#Or else I'mma haunt you
warlock0103 · 2 years
You cannot hide.
You cannot run.
It's coming for you.
And you can't stop it.
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Good vibes from a ghost are coming for you.
Do not resist.
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astroboots · 1 year
Hi CiCi! I’ve been a quiet follower for a while and I love your fics and works! I didn’t know who to talk to about this because I have a question and I don’t know who to ask. It’s been running through my mind for weeks, I’ve lost sleep. I need to throw this up and have it answered or I’ll lose my mind, I’m having an existential crisis.
So Miguel is 50% spider, right? I haven’t read the comics so I dont know much about his origin story, but this has been haunting me, please help
So if Miguel is 50% spider, does this make us Miggy girlies (or boys/lovers) …
Does this make us monster fuckers
I never thought of that before!!!!! this is blowing my mind 🤯🤯🤯
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS come to me with questions like this because honey i'm gonna let you in on a secret....
i am a monster fucker. Like 11/10 would bang a monster.
So I'm openly and willingly embracing that our man Miguel is half monster.
AIN'T NO SHAME IN THAT! monsters is just size kink turned up to the extreme.
I am very interested in hearing what everyone else is thinking of this. Is miguel half monster? are we monster fuckers?!?!
All potential monster fuckers are welcome here!!!
Also I'mma tag my fellow monsterfucker @djarinsbeskar for any additions she want to add!
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svaints · 1 year
Anon asked:
Ok, so. This isn't exactly a request. I mean, you can write if you want to, but I NEED to just spill my brain juice on someone or my head's gonna explode. So, Hanahaki Disease. The fanfic trope where someone starts growing symbolic flowers in their heart and lungs when they feel unrequited love for someone. But- hear me out- but what if this trope?? With Rollo??? Like- it's the City of FLOWERS and I haven't seen ANYONE try to do anything with that obvious connection??? PLUS ONE OF ROLLO'S HOBBIES IS GARDENING??? Bruh??? What if it's a disease from the reader's (i.e Yuu) homeworld and after masquerade they've fallen for someone who doesn't like them back (who isn't Rollo), Rollo (Who kinda-sorta has a massive crush on reader but is in big denial over it) visits NRC and notices Reader is not doing well (Maybe he finds some blood stained flowers too??). After a while of gathering clues, he confronts them. He is horrified by what he learns. And just to add another layer to this cake of tragedy is the fact that this is a disease from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORLD, so the hanahaki surgeries that conveniently exist in fics DON'T exist in twst and the flowers are completely unaffected by twst's magic since they originate from a magicless world. So. Does Rollo save Reader's life with true love's kiss? Or does Reader die a painful, thorny death with Rollo feeling haunted by guilt at never having confessed his feelings after he just fully realized them? ...Idk, you can decide that. Srry for the text dump. I'mma go to sleep now..
He'd most likely either realize way too late unless someone else tells him how blind he is, which since when did Rollo need to hear someones opinion on his actions, or last minute outright confess to the reader himself. Which is unlikely. It's just not in him, to me, that he admits he's wrong. He'd even dwell on it until a new person comes along. It'd serve him a lesson
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ahamkara-apologist · 3 months
3, 4, 8, and 12 for the “get to know the oc” ask list :0! (for whoever of ur choice)
u have no fuckin clue how badly i wanted to just answer this for all of them until i realized how long that would take me ksjhdfbg. Instead I'mma just go with whoever came to mind first, and answer them that way!
3. What is your OC's financial status? Are they just scraping by, making enough to live comfortably, or wealthy? Has there ever been a drastic change in their status? If so, what happened?
-Choosing Ashe for this one, because she's the most interesting of the bunch regarding finances, in that it's...pretty fucking dismal. Pretty much all she earns goes to drugs or alcohol and not much of it goes to anything else, so she's barely scraping by. If she wasn't drowning her panic about the end in as many chemical distractions as possible (under the guise of getting high to get in touch with her Light, which does work, but is no longer the main reason she imbibes), she'd actually be pretty wealthy, but as is, she's running two jobs: one as a warlock for hire at 10,000 glimmer per job, the other doing Spider's dirty work- though this tends to be a net zero since he's also the one selling her the drugs. Since Ashe was a Golden Age researcher on Venus during the collapse, this is a pretty damn big fall, but in her defense, being raised in the Dark Ages would drive anyone to drink. Doesn't matter if it was the end of the Dark Ages, Dark Ages is still Dark Ages
4. Does your OC have a failed friendship or relationship they still think about? What happened? Is it an unresolved regret or is there a chance for reconciliation?
-Does 'losing your Ghost because you were too curious for your own good to stop tagging along with an Eliksni pirate' count as a failed friendship? Because if so, Viper-4 would like a word with you. Ophelia's death is a wound that still haunts him even so many years later, and the fact that she used herself as a distraction to bring him more time still tears him apart inside. It's like a buried cyst- it seems like it's healed at first, but it keeps coming back and getting reinfected, and there's no way for him to lance the hurt. Working with his snakes is really the only thing that brings him peace
The second closest would be Aeris regretting ever bringing Petrichor-12 down to the Crypt where they recovered their memories, but that's a selfish regret that he keeps to himself. Aeris doesn't make friends easily and Petrichor was one of the few who made him feel like a part of the fireteam, so watching them go from a boisterous, cheerful companion to a haunted shell who feels like they couldn't trust themselves is something that he feels responsible for, even though Petrichor told him not to be.
