy doesn't say bye, just gets in his car and drives off, studiously not watching the fading image of Steve Harrington in his rear view mirror.
Max loves the knife. She doesn't hug him, but she nudges his shoulder with hers and declares that she's going to tie it to her belt and carry it with her at all times from now on. Neil goes purple trying to hold back his commentary on just how ladylike and appropriate for a young woman that is. Billy gets a cuff to the back of the head later, but it's worth it.
Harrington does get to graduate. He leans over from his seat beside Billy's (alphabetical order) during the opening speech of the graduation ceremony and whispers closer than necessary into Billy's ear, "Thanks, man." He doesn't so much as glance at Billy for the rest of the three hour ceremony, or during the party later that night that goes until daybreak the next morning, but it's worth it.
Billy bides his time. He can handle one more summer if it means getting enough cash to be independent when he leaves for college in a few months. Neil sucks as much as always, and driving Max everywhere cuts into the hours he's able to put in at the pool, but when she drags him to the new mall after his shift and right into the blissfully cool ice cream shop, Steve Harrington's eyes catch tellingly on the bare skin between the bottom of Billy's crop top and his tiny, red shorts and it's so, so fucking worth it.
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burningdarkfire · 2 years
books i read in may 2022
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[these are all short + casual reviews - feel free to msg me and ask   about individual ones if u want a full review or ask for my goodreads!!]
28 books towards my reading goal in may 🙏 heartstopper is technically my top read of the month but we all know what that’s about at this point so let me highlight smth else
at night all blood is black - david diop ★★★★★ (historical)
the first few chapters of this gut-punched me so hard i still don’t know what to do about them!! incredible story about dehumanization and war and i don’t even know what else. i still need to think about this one for a while and i’m definitely going to reread soon in the original french
heartstopper (volumes 3 & 4) - alice oseman ★★★★★ (YA romance graphic novel)
nick and charlie 💕 paris arc is cute (and way better now that i have a stronger grasp of the side characters) and my god the way i cried throughout volume 4 when all their family issues came up
radio silence - alice oseman ★★★★★ (YA contemporary)
this was a reread and oh my god the ways in which i have aged since i last read this 😂 it’s way less relatable after working an office job for a few years (it turns out that life doesn’t end even if you run the 9-5 hamster wheel), but it is still fundamentally very heartfelt and i would highly recommend it. the platonic love story at the heart of it is still so touching!
the innocents - michael crummey ★★★★☆ (historical)
if anyone is just like me and wants to read a slow-paced book about two orphaned siblings raising themselves in an insular environment and exploring both the world and themselves (yes, to be clear, this means incest) with little outside contact, then this is a great book for you!!
death in her hands - ottessa moshfegh ★★★★☆ (horror)
atmospheric, intriguing, and a great exercise for the imagination. i love books like this that never feel “solved”, you just have to take from them what you can. what a strangely euphoric ending
jujutsu kaisen (volumes 1-10) - gege akutami ★★★★☆ (YA fantasy manga)
bangers one after another. i still hate the kyoto sister school arc and i find the pacing of this series kinda whack but i am here to have a good time and gege is delivering. the classic shounen beats hit and satosugu has my interest 👀
iron goddess of mercy - larissa lai ★★★★☆ (poetry)
the wordplay and rhythm of this work is soo good and enjoyable. i love the sense of play even around heavy topics. this is poetry that should be read out loud!
before the devil breaks you - libba bray ★★★★☆ (YA historical fantasy)
libba bray writes wonderfully realized characters and relationships but the slow pace of this series is starting to grate on me. the plot feels like it only moves at the author’s convenience. the characters and relationships are really good though!
the decagon house murders - yukito ayatsuji ★★★★☆ (mystery)
this book has deep respect for the golden age of mystery and it shows. super fun read where the reader is a player, not an audience, and just the right amount of spooky!
forest of secrets - erin hunter ★★★★☆ (children’s fantasy)
solid installment. don’t have much to say about this one. the cats are meowing away and the plot is progressing
where the drowned girls go - seanan mcguire ★★★★☆ (YA fantasy)
this series is so much better when you read one a year so the fairytale style doesn’t become grating. this book is still far from subtle, but definitely subtler than previous installments in a way that i like.
the timetables of history - bernard grun ★★★★☆ (reference)
yes i flipped through a reference book page by page. no i didn’t finish it (got about ~55% of the way through to 1900) but yes it did greatly entertain me. very neat way to look at history
kim jiyoung, born 1982 - cho nam-joo ★★★☆☆ (contemporary)
this feels like reading a nonfiction article about being a woman and i hate doing shit like that because i don’t need to read something to tell me what i’ve learned just by living. it’s good at what it does (clearly, because of the feelings it evokes) but i do not have fun!
daughter of the moon goddess - sue lynn tan ★★★☆☆ (YA fantasy)
this honestly reads like a 2010 YA fantasy dystopian where we have a mary sue who has to decide between all the men who are so in love with her. it’s generally good at what it does and what it wants to be but stumbles hard coming into the ending
convenience store woman - sayaka murata ★★★☆☆ (contemporary)
some books are just perfectly competent but not outstanding or memorable in any way. this is one of them! it’s just exactly what it says on the tin
portrait of a thief - grace d. li ★★☆☆☆ (contemporary)
a heist book that absolutely, entirely, completely should not have been a heist book. the heist is by far the worst part and cripples the genuine character work the author is trying to do to explore asian-american diaspora
sun-daughters, sea-daughters - aimee ogden ★★☆☆☆ (scifi romance)
strong meh on this one. the world-building is cluttered, messy, and has way too many made up words just to drive the plot forward in a novella. the core concept of the relationship at the heart of this story is good, but its buried under too much unnecessary stuff
[DNF] seven days in june - tia williams ★★☆☆☆ (romance)
i gave this a few chapters but it’s too quirky for me. there are way too many references to pop culture and it’s just not funny or relatable to me! i even flipped ahead and spoiled myself a little to see if it gets better and nope. in fact i found out the actual premise of this book and the “seven days” and i just stopped reading lmao
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hello El!!
I bring my exchange info for an matchup. If say creepypasta/marblehornets matchup for this.
So my name is Shay, I go by Whiskey because it's a preference in liquor on my end. I go by they/them pronouns, AFAB and I'm bi and omniromantic, I do have an mild preference for men or masc aligned people. I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm also introvert (INFJ-A) and I'm constantly sleeply. I do have C-PSTD, Bipolar II and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
I'm Caucasian/White and I stand at 5'9. I have celtic and Danish heritage, My family where vikings. I'm really tall and legs double the size of my torso, as in my thighs are as big as my torso in length, same with my calves. I call myself spider legs because of that. I have this natural like wolf cut going on that is this dark green with my roots be my natural dark chocolate brown hair. My eyes are hazel with gold flecks that shift in color which I found out is normal for people with hazel eyes. I paint my nails black a lot because I find the color pleasing. My build wise is like a rectangle like shape with broad shoulders. I'm pretty strong and I'm proud of my strength. I'm currently starting to get into shape and lose weight so I have fit shape but not like over for. Just the right amount of fat over my muscles. I have a lot of stretch marks,, mostly around my waist and my biceps. I call them my stripes or lighting marks. I have plans to get snake bite piercings and wear like the ring ones in them. I'm getting an tattoo soon that is like this and then I want a burning match tattoo on my color bone. My ears are piercing and I like wearing fake gauges, spirals and then the ratings that have the dangly stuff and cuffs with them. I also wear like those stereotypical hot topic chokers. I wear a lot of long sleeves and skinny jeans, I do like ripped skinny jeans. I also love flannels and black boots like doc martins or converse.
I think you can assume by the statement of me liking whiskey I am the rebellious sort which is true. I have drank a bit and tried weed, I don't do it anymore tho.I have been told if people don't know me and see me from afar I'm intimidating to approach. Even being spooky and intimidating, I promise I'm just a big softie. I usually assume the mom friend of the group with my friends. I always worry about them and make sure they take care of themselves. Sometimes I do it so much I forget to take care of myself. I'm really gentle and compassionate, along with being extremely empathetic. I can be stubborn and bit judgemental at times, mostly working off first impressions myself when getting to know each other. I have an hard time being insertive and putting my foot down with my boundaries, scared to lose people even if the hurt me. I'm an introvert through and through, liking to watch from the back and observe the way things go on around me. I do my best to be an optimist because I can't see the point in see everything wrong in this world, it helps me to see the good. I love going on adventures with my close friends and love being a chaotic bastard with them. My dnd alignment is chaotic neutral and I'm Hufflepuff. I do live by the saying do no harm but take no shit. But I won't hesitate to fight someone for the right causes.
