#Or any ship out their were the proclaim the other their ‘eternal rival’
breezeowci · 1 month
umbrella academy season 4
five and lila, context
I’m so happy i wasn’t the only utterly grossed out and disgusted by Lila’s and Fives relationship.
Five didnt even get out of his school boy uniform till season 3 now your throwing him in a relationship with a woman 15 years older than him. This isnt the early 2000’s anymore, and lots of your watchers have already gone through their Pretty little liars faze and realized how disgusting and toxic arias and Ezra's relationship is.
Also still dosent work the other way cause now you’re throwing a 58 year old man at a 35 year old woman. Still 15 years senior, just slightly less disgusting because at least in that case shes not barely legal anymore.
additional context.
Rita (lillas actress) born; 1988
aiden (fives actor) born; 2003. (I feel like that says it all)
season 2 release 2020
filming 2019
aiden 15-16
rita 30-31
Five is still in his school boy uniform
first introduction between the two characters.
season 4
released 2024
filmed 2023
aiden 19-20
rita 34-35
they had a grown ass women kiss someone she met when he was freaking 15.
#the umbrella academy#season 4#spoilers#some people say that they were building up to this storyline since introductions#In which i say no they werent#If that counts as build up for a heteronormative couple#Than no one gets to say anything about bxb shipping anymore#Not when yamato over here cant even explain the chakra elements and oppositional natures without naruto relating it back to sasuke#How “hes the only one that can save him and guide him through his hate”#Not when they have freaking matching tattoos#Or any ship out their were the proclaim the other their ‘eternal rival’#And how the other is always ‘pushing them to be better’#How they trust them with their life#How they can always tell when the others a clone or a fake because they act little off#Like if that “was build up” geto and gojo were a whole fucking mountain exploding#Stiles and derek were a train collison#Kirk and Spock were the freaking big bang#Bucky and steve were thors hammer meeting caps shield#Draco and harry casted avakadabra at eachother#Natsu and gray caused an explosion todoroki would be jealous of#Shizou whacked izaya all the way to the moon#(With a stop sign guys#come on#wait#Sakuragi slam dunked rukawa all the way to earth core#Wait not again#And i don’t even ship half of these guys myself#The point still stands that five saw lilla in the bath and didnt look twice or try to look away.#Their was nothing their other than slight hatred and begruding respect#Of forcing themselves to get along because they both loved diego
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mitigatedchaos · 5 years
The chief question of super-governance is, of course, how to create a functional government when the ability to vaporize houses is distributed throughout the population at random.
The Super-Emperor’s Super-Feudalism
As super powers are effectively distributed randomly, there is no way to ensure that only those loyal to your regime will receive them.  As someone keenly aware of how his superhuman abilities allowed him to come to power, the self-proclaimed “New Tsar” sought to manage this.  All superhumans in the territory are tested according to a system that determines their martial power.  Lesser superhumans serve superior ones under a few ground rules set by the New Tsar, until the least superhumans serve as officers ruling the ordinary humans.  They are given wide authority to do as they will with the mere humans under their command.
A subject may formally challenge their superiors to show their martial prowess and advance in rank, including mundane humans.  In practice, most of those who have risen the farthest have built powerful organizations which support themselves at a level beyond that of their super powers, generally shaping their subordinates into martial units.  Neo Russia has become a mix of various fiefdoms of wildly varying technological and economic capacity.
Trade is generally allowed, but not if the New Tsar believes it will undermine the super-feudal system.
States: Neo-Russia
The Eternal Chairman’s Super-Communism
With the emergence of “super powers,” assigned seemingly at random, the Eternal Chairman recognized that these metahuman abilities could not be allowed to concentrate in the hands of a few, or they would form a ruling class from which not even Communist revolution could liberate humanity.
The Eternal Chairman died leading the revolutionary vanguard, but the vanguard soon found themselves subject to a powerful psychic link which evenly distributed metahuman ability between them and connected their minds, and prevented intrusive counter-revolutionary thoughts.  They reached true understanding between human beings, becoming able to work in nearly perfect coordination, free from the corruption of selfishness and greed.
They now diligently work to liberate all of humanity by connecting them all to this link, which has placed them in a state of conflict with most other major powers.  Fortunately for them, the power of the link has made human wave tactics viable against super-powered enemies.  Reports by experts indicate that psychic manifestations of the Eternal Chairman have been becoming slower but more powerful as Super-Communism has expanded.