8. What was your OC's most embarrassing moment? Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
-Aeris got kneed right in the nuts by Eramis during our DnDestiny campaign with the sharp edge of her prosthetic leg and no, it's not something that he's ever managed to fully shake off. Though accidentally marrying Taniks the Scarred ala biting him on the throat to distract him from toying with a New Light came in as a close second
12. Is your OC cynical or optimistic? Who or what shaped their outlook on life?
-I already answered this for Aeris, but- oh god. This is making me realize that Marcelline is the only one of my characters who's an optimist here. Viper used to be, but then Ophelia got exploded and now he's too busy struggling with his survivor's guilt to be considered one anymore. Head in my hands why am I like this
Send me asks about my OCs!
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ladyriot · 2 years
Loving Maura Changes Jane
So, since I finished Rizzoli and Isles, I've been trying to understand the uncharacteristic ending, where Jane is somehow able to go to Quantico, put down her gun and leave it all behind (which I don't think sticks at all by the way). And I think I've found a way to read it that actually makes some sense and isn't so wildly out of left field. There's definitely some kind of shift that comes with the Alice Sands arc culminating in this exchange in 7x02:
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I think that it's how she kills her and what that means for Jane. Jane looks haunted here, but what really makes this time so different? It's not like she's never had to kill someone who was threatening her, Maura, and the rest of her family before. Hoyt threatens Jane, Maura, and Frankie, and Jane does indeed kill him.
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There it's a utilitarian kind of killing, whatever weapon she has on hand and a swift, unembellished death.
And it's not like she's never had to kill someone she's had a distant personal relationship with before. There was the cop-killer, Bobby, who also threatened Jane, Maura, and Frankie.
So what makes this time so different? There are two bullet holes in Alice Sands' chest. Two. Jane, who couldn't be more than utilitarian in killing a man who'd tormented her for years, who literally staked her hands and marked her, can put two bullet holes in Alice. How? What's different? Well, I'mma be gay and say it's that she's become entirely aware that she's fallen in love with Maura.
I love to think Jane is a bit repressed and bull-headed and that it would take her a long time to realize her feelings for someone have changed. But Sands having someone kidnap Maura definitely shows very intense feelings. Jane sees this tiny splotch of blood and just...
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Jane's been unaffected looking at horrible deaths before.
So, the two bullet holes... they represent what she could do if someone hurt Maura now that she's entirely aware of how she feels for her. She wouldn't just kill for Maura. She would murder for her. And that's absolutely horrifying.
And so I'm much less surprised that Jane would find it fitting to run away from a job that would put her in that position, especially in light of the conversation with Angela in 7x08.
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Jane never ever seems to listen to her Ma, except apparently here. The key word is consequences. She's seen her loved ones in danger and it didn't scare her off her job. She's seen consequences. It's instead feeling the consequences of loving someone so deeply while doing the job she does. That person will be in danger as long as she loves them and Jane knows now what she's capable of in the face of her love being under threat. Love has become her flaw (which is very hot if you ask me) because she loves so hard that she would lose the thread on her moral compass and do unimaginable things. She's essentially scared of herself, of what she can do, when she used to be so sure she knew what was right that she never listened to anyone else.
And so, Jane being in love with Maura and actually knowing it, actually acknowledging it to herself could be a valid explanation for why she wants to run off to Quantico and put down the gun, keep herself distant enough that the criminals who hate her won't get to her family. It also explains why it was so hard for her to actually go, why she ends up following Maura to Paris. How do you say goodbye to someone you love so much that you would become someone else to protect them? How do you pretend about love that intense? Running away may feel like the only option for that reason. But for the same reason, it'd never, never last.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
fics of yours that lives in my head? bitch and stitch makes me smile SO MUCH. it's so cute, and as a knitter myself, i can relate to crafting being an outlet. that hero over there still slays me. izuku is the BEST thotty terror tank that ever haunted aizawa's everything, even if he should be immune to it from long time exposure thanks to his friend group. team uzumaki, 'cause you hit a lot, a LOT of the things i like. and it's lovely. and you also don't shy away from the all the bad crap. like yeah, there's stuff that would count as the 'for want of a nail' trope, (i mean this as a compliment, i promise) and you pull it off wonderfully and it hurts so well at times because it does hit, and it makes you think 'what if A, C, and G didn't happen, or were altered, and then D, F, and J, happen and wow that changes a lot of things'. (this also applies to Fox in Snake's Nest) you have naruto deciding to take matters in his own hands 'cause jiraiya is too busy fucking around (literally in some cases) to really teach him. you have him going "welp, nobody wants to stick around or treat me right, so obviously it's my fault, i'm gonna go 'cause they're too busy and i don't wanna interfere with that." which, ouch. and you give props to tsunade, who just says "here's the truth about your parents, and yes, we ARE related, but i didn't want to overwhelm you with that part." and he makes himself a disguise to avoid being found, to be able to even do the most basic fucking jobs in his village because nobody cares enough to see past the fox. and then you make me laugh 'til my sides ache, 'cause the summons, the sasuke torture, the gremlin kids and the bigger gremlin kid that's their sensei, his cousin who's an honorary auntie, plus anko who's also like an honorary auntie, and the shenanigans. rip konoha. it's great. :D and then. then you hit me with fatigue fractures. and my heart went 'ow.' because you have izuku still having to deal with bakugou's bs and the teachers thinking nothing of it 'cause they don't really have all the pieces, they think 'rivalry' and shoto going "yeah no, i see what's really happening, cause i lived through it firsthand. and i ain't standing for it, so i'mma step up and i'm gonna be on izuku's side if nobody else will." also the fact that izuku disconnected so BADLY after the exam really hit home. and the decision to leave, because 'fuck this noise, i'm going to take care of ME for a change, i want to HEAL and i can't do that here.' and shoto going 'welp, i'm along for the ride if you'll have me'. and izuku saying 'alright, but i got a lot of secrets, a big heavy story to share, and if you wanna back out that's fine'. and of course, shoto's ride or die. "i'mma break bakugou's legs next time and also try to kill all might." "SHOTO NO." "SHOTO YES." last but not least, even though, again, i don't go there, the TASEA AU STILL HAS ME IN STITCHES. just two dudes wanting a break, taking one, having the time of their lives, and their respective future boyfriends pitching an ALMIGHTY HISSY FIT ABOUT IT. meanwhile the rest of the mafia is like 'damn, how out of touch are we that it's come to this.'