I do always constantly look like I am going to funeral of some sort because I own nothing but black. The color makes me feel really comfortable but it's not my favorite color. My favorite color is green but I like sage green, forest green, mossy green, etc. The earthy greens are my favorites. I have a love for the forest and woodlands, finding a sense of home in the woods. I do love archery and something I'm definitely going to be picking up along with playing the drums. I also smoke herbal cigarettes as well as alternative to smoking.
You know that I often get called a cryptid and at this point, I am just one. Cryptidcore, Midwest Gothic, and Pacific Northwest Gothic are my favorite aesthetics. I have a huge love for cryptozoology (the study of cryptids), parapsychology (the psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims), original creepypasta stories and to be honest anything like spooky and creepy. I want to be a mortician and I'm attending school for that. I also really love the dark, especially if I have some good music blasting through my earbuds. I am a sucker for long road trips and seeing things, filling the adventure heart I have. My favorite animals are coyotes and I also like horses. I like to write a lot as well. My favorite cryptids are The Beast of Bray Road, Not Deer, Jersey Devil and Jacklopes.
Thank you so much and I'm so glad I got a chance to reach out to you. It all started with me wanting to send memes to you and being a little 🌲 anon.
Also here is what the tattoo I'm am getting done looks like ↓↓↓
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Your matchup is... Jeff!
Sorry this took me a hot minute, I've been out all day! But here's my part of the exchange :}
In general:
Alright, I read this over and just immediately thought about Jeff, mostly because of your personality!! I have so many things I want to get into and want to say though. SO, let's get right into that.
Things he likes about you:
Physically speaking, as that is how I always start, Jeff really, really loves your height and your legs make him fuzzy on the inside. He just loves it SO MUCH. Your hair is gorgeous, and he's never going to stop wanting to run his fingers through it. Whatever color it's dyed as becomes his new favorite, and he loves seeing your natural hair poke through as well. Your eyes are so gorgeous in his opinion and he finds himself getting lost in them. He thinks your nails being painted black is nice because honestly, he's prone to painting his nails black as well. He finds your body so great!! Wants to hold you and loves feeling new muscles when they get built up. Regardless, he just physically adores you. Your stretch marks are also something he adores as well, and he will fondly call them your tiger stripes and admire them in their entirety. He would love your piercings and the tattoo you want to get. Also really, really loves your choice in jewelry. Chokers are hot in his opinion lmfao. Ripped skinny jeans, flannels, black boots, converse!! just everything about your style works so well with him. And your personality!! That slight rebellious edge am slightly intimidating nature??? PLEASE
General cute stuff:
I feel like the two of you are going to spend some evenings in painting nails. Jeff is slightly touch starved and will absolutely run his hands over your body and just adore everything about you. I can also see Jeff working out with you as well!! He will be your number one supporter regardless of what you're going to be doing. He finds it so sweet that you take care of other people. Jeff also understands you being an introvert, because he's kind of the same way. He would absolutely would hang back with you and just exist. He likes observing as well. However, he also can be a bit of a chaotic guy and will go on adventures with you! Scary places, nature, wherever you want, Jeff will go with you. He'll also read up on fun little places and then go with you. He will absolutely get you green things just because he knows that you like that color. Jeff will also take you on walks in the woods, and he'll also let you wear his clothing!! Jeff actually smokes weed semi-regularly, so while you smoke herbal cigarettes, he's going to be lighting up alongside you as long as you're comfortable. He'd probably like the herbal cigarettes as well. Jeff would love to hear about your love of cryptozoology! He's met so many beings in his life that fit that that he'd just go buck wild being able to tell you about his stories and experiences as well. Parapsychology is also something he'd love to listen from you. He finds you going into the mortician business so incredible, and that you like the dark. Your music?? Please share that with him!!
You two as a couple:
Jeff knows that you are intimidating but so, so sweet. He finds you so admirable and honestly, he needs that kind of caring, loving influence in his life. He finds you being the mom friend of your group super fun and while he's not a dad friend, definitely loves saying things to remind all of your shared 'kids' to listen to you. He wants you to take care of yourself!! He wants you to be kind to yourself!! You being stubborn is something he understands because honestly he can be stubborn. Judgmental? He gets it but honestly might challenge the notion from time to time. He will remind you about boundaries and how important it is to set them. Time to time, he may step in just to help you out. He will also remind you to be assertive, mostly because he would hate to see anyone take advantage of you. Jeff will read up on C-PTSD, Bipolar II, and your anxiety simply so he can be more prepared to help you in any way he can. He deals with some things himself, but he doesn't always know how to handle others. So, he would definitely read up for you and end up becoming your rock when you need it. Honestly, just let him take care of you in his own way. Rough around the edges?? Absolutely. But he's so soft for you. He will help you in any way he can, whether it be weathering the bad days and loving the good ones. Let him adore you.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, or as I will often fondly refer to you as, Dr. Cryptid! I was so happy to read all of this about you. Thank you so so much for sending this in and once again doing mine! I loved reading all about it, and I love talking with you. Thank you so much for that lil pine tree emoji and memes. Also, please take care of yourself!! There's only one of you in the universe and it's so important to love and cherish yourself. It's always okay to say no or know when to bail. Never take care of so many people that you leave all your energy with them and none for yourself. I look forward to our future convos and just friendship in general. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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seshen · 3 years
So, i'm writing my spooky ass story and it's quiet in the house i'm staying at because it's late at night. I live in the middle of the desert so i usually hear the coyotes howling or yipping.
I forgot there were donkeys out here until one outside my house just starts fucking braying! Scared the ever loving shit out of me. Especially when i'm writing ghost shit.
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bathtubjohnny · 4 years
Chapter 1: Rough draft (Edited once for spelling/grammar)
TW: Bloody noses, descriptions of a corpse, mild gore and swearing, spooky zombie lady, bad formatting, rushed writing
Note: Please give me your sweet sweet feedback. Oh how I crave honest and good-hearted criticism.
*Thanks to a handful of members from a group chat for convincing me to post this*
The forest was dense enough to blot out the sun, almost completely plunging the path in darkness. It didn’t bother Sydney though; he was too focused on the building at the end of it. It was a church, and he stood in front of it, staring up at the grey steeple protruding from what was left of the roof. It was a miracle that it was still standing. The walls had been scorched by fire, and the once-beautiful stained glass windows had melted into colourful, wax-like puddles. He could still smell smoke even though the church burned an impossibly long time ago. It never occurred to Sydney that the surrounding woods were completely untouched by the fire, as if it had never happened in the first place.
The inside was different as Sydney pushed the double doors open. He didn’t recognize the inside. It was more spacious than what he remembered, but like the forest, untouched by the blaze. Instead of red carpeting there was a wooden floor; instead of oil paintings depicting the trial of Jesus, tapestries with horrific, indescribable images decorated the walls. The interior had an ancient feel to it, making Sydney feel insignificant as he stood before the rows of pews. He could tell that it wasn’t a Catholic church anymore. It was a haven for a religion that existed long before the concept of Christianity.
Across from Sydney and past the pews was a stone table where the altar should have been. There was a white sheet covering something laying across it. As he padded down the aisle towards it, he could see symbols etched into the stone, characters he couldn’t recognize. The closer he got the louder his ears rang, his sinuses becoming so congested that soon fluid began leaking down his chin. It wasn’t until he reached the table and saw the bright red droplets fall onto the stark white sheet covering it that he realized his nose was bleeding.
Ignoring his instinct to wipe away the blood, Sydney reached for the edge of the sheet and pulled it back. Underneath was a girl, or at least the body of one. Her skin was ashen and waxy, a greenish-blue in colour. Small blisters had begun to form on her cheeks and forehead, as if she had been sunburnt recently. Even though they were closed, Sydney could tell that her eyes were sunken into her skull.