States: People’s Republic of Southern China
Psycho-Technocracy (Lastau variant)
Mundane humans have weak but non-zero latent psychic potential.  A weak bidirectional channel is formed with those who accept it, with some degree of control over its influence - it might weakly communicate feelings or intuitions, but not true thoughts or words.  This allows the distribution of latent psychic energy to both mundane human citizens and metahumans in order to meet peak demands - valuable for the citizens, since a small boost can mean the difference between life and death.
A small group of high-psychic-potential technical experts are the receivers in this system, who shape the flow and are shaped in turn.  As the focal point, the effect of the others’ thoughts is much stronger on them than what they exert on any individual, but it enables them to act, and therefore govern, with hyper-intuition, chewing through enormous possibility spaces or rapidly evaluating the potential effects of a policy before implementation.
The psychic guidance has reduced the emergence of supervillains in Lastau, making it a major political power simply due to infrastructure not being destroyed as often, even before its efficient administration and technical innovation are taken into account.  Though not unified, superhuman abilities within the territory have started to converge on various themes, allowing some standardization of equipment and military roles.
States: Lastau (a mysterious landmass in the Southwest Pacific)
Super Republicanism
All citizens are tested in order to determine their super aptitude.  Those testing above a certain threshold are the only ones permitted to hold public office, or delegate their authority to someone who will hold this office on their behalf.  These super-citizens are elected by the mundane public, and also carry a number of special obligations, such as military service, which enables the country to draw up enough super-martial-force to prevent its domination by super villains.
States: Greater France
Super Liberalism
Blessed with a relative surplus of superheroes relative to its number and capability of supervillains for reasons that are still unknown, including the most powerful superhero of all, the United States has remained a country where superhumans hold effectively the same legal status as ordinary citizens, with the exception of various programs that deal with the complications of “good samaritans” with superhuman abilities and so on.
The United States fought valiantly to bring an end to Super-Hitler and has, in general, used its relative surplus of super-force to combat potential world-ending threats - though the sheer amount of major threats to combat prevents the Joint Super Team from dealing with lesser super-violence that continues to crop all over the world.  The relative lack of destruction has helped America retain its economic lead compared to much of the world.  Many metahumans are also involved in the super-construction industry that rebuilds infrastructure after monsters get punched through it.
Politicians are unusually focused on performing effectively, perhaps out of inspiration from and respect for the noble diligence of the world’s greatest superhero, or perhaps out of the terrifying fear that if they don’t, superheroes will decide to get involved in politics.
States: United States of America
A test is administered to all citizens.  Those who test positive for superhuman abilities are inducted into the secret order that runs the country.  Anyone who uses powers with their identity unhidden is generally either exiled or destroyed.  Representatives acting on behalf of the secret super-order run the day-to-day tasks of the country.
States: Australia-Hungary
The World in 2014
It has been one hundred years since the first superhuman abilities emerged near the end of the Great War and threw the world into chaos.  The geography of the Earth has changed.  Technology has advanced rapidly in the areas where it could afford to, while repeated waves of destruction have left large areas under-developed and with nearly medieval technology levels.  Birth rates remain relatively high, even in many developed countries, as it is a routine event for tens of millions of people to be killed once every 5-10 years by invaders from space, or from the underworld, or from some lost future.  Combined with the destruction these conflicts bring, this cancels out a lot of the economic growth that would otherwise be expected from applying super powers to economic production, which is regularly carried out to avoid large-scale famines.
Life has become, in some senses, significantly more random.  While it seems as though some of the promises of mid/late-20th century were met in this world, mankind’s first orbital space colonies were obliterated without warning by aliens seeking the head of a rival alien territory’s prince that was hiding on Earth.  Enormous quantities of materials are sometimes zipped across the surface of the planet in a matter of minutes, while at other times relying on a more conventional surface container ship fleet that might take weeks or months to arrive.  Cities have been dispersed into smaller cities in an effort to make them harder targets, and over half of Europe has fled as significant portions of the continent have been taken over by feuding mad scientists.
It is said that there may be a path to a world where super powers do not exist.  To this day, there are those who seek to find it.
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kunoichi-ume · 8 years
20 for the I want the k thing kakagai
send me ‘i want the k’
Bless you, a ship I don’t write (or read) near enough and free reign to choose any prompt I want? Fantastic! This one was so much fun to write, and I love the ending to this one. For the sake of suprises, I am not going to tell you which kiss type I chose. It should be apparent by the end.