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keysyfan · 1 year
I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now
But hey, what daddy always tell you?
Straighten up little soldier
Stiffen up that upper lip
What you crying about?
You got me.
Hailie, I know you miss your mom, and I know you miss your dad
When I'm gone but I'm trying to give you the life that I never had
I can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh
I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry
'Cause you're scared, I ain't there?
Daddy's with you in your prayers
No more crying, wipe them tears
Daddy's here, no more nightmares
We gon' pull together through it, we gon' do it
I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems
The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me
All the things growing up as daddy, that he had to see
But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep
Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream
Now hush little baby, don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up, little lady, I told ya
Daddy's here to hold ya through the night
I know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why
We fear how we feel inside
It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby
But I promise mama's gon' be alright
And if you ask me to
Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird
I'mma give you the world
I'mma buy a diamond ring for you
I'mma sing for you
I'll do anything for you to see you smile
And if that mockingbird don't sing and that ring don't shine
I'mma break that birdie's neck
I'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to ya
And make him eat every carat don't fuck with dad
You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that
We were searching for reasons
To play by the rules
But we quickly found out
It was just for fools
Now through all the sorrow
We'll be riding high
And the truth of the matter is
I never let you go, let you go
You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a...
You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Your beauty never, ever scared me
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
If you choose to run away with me
I will tickle you internally
And I see nothing wrong with that
3. I think the whole song is about her:)
Did you stand there all alone?
Oh, I cannot explain what's goin' down
I can see you standin' next to me
In and out somewhere else right now
You sigh, look away
I can see it clear as day
Close your eyes, so afraid
Hide behind that baby face
Funny how it seems like yesterday
As I recall, you were lookin' out of place
Gathered up your things and slipped away
No time at all, I followed you into the hall
Cigarette daydream
You were only seventeen
I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met
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keeponquinning · 2 years
Alright, after my shift today I'm gonna have the next two days off, which means catching up on my reading here but also more writing. Rainfic is DONE ( ty all giving notes and love to that by the way 😭 i see you and love you ) so that means I gotta write SOMETHING ELSE. I'm pretty much settled on the first real attempt at RPF with "professor" Joseph, BUT, I'm also kinda curious about the interest you guys would have so, we gonna do a poll.
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beepbeepstop · 2 years
Stop the Tension
Summary: After getting your hair braided for the summer Oscar helps you rub oil on your scalp to relieve some of the tension Pairing: Oscar x Black!Reader Genre: Fluff Visuals
I watched as all the houses we passed by blend into a blur through the window. I wasn't able to truly focus on the environment that we were driving by. All I could focus on was the tight sensation on my scalp. Each part having its own different level of tension, and the braids having a slightly heavier weight that was almost unfamiliar. Whenever I move my head the slightest bit the weight shifts and the sharp pain takes turns on which side it wants to travel to, but at the same time I hear the nostalgic click and clack of the beads as they bounce off of each other. I lean my head against the window of the passenger window of Oscar's car and close my eyes. I feel his warm hand rub circles onto my exposed thigh.
"You okay, Mami" Oscar asks with a hint of concern in his voice.
"My head just hurts"
"I don't understand why you keep going back to that shop, knowing damn well that they be braiding tight as hell" he said slightly annoyed
"I want them to last Oscar. I don't have the time or money to be sitting up in a chair whenever I need my braids refreshed, because that shit was all loosey goosey"
"I have the money and time to take you to someone who isnt gonna braid your thoughts to the point where its gonna give you a headache" he chuckled
"They got the touch Oscar. You know them African Aunties be gripping with the strength of the ancestors whenever they braid"
Oscar and I made eye contact as we pulled up into the driveway of his house, and all we could do is laugh and smile at each other.
"You stupid for saying that" he said flashing his beautiful smile at me as he tries to hold back more of his laughs.
"Nah nigga you stupid. 'Braiding my thoughts' who fucking thinks of that" I say lightly hitting his shoulder as I laugh
"We're both stupid so get your dumbass in the house and I'll rub oil on your scalp to help loosen the braids up a little bit"
The moment the word oil left his lips I was already unbuckling my seatbelt and halfway out the door.
"Damn where you going" Oscar said grabbing my hand
"You said you were gonna rub oil on my scalp"
"Yea but why you rushing" he chuckled
"You dont gotta tell me twice. Hurry up papi"
The way I was rushing to the door you would've thought that Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kreuger, the fucking Candyman or whatever scary shit that haunts your dreams was chasing me. All I know is that I was way too fucking excited for Oscar to put his fingers to good use on my scalp. The feeling of oil being rubbed into your scalp is an already enjoyable experience whether it be done by yourself or by someone else, but it's just something about Oscar that takes the feeling to a whole new level of almost ecstasy.
"Chop chop you got work to do"
"Damn patience is virtue (y/n)" Oscar said walking at the slowest pace I've ever seen. At first glance you wouldn't think he was moving until you see the dumb look on his face.