Pulling the sheet down further, Sydney saw that the girl’s arms had been placed palms facing up, leaving the undersides of her forearms exposed. On both of them were deep gashes, starting from her wrists and ending in the crooks of her elbows. The rest of her had begun to decay, but her wounds appeared recent, oozing thicker, darker blood than what was dripping from Sydney’s nose.
“Syd, are you awake?”
The sound of her inhaling made Sydney’s attention turn sharply back to her face as her jaw creaked open, sucking in air. He stumbled away as her eyes, covered in a watery blue film, flew open. Her head turned towards him with a snap, sending him falling backwards in shock. He hit the floor hard as she sat up, bones creaking and popping as she threw the sheet off her bloated body-
Sydney bolted up from his desk as the shout tore through his dream, nearly sending him toppling to the floor. Mrs. Bray was sitting on her desk glaring directly at Sydney, arms folded. A snort of laughter to his left made him blush as he realized he’d dozed off...again. “Uh, sorry.” He mumbled, slowly sitting back down and trying to ignore the eyes on him. Although Mrs. Bray had a stern look in her eyes, Syd was somewhat comforted by the fact that she was obviously trying not to smile.
“I get that there’s ten minutes left, but let’s try to stay awake, alright?” She sighed. “To those of you who may have dozed off, I’m not repeating myself about the assignment. You can ask your group. Now,” She side-eyed the room. ‘Is there anyone who isn’t in a group of three yet?”
Syd sneaked a quick glance across the room over at his close friend Lizzie Abrams. She caught his eye and shrugged apologetically, motioning to two other girls sitting near her. Feeling his cheeks heat up, Syd averted his eyes, staring down at his desk in embarrassment.
“We don’t have a third person in our group.” The voice to Syd’s left spoke up, making him turn. It was a girl in a worn, blue and white baseball cap, someone who Sydney unfortunately recognized. Her name was Morette Woodward, better known as Mo, and Syd knew her as being the one who broke his nose during dodgeball back in fifth grade.
She had one elbow propped up on her desk and was leaning her head against her hand while picking at her braces with the other. When she caught Sydney’s eye, she flashed him a toothy smirk.
Mrs. Bray glanced between the two and shrugged. “Perfect, evens out the groups. Now,” she turned to address the rest of the class. “I’m giving the last couple minutes of class to organize your chapters, so use your time wisely. Remember your book and your portfolio should be in at least six sections!”
Portfolio? Sydney rubbed his eyes and groaned, wondering what else he’d missed. Falling asleep at random times wasn’t a problem before, but lately he'd been feeling lethargic and finding himself unable to keep his eyes open for long periods of time.
“Hey, scooch your butt over next to us so we can talk better.” Mo nodded at a tall boy sitting beside her. Sydney didn’t know who it was, but thought he looked familiar. “Yeah hold on,” he turned his chair to face them before leaning forward. “So… what’re we doing exactly?”
“Man, you were really out, huh?” The tall boy said, giving Sydney a sympathetic grin. “You were pretty twitchy too. Were you dreaming or something?”
Syd blinked. “‘Twitchy’? What do you mean?”
“Like...mumbling and tensing up a lot,” He clenched his fists in emphasis. “It was kinda creepy. What were you dreaming about?” He was already talking again before Syd could reply. “Oh shit, you don’t know me. Sorry, I’m Henry Kaminer.”
Kaminer. Sydney didn’t know Henry, but definitely recognized the last name. He remembered reading about the Kaminers in the newspaper, and made a mental note not to bring it up.
“Oh. I’m Sydney. I don’t really remember what I dreamed of.” Sydney lied. Henry laughed. “Yeah, I heard. Isn't Sydney a girl's...? Whatever, nice to meet you Sydney."
Morette handed Sydney a sheet of paper. “I had an uncle Sid so no, it's not 'a girl's name'. Anyway, literally all we have to do is split the book up to read for a week, then do some fun little questions and activities at the end of each week." She flipped through her copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. "It's like the same stuff we did in grade 5, but with racism."
So she does remember. Sydney looked over his sheet of paper. "Oh."
"Yeah, it'll be easy." Morette leaned back in her chair and scrunched her nose up. "There's 31 chapters, but they're not too long. Let's just do five chapters each week and read whatever's left when we get to the last week." She tossed a stack of pink sticky notes at Sydney. "Use those as a bookmark."
Sydney looked down at the sticky notes. “...Thanks.”
“Hey Syd!”
Sydney paused at the front doors of the school just as he was about to walk through them. Henry hurried over to him, lime green beanie clutched in one hand, messenger bag in the other. The tall boy stopped beside him, huffing. “Man, I jumped down the stairs to catch up to you. Sorry, anyway. Walking home?”
Sydney pushed open the doors, nodding. “Yep. What about you?”
“Same here, but uh...which way are you going?”
“To the left.”
“Sweet! Mind if I tag along?”
“Sure,” As they made their way past groups of students waiting for their buses, they started walking down the sidewalk towards the nearby neighbourhoods. Syd, who barely made it to Henry’s elbows, couldn’t help but feel self-conscious with the giant beside him. “Do you live close to the school?” He asked. Henry shrugged. “Well, not really. To be honest I’m just tagging along to avoid my older brother, Marvin.” He chuckled a bit, but it sounded forced. “He’s got his driver’s licence and all, but…”
“But what?” Syd asked. Henry sighed. “He’s an asshole. I don’t feel like dealing with his anger issues today. So I’m here with you instead, little man. If that’s cool with you,”
“I’m not that little! But yeah, it’s cool.”
“Yeah you are, shortstack!!” Henry guffawed and rubbed the top of Sydney’s head with one hand. Syd swatted at his arm, but joined in the laughter. The two boys continued talking and joking around as they continued trekking down the street towards a crosswalk. The weather was warm for being early September, the sun beaming down on them helping to keep Sydney in high spirits.
The first week of school had been rough for him; being as timid as he was, making friends was hard enough in elementary school, never mind being in a new environment. For the longest time he’d considered Lizzie to be his closest friend, but they’d drifted apart over the summer, making him feel even more isolated than ever. As he listened to Henry telling him about his pet cat, Bowie, he felt a ray of hope that maybe he wouldn’t have to be so lonely after all.
“...he’s a really sweet boy, but he’s pretty ugly,” Henry was telling Syd. “He’s got this weird skin condition though so there’s like almost no hair on his body. I think it’s kinda hilarious, but every time he sits down his butthole sticks to our table.”
Syd snorted. “Gross.” He stopped at the edge of the crosswalk as the traffic light turned red, Henry following suit. “I don’t have any pets. My mom’s allergic to animal hair. It makes her sneeze.”
“Damn. No siblings either? Sounds quiet.” Henry leaned against a pole covered in colourful flyers and shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand. Sydney took a couple steps back so he was standing in Henry’s shadow and decided that tall people weren’t that bad. “Hey,” he said. “My house is just up ahead, what about you?”
Henry shrugged and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. “Not me little man, I’m heading to the right but maybe I can come over and wreak havoc at your place sometime.” He flashed Sydney a grin and straightened up, a couple flyers sticking to him before fluttering to the ground. “Whoops, those seemed important.”
Syd rolled his eyes and laughed as Henry stooped down to scoop them off the sidewalk. “Nice going there, big guy.” He joked. “Careful you don’t bring the pole down too.” Henry didn’t respond; instead he slowly stood up, clutching a white flyer and staring down at it. Sydney felt his smile fade when he saw the dismayed expression on Henry’s face.
“...What is it?”
Henry swallowed hard before handing Sydney the poster. The white paper was crumpled and soft from being left outside, showing signs that it had been there a while. A photo of a man with a goofy grin and a buzzcut holding a balding cat was in the center. The words were in bright red at the top of the page as he read them.
Jeremiah Lee Kaminer
Also goes by ‘Jerry’
19 years old, blue eyes, blonde, slim build, 6’0”
Last seen November 27th wearing a leather jacket, blue jeans, and brown hiking boots. If you have seen him or have any information of his whereabouts, please contact the Denville City Police.