When Kakashi decided to find Gai, that it was time he finally confronted the man about whateverthis was between them, he knew he would find the man doing some sort oftraining. Over the years he had seen the man do many crazy things for the sakeof physical strength and, if Kakashi was being very honest, physical perfection. One handed pushups, climbingcliffs with no chakra, running laps around the village, running laps around thevillage on his hands, but this was a new one.
Gai was hanging off a tree branch by his knees doing invertedcrunches, an exercise that was great for toning abs but Kakashi wasn’t sure Gaineeded it.
“579….580….581….582…. OH HELLO MY DEAR ETERNAL RIVAL ….588….589…..WHATYOUTHFUL ACTIVTY ARE YOU OFF TOO…..593….597…….”
Kakashi was impressed that Gai could should excitedly at himand still not mess up his count. How people wrote him off as an idiot when he hadmoments like this was a mystery.
“Yo,” Kakashi greeted, giving an eye smile over the edge ofhis book. “New exercise?”
“You have a most perceptive eye my Eternal Rival!” Gai proclaimed,never missing a beat on his reps, “just as expected from someone in the SpringTime of the Youth! Would you care to join me?”
Kakshi shook his head, smiling behind his book as he got an idea.
“I was just looking for somewhere to read my book,” he saidbefore gracefully plopping himself down to lie on the grass directly below Gai.“This looks like a good spot.”
“That is a perfect spot,” Gai said flashing him a sparklysmile in between reps, “from there you can best admire the power of my youth!”
Kakashi gave a soft hmm of agreement before pretending to goback to his book.
Okay, he thought, I am here. What now? It had been mucheasier to decide to confront the spandex clad man when he was at home but nowthat he was here he couldn’t help but think about how it would be so mucheasier to just leave things as they are. He liked his friendship with Gai, the rivalrystuff amused him and what if telling Gai he wanted more ruined those twothings. Not all confessions are accepted after all, in fact he would wager mostcaused more harm than good.
No, you cannot talk yourself out of this, he told himselfsternly, not again.
This was far from the first time Kakashi had sought out Gaiintending to make a move. Over the last few years hugs had been unintentionallydodged, vocal confessions had caught in his throat so often he knew their tastebetter than even eggplant, and the one time he had decided to just kiss theother man he had simply chickened out.
But not today. No today he was going to do it, and then hewould finally know if the other man felt anything more than friendship for him.
“Kakashi,” Gai’s voice broke him from his musing and hemoved his eye from where it was burning a hole into his book to meet his friend’sconcerned gaze.
“What‘s up?” He asked, setting his book aside and trying toappear as casual as possible.
Gai had paused his reps to stare down at Kakashi, “you seemdistracted my cool and hip rival, is something on your mind?”
If only you knew, Kakashi thought but instead said, “Whatevergave you that idea?”
“You have been staring at your book.”
Kakashi eye smiled at him, “I know. It’s called reading Gai.”
The dark haired man frowned down at him, “I know that, butthat’s not what you were doing.”
“I was just thinking,” Kakashi said.
Gai gave him an expectant look, prompting him to continue.
“About…” Kakashi paused, this was it. He could say it rightnow and it would be Gai’s doing. He’s asking, it would be wrong to lie, wouldn’tit? Kakashi took a deep breath, ready to say the words he had been practicing allmorning.
I think I’m in lovewith you.
It was the perfect sentence to convey his feelings, not too confidantincase things went poorly, but strong enough wording to convey the real depthof emotion he felt for the man. This would solve everything, the anxiety, andthe long debates with himself. He would finally know. Does he, or doesn’t hefeel the same.
So of course what he actually said was, “I’m thinking aboutgetting a puppy.”
The smile Gai sent him was near blinding before he startedhis reps again, “621…622…That is a splendid idea Kakashi! 629….630…. You havenot gotten a new dog in ages, have you spoken to the Inuzuka’s?”
He continued on, giving Kakashi various pieces of adviceabout picking a puppy that would work well with his other dogs, but Kakashi didn’thear any of it.
That was the perfect moment, his mind was screaming, howcould you let this pass. And watching Gai moving above him was not helping, hewas trying to think of a way to salvage this situation. That damn spandex leftalmost nothing to the imagination andKakashi could almost see the definition of Gai’s perfectly sculpted abs throughthe thin material and he just couldn’ttake it anymore.
As Gai straightened down, hanging perpendicular to theground, Kakashi sat up quickly, one hand ripping his mask away from his face,the other grabbing the back of Gai’s head to hold him in place. He saw Gai’s surprise,a quick gasp, and then their lips met and Kakashi melted into Gai.