"Why you playing with me"
"Just be patient I'mma get there" he chuckles
"In like 40 fucking years, by the time you get here i'll be old ass grandma with a bunch of grandkids"
"Do you think our grandkids would be cute"
"Who said they were related to you. Keep this shit up and I might start homie hopping"
In the blink of an eye Oscar was towering over me on his porch
"That shit ain't funny (y/n)"
"Oh now you wanna stop playing when I wanna joke around"
"That didn't sound like a joke it sounded more like a warning" he says as he unlocks the door
"Good then you got my message loud and clear" I say smiling at him
"Hurry up and get your ass on the couch"
I giddily skipped over to the couch and sat down waiting for Oscar to bring over the oil. He walked out with a dropper bottle of the Mielle rosemary and mint hair oil.
"Oh okay I see you Mr. Big Baller bringing out the expensive oil. I feel all special"
"Shut up it was 15 dollars"
"Yea but look at this tiny ass bottle. I could've bought 3 bottles of wild growth with that money"
"Do you want your scalp oiled or no"
"Okay I'll shut up, go ahead and do your job"
I turned around and instantly felt the slick oil travel along the parts on my scalp. As Oscar moves the braids out of the way to get to different sections he rubs his fingers in a circular motions working the oil into my scalp. It felt heavenly the way his fingers glided between my braids. The cooling sensation of the oil easing the tension whilst lifting the pain leaving nothing but the feeling of his strong hands massaging my scalp.
"This is how bitches fall in love you know. You over here massaging you manifestations into my brain"
"So that means I should do this more often if I want you to stay in love with me"
"Yup, do this shit once a week and i'll be putty in your hands" I say closing my eyes
"You're already putty in my hands"
"Nigga shut up"
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I’m obsessed with the jekyll and hyde tropes—the fight of a good man against literal inner demons, the desire to give in, fighting it for someone else, giving in for a moment because it’s a necessary sacrifice… all of it. I’d love to see your take on this sort of story if you’re up to it.
I'mma do the story...but also...the song 'Confrontation' from the Jekyll and Hyde musical...if you haven't listened to it yet I think you'll love it! (Featuring S.K Michel's cool redraw!): https://youtu.be/HEOrWTb2ikw
"Did you think you'd run far enough away?" That voice, that familiar voice that had haunted them for so long, hissed through the protagonist's mind.
If they opened their eyes, so to speak, they knew what they would see.
"Did you really think that was possible?" the antagonist continued, with a touch of laughter in the words. "Baby. I know I'm the clever one, but-"
"You're not." It came out through gritted teeth. The protagonist's eyes snapped open to glare. "You're not the clever one. We're the-"
"The same?"
The protagonist swallowed. They studied the monstrosity, so like them, and so very much not. For all of the laughter in the antagonist's voice, there was none of it reflected on their features.
No, no. Their monster didn't find this all that funny at all, did they?
The thought have the protagonist some strength, and they squared their shoulders.
"I'm not getting into that argument with you," the protagonist said. "Why are you here?"
It was rare, given their condition, that they got to see each other face to face to hold a conversation. It was only ever in dreams, in the desperate fizz of synapses and connections both broken and never-possibly broken because there was no running, no escaping it.
The rest of the time...
The rest of the time was blackouts, and the carnage left behind in the moments that the protagonist couldn't see. The antagonist often cleaned, leaving the world so pristine and bright and lovely on the surface that it took the protagonist a few dizzy days to wake up and smell the horror.
Some times, the antagonist left notes.
Mocking, faux conciliatory, not quite helpful things.
I got us more milk! Which always made the protagonist flinch, because neither of them drank milk, so milk was for visitors and needing more milk meant they'd had visitors.
Remember to take the bin out! As if the bin didn't have something awful hidden inside it.
Oh, darling. I took us to work today. Miss another day and I'm going to get angry :)
The antagonist took a few sauntering steps closer, out of shadow, into the blinding light of the protagonist's mental landscape that echoed the white walls of the rehabilitation centre that they both now found themselves in. The antagonist clicked their tongue, maybe pitying or maybe chiding, and the protagonist wasn't sure which option was worse. They watched, frozen, as the antagonist came closer still, before crouching down in front of them.
The protagonist wanted to look away. Looking away felt too much like weakness, especially now. They knew how they appeared.
"Poor baby," the antagonist said, softly. "Did you think the drinking and the drugs were working to stop me?"
The protagonist said nothing, because they had, and the antagonist already knew that. For a while it had felt they could maybe even drown the antagonist entirely and for good, like getting rid of a persistent wasp hissing and buzzing in their brain. No.
There was always a come down. There was always a bad dream waiting at the end of it. There was always, always, the two of them.
"You're making such a mess," the antagonist sighed. They reached out, stroking the protagonist's lank hair back from their forehead. "I thought that was my job, huh?"
"Can't let you have all the fun."
The antagonist laughed, though their eyes were still cold. Always so, so cold.
"I would have thought," it was the protagonist's turn to press on, "that you would have enjoyed seeing me wreck us. You like destruction."
But, instead, the monster had made arrangements and checked them in and apparently spoken earnestly with the relevant persons about addiction and getting back on track. Maybe that meant it had all been working.
The antagonist clicked their tongue again, at that thought as if they could hear it, and straightened back to stand.
"I've never destroyed us," the antagonist said. "You're the only one with that maddening proclivity. Not that it's a surprise, you know, but..." the antagonist sighed, like the protagonist was a sad case of an unruly child. "Honestly, some times it's like I have to do everything around here."