“Henry,” Sydney glanced up from the page. Henry was fidgeting in place, avoiding making eye contact. “Is he...?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled, staring at the ground. “It’s our oldest brother. He’s been missing for over a year. Went into a bar one night for a drink, and just…. Never came out.” A cold gust of wind sent the remaining flyers drifting down the sidewalk as they caught the breeze. Henry’s hands tightened around the poster, creasing the paper before he folded it into a square. “Whatever. I gotta go.” He turned and started heading down the street, leaving Sydney alone.
Syd watched him walk away, wondering whether he should call out or not. Deciding not to, Sydney went home, ignoring the icy loneliness that had begun to creep back.
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
I'm a slut for anything Destiny right now, so uhhhhh maybe something involving that? (On another note, boo for pushing back BL to November, yay for having more time to work on it)
Lol, same, friend! XD
So, like. Much as I love other Destiny AUs I’ve blathered on about before, what do you say about a Battle Buddies in the Destiny universe?
Like, say.
These two idiots working for Clovis Bray during the Golden Age, right? Troubleshooters or just a pair of mercenaries that somehow ended up on the Clovis Bray payroll.
Or maybe they start off as regular security operatives who earn a reputation for being particularly clever and resourceful. Ruthless, some might say, in protecting Clovis Bray’s interests.
They catch the eye of some higher up, get reassigned to a special division in security which happen to be troubleshooters and the like?
Operatives given more leeway/authority than the usual Clovis Bray security operative and it’s actually good for a while, right?
Certainly good enough from them to to from coworkers to that guy they see almost every day and have a few things in common with to actual friends. And that, okay, in the world of fanfic is a slippery slope to Mutual Pining.
And such tropes as being snowed in at a tiny, wonderfully cozy cabin once they get a fired started and realize sharing body heat is the only solution to not freezing to death anyway?
Also sharing a bed while on a trip somewhere and a mixup/convenient other reason there would only be a room with a single bed available for them.
Not to mention the quiet revelation that the other one knows exactly how they take their coffee (whatever diet soda equivalent exists in the universe at that time for Ryan), or what their favorite food is (and second, third and so on in case substitution is necessary). Know what their favorite color is and cats vs dogs.
(A hotly debated topic between them, one that Jeremy declares could be a friendship killer because dogs, Ryan, really? With their borking and happy little faces and utter joy at seeing their human?
Meanwhile, Ryan with this little smirk to his voice as he needles Jeremy over the little herd of stray cats he swears aren’t actually his and yet are all fixed and chipped and yowl their little heads off the moment they catch wind/sight of Jeremy and anyway, dogs are clearly better because Ryan says so, therefore it’s true, Jeremy.
(Neither of them realize if they were animals - omg, were-creatures in Destiny universe???? :O - Jeremy is obvs a bork-bork doggo and Ryan a snooty mcsnoot (sekritly soft touch because srsly) kitten-cat and just, tangent I know, but omg.)
Also, though?
It means all these little things that add up to oh, no, I’m absolutely fucked over this asshole/idiot, because they are and now that they know they can’t stop seeing it, you know?
Jeremy’s :D when he sees Ryan at work and Ryan’s own >:D when he sees Jeremy because up to no good, the both of them? And smaller, quieter things they didn’t really think about and oh man, what now???
But then, also!
The two of them with their special division in Clovis Bray’s security branch...deal...thing where they ends up working with the shadier side of things?
Mostly play security on off-world projects or labs that pop up when new discoveries are made and said discovery can’t be moved/hasn’t been moved to a more secure facility and such.
Security there just as much to protect the discovery/artifact/device than keep the scientists/staff/executives visiting the site safe and so on. (Occasional Adventures because business rivals and shady practices and Drama.)
It’s all good for a while, lets them stew in their Mutual Pining phase and just as they’re about to maybe, maaaaybe do something about it Trouble!!1! happens.
Both of them are at the “I need to talk to you about this...thing,” stage of things and thinking oh, no, he knows I have the FEELINGS for him and the :O!!1! of what could mean for their ~friendship and so on?
But then Ryan gets called to the Clovis Bray facility on Mars in Meridian Bay while Jeremy stays behind, which isn’t unheard of for them?
But it’s rare when the company separates them. know they’re far more effective as a team and so on, but the call comes from the top and they can’t just say no, so Ryan goes.
Has a Bad Feeling and Jeremy knows him well enough to pick up on it, but pretends he doesn’t, that everything’s fine even though there’s been more chatter on restricted frequencies - Clovis Bray and otherwise - for a few days now, something big going down that’s effecting everyone.
This growing concern/panic leaders are trying to keep under wraps while they figure out how to handle it and so on.
And, look, they’ve been in the business long enough to know to trust Bad Feelings and suchlike? But Jeremy’s all :D because Ryan’s so worked up and he’s trying to reassure him they’ll be fine, you know? Damn good at their jobs and nothing’s managed to kill them yet.
(Yet being the keyword there, Jeremy, as Ryan keeps telling him when Jeremy’s a few drinks in on a slow night and they’re just enjoying one another’s company and sharing stories and yeah.)
Ryan heads to Mars and Jeremy sticks behind and somewhere in between that the Collapse happens, because of course it does.
Just a big ol’ kaboom-level disaster in which they both end up super, duper dead?
But then they get better.
Kind of?
Because, look.
Ryan gets all kinds of fucked up during the kaboom-level disaster and he’s in a Clovis Bray facility and there’s the whole...Exo thing, right?
Hand-wavy shenanigans all over the place in which he’s Exo-fied just before everything goes to hell (really goes to hell) and he comes online or whatever they call it just in time to die again.
(Doesn’t remember the first one, because fleshy human body all fucked up and coding on the table and uh, wow, yes. Also Ryan and his Thing for androids in Sky Factory 4 and also just robots and the like in general, so yeah?)
Ryan dies (again) during the collapse in a shiny Exo body and no time at all to address that, which.
Years go by as the sands of Mars start to bury human cities and whatnot, and along comes a Ghost.
Ryan’s Ghost, to be matter of fact.
Little bastard’s been looking for its Guardian for a long, long time by the time it gets to Mars, seen a lot.
And for whatever reason when it’s poking about this half-buried Clovis Bray facility and stumbles on this shiny new (not so much) Exo decides ah, yes, this one is the one I’ve been looking for all this time.
Ryan gets resurrected on Mars, wakes up choking on dust and sand (or maybe it’s just his mind telling him that’s what’s happening, because Exo? who knows) and this goddamn floating ball of metal and light and sass in front of him.
The Clovis Bray facility is a disaster and the Cabal haven’t found it yet (yet) but they’re going to any day and anyway, anyway, not a good idea to stick around a dead place like that.
His Ghost brought him back a few years after the Collapse, Dark Ages days still, before things like Iron Lords or fancy classes like Titans or Warlocks or Hunters.
Is something of a cross between a Titan and a Warlock in temperament and abilities and understandably a little leery of his little Ghost buddy? Like what even is it/he?
But also, also?
Ryan remembers, okay.
For whatever reasons, he remembers.
Wakes up in a Clovis Bray facility - was there meeting with some higher-ups about concerns they had about some incoming trouble and reluctant to pull both of them from their assignment.
Figured Ryan could speak for them both, and then kaboom, the Collapse and his Exo-fication which he really, really should not remember? But hard to deny the proof and such, and maybe his Ghost is able to pull some information from the computers around them
(And the what the actual fuck and I did not agree to that when I signed my contract and what the fucking fuck and so on of dealing with that on top of everything else and it’s just. It’s a lot to process.)
He remembers his previous life, although there are some gaps and the whatnot - maybe that’s what happens when you die and some sassy floating orb resurrects you, Ryan doesn’t have a frame of reference for these things okay - and from what his Ghost is saying people shouldn’t do that?
Especially with the Exo-fication process and anyway, anyway, yes.
So he keeps quiet about it for the moment, all this oh shit, and fuck, Jeremy and that in the back of his mind and initial wariness of his Ghost and what that’s all about.
Finds a way to get them back to wherever he and Jeremy were assigned - grab a jumpship from the Clovis Bray facility and leave Mars and it’s dead cities behind headed towards Earth because where else would they go?
But also maybe there are others like Ryan and while they’re out here might as well check to see if there are? Bring any survivors and such back with them if they can.
All they find are cities in ruin and the dead, though.