For all his talk of passion and youth, Gai was so stunned byKakashi’s actions that when the other man pulled away he had yet to move. Hestared at Kakashi, face red for more than one reason, and swallowed with an audiblegulp.
Taking advantage of a moment when Gai was apparently stunnedsilent, something Kakashi had never seen before, he started talking quickly.
“That’s what I was really thinking about, actually it’s whatI think about all the time, and I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same, andjust say the word and I’ll never do that again but I just had to know…” Kakashi’srambling trailed off when he noticed Gai grinning upside down at him.
“You kissed me.” He stated, his voice smug.
“I did.”
“Does this mean you like me Kakashi?”
Kakashi eyed him suspiciously, in all the time he had playedthis out in his head this was not how he expected the other man to react tohim. Tears, random sunsets, declarations of young passionate youth, or an appalledexpression and a demand to know why he would conduct himself in such anunyouthful way was more what Kakashi predicted on either end of the spectrum.
This calm smugness was not expected at all.
“Yes,” he finally said after a long moment.
At that moment there was a tremendous cracking sound as thebranch holding up Gai snapped, toppling the heavy man on top of Kakashi who inturn had the breath knocked out of him when Gai landed on his abdomen. Theylaid there in a tangle of limbs while Gai processed the bombshell Kakashi hadjust dropped on him and Kakashi gasped for air.
As soon as he caught his breath Gai gave him another kissthat stole it away again.
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animalruth19-blog · 6 years
The Definitive Guide to knights
As a subject of fact, now I’m sensation indignant that priests aren't normally out there prior to mass, so does this mean I can’t get Communion tomorrow morning at seven:thirty? Given that I’m “indignant”? Truthfully ~ I uncover it not easy to feel that my Lord and God won't want me to…. The pope, irresolute and harrassed, lastly adopted a Center training course: he decreed the dissolution, not the condemnation from the order, and never by penal sentence, but by an Apostolic Decree (Bull of twenty-two March, 1312). The order getting been suppressed, the pope himself was to determine as towards the destiny of its customers as well as disposal of its possessions. As into the home, it absolutely was turned over towards the rival Buy of Hospitallers to generally be placed on its unique use, particularly the defence with the Holy Areas. In Portugal, nonetheless, As well as in Aragon the belongings had been vested in two new orders, the Buy of Christ in Portugal and also the Order of Montesa in Aragon. As towards the customers, the Templars acknowledged guiltless were being permitted either to join An additional armed service purchase or to return on the secular point out. During the latter scenario, a pension for life, billed to the possessions with the get, was granted them. Alternatively, the Templars who experienced pleaded guilty prior to their bishops had been to generally be treated "based on the rigours of justice, tempered by a generous mercy". The pope reserved to his personal judgment the cause of the grand master and his three 1st dignitaries. They had confessed their guilt; it remained to reconcile them While using the Church, after they had testified for their repentance While using the customary solemnity. To give this solemnity extra publicity, a System was erected before the Notre-Dame with the looking through with the sentence. But for the supreme instant the grand grasp recovered his courage and proclaimed the innocence of the Templars and the falsity of his have alleged confessions. To atone for this deplorable instant of weakness, he declared himself able to sacrifice his lifetime. He understood the fate that awaited him. Promptly right after this unanticipated coup-de-théâtre Considerably of your heritage of humanity which the original Knights Templar preserved and formulated is intriguing record, revealing several “techniques” that are much desired by seekers around the globe, and supplying sensible solutions to many challenges of modern Culture. The priories range twenty-four, and the commanderies, which had been subdivisions from the priories, 656. All these posts had been held In keeping with seniority, the commanderies following three strategies, which were being called "caravans". A most significant modify in the character with the purchase was the transformation of your knights into corsairs. The piracy practiced from the Muslims was the scourge of your Mediterranean and especially of Christian commerce. The Knights of Rhodes, on their aspect, armed cruisers not simply to provide chase towards the pirates, but to create reprisals about the Turkish merchantmen. With expanding audacity they made descents within the Coastline and pillaged the richest ports in the Orient, for example Smyrna (1341) and Alexandria (1365). On the other hand, a fresh Muslim energy arose at this period — the Ottoman Turks of Iconium — and took the offensive versus Christianity. Once the tumble of Constantinople, Mahomet II directed his attention into the endeavor of destroying this den of pirates which manufactured Rhodes the terror