The antagonist had first come about from the experiments, intended to make the protagonist better, able to help more people with their telepathy. And, for a while, they had. But every time they had used their newfound powers the antagonist had grown stronger, more present, more distinct.
Some times, the protagonist wasn't entirely sure which of them was the shadow anymore, and which the real thing.
"At some point," the antagonist said. "You're just going to have to learn to live with me. Because, baby, if it's not astoundingly obvious - you're mine. And I'm not going anywhere."
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halebaccari · 2 years
What (if any) thoughts do you have about Braeden/Derek/Lydia?
THEY HAUNT ME. That scene of her showing up at the loft to scream all soaking wet....please take care of her in this moment of need...she won't ask for care often and she likely won't ask for it now, but she might at least ACCEPT it.
anyway uh. outside of my passion about that scene, any time a 'head, hands, heart'-able ship ends up placing two women as the head and hands and a man as the heart I'm like. what did I do to deserve this. lydia shifting pieces of the situation around in her mind among all of her existing knowledge and anything else she can find and read at speed (or learn from her banshee network), braeden all reflexes and willpower and PRACTICAL rather than theoretical battle strategy, and derek and his fucking loyalty and his persistent willingness to get his ass kicked again and again if the fight MATTERS and his dramatic pump-up speeches.
i went off too much on the battle trio (and didn't even touch on the physical application of banshee power), let's try outside of that: I really love that Lydia has such a sense of independence over the course of her character arc, I think a lot of ships with two older partners and a younger can sometimes position them in a more dependent or insecure role and I don't think that's Lydia post-character development. I think she's very much suited for a relationship where one or both partners may be dipping in and out like here. I like how all three of them followed a bit of an arc from their personal idea of pragmatism (Derek's whole first two seasons, Braeden being a literal mercenary, Lydia hiding and pretending and obscuring and distancing to get ahead) to learning lessons about what's more important to them, what they'll sacrifice their idea of pragmatism for. All those journeys have different starts and ends, but I think just the shared experience of having them is so much bonding potential.
also I just think Draeden have some of the best chemistry in the whole damn show and I simply never got enough of Lydia and Derek or basically any of Lydia and Braeden. I NEED to see Lydia observing their dynamic. and I NEED to see Braeden outsmarting Lydia and Derek in some lateral thinking sort of way that would not immediately occur to someone intellectualizing too hard to see an outside solution, this would turn Lydia on like crazy I just know it. I need to see Derek and Lydia arguing about obscure language bullshit and Braeden got lost after they went back further than current, living (aka USABLE) languages and she fully is going to scoff at them being nerds on the outside, but like. They're so focused and passionate? Kinda endearing.
shit I could go on forever. i'mma shut up. (the sex tho...the sex....)
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twdsunshine · 3 years
He thought being away from people for so long would have the opposite effect, but he found himself gravitating toward the skittish stranger.
There was a haunted look in her eyes that Daryl knew all too well, having seen it staring back at him from his bathroom mirror too many times to count, lost and racked with doubt and self-loathing.
Despite every instinct in his body telling him to leave, to walk away and not look back, he found that he was approaching her instead, holding his hands out as though she was a scared animal in need of being tamed.
"Yer alright," he assured her, "I ain't gonna hurt ya."
Wide eyes tracked every movement he made, her whole body poised and ready to flee should he lunge or lash out, and, without conscious thought, he hunched his shoulders, trying to make himself smaller in the hopes that it might put her at her ease.
Finally, his fingers grazed over the soft skin of her arm, streaked with dirt much like his own, and she flinched like she'd been burnt, throwing herself backwards and cowering away, punching a hole in his gut as he whispered, "I'mma help ya, but ya gotta let me."
I'm writing all of these for Daryl 'cause they all seem kinda Daryl-ish. But if I'm wrong and you wanted them written for somebody else, just holler!
Five Sentence Challenge
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy part 1/4 of my pieces for day four of the anniversary collab for the @konoblog-simps​. You can find all the lovely pieces for the day here! Today’s theme was song pieces, and its full of angst. My heart broke after this piece. 😩 Izaya just deserves love. I’ll be spanning my four pieces throughout the next couple of hours so stay turned. You can find all the days of the collab here!
For the best experience listen to the song while reading the piece. The song title and artist have the link for he music video. 😊
Pairing: Izaya x fem!Reader
Song Choice: Without Me by Chvse
Warnings: alcohol consumption, angst, violence
Word Count: 1.7k
Izaya had never felt this kind of pain before. This man had been beaten senseless, stabbed, and everything in between, but nothing had ever really hurt him as much as heartbreak did. He had been the one to end things, but that was only because he didn’t want to put you in danger anymore. He didn’t want to be the thing that ended your life. But that didn’t stop the thoughts from roaming his head.
“And I don't want nobody else but you
You the girl in my dreams every night
You the reason that I let the sun come through”
You had been the best thing in his life, but he had let his life come in between that. He hadn’t wanted harm to come to you. But just that had happened. All this dealing with the Yakuza had made them take you hostage. They wanted to make him hurt.
So when he had finally gotten you back from them. When he had finally gotten you settled at home he had left, running away with nothing but a note on your nightstand. He couldnt’ bear to tell you to your face that you were better off without him.
You were in his dreams every night since then. Your face haunted every single thought that he had. He told himself day after day that he had to move on, but he couldn’t do that. He wanted you, nobody else.
His thoughts always went back to the countless mornings that you would wake up and roll over to tell him the same thing every time. “You’re the reason that I open those blinds every morning, Izaya.” You’d smile and climb over him, straddling his lap and pressing soft kisses to his cheek. “You’re the reason that I let the sun come through. You’re my light.”