Worse, places where the dead should be, but aren’t.
Because spooky.
But also Bad Things, not all of which are due to the other races the Darkness introduced to humanity, because you know, humanity at its worst and so on.
Still, it gives Ryan the chance to learn about his new body, and his Light-given abilities, to trust them, and weirdly enough bond with his Ghost.
Gives the poor thing a name like Reggie or some other terrible thing that has it sighing and all that at him as humans are just super weird about stuff like that?
But at the same time it’s a name, something more than just Ghost. Which. Not an insult? But still, a name.
When they get to where Ryan and Jeremy were stationed he’s not really expecting to find Jeremy after everything else they’ve seen along the way. Odds stacked against them from the start and all that, and he’s not surprised to find the facility torn open and broken down.
Finds bodies here and there, doesn’t want to look closer but he can’t not at the same time.
Recognizes a few of them, scientists and staff and some security operatives he and Jeremy worked with.
Reggie clearly knows Ryan’s lying about not remembering anything, but chooses not to call him on it at the time.
Not when there’s this...rawness to him as he explores the place he lived and worked in who knows how many years go. Finds the bodies and other remnants of a life (long past, ended violently in the Collapse along with those of everyone else there.
Listens to messages people left before, during, and after the Collapse.
Usual day-to-day things, work logs or personal journals that tick over into calls to supervisors over unusual readings and the like? And then towards the end and staticky and all that, warnings to whoever stumbles across the facility.
Breached containment and toxic chemical ruptures and all that that had to be locked down.
(The handful of people on the other side of it, either too slow or too goddamned brave, sacrificing themselves for the others even though they knew it wouldn’t matter much in the end, and doing it anyway)
Sightings of unknown creatures - beings? Roaming the area outside the facility while its security measures were still active, what remaining security operatives going to confront them and not returning, or dragging themselves back to safety just to die with some cryptic words on what they’d seen out there.
Final words of survivors doomed to die either by whatever was on the other side of the fences and security measures once they inevitably failed or some other cause. (Exposure to toxins/radiation or other fun things. Starvation, etc. No need to worry about old age or natural causes because yeah no, not in the cards for them.)
That cheerful kind of stuff, you know?
Ryan and his Ghost digging into the computers they could and watching footage, watching people he knew a lifetime ago dying.
Watching Jeremy taking charge of things, having to order people to their deaths in the days after the Collapse whether it be to containment breaches or enemies at their gates and so on.
A few logs and personal videos Jeremy left, ones that Ryan makes copies of for himself - Reggie makes copies of everything they find, but Jeremy’s are just for Ryan, you know?
All of what they find may be useful one day, important, but Jeremy’s are just for Ryan. (Reggie safeguards those like you wouldn’t believe because they’re obviously important to Ryan.)
One of Jeremy’s videos are of him in the cramped quarters he and Ryan had to share, half a wall missing and all that because of course.
More rubble than room at that point, and yet it’s where he decided to record that video message.
All quiet and sad and hopeless because no rescue is coming for them, and look, okay, look.
He knows Ryan has to be dead by that point, otherwise his Battle Buddy would have come for him and the others, Clovis Bray be damned.
And Jeremy’s not quite looking at the camera as he just.
Tells Ryan - this one video is for Ryan even though Jeremy’s certain he’d never see it now, but he can’t not and he’ll probably be dead before long anyway, so fuck it, right?
So Jeremy tells Ryan all about the Mutual Pining he was doing leading up to the Collapse, right? All the reasons he fell head over heels for his idiot Battle Buddy and fear of fucking things up between them not knowing if Ryan felt the same and just.
A lot of FEELS going on there?
And then he talks about the Bad Feeling of Ryan’s and the call for him to go to Mars while Jeremy stayed behind.
Tells him he knew something was off, wrong, that something big was coming and goddamn does he hate being right about that kind of thing?
And then, okay.
There’s this tired little laugh, and Jeremy looking right into the camera.
Looks tired, worn down. Like he hasn’t slept in days (hadn’t, most likely) and lost too much weight and right on the edge of breaking.
Tells Ryan with this tired little laugh and tired little smile that he loves him, and he’s sorry he wasn’t brave enough to tell him when he had the chance and all these other heartbreaking things before ending the video.
(Delicious Angst.)
Ryan can’t find any other videos or anything from Jeremy after that, but there are references to the last of the security operatives patrolling the facility and running into opposition. Mentions of them not returning, of the other survivors being on their own and -
Ryan and Reggie go looking, because of course they do.
Find bodies, human and otherwise, but there’s a goddamn hole blown into the side of the facility. Fucking crater that opens up into an underground cavern and no safe way down.
Which, fine.
Ryan jumps, and Reggie brings him back.
Again and again and again until they reach the bottom, and then it’s this endless network or caves and tunnels and they could spend a lifetime looking, but enemies - Fallen? - and too many for one lone Light-bearer and their Ghost and he hates it, hates it, but they can’t stay.
Get back to Earth and kick around there for some time, all the while Ryan working on a way to get back to the facility to find Jeremy and lay him to rest or whatever’s going on in his head.
Runs across this shady bastard who (of course) turns out to be the Drifter and they become...not friends so much as acquaintances and all that? Don’t really trust one another, but they’re not enemies either.
The Iron Lords happen, Ryan and Reggie keeping an eye on things because you never know, and then the thing with SIVA happens and everything after that.
Hop around the system (venture a little beyond it for a time before coming back) and are like.
Bemused at these Guardians they find running around?
Yeah, okay, interesting, but he and Reggie were there for the Iron Lords and surely it’s only a matter of time until the Guardians go the same way?
But...they don’t?
They even build themselves this City under the Traveler and seem to thrive. Guard (heh,) the remnants of humanity that take shelter in the Traveler’s presence and all that.
Watches them branch out, sees the formation of the Vanguard and the Consensus and all that.
And they don’t go unnoticed either, this weird Light-bearer Exo and his Ghost that have been around for a long, long time.
Are considered allies to the Vanguard and Tower and all that? But not to be trusted at the same time.
Not enemies, just.
Need to be taken with a grain of salt, and also for the love of all that’s holy, do not let them around baby Guardians because they’re kind of terrible?
But yes.
Ryan’s around for all the shenanigans in the first Destiny, but doesn’t get involved himself because he’s no Guardian, you see.
Does, however, do things like message the Vanguard when there’s unusual activity among the Fallen or whichever race is hellbent on wiping humanity out that time.
Tips off Ikora’s hidden that something’s going on in the Plaguelands when the Fallen get into SIVA and so on, checks in on Lord Saladin to see how he’s doing, that kind of thing.
And then the Cabal come to Earth and Ryan’s at the edge of the system at the time, but he definitely feels it when the Cabal manage to lock away the Traveler’s Light.
He and Reggie make their way back to Earth because what the hell is going on?
And they get there just in time for some asshole to kick Ghaul’s ass and the Traveler awakening and all that?
And it’s like, well, shit, because things are going to be in disarray for a while, aren’t they?
Usually that means the Vanguard reaching out to him and those like him to help where Guardians can’t.
Stealth and shady shit and other things the Vanguard seems to turn their noses up at because not exactly Noble, the things people like Ryan get up to, but still needed.
Anyway, off he goes, coordinating with Ikora’s Hidden and all that and he’s all over the place for a while.
Goes back to the Tower and happens to catch a glimpse of someone in armor and is like !!!
It’s the Tower, and all the Guardians wandering around in armor is far from unusual?
This asshole is sporting some hideous shader that somehow manages to combine purple and orange with yellow trim and it’s this whiplash moment of !!! for Ryan because!
Or fucking course Jeremy and his bullshit color scheme back when they were working for Clovis Bray, you know?
Shit-eating grin at Ryan’s :O face the first time he realized what a monstrous human being Jeremy was and delighting in it every moment afterwards.
And Ryan, right. Far from an expert on all the shaders out there, but he’s pretty sure Eva would never dare create such a thing as it would be akin to a crime against humanity, and yet.
Ryan sneaks about following the Guardian - a goddamned Titan because of course it is - and maybe gets a little sloppy about it.
Because FEELS and also being a little out of his mind over the coincidence?