of your Muslim world. Henceforth the purchase, thrown within the defensive, lived perpetually on the alert. As soon as, beneath its grand grasp, Pierre d'Aubusson, it repulsed all of the forces of Mahomet II within the siege of 1480. In 1522 Solyman II returned to the attack which has a fleet of four hundred ships and an army of 140,000 Males. The knights sustained this excellent onslaught with their habitual bravery for a duration of six months underneath their grand master, Villiers de l'Isle Adam, and capitulated only when their provides were fully fatigued. Their life had been spared, and they ended up permitted to withdraw. Solyman II, in homage to their heroism, lent them his ships to return to Europe. They dispersed to their commanderies and begged Charles V to grant them the island of Malta, which was a dependency of his kingdom of Sicily, and this sovereignty was granted them in 1530, beneath the suzerainty in the kings of Spain. The Knights of Malta (1530-1798) The letters of the Apostle Paul and also the Acts in the Apostles in The brand new Testomony display that early Christians believed that this institution provided a mandate to carry on the celebration being an anticipation in this life of the joys of your banquet that was to come back in the Kingdom of God. Once the seize of Jerusalem by Saladin (1187), the Hospitallers retained only their possessions during the Principality of Tripoli, and these they misplaced a century later on by the fall of Acre (1291). They were being obliged to seek refuge, below their grand master, Jean de Villiers, from the Kingdom of Cyprus, wherever they already had some belongings. King Amaury assigned them as a location of residence the town of Limassol within the coast. Having turn out to be islanders, the Hospitallers were obliged to modify their way of warfare. They Outfitted fleets to combat the Muslims on The ocean and to safeguard the pilgrims, who had not ceased to go to the Holy Areas. But it was chiefly the conquest on the island of Rhodes, underneath the Grand Master Foulques de Villaret, that brought about a complete transformation in the purchase. An Unbiased View of religious vocation buddhism The Knights of Rhodes (1309-1522) In one sentence, paganism is usually a lifestyle of untruth. In excess of The 2 thousand a long time due to the fact Calvary, Christianity has had to frequently take care of pagan Concepts, pagan legislation; in the word--that has a pagan tradition that hated Christianity for the same reason that it crucified the Incarnate Fact, who became guy to teach the earth the way to provide God in this article in the world, in an effort to have Him in a blessed eternity. After i dug deeper, I found that commencing even previously, Potentially back again for the fifth century, the Heart, that's the spiritual coronary heart in contrast to the human organ, was symbolized by a drinking vessel. Catholics are accustomed to paintings in the Sacred Coronary heart of Jesus, so we understand that there was veneration for Jesus' Coronary heart. It can be unknown to how many of his twelve disciples Jesus imparted his solution teachings, but what survives right now as the Gnostic Gospels, what was located in a cave in Egypt in 1947 and is known as the Naj Hammadi library, comprise the writings of Mary Magdalene and Thomas. I figured that the put experienced a reputation, a code name that may not give absent its area. Within the novel I named it Hafiz Mountain, for the reason that Hafiz in Arabic indicates to protect information, as in crafting, memorizing, or secreting it away, and I figured that’s just what the mystical underground and afterwards the Brotherhood would have named it, or a thing very related. Calvin, whose posture was closer to that of Luther, taught the “actual but spiritual existence” of Christ but in the sacramental motion in lieu of in the elements of your Eucharist. The High Church Anglicans (Particularly Considering that the Anglo-Catholic Oxford movement on the nineteenth century) and the Lutherans (who affirm the true existence of the body and blood of Christ “in, with, and under” the bread and wine) adhere most intently to your traditions of Catholic eucharistic doctrine and practice. In their liturgies equally Anglicanism and Lutheranism operate within the framework of the mass, adopting selected features and rejecting Other people; the liturgical actions in both of those traditions over the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years restored supplemental aspects, even though theological interpretations in the Lord’s Supper continued to Exhibit good variety. etc. etc. The checklist is not exhaustive, and any sin that Now we have meditated on before hand, understood its gravity and however preferred to perform it could be a lethal sin. Inside, the oldest section (1132) would be the east choir, which became the prototype for a particular trick of community architecture: the walls are straight on the surface but rounded inside of. Likely to confession annually has not been needed from the Church. What is required is always that you get the Eucharist at least annually. Obviously your can’t acquire inside the point out of mortal sin instead of about to confession so far as I know isn't a mortal sin.
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