Those words were on repeat in his head. He reached for the beer bottle on his coffee table and took a sip, tightening his grip around the bottle as he fought back the urge to let a tear loose.
“Girl, I'm sorry for the things that I've done
Always starting shit and put you in a dumb mood
Always pushing you away, but I pushed too hard
Now you're gone, what a dumb move
'Cause you're the person I'mma run to”
Izaya’s work had always gotten in the way of your relationship, but you had tried hard not to let that bother you. He knew how hard you tried to ignore it. That didn’t stop him from feeling horrible about it. He had tried to push you away some, despite how much he always regretted himself for it after. He wanted you to make the decision on your own.
He would get angry when you questioned him about when he was going to spend some time with you. He tried to understand where you came from, but his work was his life and he wanted nothing more than to succeed. He wanted to make a better life for not only himself but for you as well. He had gone about that wrong.
His anger would always put you in horrible moods. And when you had left him the first time he should have left you alone.
When you had finally decided that enough was enough he should have left it at that. But something inside him said that he had to have you back. He just couldn’t let you get away. He loved you too much.
You were always the person that he ran to when he needed help. You were the person that he always leaned on. And now you were gone.
“Look, I understand why you had to leave
'Cause I was treating you so bad, that your family
Could see through the fake smile that you had with me
I wish you didn't go, but also know you had to leave”
Izaya had heard the words that your family always spoke. He heard the conversations on the other line. You had been sure that the phone speaker wasn’t loud enough, but he heard them say that you needed to move on.
You would object to their statements. You always did, but he knew that deep down you would think for a long time about them.
They would say that you always seemed like the feelings you had weren’t real. They called your smiles fake and said that you only did them to fool the family. You only wanted them to think that you were truly happy.
Izaya wished that he hadn’t pushed you away that first time, but he knew that it needed to be done. He understood why you had left, but his heart wanted you to be with him.
“'Cause I was toxic, found a way to talk shit
Accusing you of things you didn't do, I know I'm not shit
So leaving me to better you, is better than the option
To stick around with me, I just hate that I caused it
I hate that I caused it”
Izaya had done nearly everything to push you away the first time. He was toxic. He was rude. He played every game he could think of. Izaya even went as far as accusing you of being unfaithful.
He claimed that you had found yourself in the arms of one of his enemies.
So you chose to leave. You told Izaya that you needed to better yourself. You needed to get away. You weren’t going anywhere or doing anything with your life being with him.
You were beginning to see that sticking around with him was the worst option.
He hated that he made you feel that way, but he couldn’t do anything about how he felt about himself. He hated that he had wanted to put you in that position. But you would have been better off without him.
“'Cause I don't wanna hurt you
But I know I will
And I'm looking for the reason
For the way I feel
I didn't wanna lose you
But if I'm being real
Then you're better off without me”
He could feel himself slipping away from you and that’s when he knew that he needed to do what he did. He knew that eventually he would hurt you worse than he had ever wanted too. Worse than just heartbreak.
But Izaya never truly understood why he felt that way. He didn’t know why he knew that he would hurt you. He just knew.
So in the note that he left you on your nightstand he said “You’re better off without me.”
And it was the worst thing he had ever written in his life. The worst thing he had ever said to someone. And he truly meant it. No one could change his mind. Your life meant more to him than his own.
“I never really fell in love until I met you
'Cause that day out at the cabin, I felt something special
3 a.m, vibing, drinking beer on the couch
Remember? I was scared to even cuddle with you”
Flashbacks of how you met filled his head, another swig from the beer bottle filled his throat. The small feeling of forgetting starting to take over. That’s all he wanted to do. These memories were too painful.
When you had come to the cabin with a couple of friends of his and they had introduced you, he hadn't expected to be obsessed. But he was.
Everyone had gone to sleep, the two of you had been the only ones left in the living room, and he had never been more nervous in his life.
You hadn’t hidden your attraction to him. You made it very obvious in the hours after you had met.
You had looked at the clock as you both drank the last of the beers that were sitting on the small coffee table. Three in the morning. The fire burned in the fireplace and your laughs filled the room.
Izaya couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this way. The last time he had truly felt love.
Izaya had never been as nervous as he was right now. He was normally the tough guy. He had never had a problem showing affection for a woman he liked. But you were different.
You noticed his hesitation and went in yourself. Before you could even stop yourself, your body moved. You straddled his hips and pushed him back into the couch. Your lips pressing together as Izaya placed his hands on your hips. His fear almost instantly watching away.
“My heart's breaking 'cause I love you and I miss you
I'm thinking about the times where I'd cuddle and I'd kiss you
But I understand that I got a lot of issues
I just hope you know that it ain't easy to forget you”
Izaya shook his head, trying to get the memory to leave him. “Fuck.” He grasped the bottle tighter in his hand and down the last swig. “I miss her.”
Before he even realized what was happening the bottle soared from his hand, a scream leaving him at the same time.
A light switched on in the hallway and a figure appeared in the doorway of the living room. Namie had a sleepy, puzzled look on her face as she checked on her boss. “Izaya?”
Izaya rubbed his eyes and gave her a weak smile. “Everything’s fine Namie. Go back to bed.”
She gave him a worried look before turning back to head to her room. She knew better than to push Izaya when he was like this.
“I just-“ His voice was a whisper as he picked up his phone. He didn’t want to say anything else and have Namie come back out.
Izaya opened his messages, his finger instinctively finding your name and typed out a message he had never meant to send. Alcohol made him hit that button and made him throw his phone across the room after.