Anyway, anyway, he ends up getting cornered in a little alley somewhere down in The City. No one else around for blocks and an understandably peeved Guardian facing him down.
“Hey, pal,” he hears, seemingly friendly enough but there’s an edge to the words all the same. “There a reason you’ve been following me for the last few hours?”
The Guardian’s got their helmet on, because of course, but there’s -
Ryan knows that voice.
(Of fucking course he does.)
Stares and stares and stares because oh, okay, this has to be it, you know? He’s been alive for a few hundred years by this point, and sooner or later he’d lose it, because of course he would, right?
Exo-fied without consent and tossed into the life of a Light-bearer - again, without consent although he’s more okay with Reggie’s actions than the scientists at Clovis Bray who Exo-fied him - and made sense he’d go mad at some point.
Because no way in hell is that Jeremy he’s looking at. No damned way.
It totally is Jeremy, although he goes by Rimmy Tim now (lololol, I’m so, so sorry) and doesn’t remember his previous life at all and oh, God his poor Ghost is sporting a shell in the same hideous purple/orange shader and why did it have to be this way?
But also seriously, Ryan being blue screen of death over the whole Jeremy is a goddamned Guardian now???
Apparently resurrected following the Red War and new to the whole Guardian deal.
Ryan tries to stay away because he’s got all these issues to sort out and doesn’t want to scare Jeremy away/make him hate him/who even knows what he’s thinking at that point?
But it doesn’t stick because Jeremy’s alive.
Doesn’t know Ryan or the fact they were this close to figuring their shit out before the world ended around them and things got seriously fucked up.
Thinks Ryan’s some weird shady dude along the lines of the Drifter and all that? Which, to be fair, he is?
Zavala and Ikora trust him, and Cayde did too.
Ryan keeps tabs on Jeremy the whole time because like hell is he not going to do that?
But he tries his best to keep his distance for Jeremy’s sake and all?
And then there’s a Situation the Vanguard need him to look into, and would he like help with this one?
And Ryan, okay.
Does his damndest to be good about this, not drag Jeremy into things, but Zavala’s a clever bastard.
Has noticed Ryan’s obvious - to Zavala and Ikora, and even Cayde’s amusement/understanding before he died - interest in Jeremy.
And weirdly, conveniently, Jeremy knocks on the door to Zavala’s office while Ryan’s in there talking to him about this Situation.
“Uh, am I interrupting?”
And Zavala gives Ryan this little smirk.
“Rimmy Tim is a promising young Titan,” he says. “Clever. Resourceful. I think he would prove to be a great asset in this endeavor.”
And Jeremy, okay.
Keen on helping the Vanguard with things like this Situation, and he’ll admit to being curious about weird, shady Ryan and how he fits into things, and anyway.
Ryan doesn’t have much choice in the matter about it all, and before you know it the two of them are out investigating weird shit together.
Ryan barely keeping his shit together the whole time because Jeremy is so fucking Jeremy even though he doesn’t remember anything about his previous life.
Reggie is like, super concerned and doesn’t sass Ryan more than a couple of times a day due to said concern.
Jeremy’s Ghost is like, dude, what the hell? While Reggie is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because hahaha, Light-bearers are just weird as hell, right?
Their investigations take them back to Mars and the same Clovis Bray facility where Ryan was Exo-fied and it’s.
Jeremy doesn’t know what’s up with Ryan and Reggie, but once Ryan quietly mentions that oh, hey, yeah. This is where they turned me into this *gestures at himself with this weird hollow/bitter laugh because yes* and then he died, and also Reggie found him years later and so on?
And Jeremy’s like shit, dude, and also, oh, okay thinking that’s why they’re being super weird?
But then they find records and some video of human!Ryan way back before and Jeremy’s fucking riveted, okay.
Human!Ryan talking to one of his bosses about an assignment they’re going to send these Battle Buddies off on - Jeremy looking over at Ryan when he flinches or something along those lines and thinks, oh, man, poor guy, because apparently Ryan had a partner way back when?
Someone the Clovis Bray bigwig talks about with this amused/fond look on their face like the two of them were inseparable and all that? Force to be reckoned with and all that.
Of course that’s when the bigwig’s office door opens to let the other half of the Battle Buddies in.
“What the fuck?”
Because, hey, wow, would you look at that? That’s fucking Jeremy sauntering on in with a little grin on his face and all that, tossing human!Ryan a look before giving the Clovis Bray bigwig a nod and no, seriously, what the fuck.
This whole Thing where Ryan stiffly (because dealing with all these EMOTIONS about Jeremy and terrified he’d - rightly so - want nothing to do with Ryan because of the everything) tells him that yeah, so.
They totally knew one another way back when? Worked together and so on and all this and just.
Jeremy’s Ghost manages to salvage more videos of the two of them - sparring in Clovis Bray gym facilities and the whatnot and training/demonstrating/whatever for security operatives?
Ryan leaves him to it while he and Reggie go poking about the rest of the place pretty much expecting Jeremy to tell them he wants nothing to do with them once they’re done with whatever the Vanguard has them doing?
But no, okay, no.
First of all, Jeremy’s super weirded out, but he’s not mad? OR he doesn’t think he is???
It’s complicated.
What he does know is that he and his Ghost like Ryan and Reggie, are starting to think of them as friends, even.
And then, okay, and then?
There’s also the fact that with a different perspective Jeremy can totally fucking see how fucking head over heels he and Ryan were for one another?
The way they look at one another, okay, that alone.
Can’t tell if they were an official? Thing and it feels cruel to ask Ryan, considering Jeremy doesn’t remember him? So he doesn’t.
Decides he’d like to get to know Ryan now, see what happens and all that?
Ryan’s like ??? because he was not expecting that? Is a little reluctant because what if it’s a mistake? He still loves the shit out of Jeremy, pre-Collapse and now, but maybe that’s not what’s best for Jeremy?
Tries to tell him that, but Jeremy’s not having it.
Like, will honestly leave Ryan alone if he genuinely wants him to considering their past and the emotional roller coaster Ryan’s been on since pretty much forever?
But if it’s all the same to Ryan Jeremy would like to keep working with him?
And they do, because Ryan thinks he’s too much a selfish bastard to tell Jeremy no, and Jeremy kind of feels the same?
They deal with the Situation together (Battle Buddies, fuck yeah) and when they report back to Zavala he’s all HMM at them, but doesn’t comment on things and it just.
Becomes this understood Thing that Ryan and Jeremy are a team now, going all over the place to deal with things Ikora’s Hidden sniff out or some “friend” of Ryan’s want them to look into.
Ryan quietly Suffering because Jeremy’s still so very Jeremy and yet a completely different person. Jeremy falling for Ryan because of course he does, and Ryan keenly aware of it at some point.
(Stopped lying to himself about things like that a long time ago, or maybe he’s too tired to lie to himself about them now, who knows.)
Looks at Jeremy one night, the two of them camped out in a shell of a building and just.
Takes out the batch of recordings and videos Jeremy left behind at the end and gives them to Jeremy because...he doesn’t know why, really.
Just thinks it’s important he sees them for himself before he says something he might regret. (Does something he might regret, idk.)
And then off Ryan goes to keep watch or patrol the area or whatever and conveniently not be there while Jeremy watches his past self confessing his love to Ryan like that was a mistake he never got to make in person or something?
It makes no goddamned sense, and Jeremy’s a bit of an emotional mess by the end of it because jfc, he past him was a complete idiot, and both Ryans are too?
Past Ryan just for being a dense idiot the same as past Jeremy, present Ryan because he’s been carrying those recordings along with him for ages, and the whole Guilt about not finding Jeremy’s body to lay him to rest way back when.
The Guilt about knowing who Jeremy was when he met him again and not telling him (that makes Jeremy a little angry because dude, seriously?), and yet again more Guilt for not telling him about the Mutual Pining?
And just.
He yells at Ryan a hell of a lot when he tracks him down, finds him on a rooftop staring up at the stars while Reggie watches over him.
Realizes Ryan’s looking towards the sector of space where he and Ryan were stationed when the Collapse happened, that the idiot probably made a habit of doing so after Jeremy died because Delicious Angst?
He yells, but there’s no real heat to it because Jeremy’s a wreck, and also he gets it?
Doesn’t know Ryan super well, just yet, but enough to see why he’d do/think some of the things he has.
Feels...not guilty, exactly, but something in that he doesn’t remember Ryan or the lives they had before all...this, but.
They’ve got a second chance, and maybe, maybe they could do something with it?
Not saying they have to, necessarily, but.
They do make a good team, and all that, and -
Ryan’s just looking at Jeremy like he doesn’t know what to say (it’s true) and kind of like he thinks he may be dreaming this (he’s not) and Jeremy’s afraid he’s saying all the wrong things?
But then.
It’s like
That could be a thing they could do, become Battle Buddies 2.0 and let Zavala know he only has himself to blame for it, so of course they do, you know?
Go off and Adventure about, causing Zavala headache after headache and getting these little smiles out of Ikora and such.
And one day maybe they get their shit together and finally freaking do something about all the FEELINGS the have for one another.
Get it right this time, with the love confessions and smooches - or like, whatever it is Exos do in that regard?
But yes.
Also they run into the rest of the AH bunch at some point, a few of which are some of Ryan’s shady friends, because of course they are. >:D
(ALSO, omg, yessss? I was like aw, man, not again Bungie :((((((((((((((( even though I totally understand the reasons for the delay? Like. I want the shinies of new content and omg, EXO STRANGER :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD right now? But also omg, yes Bunige, please take the time you need. XD)
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brothersgrim · 4 years
hc and i let him in :\
all the pictures on his wall are john cena
dsfjgsndfg that was a good bit holy shit
but yeah all the pictures are john now
taker is quietly relieved bray no longer has a picture of his baby brother
but it worried he's gonna have to cut a bitch to get the soul back
... i am so sad thinking about him having to go get john
He can't just leave him there :/
Kids annoying sure
But he's not a bad guy
And doesn't deserve that
just completely tormented and broken after everything fiend has put him through
Taker knew how bad bray could be BEFORE this
And taker is the Reaper of souls
It's his duty to go in there and bring John home
Whatever's left
And Braun gives no shits fjnddj
he fact that he can go from utterly fucking sinister
to :D in one second
Is terrifying
Dude snapped like a twig and kept breaking
like i’m screaming but
Friendly reminder that man kidnapped an unconscious shirtless taker to bring him home
i keep blocking that out
taker wishes he could forget it too
Doesn't want weird swamp man >:( wants his boys
i’ll say thisas terrifying as bray/fiend are
wyatt family deliverance bullshit is creepy in a way where it’s like.... utterly realistic sociopaths just tormenting people
Y u p
It's just a weird swamp cult
Some of it is spooky but it might be real
In the sense that cults do that
and their whole aesthetic was so claustrophobic
Taker Did Not Like The Swamp
Neither did Kane
and the fact that they were capable of getting their hands on T W O of the men that have otherwise been untouchable by most people for a couple of decades by that point
was unsettling as fuck
Iirc they got kane cause he went after them with
"uh, give my brother back????? what the fuck I can't believe I have to say that"
People said bray used the urn to keep taker there but I honestly can't remember if that was fanon or canon
i want to watch that whole feud again but i also don’t because taker being scared Hurts Me Personally and sends the boys to a full on rage panic
but god what good horror movie storytelling
He wanted to go home :(
Bray wanted those boys and damn he was gonna get them :/ ... Until they got out and he realized how bad he fucked up
taker: give me my brother back 
Steve smashing a chair on the door cussing up a storm while Harper and Rowan are like ".... you open it" "no you open it"
and listen if you think for one second that steve would not bust through that door with a shotgun like fucking texan rambo down in the swamp to get the love of his life back
He doesn’t want Steve to get hurt but he's so goddamn excited
There are very few times in his life taker has WANTED to put on a shirt
taker and kane tied to chairs in the back of the house
and it suddenly goes very quiet
Chained probably
They could break ropes
that’s absolutely true
and bray’s bullshit doesn’t work if there’s any possibility or hope they could escape
but then just
And given that taker didn't just teleport
Hell given that neither of them did he's probably fucked with them somehow
the urn makes sense for keeping them powerless
swamp air messes with the teleportation
it’s too dense
.... bray doing some kind of binding spell and kane talking shit the whole time to throw it off
... assuming he can speak
Being restrained in a bad place fucks with him
true i didn’t think about that
And taker is just FURIOUS
Because bray touched his brother
Lots of just. Growling honestly
Maybe a few threats but a lot of snarling and thrashing
One of the wyatts, maybe bray, telling kane he best mind the temperature
Swamp gasses can be quite flammable
Wouldn't want to be caught in another house fire, would he
o o f
No melting through the chains :/ and might hurt not only himself but his brother if he sets something off
can’t take the chance, can’t risk it
Might not even work
It was a bad time :(
And if you don't think either brother is above antagonizing a weird swamp cultist to leave the other one alone
Kane spat on one of them :/ big brother needed a break even if he wouldn't admit it
he’s gotta stay strong for kane
He would rather them just do everything to him and leave kane alone
But unfortunately it goes both ways
So Kane spat on a weird swamp cultist and stared them down til he couldn't
..... if taker disappeared on the 25th
and kane the next night
they didn’t come back until the 9th....
... oh jesus
14 and 13 days
Gonna beat the shit out of bray, take some very long showers, and just try to sleep (but they probably end up awake and sitting smushed together on the couch. just need to know they're both home and safe)
two weeks at the max unless they escaped and took a few days to heal up before coming back to unleash holy hell on the wyatts
Probably took a few days...
But Bray didn't know they got out
Which implies they probably didn't
Or only took like
my question is if bray is stupid enough to think they can be left unattended while he goes in front of the world and smugly touts that he has control of the brothers
and bray is very, very smart
If he was an idiot they wouldn't be there
very rarely does he make a mistake and leaving them alone is a mistake
but it could also be a show of overconfidence too
A very big mistake
Maybe he thinks he broke them.Finally did it.
he’s broken them down they’re probably starved and weak and tired
they’re not going anywhere
Scared even if they won't admit it
He got his big ol' playthings
And he can do whatever he wants with them
they’re shackled and they don’t know where they are anyway
There are others around the compound, someone will notice
They're in no shape to make an escape
or how they even got there, and the swamp is a fucking dangerous place to navigate alone
so sure, they can leave the house, door is standing wide open. just watch out for those gators! and the snakes, and the fucking feral cultists living in the woods
and the sinkholes, poison plants, the noxious gas.... but you boys will be fine
go ahead
surely one of you will be strong enough to carry the other's corpse back
see, you’re not hostages
we want you to be one of us
we could be a family
(taker is so much prettier up close)
that’s what you boys have always been missing, isn’t it? a family of your own
we understand you. we know what it's like to be deemed "freaks" and "monsters". be one of us.
bray thinks it’s a kindness that he has shared his home with him and the others agree. they were lost before! everyone finds their place here
all you have to do is just hand over those powers and in exchange you’ll have protection for life
all the lost lambs of the world show up. what's the face for, kane? ah, let down before. i understand. WE understand. but it can be different here. nobody will ever try to pull the two of you apart again
And that's when taker tells him he couldn't handle it
And even if he could hand over what he did
He'd sooner trust them to vince
(kane nods and strains against the binds. he wants Out.)
all i can picture is bray’s voice suddenly turning that harsh, scathing tone and telling him he has no idea what he can handle
taker is honestly. on top of everything else, he's mad at himself for "falling for this"
But he would make eye contact
"I am the judge of souls. I know exactly what you can handle, boy."
if he acts even the slightest bit unnerved he knows it'll get back to kane
He can't make this any worse for little brother than it is... and of bray keeps up his weird obsession maybe he'll leave kane alone
bray’s anger at being spoken to that way just turning back into that very calm (even more terrifying) placating demeanor
evidently he hasn’t broken them enough
because no, taker does not know the kinds of things he is capable of
but he’s trying to be diplomatic
this is only as hard as the brothers want to make it. he doesn’t think he’s asking for a lot, and he’s giving so much more in return
taker just scowls. kane just stares, a quiet growl in his chest (weapons and wild things, not people).