So when your phone lit up and you opened the message, your heart broke for him.
Izaya 💞 2:36am
I miss you so fucking much.
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Taglist: @monic00l​ @strangeinternetwasteland​ @rowley-with-ackerman​ @kyu-pine​ @ellechanwrites​ @bonnisimpparker​ @impinthecloset​ @nikiniki743​
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©bakubabes-hatake’s original content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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noirapocalypto · 2 years
17 for all of them pls
Thank you!! 💕💕💕@freckledsweetpea
From this OC ask game.
17. What’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever spent money on?
Salem: An 'allegedly' haunted vintage ouija board handmade from natural wood. Salem collects all sorts of oddities and occulty stuff, and this was right up his alley. He went all out with it too, got into a massive bidding war with another interested buyer. He REALLY wanted that damn ouija board, haunted or not.
Judah: Pretty much ALL of Judah's purchases are ridiculous and unnecessary and a completely vulgar display of wealth 😆The most recent was another yacht...simply because his first one didn't have a hot tub. And he NEEDED a yacht with a hot tub else he'll die. 🙄
The Twins: I'mma answer these two as a pair because they're always buying stupid shit together. The most recent purchase was matching tracksuits, complete with a matching pair of shoes and sun glasses. These two idiots went around Night City, squatting around and taking pictures of themselves in their matching outfits (Embry accompanied them, acting as their photographer). After their dumb little photoshoot was done, they never wore them again. They're pretty much gathering dust in their closets afterwards.
Renato: It's no secret that Renato loves self-care, especially when it comes to baths and skin care products. Renato's usually pretty good at saving up his money and not spending on things he doesn't really need--all except for that massive basket of bath bombs, sugar scrubs, moisterizer, bubble baths, bath oils, etc. When he went shopping, the cashier asked if it was for his partner and Nato proudly said, "No, it's for me." But he would share with his partner, of course 😉
Embry: Embry LOVES insects, they're his special interest. He's not a man that is able to splurge as often as his friends do, but he saved up all his eddies to buy himself a backpack shaped like a beetle and another matching bag shaped like a pillbug. He already needed to replace his packs anyways, so why not have some fun with it and go with something 'cute'? He really loves his new packs too, and often volunteers to be the group's 'pack mule' so he can bust out his insect bags. 💕
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missmitchieg · 3 years
I.... Wanna talk about Bobby and his... Ehh, "friendship" with the boys, Bobby's feelings about his place in the band, and their feelings about him postmortem.
So in Whatever Happens, Luke was super dismissive of and straight up violent with Bobby for a while there and Alex and Reggie both took Luke's side in the Emily argument and were literally just casually betting on whether Luke was about to clobber Bobby, Reggie straight up said Bobby's not that good at guitar, Luke only sat next to him in the van not because he wanted to, but because with Reggie being Reggie, he had no other choice and he was ignoring Bobby for his journal, and with Bobby, who is probably the only one that can both drive and owns a vehicle, Sunset Curve looks like a "real" band. Bobby said he felt like he wasn't really a part of the band or their friendship and knew he wasn't as good as Luke at guitar.
In We Got The Music, Julie hates him for stealing Luke's songs and questions if they were really friends, Luke says Bobby sucks at rhyming and karma's going to get him, the guys made a list of haunting ideas, they all agree Bobby's unforgivable, and they drew devil horns and a tail on him.
In The Edge Of Great, Luke describes Bobby-Trevor as "greasy-haired" when they go to the mansion. He's doing the absolute most to mess with Bobby, traumatizing him in the process. Then when Julie shows up, Luke admits he's already more concerned with her and her happiness and trust in them than he is with anything else. But he still wants more revenge, so he asks Alex about Willie, who says he'll talk to him. At the club, Luke says they'll do whatever it takes to get back at him. After Julie quits, all Luke cares about is apologizing to Julie and getting her back in the band. Reggie just wants to go back to the club to eat pizza. When Julie does come back, they all care more about Julie and not messing up again than anything.
In Wake Up, none of them were like "aww, you don't have to get a hot dog. You can just hang with us." and they all just left without a second thought to Bobby and he was like "cool, I'mma hang out with the pretty girl". After they die, Julie never asked about the fourth member of the band and the guys never brought him up, either.
In Bright, (ooooohhh Bright) Alex put Bobby in an entirely separate category to both 'friends' and 'family' because he was neither a friend nor family to them. Now, an argument could be made for that meaning he was putting Bobby in a more important category, but an argument could also be made for Alex putting him in the least important category that was just an afterthought to friends and family. Also, Reggie entirely forgot that Bobby existed until Alex brought him up. Luke says with his whole chest "I'll tell you what we had. It's what we've had since the day we came together. Boys, we have us. We're the only family we're ever gonna need.", like, as if they're not literally missing 1/4th of their band. As if their not missing their other best friend. And then they just had a song about this band is back and were singing and dancing ll around the beach, and then they performed with Julie for the first time, with a Sunset Curve song they had planned to perform at The Orpheum together.
In IGTM, we find out that apparently, none of the boys have ever talked about Bobby to Julie to find out that he became Trevor Wilson and took a lot of Luke's music for himself and the gang only found out after... What, a week of knowing each other? Two weeks, at the most? So first, we hear Alex refer to Bobby as "our rhythm guitarist". Not, like, "our rhythm guitarist, our best friend", or like, "our little brother", just "our rhythm guitarist". Nothing more. Then Reggie says Bobby looks "old", Alex says he looks like "a substitute teacher", Luke instantly hates him for not mentioning them, and Reggie's pissed that Bobby didn't help their families with money and they go to revenge-haunt him. Reggie huffs and puffs and harrumphs about Bobby being the type that wears sunglasses indoors and says he can't stand him. Luke says it's "time for his past to haunt him." They moon him.
In The Other Side Of Hollywood, Alex introduces the guys to Willie who takes them to meet Caleb so they can get even more revenge on him. Instead of doing that, though, Caleb redirects their attention to food and music, doing Bobby a massive favor. Like, who knows what more those boys would've done in a wrath fueled second haunting of their most loathed ex guitarist?
In Finally Free, Reggie was pissed as all Hell at Bobby while Luke just completely stopped giving a shit about a large part of this fandom's favorite rhythm guitarist with a pretty voice, solely because Luke's insistence on getting revenge on Bobby made them miss a gig and it made Julie frown so he was like "Well, I never wanna be the reason for that happening ever again, so." and chose to remind Reggie, who calls Bobby a "jerk", to take Julie's words to heart and focus on the music they were making with her.
Then after that, the guys just kinda... Never bring up Bobby again? He's just kinda irrelevant to them and to the plot until the finale.
In The Edge Of Great, Luke's concerned with Nick's crush on Julie, finalizing the setlist for the garage party, cheering Alex up, and Julie. Alex is concerned that Willie suddenly changed his mind about him, and then sad that Willie broke up with him. Reggie helps Carlos prove a point to tia Victoria and then helps Luke cheer up Alex, then performs at the party.
In Unsaid Emily, Alex and Willie sort of make up, Reggie's just sort of bonding with Ray and he and Alex say they're gonna miss the Molinas, and Julie & Luke visit his parents to make things semi-ok again.
In Stand Tall, the guys commit some crimes to get the band to perform at The Orpheum and cross over. Reggie's mourning the Molinas and wondering if he'll still be with Alex and Luke in Heaven. Julie's morning her eventual inevitable loss of the guys. Then they perform and have the time of their life/afterlives and Julie removes Caleb's brand.
No one cares about Bobby Trevor anymore except for Bobby stans and, in a way, Bobby antis. 'Cause the stans are all like "wtf #JusticeForBobby!" and the antis are like "loooool the guys like Julie more than they ever liked Bobby. Sucks for him."
So now, Bobby is so far removed from the guys and so far from Julie that no one's thinking about him anymore. At all. They're only thinking about themselves and each other, like Julie and Caleb told them to. Even Carrie's more preoccupied with herself and Julie than her father. The only one thinking about Bobby is himself. Even then, he's also losing his shit because "The boys are back. Why are they back. They're supposed to be dead. What's going on. What is my life. Is this karma for taking Luke's music. I'm going to see my therapist, but first I need to lie down."
Every piece of canon content just constantly reiterates that Bobby was the guys' friend but the guys were not Bobby's friends.
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ducksbellorum · 3 years
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the oncoming storm (listen/download)
a tenth doctor mix – doctor who fandom – arranged by ducksbellorum
trouble - neon jungle Trouble's just the bits-in-between! It's all waiting out there, Jackie. And it's brand new to me-- all those planets and creatures and horizons! I haven't seen them yet, not with these eyes. And it is gonna be... fantastic! They say "Here comes a hurricane Trouble is her middle name!" But I don't look for trouble Yeah trouble looks for me
ghost of a rose - blackmore’s night And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it... Rose Tyler... Promise me, when you see A white rose you'll think of me I love you so never let go I will be your ghost of a rose
a new horizon - starry musical Come on. It can't end like this. You and me, all the things we've done. Axons, remember the Axons? And the Daleks? We're the only two left. I have no one else. As children, we would wander With strength in every stride The wheat fields were our kingdom When you were by my side
force ten - rush Tim Latimer: He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and can see the turn of the universe, and...he's wonderful. We can circle around like hurricanes Dance and dream like lovers Attack the day like birds of prey Or scavengers under cover
drumming song - florence + the machine We stand there, eight years old, staring at the raw power of Time and Space, just a child. Some would be inspired. Some would run away. And some would go mad. There's a drumming noise inside my head That starts when you're around I swear that you could hear it It makes such an almighty sound
orange sky - alexi murdoch I could pretend, just for a bit, I could imagine they were still alive... underneath that burnt orange sky. I'm not just a Time Lord, I'm the last of the Time Lords. My salvation lies in your love In your love, in your love Well, I had a dream I Stood beneath an orange sky
like a soldier - johnny cash Davros: The Doctor. The man who keeps running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor. I have shown you... yourself. The simple joy of livin' And I wonder how I ever was that kind But the wild road I was ramblin' Was always out there callin'
you’ve haunted me all my life - death cab for cutie You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That's the curse of the Time Lords. You've haunted me all my life You're always out of reach when I'm in pursuit Long winded then suddenly mute And there's a flaw in my heart's design
an awful lot of running - chameleon circuit Donna: He saves planets, rescues civilizations, defeats terrible creatures... and runs a lot. Seriously, there is an outrageous amount of running involved. He said I was brilliant and I could change the world So many places I've been, there's so much more to see We've got galaxies and planets and moons And an awful lot of running to do
bonus: just a lil thick (she juicy) - trinidad james You’re my favorite, you are; you are the best, you know why? Cause you’re so thick! You’re Mr. Thick Thick Thickety Thick-face from Thick-town, Thickania. And so’s your dad! I'mma need Ike Newton, Kama Sutra, Martin Luther King Jr For that booty, I can dream She ain't fat bruh, she's just a lil thick She ain't fat bruh, she's just a lil thick
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