but, fine. if this is the way they want to be, he can show how disobedience is punished in his home. they’re guests, not yet family, they haven’t learned the rules yet
taker's jaw tightens. kane swallows against the gritty, ashy feeling in his throat. /it's okay/, his brother's assurances say. /it'll be okay. you'll be home soon./ and kane catches the wording. doesn't like it. maybe doesn't believe it but has no choice but to cling onto the false hope he's given. they've made it through everything so far. lifetimes of hell and torment. they can do this.
inflicting physical harm on them is far too easy. he’s watched them. studied them both long enough to know that it will not get his message across. there are other ways to be persuasive, he thinks, for now.
have rowan and luke fetch one of the poor souls he’s caught lurking around the compound and stealing food from the cache when he thinks he isn’t being watched. everyone is always being watched. bray thinks himself generous, but people can only take advantage for so long. taker is the reaper of lost souls, but he is bound and powerless. he wants to watch the rage flicker in his eyes when he is incapable of doing his job. maybe they’ll take him seriously then.
someone else’s life and blood on his hands is a powerful motivator.
honestly, they're confused. glance between each other and you do not need to be one of them to know what they're thinking - what is this? and then-- taker grits his teeth. not supposed to die yet. it didn't grant immortality, but damn was it a shame. deserved better. but it's not kane. kane is okay. he can tune out the haunting screams for now. kane comes first. kane is okay. he has seen death before, and instead spits at bray's feet. "only proving my point. you are far too /pathetic/  to carry the burden we do." ... he will carry them to their proper rest as soon as they can. whisper an apology once bray is gone, once kane manages to sleep. but he cannot give them the satisfaction.
it is the ultimate sacrifice. the ultimate punishment. fear and expressed regrets, pleading, crying — but this man’s destiny had already been sealed. the blade in bray’s hand is as cruel and unforgiving against the lamb’s throat as the hard floor is beneath his knees. he has to make an example, you see. if the limb is infected, you cut it off so as not to contaminate the rest of the body. theft is not forgiven. disobedience is not tolerated. it’s a kindness to make the cut quick, and wild eyes never stray from the deadman’s. pulse thumps rapid as his hold on the warm body is released and /it/ falls to the floor. faceless, nameless, the deed done. spit lands near his boots and it earns a peculiar look. “you don’t yet respect my work.” he tries not to sound offended. blade still clutched tight within his grasp, stained with crimson as it glints in lantern light,  bray steps over his victim to approach the brothers. there is a sickening smile as he stands before the undertaker, fingertips gathering blood from the side of the knife and brought to his mouth for a taste. caustic, acidic, as pathetic as the man staining up his floor. “you will come to appreciate it in time. i have given my family hope. i have given them freedom from this world that looks down their nose at them, just as it does you.” he leans forward, eye-level with the deadman now, the dull tip of the blade dragging down his chest. “i am offering you an opportunity. all i want in return is your soul.” he does not think he is asking for too much. red-stained lips press hard and cruel into the deadman’s forehead, a promise sealed with a kiss. “you can end this, undertaker!” and then he turns to leave, snapping fingers toward the worthless thief for his brothers to dispose of it. he still has work to do.
(taker's literal first reaction to the kiss was nOT FOR YOU!!!!)
(he will get kisses from the right people when he’s back home safe where he belongs :\)
(god he misses them :/)
(two fucking weeks.)
(they must have been worried sick :<)
(i can count two times off the top where steve has been frantic.)
(the six months taker was dead, and the 14 days he goes missing, and the latter is so much worse.)
(at least when he's dead, the boys know he can't be hurt anymore. can just worry about kane and keeping the house nice til big husband comes back. cause he will.)
the last image they have of taker is bray kissing him and being carried away by cultists. there is panic.
he wants to go home :( at the very least, he wants kane to be able to go home
but now they're both gone
that isn’t supposed to happen. it just isn’t. it’s impossible. a terrible, horrible nightmare they both swear they’re going to wake up from. (for steve, he’s thrown back into every time paul ripped taker away from him.)
and they both feel completely, totally helpless. there’s nothing they can do. (where the fuck is snake bight, florida, and how fast can i get there, and no shawn, you cannot come.)
it's sickening. that person had been so young... barely an adult. if they even qualified as one. bray's sick. he knew that already; had known it for a long time. but god damn, this is-- not far. it's not like he didn't expect it. it seemed right up bray's alley. but it was low. the poor kid. their soul was light enough to earn a kind rest, when it came. ... that made it worse. green eyes stare up at bray, icy and hateful as he adjusts his wrists against the biting chains. nose wrinkles and lip curls in a faint sneer when bray paints his own mouth crimson. 'hope'. taker snorted at that. this wasn't hope. this definitely wasn't freedom. he doesn't get the chance to respond to that, though. he bares his teeth and tenses, leaning back and away from the blade as much as the chair will allow, not very, not enough. the metal is cold and leaves a few red drops of the kid's life on his skin. "don't have one." he says. simple and honest and spiteful - his soul is no longer his to give. and then there's a kiss, and his face contorts in disgust, and his shoulders press hard against the chair as he pulls away. a vicious mockery of steve waking him up, shawn letting him know his hair was fully brushed. a violation, a trespass of affection that bray was not allowed. the contact to his brother, the clear disgust on the deadman's face, makes kane jolt. chains rattle and chair scrapes across the floor, temper flaring with a silent and furious DON'T TOUCH HIM that he wishes to god he could emphasize with his hands around wyatt's throat. the undertaker turns his head to scrub his shoulder against his face in an attempt to wipe the red stain away. "kiss my ass." muttered under his breath. a flicker of guilt breaks the surface as the body is dragged away, and he sighs, shifting to try and get a bit more comfortable. .... kane hunches his shoulders sullenly, and taker flicks his eyes upwards, as though he could see the red that his brother informed him was still there. he can't. kane stares at the floor. "it's not your fault." taker says softly. kane shrugs. taker just frowns and stares at nothing in particular, trying to think of a way out of this. this will not be the last place they see. bray wyatt cannot win.
... god
shawn must not take being told "you can't come" well
insist he can fight too (he's not weak, not vulnerable)
also thinking about how in another lifetime the brothers deal with this alone :(
and of course shawn can fight. better than anyone, stronger and faster and just as ruthless as the rest of them. it ain’t about that. it’s about keeping him safe. what steve doesn’t say is he doesn’t know if he’s coming back. what he doesn’t say is he doesn’t know what he’s walking into, what he’ll find, what he’ll do if the worst has happened— shawn has to stay.
bray breaks them down and then what :\ they have to go home alone and try to pick up the pieces without any help
yup. drag themselves home and into the showers, try not to notice that neither of them wants to speak. get dressed and try to ignore the marks and injuries until morning. fall asleep in separate beds and wake up holding on to each other in a heap
Worry about food and medicine come morning
boys :(((
It's alright, they've done it before
but at least they make it out alive. battered and torn but they have each other.
it's all they can ask for
clean each other's cuts and scrapes when they can't reach, have breakfast, don't talk about what happened, and then back to running the home. Got stuff to catch up on
add it to the laundry list of traumas the world inflicts upon them because it cannot let them forget who they are, and keep going
sort of becomes normal after a while. if taker becomes more touch shy nobody notices. if kane is rubbing at his wrists more nobody cares. they just rebuild each other from smaller and smaller fragments and hope the inevitably lost pieces weren't important
....................... kane is very worried about mewchine
shawn and steve can make sure she's fed in a happier time but without them--
;; mewchine is smart and resilient she’ll figure something out
listen even i'm not cruel enough to say kane's therapy cat starved to death while he and his brother were being tortured
maybe she tears into her food bag, or maybe jon swings by for a visit and she cries to him and he goes 'huh, that's weird' and fills her dishes
either way she's skinnier, matted, and a bit dirty when they finally get back, very upset that kane was gone for so long, and if he breaks down and cries when he hugs her taker won't tell anyone
and she’s still a hefty lil thing when he comes back
... poor mewchine having a whole come apart because kane has always been around, or always comes back after a couple of days away and she doesn’t understand ;;
they were both worried about each other ;; and honestly between the two of them, they've both lost weight, both need to get cleaned up. and he picks her up and she headbutts him and purrs and he sobs into her fur :/ and taker will just give him a moment while he puts some coffee on because got he needs to wash the taste of the swamp out of his mouth (the taste of--)
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